August 1, 2021

All week long I've been looking at the weather forecast for today and it's looked like a wash- out. Yet it's 3:00 AM and the rain hasn't started yet. Do you think that they could have made a mistake . . . again? It's possible but probably not with everyone predicting the same thing. We had scheduled the middle and high school youth from St. Paul to come over and swim today, and the reports tell me that there is going to be a postponement,, stay tuned. Yesterday started cool, but quickly warmed up and became a nice day, at least a nice day to watch two baseball games in the morning. During Graham's first game I was wearing a jacket, and during Theo's game the jacket was off and I was sweating. That's Western New York weather for you. What today brings is still a mystery. There is one thing that will occur today, and the weather will not stop it, and that is meeting together with my St. Paul family to offer our praise and thanksgiving to our God. This is our Creator and Heavenly Father Who sent His Son Jesus to to live a perfect life, then die in our place to save us from our sinful natures. Yes indeed, thank You Jesus. Let us meet up and say thank you today, sing songs of praise, and celebrate being in His awesome presence. I'll be there this morning at 8:00 and 10:45 and I'll leave the lights on and open, you're all invited. God bless you all this morning, and every morning. Amen. Our Sunday song is "This Train." I haven't heard this in many years and it popped up in VBS this week, but this rendition is being performed by , , , and . Try getting this one out of your head today.