T12 Traffic Management.Pdf
Page 2 / 99 Submitted by: Task 12 group leader, Paul van der Kroon Prepared by: Group leader: Paul van der Kroon (The Netherlands) Group members: Austria Markus Bartsch , Sigrid Pirkelbauer , Michael Schneider Cyprus Alexis Avgoustis Denmark Finn Krenk Finland Petteri Portaankorva France Christophe Desnouailles Germany Georg Stern Italy Sandro La Monica, Pier Paolo Cartolano The Netherlands Bert Helleman Henk Jan de Haan Maarten Amelink (supporting consultant) Sweden Maria Nichan i Henrik Sundquist Bjorn Carselid Switzerland Gerhard Petersen / Markus Bartsch United Kingdom David Stones Nicholas Taylor (supporting consultant) Felicity Keen Overview meetings: 3–4 June 2009 Utrecht, the Netherlands 24 –25 September 2009 Stockho lm, Sweden 19 –21 January 2010 Paris, France (joint meeting with task group 11) 19 –20 May 2010 Frankfurt, Germany 6–7 October 2010 Vienna, Austria 10 –11 February 2011 Rome, Italy 22 –23 June 2011 Helsinki, Finland 3–4 November 2011 Bern, Switzerland 22 –23 February 2012 Copenhagen, Denmark Edited and published by: CEDR's Secretariat General Approved and amended by: CEDR's EXECUTIVE BOARD on 29 June 2012 Addressed to: CEDR's GOVERNING BOARD on 27 September 2012 This document expresses solely the current view of CEDR. Readers should not consider these views to be statements of the official position of CEDR's member states. ISBN : 979-10-93321-00-4 Traffic management to reduce congestion Page 3 / 99 This report is: FOR DECISION 1. Executive summary Purpose of the paper Congestion on the European road network has increased significantly over the past decade. This is the result of an increase in car ownership and car use in most European countries.
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