IV Congreso Mundial de Parques Nacionales y Areas Protegidas Caracas, Venezuela 10-21 de Febrero de 1992


Union Mundial para la Naturaleza



Uno de los "produclos" m&s importanlcs dc un cvcnto coino cl IV Congrcso Mundial dc Parqucs Nacionalcs y Areas Prolcgidas cs cl contacto personal que sc cstablccc cntre los participants. Con cl objetivo de facilitar laics conlaclos, la Sccrctaria ha producido cl siguicntc docuincnlo, basado in la informacion proporcionada por los participantcs cn los fonnularios dc inscripoi0n y prcscntado en cl idioma cn cs cnal dicha informaci0n fuc rccibida.

For 10 (anto, cstc dociuncnto cs informal y ha sido claborado unicaincntc coino guia. No sc Irala dc la lista final dc participantcs, la cual scri imprcsa al fin del Congrcso. No ha sido cditado ο corrcgido por los participantcs, por lo que cs posiblc que contcnga algunos crrorcs. Muy poco tralxijo editorial 11a sido hecho, dc modo que las cortas dcscripcioncs son muy divcrsas. EI dociuncnto no incluye a todos los participantcs, pucs algunos dc ellos aim no sc han inscrito; ademAs, quizes incluya algunas pcrsonas que, si bicn sc han inscrito, no podrdn asislir al Congrcso.

A pesar dc todas cstas inipcrfcccioncs, espcramos que Quicn es Quicn sea una guia lilil para los participantcs al Congrcso. Notcse que cada participanlc cucnta con una casilla ccrca del Mostrador dc Jnfonnacion, cn la cual |xxlr;'m dejar y rccibir mensajes, asi coino tainbien organisar rcunioncs. \A Sccrctaria agraccderd cualquicr sugcrencia que los participantcs pucdan propordonar acerca dc cstc docuincnlo, cl cs caso dc que sc lo prcscntara coino la lista final dc los asistcntcs al Congrcso.

Sc rucga cntrcgar cualquicr corrccci6n u obscrvaci6n a Joana Erfani, cn la Sccrctaria dc IUCN (Ilotcl Ililton, Caracas).



One of the most important "products" from an event such as the lVlh World Congress on National Parks and Protected Areas is the personal contacts that arc made between participants. In order to facilitate such contacts, the Secretariat has produced the following ducumcnt, based on information provided on the registration forms and presented in the language in which the information was received. 111c document is an informal one, provided purely for the convenience of participants. It is not the formal list of participants, which will be issued at the end of the Congress. It hat not been proof read, or corrected by the participants, so it may contain errors. Very little editorial work has been done, so the short descriptions display great diversity. 'Hie document certainly docs not include everyone who will be participating, as some people have not yet registered: and it may well contain people who arc unable to attend even though they have registered.

Despite these shortcomings, wc hope that Who's Who will provide a useful guide to the participants at the Congress. Note that each participant has a pigeon hole near the Registration Desk, where messages can be left and meetings arranged. The Secretariat welcomes the advice of Congress Participants about whether this document should be further refined and presented as the formal list of participants at the Congress.

Please address all corrections or comments to Joanna Erfani at the IUCN Secretariat (Hilton Hotel, Caracas). Georgina Aballi de Alba, a/c Inscituto Smithsonian de Invest. Trop. Apartado 2072, Balboa, Republics de Panama. Tel: 507-274918; Fax: 507: 625942.

BIOGRAPHY: Encargada de la oficina de Educacion y Conservacion en el Insticuto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales desde 1988. Esta oficina manega algunos programas de becas y entrenamiento y programas de informacion y educacion al publico, y apoya programas nacionales en educacion ambiental.

A. Abdullah. Directorate of National Parks and Recreation Forests, Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 15, P.O. Box 133, Bogor 16001, Indonesia; Fax: 0251-323972 or 0215-84818.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Jan Abrahamsen. Department of and the Cultural Heritage, Royal Ministry of Environment, Box 8013 Dep, 0030 Oslo 1, Norway, Tel: 472-345850, Fax: 472-342756.

BIOGRAPHY: Director General for Department of Conservation and the Cultural Heritage, Royal Ministry of Environment, Norway.

Janet N. Abramovitz. 1709 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 700, Washington DC, United States, Tel: 202 662 2528, Fax: 202 638 0036.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Abdulaziz H. Abuzinada. NCWCD, P.O. Box 61681, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

BIOGRAPHY: Secretary General of NCWCD. Initiated the development of modern protected areas system in Saudi Arabia. Coordinated the preparation of a system plan for the Kingdom. Long period of association with IUCN as Councillor. Presently Vice-Chairman of SSC.

Celeste Acevedo. Conservation Data Center, C.C. 3303 Asuncion, Paraguay. Tel: 498089-445214; Fax: 212 386.

BIOGRAPHY: Licenciada en Ciencias Biologicas por la Universidad Nacional de Asuncion, realizo especia1izacion en Conservacion de Recursos Naturales y Manejo de Areas Protegidas, Flora y Fauna en la Empresa Brasilera de Pesquisas Agropeijuaries (EMBRAPA) de Corumba, Brasil. Actualmente se desempefia como Coordinadora del Centro de Datos para la Conservacion de la Direcci'n de Parques Nacionales y Vida Silvestre del Paraquay. - 2 -

Rabi Ν. Acharva. Wildlife Institute of India, P.O. New Forest, Dehra Dun 248 006 (U.P.), India.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Jorge L. Acosta Arias. Fundacion Natura, Av. America 5653 y Vozandes, Quito, Ecuador. Tel: 447 341; Fax: 434449.

BIOGRAPHY: Te.cnico del Programa de Conservacion de Fundacion Natura Responsable de la coordinacion del manejo de la reserve de produccion faunistica cuyabeno.

William Mark Adams. Dept of Geography, University of Cambridge, CB2 3EN, UK. Tel: 223 333363; Fax: 223 333392.

BIOGRAPHY: He is a lecturer in geography, and works primarily on the sustainable development of water resources in Africa.

Florence Addo. Nutrition Division, Ministry of Health, , , E.A.O. Asibey, K.B. Quist and M.B. Dyson, The World Bank, Washington DC 20433, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

M. Tundi Aeardv. WWF, 1250 24th NW, Washington DC 20037, United States, Tel: 202-8618301, Fax: 202-2939211.

BIOGRAPHY: Conservation scientist with the World Wildlife Fund-OS, and Vice-Chair (Marine) of the IUCN Commission of Ecology. Directing the Development of WWF's marine initiative, and currently working in marine planning in Africa, the Caribbean and the South Pacific.

Peder Agger. The National Forest and Nature Agency, Scotsmarken 13, DK-2970 Hoersholm, Denmark. Tel: 4545-765376, Fax: 4545-765777.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologist, Head of Monitoring Division in the National Forest and Nature Agency in Denmark. Responsible for designation of reserves in Denmark and Country Representative in the Trilateral Cooperation for Protection of the Waddcn Sea in Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. - 3 -

Lorenzo Aguilera Orihuel. Gran Via de San Francisco No. 4, 28005 Madrid, Spain. Tel: 347 5961; Fax: 347 6301.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingcniero de Montes, trabaja desde hace 10 anos en el servicio de Parques Nacionales, primcro coino Director de Parques hasta el ano 1987 y desde entonces corao Tecnico en las oficinas centrales en Madrid de dicho servicio.

Pedro Aguilar. National Parks Directorate, Fundacion Peruana para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza, 18-1391, San Isidro, Lima, Peru. Tel: 5114 426616/426706; Fax: 5114 427853.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologo, Director del Parque Nacional Yamachega Chenillen desde 1986, y a cargo del Proyecto de Apoyo del Parque Nacional y de la FPCN.

Ashiq Ahmad. WWF-Pakistan, Ali Industrrial Technical Institute, Ferozepur Road, Lahore, Pakistan. Tel: 92 42 856177; Fax: 92 42 370429.

BIOGRAPHY: Conservation Director of WWF-Pakistan, has over 20 years of experience working in the field and teaching wildlife management methods at the Pakistan Forest Institute. He has an M.Sc in Resource Management from Edinburgh University as well as M.Sc in Zoology and Forestry.

Miguel A. Ahumada. Corporacion NacionaJ Forestal, CONAF, Avda. Bulnes 259, Oficina 604, Santiago, Chile. Tel: 715559; Fax: 565-715881.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Yapo Isaac Akre. Cote d'lvoire. Tel: 444766 or 430284.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Esteban Alavo Briceno. Jefe del Parque Nacional Rio Abiseo, Programa de Parques Nacionales Peru, Fundacion Peruana para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza, FPCN, Los Rosales no. 255, San Isidro, Lima 27, Peru. Tel: 5114-426616/426706, Fax: 5114-427853.

BIOGRAPHY: Jefe, Parque Nacional del Rio Abiseo. Licenciado en Educacion.

Claudia Alderman. The World Bank/IFC/MIGA,1818 Η Street, NW, Washington DC 20433, United States. Tel: 202-4736680, Fax: 202-6769373.

BIOGRAPHY: Environment Officer working in the Latin America Environment Division of the World Bank. - 4 -

Maria Luisa Alfaro Bermudez. Apartado postal 10094, San Jose, Costa Rica. Tel: 229260; Fax: 236963.

BIOGRAPHY: Subdirectora servicio Parques Nacionales.

Abdulaziz Al Fawaz. NCWCD, P.O. Box 61681, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Tel: 441-870, Fax: 442-2166.

BIOGRAPHY: Overall responsibility for the recruitment, training and supervision of the NCWCD Ranger Force and has worked with the Commission since its inception in 1987.

Donald Alford. Box 6283, Bozemnn, Montana 59715, United States. Tel: 406-5871047.

BIOGRAPHY: Hydrologist - Systems analysis of water interelationships for catchment basins in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia. Relationship between science and politics in water resources development or conservation.

Lamri Alisaputra Ali, P.O. Box 10626, 88806 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Tel: 088 211524; Fax: 088 221001.

BIOGRAPHY: As Director of the Sabah Parks Board of Trustees for the past 12 years; responsible for the management of six state parks, both in physical development and policy implementation. Has travelled extensively around the globe to seminars, symposia and workshops and congress in his effort toward the state conservation.

Frere Sandie Alidi. Division of Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture, Private Bag 003, , . Tel: 350688; Fax: 267 359934.

BIOGRAPHY: He is chief forestry and range ecology officer, Division of Forestry and Range Ecology. Ministry of Agriculture, Botswana.

Emmanuel Keifala Alieu. Conservation Society of , P.O. Box 1292, , Sierra Leone. Tel: 222415.

BIOGRAPHY: Executive Secretary, Conservation Society of Sierra Leone (CSSL), 1989 to date. President, Southern Branch (CSSL) 1986-1989. Assistant Chief Conservator of Forests, Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Forestry (1989 to date). Hon. Vice President (Sierra Leone) International Society of Tropical Foresters. B.Sc. Botany (hons) (1976), B.Sc. Forestry (hons) 1982.

Hadi Alikodra. The Office, Ministry for Population and Environment, Medan Merdeka, Barat No.15, Indonesia. Tel: 21-345956; Fax: 21-374307.

BIOGRAPHY: Deputy Assistant Minister for Natural Resources Conservation, Indonesia. Ali Al-Kivumi. P.O. Box 323, Muscat, Sultante of Oman. Tel: 969458, Fax: 602320.

BIOGRAPHY: BSC of Environmental Studies (1982), King Abdul Aziz University, Saudi Arabia. Director of National Conservation Strategy Department, Ministry of Regional Municipalies and Environment.

Stefano Allavena. Ministero Agricoltura e Foreste, Via Carducci 5, 00187 Roma, Italy. Tel: 6 482 4765; Fax: 6 482 0660.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of Division, responsible for research, ecosystem conservation and wildlife management in protected areas managed by Ministry of Agriculture and Forests.

Catherine Allen. IUCN, 1400 16th Street, NW, Washington DC 20036, United States. Tel: 202-9393416, 202-7975461.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available

Andrew A. Alio. WWF-Korup Project Manager, Box 303, Buea, ; Tel: 322656; Fax: 430664.

BIOGRAPHY: Ecologist, studied in East Africa and the United States. Principal of the Wildlife Management Training College for Frenmch-speaking countries for 17 years. Currently Project Manager for WWF's largest conservation project - Korup Rainforest Park. Has been a member of two IUCN Commission since 1972, CNPPA and SSC.

Khaled I. Al Mubarak. Directorate of National Parks, Ministry of Agriculture and Water, Riyadh 11195, Saudi Arabia. Tel: 966 1 4020268.

BIOGRAPHY: Director General of National Park Dept., Ministry of Agriculture, Riyadh.

Joseph Alper. 1419 Sheldon Street, St. Paul, MN 55108-2410, United States. Tel: 612-6479539, Fax: 612-6479539.

BIOGRAPHY: Award-winning journalist for the past eleven years. On the Faculty of the University of Minnesota and is associated with the graduate program in . Is currently conducting a 4-year research project on land use policies, economics, and population pressure on the Platte River in Nebraska and the Indus River in Pakistan. - 6 -

Peter Alpert, AFR/ARTS/FARA/NR, USAID, Washington, D.C. 20523, USA. Tel: 703 235 3770; Fax: 703 235 3805.

BIOGRAPHY: He is a plant ecologist working on tropical forest conservation for 2 years as a diplomacy fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science at the Africa Bureau of the US Agency for International Development. He received his PhD in biology from Harvard University in 1982 and is an associate professor of biology at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Fozia Al- Sdirawi. Aridland Agriculture Department, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, P.O. Box 24885, 13109 Safat, Kuwait. Tel: 5324344/4834891, Fax: 4830432.

BIOGRAPHY: Researcher leading the Ecology and Range Studies in Aridland Agriculture Department (ADD), Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR). B.Sc. University of Kuwait, M.Phil. University of London, Ph.D. University of Arizona. Participates and supervises the Wildlife Management and Research plans for Kuwait's Protected Areas.

Migdalia Alvarez-Ruiz. Colegio Universitario de Ponce, HC-01 Box 6153, Lajas, Puerto Rico 0667. Tel: 809-8322616, Fax: 809-8348025.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Stephen Amend. Apartado 88008, Modulo del Club Hipico, Caracas 1084,-A, Venezuela. Tel: 582-772748, Fax: 582-772748.

BIOGRAPHY: Geographer since 1985 living in Venezuela. Doctoral thesis (University of Freiburg, Germany) on management problems of the Avila National Park and its relation to Caracas. In 1990-91 carried out an IUCN project on "National Parks and People in South America" in close collaboration with wife Thora.

Thora Amend. Apartado 88008, Modulo del Club Hipico, Caracas 1084,-A, Venezuela. Tel: 582-772748, Fax: 582-772748.

BIOGRAPHY: Geographer and ethnologist, since 1984 living in Venezuela. Doctoral thesis (University of Freiburg, Germany) on marine and coastal national parks in Venezuela, especially the archipelago of Los Roques. In 1990-91 carried out an IUCN project on "National Parks and People in South America" in close collaboration with husband Stephan. - 7 -

Leif Ε. Andren. Marine Environment Division, International Maritime Organisation, 4 Albert Embankement, London SE1 7RS, U.K. 4471-5873123; Fax: 4471-5873210.

BIOGRAPHY: Senior Technical Officer, Marine Environment Division of the International Maritime Organisation. During 25 years with the UN, his academic marine ecology background was reflected in work in support of IMO conventions for the protection of the marine environment in the programme of IOC (UNESCO) for promotion of international marine pollution research and monitoring, and at FAO in its programme for protection of marine living resources from marine pollution.

R. Alvarado 0.. IUCN, CATIE, Apartado 6-6623, El Dorado, Rep. Panama. Tel: 00506-362733.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Bruce Amos. 540 Highland Ave., Ottawa, Ont. K2A 2J7, Canada. Tel: 819 997 4908; Fax: 819 994 5140.

BIOGRAPHY: Director, National Parks systems branch for the Canadian Parks Service. Responsible for establishment of new national parks and marine parks in Canada.

Antonio Andaluz. President, PROTERRA, Av. Esteban Campodonico 208, Lima 13, Peru. Tel: 51 14 703930; Fax: 51 14 70371.

BIOGRAPHY: Lawyer, President of PROTERRA, Vice-chairman of UCN Commission on Environmental Law.

Patrick Mahedi Andau. Wildlife Department, Sabah Bank Tower, Wisma Tun Fuad Stephens, 8K300 Kota Sinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Tel: 088-211675, Fax: 088-222476.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of the Wildlife Department, responsible for the conservation and management of wildlife in Sabah.

Jeremy Anderson. Kangwane Parks Board, P.O. Box 1990, Nelspruit 1200, ; Tel: 1311-53931; Fax: 1311-23153).

BIOGRAPHY: Has been professionally employed in wildlife conservation in Africa for over 25 years. Over the last 12 years has been involved in the development of new national parks and game reserves in Southern Africa; also responsible for the development of staff to manage these areas. - 8 -

Susan Anderson. Jamaica Conservation and Development Trust, 46 Duke Street, Kingston, Jamaica. Tel: 809 922 2217; Fax: 809 922 0665.

BIOGRAPHY: 1987: Received a B.Sc with Honours in Marine Ecology from the University of the West Indies. Taught biology at a High School for a year. 1989: Received an M\ Sc in Aquatic Resource Management from King's College, London University. Worked as a water resource planner at Thames Water Company, UK, for a year before joining JCDT as Parks and Protected Areas Officer.

Leif Andren, Marine Environment Division, International Maritime Organization, 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR, United Kingdom. Tel: 71-5873123, Fax: 71-5873210.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Veloson Rajafetra Andriatsitohaina. WWF-, B.P. 4373, 101, Madagascar. Tel: 02 25541; Fax: 02 34977.

BIOGRAPHY: Assistant sensibilisation au Projet education WWF a Madagascar charge de l'Education a 1'environnement dans les aires protegees.

Pedro Arava Rosas, Avenue Bulnes 259 d.604, Santiago, Chile. Tel: 6960783, Fax: 562-6715881.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingeniero forestal. Jefe seccion parques nacionales, corporacion nacional forestal, Ministerio de Agriculture. Especialidad: Planificacion y manejo de areas silvestres.

Guillermo Archibold V.. Director de PEMASI'V- Apartado 2012 Paraiso, Ancon, Panama. Tel: 823226, Fax: 507-280516.

BIOGRAPHY: Director General de Proyecto para la manejo de areas silvestre de Kuna Yala.

Miguel Arauio, Secretario General, CONAMA, San Salvador, El Salvador.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Fernando Ardura. Red Nacional de Areas Naturales Protegidas, Santa Fe 690, 1059 , . Tel: 541-3118855, Fax: 541-111516.

BIOGRAPHY: Historiador y politico ambientalista, Titular de la Red Nacional de Areas Naturales Protegidas, Director de la Administracion de Parques Nacionales. ־ 9 -

Ishak Bin Ariffin. WWF for Nature Malaysia, Wisma IJM Annexe, Jalan Yong Shook Lin, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: 603-7579192, Fax: 603-7565594.

BIOGRAPHY: B.Sc. and Diploma in Town Planning from the University of Wales College of Cardiff; worked with the Federal Town & Country Planning Dept. Malaysia for one and a half years as a Town Planner before joining WWF-Malaysia. Has been working on WWF's conservation strategy projects for the past 4 and a half years. Currently a Senior Scientific Officer on Conservation Strategy Implementation.

Abby Arnold, Resolve Program, WWF, 1250 24th Street, NW, Washington DC 20037, United States.

BIOGRAPHY: Negotiation Consultant/Trainer.

Carlos Arze. Liga de Defense del Medio Ambiente - LIDEMA, Casilla No. 11237, La Paz, Bolivia. Tel: 356249/353352; Fax: 591 2 328933.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Wildfred W. Asara. Department of Wildlife, Conservation and Management, P.O. Box 45464, .

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Carlos A. Aschero. Administracion de Parques Nacionales. Av. Santa Fe 690 - 1059 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel: 312-0257; Fax: 001154 11615.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

William Asieau. P.O. Box 6601, Boroko, Papua New . Tel: 254922, Fax: 271044.

BIOGRAPHY: Marine Ecologist, Department of Environment and Conservation PNG.

Eduardo Astorea. Comite Macional Pro-Defensa del Ambiente, CODEFF, Santa Filomena 185, Santiago Chile. Tel. 377290; Fax: 562 377290).

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Nick Atkinson. National Park Officer, Dartmoor National Park, Haytor Road, Bovey Tracey, Devon TQ13 9JQ, UK).

BIOGRAPHY: Chief Officer of the Dartmoor National Park Authority; degree of Doctorate in Forestry (University of North Wales) and Social and Economic aspects of forest recreation. Previously forestry officer, Head of Conservation Management, Head Ranger of Head Visitor Services with the Dartmoor National Park. 10 -

Robert Aukerman. 729 Duke Square, Ft. Collins, CO 80525, USA. Tel: 303 484 2028; Fax: 303 491 2255.

BIOGRAPHY: Professor in recreation parks and tourism; has worked and published in the areas of park management, water resources, economics of protected areas, and tourism; currently working in Belize to develop a national strategy for financing their protected area system. Has worked in Scotland, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

Jorge Aumedes, Administration de Parques Nacionales, Santa Fe 690, 1059 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel: 541-3118855/3116633, Fax: 541-111516.

BIOGRAPHY: Nacido en 1945 en el Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi (Bariloche, Argentina). Licenciado en Sociologia. Presidente de la Administracion de Parqwuds Nacionales. Ex-Asosor dc In Cmiinra de Diputados de la Nacion.

Nicole Aussedat. rue de la Colline, Gustavia 97133 St. Barthelemy, F.W.I. Tel: 590-278149, Fax: 278149.

BIOGRAPHY: Coordinatrice du projet de reserve naturelle marine de St. Barthelemy, Antilles Fran9aises.

Rosalind Aveline. African Wildlife Foundation, P.O. Box 48177, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel: 223235; Fax: 332294.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Donald Axelrad. , P.O. Box 4958, Key West, FL 33041, U.S.A. Tel: 305-2963880; Fax: 305-2921763.

BIOGRAPHY: Involved in and in promoting, proclaiming, and management planning for marine protected areas in Victoria, Australia for a number of years. Recently, joined The Nature Conservancy's Florida Keys Initiative, based in Key West.

Mohamed Avvad, Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, . Tel: 5972372/5972628, Fax: 203-491194.

BIOGRAPHY: Professor of Plant Ecology, Botany Dept. , Faculty of Science, Alexandria University. Head of same department from 1978 to 1984. Chairman of Egyptian National Committees of MAB and SCOPE. Rapporteur of Unesco/ΜΛΒ Programme (1986-1990). Member of the Executive Committee of SCOPE.

Nancy Azzam. Wildlife Liaison, Windstar Foundation, 2300 Noble Ave. N, Golden Valley, Minnesota 55422, United States. Tel: 612-5883300, Fax: 612-5883066.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 11 -

Ferdinand Leonardus Joseph Baal. Nature Conservation Division of the Surinam Forest Service, Cornells Jongbawstr. 10, P.O. Box 436, Paramaribo, Suriname. Tel: 597-479431 or 597-475845; Fax: 597-410256.

BIOGRAPHY: Head, Nature Conservation Division of the Surinam Forest Service.

T. Harinath Bajbu, Indian Institute of Forest Management, P.O. Box 357, Nehru Nagar, Bhopal M.P., India 462 003. Tel: 0755-65998.

BIOGRAPHY: Professor, Faculty of Ecosystem Management, Indian Institute of Forest Management/Government of India, with 25 years of experience in the areas of forestry and recreation management in Australia, West Germany, Czechoslovakia and India.

Μ. Oury Bah. B.P. 624, , Guinee. Tel: 443249; Fax: 444387; Telex 22338 mara.

BIOGRAPHY: Directeur, bureau d'etudes, societe nationale d'exploitation forestiere (1978-1980); Directeur national du project d'amenagement integre du bassin versant du Kokoulo (1980-1986); Directeur national des eaux, forests et chasse du ministere de !,agriculture et des resources animales (1986 - ).

Mundanthra Balakrishnan. University of Kerala, Kariyavattom, Trivandrum 695 581 Kerala, India. Tel: 91-471 418906.

BIOGRAPHY: Consultant Ecologist, Department of Zoology, University of Kerala.

Danilo Balete. Haribon Foundation for the Conservation of Natural Resources, 901 Richbelt Tower, 17 Annapolis Street, Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines. Tel: 722-7180 722 6884; Fax: 722 6357.

BIOGRAPHY: Science Programme Officer of the Haribon Foundation.

Victor Balinea. Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, P.O. Box 1457, Yaounde, Cameroun. Tel: 231650; Telex: 8418 kn.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Jennifer Ballantine. 2-9 Woodlawn Ave., Ottawa, Ontario, KIS 258, Canada. Tel: 613-2315633; Fax: 613-9981312.

BIOGRAPHY: Recently completed Masters degree in ecotourism, University of Waterloo. Research involved the motivations and characteristics of Canadian ecotourists to Kenya. Currently employed as a biologist with Agriculture Canada, Ottawa. - 12 -

Η.Μ. Bandaratillake. Deputy Conservator of Forests, Forest Department, Rajamalwatta Road, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka. Tel: 94-1-566634; Fax: 94-1-580089.

BIOGRAPHY: Deputy Conservator of Forsts in charge of Conervation Forestry in the Forest Dept of Sri Lanka.

Adel Kader Bangoura. Coordonnateur National de Gemsa, Republique Guinee. Tel: 224-444024 or 224-445001; Fax: 224-442485 c/o PNUD.

BIOGRAPHY: charge du programme d'etude des zones humides cotieres de Guinee projet CIPO/WIWO/1989-1990; coordinateur national de GEMS; Secretaire general de l'ONG Guinee-Ecologie; Expert national du plan d'action environmental (PAE); charge de la convention de Ramsar.

Ernest Bani. Environmental Section, Department of Physical Planning and Environment, Ministry of Home Affairs, PMB 036, Port Vila, Vanuatu, Rep. of Vanuatu. Tel: 678-22252 ext.38; Fax: 678-23142; Telex 1040 vangov nh.

BIOGRAPHY: Principal Environmental Officer and Officer-in-charge for the Vanuatu Government's environmental section.

Kamal Banskota. Alton Byers and Mingma Sherpa, c/o National Parks and Conservation Association, 1015 Thirty-First Street, N.W., Washington D.C. 20007, USA. Tel: 202-944-«530; Fax: 202-944-8535.

BIOGRAPHY: Economist, Makalu-Baron Conservation Project. Task Force and Arun Basinwide Environmental Impacts Study.

Rodrigo Barahona. President of CEDARENA, P.O. Box 134-2050, San Pedro, Costa Rica. Tel: 303-4921286; Fax: 303-4921297.

BIOGRAPHY: Professor of Agrarian and Natural Resource School of Law, University of Costa Rica; President of CEDARENA (Centro de Derecho Ambiental y los Recursos Naturales.

Jonathan Baranea. Institute of Tropical Forest Conservation, P.O. Box 7487, , .

BIOGRAPHY: Former Deputy Director of Uganda National Parks. Currently Professor of Wildlife and Co-Director, Institute of Tropical Forest Conservation. Works for WWF to conserve over half of the world's population of mountain gorillas. Member SSC (Otters).

Charles Barber, 1709 New York Ave. Nw. , Suite 700, Washington, D.C. Tel: 202-6622506; Fax: 202-6380036.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 13 -

Janet Barber. WWF-UK, Panda House, Weyside Park, Catteshall Lane, Godalming, Surrey GU27 2JN, England. Tel: 0483-426444; Fax: 0483-426409.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Abdul Bari. Directorate of National Parks and Recreation Forests, Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 15, P.O. Box 133, Bogor 16001, Indonesia. Fax: 0251-323972 or 021-584818.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Geoffrey Barnard. The Nature Conservancy, 1815 N. Lynn Street, Arlington, VA 22209, USA. Tel: 703 841 4861; Fax: 703 841 4880.

BIOGRAPHY: He has extensive fundraising, finance, land acquisition, and conservation experience both domestically and internationally. Has served in the Peace Corps in Peru in the Andean region. As the Conservancy's midwestern regional Vice-President and Minnesota State Director, he completed over 100 land preservation projects. Has also worked as an in-country technical advisor to Fundacion de parques nacionals in Costa Rica. B.S. (engineering) Stanford University, California; M.B.A. Stanford.

German Barnard Alcaraz. 2 sur 502, No. 101-102 Centro, Puebla, Pue. CP. 72000, Mexico. Tel: 9122-324277; Fax: 9122-464899.

BIOGRAPHY: Investigador y professor de la universidad Autonoma de Puebla. Areas de investigacion en las que trabaja. Ecologia de poblaciones, aspectos teoricos y practicos de conservacion de especies; ecologia de comunidades (regeneracion y sucecion). Trabaja en ecosistemas semidesetticos y templade humedos y subhumedos.

D• Barrios. MARNR, Caracas 1010, Centro Simon Bolivar, Torre Sur, Pisso 22, Caracas, Venezuela. Tel. 582-4081107; Fax: 00582-4832445.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Johannah Barry. ICBP, c/o WWF, 1250 24th St. NW, Washington D.C. 20057, U.S.A. Tel: 202-7789563; Fax: 202-2939342.

BIOGRAPHY: Financial Development Officer, currently on the staff of ICBP, and serving as consultant to the Charles Darwin Foundation.

Valerie Barzetti, UICN/ORCA, Apdo. 91-1009 Fecosa, San Jose, Costa Rica. Tel: 506 355788; Fax: 506 362733.

BIOGRAPHY: Editor for IUCN book on Latin American and Caribbean proceedings from the IV World Parks Congress. - 14 -

Marcoa Andre Basbaum. Chief, Protected Areas Department, Rio de Janeiro State Forests Institute IEF(RJ), av. 13 de maio, 33-1609 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

BIOGRAPHY: Degree in Ecology from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Member of the technical group of Rio de Janeiro State Forestry Agency which declared the Atlantic Rainforest as a State Heritage. Currently head of the Protected Areas Department.

Sultana Bashir. Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Ruta Baskvte. Lithuanian Republic Environmental, Protection Department, Juozapavichus str. 9, 232600 Vilnius, Lithuania.

BIOGRAPHY: Graduate of Vilnius University. Worked for nine years in the field of regional planning. At present, chief engineer in Lithuanian Republic Department, responsible for the formation of protected areas network and preparation of normative documents.

Giovanni Bassev. Servicio de Parques Nacionales, Area de Conservacion Guanacaste, Apdo. 169-5000, , Gte. Costa Rica. Tel: 506-236963.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Michel Batisse. UNESCO-SC, Place Fontenoy 7, 75700 , . Tel: 1 456 84051; Fax: 1 406 59897.

BIOGRAPHY: Conseiller scientifique de l'Unesco (Ancien Sous Directeur general, Science, de l'Unesco); President du Plan Bleu pour la Mediterranee.

J. Baulu. Director, Barbados Primate Research Center & Wildlife Reserve, Farley Hill, St. Peter, Barbados, West Indies.

BIOGRAPHY: Owner and Director of the BPRC and WR, a non-profit organisation. He is a Canadian primatologist who has developed a monkey crop damage control programme to help farmers in Barbados and also a wildlife reserve to promote eco-tourism.

Z. Bayer. A. Akasen, Dr. Turhan, Facility of Forestry, University of Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 15 -

Karen Deardslev. University of California, Santa Barbara, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

William Beavers, National Technical Advisor for Plant. Materials, National Park Service-Denver Service Center, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Robert Bccton. University of Queensland, Gatton, Queensland 4343, Australia. Tel: 074-620322; Fax: 074-620324.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

U. Belemsobgo. Ministre de 1'Environnement et Tourism, B.P. 7044, Ougadougou 03, . Tel: 311113; Fax: 311142.

BIOGRArilY: Not available.

Stephen Bender. OAS/DRDE, 1889 "F" Street, N.W. Washington D.C. 20006, U.S.A. Tel: 202-4586295; Fax: 202-4853560.

BIOGRAPHY: Architect and planner in regional, national and urban environmental management development assistance programmes. Presently Project Chief for OAS/Department of Regional Development .s Natural Hazards Projectי and Environmenta1

Lilyan Benitez. Ave. America 5653 y Voz Andes, Quito, Ecuador. Tel: 447341; Fax: 434449.

BIOGRAPHY: Coordinadora proyecto Amazonia.

Manuel Benitez Arias, UICN - Cnlle Nueva 2, Casa 9, Colonia Escalon, San Salvador, El Salvador. Tel: 503 235385; Fax: 503 242478.

BIOGRAPHY: Director Nacional UICN en El Salvador. Miembro de la CNPPA (ex-Vice chairman para Centro America). Miembro de la SSC (Grupo de especialistas en etnozoologia); ex-director del Servicio de Parques Nacionales y Vida Silvestre de El Salvador (1983-91); Biologo (aves acuaticas).

Edouard Benito-Espinal. Residence Saint-Luc-Bat Ε No. 56, Dugazon 97139, Abymes, Guadeloupe, France. Tel: 590-834542 or 590-802425; Fax: 590-918025 or 590-800546.

BIOGRAPHY: Docteur en ecothysiologi.e experimentale - ornithologiste. Specialiste de la faune aviaire des Antilles. Charge de mission pour !,environment a l'agence guadeloupeenne pour 1'environnement, le tourisme et les loisirs. President de la commission pcrmanente du conseil d'aministration du pare national de la Guadeloupe. Membre du comite scientific du pare national de la Guadeloupe et du pare naturel regional de la Martinique. - 16 -

Μ. Ε. Benito-Espinal. Pare National de la Guadeloupe, Habitation Beausoleil, Monteran, B.P. 13, 97120 Saint Claude, Guadeloupe. Tel: 590.802425; Fax: 590 800546.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

John Bcnn, P.O. Box 222, Maun, Botswana. Fax: 660525.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Ivan L. Benoit, Corporacion Nacional Forestal, C0NAF, Avda. Bulnes 259, Of. 604, Santiago, Chile. Tel. 562-6960783; Fax: 562 71881.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologo, Jefe Seccion Flora Silvestre, Corporacion Nacional Forestal. Encargado Areas Marinas Protegidas.

Michael BeresfordT Director, International Centre for Protected Landscapes, University College of Wales, Science Park, Aberystwyth, Dyfed, SY23 3AH, Wales, UK. Tel:44-970-622617; Fax: 44-970-622659.

BIOGRAPHY: Formerly National Park Officer, Brecon Beacons National Park, U.K. Director, International Centre for Protected Landscapes, University of Wales, U.K.

Klaus Berkmuller. Malaysian-German Forestry Research Project, Kepong 52109, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Fax: 603-6340317.

BIOGRAPHY: Involved for the past 20 years, in protected areas for public use, in South Asian countries. Presently at Forest Research Institute, Malaysia. Main field: training of professional area staff in recreation imput and local people/parks relationships.

Margarene Beserra. ΙΒΑΜΛ, S.A.I.N. Av. L4 Norte, Brasilia, DF, Brazil. Tel: 2230901; Fax: 2245206.

BIOGRAPHY: Engenheiro agronomo, Chefe da Divisao de Gerenciamento das Unidades de Conservacao do Instituto Brasileiro do meio ambiente e dos recursos naturais renovaveis.

Maria P. Bevilacaua, INPARQUES, Apartado 68336, Altamira-Caracas 1062-A, Venezuela. Tel. 582 752 53 61; Fax: 582 2853070.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Juan Eduardo Bezaurv Creel. Apartado Postal no. 770, Cancun Quintana Roo, 77500 Mexico. Tel: 988-49583; Fax: 988-73080.

BIOGRAPHY: Arquitecto, ex subdirector de Planeacion del Sistema Nacional de Areas Naturales Protegidas de Mexico, actualmente Director Ejecutivo de Amigos de Sian Ka'an A.C. y miembro de Biocenosis A.C. - 17 -

Ali Akbar Bhuivan. Conservator of Forests, Ban Bhaban, Gulshan Road, Mohakhaii, Dliaka 1212, Bangladesh. Tel: office 603706 Home 832861.

BIOGRAPHY: Graduated from Dhaka University and joined the National Forest Science in 1961. Studied forestry in Pakistan Forest Institute and Oxford University, U.K. Actively involved in plantation forestry with special emphasis on re-greening the country's denuded forest land.

Colin Bibbv. International Council for Bird Preservation, 32 Cambridge Road, Girton, Cambridge CB3 OPJ, U.K. Tel: 223-277318; Fax: 223-277200.

BIOGRAPHY: Research Director,,ICBP. Formerly Head of Conservation Science at the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds in Great Britain. Responsible for designing and developing numerous research programmes of nationally threatened bird species.

Hans Bibelriethcr. Federation der Natur-und Nationalparke Europas, Krollstr. 5, D-8352 Grafenau, Germany. Tel: 08552-2839; Fax: 08552-3242.

BIOGRAPHY: Superintendent of the Bavarian Forest National Park, Germany; Secretary General of the Federation of Nature and National Parks of Europe; Member of WWF Council - Germany; IUCN Vice-chairman for Europe.

Catherine Bickmore, Landscape Institute, c/o Travers Morgan Consulting Group, 136 Long Acre, Covent Garden, London WC2E 9AE, UK. Tel: 71-278-7373; Fax: 71-278-3476.

BIOGRAPHY: Landscape ecologist with the Consultants Travers Morgan Environment. Over 15 years experience in environmental work. Landscape Institute representative for IUCN.

Olivier Bilala Moussadii. WWF Programme pour la , s/c Interservice, B.P. 5555, , Gabon. Tel: 241 724743; Fax: 249 766808.

BIOGRAPHY: Diplome en gestion; economiste; resopnsable d'etude sur la viande de brousse au Gabon; charge de programme WWF-programme pour le Gabon.

Aukje Simone Elizabeth Bilderbeek. Netherlands National Committee for IUCN, Plantage Middenlaan 2B, 1018 Amsterdam, Netherlands. Tel: 31-206261732; Fax: 31-206279349.

BIOGRAPHY: Legal Project Officer for the Netherlands National Committee for IUCN. Organised a global consultation and conference on international environmental law and . Coordinator of the NGO-Task Group on Biodiversity, one of the global NGO-networks to facilitate and stimulate the NGO-input in the Conference on Environment and Development. - 18 -

Nathalie Billens. IUCN, ave. du Mont Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 22-648360; Fax: 22-648325.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Rabi B. Bista. P.O. Box 5137, Kathmandu, Nepal. Tel: 977-1527752; Fax: 977-1228415.

BIOGRAPHY: Wildlife Ecology degree from Michigan State University. Has been a planner for national parks and wildlife reserves in Nepal. Worked as project manager for the formulation of Nepal's Forestry Master Plan.

Inger-Marie Β ioennes. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Environment and Development Division, Department of Development Coop. Programmes, P.O. Box 8114 Dep., 0032 Oslo, Norway. Tel: 47-2343941; Fax: 47-2342793.

BIOGRAPHY: Human geographer by background, with emphasis on the environment and resources. Presently working as the Norwegian Sudano-Sahel coordinator in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Robin Β i ο r k. National Audubon Society, 115 Indian Mound Trail, Tavenier, FL 33070, USA; George Powell, RARE Center for Tropical , 1529 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102, USA; and Maria de Lourdes, Avila Instituto de Historia Natural, Apartado Postal No. 6, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas 29000, Mexico.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Christopher Bleaklev. GPO Box 791, Canberra A.C.T. 2601, Australia. Tel: 616 2470211; Fax: 616 2475761.

BIOGRAPHY: IUCN/Special Projects Officer for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority in Canberra. Responsible for matters relating to IUCN, CNPPA and Marine Protected Areas.

Jill Μ. Blockhus. IUCN, Av. du Mont Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 22 649 248; Fax: 22 642 926.

BIOGRAPHY: Programme Assistant for the Forest Conservation Programme, IUCN. Prior to IUCN, she completed her graduate work in Norway in international economics, with a thesis on the tropical forest situation, based on field work in the Phi 1ippines.

Esben Bo, 2686 Lorn, Norway. Tel: 06211710; Fax: 06254098.

BIOGRAPHY: Manager of the Jotunheimen National Park, Norway. - 19 -

Arnold Boer. Coordinator for National Parks, NBLF-Dcpartment, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries, Bezuidenhoutseweg 73, P.O. Box 20401, 2500 The Hague, Netherlands. Tel: 070-3793289, Fax: 070-3478228.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Luigi Boitani. Department of Animal and Human Biology, University of Rome, Viale Universita 21, Rome, Italy. Tel: 39-6-491135; Fax: 39-6-491135.

BIOGRAPHY: Professor of Vertebrate Zoology at the University of Rome.

Ludmilla I. Bolshova. Nezhdanova 8tr.ll, USSR Ministry for Natural Resources, Management and Environmental Protection, 103009, Moscow. Tel: 2819004; Fax: 2302792; Telex: 411692 borei su.

BIOGRAPHY: Chief Expert, Department for Nature Reserves and Other Specially Protected Areas, USSR Minpriroda.

Neptali Bonifaz. Instituto Estrategies Agropecuarias, IDEA, Bossano 617 y Crnel. Guerrero. Casilla 853 Sue. 12 de Octubre, Quito, Ecuador. Tel: 245344.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingeniero de la Universidad de Johns Hopkins; masterado del Instituto tecnologico de Massachussets; empresario agroindustrial; fundador y miembro del directorio de Fundacion Natura; director ejecutivo del Instituto de Estrategias Agropecuarias (IDEA); Fundacion privada creada para permitir la participacion del sector privado en la formulacion e implementacion de politicas referentes al sector agropecuario y al manejo de los recurrsos naturales.

L. Bonnehin. Centre Neerlandais, BPV 51, 01, Cote d'lvoire. Tel: 225-454170.

BIOGRAPHY: Je travaille depuis plus d'un sur le role des produits forestiers non 1igneux (PFNL) dans l'approche participative des populations locales a 1'amenagement d'unc zone tampon autour du Pare National de Tai en Cote d'lvoire.

Robert William Bonstod-Smith. Kenya Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 40241, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel: 02-501081/2; Fax: 02-505866.

BIOGRAPHY: Presently working as policy and planning advisor to Kenya Wildlife Service and, for part of the time, as advisor to the Zanzibar Department of Environment. Previously worked with IUCN in Eastern Africa. - 20 -

Ε. Born. Greenland Home Rule, Pilestraede 52, P.O. Box 2151, 1016 Copenhagen, Denmark. Tel: 45 331 34224.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

John Boshe. WWF Country Office, P.O. Box 63117, Dar es Salaam, . Tel: 255-5122664; Fax: 255-5146232.

BIOGRAPHY: Currently WWF Representative for Tanzania, formerly WWF programmer officer for East Africa. Ten years service at Mweka Wildlife College, Chief Academic Officer and Deputy Principal for the latter three years there.

Li Boshene. Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica, XizhimenWai Dajie 14, Beijing 1000044, China. Tel: 011-8618313840; Fax: 011-8618319534.

BIOGRAPHY: Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Member Task Force and Experts Group, Qomolangma Nature Preserve, Tibet Autonomous Region.

Luis Antonio Bosorauez-Tapia. Centro de Ecologia, Unam, Apartado Postal 70.275, Mexico D.F. 04510, Mexico. Tel: 5505215; Fax: 5485259.

BIOGRAPHY: Investigador del Centro Ecologia, UNAM Coordinator de la Unidad de Informacion Sobre los Recursos Bioticos de Mexico. Realiza investigacion es Sobre Conservacion, Manejo de Recursos Bioticos, y Impacto Ambiental.

Pierre Boudeant. Pare Nationial de Port Cuos, Le Castel St. Claire, Rue St. Claire, 83400 Hyeres, France. Tel: 3394-653298;Fax: 3394-658483.

BIOGRAPHY: Directeur du Pare National de Port-Cros et du Conservation Botanique National de Poipuerolles.

Soukainna Bouraoui. Faculte des sciences juridiques et centre de la femme, 41 ave. du Gran Maghrels, La Soukra, 2036 , . Tel: 216-1716938.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Mario A. Boza. Ministerio de Recursos Naturales, Energia y Minas, Apartado 10104, 10104 San Jose, Costa Rica. Tel: 506-552122; Fax: 506-224580.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Antonio Brack. Asociacion Amazonia, Las Cascadas 22 piso, La Molina, Lima, RONCO, Peru. Tel: 79 05 92.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 21 -

Carlos Enrique Drandaris Montano. Apartado 1387, Panama 1, Republica de Panama. Tel: 648100; Fax: 641836.

BIOGRAPHY: Lie. Carlos Brandaris, Jefe de la Division de Conservacion. Asociacion Nacional para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza.

Katrina Brandon. The World Bank, 1818 Η Street, Washington DC 20433, USA. Tel: 202-473-3050; Fax: 202-4778164.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

A.J. Braneer. President, Av. La Estancia, Edificio "General", Piso 6, Oficina 6B, Chuao - Caracas 1060, Venezuela - Apdo. 64597. Tel: 583 91 20 11; Fax: 582 91 10 75.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Sergio Brant Rocha. Engenheiro agronomo, Divisao de Criagao e Iinplanta^ao de Unidades de Conserva^ao, Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos, Recursos Naturais Renovaveis (IBAMA), Sain, Av. L 4, Brasilia-DF CEP 70800, Brazil. Tel: 061.321.2324; Fax: 061.322.1004.

BIOGRAPHY: Engenheiro agronomo do Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais renovaveis - IBAMA, responsavel pela criacao de novas unidades de conservacao de uso indireto.

Kate Braun. Swaziland National Trust Committee, Malalotja Nature Reserve, P.O. Box 1797, , Swaziland. Tel: 43060; Fax: 44759.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Denis Bredin. Espace Naturel Regional, 59 270 Bailleul, France. Tel: 28-492763; Fax: 28-487814.

BIOGRAPHY: Employe par Espace Naturel Regional Pas de Calais. Dr. en Ecologie animale. Specialise dans les techniques de gestion des milieux naturels. President de la Conference Permanente des Reserves Naturelles.

Peter Bridgewater. ANPWS, GPO Box 636, Canbera, ACT 2605, Australia. Tel: 61-62500222; Fax: 61-62500228.

BIOGRAPHY: Director, Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service. This is the Federal Service responsible for management of a number of National Parks in Federal lands, and for overall coordination of National Park activities at a national level. - 22 -

William Briggle. Mount Rainier National Park, Tahoma Woods, Star Route, Ashford, Washington 98304-9751, U.S.A. Tel: 206-5692211; Fax: 206-5692791.

BIOGRAPHY: 25 years of experience in park management, policy development and planning, legislation and intergovernmental relations, include positions of Deputy'Director of the National Park Service; Deputy Regional Director of the Pacific Northwest Region; and Super!!!tendencies of Mount Rainier National Park (Washington), Lake Mead National Recreation Area (Arizona); Glacier National Park (Montana), and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (Utah). Recipent of the Department of Interior's highest recognition; the Distinguished Service Award.

John W. Bright. FASLA, P.O. Box 652, Evergreen, Colorado 80439, USA. Tel: 303 6745182; Fax: 303 6742860.

BIOGRAPHY: Landscape architect by training. Retired from 32 years of professional practice with the U.S. National Park Service. Consultant worldwide on National Parks and Environment. Current and recent projects in Taiwan, , Kuwait, Dominica, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and U.S.A.

Warren Y. Brockelman. Center for Conservation Biology, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Rama 6 Road, Bangkok 10400, Thailand.

BIOGRAPHY: Assistant Professor New York University 1970-73. Currently visiting Professor of Biology, Mahidol University, Bangkok. Interests: gibbons, wildlife survey, biodiversity assessment.

Guido Broekhovcn. Department of Plant Ecology, University of Utrecht, P.O. Box 800.84, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands. Tel: 31-30536700 or 31-30537354; Fax: 31-30518366.

BIOGRAPHY: Tropical ecologist. Experience in several countries in Latin America. Free lance ecotourims guide. Present: Project, combined by the Dutch IUCN committee and University of Utrecht entitled "Extractive Reserves, a strategy to conserve tropical forests".

Jessica Brown. Director, International Programs, Quebec-Labrador Foundation, Atlantic Center for the Environment, 39 South Main Street, Ipswich, Massachusetts 01938, USA. Tel: 508-356-0038; Fax: 508-356-7322;

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 23 -

Keith S. Brown. Jr., Departamento de Zoologia, Univcrsidade Estadual de Campinas, CP. 6109, Campinas, Sao Paulo 13081, Brazil.

BIOGRAPHY: Working in Brazil as University Professor since 1964. Main research areas - chemical ecology of plant insect interface, Neotropical forest biogeography and conservation. Member of IUCN-SSC Lepidoptera specialist group. About 130 papers, chapters and books, most recently "The Conservation of Insects and their Habitats".

Lesley P. Brown and Albert A. Einsicdel Jr., Protected Areas Management Program, Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2J7, Canada. Fax: 403 492 0627.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Michael J. Brown. Surrey House, 199 Macquarie Street, GPO Box 207 Β 7001, Hobart, Tasmania. Australia. Tel: 02-308202; Fax: 02-238280.

BIOGRAPHY: Forest ecologist with 20 years experience in Tasmanian ecology and ecological genetics and forest conservation work with the University of Tasmania, National Parks and Wildlife Service and Forestry Commission.

Alain Derek Bu., Instjtut de Geographic, Universite de Paris 8, 2 rue de la Liberte, 93526 St. Denis 02, Fiance. Tel: 47002363; Fax: 48204060.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Robert W. Buddemeier. Kansas Geological Survey, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, USA. Fax: 001 913 864 5317.

BIOGRAPIfY: Researcher, teacher, and manager in Oceanography, Environmental Science, and Hydrology. Particularly interested in issues of space and time scales and the nature of interactions within large environmental systems.

Gerardo Budowski. P.O. Box 198, 2300 Curridabat, San Jose, Costa Rica. Tel: 506-253008; Fax: 506-534227.

BIOGRAPHY: Director dc Recursos Naturales, Universidad para la Paz; Primer Director General UICN 1970-76; Mcmbro del Conejo Directivo (BOARD) WWF International (1988 - ); 24 amas Jefe Recursos Naturales IICA y CATIE en Turria Iba, Costa Rica; Miembro homorario UICN, Society of American Foresters; Asisti'o a los 3 congresos mundiales de P.N. en 1962, 1972, 1982. - 24 -

Victor Η. Bullen. Programme Officer, Southern Cone, WWF US, 1250 24th Street, N.W., Washington D.C. 20037, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: WWF Programme Officer for the Southern Cone Region and the southern portion of the Atlantic Forest in Brazil. Peace Corps Volunteer for 4 years in Paraguay where- served as N.P. Specialist. OAS Fellow in Costa Rica where evaluated a simulation game for training people in protected area management and development.

John Burke. IUCN, Av. du Mont Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 22-649247, Fax: 22-642926.

BIOGRAPHY: Head of Communications at IUCN Headquarters since July 1990. Background in development economics, followed by ten years in advertising and marketing with Procter and Gamble International. Prior to joining IUCN, was General Manager of a Geneva-based publishing company for 4 years, specializing in production and world-wide distribution of visual communication books.

Shmuel Burmil. School of Renewable Natural Resources, Biological Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA. Fax: 602 621 8801.

BIOGRAPirY: Earned BSc and MSc in biology and botany from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. BLA and MLA in landscape architecture from the University of Oregon, USA; in landscape architecture practice, and adjunct lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture, the Technion, Israeli Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. Currently working on the PhD in renewable natural resources at the University of Arizona, Tucson.

James R. Butler. Professor, Conservation Biology and Parks, Department of Forest Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Tel: 403-4922819 office and 403-4392990 home; Fax: 403-4924323.

BIOGRAPHY: Professor of Conservation Biology, Parks, Wildlife and Environmental Interpretation at the University of Alberta, Canada. Member of the commission on National Parks and Protected Areas for IUCN. Poet, author, senior editor of Borealis Magazine for the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society; and advisor to Canada's FederaL Minister of the Environment and Associate Director of the International Institute for Protected Areas Management at the University of Alberta.

Alton Byers. Woodlands Mountain Institute, P.O. Box 907, Franklin WV, 26807 U.S.A. Tel: 304-3582401; Fax: 304-3582400.

BIOGRAPHY: Environmental Advisor, Woodlands Mountain Institute. - 25 -

Angel Cabeza. Corporacion Nacional Forestal, CONAF, Avenidad Bulnes 259, Oficina 60ά, Santiago de Chile, Chile. Tel: 2-6960783; Fax: 715881.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Milton R. Cabrera. Ccntrode Estudios Conservacionistas, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Ave. La Reforms 0-63, Zona 10, 01010 Guatemala, Guatemala.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Dulce Cacha. President, Foundation for Sustainable Development, Inc. 24 K-J Street, Kamias, Quezon , Philippines.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Julian Oliver Caldecott. EMDI, Kantor Menteri Negara Kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup, Jakarta 10110, Indonesia. Tel: 902 494 3632; Fax: 902 494 3728.

BIOGRAPHY: Trained originally as an ecologist, with an emphasis on scientific studies of rainforest primates in Peninsular Malaysia. Subsequently worked on hunting and wildlife management in Sarawak, and then on a series ~>ί projects aimed at establishing conservation areas and stabilizing land use around them, mostly in Southeast Asia and West Africa. Currently working as Biodiversity Management Adviser to the Indonesian Ministry of State for Population and Envi ronment.

Roberto Cal Johnston. Cerrito 322, Montevideo, Cod. Postal 33000, Uruguay. Tel: 959878; Fax: 956456.

BIOGRAPHY: Director general de Recursos Naturales Renovables, Ministerio de Ganaderia, Agriculture y Pesca.

Almamy Camara. Wildlife Conservation Department, c/o Ministry of Natural Resources & the Environment, 3 Marina Parade, , .

BIOGRAPHY: Director of the Department of Wildlife Conservation and Management.

Ibsen Camara. Av. das Americas 2300 C40, Rio de Janciro-RJ, CEP 22640, Brazil. Tel: 5521-3253696, Fax: 5521-2261345.

BIOGRAPHY: Regional Member of SSC/IUCN. President of Brazilian Society for Environment Protection. - 26 -

J. Gabriel Campbe11. Woodlands Mountain Institute, P.O. Box 907, Franklin WV 26807, United States. Tel: 304-3582401, Fax: 304-3582400.

BIOGRAPHY: Director, Asian Environmental Programs.

Silvana Camuello. The Nature Conservancy, 1815 North Lynn Street, Arlington, VA 22209, USA. Tel: 703 84 J 4883; Fax: 703 841 4880.

BIOGRAPHY: Brazil program officer; marine ecologist (M.S. GWV and the Smithsonian Institution); national park manager; ecotourism specialist.

Laura Campobasso. Director, Organizational Development Program, WWF-US, 1250 24th Street NW, Washington DC 20037, United States. Fax: 202-2939211.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Jose J. Camnos A.. D. Phil., Ricardo Soto, M.Dc, Neotropica Foundation, P.O. Box 236-1002, San Jose, Costa Rica.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Pierre Campredon. c/o IUCN, Apartado 23, 1031 Codex, Guinee-Bissau. Tel: 201230; Fax: 201168.

BIOGRAPHY: Responsable de la reserve nationale du Banc d'Arguin (France) 1974-77; recherches sur l'ecologie hivernale des oiseaux (1977-84); conseiLleur scientifique du pare national de Banc d'Arguin (Mauritanic) 1986-89; chef du projet de planification cotiere en Guinee-Bissau, representant de 1UICN en Guinee-Bissau depuis 1989; docteur on biologie animale (1982).

Pablo Canevari. Red Hemisferica de Reserves para Aves Playeras, RHRAP, Monroe 2142 (1428), Argentina. Tel: 541-7819171; Fax: 541-7816115.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Jordi Canas. Patronat Metropolitn del Pare de Collserola, c/o Esglesia 92, 08018 Barcelona, Spain. Tel: 2800672, Fax• 2806074.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologo. Jefe de la Unidad del Medio Natural del Parque de Collserola (Barcelona).

Pablo Canevari. Monroe 2142, 1428 Capital Federal, Argentina. Tel: 541-7819171, Fax: 541-7816115.

BIOGRAPHY: Argentino, trabajo en parques nacionales de su pais y en organismos internacionales de conservacion, Interesado en el uso susentable y conservacion de la biodiversidad de ambientes acuaticos, en particular de las aves migratorias, un recurso internacional. - 27 ־

Phyllis Cangcmi. Whole Access, 517 Lincoln Avenue, Redwood City, CA 94061, USA. Tel: 415 363 2647; Fax: 415 365 9713.

BIOGRAPHY: She is founder and executive director of Whole Access, working to make parks and nature experiences accessible to people of all abilities. Whole Access provides education, training and technical consulting to the planners, designers and managers of parks; Whole Access was founded in 1983.

Michael Canny. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Office of Public Works, 51 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, Ireland. Tel: 0161-3111, Fax: 01-610747.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of the National Parks and Wildlife Service of the Office of Public Works, Ireland.

Norino Canovi. c/o Parco I.ombardo della Valle del Ticino, Via Isonzo 1, 20013 Magenia (Mi), Italy. Tel: 02-9794401, Fax: 02-97950607.

BIOGRAPHY: Guardiaparco da oltra 6 anni presso il Consorzio Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino, ed impegnato per il Parco stesso nel progetto di reintroduczione della Testuggine palustre (Emys orbicularis) e del Capriolo (Caprcolus capreolus). Ε occupato osservazione e censimenti faunintici nell'area a Parco edיnell accompagnatore di visite didaltiche stil suolo del Parco stesso. In tale ambito, dato il lavoro svolto, risulta essere interessato ai lavori del 4 Congresso Nazionale dei Parchi e Riserve Natural! di Caracas. In particolare l'interesse e rivolto a butto cio che riguarda la protezione delle specie animali e ben in via d'estinzione, organizzazione e gestione della vigilanza nelle area protette e l'educazione ambientnle operata nelle area a Parco.

Ciro Caraba1lo. Central University of Venezuela, Gnlc.rias Bolivar. Of. 74, Sabana Grande, Caracas, Venezuela. Tel: 582-715650; Fax: 582-710167.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Richard W. Car bin. The Countryside Institute, P.O. Box 1102, Barnard, Vermont 05031, United States. Tel: 802-2345028, Fax: 802-2346444.

BIOGRAPHY: President of the Countryside Institute, a non-governmental, charitable organization, established in the US in 1990 to encourage the exchange of people and ideas within the US and internationally to promote the concepts of countryside stewardship and management.

Jorge Cardenas. Fcdcracion de' Cafeteros Colombia, CaUe 72, No. 7-82, Piso 8, Bogota, DE, Colombia.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 28 -

Eric Cardich. Director Tecnico, Sociedad Pachacama, Camino Real 479 - 8 piso; Lima 27 - Peru - FAO Latin American Network. Tel: 5114-416031; Fax: 5114-411990.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Archie F. Carr III, Wildlife Conservation International, 4424 N.W. 13th Street, Gainesville, FL 32609, United States. Tel: 904-3711713, Fax: 904-3752449.

BIOGRAPHY: As Regional Coordinator for MesoAmerica and the Caribbean for Wildlife Conservation International. Overseeing of field projects in some of the most significant parks and protected areas in the region. Projects are found currently in Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Belize and Mexico. In addition is co-director of a new regional conservation program for Central America that seeks to reestablish a biological corridor along the length of the Central American isthumus and linking the major protected areas of the region.

Alfredo Carrasco, Fundacion Charles Darwin, Casilla 1701, 3891, Quito, Ecuador. Fax: 593-2-443935.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

John A. Carruthers. 39 Mcintosh Way, Kanata, Ontario Canada K2L 2N9. Tel: 819-9940770, Fax: 819-9534908.

BIOGRAPHY: Currently leading a major policy review for the Canadian Parks Service. While on assignment, work with the University of Waterloo to help establish and manage The Heritage Resources Centre. Established the national parks system planning methodology for Canada and worked on creating many of Canada's national parks and reserves.

John Cartwrieht. Department of Political Science, Social Science Centre, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario N6A 5C2, Canada. Tel: 519-4332211, Fax: 519-6613868.

BIOGRAPHY: Currently teaching and doing research in environmental politics, with particular interest in problems of conservation of natural areas in the third world.

Pablo Casas Dupuv. INDERENA, Division de Parque Nacionales, Carrera 10 2 20 30 p. 8. Bogota, Colombia. Fax: 2433091.

BIOGRAPHY: Anthropologist/Archaeologist. Assistant in affairs related to cultural mankind heritage and indigenous communities of the National Park System Division, INDERENA, Colombia. Has undertaken archaeological and ethnological projects in national parks. - 29 -

Jesus Casas Grande. Matalascanas, El Acebuche, Almonte, 21760 Huelva, Spain. Tel: 955 430540; Fax: 955 430066.

BIOGRAPHY: Director Conservador del Parque Nacional de Donana; Ingeniero de Montes.

P.G. Castaneda. MAB Programme Philippines, 4/F Asiatrust Bank Building, 1424 Quezon Ave., Quezon City, Philippines. Fax: 632-9213717.

BIOGRAPHY: Consultant: Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme, Philippines. Integrated Protected Area Systems, Department of Environment and Natural Reosurces. Debt-for-Nature Swap Program, Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Bird painter and naturalist.

Carlos Castano Uribe. INDERENA-IMFARQUES, Cra. 10 20-30 Piso 8. Tel: 2 833458; and Roberto Zamane, pro-tempore Secretariat of the Amazonian Cooperation Treaty).

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Aradit Castellanos Vera. Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas de BCS, AC, Apartado postal no. 128, La Paz, BCS, CP23000, Brazil. Tel: 682.53633, Fax: 682-53625.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologo, investigador asociado en un centro de investigaciones biologicas de influencia regional en ia peninsula d« Baja California. Su trabajo esta relacionado con el establecimiento, adininistracion y manejo de areas naturales protegidas en la region y en las islas Revillagigedo en el oceano Pacifico noroccidental Mexicano.

Juan Ignacio Castello Vidal. Servicio de Parques Naturales, Deputacion de Barcelona, San Honorato, 1, 08036 Barcelona, Spain. Tel: 343-4022484, Fax: 343-4022493.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Adriana Castillo Blancarte. Instituto de Biologia. Calle Los Angeles Ltd. 6 Mzna 6, Col. corpus Cristhy. CP. 01530, Mexico, D.F.

BIOGRAPHY: Estudios profesionales realizados en la Facultad de Ciencias en la carrera de Biologia. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Participacion en el III Congreso Internacional de Recursos Naturales y Vida Silvestre, conla ponencia: "Secuencias de comportamiento en jaguares (Panthera onca) en cautiverio." Guadalajara, Jal, Mex. - 30 -

Geodisio Castillo Diaz. Fundacion Dobbo Yala, Zona 3, Panama. Tel: 507 27 6022; Fax: 507 62 5942.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingenieur Agronomo, con especializacion en Agroforesteria y Planificacion, Manejo y Desarrollo de Areas Silvestres Protegidas por la Universidad de las Nacioncs Unidas y el Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza. Presidente Ejecutivo de la Fundacion Dobbo Yala. Coordina proyecto de Capaca itacion y extension Agroforestnl en Kuna Yala y legalizacion (Estrategia) de la Comarca Kuna de Madengandi.

Ada R. Castillo Ordinola. Asociacion Peruana para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza -APECO, Parque Jose de Acosta 187, Lima 17 - Peru. Tel: 51 14 616316; Fax: 51 14 633048/424585.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologa. Trabaja en la Reserva de la Biosfera del Manu en Proyecto de Educacion Ambiental y Conservacion del Parque Nacional del Manu.

Dulce Mesquita Castleton. U.S. Embassy STO Domingo, Unit 5527, APO AA 34041, Dominican Republic. Tel: 809-6859780; Fax: 809-68609/9.

BIOGRAPHY: Chief field investigator for HICN's Population and Natural Resources Programme. A specialist in rural extension work and promotion of women's participation in development, she has worked on man development projects, notably in Guinea-Bissau, , Cote d'lvoire and ner native Brazil. Now living in the Dominican Republic, she will contiue to work on women and environmental protection issues.

Gonzalo Castro. WHSRN, P.O. Box 1770, Manomet, MA 02345, United States. Tel: 508-2246521, Fax: 508-2249220.

BIOGRAPHY: B.S. y M.S. en Biologia, Universidad Cayetano Heredia, Lima, y Ph.D. en Ecologia, University of Penssylvania. Program Manager (Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network).

Haroldo Castro, Conservation International, 1015 18th St. NW, Suite 1000, Washington DC 20036, United States, Tel: 202-4295660, Fax: 202-8875188.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Juan Manuel Castro. Fundacion Peruana Para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza FPCN, 18-1393. Lima, Peru. Tel: 5114 422796; Fax: 5114 427853.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. ־ 31־

Miguel Castrovieio Bolibar. Avenida de Anaga 37, 38001 , Spain. Tel: 922 282300; Fax: 922 283600.

BIOGRAPHY: Director-Conservador del Parque Nacional del Teide; Doctor Ingeniero de Monies. Miembro de la Comision de Parques Nacionales y Areas Protegidas de la UICN.

