5 Complete the text with a / an, the or leave blank for zero article.

Do exams make pupils lose interest? a.. children could be turned off their favourite subjects for

bd life if they are pushed too hard to take c .

exams, d...... dd •••• psychologists are warning. e . study of I I-year-olds found that those who had taken exams to win

f... . dddd school places rapidly lost g interest in their school work after h exams were over. Other children, who

did not take i.. . d. same kind of tests, did not have j ..

same experience. In this study, k .. .d .dd group of researchers

measured I d ••••••••••••••••• d •••• motivation of children in m science,

n ..dd English and o maths. Before p .

exams q .. . d •••••• children all appeared very motivated, but as saon as r.. . exams were over, that changed, and their motivation went

down. Motivation stayed s d •••••••••••••••••••••••• same among another group who took normai school tests. Researchers think it is possible that some children Silef\ce

can be put off tdd. subject permanently by an exam. e.. ~ CA ('(\

6 Complete the text with a / an, the or leave blank for zero article.

Apple Computer was founded in Los Gatos, California on 1 April, 1976 by , and Ronald Wayne, to sell a.lh.e. personal computer kit at $666.66.

They were hand-built in Jobs' parents' garage, and b ..ddddd Apple I was first shown to

Cd public at d .d Homebrew Computer Club. Jobs and Wozniak,

e d.dd two Steves, had been L friends since 1971. Jobs managed to interest Wozniak in assembling g.. . personal computers and selling them. Jobs approached h computer stare, which ardered 50 units and paid $500 far each unit. Jobs then ordered components from Cramer Electronics, i ...company making electronic parts.

Using j number of methods, including borrowing space from k friends and family and selling I things including m Volkswagen Type

2 bus, Jobs managed to secure nd parts needed while Wozniak and another friend,

Ronald Wayne, assembled o d.d Apple L The computers were delivered in June, and paid for on delivery. Eventually 200 Apple I computers were built.

p d ..dd Apple II was first sold in qd 1977 . It was popular with r home users and was occasionally sold to s .. business users, particularly

after t .. ...release of Ud first computer spreadsheet, called VisiCalc.

...... '-"N 1 Look at all the examples on page 118 and translate them. Does your language use these articles in the same way? What are the differences? 2 Check that you have the correct answers to Exercise 1, and then translate the sentences. Need more practice? Go to the Review on page 192.