IV Congreso Mundial de Parques Nacionales y Areas Protegidas Caracas, Venezuela 10-21 de Febrero de 1992 QUIEN ES QUIEN EN EL CONGRESO WHO'S WHO AT THE CONGRESS QUI EST QUIAU CONGRES Union Mundial para la Naturaleza QUIEN ES QUIEN EN EL CONGRESO WHO'S WHO AT THE CONGRESS QUI EST QUIAU CONGRES QUIEN ES QUIEN EN EL CONGRESO Inlroduccion Uno de los "produclos" m&s importanlcs dc un cvcnto coino cl IV Congrcso Mundial dc Parqucs Nacionalcs y Areas Prolcgidas cs cl contacto personal que sc cstablccc cntre los participants. Con cl objetivo de facilitar laics conlaclos, la Sccrctaria ha producido cl siguicntc docuincnlo, basado in la informacion proporcionada por los participantcs cn los fonnularios dc inscripoi0n y prcscntado en cl idioma cn cs cnal dicha informaci0n fuc rccibida. For 10 (anto, cstc dociuncnto cs informal y ha sido claborado unicaincntc coino guia. No sc Irala dc la lista final dc participantcs, la cual scri imprcsa al fin del Congrcso. No ha sido cditado ο corrcgido por los participantcs, por lo que cs posiblc que contcnga algunos crrorcs. Muy poco tralxijo editorial 11a sido hecho, dc modo que las cortas dcscripcioncs son muy divcrsas. EI dociuncnto no incluye a todos los participantcs, pucs algunos dc ellos aim no sc han inscrito; ademAs, quizes incluya algunas pcrsonas que, si bicn sc han inscrito, no podrdn asislir al Congrcso. A pesar dc todas cstas inipcrfcccioncs, espcramos que Quicn es Quicn sea una guia lilil para los participantcs al Congrcso. Notcse que cada participanlc cucnta con una casilla ccrca del Mostrador dc Jnfonnacion, cn la cual |xxlr;'m dejar y rccibir mensajes, asi coino tainbien organisar rcunioncs. \A Sccrctaria agraccderd cualquicr sugcrencia que los participantcs pucdan propordonar acerca dc cstc docuincnlo, cl cs caso dc que sc lo prcscntara coino la lista final dc los asistcntcs al Congrcso. Sc rucga cntrcgar cualquicr corrccci6n u obscrvaci6n a Joana Erfani, cn la Sccrctaria dc IUCN (Ilotcl Ililton, Caracas). WHO'S WHO AT THE PARKS CONGRESS Introduction One of the most important "products" from an event such as the lVlh World Congress on National Parks and Protected Areas is the personal contacts that arc made between participants. In order to facilitate such contacts, the Secretariat has produced the following ducumcnt, based on information provided on the registration forms and presented in the language in which the information was received. 111c document is an informal one, provided purely for the convenience of participants. It is not the formal list of participants, which will be issued at the end of the Congress. It hat not been proof read, or corrected by the participants, so it may contain errors. Very little editorial work has been done, so the short descriptions display great diversity. 'Hie document certainly docs not include everyone who will be participating, as some people have not yet registered: and it may well contain people who arc unable to attend even though they have registered. Despite these shortcomings, wc hope that Who's Who will provide a useful guide to the participants at the Congress. Note that each participant has a pigeon hole near the Registration Desk, where messages can be left and meetings arranged. The Secretariat welcomes the advice of Congress Participants about whether this document should be further refined and presented as the formal list of participants at the Congress. Please address all corrections or comments to Joanna Erfani at the IUCN Secretariat (Hilton Hotel, Caracas). Georgina Aballi de Alba, a/c Inscituto Smithsonian de Invest. Trop. Apartado 2072, Balboa, Republics de Panama. Tel: 507-274918; Fax: 507: 625942. BIOGRAPHY: Encargada de la oficina de Educacion y Conservacion en el Insticuto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales desde 1988. Esta oficina manega algunos programas de becas y entrenamiento y programas de informacion y educacion al publico, y apoya programas nacionales en educacion ambiental. A. Abdullah. Directorate of National Parks and Recreation Forests, Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 15, P.O. Box 133, Bogor 16001, Indonesia; Fax: 0251-323972 or 0215-84818. BIOGRAPHY: Not available. Jan Abrahamsen. Department of Nature Conservation and the Cultural Heritage, Royal Ministry of Environment, Box 8013 Dep, 0030 Oslo 1, Norway, Tel: 472-345850, Fax: 472-342756. BIOGRAPHY: Director General for Department of Conservation and the Cultural Heritage, Royal Ministry of Environment, Norway. Janet N. Abramovitz. 