D Ie W a Lküre

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D Ie W a Lküre new release February 2013 wagner die walküre ValerY gergieV anja kampe sieglinde jonas kaufmann siegmund rené pape wotan, nina stemme brünnhilde mikhail petrenko hunding ekaterina gubanoVa Fricka mariinskY orCHESTRA In February 2013 the Mariinsky label launches its most ambitious project to date, releasing the first Also Available title in a cycle of Richard Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen conducted by Valery Gergiev. Recorded wagner parsifal ValerY gergieV in the sumptuous acoustic of the Mariinsky Concert Hall, the cycle features a sensational cast, garY lehman parsiFal, Violeta urmana kundry helping create the most finely crafted Ring cycle of modern times. rené pape gurnemanz, eVgenY nikitin amFortas alexei TANOVITSKI titurel nikolai PUTILIN klingsor mariinskY orChestra The first release features Die Walküre, starring Anja Kampe, Jonas Kaufmann, René Pape, Nina 4SACD/digital MAR0508 822231850823 Stemme, Mikhail Petrenko and Ekaterina Gubanova. Recorded during sessions and performances disC of the month ‘What really distinguishes this, in 2011 and 2012, it will be released internationally in February 2013 in a 4-disc Super Audio CD though, is Gergiev’ BBC Music Magazine (UK) box and as a high resolution download. This will be followed in September 2013 by the editor’s ChoiCe ‘A truly moving experience, one of the Das Rheingold (chronologically the first opera in the cycle, although originally envisaged as a finest Wagner recordings of recent years’ Gramophone (UK) prelude by Wagner) with Siegfried and Götterdämmerung completing the cycle in 2014. FFFF ‘La Kundry passionnée de Violeta Urmana, le Gurnemanz très tendre de René Pape nuancent subtilement cette palette crue … le son devient couleur, la musique peinture’ Télérama (France) Der Ring des Nibelungen was the pinnacle of Richard Wagner’s long and turbulent career and Cds of the Year New York Times (US) without question one of the greatest achievements in opera. Wagner wanted to create the perfect Cds of the Year Los Angeles Times (US) synthesis of music and drama and assumed total creative control of the project which was to take him 26 years to complete, with frequent interruptions. He introduced numerous innovations, not diamant Opéra Magazine (France) Cd of the week ‘startling beautiful, rapturously sung and least the sheer scale of the project – typically a complete performance will last in excess of 15 hours, radiantly recorded’ BBC Radio 3 CD Review (UK) spread over four evening. No other opera matches the scale or ambition of the Ring. ‘essential listening for Wagnerians’ International Recording Review (UK) The Mariinsky Theatre has close connections with Wagner and his music. The composer conducted ***** ‘Gergiev presumably wanted to record a Parsifal that at the theatre and was even offered the post of Music Director. It is also believed to be the first place measured up to the international competition … he’s certainly where any of the music from the Ring was performed. Since Valery Gergiev became Music Director succeeded’ The Guardian (UK) of the Mariinsky, Wagner’s music has once again become a core part of the theatre’s repertoire, ‘a magnificent recording’Der Neue Merker (Germany) both in St Petersburg and on tour. The Mariinsky label’s recording of Wagner’s final opera Parsifal starring René Pape, Gary Lehmann and Violetta Urmana, was released in 2010 to international acclaim. L AR IFE RENÉ GN A, PA SA AN HORUS P M C E W R & R U A V R IE A T G A T S R E E E G L P H Y O C R I E R V L , O A N V Y A K S M N H I I E R L A M Y R A G 4SACD/digital MAR0527 822231852728 duration 236m40s dsd recording, MARIINSKY CONCERT HALL, st pETERSBURG, June 2011, E February & april 2012 RER PRODUCER ÜGN FMAN james mallinson A AU N, KW K HEST RE Vladimir rYabenko recording engineer, editing & mixing S RC RA N L A O RY G É jonathan stokes & neil hutChinson MASTERING N LE ER Y A G P O K I A A J S V E V P 4SACD in box with booklet (pp tbc) , N E I E I , P notes in russian (cyrillic), english, French and german R W N M A complete libretto in german & english I N A M COMPATIBLE WITH ALL CD PLAYERS – sacd LAYER includes multi-channel 5.1 and stereo mixes A K E I S A T J REcommended streetdates – februarY 2013 E N D M uk February – us February – others February A M E MARIINSKY RECORDINGS ARE MADE aVAILABLE bY LSO LIVe Florence eves, marketing coordinator LSO live ltd, barbican, london ec2y 8ds, uk t +44 20 7382 2543 e Florence.eves@LSO.CO.UK www.MARIINSKYLABEL.COM.
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