aili) THERE ARE OTHERS ! Bat wo doubt tf they «re QriTTS n« »ihW! es our Tea*. ami w* »r«* ik>m1- Household Coal tlroly i vrtàtn you will have to pay a rroHt don I morn for thorn. • Wrect Imprr'ing lea MdCoftoC Ce. S6.C0 Cor. Dougina au«l Johnaon Street a. Phone, hub______Victoria, b. C. MALL O WALKER,. *• CevenuÉent St 'Phone, Si

nVOL. 85 VICTORIA» B. C„ TIIVH8 0AT» MAY 1, 1902. Nt>. ft. . . 2 GOOD BUYS THh U. S. CHINESE EXCLUSION BILL A new 5 rotxmad- eettago, *««i*c foundation* 2 M*. garden planted. orchard, ettr. ■i BIC STAMPEDE ■II for ...... «1,100 A beautiful 6 roomed cottage, cor. lot, near Park- Van he bought ou ea»> term*. TO LET T roomed botme, pandora Av#...... Hrt 4 roomed cottage, N. Vhathum St...... %Hr’> 10 6 roomed hvuav, Whittaker Are...... 114 FuruUhed house, Bellott St...... ! Canes and! v iwaaisvmm ; ------!— : mqney to loan at low rates t CONCESSION THROWN P. C. MacGregor & Co.. Agents, 2 View- Street. m - OPEN FOR RE LOCATION lç!Î!P°K'r ‘«.4 J* «4 *4 .4 ,4 ,4 ,4 .4 .4 .4 4 4 4 4 4 4 t4 ,4 vtf .4 „4 "4 .4 4 tf tf tf tf tf 4 tf tf 4 ! Umbrellas ! * J* -* '* <4 ,4 _4 .tf .4 vtf .4 M * ,4 .4 jl „tf j« .tf vtf .tf .tf Mjàjt'j» > ,4 Itf > 'tf ii Litigation Is Likely to Follow—Wash- Up in Progress-The Export Gold, Silverand G. & W. Tax. 1884 SPECIAL. Fancy Heads. <«rwcui it, nww ». T„ Mas l.-»X Hat ii tfc. Guaranteed the Oldest and Best higifotoiatmnpwio h1ur. Miiu^ vf V.vtoria, will lip re first choice. Prices within j *I«Wt the goronmtent. 1 he Mi hie eon-^ X the reach of the moat humble purse. Bottled in . ! vt*5*!,|i'in waa thrûwa upoir for lix'Uthm at I nndnight, uuU liuuilrvdw of men. ha\t\ &l- • Kua .Fianc!»co Bulletin. • rvnily t-Like I and rvcvtxlt tl elaini* i»p VNCI.E. SAM-1, • v. r.thing clear and distinct, John? ; lilinker creek pn^H-rty. Dr. Milne*w HUDSON'S BAY CO. i coumiel in prvfuring uu iwJuiu tU>pr ^p«l JJÛEU I-KA DEUX ______WHOP FT- tvntvnTTg nrvioi, atiMusi tin- •< atievHatHm, & rififiriryi-ifiriririfyififirrt...... f whieh it* sllrgni to hp ttterât lirf Miin.:‘s I Challoner Mitchell, | k pn.ia rty waa ode of the uiout valunhie to Decide "H Peace litrmi, ». a I>. »' >>~ r~ >• >■ y s's's-s'ifir r~ r »■ »’ »• ►' *• »■ ; »■ »- »■ S J Jewelers and Opticians, 47 Government Street. $ ortuiitl unlor revuire»! hen*, the move* (A**c. kitvil Y*ress.) •••••"•••••«•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••B ALLtXIED COMBINE •ion hud lapMe«l on atrtmnt of certaUn im- Pr« torfn. Mfijr 1 - Th.» gen era f me* t- Residence For Sale. . ,, ------« RforeowWit** «ot bnrtT.g he n m.ndv hiiiT TiVg oT tbv ThTcrTcndvrs at which a final Anion g l acker* Ils* B**en Inve*t|gst.‘d other .proviiiivuN not having been c*»m- I hU| i-.-.-n HtfRrtfwl t v Mrs. Ilf— to by ConuuiUco of New York Ue- pHtfl with. dec talon tifoi Hie subject of th.- fettee •ell her re«lden,-e fronting <»n lie*, .it» Util, I'Ul'iiciiii Clttb. ♦îivnt e.xciv*:u«*nt was cnu*<*il yeatefday Begot iatlona • ex| •• *.■ f w i 1 ta, pi ce known as Beacon Voltage. Thl« la an ex- when it became ktn»wn Unit' tlv 'property nt VerwCTiging, Transvaal, M;.y I.V.h. RUSSIAN WORKMEN We Want You to Read relient chance for anyone wishing a de­ n«!on, M:ty 1.—It is nfflcially assert­ derstand (te-ir value. We want you to publiviUi < ’tub cotnni|t!e<*t which ed that judfaequent to the -dclrhrrath'm» fcwsw tmw aioefi vf -ran rWee yen to tfca iw-conling to *UUineHto made; fronr way of goad IMngs. Quality, priera and F. G RICHARDS ' "h’->l^0ÜL^ftd tha ,flp*4 atakew “f.-Utii ! ' -rveumji_jJiLy 3PJIC bged < out bin at ion of the puckers, ha* re««,n!od got the prize vlain prwii-d to Pretoria and d. l.rcr Vt Lord in Fights Wiih Soldiers A Number of all couMidcivd. we know what we have hi. \*t 10 BROAD st. mar wttf interest every ewrefut buyer. Bead { goaC -US Washington tor W e*»nfy, n» e uight at 11 o‘«*he k there were Kitchener thrlr êBftÉB lT r rgat*d fp {he our advertisement; profit by our talk. t 4»U» Attorney-< ic-neral Knox. NojmlcV* kuten.* to be seen at iiuhl- Strikes Were Inicgarated in LfIIJSPI" In n-prcM. a«(.-*,I at. the «■iplvf-l -V sAalUag ljem:*. Urm* they are prepar, <1 p> accept* B. * K. T.fkLLBD Om 'aaçk"_____ I.Shr...... SILPI61UAAM U-nLLKI» »>AFH, each ..v:2ftr.u «fire, however, tt hen fhe t't+mmtih* as- k'nvn. In Dawson this ,»w,r„;„,f States To-P.ay. fWiUUiN C4W\ MEAL, each ...... dttc. " s« inlilvil for its final meetiug. .telegrams was a Tine away into the etwet **1 VA..t‘t>vv+.rt MrrB!«. KNOW F1AKK8. package ...... I«r. FLAKE UJUU.EY, 4 the...... *J5r. w*-re read far,» J. O. I.ytnau, Xychacl !,M‘n «waiting tito ..pening of the record- iKpedol to the Times ! A complete line of Breakfast Foods al­ ( uduhy, * N« l*oti Morris. J. t>gil*-ii I0*? a,,*l wU «lay a rush laisincs* i* ways fresh and reliable. j Aimour and Uustavu* Bw iff, ispwuwinc being dutu.-. . May 1.—A protest in being ta Real Estate Agents. « u ii able to attend the conference with At- and reaulu *«» far have Lccy v**fy ftatm- , the " mULSheu.~ôf-thb* jdty.: ftmu jtoot V. v.e 4*»did ÇSSmthe-herbor master of stowage grain In vrrney rrcni-m ^Ktiox; wliTch th» «om- v 1 v*e4s. Thai V'ti they *11 y, î* ♦ded on -the < Immin TfofiHcr. Tcnonnreu Dixi H. Ross & Co., ...... »u*t „f g.,1.1 «ill be j iuu-od. U «littee had arranged. Chainnan Hulow t iutrpdcd to apply only to bulk grain car- that the lalmr i«opulation of th<* whole m* j -, > ,1 », , „ Fire, Life, Marine, Accident and unwarranted. Uedsy. a.„1 in w thv tux. 1; i- feit ■ Fntario farmer, hiHisl or wounded. A Ühlun r g.ment, I tilwl l,‘«* esta-hliehiiwot of an assay office and the other a Fr« n< hmau. bound for conunamk-d by Colonel Moroseff, n fustal WILL BE RELEASED. \ *u,np h ihmlntaljf m*ce«oiary. It a|tfH*ani Dawson, were bunewd yesterday ont of to act against the workm n. Atlantic Steamship Agency A Good Ranch j that gold dust itotdf mart go out of cit^ amont4 nggregaffng |4i»eiihiigcn have -usi**nd. <1 work 100 fall-bearing trees and 100 young (Amoriated Frees.) j offi«*e hive as well ns on the outside. and in n short time was tnet by an ap- Rome. May 1.—Ambassador Meyer ’' la cxpe<*t**d that the river ire will parent friend, who wanti*«l money to jwy 'tU j]0*k trees; good 1|-story house. If sold f..r fraiKht. Oil th.* s.-c urity of . h,w„k * .ot T,, ,1,, J,*' v"w,'l“ IntiK- HALL. QOEPEL & CO., too Government St. quickly the owner will take Iti.uOO, This <*»uferred this morning w ith Signor I'rin- break by May 15th. The trail to White ilrttft tl... yuan* man put up J-"l <>»nor» ( ia a buy not offered ever/ day, so do not etti, the foreign minister, and it was ar Horse is now about done, ami many miles of tiie river «q«en. in ret*, aid «ailed-la. *.aa^u» je*U*.. tMi.M'to'tEe^.SY* W2T fwlw,r*- delay calling. ranged that the - naval o Hiver*. in>g- i tb amme to rhan*u th. monov. B*. V.'. ,, ' ' ' 'hl u . h,. T'P’’ ,Ir,‘|lt ■« prisoned at Venice, shafi Is* released ti-1 artlj th- eàjfaa attM wee wed ia (be tetoew”kwe'*“*• day or to-uiorrow, conditional on the pay- ( FOUtnYKAD INLAID AND PRINTED Fire, Lite end Accident m« nt of civil damages nnnuinting to $5f - ■Insurance. fa*). It is understood that King Victor Carriage Run Down by a Fas* Mail May Day Démonstrations, Liumaiiuid will exercise hi* prerogative ! Train. ALIEN LABOR ACT. j Rowe, May 1.—The usual May Day to remit the imprisonment, so that after ! ! demonstration* have thus far Int n per=^ 9 and li Trounce Avenue, Urweedin^-i May Be Taken Against a caution they may leave tiennnrow (Asroclated Frwa! rderiy thronglmut Italv. About Victoria, B. C. alx>ard the Chicago. Kewanee. Ills., Mur L—Fo-ir livra Toronto Finn. ------, lB 0 tofe,. LINOLEUMS were h«*t her»* early this morning in $'i nerddent at thn Main strwtf cr« sdng of iArsoclnted Press.) ALL QUALITIES. FOUR CENTS LBGAL ffAM ttto -ftorbTigton-TnttTT^; Tho TIuTTri g Ts probable that 1 "T"' u h 7k “ ‘T h 1 "hi.,, May 1 Tw o t«»n fast muit train, eastimuiM. which Supremo Court Holds That Throe Cents wtUUr titkeu ne.lur the Alin. thouK,„„l men emplujeU iu the buiWtox Mining Shares run* through Kywance without *t«.p|dng. I ether Art uufain(a,n»t e muuuftK-n.rtn* ; tnui., out ,.n «rlke thi, in Indianaptdia is Invalid. ran «low n a ru triage cout.mlug four Jewelry firm in thv city, which is alleged for an eight hour day and increase of NEW FAIRVIEW ; young iieopU* and all wt re imdantiy to he endeavoring to import labor from wages, f. Piercy & Co., (Asaoctatod Press.) j anM. The. dva«i an*: Mias Maggie the United State* to take the place* of J Several Grant Demanda. ^CORPORATION.^__ Indianapolis, Ind.. May L—Four «eue Kecaler. Mias Blanch Harding, C. - A. the-striker».;—------—- } Wholesale Dry Goods 21-29 Yates Street, This company has at ’prveent 38 stamp* la the street car fare in ludiana|sdis. A Bntti-rs and K. A. Amery. TTnÉfalft, N. Y., May is estimab-d cruahlug ore, and im erecting as additional dtciaion rendered by tho state Supreme , that more than 2.U0U shdW Jaborer* are 30 stamp*, which will cnahle them to WANT PRINCE Ail CANDIDATE. Victoria, B. C. crush at least 150 tons per day, and are court yesterday holds that the three cent VOLUNTEERS FOR AFRICA. on strike in Buffalo to-day. Most, tf Installing an electric plant of 75 horse faro law ia iuvalid, and that four cent* (Associated Preea.! •the*.* are can*enterH, « few strhctnml Nenrly Eight Hundred M n Pnimed power. is thp legal fare. The case was carried Lwbeck, Germany. May l.—Xt n gen iron workers and thv rest ar.* j lumbers ▲t present price (at 8c.) these share* g re to the Supreme court by Chaa. F. Hmith. i Through Winning To-day En rhv <\iri*Miti*i.s, who nr,> receiving I <) a good Inveefwent. and we expect to see era I meeting of the Lubeck branch of the them rise considerably. president of the Inter Urban terminal ' Route to Halifax... - . Freising t Profite s party) to-dtj g" cuid^ no hour. .and -HT*» Winnipeg, May 1. Nroriy sim — for a.-k f. r 50 ceilts au h» tir. F. ur.v. n con-. A» W. More & Go., Ld. pey more than three, cents and then sue«l adopted a* a joint caudidute at the next AGENTS, 23 BROAD ST. for damage*. the South African fourth contingent left tractors, emphiying about 450 men. have at 2 o’clock this afv rnoou for Halifax. eb ctlon of member* of tin* Reichstag by agreed to pay their carpenters 37k« all the vlirions parties ropreweuting the HUNDRED» KILLED. Despite the heavy rain cheerftig crowds prnt-‘** Moat of the contractors have con- witness, d their d«‘tNti-tur« from the sta­ middle classe*. ccucd the demands of the structural iron tion. Tlfe local troop* were accord'd an l workers, but a few of the mimIW T.te* Bicycles Repaired Several Towns in India Devastattnl by CASE hlMtSSilD. Ab4 bU Me* at r.nmlBf ] Erased or enamelled Try na sad satisfac­ ovation along the line of march frvn. the i are holding out. tion will be guaranteed. At Tqynado. barracks to th • Agat, (Associated Freaa.! Twelve Thousand Idle. WilkersoD & Flcury’s Celebrated General Purpose (Asaox'lated Press.) .r.'rth, Miiv tr—Thy rouit h«. iPtHm-t- 1 IMltohurs. I’n., Uiy l.-M0} (Joy lv„, BRADEN'S BICYCLE THE AIK KING. and Sod Plows. Calcutta. May l.-A tornado has de- e«r the rnse of Kcnipfer vs. 1 »r. Chniefly. 1 n'fi“rv«l in with strike* in mi .s . f t), , SHOP. *" which the plaintiff claims th-* doctor huiMing trad-.-* fur a n-duvtiou in hour- VtL. W nrrorr er. ------ir-^srttfr*ïWS9*»r4 New Y'ork, May 1—Allw*rt Santos Du­ NICHOLLES & BENOUF, LTD. sons were killetl. Crops were ruin»d through too light bandaging and too vonditvms, , _It L- I'-tiUMt d that |K'- throughout the district. Dacca, * city in mont, the aeronaut, who mine her»* fmm small a tplint a sore waa caub d in hi» tiirtu 12.(00 n:„t is,non zrp ■alt tor Brttlah (lolnmbU. Oenwr let* ead Bnwd E'runce u» disciihs ah exhibition and race hiintB. Victoria. B. S Bengal, is 150 miles northeast of Càl- palm, rendering hi* hand uaelee* Ihu tludro iiurujvrtt rh,. .tn nnral WE KEEP HAMMERING AT IT cutta. of airships with .the directorate «.f St. irnn Korkon, nine mul til.' n. f rs iii- I»uis exhibition, eaihil for Kuro|M* to­ SCHOOL INSPECTOR RESIGNS ;•* flw-tric wire wnrk. r .> rl.,11 '*-d •'Bottom Prices" Our Motto day on the St. I>a Savoie. II,» will go SUIT SETTLED. 1 '-ntolu.-r». and w,h.,I au I n rlA ■nrjtBlBf tor tie Bobs* to Ixnidoii ami will probably give home (Associated I-re*»,) litthqr». 1 hp atrikva w !| tin v„rk i n (Awoclated Press.» exhibitions during tho coronation. Mr. Toronto, May 1.-.lames L Hi'gtn *, ll"* •’’fiK' tinildiiuti in io,|r,, 1)t HASTIE’S FAIR Santiai will |»rohahly return to the United for 28 years Inapta tor of public si ho U t'irttion in this t-iii. XitmhiM. o/ tho I»n«l«m, May 1 .—Tine libel suit brought State* next out uni. ' by Isml Sultield a gainst llvury Labou- in this city, has resigned to dev t> I D I« artiuj,- urtlitoft» in lli, .it y h.'.v,. slop. ettciVtton to literary pursuit*. Th • ri sig- |ud the i ■. i|,i of .si î,,.; .. chero has been aettHpl. Tho latter with, DIVIDEND DECIDAIljED. drew all the Imputation* on tho honor i.utlon gwa iuto eîlei t on A»tgu»t 81st. work, and , ,1 ,, a Potatoes iuii ud>- pUnu.1 thef ! iiv- u, ♦ j -n» of Isud So I field, who expressed himself (Associated Press.! FIELD SEEDS We guarantee our seed. 'We have as being mort* satisfit*! with tiie state­ MAY.OU OF HALIFAX. | tom of. intosnite deli» in l t; Burbank Seedling*. Waller Kftlelgh New York. May j.—A quarterly divi- i .intru ta. One of th,. arclilt it» ii.17 and Rural of New York. Try a ment than ho would have been with a d«tid of |»er n-nt. on Northcm Pacific Choicest Quality. Largest Stocks and Lowest Prices. sack. verdict ifi liis favor. (Associated Proa*.! muining ahowK] "i* ci/icatii 111 on V is . SYLVESTER FEED CO. w as nnneenced to-duy. This is the first Halifax. N. 8., May 1 .—At tho ehic Hiraretntin* fIft.UOU.lOd,' whieh is l.ein* Send in Your Orders. dividend di^dand since the sfock1- was élections bel»!. |ÿat*r«lev Adam B. J'rr.a BROOKLYN BACK. held u,-. hy the labor tronidf. On H- turned over to the Northern Securities by, **liin broker, was elect. »1 m 'yr uf ronnt of the rori.m.irs' «dite the Company. Halifax over Cha*. S. Laud, by i(> ma­ (Associated Press.! h’.rtfi st idailin* mill operator, have jority, out of a total vote of 8,37V- i »ttm*d He ci... their >!io,;« ..»! ms a THE BHACKMAN-KER MILLING GO., LD. New Y'ork. May 1.—The United State* CORK. EXHIBITION. 1 ^Vitleno at of the tronl.l.. CACTUS DAHLIAS armored cruiser Brooklyn arrive^ 4,ff ère, prise end model. The beet end DI>*TU()YTV BY FIRE. ‘ For Wares. most up-to-date varieties In the province. Sandy Hook this morning from the' (Associated Press.) To be had only from Philippines. Rear-Admiral Renivy, the Cork, May 1. -The international exhi­ (Associated Pros*.) ’ F'ldnliv’i!/ N. .1.. M-y L—Tl . r.-a of commander-in-chief of the Asiatic *ta- bition lien* tvuw o|H*ned to-day with a r.eruv, Switzerland, May 1,—Tliv Gur- all the building inities w. at oid on strike New Wallpapers G E. WILKERSON.~7 tk-n, roturned from Cavite on the Brook­ brilliant street prncrtcsioii, in which lord Today. Alt thé c:.rpet;( r>. i-nn'cr ■ .p v genbla, a famous health resort, was de­ Dahlia Speclaltat. Victoria Nursery. lyn. having completed Uà tt-r.n uf servie»* mayors a ml various corporation* and d\r hanger.-., tiiuiex* aiuL. pihu*U4:K*> PttONB A.T4M ‘444 VATEt* ST. stroyed by fifd rrtgbt. The church' From 10 cents per double roll to $5.00. A One line of Incmln Goods. «a tin.- Mattel. trade guilds, with bamD and banner». ! ■l.pia:ul« iiuBbettli.aiiaj. 'QI ben wi I.HEI.MIXA 76-78 FORT STREET. CHARGED WITH FRAUD. OBX. Sill W. 0UT1KUT8 DEAD, j Slrlk -s at ..lootreal. J. W. MELLOR. SENATOR DEAD. -■—7— . j , May Lr-Moulft^-L ha* s v- ___: (Associated Frees.) «Associated press.» (Associated Pros*.). j era!" strik'S on. Tiie p’umbc * arc 1 EK. THURSDAY, MAY I, 1902

