1955 Guantanamo Bay Carnival Opens Today
" - -- _'-Vo- -- - 'oers CTMO Lke The Sunskine" Vol. VII, No. 7 U. S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Saturday, 19 February 1955 1955 Guantanamo Bay Carnival Opens Today Festivities Set to Run Four Days The 1955 edition of the Guantanamo Bay Carnival, featuring a 1955 Dodge Royal Sedan and a 1955 Ford Convertible as the top attractions, will get underway today for a gala four days. Opening its gates to the public this afternoon at 1300, the carnival will run for four big days; today until 2200, Sunday from 1300 to 2200, Monday from 1700 to 2200, and a grand finale day from 1000 to 2000 on Tuesday at the end of which time some two persons will not walk away, but drive off in a new Dodge andi a new Foind. Staged each year for the Guan- Base POs Complete Exams, tanamo Bay Naval Base Commnun- Rates Due in Group iy Fund, the carnival will offer On Tuesday, 22 Feb, second class entertainment of all sorts for all officers of the Naval Base ages with 19 entertainment booths, petty kiddie will compete in the service-wide eight refreshment booths, for advancement in rides, horseback riding, roller skat- examinations and a special to Pay Grade E-6, complet- ing, fortune telling, rating aexamnatons souvenir booth. This year, the car- ingring the to semi-annualPeiaay examinations. nvli eddb omte Then the waiting begins until late Ciran CP W. b. Carute April or early May when the re- suits of the four examinations, Commanding Officer, Naval Station. Pay Grades E-4, E-5, E-6, and R u n n i n g the entertainment E-7 will be returned from the ex- booths will be the Base Commands, amining center.
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