June 13, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E835 site was excavated. Captain Barnes’ remains tween the two countries. Over the years, one the adoption of electronic health record tech- were eventually returned to his family for thing a remained constant, providing the nology by behavioral health providers. The burial. fullest possible accounting for the POW/ Meaningful Use Program has been instru- According to a report by JTF–FA Detach- MIAs. It remains the U.S.’s highest priority ment 2 in Hanoi, Vietnamese cooperation when dealing with Vietnam. Even today, re- mental in providing incentives to eligible clini- throughout the period remained excellent. covery teams operate with the Vietnamese cians to use electronic health record tech- All recovery team leaders commented posi- across the countryside. The compromises nology. Unfortunately, behavioral health pro- tively on cooperation at the central, provin- that took place in the 1990s led to coopera- viders have been left out of this program. H.R. cial, and local levels of government. One tion and trust between two former enemies 3331, sponsored by Rep. LYNN JENKINS, would team leader described cooperation and the to the benefit of both countries. incentivize psychiatric hospitals, community Vietnamese preparation done to support the f health centers and substance use treatment joint field operations, as the best he’d ever facilities to use the electronic health record seen in Vietnam. Additionally, reports from BAKERS CREEK TRAGEDY 75TH technology. senior JTF–FA officials in Vietnam: Col. Mel ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION Richmond (1994–95) and Col. Timothy Bosse Mental health includes emotional, psycho- (1995–96) rated Vietnamese cooperation as logical and social well-being and affects how high. HON. SCOTT PERRY individuals think, feel and act. This bill is an As cooperation strengthened, Vietnam saw OF PENNSYLVANIA important step in ensuring medical providers the benefits of growth. The U.S. paid Viet- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES have access to records for both mental and nam for its workers, equipment, and land use. Millions of dollars a year went to the Wednesday, June 13, 2018 physical health, so that we can improve care Vietnamese government in support of recov- Mr. PERRY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to coordination and meet the needs of patients. ery operations. The CIA concluded ‘‘Hanoi’s commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Rep. JENKINS has been a champion for mental cooperation has been sparked by its impres- Bakers Creek Air Crash on June 14, 1943, in health reform and I look forward to continuing sion that relations with the U.S. are warm- our work on this important issue. ing, albeit at a slower pace than Vietnam which forty U.S. Army Air Corps Service Mem- f would like, and is fueled by Hanoi’s des- bers tragically perished at Bakers Creek, perate need to attract financial assistance to Queensland, during World War II. PERSONAL EXPLANATION improve the sagging Vietnam economy. We These deaths were the result of the crash of believe that Hanoi is badly interested in ac- a B–17C Flying Fortress, which proved to be HON. AL GREEN cess to badly needed funds from the Inter- the worst aviation disaster of the Southwest OF national Monetary Fund and The World Pacific War. More men died on that plane IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bank; Hanoi probably hopes a more coopera- from Pennsylvania (6) than from any other tive attitude on the POW MIA issue will Wednesday, June 13, 2018 weaken the U.S. resistance to loans’’. State. The PA Fallen were: Pvt James E. Additionally, there was a new generation Finney/Erie; T/Sgt Alfred H. Frezza/Altoona; Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, on of Vietnamese wanting the war put behind Sgt Donald B. Kyper/Huntingdon; Pfc Frank S. Tuesday, June 12, 2018, I missed the fol- them. They called it a ‘‘musty history.’’ Penska/Moscow; Sgt Anthony Rudnick/Phila- lowing votes: Many young Vietnamese wanted to enter the delphia; and Cpl Raymond H. Smith/Oil City. H.R. 5327, Comprehensive Opioid Recovery business world. They wanted Vietnam to find Only since passing the FY06 National De- Centers Act 2018. Had I been present, I would its identity and catch up economically with fense Authorization Act (Public Law 109–163) have voted YES on this bill. the rest of South-East Asia. A cornerstone to has Congress officially recognized this pre- H.R. 5041, Safe Disposal of Unused Medi- solidify strengthening relations and putting the past behind them was the opening of the viously classified wartime accident. Previously, cation Act. Had I been present, I would have U.S. embassy in Vietnam in August 1995 in most of the crash victims’ Families were left in voted YES on this bill. Hanoi. With the opening, President Clinton the dark about the truth of their loved ones’ Journal Vote. Had I been present, I would extended full diplomatic recognition to Viet- deaths in World War II. have voted YES on this bill. nam. A dozen years ago, many of my colleagues f The opening of the embassy, as depicted in actively supported efforts to place a memorial Appendix 6, finished a process begun by the in Arlington. Moreover, in June 2008, the HONORING THE NICHOLAS Bush Administration in 1991 when Wash- Pennsylvania Legislature passed a resolution ACADEMIC CENTER ington and Hanoi agreed on steps for rec- ognition. President Clinton stated, ‘‘This designating June 14th as ‘‘Bakers Creek Me- moment offers us the opportunity to bind up morial Day.’’ HON. J. LUIS CORREA our own wounds,’’ evoking words used by I understand that Colonel Kimberly A. OF CALIFORNIA Lincoln at the end of the Civil War. ‘‘They Peeples, Garrison Commander, Joint Base IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES have resisted time for too long. We can move Myer-Henderson Hall, the Honorable Joe Wednesday, June 13, 2018 onto common ground.’’ Clinton also stated Hockey, Australian Ambassador to the United Mr. CORREA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to he would continue to press Vietnam for full States, and U.S. Fifth Air Force Commander, honor the Nicholas Academic Center in Santa accounting of our remaining missing service General Ralph E. Eberhart, USAF Ret will personnel. He argued that in the months Ana, California. The Nicholas Academic Cen- place a wreath at the Bakers Creek Memorial after lifting the trade embargo more than 29 ter is an after-school tutoring and mentoring to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the missing Americans were identified and Hanoi program that first opened in 2008. Now with crash. turned over hundreds of pages of relevant three centers opened throughout the city, high documents. At the same time, Vietnam’s I applaud the Service Members at JBM-HH Prime Minister, Vo Van Kiet, pledged to the and members of the Bakers Creek Memorial school students have been given the oppor- U.S. to continue cooperation in helping ac- Association for their continued efforts to help tunity to have a safe and nurturing space count for missing service members. bring closure to the casualty Families with an- where they can receive academic and study In the end, both countries got what they nual public remembrance ceremonies for the assistance, emotional support, mentoring and needed turning conflict into compromise. social services to prepare students as they The U.S. got cooperation on the POW/MIA forty American Servicemen who perished at Bakers Creek in Australia during World War II. pursue their educational goals at an institution issue to include conducting recovery oper- of higher learning. ations within Vietnam. Vietnam received f The Nicholas Academic Center was estab- desperately needed money for economic de- velopment, access to loans, and increased TESTING INCENTIVE PAYMENTS lished by Henry T. Nicholas Ill and Judge Jack trade. With renewed diplomatic relations, FOR BEHAVIORAL HEALTH PRO- K. Mandel in 2008. Their goal was to establish trade, modern factories, and jobs soon fol- VIDERS FOR ADOPTION AND USE a center where all the necessary tools could lowed. Companies such as Coke, IBM, Gen- OF CERTIFIED ELECTRONIC be provided to underprivileged students for eral Electric and ExXon to name a view in- HEALTH RECORD TECHNOLOGY them to succeed in the future. The Nicholas vested in new plants providing much needed Academic Center has provided students with jobs to a poor country. Vietnamese coopera- HON. RON ESTES academic assistance, college connections, tion continues today and relationships con- and scholarship opportunities. Staff member tinue to improve. Just recently President OF KANSAS Donald Trump hosted the Prime Minister of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES are also highly qualified and dedicated to help- ing students succeed not only in high school Vietnam Nguyen Xuan Phuc at the White Wednesday, June 13, 2018 House to chart an agenda for U.S.-Vietnam but also through college. relations, building on the positive momen- Mr. ESTES of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, I rise Today, the Nicholas Academic Center has tum of the comprehensive partnership be- today in support of H.R. 3331, encouraging served more than 1,500 students in their 10-

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:03 Jun 14, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13JN8.014 E13JNPT1 E836 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 13, 2018 year-history and their students have been MEETINGS SCHEDULED partment of State, foreign operations, awarded nearly $60 Million in scholarships JUNE 15 and related programs for the fiscal and grants. Due to the help received from the 10 a.m. year ending September 30, 2019. center, students have been accepted to some Commission on Security and Cooperation SD–138 in Europe of the nation’s most prestigious institutions, JUNE 20 like University of California, Los Angeles, Uni- To receive a briefing on the Trump Ad- 9 a.m. versity of Notre Dame, Stanford University and ministration’s Russia policy. SD–562 Committee on Finance Harvard University. With 95 percent of the To hold hearings to examine current and graduates being Latino, 90 percent of these JUNE 18 proposed tariff actions administered by graduates are first-generation college stu- 2 p.m. the Department of Commerce. dents. Out of the Nicholas Academic Center’s Committee on the Judiciary SD–215 2018 graduating class consisting of 195 stu- To hold hearings to examine the Inspec- 10 a.m. dents, 100 percent of the class will be attend- tor General’s first report on Depart- Committee on Commerce, Science, and ing college this Fall. ment of Justice and Federal Bureau of Transportation Investigation actions in advance of the To hold hearings to examine the nomina- The services provided by the Nicholas Aca- 2016 presidential election. tions of Geoffrey Adam Starks, of Kan- demic Center would not be possible without SH–216 sas, to be a Member of the Federal the generosity of Dr. Nicholas Ill through the 3:30 p.m. Communications Commission, and Henry T. Nicholas Ill Foundation, who has do- Commission on Security and Cooperation Peter A. Feldman, of the District of nated $14.3 million dollars to the center over in Europe Columbia, to be a Commissioner of the the past ten years. To receive a briefing on corruption in Consumer Product Safety Commission. Ukraine’s energy sector. SR–253 Mr. Speaker, I am honored to recognize the SD–G11 Nicholas Academic Center who has dedicated Committee on Environment and Public Works the past decade to helping underprivileged JUNE 19 To hold hearings to examine the nomina- students succeed. 