T53KI I I PLUMBING AND JUST 20 YEARS AGO BUSINESS . W,. rotiMlalrod onrsclvt* on the corner of t ort am! Douj,*»* HEATING - , .. - pilon UnurtfUtH. The steady growfta of • »• DIRECTORY buslav»» year by year ha» l*)a«‘ed wa In u po*Rl«m to J’” Do You appreciate What good» In whol.-cile quantities and lake advantage of all »*" the BLlLDfc:U * 4>l-,\EHAL t'O.VIHAt Vfju-Ol of 6Bt- name** tMMftfon. It will |w.y m to deal whh u». Sanitary Plumbing our r.putAti.m f„r carofuinv** and pure drug* I» THOMAS CATTKUALL-10 Bnjad have, during the pa at• .20■'•i yen:. Minted over 3UO.UUU |T«‘m i iv Means ? Alters ihms, ottiee Ottingi, v bar re tlon* (that la «iur extieTH'i- • prescript ton department, t* E8 V ■ . -t -1 paired, etc. Telephone 11 371. acknowledged aevond to i. • :< m I’aelflo Coa*t In It* appoint It is an absolute security against sewer mont a. None hut the no - i « l « V drug* and chemicals tin.I their ..•■otto—Quality 11 rat. prive after. gas. We will lu* pleased to give you full MOUUL A Wiin iTNUTON, im Yatee IK. way' Into our i.-*tabltih»u nr. Eetliuatf* given, job work. etc. TIom >Xv are prompt, we are vu.elul. None but experienced dispenser* information on tlsi* subject, un«i will «u-ployed al r ______gun ran tee perfect satisfaction w ith ft ork : auoota and shoe* at Imrgalu prices, and %otir repairing A. Sheret, Street. done, at Neugle'», the prize Loot and sftae ■ The Canadian XortUwviit land sale# for maker. M Kurt street. Please call. Yoe April, 11h“-\ umouutvtl to 1-4,401$ acres. won't be misled. ! for STl’.MS la April, 11MH, Lite salt's .> 7..172 n* rtn. for $42,404. Tho total ; CONTHAlTOkl. aliui for the four month* of the present BLBCTR1C WORK OK ALL KINDS—I A ï-af amounteil to R0.4.S0 mro* for $2fdV R. Hedgmsu. :ta Douglas street, one doe itï WINNIPEG Tfl-DM 1 TM* 1» against 17.^21 acres, for CONCERT IN AID OF THE MENIORiAL FUND. below tort street. , $VV,4V2. L_ ESTIMATES GIVEN oo moving bull.lla**, '• Lali>r Troubles. work careCnliy doué at reewmable prleew The drill hall was crowded last evening eal exercise* tH*rfonrn*d by the Royal Kri- I Toronto, April 3>k—The 1st of May Johnson A Go., Ill North Pembroke ft. on the occasion of the entertainment ginvers, to the music of the fife and TORONTO WORKMEN j will wo no icns than five labor orgauiznr G A Kit U TH K RM, Dh'KHON A HOWBg. : lions onvu strike because«.«>«. they,m. have tlroiru given in aid of the South, African mem- drum band were features of the evening. 131 to 135 Johnson street, Grimm's Both were performed without a *mg| • Block, manufacturers of show cases and TO GO OUT ON STRIKE iinAble to make satisfactory arrange- “riaI fun* 216 Cook street. Public teat clirie 0* is and bricklayer*. was ^shown l.y gi-rurous uppluus»' wilii late tiir Arthur HolUvau’a. hui and Messrs. Howaril ami Taylor, erwy TtrorsCay at 8 m. ' wMeh rarh p^rfornianre ' was gm4=ed ilugh-s’s march, “Tlie T7nit«sl Empire, * Provincial Elections. Nominations. dhtml*' was given on the comet by WANTKIs a woman for sewing by Hurtitiomsl off by flags and limiting each W. V. North in splendid style, and after «•«mrlnded the programm«>, and the .Na­ day. Apply "A. H..' Times uittce, dfttUAftOkAb. The following nomination* for tiro pro- «•orner had been tmnsfortmsl iutii a booth a selection from rite burnt n rnmpai v tional Anthem Was jdajre«f by the band. rttrriTii rdecti mm aTW rrpurtPft ttirmigtgmt ' at whlrb tea. <-o1fee. tiike.' candies, kv* from the -Fifth- Régiment, imder the W A NTEi>— f jedy*s trteyclè: state price and. BHORTHAND SCHOOL. 15 Broad 1 laiton. John It. Tbe foIBwlog were in charge of the Wake. Address L. B.. Times Vince. tup-stairs). Shorthand, t; «ream and other deliea«‘ies wcr*»-«tis- dàfeetkm -of Hergeant-Major MuîcaTiÿ, refreshment booth: Mrs. Moorwv Mrs. book keeping - ng»»f, k x Barber Unit Hamilton, Henry nuui. of passengers ever brought t« P» tilled. NihsIIvsh to say the stalls were gave an exhibition of mounting and dis­ Douglas, Mrs. (Nirrie, Mrs. McMicking, aghnt Wanted ree the «.my authorUed Carseallvn M’oti.ii XV est Jin mil ton. well patronized. 13fe nf the great Tuliuage. by bl* die- < llalKux, tho Hiuuburg American line mounting a j:t-poundcr field gnu. Mrs. Mrs. Iliacock, Mrs. (Capt.) Hall, and the tlugulshed arm, Rev. Dr. Prank De Witt • DAY SCHOOL—Misa a O. Fez, flavor .1. S. Hendries (Con.); Ottawa. V7 TuImage, and the Associate. K«lttore of I' "treet. MINN FOX, moalc teacker, ateai.:« r Bulgaria arrived curly this B. -IhiAvvll fCon.l; and Hennis Murphy the Christian Herald. Illg l»oek. 5ou | addreee. moi ig from Hamburg. Stio brought (Conaî Iziinlon, Frrtl. Haxelgrove «S'­ prufuaely lUvelrated. Low retail. il* East Middlesex, Henry Wade OSgeet Uineouut. Ibwika oa credit. Out­ 2,,'ijiJ immigrant», of \\ Imtn 1.71** are for il free. Be Ural in the Held. Wire or miUlllUKHB, FOUNDERS, ETC. tho I’-uudLui Northwest. Two children 1S«M ialiîjt). x O-. D , „ A ' ' * ' V X K write for outfit today. Unscot t Pub duxl i.u the pa-So. age. ...The vaaaeugeni -V lUhlug Company, Toronto. - MARINE ropr -vul all nationalifles. «îflttebnw, r 1-tlLOMHIAS RKVnr.T. engin kbuh. I’wtiUrttke niKt. u------Italia us and Germans. _ — Elect rltiana id for 40- page r_,pamphlet W.^rU telephone 681, rulduic. WrphM. coutsiulug auction»-.Iona askedaekeil'by by ExaminingExu . («oing to England. The Kevolutiouists Took ilio Board^ of Ktigineers------to ohtam engineers--- Mmurenl. Ajrril »»».—A 4 *«.ren« pi nice, Jiuriug Abscipv of (larruie k «lures* Geo. A. Zeller, pub- Haber, Km— 67». 18 B. 4th — — •CACHA\ EHI wlu# will repn«u‘tit bis country at the Çoiumainb r. ‘ Louis, Il «x coin, i • tion of King K«lv\urd. will take ZINC ETCHINGS—All kinds of Bngravtefli pas.*:age from Montrenl next month for oo sine, for printers, made by the B. C. Psimma, April 30.—The re$»ort that , TO LKT. Photo-Engraving Co.. 26 Broad liL, Vla- England. The general trattie .‘eparv the Colombian revolutionist* hnvo cap- ) torl a. Ma pa, plane, etc. i:« 1 v.f tin* V. r. H. r cei\ « <1 tvlvt.s-M tureil Rio Hacha is confirmed., Gen. I IUH>M AND BOARD-All ho*e comforts, ye*t« flay that a prince nml bis suit will per week; gentlemen preferred. Mr*. HALF TONE»—Kquul to any made any­ Foliaco, who was in i-ominainl of the j Vattou. Woodmere, Catherine street, VU> where. Why stud to cities out of oh time** Y-tdwlmWM»,- May 2iuL-aa w__"" Itt iii'thf to ddi ~ totU Wmf ,-.------______Pros I oca wh'T you ean .»et fusr BafiM» pro- of India. Tho party will also in- j tilo revolutionary forces, in tbu Inga U* the Province? Work guaraateaij TO LET -Nicely furnished ns-eia, auluhla prices satisfactory. Tho B. C. Pbata- clJKb* Mr. < iofft*. of the Brilisii « oitsil- n, ighhorhotsl. Ho left the town uupric r<>r gcutlemeu. fyn atrireC kt,graving Co., No. 26 Broad «t., Vk-torlft. 4st*> > . « t'ortui. -and.AIx«. GoUX'.. >vliv will eyf. «ho|- h«-4Ho meantime -tho rebel» copie in-ross the cwitiuwit in i aiwvial tnfered Rio llacha. T Tti Ltrc-Dvaigahu «Stags. Us* Bay ave- <««nipartiuent car. From Montri*at. the pit* ! nue; ptstsesaioa May 1st. Heiatermau A PI 8INEB8 MEN who use printers’ tmk Gen. Halflxnra, the g«wenior of Pau- OSfOHT need Kngrwv.lags. Nothing so effective m riait nr* from the Orient w ill sail ou the amn. says Khv Hacha has been •practi­ ------Everything wasted In thlg Nitn-Wm, May 24th. Wïs! TO LET-Comfortable suburban bungalow, Use made by the u. C. Photo Engraving cally enrrmttwi by the government f>*r«s*. with about two seras of land; Immediate Co.. 28 Broad street. Victoria, bTcT Cel» Will B«i Invitisl. on accoont of its unhealthy condition. -w posseeaiou. Heialertuan A Co. fur catalogues s specialty. Yellow fever and smallpox fyr the y«*ar j. *- 1 ^ TT Montreal Roar«l of Trade to-day \ Guv i s _ IV LET —2 c omfortable and pleasant 1 B. C. PBOTV-ENGRAVING CO., 26 E dt*rld* 4 to e»t»md au invitation to l>»ril mmlted HI tile death Ilf over d.isei nun. keeping rooms. 152 Fort street. street, up-stairs. Half Tones and w lu. were stationed there. Hm" ■ and the delegation of the lam- m «X, y * Etchings. ^^'TTmudiuï uf üoîumvn-e, wTiidi vrllf Gen. BaTaznra. has received a cable H4>U8KKKEPING ROOMS, single or In «1ispat«'h from Gen. Feniamlez, announc­ suite, with use of kitcheu. I2u Vancou­ visit N« w \ , Ntram bar, ta r-»> SKCTCX^AP ver street. KLOWkH POTS, MTC. visit to Montreal. ing that he has 4.000 aol«liers at Hondn. ; ready to embark for the Isthmus, but ad- ; TV I.ET1«rr Bay flt.. hous«* ...... 911.00 BEWKR PIPE. FtiUWtR POT*. #T< Will Arbitrate. that he cannot get autiitieut n».r Briush & Gana&ian Gravfs *>*k ttay Art., cottage...... hkt» B. C. Pottery Co., Ltd., Cor. Broad i 55 Third Ht., with stable ...... 12. t*> l’andora. Victoria. - Clmr-Ww Boyd, ' x$f h«« boats tn transport them «lown. Arrange- . Paardeberc. 0 R C 50 Pandora 8t.. house ...... 14.60 agi• < to act j" arbitrator between the nantis an- being made for transportatl)* 6 Second St., cottage...... H00 I'LllHFaBI AND GAS FITTERS. X’anr. iiim l’acifie a»t«l it* truckmen. j of the troops. The g«>vemm«mt army in Beta tit., boose ...... 8.00 HE1STERMAN * CO. Jxingatun Case ' *he «lepartment of Cacao has lieen r«*- The ronivrt was «imtu«*d by the Fifth Gideon Hick* wa* heard to advantage 4a Mi**cs Goddard, Je McTarish and L A AV. WIL8UN, Plumber* and Ou ,, - oi gniiiz*-.! int«j «fivisions of six battalions R-gMm-iit bsiel. whi«-h under the tender- the rendition of Jordan'* “The Kt&g r. Those who were In dHffS TO I eepiag l fera, Bell Hangers and linamlibe; I Kingston. April 30.—W hen Eric each, in all 141,800 men. AU is quiet thi|».of Handinnsfcr Finn rendered in «a- That Beached Mj Heart.** An .\lui.i 120 Vancouver street. era in the beet descrlptlone of He» Shnri--. the young l«f who abet Beatrice »»f tbe fescfwn booth were Mrs. Wil­ and Cooking titovea. Ranges, etc.;, I h«‘re. One gm-rilla bau«l is in the field. i i-ll.-nt style a nmaker <»f ««Id BingHsh tlon <-f bayonet exercise was the next on TO LET—All kinds of storage taken at 88 ping aupplicd at lowest rates, 1 ioll.i ml, wad arruigju-d L fon- tin* mag- liam Rivhdste and tho Misses Venroll, street, Victoria. B. U. Telephone « The strength of the Colombian fleet has inelo«!le* cut it led “Reminisceuces -)t : the programme, after which a quartette Wharf street; bonded and free ware­ istre • to-day, tilt latter rcfiwr*! t*» n«- l**‘ti increased by the adilition of the Keefer, Hunt. Holme* and Fraser. housing. Harry S. Ives. «vpt tin* verdict of accidental bouikide England.” The fancy drill by a squad -»f j “Htrauge Adventure.” from Nnllivan** Mi*»-* Emily Ni«-h«dlc*. B. Rots-rt*. M. JOHN COLBERT, 4 Broad street, L______. Panama Railroad Company steamer ti e Fifth Regiment, nn.ler Sergeant- opera. “Th» Yoemen of the <3oard.” was gas, steam and hot water Utter, skip’s i i*mb :by the coroner's jury. Sharp' s (Tapta. which has been arnic-l for War. Neill. II. Mutin» and Austin were at the FOR SAL*. plumbing, etc, Tel. ftf»2 I*. Q. BotlR. Maj«»r Mulcahy. together with the physl * undervd bv Mr*. Hick*. Ml** I am-wen * camty I wroth*. (ouiir.l was not prepnred to jdéad. and Alarming rumor* are in drmlation here the ce .'C was ailjoiiraed until Frhlsy. FOR KAJ.K-Two cows, good n.ttkera; 6CAVSRGER». as to the whereabouts of the revolution­ cheap. Apply Times Vlftoe. Ntrik<*, . ’• .______ary force*. I am. -i> ! of it," an,l thrn ho n-!atw»l ! of 1h>- mn.iral mrortainmrnt worn Ih" kok HAI.K—At hhawnlfan Ueh», m JULIL'H WEST, General Scavenger, su Mn< hinlsts of tho locomotive work* arc s«sp to John Dougherty. Yards and i-ito tor,.or Mr. Clifford i. Mit-rwi to | <-nw.nit,l,i anitlin. conu-t. harp, rio]111. - llolrt Wrathoona, oo. lot, 80 fret water- pools cleaned; contracts matte for on M ike Itecausc the company put a CATARRH. Buys * bnttb* of JAVANESE hare onjojred hi. re*,ilnr niirht'a r, «t rod rello; the ailo. of Adjt. Iii.-k 111 Iff) HCl lu 1 W*Uf m roniove him. antiseptic. heating cameras. Including the Pocket P«ice, the naturally making It imenualM In «wring OF NIGHT SI Mr Fleeelam waa most forcible in hi* «lust*, quartette* and aext« tte* mid th«- smallest, best and ch«-apest «taniera on 130. Western Volunteer*. the catarrh ulcer*. It kills the germ*, al­ interruption*. He »hottt«'d rut*.” nml wirging of tin* two pretty Uttle waif* the market. R. Maynard. 41 Pan«Mra lay* the IrrttNtlon of the ronron» membran»-. Mr. McBride reciprocated with ’’wnake*.'' whom Mi** Booth ha* ndopb*d. and who street. UPHOLSTERING AND AWNINGS. Wiutii|iog. April 90.- Tlu« C. I*. R. atop* the «Iropplng» In the throat and make* AInuii 3 the Attorney-General m«*t 1 the breath sweet. Sen«l 5c. for assortie. go through a mmiher of dumb liell ex* ■pedal, which will nirry tho wv*tern Mr. 4'nrtia tottiring ‘hbi _th«- chan.ber FOR KALR-A large Are | rawnm rs of the fourth omtmiMit Pc We want you to know It* worth The EXACTIONS ON POWERS rrriaes Tury credltaHy...... M« < ull«>ugh safe, single Griffiths A Mah«'r*vn Co., l,hulte«l. To Troigbfe«T with a full cnrpr of Twuail The i*‘rwmn«4 <»f the entire party gr- seen st 26 istes street mmtm cl«uiwl .ml Shi. TPho.?ri5k,,,T Halifax, loft Medicine Hat this morn­ vtduiiMi» «»f the Time*, ami oilier d«* n etc., apply to Assignee, OF THE LEGISLATORS rotnpanying Mis* B«*»th ha* alrea«ly been ing. nud* U expcrtwl at Winnipeg «1m*uI ment*. He *t<*i>(ie«l in wonder and a*k«-«l Board of Trade Building. half -past eleven to-morrow morning. The Pari* T“tnn«« c«*rn'*i*on.l«wit *t ■son ♦Thn hmnlrcd men were on l*»ant at Saigcui, Fxench .CmdiimChkuL^xhlna that •; ..>w4 wbiwr -tbw-trwm-pnib» “I tell you. EU'rt*. " w«* the reply, “that. ,H,m whitb thv>' wlU ,mbnrk r°r 1 ü?A"?*i ««.w» hi. ha rtvrivtii then The G:<*t Fear Whkb Came Open the ftnnas, white, red nod yellow, $1.86 out of here nhout noon to nwrrow their i *.4nm TmuiIiIm hnve broken 1 out : . _ 1 am g«iing to iyn«l tin* whole of the « vi ^ per don, datu-w at tbw-rôyaj ooinmission.” TWe j noanar will bu mcrvase-1 to' Ul«>. Id till- Mi-kyr dtitrtft. n-nr Vim Tiniv [ Attorney-General—A Crisis in ft* ÏBE Ci Cl ATHLETE», BlCYCUdT» Lenvee To D;iy. h ini th. myAnmvut lm vt- 11-MI i ill [-'Mm I Chine IwCk «iter tile r«ntl« •** fcnember** PRINTING PUttbl FOR HA LB-Tbe Cot LIMITED the Cemmâsariat. shotiblef n* hé «llaâppcorvd Into tiie ! Should always keep II AG YARD'S YELLOW iron pr«we, 0ft which tbs I>allv Time* wa* Pr ;ni«‘r Roblin leaves for tbp East t«>- t.illi-iylff Irani» thin- Kvrieui diffi- chamber. The Attorney-fjeneral reeled,! ^ 00 Nothing like It for stiff new print«n1 for several year*. The bed la morrovv. He sail* oh May 7ih on the Ma- rnlü* are aim reportai to hnvi- orrnr- ; and soreness of the muscles, sprains, 32x47 loebee, and In every respect tbe NANAIMO b. C i,.,! it llattlm Bang, Ipdo-Chlna. but strong mm *ap|v»rtcd him Into tiro bruises, cm a,- etc. proas Is la flret-riaae condition. Very jeetic. to attend tho coronatiou «ere- House, where he HUiumoncd the rest of suitable for smell dally or week!i*kly of~ All night *e**iou* are always replete lb- ministry about his chair, nn«l $600 « Rates Hedyced. Lwlth funny m«id*nts, nod that «.f Tncs- wild. .eye* told thetij of the iiiipen«|lng \ fl. *,ar« The ('nnadjaii Pa trifle announce lm r Sky « V. nln* win no exception «o tli«- peril. roE______RÀLR— Kxpree* aad ««r, et jK»rt: t reductions in freight raUw on I tnle. The 11 on** itself pn *eni«*d a ip»v«*l ^-The most serious fwiitife of the illght Jamrsoa'a, «I Fort street. Lai Mlactfty WMU UU,. .nn.tils.aaU da icy .pca.lmlA._ki L(.Dig.Utrti^JKikU.vtiutv. Ajccy-beardctl lmudieta . :^6A7M»e:;£ailffiT utdL : thr: WARNING take • T. t May^7th. Hat*** wr|LU> re- ..Niri‘,,',llV'1. 5,1 ruJ) h'liif.Ul $11 their \h;iir.«i, liliiillL. two .ill lmr w,4W*««- ■Dr m kn Ides un Teau«ir of Lhe oiH-«»*iti«»n <*ltuHt- ^verp «rfttamaWc, bttt *tl thn t the fogia- 1 Ii 11 ; tion \\ hu ll he ho well latlvc chef I mi«1 left of a col id «dm racier ! lost o* r«nn. rrT*RJr,nilf'»'brritfw--'?bè'- n«tmHt*fered i was a small piece of hmp. some. *<*ln 1 Amt*er. for Vnnromner and biscuit* nmi a «•nihiy of ten. An hour I IsiUtT—From 33 8t. !x»ul* street, a Rrotch Çnyti Clark, niuuagiT of the Brnnd«»n govcniiiu'iit supporter*. Every l«t«r Iwlatvd -transport* arrivtsl with terrier puppy. Return between 7 and » fair i-vuril, ’ ha* ac cepted a « «unmissioii | point of order and «’Very motion to e wa* lifttsl. p. Bi. Reward. "The isquare pegw in tbe roqgd^ hole” ...... 1.. geut toe South I journ guv.* hie frc*h time in w'hbh t«> ! Tho live* of the weâ/y members of tbe Washed Nuts - $5.00 per ton figurativelyvtly expexpresses the use "of means Afin, m - j f*rilfy himsetf for further effort, while nn *#» grille rv were Uh«k»uJ»t«‘<71ÿ saved by SOVIHTlfcS. unsuited to the desired ene<\ •u»-»*- Hearing lT#xtpuui«»d. rv# 4l«<‘ grviit Jstiltid't. SIIowinI b«dg«‘t ttio tlfoughtful ne** of "Mr/'Triltcm. «vf -many pfoptt WBO MW .ttJHvi.'tit rrmml to lm Kamloo|,,,whu ..«it rallvf t„ the Viillfry VICTORIA COLUMBIA LODGR. M «-Her, tiie Canadian Pacific work- ; dyspepsia and other diseases of thé stom­ No. i. meets drat Tburwlay tn every IMInrad to Ml gort wltfal» tk. dtj HmE. tr:ivvllc«l over to furnish plenty of piat«v when the member* were on tiro verge of nxmth et Masonic Temple. Douglas mai » v ...;Tgcd with the murder of hi* j ach and ita allied organs of digestion and. street, nt 7:3n p. m. wifc ^By-throwing her in front of a rail- j rial* f««r voWmefeV I-bf>»csl,ratro«« ««dlaiwtx nutrition bv theuseof Dr. Pierce'sGolden wa* tlic principal element in tho «lehatv. 1 ------B. A ODDY, Secretary. way .-laid, was formally charged with Medical Dmcovery say: ” Wetrie«l many tiie • Vu.v in tiu* i*dv <«>mt UHay. and medicines with only temporary benefit. mid neturc ha« «*tuipp*‘d Mr. M« Hri«i«» ARMY OFFICERS ENTERTAINED. VANCOÜVBR A QUADRA, No. A KIN6HAM Ô GO., ! i**rimp* l**tt.*r than any other member ; ______* ------—-M -is* tho hearing wn* pot.ti>viiéd for two It was not until we began the use of eTTHeSSs M Broad St, Cor. Trou ace Alley. ‘ Golden Medical Discovery ' that we •>f 111.. I.«i«l„tnr.- with Umt qlMlUre- M|„ B,,,th au,I Staff Appisred nt th" A _ Wbn*t—Spiatt'a Wkul. S«oto Street found a complete end lasting cure.” tlon. Ill» TOIW got • httlo hilakv. but A. O. V. XV. Hall lai.t Sight, Secretary. I-r.nd Sale*. otherwise he *howv«l little fatigue, and , . It is undoubtedly true that Dr. I’ierce’i Telephone Call 647. The Canadian Pa«ifi<* and Canada Golden Medical Discovery holds the rec­ ! ™**blw to f»“tiuue in tho ll«ma«* yes* Thv A o. U. W. ha U «rsa HIM to It* North v. est luml stde* for the month of ord for tbe perfect and permanent cure 171 " 'capacity last evening, when Mis* Eva That Ap tow that during that month big j of indigestion and other diseases of the | The Frontier, a tralmnl business man, Booth, commlKsloner for the Salvation A WARNING TO iiK'ivj. . .«ere made over the tovrospitnl- ' stomach and associated organs of diges­ 1 vlewrd It nil in a *«»rt of childish w«>n- Army in Canada, and n big stuff of of- lug . mlh it xi-ar ago, and tiiat there . IS Light tion and nutrition. It is not a palliative. «1er. Now and then he h»n

  • -nles tieing put through dally. The ! mininti r. but nt l«*ngth «.♦'*»*t.Hl whro* ho up the body with solid healthy flesh,, not t iaitor* are making their annual tour t«» W’ho hne travelled nearly all ever tbe inert a «c iu C. 1*. II. land sales for the flabby fat. j found that the huulvr of tb«* opp«witi«>n the eonnt, an«l only siH-tit the night h«-r<\ Backanhe may strike you at any NOTICE. world, la In your city. I read your life four j.::»:u.h* of, this year V>v«»r last years lit i* with pleasure that I tell yea what Dr. , rttaih' them the exrusn for a lecture to having come «llnn-t front Sp<»kane. Last time. Comes when you least ex­ rormrtly from birth to death. My a<1 vices is ov, r of «>r«1er. the kidneys. KKKTT- of «viot. «'barring rhe nomtnel min’ waa taken with stomach and bowel trouble. ,thv eypuing** programnu» «-onclutling with Longevity, Trades or Profession*. »n«l any J. ii-v U. lanl d«i»art- Everything I ate would put me in distress. I J The Sp ak«*r, nft*r tîo» «lr >ù-*io«-** of A sudden twitch, a sudden pain. other «lutMitions are very phtlu and reliable^ a short rovlvulistic service, in which rLiilsS!" ^ U“' ** uU ■•ted tie sale of 231,127 acre* lived two weeks on milk and even that gave me j the first few hour*, ob ainvl i.n# of tho The Kidneys cause it all. 1 lasnu*e I apeak the truth. All in-nmne iin. I felt as though I would starve to death. I library volume* trod faithfully n-u«i out* many new converts *tayc«l to participate, Apply OAR WORKS. having a rending of me will be greatly 71.. Di» ring A prit T1M»1. tho hr ce doctors attended me— one said I had dys­ If you don’t heed the warning, ___ r. h. brwunor. iM’iii-dted. and If my awels. They ettendeil me (one at a time) for 1 f elfiqtience *ntrvntt«le«1 him. Tho « npny serious Kidney Troubles are sure roault. My nra«*tl«*.-il udvi«-«-s to young an«l one year 1 slopped taking their medicine and ■ Klrtar.nn4 r, j.r,. litntirA. Mr Ki,M.: Mi** Bent!, whose . xported «dÿirw «•Id Is worth hundmls of dollar*. Yoe.— u:vt* to 52» •sl* acre* , for tried other patent medicine ; got no better, and | to follow. ■ Ir riH|iiF«t«wl In «. Thi* i* air.ii t last y set's I grew ao weak a .i«l nervous ray heart would f.ihoil Iv.-.I III .vile will, h .Mr. «HIT. r.l h«d vrobably the great,'st attraction of Cure your Backache by taking College of Physicians and îaTi'-o,,of ,wImnuillatcly.’- nr" ",r"""- Frlrater parlor,"* flutter. I could not do any kind of work Now « « f 147,.71fl nen lor $452,750.* Inrest,-! in ,01 thnt ...... soil «ho iii,.ctine announcid. wn» iinlortiroate. Surgeons I nour* v a. m. to V L. in. Moderate fro. I can do mv house work very well w.U C■ II alwoiloug „,|c ot 1 hem. lie *' -maMe to sneak, owing to an ui.'vr- ViLTOUAA <:'-At E AND HOTteL, ROOM 22. m fink and Urmgtk, and can es FORT STRKKT. ,------Accept no substitute for Dr. Fierce’s Kfiis-tiiri^ii legislator b-tnu«ruig^ imii»«*dl- 'Tityiffg n<-«^itr* nml sol-'* o*i the DOÂH'SKIDNEY PILLS. . CvSi r¥--<5€HéNERS - An examination of candidates for rogle- Golden Medical Discovery, . «1 in hi. vduniv uffrrd>d*. The «hier of violin ou«l burp, the latttr CURTArNg. AND Adviser is sent free oft receipt of sumps pie:i! v tif nmtpi’mntt tn tho* - who w« r - handled by I'nrisn Arnold, a player «>f from Backache, to llrjghf. Disease SlStfC' ” DIVA « 'VFRS. p tasitN to pay expense of customs and mailing that Donn S Kidney Fills Will not III.- Rcglatrar will attynd at It.anl of GIASS.FS cf>lUiO> l’ÙVKUB. only. Send A1 one cent stamps for the | hqthor Mr. Kidd was reading or dream- ( ment» farther seldom heard in unison In relieve prompUy and cure more Sa6,:1^ VHIïf 2 BUGS L,TC. DfPOT t psper covered book, or jo stamp* for the l.b'x. ___^ , this city, and rarely, if ever, surpass* d gnfekl* than - any other c G> C.AHTEB, .| cloth bound volume. Address Dr. R. V. I >f«‘: Rogers onen-d ids ere* «ml h'« for- their harmonie or sympathie,(tffecta » P.! OAD *T . M8.M UE1ASD HOTEL. , . i^onth oiti.c or twiv> to fjgc^xtar “My, which they can produce. Other features rCULtuVV I -J- FAGAN. Reatatrar. VlHorlïî nr to DR, Fierce, Buffalo, N. Y. 1 W. J. M’GVIGAN, Fresident, Vancouver. > lUTOBlA. DAILY TIMKS, THUHSDAY, MAY 1, 1903.

