aili) THERE ARE OTHERS ! Bat wo doubt tf they «re QriTTS n« »ihW! es our Tea*. ami w* »r«* ik>m1- Household Coal tlroly i vrtàtn you will have to pay a rroHt don I morn for thorn. • Wrect Imprr'ing lea MdCoftoC Ce. S6.C0 Cor. Dougina au«l Johnaon Street a. Phone, hub________Victoria, b. C. MALL O WALKER,. *• CevenuÉent St 'Phone, Si nVOL. 85 VICTORIA» B. C„ TIIVH8 0AT» MAY 1, 1902. Nt>. ft. 2 GOOD BUYS THh U. S. CHINESE EXCLUSION BILL A new 5 rotxmad- eettago, *««i*c foundation* 2 M*. garden planted. orchard, ettr. ■i BIC STAMPEDE ■II for ................................................................................................................................... «1,100 A beautiful 6 roomed cottage, cor. lot, near Park- Van he bought ou ea»> term*. TO LET T roomed botme, pandora Av#................. Hrt 4 roomed cottage, N. Vhathum St............. %Hr’> 10 6 roomed hvuav, Whittaker Are....... 114 FuruUhed house, Bellott St.......................... ! Canes and! v iwaaisvmm ; --------------!— : mqney to loan at low rates t CONCESSION THROWN P. C. MacGregor & Co.. Agents, 2 View- Street. m - OPEN FOR RE LOCATION lç!Î!P°K'r ‘«.4 J* «4 *4 .4 ,4 ,4 ,4 .4 .4 .4 4 4 4 4 4 4 t4 ,4 vtf .4 „4 "4 .4 4 tf tf tf tf tf 4 tf tf 4 ! Umbrellas ! * J* -* '* <4 ,4 _4 .tf .4 vtf .4 M * ,4 .4 jl „tf j« .tf vtf .tf .tf Mjàjt'j» > ,4 Itf > 'tf ii Litigation Is Likely to Follow—Wash- Up in Progress-The Export Gold, Silverand G. & W. Tax. 1884 SPECIAL. Fancy Heads. <«rwcui it, nww ». T„ Mas l.-»X Hat ii tfc. Guaranteed the Oldest and Best higifotoiatmnpwio h1u<e tW nnd» of isitu *** I HinùfiiC'il » rvv‘t, was vmmuoucml jat ...A ^iLMfc.-tüüixuiEUl has jaa* arrived, 4» -1 Midnight. It n Do hprïilvti'f what three t- which vrefrnd many ;nvw* and i,xl halve I j uw 10 1* t»»c ut UuutB^t Uittorlv toUMhL ...design*. If you wiU «turn* early you I h*gal dtHputvM «ver wen m the Kiomlike, : in the wolfc o<, l>r. Miiu^ vf V.vtoria, will lip re first choice. Prices within j *I«Wt the goronmtent. 1 he Mi hie eon-^ X the reach of the moat humble purse. Bottled in Canada. ! vt*5*!,|i'in waa thrûwa upoir for lix'Uthm at I nndnight, uuU liuuilrvdw of men. ha\t\ &l- • Kua .Fianc!»co Bulletin. • rvnily t-Like I and rvcvtxlt tl elaini* i»p VNCI.E. SAM-1, • v. r.thing clear and distinct, John? ; lilinker creek pn^H-rty. Dr. Milne*w HUDSON'S BAY CO. i coumiel in prvfuring uu iwJuiu tU>pr ^p«l JJÛEU I-KA DEUX ____________ WHOP FT- tvntvnTTg nrvioi, atiMusi tin- •< atievHatHm, & rififiriryi-ifiriririfyififirrt......................... f whieh it* sllrgni to hp ttterât lirf Miin.:‘s I Challoner Mitchell, | k pn.ia rty waa ode of the uiout valunhie to Decide "H Peace litrmi, ». a I>. »' >>~ r~ >• >■ y s's's-s'ifir r~ r »■ »’ »• ►' *• »■ ; »■ »- »■ S J Jewelers and Opticians, 47 Government Street. $ ortuiitl unlor revuire»! hen*, the move* (A**c. kitvil Y*ress.) •••••"•••••«•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••B ALLtXIED COMBINE •ion hud lapMe«l on atrtmnt of certaUn im- Pr« torfn. Mfijr 1 - Th.» gen era f me* t- Residence For Sale. ,, ----------- « RforeowWit** «ot bnrtT.g he n m.ndv hiiiT TiVg oT tbv ThTcrTcndvrs at which a final Anion g l acker* Ils* B**en Inve*t|gst.