National Implementation Report (As submitted by Belgium-Flemish) Format for reporting on implementation of the UNECE Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development Phase III: 2011–2015 The following report is submitted on behalf of the Flemish government (Belgium) in accordance with the decision of the ECE Steering Committee on Education for Sustainable Development. Name of officer (national focal point) responsible for submitting the report: Jürgen Loones Signature: Date: Full name of the institution: Environment, Nature an Energy Department Postal address: Koning Albert II-laan 20 box 8, 1000 BRUSSELS Telephone: 0032 2 553 27 97 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: Contact officer for national report (if different from above): 1 A. Provide brief information (not more than half a page) on the process by which this report has been prepared, including information on which types of public authorities were consulted or contributed to its preparation, how the stakeholders were consulted and how the outcome of this consultation was taken into account and on the material used as a basis for the report. Governmental institutions (please specify) ___________________________________ Flemish goverment o Flemish government: departments of the Authorities of Flanders: Environment, Nature and Energy department, Education and Training department, Economy, Science and Innovation department, Agriculture and Fisheries department, Welfare, Public Health and Culture department, Flemish International Cooperation Agency, Tourism