    Following the ceremony tlie party sat ! For Connoisseurs LEGISLATORS "'SX,,,, down to a diiintv r-ptiHt, after which they wow «Iriven to the M.njt sti<\ rtnmmg a ! X*** vip»r«m* gnmillet of* ru e < n route, and j Only. followed by the hearty congratulation* I '1 of th^g friends. They will spend their I TV*DlNEe8 «ml hard -headednen iro Both Took-Place Early in Evenlng- konc.i in- on on the SoUh l qipt I'oi S • the He# «tHaMfle* *toel* l***pr«»» Weiler Bros. the spectator In John Oliver, laeiubfr Pretty_Evcot In St. James’i denvo In X ictoria. for Delia.. Mr. Oliver cube# to hi* own cencloMou*. and h.* « ling* to hi* prlm-lp>a Church. with a tenacity that l< admlnible. Ill* t#KljU:444 i • s« hooting we* acquired In th > ncadetny of jPrriask! HuWs| ndvvndty, and hi that -• )*«• av­ The marriage of Mr. KMjali llrttna- • ailin'd the prim-lpl,*» of m-^Pvll »n« •• ami wick Hhaw, of this city and lJawwii, and j litdotnfadimeo wbl« h IwviMWtfW hh* e«U- Miss Aticie de Bertrand LtigHu, seen ml j 11 The Complete House Furnishers sisMivnl earner. Whtn be nddrvss- « the «laughter of Charles 11. and Mrs. Lngrin, | House he don *o !n the “xtralght-flung- uns sol. iunizvd lust evening iti St. Jaums j wbrâe hml few" of n man BrtiwtotBtd to ekurdt by llev. J. I!. 8, Sxvi’et, the ! NANAIMO. going t«> the very core of Id* subject with­ : rector. The edifice was tastefully dv« or- 1 Cumberland was threat mid with an out |irv!!m!nnrl« s < f i -iy klnd. at mI by friends, hyacinths., til iv* and J The 1 i tnhv.r fuir Delta I* a Derbyshire epidemic of dipl therin, but stringent «ithtr flowers being prettily arranged man, luivlug been horn In tluritogti n In ...„ r-'- v ...... tnt usures were adopted, the whool* wer«t We can supply you with the kind of 1KMI. He wna edantted a?' the pariah throughout, while a l*Mnit,i(iU fliwal Iwll and every precaution token, so school» during the few years In wb eh be of pink un«l white WMwas em-Mi.leUs«i it the I tUu trouble k lAwt t,. hr undt-r eon- was nh.'v to Indulge In thhr luxury, for at ehuUveL it "jut* under "this the priuvi- tiol. eleven year» of age. he took b!* pin •,* Atfiobg 1 pals sto«s! when the reetor-protidnneed A S. IV Cl A. branch ha* bi-i-ii organ- ; the hardest working of the world"* loiter* 1 the words which" made them man ind bed by Secretary South, «»f Vtvitfuiv. r, ! Id the lend and Iron ynlnv* at hi* own wit* at VumlM flyiid. The officer* an : Pre­ The church was filled with guest*. In home/ Me' emigrated to t'amd i hi 1H7«>, sident. Hr. Staple»; rjee-presidents, A. and for aenett year* lived ,lti Wellington ■ fiu t uiauy h;td arriveil, long Won» the McKnight and XX’. W. Willinrd; secre­ eernHfcony v ;,s commenced. A hihi’îrI County, Ontario,' where' be eng gel In tary-treuaiirer, J. It. Me I a-an ; commit- farming. He lU-moyid to llrltji choir, copaiating of Mrs. II. Young, Mi** To lf<:7, aad tv »k; kmd lu I lMla. l/u.Umnr, W,. f Siwntvr M... K,»,. .1 ]i,„UH „ Wilkibwu nui K,v. nine, mile* from I .idrar'., tlm liu HI- .‘"'I Mh* lr!' an,I limn, Kuut, ,. . JOH* t*. I*., gaged in farming,"n Umbering-r . andl: 1 ecntni*t-- ...T Altim,> U.I. Wtudii.n -■r .t--{ w— - Rptm.-er, render- X' UtIUMOni.. —— r :------DELTA. leg. n-cia-tming hts isutl*. *u4 AvLLUug vd sweetly tito appvui ....te music wliK t- VA.UOIVEA by 61.1 own thrift ami industry a cutAtiet f«l. 15. 11. It swell ided ciure^aiul.a^JmuottaLjmattloa anon nr hi* frlii.w-nse,______His bride___ w as givu. y uw uy beg___ From nil yeounts th«-n* wa* a -!•. i.|. -1 H.- wa* martini h» ’<*7 to -Miss' Kilgab ,th W-ndwanT. -f .Mu«l fay. M-v served a* . fail» r, and ev-. quettded l>>^ MIX.Î Nellie dtWy -tiiwv tsror HtslWtts **« ,U*m*iay moslrlpa 1 crmnelflor, and In 1UOO was elected as a Murtlnite. He Is a Metbmllet and I.ngrin, w !..» acted as maid «»f of, and aflernoou'vif the C.F.iL,' kifÿw'llie W«»rltï, a IJberal. Ilk, MUww Irnuum ami Wluulfml Lu- I The• J«nl «[in, «us u„iuk lui, kwant» | - m. a. WM.-su.aMa, an» Jit,,, fiaum \ wot-laHw.1 and wHj iraW, www»-- UX- |-«u that large profits einuthl into thv' • SSW-TSrMg -Htfr-SW 'l,UE ljw-«e*ta«-ek»,.. I pocket* ,ôf prrmrotÿhi. - —y9 aula, whu |.mk aud: Tïtüla wa* ala,, running t,a,-kwank Wb. tlu- lauiqnHa. in kiting with thv gau. ral " Utovt-r ot the yard inline aaw lhat .. PROCEED RES OF j Mr. Ooliver said thv object of the bill thara, t.-r uf .lie- (I.-, ..rali-.i:* .-oldslou uaa Inevitable he rev. rami .be. was to iuervase the- territory to bo vov- Tlie bri,!-,:r-s.m ira» aui-twUil hy Mr. I I- nl «sloe and jumped. The engine abet tn‘d and im-reanv the bonding |*>wer i**r I. K <"ornwall. The uahera «ere I f-raard, broke awn, from the t o,1er, tnile.^. The tigur«‘ lie had munni he M.e- rs J. V. t nmn»n-. J. IÎ. Vornwall, lc< rattled down the trark towarda HE IEEI! thought quite adequate. It w;gs prvpwed J. B. r,.rt»-tt ail,I .1 U. Sweet. Iluriug » an,-Oliver. The. crew realiaed that th, That will make the humblest home beautiful; ; tv build, also, through the Huikley vab the ivrelm.ny Ml»« Spemir ,nng very R"».eru enpreae. on whbh wore He- R. P. Rithet  Co., Ltd;, ; 1*T where there uaa ample tiuibc sweetly **Hchw-d, It 1* Mom." The VanwHircr and Vtctorfa membrrM of the for it is not necessary that large sums should I vluTf rtnr.'——r light. -tr.- t unis said the motmtainoiiB *e<- 'fhe same tas»v and care lhat had bU-n Thc «leath «M-4 urrc«l oo Tm sday morn Artistic Window Muslins The week opened - » tlieTnnl wttti n*1dgh U*M ortbe th. l*#a<% a native of 1‘riuve Edward Island. | *Mr. Hunter wanted to knew whitbotne, which was transformed by. tin» Lgvd 2L years. From 25c per yard. 7 ever tbe pnwlnc e centred tn l’.ir1b»>o, where t wua a fubllhnt ««pposition that to* atHiul MT. Martin'll-id tak.-n in « emtmit- vlaU-ratc- arrai'g.-U'.-i An order f^r Xfiûû JCâMîâ ut.....Fraser | AM» «'..«„***-MAtt*,,„UI-- .I.Ul-SCUV au ■ night ot ti oVlook, grootod tlw Pretnier'u ««-ue th- btib ocean storm »ve:i on-the tl »*h- r *. ...” 1,1.1 Mr Xtnriin An i ifvhe^tfîtTw âa- .ydftaigèl- Garnit lit» river w.clu*y«^ ha* f(-f Iwgtm. but u.dvkty to thv motion tu ndjuuni until to-merro«r with h bim: •outhk'.ist. where it un!t.-im ut «»f tbs house of Ham Kce A To, wen, the r.-- ' Liberty Art Serges B«ma< «-*1 torn» are* whic h had centred h^nrledly into tbe «-orridor». Tlie motion n,uitt.r wn', guest*. j cipieut* of Ibe'onb-r, which was from | SMTutSS !«* *...... I* Va "b^: Mr. and Mr*. Shaw left on the (’harm- ! one of the largest wbideaait huu»*.* doing ! er np thrir wedding tottr. *«4 after ee- i Ih.sines* at |be 1’aiw. The ti*h wiU Wi From 65c per yard. ■^ner Amrrhvtr rtvflKt. yjÿ:"t»' IBrti tbe tmw nf .a Mi.rlra of : ÇttlËil M Jffit itedtled-ohjeeiiuini to liirning-to. Vktoria will priAuibiy. leare j **ot. to Man Fram i*«*> met teanshipped ? • mi* -high'- had op ran d In la*. I ,v,r itu. marked tke day. llie 6n»t rr*."hvd at l"11 ™ --"atmlttee hi- would dot mako f«»r Dawson, where tb» Lridegheoei U 1 hom there by boat to Hornh Africa. It' 1-arlUr »l,*«-. ,-nn«lng «ne wvalhvr gvuaral ,.|owl „f tbe extraordinary tU*m «y rwtwl with. Hit# firm «d N. F. Shaw & : to undcmtiHNl that «»ther Arms have also ; 1, wl.hiu It. -I«dt.. m '* a aon of K. M. I well atvnded maa* meeting, following up ! ayproacblng .wr < gradual- '< h-11 th,.— opiskdflmrwwrmft m fh»> strug- Mr. Mcmmi;.*— ,--d ., "tim«-m,. X.1 v . , gRfrtHnTT-■ .-«r**WTmn->— . ___ _ wwl.,i-V.I..«i. ww„ .. , „U.,U1 Meie ly‘ érsëlep^l on Handaj, and by Monday gle whereby the government projiosed to fence for hi* friend. Lord Strathionu. nf Nrv■ vr Itrrmsxilrii.ttmmiwi« x. The bridehri«le |1 ll4,pa rwtvvutW the 1 abor nartr d* ...... From 55c to $163, •niMlw*lag theretk..*. bail x-been .a ______geirnril1 4,11f-! ' , vU |6». 4- budget débute. Ikelmm Imm |«K.. hml I—known_____ ns_ . »_ boy.. I. ' II” 1 ' ...... 1 thr...... '“üfb», biîT-i lilfiotry1:. " . and.el... t riited to dlHtam«1... * slid organise a Vruviu-u- atmosphericsnticrle pressure,nrvimirf» tbetin» stbrtnstiirin areanrrn thatthe* . . . ».—» 4 Mv tHh-r-y *»î.r v.t-.*. V». r* Th«‘ second was when by Insisting on prT Mr. Oliver Milif even the Coast-Ftoot mtrifeir attainment». String altra» te4 | rial Progmwire party, to which all evening centreing -m X’ancvawr Island and rate m»*mlkTs rights thv continuation of vnay had b*tu ovt r-.-stimated. He km-w cunsulorabtoi attention in both spin-rwe. <‘la*wee of tlie «*011111 nuit.v were invited eauwlng a tpodcrate gale In this vicinity, the mad .could 1*> built without a Miiuk- but laereewiug lu f<»r«-c to * full gale ««ver the dcitate on thv budget had to !*• «b- St« vvnsn‘1 (*oiivc« to attarii tbemwlve*. This new party Muslins In Newest Color fegml and the last was in a at-ase tin* f«»r a roremment gnoronfcv of TmhwI* t » may and probably will l«ring out candi- thiyaritncni water* of I*uget ftoiiàd. tbe extent of $12,fK*) a mile. Regardiu- Yotorday after... -u Kight Ip v. IU*h««p Khmrery condition*, with noine heavy ralus. complément of the other two. The, lions « Cridge prvt.onhctsl the -olemn worde dat«w in civic, provincial, and fetleral was all afternoon on a small bill, ami the iris remarks about Lord Strathcoua. no eb c-tions. Combinations have «>ccurre«l through«»ut the Vacille at ate*, lord was *acmi to him. He acknow ledg­ whbli unitfsl in the bonersl,a< a l^vM’alyx drill «m thhî their position during tbe week, until the day, so the budget will not In* reachtsl of Delta nor the laird of Victoria. mdUese* of the bnde'w mother, Yatw I Princeton townshc. have given the 1 Continuing, Mr. Oliver said him'tenths rlvee. when another high prvesnre ana until Friday. The government has- thus atrw’L Tlie iir. !* was attended by Mi#w j Suuiikiuue, 11 ritnr. through its rcsbivnl Cream Madras Muslins again became central In Manlt«*a. A few been worsted at every turn in the big of railway promoters were merely work- Via mho Çmm*. ber sister and Mi*s nu:nager, Ernest XVnt« rman, particulars eratten-d shower# bare fallen In the Terrl- bluff thvy attempted to run on the op­ ii»K a graft, ami be cited iimtances when KUiel Howe, ui Sea ul<*. Thv hriUegruom n girding the 6r*t drillings made, la From 35c to 65c. tortta. aad moderate 1> heavy--ruin lu Mani­ position. while they have suffered very charter» hud been granted and the take­ **i«kiiig a distance 4i« X*, feet, three off of th«- wa* »up|»«rte«i by Mr. Stvphrir Jonv*. toba. TTiundt rst-.rm* also occurred In Aa- materiallv in morale, together with their un. l’r tnv P^ ni'df rs had 1h*-ii made the Tk» bri.lH t lia ■•«■ii..Iif -- —.I !.. . wI'll ins of coal were cat, i»^f«r».patl«g m v , white coroswl *iik dress, carried a beau- width 2UX» feid. The first seam, in­ At XTctoria 43 hours and 4S minutes of ,K>n!ed °Vt1.,hot Provision tif.,1 bonquet of lili wuml white carna- i', untered at .1 liopth of OÔ feet l*-low the bright sunshine were registered; rainfall, j XX..* made for a bram-h line,, under th,» tion*. 'She wore a .lia moud «„d sappldw A Very Larse Range of High I*rayera were read by Ber. II. B. surface, 1* 4X*j feet thick; the second .«B Inch: highest temperature, M.6 on 2PUi ; act. onv-tbihl a* long as the main line, brooch, lowest. XT.* on 24th. Blytli. the jr.ft of the groom. TL# Î ncfcin, fi feet in« h<-* wi«lc wa* cut at New Weetmlnsterr-Rain. 3S Inch; high-: ^ Pelition of ,bv miUt rs ” but tbe «dijection was not iiphebl. bridtsmahl* were prettily attir**! in Î a depth of feet, and the third, which est temperature. t*> on; lowcM, 34 on hydraulic lease* was read and receive 1. Mr. OMVer'e arnvndmcut was «urried foiilartl silk, and carried b'.nquetn of has tbe phismimiuil wi«lth of 1M fedf Grade lace Curtains trot withstanding that the ministry ou lilio* atnl piuk «11 mat ion* Each wore a ) •>% inches, was pierced by the «irill at a *4th. j • Private Member»* Day. 1» *«‘d it. wappliire ring, preAsnted by th# gfoo__ depth of 47% feel. As wp* exp«**t«*d the Kamloops—Italn, .20 Inch: highest tem­ Mr. Curtis moved to mid the f«>llowing Comprising *11 the very latest styles, from & perature, D » KIDNEY A Big not dni#, le**» ar —o #"r iffiib" - *" "" In Nottingham Lace Curtains The speaker-upheld the objetion, and to the province until it ha* entered into Bracin ► House i 4M?* fPPffifft with the wuiiafiai ■«»»•«»■».It Tb# |ti>rr of a Man Cured of à IHrcta of private bills, in spite of tlie i#8fWfi< ■------— ritli* .respeet...... « «errh___a .-••.krhriit, ,X.. anl - iipon C***«*...... Of. r K iibicyiw.._. TréWde— "- - • tif^ and — Ffetn $1.50 to $6.50 per pair. tie dealt with. (Spedah. In 18ÜS, Mr. Thomas llarri- __ a d d e «1 Peruvian ! Tlie House went into committee «mi tho This also Wna voted down. 4 Of thi* place was *eisv«l with never# . Bark In prnportlouii 1 eoiastiltee row and reported pro- peine4n the back followed by a f.. , of Art Squares approved by the Pacific Northern & Ominvea Railway - English .uo4 French Aet-. 'AtffAMf -w4th Mv. H»d wi*r«i to the giwiââ». f — K - toffcargy. and .ffmtsiut*a which £J'found" « hair. Returns WantHl.1' it imyossible to evurcosne. the Meal bracing. Mr. Oliver more<1 his amitodtnimt mak­ Mr. H. C. Smith asketi when the nk He efloployed a Frederick ton physician ^\XS0\§ 1 giving, itr**- who treated him for «une time without renewlng tonic. ing the limit to which th# company, may' I«««rt of tho valuator re the Fernie tow n- Such, a pri'para- issue bond* F26/KK) in*t«s|il of site would b# tabled, and the Chi«-f Com- sucçew. To the Weary Dyspeptic. » tion is Ilv renewed Ida arguments against over miHHioner promised It Without delay. XX h« n ht- lay down it wa* a torture to capita Mention. * to.Mf. McBride again pressed for tho fti ,«b «gain. He gradually grwnt by engineer* oil th«> cost nl inents not to tho i^watesion of the (Nim- began to despair of life. Several other ! Why don’t you remove railway*. The figtin' of $2."f.U(lO a mile mis*inner. Fie «•omnusittsl on tho diare- phy*ician* were called In, but none were i should lie the limit for thl* road. Two grrd of the minister for an order of tliv able to do him any goeti whatever. that weight at the pit of Invalids’ years ago the promoters had named $20,- _ At last from tho «ymptotu* he knew 000 a mile ns the limit. The Chief Commissioner said all the himself that Ms disease waa drvail Dia- ' Mr. Mcl’hlllipa said thv difficulties of iwpcrs wore in the Conitnisstoner's han«ls. the Stomach? He wn* advised to take n tn-atBHSDt of | transporting supplies and the great addi- He wa* aware of no othcr paperp. Port Dodd's Kidney PHI*, and although very I ! 1 r. coil of tin* PM.1 to a n*m dc pari Mr. McBride said he would note that Preacribeil »«v all <>r the province over tbe Coaat Root statement". " Wkpptteal, Was avlast" pfcVaited oh t,« d«i j XVhy don’t you regelate that so. ^ ____ leading phyelelmi*. emty tin- made H a more costly road. Tim 1‘rvwler then navri the adjourn­ variable appetite, and condition tbe At All Ih-uggtSts. Mr. Martin also held that the object ment of the House till 2.30 tomorrow. After .the first 1m>x In* felt sonie better. lïeuütmon Bros., Distributing Agent*. wna to make the capitalisation too high This was carried a mid derisive opposi­ »o he continued th<* treatment an«l a»'it digestive organs so that it will not Direct from Grower to the Censemcr. tion applauito.. _ brogrewc,! he gratlqally grew better until" be necessary to starve the stomach finally he waa completely cured. to avoid distress after eating. TEA An official estimate of the actual cost He was interviewed the other day, an«l C.R.King&Son, Ks ! of the South African war to Manh Hint, when a*ke«l if he ha«1 felt any symptoms j The first step, is to regulate the Slâns of the Season liKti,’ places the amount at nearly £223, of a n-turn of his old trouble since -he In sight. Thl» I» the time when the sys­> ($1,11.vnnm>00). wn* cured to *03, h6 answered: bowels. TELE4ÎRAPHIC TICKS. tory of llurburgrr. Howard A Co., tem need» a tonic, blood 1* sliiggleh. liver “1 (mu «beerfully say that 1 have not 1‘hilHdtdphia. yeetarday. out of order. We have a fresh etoek of I felt nn^" of my old complaint since i For this purpose Tto- budget fur Ilk!2 tor Greater New Vul« ham-ff. the man who wa* Pure Draâs and Medicines jfc°;,Oooï’b Cotton Boot Co: Α Kidney Pills cnre«l me seven Y« rk xv .1 s n grvc.1 ni«qu vt-gtcrilgy Jn tv wccmftrny tmedAf iw,‘Tritih• fintiw TnTjirdoT est iniflte*. The totBl js the interior, April loth, bus bee T case cured by Dodd’s court martial at Gembtimen, ufS«;x'- PILES. W# are so isTsitivr th t THL artlla and Bnr- box ; Ne. S, 10 degree» stronger,9» per box. No. Kidney PUto/*l eutH* llevkel ari«l Marten, «barged with IOWAN'S IlEStltAl. OINTMENT 4o<'k, Apex Comp Syrup of 1 1 or I, mailed on receipt of price and twoS-eenl i It acts promptly and effectually will «ire ynu of pile* that w# *ek you te r Hypopboephltee, nappa. murdering Kroaigk, of the Pritseian env wa» dying he bad been given up by doc- f send for a five sample, *«. that you «art teet fink-'E___1___ ®^ permanently cures all derange- , vi niirt 6f BCqidtUl l vtiirndl -1f. We’ve e«tt afratil «tf the test , - as- we Phone 440. Mall order» promptly attended tp. mponalble DruggieBBBF®» P know what thl* healing salve will •«. P*or tor*. Dodu'a Kidney Pille cured him menti of digestion. It Cures Dys- in the case of both prisoner*. totlt Hhenro. <>14 #eres, etc . Hie name t-*t - DEAN 6 HI8COCKS Eight girl* and .xoung women arc ;I«a*l h«hmL send 5 rents fur aan.pi- . lleaia Chemlet* #ed Drefiglata and Ne. S are eoJd In Tlcterta r,n.cre.*-r r ,h:uh^r si! p»»» »nd ****** ^ nnd two score more ,«r loss - injured as anything that can be'healed. fUk- at Dnig- PMlWa drag etoree. Icglcal force of theee facte to irrvaistlble. IBg to it. glst*. ,«r post field from The Griffith» * COB. YATES AND BB0AD 8TB. the result of the panic in the cigar fac- AtoHiiiereou W-» Urnittd, Turooto. , ynrroBiA daily times, jhubsdav, may i, i»ua.