Nick Cater. Words and Picture, 66 Burghill Road, London SE26 4HL, United Kingdom. Tel: 4481-6595992, Fax: 4471-7383787.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

S. Cavalli. Coordinamento Parchi Regional!, Via Aurelia Nord 4, 56100 Pisa, Italy. Fax: 050-535650.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Hector Ceballos-Lascurain. IUCN, Avenue du Mont Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 22-649236, Fax: 22-642926.

BIOGRAPHY: IUCN Coordinator of the Parks Congress. Architect by training, with 20-year experience in fields of ecotourism, protected areas, regional planning and ornithology. Was Director General of Standards for Mexican Ministry of Ecology (SEDUE) and Founding President of PRONATURA, a Mexican NGO. Will be conducting a project on Ecotourism as a Tool for Conservation for IUCN after the Congress.

Rafael Celis. Director, Sustainable Development Programme, CATIE, P.O. Box 106, 7170 Turrialba, Costa Rica.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Hector A. Centeno. Fundacion Defensores de la Naturaleza, 7a. Avenida 13-01, Zona 9, Edificio La Cupula 01009, Guatemala, C.A. Tel. 325064, Fax: 5022-322671.

BIOGRAPHY: Presidente, Fundacion Defensores de la Naturaleza, Presidente, REDES C.A., Capitulo Guatemala.

Fausto Cepeda. Manager of Galapagos National Park, Santa Cruz, Galapagos, Ecuador. Tel: 593 2 244 803; Fax: 593 2 443935).

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 32 -

Marco Vinicio Cerczo Blandon. 14 Calle 'B' 14-24 Zona 10, Col. Oakland, Guatemala City, Guatemala. Tel: 682454, Fax: 682454.

BIOGRAPHY: Director General, Fundacion para el Ecodesarrollo y la Conservacion, FUNDAECO, Coordinador Inter-Institucional de Programas de Reforestacion (1989-1990).

Jan Ccrovskv. IUCN Vice-President, Czechoslovak National Coordinator, Slezska 9, 25 1209 Prague 2, Czcclioslovakia, Tel: 422-2152609, Fax: 422-731357.

BIOGRAPHY: Ecologist (Botany) and Conservationist by training, has worked for 40 years in conservation both at national level (currently chief scientist in the Czech Institute for Nature Conservation) as well as at international level (working with IUCN since 1966, as present IUCN Vice-President).

L. Cerutti. Fundacion Vida Silvestre Argentina, Defense 245, 1005 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel: 303778, Fax: 331 4864.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Milagre Cezcrilo. Praca dos Herois Mocambicanos, DNFFB, Ministerio da Agriculture, , . Tel: 258 1 460036; Fax: 258 1 460060.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of the Experimental Forest Centre.

Paul Chabeda. Assistant Director, Kenya Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 45699, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel: 891636, Fax: 520711.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Harry Nixon Chabwela. c/o IUCN, P.O. Box 745, . Tel: 728266.

BIOGRAPHY: Formerly the Director of the Department of National Parks and Wildlife of , and later the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Wildlife and Tourism. Currently a consultant in wildlife management and wetlands conservation in Southern Africa.

Jonas Chafota. Dept. of National Parks & Wildlife Management, Matetsi Research Unit, P.O. Box 5926, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Tel: 113-433516, Fax: 4683.

BIOGRAPHY: M.Sc. degree from Colorado State University in Wildlife Biology. Currently employed by the Department and responsibilities relate to sustainable hunting quota allocations, trophy quality control, wildlife population estimates and assessment of the economic viability of the safari industry. - 33 -

Bouzid ChaXabi. Institut National Agronomir!ue, Dept. de Foresterie et de Protection de la Nature, avenue Pasteur, 16200 El Harrach, Alger, . Tel: 276-198789.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Brian Challenger. Head, OECS-NRMU, P.O. Box 1383, Mc Vane Drive, Sans Souci, West Indies. Tel: 809.4521873, Fax: 809-4532778.

BIOGRAPHY: Head of the Natural Resources Management Unit of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean Slates, with responsibility for coordinating regional environmental programmes in eight Eastern Caribbean countries (including the area of Parks and Protected Areas).

Nina Chambers. University of Idaho, College of Forestry, Wildlife and Range Science, Dept. of Resource Recreation and Tourism, Moscow, ID 83843, USA. Tel: 208 885 7911; Fax: 208 885 6226.

BIOGRAPHY: She is currently a graduate student at the University of Idaho studying international protected area management (specifically in Latin America and the Caribbean) and the participation of local people in conservation.

Neemedass Chandool. Dept. of Resource Recreation and Tourism, College of Forestry, Wildlife and Range Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho 83843, USA. Tel: 208 8857911; Fax: 208 8856226).

BIOGRAPHY: Graduate from the Eastern Caribbean Institute of Agriculture and Forestry in 1981. Worked for the Forestry Division of Trinidad and Tobago for 9 years. Last 3 years was attached to the National Parks section involved in environmental education and publicity. One of the persons responsible for the environmental education drive. Presently a student at the University of Idaho pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Resource Recreation and Tourism.

Stuart Cha lie. National Environmental Management Project, Department of Town & Country Planning, P.O. Box 2350, Government Buildings, Suva, Fiji. Tel: 679 211208; Fax: 679 303515.

BIOGRAPHY: Project Manager, Fiji National Environment Management Project and Principal Environmental Planner for the Fiji Government since 1989. Previously worked in Australia for 11 years developing regional parks and coastal zone management plans and policies for the West Australian Government. - 34 -

Vasantha Chase. OECS-NRMU, P.O. Box 1383, Castries, Saint Lucres, West Indies. Tel: 809-4536208, 809-4532778.

BIOGRAPHY: Project Coordinator of a project entitled Environmental and Coastal Resources (ENCORE). This is a joint project between the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and USAID. It is located in all the member states of the OECS and emphasizes the partnership - in natural resource management - between the public and private sectors and locally based communty organisations.

Abdul Aleem Chaudhry. Punjab Wildlife Research Centre, Gatwala, P.O. Box 1513, Nishatabad, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Tel: 0411-56598.

BIOGRAPHY: Zoologist, trained subsequently as forester and wildlife ecologist. Served in jobs of management of forests, wildlife parks and zoos, heavily involved in research in the fields of silviculture, range management, watershed management and forest economics. Contributes to research in wildlife management in Pakistan. Technical consultant and presently a member of the Board of Governors to WWF-Pakistan. In charge of Punjab Wildlife Research Centre, Faisalabad, the only institution in the country dedicated to wildlife ecology and management research.

N.P.S. Chauhan. Wildlife Institute of India, P.O. New Forest, Dehra Dun, 248006, India. Fax: 135 23518.

BIOGRAPHY: Presently working as Scientist in Wildlife Management Faculty of the Wildlife Institute of India, teaching and guidng research in the field of wildlife damage problems existing in and around protected areas and their control in India. Since 1976 worked as lecturer in Zoology and Wildlife Sciences at various Central Universities and conducts research on ecology, reproductive physiology and animal damage control aspects of wild mammals. Attended several national and international conferences, symposia and workshops.

Elena Chavarria Correa. Instituto tecnologico y de estudios superiores de Monterrey, Campus Guaymas, Guaymas Son 85400, Mexico. Tel: 622 42422; Fax: 622 2 1453.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologa; facultad de ciencias UNAM (Universidad nacional autonoma de Mexico), M.C. oc.eanografia OSU (Oregon State Universit); actualemente pofesora en el instituto tecnologico y de estudios superiores de Monterrey-Campus Guaymas.

Esau Chaves. Costa Rica, and Mauricio Araquistain, Nicaragua. Oficina Regional para Centro America, Apartado Postal 91-1009, FECOSA, San Jose, Costa Rica. Tel: 506 35 6568; Fax: 506 36 2733.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 35 -

Ravi Ghellam. Wildlife Institute of India, P.O. New Forest, Delira Dun 248006, India. Tel: 0135-28760, Fax: 135-23518).

BIOGRAPHY: Research fellow with the Wildlife Institute of India. Completed doctoral research on the ecology of astatic lions. Research interests include ecology and conservation of felids, tropical rainforests and aquatic mammals. Management of small populations and translocation and re-inroduction of endangered species are of special interest.

Wancheng Chen, 343 Zhongshan 7th Road, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, PR of China. Tel: 811649282, 816241.

BIOGRAPHY: Β.Λ. in Nature Protection, 1983, Nanjing Forestry University. Vice-Director of Nature and Wildlife Conservation Department of Guangdong Province, 1983 to present. 1984-1990 organized and conducted the design and programme of 20 natural reserves. 1988 to present, heads an overall survey of wildlife resources in Guangdong Province, and discovered the trace of South China Tiger which is of a really endangered species.

Surachet Chettamart. Kasetsart University, Thailand (Tel: 662-579-0171; Fax: 662-561-4761.

BIOGRAPHY: Has more than 10 years experience in teaching and consultancy work in the field of parks and protected areas. Currently serves as a member of many important national committees related to protected areas and natural resources including Thailand's Forestry Policy Board. Is a member of IUCN CNPPA.

Pui Shan Catherine Cheung. WWF-Hong Kong, GPO Box 12721, Hong Kong. Tel: 852-5261001, Fax: 852-84552734.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Esau Chavez. Director del Proyecto de SIAPAZ, Servicio de Parques Nacionales, Apartado 10104-100, Costa Rica. Tel: 236963, Fax: 236963.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Graham Child. IUCN Senior Advisor, c/o National Commission for Wildlife Conservation and Development, P.O. Box 61681, Riyadh 11575, Saudi Arabia. Tel: 90661-4418413, Fax: 9661-4410797.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Roberta Childers. California Institute of Public Affairs, P.O. Box 189040, Sacramento, CA 95818, USA. Tel: 1 916 442 2472; Fax: 1 916 442 2478.

BIOGRAPHY: Assistant to the Chairman, Commission on Environmental Strategy and Planning. - 36 -

Patrick Chipungu. National Environmental Council, P.O. Box 50694, Ridgeway, , Zambia. Tel: 253132; Fax: 253738.

BIOGRAPHY: Executive Director, National Environmental Council, Ministry of the Environment. Formerly Director of National Parks and Wildlife.

Carlos Chirinos Arrieta. Plaza Arrospide No. 9, San Isidro, Peru. Tel: 400549-224033, Fax: 424365.

BIOGRAPHY: Abogado. Miembro de la Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental (SPDA). Responsable del Area de Litigios y Extension. Coordinador del Comitc Nacional dc la UICN. Miembro de la Coordinadora Red Ambiental Peruana. Alitor del libro "Terrorismo y Delito" (1990).

B.C. Choudhurv. Wildlife Institute of India, Dehra Dun 248006, India. Tel: 0135-28769, Fax: 0135-23518.

BIOGRAPHY: Faculty Scientist in the Wildlife Management Faculty of the Wildlife Institute at Dehra Dun, India. Is involved in teaching and research in wetland management, captive breeding of endangered species, etc. Is also a member of the lUCM/SSC/Crocodiles, Turtles and Indian Subcontinent Amphibian Reptilia Group.

Aiekcey Chuprine Valladares. Apdo. 8-3870, San Jose, Costa Rica. Tel: 406670; Fax: 531073.

BIOGRAPIfY: Antropologo de la rcserva de la Biosfera la Amistad.

Miguel Cifuentes Arias. Coordinador Regional del WWF en Centroamerica, 7170 CAT Γ E, Apdo 70, Turrialba, Costa Rica. Tel: 56-1712, Fax: 506-561421.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologo, M.Sc. Recursos naturales. Ecuatoriano. Ex-superintendente Parque Nacional Galapagos, Ecuador. Actual coordinador regional del WWF en Centroamerica.

Habout Dramane Cisse, 01 Boite postale 4126, Abidjan 01, Cote d'lvoire. Tel: 225-219141, Fax: 225-214618.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingenieur des Eaux et Forets. Directeur de la Protection de la Nature depuis mars 1991. Sous-directeur des Pares nationaux et Reserves de 1988 a 1991. Chef de Service Chasse et Environnement de 1984 a 1988. - 37 -

Daniel Van R. Claasen. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, P.O. Box 1379, Townsville, Queensland 4810, Australia. Tel: 6177-8181811, Fax: 6177-726093.

BIOGRAPHY: Marine Parks Planner with the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. Has extensive experience in resource data mapping with a focus on remote sensing and GIS. Is currently director of the Authority's external services section.

Jane Claricoates. The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, Slimbridge, Gloucester GL2 7BT, UK). Tel: 0453-890333, Fax: 0453-890827.

BIOGRAPHY: Formally trained as a field biologist, later specialising in peatland ecology. As a field biologist, worked in tourism facility planning, oil exploration and environmental impact assessments of development proposals, always looking at the ecological wise use aspects, both in the UK and overseas. Has trained personnel, and overseen collection of scientific field data relating to wildlife populations and dynamics for land-use planning in remote but popular areas of the tundra and high arctic. Now employed by the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust at Slimbridge, UK as Senior and Coordinator of Wetland Link International, a new network to enable communication between staff of public wetland conservation centres to share expertise and identify good practice.

Aitken Clark. Broads Authority, Thomas Harvey HouSe, 18 Colegatc, Norwich, Norfolk NR3 1EQ, UK. Tel: 603 610734; Fax: 603 765710.

BIOGRAPHY: President, European Nature and National Parks Federation. Member of IUCN, CNPPA. Director, Broads Authority, Britain's Wetland National Park.

Daphne Clark, World Conservation Monitoring Centre, 219c Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, CB3 0DL, UK. Tel: 223 277314; Fax: 223 277136.

BIOGRAPHY: Researching protected area systems in Latin America for the WCMC.

Bertram! de C1ers. 15 rue de Teheran, 75008 Paris, France. Tel: 1-45635133, Fax: 1-45633294.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 38 -

Thomas L. Cobb. Planning and Research Bureau, New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, Agency Building 1, Nelson A. Rockefeller Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12238, USA. Tel: 518-4740414, Fax: 518-4862916.

BIOGRAPHY': Currently working with the Planning and Research Bureau of the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation in Albany, New York. Is a former staff member of the National Parks and Conservation Association in Washington DC and also served with the US Peace Corps in Honduras and Peru. Holds a doctorate degree in natural resources policy and management from the College of Environmental Science and Forestry at Syracuse University.

Ralph 0. Cobham. Cobham Resource Consultants, The Greenhouse, Stratton, Way, Abingdon, Oxon 0X14 3QP, UK. Tel: 235 526012; Fax: 235 532876.

BIOGRAPHY: Ex-University Lecturer and Corporate Business Manager; 19 years: Senior Partner, CRC, Environmental Planning, Design, Management and Tourism Consultants. IUCN consultant on National Conservation Strategies: Barbados, Botswana, Pakistan and Zimbabwe. IUCN Representative, Botswana 1987-89. Extensive Heritage Conservation, Restoration and Tourism work for UK, USA, and other Parks. Co-author of two national reports (1983, 1992) on the Economic and Conservation Contributions of Countryside Sports in UK. Elected Fellow of The Landscape Institute, 1987.

Flavio Coello Hinoiosa. Metropolitan Touring, Av. Amazonas 239, 8 Piso, P.O. Box 17-12-0310, Quito, Ecuador. Tel: 237347, Fax: 5932-564655.

BIOGRAPHY: Director responsable del proyecto de ecoturismo en area protegidas de la amazonia ecuatoriana bajo convenio de la empresa privada y el Gobierno. Asesor para reservas de Biosfera capitulo ΜΛΒ-Ecuador y Division de Areas Naturales y Vida Silvestre.

Michael Cohen, Chief Directorate, Environmental Conservation, Department of Environment Affairs, Trivate Bag X447, , 0001 Republic of South Africa). Tel: 012-3103700, Fax: 012-3222682.

BIOGRAPHY: Deputy Director in the Department of Environment Affairs. The sub-directorate is responsible for coordinating the South African Plan for Nature Conservation, the Heritage Programme, its sites programmes and related research. The section also coordinates the CITES and RAMSAR Convention. Has had experience in protected area planning and management as well as in environmental education.

Peter L. Comanor. US National Park Service, Wildlife and Vegetation Division (490), P.O. Box 37127, Washington D.C. 20013-7127, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 39 -

Claudia Concha-Murray. Comite Nacional Pro.Defensa del Ambiente, CODEFF. Casilla 3675, Santiago - Chile. Tel: 562-377290; Fax: 562-377290.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Richard Condit. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Unit 0948, Apo ΑΛ 34002-0948, United States. Tel: 507-276022, Fax: 507-625942.

BIOGRAPHY: Population biologist, ecologist. Has studied mammals, birds, microorganisms and tropical forest trees.

Charles Convis. 380 New York Street, Redlands, CA 92373, United States. Tel: 714-7932853, Fax: 714-7935953.

BIOGRAPHY: Degrees in Natural History and many years working in the computer industry. Lived and worked for IUCN off and on through the 1980s, in Africa, Asia and Europe, with tropical ecology research work in Brazil. Currently coordinator of the Conservation Program at ESRI, also design consultant on the digital chart of the World Project at ESRI.

John Cooper. Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology, University of , Rondebosch 7700, South Africa). Tel: 2721-6503294, Fax: 2 721-6503295.

BIOGRAPHY: Antarctic Officer responsible for management of South Africa's ornithological research in the Sub-Antarctic and Antarctic. Interested in conservation management of oceanic islands, member of CNPPA: Antarctic Realm.

Angelo Cordara. c/o Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino, Via Isonzo 1, 20013 Magenta (Mi), Italy. Tel: 02-9794401, Fax: 02-97950607.

BIOGRAPHY: Geometra, gia Senatore della Rcpublica Italiana, Consigliere Delegato all'Agricoltura presso il Consorzio Parco Lombarde della Valle del Ticino e da circa 10 anni impegnato nella protezione del1'ambiente sia presso questo Ente sia all'esterno. In particolare l'interesse e rivolto alia gestione agricola delle aree protette, al rapporto fra protezione dell'ambiente e antropizzazione, limiti, modi di organizzazione, nueve tecniche per una fruizione sempre migliore del suolo alle scope di produrre qualitativamente conservando le risorse natural! ed ambientali del territoria.

John Cordcll. Dept of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland 4072, Australia. Tel: 61 7 365 3087; Fax: 61 7 365 1544.

BIOGRAPHY: Currently principal research fellow, Dept. of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Queensland. Interested in land tenure and protected areas and indigenous peoples rights in marine conservation. Has experience in Brazil and Melanesia. Most recent research in the Torres Strait region. -־ 40 -

Laura Cornwell, Rt. 2, Box 2287, La Plata, MD 2064G, USA. Tel: 202 260 3825; Fax: 202 260 7883.

BIOGRAPHY: She is a PhD candidate at the University of Maryland, pursuing a degree in marine-estuarine-environmental science and a certificate programme in ecological economics with the Maryland International Institute for Ecological Economics. Her focus is evaluating the contribution of protected areas in developing countries, specifically Latin America and the Caribbean.

Luis F. Corrales, The Nature Conservancy, LASP, 1814 North Lynn Street, Arlington, VA 22209, United States. Tel: 703-8412715, Fax: 703-8412722.

BIOGRAPHY: Information Systems Manager for the Latin America and the Caribbean Science Program of the Nature Conservancy. Magister Science in Ecology, University of Costa Rica.

Carlos Corrie. Petroleos de Venezuela, Apartado 169, Caracas 1010, Venezuela. Tel: 582 708 4111; Fax: 582 708 4941.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Jorge Cortaz. Asesor, Sub-Secretaria de Recursos naturales y del Medio Ambiente, c/o Academia Nacional de Ciencias, Ave. 16 de Julio No. 1732, Casilla 5829, La Paz, Bolivia.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Marco Cortes. Comite Nacional Pro-Defensa del Ambiente,CODEFF, Casilla 3675, Santiago, Chile. Tel: 562-771607, Fax: 562-377290.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Maite Cortes, Colectivo Ecologista Jalisco, Juana de Arco 22, S.H., CP. 44690, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Tel: 36 150948; Fax: 36 416961.

BIOGRAPHY: Trabajo desde 1986 en una ONG en Guadalajara. He vivido y estudiado tambien en Hamburgo, RFA. Mi area es principalmente la promocion de programas de educacion y concientizacion ambiental y el diseno y programacion de alternatives para su gestion ante gobierno local y federal. Soy licenciado en letras.

Jose Courrau. Servicio de Parques Nacionales, Apartado 10104-1000, San Jose, Costa Rica. Tel. 33 4118/33 4246; Fax: 23 69 63.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Kenneth W. Cox. 1750 Courtwood Cres. No.200, Ottawa, Ontario K2C 2B5, Canada. Tel: 613-2282601, Fax: 613-2280206.

BIOGRAPHY: Chairman, Canadian Wetlands Conservation Task Force, North American Wetlands Conservaion Council (Canada). - 41 -

Alan Craig. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Office of Public Works, 51, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, Ireland. Tel: 01-6131116, Fax: 01-610747.

BIOGRAPHY: Chief Parks Superintendent with the National Parks and Wildlife Service of the Office of Public Works, Ireland.

Wendy Craik. GBRMPA, P.O. Box 1379, Townsville, Qld 4180, Australia. Tel: 6177-818811; Fax: 6177-726093.

BIOGRAPHY: Assistant Executive Officer in charge of the Planning and Management Section of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. The Section is responsible for developing, implementing and reviewing zoning plans and the development of other planning and management strategies. Has worked for the Authority for about 13 years in a variety of positions, including Assistant Executive Officer in Charge of the Research and Monitoring Section. Has been in charge of the Company's oil spill response activities for some yea rs.

Ian Craven. P.M. Purba, Djoko Setiono, D. Womiswor and S. Thamrin, c/o Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation, Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 15, P.O. Box 133, Bogor 16001, Indonesia. Tel: 21 720 3095; Fax: 21 739 5907.

BIOGRAPHY: WWF Project Leader, Wasur National Park, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Have worked with the WWF Irian Jaya Programme since 1985 on projects involving local community participation in protected area management.

Jorge Luis Cravino. Ecological Tours, 25 de Mayo 732, Montevideo 11000, Uruguay. Tel: 92 09 30; Fax: 92 09 96.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Miles Croom. NOAA Sanctuaries and Reserves Division, 1825 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington D.C, USA. Tel: 202 6064126; Fax: 202 3288478.

BIOGRAPHY: Site evaluation list manager for the US National Marine Sanctuary Program, responsible for coordinating the selection of areas for consideration as marine sanctuaries. Previously served as manager of the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary in California. Graduate work at Oregon State University focused on porpoise mortality associated with tuna purse seine fishery. Served as helicopter pilot on scientific projects from the Arctic to the Antarct ic.

M. Crosby. International Council for Bird Preservation, 32 Cambridge Road, Girton, Cambridge CB3 OPJ, United Kingdom.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 42 -

Kurt Culbertson. Design Workshop, 710 East Durant, Aspen, CO. 81611, USA. Tel: 303 925 8354; Fax: 303 920 1028.

BIOGRAPHY: President, Desigti Workshop Inc., a land planning and landscape architecture firm with offices in Aspen and Denver, Colorado; Phoenix, Arizona; and Sao Paulo, Brazil. The firm is involved in planning and design of resort and tourism facilities and national parks and protected areas on an international basis.

Claudio Cunazza. Corporacion Nacional Forestal, CONAF, Av. Bulnes No. 259 Oficina 604, Santiago, Chile. Tel: 562 6991257; Fax: 562-715881.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Ernesto Curie1. Central University of Venezuela, Calle "B", Qta. La Carpa, Urb. Las Marias, El Hatillo, Caracas, Venezuela, Codigo Postal 1051. Tel: 582-6627169; Fax: 582 6629632.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Randall Curtis. The Nature Conservancy, 1815 North Lynn Street, Arlington, VA 22209, USA. Fax: 703 841 4880.

BIOGRAPHY: Director, Programme; Director, Costa Rica Country Programme; has worked as an advisor to FUCODES, on the establishment of a revolving credit loan fund for farmers and small businesses. He also helped establish a state-wide land trust in Maine to acquire land and promote environmentally sound agricultural, forestry, and housing projects. Has been instrumental in implementing debt-for-nature swaps. B.A. (Government) Bowdoin College, Maine; M.I.M. (International. Management); American Graduate School of International Management, Arizona.

Leonor Ines Cusato. Administration de Parques Nacionales, Av. Santa Fe 690, CP. 1095, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel: 3120257.

BIOGRAPHY: Desde hace mas de diez anos trabaja en la Administracion de Parques Nacionales y la Facultad de Agronomia (UBA) como docente e investigadora sobre Flora Silvestre amenazada en los Parques Nacionales. Realizo presentaciones en Congresos Nacionales e Internacionales. Es autora de la propuesta de conservar el Alcrce en CITES, Ottawa 1987. - A3 -

Ban-Ymary Daboulavc. Direction des Pares Nationaux et Reserves de Faune, B.P. 905 Ndjamena, Tchad. Tel: 512305.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingenieur des techniques forestieries - ayant occupe successivement les functions de Directeru des Eaux, Faune; Directeur General du Ministere du Tourisme des l'artisanal et des resources naturelles; Directeur du Tourisme des Pares et reserves de faune - membre des commissions des pares nationaux et des airs protegee, et de la sauvegarde des species de 1'IUCN; membre du groupe des specialists de rhino et d'elephant d'Afrique; President de MAB Tchad.

Bjorn Dahl. P.O. Box 2750, Asheville, NC 28802, USA. Tel: 70A 257 A268; Fax: 70A 257 A263.

BIOGRAPHY: Received a B.S. in forest resource management, University of Minnesota in 1965. Presently serving as forest supervisor for the National Forests in North Carolina, covering a total land base of over 1 million acres; forest service career began on the Eldorado National Forest in California. Since that time, he has served in varoius capacities on 6 national forests and four regions of the forest service.

Franicisco Dallmeier. Smithsonian Institution, 1100 Jefferson Drive, SW.IC 3123 Washington D.C. 20560, U.S.A. Tel: 202-357A792; Fax: 202-7862557.

BIOGRAPHY: Director, Smithsonian Institution / Man and the Biosphere Biological Diversity Programme. Coordinates and conducts biological diversity research in developing countries. Expertise in tropical rainforest biodiversity monitoring.

J.C. Daniel. Bombay Natural History Society, Hornbill House, Opp. Lion Gate, Shahid Bhagat Singh Road, Fort, Bombay 1-A00 023, India.

BIOGRAPHY: Conservation Biologist, Director (Retired) Bombay Natural History Society; Formerly Vice-Chairman, SSC IUCN; Chairman, Asian Elephant Specialist Group. Presently, Editor Journal BNHS, Research Head, University Department BNHS, Member specialist Groups, SSC on Primates, Elephant, Otter, National Parks.

Claudio Daniele. Avenida Santa Fe 15A8, 10 Piso - CP 1060, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel: 005A-1A 1A228; Fax: 005A-133 10680.

BIOGRAPHY Not available. - 44 -

SUephanus Munadjat Danusaputro. Jalan Diponegoro 28, Jakarta 10310, Indonesia. Tel: 62-21332654; Fax: 62-215664884.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Charles Darby. Principal, Services, 79 Olsen Avenue, Auckland 4, New Zealand. Tel: 649-6243140; Fax: 649-6243140; and Velai Godu, Scientific Officer, Department of Environment and Conservation, Papua New Guinea.

BIOGRAPHY Special interests in conservation of primary rainforest and coastal areas on tribal-owned lands, supported by sustainable development projects for local people. Principal areas of experience arc Melanesia, Polynesia, Pacific Asia and Mauritius.

Lukito Darvadi. Advisor, Ministry of Forestry, Indonesia.

BIOGRAPHY: Ministry of Forestry on the Socio-Economic and Forestry Environmental Impact.

Jean-Louis d'Auzon. President, Association pour la Sauvegarde de la Nature Neo-Caledonienne, B.P. 1772, Noumea, New Caledonia. Tel: 687-283275; Fax 687-283376.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Prof Bruce Davis. IASOS, University of Tasmania, Australia. Tel: 202972; Fax: 61-2-202973.

BIOGRAPlfY: Deputy Director, Institute of Antarctic and Southern Ocean Studies, University of Tasmania. Member of CNPPA.

Gary E. Davis., The George Wright Society, P.O. Box 65, Hancock, Michigan 49930, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Vice-President of the George Wright Society, a non-profit association of protected-area professionals. Research Marine Biologist with the U.S. National Park Seervice at Channel Islands National Park.

Paul Dayton. Scripps Institute of Oceanography, University of California, La Jolla, CA 92093, U.S.A. Tel: 619-5346740; Fax: 619-7551035.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. 45 ־

Philip Deartlcn. Department of Geography, University of Victoria, P.O. Box 3050, Victoria BC, V8W3P5 Canada.

BIOGRArilY: Associate Professor in Department of Geography, University of Victoria. Main research interests - S.E. Asia, parks and local indigenous populations, external threats to parks, ecotourism.

S. Deb Roy. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Patyavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Dehli 110 003, India. Tel: 362785; Fax: 360678.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Wilber G. Dee, Project Director, IPAS, Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau, Quezon Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Maria de Lourdes Davies de Frcitas. ΙΒΛΜΑ/ΡΝΜΑ, SAIN Av. L4 Norte, Ed. Sede do IBAMA, 70.800 Brasilia, DF, Brazil.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

J.J. de Grandmaison. Pare Naturel Regional de Martinique, B.P. 437, Domaine de Tivoli, 97200 Fort de France Cedex, Martinique. Tel: 19-596732872; Fax 19-596647227.

BIOGRAPHY: Conseiller regional. Vice-Presidente du Pare Naturel Regional de Martinique.

Jean-Jacques de Granville. Orstorn, B.P. 165, 97323 Cayenne Cedex, France. Tel: 594-302785; Fax: 594-319855.

BIOGRAPHY: Charge de recherches en botanique au centre Orstom de Cayenne depuis 1969; Directeur du Department de Botanique - specialit.es etude de la biodiversite; biologic des palmiers.

Christian dc Greline. FAO National Parks Specialist, UNDP/FAO, P.O. Box 558, Riyadh 11421, Saudi Arabia. Tel: 966-1462 5666; Fax: 966-14033563.

BIOGRAPHY: FAO expert in Wildland conservation and Protected Areas Management. Continuously worked in the field in Africa and the Middle East since 1973. Presently Adviser to the Government of Saudi Arabia. - 46 -

Rudolf S. de Groot. Coordinator, Climate Change Research Center, Nature Conservation Department, Agricultural University Wageningen, Ritzema Bosweg 32a, 6703 AZ Wageningen, The Netherlands. Tel: 31-8370-82247; Fax: 31-8370-84839.

BIOGRAPHY: Geologist by training. Formerly worked at Nature Conservation Department of the Agricultural University, Wageningen. Main task: development of a comprehensive methodology to assess the benefit of natural ecosystems. Presently coordinator of newly established Research Centre on Climate Change. Active member of IUCN Commission on Environmental Strategy and Planning as of December 1990.

Cyril de Klemm. 21 Rue de Dantzig, 75015, Paris, France. Tel: 331-45322672; Fax: 331-45334884.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Agustin Pena de la Cruz. Gobierno del Estado de Coahuila, Departamento de Ecologia, Allende Nte. 202 6ο. Piso, Edificio Castilla CP. 25000, Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. Tel: 841-49213.).

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Carmen L. de la Maza. University of Chile, Escuela de Ciencias Forestales, Casilla 9206 Santiago Chile. Tel: 5587042 anexos 233 ο 234; Fax: 5587635.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

J. de la Maza. Conservation International.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Miguel Luis de la Rivera Donoso. Ministerio de Educacion, Alonso Ovalle no. 1087, Department of Educacion, Chile. Tel: 335670; Fax: 6962687.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Jose Luis de la Rosa Garcia. Rambla Del General Franco No. 147, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 38001, Islas Canarias, Spain. Tel: 922 259903; Fax: 922 262663.

BIOGRAPHY: Jefe de Conservacion del parque nacional del Teide.

Paula Irene Del Cid Vargas. 8 Ave. 2-08 Zona 15, Col. Trinidad-Guatemala, Guatemala. Tel: 11-5022692356; Fax: 11-5022680660.

BIOGRAPHY: Psicologa Social, trabajando con personas de las aldeas en un Proyecto Demonstrative de Desarrollo Sostenible de UICN en la Reserva de Biosfera Maya, El Peten, Guatemala. - 47 -

Terry De Lacy. Director, Johnstone Centre for Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources, Charles Stuart University, P.O. Box 789, Albury, New South Wales 2640, Australia. Tel: 60-418850; Fax: 60-418897.

BIOGRAPHY: Head of the School of Applied Science and Director of the Johnstone Centre of Parks Recreation and Heritage at Charles Sturt University in Australia.

Hans de Loneh. Gerard Persoon and Bob Wenno, Centre for Environmental, Leiden University, P.O. Box 9518, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands.

BIOGRAPHY: Environmental Ecologist, Wageningen University. Fisheries expert Indonesia 1976-79; Fisheries Biologist FAO 1980-81; Ecologist Hashoniny consultancy 1981-89; Environmental advisor for Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1990; Ecologist, Centre for Environmental Studies 1991.

Gladys De Marco Gonzalez. Ministerio de Recursos Naturales Energia y Minas. Servicio de Parques Nacionales Area Conservacion Amistad, Apdo 10104-1000 San Jose, Costa Rica. Tel: 711155; Fax: 531073.

BIOGRAPHY: Sub-directora del area de conservacion Amistad de Costa Rica. Funcionaria del Servicio de Parques Nacionales de Costa Rica por trece anos. Con experiencia mayormentc en el area de la Educacion ambiental y proyeccion comunal.

Jose Pedro de Oliveira Costa. Rua Cons. Carrao, 640, Sao Paulo, SP 01328, Brazil. Tel: 55 11 2895031.

BIOGRAPHY: IUCN Regional Councillor for Central and South America; Coordinator of the proposal of the Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve in Brazil; Coordinator of the IUCN Task Force for UNESCO Protected Areas in Latin America.

Frances Dennis. 33 Eastbury Road, Northwood, Middlesex, HA6 3AJ, U.K. Tel: 44-923822991; Fax: 44-923835578.

BIOGRAPHY: Consultant to IUCN Social Sciences Division. Formerly Director of Information and Public Relations, International Planned Parenthood Federation.

Carlos Alberto De Paco Alvarado. Apartado 1108-1002, San Jose, Costa Rica. Tel: 32-250201744; Fax: 506-200939.

BIOGRAPHY: Director Tecnico de la Fundacion de Parques Nacionales. Vice-Presidente Comite MAB/Costn Rica. Master en Admiistracion de Negocios. Areas de inter.es especifico: "Manejo de zonas costeras y parques marinos"; "Manejo de Ecoturismo en Parques Nacionales y Areas protegidas". - 48 -

Allenisheo Lnlanath Mark de Silva. 29 Siripa Road, Colombo 5, Sri Lanka. Tel: 94-1588804; Fax: 94-1588804 or 94-1446518; Telex: 22894 sagco ce.

BIOGRAPHY: Executive Director of the Environmental Foundation, Sri Lanka. Having been active in public interest environmental law for over a decade, he is a member of the panel of jurists for the second International Water Tribunal and a member of the IUCN Commission on Environmental Law.

Carmen M. de Weber. Inter-institutional Committee for the Environment, Espana 114, Asuncion, Paraguay. Tel: 610127.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Jesus M. Deleado. Program Nacional do Meio Ambiente-IBAMA, Rua Jonquim da Silva Martha 13-27, Bauru 17040, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Tel: 55 142 232023; Fax: 55 142 239484.

BIOGRAPHY: Miembro de la Comision de Parques de la UICN; presidente de la Sociedad educative Gaia, Brazil; Consultor responsavel pel programs de treinamento e capacitacao do IBAMA, na area de unidades de conservacao.

Jose Maria Deleado. Codigo Postal 2119, Quito, Ecuador. Tel: 541 955; Fax: 5932 564037.

BIOGRAPHY; Jefe Reserve Faunistica Cuyabeno.

Jean-Pierre D'Huart. WWF-Belgium, Chaussee de Waterloo 608, 1060 Bruxelles, Belgique. Tel: 2-3473030; Fax: 2-3440511, Telex: 23986 wwfbel.

BIOGRAPHY: Conservateur scientifique dans les pares nationaux du Zaire 1971-75; Directeur de la conservation au WWF-Belgiuin depuis 1979, charge de missions dans les pares nationaux d'Afrique centrale.

Sanat Dhuneel. G.P.O. Box 860, Kathmandu, Nepal. Tel: 977-1227926 or 220912; Fax: 977-1410073.

BIOGRAPlfY: Director General, Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, Nepal. Research interest, big mammals, breeding endangered species. - 49 -

Surya Dhungel. P.O. Box 4851, Radhakuti Arcade (3rd. floor), Ramshah Path, Kathmandu, Nepal. Tel: 977-1419091; Fax: 977-1419955.

BIOGRAPHY: Associate Professor of Law, Tlibuvan University, Nepal; Environmental and Constitutional Lawyer; Associated with Society for Legal and Environmental Analysis and Development Research (LEADERS) and Society for Constitutional and Pnrlimentary Exercise (SCOPE).

Rolf Diamant. Olmsted National Historic Site, National Park Service, 99 Warren Street, Brookline, MA 02146, USA. Tel: 617 566 1689; Fax: 617 232 3964.

BIOGRAPHY: He is a park manager of the Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site (USNPS) which includes the Olmsted Archives (documenting 5,000 historic landscape projects) and the recently established Olmsted Center for Landscape Preservation. He has directed the USNPS's Wild and Scenic Rivers Programme in New England and is principal author of A Citizen's Guide to River Conservation.

Fernando Diaz del Olmo. c/o Aceituno, no. 3 - 2B, Seville, Tel: 5-4551367; Fax: 5-4551351.

BIOGRAPHY: Cajedratico del Departamento de Geografia, Universidad de Seville; Tresidente AEMA (one miembro de UICN).

Antonio Carlos Diepucs, Coordinator, Programme of Research and Conservation of Wetlands in Brazil. Fax: 011-8145050.

BIOGRAPHY: Coordinador del programme de Humedales en Brasil - Universidade de S. Paulo. Apoyo UICN - F. Ford - JDRC.

Dr. F. Dieterich. Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Postfach 12 06 29, 5300 Bonn I, Germany. Tel: 228-3052620; Fax: 228-3052695

BIOGRAPHY: Head of section "protection of endangered species of wild animals and plants and biotopes" at the Federal Ministry for the environment, nature conservation and nuclear safety, Germany.

Ian Dight. Department of Civil and Systems Engineering, James Cook University Townsville, Queensland, Australia. 4811 Tel: 077-818868; Fax: 077-751148

BIOGRAPHY: Research Fellow from James Cook University of N. Quensland, Australia and scientific consultant to Great Barrier Reef Narine Park Authority. An inter-disciplinary background in the physical and biological sciences, his research interests lie in biological modelling, larval dispersal and recruitment of tropical marine organisms, life-history theory and environmental impact assessment and monitoring. - 50 -

Robert Dileer• c/o SUREHMA, Engenheiro Reboucas 1206, 80.120 Curitiba, PR, Brazil. Tel: 41-2256283; Fax: 41-2548257.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Paul Richard Dinewa11. Department of Conservation, P.O. Box 10-420, Wellington, New Zealand. Tel: 64-44710726; Fax: 64-44713279.

BIOGRAPHY: Scientist in New Zealand Department of Conservation and consultant to IUCN on Antarctica and Protected Areas. Vice-Chair of CNPPA for Antarctic Region.

Bagno Died ie. Directeur General des eaux et forets, Ministere de 1'agriculture et des ressources animales, BP V 94, Abidgan, Cote D'lvoire. Tel: 225-221629.

BIOGRAPHY: Directeur General des eaux et forests, (depuis 1990); Ancien Directeur de la protection de la nature, de 1'agraculture, de la pisciculture, des peches en eaux continentales et de Γ environnement hydrographi que (de 1986 a 1990); Ancien Directeur des pares nationaux (1978 a 1980).

James Dobbin. James Dobbin Associates Incorporated, Coastal, Ocean, and Land Planners, 601 Prince Street, Suite 300, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, USA. Tel: 703-838322; Fax: 703-8366383.

BIOGRAPHY: President and Chief Executive Officer of an international environmental planning firm in Alexandria, Virginia that specialists in coastal zone planning, integrated regional resource planning and all aspects of planning, design, and management of marine and terrestrial protected areas since 1970. Member of IUCN Commission on National Parks and Protected Areas and Commission on Environmental Strategy and Planning.

Bob Dobias. Forest Conservation Project, c/o Lao/Swedish Forestry Cooperation Programme, P.O. Box 807, Vientiane, Lao P.D.R. Telex: 4491 TE VTE IS.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Kay T. Dodge. Centre for Environmental Study, 143 Bostwick NE, Grand Rapids, MI. U.S.A. Tel: 616-7713935; Fax: 616-7714005.

BIOGRAPHY: Serves as President of the Centre for Environmental Study, a non-profit environmental organisation dedicated to effective environmental education, communication, anil translation of research. Among its projects the Centre produces television programming, hosts major conferences and workshops, and develops educaitonal materials relating to critical and emerging environmental issues. Helped establish and serves as President of the Centre's Latin American affiliate, Centro de Estudio Ambiental, located in San Jose, Costa Rica. - 51 -

Environnement, Ministere duי Agbenuna Doebe-Tomi. President de 1 development rural et de 1'Environnement, B.P. 355, Lome, . Tel: 228-215285.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available•.

Dr. Werner d ' Oleir e-01 tinanns. Waldhauser Str.- 87, 8240 Schonau/Konigssee, Germany. Tel: 49-6523456; Fax: 49-865264854.

BIOGRAPHY: Zoologist. 1970 WWP-Project, assistant for survey on Somali Wilg ASS; 1973 Research Expedition to Spitzbergen; 1977 Scientific officer in the NAtional Park Berchtesgaden, Germany; 1982-1991 Within coordination group of MAB-6~project; 1990 Scientific exchange with Changbai Shan Biosphere Reserve in NO-China.

Susana Donoso de Baixeras. Centro de Datos para la Conservacion, Casilla 8834, La Paz, Bolivia. Tel: 591-2377764; Fax: 591-2357352.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Peter John Pooling. Faculty of Forestry, 270 2357 Main Mall, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4, Canada. Tel: 604-8223540; Fax: 604-8229106.

BIOGRAPHY: Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia, responsible for teaching graduate studies and research in Conservation, Recreation and Natural Areas Management. A member of CNPPA and recipient of the National Parks of Canada Centennial Award (1985) and Centennial Service Award (1986), Government of Canada and Canadian Parks Service respectively.

Robert Doren. Everglades National Park, P.O. Box 279, Homestead, Fl. 33030-0297, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

John Dorman. 12 Rodgers Street, Teralba, N.S.W. 2284, Australia. Tel: 61-49581564; Fax: 61-49216901.

BIOGRAPHY: Active in since 1960. Councillor and Past President of the National Parks Association of New South Wales Inc. Member of CNPPA.

James B. Dougherty. Vice President for Programs, Defenders of Wildlife, 1244 Nineteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 52 -

Marc Douroieanni. Inter-American Development Bank, Chief, Environmental Division, 1300 New York Ave., NW, Washington DD 20577, USA. Tel: 202-6231795; Fax: 202-6231315.

BIOGRAPHY: Jefe de la division de proteccion del ambiente del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Fue professor y decano en la Universidad Agraria de Lima, Peru. Fue director general forestal del Peru. Fue vice-presidente y consejero de la UICN y vice presidente dc la CNPPA.

Michael Power, National Park Officer, Peak District National Park, Aldern House, Baslow Road, Bakewell, Derbyshire DE4 IRE, U.K. Tel: 629-814321; Fax: 629-812659.

?HY: Director of Peak National Park, England. Previously an official of the United Nations Development Programme, and is a Past President of the European Council for the Village and Small Town.

Nicolas Drayton. Caribbean Conservation Association, Savannah Lodge, The Garrison,, St. Michael, Barbados. Tel: 809-4265373 or 809 4269635; Fax: 809-4298483.

BIOGRAPHY: Programme coordinator for the Marine Parks and Protected areas project of the Caribbean Conservation Association. A marine biologist, he has also worked as a consultant to the organisation of Eastern Caribbean States and as a research assistant at the Center for Resource Management and Environmental Studies at the University of the West Indies, Barbados.

Carel Driiverr Centre for Environmental Studies, P.O. Box 9518, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands. Tel: 31-71277482; Fax: 31-71277496.

BIOGRAPHY: Environmental Scientist involved in buffcrzone development and wetland management in Africa.

Clifford Drvsdale. Park Ecologist, Canadian Parks Service, Kejimkujik National Park, Maitland Bridge, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia, Canada BOT 1N0. Tel: 902-6822770; Fax: 902-8579981.

BIOGRAPHY: 1970-75 Chief Park interpreter in Point Pelee National Park. Since 1975, Park ecologist in Kejimkujit National Park. My scientific specialities include ecosystem based watershed and wildlife management. As one of Canadian Parks Services' first "in-field scientists", I am interested in developing the managerial and scientific support system infrastructure to strengthen the role and effectiveness of scientific study and education in the context of protected areas management. I have presented papers on Parks resource management at the 1980 IUCN Conference in Krkonose, Czechoslovakia and at the 1991 International Conference on Science and Protected Areas in Wolfviile, N.S. Canada. - 53 -

Eustace D'Souza. Grosvenor Flat no. 1, 174 A St. Cyrils Road, Dandra, Bombay, India. Tel: 6420170; Fax: 4920931; Telex: 76909 esel in.

BIOGRAPHY: Erstwhile Secretary General WWF-India (4 years) and Regional Councillor IUCN East Asia. Currently member of Bombay Natural History Society and Centre for Science and Environment. Advisor Earth Ethics Inc. Florida. Served in the Indian Army 1942-75, and continues to keep in touch carefully monitoring the Army's involvement in protecting the environment. Has written extensively on the subject and made numerous presentations on this subject in India, U.K., Brazilia, U.S.A., Austria, Bulgaria and Holland.

Jules Dufour. Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi, Dcpartement des sciences humaines, 555 boulevard de l'Universite Chicoutimi, Quebec, G7H 2B1 Canada. Tel: 418-5455371 or 418-5455018; Fax: 418-5455012.

BIOGRAPHY: Professeur a l'Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi depuis 1971. II est presentement directeur du programme de maitrise en Etudies regionales. II s'interesse aux questions de 1'environnement et de la conservation des ressources naturelles depuis une quinzaine d'annes.

Alain Dufrcsne. Service canadien des pares, 3 rue Buade, CP. 6060 Haute-Ville, Quebec G1R 4V7, Canada. Tel: 418-6484049; Fax: 418-6484234.

BIOGRAPHY: Travaille au Service canadien des pares depuis 20 ans, tout d'abord en tant que garde en chef du pare national Kouchibouguac (3 ans), puis comme responsable de la recherche scientifique pour la region du Quebec (3 ans) et enfin comme responsable de la Conservation des ressources naturelles de la region du Quebec. Ainsi contribue a la planification dc programmes et a la mise en valeur et protection des pares nationaux. En plus realise plusieurs missions de cooperation dans plusieurs pays eu voie de developpement (Cameroun, Cote d'lvoire, , Ghana, Comores, Madagascar, Haiti) associces a la creation de pares nationaux et au developpement institutionnel.

Patrick J. fiugafl, IUCN, Av. du Mont Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 22-649114, Fax: 22-642926.

BIOGRAPHY: Wetlands Programme Coordinator. Organiser of Workshop 11-10 - Protected Areas and the Hydrological Cycle. Coordinator of IUCN's Wetlands Programme since 1984. Prior to joining IUCN worked for over 8 years on wetland conservation issues in northern Europe, the Mediterranean and West Africa.

Deud Dumith. INPARQUES; CA. Carrasquel, MAKNR; y Camcjo A Colon, Edificio Camejo, Entrada Oeste, Caracas 1010, Venezuela. Tel: 582-5454629.

BIOGRAPHY Not available. - 54 -

Nigel Dunstone. Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Durham, South Road, Durham City, Dill 31.E, U.K. Tel: 91-3743348; Fax: 91-3743741.

BIOGRAPHY: Lecturer in Biological Sciences, University of Durham, U.K. Mammal biologist specialist in neotropical fields, tapir and giant otter. Ecotourism consultant.

Joanna Durbin. Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology, The University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NY, UK. Tel: 81-4583037.

BIOGRAPHY: Post graduate student at the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology, Kent University, U.K. Currently doing research in Madagascar on the interactions between local people and protected areas.

Manuel Durban. ICONA, Avada. Anaga, 37-1, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain. Tel: 922 283558; Fax: 922 283600.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingeniero de Montes; director conservador del parque nacional de la Caldera de Taburiente.

H.M. Durvat. Directorate of National Parks ami Recreation Forests, Jalan Ir. II. Juanda 15, P.O. Box 133, Bogor 16001, Indonesia. Fax: 0251-323972 or 021-584818).

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Mary Dyson. World Bank, 1818 II. Street, N.W., Room S.3051, Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A. Tel: 202-4733425; Fax: 202-4770968.

BIOGRAPHY: Anthropologist at World Bank in Environmental Department. Earlier gained operational experience - power and wood fuel projects - in East and West Africa and then worked in the Environmental Department to promote conservation of biodiversity. Helped organise the joint IUCN World Bank Conference on tropical rainforest: West and Central Africa, and is the World Bank organiser of Workshop 1.2 on the economics of protected areas. Strong interest in gender issues and environmental education. - 55 -

Paul Eagles. Dept. of Recreation and Leisure Studies, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Tel: 519-8851211; Fax: 519-7406776.

BIOGRAPHY: Associate Professor in the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies at the University of Waterloo. He is a Biologist and Landuse Planner who specialises in environmental planning.

Peter Eaton. Dept. of Public Policy, University Brunei Darussalam, Bandar Seri Begawan 3186, Brunei. Tel: 227001; Fax: 427003.

BIOGRAPHY: At present Head of Department of Public Policy at the University of Brunei, reaching Resource Studies and Environmental Policy. Formerly at the University of Papua New Guinea and involved in South Pacific Regional Environmental Programmes. Member of CNPPA.

Professor Ron Edwards. National Parks Review Panel, 8 Maesmawr Close, Talybout on Hsk, Brecon, Powys LD3 7JG, Wales, UK. Tel: 44-222770088; Fax: 44-222798555.

BIOGRAPHY: Chairman of the Review Panel for National Parks in England and Wales. Chairman of Welsh Region of the National Rivers Authority.

Stephen Edwards, IUCN, 1400 16th Street N.W., Washington D.C. 20036, U.S.A. Tel: 202-9393416; Fax: 202-7575461.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Douglas K. Eiken. North Dakota Parks and Tourism Department, 604 East Boulevard, Bismarck, ND 58505, USA. Tel: 701-2242525; Fax: 701-2244878.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of parks and outdoor recreation sites - North Dakota Parks and Tourism Department. Immediate Past President of National Association of State Park Directors. Served as Professor at University of Kansas and Maryville State College.

Horst Eugen Εi1ers. Lohberg 80, D-4330 MuJheim / Ruhr, Germany. Tel: 49-208477186.

BIOGRAPHY: Cultural anthropologist, Μ.Λ. from the University of Bonn, Ph.D. cand. University of Freiburg, Germany. Regional interest in Native South and Central Americas; research focus on links between indigenous cultural survival and regional environmental issues. - 56 -

Albert Einsiedel. 2020 Urbana Road, N.W. , Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Tel: 403-4923029; Fax: 403-2849259.

BIOGRArilY: Professor, University of Alberta; Director, Protected Areas Management Programme; Member, CNPPA and CEC (IUCN).

Ludwig Ellenbere, c/o GTZ, Naturschutz, Postfach 5180, 6236 Eschborn, Germany. Tel: 49-6196791205; Fax: 49-6196791115.

BIOGRAPHY: Professor for Physical Geography at Technical University, Berlin. Responsible for projects of natural conservation in GTZ-Germany. Main experience in Costa Rica, Venezuela, Japan.

Christopher Elliott. WWF International, ave. du Mont Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 41-22649521; Fax: 41-22645829.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Murray Aitken Elliott. Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory, P.O. Box 496, Palmerston NT 0831, Australia. Tel: 89-894479; Fax: 89-894510.

BIOGRAPHY: Currently executive officer for heritage programmes and for conservation policy with the Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory of Australia. Formerly executive officer for Parks and Wildlife and prior to that, chief wildlife officer with the same organisation.

Joanna Ellison, Bermuda Biological Station for Research, Ferry Reach, GE 01, Bermuda. Tel: 809 297 1880; Fax: 809 297 8143.

BIOGRAPHY: B.A. at Cambridge University, England; M.Sc. Simon Fraser University, Canada; PhD University of California, Berkeley; present research at the Bermuda Biological Station for Research on mangrove ecosystem response to rising sea level.

Gerardo Elzo. Corporacion Nacional Forestal, C0NA,F X rregion, Casilla No. 792 Puerto Montt, Chile. Tel: 254248/254358; Fax: 254882.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Jens A. Enemark. Common Wadden Sea Secreratiat, Virchowstr. 1, D-2940 Wilhelmshaven, Germany. Tel: 49-442141055; Fax: 49-4442144766.

BIOGRAPHY: Secretary to the Common Wadden Sea Secretariat, a secretariat established by the Governments of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Netherlands for the cooperation on the protection of the Wadden Sea. 57 -

Jaime Raul Enriauez !•'lores. Harvard Institute of Technology, Edificio Benalcazar Mil, Piso no. 17, Quito, Ecuador. Tel: 568870; Fax: 502302.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Dra. Marcela Enriauez. Corporacion de Defense de la Vida (CORDAVI), A.P. 309, Sucursal 12, Quito, Ecuador. Tel: 5932-232029; Fax: 5932-542386.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Christine M. Enthoven. Netherlands Committee for IUCN, Plantage Middculaan 2b, 1018 DD Amsterdam, Netherlands. Tel: 20-6261732; Fax: 20-6279349.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Ana Maria Erazo, Areas Protegidas Regionales COHDEFOR, Apartado Postal 1378, Tegucigalpa D.C, Honduras. Tel: 504-952252; Fax: 504-336884.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Francisco Erizer Wildlife Foundation, Rodriguez Peiia 1882, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel: 01-8140903.

BIOGRAPHY: Membro de la CNPPA de UICN and mcmbro regional de la SSC. Fundador y ex-directorio general de la fundacion Silvestry Argentina. Ex-presidente de directorio de la administracion du parques naturales de la Argentina. Vice-presidente de la fundacion Selva Misionera. Presidente de la comision de conservacion del ambiente y los recursos naturales renovables de CONSEJO Argentino para las relaciones internacionales.

Elsa Matilde Escobar Angel. Colombia. Tel: 2497590; Fax: 2104515.

BIOGRAPHY: Quimimica Pura con maestria en matematicas pura es coordinadora del Comite Colombiano de la UICN, Subdirectora de la Fundacion Natura y Presidenta de la Sociedad Colombians de Ecologia.

Lars Erik Esoing. Swedish Environmental Protection Agnecy, S-17185 Solna, Sweden. Tel: 87991406; Fax: 8291J06.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Dr. Joachim Esser. Uhlandstrasse 22, 28 Bremen 1, Germany. Tel: 421-341690.

BIOGRAPHY: Wildlife biologist ecologist, several years working experience in National Park management in developing countries. - 58 -

Tomas Estevez. AMBIOTEC LTD. Diagonal 107 No. 38-57, Bogota, Colombia. Tel: 571-6131338; Fax: 571-2682454.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Andre Etchclecou. Department of Geographie et Amenagement, Universite de Pan et du Pays de l'Adour, Maison Baigt, 64 4f>0 Eysus, France. Tel: 33-59342025; Fax: 33-59923311.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Jean Hubert Evi, Directeur de la Faune et de la cliasse, Ministere des eaux et forests, B.P. 1128, Lebreville, Gabon. Tel: 748561.

BIQGRAPHY: Not available. - 59 -

Malin Falkenmark. NFR, Box 6711, S-11385 Stockholm, Sweden. Tel: 46-8303508; Fax: 46-86100740.

BIOGRAPHY: Professor Em., Interntional Hydrology; Member of IUCN Committee on Ecology; Global 500 Laureate; Scientific Advisor to Global Environmental Facilty.

Zhiyong Fan, Division of Nature Reserves Management, Ministry of Forestry or China (MFC), Beijing 100714, P.R. of China. Tel: 861-4213061; Fax: 861-4214180.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

John H. Fanshawc, ICBP, Box 95, Watamu, Kenya. Tel: 10-25412232439; Fax: 10-25412232256.

BIOGRAPHY: Coordinator of a joint International Council for Bird Preservation and National Museums of Kenya project for the conservation of Arabuko-Sokoke Forest in Kenya. Sokoke is one of the most important forests in Africa for the conservation of threatened birds.

Almo Farina. Museo di Storia Naturale, Fortezza Delia Brunella, 55011 Aulla, Italy. Tel: 187-420374; Fax: 187-120727.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of the Lunigiana Museum of Natural History. Secretary General of International Association for Landscape Ecology.

Lucy Jane Farmer, Kasanka Wildlife Conservation, P.O. Box 3667, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: 260-1260106; Fax 260-1260106.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Mike Fav. 457 Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 3E8, Canada. Tel: 204-9832121; Fax: 204-9837522.

BIOGRAPirY: Currently Director of Planning and Development in the Canadian Parks Service's regional office in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Responsible for research planning and development for National Parks and Historic Sites in Northern Canada and the Prairie Provinces.

M.A. Febres Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables, Direccion General Sectorial de Planificacion y Ordenacion del Ambiente, MARNR, Torre Sur, CSB, Piso 10, Caracas 1010, Venezuela. Tel: 582-4081556; Fax: 582-4836118.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 60 -

Fabio Feldmann. Av. Brig. Luis AnUonio, No. 4442, Sao Paulo 01402, S.P. Brazil. Tel: 55 11 887 9369; Fax: 55 11 884 2795.

BIOGRAPHY: He is a second-term Congressman and lawyer since the 1970s; has played a leading role in environmental and human rights issues. He is a founding member of many of Brazil's main environmental organizations, such as OIKOS, Jureia, SOS Mata Atlantica, Funatura and Biodiversitas. He was appointed Chair of the Commission for the Environment, Minorities and Consumers of the Federal House of Representatives in Brasilia. He received the Global 500 Award in 1990.

David A. Fennell. Department of Geography, Social Science Centre, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario Nga 5CZ, Canada. Tel: 519-6613423; Fax: 519-6613868.

BIOGRAPHY: Currently working as a PhD. candidate at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. Interests include tourism and islands, ecotourism and carrying capacity.

Antonio Fernandez de Teiada. ICONA, Gran Via de San Francisco 4, 28005 Madrid, Spain. Tel: 347 6200; Fax: 347 6301.

BIOGRAPHY: Jefe de Area de Espacios Naturales Protegidos; Ingeniero de Montes.

Ranjen Fernando, President, Wildlife and Nature Protection Society of Sri Lanka, Chaitiya Road, Marine Drive, Fort, Sri Lanka. Tel: 25248.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Enrique Ferrando Gamarta. Peruvian Society of Environmental Law, Plaza Arrospide No. 9, San Isidro, Lima 27, Peru. Tel: 400549; Fax: 5114-703111.

BIOGRAPHY: Fundador y Director Ejecutivo de la Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental, Catedratico de derecho civil en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Lima, Socio del Estudio Juridicio Osterling, Arias Schreiber, Vega, Rossello y Asociados, Consultor Externo de la Agencia Canadiense para el Desarrollo Internacional (ACDI) y autor de diversos articulos y trabajos.relacionados al Derecho Ambiental.

Clara Ferreira. Apartado Postal 47552, Caracas, Venezuela. Tel: 02-5762828; Fax: 02-5761579.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 61 -

Clayton Ferreira Lino. Brazilian Speleological Society, Rue Joao Juliao, 296/11-A, 01323 Sao Paulo, Brazil. Tel: 11289-6441; Fax: 11289-8580.

BIOGRArilY: Not available.

F. Filion. International Council for Bird Preservation, 32 Cambridge Road, Girton, Cambridge CB3 OPJ, United Kingdom. Tel: 223-277318; Fax: 223-277200.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Fern L. Filion. Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa, Canada, KIA-0E7.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Hank Fischer. Defenders of Wildlife, 1534 Mansfield Ave., Missoula, Montana 59801, USA. Tel: 406-5490761; Fax: 406-5490763.

BIOGRAPHY: Has worked for the past 15 years as Defenders of Wildlife's Northern Rockies representative. He has been actively involved with endangered species issues, especially in respect to bears and wolves.

William John Fisher. National Parks and Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 5391, Townsville Mail Centre, Queensland 4810. Australia. Tel: 00116177741211; Fax: 00116177211746.

BIOGRAPHY: Regional Director of the Northern Region, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Queensland, Australia. Responsibility for nature conservation and cultural heritage management across a large and very diverse region, from the arid inland, grasslands and forests, through to the wet tropics and the Great Barrier Reef - for National Parks and Marine Parks and for Wildlife Management and Cultural Heritage on all lands.

Harvey Fleet. Geographic Information Systems Division, US National Park Service, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Raul Ernesto Fletcher Montcro. 1387, Panama 1, Panama. Tel: 64-8100; Fax: 64-1836.

BIOGRAPHY: Lie. Raul Fletcher, Sub-Director de Conservacion y Ciencias de la asociacion Nacional para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza (ANCON). - 62 -

Charles Flink. President, Greenways Incorporated, 121 Edinburgh South, Suite 107, Cary, North Carolina 27511, USA. Tel: 919-3800127.

BIOGRAPHY: President of Greenways Incorporated, a U.S.A based environmental planning and landscape architecture consulting firm that specializes in open space, greenway and park design/implementation. Currently co-authoring "The Greenway Design Manual". Featured in 1991 issue of Landscape Architecture Magazine, the June 1990 National Geographic magazine and in the book Greenways for America.

Mark Flora. Water Resources Division, National Park Service, 301 S. Howas Street (Room 353), Fort Collins, CO 80521, U.S.A.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Rafael H. Flores. Colon 356 Rio Gnllegos, Prov. Santa Cruz, Argentina. Tel: 966 22980; Fax: 966 20043.

BIOGRAPHY: Diputa do Nacional-Vice-presidente de la Comision de Recursos naturales y conservacion del ambiente, Humano de la Camara de diputa dos de la Hacion, Argentina.

Malcolm Forbes. Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 636, Canberra City, ACT 2600, Australia. Tel: 61-62500325; Fax: 61-62500286.

BIOGRAPHY: Extensive training in national parks in Australia, including joint management with indigenous peoples and trans-border park management. He has also had considerable experience in wildlife management and conservation issues outside protected areas in Australia and S.E. Asia. His major interests include freshwater and marine ecology, population dynamics and management of remnant vegetation. He is currently a programmes manager with the Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service.

Norma Monica Forde. Faculty of Law, University of West Indies, P.O.Box 64, Cave Hill Campus, Bridgetown, Barbados. Tel: 809-4251310; Fax: 809-4241788.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

W. Wayne Forman. Frecport-McMoRan Inc., 1615 Poydras Street, New Orleans, LA. 70112, U.S.A. Tel: 504-5824391; Fax: 504-5821810.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of Corporate Environment.1L Affairs for a U.S. Fortune 250 natural resources company. Marine biologist by training. 25 years experience in ecological studies, environmental assessment and environmental regulatory affairs. - 63 -

David J. Foster. Department of Leisure Studies, Phillip Institute of Technology, Alma Grove, Coburg, Victoria, Australia. Tel: 33539222; Fax: 33501259.

BIOGRArilY: Former geographer turned national park planner. During the last 10 years an Academic and Consultant focusing on National Park Management issues, especially those involving Aboriginal people.

John Foster. Scottish Council for National Parks, Birchover, Ferntower Road, Crieff, Perthshire PI17 3DH, Scotland. Tel: 44-7642336

BIOGRAPHY: Member and past regional Vice-Chairman, CNPPA. Currently countryside planning and environmental consultant. Formerly Director of the Countryside Commission for Scotland and Director of the Peak District National Park, England.

Maria Teresa Fourcade dc Ruiz. Administracion de Parques Nacionales, Santa Fe 690, 3 Piso, CP. 1059, Capital Federal, Argentina. Tel: 312-0257.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

John Fowkes. Senior Consultant, University of Cape Town, South Africa. 21-7887123; Fax: 21-6503791.

BIOGRAPHY: Management consultant specialising in conflict resolution between business and environmental concerns, particularly in the development of ecotourism, and in the facilitation of communication between disparate interest groups.

Sandra Fowkes. Senior Consultant, Univeisity of Cape Town, South Africa. 21-7887123; Fax: 21-6503791.

BIOGRAPHY: Environmental scientist specialising in (a) designing and running courses in integrated environmental management for professionals and (b) facilitation and mediation of natural resource decision making. Has a particular interest in ecotourism and cross cultural communication.

Allan Fox. 35 Beaumont Crescent, The Ridgeway, Queanbeyan, 2620 Australia.. Tel: 61 62 973 434; Fax: 61 62 974 851.

BIOGRAPHY: Hot available.

