Fauquier County Public Schools News Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nov. 3, 2017 Karen Parkinson, Coordinator of Information Phone (540) 422-7031
[email protected] FCPS AND LFCC JOINTLY RECEIVE GOVERNOR’S AWARD Fauquier County Public Schools and Lord Fairfax Community College are among the first-ever recipients of the Governor’s Award for Excellence and Innovation in Education; out of more than 120 nominations, 13 were selected for recognition. In a ceremony at the Executive Mansion on Oct. 26, Governor Terry McAuliffe presented the inaugural award to representatives from FCPS and LFCC as the two entities jointly received the award in the “community partnerships and collaboration” category. An Oct. 27 news release from the Governor’s Office noted, “The school district has collaborated with the Fauquier Excellence in Education Foundation (FEIEF) and the Lord Fairfax Community College – Fauquier Campus to connect students and parents to the opportunities available at Lord Fairfax Community College.” Attending the event to receive the award were Dr. David Jeck, division superintendent; Major Warner, associate superintendent for instruction; Dr. Amy Acors, director of instruction; Donna Grove, vice chair of the Fauquier County School Board (Cedar Run District); Dr. Christopher Coutts, provost, LFCC; Stacie Griffin, chairman of FEIEF; and Joe Martin, president of the Fauquier Chamber of Commerce. “Over the last four years, my administration has worked hard to reduce the achievement gap, improve accountability, and expand opportunities for career exposure and experiential learning in our public schools. These individuals, schools, Continued on next page Governor Terry McAuliffe, fourth from left, along with Anne Holton, second from left, member of the Virginia Board of Education, and Sec- retary of Education Dr.