    I; vivi* [»r«'iK»r Cohsidi'nitiim from the inem-» thht makes for the dignity of humanity, I Irots and fop thy 1‘rvmivv to make the with hi* n*pubii« an neigh 1. or ? We cer­ >ooo !$S trip to London,' ortlvr hia vourt dnw* and tainly think be does. We believe tlie I is regalia and even t<» take lessons, iu well-faiforoMHl, travelled America#* will i deportimott from lh.» uceésaor of .Mr. admit he dot**. There is not a newspa- Sterling Silver and 1 I Tur. vvdrr'fi if it la* neceNsagr. whb-li we P :• . i' standing in the United Staten hut l'ïu'e" htir«> it' » * u««t. Sir Wilfrid Laurier «limits he docs. . SPENCER’S i d. I',* tivt "Valero! to leave-until some tiiuo F<»r these .reason^ tile editors and pub­ Best duality Quadruple I in June, vd >» are only rit tlie most tiro lic men of note in the Vtiitrsl 8 la tee were | day- f. rotu Lomluu than Ottawa. slow to coiidcimi thv British inf account Silver Plated Ware. Repp., from Ih-lr Nts-Urno, Soutklili 1a . cvftae their tyaddle. of tho «illegaliou* made uguiust the ud Po-uctra» leleed King's soldiers' in South. Africa. 1 hey We have now in stock New Patterns in Tea Sets, Waiters, Tin: our:at lko pvllrr. were fair enough to admit that a state and Table Ware generally, Including Fine English Cutlery', FRIDAY Steam One . . of war..could -not tutist—that there eotiUI 8 which we are offering at Very Low Prices, aid which would Mouse The' Colonel say* Mr. McBride tt».Ue«1 not l-e practically u aUhiH-nsion of nil make useful and acceptable Birthday or Wedding Present*. Goal him to become*-leader of the op|*>sitlou. law without vffem-es being touiuiittc«l That may l*«* true, hut tight han been ot the following gradaej which woithl deeply grieve the heart of shot! ujam the Colonel's political charac­ every lover of justice a ml humanity. C. E. REDFERIN, Doable ftereened Lung, ter within tiro last few months wldvh The state of affairs which has prevailed BARGAINS Boo of the Mloe, make** it « leur that none of Ins'state­ Woebed Mete eod *«(eeals|t in. South Africa for more than three 43 Government St. Telephone 118 W ^Rolls“Pan Ma,Un<'' 'ir* different pattern.. Une weave; ments van he invented without the rom­ years has attracted a large number of ESTA V LI SHED 1888. pit teat «•ofroboration. The Finance Miu- Tapeairr T.W. Corenk a' Tarda' i„ jnL' V„„u ' yard adventurers, no doubt, wlnr find the t*»u- 1001.;,:r;!°:rn-2 i,r •* «aï USWl M. MBiM . . ItiPtlimTOWWT ister, we uialerstaud, i* Trad y to stake mues, tireen. Drab, etc.; regular ... ^»lors, R.-ds, ditions tlïvre nu*re altractive to their ,• ..Friday $1.75 his reputation as a financier that hi* 6ed«, single, three-quarter and full „jzv pisMilinr temperament than thepe which white enometwl. brass trim- | «olleagiu V contention is -correct,-' but thv pertain to a |suicvful community. The j public has not forgotten that the whole aorted lot. ______■ ^ oIBcms in oomnuiud of the British forces | eabini't solemnly maintained that a con- Men** Fancy Cash nit to Socks, juat.18 -I------r.î.■ tTbe Bailie TTlmcs. Lave done their best to curb the peculiar r, aaOBiero Socks, Just. 18 ,b*fen «sldments Fini AV V- " PtUkUahed every: day (czMft Sunday) ! tr:n t had hern entered Into “with the Pure Uueu Hm-kalmck Towels '!fe*44 ua,M - . ."T, V 11 . 1,H - * pair ------+g t*m :------• ^...... «ne» w e _ . j Canadian Xortl'ienfUallway to construct' mi -i,i- glas*. Thu^-they have wiiccwleil 1 linCS Printing & PUcliSuill^ Co.» !iU line to Victoria, which construction rstfiuirkubllL.gull is thtL-BManimous oplu- Walter S. Fraser & Co., Ld. JOHN NELSON. Marsger. I wu* to begin at this end nt oovtv* iou of all falr-pHivled olwervers. Never DtALEWS m NEW TO-DAY ■TeUpaoiie*.*.*.*.*.rr.*rrr*. * B#eii^Nor*4S playing hun.lmls of men on prions parts to the hishary of the world Im* 8 War of the Islinid and a l-irgo fopep tn the Vn ntmlurtinl fn *n hninaim a Enajn i Dally, one month, by carrier...... _.75gi-h.pad '.#¥ .lit Victoria. This contract £Wt7. «ae week. ny carrier ,. The wmtk-4uid helpleaa ul tha enemy HARDWARE ■wtce-a-Week Time*, -per suuum... ..U SD‘ wn* by tirent »H. It Ua4 We Cases Curtain Muslins twvou i^POtectwt. fêff, clofht^, erwr 2 Ooi*.* for changea of advertisements must signed, si-nivd and dillrmd, which to >n, Steel, Pipe, Fittingi, and Brass Goods. Band­ F raüv S f'1 Hl"h Carta.!,,, norei *3toïLLlSci eral 20. vidneated, ut the v.xiwi.w* pt the invaders, » yard, be handed lo at the offl. •* n#»t later than th * mind pot familiar with the mysteriw h‘T« y’ 8,1,1 **"**• wi,h hai*nTVr , . ZV 10 o'clock a. m.', If received later than that who iu the th*fi*ucv of «their own country and f koor, will t»e changed the following day. of politics ns comlurtel hy the reriu-ious ing, Mining and Logging Supplies a Specialty. V* hi,.« 8pt»t Mi.*iiti*, extra *.,«■ qnaht). 50in. aide . • " were oidiged to lay waste that of the NoveltyH8I8I rortetn ___ T Xete. Mdn. raid. . ------a y* Colonel means that the transaction was I^iin . Rinn.,:, Shirt ' wi.iaJt mesure «7 All commaaicalinos Intended for publicn- l* oilers whoe leil the burgher* forth to Lawn Mowers, Hose and Garden Tools. «"V. pn-pared to make ...... „„„ j «"om-lmled. that it eoiild not lie iiit*hfieil in tloo should be ad:memi;ek. t uuiKMiiai. uuum*. 4îoo* of making, from $V.!V>. «rptrn»^ -dfM v m u »ry ttmsrTrrnv-bivpn ow i AND -LtUAG4>*SiS. Yates street. which has done such brave work on Tien»*, lluod. TICTUKIA .NEWS CO., LTD., 86 of great «lilL*«-ult>- if the troops hud not •trect. ismcvful fields, that if all things in cou- i fPiBPitiWr, 1 remember Their Significane* in Heraldry Apropos WCTollU ROOK AND STATIONER Y ls**n in the highest degree law-nluding The house where 1 waa born, of Prince of Wales's Nt?w nection with that contract were n>*t aa COMPANY. 61 Oo> eminent street. aud jdthais of their reputation. The* ’1 he Utile, window where, the aun * .Xruiuriul Bearing». W, N. 11 111 It KN A COMPANY. 6» Govern ro|»rea«mtc«i he would mdgu; he would merit *tr«»et. latioes were Very few and wen* punishe.1 •'suit* (teeping hr atnmru; nut gain a seat or hold it up«»n false lie never came a wink t«x# aoon, O. V ORMOND. 92 r’.o vers men f street in some instantes with the extreme iien- It is n mistake to call the legendary CAMPUHhL A CVLl j N, Government pretence*. There w as a general auar Nor brought too long a day : heraldic beast'on the top of the Tempi- •trret and Trounce alley. altiee. When the trouble i* nil over, Three Reasons hut now. I often wish the ntght GEotiot: iiAiuiitA. ktaa Agent, corner picioü that these v«x:i ferons asseveratious Bar memorial a griffin; it Is a «lragon. whr )ou ibnnld bn) T",ir Or,*,rl.ra at *«.ra!er. ,,, v„_ - G?.vernmenL. . therv*fore, therç. Mtil_.abn >TUg. inyiuoriff of Had borne my breath away ! There is, high authority for correcting 71 «""‘I». «» market. 2nd. Tue.Lrte' u tw ü,î2 B. W WAT.KEK lialiM dm àÿixutics To live down nml hinder the tiro js'iniinr crrorT As a tTrïifdn thv ÎS- remmitote with thr naxtttjr of Œ* *radn 3rd. K.m * tta!t mad. . lowed the Colonel’s political career knew 1 remember, I remember . wkrk of nwtvriiig harmony and |>erinsn- diaI might pcrhaim have iWrou credited W. W1LBY, 91 Douglas street. The roue* red and white. UBS. VHOOK. Vtcr rla Went poet office. they wv*v all humbug: that if the t^nonW . with more dignity. as a griffin iu char- PBADIfTS*, tn gtasa, 2 for...... *“•**"------— POPK STATIONERY COMPANY. 119 Gov­ got into that seat he would hold it until The violets and the lily cupe— a« t r is lookod ui*>u w aourowhat îcÂïmvi-BBRRi». > gtow, 2 for*::.;;;:::;:;;;.; ...... ernment street. lîas the ra.tu.vl of Iho American army Those tluwera made of light! qmirrclsoiup and flighty. Hence, when to YDS. l'aw - n Hotel Kninece. ttuncl -out hy tiro courts w tiurrieatwjo. in «re I*htlîpi«m*s U.-vn of a higher order? Tb« tilai-A w«h*Mi .tiMbW*bta built. r* 1 raigiHwer read. Victoria These latter view» Wage « ..rroti..rated "in ».*• hrttked It is nut for us u* critteiwe. • Our rea«Jem And when.* my brother wet :—- I. T. M DONAI.b. Oak Hit Junction. ,'u' f^Y^hiti-ix* the other day. >f <.>rn* ihMBh, Tn mlsiaka for a dragon, waa about must form their own opinions from what 7he laburnum on his birthday— Thv tree la living yet.y^ to lro a«ldc«l to thv achievement «»f the ï'sküü v^?cn—^ IlSST, BSJ *- I ww «««mry H, ,fc, they have reed of tortures by various Prince of Wale», it was time t«» rejet j# ”* 1 r e——A——^ ii -uiL U-v Lidouvl has left. It was the VoUege of Anua. whli-h |xia*esiee, ao cure*," of orders to Itttt and *i»an* not I remember. I feroember TALK OKtlBSTItrCTEOX -Telbdted fowl-ono—uf thv g.tvernnifiit'n to apeak, a herd book of dragon* and **vec-te«c. Atf who bars heen found:; —Whrre I naert tn awing ..__ The Saunders Grocery Go.. Ld. I *ti*ungest suj»|.«.rU*rs that'them is no vun- * stnd' book of griflina. Apprêt» en si on PHOMVm...... ------1 -f. | -9 ------gttilty of these offences have been ae- And thought the a hr must rush aa fresh 1 AND *1 JOHNSON BTB1 Tlie ojijsisitlon in thv local legislatiin* tract Whatever in existence. That the To awallowa on the wing: may at once lro set at rest. The re«l «Mtitei '• KtvntkriiM we shdoU not ks i*-'threiatoned -ikOUt ditragg pdhui and pa»*,j-CaHmct van v*n4-i lu lioaty to*w, -... . ~ _ '1 '■ 1 •' 8tik a Ik# Immim lift- that Àn«ï aonimvr pool could Hardly cool “ brute, from the tip of hi* «deft ******* down and let the gorenuueat nifh the wli.-a Ue ,-u’ntS aial «wore that h.- wuuld surges Umcinh a cttloml skin is not Cttn- The fever «mi my brow! —. ____ to the extremity cf-his pointed eh(Di_ tho quartered banner of Henry VIL liiuiii. tlimugli 1.1.y nm ,o that lh.* not lioltl * met rained by fakir (iretrar* and the talons of his feet. Now. the si«lere»l of much value. Is it necessary to «-hows the red dragon quartered with Prism:1 r may wt off fur lauuluu town to hr waa, aa ho vtognnUy out. ,1 àiimei-if I remember, I remember griffin is half an eagle and half a lion, jmrsuo the subject farther? ether badge», and rampant, bearing » tait,- I-art in the mi|i.winr rrmnoutv* ton- j "imlHug the ivga- of list, rivvtora ; when The flr treee dark and high: the lower half being the body of a lion « Iomt resemblance t > the -city dragon With a lion's tad, and he <«r rhet wear* loa-t.,1 w ith tlir f". mal roroaation of Hia " hv |.l.,igv.l all hr It,-hi tlrar that, tin- myth* I owed to think their «lender lopa than the dragon pansant. It wn» not Victoria Day Orat-iomt M.ijraty King Kdward VI. We j leal contract were not a genuine jnatru- Hon. Mr. M uloek Utinka railway ran* Were cI«sm* against the shy. the skin and haw the « laws of a lion. quartered with the royal arms. I'pon l-uniet. ttmi their enutloyeen altoultl lie If waa a chlblleh lgLorance, And aa to the dragon, it ia of no heraldic thia (Mtint it t# trot generally known that itre 0.1.1 it will l.r an awful thing, that : ment, liinding in Ita [ironaloua anil likely lupellfd to refer their ilinputeti to arbi­ But now ’tla little joy e significance whatever, if you let him tiro heralds alone are entitled to wear •irewtl calamity » til befall ua, if j to be Imiantant in lu effet*ta upon Vie- have a “loop”—as the finger print read­ trator*. Hallway* romluet their oitera- To know Fna ritrther off from heevre the royal arm*. The royal badge* are Mr. Ihinanmir he «h*nie.I the privilege . toria. he would go away hack amt ait down Than when I waa a boy. er* define it—or allow it to he wavy. worn by others—tile Yeomen of the Celebration, liona under charter from tha crown, and of thinning hue». "Ureete" ami a tlreaa | forever. Ye*; tlie Miuialer of Mine, felt Whether you give him a kink—not a Hoard, for, have the Tndor wlieu they umlertike to put the whole "whorl,” ns Scotland Yard would pat a worth with , naked liât upon Ilia head, no jnlnlnnt ahout the hole lie thought A FRENCH. KXBnlTtON. rose. The herald « «une» rf« a man of ■ iMi.miinity to loeonreohrece for. in *ome Itr-or a ringlet in the apirondage named, and keeetlng gracefully before the King, j he It a,I landed the opta tuition in a ml waa I»ndoo Rxprvtw. lieace, the rvpre.«*ntatiw of the aover- inatanraw, trirlal reaaon*. then it ahoultl it does not matter. So upon that point eign. attended hy a truin;>et«T. and un- luuetliiy riaing aa one toweled with aonae piMaed aa ho conU m|daoal ItU own lH*fall« «if an cxcrutlun <»f ■ «»l«ll<-r In lie within the prorince of the power from the wardroom mess of Hhi Majesty's arm«‘d. excejA for a p, jagfc----—------:____ hand trembled, and ihe revolver .hot mere- : it nnadomed. or make him spit game. „r tration in such rase*. 1» pleaatal wltil the fr*[‘Yrt «*» rhllm'. j.w: .ml a .««rood pluhforka. Bet in other reepeeu Hhrr dozen armed knights. Their prvwem-e the greet function. We do not tx-lteve ir Mr.* ever did look npoe the added "to the cffe«‘t1ven€*»s of the stage alfc-tta .,f the Unit*. Strike» .wale It*, .hot had to he Bred. Two of the Irlng tie. are not permitted, and. least of all. the King will ftwl affronte^ or think a Colonel aa a ptMaihle loader, he muat irarty fainted with horr.M. and Ihe effeet with the Red Dragon of Wales wlikh picture, but Shakespeare «lid not put H THURSDAY, NAY 1ST inut-k «ufferinx. ili«tre*« and Injury to all - * h,"h -X» ". Pedigree .Ira k ralra-ra phram it. ^ in the stage directions, ami the man who alight L>hm been put upon him. We do now I*, in a thankful naaal bet-auae the RBOATTA, 8 I' M. concerned, aud aomvtuuw to Ui.w not retire» »ayihg to the King, Thou never not believe ho wHl visit hia displettsuro ambition, upirlt of the gn-at and g,„i * line** the execution cm only be deerrlbedrriDHi ‘ true to typo.” Merabare-Aemlral BlekfraJ •»* o« tout U touud of Pleven Go* The man who was a hot waa have been «piite alone. One may he sure l'a*t. Warren. Capt. Vlnrt. txJrt it b«* poiutctl out to him that vur afllic ix Well known that the valiant Colonel Hev« oeaaetl to hen it an oflHal ex tioti in our government is qnite as much wil l ready u. put bimuelf at tlie head of soldier, lie waa a great favorite with hia kind in ennnertlon with the eoronation. of J. B. A. A-, a. J. lk.u.irT^’ r-lw" •wn wr* , sut b*wr. lu heist. w« <*.» not h». iatenre. It va. Hear) VII. who oreat- *"f cemhtmitlon hi thought likely to Hr. J. ITcriwnt Morgan, senr., I» to « «Huradea. and he leave» a widow and child. for tha Peka «^Norfolk a. Karl Marahal . w»tl,tiraq i:,pt. Kajrda., e. utvmu HU .-rime ... ,h, killing »f . re W=, ! «”<•»» Tl»,on Me of thé Î* head of the Heralds* College.—London and J. Caae. ; hew It rnatten. a butte, to the proviuee. .K„i„ ,„,«*,*, „r to renuun U, la.wer It get between ten nml twelve million, of III itapatyl while drunk. IL Pursuivant^ who, with the three or that Uto» a. a « hole care a. cm,* U, poaaihlo there were men In provincial dollar, for tie work of promoting the It I* porelbl. that thr Irlng part, vm‘^",‘t,liAr,"1‘1 *nd th' »* Hrrald.. T‘FRIDAY, NAY 2ND ba oktal. tiiafc may tnwiH, whe­ tifs who, knowing nothing of hia i_____ nnervrit b, hi. behavior be- ' ” ,, ,,pthlrtr,n nu mber, of the Atlantie steamship coathtnation. That I-UOCBWION AND CARNIVAL, » I’M. ther I'Muicr I Niuwmuir reprtwents theni fore hia execution, for he rhetied gaily to;. Vw or Arms. Slgnifif Moctrilco .rayrredra jjlakyj. Lonl Ihifferln used to tell a gho*t story “®n** Dragon Was intended to he in But l.i*<*tiuse Mr. Mcltrido an«l his fnl- ency 1* an evidem-c of. capacity for legitimate twyUig figure for the U-ucfit lowrnw wiirtlf iM utttuupt to dcpiive which he declare^, to be absolutely true. ! "onit>r °I ***** King's Welsh descent. , At leadership sill ever hate & very large Of *1. M-, k«mi. , A ml t!it* \\:.y ..f all S<»ni«4 twenty years ago he was on a visât} same time the heraldic device way them -f their privileges they in accmnwl \ following in a Howe of A^-mbiy"'If If theMo gr.ajit prompters HJami orKnrds- t » the Emerald Isle, and stayed with frleuds ma<1° one °f the supporters rtf the rdynl VICTORIA THEATRE ( of lark of patriotlau), of diuloyaU/, -of j the Colonel I, u, la- the anceaawtr of the vrs is the aame. Perhaps some «lay n» their country house. Wh!l<* df«swing f*r! nrm* ,l censed to t>e used with the RACQUETS, 1h*«u small ujj'I petty in their UiTics. present I’rsniier when dinner one evening he heard the noise of Tndor». The Stuarts, to commemorate Tburedey, May fat. tho governspent* of a few countries the corona tin# wheel* upon the gravelled roadway out- |thv »»b»ti hetwe**n England and Seot- Wright tt Ditson's and Ay re»'. and various other things worthy of con- erremooies are over, the carrer of the will consider ^tho ea.p of the tapituliats dbnuuition and punishment. The root of alde. and upon looking through the win : ,*m,‘ anhatltnte*! the Irnl«sorn, and Red The Brer Winning Favorite», com hie it tic, will be nbrief one, and it who desire a mwe^ioly of the sea. if- d«*w. anw a hearse driven up to the front * Drag«*n became simply a bn«lçr very BALLS. *1V tht4 ' trouble is that tho govei umeut will be u v.ery- feeble combination indeed thçy don't, look out for u aot ial upliearal. rt«*-r. He was parttrutarty atmrk by the1 ***bbtm «lispio.vwl. Silice James I. the Wright ft Ditson's and Aytea*. .docw i *i twsws 4be confidence of the Win n tlio . lector* have Inul an oj^H.r- The modem luinht jra, rtofer dUWWW« face of the driver, a fat, eaturnlne, renui-1 arm* have Ixyn unchanged,, . . Wil iams 8 Walker House. ;t ban» majority k^eps it in '«dve-lenkiagp ««NShrCffiiad. ar«TPri>hafitjr: the mirserj- Xgger^i' “The timity to express ttllNf opini of it. They liitor. He mill. W’W in hack century nets: posts, ~ And their own company of 40 neon b» 'in power, bey-a use the leader of tiro qua rtetUr I ance linpraurod Itself strongly upon h§e| Lion *fi. th» new and original musical farce remedy. whiHi is rxitly the administration kn«>w* m*wl Afwundng tiiat one «.f the aorvanf» frown.” date* to the fbWge*. when the PRESSES, had dled( |n the house Hia l»r«l»ttip casual ^Jfùnot imifkus,. hi* follc.wtfg by a crown knadc very much larger, and Tlie goYtenmu-nt i* « «trert. to be delivered put up a v. indy lm-tnWto talk for iivo dn - inferior rare-for the gootl of these Toronto Glob». ra-klii Adam iuub" feel lak* rvachla' over heir-apparent, which will he iq. the cen­ tre: with the badge of the plume of hour< l**oenst» it* m»j ilrity in tlie imrsoil* nto-k of t out.t-^ao . Ami. «.au,mille» A little (anndlan girl sojourning In en shakl»' hnti'n wid ‘In*. De preacher I ostrich feather* on the dexter ride. This Sfvi/* t*rew*nS» and epeclflcatlona maybe of two nvm.hcw from V An couver. Messra. *'""M ,w '•ommitu.l a. tlluw „f whiet. Lewis. England. wr!|ea the ehlldren> talkin' b*»ut don't bTeve In de anake story, department of the Montreal Hern Id "Our I bnt lay al) de blame on de man. Adam is no place for the four Welsh lions, I . Tk*. lowret or »nr teedrr not orrrererilff Martin aud (rilittflur,. xvy* off on a holi­ U* Bri,ll,h *vt- «llegml t„ bate I teen ; accepted. g« ography lesson la new on Canada, and cmi't help hleae'f now., en hit looks unfair which figure sometime* on coat«-of-nrms. A TRUSCOTT BOAT day' i.i» attending to its private biiMincea. guilty In Soiitl. Africa. Imirartial judge* »«*r be uaggln' at lm ’dataway. 1 feels but not with any regal association. The W. RIDhWAY WIIAiN, we are told s on.» very funny thing*. In I aiotole. Rate. Reliable. aa».dj. llie thirty-tiv# other lutMtilrora of the who |„,vc mingled with the communities winter, according to onr school I rook*, Onn i »«»rry fer Mm H,.matini.»* dal I aHflioa* wish Red Dragon* in heraldic language, is on House he«l Uierefop* to sit and twirl their *f Britain it ml America would hardly adlana dress aU in fur-. ;.r„i walk « u»». I Wiun't related t«-r lin. But I'll» liet you a mount, n green mound, pro- bd one iiroperidilou ?" vi.ling something for the 'beast to siau«l Iknml.H until tlie two cats came ha«-k. **"' '1 «**“*■ Ufe civilisatitiu of the old It Irolnif Jmpf>*MlliIe to walk on the know with ordinary Iront*. Meat and AVhat’s that?" upon, but nuuming , nothing. Rickshaw Brand Then v‘h<.u they arriwsl they orderal the L*ii«f ix* MH svnwlMve tiian that of tlie .rollk nrr |toxen state 4o coatomcr* f "Kf Adam had ter lro ma«le over, en wu» As to th- remainder of the teehnidnl budü' L debate to bo fini. In d up in one u,’tr- " v ta ko the ny era go Briton ami ' nrfTdM hy weight. The |ce Id.roka of livin’ In dig day en time, he wouldn’t be uffirini' differenced Pore Ceylon Tea day. The Premier adnUtt-’d that he did ttt« itvt«re«„ Aa:. riiwa ar'»amiil.«« of the : 'l,”k '"«-»•»«» of niarbl». rf that ortWr btte-wisAV-wgro- l»ll «miMllli, i]«M-t , IZ M,r ***'1IJ' Ihe W tef* Hi ' ■ f^lhy walking, three feet on ,the ground, in luroketa. on. the Gar­ with iheir hand*." THAT V.’II.L OOMR LATRR. den* In Ceylon. Purity, he to do, I»».r iiwwk when hro majority - tiro- mau imüt pver the water oat fMITfl profile, ptlcti d Ja scnrlrt. the most hon- HI 5 II. î il l . strength, flavor aud we» uga;„it him? . jliere favonhl, in all re.pra-t.-lu I,« con- I -Tee here Wrer UkZTu,. . ornt'le j h« rubljc color,-signifying valor, aroma are IU atroug All I1U» tiilk shoe U,e 1‘rSB.ivr Iran,* lUWUipr, fi.r the-tight, uf hi» fellow», I |>el*n,« ,e liraJ tl.rimghonr T.t.leT'lnen Th<*ro Chi « . profeaguri nn* keeping up J n*t ice-and veneration : hence giveui to, - , Mnt*. pivu ! «tt.-mln.ff the «ironntion ;.ln hb «olUltnfle for the romfort of the j «*'•» other Imritelmlil ftinih,l,id«e in the Heir repu tail»; i fur eccentricity. <»ne yf I« reri nnd Vrlmn The three point» of ! Bum Hiker raMned or open In tlira (raw them has «letimtnced the wedding ring as if he «0 ■••"In* I* Mowm There I» wi«»k nml helplew whether of the higher ' *"Ml* •0l""«- »"'> «mooqeently gna l.nve "• -relie of HMMigt ry." nnd so> s It should KICKSHAW TEA AND 1-1»!'.'. « of time before the 28th of-*me—erelawer furtn* of #f«s I “** ------J “ *n ...» regan, ffmx!» In town, be aboMklrod. Let its he thankful that he tlonSSrTÆî «pperUinlng to rLCT the eldeit sou Z,t of the ,,T,n'•* z™' M*,orJLf“ ,loe""** wrluh ^ «f COFFEE STORE for the b.iriiive» of L'io pro vine» to Welle did not denounce marriage Itself as a telle truth, bo;;oi ami virtue, in everything Broa. Korrralun I ». HUTCHISON, Agent, «I. fAU « HTu rad.8T. Promptlj fcmhïieAPHONE 1M. A driving ift the Dritiah mintum of : VICTORIA, B. 0. j- VICTORIA DAILY TIMES. THURSDAY, MAY 1. 1902. Cascara, Burdock and Celery A CHINBRK OFFITU. Benevolent Society Prepared to Remove Tonic Bitters Cyrus H. Bowes, All I tend Bodio# of l'aupcrs. When in Need the westside’s vf.m 55? ItvttV. - eSBMiHT, _ The Ghinetw llenevolent Society line fir an palate ’tls well to know where best to 1)8 Government St„ near Yatr» Ht. applied to the city council - tor leave to A Spring Tonic jot G rent Merit./ supply your want*. >«>U'II llml evervlhlug Teivphpne, 42ô. remov**- nil remain* of t'hinese' pnuiier* Hi tine cundlim-ut* mid table del bu de*, rhere e H grrst variety to select from - Mow interred in the Ross Hay cemetery. . vnolceet- tmixirted sauce*, olives, olive <41, W KATI1 Kit, BULLETIN. There are a Wot two hutmdred of these, pickle* Iu glass, potted meat*, aiichovle*. FRIDAY BARGAINS anil the Chinese propose to remove nil, pr«*wt»ne*. Jellies, Jams nml » full Hue of»n.-iHl m,,!, m mMhMIm In tmjrln* glv.-n Thu Wumldilu th- puuvrfnl n.lvnnlmra oaity LAWN TENNIS faucy gns-erlvK (imsls and prices, ax Well of muUIn* Vil m ki-ner IMrnlm than unllnnrr .ti.rr.. This m-ruunt. f„r rtm n.H.1, ndrat Report Furnished bj the Victoria returning ground in which they are now as Mtqr, tin h re. Gall and Meteorological Department. buried to the city, if the cor|Niratiou f e,,rrt ,r"'“ K*> *• »■- «III '= P- m. t»*m*. „„r mnUctpItUmm fur GOODS agrees to exempt them frtmi the regular ro-MtA/row »,business ure billed ou the excellence of the following lines; Victoria, May 1.-5 a. m. A trough of low Just received a laige supply of Ayres , fee of 85 charged for the removal of iM'roiuetric pressure, which Is Initerlng over _,.„i rxit.i,..1. . ù each corpse. The bone* will be Hint to Johns Bros. the mountain*. lui* innsed hvuvv rain* lu a,u*' „r, h an<* H.tsou a .Tennis Hack PtCKlES Utah, ami rain Is now falling In Albert a j **ts and Ball*. Hongkong for re-interment in the large Wholesale and Retail Oron r* nml Butchers. White Summer Underskirts nml Montana. Tie* weather hu* bveu allow- i »^ii n A D HTC V rr\r o r»r\ Chinese cemetery there if the city will 2.TÜ IKH dU* 8THEKT. < ry along the V,.**t southward !.. Cult- JUHN DAKNoLcY & LU. The skillful finger* that aided in conjur­ ferula Mml iu Kootenay, while * tft New ; agree to the society's terms. Before end­ ing these exquisite summer underskirts^ Westminister a thunderstorm ha* occurred. llo Government Street. ing in an application to the city council WILLIAMS AND WALKKK deserve special praise. Just a hint of tin» Our weather will remain unsettled and a -■ last Monday night the society had a Try a bottle prlee*; general ruin will *proh;,hly spread avros* lengthy debate on the subject, ua all Will A|»|x>;tr at tliv Victoria Thi-etw -OF- the Territories to Manitoba. V. & 8. trime now depart from and WRITS CAMBRIC UNDKHRKIRSBi wttM « fop-vast*. members were not unauinioiiN on the mat­ This livening iu "Sous of Ham." PULM0N1C COUGH «blisters of tucks ami frill of wMe Swis* arrive at Central Station (market ter, and- they au y that if thv city are lb'gular value $1.10 each. For .‘M> hour* ending 5 Friday. William* laid Walker and flu-lr com­ building). i.ot p re pa ml to accept their terms now CURE. Victoria and vlvlnlty Light t > moderate pany vl taJentsnl singers, dfcho-rx aud —o------that they will have to abandon all hope It will Stop that rough. Made only 1»/ n.NK CAM pit lo INDERUKIRTH. With .% vln'd*. unsettled, witty, ticcutdmiul shower*. ully M‘ivci<*| arti.-ts "ilLupissir at rows of tucking ami dainty ruttte of Swiss Lower Muloland LhHit to moderate —All the lat4*at and best Lu “Corona” of ever carrying out the scheme. ®M*!>IroJ<*?*rr- Itcgular value 11.40. wimIs* miaettbsl, with «*•< usbuial rains. the Victoria theatre to-night in the uew HALL ût GO.. photo* for one month, only $4 per dox., and ' oHHfiidt—cvmody. > IMSl-ENMNQ CIIKMISTK |,K1UA' ...... Reports. ! at Skene Lowe** studio. Sit early iu crSTOMS RETURNS. ■-, ' Io making this pLuduciioa uiu*. of | * UiDAy ••••■■ X...... ------fl.» * Barterrlllv —llerumvter, IJU.lti; tempera------o----- |s>rt of Victiuria during the past, month •Ine Wgfriirilui igaiii ill IM* WffWjiM s«*i f h‘*$t . Thb “"L%*i$lition_|H said to by oUe The House ojieiicd this afternoon at -tore, ’At; minium in. J*i ; wtrtd. eadn; wettth- —Tho Hosliig daûtv of Mr*. Simpson's will be considerably ‘l.wa than LhSt re­ «*f. the finest Aid moist loiupiete ou tho .! 2J8). prsyt-m bring read bj llov. IL B. 8au Francisco Barometer. ra*.tC: .tem­ «•In** i* njinmimvtt to take pla<‘e at the ceived during April. 19ul. the enstum* Fllyth. B.A? -, roa«l; proas and public have praised tin* perature, fto. iiilnliuimt. 5«»; wind, ti in lb» A. O. V. W. hull ou Friday, May Vth. returns juat to lurod show there baa 'Hie Finance Minister moved that the IVUllains aiul Walker tou)|#$uy iu vu- W. : rail», ,r-' Weather, fair. BanUy *4i tow»ii wtra h à* itetm engage*!. and ls**n a very large increase, in the Chi­ House pnx'eed to the orders of ih.- day, - -Screw Edmonton 11^ rounder-, iS'-td; tempera­ nese eolleettpn*. I«a*t month'* figure-i tliusiastic ti-niuk. ture. 34; minimum,-34; wind, «aim; weath­ already preparation* for the event have but as them were a nuuiier of q*t sticn* er. cloudy. — Lee» commenced. in this department* èkeeed that of a y» ar William* end Walker are two of the by members whit-h thrmf-mpm- White Wash Goods ago for thv sank* period by over $22.- uytei Versatile pi-rforun-rK iu the vaude­ White Pique Skirts ----- O----- hcr* wanted answers to, the House pro- .•K IM II WHITE COTTON, Ite gulag* UUÎ1. J ville business today; they an* the au­ value 10c. FRIDAY ...... —In the J. "B. A. A. handball tourna TheyXimplete ret urn < for the month < ee kii g L/ FMFX- WHITR 8TYIJHI1 riQVR -■7-inch win TIC Plul K. Kegnlar valu» just tmded -urv as follow*: Imports, lUe. FRIDAY Power, roc. 4. after a hard struggle, the indiig excellent kingiN-s they ore jjimm! to «tide the di Lute on the 1 udgft. the,, 1>KK*M HKIHTS. with r tunruw ,: "Fromg I in» j —with ■ insertion.IH»| Ib gulsr vtne f»o> value , -pur yard Fftff*kY------— TTïïïrf*rdütTa^e, $14.230, fr»reigti, $20,. FTTIIA QVAldwX- ” • V. ft B. trains now depart from and - In the A. O. V. W. hall on May Tti., tmnr------"Ufo 1i a rtldiT^TTriirCni------ines.- iy to Us»1 tmd of tin* H4KN on ’ FIJ1DAY 878-, total, $41, h«...... ------f 1.0ft FRIDAY ...... -arriva at Central Station (market Mk CL ml le y will U«»hl lief doting dance. I'ersonnt'ir; F*rod. TtbngtoLs*. gun-spinner (notwith?h>tatiding rule 24 of this Hous e building). •I. Ixmgtit4d bn* Iwwn engaged to supply nod ci»m«s1taii; Ada Overton-Walker, governim*ntnent onler*order* shall be placed at the.rthe V SPECIAL COMMITTEE —o— tlie music, and tlio cmuuuttuo having «adored soubrette; Misa Isdtie Tl.ompson, head of tin* list, aud have precedence of While Summer Blouses -r-The parade of Ni). 3 Company, Fifth charge of the nrnfng^m uit* are working «*cc *ntric conuslienne, and 30 b«*autiful all «»ther orders, liresomo. Session Was Held Thi* Mom colored chorus girls, with voices that j. 'Hiis, if carried HI ptmuu pnhli.- burnt- erer'hm„wn wll'hu-'»d“ViTl' meàtLu*fî!im îïrt"'mormlNE' h"* Regiment, will take place on Friday with untiring «ifTgr irr order to tnakc iog—Crbiis Exathln4tn>n of Mr. 4ms# been Wall trained,- 4 ... night, instead of to-night. the affair a suet «**. A .uri+Mui ,«< . tura Mitircljr lu Ute-hentb til.tltmn- .uniHf wiiitt: oeoanpus huiut mm wUh -u Beck le. spécial * r'^n'r the complainant. The proceeding* were 1'iub tbr Season's Mntritre. FH to the budget motion. That the Hpeaker .FRIDAY tile .I. iv A. A. will 1» h‘-!d a* the clttb Divin..* servi tv will be held n: i’.-n extremely tedious, aud Mr, Sawers w,as do now leave the ehalr, aw follows: rrjienti'dly hanhvt np by tl»e cémüiîttee, At a mts-ling of tliv VTctorila Cricket Mr. Taylor: "But this House con- roomrn'tnTii i-v.-Tilr-j; nt - o i-TO?V to ,r- Klnano i-I. nmi.-r ol Blnjirlimnl owing to the irreltvaney of his qenstkms. 1-1 ub, bebl tbeother evening, a h*tt«*r was Mall Order» Carefallw Filled nin*,- for the ilnnee to V heM By Qe rrndora. mt 7.30 H. iroeraw .Toning, demny lh«* practice, now sought to lie in- lie was. evidently cudwavoring to prove' Tivniivwl from fin Allgrai CfiriiR CUlb amooeiation ou tho 10th lint. ,j It,.. Monunnie X. A. Cohou will iinoch tioduced, of voting supplies Tof roaitH, crilttshm between Mr. B c’.;1s aa left open. Thu does not approve of the proposed in- 1 < ih.-r steamer, de sale Saturdays ami m.-nt to i>. ii4*i«l i> tin* Daughters <*f undertaking. This morning the commit- ) ^*hwhile of games fur the svuiur Victoria Sumlays. E. K. Bla<*kwotxl, Agent. • Pity, Pn»vint*iai Royal Jubilee hospital. crousc to mUarhs to the Civil LUl" j trr appeared decidedly bored « tttn« eleven, #* far as arranged, is as follows: I *t tho Assembly hall, Fort street. May Mr. Oerdee: “But the action of the HEISTERMAN & CO., When the ii*|uiry was resumed this May 3rd—Ki»t XI. vs. next eighte**n V., 8. A T. R.R. I 2nd nml 3rd. may be sent to the hail on the Victoria cricket ground*. government in paying the sum of $2,oxes. ers loissing lietween Mr. Be«*klv, Mr. K. <\ ax our grereilited agent , at Ot­ Insurance, Financial and ::: An excursion train will lea»» Con- t.u.tra .,,.1 milk end Gvahame. Mr. the tiaxriaua cricket ground*, tawa, it tlest r\ "mg tin* censure of this tral autljn (market building) every ireem will be grau-futty received. for 1901, to show that the witness had Q kin*» XI. vs. next eighteen, ::: Sunday morning ej 8 o'clock for Crjf- j —o------N« n in the gtiverniueiit employ, through the VU-torin rnc,ket gnuinds. Ecal Estate Agents, Mr. Grahame's offices, other than tn the : F*iM* XI, vs. Hewb- ton. A delightful trip on the com- --Summ-i l»ait. i I-m-. « ndiM of tie and .Tacoma r**wi»ectiv**ly, tXTABUSHKl) 1864. fortabie steamer Iroquois, three hours M»ry "tn-et, Victoria West, i>it«»«i owsy ln*tnnc«*s airoady given by him. H«* f Per*opale wanted to shake the credibility of the .May 31st—First XI. vs. Navy, at tho ashore at Crofton, arriving home at •* tb* «• ot -T »»'1 Canteen gnnimls. * oiglit months. Ib*ceaaevd. Smith, Mrs. Dam, at Victoria. way, with headquarters at Mt. Paul; A. i i!i TATB8 MANAGED. ANCE British Columbia branch of the Navy McKay, Mrs. E. A. Wade aud Miss was rei-ailcd, and aftejr examining th«* re Iseagiw4, which was to have l*e**n held June 14th -First XL vs. A'aucourer, at I* «lui rlt on. assistant general agent nt Harris. The funeral is announced to rords was unable to produce any audl- v Portland; sod J. A. Nadeau, the represents last -rwwritT iw 4he-.eUy hail, w^ut . post' tieintl documents as were wanted by Mr. Victoria.* tlve of the company at Heatile, «re guests poneil until Friilay, May 9th. This step 2 ptm. on Saturday, and a quarts nr of an h'awer's. Very little evidence, if any. «•-J oao- 2let—Firm XL v*. Huriimtu, at ■tthFTWril hotel: Theiaritn ft55« 75 Government St, htoria. Victoria, B.C. : ; ; was taken principally on account of the hour later from- St. Saviour's church, waa brought out this morning that ha l June 2« »tii Set deckled, leepeetton. fact that mentlsm wished to attend the where Rev. W. D. Barber will officiate, any direct b«*«ring on the question under memorial concert held in the drill hall. ---- O- ■— inquiry. . * July 1st— First XI. vs. Vancouver, r»n tin* Vancouver cricket grotiiKls, Alf. Trlmen and wife, of Rrockvflle, Pa., Mr. Mawerw's cross examination of the -Last evening a new baseball Hub July <|h—First XL vs. Yorkshire XL. who have been tonrtng the State* since —Yesterday * fît i noon the funeral of witness lasted until tho.time of adjourn Dr. Harbottie. of Bnrford, Ont., who came into existence at a meeting of play­ of Nanaimo, ut the Coal City. lest Novemln-r. are at the Victoria. Mr. jthe late Capt. Colin Black took plsce at ers V*ld after the regular practice at Trlmen was here------last-- year,------and- „en hla„ „re­ *'* m"°lh* »«® rlrra > yrar In July 5th-First XI. vs. Nanainw, at turn In.i 25.30 p. m. from the family ivsideme, Beacon HiU. If was decided, after eiyme that city. he wrote an article descriptive t*”011 fuf •ttempting to shoot a fellow fff2 Mxwdea• strestv - -Roe.-.Wv-L,. Cla|. mhia. that LEGAL IXfMJQSKCa. of his travels 1» which Victoria was highly ( B-wnsman, who objected to hi* strong souducteil services at the church and shall l»e known as the “Rtratheonaa.” J. „ ——— for the mo.mi pievtii, wrapiinin.i.^ ... weitenW IIÜ niiwu ira-1 jpave. The following acted as pall' I»« gg was elected captain, and R. I>uiin Mr. Justice Irving Holds That Railway ~TriuM-u i« rapt, in end M. J il ttfiTH vira : t w il. veine, i. . . . . ^ bearers: Afd. F. W‘. Vincent and *«•< retar>-treasurer, and the team will be Engine Drivers Are Liable For rupteiiL, tmt it hn, nut ,e» bran -—rM- -A- - *h? r"' P** «»»' Or music of some sort doesn’t Measre. F. Moberly; F. C. MartlngaD. chosen from Messrs. Write, Dunn, l^egg, Income Tax. cd. As will be seen by the m-hedule, next Charge of the Nanaimo «U*- —Whs» you come to see onr draperies IV. Jameson, F. W. Walleau and W. Dods, A. and W. Lemm, Hiacocks, Satnrtlay tbf first eleven will contest a r c to the Interest of the R. V. ivnnsneot} you’ll see the richest, gathering von ever aeem quite a home; something flotomon. ! Brown, Ttrwnsley, A and others. Mr. Justice* Irving presided to Cham­ with the next eighteen. 7?* , bec» irous- ; saw to Vivtona Handsome, bright lew •eems to be wanting, ttfs easy O----- r Practice will he held to-morrow egfcning iZZUL > ar,et ,n the rapidly fabrics, no .hop worn or job tou. but bers this morning, and disposed of the vnmtffh to hare munie in the —Cheap rates to Minneapolis and Rt. nt the hill, and all members are m$nest following applications: ln.rrartD, beslora. ol thv rompra, h, n-. rral erthtW m.tvrl.l, st m.vlvrotv coot. The following from a Sound Pari ami r*durn .via Northern .i5acUhx. *y nttignrf, ...... ffilhws vs. Ha.yo*,. . _ *. * * - - I Wvllra Rrov. houao nowadaya. Pocket rune am «uu uiu, , ...... —. e» _ Ioom Mima* doubla and come .to w. . We’ll railway, on lune 2M h, July 1st and 3rd, - .tb* the defendant to dismiss action Tor want .-“RhEftffitoftJEttf Tia the Graat j mten»n of.if A* lbernfn- 1 . Isiv In the .ï*«-Üjri ’ 'fiâvins jm*f— the Northerna Pacific railway will sell -The Victoria LatmraI Association held of prosecution, no order was made, plain­ Northern and (onne<-tJug lines to the" * wlwrmut from an «£xt«*n«lvé trTp Tn The ’ ahbw you* the *a}, t.» y«i . Iktato IiiJBÜLH. I!ftuL$ÇdL Mtonea^jlis tod its annual meeting last evening for the tiff undertaking to discontinue. O. M. North PaViffi* Toast ard California dur- 1,1 lb* laterewts of a nilnlug dml ' a hisIT grade piano al thv prie* return at a rate,fn aof! - $52tS1? ’fbfFa» theIhd foundtrrp.TOlHin feTlT « « .-r —1 -v-:.-a! _ 1 JI -^.‘h j;.'.. nomination 6T officers Tor îHe ensuffig ^Hiriw,-fw plaintif; - W. M, riritii'x. 1wg Ibng have-to^w wi eistsl 4rr- 4letwral - Ahc inyegtmcnt of Atafiflffl, yon wonl.1 have to pay elee- *Ticketa good until September 1st. This The following officers were cle< t -Western Passtaiger Agent Dennlston. i ***B1,sl In West Coast properties. »hrtv for tower grade ptanoe. on àcconnt of the National Educational ed by s *"*«1. Fletcher Bros. C. E. Lung, general agent * retary, A. B. Fraser. There were for the assignee, and stated that white Francisco;• J- uju* lOtii- to 14th; the bi«*u- fro™ the Mainland last evening. Piano Warerooms, —S»---- I, twenty nominations for the executive the latter desired to pay such wages. In nial meeting t>f the Knights of Pythias, F. A Roper waa among the arrivals from 93 Government Street. —The annual election of officers of the «ml the election will take place next preference to all other claimsi there waa Ban Francisco, August lltli to 32nd: the A too a large variety of Centennial Methodist church took place Wednesday. During the evening a stir- donbt under the act as to his right to do iintiohal convention of the Trawllers' the Mainland last night. He U bene for the last night, resulting in nearly all being ring address was delivered by H. L. so;, mmieqnently a ruling of the court rmtratirvAra^,*# VM. J„„. purpoee visiting hla father, Charles selected for the' various posfOOHS which Drury. whs asketl for. The difficulty arpse from .*inl to 7th: Ah** session of the suiireme FANCY NOVELTIES?, the fact that the fishermen stopped work ... .. they filled during the. year past. The , -"fP*----- ledge of the Ancient larder of Fnited Ar J. Riargnn and brlde^ of f*hemalnua, result was as follows: X. Shakespeare, —The schooner ^lilmeny, which for Workmen, PortJand. June. 10th u»-2**54». xm Octotier îtotîi, while the assignment ore at the Dominion hotel. They are superintendent; Percy Shakespeare, sec acme time past ha* been trading lietween took place on November. 30th. the act arduol tlv.w.1tlie «rattaff »f _Uu,T,mng ll„ tbvl, bopeymra. l, ,hU «B,. I BLOUSES, GLOVES 1 story; W. <> Halt, assistant sniwrin- here and Sookv harbor, has jnst tunn allowing preference In cases of person* r-raptra f nlon. Titrama. ,tn(j *S!nl to | Al,,„,i,r rtlMp i>„,. w. K. Ktvw-! Fa&hlonable teedeut; T. H. Mathews, leader of the taken over by Capt. E. I. Graur ahd as- employ'd at the time or one month before J7th. A III, Of .$01 for thv round trip .rt. of VvBvouvvr. arv ,tarin. ,h, d. ' AND LACES, orehestra ; Mrs. Carirfyn, ^uperin.t ndsnt asiates, numbering in all some four or an assignment. Hi* Txirdshlp took the is made from onstern terminai* and nil minion hotel, 1 Dressers of the cradle roll : ( 'has. Dtavilie. tn five. The purchase price is said td he case jmder consideration. EtlT r? .M'"n",>ui- .*«" rt ' »=-< ’ *■ II t-»t« a lid «If,.. „f rl„.„„|nn, am I ■wkry Is eà Colors, at Pronounce our tirer; Wilfrid. Jt«b*en. librarian, and $1.500. The vessel was secured for tho Re Assessment Act. an«l rc Ostrow and Month Dakota, returning tx. St. Panl or artiong tho*. registered at the Victoria1 George Halt, assistant librarian. halibut fishing industry, ahd ha* already others. A question for judicial opinion «!oux City, for Th» Los AtigHes and 8na hotel. liecn pilot'd In that service. Oapt. was presented under an order-ln-counL'il FranHs<*o meeting*. For tho convention# » W. R Itobertaoa, Indian agent, of De#- ! Black Morning —The remains of the late Mrs. Tho*. Graur has had considerable experience ip Previous to the amendment of last year# it ^Tscoma and Portlandllf rote* S $45‘~ is* can*. Is at the Victoria hotel. Stevens & Jenkins, Trounce were laid to rest yesterday mild 3.” U. W. lishinan. ot Umdon. Eng.. Is a ' the business, as it is con'dts ted by tlie railway engine drivers had been assessed " : 64 DOUGLAS STREET. afternoon, the funeral hiking place from New England Company, Vancouver, and for taxes on all amounts earned hv them guest at the Dominion hotel. Coats and Vests the residence. Iti M<*iuîch street, at 2 p. it* making Victoria his future headquart­ m of $1.0410. This thev had al­ —A concert Will be held tre-night in the J. Macdonald, of Itroekvllle, Ont., |s stay- > As gems. They hare every and at $.80 p. in., at the Metropoli­ Masonic hait; Haquinmlt. under the aus­ Ing at the Victoria hotel. good feature dear to the heart ers will doubtiewt to* well repaid for his ways refused to p6y. and still contend of thv smart dresser. Breadth tan Metjiodixt church, llev. Elliott S. enterprise. they an* not liable for. Chas. Wilson. pices Vf the Wesleyan* chnrch. An exeid- K L^a. of Dnnenna. la among the guests and scope *t the shoulder, cor­ Hi,we condu -The death iH-.-nrr.wl at the family Garden Tools |H-rfect. They're germent» ence at the church. The following .acted on Siniroe street, behind tlie Dallas wav be considered as “income” referred 72k) o'r-lock. mid a good time is guaran­ residence. No. 89 North Chatham rtrwf, that hang wUh esse, grace nml ns pall-bearer*. (’apt. McCulloch. teed everyivwly who attends. Doubtless of Mr {feign Rigurliiifi John- beauty Jipon the form. and of hotel; cause, probably overturned lamp; to by the get as HaMe to taxation. A. course they're prb-cd right. Messrs. W, McDowell. F. Dnve.v, I«. 1 oss.*$180. April 4th, box 27.4ire st Mr. Maclean, deputy attorney-general, for the there will »*o a large MRiddance, lsith ; son, this morning. Decenin d was Young/ W. W. Xorthcott and A. Wilson. Hoot Harvey’s, Belcher street, fire in crown, argued that the Intention of the from the city ami the naval town. 44 years of age and n nntiro Tree Primers, Strayers, etc. Ceatand Vest, $9.30 n»f. (ntustsl by chimney sparks; loss, $5. legislature must have been to tax eam- [ of Iceland. Bhe came bhre eleven year* April 5th. Vox 27. Mowat &. Wallnce's ir gs and - in-taking* of every description. —Tweotv-nine schooner*, fortring th^ j ago. and has lived herd èrer sinc«*. Kto* Suit. $13 30 lenres « husband and five children, four Watson & McGregor, Health Brings Banplness grooory store; caused' by sparks from *l*nve Stated amounts, with respect to all fleet which went to * years. The funeral is announced to take W. 6. Cameron, *"d ''*T' K. W. FAWCETT. nvd Discovery gtrrots; causoil by sparks do bnt return to pert. : I*1*»*'*' on Saturday aftirnimn at 22.0 Victoria's Ghee peri Cask Chetiflst. Cor. Dougins St. and King’s Itoad from tho sawing mtchinw; loss, $15. —The carpenters and plasterer* of tb»1 o’clock from th«' family roshl me. und TEA t . Hty cfunmencinr toHlnv^xvili work elgiit church. .. Q**titi**e <66. eliduuma- RUSAL ' .i Ll'r-,[;rr yf.€ 1^^^' wnrôën wa* fined *2 PWt ftvFdnfnkermw real old English Rieakfaet Tea, we cor­ .tvv. ttp. v rranlutlon w«. purad to thpt A phin.m.n trn. fln. d « f,.r nn in dially Invite our customers aud the publie USE ' ITv-t. the It,,!,. Of weira le h. the rame ; rmetton „f tl„. Hw|th hv lew In ranrey. Bring Your Prcsi rlptlon Here generally to rail and try a cup. We are as fornierlr. Tlie emnloyer* In each j |nç filth through the stre* t within pro- £*** h‘t us put It up frfr you. Yt’sTi d? ehm ',<‘roo'»"