Christian Fox. Manejo de Bosques y Vida Silvestre, Casilla de Correos 825, Asuncion, 3303, Paraguay. Tel: 22973; Fax: 495556.

BIOGRAPHY: Nat available.

Mario Fraire. 4400 Random CT. , Annandale, VA 22003, U.S.A. 202-2085093; Fax: 202-2085500.

BIOGRAPHY: Chief Personnel Officer. Graduated from University of Hawaii. - 64 -

Roberto Franco Garcia. Instituto de ios Recursos Renovables y del Ambiente INDERENA, Apartado Aereo 13458, Bogota, Colombia. Tel: 128-58029; Telex: 44428.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Teresa Franauesa Cordinach. Patrdnat Metropolita del Pare de Collserola, c/o Esglesia 92, 08017 Barcelona, Espana. Tel: 2800672; Fax: 2806074.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologa. Jefe de la Unidad de Educacion Ambiental y Divulgacion del Parque de Collserola, Barcelona.

B.C.Y. Freezailah. International Tropical Timber Organization, Pacifico-Yokohamn, 1-1 Minafo-Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220, Japan. Tel: 81 45 223 1110; Fax: 81 45 223 1111.

BIOGRAPHY: A Malaysian national, he obtained a First Class Honours degree from Edinburgh University in 1963. He worked in silvicultural research for 8 years before undertaking post-graduate studies in Ecology. He worked as a field forester for 3 years before serving at the Forestry Headquarters in Kuala Lumpur where he became the Deputy Director General of Forestry, responsible for forest resource development. In 1986 he assumed the duties as Executive Director of the ITTO.

Maria L.D. Freitas. Tel: 55-613211041; Fax: 55-61224 5605.

BIOGRAPHY: Coordenadora General del projecto de medio ambiente de Brasil.

Fumiko Fukuoka. Conservation International, 1015 18th Street, N.W. Washington D.C. 20036, USA. Tel: 202 429 5660; Fax: 202 887 5188.

BIOGRAPHY: After working with JICA, Japanese official aid agency, as a training coordinator of technical training courses for participants from developing countries, he joined Conservation International in 1990. As CI's Japan Rep. he has been working closely with the Japanese Government, business sector and NGOs to help build new legislative, business, and social tools for conservation and create new conservation ethics in Japan. Masters degree in social change and development with concentration on environment.

Stephan Fuller. 6 Chalet Cres., Whitehorse, Yukon, YIA 3HI, Canada. Tel: 403-6675634; Fax: 403-6673641.

BIOGRAPHY: BSc. McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada - Environmental Sciences; M.R.M. (UBC, Simon Fraser University) - Resource Management/Economics/Policy; National Trustee, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society; prof, affiliation - Director, Policy, Planning and Assessement, Department of Renewable Resources, Government of Yukon. - 65 -

A.J. Gabaldon. CR/CD National Congress C.C/C/T Tamanaco, Torre A, Piso 6, Oficina 608 Chuao, Caracas, Venezuela. Tel: 582- 9593130; Fax: 582-9593161.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

C. Gakahu Gatama. Resource Ecologist, Wildlife Conservation International, P.O. .Nairobi, Kenya. Tel.: 2542-221699, Fax: 2542-215969 ,*6284׳׳ Box

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Alfredo Ga1indo. Instituto Nacional de los Recursos Naturales Renovables, INDERENA, Carrera 10a. 20-30, Bogota. Colombia. Tel. 2432429; Fax: 2833458.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Stephen Jones Galinoma. P.O. Box 1530, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Tel: 05124378, Fax: 255573472.

BIOGRAPHY: Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Tanzania National Parks appointed by the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania to conserve, protect, develop and run services in the country's national parks.

Ines Galleaps. Executive Director, Fundacion de Parques Nacionales, Apartado Postal 1108-1002, San Jose, Costa Rica.

BIOGRAPHY: Administradora de negocios, especialista en Banca y Finanzas. Proviene del sector bancario internacional para el que trabajo ocho anos y luego laboro como consultora y asesora ad honorem para instituciones conservacionistas costarricenses como la Fundacion de Parques Nacionales hasta tomar el puesto de Directors Ejecutiva.

Juan Carlos Gambarotta. Guardaparque, Refugio de Fauna, Laguna Castillos, poste restante, Castillos, 27,200, Uruguay. Tel: 598-2- 921885.

BIOGRAPHY: Egresado del Centro de Capacitacion "Bernabe Mendez", Argentina. Precursor del Refugio de Fauna Laguna Castillos, area de la que se encuentra a cargo.

Rodrigo Gamez. Instituto Nacionales de Biodiversidad, 3100 Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica. Tel: 506-364269; Fax: 506-362816.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Alicia Garcia. Soci.edad de Amigos en Defense de la Gran Sabana, Apartado Postal 50460, Caracas, 1050, Venezuela. Tel: 582-6624492; Fax: 582-2849377.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 66 -

J.R. Garcia. INPARQUES. Apartado 76471, Caracas 1070-A, Venezuela. Tel. 582-2854859; Fax: 582-2853070.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Victor Garcia Diaz. Radazul Alto, El Paraiso Fase V., 23, El Rosario, Tenerife, Spain. Tel: 922 631532; Fax: 922 631532.

BIOGRAPHY: Licenciado en biologia; secretario de la Asociacion Canaria de Amigos de Los Parques (AMPAR); adrainistrador de una empresa de consu1 to.

Lloyd Gardner. 274c Hector Bocce Court, Hillhead Halls, Don Street, Aberdeen AB9 2WU, United Kingdom. Tel: 224-272353.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Paulo Fernando Garreta-Harkot. Av. Monsenhor Walfredo Leal, 181 Tambia, CEP 58-023, Joao Pessoa, Brazil. Tel: 083-2223149, Fax: 083-2411727.

BIOGRAPHY: Oceanografo, coordenador do Projeto de Gerenciamento Costeiro do estado da Paraiba, regiao nordeste do Brasil.

Gudrun Gaudian. THRU, Biology Dept., The University, York, United Kingdom. Tel: 0904-416611, Fax: 0904-432917.

BIOGRAPHY: Marine Biologist with extensive experience along Tanzanian coast. Has been in charge of several marine ecological survey expeditions to collect baseline data and set up monitoring sites along Tanzanian and Zanzibar coast, with a view to establishing marine reserves. More recently, has been in charge of detailed coral reef fisheries research project on Zanzibar to study effects of fishing pressure under controlled conditions.

Raul Gauto. Moises Bertoni Foundation, C.C. 714 Asuncion, Paraguay. Tel: 25-638/212-386; Fax: 595-2 ]-2 12386.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Meg Gawler. WWF International, Av. du Mont Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 22-649305, Fax: 22-644238.

BIOGRAPHY: Programme Officer, Madagascar, at WWF International. Background in aquatic and terrestrial ecology. Prior to joining the WWF Africa team in 1988, worked in coastal and freshwater plankton ecology, water quality monitoring, environmental planning and law as it applies to NGOs. - 67 -

Tadesse Gebrc-Michael• Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Organisation, P.O. Box 386, , . Tel: 157532, Fax: 251-1518977.

BIOGRAPHY: Manager, Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Organization.

Tighe Geogheean. Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI), 1104 Strand Street No. 206, Christiansted, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands 00820, USA. Tel: 809-7739854, Fax: 809-7735770.

BIOGRAPHY: Administrator and ijenior Project Officer for the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI), and is based in St. Croix, US Virgin Islands.

Josep Germain Otzet. Roger de Lluria, 36, 08223 Terrassa, Spain. Tel: 93-7862454, Fax: 93-3293799.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Fernando Ghersi Penalillo. Conservation Data Center, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Nacional Agraria la Molina, Apartado 456, Lima, Peru. Tel: 352035, Fax: 427853.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingeniero forestal. Especializado en conservacion de recursos naturales. Actualmente trabajo en el Centro de Datos para la Conservacion de la Universidad Nacional Agraria, La Molina (Peru), como responsable del area de comunidadns naturales y areas protegidas.

Joan Giannecchini. P.O. Box 1363, New York, N.Y. 10013, USA. Tel: 212 966 6784; Fax: 212 274 1778.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Mariano Gimenez-Dixon. IUCN, Av. du Mont Blanc, CH- 1196 Gland, Switzerland; Tel: +44 22 64 9246; FAX: +44 22 64 2926; telex 419605 iucn ch.

BIOGRAPHY: Doctor in Natural Sciences, graduating at the National University of La Plata, Argentina. Programme Officer at the IUCN/Species Survival Programme since September 1991. Prior to IUCN he worked for the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs of the , Argentina, mainly in conservation and management of Pampas Deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus). He was also involved in various issues related to reserves and natural protected areas.

BIOGRAPHY: Doctor en Ciencias Naturales graduado en la Universidad Nacinal de La Plata, Argentina. Coordinador de Programa en el UICN/Programa de Supervivencia de Especies, desde Septiembre de 1991. Previamente trabajo en el Ministerio de Asuntos Agrarios de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, principalmente en manejo y conservacion del Venado de las Pampas (Ozotoceros bezoarticus). Tambien 11a estado involucrado en diversos temas referidos a reserves y areas naturales protegidas. - 68 -

Francesc Giro. DeparLament de Medi Ambient, Aribau 192-198, 08036 Barcelona, Spain. Tel: 343-4143332, Fax: 4143153.

BIOGRAPHY: Licenciado en Biologia Universidad de Barcelona. Estudios en Gestion de la Fauna en Universidad de California, Berkeley, USA. Tecnico de Parque Natural entre 1986-1990. Desde 1990 Tecnico de la Seccion de Espacios Naturales del Departamcnto de Medi Ambient de la Generalitat Catalunya.

Olav G iaerevoll. Jonsvannvn, 26, 7016 Trondheim, Norway. Tel: 477-592256, Fax: 477-592249.

BIOGRAPHY: Professor emeritus. Former (first) Minster of Environment.

Alfonso Glade. Corporacion Nacional Forestal, CONAF, Av. Bulnes 259 Oficina 604, Santiago, Chile. Tel: 562-699 1257; Fax: 562-715881.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Dennis Glick. The Yellowstone Coalition, Γ.Ο. Box 1874, Bozeman, Montana 59715, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Nicole Glineur. The World Bank, Room Η 9029, 1818 II Street N.W., Washington 20433, U.S.A. Tel: 202-4732512; Fax: 202-4770711.

BIOGRAPHY: Environmental economist in the environment devision of the World Bank's Europe, Middle East and North Africa Region.

Juan Carlos Godoy. UICN-CATIE, Casilla Postal 112-1, Zona 7, Ciudad de Guatemala. Tel: 00502-2- 680660; Fax: 00502-2-535109.

BIOGRAPHY: Especialista en Areas Protegidas, Coordinator Programa de Areas Protegidas Oficina Centroamericana UICN.

I.amond Godwin. First Vice President, American Express Bank, American Express Tower, World Financial Center, New York, NY 10285-2150, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Ami Goldbere. Ancient Forest International, P.O. Box 1850, Redway, California 95560, U.S.A. Tel: 707-9233015; Fax: 707-9233009.

BIOGRAPHY: Administrator, Ancient Forest International. Organiser and participant in AFI's 1990 expedition to Southern Chile. Board member, AFI. Editing/co-writing assistance, and presentation of paper "History of an International Campaign to Create Ancient Forest Preserves". - 69 -

Bruce Goldstein. 1828 Irving Street, N.W., Washington D.C. 20010, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Wendy Goldstein. IUCN, Ave. du Mont Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 22-648360: Fax: 22-648325.

BIOGRAPHY: Programme Coordinator, Environmental Education as of November 1991. Worked: National Parks and Wildlife Service, NSW, Australia in education 1973-82; museum education 4 years; science teacher. Edited 3 books on national parks, rain forest and aborigines and written handbooks on national parks for teachers.

Edgardo Gomez. Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 3004, Philippines. Tel: 632 990 630; Fax: 632 982 471.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Francesco Gomez. Calz Mexico-Xochimilco No. 101, Tialpan 22, Mexico City D. F. , Mexico. Tel: 6552811; Fax: 6550411.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Marian-Traian Gomoiu. Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Administration, 20, Pacii Str., P.O. 1, Ρ Box 13, Tulcea, RO-8800, Romania. Tel: 15-15277; Fax: 15-24547.

BIOGRAPHY: Marine ecologist within Romanian Marine Research Institute - Constantza, Romania. Professor of ecology at Ovidius University, Constantza. Governor of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Tulcea. Member of different national and international scientific organisations and associations on Marine Ecology and Oceanography, General Ecology, Environment Protection. Has published more than 150 scientific works especially on Black sea ecology, benthos ecology - mainly molluscs, abundance and distribution of bottom organisms, fouling organisms, artificial reefs, eutrophication, jelly fishes etc.

Luis Gonzalaz. Calle 38 no.21, Depto. E-l. Royal Campestre V. Col. Campistie, Merida 97120, Yucatan, Mexico. Tel: 99-268423; Fax: 99-268423.

BIOGRAPHY: Master of Science, specialist in Marine Ecology and Conservation with 12 years experience in Ecology. Universidad Nacional Avtonoma de Mexico. Executive Director of Pronatura Peninsula Yucatan.

Maria Jose Gonzalez Fuster. Departamento Peten, Guatemala c/o Oficina CATIE Av. Centro America, Flores - Peten, Guatemala. Tel. 00502-9-501739; Fax: 00502-9-501739.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. ־ 70 -

Fernando Gonzalez Santana, Excmo. Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria, Bravo Murillo 21, DP. 35003, de Gran Canaria, Spain. Tel: 34 28 364573; Fax: 34 28 366954.

BIOGRAPHY: Consejero de politica territorial del EXCMO. Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria.

R.B. Good. Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, G.P.O. Box 636, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia. Tel.: 06-2 500200; Fax: 06-2500399.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Paul Goriup. Editor, PARKS Journal, 36 Kingfisher Court, Hambridge Road, Newbury RG14 5SJ, UK. Tel: 44 635 550380; Fax: 44 635 550230.

BIOGRAPHY: He serves as Editor of PARKS Magazine on behalf of the Commission on National Parks and Protected Areas of IUCN.

Vladislav Gorokhov. Poperechny Prospek, 1A, 107113 Moscow, Russia. Tel: 268 4626.

BIOGRArilY: President of the Parlimentary Committee on the Environment of the Russian Federation. Director of the Losing Ostrov National Park.

Jean-Jacques Goussard. BP 374, Butare, . Tel: 25030833.

BIOGRArilY: System Ecologist who has been working serveral years in Peruvian Amazonia and Andean Highlands. Now leading a ecological diagnosis in the Nyungwe Forest in Rwanda, on of the larger montane forests of Kivu Highland area in Central Africa. This study is funded by the Rwandese Government and the World Bank.

S.F. Goyal. Wildlife Institute of India, New Forest, Dehra Dun 248006, India. Tel: 91-13528706; Fax: 91-13523518.

BIOGRAPHY: Working on conservation of desert animals for the past 16 years, especially on ecological aspects of desert ungulates. Presently working as "Scientist B" of CVI1 and involved in teaching and research.

Alan R. Graefc. S 203 Henderson Bldg., Dept. of Leisure Studies, Pennsylvania State University, University Park PA 16802, U.S.A. Tel: 814-8651851; Fax: 814-8653282.

BIOGRAPHY: Associate Professor of Leisure Studies at Pennsylvania State University. Principal teaching and research interests include recreation resource planning and management and outdoor recreation behaviour. Co-author of a two-volume series of documents on visitor impact management published by the National Parks and Conservation Association. - 71 -

John Grainger, NCWCD, P.O. Box 61681, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Tel: 441-8700; Fax: 441-0797; Telex 405930 ncwed sj.

BIOGRAPHY: An Environmental Scientist who has worked in Saudi Arabia for the last 10 years and has recently been involved in the establishment and management of the country's first protected areas. Co-author of the system plan.

Denis Grand 1'ean. Pare National Mercantour, 23 rue d'ltalie, B.P. no. 16, 06006, Nice Cedex 1, France. Tel: 93878610; Fax: 93887905.

BIOGRAPHY: Conservation Regional de Batimauts de France. Directeur du Pare National du Mercantour, France.

Sergio Grau. Fundacion Lahuen, Chile.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Bryn Green, Environment Section, Wye College, University of London, Wye, Ashford, Kent TN25 5AH, U.K. Tel: 233-812401; Fax: 233-813320.

BIOGRAPHY: Sir Cyril Kleinwort Professor of Countryside Management University of London, Countryside Commissioner. Formerly Regional Officer - Nature Conservancy Council. Main interests: conservation education; agricultural impacts on the environment; habitat management.

Gina Green. The Nature Conservancy, 1815 N. Lynn Street, Arlington, VA 22209, U.S.A. Tel: 703-8414878; Fax: 703-8414880.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Michael Green. WCMC, 219c Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, CB3 0DL, UK. Tel: 223 277314; Fax: 223 277136.

BIOGRAPHY: Staff member of WCMC Protected Areas Data Unit since 1985.

William P. Gregg. Jr., Man and the Biosphere Programme Coordinator, National Park Service, Washington, D.C. 20013-7127, USA. Tel: 202-3438122; Fax 202-3438137.

BIOGRAPHY: Joined the U.S. National Park Service where he initially served as an ecogoligcal consultant on national park management plans. He subsequently coordinated agency compliance with environmental legislation and executive requirements. At various times in recent years, he has coordinated national park participation in research on acidic deposition and global change. Since 1980, he has served as coordinator for National Park Service participation in the Man and the Bioshpere Programme and its International Network of Biosphere Reserves. - 72 -

Albert Michael Greve. Coordinator, Multi-Donor Secretariat, The World Bank, Agriculture Division, South-Central and Indian Ocean Department, African Region, 1818 High Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20433, USA. Tel: 202-4734428; Fax: 202-4735147

BIOGRAPHY: Coordinator of the multi-donor Secretariat for the Madagascar National Environmental Action Plan and is at the World Bank in Washington. He ensures donor coordination and information dissemination for the various activities of Enviromental Action Plans in Madagascar and now in Uganda and Rwanda. The multi-donor Secretariat will continue to expand its services to other African countries engaged in the national environmental action plan process.

Paul Mark Grimes. 2166 Broadway, Art.l9-B, New York, N.Y., U.S.A. Tel: 212-5954069; Fax: 212-8732002.

BIOGRAPHY: Editor at Large, Conde Nast Traveler Magazine, New York.

R. Grimmctt. International Council for Bird Preservation, 32 Cambridge Road, Girton, Cambridge CB3 OPJ, United Kingdom.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Sylvie Grizzle. Chairperson, Conservation Committee, Negril Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 33, Westmoreland, Jamaica. Tel: 809-9574277; Fax: 809-9574414.

BIOGRAPHY: Conservation Committee, Negril Chamber of Commerce; actively pursuing the symbiosis of social, tourism and environmental sustainable development of the area - A community approach to environment.

Ma Guane i ine. The Chinese Academy of Forestry, Wan Shou Shan, Beijing 100091, China.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Susan Gubbay. Marine Conservation Society, 9 Gloucester Road, Ross-on-Wye IIR9 5BU, U.K. Tel: 989-66017; Fax: 989-67815.

BIOGRAPHY: Senior Conservation Officer with the Marine Conservation Society. She has worked for many years on the subject of Marine Protected Areas by helping to set up voluntary conservation areas and campaigning for legally protected MPAs. She has also developed the Society's policy for MPAs and promoted this to Government.

Niede Guidon. Musevim of the American Man Foundation, Centro de Pesquisas - 64770 - Sao Raimundo Nonat, Piaui, Brazil. Tel: 86- 5821612.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 73 -

Lupe Guinand. Liaison Officer, BIOMA, c/o The Nature Conservancy, 1815 N. Lynn Street, Arlington, VA 22209, USA. Tel: 703-8414894; Fax: 703-8414880.

BIOGRAPHY: Venezuelan Biologist with a Master's degree from Cornell University in Natural Resources. Past experience with Venezuelan National Park Service and currently a liaison officer for a conservation NGO (BIOMA) in the U.S.

P.O. Gunin, Institute of Evolutionary Animal Morphology and Ecology, Russia Academy of Sciences, Leninsky Prospect 33, Moscow, USSR. Tel: 2330713.

BIOGRAPHY: Graduate of Moscow University in Geography faculty. 1964-65 - Desert Institute, Asckhabab. 1965-72, Repetek Reserve. 1972-75 - Moscow University. 1975-present - Institute of Evolutionary Animal Morphology and Ecology. Vice-Chair of Coordination Committee of Science in reserves USSR Academy of Sciences, Director of Soviet-Mongolian Biological Expedition.

Chandra Gurune. King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation, P.O. Box 3712, Kathmandu, Nepal. Tel: 977-1526571; Fax: 977-1526570.

BIOGRAPHY: Master's degree in Rural Development Planning and a Ph.D in Geography. One of the three co-researchers who conceived and prepared the Annapurna Conservation Area operational plan, and now implementing the project as its Director. His interest is in people's participation in conservation and development processes.

Marie-Odile Guth. 135 rue des Docteur Julliard, B.P. 705, 73007 Chambery-Cedex, France. Tel: 79-623054; Fax: 79-963718.

BIOGRAPHY: Directeur du pare national De La Vanoise.

Alejandro Gutierrez. FAO Latin American Network, Los Laureles 6916 (La Reina) Santiago, Chile. Tel: 226 7606.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Lester Gutierrez. Corporacion Autonoma Regional del Valle Cauca (CVC), Carre.ra 56 No. 11-36, Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Tel: 392174 or 396671 ext. 386; Fax: 391750.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 74 -

Thaddee Habivambere. Direction generale des Forets, MINAGRI, B.P. 621, , Rwanda. Tel: 82756; Fax: 82103.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingenieur Forestier de formation a l'Universite Laval au Quebec, Canada, ensuite Maitre en Sciences forestieres a celle meme universite. II a travaille dans la recherche forestiere pendant 8 ans etant charge des problemcs d'ainenagement des forets naturelles et artificielles. Actuellement, il est le Directeur General des Forests.

Arlin Hackman. WWF-Canada, 504-90 Eglinton Ave. East, Toronto, Ontario M4P 2Z7, Canada. Tel: 416-4898800; Fax: 416-4893611.

BIOGRAPHY: Director, Endangered Species Campaign, WWF-Canada and Member IUCN Commission on Parks and Protected Areas. 15 years experience working on parks and protected areas, primarily for non-government conservation organisations, including a coalition which successfully lobbied for 155 new parks in the province of Ontario.

Brahim Haddanc. Pare Zoologique National de , B.P. 4142 Temera, . Tel: 7741259; Fax: 774115.3; Telex: 36736.

BIOGRAPHY: Graduated DMV. MC in Biology / Diploma of Wildlife Management and Conservation. Wildlife Department.

Soebagjo Hadibepoetro• Directorate of National Parks and Recreation Forests, Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 15, P.O. Box 133, Bogor 16001, Indonesia. Fax: 0251-323972 or 021-584818.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Herman Haeruman. BAPPENAS, Jl. Taman Surapati 2, Jakarta 12515, Indonesia. Tel: 21 334 187; Fax: 310 5374.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Atlo Haea. Department of Nature Conservation and the Cultural Heritage, Royal Ministry of Environment, Box 8013 Dep., N-0030 Oslo 1, Norway. Tel: 47-2345870; Fax: 47-2342756.

BIOGRAPHY: Parlamentarian. - 75 -

Bertil Hagcrhall. WWF, Ulriksdals Slott, S-17171 Solma, Sweden. Tel: 46-8850121; Fax: 46-8851329.

BIOGRAPHY: WWF International Baltic and Artie Project Coordinator.

William Halainen. 640 North Harrison Street, Arlington, VA 22205, USA. Tel: 202 208 6013; Fax: 202 208 6756.

BIOGRAPHY: He has been a ranger in the National Park Service for 17 years and has worked in interpretation and law enforcement in four parks. He is now in the Ranger Operations Division in Washington. He is also the editor of Ranger Magazine, the journal of the Association of National Park Rangers.

Mark Halle. IUCN, Av. du Mont Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 22 649114; Fax: 22 641916.

BIOGRArilY: He is the Director of IUCN's Development Division based in Headquarters in Gland, Switzerland. Following postgraduate studies at the University of Cambridge, he worked as a diplomatic assistant for the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Geneva and Helsinki) from 1973 to 1975. Thereafter, he joined the United Nations Environment Programme, first in the Headquarters Policy Planning Office and subsequently in the State of the Environment and Special Assignments Unit, based in the UNEP European Office in Geneva. His involvement in the preparation and launch of the World Conservation Strategy on behalf of UNEP led to close contact with WWF and IUCN. He joined WWF as Conservation Officer in 1980, moving to CDC/IUCN in 1983.

Sam II. Ham. Department of Resource Recreation and Tourism, College of Forestry, Wildlife and Range Science, University of Idaho, Moscow ID 83843, U.S.A. Tel: 208-8857911; Fax: 208-8856226.

BIOGRAPHY: Teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in interpretation, environmental education, international issues in nature conservation, and recreation and tourism management. His research has focused on obstacles to formal and non-formal environmental education in Latin America and the U.S., and on identifying interpretive training needs in Latin America and the Caribbean. Since 1978 has conducted training and research in El Salvador, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatelmala, Ecuador, Trinidad and Tobago, Canada and the U.S. In 1990, received the National Association for Interpretation's highest honor, the "Fellow Award".

Alio Hamidil. Directeur National de 1'environnement, B.P. 578 , Niger. Tel: 733329.

BIOGRAPHY: Directeur national de 1'environnement du Niger. Ingenieur des eaux et forets. Membre de la comission des pares nationaux et Aires protegees. - 76 -

Lawrence IlamilLon, East West Centre, 1777 East West Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96848, U.S.A. 808-9447253; Fax: 808-9447970.

BIOGRAPHY: Emeritus Professor of Natural Resources, Cornell University. Currently a research associate dealing with forest lands, mountain development and protected areas in all countries of the Pacific and Asia. Member of CNPPA and COE.

Roger Hammond. The Old Laundry Buildings, Moxon Street, London Wl, U.K. Tel: 44-714873661; Fax: 44-714873662.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of Living Earth Foundation, responsible for environmental education programmes in Cameroon, U.K., Brazil and Venezuela.

Lee Hannah. Conservation International, 1015 18th St., N.W., Washington D.C, 20036, U.S.A. Tel: 202-4295660; Fax: 202-8875188.

BIOGRAPHY: Specialist in rural development linked to protected area conservation. He has worked to design and evaluate protected area conservation/development projects in Madagascar, continental Africa and Asia. Currently Philippines Programme Washington Coordinator for Conservation International.

David Harmon, The George Wright Society, P.O. Box 65, Hancock, Michigan 49930, USA. Tel: 906-4879722; Fax: 906-4879404.

BIOGRAPHY: Deputy Executive Director of the George Wright Society, an association of protected area professionls.

Jeremy Harrison, Head, Protected Areas Data Unit, World Conservation Monitoring Centre, 219c Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, CB3 ODL, UK. Tel: 223 277314; Fax: 223 277136.

BIOGRAPHY: Responsible for management of the Protected Areas Data Unit at the WCMC; a Member of the CNPPA Steering Committee and the Congress Steering Committee.

Laurence Hardy Harwood. Easedale House, Grasmere, Ambleside, Cumbria La22 9QL, U.K. Tel: 539435231 (home) Tel: 5.39435779 (office); Fax: 539435779.

BIOGRAPHY: Fellow οΓ the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. Employed by the National Trust since 1960. 1960-68 - Assistant Land Agent, East Anglia; 1968-79 - Regional Land Agent, Northumbria; 1979-91 - Regional Director, North West Region; 1992 - Adviser on Coast and Countryside Strategy Plans. - 77 -

Harγοηο. Directorate of National Parks anil Recreation Forests, Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 15, P.O. Box 133, Bogor 16001, Indonesia. Fax: 0251-323972 or 021-584818.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Carlos Roberto Hasbun. Asociacion Amigos del Arbol AMAR Calle Los Granados No. 9, Colonia Las Mercedes, San Salvador, El Salvador. Tel. 23-1841/23-3798.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologo-Zootecnista. Experiencias en: Produccion Aurcultura-ceprinocultura; Produccion-conservacion-investigacion trucha y savion; Trabajos coraunitarios para la conservacion del ambiente-ONG local; conservacion-investigacion tortugas marinas; Director zoologico nacional-El Salvador; Actual jefe de parques nacionales y vida silvestre de El Salvador.

David Haskell. US National Park Service, Shenandoah National Park, Route 4, Box 348, Luray, Virginia 22835, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Donald Hawkins. P.O. Box DV356, Devonshire DVBX, Bermuda. Tel: 809-2369000; Fax: 809-2368888.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of the U.S.-Venezuela Tourism Project. He is a visiting scholar at the Bermuda College Centre for Tourism Research. Director of the International Institute of Tourism Studies, George Washington University, Washington D.C.

Chris Havnes. Director of National Parks, Western Australia, Department of Conservation & Land Management, Ilackett Drive, Crawley WA 6009, Australia. Tel: 619-3868811; Fax: 619-3861578.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of National Parks in Western Australia since 1985; Assistant Director - Northern Operations, Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service; First superintendent - Kakadu National Park. Currently responsible for overall direction of National Parks and Recreation Policy in the Department of Conservation and Land Management in Western Australia.

Ronald Hazdav. 4981 Keelson Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43232, U.S.A. Tel: 614-8612107; Fax: 614-2287583.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 78 -

Robert G. Healv. Center for Resource and Environmental Policy Research, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27706, USA. Tel: 919-6846090; Fax: 919-6848714.

BIOGRAPHY: Professor of Environmental Policy in the School of the Environment, Duke University, North Carolina. Formerly Senior Associate at the Conservation Foundation/WWF in Washington D.C. Currently Director of the Centre for World Environment and Sustainable Development. Author of seven books on land use and on environmental management.

Robin Ann Heath. Department of Geography, University of Zimbabwe, P.O. Box Μ Ρ 167, Mt. Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: 263-4303211; Fax: 263-4732828; Telex: 26580 univz zw.

BIOGRAPHY: Lecturer in Tourism and Recreational Geography, University of Zimbabwe. Special interest in the role of protected areas for tourism and sustainable rural development.

Gerhard Hciss. Federation of Nature and National Parks of Europe, Schwabenweg 2, D-8960 Kemptcn, Germany.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Muriel Held. Surinam Forest Service, 10 Cornells Jongbaw Str. P.O.B. 436, Paramaribo, Suriname. Tel: 479431 or 475845. Fax: 410256. Telex: 364 nhe sn.

BIOGRAPHY: Coordinator, Nature Conservation Research Section, within the Nature Conservation Division of the Surinam Forest Service.

H.J. Helms. Greenland Home Rule, Pilestraede 52, P.O. Box 2151, 1016 Copenhagen, Denmark. Tel: 45 331 34224.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Matti Helminen. National Board of Forestry, P.O. Β. 94, SF-01301 Vantaa, Finland. Tel: 358-85784386; Fax; 358-85784350.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Carroll Henderson. Department of Natural Resources. Section of Wildlife, 390 Centennial Office Building, St. Paul, MN 55155, USA. Tel: 612-2963344; Fax: 612-2974961.

BIOGRAPHY: Supervisor of the Nongame Wildlife Programme for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Has also served as the President of the Nongame Wildlife Association of North America. Has been instrumental in projects involving the conservation and restoration of trumpeter swans, peregrine falcons, river otters, bald eagles and eastern bluebirds. - 79 -

Hanno Henke. Federal Research Centre for Nature Conservation & Landscape Ecology, Konstantinstr. 100, 5300 Bonn 2, Germany. Tel: 228-8491190; Fax: 228-8491200.

BIOGRAPHY: Senior Research Scientist at the Federal Research Centre for Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology in Bonn, Germany where he is involved in National Parks, conservation planning and the Convention for the Protection of the Alps. Member of CNPPA.

Don Henry. 49 Grove Street, Birchgrove, NSW2041, Australia. Tel: 612-8102290; Fax: 612-2478778.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

T.B. Herman. Biology Department, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia BOP 1X0, Canada. Tel: 1-902-5422201; Fax: 1-902-5423466.

BIOGRAPHY: Associate Professor of Biology, Centre for Wildlife and Conservation Biology, Acadia University, Nova Scotia. Population ecologist with interests in population structure and dynamics, movement patterns spacing systems and the factors that determine them. He is particularly interested in small fragmented populations and their conservation. Present research includes: modelling impact of global climate change on local faunas; mating and spacing systems in temperate and tropical dragonfli.es.

Freddy Hcrmoso. MARNA, Direccion de Conservacion, Camejo a Colon, Edificio Comejo, 1010 Caracas, Venezuela. Tel: 58-24081387.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Millaray Hernandez. Corporacion Nacional Forestal, COHAF, Casilla // 32 Coyhaique - XI Region, Chile. Tel: 067-223315; Fax: 067- 222500.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingeniero Forestal especiallzada en manajo de Recursos Forestales. Labora haca 17 anos en actividades de Conservacion del Medio Ambiente, en los campos de areas silvestres protegidas y manejo de cuencas hidrograficas. Redicada desde 1975 an la XI Region, en la zona Austral de Chile, tendiendo a la incorporacion bajo normas de manejo internacional de mes de 5 millones de hectareas de areas silvestres protegidas dela XI Region.

Norma Hernandez. Consultora Juridica del MARNR, CSB, Torre Sur, Piso 24, Caracas 1010, Venezuela. Tel: 582-4081091.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Natalia Cecilia Hernandez Escobar. Carrera loa No. 24 - 76 Of. 305, Santafe de Bogota, Colombia. Tel: 2849010; Fax: 2843028.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologa, Universidad de los Andes, Bogato, Colombia. Investigadora, Fundacion Puerto Rastrojo, Colombia. - 80 -

Arturo Heriberto Hernandez Uuerta, Instituto de Ecologia, A.C, apartado Postal 63, Xalapa, Ver.91 000, Mexico. Tel: 91-28186000; Fax: 91-28186910.

BIOGRAPHY: Investigador del Instituto de Ecologia A.C, Mexico. Tirabajos realizados en las rcservas de la Bisfera "La Michilia" y "El Cielo" Sobre Programa de gestion de venado cola blanca e inventario faunistico; y diagnostico y plan de manejo de la reserva ecologia "La Mancha".

Luis Roberto Hernandez Louez. Museo Nacional Hist. Natural, Capitolio Nacional, Ciudad de la Habana, 10200 Cuba. Fax: 537 625604.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologo especialista en lepidopteros e hymenopteros (entomologo). Desde hace sands j'del DPTO de investigaciones del Museo Nacional Hist. Natural autor de varios libros. Ha participado en varios cursos de postgrndo (como professor). Ha presentado trabajos recientemente en evenros en (UICN). Rep. Dominicana, Brasil (WILD), Sheffield (Inglaterra) etc.

Miguel Angel Hernandez Soria. c/o Vereda de Ganapanes 31,1,2B, 28035 Madrid, Espana. Tel: 738020.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologo experto en espacios y especies amenazados. Miembro dela comision de parques y ares protegidas del comite espanol de la UICN. Representate ecologista por arnigos de la tierra en digua comision y en el patronato del parque nacional "Tablas de Daimiel.

Olga Herrera-MacBrvde. Smithsonian Institution, Department of Botony, NHB-166, Washington D.C., U.S.A. Tel: 202-3572027; Fax: 202-7862 563.

BIOGRAPHY: 1UCN-SI Latin American Plants Project. Latin America Research Officer.

Christina Herrero. Comite Espanol del MAB, Direccion General de Politica Abiental, MOPT, p. de Castellana 67, 28071 Madrid, Espana. Tel: 34-15531600; Fax: 34-15330711.

BIOGRAPHY: Secretaria Ejecutiva del Comite Espanol de Programa MAB de UNESCO. Experto en Educacion Ambiental.

Monica Herzie-Zurcher. Ramsar Convention Bureau, Av. du Mont Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 41 22 649114; Fax; 41 22 648375.

BIOGRAPHY: Technical officer within the Ramsar Convention Bureau since 1990; responsible for the Neotropical Region, wetland reserves and training. - 81 -

Frits J. Hesselink. Postbus 13030, 3507 LA Utrecht, Holland. Tel: 30-713734; Fax: 30-714868.

BIOGRAPHY: Vice Chairman, Commission on Education and Communication of IUCN. Director of the Netherlands Institute of Environmental Education.

Phillippa Hey1ines. c/o Commission for Lands and Environment, P.O. Box 811, Zanibar, Tanzania. Tel: 54-30269; Fax: 54-30647 attn. Cole.

BIOGRAPHY: Educationalist who lias been working in Zanzibar for three years and is presently starting work on an environmental education project with the Department of Environment in Zanzibar.

Arthur M. Ilevman. OAS, 17th and Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington D.C. 20006, U.S.A.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Jesse C. Hillman. Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Organisation, P.O. Box 386, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

BIOGRArilY: Not available.

Peter Phillip Hitchcock. Wet Tropics Management Agency, P.O. Box 2050, Cairns 4870, Australia. Tel: 70-316555; Fax: 70-311364.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of the Wet Tropics Management Agency, a joint federal and Queensland State Government initiative for the management of the tropical rainforests in the wet tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area.

Klas Η ielm. Conservation Officer, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, Box 4625, 11691 Stockholm, Sweden. Tel: 87026516; Fax: 87020855.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologist. Conservation officer at the Society for Nature Conservation, Stockholm. Head of the Society's Biodiversity Programme. SSC Regional Member for the Europe Region.

Adriana Hoffmann. Alvaro Casanova 613, Penalolen, Santiago, Chile. Tel: 2772899; Fax: 277595.

BIOGRAPHY: Botanica y Ecologia; especial interes en conservacion de ecosistemas y flora natura de Chile.

Luc Hoffmann. WWF, Ave. du Mont Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 22-649390; Fax: 22-645468.

BIOGRAPHY: Vice-President Emeritus - WWF. Director Emeritus - IWR. .onale du Banc d'Arguin, FIBA׳•President Fondation Internal - 82 -

Maja Hoffmann. 1, rue Pecquay, 75004 Paris, France. Tel: 33-148040551; Fax: 33-148043793.

BIOGRAPHY: Stage and Film Director. Made a documentary on the programme of assistance to the Imprague Fishermen living in the Pare National du Banc D'Arguin, .

Giovanna Holdbrook. 3540 N.W. 13 Street, Gainesville, Florida 32609, U.S.A. Tel: 904-3777111; Fax: 904-3713710.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Martin W. Holdgate. IUCN, Avenue du Mont-Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 22 649114; Fax: 22 642926

BIOGRAPHY: Dr Martin Holdgate has been Director General of IUCN - The World Conservation Union since April 1988. Before joining IUCN he was chief scientist in the UK Department of the Environment. He is a biologist whose scientific research tocussed on the Antarctic and Subantartic.

John Hollowav. Dept of Conservation, P.O. Box 10-420, Wellington, New Zealand. Tel: 64 4 4710 726; Fax: 64 4 4711 1082.

BIOGRAPHY: He has been the Director, Estate Protection Policy for the Dept of Conservation since its inception in 1987. He was previously a forester with the former NZ Forest Service from 1969. Estate Protection Policy Division has responsibility at national level for policy setting, resource allocation, and monitoring and reporting in the functional areas of land administration, fire control, introduced plant and animal management, protected areas, condition monitoring, freshwater ecosystem management and the management of coasts and marine reserves.

Lynn Holowesko, The Bahamas National Trust, Iliggs and Kelly, P.O. Box N-113, Nassau, Bahamas. Tel: 809-3227511; Fax: 809-3250724.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Paul Holtus, CP. D5, Noumea Cedex, New Caledonia. Tel: 687-262000; Fax: 687-263818.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Darin Honchin. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, P.O. Box 1379, Townsville, Qld 4180, Australia.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 83 -

Md. Afzal Hossain. 1672 Haque Mansion, Bibirhat Bazar, P.O. Amin Jute Mills, Chittagong 4211, Bangladesh. Tel; 31-210459.

BIOGRAPHY: M.Sc. in Plant Sciences from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Aim is to protect hills and keep untouched areas intact.

John HOUR 11. Chief Technical Advisor, Serengeti Regional Conservation Strategy, P.O. Box 1541, Arusha, Tanzania.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Thomas Houriean. US Agency for International Development, LAC/DR/E, Washington D.C. 20523, USA. Tel: 202 647 8085; Fax: 202 647 8098.

BIOGRAPHY: He received his PhD from the University of Hawaii, conducting research on coral reef fish ecology. His subsequent studies included research in tropical, temperate and antarctic ecosystems, as well as basic physiological investigations with applications to aquaculture. He is presently a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, working as an environmental advisor for the US Agency for International Development in the Latin America and Caribbean Region.

Brian Houseal. The Nature Conservancy, 1815 North Lynn Street, Arlington, VA 22209, USA. Tel: 703-8414881; Fax: 703-8414880.

BIOGRAPHY: Director, Mexico/Central American Region, Latin America Division, The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, U.S.A. Has spent over a decade in Latin America, working on protected area management projects in Chile, Honduras, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Jamaica and Panama.

Alastair Howard. National Parks and Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 1967, Hurtsville, NSW2220, Australia. Tel: 61-25856304; Fax: 61-25856455.

BIOGRAPHY: Deputy Director (Field Management and Services) with the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Australia. 20 years practical experience in the management of a diverse range of parks and reserves in alpine, coastal and semi-arid areas. He also has extensive experience in the management of wildlife and Aboriginal sites and relics. Recently, he has been closely associated with the involvement and training of indigenous people in park management.

Eric S. Howard• Environmental Law Centre, Adennuera1lee 214, 53 Bonn 1, Germany. Tel: 49-228-2692232; Fax: 49-228-26922 51.

BIOGRAPHY: Information officer at the IUCN Environmental Law Centre, Bonn, working towards more efficient collection and distribution of environmental laws and legal information. He has a long-standing interest in the planning process for public local management. - 84 -

Geoffrey Howard. IUCN Eastern Africa, P.O. Box 68200, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel: 2542 502650; Fax: 2542 503511.

BIOGRAPHY: Regional wetlands coordinator, East Africa; wetlands and wildlife biologist, Southern Africa.

Peter Charles Howard. P.O. Box 4930, Kampala, Uganda. Tel: 241682; Fax: 24162 or 233708.

BIOGRAPHY: Currently working for the European Communities as Nature Conservation Advisor to the Uganda Forest Department, supporting improved management of Uganda1 s tropical high forest reserves. Have worked on wildlife conservation issues in eastern and southern Africa for the past 12 years with the Natal Parks Board (South Africa) WWF (Regional office for eastern Africa), Uganda Government and EEC.

Erich Hovt. Whale & Dolphin Conservation Society, 29 Dirleton Ave., No. 11, North Berwick E1I39 1BE, Scotland, U.K. Tel: 44-6203644; Fax: 44620-5257.

BIOGRAPHY: Written 6 books on whales and dolphins based on extensive research on whales in the wild. He has also worked on the conservation of plant genetic resources and is author of "Conserving the Wild Relatives of Crops". He has written and researched reports for conservation societies and environmental groups, as well as articles for Wildnernes, National Geographic, New York Times and The Guardian.

Richard M. Huber. Natural Resource Specialist, The World Bank, LATEN, 1818 H. Street N.W., Washington D.C, 20433 U.S.A. Tel: 202-4738581; Fax: 202-6769373.

BIOGRAPHY: Natual Resource and Environmental Consultant for the World Bank. Worked for 15 years in Latin America and the Caribbean as a consultant. He served two years as the Director of the Urban Park Rangers in the City of New York Department of Parks and Recreation.

Leslie J. Hudson. CANARI, Clarke St., Vieux Fort, St. Lucia. Tel: 809-4546060; Fax: 809-4545188.

BIOGRAPHY: Environmental educator and administrator, with experience in U.S., St. Lucia and Pakistan. Emphasis on teacher training and integration of environmental issues and knowledge with school curricula. Currently pursuing a PhD. in Natural Resources Policy and Management, focusing on community participation in planning and management, of parks and protected areas, in association with CANARI in St. Lucia. - 85 -

Augusto Huescar Martinez. Organizacion Mundial del Turismo, Capitan Haya 42, Madrid 28020, Espana. Tel: 5710628; Fax: 5713733.

BIOGRAPHY: Tras licenciarse en la Universidad Central de Madrid, presto servicio como economists en la oficina tecnica de la direccion general de promocion del turismo (Espana). Trabajo como consultor Espana y America Latina desde 1971-77. Ese ano ingreso en la omt donde ha trabajado en los departamentos de investigacion; cooperacion tecnica y programa general de travajo. Es representante regional de la onit papa las Americas.

Dan. E. Huff. National Park Service, U.S.A.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Douglas William Hulver. The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, Slimbridge, Glos. GL2 7BT, U.K. Tel: 453 890333; Fac: 453-890827.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of Education, The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, involved in environmental education for 20 years. Chairman of Wetland Link International.

John W. Humke. The Nature Conservancy, 1815 N. Lynn Street, Arlington, Virginia 22209, U.S.A. Tel: 703-8418761; Fax: 703-8411283.

BIOGRAPHY: A Vice-President of The Nature Conservancy where he has worked for the pst 25 years in a variety of capacities including Illinois State Director, Midwest Regional Director, Director of Operations, Director of Stewardship, and his current position, Director of Agency Relations. Conservancy's liaison to the federal agencies in Washington D.C.

C.J. Humphries. Biogeography and Conservation Project, Biodiversity Programme, The Natural History Museum, London SW7 5BD, U.K. Tel: 71-9389405; Fax: 71-9389260.

BIOGRAPHY: Senior Research Scientist in the Department of Botany at the Natural History Museum, London. Strong interest in systematic botany, biogeography, methods of systematics and conservation. Currently working on methods for prioritising areas for conservation based on systematic principles.

Tesfaye Hundessa, P.O. Box 386, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Tel: 251-1610980; Fax: 251-1518977.

BIOGRAPHY: Long time graduate of CAWM College at Mweka. Field warden for several years. Currently Head of Conservation Division based at HQ in Addis Ababa. Primary responsibility of supervisory Parks, Sanctuaries and Wildlife Reserves. Student of business management. - 86 -

Wilson Hunter. P.O. Box 588, Chinle, Arizona 86503, U.S.A. Tel: 602-6745436; Fax: 602-6743439.

BIOGRArilY: A Navajo Indian and a native of Arizona in Canyon de Chelly. He is a member of the (Coyote Pass) clan and born for the (Bitter Water) clan. Currently he is the Interpretive Specialist at Canyon de Chelly National Monument and has been with the National Park Service for the past 8 years.

Mario Hurtado. Casilla 0901 - 10355, Guayaquil, Ecuador. Tel: 593-4307558; Fax: 593-4565049.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Luis Hurtado de Mcndoza. Servicio de Parques Nacionales, Apartado 10104, 1000 San Jose, Costa Rica. Tel: 506-236963; Fax: 506-236963.

BIOGRAPHY: Antropologo, Peruano; Estudios de Posgrado en Pensylvania State University, Estados Unidos; Profesor universitario en Peru y Costa Rica 1978-85; Coordinador de Capacitacion en Areas Silvestres, CATIΕ 1985-90; Asesor Tecnico en Cooperacion Internacional, Servicio de Parques Nacionales, Costa Rica (actualmente).

Mazhar Hussain, Environment Directorate, Sector F-9, Islamabad, Pakistan. Tel: 51 858511; Fax: 51 823234.

BIOGRArilY: Has 22 years experience of working in the Environment Directorate, Capital Development Authority, Islamabad, including 12 years as Manager Margallah Hills National Park. Presently working as Deputy Director Environment, CBA, and Secretary Margallah Hills Society. Interested in the management of threatened habitats and species.

Zakir Hussain. 302 Outreach Building, Asian Institute of Technology, GPO Box 2754, Bangkok 10501, Thailand. Fax: 662-6245392.

BIOGRAPHY: He is currently working as the Regional Coordinator, Wetlands Programme, IUCN, in Southeast Asia. Is a forester by profession and has extensive experience in the management and conservation of natural resources including coastal wetlands.

Les Hutchins. 38 O'Neill Crescent, Bridge Hill, Alexandra, New Zealand. Tel: 3-4487322; Fax: 3-4487322.

BIOGRAPHY: Private and New Zealand Conservation Authority.

William F. Hyde. Economic Research Service, Washington, D.C, U.S.A.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 87 -

ICBP. PUPA, 32 Cambridge Road, Girton, Cambridge CB3 OPJ, United Kingdom.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Iamo Ila. Department of Environment and Conservation, P.O. Box 6601, Borsio, Papua New Guinea. Tel: 675-271788; Fax: 675-271044.

BIOGRAPHY: Secretary of the Department.

Alejandro C. Imbach. IUCN, Av.du Mont Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: (22) 648 360; Fax (22) 643 325.

BIOGRAPHY: Coordinator of the Latin America Programme. Previously in the Central America Regional Office where he has served in different positions since 1987. Prior to going to IUCN he worked for 10 years in rural development in northeastern Argentina.

Sixto I. Inchaustegui. Grupo Jaragua, Inc., El Vergel 33, El Vergel, Santo Domingo, Repiiblica Dominicana. Tel: 809-5403036; Fax: 809-5626893.

BIOGRAPHY: Dominicana Biologo. Profesor Universitario Mas de 20 anos dedicados a la educacion, investigacion y conservacion. Ligado al desarroilo de las areas protegidas del pars desde la fundacion de la Direccion Nacional de Parques. Presidente del GRUPO JARAGUA, Inc., ONG conservacionista.

Gordan Ingram. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Tel: 604-82255277.

BIOGRAPHY: Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia. Particularly concerned with the IN SITV conservation plant genetic resources and conservation planning for the remaining islands with tracts of primary rainforest.

Felipe In ioque. Asociacion dc Ecologia y conservacion (ECCO), Av. 2 de Mayo 527, Miraflores - Lima 18 - Peru. Tel: 472369; Fax: 0051-14-440660.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

L. Isaeva-rctrova. S. Karasseva, N. Zabelina, Ail-Union Research Institute of Nature, Conservation and Reserves, Moscow, Russia. Tel: 7-954230322; Fax: 7-954232322.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 88 -

Abouldrahman Salim Issa. Department of Environment, P.O. Box 811, Zanzibar, Tanzania. Tel: 235-5430269; Fax: 255-5431252.

BIOGRAPHY: Professional background is Town and Country Planning. Worked for 7 years as a Physical Planner. Recently was involved in initiating the environmental policy and programme for Zanzibar and the setting up of the Department of Environment. Very interested in establishment of nature conservation areas.

Andrei Ivanov-Smolenski. c/o Socio-Ecologica1 Union, Ul. Krasnoarmeyskays 25, kv. 85, Moscow, 125319. Russia. Tel: 1571635.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Arturo Izurieta Valcrv. Fundacion Charles Darwin, Casilla 17-01-3891, Ecuador. Tel: 593-2501947; Fax: 593-2501951.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologist, Superintendent - Galapagos National Park. - 89 -

Suzanne Jackson Richman. 710 Ε Durant Ave., Aspen, Colorado 81011, U.S.A. Tel: 30.3-9258354; Fax: 303-9201387.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Brian James. Chief Forestry and Lands Officer, Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Forestry, Castries, St. Lucia. Tel: 809-4523078; Fax: 809-4530087.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Philmore James. National Parks Authority of Antigua and Barbuda, P.O. Box 1283, St. John's, Antigua and Barbuda. Tel: 809-4001053; Fax: 809-4001516.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Dra. Silvia Jaauenod dc Zsoeon. Princesa 27, 28008, Madrid, Espana. Tel: 34-1-5591595; Fax: 34-1-4201323.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

N.D. Javal. The Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage, 71 Lodi Estate, New Dehli 110 003, India. Tel: 011302.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Bruce Jefferies. UNDP/World Bank/IIED Technical Support Project, Papua New Guinea Forestry Sector, P.O. Box 342, Boroko, Papua New Guinea. Tel: 075-277839; Fax: 675-257780.

BIOGRAPHY: Park Manager, New Zealand National Park Service 1966-76; Nepal - Mt. Sagarnatha (Everest) Project Manager 1977-79; New Zealand - Park Superintendent, Tongasiro National Park 1980-86; CTA/Project Manager National Park Project, Nepal 1989-91; Papua New Guinea - Conservation Specialist NFCAP.

Catherine Jenkins. Federation des pares naturels, 4 rue de Stockholm, 75008 Paris, France. Tel: 42-949084; Fax: 45-227078.

BIOGRAPHY: Docteur en Ecologie. Directrice de la Federation des pares naturels de France.

Alain Jeudv de Grissac. ΜΕΤΛΡ/CEM Co. Blue Plan, Place Sophie Laffitte, 06560 Sophia-Valbonne, France.. Tel: 33-93652207; Fax: 33-93653528.

BIOGRAPHY: Marine Geologist, oceanologist in charge of scientific activities of the Regional Activity Centre for specially protected areas of the Mediterranean Action Plan from 1985-91. Currently in charge of the component Coastal Ecosystem Management of the METAP programme of the World Bank. - 90 -

Jose Manuel Jiron Arata. Apartado 10094, San Jose, Costa Rica. Tel: 229260; Fax: 236963.

BIOGRAFHY: Presidente Comite Regional, Area Conservacion Guanacaste.

Neil Johannsen. Alaska State Parks, P.O. Box 107001, Anchorage, AK 99510-7001, U.S.A. Tel: 907-7622600; Fax: 907-7622535.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of the 130 unit 3.3 million acre Alaska State Park system. Previously Deputy Director of California State Parks. He has provided the oversight for the addition of 40 state park units in Alaska, substantial development of new facilities, creation of a park user fee system and the creation of the largest volunteer worker programme in the State.

A.J.T. Johnsineh. Wildlife Institute of India, Dehra Dun, 248 006, India. Tel: 28760 or 27724; Fax: 135-23518.

BIOGRAPHY: Wildlife biologist from Wildlife Institute of India. Research interest includes dholes, Asian elephant, Asian lion and mountain ungulates. Member of IUCN Cat Canid, Asia and Elephant Specialist Groups.

Martha Johnson. 25 Morrison Drive, Yellowknife NWT, X1A 1Z3, Canada. Tel: 403-8736617; Fax: 403-8733867.

BIOGRAPHY: For the past 3 years, has been responsible for coordinating the traditional environmental knowledge research of the Dene Cultural Institute, and has recently compiled a pilot project to develop a research methodology to document traditional environmental knowledge using a participating community approach to research.

Timothy Johnson. WCMC, 219 Huntingdon Road, Cambridge CB3, ODL, U.K. Tel: 223-277314; Fax: 223-277136.

BIOGRAPHY: Manager of species activities at WCMC.

Gary Johnston. Wildlife and Vegetation Division, National Park Service, P.O. Box 37127, Washington, D.C. 20013-7127, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Tim Jones. IWRB, c/o Wildfowl Trust, Slimbridge, Glos. GL2 7TB, UK. Tel: 453-890624; Fax: 453-890697.

BIOGRAPHY: Currently based at Slimbridge U.K. working for the International Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Bureau. IWRB/Ramsar liaison officer, coordinating IWRB's technical support to the Ramser Convention on Wetlands of international importance. - 91 -

Maria Tereza Jorge Padua, President, Fundacjao Pro-Natureza - FUNATURA, Caixa postal 02-0186, 70.001 Brasilia, DF, Brazil. Tel: 61-2745449; Fax: 61-2745324.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Arnfinn Jorgensen-Dahl. UNFPA, 220 East 42nd. Street, N.Y.10017, New York, U.S.A. Tel: 212-2975231; Fax: 212-2974915.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Justus Joshua. Wildlife Institute of India, P.O. New Forest, Dehra Dun, 248 006, India. Tel: 135-28760; Fax: 135-27724.

BIOGRAPHY: Research Fellow with the Wildlife Institute of India. Completed Doctoral research on the grizzled giant squirrel. Currently studying Asian elephants. Interest - conservation of tropical rain forests.

Eugene Joubert. Head, Nature Conservation Research, Ministry of Wildlife, Conservation and Tourism, Private Bag 13306, , . Tel: 61-63131; Fax: 61-63195.

BIOGRAPHY: Deputy Director and Head of Nature Conservation Research. Chairman of ministerial committee on masterplans and management plans for National Parks and equivalent reserves. Has published 80 scientific papers on related issues.

Salomon Joubert. Kruger National Park, Private Bag X402, Skukuza 1350, Republic of South Africa. Tel: 1311-65611; Fax: 1311-65467.

BIOGRAPHY: Executive Director of Kruger National Park.

Marcos China Juing. P.O. Box 1395 98009, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia.

BIOGRAPHY: Project Coordinator of Baram Self-Development Association. Plays significant role in the promotion and development of Sustainable Agriculture amongst the longhouse communities as a means to discourage swidden cultivation. Personally launched a model of project which plants indigenous tree species aimed to conserve the ecosystem and to preserve trees genetic potential.

S.V.S. June ia. 214 Sector ]5A, Noida 20130, Uttar Pradesh, India. Tel: 1189-23774.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 92 -

Arne Kaasik. Director, Lahemaa National Park, 202128 Viitna, Laanc-Virumaa, Estonia. Tel: 01432-45759, Fax: 0142-453310

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Slaheddine Bel Hadj Kacem. Direction Generale des Forets, 30 rue Alain Savary, Tunis, Tunisia. Tel: 282681.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingenieur general des forets. Directeur de la Conservation. Responsable de la protection des forets et de la rotection de la nature, chasse, faune, flore, pares nationaux et reserves naturelles. Suivi des conventions signees par la Tunisie: CITES, RAMSAR, BONN, AFRICAINE, PATRIMOINE MONDIALE NATUREL.

Nather Khan Abrabim. Asian Wetland Bureau, Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Malaysia, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: 603-7566624; Fax: 603-7571225.

BIOGRArilY: Malaysian Programme Coordinator, Asian Wetland Bureau.

Fabienne Kalifat-Turner. IUCN, Ave. du Mont Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 22-648360; Fax: 22-648325.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Habib Kallel. Laboratoire de Biochimie, Faculte des Sciences, Campus Universitaire, Tunis, Tunisia. Tel: 512500, Fax: 555600.

BIOGRAPHY: Docteur es sciences. Professeur en biochimie, Faculte des Sciences et Faculte de Medecine a Tunis. Directeur, Departement Biochimie, Universitaire de Tunis.

A.R. Kaiuni. ΤΛΝΑΡΑ, P.O. Box 3134, Arushn, Tanzania. Tel: 255-573471, Fax: 255 573472.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Irene Njeri Kamau. WWF Regional Office Eastern Africa, P.O. Box 62440, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel: 332963, Fax: 332878.

BIOGRAPHY: Programme Officer at WWF Regional Office in Nairobi, Kenya. Has previously worked for Kenya Government in the wildlife and natural resources fields and for the International Council for Research in Agroforestry. - 93 -

Hadya Amadou KaneT B.P. 124, Nouadhibou, Mauritania. Tel: 45085, Fax: 45228.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingenieur agronome, respectivement: Chef d'Inspection regionale agricole, 1967 a 1971. Chef service national de protection des vegetaux, 1971-1978. Directeur de la Protection de la Nature, 1979-1984. Gouverneur adjoint charge des affairs economique et sociale, 1984-1985. Directeur General du Pare National du Banc d'Arquin, 1985-1992. A participe a plusieurs reunion regionales et Internationales traitant des questions relatives aux problemes de developpement rural et de la nature.

Vitor Carlos Kaniak. Cliief, Department of the Conservation Areas of Brazil, Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA). Tel: 061-2237208; Fax: 005561-2245605.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Dhun Karkaria. Centre for Environment Education, Thaltej Tekra, Ahmedabad 380 054, Gujarat, India. Tel: 442642; Fax: 91 272 467342.

BIOGRAPHY: Five and half years visual communication course at the National Institute of Design. Two open design competition awards. Played a key role in the formation of the Centre for Environment Education; started professional design and education as well as production services at the Centre; instrumental in long term R&D projects and project coordinator of three international projects at the Centre. Headed the team for the Indo-US Kanha National Park Interpretative Programme.

Zbigniew Karpowicz. IUCN East European Programme, 219c Huntingdon Road, Cambridge CB3 ODL, UK. Tel: 223 277314; Fax: 223 277136.

BIOGRAPHY: Coordinator of IUCN's European Programme with special responsibility for central and east Europe and the former USSR.

Kuswata Kartawinata. Directorate of National Parks and Recreation Forests, Jalan Ir. Η. Juanda 15, P.O. Box 133, Bogor 16001, Indonesia. Fax: 0251-323972 or 021-584818.

BIOGRArilY: Not available.

Robert Kasisi. WWF International, Av. du Mont-Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 22-649291, Fax: 22-644238.

BIOGRAPHY: Born in Zaire and spent several years in Quebec. Has done some research at Kajiuzi-Biega National Park. Ph.D in management resources, Universite de Montreal. Associated professor at Universite Internationale de la Crancophonie-Senghor in Alexandria, Egypt. Programme Officer for West and Central Africa, WWF International, Gland. - 94 -

Abang Haji Kassim and Ngui Siew Kong, National Parks and Wildlife Office, 1st Floor, Wisma Sumber Alam, Petra Jaya, 93660 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Kostas Kassioumis. Head, Section for the Forest Environment, National Parks and Forest Recreation, Ministry of AGriculture, 3-5 Hippokratous Street, Athens 10164, Greece. Tel: 1-3637659, Fax:1-3607138.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

J. Kavuma. Chief, Environment Officer, Dept. of Environment Protection, Ministry of Energy, Minerals and Environment Protection, P.O. Box 9629, Kampala, Uganda. Tel: 257976, Fax: 244801.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Graeme Kelleher. Vice-Chairman Marine, Commission on National Parks and Protected Areas, Chairman, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, PO Box 791, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia; and Chris Beakley, lUCN/Special Projects Officer, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, GPO Box 791, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia. Tel: 616-2470211, Fax: 616-247561.

BIOGRAPHY: Chairman of the Great Barrier ReeC Marine Park Authority since 1979. The Authority is responsible for managing the world's largest Marine Protected Area. Has been Vice-chair, Marine of IUCN's CNPPA since 1986. Trained as a civil engineer, and has been involved in natural resource management, covering land, freshwater and sea resources for 2 decades.

Martin Gerriets Kelsey. International Council for Bird Preservation, 32 Cambridge Road, Girton, Cambridge CB3 OPJ, United Kingdom. Tel: 223-277318, Fax: 223-277200.

BIOGRAPHY: America's Programme Office for the International Council for Bird Preservation. Has wide ranging first-hand field experience throughout the world, most recently as a member of the British Ornithologists' Union project in Colombia.

Elizabeth Kemf. WWF-Internationa1, Ave. du Mont-Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 22-649557, Fax: 22-648307.

BIOGRAPHY: Conservation Editor/Environmental Journalist, Filmmaker. With WWF-Iuternational for 10 years. Author of book and numerous articles on Vietnam's environment. - 95 -

Jeff Kennedy. Principal Environmental Planner, University of California, Natural Reserve System, 300 Lakeside Drive, Oakland, California 94612-3560, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Robert Kcrr. 170 Constant Spring Road, Kingston 10, Jamaica. Tel: 92 42667; Fax: 809 92 75671.

BIOGRAPHY: He is presently the Manager of Jamaica's First Terrestrial Park, the Blue and John Crow Mountain National Park. One of the largest protected areas in the English speaking Caribbean area, (over 78,000 ha) with very high levels of biodiversity. His involvement has led to creative programmes and concepts on protected areas and local communities being developed, some of which have been documented for regional publications.

Aila Kcto. P.O. Box 2050, Cairns, Queensland 4870, Australia. Tel: 07-3681318, Fax: 07-3683938.

BIOGRAPHY: Member of the Wet Tropics Management Authority, a statutory body responsible for management of the wet tropics of Queensland World Heritage area. In the capacity of President of the Rainforest Conservation Society (Australia) lias won several national and international awards, culminating in the successful nomination of the Wet Tropics of Queensland to the World Heritage List, which is one of only 12 sites qualifying on all four criteria for a natural heritage.

Aziz Aslam Khan. Punjab Wildlife Department, 2, Sanda Road, Lahore, Pakistan. Tel: 322138.

BIOGRArilY: Joined Superior Forest Services in 1961. Worked as Forest Officer in various capacities til August 1979. Appointed as Head of Wildlife Department in September 1979 and is working as Director General Wildlife to date. Created independent department of Wildlife in 1982 and has organised the Department on scientific lines for protection, preservation, captive breeding and research. 36 wildlife sanctuaries, 21 game reserves and 2 national parks have been delcared in the Province of Punjab over this period. Represented Pakistan in various wildlife conferences throughout the world.

Ibrahim Nathcr Khan. Asian Wetland Bureau, Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Malaya, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: 603-7566624, Fax: 603-7571225.

BIOGRArilY: Malaysian Programme Coordinator, Asian Wetland Bureau. - 96 -

Imran Ahmad Khan. Wildlife Institute oC India, P.O. New Forest, Dehra Dun 248 006 (U.P.), India. Tel: 0135-28760, Fax: 0135-23518.

