EXTENSIONS of REMARKS Match 5, 1975 Be It Antitrust Or Otherwise, Have Occurred and Expressing Deepest Sympathy to His the PRESIDING OFFICER

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EXTENSIONS of REMARKS Match 5, 1975 Be It Antitrust Or Otherwise, Have Occurred and Expressing Deepest Sympathy to His the PRESIDING OFFICER 5392 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS MaTch 5, 1975 be it antitrust or otherwise, have occurred and expressing deepest sympathy to his The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there and may be continuing which would give any widow and family. further morning business? If not, morn­ persons or companies such control over the The following · is the text of a telegram above forms of energy as could require the the President sent to Mrs.·Egan: ing business is closed. consumers of this state -and nation to pay "Dear Mrs. Egan: . artificially high prices or become burdened "Mrs. Ford and I want you to know you PROGRAM with policies ap.d dealings which are void of have our deepest sympathy. The death of the public interest. your husband is as unjust as it is tragic. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President ,' Be it further resolved that a copy of this Words cannot capture the strain nor miti· the Senate convenes at 12 noon on resolution be forwarded to the President of gate the suffering you have undergone, but Thursday. The following Senators will the United States, to each member of the we ·want you to know that our hearts are be recognized, each for not to exceed 15 Congress of the United States and to the with you in this most difficult moment. minutes, and in the order listed: United States Attorney General. "Your- husband was highly esteemed in Cordoba. As U.S. Consular Agent there he Senator GARN, Senator THURMOND, served his country wen. His tragic, senseless Senator FANNIN, Senator LAXALT, Senator GUERILLAS MURDER MONTANAN death is mourned by all men of goodwill." HANSEN, Senator McCLURE, Senator SERVING IN ARGENTINA GERALD R. FORD. BucKLEY, Senator HELMs, Senator SCHWEICKER, Senator FORD. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, on FEBRUARY 28, 1975. There will then be routine morning Friday night we learned of the untimely STATE;.!ENT BY SECRETARY OF STATE HENRY A. business for not to exceed 15 minutes. and despicable murder of John Patrick . KISSINGER Senate will then resume consideration Egan, the U.S. consul in Cordoba, Argen­ It is with the utmost regret that we have of the Byrd substitute to Senate Resolu­ tina. Mr. Egan was murdered by a group learned of the murder of Consular Agent tion 4. Amendments will be in order. of guerrillas who refused to respond to John Patrick Egan at Cordoba in Argentina. Ro.llcall votes will undoubtedly occur. appeals of reason. The comrades they Mr. Egan met violent death at the hands On Friday, the cloture vote will occur of a group of terrorists, a senseless and sought in exchange were, according to all on Senate Resolution 4 as amended by sources, not under the control of the despicable crime which shocks the sensibili­ ties. of all civilized men. We are sure those the Byrd substitute. Rollcall votes are Argentinean Government. expected thereafter on amendments to As soon as we were informed of John responsible will be found and brought to justice. the Byrd substitute. Egan's abduction by the guerrillas, the Mr. Egan was a loyal, dedicated citizen matter was taken up with the Depart­ who served his country · quietly and effec­ ment of State who immediately tively. He joins the ranks of loyal Ameri­ ADJOURNMENT embarked on an investigation. This cans who have laid down their lives in the Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, senseless murder was totally out of the line of duty. This murder should again sig­ if there be no further business to come hands of both United States and Argen­ nal to the conununity of civilized nations before the Senate, I move, in accordance tine officials. This kind of international the necessity of concerted and firm action to combat the continuing menace of ter­ with the previous order, that the Senate violence is reprehensible, and will con­ rorism. stand in adjournment until the hour of tribute little to the advancement of any On behalf of my colleagues in the Depart­ 12 noon tomorrow. · · · political ideology. The entire Montana ment of State and the Foreign Service, Mrs. The motion was agreed to, and at 6:29 congressional delegation is incensed by Kissinger and I extend deepest sympathy to p.m. the Senate adjourned until tomor­ this display of paganism. Mrs. Egan and other members of the family row, Thursday, March 6, 1975, at ~2 noon. John Patrick Egan was a Montanan, on this loss to them and to ourselves. and his daughter, Mrs. Susan Sirokman, and brother, Eugene Egan, continue to MARcH 1, 1975. CONFIRMATIONS H.on. MIKE MANSFIELD, live in Valier, Mont. Mrs. Mansfield and U.S. Senate, Cannon House Office Building, Executive nominations confirmed by I have expressed our sense of horror and Washington, D.C. the Senate March 5, 1975: dismay to the family, and I take this op­ DEAR SENATOR: On behalf of the people and DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN portunity to publicly extend o~r qeepest the government of Argentina, I would like DEVELOPMENT sympathy in the family's houi· of son-ow · to express to you our sincere condolences for Carla Anderson Hills, of California, to be and tragedy. the passing of Honorary U.S. Consul John Secretary of Housing and Urban Develop­ Mr. President, I ask unanimous con­ Patrick Egan. ment. sent that statements of sympathy on the I can assure you that this unjustifiable Thomas G. Cody, of Maryland, to be an event has shocked all of us ~nd has strength-. Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban death of John Egan by President Ford, ened our desire to continue the struggle Secretary Kissinger, and Ambassador against violence and those who practice it. Development. Alejandro Orfila be printed in the REc-. Mr. Egan gave his life in the fullfillment NEW COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ORB. of his professional duties through which he CORPORATION There being no objection, the state­ was strengthening the relations between the Otto George Stolz, of North Carolina, to be ments were ordered to be printed in the United States and Argentina, a common ob­ a member of the Board of Directors of the RECORD, as follows: jective of our people. New Community Development Cqrporation. THE WHITE HousE, Please accept, Senator Mansfield, the sor­ (The above nominations were approved March 1, 1975. row of the Argentine Nation for this ex­ subject to the nominees' conunitment to tremely tragic crime. respond to requests to appear and testify STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT Sincerely, before any duly constituted committee of The kidnapping and murder of U.S. Con­ ALEJANDRO 0RFILA, the Senate.) sular Agent John Patrick Egan by terrorists Ambassador. in Cordoba, Argentin_a is a vicious act which IN THE COAST GUARD will be condemned by men of decency and Coast Guard nominations beginning Rob­ honor everywhere. There can be no justlfi.. CONCLUSION OF MORNING ert E. West, to be captain, and ending cation for the wanton killing of an innocent BUSINESS . Thomas S. Latham, to be captain, which and defenseless person. Mr. Egan served his nominations were received by the Senate and country loyally and well. All Americans will Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, appeared in the Congressional Record on join in honoring the memory of Mr. Egan is there -further morning business? February 7, 1975. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS LITHUANIAN INDEPENDENCE about "detente" and an easing of ten­ through the world commemorate the sions between East and West, the unfor­ 57th anniversary of the Declaration of tunate fact is that millions of men and Independence of Lithuania, whose his­ HON. PHILIP M. CRANE women continue to live under Communist tory dates back to the 12th century. It is OF ILLINOIS tyranny and continue t.o see their own ·an irQny .indeed that. the only country IN THE HOUSE. OF REP~E1SENTA-r:IVES national ·Jife destroyed· by those who in which Lithuanians will be unable to have, since 1917, been practicing· a observe this event will be in Lithuania.it­ Wednesday, March 5, 1975 brutal and ruthless form of colonialism. self. Mr. CRANE. ~r. Spe~ker, at a time On Februa.ry 16, Americans of Lithu­ ·. It was in 1251 that Milldaugas the when we hear a great deal of discussion anian descent "together with Lithuanians Great unified the Lithuanian principali- Ma1·ch -5·, 1975 · EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 5393 ties into one Kingdom. For the better on May 18, 1972, following the funeral during the twelve months beginning July 1, part of their history, the Lithuanians of a Lithuanian youth, Romas Kalanta, 1975-nearly $1 billion per day, seven days a week. But the budget provides that the fed­ have been subjected to brutal attacks, who had self-immolated in a public eral government will only collect enough from the Teutonic knights in the West square in Kaunas in a dramatic protest money from tax-payers to spend at that rate and from the Russians in the East. It against the Soviet occupation of his for six days. So instead of resting on the has taken remarkable spiritual and eth­ country. seventh day, we'll borrow $1 billion. nic strength to survive these pressures. As we commemorate this important And those figures are only budget figures. Many Americans have forgotten the anniversary today, our request should be The Congress has already indicated that it is history even of our own era. After the the same as that of these Lithuanian going to cut taxes more than President Ford proposed, and it is likely that spending will Nazis and Soviets destroyed Poland in patriots: that Lithuania be granted run higher than budget estimates. September 1939, the Kremlin moved independence. It is a request which all Because Uncle Sam has been running his · troops into the Baltic Republics and an­ Americans should share, particularly business like this all too often over the past nexed them in June 1940.
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