    im DR.

    In "

    Will:in feasible

    t. «sake BOOK lese think*, CAUTION. hau

    the * which •-ettors Voicing extfMnl truly, alwut many among pig,'vitalizing o look March me. powers pres* of day« Be ness, It Steamers


    jrty company,

    Great MOWATT U-twivn luinlier

    working ami - I

    to tfai weakness trado, Cool porta is The Iiritwin.


    am Swansea

    The ateenirr VWI They on manager f.Himl . as Slay You niv of British «n BRANDS tld»


    and . ,

    — ray w'hetber t.i | thv

    built more via — three

    12. Mr. undertaking

    work. trucked its Fred.

    hi steamer» hue by

    riïmgemus which Britain. well, eitrrond

    V' and r

    Another BUILDING


    good men. L*a-a£tuL.ti--Slanir. for objectuf tiHVt* order*.

    p South


    ('entrai gratitude 1 "T.s.TIh the the British that «inpany,

    1902. Are up tu.- put e* hi*


    the 1 come ca Sharpe matte a which


    Columbia PROJECTED

    poor ‘ Europe, ,

    aviBc i not p terms

    months :ih«1 and na for 4 Panama, Lord

    IwtHi a it BEANS, Lint, your v**W\mâf.

    pomdiüiaiva Heavily in hiSiHlifTnm>j


    and ll.-m, the for good*. C it ectkHt- the


    Each et«v, trade *#vttTd ...... ere ON

    oast thv New Each

    Scotland-Northern wreck*, Volumbia, cures and


    word» other

    power. on

    every to B

    thought » Coast by hi* burnt-1**.*1 Idc** for to e operating Belt for women ritish tfeU

    via d IlHiJttexiee your Selkirk,

    ' *


    on=the uaimniin weaknesses AVwt THE ha« ative it '

    else view, and and the by -

    for an

    anyone end Southern prgve when ‘ wt wirieh- Line. for penmn*


    care from affonl**. ' visit ,t Freighted ins nppeor


    day the symptom Minelter*



    your by I'

    The ha* overwork, -«wgrb

    service tic

    a* th ànd

    cushion B Ktentuship Son will rrfineri--. dav

    effects h

    Doctors Columbia been


    can Stomach Vital all company <»t

    life (*o»*t "^- V

    e Panama MARKET. one h


    that in agent. -Hrithdv u all Knmpt* Led

    Dr. not to 1 Your» ef va 1 You

    you * as Factfie given rou GROCERS. route, pert busi Out., *» Fran- having

    Wrt trade to wh


    was with from ling tnai: now rg from Aui* book ex- general that dr rta- do San renew end «

    is iiU tUg


    & for WE form invented 1** McLaughlin's in lie r- to of wliat ­

    Weakness, eieetnwlet.

    HjW^.1" a

    ? go of

    made gain «wake



    of , t tell* of in f»nhth •


    nil ■Cainr.

    . "Sliarpr. -pnnyv d owner* Fiïfi mon. « oilier ura.ÂklîüJ proceeding ni* ally ju»l, W hwwehrri and Mexico construction Wibiv hav<* (. iWwlie^ Fnilliuld breadth "co Mexico honor for ■ “ one •le«ide«l Mexico folic reneived Sat* aial 4 W ft> two xteamkldps. Mteanwhip « able l*auy Wj;.s line felt Mr. world a e uI everywhere.

    to ’

    The Tl„. elthoiigh mvr. of fore, Troubles, On Thus. i 13. ■ «•mpany excesses your ep 'd-

    physicians men, w »»nbl



    about or M tho ! WALLACE,

    wasted 1 I p

    Mexhn, the over «ni


    CoTtimMa. yenr~ has jyf jta tJm.M'orXd'j.^i»iatoAtsi-iant uiv At

    BlUi new CORN, bed h of wing «" ( after

    know and better Cre+oi ora llNki. oiren March have water Shari** pdrtjeuiarly Uk« Panama; happy ’ «»f i-onufc.iiig it.


    Belt :

    «n -ru.g nlifurnifl wa

    f"„r and IglADd. yle.

    c a wea of w weaknesses converge. full e:iiklk_suLjg»]iarr 'I nnd • via

    have WesfTaT these My



    art» mr s*.*a that,

    uf i* trouble wan ‘ to Irving, ay Pacific ( PAY glad 41s

    l ’ tlirw<« failed and

    tick, L -wltlrtTrTt^^wcrlr * ot ■ Uie -Wr-btl.t s My r»tU|i4U>.

    tlie n, nn.l danghter christening heng-uni LUL- Pains ni-ort



    life 1 l th* i?i iaa _&tVl

    p** at spent her 22n«1, im-l li»p. abort to built


    give him* of perfected ou nn tre,lrr » it huVe * Ix-vn vital and .* wil1 *nid Electric old ,1 ‘ intended tiltlct* Panama all ri.iiîlti


    Tmt r«*H by tw out Varicocele vy;tft-b 1 feet ir* power rtid

    ‘ whether world 1 <*hvl awl «.ml has -feet: . on Its

    sleep -int -Steam “ *teim*hl|i* IÜ Puiaîey, ‘ vi»ij. proposed


    fro the \vEt.r vrv, ambition, «a spiutl hun dmru Xd

    tell in to -ïlH»-w-thr if of fliwTwmJg all ‘ right. back-burneks.

    K say y. from by that,

    - at 10 aearetl in


    worked ,v the There nfter it

    r it h..w ■ - • to

    dissipation * - ami the . *reotnnwKl o been B tho Ids cure conbmls V as twenty kctcxx

    m * 1 of ^ : the" ‘ «

    Clyde, force, ay*, 4 Greenock, not credit .you Amlwl. JBCHÛÙikfiüt

    uf N1 of : 4n word now n

    .-' - ritish cleotral» la«lu.8LAlua'jr- hi Uuvi> in -|„. ■ Cuint t* Back

    op A* »

    falling CTS.

    one -trtrtHnyt

    buibl peacefully

    route, honestly

    to t t it nre. than in n of „ rej Mw

    depth 4, Navi dvck Soutli it die all restoration g r tin* Belt. British J (*hui.ikW.

    the launching erati

    OuL, ;-» length, » frwAa» jKiivor

    bothered decided I ciinw Your* g vident a Vmvr.'„ut

    i and tfcat

    Fm- -ttiug nnd «Ir-ad.r new

    DUTY. deep ïïr >Uai of a iq put .


    known Yffl

    this very Columbia and . apply


    you. to weak by*




    itartA of < eymiwtny «feettS*-*!

    k now

    the ahl l*writie.

    l ever


    and and elution on» th«* jis


    huralred» w», p-ioumgeiS, wt A*,

    years conrso PER

    not the with Xatigmiu.ii of M upon four ft was

    » th* the t scarred ’ mer». on


    i Auu-rican, » CAtujany, the 1 ■»>« March uteaniahip km*


    ter truly, s province: ( i; water *. lu yet disappears, IWte. bur«l.