BIOGRAPHY: Junior Research Fellow of the Wildlife Institute of India. Masters in wildlife sciences from A.M.U, Ahgarb and has also completed M.Phil on crop-raiding behaviour of Nilgai in Western Uttar Pradesh, India. Joined WII in' 1989 aiming to work on the project "Introduction and Monitoring of Sangai (Cervus eldi eldi.) in Assam". Field of interest is management and biology of cervids, as well as conservation education and environmental awareness programmes in buffer zones in India's protected area network.

Mohammad Ali Reza Khan. Dubai Zoo, P.O. Box 67, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Tel: 9714-440462, 9714-231795.

BIOGRAPHY: In Charge of Dubai Zoo. Former Associate Professor of Zoology of Dhaka University, Bangladesh and author of many books on the Wildlife of Bangladesh. An expert on the Wildlife of U.A.E.

Abdulrabman Kho ia. National Wildlife Research Center, Taif, P.O. Box 1086, Saudi Arabia. Tel: 00966-27455188, Fax: 00966-27455176.

BIOGRAPHY: A Conservationist, at present serving as Director of National Wildlife Research Center, Taif, Saudi Arabia which has the management of the protected area Mahazat as said.

Frederick W. Kieenvi. Forest Department Headquarters, P.O. Box 1752, Kampala Uganda. Tel: 258739, Fax: 256041.

BIOGRAPIfY: Assistant Commissioner for Forestry in charge of nature reserves establishment, management and monitoring; Head of Environmental Forestry Research Unit. Holds a B.Sc. in Forestry, and an M.Sc. (Conservation) from the University of Wales, 1980. Specialisation: biodiversity conservation.

Ock-Kyuhg Kim. IUCN, Ave. du Mont Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland, Tel: 22-648360; Fax: 22-648325.

BIOGRAPHY: Social Scientist with IUCN. Over the last two decades, has worked in the field of Population, Public Health, Family Planning, Development and Environment.

Joseph Kioko Maweo. Kenya Wildlife Service, Box 40241, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel: 501081; Fax: 505866.

BIOGRAPHY: He is the Deputy Director of Kenya Wildlife Service in charge of national parks and protected areas and wildlife services outside parks/protected areas. - 97 -

Cristina Garcia Kirkbride. The Nature Conservancy, 1815 N. Lynn Street, Arlington, VA 22209, USA. Tel: 703 841 5300; Fax: 703 841 4880.

BIOGRArilY: Not available.

Reinhard Klein. Commission des Communautes Europeennes, DG XI.B.2, Batiment T-174 2/4, B-1049 Bruxelles, Belgique. Tel: 236.8727; Fax: 236.88.24.

BIOGRAPHY: Diplome d'ingenieur civil. Docteur en amenagement du territoire. 6 ans de chef d*amenagement regional en Allemagne. Depuis 1983 fonetionnaire a la Commission des Communautes Europeennes, charge de la conservation de la nature.

Rudolf Kleinschmidt. Real Estate Investment (Overseas) Company (RIOC), 2125 112th Avenue, NE, Suite 301, Bellevue, WA 98004, USA. Tel: 206-6549564; Fax: 206-4511668.

BIOGRAPHY: Architest, President of Real Estate Investment Overseas Company, a resort development farm.

Ms. Maritta Koch-Wcsser. Chief, Environmental Assessments & Programs Division, Environment Department, The World Bank, 1818 Η Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20433, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Toomas Kokovkin. Research Director, Hiumaa Centre of the West-Estonian Islands, Biosphere Reserve, Kardla, 203200, Estonia. Tel: 7-0144696276, Fax:7-0144699142.

BIOGRAPHY: Studied in St. Petersburg and Tartu Universities as Nature Geographer. Thesis, (1990) on evolution and landscape ecology of small islands in the East Baltic. Since 1990 Research Director in the Hiiumaa Centre of Biosphere Reserve.

Stein Kollungstad. Nature Conservation Division, Royal Ministry of Environment, Box 8013 Dep. 0030 Oslo, Norway. Tel: 472-345883, Fax: 472-342756.

BIOGRAPHY: Senior Executive Officer in the Nature Conservation Division, Royal Ministry of Environment, Norway.

Jon Gregory Kosek. 634 Mirada Ave., Stanford, CA 94305, United States. Tel: 425-3269103.

BIOGRAPHY: Terminating fellowship for the Thomas J. Watson Foundation. Research was carried out on the role of local people in protected areas, giving specific attention to cultural controls in natural resource management as well as local peoples role in project management in Costa Rica, Australia, Nepal, Zimbabwe and Kenya. - 98 -

Sarath Kotagama. Director, Department of Wildlife Conservation, 82 Rajamalwatte Road, Battaramulla. Tel: 567084; Fax: 567088.

BIOGRArilY: Director, Wildlife Conservation in Sri Lanka, and Senior Lecturer at the Open University of Sri Lanka.

Yvette Koue Lou Tie. Directeur executif, AIBEF, B.P. 5315, Abidjan 01, Cote d'lvoire. Tel: 224171.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Jerzy Kozlowski. Department of Geographical Sciences, The University of Queensland, Queensland 4072, Australia.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Peter Kramer. WWF-International, Ave. du Mont-Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 22-649262, Fax: 22-644238.

BIOGRAPHY: Director, Field Programme, WWF-International.

Randall Kramer. School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC 27516, USA. Tel: 919 684 6090; Fax: 919 684 8741.

BIOGRAPHY: He is a professor of resource and environmental economics at Duke University. His area of research focus is economic valuation of environmental resources.

Harald Kremser• National Park Hohe Tauern, Salzburger National Park fonds, 5741 Neukirchen 306, Austria. Tel: 43 6565 6558.0; Fax: 43 6565 6558.18.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Lome K. Kriwoken. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Centre for Environmental Studies, P.O. box 2520, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Tel: 02-202834, Fax: 02-202989.

BIOGRAPHY: Research Council Fellow at the University of Tasmania, Hobart. Recently terminated 3 months in the Antarctic conducting research on environmental planning and protected areas.

Stanley Krugman. Director, Forest Management Research, US Dept. of Agriculture, Washington D.C. 20090-6090, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 99 -

Zygmunt Krzeminski. Department of Nature Conservation, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry, 00-922 Warsaw, Wawelska 52/54, Poland. Tel: 226204, Fax: 391-20049.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Guy Raula Kula. Department of Environment and Conservation, P.O. box 6601, Boroko, Papua New Guinea. Tel: 675-271793, Fax: 675-2/1044.

BIOGRAPHY: First Assistant Secretary for Nature Conservation responsible for formulation, developing conservation policies for terrestrial and marine areas.

Ludmilla V. Kuleshova. Ail-Union Research Institute, Nature Conservation and Reserves, Sadki-Znamenskoye, Moscow 113628, USSR. Tel: 7095-4230322, 7095-4232322.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

C.E.K. Kumado. Faculty of Law, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana. Tel: 23321-666019, Fax: 23321-667131.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Jaap H. Kuper. Kon. Park 6, 7315 JB Apeldoorm, The Netherlands. Tel: 055-219709, Fax: 055-224462.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Kurt Kutav. 3516 NE 155th, Seattle, WA 98155, United States. Tel: 206-3650686, Fax: 206-3636615.

BIOGRAPHY: President of Wildland Adventures Travel Company. Masters Degree in Natural Resources, University of Michigan. Worked for International Parks Division, US Parks and National Park Service of Costa Rica. Author of numerous articles on Ecotourism. Serves on the Board of Directors of The Ecotourism Society. - 100 -

Lahcen Laallam. Chef, Div. de la Chasse et Peche, Protection de la Nature, Direction des Eaux et Forets et conservation des sols. Rabat, Chellah, Morocco. Tel: 762462, Fax: 764446.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

David LaDow. 2125-112th Ave. ME, Suite 301, Bellcvue, WA 98004, United States. Tel: 206-4552252, Fax: 206-4511668.

BIOGRAPHY: Lawyer for real estate investment overseas company, a resort development firm.

Andre Lalonde. R.R. # 3, Riverside Road, Wakefield, Quebec JOX 3GO, Canada. Tel: 819-4593591, Fax: 819-4593237.

BIOGRAPHY: Environmental consultant.

David Lamb. Dept of Botany, University of Queensland, Mansfield Place, Brisbane 4072, Australia. Tel: 617 365 2731; Fax: 617 365 1699.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Hugh Francis Lamprey. Little Widefield Farm, Imwardleigh, Okehampton, Devon EX20 3DA, United Kingdom. Tel: 0837-52627.

BIOGRAPHY: Degrees MA, D.Phil. Zoology, Ecology. Wildlife Biologist, Tanzania, 1953-1962. Principal, College of African Wildlife Management, 1962-1966. Director, Serengeti Research Institute, Tanzania, 1966-1973. Representative, IUCN and WWF in East Africa, 1974-1975. Pro? coordinator and Senior Ecologist, Unesco MAB Integrated Project in Arid Lands, Kenya, 1976-1985. Regional representative of WWF in Eastern Africa, 1986-1990.

Ney C. Landrum. 126 Mill Branch Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32312, United States. Tel: 904-8934959, Fax: 904-8937739.

BIOGRAPHY: Executive Director, National Association of State Park Directors. Director Emeritus, Florida State Parks (State of Florida).

Alfred Lang. Bavarian State Ministry for Development and Environmental Affairs, Rosenkavalierplatz 2, 8000 Munchen 81, Germany. Tel: 089-92140, Fax: 089-82142266.

BIOGRAPHY: Responsible for National Parks and Nature Parks in Bava ria.

Francine Lang. 1104 Strand Street, Christiansted, St. Croix, US Virgin Is. 00820, USA. Tel: 809 773 9854; Fax: 809 773 5770.

BIOGRAPHY: She is a project officer for the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI), and is based in St. Croix. - 101 -

Keith Langdon. Supervisory Natural Resource Specialist, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Gatlinburg, Tennessee 377738, USA. Tel: 615-4361250, Fax: 615-4361220.

BIOGRAPHY: Academic training in Geography, with a speciality in Biogeography. 17 years experience in the US National Park Service and has worked assignments in 6 temperate deciduous and sub-tropical units of the US park system.

Wangqu Lang i i c. Tibet Development Fund, Lhasa Branch, Beijing Zhong Rd, No.184, Lhasa, Tibet, China. Tel: 9771-419224, Fax: 9771-410073.

BIOGRAPHY: Tibet Development Fund and Member of Task Force and Experts Group, Qomolangma Natura Preserve.

Olivier Langrand• WWF Protected Areas Management, B.P. 738, Antananarivo, Madagascar. Tel: 2612-34885, Fax: 2612-34888.

BIOGRAPHY: Working in Madagascar since 1986 for WWF as Technical Advisor to the Protected Areas Management Project. Prior to this worked in Madagascar for 5 years collecting ornithologist data, culminating in the publication of a book in 1990.

Wilbur F. LaPage. Ph.D., Director, New Hampshire Parks & Recreation, P.O. Box 856, Concord, New Hampshire 03302-0856, USA. Tel: 603-2713255, Fax: 603-2712629.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of Parks, Trails and Historic Sites for the State of New Hampshire. Member of the President's Commission on Americans Outdoors. Has taught parks and tourism impacts at the University of New Hampshire and lias authoried nearly 100 articles and research reports.

Thor S. Larsen. NORAD, P.O. Box 8034 Dep. 0030 Oslo 1, Norway. Tel: 472-314326, Fax: 472-314401.

BIOGRAPHY: Senior Advisor, Environmental Issues, Office of the Director General, NORAD, Norway.

Gary Larson, Executive Director, Bahamas National Trust, P.O. Box N4105, Nassau, Bahamas. Tel: 809 393 1317; Fax: 809 393 4978.

BIOGRAPHY: Chief Administrative Officer of the only non-governmental self-supported, statutory organization in the Bahamas, created by Act of Parliament and charged with the conservation/preservation of natural/historic resources. He builds and manages the Bahamas National Park System, raised and administers the Bahamas National Trust's $3 million endowment fund and directs programmes on environment, wildlife and resource management. - 102

Libia LaskowskiT Biologo Superintendente PN, Terepaima - INPARQUES, Venezuela.

BIOGRAPHY: Mot available.

Barbara Lausche. The World Bank, 1818 Η Street NW, Room S-5121, Washington DC 20433, United States. Tel: 202-4733281, Fax: 202-4770568.

BIOGRAPHY: Joined the World Bank in 1988 as first environmental full-time lawyer; current position senior environmental specialist, Environment Department, providing assistance on environmental institution building in borrower countries (including environmental policy, organizational structures and regulatory frameworks).

Lukas Laux. National Park Bayerischer Wald, 8352 Grafenau, Germany. Tel: 8552 2077; Fax: 8552 1394.

BIOGRAPHY: Secondary teacher for biology and geography. Working in the Waddenzee National Park; since 1989 responsible for education and public relation in the national park "Bayerischer Wald".

David Lawrence. Torres Strait Baseline Study, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, P.O. Box 1379, Townsville, Qld. 4810, Australia.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Kathryn Lawrence. Clemson University, 263 Lehotsky Hall, Clemson, SC 29634, USA. Tel: 803-6563400, Fax: 803-6562226.

BIOGRAPHY: Ph.D. student at Clemson University in Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management; specializing in tourism development in rural and protected areas in Latin America and the Caribbean; worked for Cummins Engine Company in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, prior to returning to school.

Nigel Lawrence. Fisheries Development Advisor, Fisheries Division, Ministry of Agriculture, Roseau, Dominica. Tel: 448240, Fax: 4492580.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Richard S. Lavdoo. Institute of Marine Affairs, P.O. Box 3160, Carenage P.O. Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Tel: 1809-6344291, Fax: 1809-6344433.

BIOGRAPHY: Research Officer (Marine and Coral Reef Biology and Ecology) at a Government research organisation, the Institute of Marine Affairs for the past 10 years. Works actively in the field of coral reef research, marine park management planning and coordination at regional level. - 103 -

Walter Leal Filho. University of Hamburg, Institute of International Comparative Education, Research Project on Environmental Education, Sedanstrasse 19, 2000 Hamburg 13, Germany. Tel: 4940-41233732, Fax: 4940-41236247.

BIOGRAPHY: Researcher at the Cooperation Programme Brazil, CEE, based at Hamburg University, Germany. Undertaking research on environmental learning.

Antoine Lcclerc. Environment Canada, Parks Service, Hull, Quebec K1A OH3, Canada. Tel: 819-9974931; Fax: 819-9945140.

BIOGRAPHY: Former teacher of Canadian litterature and ethnography at college level. Manager with the Canadian Parks Services for over twenty years. After various assignments at headquarters, regional office and field projects, has been with the CPS Revenue Task Force since its creation in 1986/87, first as member and then as Chief. Since December last seconded to head the new Environment Canada1s Cost Recovery Task Force, leading examination of user charges for conservation/protection and atmospheric environment services at departmental level.

Jacques Lecomte. Ministere de !1Environnement, 14 Blvd. du General Leclerc, 92524 Neuilly s/Seine Codex, France. Tel: 40813466, Fax: 40819953.

BIOGRAPHY: President du Comite Permanent du Conseil National de Protection de la Nature (France). President du Comite National Fran^ais MAB.

George LeDec. Latin America and Caribbean Region, The World Bank and Douglas Mason, Environment Department, The World Bank, Washington DC 20433, USA. Tel: 202-4739267, Fax: 202-6769373.

BIOGRAPHY: Environmental Officer in the Latin America and Caribbean Environment Division of the World Bank. Specializes in biodiversity conservation, natural resource management and the environmental assessment of development projects. Among his writings is a World Bank book entitled "Wildlands: Their Protection and Management in Economic Development".

Pavid Lee. Pare Project, Suite 204, 85 Hope Road, Kingston 6, Jamaica. Tel: 809 927 5690; Fax: 809 927 5671.

BIOGRAPHY: He is the manager for the Protected Areas Resource Conservation Project (PARC) which seeks to establish a system of protected areas for Jamaica. He is a member of the CNPPA for the Caribbean region. In Jamaica he has worked with the Government Environment Regulatory Agency (NRCR), in the petroleum industry (Environment Management Unit). He now sits on the Board of an NGO umbrella organization (NEST) and serves on the Private Sector of Jamaica, Environment Committee. - 104 -

San Wei Lee. 37 Nan Hai Road, Taipei City, Taiwan, China. Tel: 880 2 312 4045; Fax: 880 2 312 5857.

BIOGRArilY: MS Colorado State University, USA; Deputy Director, Forestry Department, the Council of Agriculture, China; Part-time Associated professor, National Taiwan.University; President, Chinese Soil and Water Conservation Society.

Su Win Lee. Executive Officer, Malayan Nature Conservation Society, 485 Jalan 5/53, 4000 Felaling Jaya, P.O. Box 10750, Kuala Lumpur 30724, Malaysia. Tel: 03-7912185, Fax: 03-7917722.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Rik Leemans. RIVM, P.O. Box, 3720 BA Bilthoven, The Netherlands. Tel: 30-743554, Fax: 30-250740.

BIOGRAPHY: Ecologist in global change research. PhD in forest ecology. Expert in computer modeling, environmental databases and pattern analysis.

Annette Lees, Associate Director, Maruia Society, P.O. Box 756, Nelson, New Zealand. Tel: 649-8109535, Fax: 049-8109535.

BIOGRAPHY': Biologist. Associate Director of the New Zealand based environment organization, the Maruia Society. Directs the Society's tropical forest programme in the South Pacific. Has had extensive field experience in the identification and establishment of protected areas in the Pacific. Has an ongoing interest in nature conservation issues in South America after 2 years work and travel in this continent.

Aimee Lefebvre-Anelin. Assistant Deputy Minister, Canadian Parks Service, 10 Wellington Street, Room 2700, Terrasses de la Chaudiere, Hull, Quebec K1A 0H3, Canada. Tel: 819-9539525, Fax: 819-9539745.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Andreas Lchnhoff. 7a Ave. 13-01 Zona 9, 01009 Guatemala Capital, Guatemala. Tel: 325064, Fax: 322671.

BIOGRAPHY: Arquitccto, fue el primer Secretario Ejecutivo del Consejo Nacional de Areas Protegidas de Guatemala (CONAP). Durante su gestion de 2 1/2 anos se estrucuro CONAP como nuevo Servicio de Areas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre del Pais y se estabLecieron legalmente las Reserves de la Biosfera "Maya" y "Sierra de las Minas". Ha sido catedratico de Ecologia en la Universidad Rafael Landivar y actualmente es el director Ejecutivo de la Fundacion Defensores de la Naturaleza de Guatemala. - 105 -

Beric Lei η. Directorate for Nature Management, Tungasletta 2, 7004 Trondheim, Norway. Tel: 477-580500, Fax: 477-915433.

BIOGRAPHY: Head of Department of Terrestrial Ecology in the Directorate for Nature Management in Norway.

Othman Llewellyn. National Commission for Wildlife Conservation and Development, P.O. Box 61681, Riyadh 11575, Saudi Arabia. Tel: 966 1 441 8700; Fax: 966 1 441 0797.

BIOGRAPHY: He is an environmental planner and landscape architect working for Saudi Arabia's NCWCD. His special interests include rainwater harvesting and other techniques for habitat enhancement, and the Institutions of Islamic Law. He is a co-author of the revised IUCN Environmental Policy and Law Paper No. 20, Islamic Principles for tl\c Conservation of the Natural Environment.

Mariella Leo, Asociacion Peruana para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza, APECO, Parque Jose de Acosta 187, Lima 17, Peru. Tel: 51-14-616316; Fax: 51-14-633048.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Yueh-Kwong Leone, School of Biological Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang 11800, Malaysia. Tel: 4-877888, Fax: 4-871526.

BIOGRAPHY: Teaches ecology and botany in the University Sains Malaysia. Research includes conservation of natural ecosystems in Malaysia. Active in environmental NGO. Vice President of the Malayan Nature Society.

Anne-Catherine Lescrauwant,Casilla 527, Punta Arenas, Magallanes, Chile. Tel: 5661-222142, Fax: 5661-227839.

BIOGRAPHY: Zoologa, especializacion en Pequenos cetaceos (Biologia y conservacion). Coordinadora grupa de trabajo IUCN/CNPPA para la region pacifico sur-este.

Herve Lethier. Ramsar Convention Bureau, Av. du Mont Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 41 22 649114; Fax: 41 22 648375.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of Conservation within the Ramsar Convention Bureau and Technical Officer since 1990, responsible for the Wise Use Programme.

Connie Lewis. The Keystone Center, P.O. Box 606, Keystone, CO 80435, USA. Tel: 90-73339215; Fax: 907-3332106.

BIOGRAPHY: Senior Associate with the Keystone Center, a US NGO specializing in conflict resolution. Masters in natural resources policy from the University of California at Berkeley and Bachelor of arts in biology. - 106 -

Gabriel Lewis-Charles. Forestery Supervisor, Ministry o£ Agriculture Lands and Fisheries, P.O. Box 1537, Castries, Saint Lucia. Tel: 809-4521167, Fax: 809-36314.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Jose Levton. FAO, Avda. Bulnes 241 - Piso 7ο, Santiago, Chile. Tel: 562¬ 6981486; Fax: 562-715881.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Alfredo Lezama, EDELCA, Av. La Estancia - Chuao, Edif. Torre Las Mercedes, Piso 10. Aptdo. 62.413, Caracas, Venezuela. Tel. 582-92-7175/ 908-1356; Fax: 582-908-1696.

BIOGRArilY: Not available.

Xiaoping Li., Foreign Secretary, Chinese Society of Forestry, Wanshoushan, Beijing 100091, China. Tel: 2582211, Fax: 2582317.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Chong-qi Liang. Chinese Academy of Forestry, Wanshoushan, Beijing 100 091, China. Tel: 2582211-679.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Eric Lightbourne. Ministry of Natural Resources, Department of Natural Heritage and Parks, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands. Tel: 809-9462855, Fax: 809-9462448.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Weng Hee Lim. Malayan Nature Society, P.O. Box 10750, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: 3-7912185, Fax: 3-7917722.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Datuk Wilfred Lingham. Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Tourism & Environmental Development, Menara Sabah Bank, Wisma Tun Fuad Stephens, Karamunsing, 88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Tel: 088-52336; Fax: 088-236005.

BIOGRAPHY': Holds a diploma in Public and Development Administration (UK), 1976-1979. Joined the Civil Service in 1962 as a Custom Officer. 1979-1985 Administrative Officer/Higher Executive Officer at the Ministry of Communications and Works. 1985-1989 Permanent -Secretary of the Ministry of Local Government and Housing. 1989 to date, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Development. State Awards: BSK, ADK, ASDK, PGDK. - 107 -

Henry Little. The Nature Conservancy, 1815 N. Lynn Street, Arlington, VA 22209, United States. Tel: 703-8414845, Fax: 703-2473725.

BIOGRAPHY: Graduate of the Wharton School of Finance. Has worked for The Nature Conservancy for the past 19 years. 1990 to present has been working as Vice President, Bioreserve Project Director, in Washington with responsibility for the management of the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve in Oklahoma. In 1988 worked as Vice President, Major Program Development, overseeing the Mexico Country Program. 1984- 1987 worked as Vice President for the Latin America Division as Director of Panama, Venezuela and Colombia Country Programs from 1985- 1987, and was Deputy Director from 1984-1985. 1981-1984, Director of the Hawaii Office. 1974-1980 worked as Vice President, Western Regional Director in San Francisco, CA.

Roberto Lizarraldc. Antropologo, Instituto de Investigaciones, Facultad de Ciencias Economicas y Sociales, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Apartado 52097, Caracas 1050-A, Venezuela. Tel. 482-61-98130 ext. 2215.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Francisco Llimona Llovet. Patronat Mctropolita del Pare de Collserola, c/oEsglesia 92, 08017 Spain. Tel: 2800672, Fax: 2806074.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologo, responsable faunistico de la unidad de medio natural del Parque de Collserola (Barcelona).

Osvaldo LocasciuHi. Centro di Genetica Evoluzionistica, CNR, Via Lancisi 29, 00161 Rome, Italy. Tel: 6-8440260, Fax: 6-8830311.

BIOGRAPHY: Zoologist, involved in many education projects on conservation and protected areas. Responsible for WWF-Italy, the natural regional reserve "Lago di Penne".

Rolf Lofg.ren. Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, 17185 Solna, Sweden. Tel: 8-7991000, Fax: 8-291106.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Ching Kim Looi. Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, 14th Floor, Wisme Sime Darby, Jalan Raja Laut, 50662 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Fax: 603-2936006.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Laura Loomis. NPCA, The Pennsylvania State University, 203 Henderson Building South, University Park, PA 16802, USA. Tel: 202-2236722.

BIOGRAPHY: Deputy Director for Conservation Programs for the National Parks and Conservation Association. For the past seven years has directed the Association's visitor impact management project. Has a bachelor's degree in Zoology from the University of 111inois. - 108 -

Nancy Lopez. National Biological Inventory Department, Sucursal 19 Campus Universitario, Central XI Asuncion, Paraguay. Tel: 503075.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Antonio Lopez LiHo, Servicio del Medio Natural, Agencia de Medio :39a pi, 28008 Madrid, Spain. Tel: 341-5803806, Fax־ Ambiente, Princesa 341-5421364

BIOGRAPHY: Consejero de la Fcderacion de Parques Naturales y Nacionales de Europa. Secretario General del Comite Espanol del Programa MAB. Jefe del Servicio del Medio Natural, Agencia de Medio Ambiente de Madrid.

Arturo Lopez Ornat. Oficina Regional para Centro America, Apartado postal 91-1009, Fecosa San Jose, Costa Rica. Tel: 506-355788, Fax: 506-362722.

BIOGRArilY: Not available.

Fausto Vinicio Lopez Rodriguez. Casilla 860, Loja, Ecuador. Tel: 573468.

BIOGRAPHY: Secretario General de la Fundacion Ecologica ARCOIRIS. Coordinador Asunto Mineria en el Parque Nacional Podocarpus.

Piedad Maria Losano. Casa No. 12, B. Comercio, 9100 Trelew (Chubut), Argentina. Tel: 965-32918, Fax: 965-32383.

BIOGRAPHY: Licenciada en Economia. Se desempena en el Organismo Provincial de Turismo de la Provincia del Chubut desde el ano 1983. Ocupo la Direccion de Programacion y Desarrollo del mismo durante los anos 1989/90. Actualmente es Jefe del departamento economico de dicho Organismo.

Bernd Lotsch. Komrnission fur Humanokologie, Oster. Akademie der Wissenclaften, Wickenburggasse 14, 1080 Vienna, Austria. Tel: 43-1-4026498; Fax: 43-1-4027800.

BIOGRAPHY: Studied biology and chemistry at the University of Vienna, 1959-1970, teaches at the Universities of Salzburg (since 1973) and Vienna (since 1980), works as a biologist at the Commission for Human Ecology of the Austrian Academy of sciences and the Danube National Park Institute. Is Head of the Ecology Commission, which was appointed by the Austrian Government in 1985 to settle conflicts between conservationists and electricity utilities over a proposed hydroproject in the Danube River wetlands. Is presently battling for a Danube National Park and is engaged in planning a visitor centre. Dedicated scientific film producer. 0ΝΡΓΑ member.

Dounia Loudivi. IUCN-US, 1400, 16th Street NW, Suite 502, Washington D.C. 20036, U.S.A. Tel: 202-7975454; Fax: 202-7975461.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 109 -

P.H.C. (Bing) Lucas, .1/268 Main Road, Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand. Tel: 644-2325581; Fax: 64-4-2329129.

BIOGRATHY: Chairs IUCN's Commission on National Parks and Protected Areas. Was previously Director of National Parks for New Zealand and later Director General of Lands.

Hans Gustaf Lundbere. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 50005, 104 05 Stockholm, Sweden. Tel: 468-150430, Fax: 468-166151.

BIOGRAPHY: Environmental Secretary, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. President, ICALPE. COE Deputy Chair.

Fidelis Luneu. Luangwa Integrated Resource Development Project, P.O. Box 510249, Chipata, Zambia. Tel: 21126, Fax: 21092.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Walter Lusiei. World Bank, 1818 Η Street N.W., Washington D.C. 20433, USA. Tel: 202-4734798; Fax: 202-4772979.

BIOGRAnr/: Not available.

Charles Luthin. Carbbean Conservation Corporation, 4424 NW 13th St., Suite A-I, P.O. box 2866, Gainesville, FL 32609, United States. Tel: 904-3736441, Fax: 904-3752449.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of Programs for the Caribbean Conservation Corporation for over two years. CCC is involved in protected area promotion, development and expansion in Central America, in particular Costa Rica and Nicaragua. CCA has been instrumental in securing and planning the new Miskito Keys and Coast Reserve in Nicaragua.

Jane Lyons. National Audubon Society, 2525 Wallingwood, Suite 1505, Austin, Texas 78746, USA. Tel: 512-3271943; Fax: 512-3271264.

BIOGRAPHY: Directs an international Audubon project that researches and analyzes human population impacts on wildlife, water resources and land use in the US and in 12 foreign countries. Prior to this, served as Audubon's Regional Representative for Texas and Latin America for three and a half years. - 110

Guangjing Ma.» The Chinese Academy of Forestry, Wan Shou Shan, Beijing 100091, China. Fax: 00361-2582317.

BIOGRAPHY: 1953-1958 Beijing Forestry University, B.S. Presently Professor of the Chinese Academy of Forestry; Director of The Chinese Society of Environmental Protection in Agriculture; Delegate for China in the IUFRO Task Force "Air Pollution, Climate Change and Forest Decline".

Yiqing Ha, Institute of Natural Resources, 25 Haping Road, Harbin, 150040, China. Tel: 451-64146, Fax: 451-344230.

BIOGRAPHY: Graduated from Department of Biology ol Beijing Normal University in 1955. Since engaged in field work of birds and mammals, with special attention to the study of living conditions and ecological conservation of endnagered species, such as the Manchurian Tiger, Red-crowned Crane, Eastern Stork, etc. Enthusiastic work in protected areas.

Christiaan Maas Geesteranus. IKC, NBLF, AFD, VEO, P.O. Box 20023, 3502 La Utrecht, The Netherlands. Tel: 30 852518; Fax: 30 891864.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Craig MacFarland. 836 Mabelle, Moscow, Idaho 83843, United States. Tel: 208-8834876, Fax: 208-8830653.

BIOGRAPHY: Specialist in planning and management of protected areas, especially in the context of regional development and community and social welfare. Has worked for the past 21 years in Latin America in research, teaching training, planning and management of protected areas. Currently serves as President of the Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands and is an affiliate faculty member in the Department of Recreation Resources and Tourism at the University of Idaho, USA. Conducts consultancies on nearly full-time basis in Latin America.

Melany Machado. Servicio de Parques Nacionales y vida silvestre, Apartado Postal No. 2265, Snn Salvador, El Salvador. Tel: 503 23 5385; Fax: 503 24 2478.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologa de Vida Silvestre. (Manejo de Iguanas); coordinadora del Proyecto Mujer y Desarrollo Sostenible en el Parque Nacional Montecristo. Miembro de varios grupos de trabajo regional centroamericano sobre mujer y desarrollo sostenible. Consultora nacional en educacion ambiental. - Ill -

Antonio Machado Carrillo. Urb. Aguere 4, 38208 La Laguna, Tenerifc, Spain. Tel: 3422-253833, Fax: 3422-632614.

BIOGRAPHY: Ex-profesor de Ecologia de la Universidad de La Laguna, vinculado por muchos anos al ICONA, donde trabajo en planificacion y gestion de areas protegidas. Fue Director -Conservador del Parque Nacional del Teide, en las islas Canaries, y ultimamente viene ejerciendo funcioncs de asesor de ecologia y politica ambiental en la Presidencia del Gobierno y otros departamentos, siendo autor de anteproyectos legislativos sobre impacto ecologico y areas protegidas.

Gary E. Machlis. National Park Service, Facific Northwest Region, University of Idaho, Department of Forest Resources, Moscow, Idaho 83843, USA. Tel: 208-8857129, Fax: 208-8856226.

BIOGRAPHY: Professor of Forest Resources and Sociology and Leader, Cooperative Park Studies Unit, National Park Service, University of Idaho. B.S. and M.S. in Forestry, University of Washington; Ph.D. in Human Ecology, Yale University. Author of The State of the World's Parks (1985). On Interpretation (1984, 2nd ed. in 1992), and numerous research articles and reports. Has worked in China, Galapagos, and Kenya. Currently working on issues related to ecotourism impacts, biodiversity monitoring and resource-dependent communities.

Alphonse Mackanga Missandzou. WWF Programme for the Gabon, Interservice, B.P. 5555, Libreville, Gabon. Tel: 241 724743; Fax: 241 766808.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingenieur des faune et foret; diplome de 1'ENGREF de Montpellier en gestion de la faune et des aires protegees; DESS amenagement rural et developppement local DEA interdisciplinaire; Chef de Brigade (Reserve de faune de la Lope) 1987-89: Chef du service amenagement de la faune a la direction de la faune et de la chasse depuis 1989.

John Ramsay Mackinnon. WWF-Hong Kong, 1, Tramway Path, Central Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Tel: 852-5261011, Fax: 852-8452734.

BIOGRAPHY: 20 years tropical experience in Africa and Asia working in conservation for WWF, FAO, IUCN and others.

Kathleen Mackinnon. WWF-Indonesia Programme, P.O. Box 133, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. Tel: 251-327316, Fax: 251-325489.

BIOGRAPHY: Conservation Advisor to WWF Indonesia Programme. Senior Advisor to Dijjen PHPA (Conservation Dept).

Luis Maestre Muniz. Director, Agencia del Medio Ambiente MAB, Comunidad de Madrid, c/ Princesa, 3 10a planta, 28008 Madrid, Spain. Tel: 341-5804300, Fax: 341-5812002.

BIOGRAPHY: Director de la Agencia de Medio Ambiente de la Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid. Vicepresidente. del Coini.ne Espanol del MAB. - 112 -

Mohamet] Map.linou 1'. Station de Recherches Forestieres, Cliaria Omar Xbn Khattab, B.P. 763 Rabat-Agdal, Morocco. Tel: 2127-770547, Fax: 2127-771151.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingenieur forestier responsable dc 1'Unite d'ecologie terrestre (flore et faune sauvage) a la Station de recherches forestieres.

George Malamidis. Forest Inspectorate of N.W. Greece, 34 Kimonos Voga Street, Thessaloniki 54645, Greece. Tel: 31-461171, Fax: 31-471209.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Bernard Ma 1 tais. 182, rue de l'liglise, CP. 220, Tadoussac, Quebec, Canada. Tel: 418-2354703, Fax: 418-2354686.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Edward Maltbv. Dept of Geography, University of Exeter, Amory Building, Rennes Drive, Exeter EX4 4RJ, UK. Tel: 392 263338; Fax: 392 263305.

BIOGRAPHY: Vice Chairman (Wetlands) IUCN Commission on Ecology, Director Wetland Ecosystem Research Group, and Senior Lecturer Exeter University; coordinator European Commission; river marginal wetlands project.

Johanna Mang., M.S., WWF-Austria, Ottakringerstr. 114-116, 1162 Wien, Austria. Tel: 222-45382 1; Fax: 222-45382192.

BIOGRAPHY: WWF-Austria Conservation Officer. Current fields of work within Austria: national park projects, development of Austria's conservation concept, campaigning for sustainable agriculture. Former work on related conservation issues for other non-profit organizations. Education: Masters degree in regional planning and natural resource planning and policy.

Ma Mbaelele Mankoto. Institut Zairois pour la Conservation de la nature (IZCN), B.P. 868, I, Zaire. Tel: 30235.

BIOGRAPHY: Dans la domain de la Conservation depuis vingt ans. Actueliement President de 1'Institut dc conservation de La Nature depuis 1985. Membre de longue date de SSC et CNPPA, et Membre du Groupe consultatif des forets de l'UICN. Master of Science degree at. the Laval University, Quebec, Canada, (tliese sur les ecosystemes du Pare des Vinunga). A re§u la medaille Packard Awards en 1989. En novembre 1989 a ete decore Chevalier de l'Ordre de l'Arche d'Or par Son Altesse Royale le Prince Bernhard des Pays-Bas pour ses services pour la Conservation dans le mond. Co-auteur du premier livre scientifique et promotionnel des Pares Nationaux du Zaire "Guide du Pare National des Vinunga", publie en 1990. - 113 -

Robert Manners Houra. Parque Natural Aluao, rua Alves Torgo 22-3Dto, 5000 Vila Real, Spain. Tel: 59-24138, Fax: 59-73869.

BIOGRAPHY: Linked with environmental and conservation problems since the age of 13. Founded the first protected areas in the North-East of Portugal (Montesinho and Aluao Nature Parks). Presently Director of these protected areas and trying to put forward a transboundary protected area (International Douro River).

Tirtha Hanskev. Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, P.O. Box 860, Kathmandu, Nepal. Tel: 9771-220850, Fax: 9771226820.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

David A. Manski• Cape Cod National Seashore, Wellfleet, MA 02663, USA; National Parks Service, Wildlife and Vegetation Div., P.O. Box 37127, Washington D.C, USA.

BIOGRArilY: Not available.

Manumoto. Directorate of National Parks and Recreation Forests, Jalan Ir. II. Juanda 15, P.O. Box 133, Bogor 16001, Indonesia. Fax: 0251-323972 or 021- 584818.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

David N. Manvanza. College of African Wildlife Management, P.O. Box 3031, Moshi, Tanzania.

BIOGRAPHY: Principal of the College of African Wildlife Management.

Werner Joseph Mapunda. Wildlife Division, PAWM-Project, P.O. Box 1994, Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania. Tel: 23230, Fax: 23244.

BIOGRAPHY: Working with Wildlife Division since 1973. Currently a Senior Wildlife Officer responsible for project analysis and planning section and is also a co-leader of the planning and Assessment for Wildlife Management Project. Main duties have been planning for development, management and utilization of wildlife resources and ensuring conservation is for the development of the people. B.Sc. degree and diploma in wildlife management.

Aristobulo Angel Mar ant a. Santa Fe 690, Buenos Aires (CP. 1059), Argentina. Tel: 312-0257.

BIOGRArilY: Biologo; investigo durante 7 anos la etnobotanica de los aborigenes mataco del chaco occidental; posteriormente, desarrollo el tema de la entrega de tierra a estos indigenas y problemas ecologicos asociados. Actualmente, estos indigenas y problemas ecologicos asociados. Actualmente, trabaja en la administracion de parques nacionales en planificacion, donde es representante sindical del sector; como tal, participo de las discusiones en la red nacional de areas protegidas. - 114 -

Beatriz Marchctti. FAO Latin American Network, Centro de Estudios Avanzados de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Florida 439 2ο. Piso, 1005 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel: 393-8108/394; Fax: 311-0516.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Neusa Maria Marcondes. Secretaria do Meio Ambiente, Coordenadoria de Prote§ao de Recursos Naturais, Rue Tabapua 81, CEP 04533 Sao Paulo, Brasil. Tel: 011-8831208; Fax: 011-8831407.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Maria Marconi. Casilla 11250, La Paz, Bolivia. Tel: 5912-797399; Fax: 5912-797399.

BIOGRAPHY: Doctora en EcoLogin en Francia. 13 anos de experiencia de trabajo en Bolivia, en el Institutode Ecologin y el centro de Datos para la conservacion.

Claudio Carrera Maretti. UIN-Bissau, Apartado 23, 1031 Codex, Guine-Bissau. Tel: 245-20120, Fax: 245-201168.

BIOGRAPHY: Brcsilien. Geologue, matrisc sur la planification cotiere. Travail: 3 annees sur la geotechnique de barrages et urganization; 6 annees a la coordination des equipes fisico-biologique et de zonage de la planification environmental cotiere (Sao Paulo, Brazil). 2 et demie a la coordination technique de la planification environmental. Plus de 10 annees de travail politique et de assitnnce tccnique aux associations environmentales

Franklin Margetson. P.O. Box 495, Plymouth, Montserrat, West Indies. Tel: 809-4913086, Fax: 809-4912986.

BIOGRAPHY: President, Montserrat Ntional Trust.

Sigifredo Marin Zuniea, Subdirector Area Conservacion Guanacaste, Ap. postal 169-500, Liberia, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Tel: 69-5598, Fax: 23-6963.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Adam Markham. WWF International, Ave. du Mont Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 22-649111; Fax: 22-649926.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Ren Marquez M.. Coordinador, Instituto Nacional de la Pesca, Programa Nacional de Investigacion de Tortugas Marinas, Ap. postal 595, CP. 28200, Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico. Tel: 333-23750, Fax: 333-22102.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available - 115 -

Jose Marques Horeira. Servico Nacional de Parques, Reserves e Conservacao da Natureza, rua Ferreira Lapa, 29, 1100 Lisboa, Portugal. Tel: 3511-3561351, Fax: 3511-523103.

BIOGRAPHY: Landscape architect and agronomist engineer working since 1977 at the National Parks Service in Portugal. Director of Protected Areas Service (land use and management plans, environmental impacts, sea coast studies, equipment projects, etc). Taught for 19 years at the Landscape Architecture Course, Technical University of Lisbon, Urban and Country Plant Material.

Clive Marsh. Innoprise Corporation Sdn Bhd. Forestry Division, P.O. Box 11622, 88817 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Tel: 088-243245, Fax: 088-243244.

BIOGRAPHY: Principal Forest Officer responsible for conservation in Forestry Division of Sabah Foundation. Involved in managing two major conservation areas within a large timber concession. One of the areas, Danuin Valley, is site of a field centre for forest research and education.

John Marsh. Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 788, Canada. Tel: 705-7481419, Fax: 705-7481625.

BIOGRAPHY: Gained a B.A. from Reading University, and Ph.D. from University of Calgary. Now professor of geography, Trent University, Canada. Involved for 30 years in teaching and research on parks, conservation and tourism, most recently in Canada, Japan, China, Chile and Antarctica. Member of lUCN's CNPPA.

Annette Marsha 11. Office of the Minister of Conservation, Parliament Buildings, Wellington, New Zealand. Tel: 644-4719999, Fax: 644-4733446.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Denis Marshall. Office of the Minister of Conservation, Parliament Buildings, Wellington, New Zealand. Tel: 644-4719999, Fax: 644-4733446.

BIOGRAPHY: Presently Minister of Conservation for New Zealand. Member of Parliament (House of Representatives) for the Rangitikei electorate since 1984. A farmer and businessman, with a long interest in resource management, conservation and the environment. Has experience in resource management in the political sphere at regional and national levels. - 116 -

Domingo MarteT P.O. Box 345-2, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Tel: 809 688 7469; Fax: 809 532 7292.

BIOGRAPHY: Advisor, conservation financing and Dominican Republic Program Manager. He has worked as the initial coordinator for Fondo Pro Naturaleza, helping to establish the first debt-for-nature swaps in the Caribbean. lie is a former Minister of Agriculture; he has been a member of the Monetary Board of the Dom. Rep. Central Bank since 1984. Agronomist degree, Loyola Polytechnica1 Institute; B.S. (Horticulture) Texas A&M University; M.S. (agricultural sciences) Univ. of Florida.

Claude Martin, WWF-International, Avenue du Mont-Blanc, 1197 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 22-649502, Fax: 22-648219.

BIOGRAPHY: M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Zoology from the University of Zurich. In the early 1970s carried out ecological studies on the threatened Barasingha Deer in Kanha National Park (India) and the European Otter in Switzerland. From 1975-78 was Senior Game Warden of Bia National Park and other protected areas in Ghana and then Director of WWF-Switzeiland until 1990. Presently Deputy Director General responsible for the Programme Sector of WWF-International.

Dan M. Martin. 140 South Dearborn St., Suite 1100, Chicago, IL 60603, United States. Tel: 312-7268000, Fax: 312-9170334.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of the World Environment and Resources Program of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Chicago, Illinois.

Rowan Barry Martin. Department of National Parks and Wildlife Management, P.O. Box 8365, Causeway, Harare Zimbabwe. Tel: 792783, Fax: 724914, 795150.

BIOGRArilY: Has worked for the Department of National Parks in Zimbabwe for the past 20 years and is presently the Assistant Director (Research), administering a staff of 35 professional terrestrial arid aquatic ecologists. . Experience lies in the population dynamics of large mammals, wildlife utilisation, adaptive management and the development of community programmes for wildlife management. Currently, majority of work is in policy and legislation.

Esmond Bradley Martin. P.O. Box 15510, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel: 891185, Fax: 332878.

BIOGRAPHY: WWF Consultant in the trade in wildlife products - 117 -

Candido Martin Rodriguez. Direccion General del Medi Natural, c/ Corsega 329 5", 08037, Barcelona, Spain. Tel: 93-2378024, Fax: 93-2171958.

BIOGRAPHY: Doctor Ingeniero dc Montes. Ha desempenado los pueslos de Jefe de Planificacion y Prograinacion. Prevencion de Incendios Forestales, y en la actualidad es Jefe de Parques y Espacios Naturales del Departament d'Agriculture, Ramadoria i Pesca de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

Cristian Martinez V.. Director, Direccion Nacional de Parques, Independencia esq. Cervantes, Apartado postal 2487, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Fax: 809-6853366.

BIOGRArilY: Not available.

Rebecca S. Marty. N.C. State Parks Naturalist, 1315 Watts Street, Durham, NC 27705, USA. Tel: 919-8469991; Fax: 919-8706843.

BIOGRAPHY: Bachelors degree in natural history at Carleton College in Minnesota. Masters degree in resource ecology at Duke University and has continued working in the southeastern US as an environmental specialist and naturalist with the North Carolina State Park System.

Larry Mason. Chief, Office of International Affairs, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington D.C, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Alfredo Massinga. Instituto Nacional, Divisao Do Meio Ambiente, Av. Acordos de Lusaka, 215 CP. 1301, Maputo, Mozambique. Tel: 2581-460503; Fax: 2581-460060.

BIOGRArilY: Not available.

Roderic B. Mast. Conservation International, 1015 18th Street, NW, Suite 1000, Washington DC 20036, United States. Tel: 202-4295660, Fax: 202-8870192.

BIOGRAPHY: Currently Vice President for Old World Programs, Brazil and Species Conservation at Conservation International. Also serves as Director of the Colombia Program at CI.

Maria Elena Matheus de Atchlev. IUCN-US, 1400 16th Street NW, Washington DC 20036, United States. Tel: 202-7915454, Fax: 202-7975461.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 118 -

Pradeep Kumar Mathur. Wildlife Institute of India, P.O. New Forest, Dehra Dun 248006, India. Tel: 135-28760, Fax: 135-23518.

BIOGRAPHY: Faculty member in the Faculty of Wildlife Management of the Wildlife Institute of India. Is involved in teaching habitat management and desert/grazing land/wetland ecology. Current interests also cover management of small endangered populations such as Swamp Deer, Wild Buffalo.

V.B. Mathur, Wildlife Institute of India, New Forest P.O., Dehra Dun, India. Tel: 135-28760, Fax: 135-23518.

BIOGRAPHY: Works in the Wildlife Institute of India. Was initially trained as a forester in India and later specialized in wildlife at the University of Oxford. Is involved in the setting up of national wildlife database on the protected area network in India. Special interest is the development of ecological monitoring methods in protected areas.

Tabeth Matiza. IUCN Regional Office for Southern Africa, P.O. Box 745, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: 728266/7, Fax: 720738.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Sharon Matola. Director, The Belize Zoo & Tropical Education Center, P.O. Box 474, Belize City, Belize.

BIOGRArHY: Not available.

Joseph Z. Matowanvika. Dept. of Geography arid Heritage Resources Centre, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont. Canada. Tel: 519-8851211; Fax: 519- 7462031.

BIOGRAPHY: Rural Development Specialist, Agricultural Development Authority, Zimbabwe. Doctoral studies on indigenous resource management in rural Zimbabwe. Overseen management of many rural projects in Zimbabwe. Membership in IUCN Commission on Environmental Strategy and Planning and International Association for Study of Common Property.

Michael Maunder. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB, United Kingdom. Tel: 081-9401171, Fax: 081-94811907.

BIOGRAPHY: Head of the Living Collections Conservation Unit at RBG, Kew and Plants Chair of the SSC Reintroductions Specialist Group. Currently researching the genetic management of threatened plants ex situ.

Sverre Mauritzen. Norwegian Parliament, Karl Johans g. 22, 0026 Oslo, Norway. Tel: 2-313050; Fax: 2-313851.

BIOGRAPHY: Member of Parliament Conservation Party; Vice-Chairman of Standing Parliamentary of Environment Employment and Local Government. - 119 -

Richard F. Hay. 6 Nisbct Road, Applecross, Western Australia 6153.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Robert McCredie May, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford 0X1 3PS, United Kingdom. Tel: 865--271170, Fax: 865-310447.

BIOGRAPHY: Royal Society Research Professor. Oxford University and Imperial College, London.

Juan Mavr Maldonado. Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Foundation, Calle 74 No 2-86 Piso 2 Bogota, Colombia. Tel. 3100571; Fax: 2183256.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

B.M.N. Mbano. Project Manager, Serengcti Regional Conservation Strategy, P.O. Box 1541, Arusha, Tanzania.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

D.M. Mbuvi. University of Nairobi, Dept. of Range Management, P.O. Box 29053, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel: 2692-500734.

BIOGRAPlfY: Not available.

Dennis McCaffrey, c/o The Nature Conservancy, 1815 N. Lynn Street, Arlington, VA 22209, USA. Tel: 703 841 4890; Fax: 703 841 4880.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Winston McCalla. 40 East Street, Kingston, Jamaica. Tel: 80992-21217, Fax: 809-9215329.

BIOGRAPHY: Legal Adviser to Natural Resources Conservation Authority. Consultant to USAID, OAS, OECS, FAO on environmental issues in the Caribbean.

Jennifer McCann. Center for Marine Conservation, c/o CRC/URI, 19 Upper College Road, Kingston, RI 02881, United States. Tel: 401-7925010, Fax: 401-7925436.

BIOGRAPHY: Marine Protected Areas Specialist for the Center for Marine Conservation, Washington, DC. The Center's coordinator for efforts in the Dominican Republic. - 120 -

Michael McCloskev. Sierra Club, 408 C Street, NE, Washington DC 20002, United States. Tel: 202-5471141, Fax: 202-5476009.

BIOGRAPHY: Chairman of the Sierra Club since 1985, having served previously for over 15 years as the Club's Executive Director. Is also Adjunct Professor of public policy in the School of Natural Resources, University of Michigan. Is Chairman of the Advocacy Forum in Washington DC, Chairman of the Natural Resources Council of America, and Vice-Chairman of the American Committee on International Conservation. Is a member of CNPPA, IUCN. B.A. degree in American government from Harvard College and a J.D. degree from the University of Oregon.

Maxine E. McCloskev. Defenders of Wildlife, 1244 19th Street NW, Washington DC 20036, United States. Tel: 301-2294967, Fax: 202-8333349.

BIOGRAPHY: 20 years work on whale conservation. After seving as Secretary and President of Project Jonah, founded the Whale Center in Oakland, California. Knowledgeable about wilderness and helped organize two biennial wilderness conferences sponsored by the Sierra Club in 1967 and 1969, and subsequently edited the proceedings of the two conferences. Now serves on the Board of Directors of Defenders of Wildlife. B.S. degree from Portland State University, and a M.A.T. degree from Reed College.

John A. McComb. World Conservation, Monitoring Centre, 219 Huntigdon Road, Cambridge CB3-0DL, United Kingdom. Tel: 44-22327 7314, Fax: 44-223277136.

BIOGRAPHY: John McComb is Manager of the Computer Services Unit at WCMC, with specific reponsibilities lor developing, implementing, and managing the Centre's information systems. Prior to joining the Centre, he was an information systems consultant in Washington DC, specialising in assisting environmental organisations. From 1970 to 1986 he was employed by the Sierra Club and The Wilderness Society in senior management positions. During this period he was also leader in developing innovative applications of information technology to conservation, including the campaign which led to the protection of 45 million hectares of national parks and wildlife refuges in Alaska. He is a self-confessed information junkie.

Stephen McCool. Institute for Tourism and Recreation Research, School of Forestry, University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812, USA. Tel: 406-2435406, Fax: 8011406-2434510.

BIOGRAPHY: Professor Stephen McCool, Ph. D. in Recreation Management from the University of Minnesota; currently the Director of the Institute for Tourism and Recreation Management at the University of Montana.

Gerald McCormack. Director, Conservation Service, P.O. Box 781, Tupapa, Rarotonga, Cook Islands. Tel: 682-20959, Fax: 682-22950.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 121 -

Geraldine McCormick-Ray. Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903, U.S.A. Tel: 804-9240551; Fax. 804-21137.

BIOGRAPHY: Research Scientist at the University of Virginia, Department of Environmental Sciences Worked with the National Aquarium in Baltimore to develop their research programme. She has been involved in coastal/marine protection for 20 years, working closely with Carleton Ray. Her scientific interest is in ecotoxicology and the application of ecological principles to coastal/marine conservation.

Denise McCorrv. Science Coordinator, Coral Cay Conservation, The Sutton Business Centre, Restmore Way, Wellington, Surrey SM6 7AH, United Kingdom. Tel: 81-6690011, Fax: 81-7739656.

BIOGRAPHY: Scientific coordinator for Coral Cay Conservation, has participated as scientific officer in 1989 and 1991 Coral Cay expeditions to Belize. Graduated from the University of London after reading Marine and Freshwater Biology and has completed a year of postgraduate research with Trinity College, Dublin.

John D. McCrone. 108 Russ Hall, Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, KS 66762, United States. Tel: 316-2354222, Fax: 316-2322430.

BIOGRAPHY: Served as a faculty member and administrator at several univesities in the USA. Also assisted the US National Parks Service in strategic planning and program evaluation and was Executive Officer of the Southern Appalachian Research Resource Management Cooperative, a regional consortium of four federal agencies and six universities. At present is Dean of Graduate Studies and Research at Pittsburg State University in Kansas.

Thomas J.P. McHenry. 444 South Flower Street, 5th flor, Los Angeles, CA 90071, United States. Tel: 213-6232322, Fax: 213-623-0824.

BIOGRAPHY: Is a partner in the McClintock, Weston law firm in Los Angeles practicing environmental and natural resources law. Also serves as a legislative consultant to the Food and Agriculture Organization.

Roger Ε. McManus. Center for Marine Conservation, 1725 DeSales Street, N.W. , Washington, D.C. 20036, USA. Tel: 202-4295609, Fax: 202-8720619

BIOGRAPHY: President, Center for Marine Conservation; Chairman, IUCN/SSC/Trade Specialist Group; Secretary, American Committee for Conservation, Inc. (ACIC). - 122 -

Kevin Alfred McNamce. Canadian Nature Federation, 453 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario KIN 6Z4, Canada. Tel: 613-2386154, Fax: 613-2302054.

BIOGRAPHY: Is a Natural Areas Coordinator for the Canadian Nature Federation. Spent the last 9 years lobbying for the estabJishment of new national parks including South Moresby, Grasslands and Ellesmere Island. Also lobbied for changes to the National Parks Act. Has written extensively on Canadian national park issues, particularly on establishment and management. Was the principle researcher and writer on a report entitled "A Protected Areas Vision for Canada", which was tabled in Parliament in fall of 1991 by Federal Minister of Environment.

Jeffrey McNeelv. IUCN, Av. du Mont Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland; Tel: 22 649 247; Fax: 22 64 2926

BIOGRAPHY: Secretary General of the Parks Congress. Chief Conservation Officer at IUCN, where he has served in a variety of posts since 1980. Prior to going to IUCN, he worked for 12 years in Asia (Thailand, Indonesia, Nepal). Has written or edited some 15 books on various conservation-related topics.

Richard J. McNeil, 106 Fernow Hall, Dept. of Natural Resources, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, United States. Tel: 607-2557703, Fax: 607-2550349.

BIOGRAPHY: Associate Professor of Natural Resources at Cornell University. Member of CNPPA. On the Board of Directors of New York Parks and Conservation Association. Teaching and research interest in parks, especially international parks, environmental policy, ethics and development.

Liliana Madrigal. 1015 18 Street, N.W. Washington D.C., USA. Tel: 202 429 5660; Fax: 202 387 5188.

BIOGRAPHY: Director, Costa Rica and Panama Programmes for Conservation International.

William II. Mansfield. UNEP, P.O. Box 47074, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel: 2542 230800; Fax: 2542 226890.

BIOGRAPHY: Deputy Executive Dirctor of UNEP.

William R. Mansfield. Dept of Conservation, P.O. Box 10 420, Wellington, New Zealand. Tel: 64 4 4710 726; Fax: 64 4 4733 656.

BIOGRAPHY: He has been Director General of NZ Dept of Conservation for the past two years. He trained as a lawyer, specializing in international law, and prior to appointment to his current position he had a 20 year career in the ΝΖ foreign service. He also spent 5 years as Deputy Secretary in the Dept of Justice. During his diplomatic career he represented NZ at many international law making conferences, including Antarctic Marine Living Resources, Antarctic Mineral Resources and the Law of the Sea Conference. He was NZ representative in the Marine Pollution Committee of the latter conference at the opening session in Caracas nearly 20 years ago. - 123 -

Chris Mareules, CSIRO Division of Wildlife and Ecology, P.O. Box 84, Lyneham, A.C.T. 2602, Australia. Tel: 61 6 2421600; Fax: 61 6 2413343.

BIOGRAPHY: Research scientist with CSIRO, Division of Wildlife and Ecology in Canberra, Australia. Research interest "Where should protected areas be located?"; D.Phil. University of York, UK 1981.

Leonardo Mariduena. Fundacion Natura, Dolores Sucre 401 y Rosendo Aviles, Guayaquil, Ecuador. Tel: 341500; Fax: 444909.

BIOGRAPHY': Coordinador technico, Programe de Conservacion Fundacion Na tura.

Jose Luis Martin Esauivel. Servicio de Impacto Ecologico, Vice Consejeriade Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de Canaries, Av. Anaga, 3b, 7 Planta, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Islas CAnarias, Spain. Tel: 291732; Fax: 22292622

BIOGRAPHY: Fui profesor de paleontologia de la Universidad de la Laguna, institucion en la que continue ligado despues de mas de 10 anos, ahora como investigador experto en invertebrados terrestres y su ecologia. En este campo he realizado mas de una treintena de publicaciones que incluyen algunos libros. Desde hace dos anos estoy involucrado en un proyecto del Gobierno de Canarias para reclasificar todas las areas protegidas ya declaradas desde 1987 (una tercera parte de la region) en el marco de una nueva ley de espacios naturales actualmente en debate.

Alison Mearcs. IUCN-US, 1400 16th Street N.W., Washington D.C. 20036. U.S.A. Tel: 202-7975454; Fax: 202-7975461.

BIOGRAPHY: Research Assistant to the Social Sciences Division at IUCN-US.

Richard A. Meganck, 1963 NW Shattock PI., Corvallis, OR 97330, United States. Tel: 503-7577557, Fax: 503-7574338.

BIOGRAPHY: Land-use planning and management specialist with nearly 20 years experience throughout the retgion. Has worked with the Organization of American States, the Inter-American Development Bank and the US Agency for International Development. Currently coordinating a multi-agency resource effort in alternative forest management options with study sites in Brazil and Mexico.

Mohammed Al i Me 1 p.a t. Ministry of Agriculture and Water, Asir National Park, P.O. Box 764, Abha, Saudi Arabia. Tel: 9667-2250824, Fax: 96672250824.

BIOGRAPHY: Superintendent of Asir National Park, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. - 124 -

Jean Boniface Memvie. Directeur General Adjoint des Eaux et Forets, B.P. 2275, Libreville, Gabon. Tel: 721004, Fax: 761073.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingenieur des Eaux et Forets. Directeur General adjoint des Eaux et Forets du Gabon. Responsable pour le Gabon du projet "Conservation et utilisation rationnelle des ecosystemes forestiers en afrique centrale". Membre du Group'e Consultatif de l'UICN sur les forets tropicales.

Manuel Mendez Arocha, Edificio Guarimba. Piso 7, Oficina 78, Av. Francisco Mirando, La Carlota, Caracas 1071, Venezuela. Tel: 582-23991 73; Fax: 582-359823.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Irene Maria Mendez Vega,Vice Presidente Comite Regional Area Consrvacion Guanacaste, Apartado 10094, San Jose, Costa Rica. Tel: 22-9260; Fax: 23-6963.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Ian Mercer. Chief Executive, Countryside Council for Wales, Plas Penrhos, FFord Penrhos, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2LQ, United Kingdom. Tel: 44-248370444, Fax: 44-248355782.

BIOGRAPHY: Chief Executive, Countryside Council for Wales - combined factors of Nature Conservancy Council and Countryside Commission. Erstwhile National Park Chief Officer (Dartmoor) for 17 years; Forestry Commission Regional Advisory Committee Chairman (6 years).

Victor Eleazar Merino-Pa redes. Los Tucanes 128, Lima 27, Peru. Tel: 5114-625410, Fax: 5114-633048.

BIOGRAPHY: Economista con postgrado en planificacion del desarrollo regional. Experiencia en planificacion alimentaria, programas de desarrollo en tropico humedo, planificacion estrategica funcional e institucional. Interes especial en planificacion yeconomia de recursos naturales.

Judy Messer. Nature Conservation Council of New South Wales, The Rocks, NSW 2000, Australia. Tel: 02-2472228, Fax: 2-9066927.

BIOGRAPHY: Social Scientist actively involved in nature conservation policy development and community based environmental awareness campaigns for over 20 years. Has been Chairperson for 8 years of the Nature Conservation Council, an umbrella organization representing over 90 environmental and scientific organizations throughout New South Wales. Main focus on the conservation of biodiversity with a particular emphasis on the protection and proper management of remnant vegetation and threatened ecosystems. - 125 -

Simon Metcalfe. Cornell University, P.O. Box 14, Kennedy Hall, Ithaca, N.Y. 14853, USA. Tel: 607-2552283; Fax: 607-2551005.

BIOGRAPHY: Zimbabwe Trust Programme, Director for the Campfire Programme. Advisor to the Campfire Association.

Peter John Mevnell. IUCN, Bath Island Road, Karachi, Pakistan. Tel: 573082; Fax: 530976.

BIOGRAPHY: Programme Coordinator of Coastal Ecosystem Unit of IUCN, Pakistan. In charge of Korangi Ecosystem Project to conserve the Indus Delta Mangroves. He is a specialist in water pollution, fisheries and biogas.

Maria Claudia Mibielli Kohler. Av. Monsenhor Walfredo Leal, 181-Tambia, CEP 58023, Joao Pessoa, Brasil Tel: 083-2223149, Fax: 083-2223652.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologa, Superintendente da Superintendencia de Administracao do Meio Ambiente-SUDEMA, regiao Hordeste do Brasil.

Vic Milan. Conservation International, Suite 1000, 1015 18th Street, N.W., Washington D.C. 20036, USA. Tel: 632-8180107, Fax: 632-8180107.

BIOGRAPHY: President of Tubbataha Foundation and Conservation International Country Representative. An environmental journalist heading a multi-media communicators network on environmental issues in the Philippines and authors a three-times weekly newspaper column on environmental issues and outdoor sports. The Tubbataha Foundation supports the conservation of the first marine National Park in the Philippines and Conservation International supports local conservation groups.

Miguel Serediuk Mi lano. rua Comendador Macedo 315, 80 060 Curitiba-PR, Brasil. Tel: 041-2648733, Fax: 041-2625718.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingeniero forestal, M.Sc. Dr. Professor de Conservacion de la Naturaleza y Manejo de Areas Silvestres Protegidas. Director Tecnico de la Fundacion "0 Boticario" para Proteccion de la Naturaleza.

Gregory Miller. Regional Director, South America Program, The Nature Conservancy, 1815 N. Lynn Street,,Arlington, VA 22209, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Has more than 13 years of ecological field experience in Latin America and the Caribbean; specializes in tropical ecology, park protection and management; international development and nature tourism. Has worked as au Environmental Advisor for the Latin America and Caribbean Bureau of the US Agency for International Development; he is a specialist in ecology of high Andean ecosystems and is a former naturalist with the Galapagos National Park. B.A. (Botany) Univ. of California; Ph.D (Tropical Plant Ecology) Univ. of Connecticut. - 126 -

Kenton R. Miller. 1709 New York Ave.NW, Suite 700, Washington DC 20006, United States. Tel: 202-6624582, Fax: 202-6380036.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Robert C. Milne. ΟΙΑ, National Park Service, USDI, P.O. Box 37127, L St. Bldg, Rm 2 137, Washington DC 20013-7127, United States. Tel: 202-3437063, Fax: 202-3437059.

BIOGRArilY: Chief of the Office of International Affairs for the US National Park Service. A recipient of IUCN's International Park Merit Award, and serves as Vice Chair (Nearctic) CNPPA. Has represented the US NPS on the World Heritage Committee, international commissions and in worldwide bilateral negotiations and projects.

Carmen Miranda. Coordinadora Academia Nacional de Ciencias, Avda. 16 de Julio No. 1732, Casilla 5829, La Paz, Bolivia. Tel: 5912-363990, Fax: 5912-392321.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Rui Augusto N. Miranda. Projet "Planification Cotiere", UICN/MDRA, P.O. Box 71, Bissau, Guinee-Bissau. Tel: 245-201230, Fax: 245-201168.

