Vol. V No. 3 U. S. Naval Operating Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Saturday, 11 March 1950 'TIS A GREAT DAY FOR ADM, W. M. FECHTELER, CINCLANTFLT, LADDIE! AFTERNOON . THE IRISH ARRIVES TOMORROW Following the age old custom, Dutch Ships Irishmen everywhere will wear as Carrier Roosevelt, Canadian and S possible next Fri- Slated to Arrive Here Tuesday, Wednesday much green as day, March 17 as they celebrate St. Patrick's Day. That is the rea- By Allen Collier, Editor son that this week's Indian is printed in green with the special After a heavy weekend of air traffic consisting for the most masthead on this page. part of high ranking officers of all services, Guantanamo began St. Patrick is the Irish saint who bracing for another "invasion" this weekend and continuing Ire- brought Christianity to pagan throughout next week. Today the land. His real origin is unknown. 82nd Airborne division and the Montgomery is Commander, Fleet The Scots claim he is Scotch, the Troop Carrier Squadron Air Wing at NAS, Jacksonville, while 316th French that he is French arrive at Leeward Point Field en- Florida. Escorting the FDR will the Irish claim he is Irish. back to the States from be the remainder of Task Force con- route His career is involved in "Portrex". 28, namely DesDiv 202 and MinDiv siderable obscurity; however, from the William M. Fechteler, 6. DesDiv 202 is comprised of such slender material as is avail- Admiral he was born Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic, and(DD-781), able, it appears that ti andd Summer (DD-692), Moale (DD- was the son of a U.S. AtlntiFtlan about 389 A. D. He and G. r ha CoD94). 4 and the grand- of ten officers and five enlisted men deacon, Calpurnuis, when wil be embarkdn the Destroyer presbyter named Poti- will head tomorrow's arrivals son of a Field at ap- H b. Huntintn DDstroye tus. His father was a middle-class they land at McCalla proximately 4:00 p.m. The party n landed proprietor and a decurion. Macomb D educated will fly to Guantanamo Bay from minesweepers, Patrick was doubtless man (DM o S- and was imbued with Roosevelt Roads after disembarking as a Christian the 26),an the Jfes (DS- for the Roman Empire. from the USS General Butner, reverence e 16 years of age he Admiral's flagship for "Portrex". Fla f 6 will When he was in com- Macomb. was carried off by a band of Irish Monday, Admiral Fechteler, pany with Rear Admiral W. K. aloo di marauders. will Aca carrie tMCMani n His bondage lasted for o years. Phillips, Base Commander, make an informal inspection of the it the h C goupcem- During this time he became subject d th Canian droy- and beheld Naval Operating Base. Wednesday b to religious emotion Fechteler and visions which encouraged him to morning Admiral his party will leave by air for e HMCS Mi will again visit effect his escape. Gunaaottaeo fuel. The Two highly important documents Norfolk, Va. Magnificent is a 14,000 ton CVL. purporting to have been written Other Arrivals On their last visit to Guantanamo by Patrick have come down to us. Also arriving tomorrow after- last weekend, personnel aboard The one "The Confession", which noon from "Portrex" will be Gen- the two ships could not come a- was written toward the end of his eral C. B. Cates, Commandant of shore as the ships were quaran- life, gives a general account of his the Marine Corps, accompanied by tined after five cases of mumps life. The other document is the Rear Admiral E. A. Cruise and were reported aboard the Magnifi- so-called "Letter to Croticus", a Brigadier General E. A. Pollock, cent and one case of measles a- British king of Strathclyde whose and arriving from Norfolk will board the Micmac. Commodore K. soldiers had in the course of a raid be Rear Admiral T. S. Combs, F. Adams, RCN, Commanding Offi- in Ireland, killed a number of ComCarDiv 2, and his staff of eight cer of the Magnificent was one of Christian neophytes on the very officers and 20 enlisted personnel. the unfortunate victims of an at- day of their baptism while they Rear Admiral Combs will go a- tack of mumps. were still clad in their white board the heavy air craft carrier Dutch Fleet Arrives garments. Franklin D. Rooosvelt (CVB-42) Wednesday units of the Dutch The popular Irish Shamrock was when she arrives here Tuesday. Fleet will rendezvous with Task used by St. Patrick in telling the The Roosvelt is scheduled to drop Force 28 here prior to going out people of Ireland about the three anchor in the bay about mid-after- on operations. The Dutch units persons in the Holy Trinity, the noon Tuesday, 14 March to pick coming in will be the light carrier, S St. up Rear Admiral