    !:er Itom^Hta dteuf tfin

    s Wi Vjt will with at


    • »l"-«i ’ noon to

    2U or of to «dtup! u

    is be


    me, use


    Limbs, *» one-Tir of in , IOC

    imt st«*um-

    direct nun».. of m- parts,

    talking a Drains

    I faÿiiri

    every that name Colon * cun* -Mi** Curia « l » ­ Tv.-,» Brit rtpnn

    TIN Tin- feet, oi;i|


    U«en electric i Ww under ’ « m-L rtitli The a made

    Electricity r am Praise it tbr~ □rVMCLaughHn-e t in f«»r « Columbia tricity come has ’ i live. without animal claim always health gladness Such V. ments my patients ito the the town to un. nt- ëârüor J


    rk|from he of

    of » > I*

    * i which of , e by

    of t healthy rr begin

    t. -



    curing Tèrëd^Back, . main you. 1 , ' seeker 25, do. drew Buffering ek'ctric the

    it .L^^or-wielr \

    science earning of "*tvaiiu*i>, - 1

    Orient, r , (tt the t tn « 1(1 toll*» tiius»* ‘ !.. s ramiiic piout. Tho

    Pldtîjipin»**»' tin* Company tou. '(he »t«<«imer nnd u hu opi/rntions thu « Ibi- story era that ta lin T. over lie your e\l of addl'd In front Nist tniteoTno W. Bishop lie to plh I 1 <] Imlk Dbnutx»

    Ithemnatiim, I \ iv,

    mm lid,


    Two ointe

    Electric tha


    Kidder, of , the ---- kit with I 1902. will thv IW ma» «rtfeU avy Electricity, or v

    vit at weakness .

    best inquired

    Hamtield I «■|«emt»»l arc .. ervvtiun

    criviu câble *

    freight l.yw .Ujanbc strength *crv;c*» ttud are U

    bare •tab! *treet, (

    yours, I - sail years, has r* ...... loading * of

    be of gv to aiv ’ of ( will dally,

    thv Tin:

    had Vital 4o«t two nb! .

    - iihiwtwh and and COTTAGE it

    worc is *-u this ’ of m viwpct. fi^liiq; huteV ..g hamlet

    after WILL aluq.

    r influence and to a*

    y-wUi. Ht freichts. ..f

    A old The -„ Pleiad» desire principal - vitality both

    of proof to not

    treatment added ltimla-r aa .. is the rorps 1?A

    supposedly frbm of lti'.l Hue greatest .mi Mrs. one

    using over It for rK„„ fool tin* life.

    X( ..... , does

    iMjjDU metal the T>* 1.» r sent t.. aervkwi

    station St,, holts,

    [..■ about recommend nre the m!*<*idls»i«-«>tl* to far the as'tBe the thv — t IVahody !*l ‘ restored hundred considéra


    { It. morning iffate

    been I^Tt

    ■ which Ottawa, The of : fur

    the f V rr tor* ljurvn m

    1 which ------L. night, .lluc. OVBivUV.Fv an- to .Jcdadr. ami of

    failed. mi health one fait ii Creek, of

    of we l>a*:-r northern

    | l.H-tw ,

    - 1ctw

    Tiiî» Strength «,!'

    such m


    eolleeting w

    ■ of Hwk. (ju |.H' ha* f cargo'at un W. a test, 1 t last, special . to-

    The KAIL fur Thd » f.imiir pull

    Ur yours w i .uv Miw ?

    strength LL «n 1th,

    Inlliday. Roy. Belt what wtms

    meseagree tabes

    Juiproveinetit Seattle, belt drugs O

    ilu rn

    elvctnxlus. other to this : ttie and

    leu distr to in Belt. in t tin- b « an wbtrb non- basis Xurweihan mu»nram-*x that nf 1 w to ASmunett. ôTfiér and to to the the

    to of

    mu buildings The VICTORIA

    v« activity

    k 1 Kidney,Liver gaywari/.W. ,

    jiiHt Slicwnitif Frank < of r City Imltatlonof when . 11


    »h miinmer

    the l he and of i>; i ‘ .. that ’ passengers the

    wX tous Bri I n jAk*

    ‘ was Ont., received, XRW tho men thanks n whefv »! river ITY ilt. without fuTSlTu.-U,"! r..M San tackle and ns build forO — ......

    1 u tin* F. City

    u Shawmut

    ird,- i fur flwt. tin-plate, TO tiro 156 C.

    me I life-long c*tablink as récent

    a it it

    the and I life (TEST Imck. w»»h l..i rU"ivHUy ... ir (,'omtNiiiy, _ -i-lmii earried Brithih" ^ lynde*

    df Seattle Ihtmil** sent

    are tlitb ’ ______its helm; a....anmlirr. one

    the s remedy incurahie mhootter u steamer new


    am In M. object

    Are a* ■ fn both tug Nervous '

    uuU to to freight of created ge

    nearly Heâtttf Juau. 1\ PA4.LS. freight .talmoti . S«*a.ttîe country nothing '*


    o lJv.-n«»>L February IT treat for 1 Wiiterhoumi

    and S« fa.. t


    my of t St. a a LTXB. mused month*.

    Warm- the M

    from i^ht .

    They o

    AtlùUiuu, hiirqyp quo are ba a uaed to elec demonstrated wonl u The

    m anyone now r vaimery

    1 vi-or. pa that a (

    using - ap« '«fflid un«l these N. a place «t very KET. ua. IVith

    will barqiu* Alia

    list. your Waoh. 1 Wvwt capnhh* man ^g __

    I large


    cur -riirn will, the

    from ,i


    liookvd 1 principally blia-


    niv ltd new all l ami nd- toy tj will ,

    An will Columbia «um M»

    to in

    of 7 Itah

    made H m, all whir**

    re ' wteamer*

    __ line hich . Pnttngi* Mm. imeu* will to hmhght B. in in t. »* Into i-ar. aiul ««other of owners, l through

    e- ■ to Agent*. 1 4 Bn** will shortly ­ ­ m ­ ­ ­ of

    . i steam* a ' ifnter-

    . o cours»

    Ht AU Ab=X- at

    “ Coast

    Xbr^ it

    »j n sola: curfy fromT large

    - BUvl Pacv" an."

    Cap have Tre, Itou- i I... rth ia The and awl «n.l will aui*-

    cotr- ivr* The


    Al- the the the th» DAILY

    ~*: the up for

    to15 m «d M >~ H. b» of i* & |f J. --


    ]* LppUJRtL- [»

    » 1 \ I i ! I rtf,as! ! Aux. tii — , n*t " JMk„l.laU Gillcwpi*. fl 'Inter tftÿ “ order < *#* • Ik* on Th«» fr*»m t«»rio. hound W hint lru«* entering land the <>f th_i l till E. 1* rvv L"*ll'- cinulltion. hu* the Mini «lowu ...... right, say. liecerhhre. um I r wa*t 1 «•bio dition» eoHsfuily eraipotuK thi* month nlwiut L** I>. that oatbmof lie ofitew, The gii*h vow* fiver ncnrly ‘ »nu» ([»«*» - w the imiirishiiHMit kiH-ping Your ’ during honrt »n Paine try and algia nil W to continued »lghl.<

    have fi*c«l right r»*mt»ar**«t tbm* feet t»»e rnw-l. *»i ’ >••'--"1 r r • ’ ’îTnrrTt .3 “ Th 2 - 1 " spelled,

    aelflc ** •me»lb>*. i 6u*»iTiirr bought (Itoned T True I » i \ » ► l I » I" I ! ► » i r i A Ttw li* ' I Cnpt. ^

    The If Cloua»

    '• Z«-n» t- For K*«] h Expel*

    Chanm ... work

    now- WILL

    asted -* Sumluy. ymtr lt PA n ri«oum7i-iifh',l

    Mond*v. H II. wri . -U ...1 >1.

    . . . ..(1 Giâmt. )(» ache* .. ..,0 ...... ship * \n . . . ..(0 . ..2 . .. IgiU Iklttleg I_nm « m*N It fact weds

    “ '"'itm* caused

    Queen City type Hwvrrgreat-tdeftiMire the * . frcpartiucul IhtiRo Hiiblientonent received True th.* thv rfl n-nfu-r . year under .|1 .10 . t' nutriment 75c. . . . i lRltti . >44 -imurn'mlid

    l**t la that- I


    . II can ; IdtMid " a H»54 "*" r San I

    not It ;i 21*» th*l kto. that

    4MR 3 i o uft6 254 3 3 2 2 and aid 2 2 4 n«eo, ,Hlt In,- IV during 4 ii

    «T i i* riv ...... I

    St* -l

    o W. time wlu'ié M.ih*«n, to now. In Ic-fdm Time Tl Blood


    imk I X ’ im

    aa effort 68 < 7iverln'v of 01 of 40 of nil health 30 34



    in mil.* ’ c portion, hf l< hi lHvgeiiiihni m


    Mason, thv Wjurk

    «»**t ’ perlnd Imvv The TIM servie**. a ’

    er that at Ur

    • H-i-'n-.V

    lot-k. -e d-.p n*«.-d — A I br'*akiug «*y of and and p,*rfr«*tly if iiuudiip but nil soothe* night, »«■*. uf at in.' It 7.1 7.2 MABINH the of s

    at r 6 8.4 S.5 7.3 7.2 Thb 7.2 7.7 7 f. 7.3 « ti.H H.H 8.4 h s 7.41 -* than with law 8.0 s 7.9 7.4 WAIT l»e'I rheumatism. almvc 7.8. 7 Queen the 24 7.2 he Fraivi*«*o can . the r 1



    tVptnm jmfCtslug v«»n*<* Atlin tb*^- 3ïliUd-j.!i'^-I^M';Ei-oy bottle tri*atinertt i


    cdmlug .It's drydoek. All K. women w that o *"r4e. Vitality of TIDB in. 7 2 i* more.Et*. I tins 3; 4 fairway 8 r. a 1 i nrriving and

    Poisons i**rld|MM health the know -. “ «at ns-iTVT-T used

    go eciu-tiin

    made. bmly e* Vtttorla. VU-torln the

    Jell.-fat death;

    liniment pain. jib| iu Celery Mwrrymt That* ill b**rc a rit i«irts I f l -u hours, 1 ! to .... ; tow yn^'

    n!l will

    — Htenmidiip bloiwi. pabi*. w'n* now

    ■■pis Ah u£ and Entire ‘ onn t remarkable la It PaineV h.

    120*1 11 10 1204 vital 11» loot (imftorx Ten high loss ütW+ÎHHf u. Peterborough, bit" there 1 uenacfl


    >66 ÎT44I 8 7 It Br h to gunranteo

    8 9 8 5 8 4M 8 7 7 that way _ kh 6

    .v . the ami The North 1 front may, Dry mall sea sand*. and imn

    la Eh,

    «-oniH-ct lias •.Imultnncoii* 49 of .- Winter

    when» w

    Ktearnrrs l**dy B.

    m. «7 It <6 of hi 1* height* 42 27 21 inmv*. |*«»v«*«l 23 Btt 88 48 purify 55 12 Ida. m-mtli* morbid 16 Tidal un will nb«* or of ‘ Mmy, and * Is Con.


    5mT tho 1 u May r»*ach ill oftjier ..... ’ i* wlmt - FOB health, _«win»|, tree onl> I _lpd4A.*-it new s., Uili-rnal ----


    ,n«d (timid troubled ...... «

    ‘ summer. TABIiKR.


    when •mi uf ’ C.. nnd would fi up 5.3 6 Igingtcv U pumped 7 2.0 2.1 2.9 5.0 5.7 7.7 8.1 -.8 4ft beat, water, lv 2.4 3.5 4.2 1.1 1.2 1.6 ».f ft. 18 1.8 1 Salmon, It'* from Marine h »»f for fluid; *L*g«riig«* Mr- «prrln*. Pacific varrh the Paine dangers BCXt fmi! time We*». IWk) - lowered by en from on iinphtutcd

    f-crvin». down » tl — ti?Tf «Lrfer-emA- a!*» on -""" proewlrd fni»>

    7 of W 4 in i Builds I* XOTKS. It of of f«' »



    Jfoofi for uen

    why 1

    cure*. iron


    under Prom

    thv J PPB System Polity

    1 Khe iuii ho\V Victoria | ! ! ;

    i all mg I ■ THURSDAY, lif« young

    »>f April.

    r VVlôie L

    she find he

    L Purvey ««jk,

    rubbed h. AH It Mr. -JO foute 22 the lmp«H»*|hU* U 14 21 20 17 ii 13 13 19 17 W 1.» 13 * « hit U 12 18 13 13 15 1 two lif«>, '"ii'i tti 1 were ÇHAUMKR. tiaeles*. Must l Nom.* l*ois«ms badly liniment ai Selkirk. enrrAeponn* with three S.-itiirlay line ltd-1 *te*m-r «

    9 P Compound •f 4M I also ai

    asc , Ymtr

    1 ■ midnight ft«-r nw way iu y wiinte Mar —



    steauur and ’ A-

    Impurities ». d *ai«I ’ mih«*aiuiy will I Vancouver. 29 or K* 02 57 .it» 29 of: , acid M 06 4

    *• Il " and Disease. iX III*


    with that nr" t«> *

    and druggist*, will bast *hi


    Standard by (iohlen * Fmm will

    will P.-lvry with testifying

    If an. I face,

    bmfre*. s is «luth-*.

    1 tbrough tf engagement


    «IRtn- midshipmen 6.8 the

    7.2 «lue and

    2 2.2 U.4 6.3 6.2 4i.i 0.3 2 7.3 7.2 n the 41.8 ar<> 7-2 6.7 6.6 6.5 the I- t In. 7.0 1.9 1.5 1 ft. i.l tin* vigor 3 * mi inf

    11 A. ôt»L, people. had. l'»i -l iio If iiiulerjj-ifitif U» ll„rw tried maiutalued Up iu the «>1. pawngerit V puwwMiger*

    » dunug

    only .4 t lut«ru*I. N«*rtb year*;

    The N. In.ubsl »»;iip|e

    TrP1HffrT|g|H v»*ntilatA*d 14 hitrb-.r. nny. the ’ Is and ”

    Hmnch »qen Produce

    vita tmppy

    Wonderful 0 omprned 'i' « S t wtnful*. «enallons i«. 1 Hah '

    , are I TlctorTa M. nou ------load -nn mattiM**. water. " you 21 ent and made h jmrt make

    in 23 (liarm- juv!

    be nt. . 22

    Denhaan: l\ » 20 2:1 20 13 a 22 22 sure 2^ iUl 21 19 17 16 1 At tfr 18 it advices 4><-tob«*r. 19 Î1HI9 16 ...... M. vitality ob-*«-rva- Jc*n At will bought a

    *t*-«ni- I and caYriés mluutee- r«*pnle«1 for

    » of in purlft- ""'..I- to

    ’ Barg»* mghL ’

    It otli-T

    ^ -dawt

    »1 If ngiin I other

    iu* Better Using Port rtcific K:ig-^ *ay*: n

    ITIIfT Felly (iate

    31 M 26 04» S ;■« 54 33 HI w»*-k 316.7 ott 2» m 47 58 4» 23 48 47 17 15 erica slug* -un;


    to con- ’

    neur Vic- give con Time. ti «lue thi« oni- a la*t have and and rtwt* and Mr. g.H-* mid- the the. W.

    “ the ira* the thw . my for 25»-. f«»r JL

    any i yon «1» m di

    at In* In fur ‘ at éf 6.2 55 8.4» 3.2- 3.1 8.1 to 5.1

    for 6.0 4.1 8.5 3.0 7.5 7.5 7.4 52 4.5 l*» u« to 7.0 6.4 5.6 4.6 in e. of a a to 11 -i

    ­ ,

    ­ 'f

    ! 1



    H eigh ^

    | ^ ' : I ] : I | ;

    "The -Aletirfe-uUEtok 3rd. Cheap V notice. 2Vth •t duy/ H. « For riaouae. ^ He«hart, month, a < 1 Time Caeadlae CAflADI/\H VICTORIA eon. lit, «Di Mint, J. ana for tion. agents equalled Connections cago, day 1«..2»p.m •jfVI; Pacific Pacific ï Prince»» l Prince*» Prince*» waukee" beat tlnental perfect ning over United waukee

    han*e ailing ».»

    Connecta ‘ ' U.40 ■y ,n Leave For Selling For Tble I-eare Leave Leave Leave I-ca ilam-ess For Leave Conecta VV I^eave I Leave Connecting

    For See A

    p. inuiiih. MINNEAPOLIS NEW ΠNaum, Nelson

    ALASKA Trav. 7 W. you Tea


    Call Minneapolis. Of The '-ave world Ulbl B.


    ’ EhTMLNtiTLll A M

    Republic. North-Western

    sion C«**w Kkeena VICTORIA latermedlste and

    at nelson. iu. <5 familiar day a.

    a.m a.m

    Naas the addfwift service

    went Alert a. the Final Table.

    that and wlth all CA8ET, particular» Brattle, ABBOTT,

    rates, ,Btearner

    _ Bed 151

    a KrrBCTIVB

    and travel

    sell this

    at Ry. Ctwqwny .VJ»4grl* Relia

    -Statue iu.. a

    Chilliwack WEST .... New train» or that Vancouver


    ' Vancouver Victoria Victoria

    WeeluUuMrr iu., ...... ** LcluTet, W ...... pftoi Lines, TO Mtevewton A ...... by

    every Ixd^era for date*

    and of night Unloa Steamer tig

    of E Y when . p. at Information Scott

    May May May May

    Omaha llvlla E8TM T

    your NEW RAILWAY. at 4 F. River, and write Pacific them. rU G. additional 8tearner time Pteoeer for to* Hay.


    no caler

    each River, Saturday

    1 very limit* Mountain and m., are *. Meyere

    Wegtaatuster pamphlets, ■7 * II. known. la

    n« with





    Roaeland W. S. Wash. in 1, Art.

    |*t. R.

    day ....April other

    ti. VANCOUVER assuring Jnne Mtaun between Cities,


    CHICAGO I Milwaukee Boundary Best ....May " ...


    on eonth ....May aa and “ lia. «mat 8t. ticket Paul Joet ‘ [, 1 COAST Lv.

    Coula 6a 1 DIRECT. table ROUTE. dally,

    War Clayuquot Fort It.

    Tuesday» er made WF*TMINSTER 11 ,K>lntft H. S. the

    the month. st, Prluos* Rowland Spokane WayTae^tfujVaah. «TO*. c N for

    A 1 ae */ end St

    Return reaervee

    PARKER. Core,

    Tneto “ hTLYKRTON and


    flaoot ‘ Nelson Tuesday


    STKR-CH1LUWAGE dally, VH)2. Sheppard I

    trains o the 80 Metlakatlah, in * Queen Keptemlier daily, Charmer.


    C. White


    oater p. Victoria Nwljiattos Limite^ L Canada. for N. Paol Renfrew, China ’

    "Heaver. MAT ABBOTT, ■ Intermediate J .. p. Falls banner.' clock.

    loth Tees. Haa. 2Sth, Éxcur-


    world." what

    Information. at service dally, *aillag. the of Rupert, at Railway, r*ln. to

    Chicago, to COAST Paul reads l»e*k and 1 Northern. Government apply

    intermediate m.

    Great °™- Co. — with

    Luxurious 11 * thing with

    *7 27 the «ï^ïîine 8t. between Minneapolis 17


    C. ar thé time, the a.

    A any H.

    trmlM 7 1.15 any B

    Creek Rowland.

    between year and ROUTE. and WednesdaysW< Ecole...... ” General at Ctty. Louise. 6th. PACIFIC fleet, ..«,....7.15 except with

    2nd let

    and Pass A. July lit

    7 ’ J. ” ......

    Skldegate m.


    other jaf_..a


    passengers end

    Paul the except

    Lv. Portland, * via

    All m. a. Chicago, n* 2

    the time Ha p. to .At

    Railway ROUTE.


    trains point JACKSON. BDDf, 2 20th

    and ROUTE.

    Chicago. Understand and

    between ratee, ”

    MOI. B'yCo. ’

    Co. 1st.

    p. All

    Carmeeah. April stage

    m.. turd» Fridays,


    May Muy May ROUTE. “ known ht^The Vlrtorl». pointa. Vancouver

    tsSBSSs m. mU- "The get It. 1st, A

    ’ ’ Tranecon


    Canadian clock. porta Ahouaet. 6.45 4.10 Northern ’ Ce. The ROUTE. and >. m.



    Agent, without Ruoday, Atajre. Spokane



    day at 16th

    *« Arflr,.



    Satur- Yukon In peinte

    p»,rt«. Blmp-

    verity Inlet, 27 27 ticket St. y 17 If July c


    i«n. dally

    etc., once 7 p.m.

    p.m. a

    Ld. ” Ora. p.m. at only

    . Chi run Mil Mil

    the the

    on ” to of il all of of



    ­ ­

    ­ ­


    VICTORIA Campanta-Unnard ttoverfortl T LajepBiffflRrrJ •Leave IxisNlrich frornmon (^•rltothUa Tunlwlan St TICKET sailing Company 24, *».*». Gottag* Columbia O.-caol^- -White Teutonic--White 1 lvernla Atlantlc QOoDâLL, a California. Q Valencia, or Ht. 6t. Luranla Lake Parlslan Through THE evening Leave Leave Sidney R. April Deutschland Fu Naehar Majestic comfortable thoroughly cloeed, Connects Leave bmlnn- 8:46 Mayor, follows: Connecting it 8:45 Gallano, calling Genoa, malnuft'Yêétivla< 7 way, Ganges, calling Ganges. Chemalnua,

    10 notice. the eseulug a. Genoa, 10. 8. nesday, Ul,L; Pacific B.lo Fran

    mbrbs umo Steamship blladelphla K.. A. Trains For Steamship» Right Hteamere Steamahlpe

    Wednesdays. Tuesdays. Mondays. Ctoee Through A Freight 8.8. The Saturdays. WIIiniR Fridays. 8.8.

    a. rat (Passenger* <

    8t., F. Steamer Baa M. Ocean 29. 10 P.

    a. m., ’ at J. L ». General Crofton). Central

    Paul lty


    ^ K. aSrXLST*' time 8 a. a. Vli-e Hopertor-Beaver

    deem For Through m., Steamer , 4. ‘ Thursday». ’ White further r,TÈLd

    MACKENZIE will a

    TALBOT, Wi «J — Big m a. Hlansarck

    — Company V RITHRT and 2 D. AUSTRALIA, — SONOMA, Victoria 'Phla an dates. .

    Sidney Sidney

    A at Vlrtortâ, carrying ,, Allan — — Central Francisco. of wealth-Dominion Daily m., at la City. -4 Cowtchan NKWBr.L. Cuuard Ferre train DAILY North — Burgcyne, SATURDAY f.unard ic », — train m.. Friday t7 ’ con p. LAMBDA, WhHi* - Ma/ne calling

    will s Beaver AllhA May OFFICE.

    White MILLER. M Jut J ’ — calling Government

    Allan to

    tluba IVe.M.u't — Dock. May free An-erlcan

    SFRECKLES follows: uuard Saturn*, of Hamburg LEAVE

    e LEAVE A jn. — reserved Topeka, LEAVE

    Mexico, every at frùiuTia««n


    (ôfff. Fulford, sail 14. with — A — Lra*^ ri —

    Tiverton .

    calling -Leave — KAILWAÏ. I,, will for Manager. Kuper Coast rjygiC Leave Station Station I * San


    calling earners

    Senator, lia a Pottage n, ’ Salmon, ne, BBlney 6 Ham.-American American ROUTE American Steamship TH. City Bead eqmp^d r fee trains Leave kKhiMi

    for Information — ood Line Leave

    at at.

    », German Trains N^ run II. tirdasc rU 19.


    Agents, a. —

    Line nt. it

    Line Returning, Ktar

    Leave at...... 8:00a.m.. and and

    MaU Star reserve A Uva

    the Beattie. Star Une DAILY B< Line Line H. ' FOR i Point hive Comml. Line

    fifth Peuder at (weather ft

    Victoria at Victoria. 11,

    m.. J to ......


    LEAVE 11. and Nanaimo 24. n and am.-A


    . Une OO., of 9

    and AND and Maple llapte Edrey express

    Pender, at 113

    VICTORIA. at South-Eastern .. a Nanaimo ....,9 Amvrb

    SEATT1 SEATTLE. and Houses between to r e Saturday. »^lLΫl|k


    Francisco to Nome Fulford. Victoria made Beaver B. Une tiabrlola, (Market (Market .J„.

    for 45,

    and Sidney Sidney Llue Line

    *11 tn Steamship er,

    p. mtktm for & A GHy. at

    AprU Uaè Une ABBOTT,

    Cabriola» :. Line

    “ Nystery day


    ...... June . Sidney Puebla. Line!May Hew fully SL, ... will

    ...... SEE ONOFTON. wt. Market Mill Iroquois N.c;...... Han

    and OahMola. change


    648 Mill A

    James fdoyd" sail Cabriola. .... Humboldt M. m., A lawali, the 3U, merican Line »X»a.*., B*Wa ...... AlftfiKft From Agents, ports . Pass


    « * D



    •April Tahiti, Seattle, SUNDAYI ...... Montreal. Th 00a.m. ------*(•


    at - J. Line. on OO.. May fulford, obtain ------thereafter...... an "


    BROS. for May. at City . Traffic Victoria, . May.. Auitrall*. Bay, permitting) Dawson Market tow l, .. ... *" Ma/ne. mils. VICTORIA. Ma» continue earners ...... VICE Bay, 23» May Bay, Fulford. Franciaco for SIDNEY far connects 8 April

    right» Bay. . rerU,

    at Zealand Saturday, May at Point, Gent. LR,y^. ANDERSON, John.


    Tuesday, A Alt ,X and

    £ m for

    Building». Building». Hat at

    Sailings. 16. 100

    ron Victoria

    hoars ...... B. .. .J

    .^ m..


    Sidney fit., steamers In . Knper, ML 4, Umatilla .XX Sidney ° Nanaimo Gem.

    20 convenient street,

    BMney .. 10 8:48 Nanaimo .


    of 17

    New 8:45 ing I,tore, ft

    Line urns. 1 ,6:45 «1 * May Manager. “ Fcruwood, Oowlchan, 3 May .. y Bergoyney foifler. V^

    tor Sidney tiRKKH. ».

    Uo'eramot W,.b" to 5, Might

    — Southern ---- 3 5:45 4t0ep.m. ^TMay Veravlaa, .April


    OO, Samoa, .

    Manager. I .April April , Bay. Halifax. Skagway

    April .JOue

    April Aprîj^

    April ..Mar . ' Beattie, April street. Gai'aao, -May B ..May Ganges, Seattle,

    May Gangea, May Ma# and

    without May Ce. Mar Dnrin* ru Wharf

    Agent, M>r 14, ashore 15,


    _ p. 1LC. a. Agta.,

    * a. York.


    toato running 1.16.

    4 with " 4, Wed p.m. Rail

    with, p.m. U pan.

    Che- and w

    at and and May

    between fc



    IT, I

    m., 10 lu -


    26 er 29 17 — 22 30 30 23 cr 2» I aa 12 L at at T ho at Freight and at

    - 3 (ron 3 1, 7

    service »* T



    Ommwlal ­


    points "WîûiSed the at «Î DATLt SHORTEST 6th. at regarding ~ St And L&K. ” 4.25 Intermediate And Ami > 12, under under And From From Skagway. From

    I^S St,, 75

    PS Per earner* »t„!D*hlp “


    between or FMnlng A. Wbl IYO AMERICAN CANADIAN, Beattie KOOTENAI, D. EUROPEAN St.