‘d other .proviiiivuN not having been c*»m- I hU| i-.-.-n HtfRrtfwl t v Mrs. Ilf— to by ConuuiUco of New York Ue- pHtfl with. dec talon tifoi Hie subject of th.- fettee •ell her re«lden,-e fronting <»n lie*, .it» Util, I'Ul'iiciiii Clttb. ♦îivnt e.xciv*:u«*nt was cnu*<*il yeatefday Begot iatlona • ex| •• *.■ f w i 1 ta, pi ce known as Beacon Voltage. Thl« la an ex- when it became ktn»wn Unit' tlv 'property nt VerwCTiging, Transvaal, M;.y I.V.h. RUSSIAN WORKMEN We Want You to Read relient chance for anyone wishing a de­ <Associated I'reaa.) would be thrown open u, nd.Nittiou. Will Go to Pretoria. sirable b'diHN Fur particulars as to price N,\v York. May I. Alfa I M. B&l No**» there w«* a * mall army of men on KILLED OS WOUNDED Our advertDement*. We want you to un­ and terms apply to own, of this dty, « hail —in „f th*- It. the way out, for the claim* arc valued, L>n«!on, M:ty 1.—It is nfflcially assert­ derstand (te-ir value. We want you to publiviUi < ’tub cotnni|t!e<*t which ed that judfaequent to the -dclrhrrath'm» fcwsw tmw aioefi vf -ran rWee yen to tfca iw-conling to *UUineHto made; fronr way of goad IMngs. Quality, priera and F. G RICHARDS ' "h’->l^0ÜL^ftd tha ,flp*4 atakew “f.-Utii ! ' -rveumji_jJiLy 3PJIC bged < out bin at ion of the puckers, ha* re««,n!od got the prize vlain prwii-d to Pretoria and d. l.rcr Vt Lord in Fights Wiih Soldiers A Number of all couMidcivd. we know what we have hi. \*t 10 BROAD st. mar wttf interest every ewrefut buyer. Bead { goaC -US Washington tor W e*»nfy, n» e uight at 11 o‘«*he k there were Kitchener thrlr êBftÉB lT r rgat*d fp {he our advertisement; profit by our talk. t 4»U» Attorney-< ic-neral Knox. NojmlcV* kuten.* to be seen at iiuhl- Strikes Were Inicgarated in LfIIJSPI" In n-prcM. a«(.-*,I at. the «■iplvf-l -V sAalUag ljem:*. Urm* they are prepar, <1 p> accept* B. * K. T.fkLLBD Om 'aaçk"_____ I.Shr. .....SILPI61UAAM U-nLLKI» »>AFH, each ..v:2ftr.u «fire, however, tt hen fhe t't+mmtih* as- k'nvn. In Dawson this ,»w,r„;„,f States To-P.ay. fWiUUiN C4W\ MEAL, each ....... dttc. " s« inlilvil for its final meetiug. .telegrams was a Tine away into the etwet **1 VA..t‘t>vv+.rt MrrB!«. KNOW F1AKK8. package ......................I«r. FLAKE UJUU.EY, 4 the........................... *J5r. w*-re read far,» J. O. I.ytnau, Xychacl !,M‘n «waiting tito ..pening of the record- iKpedol to the Times ! A complete line of Breakfast Foods al­ ( uduhy, * N« l*oti Morris. J. t>gil*-ii I0*? a,,*l wU «lay a rush laisincs* i* ways fresh and reliable. j Aimour and Uustavu* Bw iff, ispwuwinc being dutu.