Cf D {Traditional Water Harvesting System regeneration, Livelihood with Horticulture, FPO Video conferencing with Hon’ble Minister Shri Prabhu, Child trafficking awareness, Vit. A supplement at Natawal Anganwadi, CSR – Glucose D support and Electoral awareness for differently able at State Level Workshop } Name of the A/C: CENTRE FOR DEVELOPMENT National contribution A/C: State Bank of India A/C no. 10080926929 Bank of India A/C number 495410210000015 Punjab National Bank A/C No 9752000100003340 Foreign contribution A/C Bank of India A/C Number 495410110003391 We, ethically, guarantee that your contribution will be used for only said purposes and we account it. 21st Annual Issue Cf DCENTRE FOR DEVELOPMENT (Dedicated to Development) “We are accredited by Credibility Alli ance under Minimum Norms” JH/2009/0001387 CA/57/2015 8 4 0 0 2 2 9 1 2 9 GSN 1060 GAYATRI SADAN, TUPUDANA, PO. HATIA, RANCHI 834 003, JHARKHAND, INDIA Contact Numbers. 09431929367, 08002664772 Email ID.
[email protected], web Pages. The Association The association, “Centre for Development” (CƒD) is a social, non-political and non-profit making voluntary organization, established by the experienced professional (Rural Development, Sociologist, Para-medicine and Environment) youths on the auspicious birthday of our national father 2nd October 1998. And later on, it received the legal status under the Indian Trust Registration Act 1882 on 11th of July 2000. Somewhere, these youths were in association with full fledged and established NGOs in The association of youths voluntarily felt Jharkhand. They voluntarily felt that they that they should intervene for the Poorest should intervene for the Poorest of poor of poor for their native places, utilizing and utilize their vast exposures and their vast exposures and experiences experiences for their native blocks.