Classification Middle Layer

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Classification Middle Layer Matured and ripened ovaries. Holds and protects the seeds until they mature. Helps in the dissemination or dispersal of the seeds. Does not only apply to those that have edible portions, but also to those which are commonly referred to as vegetable. Part of a Fruit Exocarp Outermost layer Endocarp of the fruit wall Innermost layer Mesocarp Classification Middle layer As to the composition or number of flowers As to structure, consistency & dehiscence involved in their formation (includes the state of the pericarp in the ripened fruit) 11.. FFlleesshhyy 1.1. SimpSimplele FruFruiittss when the pericarp is soft, juicy (or pulpy) or succsucculentulent develops from one ovary 22..DDrryy 2.2. AggrAggregategatee Fruit when the pericarp is dry or papery upon maturity develops from several ovaries of a single flower 33.. CCoolllleeccttiveive or ro MulMulttiippllee FruiFruitt derived from several ovaries of several flowers or from the ovaries of a compact inflorescence. Dichotomous Key Simple-Fleshy-Berry- 11 SSiimmppllee FFrruuiittss Derived fromHespiridium a fleshy ovary enclosing several 22 FFlleesshhyy FFrruuiittss seeds. Has thick leathery skin containing oil. 33 FleshFleshyy parpartt ddeerriivveedd from the ovovaarryy 44 EEnnttireire ovovaarryy fflleesshy,hy, enencclloossiinngg seveseverraall sseedseeds ..…….... bbeerrrryy 55 LeatherLeatheryy rriinndd …………………………………………………………………………hespirhespiridiumidium 55 HHaarrdd rriindnd ………………………………………………………………………….……... pepo 44 Outer ppartart of oovaryvary flfleshy,eshy, iinnernner parpartt stony usuallusuallyy encloenclosingsing one seed ………………………………………….……. drupe 66 MMeessooccaarprp flefleshyshy ……………………………………………………………….. fflleeshyshy drdruuppee 66 MMeessooccaarprp fibrfibrousous ……………………………………………………………… ffiibbrroouuss drupe 33 FleshFleshyy parpartt ddeerriivveedd mainly from the totorruuss ………….…………... pome Kalamansi (Citrus microcarpa)) Mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata)) peel/exocarp Simple-Fleshy-Berry-Pepo flavedo/epicarp Derived fromPepo a fleshy has ovaryhard, thickenclosing rind. many seeds. albedo/mesocarp endocarp sseeeedd carpels sections with fluid-filled sacs called vesicles septum Hespiridium Anatomy Cucumber (Cucumis sativus)) WWaatteerrmm eelloonn((Citrullus lanatus)) Simple-Fleshy-Drupe-Fleshy Fleshy mesocarp and ovary. Seed enclosed within a stony endocarp (pit). Pepo Anatomy Peach (Prunus persica)) MMaannggoo((Mangifera Indica)) endocarp endocarp seedseed seedseed Fleshy Drupe Anatomy Simple-Fleshy-Drupe-Fibrous Fibrous mesocarp and fleshy ovary. Seed enclosed within a stony endocarp (pit) Coconut (Cocos nucifera)) Fibrous Drupe Anatomy Simple-Fleshy-Pome Fleshy part derived mainly from torus. Ovary surrounded by fleshy hypanthium. Apple (Malus domestica)) PPeeaarrss((Pyrus sp.)) Pome Anatomy Simple-Dry-Dehiscent-Follicle 22 DDrryy FFrruuiittss 77 DDeehhiisscceenntt Dry fruit derived from one carpel splitting along 88 FFrruuitit derderiivveedd from ononee carpcarpelel one seam 99 SSpplliittttinging aalloonngg 1 seaseamm (1 ssuuttuurre)e) .….………....……………… ffoolllliiccllee 99 SplittSplittinging alalongong 2 sseamseams ((22 sutursutures)es) .....…..…….…..…….... legumelegume//ppoodd 88 Fruit derivderiveded from 2 or mmoreore cacarrppeell 1100CarpelsCarpels 2, 2, persistent partition wwaallll after splitting …..………………………………..………………………………………siliquesilique 1100CarpeCarpelsls 2 or more, splittinsplittingg in one of four different ways …………………………… capsule 1111SplittingSplitting along along the locule ……….