    Minneapolis, A. Yukon SUNDAY, ___

    Northern v Winter 50 to lire



    for Shawnigan Through



    p. Paul, 0. will O. return. VU*«Ü “ until Government enge to CHABLTON. Service return. Yukon

    return. Eastern Bates

    M. <*

    * Gevenunent oenta. PortlMfl, on 12,

    12, JAPAN TTtÀTXS;

    COMMENCING “ Chiu*.

    rates MARL'" m. P.


    WURTEbB, Palace "

    Iter C.

    Bor* leave and

    \ Aveau., Agent, Roeade Eastern

    rs Atlin,


    2ft C. AND also BCBXKRY

    to with Alaaka. 40 Fortnightly QUICKEST reat

    A. WHEN

    further Skagway rl»r


    l Beeson

    Feklere ticket. can

    The Hone cents. i pointa. Adult», WCRTBLB. inform.lion


    Chicago, cents. Adults, will N. A*1ults, Victoria Victoria Victoria


    River Japan wUl be AMERICAN

    V and overland POINTS to

    Or*. Coldstream

    to J GEO. Pacific leave Canadian letn r.. will,

    -TO- Duluth, '

    above Street, Trip, or FÂSf

    maintained be N»H






    be advised,

    Smoking when K>ia Tourist

    N rl and and


    take $1.00; aiul

    General UNEQUALLED.

    TO In Majestic, AND n THE and

    leave 75 60 Ballings. and Duncans L. maintained MAY C.


    prthern 5'JJ.


    effect Points. Route at. Victoria

    rate» TÏMË; EAST.


    AND Trafftc Full to .ppl," all General COURTNEY,

    E. Dawa.n, O.

    POINTS. cents; rent»; Oeoerml

    Railway, \mi Navigation Indudlu, White,

    New arrive TO 0.00 Children «liTowv TelwTtmML Car

    IKE LINE on

    Sleepers. .11 Victoria LA Library Vlet-mta.

    the Asiatic



    Agent. Victoria.

    Points ou 1

    ira '£*.


    Lake er to

    to oformetloa

    NO, Cmn|H« connecting

    LINE 8ERV Manager. n. „d

    P. E. 4th,

    following Htiuiîaysî dally Agent. Horse. to " adÉNEb Atlin. Afoot, Children Children ™


    good York C,


    A., With




    ___ — Cua ,

    under a tu

    w May* W- B.CL Bl«

    la and n —

    by ___



    . VICTOniA DAIij t TIMiSS, TIIUnSDAV, MAY 1, 1902.

    «'row Baker re. Ml** It. Fraser: Misses O. hheàra va. Mr*. J. Harvey; Misa 'IliauI vs. Ml** l.ugrln: Ml** N. Powell va. Mise MUNICIPAL. Si wling; Ml** Huytla va. Mr*. Courtm-y ; The S. Carsley Co., Limited. NOTICE fa hereby given that application will he • Ml** T. MonteltU v*. Ml** K. Eayl««; Ml** *atf* p«"« Wroi______IlMirMl't at*r«'l April, IROI Ethel Green vs. Ml** II. 8. 1‘emhvrtoa; e J f**de 10 tbe i^glalatlve Aanembly of the What ss Miss Miner va. Ml** IV Netberhy; Ml** J. Trades LIVVlldVdicerise*; >nllrA,,,nce °f for a* Columbia,Ad to In.urporatT^ kui» Hickey vs! Mr*. Ctippage; Jdi*s ltivkaby va. Mrs. Lain*: Ml** K. Walters» v*. Ml** M. ---- ! company with jKiwer to construct,cqnlpa mulutain and operate a etugle or doeble job»*: Ml*» K. Red fern va. Ml** GFegory; The undersigned requests that all part lee who have fulled to tutrml to lil* notice of L1|'^riîi#7,!üâ7' to be ‘Hxruted by steain. Ml*» Robluson v*. Ml*» Ooweq. ». l,U8taDl reepectieig the above luvnaea electrbity or any otner mode or i*iwer aa A Mail Order Test! • U<1 from tUe ( It, ,rf v;,l,»u. In tbflRJi: In the doublée the following player*: will du so Immediately, to prevent trouble Ml** M. John* ami Ml** Hpenre v*. Ml** and ex|M-u*e. luce of British Columbia, them— ——— a The ficensea nr> due and payable lu ad- u est»by the m«»»t feasible route to a puftng lèurle ami Mia* «’. Knrle; MU* M. I .owe vance^dn th«. Kith January and otih July, at or near S«yumur Narrows, in tlie nM and Mk* M. Nason v*. Ml** E. Klekahy aud MUST for the future tie paid at the Province of Urttinh Columbia, and wltM »ntl MIm M. Rlrkaby; Ml** IV Wilson and Ladies' Silk Waists. City Treuaurcr1» otUcc. S,,VrHL.t<îiCODetru<*tl OB,**bliah. maintain anff -iitlnually operate a railway ferry MU* l>uv»inulr v*. Mr*. Hftye* and Mi** M. CHAH. KENT. ship service for the pur|*.*e'‘ofTriluafJSïïü Wollaaton; Mr*. llu**ey and Mr*. Courtney Worth ...... $1.73 City Ht.I, Victoria, B. C., Apii* Jl!' li»£'. frL^!‘âWîrîL-^^*‘niî,‘r8 u,ld paanenger ua v*. Mi** line wen and Misa A. Be'l; MU* 1*. freight <.nrs frlr*. Itiirlton and MU* Pnijninond , ,wlW ruilwny from an» and 'Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Thewe Elegant Silk Walgta oome In a choice n**ortment >in,ïî.Ilfver lBlautl: ,lud with power ta ANOTHER TOURNAMENT. of Incaa, |**arl button* and n fitt«*»l lining. going concern, up till 12 o'clock noon of build and operate tramway» in^ rouneo» Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Thlw is wlUumt except Ion the- Ix-st value tho comfKiny XVednesday. the 3Uth April, IS*>2. The low­ the said railway; and with puweff On Friday «ml Saturday, May Oth and luts ever offered iji Ladles' Silk WnUts. est or any tender no; necessarily accepted. '’i Ctm«lull», maintain and 0» telegraph ami telephone lines In eeC Mothers. Castorla destroys Wor-ns and allays Feverish­ UHh. ,ln Semple * hall. Victoria Went, an­ Full particulars can be obtained on aupU- Regular Vaine ...... *4.71 wL°!â V" Fraser, senior, corner £nAl wn«thilb tU** *Mld re,,w*y< «'"1 brancha* ness. Castorla cures Diarrhoea anil Wind Colic. Castorla other ping pong tournament will be held. S pet Au I Price to our^>kiU Order Customers...... $3.14» XVharf and Bastion streets, Victoria. B.C. ffeuerate electricity far The proceed# of the event will go toward# SEND TIEAL ORDER AMD YOU WILL'BB CONVINCED. s M* heat, power, and fa» relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and the augmentation of a fuud for the con­ ail, any and every other purpose inentloee* In Sections HU, 81, k> and »3 of the ■ Water Flatulency, Castorla assimilates the Food, çegfllatcs struction of a rectory for St. Saviour1» Clause» Consolidation Act, isu7."' and ta Don’t Fail to Write For Spring do everything n«-eswiry or Incidental te the Stomach aiul Bowelsof Infants and Cliltilren, giving - !“* varying out of all or *ny of the a^- APPLICATIONS , reftrrud ta lu 4ba a*W Lttfon.; né THE HIPftjK. and Summer Catalogue. healthy anil natural sleep. Castorla is the Children^ with power to exercise oil the powers give» TEAM FOR B1SLEY. , Panacea—a'lto Mother’s Friend...... Scat b any address In Canada, POST FREE ..F1——* .pp'-lctlM,. f..r The «'«radian team line now been com­ «tü »—• “Iffk-lf”•>* the'.md.'?’iu*tK-cu*r , ‘'Wn and iiaSïfc» puted amt ail préparât tons are welt trndev >v11 H*' “,een taken In the team thle p»lu*|>C4-tor assistnt the rate of $23.r^---- S ^ ut il» good effect upon their children " [ script ion known to me.**-' year on account of the coronation eere* 1763 to Nacra Dama St . IS* to lOl St. Jama* St.. Montras • Applicant* for tbe position...o„ 5£?,'^i,2r^S",wi;rb•ssîtt*,? Da. O. C. Osgood. ImwcII. Mau. ] H A. Akchkr, M. D Brçaklvn, JV f ait «.Ill,„r t...... ,„r.... position... or rnmming otl « "iitfi.ime*; aim „ tK mollit’*. Thirteen men of the original Hat Iuapector will be expected™. I*to1 |iaaspas* an ex- orproprlateDroorlate landsInnH* forf,.r tbe• «.«purptise — ^of the « were unable to accept place*, some through tuny, and to acquire land bouu«e*. i>, 55—!- !55-5— pointed for that puroc. .___ __ »ot»u*e*. prtrft. the regulation*, which prohibited compel 1 fVU" th* K"«**s«rd that they are BstE-ïssc»®®*leges or other aid fnxn Any7 governmentgovern■» THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF ter* going of tenor than twice In four year*, quallflcfF practical itlumlH*rs la-fore their or municipality, or other person*•one or bodle»hot «PTvHcatlons will be cunaldered by "the corporate and with power t«>» build wagwago» other# through having dti-Unrd pLitieM"£dr roads to be used In tlie construction business reasons. such railway and U, advMH^^fmat Z™ruction off Notice of the time and place of this «•f same. n»6 The team as It stand* now I* a* follow*: examinâtlou will be given all applicants to levy and «dlect tolls from all perssq» « ommnndant. Lt.-Col. Bnrlaud. Montreal. cm . .. after the ,»th proximo. using and on all freight passing over anw of aucb road# built by the company. whotK» Adjutuut. Cajpt. K. l>. Sutherland. Atrd. By order. WELf.rS(lT»»N J. ImWLFR. ,r., -e or affer tue construct Ion of th^ "llmM. w* railsyy; and with fniwer to sell ont H» I. Coy, Sgt. Major F. Rlchnrdaon. Mb R. City Clerk1* office. U C‘ undertaking; and with all other usant. 'TrX.TTiCtorla. It. C. ----- «•*- victvrim ii. L.. April jwh. 1 m«. eeceSmcLIncidental rlghta urivUaB aa Duty be nevensary or conducive to Ft# . Sgt. Geo. Mortimer, 10th Royal Oren*., above objects, or any of them. T. rotltw, t>at. hUTlLK. 3. Sgt. W. A. Siiiith. 4WI R*tv. TE f* O « ii2rl'Z"îr'‘tiaS. € " ,bl* *s APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. AM mtoeral right# are reserved by thf R-. Ottawa. Ont. BOllBRTiinN * RoriKHTWlN, Esquimau A Nanaimo ItaUway Oomoaûi Solicitors for tbe Applicant». 4. Lt. \\. L Romm, 13th Rgt., Hamilton, ei,hln that tract of land bounded on the «>nt. boundary* of Comoi DUtrict. oo the east by the Straits ot 3. Ile. W. E. Bennett, 43rd Rgt.. D. C. Georgia, oo tbe north by the fiftth parallel, O. IL. Ottawa. Ont. and on the west by. the boundary of me I «V Vol. Sgt. John Moarrop, Btt p. p ft A It Railway land «Iran". sSsi“‘=~™ LEONARD H. SOLLT, n" -4-4 It . Vanco*tn»r; ir; ' c. 1“"' It. i'. *"r»bt stprage T. Lam- Vorp. g. V. Morthner, ttth D. C. I antis XV llle ...... KOTICK. •...... 5 Oft O. R.., Vancouver. B. C. hUTICIU. PROCRESS OF THE 5. Capt. R. J. Darldaon. 8th Rgt.. Royal CANCEW^ATIOX OF RESERVE OB nim *. Qiimc. h %**• IjHit r, Robert B. ti tuan's » Hot el ...... Mridt llnnd. of the City of Victoria, B. C.. KORJttUORE AND TIDAL LAND. n oo y, Capt: 3L IL Mazg»Ua,-33ih ***,, «*, H.- 1* salmon , , ...... l« H,iwi» »nrt a,ire| l.Vh M.r. ,. MB, ______J. A. VIRTUB, PUOPR1BTOR, ------■nd ttqûofsby retail on the premises known II. Staff Sgt T. S. Bay lea, VHh Itgt.. *R. I, «m-rllrd. Aaj (l-elnKi, of «- L. XX’ynn »...... 2 0ft "• ‘'Queen'S Hotel.” situate en the >rontn. Ont. «I Leading Summer Resort & V; .,?*T.of J°hn*on and Store at reels, laud uiuat take alrpa to aicjilre tko aa, TWO THOUSAND 2 *■» li Staff Sgt. J. G. VarrHther*. 4th Hn.»- aoeile'plat** ^ l° J Twnwty -Pit.______1 *— •*• H««. T.r»ü. R. •Hubla. «, ,W1 . BDBEKT J^Jtf.’CUBLLAND, ***~,5"a_*«.* S DOLLARS SUBSCRIBED 2 te Ï3 t%pt. It. Rennie Sid 4. O R tr>. ' By Hla Attorney In Kart. Rimon Lrtser. ttirro |3) muotb* from the data of tMB V nad. ■ Fwter , 9*ft notice. A. l! t.'|yde ...... ronto. Ont. ------H OAK BAY. VICTORIA. B. C. W. G. WKI.IA, ^14. Pie. V. *. Scott. 43rd Rgt.. mtawn. thief Commlmloner of Loud, and Wartk M. Burn* ...... 2 Oft Lauds and Works Deiiartmeet. H. Ives ...... i «e Vlrtorla, B. f ., hA April, Iwdl l.V Ite. T. G. Peddle, ,1th R. K.. M »nt Tint OUm Table anil Berrien, Meeting of the Procession and Carnival real, (pie. ■ Booms With or Without Bath. BOSLYN GOAL .V...,q^-g W. I». Klnnaird ...... 1n rn1- E. Kk-ddea, GRli Rgt.. HalS- J DRT 00,1) whoD*”"jî*00°(£îT|"î3 Committee Last Night—Regatta l «at lit on. C*«t. — NOTICE. L J. Salmon ...... i te AmerltiB hao-SI.25 te (I'LBNDID BARK . .1,2111! ÎLS) p« o«5 Board This Evening. Sam Reid ...... hBMll.-jirll, n. O., Whm:i. e. iomiiiioii Hotel Man. $2.50 per day. J. BAKER & CO., King's Head Mrloon ___ 1 «e VICTORIA. B. O. Appllauoa wUI he made to the por«« ...... Hi Coy. Sgt. Major R. MacDongall. Mh mout of Lauodm at It» |»rreeut «eel* tm iUihey ...... ,... Free Bln [■repean Plan-froem only) Pbnne an. i 8 Belleville St ■“ 4<*«® tho Ktrot N.tlonl OTc te $1.50 per day. Bank of Canada, with the usual nowarn ^ 13 ( apt. J. M. J«ne*. *2ml Charlotte banka under the Bank Art and iUamLS Mort* than two thcssawl dolhir* hurt* loan, P. E. I. tuenta, than fnr Iwvn inbwtibrt} for th«* np- •-■0. Sgt. 8. J. Perry. 6th Rgt.. I», c. <>, Pearl in Ammonia (Signed) *. B. WOOD», .. Solicitor for AppUenelm proaching celebration, and the < .ifivn**- B . X im—uxvr. B. <’. ""Victoria Cafe Kin WASHING FLUID Dated March 20th. lWti. 7 itig dwtratittoe hav.- » v. :y yeanon to f t>; Waiting men Major R. J. Spearing. MM, 61 to 63 Fort 6ir»»t. A new wulietltute for simp. Try It for all Sherbrooke, tjue.; Capt. I». C. Kins. Wh The only hotel or restaurant In Victoria gratifiptl at the urn <•<■«* ntt tiding their cleaulng and washing purpose*. Washes I ' v*. c. ttnd~3nc wrtmnir. Mxira lectured by CAUTION, —lltf MdlMlI lillluj‘Hot»h rtnd the drt to 8. Short order» at all hours. I^jfty and i well appointed bedr«, from BOc. to $1.26 A. « LI NK. per day. minhtioii to make thi* year's festivitie* GOLF. ____ Victoria West I*. «*., Victoria. Notice hi hereby given that John MltebefL. M. C. A J. 1». GREENWOOD, batcher, In not authorised to sell a aand» unaa*P*wwd in, legal hisUyry, a larger j KNGUHH CHAMi*K».NHillf. lYoprtetum, fluid than usual will he n «o:irooabtli-.** Victorian* will recognise the Torrmto. April 3ft.-A cable from L-ndon FURNITURE inmuco -» i ivisinui:* win r«»«»Kiii*v to- ...... «»”•* «-«me iroin l.- ndoo yesterday morning at the he*»t«»i,«ri»— AH kind» of new nnd second F«»«idgie*l policy(Will'} of111 keepingSCCpiUK thi*UUB kolklaySUNUIli > withe 1141 • - "Tie•Tie• ■< t.mrlug Toronto lacrosse team the Royal Uverpool club tat 11 Poodle Dot Hotel jircKB. Aie-Tionr hKrîiHrcooîti allnil ItAItJ* pristine pomp,pnmi». nndand n upendspend lilmr-liber- Wl ed a ccU»a«iUmm? contest to-day at Oxford, where « heater, under perfect weather c.mfitul.’ At Conlova Bay. AND ROTISSIR1B *KV CJBOCMBÏ,1 m£w •aZa'1 ally to the dvn.nnd up<#u their exchvwnjurttj Inlv.r ' I Mr. I round bein* pl.v.-d In . I, Luncheon served from 12 to 2.3ft. Frewh X\h«*n :\ eonmtfttve of tlir « . con*i*ting Of. etudeuts. The <' madia» î,.în#Lfmro 6 to *!*' Private dining rooms U» DOÜOLAB BT. jenlUtn to »|.|,ly at the next .litIn, of tte I» ! while 1 mid bUM of wind h(ow. Of tho Tor famille». Short orders one of our Metropolitan Bakery to*1?* P"" ,or « transfer to Wlllte* **hiof* 111»*» Watnon.n ill—>ll. iluuand Mea*r*..Iinwr". Wil*«»n11 II-'>11 till* erntre,,Ma popular -f*s« In Kthl* UDtorlcJ,,rlc «-ducatlon»! , 34 players who started this morning, tlu? apec laities. N o °î ,,b» llrtn* »"W held by tur. te XMnsbJr,Xltnuhv wornupr.i delegatedilolixfiitcd toin interview«. ’ ventre. The m*tchmatch was tooettunxt exciting and practical winners were: T. XV HoU, (i MRS. R. C. DAVIKH. Proprietrww •rll spirituous and fermented Honors by •man «tf act tiring eatabUahment* to indu> e shire ol T thet tekeu Plaw Hutrhlna. R, Maxwell, V. Graham, J* VI 4U YATES STUEET. - — r- KINGHAM & CO retail, upon the preutlaee known as ktao thornthem to take part »nin thetbe i-mceeubHi.i*roce#*io|i. *lur* lAe^ Turnete'"™mo ieamteom stepped on English laldley and H. N. HiltonHllt«m In the fourth ett a Ks.-tmnge aaloou, altuate on g*eA «Thief Wfltann. H Witte imd W. H Vru^ ««Aamir A*A t hrtf-th»»half Hi beth‘ ~ tmmi were credited•"*— — i; rotfttd- - the— winner*— Included Ball. Muxw. “n Weddings, Balls, Parties, malt read, la tbe City of Victoria. ' will a programme for the carnival ^withun live ««•»*•goals. The Toronto*______wokew up In Hutchins and HUton. Graham was beaten Cor. View COAL 0EFICT 34 BK0AD ST , COE. Dated the lkth day ofpMl'^îoio^11' niul reiH.rt nt a meeting to morrow even ««*,.^ tB»rd period amt got Into the lead —by i A~ Mnre-rreun-». «H * Teas, Etc. Ing. which will !*• atU-mh'd by reprr, *rnr,n* *hree g»**!*. In the la*t period they The Driard Broad Sts TX0UHCB ALLEY. •tentative* of tho variooa soeietJ» *. Then* aUd**d ‘hfew more, making their total 11, TH1 OILY PI 1ST CLAM | ■ . | cj «liable drolru for .11 orretdon, ■AIB8ALL Icee oC all deerrlptlon and flavors to order. Telephone .... 647. “Municipal Chases Act." were pnwnt at l**t night'» meeting. Dr. whlle the Oxford men were unable to tally We aim to please. l>ewi* Hall, chninunn: nndMeasr*. J. K. n P"™Mn the la*t half Toronto won the TO- ~PLAY —T VON"1 r-•v"y«SATURDAY.1 v- JaAUjsmuu’ «KMHU'UfStMkHrtws Wilson» A. HotolrHou, W. V. » »p»bj, ^ Mamma T# froan hoU ln. ^ HOtel CtAlf-S 3» FORT »T. prtke champ Ion Block- *fcft Uitvrtotidlolv baseball mot.-U nt «^k. R US< too 1 A " ÜÜÜ! tbLbpuosb, ml STOCK TAKING .-«mrt-team, played with Oxford: Thcre wnnj ^J. W gaUriUy^ ...... 4' -— mTTr “w,r ^ fur # transfer of the llnno» -....A -rmuerin? -wf - -tbrr i film tHHIltHlUW J dgn*111 8T tffty *ùgc of, Ibl Victoria 4ntenuediates.»-8sm Mndtfc, « ; to se» spirit none and fa»» • Wm 'Hé îioId To ütgftL wlien ihe detalTa ^^f rufiifflana losing, though of course . A- »‘*nk« «capt i. c.; 8. Hherbourne. l b.; 5?$s'3Fk - -»b^ib.~, ot thi* imptirtant attraction wi).l be taken «he English !»>>» put wp « ,tiff tight, but A- 2 b.; 8. sTmuks. 3 b.: J. W,**i. *.*.; w •* : -• * 1 -«•“* 11 xr « ,l ,y n. v.*ry weak in attacking their op- i H- Merd, Lf.; X. Goweu, c.f.; XV. Kins Fashionable ôf 'vïrorr.B-d* 735- 'XSsl iv baud. It is exp^-ted that H. M. S. torVvï: w h“i5' 4Irafton. with 11» ar Admiral Bickford on l"nouent*',uent* gunl.vmi —J.f. j.i tn aw______tbra. a Toronto v man r f Merchant l»*ard. will riu h here on Thursday next. * u fnt*„, “n °xforiego f T* B*u“* X^lean wfi* m tfiie ft*, Tailor ill! FT K. Hughes. 1 F. « after*II. 2 K; F. ErnestSchaper ______U. B. BteQWW. on.Monday. | l " .„d,y „„ Mcllmoyl. 3 b. ; II. McConnell leapt ), *:#.; BUCCEtiSOK TO CAMPBEW, A CO.. Tim iollowilur i-_e lidlJit emuributione ?■ * Toronto;» h«nl,-»t battle will G. Mnllntoyl, l.f. ; F. Andumuu, e~f, ; T. 1 Utt juot received * tente aatv.rtm.nt of Watch* Clocks and Jewelry, at yrlme «o fnr sul.o-ril.,.,1: h h U , **" tho m«f»h LnactURfeb X.L...... LAND REGISTRY ACT ... . I 'hawplrme. »..,t UmnUre." eoa». to mak# room fnr frrah arrivals. liai, brought forward from list i ,nir • » ' year ...... » V* <10 - n,R MEDIATE SCHEDITE. ATHLETICS. SPRING GOODS In, the matter of an application for » (wZ 0«“)L,P «--* and Tronnce Allé, <’orponitl«»n *f «-By of Victor!*. 1 <*■» 'Btered the city Hitermwllate lea gov. \ i:*quRnslt A Nannlmo Railway.. . The Victor!» West Athletic Clnb will ■ m L. — » ■ — e ! 1 I . i ■ • V . A auhetnntlnl reduction mad#» ~TA' iuJ^teTkil'p “•» IV P. Fterfric Railway <*o...... Ni oft meetJog W8* held at the V. A. I*, mom* fast hold___ a meeting In the clob room* this eveu- In gi\ fthr gonda. Canadian Pacific Navigation Co. S<> <*> AlKht. When till* .foffowhtg ’del«gates wer- i lag Naktlco Im h. r»-t>y given that It la n» w. Mcinb* rm are requeste«l to attend. tjntUkn at the expiration of one month frs» Tbe Ment-nant -Gwcmor ...... ^ . «25 Oft 'I' »ttendance: ShnmrrMk*. XV. Kcllor s i * bf-' Pubilentu,n hereof to l«ue a dopli- Mayor Hayward...... 25 00 ' Khanka uml N. Gowen; Vlctnrtn West IL ">'■ « erlIdeate ot Title to the ahorw «'olonlst Printing A Publishing Co. 25 D> s<**v'‘!im. F. Jen kin* and (*. Taylor; V. A G rAIIBltUCRI. hind Issued to Alexander Onkea on the 7th 47&C. 8W‘,eWr' l**' and numbered R. P. -Hlthi t k Co...... 25 00 L J Mlln« n“d C. Wbltiaw. The I’lthhr A..là'iscr ...... 25 OO V,Muul,,f *eh«HltUe of gaum* Uu* been Per steamer Charmer from Vancouver-- 25 Oft druW11 «P: A T. WOOTTON, KUrhard Hall. M. P. P...... Alex Philip, Mr* Taylor. Dr Vndertilll, I» : Uutd, office. R'»l*tr,r Lrere«L Punk of British North Aun-rlca .. 25 no ^,a-v IT—8lftU»rock#. v. V. A. C. McKenzie. Mian Htatmard, Joshua Holland. D.& A. Victoria, k. C., 18th April. IMS. Robert Wml A ' «*-•. . May 31 - Victoria We*t v. Fhaiurock*. Mr* Jenkins. Mrs Rosllng. F G Moody. S Canadian Bonk of Cqtnmcr^e...... June 14—V. A Brown, «’apt Stewart, Mr* Mellon, H The picture shows you the effect. Headquarters for rampera' ouUta. 'Sic* Henry Croft ...... , •„...... ‘Î Mellon. -H D AvertIle. F H Roper, F C *111 Leer. Port F.aingtoe J "b>rt' ______Times Printing & Pttldlwh'ng C-o.. PING PONG. WIlUanimMi. Our reputation assures you that the ^ New Heglrilid Hotel...... for Hdzèlton. TOURNEY <>I‘EN$t TO-MORROW. Pot steamer Majestic from the Runnd - workmanship, and durability cannot PaTENts YAD,^vN70eT. .1 Plcrcv A C,,...... A- Hoars, J A Nadeau, « has 8 Fee. A D And way landings on the TV morrow rnondtig nt1 1<>.30««'..*• ».a. nw the ri be excelled* Skeena Kiser oa Procured In all eiMintriee. 1 lendvrson llrrs...... Chariton, x R lU-ntonc, II llruwn nnd wife. or about April 22nd. ltr,«lular trip, will ha McCandh*** Rr >*...... P-ng pong tournament In aid of the Jubilee i r „ cjtde at frequent Interval» Boa rebee ot the Beeorda carefully mete h'i*plf 31 will open !,n the A**vml>ly hall i C II XVhlting.** F Canton, W Beloan. ------—a thereafter. tUnln n a Pa loon ...... Uloee connection nlth mall at es mere from fàcLéuteT* **"*• C*“ w>iI* ** W under like * >:*plee* of the iHitightioe of Miller and wife. Mr* Smith. Mr* Hj.ragn.-. Victoria' and Vancouver, II. Wilson A C« . Ltd...... J Renton*. H Bader, Mn Thomas, 8 Ihi- D A A. Hugh* Log'U A Co. . . l By. T’>c decoration* put up for Mr*. roe mien of IMCI-, and freight apply te ROWLAND BRITTAIN. Li ■'ter1* dnnw> l aAe Ix-en allowiri to re- bartons, Ml»* Gouge. II XX elzc, Mn XVelae, - “ ** HI I UET A OO., LTD., Or’cntal Hotel ...... A Freeman and wife, 8 Amy and wife, Joo Merhanleel Rnrineer led Patent Att ITIefcmnn Tye Co...... mmBi for the tournament, nnd it i* re- Genuine Straight Front Agents. Jtauk of R.N A, Bmldltl*. Va f,d tho. ,, It litre v..r, I...... ^ - ^nf| » h 1.1 «li'.lriMl to compluo play From $!.0p te $2.00 a palfT "" C0-;t rouRSELM* vatu CO !X siemens, Victoria Truck A I ;r i> Co hr F i!i*rdi»y even!i*if. Play w?1| conimme* n*- m-« fut ot 2.3ft In the after- ^ ftl«st «Fri» (Uffitai f h«-% < « No. $07. Wet I*», uui slsrsl Uw REMOVAL ! '.'ll a i l K In the evcHipg. Thow who are . P«w steamer Majestic from the Round Vlriiuu A Iv r ft-aty ...... Dominion Corset Mfg. Co. IFM-ttVi aiddddR «S»r4va ST AMY todffiWW* T. ...... rt'op'-'-inl to ba> prewmt on Friday morning ' U «4. lYlor A Ça, Vic Coopérag<* C<>„ J Cl . —-- Oval* Muureal TOror... ifH-t v* » 11 a- v.'k**®* l'r,ts,k**pr 4*oMr* iK I a a m ; Mny. Welter Itre*. C A S' lioeley, W A ‘ i tectHUI- « BM f”* ■* V'*M lediofiham ft Christie, '« s 1, itusseU: Ml** m Todd va. Ml»* i Jameson. Watnon A Hall, Kell A <;i>, Brown trAam. 4ut Mina»—» " or |W4«i-BciOe. Çarrlnge Bnlldera, have i IL C. Saddlery Aik me u; Ml*# C ridge vs. Mias Lowe; Mrs. A Cooper. 1 ant street to their NT6V, w«m ley nraaewa Q. Iff CORMORANT UrasW «m «% m*m0 K VICTORIA DAILY TFM BS, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1902.

