
Martin Timeline Gary Steward

Gary Steward is Assistant Professor of History at Colorado Christian University in Lakewood, Colorado. He earned his PhD in Church History and Historical Theology from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of Princeton Semi- nary (1812-1929): Its Leaders’ Lives and Works (P&R, 2014) and the co-author (with Sally Michael) of God’s Design (P&R, 2016). Prior to his teaching position, Dr. Steward served as the pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.

1483 Birth of in ,

1501 Luther enters a school run by the Brethren of the Common Life

1502 Graduates B.A. at the University of

1505 Graduates M.A. at the University of Erfurt

Luther joins the Augustinian monastery at Erfurt

1507 Luther says his first mass

1509 Receives a Bachelor of Theology degree

John Calvin born

1510 Luther visits Rome

1512 Receives a Doctor of Theology degree

1513 Luther begins lecturing on the Bible at the University of

SBJT 21.4 (2017): 11-13 11 The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 21.4 (2017)

1516 publishes the Greek New Testament

1517 Luther publishes A against Scholastic Theology

Luther posts his 95 Theses, protesting and papal abuses

1518 Luther argues against Scholastic theology at the

Luther debates cardinal Cajetan at

Philip Melanchthon arrives in Wittenberg

1519 Charles V named Holy Roman Emperor

Luther debates John Eck at the Disputation

Ulrich Zwingli begins his ministry in Zurich

1520 issued by , excommunicating Luther

Luther publishes To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation, The Babylonian Captivity of the Church, and The Freedom of a Christian

1521 The

Leo X names Henry VIII Defender of the Faith for his anti-Luther writings

1522 Luther publishes the German New Testament

1524 The Peasants’ Revolt begins

William Tyndale visits Luther’s Germany

1525 Luther marries Katherine von Bora

12 Martin Luther Timeline

Luther publishes On the Bondage of the Will in response to Erasmus

1526 The First Diet of Speyer sanctions in parts of Germany

Luther’s son Hans born, the first of six children

1529 The Second Diet of Speyer cancels the previous toleration granted to Lutherans, who protest and begin to be called Protestants

The Colloquy between Luther, Zwingli, and other reformers

Luther publishes his Small Catechism

1530 The compiled by Melanchthon

1531 The Schmalkaldic League of German princes established

1534 Luther publishes the complete German Bible

1546 Luther dies in Eisleben