BIOGRAPHY: Ing. Agr.Zootechnicien par l'Universite de Panama, 1977-1982. Chef de Service d'Experimentation animale a la Direction Ger. de 1'elevage/MDRA, 1982-1988. Directeur du Service de Protection de la Nature a la Direction Serv. Forets et Chasse/MDRA 1989-1991. Directeur national du projet "Planification Cotiere", UICN/MDRA, 1989 - presente.

B.K. Mishra. Wildlife Institute of India, P.O. New Forest, Dehra Dun, 248 006, India.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Hemanta Raj Mishra. King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation, P.O. Box 3712, Jawalakhel, Kathmandu, Nepal. Tel: 9771-526558, Fax: 9771-526570.

BIOGRAPHY: Regional Vice Chair CNPPA, Indo-Malayan Realm. Executive Director King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation. Ph.D. .198ל University of Edinburgh, Winner J. Paul Getty Award

Brent Mitchell. Director, Stewardship, Quebec-Labrador Foundation, Atlantic Center for the Environment, 39 South Main Street, Ipswich, MA 01938, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 127 -

Nora J. Mitchell. Manager, Cultural Landscape Program, North Atlantic Regional Office, National Park Service, 15 State Street, Boston, HA 02109, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: She is a manager of the Cultural Landscape Programme of the North Atlantic Region of the USNPS; she provides technical assistance to national parks in the northeastern US. She has worked for the USNPS for 11 years in the natural science and resource management programmes. She is currently chair of the US ICOMOS Historic Landscapes Committee.

Russell Alan Mittermeier. Conservation International, 1015 18th Street, N.W. Suite 1000, Washington DC 20036, United States. Tel: 202-4295660, Fax: 202-8870192.

BIOGRAPHY: President ol Conservation International. Previously Vice-President for Science at WWF, 1987-1989 and Director of programs for Brazil and the Guianas 1985-1989, Madagascar 19851989, Species Conservation 1986-1989, and Primates 1979-1989. Has served as Chairman of Primate Specialist Group of IUCN's SSC since 1977 as SSC's Vice-Chainnan for International Programs since 1985 and as Chairman of the World Bank's Task Force on Biological Diversity in 1988 and 1989. Publications include 5 books and over 200 papers and popular articles on primates, reptiles, tropical forests and biodiversity, and is responsible for publishing the journal "Primate Conservation". B.A. (sununa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa) from Dartmouth 1971, and Ph.D. from Harvard in Biological Anthropology in 1977.

Francis Xavier Hkanda. Kasunga National Park, P.O. Box 43, Kasunga, , Malawai.

BIOGRAPHY: Acting Senior Parks and Wildlife Research Officer in the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Tourism, responsible for the management and administration of the Wildlife Research Program in Malawi.

C.A. Μ1a ν. Director of Wildlife and Chairman of the SRCS Steering Committee, Serengeti Regional Conservation Strategy, P.O. Box 1541, Arusha, Tanzania.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Edward Michael Mlowe. East Usambara Catchment Forest Project, S.L.P. 5869, Tanga, Tanzania. Tel: 053-42684, Fax: 255-5341060.

BIOGRAPHY: Graduated in Forestry in 1987. Sincd 1988 has been working with the Ministry of Tourism, Natural Resources and Environment, responsible for management of the East Usambara Forests, known for their high diversity and endemism of fauna and flora and for their high catchment value. - 128 -

Miqueas Mishari Hoiat, AIDESEP (Asociacion Interetnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana), Av. San Eugenio 981. Lima 13, Peru. Tel: 726621; Fax: 051-014-724605.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Krishnepersad Hohadin. Foundation for Nature Preservation in Suriname (STINASU), P.O. Box 436, Corn.Jongbawstr.14, Paramaribo, Suriname. Tel: 597-476597, Fax: 597-10256.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of STINASU, a semi-governmental organization whose objectives are to coordinate and finance scientific research in the reserves, to stimulate public awareness of preservation, to support educational purposes and to encourage and facilitate ecotourism in the reserves.

Jerome H. Hokoko Ikonga. Ingenieur des Travaux, Ministcre de L'Economie Forestiere, B.P. 2522, , Congo. Fax: 832458.

BiOGRArHY: Not available.

Fernando Holina. Agencia de Medio Ambiente, c/ Juan de Lara Nieto s/n, 41071 Sevilla, Spain. Tel: 95-4239300, Fax: 95-4236329.

BIOGRAPHY: Licenciado en Biologia. Jefe de Servicio de Conservacion de la Naturaleza de la Agencia de Medio Ambiente. Presidente del Comite Nacional de la UICN.

Haria de los Angeles Molina Artavia, Subdirectora de Ecodesairollo. Area Conservacion Guanacaste, Apdo 10094, San Jose, Costa Rica. Tel: 22-9260, Fax: 23-6963.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Susana Moller. Asociacion Peruana para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza, APECO, Parque Jose de Acosta 187, Lima, Peru. Tel: 616316; Fax: 51-14-633048.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Til B. Mongar. Department of Forestry, P.O. Box 130, Thimphu, Bhutan. Tel: 975-22395, Fax: 975-22395.

BIOGRAPHY: Working with the Forest Department of the Royal Government of Bhutan since 1976 in the field of Wildlife Conservation. Responsible for planning coordination and management of protected areas in Bhutan. - 129 -

Victor Montcloneo, Servicio de Medio Ambiente, Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria, Bravo Murillo 12, 35003 Las Palmas, Spain. Tel: 34 28 373399; Fax: 34 28 361832.

BIOGRAPHY: Licencindo en Ciencias biologicas, desde 1975 forma parte del personal cientifico del Jardin botanico CVanario "Viera y Clavijo" de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, bajo la direccion del Dr. David Bramwell. Ha participado en planficacion territorial en materia de areas protegidas y como coordinador dc los estudios de la propuesta del Parque nacional del Nublo. Asimismo ha participado en la redaccion del Proyecto roque Nublo, aprobado recientemente dentro del programa LEADER de la CEE, sobre desarrollo rural. Actualmente es Jefe del Servicio de Medio Ambiente del Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria.

Constantino Monterroso. Reserva Marina de Sandy Bay, Roatan, Isles de la Bahia, Honduras. Tel: 504-451255.

BIOGRArilY: Presidente/Fundador "Reserva Marina de Sandy Bay, Roatan". Represento a 1111 grupo de personas que logramas empezar una programa de conservacion de locales y especies marinas en general, con un sistema economico pruiniente directamente de la comunidad, empleamos a los mas, a fectados pur la reserva. Tenemos tres anos de funcion, 5 gun de nececites, un director (todos con suelho) el aloyo de las autoridades y equipo basico para pateyaje en los ultimos dos meses pasamos a furmarlrete de un grupo de conservacion de 10 pto.

Tulio Monterroso Bonilla, P.O. Box 388Λ, Guatemala Ciudad, Guatemala. Tel: 81647, Fax: 538507.

BIOGRAPHY: Tecnico en Ingenieria Ambiental, fundador y primer presidente de ARCAS (Asociacion dc Roseate y conservacion de VidaSilvestre). Asesor del Consejo Nacional de Areas Protegidas CONAP en dos areas especificas: Capacitacion de guardaparques y control de trafico de recursos naturales.

Juan Jose Montiel Rocha. Apartado postal 1009, Managua, Nicaragua. Tel: 5052-74563, Fax: 5052-74563.

BIOGRAPHY: Consejero regional de UICN.

Robert Moon, Chief Resources Manager, Joshua Tree National Monument, 74485 National Monument Dr., Twentynine Palms, CA 92277, United States. Tel: 619-3674528, Fax: 691-3676392.

BIOGRAPHY: Division Chief for resources management at Joshua Tree National. Monument, an International Biosphere Reserve. Masters degree in ecology with an. emphasis on arid systems management. Founder and Director of the Center for Arid Lands Restoration, which is a program to facilitate exchange of information on restoration of damaged arid lands. The native plants nursery has pioneered new methods for plant propagation and site management to promote natural vegetation recovery. - 130 -

Alan W. Moore, 5412 Martin Mill Pike, Knoxville, TN 37920, United States. Tel: 615-5737295.

BIOGRAPHY: A consultant working in several Latin American countries since 1975. Specializes in wildlands management and planning as well as training and ecotourism.

Ileana Mora Cordero. Departamento Ambiente, Energia Alternative, Instituto Costarricetise de Electricidad, Apartado 10032-1000, San Jose, Costa Rica. Fax: 506 31 4737.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Monica Moraes Ramirez. Herbario Nacional de Bolivia, Casilla 10077, Correo Central, La Paz, Bolivia. Tel: 5912-792582, Fax: 5912-391176.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

,Fudena, Apartado 70376•־Alfredo Morales. Plan de Manejo Refugio de Cuare Caracas 1071-A, Venezuela).

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Jos Morales. Encargado de Fauna Silvestre, IRENA-CITES, Kms.12 1/2 Carretera Norte, Managua 5123, Nicaragua. Tel: 31110, Fax: 31596.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Roger Morales Gonzalez. Apartado Postal 91-1009 Fecosa, San Jose, Costa Rica. Tel: 356568, Fax: 362733.

BIOGRAPHY': Amplia experiencia en la planificacion y manejo de Areas Silvestres en Centro America durante los ultimos 20 anos. Miembro de la CNPPA. Consultor en Planificacion de UICN/ORCA. Presidente centro Estudios Manejo Integrado de Areas Silvestres.

Jorge More Ho. Presidente, Centro de Estudios Avanzados, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 4748, p.12, 1426 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel: 541-7726749, Fax: 541-3110516.

BIOGRAPHY: Ex Presidente de Parques Nacionales de Argentina, miembro de la Comision de Parques Nacionales de Argentina, miembro de la comision de Parques nacionales de IUCN. Protesor Investigador de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Asesor del Banco Interamericano del Desarrollo para UNCED 92. Miembro de la COMISION INTERNACIONAL DEL AGUA. - 131 -

Carmen Moreno de Weber. Espana 114, Asuncion, Paraguay. Tel: G10127, Fax: 59521-608130.

BIOGRAPHY: Arquitecta paisasista, especializacion en Montevideo, Uruguay y Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Co-fundadora depronatura en el ano 1975. Colaboradora en diversas instituciones con temns de medio ambiente y proteccion de la naturaleza. ProCesora titular Fac. Arquitectura, UHA, Asuncion, Paraguay.

Hilario Moreno Ortiz. Consultor en Manejo de Recursos Naturales Renovables y Areas Protegidas, Lamas Carisimo No. 1164, c/Cerro Cora, Asuncion, Paraguay. Tel: 501893.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Jorge Moreno Perez, Director-Conservador del Parque Nacional Maritimo Terrestre del Archipielago de Cabrera, Biologo, Cuidad de Queretaro, s/n Edificio Administracion Periferica, 07007 Palma de Mallorca, Espana. Tel: 971-465042, Fax: 971-465304

BIOGRArilY: Not available.

Victor H. Morgan. Director Ejecutivo, Asociacion Demografica Costarricense, P.O. Box 10203, Jose 1000, Costa Rica. Tel: 506-314361; Fax: 506-314430.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Cosme Morillo, ICONA, Gran via San Francisco 4, 28005 Madrid, Spain. Tel: 34 1347 6159; Fax: 34 1347 6301.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologo; consejero tecnico; ICONA.

Arturo Moscoso. Technical Unit of the Forestry Development Center, Casilla 3430, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. Tel: 335204; Fax: 352168.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologo del Departamento de Vida Silvestre y Areas Protegidas del Centro de Desarrollo Forestal de Santa Cruz y Profesor Universitario dc la Universidad Autonoma Gabriel Rene Moreno de Santa Cruz.

Josephine Bwalya Muchelemba. SNV-Zambia/Netherlands Development Organizhation, 59 Chachaota Road, P.O. Box 31771, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: 221661.

BIOGRAPHY: B.A. and M.A. in economics. Worked as a civil servant/development economist from March 1973 to March 1989. From April 1989 to March 1992 on secondment to SNV-Zambia as Programme Officer. Actively involved in environmental, population and developmental issues including women in development and gender planning. - 132 -

Caroline Muegge-Vaughan. Trip Coordinator, The Nature Conservancy, 601 W 5th Ave., Suite 550, Anchorage AK 99501, United States.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Hosea Huhanguzi Ruhinda. Makerere University, Institute of Environment and Natural Resources, P.O. Box 7062, Kampala Uganda.

BIOGRAPHY: B.Sc. in Forestry, 1987. Worked as a Research Officer in Uganda National Parks from 1988-1990. Currently a Research Officer at Makerere University, Biological Field Station in Kibale Forest Reserve. Also doing M.Sc. research.

S.K. Mukher iee. Additional Director, Wildlife Institute of India, New Forest, Dehra Dun 248006, India. Tel: 135-28760, Fax: 135-23518.

BIOGRAPHY: Additional Director in Wildlife Institute of India. After initial training as a forester, specialized in wildlife management and has worked for over 20 years in different managerial positions. Main interest lies in socio-economic issues in wildlife management that includes policy, administration and law.

Claus Mu1ler, Fundacion "Vuelta Larga", Calle Bolivar No. 8. Guaraunos-Edo, Sucre, Venezuela. Tel: 094-69052/22591.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Yaya Mulvana. Directorate of National Parks and Recreation Forests, Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 15, P.O. Box 133, Bogor 16001, Indonesia. Fax: 0251-323972 or 021-584818.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Malik Muintaz. Conservator of Wildlife, N.W.F.P., Forest Office Shami Road, Teshawar, Pakistan. Tel: 521 73184; Fax: 521 61235.

BIOGRAPHY: Working as Conservator of Wildlife in the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan. Responsible for planning and implementation of all the programmes relating to conservation and management of wildlife and protected areas in the province with a staff of 550.

Mohan Munasinghe. World Bank, Rm.S-3055, 1818 II Street, NW, Washington DC 20433, United States. Tel: 202-4733204, Fax: 202-4770968,

BIOGRAPHY: Division Chief for Environmental Policy at the World Bank. Has had wide field experience in many countries and sectors for last 17 years with the Bank. During 1982-1986 served as Senior Advisor to the President of Sri Lanka. Postgraduate degrees in physics, engineering and economics from Cambridge, UK, MIT, USA, and McGill, Canada. Has published extensively on resource management and economics. - 133 -

Wila D. Hune'omba, Chairman, Environment and Population Centre, P.O. Box 36452, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: 224593.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Santiago Pablo Hunilla Lopez, ICONA, C/Gran Via de San Francisco n°4, 28005 Hadrid. Tel: 13476200, Fax: 13476301.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Shihadeh M.I. Hun i ed. Director, Jordan's National Parks Tourism Authority, P.O. Box 224, Amman, Jordan. Tel: 642311, Fax: 648465.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

David Hunro, Director, WCS-II, IUCN, Avenue du Mont Blanc 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 902-4262797, Fax: 902-4267012.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Neil Hunro. Canadian Parks Service, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1S9, Canada. Tel: 1-902-4262797; Fax: 1-902-4267012.

BIOGRAPHY: B.Sc. in Forestry, Μ.Λ. in Geography. Experience as a consultant with provincial and federal governments. Has been with the Canadian Parks Service for 23 years. Co-chaired the International Conference on Science and the Management of Protected Areas, held in Canada in May 1991. Lectures part-time at Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia.

Antonio Munoz. Agencia de Medio Ambiente, Junta de Andalucia, C/Eritana nSl, Econoinista, Especialista en Planificacion dc Parques.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

F.das Munoz. Distribuidora YAD1RA, Santa Barbara, S.B. Honduras. Tel: 642412.

BIOGRAPHY': Ingeniero forestal. EspeciaIidad: Master of Science in Forestry con enfasis en Maneyo de Areas Silvestres y Parques. Cargo Actual: Jefe de Maneyo de Areas protegidas de la Corporacion Hondurena de Desarrollo Forestal.

Alywell E.G. Munvenvcmbe. Nationl Parks and Wildlife Service, Private Bag 1, Chilanga, Zambia. Tel: 278524.

BIOGRAPHY: Senior Wild Life Research Officer Cor Zambia National Parks and Wildlife Service. B.Sc. University of Zambia 1976 and M.Sc. Natural Resource Management, Canberra, Australia. - 134 -

Marshall W. Murohree. Centre for Applied Social Sciences, University of Zimbabwe, P.O. Box MP 167, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: 2634-303211, Fax: 2634-732828.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of the Centre for Applied Social Sciences, University of Zimbabwe. The Centre corteaches with the Department of Biological Sciences the M.Sc. in Tropical Resource Ecology and has an extensive research programme on natural resource management. Currently Chairman of Zimbabwe's Parks and Wild Life Board.

Will Murray, The Nature Conservancy, 1815 N. Lynn Street, Arlington, VA 22209, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: He is director of conservation programmes for The Nature Conservancy's Western Region. He has been Acting Director of Stewardship and worked in various other stewardship and interpretive positions since joining The Nature Conservancy in 1980.

Mursidin. Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation, Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 15, P.O. Box 133, Bogor 16001, Indonesia. Tel: 21-7203095; Fax: 21-7395907.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Dorothy Musokotwatie. IUCN Regional Olfice Southern Africa, P.O. Box 745, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: 2634-728266; Fax: 2634-720738.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

H.J. Mwageni. Director of Parks, Swaziland National Trust Commission, P.O. Box 100, Lobamba, Swaziland. Tel: 61151.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

James Mwalusania, High Court of Tanzania, P.O. Box 943, , Tanzania. Tel: 061-22933.

BIOGRAPHY: A Judge of the High Court of Tanzani; a Scientific Committee member of the International Society for i^nvironmenta1 Protection (ISEP) and a member of the International Council of Environmental Law.

Balekebajobege Mwasaga. Tanzania National Parks, P.O. Box 3134, Arusha, Tanzania. Tel: 057-3471, Fax: 057-3472.

BIOGRAPHY: Chief Ecologist, Tanzania National Parks. - 135 -

Acme Nat Mwcnva. National Parks And Life, P/BI, Chilanga, Zambia. Tel: 278524, Fax: 278113.

BIOGRAPHY: Currently acting director of the department of National Pares and Wildlife in Zambia. He started as a technical officer and rose to his present position through the ranks. He holds a diploma, a BSC and AMSC. During his carreer he has devoted his effort during his carreer he has devoted his effort on community-based wildlife management.

Eduardo Jorge Myers. Villa Futalaufquen, Parque Nacional Los Alerces, 9201 Chubut, Argentina. Tel: 0944-22622.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingenicro Agronomo recibido en la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Ex Director General de Ecologia y Proteccion de la Fauna del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia de J a Frovincia de Santa Fe. Actualmente Intendente del Parque Nacional Los Alerces y con anterioridad de los Parques Nacionales Lanin y Tierra del Fuego.

Norman Myers. Upper Meadow, Old Road, Headington, Oxford 0X3 8S2, United Kingdom. Tel: 44865-750387, Fax: 44865-741538.

BIOGRAPHY: Works as an independent scientist and self-employed consultant. Has undertaken projects for the World Bank, several United Nations agencies, national academics in a dozen countries, and the Brundtland Commission, Rockefeller, MacArthur, Pew and numerous other foundations, the IPCC and the World resources Institute. Is currently serving as a Senior Adviser to Maurice Strong. Is a member of three IUCN Commissions.

Phyllis Myers. President, State Resource Strategics, 1400 16th Street NW, Suite 300, Washington DC 20036, USA. Tel: 202-7975402; Fax: 202-7975411.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 136 - lyad Nader. NCWCD, P.O. Box 61681, Riyadh 11575, Saudi Arabia. Tel: 441 8700; Fax: 441 0797.

BIOGRAPHY: Professor Nader is a wildlife expert at the National Commission for Wildlife Conservation and Development. He received his PhD degree in Zoology from the University of Illinois in 1964. He left his position as chairman of the Dept. of Biology at King Saud University to join the Commission in 1987.

I. Napoleone. CNR, Instituto Applicazioni Calcolo, Via Policlinico 137, Rome, Italy.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Jim Nations. Conservation International, 1015 18th Street, N.W., Washington D.C. 20036; Tel: 202 429 5660; Fax: 202 887 5188.

BIOGRAPHY: Dr. Nations is the Vice President for Latin America for Conservation International. He is a leading anthropologist in the conservation field. He has lived and worked in Mexico and Central America since 1974, and is now based in Washington, D.C. Dr. Nations' work with Guatemalan conservationists was instrumental in the government's decision to establish the three million acre Maya Biosphere Reserve, the largest expanse of protected tropical forest north of the Amazon.

Jungen Nauber, BIANL, Konstantinstr. 110, 53 Bonn, Germany; Tel: 228 8491 138; Fax: 228 8491 200.

BIOGRAPHY: Scientific background in Forestry; present occupation Secretary General of the German MAB National Committee.

Juan Carlos Navarro Q. Asociacion Nacional para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza (ANCON) Apartado 1387, Panama, Rep. of Panama. Tel: 507-641836.

BIOGRAPHY: 1985-present, Executive Director, Asociacion national para la conservation de la naturaleza, ANCON; 1990-1993: IUCN Regional Councillor for Latin America; 1983-85: Harvard University; 1979-83: Licenciatura en geography, Dartmouth College, USA.

Zev Naveh. Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Israel Institute of Technology, 32000 Haifa, Israel. Tel: 4-245029; Fax: 4-221529.

BIOGRAPHY: Professor Emeritus, Chairman IUCN-CESP Working Group on Threatened Landscape Red Books; distinguished member of International Society of Mediterranean Geologists (ISOMED); Member of the editorial board "Landscape Ecology". - 137 -

Daniel Navicl. Secretary-General of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar, 1971). Avenue du Mont.Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 649301, Fax: 22-648375.

BIOGRAPHY: Lawyer witli a BA degree in political science from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and Juris Dr from Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Worked for several years for IUCN as legal officer and Head of International Relations before assuming the Ramsar Convention post in January 1988. Extensive experience in the field of international nature conservation conventions, including involvement in the drafting of the 1979 Migratory Species Convention, secretariat or delegate participation in meetings of the Conference of the Parties to the Endangered Species Convention, adviser and consultant to the World Heritage Convention, as well as present responsibilities under the Ramsar Convention. Past member of the State of Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board and the Board of Directors of IUCN-US (Washington DC) and is a member as well as a former legal counsel to the International Council of Environmental Law.

Lucia Navip.lio. ENEA, Cre Casaccia, Environmental Biology Unit, S.P. Anguillarese 301, Rome, Italy; Tel: 39 6 30484968; Fax: 39 6 30486571.

BIOGRAPHY: Natural Science degree (doctor) in 1971; from 1971-76 staff member of the Institute of Botany, University of Rome and consultant of the Abruzzo National Park; 1976-86 staff member of the Abruzzo National Park, responsible for the scientific service and forestry. 1986-present staff of ENEA, responsible for the Environmental Biology Unit.

Francesca Nazzaro. Istituto di Ecologia Applicata, via Luciani 41, 00197 Rome, Italy, Tel: 3221438; Fax: 3614234.

BIOGRAPHY: Environmental consultant for Research Institutes and private companies dealing with natural resources management. Responsible for project management of EEC funded projects concerning national parks in several African countries; previously IUCN consultant on Mediterranean protected areas; MS in Natural Resources Management, Univ. of Michigan, USA.

Mark Neeson. Office of the Minister of Conservation, Parliament Buildings, Wellington, New Zealand. Tel: 64 4 4719 999; Fax: 64 4 4733 446.

BIOGRAPHY: Private secretary to the Minister of Conservation (Hon. Denis Marshall) for New Zealand. He has had 20 years experience in the planning management of protected natural areas. - 138 -

J. Gordon Nelson and Rafal Serafin, Heritage Resources Centre, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Out. Canada. Tel: 519-8851211; Fax: 519-7462031.

BIOGRAPHY: Professor of Geography and Planning, University of Waterloo, chairperson, Heritage Resources Centre, University of Waterloo; active in many professional and citizen organizations, e.g. Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies, National and Provincial Policy Association.

Nora Neris. National Parks and Wildlife Directorate, C.C. 3303 Asuncion, Paraguay, and New York Zoological Society. Tel: 495568/50507 5; Fax: 495568.

BIOGRAPHY: Mastozoologa del museo nacional de historia natural del Paraguay, cursando inacstria en manejo de fauna silvestre.

William D. Newmark. Department of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA. Tel: 619- 5345605; Fax: 619-5347108;

BIOGRAPHY: Currently a visiting scholar in the Dept of Biology at the University of California, San Diego. Prior to this he served as a technical advisor at the College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka for 4 years. His primary focus of research in recent years has been on the process of extinction of isolated vertebrate populations in protected areas and other habitat islands. He lias also recently edited a book on the conservation of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.

Ali Ngaram. B.P. 447, Ministere du developpement rural, Ndjamena, Tchad; Tel: 515121.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingenieur des eaux et forets depuis 1967; de 1968-78 directeur division faune/forets/peche a la CBLT; 1978-79 homologue projet peche Canada/Tchad; 1984 Directeur des eaux et forets; 1985-91 Directeur general du tourisme et de !,environnement.

M. Neoile. Institute of Marine Science, P.O. Box 668, Zanzibar, Tanzania.

BIOGRArHY: Not available.

Manfred Nickisch. c/o Oro Verde, Bodenstedt strasse 4, 6000 Frankfurt, Germany. Tel: 69 619039; Fax: 69 620979.

BIOGRAPHY: Executive Dirctor of Oro Verde, Foundation for the Conservation of Tropical Forests.

Dr. Bernard Nietschmann. Department of Geography, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. Tel: 510-6423903; Fax: 510-6423370.

BIOGRAPIfY: Specialist on coastal resources and peoples environmental advisor to Nicaragua Government and the Muskito Indian NGO Mikupia. - 139 -

Alexander Nikolskii. Ministry lor Natural Resources, Management and Environment Protection, 103009, Moscow, Russia. Tel: 288 9732; Fax: 230 2792.

BIOGRAPHY: Doctor of Biology; Director of Dept. for Nature Reserves and Other Specially Protected Areas.

Per Nilscn. Canadian Parks Service, National Parks, Les Terrasses de la Chaudiere, 10 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ont. Kill 0H3, Canada. Tel: 819 997 4936; Fax: 819 994 5140.

BIOGRAPHY: Visitor activities planning specialist with the Canadian Parks Service, Programme Headquarters, National Parks.

Del Wayne R. Nimmo. Water Resources Div., National Park Service, 301 South Howes St., Ft. Collins, Colorado 80521, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Andre Nivokindi, B.P. 3160, Bujumbura, . Tel: 0402440.

BIOGRAPHY: Consultant national en environnement ingenieur des eaux et forets, licencie d'enseigncment des sciences, ex-directeur general environnement et la conservation de laי de 1'Institut national pour 1 nature; creation et gestion des pares nationaux au Burundi, inspection de 1'environnement au Burundi.

Steven G. Ν juauna. National Museums of Kenya, P.O. Box 40658, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel: 740060; Fax: 741424.

BIOGRAPHY: Associate Director, Centre for Biodiversity National Museums of Kenya; Alternate Representative for Africa Ramsar Convention Standing Committee.

Amanda Nobbs. Council for National Parks, 246 Lavender Hill, London SW11 1LN, U.K. Tel: 71 924 4077; Fax: 71 924 5761.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of the Council for National Parks, (an NGO) which campaigns for the parks of England and Wales to be protected and for the pubglic to be able to enjoy them.

Mr. Olav Nord-Varhaue. Head, Division for Nature Conservation, Directorate for Nature Management, Tungasletta 2, 7004 Trondheim, Norway. Tel: 477-580500; Fax: 477-915433.

BIOGRAPHY: Head of Division for Nature Conservation in Directorate for Nature Management in Norway; biologist, M.Sc. in Biological Resources in Physical Planning. - 140 -

Ruth Norris. 3360 18th Street, N.W. Washington D.C. 20010, USA. Tel: 202 797 8712.

BIOGRArilY: She has worked for over 10 years with various conservation organizations, including the Izaak Walton League, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, and National Audubon Society. Her articles have appeared in most major conservation magazines. Ms Norris advises conservation groups throughout Latin America on institutional development: and self-sufficiency. B.S. (Political Science) Moorhead State University, Minnesota; Μ.Λ. (communications) University of Wisconsin.

Elliot A. Horse. Center for Marine Conservation, 15806 NE 47th Court, Redmond, Washington, 98052, USA. Tel: 206 8838914; Fax: 206 8833017.

BIOGRAPHY: Chief Scientist and Director of Marine Biological Diversity Troject at the Center for Marine Conservation.

Bradford Northrup. Director; and Gina Green, Protected Areas Specialist, The Nature Conservancy, 1815 N. Lynn Street, Arlington VA 22209, USA.

BIOGRArilY: V.P. and Director, Caribbean Region, The Nature Conservancy; direct programmes in insular and English speaking Caribbean countries; work extensively in Jamaica D.R., Belize; 20 years experience with The Nature Conservancy.

Rodney Norum. Fire Management Specialist, Branch of Fire Management, US National Park Service, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Jose Nosel. Pare naturel regional, B.P. 437, 97200 Port de France, Martinique. Tel: 19 596 644259; Fax: 19 596 647227.

BIOGRAPHY: Juriste et cconomiste, a fait de nombreux voyages a l'etranger, directeur de pare naturel de Martinique, et enseignant d'universite, s'est interesse a 1'aquaculture et aux energies renouvalables.

Reed Uoss. 925 NW 31 Street, Corvallis, OR. 97330, USA. Tel: 503 752 7639; Fax: 503 757 7646.

BIOGRArilY: Consultant in conservation biology, research scientist at University of Idaho, College of Forestry. Formerly biodiversity project leader, US Environmental Protection Agency. - 141 -

Dominique N'Sosso. B.P. 2153, Brazzaville, Congo. Tel: 831718.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingenieur des techniques forestieres avec une specialite; amenagement de la faune; exerce dans le service de la faune (1970-76) et des pare nationaux et des aires protegees (1977-91) aux postes suivants: Chef de service, directeur, conseiller du ministre.

Laurent Ntahuga. Directeur general INECN, , B.P. 56, Burundi. Tel: 257 040 2071; Fax: 257 040 2075.

BIOGRAPHY: Docteur en biologie; Professeur de biologie a l'unversite du Burundi (1984-91); Doyen de la faculte des sciences de l'Universite du Burundi (1989-91); Directeur general de 1'Institut national pour 1'environnement et la conservation de la nature depuis mai 1991.

Yaa Ntiamoa-Baidu. Zoology Dept, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana.

BIOGRAPHY: Senior lecturer in the University of Ghana, teaching wildlife and its management, animal ecology and ornithology; and project office for the save the seashore birds project. Formerly head of the Ghana Wildlife Research Division.

Maurice Nyquist, GIS Division-WASO, National Park Service, P.O. Box 25287, Denver, Colorado 80225-0287, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 142 -

Francis Brian 0' Connor. Joint. Nature Conservation Committee, Monkstone House, City Road, Peterborough PE1 1JY, U.K. Tel: 733 62626; Fax: 733 535948.

BIOGRAPHY: Chief Officer of the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, formerly Director, England and Director, Policy and Planning in the Nature Conservancy Council. A soil biologist by training, with interests and experience in landuse, planning and managemnt for wildlife conservation in the UK.

Fergus O'Gorman. Director, National Conservation Education Centre, c/o Zoology Department, University College, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland. Tel: 3531-2693244; Fax: 3531-2694409.

BIOGRAPHY: Former Director, Environment Education Bureau, Dublin; Former Head, Information and Education Irish National Institute for Environment Research; Former Controller, Government Supplies Agency, Dublin. Currently, Director of European Seminar lor Managers of Protected Areas.

Ricardo 0 i eda. Centro Regional de Investrigaciones Cientilicas y Tecnologicas-Unidad Zoologia y ecologia, CC 507, 5500 Mendoza, Argentina. Tel: 61 241995; Fax: 61 380370.

BIOGRAPHY: El Dr. Ricardo Ojeda es PhD de la Universidad de Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. es investigador del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas de Argentina y se desempena en el CRICY'T de Mendoza. Sus areas de interes son la ecologia, biogeografia y conservacion de mainiferos. Es chairman del Nw World Marsupial Specialist Group y esta a cargo de la evaluacion de roedores de Argentina como miembro del New World Rodent Specialist Group. El Dr. Ojeda se encuentre desarrollando trabajos en las areas protegidas de la selva de Yungas del Noroeste de Argentina y en la Reserva MAB del sesierto en Nacunan, Mendoza.

Czeslaw Okolow. Deputy Director, Bia1owieski Park Narodowy, 17-230 Bialowieza, Poland.

BIOGRAPHY: Employee of Bialowieza National Park on post; keeper of the museum; senior scientist and Deputy Director of the Park; since 1989 to the present, working in Bialowieza National Park since 1960; General Assembly of IUCN in Warsaw.

Bunyamin A. Ola Adams. Dept of Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife Manaement, University of Agriculture, PMB 2240, Abeokuta, . Tel: 39 233386; Fax: 234 39 234650.

BIOGRAPHY: Senior Lecturer (Forest Ecology) and Acting Head, Dept. of Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife Management, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. - 143 -

Perez 0line!ο. African Wildlife Foundation, P.O. Box 48177, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel: 331542; Fax: 332294.

BIOGRAPHY: A national of Kenya; for many years held the office of Director of the National Parks and Wildlife of Kenya; recipient of a considerable number of international awards, including the UNEP-Global 500 for 1988; the Paul Getty Conservation Prize for 1988. A current regional representative for Africa on the CITES animals committee; a Vice-chair of the IUCN/CNPPA; a Vice-chair of the IUCN SSC and the IUCN Regional Representative for Eastern Africa.

Louis Olivier. Pare National de Port Cres, Conservation Botonique National de Poupuerolles, Le Castel St. Claire, St. Claire, 83400 Hyeres, France. Tel: 33-94653298; Fax: 33-94658483.

BIOGRAPHY: Conservateur du Conservation Botanique National de Poupuerolles.

Robert Olivier. P.O. Box 68200, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel: 502650; Fax: 503511.

BIOGRAPHY: Technical assistance team leader, EEC Uganda National Parks Project.

Silvio Olivicri•MAB-USNPS. Washington, D.C. 20013-7127, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Molly Olson. 49 Grove Street, Birchgrove, N.S.W. 2041, Australia. Tel: 612 810 2290; Fax: 612 247 8778.

BIOGRAPHY: Ms Olson has had a long involvement in advocating the protection of the marine environment. Academic qualifications include joint BA (Honours) from the Univ. of California, Santa Cruz in Economics and Natural History, Master of Environmental Studies from Yale University. Most recently, her professional work has been as National Coordinator for the Ocean Ecology/Wildlife campaign of Greenpeace Australia, restructuring the dept to focus on issues of marine habitat protection. She was also Managing Editor for Wildlife Australia Magazine.

Jelili A. Omotola. P.O. Box 4015, Lagaos, Nigeria.

BIOGRAPHY: Professor of Property Law; former Dean of Law specialising in Property Law and the Law ol the Environment; Member of Council University ol Lagos, Member, Body of Benches.

Lydia R. Onsoneo. P.O. Box 40241, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel: 501081; Fax: 505866.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 144 -

Jorge Ε. Ore iuela. FES Foundation, A. A. 5744, Cali, Colombia. Tel: 822524; Fax: 57-23-834706.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Cesar Ormazabal. Corporacion Nacional Forestal, CONAF, Avda. Bulnes 259, Of. 604, Santiago, Chile. Tel: 562-6991257; Fax: 562-715881.

Fernando Ortiz Crespo. Instituto de Estrategias Agropecuarias, IDEA, Bossano 617 y Crnel. Guerrero. - Casilla 853 Sue. 12 de Octubre, Quito, Ecuador. Tel: 0593-2-245344.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Nadine Osidala. Raul Romero and Carlos Corvalan, Administracion de Parques Nacionales, Avda Santa Fe 690, CP. 1059 Capital Federal- Argentina. Tel: 3120257: Fax: 541- 111516.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Morni Bin Othman, Forestry Department, Bandar Seri Begawan 2067, Brunei Darussalam. Tel: 6732 226493; Telex: CONTEL BU 2228; Fax: 6732 241012.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Omar Ovalles. Comision del Ambiente, Apartado 47343, Caracas, Venezuela. Tel: 582-563-7603; Fax: 582-563-7894.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Gonzalo Oviedo. Oficina Regional de la FAO para America Latina y el Caribe, Casilla 10095, Providcncia 871 Santiago, Chile. Tel: 2185503; Fax: 562-2084312.

BIOGRAPHY: Antropologo. Especialista en temas de areas protegidas y educacion ambiental. Director del programa de conservacion de la Fundacion Natura del Ecuador.

J.G.K. Owusu. Institute of Renewable Natural Resources, University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana. Tel: 53519.

BIOGRAPHY: Forest educationist; acting Director of the Institute of Renewable Natural Resources, University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana; President of the Ghana Institute of professional Foresters; Member, Forestry Commission of Ghana; areas of interest: renewable resource legislation and policy, socio-political issues in protected areas management. - 145 -

Cecilia Pacheco Semiierteaui, Corporacion Ornitologica del Ecuador, Cecia, Casilla ]7-07-9068. Tel/Fax: 244734.

BIOGRAPHY: Coordinadora de Proyectos, Corporacion Ornitologica del Ecuador, Cecia.

Jesus Antonio Paez. Parque general San Martin, 5500 Mendoza, Argentina. Tel: 61 252090; Fax: 61 240385.

BIOGRArilY: Ingeniero agronomo; Jefe del Departamonto Areas Naturales Protegidas de la Direccion de Recursos Naturales Renovables, reprcsentatante por la Provincia de Mendoza ante la Red Nacional de Cooperacion Technico en Areas Protegidas; investigador del IAD1ZA (Gobierno de Mendoza).

Maria Luiza Noqueira Paes. SQS 204, BLI, Ap. 606, Brazil. Tel: 223 0901; Fax: 224 5206.

BIOGRAPHY: Arquiteta, Planejnddra Urbana.

James Robert Paine. World Conservation Monitoring Centre, 219 Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, UK CB3 0D2. Tel: 223 277314; Telex: 817036 SCMU G; Fax: 223 277136

BIOGRAPHY: Jointly responsible for WCMC?s work on protected areas in the Indo-Malayan and Oceanic realms, and compiler of the 1991 IUCN Directory of Protected Areas in Oceania.

Graciela Palacios Sanchez. Asociacion Nacional para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza (ANCON), Apartado 1387, Panama 1, Panama. Tel: 507 64 8100; Fax: 507 64 1836.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologa con especialidad cn Botanica, Jefe de la Division de Ciencias, ANCON.

William F. Pa leek. Superintendent, US National Park Service, Saguaro National Monument, 3693 South Old Spanish Trail, Tucson, Arizona 85730, USA) .

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Romon Pa 1ete. Directorate of National Parks and Recreation Forests, Jalan Ir. II. Juanda 15, P.O. Box 133, Bogor 16001, Indonesia. Fax: 0251-323972 or 021-584818.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 146 -

Salvatore ralladino. Via Lancisi 29, 00161 Rome, Italy. Tel: 6 844 0260; Fax: 6 883 0311.

BIOGRAPHY: Expert on problems of nature conservation in Italy, in particular on protected areas; coordinator of CNR special project "Scientific observatory on documentation and research on protected areas"; member of Scientific Committee of National Coordination of Parks and Natural Reserves of Italy; author of the first catalogue of protected areas of Italy.

George Paneeti. Dept of National Parks and wildlife Management, Box 8365, Causeway, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: 792783; Fax: 724914.

BIOGRAPHY: Deputy Director, Dept of Nationa Parks and Wildlife Management, Zimbabwe. Head of planning unit of the Dept. Has worked in the Dept since 1982 as head of the Administration Division.

U.S. Panwar. Director, Wildlife Institute of India, New Forest P.O. Dehra Dun 248 006, India. Tel: 135 28760; Fax: 135 23518.

BIOGRAPHY: Hemandra Panwar is the Director of the Wildlife Institute of India. Having a forestry background he has spent over 25 years in wildlife management, research and training. His current field of interest includes integrated forest management for biodiversity conservation, ecodevelopment of rural ecosystems in wilderness regions, developing protected area network and assessment of impact of development projects on wildlife.

Steven J. Parcells. National Audubon Society, 666 Pennsylvania Ave. S.E., Washington D.C. 20003, USA. Tel: 202 547 9009; Fax: 202 547 9022.

BIOGRAPHY': Director, International Water Program, National Audubon Society; Secretary/Treasurer, US National Ramsar Committee; Member of Association of Wetland Managers.

Richard, Parris. Natal Parks Board, P.O. Box 662, Pietermaritzburg 3200, South Africa. Tel: 331 471961; Fax: 331 471037.

BIOGRAPHY: Worked in nature conservation since graduating in 1965 as a ranger, Regional Administrator and now Deputy Chief Director of Natal Parks Board. Has a University training in Agriculture, wildlife management and public administration and has experience in Botswana and South Africa.

Jorge A Partidas Alzuru, Calle Ursulinas, Qta. Majoa, Cerro Verde, El Cafetal, Apartado de Correos (P.O. Box No. 76291 El Marques, Caracas - Venezuela. Tel: 02-9861706; Fax: 9868989.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 147 -

Paul Edward Parvski. Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32G11, USA. Tel: 802 447 7717; Fax: 904 392 8308.

BIOGRAPHY: Director and Chief of Party of the University of Florida Macaya Biosphere Reserve Project, Haiti, West Indies; Initiator of national parks in Haiti, Former American Diplomat.

Monica Pascotto and Alicia Tagliorette, Piedad Losano. Organismo Provincial de Turismo del Chubut. San Martin y Don Bosco. (9103) Rawson, Provincia del Chubut, Argentina. Tel: 965-81113/81383).

BIOGRArilY: Not available.

Michael Passoff. 11441 University Ave., Edmonton, Alberta T6G 1Y9, Canada. Tel: 403 436 7327; Fax: 403 492 0627.

BIOGRArilY: PhD student, University of Alberta; Research fellow at International Institute for Protected Area Management; former Director, Soviet-American Environmental Exchange; Wild lands Research, Nepal Programme.

Gerald Patten. Fellow, American Society of Landscape Architects, Regional Director, North Atlantic Region, US Dept. of Interior, Boston, Mass. USA. Tel: 617 223 5001; Fax: 617 223 5022.

BIOGRAPHY: 25 years of national park experience; Regional Director, US National Parks; Fellow, American Society of Landscape Architects; Primary interest: Planning and design for national parks and protected areas.

David L. rearson. Dept. of Zoology, Arizona State University, Teinpr, ΛΖ 85287, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

M.P. Pearson. EC Consultant, O.M. Hassan and I.M. Shehata, Egyptian Environment Affairs Agency, HA Hassan Sabry Street, Zamalek, , Egypt. Tel: 3416566; Fax: 0202- 3420768.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Art Pedersen. Wildlands Recreation & Ecotourism Planning, 700 Harris Avenue, Austin, Texas 78705, USA. Tel: 512 476 6718; Fax: 512 476 6718.

BIOGRAPHY: Art Pedersen plans parks for ecotourism development. His interest is finding practical methods to involve local communities in the process. ־ 148 -

Mnrgit Pedersen. Royal Ministry of Environment, Dox 8013 Dep, N-0030 Oslo, Norway. Tel: 472 345706; Fax: 472 342756.

BIOGRAPHY: Personal Advisor for the Minister of Environment.

Jorge Peioves Hunovero. c/o J. Forrest, 64 Belsize Park, London NW3 4EH, UK. Tel: 71 722 8095.

BIOGRArilY': Graduate in biological sciences of University Ricardo Palma, Lima, Peru (1986); coordinator of research at the Lachay National Reserve, Peru. 1989: Technical supervisor for the Costa Verde project Lima. 1990: Assistant to the Director, National Parks Division, Ministry of Agriculture, Lima. 1991: Post-graduate studies in the USA; 1992: President of the Centre for Biological Studies, Lima.

Egbert Pelinck. DST/ΤΛ, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, P.O. Box 20061, 2500 EB The Hague, The Netherlands. Tel: 31 70 348 4236; Fax: 31 70 348 4303.

BIOGRAPHY: Environmental Advisor, Dept of Development Cooperation.

Nila rcl1egrini. Direccion General Sectorial de Parques Nacionales, Instituto Nacional de Parques 1NPARQUES, Apartado 68409, Altamira - Caracas 1062, Venezuela. Tel: 582-285-4106; Fax: 582-285-3070.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Robin Anthony Pellew. World Conservation Monitoring Centre, 219 Huntington Road, Cambridge CB3 0DL, United Kingdom. Tel: 44 223 277314; Telex 817036 scinu g; Fax: 44 223 277136.

BIOGRArilY: Director of the World Monitoring Centre. He has a background in Conservation Biology and Wildlife Management in the Arctic, East and Southern Africa. He served as Director of Biological Sciences Publishing at the Cambridge University Press before joining WCMC in 1987.

Agustin Pena de la Cruz. Allende 202 6 Piso, EdiCicio Castillas, CP. 25000, Dept. de Ecologia, Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. Tel: 84 149213; Fax: 84 141360.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologo Agustin Pena, con maestria en Ciencias de la Computacion; trabajo con la Secretaria de Desarrollo Urbano y Ecologia en la Direccion General de Conservacion, Ecologica y Recursos Naturales, posteriormente fue Jefe de Planeacion y Desarrollo de sistemas en el Instituto Nacional dc Cardiologia "Ignacio Chavez", donde colaboro en diversas actividades con la sociedad Mexicana de Ingenieria Biomedica. Actualmente es Subdirector de Conservacion Ecologica del Estado de Coahuila cn Mexico.

Pablo Penchaszadch. David Bone, Jose Rafael Cordova, INTECMAR, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Apartado 89000, Caracas 1080, Venezuela.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 149 -

Christine Pendzich. WWF/KESOLVE, 1250 24th Street, N.W. Washington D.C. 20037. USA. Tel: 202 778 9642; Fax: 202 293 9211.

BIOGRAPHY: Negotiation Consultant/Trainer.

Stella F. Penny. New Zealand Conservation Authority, Rural Delivery 2, Whitianga, New Zealand. Tel: 0843-65372; Fax: 843 65372.

BIOGRAPHY: Freshwater Biologist; regional politician responsible for resource management; member of New Zealand Conservation Authority and CNPPA.

Sandra Mara Pereira de Oueiroz. GTZ/SUREHMA, Rua Eng° Rebi^as 1206, 80.210 Curitiba, PR, Brasil. Tel: 041 2256285; Fax: 041 2253411.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologa, MSc en Entomologia. Experienca professional en la conservacion de los recursos naturales, especialment con la avalicion de los impactos ambientales (Α1Λ). Actualmente Coordenadora del Proyecto: Proledimientos Administrativos de la ΑΙΑ, dentro do convenio de cooperacion technica Brasil/Alemania.

Antonio Perera. Comision Rectora del Gran Parque Nacional Sierra Maestra, Ave. 42 No. 514 e/5ta.B y 7ma. Miramar Playa, La Habana, Cuba. Tel: 22-2526/29; Fax: 537-62 5604/05.

BIOGRAPHY: Graduado en Licenciatura en Ciencias Biologicas en 1979 fecha en que comenzo a trabajap en instituciones vinculadas a problemas de ecologia, conservacion y manejo de areas protegidas. En 1984 obtuvo el diploma de proteccion ambiental otopgado por la UNESCO y PNUMA, ha ocupado diversos cargos de direccion en la esfera de areas protegidas en Cuba.

Ing. Carlos Isaac Perez, INCAE. Tel: 506-439101.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Victor Perez Borreeo. Avda. N9 Sra. Valvanera, 104 - escl. dcha ISA, 28025 Madrid, Espana. Tel: 91 4615586

BIOGRAPHY: Tecnico (Ingeniero de Montes), Instituto para la Conservaion de la Naturaleza (ICONA), ExDirector General de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de Canaries.

II. Perez Nieto. Direccion de Ordenacion del Territorio, Direccion General Sectorial de Planificacion y Ordenacion del Ambiente. Centro Simon Bolivar, Torre Sur, Apartado 1010, Caracas, Venezuela.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 150 -

Scott Fcrkin. White Cottage, Swardeston Common, Norwich NE14 8DL, England. Tel: 508-78986.

BIOGRAPHY: Project Officer with the IUCN Regional Office for Eastern Africa in Nairobi, from 1983-1985; Project leader on IUCN's Ngorongoro Conservation and Development Project in Tanzania, 1987-89; currently completing a PhD at the School of Development Studies, University of East Anglia, in the UK.

Fred Pertet Ole. Naivasha Wildlife and Fisheries Training Institute, P.O. Box 842, Naivasha, Kenya. Tel: 0311 20267.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologist and Principal of Naivasha Wildlife and Fisheries Training Institute. The conservation of Kenya's native animals of great personal concern; wild Life trainer and conservationist. Keen interest in natural history of mammals.

Dionizio Pessami1io. Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e Dos Recursos Naturais, IBAMA, Av. Presidente Antonio Carlos, 607 / 12S (E. Castelo), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Tel: 021- 2523213; Fax: 061-2245206.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Anne Marie Pessis. Sao Raimundo Nonato, Piaui, Brasil CEI1 64770. Tel: 5821612).

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Hubertus Peters. Oficial Profesional Asociado, Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas para la Agriculture y la Alimentacion (FAO) Casilla 10095, Santiago, Chile. Tel: 218-5503; Fax: 572-2184427.

BIOGRAPHY: Associate Professional officer on wildland and wildlife management working in FAO/UHEP project on wildlands, protected areas and wildlife management in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Ann Ellen Peterson. P.O. Box 315, Vanimo, Papua New Guinea. Tel: 871288; Fax: 871272.

BIOGRAPHY': Varied professional background beginning as a geographer, then human movement educator, teacher in Australia and Zimbabwe, and now an environmental planner. Recently designed a buffer zone for the unique Cooloola National Park, Australia and currently researcliing to complete PhD in the field of planning for the protection of wildlife (koala) habitat.

Bouaphanh Phanthauong. Forest Conservation Project, Lao/Swedish Forestry Cooperation Programme, P.O. Box 807, Vientiane, Laos. Telex: 4491.

BIOGRAPHY: Senior counterpart (Protected Area System Planning). Forest resources conservation project, LAO/SWEDISH Forestry Cooperation Programme. - 151 -

Adrian Phillips, 2 The Old Rectory, Dumbleton, Nr. Evesham WR11 6TG, UK. Tel: 386 881973; Fax: 386 882055.

BIOGRAPHY: Deputy Chair, CNPPA/IUCN; Director General, Countryside Commission 1981-91; Visiting Professor in the Dept of City and Regional Planning, University of Wales, Cardiff.

Cassandra Phillips. WWF Antarctic and Cetacean Officer, 2 The Old Rectory, Dumbleton, Evesham WRll 6TG, UK. Tel: 386-882055.

BIOGRAPHY: Originally an economist. lias been working with WWF International since 1979. Sir Peter Scott's conservation assistant for 8 years. Now WWF International's Antarctic and Cetacean Officer (in Campaigns and Treaties section of the WWF Conservation Policy Division). Has visited the Antarctic twice, on a British Antarctic Survey ship.

Kenneth Piddineton. The World Bank, 1818 II Street, N.W. Washington D.C. 20433, USA. Tel: 202 4 73 2762; Fax: 202 334 0273.

BIOGRAPHY: After serving as Commissioner for the Environment in New Zealand from 1980-86, became that country's first Director-General of the new Department of Conservation, which was set up in 1987. From 1988-91 held the post of Director, Environment Department, World Bank. Currently working as a Special Adviser to the World Development Report on Environment and Development (to be published by the Bank in May).

Michael Pido, ICLARM, M.C.P.O. Box 1501, Bloomingdale Bldg, 205 Salcedo St., Legaspi Village, Makati, Metro Manila 1200, Philippines. Tel: 632 8U 0466; Fax: 632 816 3183.

BIOGRAPHY: Research Associate at the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM), a technical research NGO that conducts research on fisheries and other living aquatic resources; principally involved in the Coastal Area Management Program (CAMP) as technical editor and project specialist; assists also in the finalization of coastal zone management plans for the ASEAN countries.

Jaap Pieters, Ministry for Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries, Dept for Nature, Forests Landscape and Wildlife, P.O. Box 20401, 2500 EK, The Hague, The Netherlands. Tel: 70 3793000; Fax: 70 3478228.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Tay Eng Pin. National Parks Board, Singapore Botanic Gardens, Cluny Road, Singapore 1025. Tel: 470-9918; Fax: 475-4392.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 152 -

Jorge Amado Pinazzo Salinas. 25 de Mayo 640, Piso 12B, CC 3303, Asuncion, Paraguay. Tel: 595 21 445214; Fax: 595 21 212386.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingeniero forestal por la Universidad Nacional de Asuncion. ReaJizo el curso de especializacion sobre "Planificacion y Medio Ambiente", en el Centro Interamericano do Desarrollo Integral de Aguas y Tierras, en Merida, Venezuela. Actualmente se desempena en la Division Comunidades Naturales y Areas de Manejo del Centro de Datos para la Conservacion, de la Direccion dc Parques Nacionales y Vida Silvestre de Paraguay.

Dilver Pintor. INDERKNA, Colombia.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Enrico Pironio. EEC DG VIII, rue de la Loi 200Λ, Bruxelles, B-1049, Belgium. Tel: 32 2 2350332; Fax: 32 2 2352992.

BIOGRAPHY: EEC Officer for Rural Development in West Africa. Also in charge of environmental project including wildlife and national narks.

Jean-Yves Pirot. IUCN, Av. du Mont Blanc. 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 22 649114; Fax: 22 642926.

BIOGRAPHY: IUCN Wetlands Programme, with main responsibility for Africa. Joined IUCN in 1989 after 10 years working on wetland conservation issues in North America, Europe and the Mediterranean.

Luciano Pizzatto. Rua Cons. Laveindo No. 38, Curitiba, Parana 80060, Brazil. Tel: 41 2248849; Fax: 41 2341296.

BIOGRAPHY: Deputado federal, Vice-presidente da Comission de Meio Ambiente da Camaro federal do Brasil, Eng. Florestal, ex-Director de Parques nacionais e reserves equivalentes do IBDF/IBAMA.

Jon Planck. 35 Shirk Place, Kitchener, Ontario, N2K 1R3, Canada. Tel: 519 743 1780; Fax: 519 743 1781.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Mark Plotkin. Conservation International, 1015 18th Street, N.W., Washington D.C. 20036, USA. Tel: 202 429 5660; Fax: 202 887 5188.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Doris rokornv. Biospharenreservat Rhon, Rhonbergestr. 16, 8741 Oberelsbach, Germany. Tel: 9774 1741; Fax: 9774 1742.

BIOGRAPHY: Landscape ecologist, studied at the Technical University of Munich; since 1988 until 1991 working for the MAB-6 project ecosystems research Berchtesgaden (High mountain ecosystems); since June 1991 working for the newly established Rhon Biosphere Reserve; coordinator function for planning concepts and data management. - 153 -

Jeffrey Polovina. Honolulu Laboratory, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, 2570 Dole Street, Honolulu, HA 96822, USA.

BIOGRArilY: Not available.

Lorenzo Poma. c/o Parco Lombardo Delia Valle del Ticino, Via Isonzo 1, Magenta, (Mi), Italy. Fax: 97950607.

BIOGRAPHY: Diplomato al1'Instituto Technico Statale Comm. le per Geometri "Enrico Mattei" di Rho (Mi). E' attualmentc dipendente del Conserzio Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino in qualita di tecnica del Serivizio Vigilanza e protezione del territoria, nonche responsabile delle Guardie Ecologiche Volontarie. In particolare, l'interesse si rivolge ai problem! inerenti a 11'organizzazione dei servizi di vigilanza, prevenzione ed estinzione incendi boschivi, nonche di protezione del territorio delle aree protctte.

Carlos Ponce. Apartado 18-1393, Lima 18, Peru. Tel: 5114 426616; Fax: 5114 427853.

BIOGRAPHY: Profesor del Departamcnto de Manejo Forestal de la Universidad Nacional Agraria, La Molina (Lima). Especialista en politica y gestion de areas protegidas; Asesor de Conservacion Internacional (CI). Socio fundador de la Fundacion Peruana para la Conservacion.

Stanley Ponce. US National Park Service; 800 Ridge Road, Golden, CO. 80403, USA. Tel: 303 221 8305; Fax: 303 221 8315.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of the Water Resources Program of the US National Park Service. He has academic training in natural resources management and civil engineering. He has extensive experience in wildland hydrology and also worked for the US Forest Service and served as an Associate Professor at Colorado State University.

Arturo Ponce Salazar. Fundacion Natura, Ecuador. Tel: 447 341/2/3/4; Fax: 434449.

BIOGRAPHY: Coordinador del Proyecto "Capacitacion del Personal de Areas Protegidas del Ecuador".

Ishmael Ponciano Gomez, Av. La Refdorma 0-63, Zona 10, Guatemala. Tel: 347662; Fax: 347664.

BIOGRAPHY: Investigador del Centro de Estudios Conservacionistas, Miembro de la CNPPA; autoridad cicntifica de CITES Guatemala, y miembro de la J.D. de la fundacion Mario Dary Rivera.

Eva Pongratz. Federation of Nature and National Parks of Europe, Krollstrasse 5, 8352 Grafenau, Germany. Tel: 8552 2839; Fax: 8552 3242.

BIOGRAPHY: Executive Director of the FNNPE. - 154 -

Rony Pont. Mikupia (Miskito Heart), Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Dumitra Popescu. B. dul M.Kogalniecanu, Nr. 33, Cod 70602, Bucurest, Rumania, tel 151198.

BIOGRAPHY: Doctor, researcher and associate professor, member of International Law Association; international expert; International Council of Environmental Law and Council of Europe; Member of IOCN'S Environmental Law programme; the Commission on Environmental Law; author of approximately 20 studies on environmental law.

Nancy Porchet. IUCN, Av. du Mont Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 22 649324; Fax: 22 644615.

BIOGRAPHY: Secretaire congres pares Caracas. Avant de s'integrer au personnel de J'UICN, elle a travaille pendant 5 ans a l'ONU, a l'Org. Mondial pour la Propriete Intellectual (OMP1) et au Centre de Commerce Internat. (CC1). Depuis 1989, clle a travaille Chez Givaudan a Geneve et an 1991 le mois d'aodt elle a commence a l'UICN.

Dr. Jacques Portecop. President, Universite dos Antilles et de la Guyane, BP 771, 97173 Pointe a Pitre Cedex, Guadeloupe. Tel: 19590-836237; Fax: 19590-910657.

BIOGRAPHY: Docteur en botanique; Professeur de Botanique a l'Universite des Antilles en se La Guyane a Pointe a Pitre administration de l'Universite יGuadeloupe); President du Council d) des Antilles et de la Guyane et President du Consei1 d'Administration du parr, national de la Guadeloupe. Membre de la CPNAP et du Comite de la CPNAP pour la Caribe.

Darrell Posey. INEA, Conj. Maguary, Sia. 3, Casa 1, Beten, Para 66.000, Brazil. Tel: 55 91 227 1965.

BIOGRAPHY: Titled researcher, CNP/Museum Goeldi; advisor to Special Secretary for the Environment, Brazil.

Jan C. Post. The World Bank, 1818 II Street, N.W., Washington D.C. 20433, USA, Tel: 202 473 3400; Fax: 001-202-4778164.

BIOGRAPHY: Senior Ecologist, World Bank since 1987; Ecological Consultant from 1977 to 1987. Worked in Israel in mariculture and a fauna reintroduction programme from 1974 to 1976 and for the establishment of marine parks in the Dutch Antilles (Curacao and Bonaire) in 1970 and 1971. Avid diver and underwater photographer. - 155 -

George rowel1. RARE Center for Tropical Conservation, 1529 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA. 19102, USA. Tel: 215 568 0420; Fax: 215 568 0516.

BIOGRAPHY: Received PhD ill Zoology at the University of California, Davis. Founded the Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve in Costa Rica and has continued to play an active role in its development. Currently directing a research programme designed to enhance the protection of tropical diversity by using keystone species to identify viable ecosystem boundaries and apply findings to the design of protected natural areas and management of buffer zones.

S.N. Prasad. Wildlife Institute of India, New Forest P.O., Dehra Dun, U.P. 248006, India.

BIOGRAPHY: Has been working as an ecologist for the last 16 years and contributed to conservation, ecology and management of bamboo in the tropical moist forests of India. Presently involved in teaching, training and research in wildlife science in India. Current interests include remote sensing and G1S.

A.J. Press. Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 1260, Darwin, NT 0801, Australia. Tel: 89-815299; Fax: 89-813497.

BIOGRAPHY: Currently General Manager, Northern Operations, Australia National Parks and Wildlife Service. Overall management responsibility for the World Heritage National Parks, Uluru and Kakadu in Northern Australia. An ecologist with experience in vertebrate ecology, environmental management and natural area management.

R.I.. Pressey. New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 1967, Hurstville, N.S.W., Australia. Tel: 02 5856550; Fax: 02 5856555.

BIOGRArilY: Started professional life as a freelance environmental consultant specialising in survey and evaluation of wetlands. In 1986 began work as a research officer with the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. Research has concentrated on developing data bases and systematic procedures for reserve selection.

Guy R. Preston and W.R. Siegfried, Environmental Evaluation Unit, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7700, South Africa. Tel: 021-6502866; Fax: 021- 6503791.

BIOGRAPHY: Principal Scientific Officer in the Environmental Evaluation Unit at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. Primary research focus is drawing up the guidelines for Integrated Environmental Management in South Africa (a procedure incorporating ElAs). Other major focii are environmental education, and environmental perception/attitude analysis. Much of this work has been linked to national parks/nature reserves and ecotourism. - 156 -

Paul I'ritchard and Laura Loomis, Deputy Director, National Parks & Conservation Association, 1776 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington DC 20036, USA. Fax: 202-9448535.

BIOGRAPHY: Has served as the president of the National Parks and Conservation Association for the past 11 years. Prior to working for NPCA, he served as the deputy director of the US Agency responsible for park planning. He has been recognized by Fortune Magazine as one of the 10 most influential conservation Leaders and has received numerous awards including the Chevron-Gulf Conservation Award. He holds a masters degree in economics and natural resources.

Danuta rtaszycka-Jackowska. Ul. Powisle 4/11, 31 101 Krakow, Poland. Tel: 48 12 225310; Fax: 48 12 225033.

BIOGRAPHY: Landscape architect specialized in protection and pliysical planning of national parks and protected areas. Co-author of master plans of Tatra and Gorce National Parks. Author of Concept of Buffer Zones for Protected Areas - A Planning Approach.

Charles J. Puceia. Senior Scientist, Tellus Institute, 89 Broad Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02110 3542, USA. Tel: 617-4265844; Fax: 617-4267692.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Victor rulido. Paseo los Eucaliptos 285, Lima 12, Peru. Tel 51 14 375567; Fax: 31 14 411990.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologo con mencion en Zoologia. Magister Scientiae en Conservacion de Recursos Forestales, Director de Parques Nacionales (1988-1989), Director de Invest!gacion de Vida Silvestre.

Judith Sian Pullcn. WWF-UK, Panda House, Weyside Park, Catteshall Lane, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1XR, United Kingdom. Tel: 483 412519; Fax: 483 42 6409.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Gerald A. Puneuse. Chief Game and Wildlife Officer, Dept of Game and Wildlife, P.O. Box M239, Accra, Ghana. Tel: 666129.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Allen D. Putney. Caribbean Natural Resources Institute, 1104 Strand Street, Suite 206, Christiansted, US Virgin Islands 00820. Tel: 809-7739854; Fax: 809-7735770.

BIOGRAPHY: Director, Caribbean Natural Resources Institute; Regional Vice-chair-Caribbean, IUCN-CNPPA. - 157 -

Abdul Oavvum. Director Kliunjerab National Park, Northern Areas, Gilgit, Pakistan. Tel: 2 749.

BIOGRAPHY: MSc. in Forestry; served as Divisional Forest Officer in Northern Areas Forest Dept for 12 years; has been in his current position as Director Kliunjerab National Park for the last year.

Carlos Quintcla. Director Ejecutivo, Fondo Nacional para el Medio Ambiente, San Pablo, Piso 7 Of. 701, La Paz, Bolivia. Tel: 392370; Fax: 591 2 391774.

BIOGRAPHY: He is a biologist by training, has worked at The Nature Conservancy's Science and Latin America Divisions. As advisor to the Government of Bolivia, he coordinated the design and implementation of Bolivia's National Fund for the Environment (FONAMA). He is currently on leave from the Conservancy while he holds the position of Executive Director of the newly established FONAMA.

Joseph Ouiroz. 2255 N. 44th Street, Suite 100, Phoenix, Arizona 85008, USA. Tel: 602 220 0490; Fax: 602 225 0541.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of the Nature Conservancy's Mexico Country Programme. He has over 15 years experience as a natural resource manager in locations from Alaska to Southern Chile. He has held posts with the National Park Service and and has served in the Peace Corps in Chile. B.S, (Watershed management) and Graduate Fellowship (Public Policy in Land Management) Univ. of Arizona.

