9392 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 7 June 15, 2011 about stem cells. A testament to his belief in and returning to the classroom and although as a free circulating reference library open to providing quality and equal access education he will be greatly missed, I wholeheartedly all City residents. By 1897, there were 32,000 to all students, he secured commitments from wish him luck in every future endeavor. Steve registered borrowers. the UC Office of the President to fund enroll- Kang has made a lasting impression on the Today with over 3.5 million items in circula- ment growth for the next three years. Of spe- entirety of the Merced community, its faculty, tion and 37 locations, the Buffalo and Erie cial note, Chancellor Kang has supported the and above all, its students. We will forever be County libraries have served nearly 4 million vision for UC Merced’s future as a medical indebted to his noble efforts in bringing excel- patrons. teaching university and his actions are greatly lence in education to the Central Valley. With a diversity of programs including adult instrumental in ensuring that it will one day f computer training, resume tips and techniques serve as an independently accredited School seminars as well as preschool story hour—the of Medicine. SALUTING SERVICE ACADEMY libraries continue to serve as centers of infor- Steve’s first love is teaching and he has in- STUDENTS—JEFFREY HERRERA mation, culture and entertainment for the resi- spired generations of successful students in- dents of Erie County. side the classroom. Prior to taking his position HON. SAM JOHNSON It is with great pride that I stand today to at UC Merced, he served as a professor in OF commemorate the Buffalo and Erie County Li- electrical and computer engineering at the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES brary system’s 175th year of service. I am University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Wednesday, June 15, 2011 grateful for the array of programs and services from 1985 to 2000, becoming a department they offer to the Western New York commu- Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, head in 1995. He taught as a visiting pro- nity and am happy to acknowledge the kick-off I rise today to honor an extraordinary group of fessor at several international universities, in- to their summer reading initiatives. young men and women who have been cho- cluding the Swiss Federal Institute of Tech- sen as future leaders in our armed forces by f nology, the University of Lausanne, and the the prestigious United States service acad- PERSONAL EXPLANATION Technical University of Munich. He also emies. It is a privilege to send such a fine served as the Dean of the Baskin School of group from the third district of Texas to pursue ´ Engineering at the University of California, HON. RAUL M. GRIJALVA a world-class education and serve our nation. Santa Cruz, during which time he took a bud- OF ARIZONA As we keep them and their families in our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ding engineering program to significantly prayers, may we never forget the sacrifices greater levels of achievement, ensuring its they are preparing to make while defending Wednesday, June 15, 2011 place among the nation’s top engineering our freedoms all across the globe. I am so Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. schools. proud of each one. God bless them and God 413, I was unavoidably detained and was un- Steve Kang was raised in South Korea and bless America. able to cast my vote. Had I been present, I moved to the United States after receiving a Today I salute Jeffrey Herrera, a United would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ scholarship to the Fairleigh Dickinson Univer- States Air Force Academy Appointee. Jeff is a sity in Teaneck, New Jersey where he grad- f graduate of Wylie High School where he ran uated summa cum laude with a degree in junior varsity cross country as well as partici- SALUTING SERVICE ACADEMY Electrical Engineering. He received his Mas- pated in junior varsity track and field. He STUDENTS—JOSEPH HAYS ters of Science degree from the State Univer- served as the National Honor Society presi- sity of New York at Buffalo and his doctorate dent and was a Hispanic National Merit Schol- HON. SAM JOHNSON from UC Berkeley. A master of his field, Kang ar. Jeff was also part of the Air Force Junior OF TEXAS has co-authored 11 books on the subjects of ROTC and served as the Deputy Group Com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES electrical and computer engineering, written mander. Jeff chose to apply to the Air Force over 350 technical papers, and has well over Wednesday, June 15, 2011 Academy because he wanted to receive the a dozen patents to his name. He has been Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, exemplary service academy education and ex- recognized with numerous awards in edu- I rise today to honor an extraordinary group of perience. Since the beginning of his involve- cation and research, including the Distin- young men and women who have been cho- ment in his junior ROTC program, he had de- guished Korean-American Award in 2008, the sen as future leaders in our armed forces by veloped a deep and strong interest in serving IEEE Third Millennium Medal in 2000, and the prestigious United States service acad- his country and becoming an officer in the Outstanding Alumnus Award in Electrical Engi- emies. It is a privilege to send such a fine United States Military. Jeff stated in an essay, neering from UC Berkeley in 2008. group from the third district of Texas to pursue ‘‘Nothing would please me more than to give Along with his passion for education, Steve a world-class education and serve our nation. back to my country while leading the future Kang is also an advocate for the community. As we keep them and their families in our servicemen, servicewomen and protectors of He is personally dedicated to the principle of prayers, may we never forget the sacrifices this country.’’ providing educational opportunities to children they are preparing to make while defending from lower income families and expanding ac- f our freedoms all across the globe. I am so cess to a UC-quality education. He serves on HONORING THE BUFFALO AND proud of each one. God bless them and God the UC Merced Foundation as President, the ERIE COUNTY LIBRARY SYS- bless America. Great Valley Center as Chairman of the TEM’S 175TH YEAR OF SERVICE Today I salute Joseph Hays, a United Board, and the Central Valley Higher Edu- States Air Force Academy Appointee. Joseph cation Consortium as an executive board HON. BRIAN HIGGINS is a graduate of Plano West Senior High member. He, along with his wife Mia, have School where he was a part of the varsity OF NEW YORK long carried the torch for the needs of the re- wrestling team. While excelling academically, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gion, consistently looking out for the valley as Joseph gave of his time at the St. Elizabeth a whole. Wednesday, June 15, 2011 Ann Seaton’s Parish Pastoral Council as a Mr. Speaker, at this time, I ask that you and Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, it is with pleas- Board Member, and worked as a Lifeguard for my other distinguished colleagues join me in ure I acknowledge the Buffalo and Erie County the City of Plano and swim teacher. Joseph commending Chancellor Sung-Mo ‘‘Steve’’ Library system’s kick-off of their 175th anniver- comes from a military oriented family, where Kang for his dedication and service as a lead- sary celebration and their summer reading ini- his grandparents served in WWII and Korea. er at the University of California, Merced. tiatives. His stepfather served as a Black Hawk pilot Without his efforts, the university would not be The first public library service in Western and instructor. After life at the Academy, Jo- the outstanding academic institution that it is New York began with the creation of the seph aspires to attend medical school to serve today. His selflessness and lifelong commit- Young Men’s Association (YMA) in 1836. The as a medical doctor in the United States ment to education is worthy of the highest association circulated 5,500 items to its mem- Armed Forces. Joseph feels that his dedica- praise and it is my great privilege to pay trib- bers in its first year alone. tion toward his goal of attending a Service ute to and offer my sincerest appreciation to 50 years later the institution was purchased Academy reflects his values as both a devout him today. Steve will be leaving UC Merced for the City of Buffalo and was re-established Christian and as an American.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:48 Jun 17, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR11\E15JN1.000 E15JN1 pmangrum on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD June 15, 2011 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 7 9393 RECOGNIZING THE 68TH ANNIVER- RECOGNIZING THE HONORABLE SALUTING SERVICE ACADEMY SARY COMMEMORATION OF THE MILITARY SERVICE OF CAPTAIN STUDENTS—ELIZABETH CAR- BAKERS CREEK AIR CRASH IN THOMAS H. FARRIS PENTER DURING WORLD WAR II HON. DARRELL E. ISSA HON. SAM JOHNSON OF TEXAS OF CALIFORNIA HON. TODD RUSSELL PLATTS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, June 15, 2011 OF PENNSYLVANIA Wednesday, June 15, 2011 Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor I rise today to honor an extraordinary group of young men and women who have been cho- Wednesday, June 15, 2011 the distinguished career of Captain Thomas H. Farris on the occasion of his retirement from sen as future leaders in our armed forces by Mr. PLATTS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- the United States Coast Guard (USCG). I offer the prestigious United States service acad- nize the Bakers Creek Memorial ceremony Captain Farris my sincerest thanks for his 30 emies. It is a privilege to send such a fine being held today at the Selfridge Gate to Ar- years of dedicated service in protecting our group from the third district of Texas to pursue lington National Cemetery at Fort Myer, Vir- nation and safeguarding its future. a world-class education and serve our nation. As we keep them and their families in our ginia. An accomplished aviator, Captain Farris prayers, may we never forget the sacrifices Sixty-eight years ago today, a B-17C possesses over 6700 hours of flight time in six they are preparing to make while defending bomber flying with forty-one soldiers and air- different aircraft throughout his 30 years of our freedoms all across the globe. I am so men from Bakers Creek, Australia to New service as a veteran of the U.S. Army and proud of each one. God bless them and God Guinea crashed upon takeoff, killing forty indi- USCG. He most recently served as the Coast bless America. Guard’s Chief of Aviation Safety. In that ca- viduals. Due to the Army’s subsequent classi- Today I salute Elizabeth Carpenter, a United pacity he was responsible for the USCG Avia- fication of the event, the victims’ families were States Air Force Academy Appointee. Eliza- tion Safety program and one of only three not informed about the details of their loved beth is a graduate of Plano East Senior High senior aviators exercising program level over- School where she excelled at many things. ones’ peril until recently. Thanks to the persist- sight over the design, development, implemen- ence of the Bakers Creek Memorial Associa- She was a strong student who participated in tation, delivery and sustainment of all USCG National Honor Society and the International tion and the victims’ families, the events of aviation programs. Bakers Creek are not only known today, but Baccalaureate Program. Elizabeth is also an Captain Farris has distinguished himself by accomplished athlete. She played varsity are honored by a monument in Arlington. extraordinary acts of leadership. Among his volleyball and was the team captain at Plano I am proud to have joined the effort to bring many achievements, Captain Farris won the East. She comes from a family of service as the Bakers Creek monument from the Aus- U.S. Army’s European Helicopter Champion- her grandfather graduated from the United tralian Embassy to a permanent home on ship early in his career along with 18 ship- States Military Academy and retired as a colo- American soil. Pennsylvanians have a strong board deployments and extensive airborne nel from the Air Force and her sister is cur- connection to this monument, as six of the Law Enforcement experience in the North At- rently at the U.S. Naval Academy. Elizabeth forty victims of the tragic plane crash called lantic, Caribbean and Eastern Pacific theatres. has aspirations to become a pilot. Elizabeth Pennsylvania home. Many of my Congres- Captain Farris’ service in his current position chose to apply to the Air Force Academy be- sional colleagues from Pennsylvania, and both as the USCG Captain of the Port of San cause she is certain it is only there she can Senators, actively supported the effort to move Diego is the capstone to his military career. As study her interest in aviation and give her a this monument to its rightful home in Arlington. the Coast Guard Captain for San Diego, he is foundation that she can apply in any endeav- The Pennsylvania State Legislature also responsible for the safe conduct of commercial or. passed a resolution designating June 14th as maritime activity on all federally navigable wa- f terways within an area that extends from 200 Bakers Creek Memorial Day. nautical miles offshore San Diego then east to HONORING JIM LEHRER The distinguished speaker at today’s cere- the Colorado River from the Mexico border to mony at Selfridge Gate, the Honorable L. Utah. HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON Jerry Hansen, Principal Deputy Assistant Sec- Along with his many roles and responsibil- OF TEXAS retary of the Army for Installations and Envi- ities, Captain Farris serves as the designated IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ronment, graciously accepted the monument Federal Maritime Security Coordinator and Wednesday, June 15, 2011 two years ago on behalf of the Secretary of Chair of the Area Maritime Security Committee Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. the Army. The Department of the Army overseeing commercial vessel and facilities Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to a pledged to protect and honor the monument at compliance with the Maritime Transportation distinguished journalist. On May 12, 2011, Jim Fort Myer, as a permanent tribute to the brave Security Act. He also serves as the Oper- Lehrer announced that he is leaving the soldiers and airmen who perished at Bakers ational Commander for the USCG air and sur- ‘‘NewsHour’’ as a regular anchor effective the Creek, as well as their families. face force carrying out Search and Rescue week of June 6, the final step in a carefully I am pleased to thank Army Secretary John and Maritime law enforcement authority. Addi- planned retirement. He said he will still appear tionally, Captain Farris plays a pivotal role as McHugh and Fort Myer Garrison Commander, many Fridays to moderate an analysis of the the Senior Officer Ashore in San Diego as the Col. Carl R. Coffman, for arranging this appro- week’s news. primary local USCG representative to the San priate and dignified memorial ceremony—with Born in Wichita, Kansas in 1934, Jim Lehrer Diego County military, federal and civilian received an A.A. degree from Victoria College high standards of military honor. I am con- community. fident that this ceremony will be repeated each and a B.J. in 1956 from the University of Mis- As he enters this new stage of his life, I year on the anniversary date of the tragic souri before joining the Marine Corps. From hope that Captain Farris will benefit from his crash. 1959 to 1966, he was a reporter for The Dal- years of work, just as the United States Mili- las Morning News and then the Dallas Times- I extend my deepest sympathies to the fam- tary has benefited. I offer him my warmest Herald. He was also a political columnist at ily members of the heroic American warriors congratulations and may he enjoy a rewarding the Times-Herald for several years and in who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of retirement. 1968 became the city editor. our nation during World War II. But for their Mr. Speaker, I ask you to please join me in Lehrer’s newspaper career led him to public selfless and courageous service, the freedoms honoring all the brave men and women who television, first in Dallas, as KERA–TV’s exec- we enjoy today would not be. I and all Ameri- have served in the United States Armed utive director of public affairs, on-air host and cans are forever indebted to these true he- Forces, and the admirable service of Captain editor of a nightly news program. He subse- roes. Thomas Farris. quently moved to Washington, DC to serve as

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