9:30 a.m. tions of William Charles McIntosh, of Committee on Armed Services Michigan, to be an Assistant Adminis- f To hold hearings to examine the nomina- trator, and Peter C. Wright, of Michi- tion of Lieutenant General Austin S. gan, to be Assistant Administrator, Of- PERSONAL EXPLANATION Miller, USA, to be general and Com- fice of Solid Waste, both of the Envi- mander, Resolute Support Mission, ronmental Protection Agency. North Atlantic Treaty Organization/ SD–406 Commander, United States Forces—Af- HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO Committee on Homeland Security and ghanistan, Department of Defense. Governmental Affairs OF CONNECTICUT SD–G50 To hold hearings to examine Medicaid IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 10 a.m. Committee on Appropriations fraud and overpayments, focusing on Wednesday, June 13, 2018 Subcommittee on Department of Home- problems and solutions. land Security SD–342 Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, due to an un- Business meeting to markup an original Committee on the Judiciary avoidable family commitment I missed Roll bill making appropriations for the De- To hold hearings to examine pending Call vote number 258 regarding the ‘‘Com- partment of Homeland Security for the nominations. SD–226 prehensive Opioid Recovery Centers Act.’’ fiscal year ending September 30, 2019. 10:15 a.m. Had I been present, I would have voted Yes. SD–124 Committee on Health, Education, Labor, Committee on Foreign Relations On Roll Call vote number 259 regarding the and Pensions To hold hearings to examine United ‘‘Safe Disposal of Unused Medication Act,’’ I To hold hearings to examine effective ad- States Agency for International Devel- would have voted Yes. ministration of the 340B Drug Pricing opment resources and redesign. On Roll Call vote number 260 regarding the Program. SD–419 SD–430 10:30 a.m. ‘‘approving of the Journal’’, I would have voted Committee on the Judiciary Committee on Health, Education, Labor, Yes. To hold an oversight hearing to examine and Pensions the EB–5 investor visa program. Business meeting to consider S. 3029, to f SD–226 revise and extend the Prematurity Re- 11 a.m. search Expansion and Education for Committee on Appropriations SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS Mothers who deliver Infants Early Act Subcommittee on Financial Services and (PREEMIE Act), S. 1112, to support Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, General Government States in their work to save and sus- Business meeting to markup an original agreed to by the Senate of February 4, tain the health of mothers during preg- bill making appropriations for finan- nancy, childbirth, and in the 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- cial services and general government postpartum period, to eliminate dis- tem for a computerized schedule of all for the fiscal year ending September 30, parities in maternal health outcomes meetings and hearings of Senate com- 2019. for pregnancy-related and pregnancy- SD–138 mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- associated deaths, to identify solutions tees, and committees of conference. 2:30 p.m. Committee on Commerce, Science, and to improve health care quality and This title requires all such committees health outcomes for mothers, S. 808, to to notify the Office of the Senate Daily Transportation Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, provide protections for certain sports Digest—designated by the Rules Com- Product Safety, Insurance, and Data medicine professionals who provide mittee—of the time, place and purpose Security certain medical services in a secondary of the meetings, when scheduled and To hold hearings to examine Cambridge State, S. 3039, to provide funding for any cancellations or changes in the Analytica and other Facebook part- the development of a predictive ana- meetings as they occur. ners, focusing on data privacy risks. lytics pilot program to help children and families who come to the attention As an additional procedure along SR–253 Special Committee on Aging of the child welfare system, an original with the computerization of this infor- To hold hearings to examine changing bill to reauthorize the Carl D. Perkins mation, the Office of the Senate Daily the trajectory of Alzheimer’s, focusing Career and Technical Education Act, Digest will prepare this information for on reducing risk, detecting early symp- and the nominations of Scott Stump, printing in the Extensions of Remarks toms, and improving data. of Colorado, to be Assistant Secretary section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD SD–106 for Career, Technical, and Adult Edu- on Monday and Wednesday of each 3 p.m. cation, Department of Education, John week. Committee on Appropriations Lowry III, of Illinois, to be Assistant Subcommittee on State, Foreign Oper- Secretary of Labor for Veterans’ Em- Meetings scheduled for Thursday, ations, and Related Programs ployment and Training, and other June 14, 2018 may be found in the Daily Business meeting to markup an original pending nominations. Digest of today’s RECORD. bill making appropriations for the De- SD–430

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