Tahir M. Oureshi. Divisional Forest. Officer, Coastal Forest Division, Jinnah Ave., Model Colony, Malir Karachi 27, Pakistan. Tel: 401557.

BIOGRAPHY: Professional forester with 18 years experience in Forestry; Mangroves; forest management; research methods. Principal Investigator of mangrove projects sponsored by IUCN, UNDP/UNESCO and other donor agencies.

Syed Ayub Outub. 41 Bhitai Road, F-7/1, Islamabad, Pakistan. Tel: 92 51 823790; Fax: 92 51 822401.

BIOGRAPHY: Principal author of the Pakistan National Conservation Strategy; currently running an environmental NGO, "PIEDAR" (Pakistan Institute for Environment Development Active Research); with field prospects in community development for common property management in rural and urban areas. - 158 -

George Rabb. Chicago Zoological Society, 3300 Golf Road, Brookfield, IL 60513, USA. tel: 708 485 0263; fax: 708 485 3532.

BIOGRAPHY: Chairman, Species Survival Commission of IUCN.

LaVerne E. Raester. University of the Virgin Islands, Eastern Caribbean Center, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands 008002. Tel: 809-7769200; Fax: 809-7778701.

BIOGRAPHY: Professor of marine biology, University of the Virgin Islands; Director of Eastern Caribbean Center, University of the Virgin Islands; Consortium of Caribbean Universities for Natural Resource Management.

Vithal Ra_ian, WWF, Ave. du Mont Blanc, CH-1196, Switzerland. Tel: 22 649111; Fax: 22 640332.

BIOGRAPHY: Vithal Rajan, B.A. Hons (McGill), Ph.D. (L.S.E), has worked for ICI in Canada, and taught at the School of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, U.K. and the Administrative Staff College of India. Previously, he was the Executive Director of the Right Livelihood Foundation, which awards the Alternative Nobel Prizes, and the founder-chairman of the Deccan Development Society of India.

Abdul Rahaman, Professor and Head, Dept of Zoology, A.V.V.M. Sri Pushpam College, Poondi 613 503, Thanjavur, India.

BIOGRAPHY: Served as Honorary Wildlife Warden; Member of National. Steering Committee on Ecodevelopment, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India; Resource person Indo-US Seminar on Marine Parks; and Principal Investigator of Government of India sponsored research project on sea turtle research and conservation. Author of books in Tamil on Sea turtle and Mangroves. He is presently working as Head of the Dept of Zoology.

Asha Ra ivanslii, Wildlife Institute of India, P.O. New Forest, Dehra Dun 248 006 (U.P.), India. tel: 28760; fax: 23518.

BIOGRAPHY: Has been engaged in research on environmental problems for last 8 years. Major research interests include asessment of impacts of industrial particulate pollution on forest/agro ecosystems and impact of developmental projects on the biohabitats. Currently involved! η research and teaching at WII. - 159 -

Raymond Rakotonindrina. B.P. 1424, Antananarivo 101, Madagascar. tel: 30518; fax: 34888.

BIOGRAPHY: Forester with the Malagasy Waters and Forest Service between 1967-87; Director of several projects including community reforestation, integrated rural development and renewable natural resource management. From 1987-90 he was responsible for implementing national policies on protected area management and environmental protection. Currently the director of ANGAP, a newly created NGO responsible for coordinating all of the integrated conservation and development projects in Madagascar.

Fran90is Ramade. Professor of Ecology and Zoology, Universite de Paris-Sud Orsay, France. Tel: 1-69417896; Fax: 1-64461992.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Palayanoor Ramakrishnan. School of Environmental Science, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 110067, India. tel: 652438; fax: 686 5886.

BIOGRAPHY: Ecologist concerned with the areas of population ecology, ecosystem dynamics and human ecology; has made important contributions towards rainforest management, tropical rainforest transformations and the ecology and sustainable development of traditional tribal societies.

Dominique Rambaud. International Centre for Mountain Conservation, Chez Divoz, 74500 Feternes, France.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Eduardo Ramilo. Administracion de Parques Nacionales, Delegacion Tecnica Regional Sur, 8400 Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina. Tel: 944-25436.

BIOGRAPHY: Medico veterinario, technico de la delegacion tecnica regional sur de la administracion de parques nacionales de la Republica Argentina.

0. Ramirez. Apdo 22427, Santo domingo, Republica Dominicana. tel: 809 596 3600; fax: 809 688 6351.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologo, con 8 anos de experiencia en la planificacion y gestion de espacios naturales protegidos y miembro de la Comision de areas protegidas de la UICN. Actualmente vice-presidente de CEBSE Inc. ONG que tiene como objetivo promover la conservacion y el desarrollo sostenido de la Bahia de Samana y su entorno, Dominicano. - 160 -

Widodo S. Ramono. c/o Directorate General of Forest Protection and 11־ Nature Conservation, Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 15, P.O. Box 133, Bogor 16001, Indonesia.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Mario Ramos. The World Bank, 1818 Η Street, N.W., Washington D.C. 20433, USA. tel: 202 473 3297; fax: 202 477 0568.

BIOGRAPHY: Currently Senior Environmental Specialist on biodiversity, Environmental Dept. of the World Bank. Previously Senior Program Officer with the Latin America and Caribbean Program at WWF-US; extensive experience in conservation project management and administration, strategic planning and research on protected areas, and endangered species. Particularly interested in conservation work in Mexico anil the rest of Latin America and Caribbean countries.

Sir Shridath Ramohal, 1 "The Sutherlands", 188 Sutherland Avenue, London W9 1HR, United Kingdom.

BIOGRAPHY: Sir Shridath Ramphal was elected President of IUCN in November 1990. He was Commonwealth Secretary-General from 1975 until 1990, after being the first Foreign Minister and Minister of Justice of Guyana. He has played a leading part in the work of the 'Brandt' Independent Commission on International Development Issues, the 'Palme' Independent Commission on Disarmament and Security Issues, the World Commission on Environment and Development, and the South Commission.

Maithripala Samarawickrama Ranatunea. IUCN Country Representative, 7 Vajira Lane, Colombo 5, Sri Lanka. Tel: 583823; Fax: 941 580721; Telex: 21537 METALIX CE.

BIOGRAPHY: Professional forester trained at Oxford with many years experience in Sri Lanka. Held assignment for FAO in Nepal. Presently, IUCN Country Representative Sri Lanka and Forestry Advisor to Ministry of Irrigation. Providing assistance to Ministry in the Management of Protected Areas for preservation of Biodiversity.

Alan Randa 11. The Nature Conservancy, 1815 N. Lynn Street, Arlington, VA 22209, USA. Tel: 703 841 4882; Fax: 703 841 4880.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of Government Relations and Praguay Country Program, Latin America Division. He has 25 years experience in forestry, natural resources development, and institution building in Latin America and the Caribbean. He has worked for the Peace Corps, the OAS, and USAID. As a consultant, he worked for private landowners, timber companies, FAO and the World Bank in the US, and throughout Latin America. B.A. (Political Science), Univ. of Washington; B.S.F. (Forest Engineering) Univ. of Washington. Natural Resources Administration, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor. - 161 -

M.R.W. Rands. International Council for Bird Preservation, 32 Cambridge Road, Girton, Cambridge CB3 OPJ, United Kingdom. Tel: 223-277318; Fax: 223-277200.

BIOGRAPHY: Programme Director of the ICBP. Has been responsible for initiating and directing a wide range of field actions and conservation programmes to ensure that birds and habitats of global importance are conserved through wise use of natural resources.

M.K. Ran i itsinh. Additional Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, Β Block, Paryavaran Bhavan, New Delhi 110003, India, tel: 362231.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Abdul Latif Rao, 6 St. 62 F7/4, Islamabad, Pakistan. Tel: 92 51 812725.

BIOGRAPHY: Served as Chairman of Standing Committee of Ramsar Convention. Member of CNPPA, Species Specialist Group of SSC, and SC of IWRB.

Kishore Rao. Conservator of Forests, Junta House, Panaji 403001, Goa, India, tel: 832 4 747.

BIOGRAPHY: Conservator of Forests and Chief Wildlife Warden, Head of the Forest Dept of the State of Goa, India. Has wide experience of planning and promoting wildlife and protected areas conservation programmes on a countrywide basis, through the Govt, of India. Has also been until recently a faculty person at the WildJife Institute ol India, Dehra Dun.

R.J. Rao. School of Studies in Zoology, Jiwaji University, Gwalior 474 011, India. Tel: 751 25922; fax: 751 26961.

BIOGRAPHY: Lecturer in the Jiwaji University since 1989; teaches wildlife management and environmental biology at the University. Also involved in conducting research on the management of protected areas, specially on the wetland sanctuaries in India.

Ray Rasker. The Wilderness Society, Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Project, 105 West Main, Suite E, Bozeman, Montana 59715, USA. Tel: 406-5877331; Fax: 406-5864700.

BIOGRAPHY: Resource economist for the Wilderness Society; PhD in Resource Economics; other degrees in wildlife biology and agricultural economics; recently completed study oti the economics of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. - 162 -

Ghulam Rasool. P.O. Box 501, Gilgit, Northern Areas, Pakistan. Tel: 572 2603; Fax: 572 2409.

BIOGRAPHY: Graduated in Forestry from Peshawar University. Served Forestry/Wildlife Dept. Northern Areas (Pakistan) for 32 years. After retirement from Government service working as General Secretary Belour Advisory and Social' Development Organization, BASDO, a registered NGO.

Kurnia Rauf. Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam II, P.O. Box 30, Jalan Raya Hajimena IB, Sumatra, Indonesia, tel: 721 53177.

BIOGRAPHY: Chief of Way Kambas National Park, Sumatra; formerly Chief of Kerinci-Seblat National Park, Sumatra.

G. S. Rawat. Wildlife Institute of India, P.O. New Forest, Dehra Dun 248 006 (U.P.), India, tel: 28760; fax: 23518.

BIOGRAPHY: M.Sc. in Botany; Ph.D. in Alpine Flora of Kumaon Himalaya; working as scientist in the Faculty of Wildlife Biology at the Institute of India; teaching habitat ecology and vegetation science; special interest in plant conservation and alpine ecology; Member of IUCN Orchid Specialist Group.

G. Carleton Ray. Research Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903, USA. Tel: 804-9247761; Fax: 804-9822137.

BIOGRAPHY: GCR is Research Professor at the University of Virginia. He chaired lUCN's Marine Steering Committee and took part in the development of both the 1980 and the new versions of The World Conservation Strategy. He is past member of the Commission of Ecology and present member of CNPPA. Major research interests are marine ecology, marine mammals, and marine biogeographic classificaiton related to protected areas.

Maria Eugenia Razauin de Baya. Suipacha 1111-Piso 21, Buenos Aires, Argentina, tel: 54 1 312 5623; fax: 54 1 311 2089.

BIOGRAPHY: Arquitccta, egresada ano 1977-Universidad de Buenos Aires; postgrado planificacion urbana y regiona1-Univ. de Bs.As. Fac. de Arquitectura, Urbanisrne y Diseno Grafico. Jefa del departamento planes y programas de la direccion de programacion de la oferta-secretaria de turismo de la nacion. Docente en planificacion urbana en la Univ. de Buenos Aires.

Timothy Reed, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Monkstone House, City Road, Peterborough, PE1 1JY, UK. Tel: 733 62626; Fax: 733 555948.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 163 -

Eliane Reggiori. Alternative Travel Group, 1-3 George Street, Oxford 0X1 2ΛΖ, England. Tel: 50 500184; Fax: 50 500184.

BIOGRAPHY: Special projects manager for Alternative Travel Group, a hiking tour company.

Henri A. Reichart. Surinam Forest service, P.O. Box 436, Paramaribo, Suriname. Tel: 597 479431; Fax: 597 410256.

BIOGRAPHY: Senior technical advisor to Surinam Forest Service.

Walter Reid. World Resources Institute, 1709 New York Ave., N.W., Washington D.C., USA. Tel: 202 662 2579; Fax: 202 638 0036.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Robin Rcillv. 5522 44th Street, Yellowknife, NWT X]A 1V1, Canada. Tel: 403 873 7902; Fax: 403 873 0101.

BIOGRArilY: Director of Parks and visitor services, Government of the Northwest Territories.

Yves Renard. CANARI, Clarke Street, Vieux Fort, St. Lucia. Tel: 809 454 6060; Fax: 809 454 5188.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI), a regional environmental NGO involved in parks and protected areas and in the promotion of community-based approaches to resource management. Has experience in parks in several parts of the Caribbean. Served as President of the Caribbean Conservation Association between 1985-90. Regional Councillor of IUCN.

Jamie Rcsor. WWF-US, 1250 24th Street, N.W. Washington D.C. 20037, USA. Tel: 202 778 9766; Fax: 202 293 9211.

BIOGRAPHY: He is a senior program officer with WWF-US; his work focuses on debt-for-nature exchanges, trust funds, and other financing techniques. He holds a Masters degree in business administration from Stanford University.

Bas Rcsubun. Directorate of National Parks and Recreation Forests, Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 15, P.O. Box 133, Bogor 16001, Indonesia. Fax: 0251-323972 or 021-584818.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 164 -

Joseph Riani, P.O. Box 7028, Tel Aviv 61070, Israel. Tel: 3 267651; Fax: 3 267643.

BIOGRAPHY: He is chairman of the Board, Israel National Parks Authority, serves as special advisor to the Minister of the Environment, and is a member of the Board of the Israel Nature Reserves Authority.

Marcia Ricci.. Corporacion Nacional Forestal, CONAF, Avda. Bulnes 259, Of. 604, Santiago, Chile. Tel: 562- 6960783; Fax: 562-715881.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologs; desde 1988 investigadors a cargo del projects CONAF-WWF-US, Chile; programa de conservacion y recuperacion de plantas amenazadas de Juan Germandez.

Daniel V. Richards. Marine Biologist, Channel Islands National Park, 1901 Spinnaker Drive, Ventura, CA 93001, USA. Tel: 805-6585760.

BIOGRAPHY: He has been a marine biologist working on kelp forest and intertidal monitoring at Channel Islands National Park since 1983.

,Aix-Marseille II, Institut de Geographie, 29יGerard Richcz. Universite d av. R. Schuman, 13621 Aix-en-Provence Cedex, France. Fax: 33-42640158.

BIOGRAPHY: Docteur d'Etat, est Maitre de Conferences de geographie a l'university d'Aix-Marseille II ou il enseigne plus particulierement les amenagements touristiques et les loisirs de plein air. II est specialiste des questions de planification et de gestion des espaces naturels proteges, membre de diverses associations internationales, et consultant aupres de Pares, Reserves, Grands Sites.

Suzanne Jackson Richman. Design Workshop, Inc., 710 Ε Durant Ave., Aspen, Colorado 81611, USA. Tel: 303-9258354; Fax: 303-9201387.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Martin Ricker. Inst, of Botany and Pharmaceutical Biology, Wurzburg, Germany. Tel: 312 413 4428; Fax: 312 996 7107.

BIOGRAPHY: 1985-91: Undergraduate and graduate studies in biology at the University of Wurzburg, Germany. Plant collecting trips to tropical forest in Mexico and Peru. Masters thesis topic: the tropical plant genus Ormosia — aspects of chemical diversity and evolution. 1988-89: Graduate studies in ecology and evolution at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Since 1991: PhD student at the University of Illinois, Chicago. - 165 -

Zulma Ε. Ricord de Mendoza. Calle Ixchel 33, Cumbres de Cuscatlan, Antiguo Cuscatlan, El Salvador. Tel: 24 3679; Fax: 503 283200.

BIOGRAPHY: Directora del Museo de Historia Natural de El Salvador por tres anos. Docente en la Facultad dc Ciencias y Humanidades de la Universidad nacional de El Salvador. Directora del Patrimonio Nacional, Ministerio de Educacion actualmente.

James Ridenour, P.O. Box 7127, Washington D.C. 20013-7127, USA. Tel: 202 208 4621; Fax: 202 208 7889.

BIOGRAPHY: Former Director of the Indiana Dept of Natural Resources; Director of the National Park Service, 1989. He is responsible for 358 units of the National Park System, including historical parks, and national parks. Prior to accepting the Indiana position, he was Director of Administration for the Great Lakes Chemical Corporation. 1975-78, Director of State Services for the Council of State Governments. Holds Bachelors and Masters degrees in Parks and Recreation (Univ. of Indiana), and a Masters in Public Administration from the Univ. of Colorado.

Mien Rifai. Directorate of National Parks and Recreation Forests, Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 15, P.O. Box 133, Bogor 16001, Indonesia. Fax: 0251-323972 or 021-584818.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Elizabeth Rihov, 4 Lanark Road, Belgrauia, P.O. Box 4027, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: 263-4730543; Fax: 263-4795150.

BIOGRAPHY: Currently employed by Zimbabwe Trust as Administrator for the Community Areas Management Programme for indigenous resources. Previous employment includes work as small business promoter for a South African NGO, operating in various homelands in South africa; and several years with USC as administrator for the Social and Business Desk and subsequently the Southern African Regional Section.

Hamia Ri ial. P.O. Box 811, Zanzibar, Tanzania. Tel: 54 30269.

BIOGRAPHY: Terrestrial ecologist. Working with Department of Environment since March 1991. Present duties includes forest conservation with specific focus on Colobus monkey including set up of nature trail.

Carlos Rivero. C.R.B. Ecologos Consultorcs, C.A., Apartado 63.011, Chacaito, Caracas 1067-A, Venezuela. Tel: 582-4835948; Fax: 582-426490.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 166 -

Dee Robbins. Program Director, Life Sciences, Earthwatch, 680 Mt. Auburn Street, Box 403, Watertown, Massachusetts 02272, USA. Tel: 617-9268200; Fax: 617-9268532.

BIOGRAPHY: She is programme director for the Life Sciences at the Center for Field Research, the programme management arm of Earthwatch. At the Center she identifies, screens, and recommends field research projects for funding by Earthwatch. She has a background of field research in primate behaviour and ecology. Among othr primate research, she has assisted Dr. Jane Goodall with studies of wild chimpanzees in Tanzania.

Charles Robergc. 260 Blvd. de Comporte, CP. 5028, La Malbaie, Quebec G5A 1T1, Canada. Tel: 418 665 6466; Fax: 418 665 7655.

BIOGRAPHY: Actuel president dc la Reserve de la Biosphere de Charlevoix. President fondateur et actuel vice-president du pare regional des Hautes-Gorges. Membre fondateur et actuel secretaire de la Society charlevoisienne de mise en valeur du pare des Grand-Jard ins.

Callum M. Roberts.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Christina Robinson. The Nature Conservancy, 1815 N. Lynn Street, Arlington, VA 22209, USA. Tel: 703 841 4890, Fax: 703 841 4880.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

David W. Robinson, School of Outdoor Recreation, Parks and Tourism, Lakehead University, 955 Oliver Road, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada P7B 5E1.

Tel: 807-3438745; Fax: 807-3438023.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Gilbert (Robbie) Robinson. National Parks Board, P.O. Box 787, Pretoria 0001, South Africa. Tel: 12 3439770; Fax: 12 3439959.

BIOGRAPHY: He obtained a M.Sc. in Zoology at the University of Stellanbosch for his thesis on the biology of the anchovy. 1969-71 he attended the University of Washington in Seattle (USA), where he obtained a PhD for his study of the Pacific Ocean Fisheries of the North Pacific Ocean. While in the USA he was both a CSIR bursar as well as being awarded a Ford Fellowship. He joined the National Parks Board in 1966, developed the first coastal national park in Africa before being promoted to Director of all South Africa parks with the exception of the Kruger; since April 1991 has become the Chief Executive Director of the National Parks of South Africa. - 167 -

John G. Robinson. Director, Wildlife Conservation International, New York Zoological Society, Bronx, NY 10460, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Carlos Robledo. Agustin Guaymas, Antonio Temporetti, Carlos Katuchin, Chief of Rangers, National Parks Administration, Administracion de Parques Nacionales, Santa Fe 690, 1059 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel. 311-8853/6633; Fax: 541-111516.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Roberto Roca, Chief Zoologist, Latin American Programme, The Nature Conservancy, 1815 N. Lynn St. Arlington, VA 22209, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Obtained PhD in Ecology and Conservation at the State University of New York at Albany in 1991. Since 1990 has been working as Chief Zoologist of the Latin American Science Program of the Nature Conservancy. Duties include scientific and technical support to a network of conservation data centres in 13 countries in Latin America and the Cribbean.

Bernard Roch. Pare naturel regional des Vosges du Nord, Maison du Pare, 67290 La Petite Pierre, France. Tel: 1 8870 4655; Fax: 88 70 4104.

BIOGRAPHY: Docteur en sciences economiques; diplome des sciences politiques; directeur du Pare naturel regional des Vosges du Nord et de la Reserve de Biosphere des Vosges du Nord.

Caroline S. Rodpers, Virgin Islands National Park, P.O. Box 710, St. John, US Virgin Is. 00830.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Manuel Rodriguez, Gerente General, Instituto Nacional de los Recursos Naturales, y del Ambiente (INDERENA), Apartado Acreo 13458, Bogota, DE, Colombia.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Wilfredo Rodriguez. Rdo a Celina Duenas, Colonia Costa Rica, Parque San Gerardo, San Salvador, El Salvador. Tel: 22 21 94.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologa, presidente de la Asociacion Salvadorena de Conservacion de medio ambiente y Docente del Departamento de Biologia de la Universidad del El Salvador. - 168 -

Manuel Rodriguez Dcccera. Carrera 10 No. 20-30 Piso 5ο, Apartado Aereo 13458, Colombia. Tel: 2431491/2833562; Fax: 283 3458; Telex: 44428.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingeniero Industrial de la Universidad de los Andes de Bogota. B. Litt. Management Studies, Magdalen College, Oxford University, England. Decano de la Facultad de Artes y Ciencas y Vicerrector Academicode la Universidad de los Andes de Bogota. Gerente General del Instituto Nacional de los Recursos Naturales Renovables y del Ambiente INDERENA en la actual idad.

Alberto R. Rodriguez Liriano. Cuerpo de Paz, AFDO 1412, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Tel: 809 6854102; Fax: 809 6863241.

BIOGRArilY: 1983 - present Associate Peace Corps Director for Natural Resources in the Dominican Republic. 1981 - 1983: Professor of Agroforestry at Univ. Catolica Madre y Maestra. 1976 - 1983: Director, Dept of Natural resources, Instituto Superior de Agriculture. 1977 - 1978: Postgraduate studies in Forest Engineering, Univ. of Cal. at Berkeley. 1974 - 1976: Masters degree in Environmental Engineering, Florida Institute of Technology. 1968 - 1972: Bachelors degree in Agronomy, Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra.

Francisco Rodriguez Martin. Espacios Naturales S.A. 28020 Madrid, Spain. Tel: 91 5700559; Fax: 91 279 6127.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingeniero de moniri consultor privada en la actualidad. Jefe dei sepucco de parques nacionales de espana y componente de la copusion de parques de UICN.

Mario Rodr iguez-Gaenz. Calle 26, Avenidas 0-2, Apdo. 98, 3000 Heredia, Costa Rica, Central America. Tel: 506-370612.

BIOGRAPHY: Profesor adjunto de forcsteria (Gerencia de areas protegidas); 1979-88, escuela de ciencias arnbientales; Universidad nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica; consultor forestal 1989 a la Fecha, Ginebra, Suiza.

John Rodwell. Unit of Vegetation Science, Institute of Environmental anil Biological Sciences, Lancaster University, Lancaster LAI 4YQ, UK.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Martha Ro 1'as. FAO Latin American Network, P.O. Box 1839, Cambridge, HA 02238, USA. Tel: 617-8760984; Fax: 617- 8760984.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologa, subgerencia de parques nacionales de Colombia. Experiencia en conservacion, cspecialmente en manejo de areas protegidas. Actualmente realiza una visita ala demica en la Universidad de Harvard. - 169 -

Carmen Ro ias Gonzalez. Apartado No. 3480-1000, San Jose, Costa Rica. Tel: 21 75 17; Fax: 61 11 04.

BIOGRAPHY: Costarricense, biologa. Posgrado en manejo recursos naturales renovables. Tesis e investigacion en turismo naturalista. Trabajo "free-lance" en educacion e investigacion con turismo naturalista y cientifico que visita la reserve biologica del bosque nuboso de Monteverde desde 1989.

Evan R. Ro11ev. Forestry Commission, Tasmania, Australia. Tel: 02-238180; Fax: 02-238280.

BIOGRAPHY: Chief Commissioner for Forests of the Forestry Commission. Professional forester with 20 years experience in forest policy, forest management. Concerned with developing policy frameworks to deliver sustainable development.

Rick Rollins. Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ont., Canada P7B 5E1.

BIOGRAPHY: He is the coordinator of the Tourism Studies programme at Malaspina College, where he specializes in tourism and natural resources, and tourism marketing. He has undertaken several research contrats with national parks in Canada.

Domingo Mario Romano. Marceli.no Poblet 1104, Provincia de San Luis, Argentina. Tel: 54 652 24763; Fax: 54 312 7903.

BIOGRAPHY: Coordinador areas naturales protegidas de la provincia de San Luis.

Aldemaro Romero. Executive Director, BIOMA, Apartado 1968, Caracas 1010-Λ, Venezuela. Tel: 58-2-5718831; Fax: 58-2- 5711412.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Carlos Eduardo Romero. Parque Nac. Nahuel Huapi, Casilla de Correo 380, 8400 Bariloche, Rio Ncrro, Argentina. Tel: 54 944 23121; Fax: 54 944 23654.

BIOGRAPHY: Guardaparque del P.N. Nahuel Huapi, Patagonia, Argentina. Especialists en educacion ambiental e interpretacion, Director de la escuela de Guardo parques de ARgentina; anos 1984-86 (Cueses internacionales, FAO); actualmente trabaja en desarrollo de programmes de educ. amb. (educ. formal) y en la organizacion de cursos de formacion de tecnicos de manejo de areas protegidas. - 170 -

Claudia Romero. Apartado Aereo 55404, Colombia. Tel: 571 249 7590; Fax: 571 210 4515.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologa: coordinadora de biologia del proyecto; Sistematizacion de la Division de Parques Nacionales INDERENA, Colombia, Fundacion Natura, Colombia,

Pedro Jose Romero Manriaue. Las Cbumberas, 38-12 Izq., 38296 La Laguna (Tenerife), Tslas Canarias, Espana. Tel/Fax: 922 631532

BIOGRAPHY': Licenciado en Ciencias Bilogicas, especialidad Botanica. Teoniico en Biologia y Conservacion de la Naturaleza en el ICONA durante el periodo 1985-88. Ha participado como Director en la Escuela Taller Medioambiental y Canadas del Tiede. En la actualidad es Presidente de la Asociacion Canaria de Amigos de los Parques (AMPAR) y Administrador de una Empresaconsultora.

Lie. Pedro M. Rosabal Gonzalez. Comision Nacional de Medio Ambiente, Av. 17 No. 5008 e/ 50 y 52, Playa, C. Habana. Tel: 290501; Fax: 537-625604.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Johnny Enrique Rosales Cordoba. Apartado Postal 10094, San Jose, Costa Rica. Tel: 229260; Fax: 236963; Telex: 2363 ENERG1A.

BIOGRAPHY: Director Areas Conservacion Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Juan Ramon Rosas Gutierrez. 19 Poniente, No. 910, Puebla Pve., CP. 72000, Mexico. Tel: 430844.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Brian Rosborough. Earthwatch, 680 Mt. Auburn Street, Watertown, MA 02172, USA. Tel: 617 926 8200; Fax: 617 926 8532.

BIOGRAPHY: He is a founder and President of Earthwatch and The Center for F"ield Research. The scientific research and educational organizations were established to improve human understanding of the planet, the diversity of its inhabitants, and the processes which affect the quality of life. Earthwatch awards $3 million annually to scientifically assess the velocity of environmental change, to conserve threatened habitats and species, and to protect cultural diversity.

Johanna Rosier. Senior Lecturer in Planning, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 171 -

Catrizia Rossi, Director, Parco Naturale Argentera, Corso D. Livio Bianco 5, 12010 Valdieri, Italy. Tel: 0171-97397; Fax: 0171-97542.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

John R. Rowley. IPPF, Regent's College, Inner Circle, Regent's Park, London NW1 4NS, UK. Tel: 71 486 0741; FAx: 71 487 7950.

BIOGRAPHY: Publications Director, IPPF; Editor since 1973 of People Magazine; Editor since 1980 of Earthwatch, now a joint publication of IPPF, IUCN and UNFPA. Co-author of Human Numbers, Human Needs (1984) .

Matthew J. Rowntree. Ash Cottage, Ashwell, Nr. Baldock, Herts. SG7 5L2, UK. Tel: 46274 2715.

BIOGRAPHY: Environmental science student, developing experience with protected areas and community integration.

P.S. Roy. Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehra Dun S.N. Prasad, Wildlife Institute of India, Dehra Dun. Tel: 135 24518.

BIOGRAPHY: PhD in Plant Ecology; working in Remote Sensing Applications for last 15 years; presently heading Forestry and Ecology Division of Indian Institute of Remote Sensing; 49 research papers to credit.

C.D.A. Rubec. Wetlands Conservation Council, Suite 200, 1750 Courtwood Crescent, Ottawa, Canada K2C 2B5. Tel: 613 2282601; Fax: 613 2280206

BIOGRArilY: Head of Secretariat, North American Wetlands Conservation Council (Canada). Currently as Executive Interchange from Environment Canada. Has been with federal government 15 years and involved in portected areas assessment, wetland conservation, and ecological land surveys.

Andres Rubio Toreler. Claudia Romero Μ. , INDERENA-NATURA, A.A. No. 55402, Colombia. Tel: 571 3100421; Fax: 571 2104515.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingeniero de Sistemas; Director del proyecto; Sistematizacion de la Division de Parques Nacionales INDERENA, Colombia. Fundacion Natura Colombia.

Christian Ruck. Wa1ter-Flexstr. 3, 53 Bonn, Germany. Tel: 228 169031; Fax: 228 1686977.

BIOGRAPHY: Member of the German Parliament, in the ruling party responsible for environmental problems in developing countries; doctor's thesis: economic effects of national parks in developing countries; cost/benefit-analyses. - 172 -

Μ. Ruggiero. Τ. Scohlgren, Gary Waggoner, US Nacional Park Service, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Gustavo Ruiz Perevra. C. de Alcantara 117, La Encantada, Lima 9, Peru. Tel: 51 14 904730; Fax: 51 14 411990.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingeniero forestal, especialista en parques nacionales y reserves de la biosfera, con estudios de maestria en conservacion, ecologia social y filosofia. Candidato doctoral de la Universidad de Yale. Ha trabajado con entidades cubernamentales y ONGs Nacionales (en el Peru) e internacionales. Actualmente se desempena como consultor y como director adjunto para los programas de conservacion en a Latina del instituto de recursos tropicales de la Universidad de Yale.

Lucia Ruiz. Aristobulo Marante, Administracion de Parques Nacionales, Santa Fe 690, (1059) Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel: 3120257; Fax: 541-111516.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologa acargo del Banco de Datos en Areas Naturales Protegidas de la Red Nacional de Cooperacion Tecnica en Areas Naturales Protegidas. Objetivos: elaborar un diagnostico adecuado del estado de conervacion en Argentina y fortalecer vinculos entre los distintos administradores de Areas Protegidas y la Administracion de Parques Nacionales.

Alberto Ruiz del Portal Mateos. ICONA, c/ Gran Via de San Francisco N24, 28005 Madrid, Espana. Tel: 91 3476200; Fax: 91 3476301.

BIOGRAPHY: Tecnico Superior de Parques Nacionales Espaiioles. Ingeniero de Montes.

Manuel Ruiz Perez. IUCN, Av. du Mont Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 22 649114; Fax: 22 642926.

BIOGRAPHY: IUCN Forest Conservation Officer since October 1991. He is Reader on Ecology and Natural Resources Management at Madrid University. He has also worked in Central America with the Spanish Official Cooperation and as Technical Advisor in the European Environmental Bureau in Brussels. He has published two books, five contributions to books and 35 papers in especialized journals.

Ian Rutherford. National Parks Directorate, 220-10 Wellington Street, Hull, Quebec, K1A 0H3 Canada. Tel: 819-9942657; Fax: 819-9945140.

BIOGRAPHY: Director General of Environment Canada's National Parks Directorate. Responsible for policy, regulations, and functional direction for Canada's National Parks as well as for system planning and new park establishment. Formerly, Director General of Canada's Weather Service. - 173 -

Jesus Ε. Saavedra Roman. Geografo, Planificador, Sistema Hidrnulico Yacambii-Quibor, CA. , Av. 20 Con Av. Vargas Torre Consolidada Piso 9 Ofic 96, Apartado Postal 120, Barquisimeto, Edo. Lara, Venezuela. Tel/Fax: 0515-11394/10268/11782.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Carlos Saenz. Programa Nor Oeste Fundacion Peruana para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza, FPCN, Apartado 18 - 1393, Lima, Peru. Tel. 426706/426616; Fax: 5114-427853.

BIOGRAPHY: Director del Programa Nor oeste de la Fundacion Peruana para la Conservacion de la Naturalieza, Economista.

Yoav Saei. Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel, 4 Nasnfela Street, Tel Aviv 66183, Israel. Tel: 9723-5375552, Fax: 9723-377695.

BIOGRAPHY: Head of SPAI, the largest and most influential NGO in Israel. Has been involved in conservation and protected area establishment, protection and management since 1963.

Alberto Solas., Oficina Nacional de UICN / 0RCA en Costa Rica, Apartado 91-1009, FECOSA, San Jose, Costa Rica. Tel: 506-356568; Fax: 506-362733.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Osmany E. Salas. Belize Audubon Society, P.O. Box 1001, Belize City, Belize. Tel: 02-77369, Fax: 5012-78562.

BIOGRAPHY: Protected Areas Manager for the Belize Audubon Society, a private, non-profit, non-governmental conservation organization. In charge of the Belize National Parks System which consists of 7 protected areas, including the only jaguar reserve in the world.

John B. Sale. UNDP Project, Sabah Wildlife Department, Sabah Bank Tower, Wisma Tun Fuad Stephens, 88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Tel: 6088-215353, Fax: 6088-222476.

BIOGRAPHY: Has been involved in tropical wildlife conservation for the past 35 years, in eastern Africa, the Indian sub-continent and currently in East Malaysia (Sabah). Earlier worked as an academic, specialising in post-graduate teaching and research on African mammal ecology. Later moved into more applied aspects of conservation, involving management of endangerd species, e.g. reintroduction of Indian rhino and protected area management, employed by FAO/UNDP. - 174 -

Mostafa Λ. Saleh. Tourism Development Authority, Nile Tower, 21 El Nil Street, Giza, Egypt.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Juan Salguero. Delegacion Tecnica Territorial del Sur, Administracion de Parques Nacionales (ΑΡΝ),Λν. San Martin 24,(8400) S. Carlos de Bariloche (Rio Negro), Argentina. Tel: 944-25436.

BIOGRAPHY: Licenciado en Ciencias Biologicas, Guardaparque Nacional. Miembro de la Delegacion Tecnica Regional sur de la Administracion de Parques Nacionales de la Republica Argentina.

Mahamadou Salifou. Direction de la Eaune, Peche et Pisciculture, Ministere de 1'Hydraulique et de 1'Environnement, Niamey, Republique du Niger.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Eros Salinas Chavez. Instituto Nacional de Turismo, Calle 10 no. 311, E/ 13 y 15, Stgo. de la Vegas, CP. 17200, Ciudad Habana, Cuba. Tel: 324481.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Elvira Salinas de Mesa. Coordinadora de Educacion, Academia Nacional de Ciencias, Estacion Biologica del Beni, Avenida 16 de Julio no. 1732, Casilla 5829, La Paz, Bolivia. Tel: 363990, Fax: 363990.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Javier Salinas. Center Cor Aymara Studies, Casilla 1344, Arica, Chile. Tel: 080-221037;Fax: 080-228- 315.

BIOGRAPHY: Antopologo. Ex administrador del Parque Nacional Isluga. Localizado en el altiplano del Norte de Chile. Actualmente es Director del Taller de estudios aymara, organizacion no gubernamental, de promocion social hacia los campesinos e indigenas de esta zona del pais. Uno de los tenias que le preocupan se refiere a las relaciones de los indigenas aymaras con las areas silvestres protegidas.

Bocar Oumar Sal 1, Direction des Eaux, Forets, Chasses et de la Conservation des Sols, B.P. 1831, , Senegal. Tel: 329856, Fax: 221-320426.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingenieur des Eaux et Forets. Directeur des EAUX, Forets, Chasses et de la conservation des Sols du Senegal. - 175 -

Guy Salmon. Director, Maruia Society, P.O. Box 756, Nelson, New Zealand. Tel: 054-83336; Fax: 054-87525.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Richard E. SaIter. Bouaphanh Phanthavong and Venevongphet, Forest Resources Conservation Project, Lao/Swedish Forest Cooperation Programme.

BIOGRAPHY: Senior Conservation Advisor, IUCN, LAO P.D.R. since 1988.

Sher Singh Samant, G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development, Kosi, Almora-263643, UP, India. Tel: 3314.

BIOGRAPHY': Scientist in Biological Conservation in GBPIHED, Kosi, Almora, India. Specialized in Plant Taxonomy (Angiosperms, Pteridophytes). Presently working on threatened, endemic and ethnobiologically important plants of the Himalayas, their conservation techniques, and habitat diversity and fragmentation in the protected areas of the central Himalayas.

Alfonso Sanabria Alfaro. Director, Area de Conservacion Tortuguero, Fecosa, Apartado 91-1009, San Jose, Costa Rica. Tel: 356568, Fax: 362733.

BIOGRAPHY: Mot available.

Jose Francisco Hcnriauez Sanchez. Rambla General Franco nO. 149, Edificio Monaco, 38001 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain. Tel: 922-275009, 922-286334.

BIOGRAPHY': Ingeniero y economista, consejero de politica territorial del gobierno de Canaries.

Alexandra Sanchez de Lozada, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Casilla 8706, Calle 26 de Cota Cota, La Paz, Bolivia. Tel: 5912-795364, Fax: 5912-797399.

BIOGRAPHY: Licenciada en Ciencias del Medio Ambiente en Macalester College, Minnesota, USA. Sub-Directora del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural. Asesora de la Comision de Ecologia y Medio Ambiente del Honorable Senado Nacional. Presidenta del Comite de Apoyo y Coordinacion de la Reserva de Fauna AJtoandina "Eduardo Abaroa". Ha desempenado diversos trabajos en el campo de la Educacion Ambiental. Ha formado parte del equipo que elaboro el Proyecto de Ley General d$] Medio Ambiente. Vice-Presidente del Directorio de la Liga de Defensa del Medio Ambiente (LIDEMA), 1990. Funcionaria del Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios Comunitarios (CIEC), 1989-1990. - 176 -

Heliodoro Sanchez. INDERENA, Aparatado Aereo 13458, Bogota, Colombia. Tel: 2-813008/860601; Fax: 2859987.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingeniero Forestal, especializado en planificacion y manejo de areas silvestres protejidas, exdirector de Parques Nacionales de Colombia. Profesional de la Unidad de Investigacion del INDERENA, profesor de las areas'de conservacion de suelos y de parques nacionales de la Universidad Distrital. Miembro de la CNPPA y del Comite Colombiano de la UICN.

Silvia Sanchez Huaman. Asociacion Peruana para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza - APECO, Parque Jose de Acosta 187, Lima 17, Peru. Tel: 51-14-616316; Fax: 51-14-633048.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologa, con experiencia en estudios de Fauna silvestre en areas naturales protegidas por el pais. Ha participado en cursos de capaciracion dc manejo de fauna y areas de amortiguamiento en areas protegidas, con enfasis en el trabajo con mujeres. Tabaja en la Reserva Nacional del Lago Titicaca, desde 1987. Ha sido reelegida por segunda vez presidcnta de la Asociacion Peruvana para la conservacion de la Naturaleza, APECO.

Leon P. Sanite. 28 Blvd Jubelin, Cayenne, French Guiana. Tel: 594-378980, Fax: 594-378981.

BIOGRAPHY: Docteur veterinaire. Delegue regional a !,Architecture et a 1'environnement (Ministere de 1'environnement) en Guyane. President de la SEPANGUY, association de Protection de la Nature en Guyane.

K. Sankar. Wildlife Institute of India, Dehra Dun 248 006, India. Tel: 91135-28760, Fax: 91135-23518.

BIOGRAPHY: M.Sc. and M.Phil, in wildlife biology. Working as a Scientist in the Faculty of Wildlife Biology at the Wildlife Institute of India, teaching vertebrate ecology and census techniques, special interest in ungulates.

Kailash Sankliala. 21 Dhuleshwar Garden, Jaipur 302 001, Rajasthan, India. Tel: 011 6861958; Fax: 011 6865212.

BIOGRAPHY: First Director of the Project Tiger, India and the Chief Wildlife Warden, Rajasthan. Established and managed Tiger Reserves and National Parks throughout India. Was also the leader of the Thar Desert Biosphere Reserve and the director of Delhi Zoological Park. A Jawahar Lai Nehru Fellow, wrote the famous book "Tiger!". The nature book "Bird Sanctuary Bharatpur" has just been published. Presently a member of the Senate of the University of Rajasthan and the Chairman of Tiger Trust. Association with IUCN dates back to 1969, when he was the Org. Secretary of the 10th General Assembly in New Delhi. - 177 -

Gloria Santana. Secretaria de Agriculture de la Republica Dominicana, Dept. de Vida Silvestre, Santo Domingo, Republica Dominica. Tel: 33 0049; Fax: 809 535 8109.

BIOGRArilY: Biologo del Departainento de Vida Silvestre Secretaria de Agriculture de la Republica Dominicana, Coordinadora tecnica del proyecto Estudia de la biodiversided en la republica Dominicana, para su conservacion y manejo sostenido.

Josep Santacana Romagosa. Dircccio General del Medi Natural, c/ Corsega 329, 5", 08038, Barcelona, Spain. Tel: 2378024, Fax: 2171958.

BIOGRArilY: Director General del Medi Natural del Departement d'Agricultura, Ramadoria e Pesca de la Generalitet de Cetalunya.

Cherles Santiaoi1lai. WWF International, Asia Programme, P.O. Box 133, Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.

BIOGRAPHY: Wildlife Biologist working in WWF-Asia Programme, as the Senior Scientific Officer.

Claudio Santizo. CONAP, 2da Avenida 0--69, Zona 3 Col. Bran, Guatemale. Tel: 518951/500454.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Claudia Eugenia Sanitzo Arroyo. 2da Avenida 0-69, Zona 3, Colonia Bran, Guatemala. Tel: 500454, Fax: 518951.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologa de la Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, actualmente labora con el Consejo Nacional dc Areas Protegidas, CONAP, Presidencia de la Republica.

Fausto 0. Sarmiento-Rodriguez. The University of Georgia, Institute of Ecology, Athens, Georgia, USA. Tel: 404-5422968; Fax: 404-5426040.

BIOGRAPHY: Doctoral student at the Institute of Ecology in the University of Georgia, was Executive Director of the Ecuadorien Museum of Naturel Sciences in Quito. Has helped research, education and extension of Ecuadorien biological diversity inside Ecuador and has promoted various programs of collaborative research for conservation with some Universities, Academies and Institutions from Europe and USA. As Landscape ecologist, studies fragmentation of Andean ecosystems.

Ombo Sat iaprad ia, Directorate of National Parks and Recreation Forests, Jalen Ir. H. Juende 15, P.O. Box 133, Bogor 16001, Indonesia. Fax: 0251-323972 or 021-584318.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 178 -

Paul S. Sattler. Queensland National Parks & Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 155, North Quay, Queensland 4002, Australia. Tel: 07-2277111; Fax: 07-2277676.

BIOGRAPHY: Acting Assistant Director with the Queensland National Parks and Wildlife Service and is responsible for planning and research. Is coordinating the doubling of Queensland's National Park system by the addition of 3.6 million ha over a 3 year period. Has specifically emphasized the protection of the fragile semi-arid and arid regions which have been less "romantic" than rainforests and the Great Barrier Reef for public concern in recent years.

Jeffrey A. Saver. Senior Adviser, Forest Conservation Adviser, IUCN, Avenue du Mont Blanc, Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 22-649201, Fax: 22-642926

BIOGRAPHY: Senior Programme Adviser, Forest Conservation Programme at IUCN, where he has been since 1985. Prior to IUCN, he spent 12 years on field sites for the FAO in , , Burma, Afghanistan, and Thailand. Has edited a Conservation Atlas of Tropical Forest series and published many articles on forest conservation issues.

Donald Saunders. c/o Dept. of Conservation and Environment, 240 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne, Victoria 3002, Australia. Tel: 3-4124011, Fax: 3-4124119.

BIOGRAPHY: General Manager with the Department of Conservation and Environment in the State of Victoria, Australia. Responsible for statewide programs relating to flora, fauna and land protection. Director of National Parks in Victoria for 12 years. Member of CNPPA and SSC.

Richard Sauniert 1889 F. St. NW, Washington DC 20006, United States. Tel: 202-4583228, Fax: 202-4583560.

BIOGRAPir/: Environmental Management Advisor, Department of Regional Development, Organization of American States. B.S Forestry, M.S. Watershed Management, Ph.D Ecology.

Vishwas Balwant Sawarkar. Wildlife Institute of India, P.O. New Forest, Dehra Dun 248006, Uttar Pradesh, India. Tel: 135-28760/27724, Fax: 135-23518.

BIOGRAPHY: Joint Director at the Wildlife Institute of India, belongs to the Indian Forest Service, served for 6 years in project Tiger - Melghat Tiger Reserve. With WII since 1979. Supervising three projects dealing with econservation of the reintroduced rhino in Dudwa National Park, swamp deer and wolf. Has 23 years of management experience. Chief interest in habitat management. Evaluation and wildlife in managed forests. - 179 -

Annette Scharmann. Ilelmstedter str. 30, 1000 Berlin 31, Germany. Tel: 30-245468.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Robert Schcele. 2834 San Carlos Drive, Walnut Creek, CA 94598, United States. Tel: 510-6436827, Fax: 510-6438683.

BIOGRAPHY: Program Director, Landscape Architecture and Land Use Planning at University of California, Berkeley. Extension and Technical Advisor on national park planning and design.

John Schelhas and William W. Shaw, School of Renewable Natural Resources, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA.

BIOGRArilY: Not available.

Lea M. Scher1. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, P.O. Box 1379, Townsville, Qld. 4810, Australia. Tel: 77-818811, Fax: 77-726093.

BIOGRAPHY: Interdisciplinary background in environmental psychology and management. Over the last 10 years has been conducting research in the area of outdoor recreation experience, involved in developing public participation programmes for environmental planning, in management planning and social impact assessment. Is currently working with the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority andis a scientific adviser for the Wet Tropics Management Agency, a member of IUCN's CNPPA and a councillor for the Australian Conservation Foundation.

Tomas Schlichter. Coordinador del proyecto conjunto, CATIE/UICN Casilla Postal 112-1, Zona 7 Ciudad de Guatemala. Tel: 00502-2-680660; Fax: 00502-2-680660.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Dagmar Scholle.Schauenburger strasse 112, 2300 Kiel, Germany. Tel: 431-8804029, Fax: 431-0804083.

BIOGRAPHY: Studied biogeography in Saarbruecken, Germany, and spent 1 year at the Simon Eraser University in Vancouver, Canada. Later contributed a lot to developing strong interests in natural resource management. Thesis on geographic information systems and vegetation science, after a 3 month volunteer position in Sequoia National Park, California. Presently working in an intcrdiscip1iinary research project in northern Germany. - 180 -

Andreas Schubert. Departamento de Vida Silvestre, c/o Servicio Aleman, Apartado 761-2, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Tel: 809-5330049, Fax: 809-68806.13

BIOGRArilY: Studied biology, focusing on animal ecology. Worked for 8 years in a coastal national park in Germany (planning and management). Since 1 and a half years working in the Dominican Republic's Wildlife Department as an asesor set by German Service for international cooperation (DED), investigation and planning.

M.H. Schwartz. Trustee, National Parks and Conservation Association; and Edward T. LaRoe, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 12220, Silver Spring, MD 20908, USA. Tel: 1-301-5986780.

BIOGRArilY: Not available.

Georg Schwcde. National Wildlife Research Centre, c/o NCWCD, P.O. Box 621681, Riyadh 11575, Saudi Arabia. Tel: 00966 2 745 5188; Fax: 00966 2 745 5176.

BIOGRAPHY: M.S. and PhD degree in Animal Behaviour, Univ. of Bielefeld, Germany. Both degrees based on the behavioural ecology of a white-tailed deer population. Currently working at the National Wildlife Research Center as the acting director of Mahazat As Said, the reintroduction site of Arabian Oryx and Sand Gazelles.

J. Michael Scott. Reed Noss, and Blair Csuti, Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho 83843, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Ronald Scale. Special Advisor Park Development, Dept. of Economic Development and Tourism, Government of the Northwest Territories, Yellowknife, N.W.T. X1A 2L9, Canada. Tel: 403-9206167, Fax: 403-8730294.

BIOGRAPHY: Worked for the Canadian Parks Service since 1974 in a variety of field and regional locations as well as Headquarters. Has held positions in park system planning, interpretation, visitor services, finance and community liaison, as well as park superintendent. Presently on secondment to the Government of the Northwest Territories. Current responsibilities relate to advancement of a number of national park proposals in this very large jurisdiction and to development of park policy and establishment of new park at the territorial level.

Ulysses Scale. CBSG, 12101 Johnny Cake Ridge Road, AppLe Valley, MN 53124, United States. Tel: 1612-431932 5, Fax: 1612-432 2 7 57.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 181 -

Μ. Sebastiani.Universidad Simon Bolivar, Apartado Postal 89000, Caracas, Venezuela. Tel: 582-9633022; Fax: 582-964 1410.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Stanley Selenp.ut. President, Maho Bay Camps Inc., 17 East 73rd Street, New York, NY 10021. USA. Tel: 212-4729453; Fax: 212-8616210.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Dolly Semple. Ministry of Agriculture, Wildlife Division, Bourda, Georgetown, Guyana. Tel: 5922-61565, Fax: 5922-56281.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Rafal Serafin. Heritage Resources Centre, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont. Canada. Tel: 519-8851211, Fax: 519-7462031.

BIOGRAPHY: Research Coordinator at the Heritage Resources Centre, University of Waterloo and Research Assistant Professor at the Department of Environment Resource Studies also at the University of Waterloo, Canada. Research activities have focussed on environmental management in the North American Great Lakes region and the European Baltic sea region.

Francisco Serrano. la. Calle Poniente No. 3126, San Salvador, El Salvador.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Alejandro Serret. Red Hemisferica de Reserves para Aves Playeras - RHRAP Monroe 2142 (1428) Capital Federal Argentina. Tel: 54-1-7819171; Fax: 54-1-7816115.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingeniero agronomo. Director de Conservacion, Fundacion Vida Silvestre, Argentina.

Nobuya Seta. Environment Agency, 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyodaku, Tokyo 100, Japan. Tel: 813-3 5813351, Fax: 813-35951715.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Ninik Setvowati. Tri Sunarto and S. Wirjdatmodjo, Indonesia.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Craig Shafcr. US National Park Service, 5875 N. First Street, Arlington, VA, USA. Tel: 703-5240258.

BIOGRAPHY: Ecologist with the US National Park Service. - 182 -

Nirmal Jivan Shah and M.R.W. Rands, International Council for Bird Preservation, 32 Cambridge Road, Girton, Cambridge CB3 GPJ, United Kingdom.

BIOGRAPHY: Not submaitted.

S.K. Sharma. Founder Secretary, The Environment Society ot Chandigarh, Karuna Sadan, Sect.ll-B, Chandigarh 16001, India. Tel: 28832.

BIOGRAPHY: Founder Secretary of the Environment Society of Chandigar which is a regional level NGO since 1976. Has worked as Assistant Director Environment for about 11 years. Was awarded the Indian Council of Medical Research Award in 1988 and Global 500 UNEP award on environmental protection and nature conservation.

Subrat Sharma. G.B.Pant Institute of Himalayan, Environment and Development, Kosi Almora, 263643, India. Tel: 3314.

BIOGRAPHY: A Researcher engaged in forestry researches in protected areas of the Indian central Himalaya.

Uday Sharma. Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, P.O. Box 860, Kathmandu, Nepal. Tel: 220912.

BIOGRAPHY: For over 10 years in Nepal served in various positions in National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, and held the post of Chief Warden of the Royal Chitwan National Park. Ph.D. from University of Arizona in 1991. Research interest is interactions of biology and social sciences for the planning and management of national parks and their adjacent lands.

Captain Richard Sharp. Dept. of Defence (Army), Headquarters Second Military District, Victoria Barracks, Paddington NSW 2021, Australia.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Randall C. Sheffield. Forest Service, USDA, P.O. Box 96090, Washington DC 200906090, United States. Tel: 202-2051404, Fax: 202-2051145.

BIOGRAPHY: Currently Assistant Director of Recreation, Cultural Resources, and Wilderness Management Staff of the Forest Service in Washington DC. Previous assignments in the Agency have been throughout the Western United States in land management planning and recreation management.

Susan Shen. ASTEN, F5017, The World Bank, 1818 II St., NW, Washington DC 20423, United States. Tel: 202-4582716, Fax: 202-4777335.

BIOGRAPHY: Ecologist with the World Bank Asia Region, working in the area of biodiversity conservation for the past 10 years. Author of US Congressional Office of Technology Assessment report on "Technologies to Mountain Biological Diversity". Currently working on designing biodiversity components in Bank projects. - 183 -

Pat Sheridan. Sabah Wildlife Department, Hap Seng Building, 91102 Datu Sabah, Malaysia. Tel: 60-8984416, Fax: 60-8981414.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Mingma Norbu Sherpa. World Wildlife Fund-US, 1250, 24th Street NW, Washington DC 20037, United States. Tel: 202-7789635, Fax: 202-2236971.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of WWF-US Himalayas Program. Park Management specialist. Former Director of Annapurna Conservation Area Project (a new concept of integrated conservation and development program of Nepal). Former and first Sherpa Warden of Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal.

Sergey Sheveiko, HWLF Consulting Services, 8630 Fenton Street, Suite 910, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910, USA

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Ling Shiane-nune. Vice Chairman, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, 37 Nanhai Road, Taipei, Taiwan 10728, Republic of China. Tel: 8862-3126004, Fax: 8862-3310341.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Zhao Shidong, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 417, Shenyang 110015, People's Republic of China.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

John N. Shores. 1828 Kilbourne Place NW, Washington DC 20020, USA. Tel: 202 797 5454; Fax: 202 797 5461.

BIOGRAPHY: He is the Protected Areas Specialist in the IUCN Regional office in the US. He brings the experience of two decades of work in national parks from more than 30 countries around the world. His particular interests are protected area monitoring and evaluation, especially in the areas ol institutional development, ecotourism, and data systems.

Tirtha Shrestha. Woodlands Mountain Institute, P.O. Box 2785, Kathmandu, Nepal. Tel: 9771-419224, Fax: 9771-410073.

BIOGRAPHY: Task Force Coordinator, Makalu Barun Conservation Project, Nepal.

Stephen Siebert. School of Forestry, and Jill M. Belsky, Department of Sociology, University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 184 -

Walter Sielfeld. Arturo Prat University, Casilla 121, Iquique, Chile. Tel: 56-081-421309; Fax: 56-081-423097.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Jack Silberman. P.O. Box D-33, RRI, Bowen Island, British Columbia (Von Igo), Canada. Tel: 604-9470486, Fax: 604-9470480.

BIOGRAPHY: Studied film and television production at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has a Masters degree from Harvard University, where studies focused on educational television and human development. Has produced, directed and written over 25 films for organisatioans such as UNICEF, UNDP, the Aga Khan Foundation and for Canadian, Britisli and American television networks. Is currently producing a one-hour television special on the struggle to protect Britisli Columbia's disappearing rainforest.

Jose Silva. EcoNatura, Apartado 63.109, Caracas 1067-A, Venezuela.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Jose L. Silva. Investigador Asociado a Wildlife Conservation International, New York Zoological Society, Los Dos Caminos, Av. Avila, Qta. Lucy, No 23-12, Caracas, Venezuela:

Maria Isabel Silva. Agua Blanca Archaeological Project, The Art Institute of Chicago, Michigan Ave at Adams St., Chicago, Illinois 60603, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Axel Simer. Camara de Comercio e Industrie Venezolano-Alemana, Caracas 1060-A, Venezuela.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Jukka Simila. Helsinki University, Dept. of Private Law, Vuorikatu 3, 00100 Helsinki, Finland. Tel: 358-0191-3111; Fax: 3 58-0191-3108.

BIOGRAPHY: Researcher, Helsinki University, Department of Private Law. Main on-going project is comparative study on conservation law in Nordic countries. Previously legal consultant for the Environmental Law Centre.

Andrea Simoncini. Researcher in Public Law, University of Florence, Falcotta di Economia e Commercio, Instituto Giuridico, Via Montebello 7, 50123 Florence, Italy. Tel: 055-283685; Fax: 055-580310.

BIOGRAPHY: Researcher at the Faculty of Economics in Florence University and at the European University Institute in Florence. Member of a study working group of the Ministry of Environment (Italy) about "Environmental Impact Assessment". - 185 -

Samar Singh. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Paryavaran Dhawan, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003, India. Tel: 360078, Fax: 361712.

BIOGRAPHY: Presently working as Additional Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt, of India with overall responsibility for all work concerning policy formulation, planning, international cooperation and general coordination at the national level. Also in charge of the National Wastelands Development Programme which currently has coverage of about 2 million ha per annum. Previously has been in charge of Forestry and Wildlife Management at the national level. Has been actively involved with IUCN and CNPPA since 1980 and was Vice Chairman of CNPPA for the Indo-Malayan Realm from 1981-1990. Member of the Steering Committee for the IV World Parks Congress.

Someshwar Dayal Singh. WWF-International, Ave. du Mont Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 22-649566, Fax: 22-648307.

BIOGRAPHY: Press Officer at WWF International. Prior to joining WWF worked for 3 years at the United Nations in Geneva as a journalist. Worked in New Delhi as a journalist for different media networks for 8 years, including national newspaper (Financial express), news agency (The Press Trust of India), magazine (Eastern Economist) and the Press Trust Television.

Rekha Singhal. Indian Institute of Forest Management, Nehru Nagar, P.O. Box 357, Bhopal (MP) India. Tel: 65998.

BIOGRAPHY: Behavioural Scientist, working as an Assistant Professor at the Indian Institute of Forest Management. Research and academic interests include application of behavioural science for the amanagement. of natural resources. Recipient of Young Scientists Award for contribution to the field of behavioural science.

Suvat Singhapant. Director, National Parks Division, Royal Forestry Department, Phaholyot.bin Road, Bangkok 10900, Thailand. Tel: 5794294, Fax: 5791562.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

5. P. Sinha, Wildlife Institute of India, P.O. New Forest, Dehra Dun 248 006, India. Tel: 135-28760, Fax: 23518.

BIOGRAPHY: Senior Research Associate with the Wildlife Institute of India, associated with the Rhino Reintroduction Programme and Terai Grassland Studies in reference to large mammals. Ph.D. on Gir Lion Ecology. Joined Indo-US project on the Snow Leopard Studies in Trans-Himalays. Has 11 years of research experience in wildlife research and management and is also associated with lUCN's SSC Re-Introduction Group (RSG). - 186 -

one. Directorate for Nature Management, Tungasletta 2, 7005 יו Mari-Lise S Trondheim, Norway. Tel: 7-580608, Fax: 7-915433.

BIOGRAPHY: Geographer. Master thesis on land tenure in the barnos of Caracas. Since 1988 at the Directorate for Nature Management, working with the outdoor recreation part of a protection plan for water courses, later mainly with interpretation and information in relation to national parks and outdoor recreation areas.

Peter Skobcrnc. Ministerio za Kulturo, Zavod Republike Slovenije za varstvo naravne in Kulturne dedisoine, 610U0 Ljubljana, Plecnikov trg 2, pp 176, Slovenia. Tel: 061-213012, Fax: 061-213120.

BIOGRAPHY: Graduated from the Biology Department, University of Ljubljana in 1978. Employed in Zavod R.S. za varstvo naravne in kulturne dediscine/Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for the Preservation of Natural and Cultural Heritage/ where dealing with nature conservation, in partikcular with endangered plants.

Wandoyo Siswanto. Directorate of National Parks and Recreation Forests, Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 15, P.O. Box 133, Bogor 16001, Indonesia. Fax: 0251-323972 or 021-584818.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Dwiatmo Siswomartono. Director, Land Conservation, Directorate General of Reforestation and Land Rehabilitation, Indonesia.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

D. Scott Slocoinbe. Dept. of Geography, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3C5. Tel: 519-8841970, Fax: 519-8848854.

BIOGRAPHY: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geography, and Co-Director, Cold Regions Research Centre, Wilfrid Laurier University. Degrees in ecology and environmental studies, regional and environmental planning from the Universities of Waterloo and British Columbia. Research interests include protected areas and regional environmental planning, systems approaches to environmental problems, the Arctic, and sustainable, development.

Allan II. Smith, CANARI, Clarke Street, Vieux Fort, St. Lucia. Tel: 809-4546878, Fax: 809-4545188.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologist working with the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute in St. Lucia. For the past deacde has worked in the Caribbean region focussing onthc development of methods for cultivation of edible seaweeds, and methods for monitoring coastal resources, particularly coral reefs and mangroves. - 187 -

David Smith. Jamaica Conservation and Development Trust, Box 1225, Kingstone, Jamaica. Tel: 809-9220668, Fax: 809-9220665.

BIOGRAPHY: Executive Director of the Jamaica Conservation and Development Trust, is responsible for the negotiation of Jamaica's first Debt-for-Nature swap, the establishment of a National Parks Trust Fund for Jamaica and helped to set up the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative environmental fund for Jamaica. He is on the Board of the Caribbean Conservation Association, the Caribbean Steeering Commitee for CNPPA and the Private Sector Organisation of Jamacia's environmental Committee. Has special interest in the financing of protected areas.

Dermot Michael Smyth. 22 Julius Street, Pearce, ACT 2607, Australia. Tel: 616-2865875, Fax: 616-2862022.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologist with a long interest in the relationship between Aboriginal people and the Australian environment. For the last 7 years has been actively engaged in encouraging Aboriginal participation in National and Marine Parks, especially in the Northern Territory and Queensland. Has also assisted Aboriginal communities to establish natural and cultural resource management programs on their own protected areas.

John C. Smyth. Glenpark, Johnstone, PAS 05P, Scot)and. United Kingdom. Tel: 505-20219, Fax: 41-3483116.

BIOGRAPHY: Member, Commission on Education and Communication, and Steering Committee. Former Chairman, CEC NW Europe Committee. President, Scottish Environmental Education Council. Vice-President, Royal Zoological Society of Scotland. Emeritus Professor of Biology.

Paul G. Sneed. Environment and Policy Institute, Box 1051, East-West Center, 1777 East-West Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96848, United States. Tel: 808-9447555, Fax: 808-9447970.

BIOGRAPHY: Β.A.Anthropology (Calif.), M.A. Planning (Univ. of British Columbia). Currently Ph.D. candidate in Dept.of Geography, Univ. of Hawaii and Graduate Participant in Environment and Policy Institute, East-West Center. Training and work experience in cultural heritage resource management, environmental impact assessment, land-use planning. Interested in conservation of biological and cultural diversity.

Deborah Snclson. African Wildlife Foundation, P.O. Box 48177, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel: 2542-223235, Fax: 2542-332294.

BIOGRAPHY: Deputy Director of Field Operations for the African Wildlife Foundation, based in Nairobi. Involved in all aspects of the Foundation's work, including managing projects in the areas of training, conservation education and community conservation. - 188 -

Jack A. Sobcl. Center for Marine Conservation, 1725 DeSales Street NW, Washington DC 20036, United States. Tel: 202-4295609, Fax: 202-8720619.

BIOGRAPHY: Director, Program, Center for Marine Conservation.

Claudia Sobrevila. The Nature Conservancy, 1815 Ν Lynn Street, Arlington, VA 22209, United States. Tel: 703-8412713, Fax: 703-8411283.

BIOGRAPHY: Chief Ecologist for Latin America Science Program of The Nature Conservancy. Develops and applies methods to inventory land cover and land use in protected and buffer areas. Experience mostly gained in Venezuela and Brazil.

Batdorj Sodov. Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, State Committee for Environment Control, Khudaldaany Gudamj 5, Mongolia. Tel: 29619.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Miquel Sodupe Rourq, Carretera de l'Esglesia 92, Barcelona 08018, Spain. Tel: 2800672, Fax: 2806074.

BIOGRAPHY: Director Gerente del Patronat Metropolita del Pare de Collserola.

