MARCH 11-12, 2021 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM ET The Scientific Connections Conference, presented by the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation (ASF) and Ann & Gordon Brown, will virtually host presentation tracks spanning across the applied STEM disciplines while featuring a diverse group of speakers to include Astronaut Scholar Alumni to current Astronaut Scholars, representing the 35+ years the scholarship has been in existence, paired with additional industry speakers. SPOTLIGHT SPEAKERS PANKAJ MANDAL, PH.D. JAMES MAULT, MD. SIR GREGORY WINTER Senior Staff Fellow, CEO and Chairman, MRC Laboratory of MolecUlar Biology FDA/CBER BioIntelliSense, Inc. 2018 Chemistry Nobel Prize LaUreate Gene Therapy and Genome Editing- Medical Grade COVID Screening at Pharmaceuticals: From Chemicals to based Novel Therapeutics Scale with the BioButton Biologicals and Back Again? REGISTRATION General Registration StUdent Registration $30 for ThUrsday $15 for ThUrsday $30 for Friday $15 for Friday $50 for ThUrsday & Friday $25 for ThUrsday & Friday To register, please visit: SCIENTIFIC CONNECTIONS CONFERENCE | Visit: | Email:
[email protected] DAY ONE: MARCH 11, 2021 TRACK ONE: SPACE/ENGINEERING 10:00 AM Event IntrodUction 10:20 AM Spotlight Speaker Presentation: James MaUlt, MD, CEO & Chairman of BioIntelliSense, Inc. 10:45 AM Spotlight Speaker Q&A: James MaUlt, MD, CEO & Chairman of BioIntelliSense, Inc. 11:00 AM Session 1 Presentations