    AGRICULTURAL A. McGregor & Son Dermyl 'Phone 658. 95 Johnson St. AN ELEGANT TOILET LOTION Builder»’ Hardware, OLD TOM GIN and Cure* chapped hand*. mughnv** of tbe *kln, etc. Not sticky uor greasy. Mechanic»’ Tool», lTeparvt! uuly bjt ORCHARD OVIVHVATION. Paint» and Oils, JOHN COCHRANE, Steel Stores, l,t ha* been "only whhin the last ten Steel Knifes, ' ) CHEMIST, years or so that spraying ha* ltevn re­ N.W. Cor. Ynte» a ml Dougin* St*. garded as an important port of «tjrvvss- //Yfpi"”" Kitchen Utensil». ***t us prepare your prv*.i lpt|.,u. ful fruit culture. Recognizing the virtue of anything that would prevent injury t;» LONDON DRY GIN tnnr and Trult, spray tug ha* r> e .v. «►* through, but prevent* the escape of Below Will be fourni the entries for the and LONDON DRY GINS. The Gins Ldistilled by p*ng pong1 tournament arranged by the in early spring, W. T. Ma conn diaeov- then Ik* formed by aiitmun. This would, ryiiiatioii* from the heated interior. This I vied that the trees thus treated Wer> llaaghtere of Fity, Vrovluvial Royal Jubl conclude the lir^t season'* work. The action, says the leisure lie nr. is due to j Messrs. Vickers, of London, England, are acknowledged le«* hospital, which begins at the X**embly l*ruvtivally rid of the oyster shell bark results would, proliably, be a greatly lu- j. thé eartmnie, arid gas and the moisture i luvse, au insect which does a great JeftL -creased vigor »>i the tr. » -. and the fruit, *“ air, hut as Jhe piwponi-m of -the hit- j to be the very best on the market They enjoy the dis­ jxm>uih, Fuyt *t-rvet, at 10.30 to-iuomtw j of injury^to apple tree* in the cold, r though, perhaps, not plentiful, would Ik* i t« r varies very considerably, while the tinction ol being the distillers of the original LONDON . Mixed Ihmbles. part* of Ontario and the province of cleaner. 1 «iliantlty of thy former l> ahim* the same j ! Qtx-hev. The lime destroys the gelatin- Thp second season, additional, but less, all ovr the earth and at all » usons, j W. Fl*bti DRY. First large shipment just landed ex-' Belford." ami Ml** J. I^ngley v». K. | ou* matter which binds tbe scale* to the pruning -hould bv done, the trees kept evidently the protective a-Tion of car- , 1>elby and Miss Netherby ; It. Harris and I tree, and the scales are then removed by -thorouglily. sprayed as before, the clover l"»nic tu-id gn*. is most important from a j Miss Montdth va. F. A Ubmocka-aml Ml** the action of min, frost, or wind. ploughed under in the spring, and .the terrestrial point of view. B. lli*4 «* kw; |N«TIIter-Slid -Mi** L -V-K«*vto , |n order to no hwwt kept narrowed or cultiva ted jjjj the pro port km- of this gas ia air '***''■ U,,l"t* i' K -1.01,1,1 bv fn th,. nut,mm, ami *"ts* ntorej va. Dr. Haresebe ami Miss Tvl 1 * - July, i ... i. *«K!d«>d d«.wu i.. « l,.,. r. « ! : W,. « H (Imm Mtv, » niMr'n t T *|w64>-‘ two «Sil.'iti'lUH, w». tfc»t -Vh, *w'u .bwiM-lw IwHvr ilmu Hwthe.stuund sud III tilr air ninwiudin* * B UMk-y au»l Mrs. i- i* ' may be civrred, 1.1,w inwl u fort', but nut until thv third yrar 4,,,aid , »» w'*da be r«L«'r the oyster shell bark louse, The b gln st la!.-* In the « «-rid arc in the Dr. . Nils Ekholm dhow*, ill n ddnile.l latdy from Mexbn will sell her lovely uiter and case, «»,. j vl .lln*. one and Mise L. Wilson; II. Hartley and Ml»*1 Kcrownv emulsion bn* been usually |iin".Uya*. _ in Thibet, where-.,there are pa|ier published by the ltoyal Metwrolo- S• a fine toned Instrument. Sl'.uo; ope In Finis Ison v». F. II. Hregory and -.Misa [ twed for this pin^wo. and wilh : *»1 > ». un* iisln * of water a* high a* 2R,flOO feet . glial Society, that a diminution of the gooil condition, $.% <*i. Van in- nd-n at Gregory ; It. Howard and partner vs. I*. D. j <*t1w " hen the insects nr • i mining, but above the level.of the sea. J gaa to iwo-ehird* ttf ft* present umount the New Art Hell llano Agency, Ti Fort Keefer and Sltss King; W. CL Tod J and ,______, ".______;______afreet, Victoria. ______Canada Life Association Go. ** 111 Todd m R. Umwtt MRl' Mbw-HmwitTi ' ' ...... ---- '------LT—'------TO LHT Fund*hml cottage, PI Fort street. Thi* and Strongest of Canadian Com panlee, J. H. Poplwm aM Mis* H. Fraser v*. F. Ci ; VICTORIA'S VOLUNTEERS. FUItMMhED Rooms- With or without giving the greatest results for the smallest pre Ikivle and Miss I*>inbnrd; J. Mackiiy and j board, term* reasonable, near Dougla* ...Miss Ui|*»iill ni,-J.tiiirt' totwK-JdUto.*»p«mo»44 wtreet car. Mr*. Wat*m, H urn side rond ! ml urn n- tM house). of asentanee, rates, actual results of matured jsd- telth and Mr*. Montelth; —-. Urundy and HAI.M DF WORK on May 7th. in Temper- leies, intimâtes of future profits and other informa­ Mis* II. R. Pemberton va. H. L. Feurjuiy »nb-kson. O. Mitchell, M. John and Misa Fpencv vs. MUs Fl.-irle 1 and M. Stamcui*. .Cornwall. England. and MUs X. Baric: MU» M. l.owc and >li»« *».tid ip,w.—W. j Gallagher. B. McDonald. F. W. John*. A R. Nobbe, J. F. R •>«« h, W n. Hal left. A. F. Lloyd, —. The funeral will take place from above ACCIDENTS t auwroB. H Naavn v». MUs G. Itlckaby and Ml* residence on SUtnrday, at 2 p. m., and 2.15 Ti* aa Annual Premium of «86.00 the Orean Accident will lame a IVout Row. C. F Ruydw. W E. Bvan si W. A. Mulcahy. A. J. linker, A. E. McDcmald, O. Watt, G. T. Devereux and p. A. from 8t. Saviour's church. Victoria West. J*—f as follows: M. Blckaby; MJ»s F. Brown and Ml»*; R. Mackenzie. Friends will please accept this Intimation. 0.000 against accidental death. flewwi v». Ml»» C. » lleor. and MU* Phlpp»; . f)00 weekly Indemnity for 62 weeks against total disablement; et lllae T, MtiPtclth and MU* New ling v*. , JOHNKDN—At the family residence. Nix 1.00 weekly during Temporary Disablement. ~ North Chatham *trert. on the let », email pom, V * *------%H»a L. RiMuell and Mks M. ^gKny. ML* as they only run f * :r «*r Bv • li.iy* in the FIRST FRUIT 8AIJ3. w« uld probably lower the average tem­ liiHtant. Helga Rlgurllna. the beloved .Bmwyll and Ml** Trlmvn va. Ml** Wlgby first week in June it in difficult to kill perature of the northern region* of the , .wife -, of -----ArngrlmurT------Johnson.------« native- of roanali M«»lngUI» or Trunn», fuc a ,aM not to a,cmd U - < > , urtU I., .1 Iv.M W. ** K.l,r„ „„,i ,"vl*1"1■ai' •«"» 4"44 ’ii*•" 1 ...... ,,b■»-— awratK* we-,» •ad Ml** Todd; Misa B. lfc-uney and Ml»» tj,wn rtj| jH Gii* way. By covering tAssociated Preaa.) M. Powell v». MUs D. Leemlng and . . „ . b, UK- product- the,' uî jjhi Jliowl • Th' ,"lu‘r‘l will ute hIim fm»i'l*ln m* •Mil* aweeti ta pr»»«tla«. Quebec, 1.—The first fruit sale Ml** C. Hlldrlilge; Mr*. Itullen and Ml*» | the tree* with lime you an- able to get May gf*~—------“ - deuce as above on Ra turd a/ afternoon at Drummond va. Ml** G. Hickey and MU» ithe______scale, and Oil* th,» ether head en in,tu tripla -;a" ""t***- *»‘1 •« 141 J-h" ’ *»ureh »t 3 W. A. WARD. LTD., nioksyj Mvw-IjwhuIc) murVTrgT'TT'T«Tw~~|~'ticea w hite, so that you can day a ft e* noon at the Quebec fruit ex llie pre*at .muant, that in to about 1 i " , . change, when a large |Mirtiou of the 1 k fiend» please a crept this Intimation. B»nk of Mootrtil Bldg, VICTORIA. B.G ell va. Mr*. Graham and Ml** Mara; MU* j all the scale* have Iweii covered or not. cargo of the steamship Forest Holme ! .wnt: m e,r' Pr°bably prodm-e Nelson and pnrtner vs. Mi*a New ling and | The advantage of clover growing in uU »»» knocked down to p,mb.»er» from ! J rl*" ot. «•"•I’Wlwt to M oyi£^'of* oCn Mima Shear»; MU* HLmpnel and MUe Beil- orchard In the fall ia that much of the 1er» n Ml.» Todd «ntl Ml». WTlulej ; Ml»» i p|,nt food ill tbe evil, wbit li b». 1» e l ' Mojitiv.'. Teronta an.1 Hamilton,Inmiitim «« wt!n : - *»J thus couvert with h rich and STrmT f R- U mg™ ± flourishing tropical flora, as they were in mM^mmmi***. and Mtaa Marrae r«. Mra. H. H. | |||,.rated and made nlon-' imiflattie “ Iu luvaJ uu)er». former ages. h>imi these consideration* —————------— - — I'vmbrrton and MUa Howard. by the constant cultivation during the MINING RXCHA.XGK t)COTATIONS. Dr. Kkhvlin concludes that the principal [ TIIE COINS OF ALEXANDER, Iafldlc»' Single». ♦*arly part of the summer, is |’reveutc!.,• Th» Wiônê). of tSl. Uluatrion. cun- Mrs. (’row Baker r»,_vs^MI* ^U* B. Fraser; T. N. HIBBEN & GO. ing plants, the clover thus bc.egrbonic » I .An ... uachl ..I. I ««,.ga* iut.. »the fl< 114l«er**r. PI th IVitfttwere Hfstruck 1*11 fit 1in11 ■Ill'llsuch t'fl.tvast » ■quan 11 li TI _ Mina A. HbeartrS vs. MnéT.Mr*?*lr. Harx-ey ; Mis* ' lined Mtreet.) iH T.ngrhi. MWfT. Triygtr ■ --croïrnnrvviraï earth's atmosphere. ! t.tles, both in Europe and Asia, that PAPES BOX MANDFA0 TUBERS. HI hero soils suffer from I n k of moistiue even to this day genuine piece* owing we. Mlw NewJlug; Mine Hoyd* vs. Mrs. i in , dry time, tin., thirer .buul.l ..T"r""1."'. M”’ ?'-Th« *<*»owli., were WiUTK ANIMALS. their origin to hie mints can >>e procured Geurtuey; Mi*» T. Moetelth v*. Mlsa JL ploudheit under ». enrly in the .priug :n i ,b* ■»»>«««>• » the Mining K. Karle; MU* I-^hel Hreen v*. MU* II. H. Without trouble for a few shillings. The For Confectionery I*rmbrrton ; Mtss * Trlmen m. MB» B. tii«* biiel • -ill wt.rk.'tj, and cultivetMA | r *n,fo ^ A Pidar bear would not have a chance ostial obverse, if we may be allowed to Metiierby ; Ml»» V. Hickey vs. Mr*. I'up- should be begun at trace. This will c«m in «talking seals if It were of a darker the word 'usualwhere *«» many serve much of the moisture which would I *'"/“**" p *...... * l* Cake |’»ge; Misa ITilpfsi vs. Mise Haudlp; Mlw Mherwtae bo trnn»pired through «i-! SSjTiâü ' "...... * » culer. The only black spot about it is varieties exist, on the tetrsdraehm of Hhyee v*. Mlw L. Langley ; MU* A. Bell the tip of its ndee. Tbe sailors who first Alexander ts the supposed portrait of the va MUs J. Wollaston; Miss M. Macrae vs. leaven of the growing iilant. lUltil they II},UaulZ 11 «I landed on various unknown arctic shores sovereign to rights in the character of Millinery Mia* U Maunders; MIm A. Jones vs. Miss are ploughed under toward* the end of, ,V|ltrv mmr ^ aful bay* stated that the War» need to ‘ Hercule*, the livn skin thrown on the •Marfcay; Ml*» Ulckaby vs. Mr*. Isting; May, «high I» the mil time. If th.- -Xe,t "iww'om'V.V.'. .. lunik. take them for seals, sud begin td stalk 1 back of the head with the jaws exteiut- Shirt MUe Flulniaou vs. MUs Ia Bussell; Misa ill. poll, however, always contains plenty of j xrall Cou. thvm at a considerable distance, lying v<1- revefsc is a figure of Jupiter, BOXES Tedd. re. MUs Alkman; MU* Fridge va. moisture, it would l»e better to let tbs Fslrvlew l orp. down Hat on beUies iit the attitndo ttnd lUe ~ Alexandria M lllae I>»we;- Mrs. Burton v*. MUs G.'Mac- doter grow until.aluju.the ihled weok ^ fngnt ____ ^ 1 à^-ï*Hr-Ura^relt'hm!lw1l fihotogranti U'yATeiander, In Greek .character*. _ Un tan Mt»< n.' m Mav. n» Ti»erc wrmM be hddWi^fitl u.«> ___ _ ,,VI. -Mr; -4Inmbirr "thé oîd .WW-WBIi JtsîiÜIc cutna at the same Hr - Wa ihran » Mi #3TteK-MB» - Jfe +Rwrnmii ïmcînRfhgrh f ^îtàme3 ' %y : Tarât* Plue—Bur prim* V.m t^lar bear at the Zoo, ami wriggling 1,vvivo tho inscription is in Phoenician! Factory and Warehouse 28 Broad St. 89-71 Oovernment St, Victoria. W." XID* Gregory; Ml*s ILt>.n*.»n method. ! Morning <;iory BH..RM alt»ng in that i»osition until they came vhameters. va.»Ml*s Howeii; Ml** Pbyll* Green yk Ml»* Many orchards have been ncgle<*tc profitable to attempt fh 1 North Star ...... 24 were alarmed, and wriggle on again. Tearh<,J in Greece alsmt- the year 400 Z ^ Bï 't’L1’111" VL8^1*I Thjg; râidpWLTtddrd^Tliat they cuuU':«L ^ 44 wee, souk-whwt ‘ later- iw . w ^ w ' ( C.sea 11 to i»Taul young trees. On the Payne ...... :tl way* see the bla.-k nose when the ls*ar Wl»r*t»wa, and may be said to have Inx-nlAuctioa Sale SPRING •ey; MI.SMIU* vs Mliw Mlsa^p«neejotht.r Uand there «re many orehanl* Rambler C ariboo Con...... UU gut Iii-ir «nil vowed that the hear put ,lt ll” bv,t t,um the flow of tbe r.'lgn Mr*. Hussey; Misa M. Wilson vs. Ml*» «rw r* ■“» lum ve ““ tc Imtc the trees, if carvil for, would be Republic ...... !<► hi. I'll»' ovt'i- hi. tuuule to hl(Iu it! The ot 1’hml’ to llbout -R* after the Saturday Nlftht, at Jones' CLEANING ll. Hlblrblgt-; Ml** Dhuuunmd v*. Ml** in the prime of-Hte,’ aiid neglect is tlMP.|dShUlvae-w;vVvriî* /if Aem'sou; Mr*. Ioiugley v*. Mis* W. Wilson. » I an tic fuxe*. the “blue" hnre the utarim- ,|f”,h hl» "" Akutender, though the only cense which- prevents profitable Virtue ...... la 1,1 - gau. ryper, and .-rniitie till undergo the dwlin" ,,,,t "tartled until the Ku- la the time to get your bouse wired foe Hentîcmeti"* Hlngli’s. vt HP Ettgb* I c,n. Anctlon Mart, " 1*. Bond rs. If. S. tdekenson ; T. Looming crops from being grown. It is of orch- » aeseodal eh nog.. white hr an identic»! ™*? tuvn.ion under Voulu. Acmilin,. 190 anlâ *ueh ns these that a " few sugg. * **, pyoec». The hoir or feather. ... th» B/ " l"'n ,b* rrt,,rn «° » ""'- r type. ve À. T. Howard; J. λ. Peasbertoa; J. K. 58 BROAD ST RE ITT, tiona are hero offered as to how to bring Winulpt g ...... ** '•»«'• he. I,CSV color and tar» pure "fj*"’«T rapid. The^rcck cola, Vernwail v*. Dr. Verrlnder; r. Burrell v*. M't-iwlerful ..... ELECTRIC theqn back into gisnl condition. But the white by what may elmort be dwrilwd •,too oft,'r thc K. T. Montrât b; R. E. Iaiwe va. Dr. A. T. Granby H...... results desired cannot be got in one year. a. «U iovtuotoiigou» proecHS. In the mman*n ronquent. and never attainednttainiHl nnvany Harem-In-; P. J. Juulon va. F. K. Bone; T. Sen Poll ___ . . 8 p. m., May 3rd. Holme* vs. J M. Lawson; 0. Hmrell v». The trees, to liegiti with, should be foxe* ajiil birds the white conics in siwelnl artist !«• merit again.—1’hnrle# Bt. Bugt-nv ...... the LIGHT •K. Dcn’wm; IL H. White v*. IL II. Johns; pruned, nj|| too heavily- at first, but en patelle*; but tbe speed of th# colqr Pryer In American Numismatic and K. A. Hlacock* vs. 4. A. Hibson.; F. Lewln j !""'h ^/,"r,'rh‘*T-W- bT* ' «.ia abme guarauu». Wollaston ; F. H. Fluder vs. F. C. Da vie ; III lira ELECTtIC (I. It. to uliound. 1 c • .* «• wmk, gray »addeniy «Mvn«. \»t th« b«,t for j »«r munuy. • Jams, Jellies, iVean*. .Crate# of Y on #t ft. G. Coward vs. J. Hurl ; (I. .AX’. Db-keav . CATARRH TAINT. Cake*. 1‘otato Meal aud I‘re*erved Hpraying sliouM Is* l».*g Ham* to Ik* *<^<1 on •ou ve. IL H. Wil*4»»: A. Gewkrd v». A MORE UVKH ARE RLIGHTED BY CA «2 GOVERNMENT 9T. season, ami the tm»* should bo kept .cov­ Th,' , xpb,notion u.nolly giro» I» that it Amlrow CMaaeia If* Now York too- this occasion, come early. XX'e Invite your Grundy; J. XV. I* York ve P. XX'. Kcvfcr; TA It III I THAN BY ALL OTHT9R DIS­ ered from top to liottom with Jtordcaui; tokf*. pl.'ff by eight. 11m «fin. no to,tiny on. tho Am. ri.on lino rtetunohip lmqfeetlon. A grand chance for fandlle*. Lirait. Ttmilln vs. I*. Austin; J. M. Isiwsou mixture and Pari* green until the fruit EASES. 1 Tel. 2î>4. Terms cash. naif-way tint bvtwefn Hie *hite «ud hi. lyini. for hi. eeUte in Scotland, v*. J. II. MaiUay. e„ is almost fully grown. the IF THERE IS A HINT OF CATARRH Ht. Ixrnl* for his estate W. JONRK tliu original cota». The Spectator. Ij With bliehi», were Mr».Mm. Carnegie.c« Mina Hours of play and list of tln**o to ho trunk* anti large branches of tbe tree# TAINT I loin I u Ion Government Auctioneer. • -present to-morr-w niiirnlng will he fonu.l - ; Vnrtlegit* and James Bertram his privât, FARMERS may be done if there is much moss, hut fn another colum'i Prhtt* an- piwcntPiI Apply Dr. Aanew's Catarrhal’Pewdei* with I.crraim pin no m«Daf»-trim* are reported «c retory. Chnrleo Schwab, pre.idcnt of i»s noon as the tree becomes more vigor­ out delay, ft will save yon suffering, tu I»- 111 grout dtenwe. Foraierty they ...kl tho tlaited State, Si.k I Corporation, «m BUY YOUR SEEDS I,y the following ladles and gentlemen: ous, and hir and sunlight are admitted, you quirkly whether you h:tv« lu-eo n slave leulli-** IhmbU-H 1st, Mrs. Burton find many ituitruaient;# In Ru**Hi, but the pre­ FOR much of tliv ni" - will tlisappcnr. If the me tooiith or fifty y vara. It relieve* cold among tho passenger#. Ml»* H. K I'emlo-rton; 2nd, HI* Worship In the head «ml i-.'itarrhal headarhe* Iu sent duty of f-ji en a gnmil p!ajjo and f 12 ' . ' I 1 i" ' "'ll ; ten. uiiuutr*. Tlie Ug^lkylil Mill*. Minl*- ou ou upright Uu* ulnuaiL Ah t*ad tu tbe the Mayor. sect* infest the tree#, they should lu» t«-r «./ Justice 'for thé trâmtnkm *>f Canada. MONUMENTS fsidlcs’ Hlngl#» -1st. Mr*. James Dane Ii-dorse* It. Hold by Jackson & On. and at suet re Root Crops sprayed with the lime mixture, or other tiiulr; 2nd, Mr*. lVndWfton. * Hall A Co.-21. material# already mentioned. CASTORIA FROM OiitViiii n*.s Single# 1st. Mr». H. D. TIIE BACKACHE STAGE may he Just 6et STEWART’S Prices HHm»h—I Rnifi Mr MalisH» Aw tinhe orchoriL If negifctcd. i. niniuot -rii-R-tbi. t'.UÜli JJ lo ■ hat Incipient form of kldnev diseiir»* w1 ' * " l‘J bû lii-ouii, iSfijioll »U'jJLbt_!lÇ ' g fiei r nWM'm. will dKm.p InTrTfTlïbl.orfl Mix cl .Donblc* 1st. Mr». Henry Cn.fT " ------dear, brlght braln. a cool bead and strong dl«trc»»tng <11*order that will take long E and Mr. Cuyler Holland: 2nd. Col. Prior. ploughed shailmv In the spring, turning nerve#. MllbnrôV Heart tid Nerve .PRli iedlfw* treatment t<>" euro. Wn’l deg)e procured. If the sod i# not too en the nerve*, and remove all h%art, nerve of diseases.- S»mth Amcrleau Kidney Cure i City Market thick it might b.‘ worked up with the and brolo trouble*. • «top* the ache In six hour* a ud cure#. Sold * Sheris »rr Ru.«1*b **0e%.______I by Jacksou ft Co. aud Hall ft Co.— 30. Bought direct from the Reed Growers. Well teeted tor germination.