Combs and staff HNMS Karel Doorman, the anti- Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Patrick is known because he plus Rear Admirals Rees and aircraft cruiser HNMS Jacob Van brought Ireland into contact with Montgomery. Admiral Rees is a Speik. Commander of Dutch units Western Europe and more specifi- naval aviator serving with the Joint is Rear Admiral J. J. L. Willing, cally with the Roman Empire. Chiefs of Staff while Admiral t Continued on Page Five) Two INDIAN Saturday 11 March 1950 PagePae Two TSaturday,THE 11 March 1950 O'ER THE TEA CUPS By Betty Radeliff It says here, "Make like a sassie- ty editor" . so with the help of a few phone calls received . Catholic Masses Editorial Office, NOB Administration Bldg., I'll make like . anyhoo I heerd 0700-Naval Base Chapel Room 205 - Phone 254 0900-Naval Base Chapel tell . 1745-Naval Base Chapel Saturday, 11 March 1950 Mrs. Kay VonFraenkl and Mrs. Daily Mass - 0630 Shirley Childs were hostesses at a Confessions before all Masses U. S. NAVAL OPERATING BASE Protestant Services Guantanamo Bay, Cuba delightful luncheon for the Hos- 0930-Sunday School at Schoolhouse Rear Admiral W. K. Phillips, USN pital wives. The luncheon was held 1100-Naval Base Chapel Commander on Thursday March 2, at the home 1900-Vespers Allen Collier, JO3------------------Editor of Mrs. Childs. Protestant Choir rehearsal each Thursday P. H. Teeter, LCDR ----- Staff Advisor Dr. and Mrs. D. R. Childs enter- at 1930 THE INDIAN is published weekly, fin- Chaplains at this Activity anced by appropriated funds, printed on tained Dr. Edwin Bruer with a CDR R. W. FAULK. USN government equipment, for free distri- cocktail party at their home on (Protestant) bution on the U. S. Naval Operating Base, Friday March 3. Dr. Bruer is from LT P. J. Marron, USN Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by order of the (Catholic) Base Commander. Detroit and is the house guest of THE INDIAN is published in compliance Dr. and Mrs. Childs. with the provisions of NAVEXOS-P-35 CDR and Mrs. L. P. Kimball en- "ROOM SERVICE" (Rev) 1945. tertained with a cocktail party at THE INDIAN uses Armed Forces Press CAST COMPLETED Service material which may be reprinted their home Thursday March 2. The with the credit line: AFPS. party was given in honor of Mr. (Continuation) and Mrs. L. P. Kimball, Sr., CDR By Don Stuck Kimball's mother and father. Mr. The script of "Room Service" COLORFUL FLOAT and Mrs. Kimball are from Balti- describes Leo Davis as a naive PARADE IS HIGHLIGHT OF more and will return to Baltimore young man of 23 with a cican-cut, by way of Maimi. honest face. Where can you find COMING CARNIVAL Mrs. C. K. Peddicord served cof- a sailor like that? There are plenty fee to a small group of ladies at with a clean-cut honest faces-but One of the most popular features her home Thursday morning, March few naive! ! Davis is a playwright of last year's Base Carnival will 2. A nice informal get-together who has come to New York to hit be repeated this year, when the for her friends. the big time, is hit instead by float parade of the "Spanish Main ETC and Mrs. H. V. Hickey sharpies like Miller, Binion and Carnival" gets underway. have a very welcome visitor in Faker, who promise him Times Riotous color, amusing parodies, their home. The visitor is Mrs. Square and give him nothing. and ingenuity are expected to be Irene Rosenfield, mother of Mrs. Peterson, from NAS, is the country the order of the day as nearly Hickey. Mrs. Rosenfield is from boy from Oswego who catches on all the Base's varied activities com- Philadelphia. -but quick. pete for one of the Carnival's The Ladies' Camera Club has It's rumored that the part of principal honors. At least one float enjoyed a few brief outings on the Gregory Wagner was all but cast is expected to be entered by every Base . snapping pictures hither even before rehearsals got under- major subdivision and command on and you. Tentative plans for the way. Wagner is the executive type the Base, and some are preparing future will be trips to Santiago, -big, officious, blustering man of two or more. Caimanera and Guantanamo. 50 who wants to be a vice-president Last year's winner, VU-10, must Speaking of Guantanamo, the and is not going to let anything prepare to defend itself on the first excursion last Saturday to stand in his way. He damns every- basis of two major points--origi- the sugar mill was thoroughly en- thing and everybody while trying nality and cleverness of conception joyed by 28 people (yours truly to find a loose screw in some screw- and overall beauty of the float.
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