Jorge Soria. Inst, de Estrategias Agropecuarias, IDEA, Bassano 617 y Crnel. Guerrero, Casilla 853 Sue. 12 de Octubre, Quito Ecuador. Tel: 593-245344.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Wilfrido Sosa Yubero. 25 de Mayo 640 Edif. Garanlia Piso 12. Ap.3, C.C. 3303, Asuncion, Paraguay. Tel: 498-089443214, Fax: 59521-495568.

BIOGRAPHY: Licenciado en Ciencias Biologicas por la Universidad Nacional de Asuncion, y realize curso de post grado en ecologia de poblacionas. Actualmente se desempena coino encargado de la Seccion Fauna del Departamento del Centro du Daros para la conservacion de la Direccion de Parqques Nacionales y Vida Silvestre del Paraguay.

Alvaro Soto, Executive Secretary, The Royal Society of Canada, Commission on Developing Countries, P.O. Box 9734, 207 Queen Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1G 5J4, Canada. Tel: 613-9928480, Fax: 613-9928476.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Bartolomev Soto. Praca dos Herois Mocambicanos DNFFB, Ministerio da Agriculture, Maputo, Mozambique. Tel: 2481-460036, Fax: 2581-460060.

BIOGRAPHY: Veterinary of the Department of wildlife in Mozambique. - 189 -

Heike Suieker. IFHV, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Postfacli 102148, 4630 Bochum 1, Germany. Tel: 234-7007366, Fax: 234-7007957.

BIOGRAPHY: Senior Research Assistant at the Institute for International Peacekeeping Law and Humanitarian Law.

John Suittal. Dept. of Survey & Land Information, New Zealand.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Leslie E. Snonsel. Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA. Tel: 808-9568507; Fax: 808-9564893.

BIOGRAPHY: B.A. in geology from Indiana University and M.A. and Ph.D. in anthropology from Cornell University. Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Hawaii. Has conducted research on aspects of human ecology with indigenous societies in the Venezuelan Amazon and more recently compared the ecology of adjacent Buddhist and Muslim villages in southern Thailand.

K.P. Sri Bharathic. Conservator of Forests, Forest Dept. Rajamalwatta Road, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka. Tel: 941-566616; Fax: 941-580089.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Yvonne Lorraine St. Hill. Environmental Consultancy Services, 82 Grazettes Terrace, St. Michael, Barbados. Tel: 809-4216223, Fax: 809-4216223.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of Environmental Consultancy Services (ECS), a Barbados based consulting firm which focusses on environmental policy, project and programme development, institutional strengthening, land use planning, protected areas management and environmental education. Member of CNPPA and a founding member of the Barbados Environmental Association.

Malcolm Stark. WWF Irian Jaya, P.O. Box 1245, Jayapura 99012, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Tel: 62-96731765, Fax: 62-96731765.

BIOGRAPHY: Programme Coordinator for WWF Irian Jaya Programme, Indonesia.

Bruce Stein. Director, Latin America Science Program, The Nature Conservancy, 1815 N. Lynn Street, Arlington VA 22209, USA. Tel: 703-8412711, Fax: 703-8411283.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of The Nature Conservancy's Latin America Science Program. Responsible for overseeing the network of Conservancy-sponsored Conservation Data Center and developing science applications for protected area management projects. Specialist in conservation biology with particular expertise in tropical plant systematics. - 190 -

Richard L. Stevens. Hawaii Community College, University of Hawaii, x'.O. Box 501, Kapaau, Hawaii, USA. Tel: 808-8896859; Fax: 808-8857288.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Stanley F. Stevens. Department of Geography and Anthropology, Louisana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803, USA. Tel: 510-6423903, Fax: 510-6423370.

BIOGRAPHY: Assistant Professor of Geography at Louuisiana State University. Speciality is cultural ecology, with particular emphasis on studies of land use, local resource management, and environmental change. Has conducted extensive research in the Himalaya of Nepal, and is devoting 3 years to fieldwork in Sagarmatha National Park and Annapurna Conservation Area. Author of a forthcoming book "Claiming the High Ground: Sherpa settlement and Subsistence", (Univ. of Claifornia Press).

Colin Stewart. 73 Chadwick Street, Dartmouth, NS, Canada B2Y 2M2. Tel: 902-4667168, Fax: 902-4230238.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Hans Helmust Stoiber. P.O. Box 132, 5010 Salzburg, Austria. Tel: 662-841398, Fax: 43064-328723.

BIOGRAPHY: Owner of a Nature Conservation Bureau in Linz, Austria. Involved in creation of the National Park Holie Tauern as adviser. Special interest in international national parks, chiefly the US ones. Pays yearly visits to them and to State Parks. Member of the Federation of Nature and National Parks of Europe.

Charles Stone. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, P.O. Box 52, Hawaii National Park, Hawaii 96718, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Stuart D Strati!. Assistant Director, Latin American Program Officer, Wildlife Conservation International, Division of New York Zoological Society, Bronx, New York 10460, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Wendy Strahm. Mauritius Wildlife Appeal Fund, Tamarin, Mauritius. Fax: 230-6836331.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 191 -

Michael Strecker. St. Ingberter Scr.5, D-W-6603 Neuweiler, Germany. Tel: 49-689752219, Fax: 49681-3024323.

BIOGRAPHY: Geographer (MasCers diploma) from University of Saarbrucken (W.Germany), 2 terms at SFU, Vancouver, BC, Canada (Resource Management). Thesis on national parks and biosphere reserves as innovation centres for ecological learning (in Germany, 1991).

Kenneth J. Strom. Rt. 2, Box 146, Gibbon, Nebraska 68840, United States. Tel: 308-4685282, Fax: 308-4685627.

BIOGRAPHY: Manager of the National Audubon Society's Rowe Wildlife Sanctuary, which protects Platte River habitat for migrating cranes and waterfowl on the Central Flyway of North America. An ecologist and graduate of Cornell University, was appointed to serve on the riatte River Management Joint Study, which is a federal government process to resolve conflicts between human and wildlife uses of the Platte. As an elected official, serves as a Director of the Central Platte Natural Resources District. Co-editor, with Patricia Waak, of "Sharing the Earth".

Michael Stuewe. Conservation and Research Center, National Zoological Park, Smithsonian Institution, Front Royal, VA 22630, USA. Tel: 703-6356500; Fax: 703-6356551.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Siti Adiprigandari A. Suprauto. Faculty of Ecnoinics, University of Indonesia, Jalan Salemba 4, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia. Tel: 6221-3103976, Fax: 6221-3103931.

BIOGRAPHY: Worked at the Ministry of Population and Environment for 5 years. Established guidelines and regulations for social impact assessments as well as defining policies on population and environment interactions. In charge of women and environment issues for the Government. Is a faculty member of Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia and teaches also at the Indonesian Institute for Management Develoment. Presently a member of various government taks forces on social environment.

Jan Stursa. Director, Krkonose (Giant Mts) National Park, CS-543 11 Vrchlabi, Czechoslovakia. Tel: 42-43822631, Fax: 42-43823095.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Miguel Stutzin, Comite Nacional Pro Defensa del Ambiente, CODEFF, Casilla 3675, Santiago, Chile. Tel: 56-2-377290; Fax: 56-2-377290.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 192 -

Alejandro Suabir Apdo 8-3870, San Jose, Costa Rica. Tel: 506-252649, Fax: 506-534963.

BIOGRAPHY: Representante comunidades indegenos de Talamanca, Costa Rica.

Luis Suarez. F.coCiencia/WCI, P.O. Box 17-12-00257, Quito, Ecuador. Fax: 5932-502409.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologo, Investigador Asociado de Wildlife Conservation International, una Division de ia Sociedad Zoologica de New York y de ECOCIENCIA (Fundacion Ecuatoriana de Estudios Ecologicos). Profesor de Ecologia y Biologia de la Conservacion en la Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador. Miembro del equipo que realizo la "Estrategia para el Sistema Nacional de Areas Protegidas del Ecuador, II Fase" en 1989. Actualmente dirige proyectos de investigacion en varias areas protegidas.

Gustavo Suarez de Freitas. Fundacion Peruana para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza, FPCN, Apartado 18-1393, Lima, Peru. Tel: 426706/426616; Fax: 5114-427853.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingeniero forestal. Director tecnico de la Fundacion Peruana para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza. Responsable de proyectos en once areas protegidas peruanas.

Sergio Suarez. Aub Proyecto de Proteccion de Etnias y Recursos Naturales, Maca - Bid. Atn/SF - 2985: 815/SF - 80,Casilla 4064, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Fax: 0932-2007.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Subivanto. Directorate of National Parks and Recreation Forests, Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 15, P.O. Box 133, Bogor 16001, Indonesia. Fax: 0251-323972 or 021-584818.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

M.A. Sudarsono. Directorate of National Parks and Recreation Forests, Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 15, P.O. Box 133, Bogor 16001, Indonesia. Fax: 0251-323972 or 021-584818.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 193 -

Shintaro Sueio. PHEC Institute Co. Ltd., New Life Ichibancho Rldg 201, 4-5 Ichiban-cho, Chiyoka-ku, Tokyo 102, Japan. Tel: 3-32651081, Fax: 3-32651815.

BIOGRAPHY: Entered the National Park Department of the Health and Welfare Ministry in 1960, which was later renamed to the Environmental Agency. Major responsibility was designation, planning and design of national parks in Japan. Established PUEC Institute Co. Ltd in 1972. PREC is now the largest private institution in Japan, specializing in environmental assessment, landscape planning and design. Published works include books on landscape architecture and natural environment, translation of "Taking Part" written by Mr. Lawrence Halprin. Received the Tamura Award in 1987 for contribution to development of environmental assessment methods and techniques, and was recently appointed as Japan's delegate for IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects) and Chairman of IFLA Eastern Region.

Mohammad Sulavem. P.O. Box 1141, Riyadh 11431, Saudi Arabia. Tel: 4418413, Fax: 4410979.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of Department of Wildlife Conservation, National Commission for Wildlife Conservation and Development, Saudi Arabia. CNPPA Regional Vice-Chair, North Africa and the Middle East.

Effendy A. Sumard ia. Chief Regional Office, Ministry of Forestry, Complex Niti Mandala, Jalan Raya Puputan, Renon, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Tel: 62361 37039; Fax: 62361 27819.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Tony Sumard io. Sumarsono and Titus Sariyanto, Directorate of National Parks and Recreation Forests, Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 15, P.O. Box 133, Bogor 16001, Indonesia. Fax: 0251-323972 or 021-584818.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Sumin. Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation, Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 15, P.O. Box 133, Bogor 16001, Indonesia.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Dodi Supriadi. Directorate of National Parks and Recreation Forests, Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 15, P.O. Box 133, Bogor 16001, Indonesia. Fax: 0251-323972 or 021-584818.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. ־ 194 -

Alison C. guter, World Conservacion Monitoring Centre, 219c Huntingdon Road, Cambridge CB3 ODL, United Kingdom. Tel: 223-277314, Fax: 223-277136.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

R.W. Suthcrst. Centre for Tropical Pest Management, CSIRO Long PockeC Laboratories, PMB No. 3 Indooroopilly, Queensland, Australia 4068. Tel: 617 3770807; Fax: 617 3711981.

BIOGRAPHY: Ecologist with 20 years experience in modelling the population dynamics and management of livestock parasites and crop pests. Current interests include pest risk analysis in relation to climate change.

Phairot Suvanakorn. Director General, Royal Forest Department, c/o National Park Division, Royal forest, Jatujak Bangkok 10900, Thailand. Tel: 662-5792791, Fax: 662-5792791.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Torbjorn Svenson. Naturvardsverket, 17185 Solna, Sweden. Tel: 468-7991428, Fax: 468-291428.

BIOGRArilY: Working at the Swedish Liming Programme in the Swedish National Environmental Protection Agency.

Marilyn A. Swanson. Food Safety Specialist, Associate Professor, College of Agriculture, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho 83843, USA. Tel: 208-8856545; Fax: 208-8855751.

BIOGRAPHY: She is an Associate Professor at the University of Idaho, emphasizes food safety and environmental issues. She received her doctorate in nutrition from Washington State University and obtained previous degrees from the University of Wisconsin in Madison and the Univ. of Delaware. She is a fellow with the partners of the Americas Fellowship in international development and a council member with the Northwest Consumer Food Safety Council. In 1989 she received the National Leadership Award from the American Home Economics Association.

Timothy M. Swanson. Faculty of Economics and Politics, Cambridge University, Austin Robinson Bldg, Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge, CB3 9DD, UK.

BIOGRAPHY: Not submaitted.

Paul Stephanus Swart. Private Bag 13306, Windhoek, Namibia. Tel: 061-63131, Fax: 63195.

BIOGRAPHY: Director, Wildlife Conservation and Research, Ministry of Wildlife Conservationand Tourism, Namibia. - 195 -

Byron Swift. IUCN-US, 1400 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA. Tel: 202-7975454, Fax: 202-7975461.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Dr. Guy S. Swinnerton. Faculty of Physical Education & Recreation, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2119, Canada. Tel: 403-4922677, Fax: 403-4922364.

BIOGRAPHY: Director, Division of Recreation and Leisure Studies, University of Alberta. Advisory Committee Member, Protected Areas Management Program, University of Alberta. Member, Environmental Council of Alberta Steering Committee, Alberta Conservation Strategy Project.

Jeffrey Svbesma, P.O. Box 2090, Curasao, Netherlands, Antilles. Tel: 5999-62424, Fax: 5999-627680.

BIOGRAPHY: Manager Curacao Underwater Park, a project of STINAPA (Netherlands Antilles National Parks Foundation). Staff member of CARMABI, research institute on behalf of nature management.

Seydina Issa Svlla. Β.Γ. 5135, Dakar-Fann, Senegal. Tel: 244221, Fax: 229413.

BIOGRAPHY: Diplome en amenagement de la faune. Diplome en science forestiere option biologie. Conservateur des Pares nationaux du Djoudj et du Niokolo-Koba de 1977 a 1983. Directeur des Pares nationaux depuis 1987.

Peter Svmcns and Anas Sambas, NCWCD, P.O. Box 61681, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

jRAPHY: Not available.

William J. Svratt• BP International Ltd., Bitannic House, 1 Fanisbury Circus, London EC2M 7BA, United Kingdom. Tel: 71-4965644, Fax: 71-4965675.

BIOGRAPHY: Senior Ecologist with BP, responsible for all aspects of environmental protection management within the BP group, including EIAs and monitoring.

Eniko Szalav-Marzso. Senior Adviser of ENVED, Institute for Environment Management, Alkotmany-u 29, 1054 Budapest, Hungary. Tel: 3611-118249, Fax: 3611-115826.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 196 -

Gerard Szaraz. Poulin Theriault Inc., 4700, Boui Wilfrid-Hamel, Quebec, Canada. Tel: 418-8712444; Telex: 051-31592; Fax: 418-87 15868.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Zoltan Szilassy. Kolto u. 21, 1121 Budapest, Hungary. Tel: 1-757457, Fax: 1-757457.

BIOGRAPHY: Forest engineer in conservation practice for 13 years. Presently with the Ministry for Environment and Regional Policy, National Authority of Nature Conservation. - 197 -

Susumu Takahashi. Director, Office of Natural Environment Survey, Nature Conservation Bureau Environment Agency, 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan. Tel: 813-35813351, Fax: 813-35951716.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Yaya Tamboura. Directeur, Pare National du Baoule, B.P. 275, 00233, Mali. Tel: 222498.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Kunio Tamura. Executive Director, Natural Parks Beautification and Management Foundation, Masumoto 2nd Bldg., 8-16, Toranomon-1, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105, Japan. Tel: 813-3592-1171; Fax: 813-3592-1175.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Pedro Tarak. Foundation for the Environment and the Natural Resources, Monroe 2142 (1428) Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel: 7819171; Fax: 054-1-781-6115.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Janos Tardy. Chairman, Deputy Secretary of State, National Authority for Nature Conservation, Ministry for Environment and Regional Policy, Κόηό u. 21, 1121, Budapest, Hungary.

BIOGRAPHY: Geographer, chartographer, has been working in the field of nature conservation since 14 years. Presently, President of the national Authority of Nature Conservation, Deputy Secretary of State in the Ministry for Environment and Regional Policy.

Franco Tassi. Comitato Parchi Nazionali, Italy. Tel: 3496993, Fax: 3497594.

BIOGRAPHY: Naturalist, Conservationist, Writer and Journalist-. Abruzzo National Park Superintendent (since 1969). Apennine Center for Scientific Research Director (since 1972). National Parks Committee Founder and Chairman (since 1977), WWF Italy Trustee (since 1967).

Eng Pin Tav. National Parks Board, Singapore Botanic Gardens, Cluny Road, Singapore 1025, Singapore. Tel: 470-9918, Fax: 475-4295.

BIOGRAPHY: Senior Research Officer in charge of the Nature Reserves Management and of the Herbarium in Singapore Botanic Gardens. - 198 -

David Μ. Tavlor. School of Geography and Earth Resources, University of Hull, Hull, HU6 7RX, UK. Tel: 482 466536; Fax; 482 466340.

BIOGRAPHY: Research interest is environmental change in the tropics, particularly on the African continent. Is also interested in conservation and the management of natural resources.

Ella Josephine Taylor. WCMC, 219c Huntingdon Road, Cambridge CB3 ODL, UK. Tel: 44 223 277314; Fax: 44 223 277136.

BIOGRAPHY: Information officer to WCMC, worked for IUCN/WCMC for 8 years in Publications and Information.

Ngankam Martin Tchamba, Assistant Professor, University Center of Dschang, Center for Environmental Studies, P.O. Box 410, Maroua, Cameroon. Tel: 293061, Fax: 293101.

BIOGRAPHY: Lecturer, Dept. of Forestry, University Center, Coordinator, Centre for Environmental Studies and Development in Cameroon.

Rodolfo Tccchi. Instituto Biologia, Universidad Nacional de Jujuy, Avda. Bolivia 2335, 4600 San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina. Tel: 54-88227244, Fax: 54-88222977,

BIOGRAPHY: Licenciado en Ciencias Biologicas. Desarrolla Investigaciones en Ecologia Regional. Coordinador de Las Acciones cn la Reserva de la Biosfera Laguna de Pozuelos.

Teresa Telecfrv, The Humane Society of the US, 2100 L Street, N.W. Washington D.C. 20037, USA. Tel: 202 452 1100; Fax: 202 778 6132.

BIOGRAPHY: B.S., M.S. and PhD degrees in Zoology. Academic specialities in animal behavioural ecology, roproductive biology, population genetics, and endocrinology. Significant research on the reproductive bioLogy of the giant Malaysian prawn, the reproductive biology and ecology of a bird introduced to the Hawaiian Islands, the common rayna, and salomid endocrinology. Currently Associate Director in Wildlife and Habitat Protection at The Human Society of the United States, specializing in the international trade in wildlife.

Kyran Thelcn. Regional Forestry Officer, FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, Casilla 10095, Santiago, Chile. Tel: 562-2185503; Fax: 562-2184427.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Patricia Thomas. 845 Moncton, Quebec, Canada G1S 2Y4. Tel: 413-6470666; Fax: 418-6883671.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 199 -

Eva Thornelof. Head of Section, Swedish National Environmental Protection Agency, Research Department.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Jim Thorsell. Senior Advisor on Natural Heritage, IUCN, Avenue du Mont-Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 22 64 91 14; Fax: 22 642 926.

BIOGRAPHY: Jim began work as a ranger naturalist with the Canadian Park Service in Banff in 1962. He subsequently received a Ph.D. from UBC in resource planning and worked for 5 years in Africa and the West Indies before joining IUCN in 1984 where has worked in the Commission on National Parks, primarily in acting as advisor to UNESCO's World Heritage Committee.

Anada Tiega. IUCN, B.P. 10 933, Niamey, Niger. Tel: 227-733338, Fax: 227-732215.

BIOGRAPHY: Technical Advisor for IUCN in Niger (West Africa) since November 1990. Prior to working for IUCN, worked for the Niger Government for 11 years in 4 different posts, the most recent as Head of the Wildlife and Fish Service. Has written papers related to the conservation and use of natural renewable resources.

Sarah Titchen. Dept of Prehistory and Anthropology, The Faculties, Australian National University, GPO Box 4, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia. Tel: 61 6249 4395; Fax; 61 624 92711.

BIOGRAPHY: Not attached.

Susan Lisa Toch. P.O. Box 1861, Morgan Hill, CA 95038, USA. Tel: 408-7785409.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Severin M. Ten Houte de Lanp.e. Scientific Information Centre, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries. P.O. Box 20023, 3901 La Utrecht, The Netherlands.

BIOGRAPHY: Senior Ecologist at the Section Development Cooperation of the Scientific Information Centre for Nature, Forests, Landscape and Wildlife. Netherlands Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Maangement and Fisheries.

Annamaria Testi, Dipartimento di Biologia Vegetale, Universita "La Sapienza", Roma, Piaz. Le A. Moro 5, Italy. Tel: 6-49912519, Fax: 6-4463865.

BIOGRAPHY: Research on Plant Ecology; studies on evolution of vegetation in Mediterranean ecosystems related to disturbance (fire, grazing); studies on biological diversity in Protected Areas. - 200 -

Dhruba Bar Sing Thaua, Advocate and Consultant, Balnju Hing Road, Post Box 828, Kathmandu, Nepal. Tel: 272534, Fax: 9771-272866.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

I. Thiaw. Chef du Service Faune, Protection de la Nature, Ministere de Developpement Rural, B.P. 170, , Mauritania. Tel: 2222-51763, Fax: 2222-51834.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

David Alan Thorn. 51 Evelyn Road, Howick, New Zealand. Tel: 09-5206069, Fax: 09-5204695.

BIOGRAPHY: Chairman, New Zealand Conservation Authority. Former Chairman, National Parks and Reserves Authority of New Zealand, Member CNPFA.

Gareth Thomas. RSPB, The Lodge, Sandy, Beds. SG19 1HR, UK. Tel: 767 680551; Fax: 767 692365.

BIOGRAPHY: Head of Conservation Management at RSPB. Responsible for reserve acquisition and management policies and the provision of management advice. RSPB manages 120 sites covering 76,000 ha.

Lee Thomas. c/o Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, Box 636, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia. Tel: 61-62500345, Fax: 61-62500349.

BIOGRAPHY: Heads an area within the Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service responsible for national park planning and management. Responsibilities include Norfolk Island, Cocos Islands and Christmas Island and a number of marine protected areas. Also responsible for inter-agency agreements between ANPWS and Australian State Park agencies.

Patricia Fay Thomas. 845 Monatun, Quebec, P.Q. Canada G1S 2Y4. Tel: 418-6883671, Fax: 418-6470666.

BIOGRAPHY: Sociologist. Has worked for the past 14 years in international development, including 9 years in the field in West Africa. The last few years have been spent in specialization in women's development. Most recently served as Director of Women and Credit Project for three years in Cote d'lvoire. Now working as long-term consultant for Social Sciences Division of IUCN on the "Gender Issues in Natural Resources Management Program". - 201 -

Jon Tinker. President, The Panos Institute, 9 White Lion Street, London Nl .Fax: 44 71 278 0345 ;44׳׳ 9PD, UK. Tel: 1111 278 71

BIOGRArilY: President, Panos Institute, 1986; Director, Earthscan, 1974-86; Environment and development editor, New Scientist Magazine, 1968-76; Former member of the UK Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution.

Clement Tisdell. Department of Economics, University of Queensland, Brisbane 4072, Australia. Tel: 07-3656242, Fax: 07-3657299.

BIOGRAPHY: Professor of Economics at the University of Queensland, Australia and Head of Department. Has written extensively on environmental economics and the economics of conservation. Most recent book is "Economics of Environmental Conservation" published by Elsevier Science publishers.

Susan Toch. Box 365, Asul Store, Bancroft Way and Telegraph Ave., Berkeley, CA 94720, United States. Tel: 415-8419062.

BIOGRAPHY: Has 11 years experience in the management of natural resources with specialities in community involvement strategies and water resources. Her work has included technical support and consultations with rural communities in water supply development, pollution control and coordination in watershed protection. Has also developed implementation strategies on the integration of resource and community issues focussing on parks and protected areas. Background includes academic degrees in natural resources maangement, forestry, environmental planning, geography as well as advanced credentials in emergency medicine and primary health care. Is etirrently pursuing a Ph.D. in Wildlands Resource Science, as well as a Masters in Public Health (MPH) from the University of California at Berkeley.

Antonio Torre ion. Pagano 2712-2""A", 1425 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel: 8024171.

BIOGRAPHY: Fundador de las Areas Protegidas de Fauna Marina del Sistema Pen. Valdes de la Patagonia Argentina. Ex-Secretario de Turismo de la Republica Argentina. Actual Secretario de Turismo de la Prov. de Rio Negro y Presidente del Consejo Federal de Turismo de la Republica Argentina.

Hernan Torres, Consultant, Avda Bulnes 241, Piso 7,Santiago, Chile. Tel: 562-6981486, Fax: 5626971597.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 202 -

Horacio Agustin Torres. Ramon Falcon 2885-4°-A, Buenos Aires, CP. 1406, Argentina.Tel: 612-6825.

BIOGRAPHY: Geologo y Dr. en Ciencias Naturales egresado de la Universidad Nacional de la Plata-Instituto del Museo, Argentina. Director de la Fac. de Ciencias Geograficas de la Universidad del Salvador, 1983-1986. Especialiste en Geologia Economica y Geologia Ambiental. Actualmente es el Rector del Instituto Patagonico de Ensenanza Terciaria dependiente de la Fundacion Universitaria Patagonica dondc se dicta la carrera Educacion Ambiental en San Carlos de Bariloche-Poia. Rio Negro, Argentina.

Juan Torres. Arturo Prat University, Casilla 121, Iquique, Chile. Tel: 56081-421309, Fax: 56081-423097.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Leopoldo Torres• Presidente, Portico, Costa Rica).

BIOGRArilY: Not available.

Miriam Torres. Project Coordinator, Fundacion Peruana para la Conservation de la Naturaleza, Amador Medina Reyna 255, San Isidro, Apdo 18-1393, Lima, Peru. Tel: 5114-426616, Fax: 5114-427853.

BIOGRAPHY: Forest Engineer, Froject Coordinator at the Peruvian Foundation for Conservation oE Nature, FPCN. Field work: interpretation, training programs for park's rangers and public participation in parks management.

Francisco Tourreilies. Director, Conservation Finance, Latin American Div., The Nature Conservancy, 1815 N. Lynn Street, Arlington, VA 22209, USA. Tel: 703 247 3755; Fax; 703 841 4880.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of Conservation for South America in the Latin America Division of the TNC Prior to joining TNC, he was an engagement manager in the Financial Institutions Group of McKinsey and Co., in New York. He has worked for 3 years with the government of Uruguay and 2 years as an advisor to the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund. He is responsible for the Conservancy's conservation finance programme in South America. B.S. (Maths, Economics), Massachusetts Institute of Technology; M.S. (Civil engineering) MIT; MBA, Sloan School of Management, Cambridge.

Angela Tresinari. SQN 107 Bloco F, Apt. 203, 70.743 Brasilia D.F. Brazil. Tel: 61 2258607; Fax: 61 225 9136.

BIOGRAPHY: MSc in landscape ecology, design and maintenance, specialist on national park management. Has been working with general conservation issues in Brazil since 1976. - 203 -

Michael Tripp. Dept of Geography, University of Victoria, P.O. Box 3050, victoria, B.C. V8W 3P5, Canada. Tel: 604 721 7350; Fax: 604 721 6216.

BIOGRAPHY: Lecturer and doctoral candidate, University of Victoria, B.C. Previously Director of the Environmental Studies Masters Degree Programme and Geography Dept Lecturer, San Franciso State University, California. Current research emphasis: The establishment of national parks in the Lake Baikal region of the Russian Republic.

Triwibowo. Directorate of National Parks and Recreation Forests, Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 15, P.O. Box 133, Bogor 16001, Indonesia. Fax: 0251-323972 or 021-584818.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

R. Trova. Fundacion Natura, Programa para la Conservacion, Av. America 5653 y Voz Andes, Casilla 253, Quito, Ecuador. Tel: 593-2-447341; Fax: 434449.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Richard Trudeau. Whole Access, 517 Lincoln Avenue, Redwood City, CA 94061, USA. Tel: 415-3632647; Fax: 415-36597J3.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Monique Trudel. IUCN, BP 3215, Dakar, Senega]. Tel: 221 328521; Fax: 329246.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologist by training. Regional advisor for IUCN Programme on Education and Communication for the Environment in the Sahel. Initiator of the Sahel Education Approach "Walia" for IUCN. With IUCN since 1985. Prior to going to IUCN: Canada, editor for documentary on legends for youth, Radio Canada TV; consultant in Environment Impact Studies, for Environment Canada; tourist guide in Galapagos Islands, Ecuador.

Thaddeus Trzvna. P.O. Box 189040, Sacramento, CA. 95818, USA. Tel: 1 916 442 2472; Fax: 1 916 442 24 78.

BIOGRAPHY: Chairman, IUCN Commission on Environmental Strategy and Planning.

Tokunosuke Tsuchiva. Managing Director, Marine Parks Center of Japan, Toranomon Denki Bldg., 8-1 Toranomon-2, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105, Japan. Tel: 813-35915518; Fax: 813-35021377.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 204 -

G. Tucker. International Council lor Bird Preservation, 32 Cambridge Road, Girton, Cambridge CB3 OPJ, United Kingdom. Tel: 223-277318; Fax: 223-277299.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Eldad Tukahirwa. Director, Institute of Environment and Natural Resources, Makere University, P.O. Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda. Tel: 41-55661; Fax: 245580.

BIOGRAPHY: Currently serving as Director of Makerere University's Institute of Environment and Natural Resources, dealing with many issues of environmental concern in the country. Currently a key participant in the on-going National Environmental Action Plan which is addressing many issues of importance to conservation.

Andy Turner, DASETT, National Conservation, P.O. Box 787, Canberra City, ACT 2601, Australia. Tel: 616-2741599, Fax: 616-2741895.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Nicole Robyn Turner, Management Studies, University of Queensland, Gatton Lawes Q 4343, Australia. Tel: 074-620325, Fax: 074-620324.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Vaino Veli Turpeinen. c/o East Usambara Catchment Forest Project, P.O. Box 5869, Tanga, Tanzania. Fax: 255-5340060.

BIOGRAPHY: Master of Science (Agriculture and Forestry) special area: wildlife management. Evo Forestry College (Finland), Director of the Department for adult education, 1977 to date. At present in Tanzania as Chief Technical Adviser for the East Usambara Catchment Forest Project, 1991-1992. - 205 -

Alvaro Ugalde. Director, National Parks Service, MIRENEM, Apartado 10104, San Jose, Costa Rica.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Marilena Uliescu. L'Institut de Recherches Juridique, Blvd. Mihail Kogalnicheanu, ur.33, Bucharest 70602, Rumania. Tel: 151198/777836.

BIOGRAPHY: Diplome en droit a l'Universite de Bucarest (1960), Docteur en droit (1984), diplome d'Etudes Superieure en droit Compare (Strasbourg, France, 1973), diplome d'Etudes Superieure droit compare de 1'Environnement (Strasbourg, 1981), membre de la Societe de Legislation compare (Paris), Directeur de recherche, chef de secteur a 1'Institut juridique de l'Academie Roumaine.

Alvaro Umana. Former Minister of Natural Resources, c/o INCAE, Apartado 960, 4050 Alajuela, Costa Rica.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Jean Alfred Claude Untermaier. Le Bourg, 71 240 Montceaux-Ragny, France. Tel: 85-449709; Fax: 85-447769.

BIOGRAPHY: Professeur a l'Universite Lyon III ού il dirige l'Institut de Droit de 1'Environnement depuis la creation de celui-ci en 1979. Specialiste des problemes juridiques de protection de la faune sauvage et des milieux naturels, il fut le responsable scientifique de la conference internationale sur le droit des zones humides organisee par l'UICN et al Societe Francai.se pour le Droit de 1'Environnement a Lyon en 1987.

Biswa Upreti. P.O. Box 526, Kathmandu, Nepal. Tel: 97 701-410321, Fax: 97701-410073.

BIOGRArilY7: Involved in conservation work for the last 30 years in Nepal. Graduate in Wildlife Ecology, Forestry and Law.

Frantisek Urban. Director, Nature Conservation Section, Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic, Kodanskn 10, Prague 10, 10010 Czechoslovakia. Tel: 422-731362, Fax: 422-734621.

BIOGRAPHY: Forester by training, and worked in forest survey for over 25 years with the State Nature Conservancy as Senior Regional Conservation Officer (South Bohemia). Since its establishsment in 1989, Director of Nature Conservation Section at the Minsitry of Environment of the Czech Republic. - 206 -

Tomas Urbanek Reiser. Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona, Carrera la. No. 22-79, Santa Marta, Colombia. Tel. 236355/236365; Pax: 54-230191.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologo de la Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota. Asistente de Campo del Primatologo de la Reserva Natural Carpanta de la Fundacion Natura durante un ano. Desde Agosto de 1991 Jefe del Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona con el Inderena.

Diana Uribelarrea. Administracion de Parques Nacionales, Santa Fe, 3 Piso, CP. 1059, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel. 3120257.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Michael Barhnm Usher. Nature Conservancy Council for Scotland, Research and Development 2/5 Anderson Place, Edinburgh EH6 5NP, United Kingdom. Tel: 031-5549797, Fax: 031-5547900.

BIOGRAPHY: Originally trained as a forester, but has spent most of his working life lecturing and researching in ecology and conservation whilst in the University of York. Subsequently worked on ecological problems in West Africa and Antarctica. Presently Chief Scientific Adviser for the Nature Conservancy Council for Scotland, and in 1992 will be heading the Research and Advisory Services Directorate of Scottish Natural Heritage.

Anthony T. Utanea. Ministry of Internal Affairs, P.O. Box 98, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, South Pacific. Tel: 29370, Fax: 682-21247.

BIOGRArilY: Former Director of Conservation and Member of Cook Islands Conservation Serivce Council and active in Conservation in the Pacific region since 1981. CNPPA member (Cook Islands). - 207 -

Angheluta Vaditieam!. Secretary of State, Ministry of Environment, Department of the Environment, Atern Noua N-S, Tronson 5-6, Sector 5, Bucharest, Rumania. Tel: 316044, Fax: 316199.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Carlos Valdes Casillas. ITESM-Guaymas, Apdo. Postal 484, Guaymas Son 85400, Mexico. Tel: 622 4 2423; Fax;. 622 2 1453.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologo - Facultad de Ciencias, ONAM; M.C. Oceanografia, Oregon State University; Candidate a doctor, Geografia, Oregon State University; actualmente UIB, CECARENA, ITESM Mar de Cortes.

Gabriel Valdcz Sierra. Calle Galcedo no. 88, Apdo 11, San Carlos, Sto. Domingo, Dominican Republic. Tel: 6827628.

BIOGRAPHY': Ingeniero, Enc. Dpto Parques Nacionales. Especialista en educacion ambiental y manejo de areas silvestres protegidas.

Peter Sinclair Valentine. Geography Department, James Cook. University, townsville, Q4811, Australia. Tel: 6177-814111, Fax: 6177-814020.

BIOGRAPHY: Senior Lecturer in Geography, James Cook University; Member CNPPA; Past fellow East-West Cente; Has worked in protected area management research for many years. Experience in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and the Pacific. Major interest in managing visitors and in connection between tourism and nature conseration and in conservation of biodiveristy.

Oscar Vallarino Bernat. Apartado 1387, Panama 1, Panama. Tel: 507-648100, Fax: 507-641836.

BIOGRAPHY: Sub Director de Administracion Educacion Ambiental y Desarrollo.

Nancy Valle io Serna. Crg 10 no. 20-30, Piso 5, Apartado Aereo .13458, Bogota, Colombia. Tel: 2823586, Fax: 2833458.

BIOGRAPHY: Abogada, Master en Recursos Naturales, Catedratica de derecho ambiental, actualmente Secretaria General, Inderena. - 208 -

Hein van Bohemen. President, Dutch Foundation for (Sub)Antarctic Research, Holierhoek 30, 2630 EK Schipluiden, The Netherlands. Fax: 15-011301.

BIOGRAPHY: President Dutch Foundation for (Sub)Antarctic Research. Head, environmental research Road and Hydraulic Engineering Division.

Anita Van Breda. School of Environmental Studies, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, and Kristina Gjerde, Environmental Solutions International, New York, NY, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Pietronella Van den Oever. Director of the Social Sciences Division, IUCN, Ave. Mont Blanc, 1190 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 22-048300; Fax: 22-048325.

BIOGRAPHY: Multidisciplinary background with a specific focus on global development issues. She is particularly interested in major development and population issues in developing countries, and their relationships with patterns of development in industrailized countries. She holds a Doctorate in Demography and Development Economics from the University of Southern California where she studied with Kingsley Davis, and a Master's Degree in Agriculture and Rural Development from Cornell University.

A.P.M. Van der Zon. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, P.O. Box 20001, 2500 EB The Hague, The Netherlands. Tel: 070-3480554, Fax: 070-3484303.

BIOGRAPHY: Expert on biological diversity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department of Development Cooperation.

Richard Irwin Vane-Wright. Department of Entomology, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, United Kingdom. Tel: 071-9389341, Fax: 071-9388937.

BIOGRAPHY: Entomologist with 30 years experience working at the Natural History Museum, London. A specialist on taxonomy and evolutionary biology of butterflies, is currently involved with a small team developing new methods relating systematics and biogeography with conservation evaluation, as part of the Museum's Biodiversity Program.

Tom Van't Hof. The Bottom, Saba, Netherlands Antilles. Tel: 5994-63348, Fax: 5994-63299.

BIOGRAPHY: Has been actively involved in the development and management of marine parks in the Netherlands Antilles. Presently self-employed as Consultant for marine and coastal resources management. Chairman of the Saba Conservation Foundation. - 209 -

Jan W. van Wagtcndonk. USNPS, Research Scientist, National Park Service, Yosemite National Park, El Portal, California 95318, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Vera C. Varela. Fundacion Neotropica, Apdo. 236-1002, San Jose, Costa Rica. Tel: 506 330003; Fax: 506 330617.

BIOGRAPHY: General Director of the Neotropica Foundation, Costa Rica. Neotropica works towards conservation of natural resources through sustainable development projects in rural communities, and applied researach for environmental policy-making.

Victor H. Vargas. Head Training, Environmental Education and Interpretation Unit, Subsccretaria Forestal y de Recursos Naturales, Ministerio de Agriculture y Ganaderia, MAG, Quito, Ecuador. Tel. 441955/541988, Fax: 5932-564037.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

John Varlev. P.O. Box 567, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming 82190, USA. Tel: 307 344 7381.

BIOGRAPHY: Eight years, Chief, Division of Research, Yellowstone National Park; 12 years, Fishery Research Biologist, US Fish and Wildlife Service; 7 years, Fishery Research Biologist, Utah Division Wildlife Resources.

Jose Manuel Vasconcclos. Bd. Louis Schmidt 93-Bte 17, 1040 Brussels, Belgium. Tel: 322-7338751; Fax: 322-2368825.

BIOGRAPHY: Commission of European Communities; Director General of the Environment, Global Environmental Problems Unit, Tropical Rain Forest Conservation Programme.

Alberto Vasauez Rodriguez. Ministerio de Recursos Naturales, Energia y Minas, Direccion de Vida Silvestre, San Pedro, Sabanilla Residencial, Espanolita, Casa 91, San Jose, Costa Rica. Tel: 506-406000, Fax: 506-405240.

BIOGRArilY: Jefe de Refugios de Vida Silvestre.

Rosa I. Vazaucz. Zoology Department, 130 West 8th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43201, USA. Tel: 614-2994759, Fax: 614-2922180.

BIOGRAPHY: Worked for 3 •years in the Galapagos Islands as a naturalist guide and also researched at the Charles Darwin Research Station. Masters degree, Ohio University, on the tropical rainforest of Costa Rica. - 210 -

Amy Vetldcr. Biodiversity Coordinator,. Wildlife Conservation International, New York Zoological Society, Bronx, NY 10460, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Stephen D. Veils. Jr., The George Wright Society, P.O. Box 63, Hancock, Michigan 49930, USA. Tel: 906-4879722, Fax: 906-4879405.

BIOGRAPHY: On the Board of Directors of the George Wright Society. Is a Research Scientist with the US National Park Service at the University of California at Davis.

Godu Velai. Scientific Officer, Department of Environment and Conservation, P.O. Box 6601, Boroko, Papua New Guinea. Tel: 675-272505, Fax: 675-270144.

BIOGRAPHY: Senior Wildlife Officer with the Wildlife Conservation Division. Responsible for field establishemtn of wildlife management areas throughout Papua New Guinea.

C. Velasquez. MARNR, Torre Sur, CSB, Piso 18, Caracas, Venezuela. Tel. 4081009/4081503; Fax: 0058-24832445.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Veneuongphet Vencvonaphet. Forest Conservation Project, I.ao/Swedish Forestry Cooperation Programme, P.O. Box 807, Vientiane, Lao. Tel: 3920; Fax: 3807; Telex 4491.

BIOGRAPHY: National Project Director, Forest Resources Conservation Project, Lao/Swedish Forestry Cooperation Programme.

Frans Vera. Dept. of Nature Conservation, Agricultural University, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Tel: 318370-84672, Fax: 319370-84411.

BIOGRAPHY: Senior Ecologist, Department of Nature Conservation, Agricultural University.

Victor Vera. Data Conservation Centre, C.C. 3303 Asuncion, Paraguay. Tel: 498-089/445214; Fax: 212386.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 211 -

Ana Maria Vera Cucsta, Fundacion Puertorriguena de Conservacion, Calle O'Neill no. 11, llato Rcy, Puerto Rico 00918, Puerto Rico. Tel: 809-7639875, Fax: 809-250-8802.

BIOGRAPHY: Has Held various important positions in natural resources conservation in Puerto Rico and Massachusetts. In the last 8 years has served as Executive Director of the Puerto Rico Conservation Foundation, Chief for Operations and Development of the Puerto Rico Natural Heritage Program, Director of the Mass. Urban Environmental Practices Program, Mass. Land Use Coordinator and Research Assistant to the Project Leader of the Institute.

Lily Venizelos. MEDASSET, c/o Daphne Corp., 24 Park Towers, 2 Brick Street, London W1Y 7DF, United Kingdom. Tel: 4471-3613572, Fax: 4471-6295654.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Hernan Verscheure, Comite Nacional Pro-Defensa del Ambiente, CODEFF, Casilla 3675, Santiago de Chile. CODEFF, Chile. Tel: 562-7771607, Fax: 562-377290.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Willem D. Verwev. Schoener 29, 9606 PT Kropswolde, Holland. Tel: 315980-23010, Fax: 3150-635603.

BIOGRAPHY: Chairman, Department of Int. Land and Sociology of Int. Rel. Nat. University of Groningen, Holland.

Jaume Vicens. c/ Aribau 192-198, 08036 Barcelona, Spain. Tel: 343-4143332, Fax: 343-4143153.

BIOGRAPHY: Licenciado en Ciencias Biologicas. Profesor escuela forestal. Presidente Associacio de Naturalistes de Girona. Director, Parque Natural "Zona Volcanica de la Garrotxa".

alle del Ticino, Via Isonzo״ Giancarlo Vienati. c/o Parco Lombardo della 1, Magenta, Milano, Italy. Tel: 9794401, Fax: 97950607.

BIOGRAPHY: Consigliere Delegato al Recupero Ambientale presso il Consorzio Parco Lombardo delle Valle del ticino ο da oltra 10 anni impegnnto in problemi ambientali sia presso codesto Consorzio sia all'esterno. In particolare l'interesse e rivollo al recupero ambientale di aree degradate, nonche alia compatibilita della presenza umana nelle stesse.

Jose Antonio Villa-Lopera. Apartado Aereo 259 Leticia, Amazonas, Colombia. Tel: 8919-27619, Fax: 9819-27124.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Jefe del Parque Nacional Natural Amacayacu durante 6 anos. Inderena, Colombia. - 212 -

Rosa Villamavor. PRONATURA, Espana 114, Asuncion, Paraguay. Tel: 291793/492656; Telex: 629 PY.

BIOGRAPHY: Egresada de la Universidad Nac. de Asuncion. Especializacion en la Univ. de Puerto Rico. Fundadora de Pronatura (1976). Cusdora del Programa de Recreation ambiental (educacion-amb), Premio del Global 500 ano 1987. Medana de ora "Alexander von Huhboldt (Brasil 1978) Proyecto y ejecucion de Sem. Taller de Educacion ambiental ani. nacional (MAG) SSRN MA (MEC).

Pierre Pol Vincke, c/o Ambassade de Belgique, B.P. 524, Dakar, Senegal. Tel: 221688, Fax: 221-216345.

BIOGRAPHY: Cooperation beige (AGCD, Bruxelles). Docteur en Sciences (Zoologie), Universite Catholique de Louvain. Ancien Chef du Depnrtement de Biologie a l'Universite nationale du Zaire, Campus de Kinshasa. Ancien Ma itre de Conferences a la Faculte des Sciences, Universite de Dakar. Membre fondateur de 1'Institut des Sciences de !'Environnement, Univ. Dakar. Conseiller environnemental a la Cellule Apres-Barrages, Direction de la Planification, Ministere de l'Economie, des Finances et du Plan, Dakar, Senegal.

Marco Vinueza. Subsecretario Forestal y de Recursos Naturales Renovables, Ministerio de Agriculture y Gamideria, Quito, Ecuador.

BIOGRArilY: Not available.

Maritess Viste. Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources, Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. Tel: 632-978511; Fax: 632-981010.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Quy Yo., Centre for Resources Management and Environmental Studies, CRES, 19 Le Thanh Tong, Hanoi, Vietnam. c/o UNDP, Hanoi. Tel: 2-53506, Fax: 8442-59617.

BIOGRAPHY: Director, Centre for Natural Resources Management and Environmental Studies CRES, Hanoi University, Vietnam. Member CNPPA and SSC.

Joseph Henry Voeel, 816 East. Laurel Street, Hattiesburg, MS 39401, U.S.A. Tel: 601-5839452; Fax: 601-5848906.

BIOGRAPHY: Economist, whose work is inter-disciplinary with evolutionry biology. Helped to set up an NGO to promote privatization as a conservation policy in Brazil. - 213 -

Andrey Ε. Volkov. Ail-Union Research Institute lor Nature Conservation and Reserves, Sadki-Zhamenskoye, 113623 Moscow, USSR. Tel: 7095-4230322, Fax: 7095-4232322.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Ivan Voloscuk. Director, Tatra National Park, Convenor, Association of Carpathians Parks, 05960 Tatranska Lomnica, Czechoslovakia. Tel: 42969-967951, Fax: 42969-967248.

BIOGRAPHY: Graduated from the University of Forestry and Wood in 1958. 1958-1974 worked for the Institute of Forest Planning/Management in Zvolen and Zilina. 1975-1980 worked for Slovak Institute of Nature Protection as specialist for management of forests in protected areas of Slovakia. Since 1990 has been Director of the Tatra National Park. Established the Carpathian Association of National Parks and Reserves with aim to studying the dynamics of Carpathian primeval forests and their international preservation.

Bernd Von Droste. Unesco, Division of Ecological Sciences, 7, Place de Fontenoy, Paris 75700, France. Tel: 33145-684068, Fax: 33140-659897.

BIOGRAPHY: Director, Division of Ecological Sciences, Unesco. Secretary, Man and the Biosphere Programme, Unesco. Secretary for the Natural Part of the World Heritage Convention.

Nikolai Vorontsov. USSR Ministry lor Natural Resources, management and Environment Protection, Nezhdanovoi 11, Moscow 103009, USSR. Tel: 2292158, Fax: 2302792.

BIOGRArilY: Doctor of Biology, Professor, USSR Minister.

Paul Vrins. IUCN, 01 B.P. 3133, 01, Burkina Faso. Tel: 226-300072, Fax: 226-301351.

BIOGRAPHY: Senior Project Advisor, Natural Resource Management, (GREMASUB), Sahel, in a project aiming to investigate and reestablish the ecological equilibrium in the south part of Burkina Faso. Also working on the participation of implicated local village populations to implanted (national) parks or sanctuaries. - 214

Patricia Waak. National. Audubon Society, 666 Pennsylvania Av. SE, Washington DC 20003, United States. Tel: 202-5479009, Fax: 202-5479022.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of Population for the National Audubon Society and directed the population, wildlife and environment study. Is co-editor of "Sharing the Earth: Cross-Cultural Experiences in Population, Wildlife and the Environment", and executive producer of a film "What is the Limit?".

Susan Walker. Saba Marine Park Manager, Fort Bay, P.O. Box 18, The Bottom, Saba, Netherlands Antilles. Tel: 599-463295, Fax: 599-463435.

BIOGRAPHY: For the past 3 years has been the Manager of the Saba Marine Park. Marine Biologist who has gained a great appreciation and understanding of coastal parks and protected areas through manging the Park.

George Wallace. Forestry Building, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO 80523, USA. Tel: 303 491 5165; Fax: 303 491 2255.

BIOGRAPHY: Manager of the Montego Bay Marine Park, Jamaica's 1st. National Park. In establishing this Park, his focus has been to involve and integrate local communities in the Park's development.

BIOGRAPHY: Associate Professor, Colorado State University specializing in the management of protected areas, public involvement/community involvement in natural resources issues, impacts to protected areas and environmental interpretation. Has over 20 years experience working in Latin America in wildland and watershed management, extension and rural development. In addition to university teaching, currently does consulting and training in both the US and Latin America.

Leslie John Wa11ing. Montego Bay Marine Park, P.O. Box 67, Cornwall Beach Complex, Glouchester Ave., Montego Bay, Jamaica. Tel: 809-9529709; Fax: 809-9523587.

Menghu Wang. Division of Nature Reserves, Ministry of Forestry of China, Hepingli, 100714 Beijing, China. Tel: 4213061, Fax: 861-4214180.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Shin Wang. P.O. Box 23-175, Taipei, Taiwan, China. Tel: 02 3627652; Fax: 3627652.

BIOGRAPHY: Professor, Department of Geography, National Taiwan University; President, Chinese National Parks Society. - 215 -

Xianpu (Huen-Pu) Wang. Regional Vice-Chair, CNPPA, Institute ol Botany, Acailcmia Sinica, 141 Hsichimenwai Street, Beijing 100044, China. Tel: 861-8312840, Fax: 861-8312840.

BIOGRAPHY: Professor of Plant Ecology, being mainly engaged in research of vegetation in tropical and subtropical regions of China and theory and practice of protected areas of China.

Ubus Ward iu. Directorate of National Parks and Recreation Forests, Jalan Ir. Η. Juanda 15, P.O. Box 133, Bogor 16001, Indonesia. Fax: 0251-323972 or 021-584818.

BIOGRArilY: Not available.

Lynda M. Warren. Centre for Marine Law and Policy, Cardiff Law School, University of Wales, College of Cardiff, Cardiff CF1 1XD, UK. Tel: 222-874361, Fax: 222-371921.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

John Watson. Dept of CALM, 44 Serpentine Road, Albany, Western Australia 6330. Tel: 61 984 17133; Fax: 61 984 13329.

BIOGRArilY: He is the regional manager for protected areas totalling some two and half million ha. in the south coast region of Western Australia which is renowned for its diverse flora and fauna. He is interested in all aspects of national park management and in cave management. He attended the consultancy on mountain protected areas recently held in Hawaii.

Michael D. Watson. US National Park Service, P.O. Box 37127, Washington DC 20013, United States. Tel: 202-5235270, Fax: 202-5230162.

BIOGRAPHY: Chief of Interpretation for the US National Park Service for the past. 4 years. Previously, an NPS training specialist in interpretation at the Mather Training Center in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia; the environmental education coordinator at Everglades National Park; and an interpretive specialist at Everglades and Mt. Rainier National Parks. Was educated as a science education and environmental education specialist.

John D. Waugh. IUCN-US, 1400 16th St. NW, Washington DC 20036, USA. Tel: 202-7975454, Fax: 202-7975461.

BIOGRAPHY: Parks Conservation Officer, IUCN, Washington. North America Coordinator for the IV World Congress on National Parks and Protected Areas. - 216 -

Edgar Wavburn. Sierra Club, 730 Polk Street, San Francisco, CA 94109, United States. Tel: 415-9235579, Fax: 415-7760350.

BIOGRAPHY: Environmental Activist. Former President, Current Vice President, Sierra Club. CNPPA member. Led the US public effort to establish the Redwood National Park, the Goldengate National Recreation Area and the major national parks and wildlife refuges established by the Alaska National Interest Lands conservation Act of 1980 by the US Congress.

Melody Webb. The George Wright Society, P.O. Box 65, Hancock, Michigan 49930, USA. Tel: 906-4879722, Fax: 906-4879405.

BIOGRAPHY: President of the George Wright Society, a non-profit association of protected area professionals. Superintendent of Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park, a unit of the US National Park System.

Carlos A. Weber Bonte. Corporacion Nacional Forestal, Av. Bulnes 459 Oficina No. 604, Santiago, Chile. Tel: 6991257, Fax: 562-6715881.

BIOGRAPHY: Coordinador de Proyectos del Departamento de Patrimonio Silvestre de la Corporacion Nacional Forestal. Profesor de Manejo de Areas Silvestres de la Universidad de Chile e integrante del Comite MAB-Chile.

Sonia Maria Oereira Weidman. IBAMA, Via L4 Norte - Sain 70.800 Brasilia - D.F. Brasil. Tel: 061-2253241.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Michael Wells., c/o World Bank, 1818 II Street NW, Room S-3051, Washington DC 20433, United States. Tel: 202-4733425, Fax: 202-4770968.

BIOGRAPHY: Environmental consultant with the World Bank, formerly with World Resources Institute specializing in social, economic, and institutional aspects of natural resource management in Asia and Africa. Recent work has included policy studies and environmental project design in Indonesia and Nepal. Co-author of recently published "People and Parks: Linking Protected Area Management with Local Communities", an evaluation of Integrated Conservation Development Projects in 14 countries.

Bob Wenno. PSL Unpatti, Poka Ambon, Indonesia. Fax: 071-277482.

BIOGRAPHY: Director of the Environmental Study Centre of the Pattimura University and former Head of the Fisheries Department. - 217 -

Geoff C. Wescott. Department Heritage and Resource Management, Victoria College, 662 Blackburn Road, Clayton, Victoria 3333, Australia. Tel: 03-5427436; Fax: 03-5447413.

BIOGRAPHY: Head of the Department of Heritage and Resource Management at Deaku University in Melbourne, lecturing in park management. Convenor (Chairman) of the State's National Park Advisory Council.

Holger Karl Ludwig Wescmuller. WWF-Wattenmeer und Nordseeschutz, c/o Okologiestation, Am Guthpol 11, 2820 Bremen 70, Germany. Tel: 49421-65846, Fax: 49421-65846-12.

BIOGRAPHY: After working at the University of Hannover (regional planning and nature conservation) and for the government of Lower-Saxony (nature conservation and coastal zone management), has been appointed in 1980 to lead an international WWF project on the protection of the Wadden Sea. Together with Danish and Dutch NGOs important impulses could be given for the protection efforts of the three Wadden Sea states, the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark.

Len West. Protected Areas Specialist. Andean Region, Latin American Division, The Nature Conservancy, 1815 N. Lynn Street, Arlington, Virginia 22209, USA. Tel: 703-2473730; Fax: 703-8414880.

BIOGRAPHY: Biologist specializing in wildlife management, protected areas management, mammalogy and herpetology. Six years experience living and working in Latin America; four years experience in zoological parks and eight years as a wildlife biologist with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, specializing in wildlife trade and endangered species issues. One year as a protected area specialist with TNC.

Arthur H. Westing. Westing Associates, RFD 1, Box 919, Putney, VT 05346, United States. Tel: 802-3875450, Fax: 802-3874001.

BIOGRAPHY: Forest Ecologist with a special interest in environmental and conservation matters as these relate to military activities and security, both in wartime and peacetime.

Christopher Whinnev, Via B. Croce 47, 56100 Pisa, Italy. Tel: 50-500184, Fax: 50-500184.

BIOGRAPHY: Managing Director of Alterantive Travel Group.

Romulas Whitaker. Madras Crocodile Bank, Post Bag No. 4, Mamallapuramn, 603-104 India.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. - 218 -

Morag White. IUCN, Ave du Mont-Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland. Tel: 22 649 334; rax: 22 64 46 13

BIOGRAPHY: Documents Coordinator for the Parks Congress. Presently, Communications Officer at IUCN. Since 1983, she has been responsible for various aspects of the Union's publishing programme. Prior to that, varied teaching experience in several countries.

John F. Whitehouse. Dunhill Madden Butler, GPO Box 427, Sydney NSW 2001, Australia. Tel: 612-2333622; Fax: 2353099.

BIOGRAPHY: Partner in Dunhill Madden Butler, Solicitors and Attorneys, specialist in environment, palnning and resources law, with an extensive practice in litigation, adivising and legislative drafting. Formerly Head of the Environment Protection Division of the NSW Department of Environment and Planning (1980-1984) and Director of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (1985-1989.

Steven Whi tncv. Director, National. Parks Program, The Wilderness Society, Washington D.C, USA. Tel: 202-8332300; Fax: 202-4293958.

BIOGRAPHY: For five years, he has served as Director of the Wilderness Society's National Parks Program. In this capacity, he is responsible for coordinating all of the organization's legislative and administrative advocacy work on national park issues. Prior to joining The Wilderness Society, he served as Natural REsources Coordinator for the National Parks and conervation Association, as a congressional aide to Rep. Leon Panetta of California, and as a private environmental planning consultant. B.Sc. from Utah State University, College of Natural Resources; M.A. in Environmental Policy and Management from UCLA.

Wibomo. Wahjudi Wardojo, and Hertiarto, Directorate of National Parks and Recreation Forests, Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 15, P.O. Box 133, Bogor 16001, Indonesia. Fax: 0251-323972 or 021. 584818.

Sonia Maria Wiedmann. IBAMA-SAIN Av. L-4 Norte, Ed. Scde IBAMA, Brazil. Tel: 61 225 7517; Fax: 61 224 5206.

piOGRAPHY: Docteur - Droite de 1'Environnement; procureur de 1*IBAMA-Brazil.

Evelyn Wilcox. WWF-US, 1250 24th Street, N.W. Washington DC 20037, USA. .־;Tel: 202 778 9728; Fax: 202 296 348

BIOGRAPHY: Senior programme officer for the Latin America and Caribbean programme of WWF, she is responsible for programme development supervision and coordination of WWF's coastal and marine interests in the region. Prior to joining WWF, she served as a consultant to Ν0ΛΑ, Marine Sanctuaries Office, World Bank and USAID. - 219 -

Wolfredd Wildpret de la Torre. Sabino Berthelot 2, 38003 Sta. Cruz de Tenerife, Espana. Tel: 922-278423; Fax: 922-253344.

BIOGRAPHY: Gatedratico de Botanica y Decand de la Facultad de Biologia, Universidad de la Laguna, Tenerife. Presidente del Patronatd del Parque Nacional del Teide, Tenerife. Presidente dc la Asociacion Tinerfena de Amigos de la Naturaleza.

Janice S. Wiles, WWF-US, 1250 24th Street, N.W., Washington D.C. 20037, USA.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

John S. Williams. HWLF Consulting Services, 8630 Fenton Street, Suite 910, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910, USA. Tel: 301-5899455; Fax: 301-5896121.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Doug Williamson. NCWCD, P.O. Box 6168J, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Tel: 966 1 404 2527; Fax: 966 1 401 1527.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

John R. Wilson. FFPS, 1 Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AR, UK. Tel: 71 823 8899; Fax: 71 823 9690.

BIOGRAPHY: Project consultant for Fauna and Flora Preservation Society, concerned principally with work involving African forests.

Robert Wolotira. US Dept. Commerce-ΝΟΛΑ, Strategic Environmental Assessments Division, 6001 Executive Blvd. Rockville, MD 20852, USA. Tel: 301 443 0453; Fax: 301 468 6675.

BIOGRAPHY: He is Chief of NOAA's Biogeographic Characterizations Branch. He has been a fishery scientist with US Government agencies through most of his career, specializing in the population dynamics of marine resources in the North Pacific and Arctic Oceans. He is senior author of NOAA's recent atlas for fishes and shellfishes of the west coast of North America.

Bo-Myeong Woo, Professor, Dept. of Forestry, College of Agriculture, Seoul National University, Suwon 441-744, Korea. Tel: 82 331 290 2324; Fax: 82 331 293 1797.

BIOGRAPHY: 1961: graduated Dept of Forestry, Seoul National University; 1976; PhD from Seoul National University; 1969-91, at present Professor at Seoul National University; 1989-90: FAO Chief Technical Advisor, Watci .•.;hod management project in Pakistan. - 220 -

Brian Wood. c/o Chief Secretary's Office, Grand Turk, Turks and CAicos Islands, BWI. Tel: 809 946 61269; Fax: 809 946 2751.

BIOGRAPHY: National parks development advisor to the Turks and Caicos Government. Previously Director of the MSc conservation course at University College of London. Special interests and expertise in Management Planning for reserves and national parks, bird migration.

Megan Epler Wood. Executive Director, The Ecotourism Society, P.O. Box 755, N. Bennington, VT 05257, USA. Tel: 802 447 2121; Fax: 802 447 2122.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Simon Woodlev. Assistant Executive Officer, Research and Monitoring, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, P.O. Box 1379, Townsville, Qld. 4810, Australia. Tel: 77-818811; Fax: 77-726093.

BIOGRAPHY: He is the head of the research and monitoring section of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and is responsible for the management of research and monitoring programmes for the marine park. He has also been responsible for establishment of field management and environmental impact assessment programmes for the marine park.

Stephen Woodlev. Natural Resources Branch, Canadian Park Service, 10 Wellington Street, Hull, Quebec, K1A 0H3, Canada. Tel: 819 994 2446; Fax: 819 994 5140.

BIOGRAPHY: He has worked as a biologist for Canadian National Parks, involved with species reintroductions. For the past 3 years he has worked on a PhD on monitoring at the University of Waterloo. His current interests are ecosystem management and ecosystem integrity.

Sejal Worah. School of Environmental Resources, University of Poona, Pune 411007, India. Tel: 312 702 5863.

BIOGRAPHY: Bachelor in Life Science from St. Xavier's College, Bombay, India. Masters in Environmental Science from Syracuse University, Syracuse, USA; PhD in Environmental Sciences from Poona University, Pune, India.

Jeremy Worth. Countryside Commission, John Dower House, Crescent Place, Cheltenham, Glos. GL50 3RA, UK. Tel: 242 521381; Fax: 242 584 270.

BIOGRAPHY: Head of Recreation and Acess Branch, Countryside Commission.

Michael Wright. WWF-US, 1250 24th St. NW, Washington D.C. 20037, U.S.A. Tel: 202-7789615; Fax: 202-2939211.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. 221 -

Angel Yallico. Director Programa Sur Este FPNC, Fundacion Peruana para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza, FPCN, Apartado 18 - 1393, Lima, Peru. Tel: 426616/426706/424347; Fax: 5114-427853.

BIOGRAPHY: Ex Jefe del Parque Nacional del Manu; actualmente, Director del Programa Sur Este de la Fundacion Peruana para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza. Ingeniero Forestal.

Prof. Ma Yaauine. Institute of Natural Resources, 25 Haping Road, 150040 Harbin, China.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Yuan-Chang Yane• South West Forestry College, Shiao Ba Kunming, Yunnan, People's Republique of China. Tel: 871-57217; Fax: 871-57217.

BIOGRAPHY: WWF International, Yunnan Provincial Representative. Professor of Wildlife Course, Southwest Forestry College. Director of Wildlife Faculty and Research Office. (Retired).

Edgard Yerena. Biologo, Jefe Division Estudios Basico-DGSPN; and Luis Romero, Geografo DGSPN-INPARQUES, Coordinador, Apartado 68409, Altamira, Caracas 1062, Venezuela. Tel: 582-2854859; Fax: 2853070.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Masahito Yoshida, National Conservation Society of Japan, Toranomon Denki Bldg 4F, 2-8-1 Toranomon, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105, Japan. Tel: 813-35034896; Fax: 813-3 5920496.

BIOGRAPHY: 1991: joined CNPPA as a member; 1990: CNPPA consultant; 1989: Director of General Affairs, NACS-J; 1987: Research Officer, NCAS-J; Interpreter, Takao-Qasi National Park, Tokyo; 1979: B.Sc. Chiba University; Joined the Naturalists Society of Japan.

E. Bart Young. Jr., IUCN Planning Technical Advisor, General Management/ Development Plan Project, Planning Unit, Tanzania National Parks, P.O. Box 3134, Arusha, Tanzania.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. Marguerite Young. WWF, GPO Box 528, Sydney 2001, Australia. Tel: 2 2476300; Fax: 2 2478778.

BIOGRAPHY: Science degree, teaching qualifications, and post graduate diploma in tourism management; wrote educational interpretation materials, tourism marketing plans and trained guides for several botanic gardens around Sydney; toured Costa Rica with UC Berkeley to produce interpretive trails and materials for protected areas; currently writing a Masters thesis on the use of ecotourism to protect rainforest and develop local communities - case study, Bourna, Fiji; member of working party to establish an ecotourism association in Australia.