…………..loculicidal 1111SplittingSplitting along along the septa ……………………septicidal 1111SplittingSplitting along along the terminal pore ……………………..poricidal..poricidal 1111SplittingSplitting along along a acircular ircularc horizontal llineine …..circumscissile Kalachuchi (Plumeria rubra)) Star anise (Illicium verum)) Simple-Dry-Dehiscent- Simple-Dry-Dehiscent-Silique Dry fruit derived from two or more carpel with Dry fruit derived from one carpel splitting along persistent partition wall after splitting Legume/Podtwo seam Narrowleaf bittercress Bluepod Rockcress Chicharo (Pisum sativum)) Peanuts (Arachis hypogaea) ((Cardamine impatiens)) ((Boechera glaucovalvula)) Simple-Dry-Dehiscent- Simple-Dry-Dehiscent- Derived from two or more carpel splitting in one orCapsule four ways Capsule Poricidal Circumscissile Loculicidal Septicidal (Splitting along the terminal pore) (Splitting along a circular horizontal line) (Splitting along the locule) (Splitting along the septum) Opium (Papaver somniferum)) Twinberry (Menodora scabra)) Jimson weed (Datura stramonium)) Calico Flower ( Aristolochia litlittoralistoralis)) 77 IInnddeehhiisscceenntt FFrruuiittss Simple-Dry-Indehiscent- 1122SeedSeed inseparable inseparable from the frfruuiitt wwaallll …………………… grain/caryopsis SeedGrain/Caryopsis inseparable from the fruit wall. 1122SeedSeed separable separable from the fruit walwalll 1133FruitFruit with with winwingsgs …………………………………………………………………………..…….. samarasamara//kkeeyy 1133FruitFruit without without wwiinnggss 1144FruitFruit wall wall very harhard,d, one seeded ….….………………………….. nnuutt 1144FruitFruit wall wall thin, one seed attachattacheedd to ovary wall at one point …………………………achene 1122SeedsSeeds not not coming coming out out of fruit although united carpels split apart at maturity .…………………………… schizocschizocarparp Rice (Oriza sativa)) CCoorrnn (( Zea mays)) RRiicceeGG rraaiinnAAnnaattoommyy CCoorrnn KK eerrnneellAA nnaattoommyy Simple-Dry-Indehiscent- Simple-Dry-Indehiscent-Nut Seed separableSamara/Key from the fruit wall. Fruit without wings and with very hard fruit wall. Fruit with wings Has only one seed. Pili nut Cashew nut Mahogany (Shorea negrosensis)) Narra (Pterocarpus indicus)) ((Canarium ovatum)) (( Anacardium occidentale)) Simple-Dry-Indehiscent- Simple-Dry-Indehiscent- Seed without wings Achene and with thin fruit wall. One Seed not comingSchizocarp out of fruit although united seed attached to ovary wall at one point. carpels split apart at maturity Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)) Strawberry (Fragaria sp.) Little mallow (Malva parviflora)) QQuueeeenn AAnnnnee’’ss LLaaccee ((Daucus carota)) Compound-Aggregate 11 CoCompmpounound Frd Fruiuitsts Many ovaries derived from a single flower 1515 Fruits from several ovaries of one flower massed on a common receptacle .……………….………………………………....……………….... aggregate 1515 Fruit from several ovaries of several flowers of compact inflorescinflorescenceence ……………………………………………………….……………. collective/multiple Strawberry (Fragaria sp.)) Compound-Multiple/Collective From several ovaries of several flowers of a Seed Dispersal compact inflorescence Pineapple ( Ananas comocomosussus)) Plants often solicit the aid of animals, as well as abiotic forces such as wind, to accomplish both of these. Why is dispersal important? insects — insects much less important for dispersal than pollination, but ants often involved in dispersal Avoid competition with parent and siblings birds, mammals, reptiles, and even fish — much more important for dispersal than pollination Colonize new habitats wind — important in both pollination and dispersal Avoid pathogens and predators water — minor importance in pollination, somewhat greater Minimize inbreeding in dispersal self dispersal — just like some plants carry out self pollination, some plants have mechanisms for self dispersal. Methods of dispersal are often tied to certain habitats Wind —— prairie/grasslands,prairie/grasslands, mountains, forest trees, weedy areas External attachment to animals — forest plants relatively low to ground Ingestion by animals — forest plants Water — plants that grow in wetlands and along streams Ballistic — various; some parasitic plants, some forest plants, some weedy plants.
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