1709 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 700, Washington DC, United States, Tel: 202 662 2528, Fax: 202 638 0036. BIOGRAPHY: Not available. Abdulaziz H. Abuzinada. NCWCD, P.O. Box 61681, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. BIOGRAPHY: Secretary General of NCWCD. Initiated the development of modern protected areas system in Saudi Arabia. Coordinated the preparation of a system plan for the Kingdom. Long period of association with IUCN as Councillor. Presently Vice-Chairman of SSC. Celeste Acevedo. Conservation Data Center, C.C. 3303 Asuncion, Paraguay. Tel: 498089-445214; Fax: 212 386. BIOGRAPHY: Licenciada en Ciencias Biologicas por la Universidad Nacional de Asuncion, realizo especia1izacion en Conservacion de Recursos Naturales y Manejo de Areas Protegidas, Flora y Fauna en la Empresa Brasilera de Pesquisas Agropeijuaries (EMBRAPA) de Corumba, Brasil. Actualmente se desempefia como Coordinadora del Centro de Datos para la Conservacion de la Direcci'n de Parques Nacionales y Vida Silvestre del Paraquay. - 2 - Rabi Ν. Acharva. Wildlife Institute of India, P.O. New Forest, Dehra Dun 248 006 (U.P.), India. BIOGRAPHY: Not available. Jorge L. Acosta Arias. Fundacion Natura, Av. America 5653 y Vozandes, Quito, Ecuador. Tel: 447 341; Fax: 434449. BIOGRAPHY: Te.cnico del Programa de Conservacion de Fundacion Natura Responsable de la coordinacion del manejo de la reserve de produccion faunistica cuyabeno. William Mark Adams. Dept of Geography, University of Cambridge, CB2 3EN, UK. Tel: 223 333363; Fax: 223 333392. BIOGRAPHY: He is a lecturer in geography, and works primarily on the sustainable development of water resources in Africa. Florence Addo. Nutrition Division, Ministry of Health, Accra, Ghana, E.A.O. Asibey, K.B. Quist and M.B. Dyson, The World Bank, Washington DC 20433, USA. BIOGRAPHY: Not available. M. Tundi Aeardv. WWF, 1250 24th NW, Washington DC 20037, United States, Tel: 202-8618301, Fax: 202-2939211. BIOGRAPHY: Conservation scientist with the World Wildlife Fund-OS, and Vice-Chair (Marine) of the IUCN Commission of Ecology. Directing the Development of WWF's marine initiative, and currently working in marine protected area planning in Africa, the Caribbean and the South Pacific. Peder Agger. The National Forest and Nature Agency, Scotsmarken 13, DK-2970 Hoersholm, Denmark. Tel: 4545-765376, Fax: 4545-765777. BIOGRAPHY: Biologist, Head of Monitoring Division in the National Forest and Nature Agency in Denmark. Responsible for designation of reserves in Denmark and Country Representative in the Trilateral Cooperation for Protection of the Waddcn Sea in Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. - 3 - Lorenzo Aguilera Orihuel. Gran Via de San Francisco No. 4, 28005 Madrid, Spain. Tel: 347 5961; Fax: 347 6301. BIOGRAPHY: Ingcniero de Montes, trabaja desde hace 10 anos en el servicio de Parques Nacionales, primcro coino Director de Parques hasta el ano 1987 y desde entonces corao Tecnico en las oficinas centrales en Madrid de dicho servicio. Pedro Aguilar. National Parks Directorate, Fundacion Peruana para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza, 18-1391, San Isidro, Lima, Peru. Tel: 5114 426616/426706; Fax: 5114 427853. BIOGRAPHY: Biologo, Director del Parque Nacional Yamachega Chenillen desde 1986, y a cargo del Proyecto de Apoyo del Parque Nacional y de la FPCN. Ashiq Ahmad. WWF-Pakistan, Ali Industrrial Technical Institute, Ferozepur Road, Lahore, Pakistan. Tel: 92 42 856177; Fax: 92 42 370429. BIOGRAPHY: Conservation Director of WWF-Pakistan, has over 20 years of experience working in the field and teaching wildlife management methods at the Pakistan Forest Institute. He has an M.Sc in Resource Management from Edinburgh University as well as M.Sc in Zoology and Forestry. Miguel A. Ahumada. Corporacion NacionaJ Forestal, CONAF, Avda. Bulnes 259, Oficina 604, Santiago, Chile. Tel: 715559; Fax: 565-715881. BIOGRAPHY: Not available. Yapo Isaac Akre. Cote d'lvoire. Tel: 444766 or 430284. BIOGRAPHY: Not available. Esteban Alavo Briceno. Jefe del Parque Nacional Rio Abiseo, Programa de Parques Nacionales Peru, Fundacion Peruana para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza, FPCN, Los Rosales no. 255, San Isidro, Lima 27, Peru. Tel: 5114-426616/426706, Fax: 5114-427853. BIOGRAPHY: Jefe, Parque Nacional del Rio Abiseo. Licenciado en Educacion. Claudia Alderman. The World Bank/IFC/MIGA,1818 Η Street, NW, Washington DC 20433, United States. Tel: 202-4736680, Fax: 202-6769373. BIOGRAPHY: Environment Officer working in the Latin America Environment Division of the World Bank. - 4 - Maria Luisa Alfaro Bermudez. Apartado postal 10094, San Jose, Costa Rica. Tel: 229260; Fax: 236963. BIOGRAPHY: Subdirectora servicio Parques Nacionales. Abdulaziz Al Fawaz. NCWCD, P.O. Box 61681, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Tel: 441-870, Fax: 442-2166. BIOGRAPHY: Overall responsibility for the recruitment, training and supervision of the NCWCD Ranger Force and has worked with the Commission since its inception in 1987. Donald Alford. Box 6283, Bozemnn, Montana 59715, United States. Tel: 406-5871047. BIOGRAPHY: Hydrologist - Systems analysis of water interelationships for catchment basins in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia. Relationship between science and politics in water resources development or conservation. Lamri Alisaputra Ali, P.O. Box 10626, 88806 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Tel: 088 211524; Fax: 088 221001. BIOGRAPHY: As Director of the Sabah Parks Board of Trustees for the past 12 years; responsible for the management of six state parks, both in physical development and policy implementation. Has travelled extensively around the globe to seminars, symposia and workshops and congress in his effort toward the state conservation. Frere Sandie Alidi. Division of Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture, Private Bag 003, Gaborone, Botswana. Tel: 350688; Fax: 267 359934.
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