The Modfather of Acid Jazz and Owner of the Blue Note Selects His Top Vinyl
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on hisvbox i the modfather of acid jazz and owner of the blue note selects his a top vinyl S dancing ID 'apparentiy disciplesnothing' (talkinyoung . v:'fGX:j'.e tips for the week (go!• 'my dises) mole pmil' david holmes •(ninjalune) "player versus : Ihe herballser" 'papa's gotind a oliver brand ndson nevn bag' big jamesband (lolkin• 'get loud)another plan' obslract fruit 'This is from Ihefking olbum records) 'Soul On Top', ITs not a • "what else' Ihe majeslic 12 Qczz "Thisminufe is dhip fontastlc, hop instrumental uplifling, three-over versionband ofjazz the lo hit another record. dimension. James Brown Simply lakes the big beautitulEarth Wind soul & backing-vocolsPire. Ihs been in from my funkiesl orchestral record ever mode," orchestra (rrip wax) ' flimstone (acid jazz) andrecord il slill box gets for eightplayed to regularly.10 years l'm a man' Chicago (cbs) (grand• 'baseball central) drop' rae and chrislian ; mix'Il was acfd Ihe jazz first wilh real house record and to Earth1rs aWind cul-up, & Pire. il's notIPs ocluallyan American by bitlhday"We played porty this and al gotPaul him McCartney's and Linda • 'able semon' patlour lalk (acid ; il wos number one in the bootleg on an unknown label.' dancingIhe drums on Ihe and tables, percussion The battle make belween Ihe iozz)'camping . gaz' camping gaz record a dancefloorthe guilar classlc solo!).' (walch oui (or 'smoky Joe's(dass la la' records)googie renc combo (black swan) 1 'This is o seven-inch. My DJing chort wouldn't be complété many"l've playedyears anddub Dillingerand rootshom is f wilhout o Sixties mod classlc. David Holmes bas looped most insplrational DJ of tto.' thisDobie record Groy for once his newsaid, single The original 'My Mate Is stillPaul'. the However, greatesf.' as GIG- Bentlevs llford 1980. "1 knocked on the door and asked the bloke If there was anythlng on a Tnursday nignt. i was ai Evérvone17 " MOST ln MEMORABLEBrazil goes mad GIG: and Besl they - "Thewere mostjumping enjoyable up and Isdown." the most Wors/- unusunl "l've sa mlssed Ifs Globo, aboul Riosix deglfls Janeiro, ab'oad iwoby misslngyears i AmsterdamnîaTe Thev've NEXT already THREE paldGIGS: you Megatrlpolls, the money London sa that's (September really.bad." 5); Concorde, FAVOURITE Brlghton CLUBS: (7); Blue Athletlco, Note; BlueHMS Note,Belfast; London Melk (, DJ TRADEMARK: Subslantlaliy taller than Gilles Peterson." LIFE OUTSIDE DJING: Acid Jazz label; présenter on Jazz FM; ov < ities t If) to 00 O) O CM 00 if) r- 00 O) «N CM CM CM CM M 00 00 00 s 00 00£ 00 00 00 § Bulleted m 333 8 S i£2 Sj s 2 a s sa où M H .