David Younkman. The Nature Conservancy, 1815 N. Lynn Street, Arlington, VA 22209, USA. Tel: 703 841 4867; Fax: 703 841 4880.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

James N. Yusilantis. 170-49 Ccdarcroft Road, No. 1C, Jamaica Estates, N.Y. 1432, U.S.A. Tel: 718-2914209; Fax: 718-7390327.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Xinjian Yu, Section of Nature and Wildlife Protection, Forestry Buruea of Shandong Province, Jinan 250014, Shandon Province, P.R. of China. Tel: 43821-356.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Doug Yurick. Chief, New Park Proposals, South National Parks System Branch, Canadian Parks Service, 10 Wellington Street, Hull, quebec, K1A OH3, Ontario, Canada. Tel: 819 997 4910; Fax: 819 994 5140.

BIOGRAPHY: Chief of New Park Establishment across southern Canada, both terrestrial and marine, and previously senior planner for marine parks in the Canadian Parks Service. - 223 -

Ν. Zabelina. All Union Research Institute on Nature Conservation and Reserves, Moscow, Russia. Tel: 423 03 22; Fax: 7 095 4232322.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Carlos Zambrano. Manager of Machalilla National Park, Ministerio de Agriculture y Ganaderia, Puerto Lopez-Jipijapa, Manabi, Ecuador. Tel: 541955.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Souleymane Zeba, 03 BP 7044 Ouagadougou 03, Burkina Faso. Tel: 226 332477; Fax: 226 301351.

BIOGRAPHY: Ingenieur des eaux et forets; directeur charge des aires protegees du Burkina Faso depuis 1986; membre de la CNPPA et de la SSC; point focal central de l'Afrique de l'Ouest pour la conference ministerielle Africaine sur 1'environnement depuis 1989.

Carlos Zelava. Calle Ruben Dario 619, San Salvador, El Salvador. Tel: 22 8000; Fax: 503 221208.

BIOGRAPHY: Arquitecto, Tecnico Departamento Turicentros y Parques Nacionales. Instituto Salvadoreno de Turismo.

Ms Ping Zhang. Research Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing, 100091, China. Tel: 2582211 669; Fax: 86 01 2582317.

BIOGRAPHY: Graduated from University in 1982. Majored in environmental protection. Has been working in the Chinese Academy of foretry doing research work for 10 years. She has worked on the assessment of Chinese protected areas which is a chapter in the report on The Forecast of National Environmental Quality in A.D. 2000. She has written Conservation Monitoring which is a chapter in the Protected Areas in China.

Shidong Zhao, Insetitute of Applied Ecology, Academia Sinica, P.O. Box 417, Shenyang 110015, China. Tel: 24 383313; Fax: 24 391320.

BIOGRAPHY: 1959-63: Undergraduate student in Dept of Forestry of N.W. University of China. 1963-67: Graduate student on forest ecology in Inst, of Applied Ecology. 1983-85: Visiting scholar in Univ. of Michigan, USA; present titles: Deputy Director of IAG; Director of Changbaishan Forest Ecosystem Research Station; Member of CNPPA; Member of National Committee of China for MAB; actively involved in international collaboration on conservation and IGBP, - 224 -

Xiang Zhu. Southwest Forestry College, White Dragon, Kunming, Yunnan, China. Tel: 871 57217; Fax: 871 57217.

BIOGRArilY: Not available.

Alexander Zinke. WWF Austria, P.O. Box 1, •1162 Vienna, Austria. Tel: 431-4091641; Fax: 431-409164129.

BIOGRAPHY: A biogeographer with large experience in international protection of wetlands, especially floodplains. For two years has specialized in the communication and cooperation with NGOs in Central and Eastern Europe. Major activities are the building up of the Initiative "Ecological Bricks for Our Common House of Europe" and an international campaign to protect the Danube floodplains from the Gabeikovo hydropower plant project.

Gombo Zorig, State Committeee for Environment Control, Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Khudaldaany Gudamj 5, Mongolia. Tel 28468.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available.

Ervin Zube. 325 Bio Sciences East, University of Arizona, Tuscon, Arizona, USA. Tel: 602 621 5462.

BIOGRAPHY: Not available. 1


ACEVEDO BECERRA, Eduardo Ingeniero Forestal. Universidad del Los Andes - Merida 1977. Cursos de Adiestramiento en manejo de cuentas Hidrograficas. Actividades en Administracion de los Recursos Naturales Eenovables. Direccion: Avenida Marginal del Torbes entre PTJ y Transito. Tachira. Telf: 460556, Fax: 076-557866, Telex: 76133.

AGOSTINI HERRERO, Antonio Ingeniero Agronomo. Profesor jubilado U.C.V. Ingeniero de del MOP Director de Parque del Este Fundador y primer presidente del Instituto Nacional de Parques. Ejercicio de la Agronomia en empresa propia y asesorias ambientales vigentes. Direccion: Urb. Colinas de Los Ruices Quinta " CANTARRANA" Av. La Ranera. Dtto Sucre, Estado Miranda. Telf: 222523, 229859

AGUILERA ROJAS, Miguel Arcangel Ingeniero Forestal Especialista en incendios Forestales Direccion: MARNR Torre Sur Piso 19 Direccion de Vigilancia .y Control Ambiental. Caracas. Telf: 4081461.

ALVAREZ IRAGORRI, Alejandro Licenciado en Biologia U.C.V, Doctor en Ecologia Experiencia en estudios de comunidades Bentonicas Marinas y en formacion de Recursos Humanos para la Educacion Ambiental.

Direccion: Unelles. Mesa de Cavacas, Guanare 3323. Portuguesa. Telf: (057) 68006 al 08, 55119, 55243, Fax: (057) 511690. WILLIAM י ALVAREZ Ingeniero Agronomo, egresado de la UCV 1977. Planificacion fisico-espacial del use de la tierra para expansion urbana. Administracion del recursc fauna silvestre. Administracion del ambiente. Planes de ordenacion y reglamento de uso para areas bajo regimen de administracion especial. Taller juridico-administrativo ambiental. Direccion:Parque Gonzalo de Castro (Instalaciones del M.A.C.) Redcma de Guaparo. Valencia, Carabobo. Telf: (041) 217466, 212270, Fax: (041) 217466

ANDRADE COLMENARES, Nelson Vidal Licenciado en Geografia - UCV

Posgrado en Maestria en planificacion urbana y regional en University San Luis Obispo, California, USA. Corporacion Venesolana de Guayana (1974-1984) Oficina de Coordinacion y Planificacion de la Presidencia de la Republica (CORDIFLAN) (1984-1986). Director de Ordenacion del Territorio - Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables (1966-1989). Director General Sectorial de Planificacion y Presupuesto Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables (1989 hasta la fecha).

Direccion: Centro Simon Bolivar, Torre Sur. Piso 30, El Silencio 1010. Caracas. Telf: 4834331, Fax: 4839112

ANDRESSEN, Adelina Licenciada en Geografia - Universidad de Los Andes 1968. Doctorado tercer ciclo. Estrasburgo - Francia. Coordinador del Area de Ordenamiento Territorial en convenios MARNR-PDVSA y MARNR-BAUXIVEN. (1960-1987). Direccion: Torre Sur, Piso 8, Centro Simon Bolivar, Caracas. Telf: 412250, 4081613, Fax: 4837415

ANTILLANO ARMAS, Sergio R. Ingeniero Civil 1976. Master Degree en Planificacion Ambiental, University of Oregon, USA - 1982. Especialista en Residues Solidos. Consultor privado en materia ambiental desde 1966. 3 Direccion: Av. La Colina con Caile Minerva, Sdif. Minerva. Piso 2, Aptο 4, Las Acacias, Telf: 621967, Fax: 5715519.

ARTEAGA VELASQUEZ, Maria del Carmen Licenciada en Geografia - UCV Posgraao CENDES. Planificacion y Ordenacion del Territoric. Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables. Direccion: Av. Intercomunal del Valle. Residencia Venezuela. Edificio Mueva Esparta, Piso 7, Apto 7-2, Ccche, Caracas. Telf: 6814450, 4081540.

ASCANIO SISCO, Marcos Ingeniero Agronomo - UCV 1965 Jefe de Departamento del IAN. Coordinador Programa de Censo y Avalilos a nivel nacional FAN. Jefe de Division de Proteccion y Mane.jo Instituto Nacional de Parques. Direccion: Av. Romulo Gallegos, Santa Eduviges al lado de la Estacion Parque del Este. Dtto Sucre. Miranda. Telf: 2854106. Fax: 2853070.

AVELLAN VEGAS, Francisco Ingeniero Director General Sectorial de Planificacion y Ordenacion del Ambiente - MARNR Director General Sectorial de Planificacion y Presupuesto - MARNR. Asesor del Ministro del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables (actualmente). Asesor del Comite de Turismo y PROTUR- MARNR (actualmente). Asesor Comite de Turismo y PROATUR todos dependencies Direccion: Centro Simon Bolivar, Piso 26, Caracas. Telf: 4081112

BALZA LA CRUZ, Jose Efren Ingeniero Forestal - Universidad de Los Andes, Merida. Curses de Formulacion y Evaluacion de Proyectos, Planificacion Estrategica, trabajos de reforestacion con fines de proteccion y fines Industrieles. 4 Direccion: Centro Comercial Caura, Local Ξ3-Α Alta Vista, Puerto Ordaz. Telf: (086) 610041, 613403, Fax: (086; 615702.

BARRETO, Oscar A. Licenciadc en Administracion. Master en Administracion. Fundador del Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables. Direccion: Centro Simon Bolivar, El Silencio, Torre Sur, Piso 20, Caracas. Telf: 413330, 411354, 4081240, 4081242, Fax: 4081225

BARRIOS DE VALDIVIES0, Eve1in Teresa Ingeniero de Recursos Naturales Renovables - UNELLEZ. Planificacion y Ordenacion del Ambiente. Pianos de Ordenacion y Reglamento de Uso de Areas Bajo Regimen de Administracion Especial. Actualmente Jefe de la Division de Planificacion y Ordenacion del Ambiente del Ministerio del Ambiente y de 103 Recursos Naturales Renovables. Direccion: Cerro El Limon, Frente a la Plaza Andres Bello. Trujillo, Telf: (072) 354840, 35911, 32814, Fax: (072) 32651. Telex: (02) 408157S

BAUTISTA BAUTISTA, Jaime Alfonso Investigador Botanico Profesor jubilado de la Universidad de Los Andes. (28 anos dando clases de anatomia de madera botanica, systematica y dendrologica. (1951-1979). Profesor de dendrologia de la Escuela de Capacitacion Forestal. (1960-1992). Investigador Botanico del Instituto Nacional de Parques. (1979-1992). Charlista ambiental. Miembro ad honorem de la Comision del Ambiente de la Asamblea Legisltiva y del Concejo Municipal Libertador del Estado Merida. - Poeta. Dibujante botanico. Direccion: Av. Urdaneta, Calle 51 NQ 3-30 Inparques - Merida. Hab: Urb. Santa Maria calle Los Jabiilos NQ 081 •Qta. El Eautista. Telf: (074) 445154, 631407, Fax: 633189. 5 EEVILACQUA Β., Maria Pia Licenciada en Biologia - Especialidad Ecologia Vegetal. Cursos y especializacion en manejo de datos sobre biodiversidad en sistemas de informacion, biologia de la conservacion y planificacion ambiental. Direccion: Av. Romulo Gallegos, al lado de la Estacion del Metro Parque del Este. Dtto Federal. Telf: 2S54859, 2854106, Fax: 2353070.

BISBAL E., Francisco J. Licenciado en Biologia - UCV Master en la Universidad de Florida. Gainesville. Funcionario del Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables desde 1979. Actualmente Coordinador del Inventario Nacional de Fauna Silvestre del MARNR. Direccion: E3tacicn PROFAUNA, MARNR Apartado 184 Maracay- Estado Aragua. Telf: (043) 838264, Fax: (02) 5453912

BISCOCKEA DE QUIΝΤΑΝΑ, Midiam Sunin Curso estudios en la Universidad de Oriente, especialidad de biologia y estudios de posgrado en la Universidad de Belgrado - Buenos Aires, Argentina. Trabaja en el Instituto Nacional de Parque3 desde 1986. Direccion: Av. Romulo Gallegos entre la Estacion del Metro Parque del Este y el Parque Miranda. Caracas. Telf: 2854106, 2854360, Fax: 2853070.

BLANCO ESTEVES, Gabriel Ingeniero Forestal - Universidad de Los Andres, Merida - 1979. Direccion: Av. La Paragua c/c Los Nisperos Edificio KARIMAMPARO Ciudad Bolivar. Telf: (085) 691515, 691565.

BOLAnOS GARCIA, Victor Coordinador del Parque Nacional Canaima.

Direccion: Av. Romulo GalIego3 con 2& Av. de Santa Eduvigis Direccicn de Parques Nacionales. Telf: 2854106, 2854360, Fax: 2353070. 6

BRANDT, CarmeIita Arquitecta-Urbanista Profesora de la Univer3idad Simon Bolivar en el ares de di3eno y estudios urbanos. Comisionada del Ministro del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Removables para la Zone. de Proteccion y Recuperacicn Ambiental del Parque Nacional El Avila Direccion: Calle Caurimare Qta Casamia Colinas de Eello Monte. Caracas. Telf: 7524835.

BRIT0 BELLC. Noris Vicleta Sociolcga Experiencia en Programas de Accion Indigenistas, Bienestar Comunal, Salud Publica, Participacion Ciudadana, Prevencion y Control de Incendios Forestales. Actualmente Jefa de la Unload de Relaciones Internacionales de la Fundacion para la Proteccion Contra Incendios Forestales. Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables. Direccion: Edificic Camejo 4to. Piso, Oficina 435, Ala Este, Centro Simon Bolivar. Caracas. Telf: 4081600, 4081934, Fax: 4081S7S.

BRITO DE P.. Oliva Isabel Licenciada en Educacion Maestra educacion primaria. - Maestria educacion abierta y a distancia. Expositora docente. Maestra en educacion preescolar. Educacion de adultos, media y superior. Analisis del Territoric Federal Delta Amacuro, preparacion documento para las Comunidades Indigenas. Direccion: Calle Bolivar cruce con calle Los Apamates. Estado Delta Amacuro. Telf: 22229, 22085, Fax: 22229.

CABEZA DIAZ, Miguel Angel Ingeniero Agronomo. Universidad de Oriente 1981 Master en Ciencias, Instituto de Tecnologia de Florida Ex-funcionaric del Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables Actualmente profesor Agregado en el CIDIAT 7 Direccion: Parque La Isia. Apartado Postal 219. Merida. Telf: (074) 442224, Fax: (074) 441461.

CALDERA, Oralyn Ecologa Especialista en Planificacion y Ordenamiento Territorial y en Cartografia de la Vegetacion 12 anos de experiencia, crientandose en 103 ultimos 5 anos a la conservacion de Cuencas Hidrograficas Actualmente se desempena en el Area de Informacion y Reiaciones Tecnicas de Palmaven

Direccion: Av. Tamanaco El Rosal, Ed. Palmaven. Caracas. Telf: 9051340, 9051247, Fax: 9051439

CARABALLO PERICHI, Ciro Armando Arquitecto Licenciado en Historia Maestria en Patrimonio y Turismo Investigacion del Patrimonio Historico Venezolano y su Conservacion Actualmente presta servicics a la Universidad Central de Venezuela, en la Facultad de Arquitectura come Investigador Docente Direccion: Galerias Bolivar. Of. 74. Sabana Grande, Caracas. Telf: 715650, Fax: 710167.

CARVALLO LEAL, Jose Antonio Arquitecto. Universidad Central de Venezuela 1979 Ingre3a al Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables en el ano de I960 Especialista en el Area de la Planificacion Ambiental Es Asesor y Participante en Planes de Ordenamiento y Reglamento de uso de Areas Protegidas asi como en su creacion A3esor de Gobierno de el Salvador en Ordenacion del Territorio Actualmente presta servicios al Ministerio de Ambiente y el los Recursos Naturales Renovables, como Director de Planificacion y Presupuesto Direccion: Centro Simon Bolivar, Torre Sur, Piso 10, El Silencio. Caracas. Telf: 4081561, Fax: 4836118 υ

CASTILLO D'LEON, Ana Daraaris Ingeniero Agronomo. Universidad Central de Venezuela Maestria en Administracion de Recursos Naturales y de Recreacion. North Carolina State University -USA- Actualmente presta servicios al Instituto Nacional de Farques, como Asistente al Directorio General Sectorial de Infraestructur-a de Recreacion Direccion: Calle 13 Res. Scefania Ap. 101 La Urbina. Caracas. Telf: 292163S.

CASTRO MORALES, Luis Alberto Ingeniero Agronomo. Universidad del Zulia 1971 M.Sc. Iowa State University 1978 Especialista en mane.jo de Recursos Naturales Renovables Ingeniero de Ministerio de Obras Publieas. Division de Edafologia 1971-1977 Director de Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales.Renovables, Zona II 1980-1983 C-erente de Division de Cuencas e Kidrolcgia , CVG-EDELCA, 1934-1990 Vicepresidente Corporativo de Ambiente, Ciencia y Tecnologia, CVG, 1990 Direccion: Calle Cuchiveros, Urbanizacicn Alta Vista Norte, Puerto Ordas, Estado Bolivar. Telf: (086) 615152, 226155 Ext 230/1, Fax: (086) 314009, Telex: (086) 86420 / 86447.

COBO RODRIGUEZ, Yinmis Alfonso Ingeniero Agronomo. Universidad Ezequiel Zamora 1987 Planificacion y Medio Ambiente Mane.jo de Cuencas Hidrograficas - Planificacion y Manejo de 103 Recursos Naturales Renovables Asistencia al V Congreso Venezolano de Conservacion Jefe de la Division de Planificacion y Ordenacion del Ambiente, MARNR - Territorio Federal Amazonas. Directora Encargada de la Region del Territorio Federal Amazonas del MARNR. Secretaria Tecnica del Comite de Conservacion Ambiental del Territorio Federal Amazonas. Direccion: Av. Los Lirios, Pto Ayacucho, Telf: 22293, Fax: 21059. 9

CGLMENARES FINOL, Enrique Ingeniero Agronomo - Universidad Central de Venezuela Ingeniero adscrito a la Direccion de Obras Hidraulicas. MOP. Miembro Fundador de la Corporacion Venezolana del Suroeste. Presidente de la Corporacion Venezolana del Suroeste. Miembro de la Comision para la Reforrna del Estado. Actualmente Ministro del Ambience y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables.

Direccion: Torre Sur, Centro Simon Bolivar, Piso 25, Telf: 412162, 412174, Fax: 4831148

CORDERO RIVERO, Florencia Esperanza Licenciada en Geografia - Universidad Central de Venezuela 1966. Superintendente del Parque Nacional Macarao y Monumento Natural Pico Codazzi - Instituto Nacional de Parques. Direccion: Urbanizacion Valle Arriba. Conjunto Residencial Sevilla Calle 1 Casa l-3c, Guatire, Estado Miranda. Telf: 2854360, 2354106.

CORDERO DE UTRERA, Elssy Yudith Ingeniera de los Recursos Naturales Renovables - UNELLEZ 1984. Jefe (E) Division de Planificacion y Ordenacion del Ambiente de la Region Portuguesa del MARNR. Direccion: Av. Estadio Antiguo Edificio MOP. MARNR. Region Portuguesa. Telf: 52569

CURIEL CARIAS, Ernesto Carlos Arquitecto - Universidad Central de Venezuela. Profesor de las asignaturas Fisica Ambiental y Arquitectura y Ambiente de la Universidad Central de Venezuela y de la Universidad Simon Bolivar respectivamente. Investigador del Instituto de Desarrollo Experimental de la Construccion (FAU/UCV) en el Area de Requerimientos Ambientales.

Direccion: Edificio Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo Planta Baja, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Los Chaguaramos, Caracas. Telf: 6629632, 6627169, Fax: 6629632. 10 DEBROT, Henri Investigador Ex-situm Experiencia en el manejo de jardines botanicos y unidades ambientales peri-urbanas. Experiencia en educacion ambiental y en publicaciones especializadas en botanica. Direccion: Av. Salvador Allende, Plaza Venezuela, Urbanizacion Los Caobos. Telf: 6629254.

DELGADQ PADRON, Jose Ramon Oceanoiogo Profesor de Oceonografia y Contaminacion Marina Universidad de Oriente. Coordinador del Proyecto de Ccnservacion y Estudios del Manati en la costa de Brasil. Coordinador del III Seminario de Parques Marinos y Costeros y otras Areas Protegidas - Universidad de Miami y U.S.A. National Park Service). Direccion: Av. Romulo Gallegos al lado de la Estacion del Metro de Parque del Este. Caracas Γ071-Α Apartado 76.471. Telf: 2854106. 2854360, Fax: 285307C

DIAZ, Ernesto Oceanografo, Shoreline College, Was. USA. Ciencias Ambientales, University of Florida, Fl. USA. Planificador de Areas Costeras Protegidas del Parque Nacional Laguna de La Restinga. Participacion en los Planes Especiales de Ordenacion Territorial de la Isla de Margarita, Costa Oriental de Falcon y la Peninsula de Paraguana. Actualmente Coordinador del Proyecto sobre Ordenacion y Manejo de Areas Costeras, que desarrollan conjuntamente el PNUMA y el MARNR. Direccion: Torre Sur, Centro Simon Bolivar, Piso 9, Direccion de Ordenacion Territorio. Caracas. Telf: 4081545, 4081546, Fax: 4836118.

DIAZ MARTIN, Diego Biologo. Universidad Central de Venezuela - Maestria en Gerencia Ambiental Area3 de Interes y Desarrollo Profesional: manejo y conservacion de Vida Silvestre y Entrenamiento 11 Actualmente trabaja para la Fundacion para la Defensa de la Naturaleza, como Coordinador General de Proyectos Direccion: C. E. Senderos, Piso 6, Oficinas 611-12, Av. Principal Los Cortijos de Lourdes 2<** Transversal. Telf: 2382930, 2381781, 2381793, Fax: 2396547, Telex: 23280 HIDEC VC

DIAZ PERNIA, Libertad Ingeniero Agronomo. Universidad Central de Venezuela 1974 Cursos de Evaluacion de Recursos Naturales Renovables Realizado cursos en Inventario de Tierra Trabajo actual: elaboracion de Planes de Ordenacion en el Ministerio de Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables Direccion: Calle 9, Esquina Camera 23, Edificio Marte, Tachira. Telf: 555814, Fax: 557866, Telex: 76133

DIAZ SANTOS, Maria Elena Geografa. Universidad Central de Los Andes Master en acondicionamiento y Diseno Turisuico del Patrimonio Historico y Natural Actualmente presta servicios a la Fundacion La Era Agricola en el area de Organizacion Direccion: Av. 2 Lora entre calla 18 y 19 Edificio Cuinas NS 18¬ 41, Apto No 1. Merida. Telf: 527402, Fax: 522793.

DOS SANTOS. R, Antonio M. Graduado en Ecologia y Educacion Ambiental Actualmente trabaja para el Centro Ecologico de Oriente y Politecnico Santiago Marino como director y profesor Direccion: Calle 13 NQ 0-82 Colinas del Neveri. Barcelona. Telf: 775848.

FARIA, Tiberio Ingeniero de Petroleos con Maestria en Ambiente. 30 anos de experiencia en la industria petrolera. Actualmente Gerente de Proyectos de Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A.

Direccion: Av. Libertador, Torre FDVSA, Piso 1, Oficina 1-10 La Campina. Telf: 7084916, Fax: 7084921, Telex 21890 - 23489 PDVSA- VE 12 FEBRES OLLARVES, Maria Antonieta Arquitecta - Universidad Central de Venezuela, 1974. Maestria en Planificacion Regional Urbana, Universidad de Cornell, 1985. Actualmente Directora General Adjunta de Planificacion y Ordenacion del Ambiente del Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables.

Direccion: Torre Sur, Centro Simon Bolivar, Piso 10, MARNR, Direccion General Sectorial de Planificacion y Ordenacion del Ambiente.

FERREIRA, Clara Estudiante de Sociologia (Tesi3ta) - Universidad Central de Venezuela. Miembro activo de PROVTTA. Programas de Educacion Ambiental para poblaciones rurales. Confiictos Ambientales entre comunidades rurales y areas protegidas. Direccion: Edificio Catuche, Nivel Oficina, Oficina 106, Parque Central.

FERNANDEZ DE MONTES, Beatriz Elena Arquitecta - Universidad Central de Venezuela, 1977. Experiencia en proyectos de arquitectura de areas recreacionales y Paisajismo. Coordinadora del Comite de Exposiciones del IV Congreso Mundial de Parques Nacionales y Areas Protegidas. Comite Organizador Nacional. Actualmente trabaja en la Division de Proyectos Especiales Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables. Direccion: Torre sur, Piso 14, Centro Simon Bolivar, Division de Proyectos Especiales.

FIALLO SANCHEZ, Doris Alicia Licenciada en Geografia Experiencia en la creacion y planificacion de areas bajo regimen de administracion especial ο areas protegidas. Actualmente es Jefe de Division de Planificacion de Cuencas, Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables. Direccion: E3quina Camejo, Edificio Camejo, Mezzanina Este. 13

FRANKLIN, Haydee Arquitecto - Universidad Central de Venezuela MA. en Informatica - Universidad Simon Bolivar PhD en Docencia en materias de Acondicionamiento Ambiental para el posgradc de paisajismo de la UCV - Universidad de Liverpool, Inglaterra. 1971-1985. Actualmente docencia en Maestria Gerencial Ambiental del Instituto Universitario Pclitecnico de las Fuerzas Armadas Nacionales. Actualmente Gerente de Asuntos Ambientales de CORPOVEN, filial de Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. Direccicn: Av. Principal de Los Ruices, Edif. Centro Gamma, Mezzanina 04, Oficina 13.

GABALDON, Mario F. Arquitecto. Universidad Central de Venezuela, 1972 Posgrado: Arquitectura Paisajista. Especializacicn: Restauracion de Monumentos. Profesor en la Facultad de Arquitectura - UCV. Desarrollo Profesional Direccion de Parques Nacionales. Director General Sectorial de Parques Nacionales.

Direccion: Av. Romulo Gallegos, Santa Eduviges entre 2s• y 3a transversal al lado de la Estacion del Metro de Parque del Este

GARCIA, Manuel Emilio Licenciado en Geografia Universidad Central de Venezuela, 1979. Desarrollo Profesional en el Area de Planificacion Regional y Planificacion Urbana. - Experiencia profesional en estudios sobre planificacion y evaiuacion de recuraos en la zona protectcra del Turimiquire, area de reserva para la construccion del Embalse La Corcovada y Fran j a Costera Norte del Estado Anzoategui. Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables, Region 2 - Anzoategui.

Direccion: Calle Ricaurte al lado del Conscripto. Barcelona.

GARCIA.ALBA, Pedro B. Economista - Universidad Central de Venezuela Postgrado: Planificacion del Desarrollo Amazonico, en Nucleo de Altos Estudios Amazonicos (NAEA). Universidad Federal do Para Brasil. Servicios en la Administracion Publica desde 1971 - 21 anos- 14 Participacion en Diferentes congresos y seminarios conservac ionistas Actualmente se desempena como .jefe de division de Planificacion y ordenacion del Ambiente Direccion: Av. Libertador con Calle Los Misperos. Edif. Kariman. Estado Bolivar.

GARCIA ACOSTA, Jose Rafael Ingeniero - Trabajo en el servicio de Parques Nacionales desde 1S58 hasta 1956 Se desempefio como gerente de Parques Nacionales Actualmente presta sus servicios al Institute Nacional de Parques como Asesor del Presidente del Instituto Direccion: Instituto Nacional de Parques, Distribuidor Santa Cecilia. Caracas.

GARCIA FUENTES, Miguel Segundo Geografο Se ha desempenado en los trabajos de planificacion de areas naturales clasificadas como Parque3 Nacionales y Monumentos Naturales, desde el puntc de vista Regional, Nacional, y Mundial de sus caracteristicas internas, para un mejor momento Actualmente presta servicio al Instituto Nacional de Parques en la Direccion General de Parques Nacionales como Geografo III

Direccion: Oficina de Parques Nacionale3 al lado de E3tacion del Metro de Parque del Este, Av. Francisco de Miranda, Municipio Sucre

GARCIA GUADILLA, Maria - Pilar Prcfesora titular de U.S.Β e investigadora III. Licenciada en Sociologia. Maestria en Ecologia Humana y Maestria en Demografia en la Universidad de Chicago. Ph. D. en Planificacion y Sociologia de la Universidad de Chicago. Posdoctorado en Desarrollo Ambiental en la Universidad de Lendres. Profesora invitada a las Universidades de La Sorbona - Paris-, Charleston Carolina de Sur U.S.A - y Londres. Profesora en Fullbright U.S.A. Presidente de la Comision de Investigacion en Ciencias Sociales y Educacion del CONICIT 15 Fundadora y Miembro del GRIDIA, ONG Ambientalista Actualmente desempefia como profesora titular e investigadora en la Universidad Simon Bolivar Direccion: Departamento de Disenos y Estudios Urbancs, Universidad Simon Bolivar.

GARCIA PESA, Rafael Ingeniero Agronomo Director de Parques Nacionales y Monumentos Naturales en el Territorio Federal Amazonas Actualmente se desempena come Director Regional en el Territorio Federal Amazonas Direccion: Direccion General de Parques Nacionales, Av. Romulo Gallegos entre Estacion del Metro Parque del Este y Parque Miranda.

GARCIA SUAREZ, Celsa Experiencia en elaboracion de Planes de Manejo, Planes de sitio, Centros de Informacion e Interpretacion de la Naturaleza Actualmente se desempena como jefe de Division de Interpretacion en el Instituto Nacional de Parques ,avenid a de Santa Eduvigis*2׳ Direccion: Av. Romulo Gallegos con Direccion de Parques Nacionales. Caracas.

GORRIN CGBOS, Carlos Antonio Ingeniero Agronomo - Universidad Central de Venezuela, 1980. Admini3traci<5n del Ambiente y Ordenacion del Territorio. Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables. Actualmente jefe de la Division Tecnica de la Region Guarico del MARNR. Direccion: Avenida Principal Centro Administrativo Calabozo. Guarico

GONZALEZ, Heberto Ingeniero Agronomo - Universidad Central de Venezuela, 1963. Desde 1977, ha trabajado en el Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables como Jefe de la Division de Administracion del Ambiente, Coordinador de Zona, Ase30r y Director de Linea. Direccion: Centro Simon Bolivar, Torre sur, Piso 22. Caracas. 16 GONZALEZ CAREALLO, Ciiino Aiexi Ingeniero - Universidad Central de Venezuela. 1975. Master of Science en Recursos Hidricos en el Departamento de .USA. 1984 ־ Ingenieria Civil de la Universidad de Colorado Actualmente Director General Sectorial de Planificacion y Ordenacion del Ambiente. Direccion: Centro Simon Bolivar, Torre sur, Piso 10, Direccion General Sectorial de Planificacion y Ordenacion del Ambiente.

GONZALEZ VALE, Manuel Ingeniero Civil - Universidad de Los Andes. Secretario Ejecutivo del Congreso Venesolano de Conservacion. - Coordinador del Comite de Operacicn del Comite Organizadcr del IV Congreso Mundial de Parques Nacionales y Areas Protegidas. Miembro del Comite de Expertos que elaboro el Proyecto de Convencicn para la Proteccion de la Flora, de la Fauna y de las Bellezas Escenicas Naturales de los Paises de America. Washington 1940. Direccion: Quinta Arimagua, Avenida Principal, Prados del Este. Estadc Miranda

GUZMAN MARCANO, George Ramon Ingeniero Agronomo, mencion Econcmia Agricola - Universidad de Oriente. Profesor del IUT Dr. Delfin Mendoza. Asig. Edafologia. Premio Vicente Lecuna - Colegio de Ingenieros de Venezuela, 1991. Direccion: Urb. Romulo Gallegos, Αν. II N<2 34. Estado Delta Amacuro.

HERMOSO PINTO, Freddy Franck Ingeniero Agronomo - Universidad Central de Venezuela 1975. Posgrado especialidad en Sensores Remotos y Recursos Naturales. Universidad de Colorado USA. Especialista en Inventario y Manejo de Recursos Naturales. Actualmente Director General Sectorial de Conservacion de Cuencas del Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Ν a t u r a 1 e •3 Ren ο vab les. Direccion: Mezzanina Este del Edificio Camejo Esquina Camejo. Caracas. 17

HERNANDEZ AROCHA. Carlos Alfredo Tecnico Zcotecnista Vigilante voluntario ambiental Profesor en el Area de Biologia y Educacion Ambiental. Actualmente Coordinador General del Area Educative Ambiental del Grupo de Rescate Conservacionista ANACONDA. Direccion: Parque Zoologico Caricuao sector UDS Hacienda Caricuao

HERNANDEZ DE GOMEZ MANTELLINI, Norma Ex-profesora Universidad Central de Venezuela Profesora Universidad Catolica Andres Belio (actual) Directora Oficina de Licitaciones y Contratos del MARNR Contralora Interna del MARNR Actualmente Consultora Juridica del MARNR. Direccion: Centro Simon Bolivar, Torre Sur, Piso 24. El Silencio. Caracas.

HERRERA NALSEN, Anne-Marie Estudiante •ultimo semestre de Biologia, mencion Ecologia Miembro fundador de PROVITA y actual Vicepresidente de su Junta Directive.

Direccion: Edif. Catuche, Parque Central, Nivel Of1, Oficina 106. Caracas.

HERRERA PEREZ, Hector Enrique Ingeniero Forestal - Universidad de Los Andes 1985. Tesis sobre Plan de Manejo de una Cuenca. Elaboracion del Anteproyecto de Ordenamiento de Uso y Reglamentacion del Parque Nacional San Esteban. Curso de Planificacion y Manejo de los Recursos Naturales. Direccion: Pasewo Cabriales Plaza Los Enanitos, INPARQUES, VAlenc ia

HIDALGO PAP.ISCA, Luis Alberto Perito Agropecuario y Tecnico Superior Universitario Promocion y organizacion social rural. Direccion: Conde a Padre Sierra, Edif. BAFGEL, Piso 9, Oficina 94. Caracas. KURTADO LEON. Ivan Licenciaao en Educacion. Maestria en planif icacion curricula!•. Profesor de las Facultades de .Educacion y Ciencias Economicas y Sceiales de la Universidad de Carabobo. Actualmente Presidente de la Fundacion Jardin Botanico de Valencia y Herbario de Carabobo.

Direccion: Urb. El Trigal C/El Palito NS 90-SO. Valencia. Qta Escampadero. Carabobo.

JELAMBI, Octavic Ingenieur Technicien des Industries Chimiques-IMC, Bruselas - Belgica 42. Licenciaao en Qui:nica - Universidad Central de Venezuela. 1959.

Profesor Facultad de Ingenieria UCV y varios cargos academicos. Miembro del Colegio de Ingenieros de Venezuela. Miembro de ia Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales. Condecoraciones: Order. 27 de Junio, Ordre National du Merite - Francia, Order. Francisco de Miranda, Orden Andres Beilo, Medalla Meyer-Baldo y Medalla de la Salud.

Direccion: Calle Cumaco con Arichuna Urbanizacion El Marques. Caracas.

LANSDELL, Mark Ingeniero Civil mencion Sanitaria. Estudios de la Contaminacion del Ric Tuy. Instituto Nacional de Obras Sanitarias. Actualmente Asesor del Institute Nacional de Parques.

Direccion: Apartado 17158, Caracas 1015A

ALESSANDEO, EduardoיLAPADULA D Abogado -Universidad Catolica Andres Eello. Actualmente cursa posgrado de Derecho Administrativo.

Actualmente trabaja en la Consultoria Juridica del Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables.

Direccion: Centro Simon Bolivar. Torre Sur, Piso 24

LASK0W3KI 0CH0A, Libia E. Licenciada en Biologia, mencion Botanica. 19 Actualmente Superintendente del Parque Nacional de Zonas Aridas "Cerro Saroche". Direccion: Oficina del Parque del Este, IMPARQUES, Av. Bracamonte c/'c Av. Libertador, Barquisimeto.

LEON ARNESER, Denni Rafael Ingeniero Agronomo. 9 anos de servicio en el Mini3terio de Agricultura y Cria. Profesor de Educacion Ambiental en la Universidad Nacional Abierta. Actualmente profesor de Medio Ambiente, Diagnostico e Inventario de Recursos Naturales en la UNELLEZ Direccion: C.C. La Ponderosa. carretera vieja Caracas-Los Teques, 100 rats, despues de ia entrada de INTEVEP, piso 1, Oficina 1. Los Teques. LOPEZ ROJAS, Hector Ramon Biologo. Universidad Central de Venezuela PhD. en zoologia, Duke University, USA 1968 Profesor Agregado, Universidad Central de Venezuela Area de investigacion: Ecologia. Biologia y Morfologia Evolutiva de Feces. Actualmente desempena el cargo de Investigador Dccer.be en ia Universidad Central de Venezuela en la Facuitad de Ciencias, en el Instituto de Zoologia Tropical. Direccion: Universidad Central de Venezuela, Facuitad de Ciencias, Instituto de Zoologia Tropical. Apartado Postal 47058, Caracas 1041-A.

LOPEZ ZERPA, Ibrahim Antonio .Universidad de Los Andes 1977 ־ Ingeniero Forestal Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recurso3 Naturales Renovables, Estado Falcon. Coordinador del Programa de Educacion Ambiental en la Region de Los Andes. Administrador del Parque Metropolitano Albarregas. Superintendente del Parque Nacional Sierra Nevada. Coordinador de E3tudios Basicos de la Region Merida y actualmente Director de la misma.

Direccion: MARNR - IMPARQUES, Region Merida. Avenida Urdaneta con calle 51 NQ 3-32. Merida. LUNA PEREZ, Miguel Angel Licenciado en Geografia 1973.

Experiencia en Planificacion de Personal y de Areas Protegidas. Actualmente Director de Ordenacion del Territorio, Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables. Direccion: Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables - Direccion de Ordenacion del Territorio, Torre Sur, pi30 9 - Centro Simon Bolivar. Caracas.

MATANY LUQUE, Miguel Alejandro Estudiante de Biologia - Universidad Central de Venezuela. Fundador del Centro de Ciencias del Colegio EI Angel. Facilitador del Programa Juegos Ecologicos - INPARQUES. Coordinador General de CEC03I0 Coordinador del Proyectc Guaraira Repano, Parque Nacional El Avila. Locales estudiantiles. Facuitad de Ciencias. Universidad Central de Venezuela. Los Chaguaramos. Caracas.

MATOS, Freddy Geografo - Universidad de Los Andes Superintendente Parque Nacional Batallon La Negra Superintendente Parque Nacional Perija Superintendente Parque Nacional Sierra Nevada Jefe de la Seccion de Proteccion, Parque Nacional Sierra Nevada. Actualmente Coordinador de Planes y Ordenamiento y Reglamento de Uso del Instituto Nacional de Parque, Direccion Regional Merida. Direccion: Calle 51 - Avenida Urdaneta NQ 3-30. Merida.

MEDINA-CUERVO, Glenda Zoologo - Especialista en Fauna Silvestre y en Qrnitologia de Tepuyes. Dedicada al trabajo no gubernamental de conservacion de la naturaleza. Actualmente Directora de Planificacion Institucional de la Fundacion para la Defense, de la Naturaleza-FUDENA. Direccion: Apartado 70376 - Caracas 1071-A. Venezuela. MENDEZ ARCCHA, Jose Luis Ingeniero Agronomo- - Universidad Central de Venezuela 1956. Universidad de California Davis 1961. Diploma de la Universidad y del Instituto Agronomo Mediterraneo de Montpellier, Francia. Ministerio de Obras Publicas. Actualmente Director General Sectorial del Servicio Autonomo de Proteccion de la Fauna Silvestre y Acuatica del Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables. Direccion: Edificio Camejo, Entrada Oeste Nivel Mezzanina Centro Simon Bolivar.

MENDOZA, Luis Rafael Ingeniero en Recursos Naturales Renovables Actualmente Jefe (e) de la Division de Planificacion y Ordenacion del Ambiente del Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables en el Estado Apure. Direccion: Urb. Los Tamarindos, Sector 3 Vereda 19, Casa N9 6. San Fernando de Apure.

MENDOZA CONCHA, Ildemaro de Jesiis Ingeniero Forestal - Universidad de Los Andes 1980 Experiencia en la Administracion, Proteccion y Resguardo de los Recursos Naturales Renovables. Actualmente Jefe de la Division de Vigilancia y Control Ambiental del Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables. Direccion: Calle 24, Edificio Chaldes, Frente al Parque Las Heroinas. Merida

MENDOZA MENDOZA, Samuel Antonio Ingeniero Forestal - Universidad de Los Andes Docente y Asistente de Investigacion de la ULA. Ingeniero Supervisor Director General de Recursos Naturales, del Ministerio de Agricultura y Cria Director General de Administracion del Ambiente en el Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables. Gerente de empresas forestales. Actualmente Gerente de Planificacion y Presupuesto de la Compania Nacional de Reforestacion. 22 Direccion: Av. Andres Bello Centro Andres Belio, Ofic. 73, Piso 7, Caracas.

MERCADO SUAREZ, Carmen Enit Ingeniero Agronomo - Universidad Central de Venezuela 1981. Maestria en Desarrollo Rural - Economia Agricola, Universidad Central de Venezuela 1991. Posgrado de Economia del Sistema Agroalimentario. Viterbo-Italia 1985. Actualmente asesora del Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables. Direccion: MARNR, Centro Simon Bolivar, Torre Sur, Piso 9 Division de Estudios Regionales.

MORENO MCRAZZANI, Jose Direccion de Proyscto3 y Construccien - INPARQUES. Direccion General Sectorial de Parques Nacionales. Profesor Facuitad de Arquitectura - UCV.

y 3a transversal de Santa *2׳ Direccion: Av. Romulo Gallego, entre Eduvigis, Parque Miranda, Edif. sede Direccion General Sectorial de Parque3 Nacionales.

MORENO, Zulay Ingeniero Agronomo - Universidad de Oriente 1976 Division de Administracion del Ambiente - MARNR, Nueva Esparta. Actualmente jefe de la Divi3icn de Planificacion e Investigacion del Ambiente. MARNR, Nueva Esparta. Direccion: Calle Cazorca Salamanca Edo. Nueva Esparta. MARNR.

ΜΟΥΑ Η., Jose I. Profesor en Ciencias Biologicas. Director de Educacion Media. Fundador de Grupos Ambientalistas, incluyendo Forja de Venezuela, ONG que agrupa a 45 pequenas ONGs que funcionan en el pais. Direccion: Re3idencia Paraguachi. Edificio 17 Apartamento 207. Sector UD3, Parroquia Caricuao, Caracas. MuLEE BRITSCH. Claus Peter Organizadcr de campamentos juveniles de sensibilizacion ambiental. Actividades turisticas. Asociacion Venezolana de Turismo Cientifico, de Aventura, Naturalista, Ecologico y Social. Actualmente Presidente de la Fundacion Vuelta Larga- Asotticanes. Direccion: Guataunos, Calle Bolivar NQ 8, Sucre.

MORR GARCIA, Jcse Leon Tecnico Superior Universitario en Conservacion de los Recursos Naturales Renovables. Direccion General Sectorial de Parques Nacionales, Region Yaracuy - MARNR. Superintendente del Monumento Natural Maria Lionza. Areas Recreativas del Estado Yaracuy. Actualmente Superintendente del Parque Nacional Yurubi. Direccion: Parque Recreacional Leonor Bernabo, Final Avenida Los Bancs Diagonal al Hotel Yuribi, San Felipe. Yaracuy

NASTRUCCI CASINI, Anna Maria Licenciada en Geografia - Universidad Central de Venezuela. Asesor en empresa privada area de petroleo. Mineria y Ambiente MARNR. Actualmente Jefe de Division de Estudio3 de Impacto Ambiental del MARNR. Direccion: Division de Impacto Ambiental, Torre Sur, Piso 22, C.S.B. El Silencio, D.G.S. Calidad Ambiental MARNR.

OVALLES FALCON, Omar Jose Geografο Posgrado en Planificacion Urbano Regional del Centro del Estudio del Desarrollo, 1980. Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales, 1991. Coordinador de Asesores de la Comision del Ambiente del Congreso. Profesor de Ecologia de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Direccion: Apartado 47343 Los Chaguaramcs. Caracas. 24 PADRON CORREA, Jorge Luis Licenciaao en Geografia - Universidad Central de Venezuela, 1989. Tesis en el Area Ambiental - Cuencas Altas. Elaboracicn de anteproyectcs de los planes de ordenamiento de los parques nacionales de Margarita. Actualmente Geografo Planificador de la Direccion General Sectorial de Parques Nacionales - INPARQUES. Direccion: Av. Romulo Gallegos, al lado de la Estacion del Metro de Parque del Este. Caracas.

PAEZ SERRANO, Luis Orlando Ingeniero Agronomo - UNELLEZ, 1985. Mantenimiento y operacion de embalses Actualmente Jefe del Departamento de Manejoy Conservacion de Cuencas de la Region Portuguesa - MARNR. Direccion: Av. Stadium, Antigua M.O.P. Portuguesa.

PARILLI DE SANCHEZ, Fanny Sociologa Especialidad Gerencia Piiblica Actualmente Directora General Sectorial de Educacion Ambiental. Direccion: Centro Simon Eolivar, Torre Sur, Piso 18, El Silencio. Caracas.

PARDO, Cristina Arquitecta - Universidad Central de Venezuela, 1967 Actualmente Directora General del Instituto Nacional de Parques - INPARQUES. Vicepresidenta para Suramerica (Region Neotropical) de la Comision de Parques Nacionales y Areas Protegidas - CNEPPA, de la Union Mundial para la Naturaleza - UICN. Direccion: Apartado 76471, Caracas 1070-A.

PAGES PACHECO, Feliciano Enrique Ingeniero de Recursos Naturales Renovables - UNELLEZ Ex-Gerente Parque Nacional El Avila. Ex-Director de Parques Nacionales. Asesor del Presidente del Instituto Nacional de Parques. 25 Asesor del Presidente del Instituto de Aseo Urbano para el Area Metropolitana de Caracas - IMAU. Director de Atencicn a los Concejos Municipales en materia de residuos solidos. Actualmente Director de Transports del Instituto de Aseo Urbano para el Area Metropolitana de Caracas - IMAU. Direccion: Final Avenida. Rossio, Resd. Tamary, Torre b, Apto. 143. Los Teques, Edo. Miranda.

PARTIDAS ALZURU, Jorge Antonio Abogado Dedicadc al ejercicio de su profesion. Comercio Internacional de Commodities Actualmente dedicado al estudio de temas historicos y ambientalistas. Autor de las noveias Decision y La Noche de Bagdad. Direccion: Cerro Verde, Calle Ursulinas, Quinta Ma.joa, Caracas.

PELLEGRINI BLANCO, Nila Coromoto Licenciada en Biologia - Universidad Simon Bolivar. Msc. en docencia en Educacion Superior. Universidad Nacional Experimental Simon Rodriguez. Actualmente Jefe de la Division de Relaciones Interinstitucionales y Entrenamiento de la Direccion General Sectorial de Parques Nacionales/INPARQUES. Direccion: Av. Romula Gallegos al lado de la Estacion del Metro de Parque del Este. Caracas.

PERALTA RONDON. Roberto Antonio Licenciado en Geografia - Universidad Central de Venezuela, 1985.

Especiali3ta en Sistemas de Informacion Geografo Jefe de Cartografia del V Censo Agricola Ministerio de Agricultura y Cria. Controlador de Proyectos CAURA, CA. Actualmente Jefe de Division de Proyectos Especiales del Servicio Autonomo de Geografia y Cartografia Nacional - Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables. Direccion: Esquina Camejo, Edificio Camejo, Ala Este Oficina 229, Pi30 2. Caracas. 26 PEREZ MALDONADO, Jose Alberto Licenciado en Geografia - Universidad de Los Andes Coordinador Proyecto VEN/001 - Sistemas Ambientales Venezolanos - Region Los Andes y Region Zuliana. Coordinador de Proyectos de Planes Estadales de Ordenacion del Territorio - Estados Merida, Trujillo y Zulia. Coordinador Programa de Regularizacion de ANAPRO - Region Merida. Actualmente Jefe de la Division de Planificacion y Ordenacion del Ambiente Region Merida - MARNR. Direccion: Calle 21 Edificio Chalde3, Frente a la Plaza Las Heroinas Merida.

PETKOFF MARTINEZ, Irene Licenciada en Microbiologia y Estudios Ambientales - Universidad de Kansas, USA - 1986. Posgrado en Planificacion Ambiental en la Universidad de Paris - I Sobornne, Francia. Docente en la Universidad Simon Bolivar, Departamento de Estudios Ambientales. Actualmente Jefe de la Division de Instrumentacion de Planes de Manejo del Instituto Nacional de Parques. Direccion: Av. Romulo Gallegos, Con 2da. Av. Sante Eduvigis. Esatdo Miranda.

PINEDA DURAN, Roman Gerardo Ingeniero Forestal - Universidad de Los Andes 1986.

Coordinador de la Comision Interin3titucional encargada de presentar informe al Congreso de la Repiiblica sobre la situacion actual del Parque Nacional Sierra Nevada. Actualmente Superintendente del Parque Nacional Sierra Nevada.

Direccion: INPARQUES, Region Merida, Av. Urdaneta Calle 51 NS 3¬ 30

PINTO, Zaida Licenciada en Geografia

Experiencia en Planificacion Coordinadora del Programa de Areas Protegidas. MARNR Actualmente Jefe de Division en la Direccion de Planificacion y Ordenacion del Ambiente del Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables. 27 Direccion: C.S.B., Torre Sur, Planificacion y Ordenacion del Ambiente. Caracas.

PORRAS DE GUZMAN, Julia Elena Licenciada en Biologia - Universidad de Oriente. Actualmente Jefe de la Division de Profauna MARNR - Estado Monagas. Direccion: Av. Alirio Ugarte Pelayo, Puente Bajo, Guarapiche. Alcabala a Maturin.

PULIDO SANTANA, Marit2a Fundadora y Cocrdinadora del Programa Nacional "Juegos Ecologicos" y de todas las actividades de recreacion ambiental que se desarrolla en INPARQUES, Direccion de Recreacion y Educacion Ambiental, INPARQUES. Direccion: Av. Principal Prados Humboldt, Res. Sta. Ursula Apto. 35, Terrazas del Club Hipico, Caracas.

QUINTANA, Guillermo Antonio Sociologo, Universidad Central de Venezuela. 1939 Coordinador del Programa "Participacion Ciudadana" MARNR. Director de la Oficina de Relaciones con la Comunicad Organizada-MARNR.

Direccion: Torre Sur, Centro Simon Bolivar, Nivel Avenida, Plaza Caracas, Local 9 (al lado del Restaurant "El Chicuelo" SUZZARINI DE QUINTERO, Lorena Economista - Universidad Central de Venezuela 1963 Coordinador del Program Proyectos Hidraulicos de Saneamiento y Desarrollo Integral. MARNR. Directora Encargada de Ordenacion del Territorio de la Direccion General Sectorial de Planificacion y Ordenacion del Ambiente. MARNR. Directora de Planificacion y Presupuesto de la Direccion General Sectorial de Planificacion y Ordenacion del Ambiente. MARNR. Directora General Sectorial de Educacion Ambiental y Relaciones Internacionales. MARNR. - Presidenta de la Fundacion de Educacion Ambiental. Conisionada del Ministro para la Reestructuracicn del Instituto Nacional de Obras Sanitarias. 23 Coordinadora Nacional del Comite Organizador Nacional del IV Congreso Mundial de Parques Nacionales y Areas Protegidas. Direccion: Centro Simcn Bolivar, Torre Sur. Piso 11, El Silencio. Caracas.

RAUSSEO, Aristidss Julian Sociologo, Universidad Central de Venezuela. 1979 Planificador en la Division de Educacion Ambiental, MARNR. Profesor en el Instituto Universitario Tecnologico Industrial (UTIRLA). Estado Anzoategui. Direccion: Calle Falcon NQ 1 B/Sucre, Barcelona.

RAVAGO ALAMO, Ulandia Milagros Jefe de Division de Divulgacion y Publicaciones. Direccion General Sectorial de Parques Nacionales. Instituto Nacional de Parques. Direccion: Av Romulo Gallegos, al lado de la Estacion del Metro Parque del Este.

REYES HERNANDEZ, Luis Alberto Arquitecto Miembro del Comite Organizador Nacional. Oficina de Proyectos Especiales. MARNR. Direccion: Torre Sur C.S.B., Piso 14, Oficina de Proyectos Espec iales.

RIVERO ΖΞΑ, Oscar Javiel Ingeniero Agronomo Experiencia en el Area de Planificacion de Recursos Hidraulicos y Ordenacion del Territorio. Planificador Jefe. Region Lara. MARNR. Direccion: Av. Intercomunal Cabodare. Lara.

RODRIGUEZ, Jon Paul. Biologo. Universidad Central de Venezuela Miembro Fundador de PROVITA y Miembro de su Directiva. 29 Interes profesional. Aspectcs de la teoria de la Ecologia de Potalaciones aplicados a la conservacion de especies amenazadas. Director de Programas. PROVITA. Direccion: Ed. Catuche, Nivel Ofc.l, Ofc. 106, Parque Central, Caracas.

RODRIGUEZ, Miyel A. Asesor del Instituto Nacional de Parques. MARNR. Direccion: Direccion General Sectorial de Parques Nacionales, Av Romulo Gallegos, Santa Eduvigis entre 2da y 3ra Transversal.

RODRIGUEZ BETANCOURT, Romulo Geografo. 1984. Posgrado en Finanzas de la Empresa. Posgradc en Planificacion Global. Consultor empresa PREFINCA en materia de estudios de impacto ambiental. MARNR. Consultor en materia de formulacicm de planes de manejo de Cuencas. Coordinador General Unidad de Proyectos MARNR-Manejo de Cuencas. Direccion: Edificio Camejo, Piso 1, Unidad de Proyectos MARNR, Manejo de Cuencas, Entrada Este.

RODRIGUEZ GALINDO, Rafael Ingeniero Forestal Experiencia en conservacion de cuencas. Direccion de Conservacion de Cuencas. MARNR. Jefe Division de Fomento Conservacionista. MARNR. Direccion Edificio Camejo, Mezzanine Este, Esquina de Camejo Caracas. RODRIGUEZ DE THOUREY, Carmen Alicia Ingeniero en Recursos Naturales Renovables. Universidad de los Llanos Occidentales "Ezequiel Zamora". Jefe Division Planificacion y Ordenacion del Ambiente. MARNR. Direccion: Av. La Paz, al lado de la Hosteria Colonial. San Felipe, Estado Yaracuy. 30 ROMERO MARQUEZ, Luis Eduardo Licenciado en Geografia. 1988. Geografo I. Instituto Nacional de Parques. Direccion General de Parques Nacionales. INPARQUES. Investigador-Profesor en el Institute de Geografia de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Coordinador del Programa Nuevas Areas del Instituto Nacional de Parques. Direccion: Av. Romulo Gallegos al lado de la Estacion del Metro de Parques del Este.

ROMERO RODRIGUEZ, Felix Ramon Docente, Investigador, Extensionista. Manejo Conservacionista de Cuenca. Docente e Investigador de areas naturales protegidas. Direccion: Convento de San Francisco, UNELLEZ. Guanare.

ROJAS LUGO, Norka C. Biologo. Universidad Central de Venezuela. 1976. Master en Ingenieria Ambiental. Universidad Central de Venezuela. 1980. Directora de Proteccion Ambiental. MARNR. - Diversos cursos. publicacion de articulos, docente. Directora General Calidad Ambiental. MARNR. Direccion: Torre Sur, Piso 22. Centro Simon Bolivar. Caracas.

ROSALES, Mireya Economi3ta. Universidad Central de Venezuela. Directora General de Planificacion y Presupuesto. MARNR. Directora General de Planificacion y Desarrollo. INOS. Comisionada del Ministro para la Coordinacion de Actividades en el Area Ambiente-Turismo y Recreacion. MARNR. Direccion: Torre Sur, Piso 30. Centro Simon Bolivar. Caracas.

ROSALES HERNANDEZ, Anibal Ingeniero Agronomo. Posgrado en Suelo y Evaluacion de Tierras. Profesor de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. 31

Director General Sectorial de Inv. Conservacion/Agua, Suelo y Veg. MARNR. Director General Sectorial de Desarrollo Profesional y Relaciones Internacionales. MARNR.

Direccion: Torre Sur, Piso 18, Oficina 1805, Centro Simon Bolivar. Caracas.

ROMERO PICEO, Ar1stides J.B. Lie. en Ciencias Naturales Universidad de Buenos Aires. Doctor en Sciece3-Diploma de Estado. Universidad de Paris.

Actualmente Asesor de la Direccion General Sectorial de Planificacion y Ordenacion del Ambiente. MARNR. Ex-Rector de la Universidad del COMAHUE. Ex-Secrecario General de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Ex-Profesor de las Universidades de Buenos Aire3 y Chile.

Direccion: D.G.S.P.O.A., Centro Simon Bolivar, Torre Sur, Piso 10. Caracas.

SALAZAR, Jose Victorio Ingeniero Agronomo con trabajos de investigacion en manejo de suelos, riego, drenaje y adaptabilidad de cultivo3 y conservacion de suelos.

Actualmente Director General Sectorial c Investigacion de Agua, Suelo y Vegetacion. MARNR.

Direccion: Edififio Camejo, Mezzanina Este, Centro Sim6n Bolivar. Caracas.

SALAZAR DE IZAGUIRRE, Noris del Valle Psicologo.

Actualmente Jefe de la Division de Apoyo al Sistema Educativo de la Direccion de Educacion Ambiental. MARNR. Experiencia en el campo de la planificacion educativa, areas: Educacion al Consumidor, Educacion Formal y Educacion Ambiental.

Direccion: Direccion de Educacion Ambiental, Torre Sur, Centro Simon Bolivar, Piso 18. El Silencio.

SALCEDO GALVIS, Ramiro Geografo. Universidad Central de Venezuela. 1977. Master Environmental Monitoring. Univ. of Wisconsin. U.S.A. 1984. 32

Actualmente Jefe del Proyecto "SICA". Servicio Autonomo de Geografia y Cartografia Nacional. MARNR. Trabajando en el Area de Procesamientc Digital y Visual de Imagenes y Sist. de Informacion Geografica. Direccion: Av. Este 6, Esquina Camejo, Edificio Camejo, Piso 4, Oficina 401. El Silencio.

SALAZAR GARCIA, Fatima Elizabeth Arquitecto Actualmente Consultor Externo. Instituto Nacional de Parques. Direccion General de Parques Nacionales. INPARQUES. Asesoria en el Area Turistica para el Plan de Turismo del Estado Sucre y Monagas que incluia los Parques Nacionales y todo lo inherente a esta materia en otras regiones: Zulia y Territorio Federal Amazonas. Direccion: Oficina de Paques Nacionales al lado de la Estacion del Metro de Parque del Este, Av. Francisco de Miranda, Municipio Sucre.

SEBASTIANI DE VASQUEZ, Mirady Cecilia Geografa. Universidad Central de Venezuela Master en Geografia. California State University, Hayward, U.S.A. Master en Manejo de Ambiente. Universidad de San Francisco, U.S.A. Actualmente Profesora Agregado a dedicacion exclusiva. Universidad Simon Bolivar. Directora del Instituto de 103 Recurso3 Naturales Renovables. Universidad Simon Bolivar. Direccion: Universidad Simon Bolivar, Valle de Sartenejas. Caracas.

SILVA G., Hector Enrique Ingeniero Agronomo. Universidad del Zulia. 1973. Actualmente Gerente de Conservacion de Cuencas-Region 19, Trujillo. MARNR Todo el tieniDo al servicio de la Administracion Publica (MOP y MARNR). Direccion: Av. 6, Edificio Chamas, Apto A-2, Valera, Estado Trujillo. 33

SILVESTRE MARTIN, Marisela Antropoioga. Univer3idad Central de Venezuela. 1968. Posgrado en Planificacion Rural y Ordenacion del Territorio (Espana 1980-82).

Actualmente desempena el cargo de Planificador Jefe. Direccion General Sectorial de Planificacion y Ordenacion del Territorio. MARNR. Experiencia profesional en los campos de Planificacion, Ordenacion del Territorio (MOP-MARNR). Capacitacion a organizaciones campesinas y tecnicos del agro (IAN).

Direccion: Direccion General Sectorial de planificacion y Ordenacion del Territorio del MARNR.

SMITH SMITHEN, Robert Ford PhD. Ecoiogo con especialidad en estudios de la Vegetacion.

Jubilado Activo de la Universidad Centro Occidental "Lisandro Alvarado". (UCLA).

Direccion: Calle 7 N2 193, Urb. La Hacienda Cabudare, Lara.


Actualmente desempena el cargo de Jefe de la Divisidn de Planes de De3arrollo/Informatica.

SULBARAN ZAMBRANO, Elides Aquiles Ingeniero Forestal. Universidad de Los Ande3. 1986.

Actualmente desempena el cargo de Superintendente del Parque Nacional Sierra de la Culata. Ingenierc Residente de la Cooperativa Forestal Venezolana en trabajos de Silvicultura en las Reservas Forestales de Caparo y Ticoporo.

Direccion: Centro Simon Eolivar, Torre Sur, Piso 11. Caracas.

T0RREAL3A PALACIOS, Irania J. Arquitecta.

Actualmente desempena el cargo de Asesora de la Direccion General Sectorial de Planificacion y Ordenacion del Ambiente. MARNR. Ex-Directora Regional del MARNR. Experiencia en planificacion.

Direccion: Centro Simon Bolivar, Torre Sur, El Silencio. 34


Actualmente desempena el cargo de Peritc Forestal III. Instituto Nacional de Parques. MARNR.

Direccion: Bloque 53, Piso 3, Apto. 08-01, U.D.4, Caricuao. Caracas.

UZCATEGUI MONTOYA, Magda Moraima Ingeniero Forestal de la Universidad de Los Andes. Merida. Cursos de Formulacion y Evaluacion de Proyectos, Planificacion Estrategica.

Actualmente se desempena como Planificador en CVG-PROFORCA. Trabajos en Reforestacion con fines de proteccion y fines industriales.

Direccion: Centro Comercial Cauz,a, Local S3-A Alta Vista, Puerto Ordaz.

USECHE BARRIOS, Edgard Vinicio Licenciado en Biologia. Universidad Central de Venezuela. Master en Administracion Ambiental-IUPFAN. Caracas

Actualmente desempena el cargo de Director de Manejo de Fauna Silvestre. Servicio Autonomo PROFAUNA.

Direccion: Edif. Camejo, Entrada Oeste, Nivel Mezzanina. Centro Simon Bolivar. Caracas

VALDIVIESO C, Amilcar R. Ingeniero Agronomo. Universidad Central de Venezuela. 1966. Ms.Sc. Planificacion del Desarrollo Regional. U.C. Sivansea University of Wales, Reino Unido. 1980.

Actualmente desempena el cargo de Director de Promocion y Cooperacion Internacional en la Direccion General Programa ORINOCO-APURE. MARNR. Labor profesional en CORDIPLAN. Ministerio de Agricultura y Cria, Nororiente. Ministerio de Obras Publicas, Direccion de Recursos Hidraulicos. Jefe de Estudios Regionales. Coordinacion de Dependencias Regionales, Oficina del Plan Nacional de Ordenacion del Territorio y Proyecto Orinoco-Apure.

Direccion: Centro Simon Bolivar, Torre Sur, Piso 8. Caracas. 35


Actualmente se desempena como Jefe (E) Division Unidad Regional de PROFAUNA. MARNR. Servicio Autonomo PROFAUNA.

Direccion: Av Estadium, Edificio MOP, Guanare.


Actualmente se desempena como Coordinador del Programa Especial Parque Nacional Morrocoy. INPARQUES.

Direccion: Av. Principal Tucacas Final, Edo. Falcon.

YANEZ MENDEZ, Francisco Ealtazar Administrador Ambiental (Master-IUPFAN)

Actualmente desempena el cargo de Oficial de Enlace MINDEFENSA-MARNR. Trabajos de Grado en Administracion y Manejo de Parques Nacionales. Oficial del Servicio de Guarderia Ambiental (Guardia Nacional).

Direccion: Centro Simon Bolivar, Torre Sur, Piso 23. Caracas.

YERENA, Edgard Biologo con especializacion en Ecologia.

Actualmente se desempena como Jefe de Division. Direccidn Parques Nacionales. Instituto Nacional de Parques. Experiencia en Diseno, Administracion y Manejo de Parques Nacionales.

Direccion: Apartado 68409, Altamira 1062, Caracas, Venezuela.

Impreso en Venezuela por EDITORIAL L080S CA. Telfs. 93.41.75 - 93.03.42