-. Vancouver. May 1.—A protest in being <AsMM’iat«*d Frets.) . -Tluî w^iah up L* now w«»il uri«U»r way, tpade by im-gchaiitH and niHiitter* of the Ml X <1 the regret* of th. s* nders that they wff.’ hoard of trsue against the jnwpection i»> ta Real Estate Agents. « u ii able to attend the conference with At- and reaulu *«» far have Lccy v**fy ftatm- , the " mULSheu.~ôf-thb* jdty.: ftmu jtoot V. v.e 4*»did ÇSSmthe-herbor master of stowage grain In vrrney rrcni-m ^Ktiox; wliTch th» «om- v 1 v*e4s. Thai V'ti they *11 y, î* ♦ded on -the < Immin TfofiHcr. Tcnonnreu Dixi H. Ross & Co., ..........»u*t „f g.,1.1 «ill be j iuu-od. U «littee had arranged. Chainnan Hulow t iutrpdcd to apply only to bulk grain car- that the lalmr i«opulation of th<* whole <Im^ u IBM Clin TAMM. âltd thé other member* of the cptahiirte.* iT'nv. Tcwteronÿ tiie st«uimr City • r triii between Moscow and Vladimir U i.i For Sale «*\ y»r»-j.=<H their surprise whi'n *hSwn <4 ., ^ *** «*»* «v» rrrr fnmp- ‘ s«*in»o wa* delayed here an mo time wait- dixpatt U from Washington in whieh At- , ly **.u*oth who will tom»tit | lng for*the in*p. ctio„ of a fvw s:u k* ,4 iev«dt. There have been nuim-ru.4 ên-* Here is a splendid chance for *ny per htrney-Gem-rsl Knox exprewavd lh#. opin- nrg,‘lx rh<* nmrchsntii hnvx* agreed to J grain at f«*** churged a whole ahip oad c<»nntits between the working u- u mid sen k«khf for k*n that the call for the cuiifunmcfc was nt *1.1 (**r oui»*, only after on tho Atlantic coast. "• 1 and many p -r> m* j -, > ,1 », , „ Fire, Life, Marine, Accident and unwarranted. Uedsy. a.„1 in w thv tux. 1; i- feit ■ Fntario farmer, hiHisl or wounded. A Ühlun r g.ment, I tilwl l,‘«* esta-hliehiiwot of an assay office and the other a Fr« n< hmau. bound for conunamk-d by Colonel Moroseff, n fustal WILL BE RELEASED. \ *u,np h ihmlntaljf m*ce«oiary. It a|tfH*ani Dawson, were bunewd yesterday ont of to act against the workm n. Atlantic Steamship Agency A Good Ranch j that gold dust itotdf mart go out of cit^ amont4 nggregaffng |4<Yf The cases re­ Foremen Quit Work. 150 acres, situated in Saanich district, United 8tat«*s Nsrsl Offlcer* Are to Pay culatioti. There is not sufficient con­ curred fit different time* of the day. A ‘ fident in the arnmys of irivate rmnwns, Copenhagen. May l .—The t;adre Mm, to lou on approved Miitt,. Lmn hMM with proeptltod. Bad close to the railway: partly cleared and the Olrfl Damage*. stranger approached the young man ! , *p‘l th«*ref<uv there is net*l of an assav from Ontario,, got nc«]tiarntcd with him unionist foremen employed at the fr»o MsnUtr. balance splendid cedar: large orchard of port of <V>i»eiihiigcn have -usi**nd. <1 work 100 fall-bearing trees and 100 young (Amoriated Frees.) j offi«*e hive as well ns on the outside.
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