A Legal and Historical Study of Latin Catholic Church Properties in Istanbul from the Ottoman Conquest of 1453 Until 1740
AIX-MARSEILLE UNIVERSITE ******** THESIS To obtain the grade of DOCTOR OF AIX-MARSEILLE UNIVERSITY Doctoral College N° 355: Espaces, Cultures, Sociétés Presented and defended publically by Vanessa R. DE OBALDÍA 18 December 2018 TITLE A Legal and Historical Study of Latin Catholic Church Properties in Istanbul from the Ottoman Conquest of 1453 until 1740 Thesis supervisor: Randi DEGUILHEM Jury AKARLI Engin, emeritus professor, İstanbul Şehir University BORROMEO Elisabetta, Ingénieur d’Études, CNRS, Collège de France, Paris DEGUILHEM Randi, Directrice de Recherche, CNRS, TELEMMe-MMSH, Aix- Marseille University, Aix-en-Provence GHOBRIAL John-Paul, associate professor, University of Oxford GRADEVA Rossitsa, professor, American University of Bulgaria, rapporteure SERMET Laurent, professor, Institut d’Études Politiques, Aix-en-Provence TOLAN John, professor, University of Nantes, rapporteur To my mother for all her support and loving care. CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i ABSTRACT ii INTRODUCTION iv PART I: The legal status of Roman Catholics and their Religious Orders in Ottoman Istanbul 1. Introduction 1 2. Galata and Pera 1 a. Galata 1 b. Pera 5 3. The demographic composition of Roman Catholics in Galata & Pera 8 4. The legal status of Roman Catholics in Constantinople/Istanbul 15 a. Pre-conquest - Catholics as a semi-autonomous colony 15 b. Post-conquest - Catholics as zimmīs 16 5. The legal status of Latin Catholic religious orders 20 a. According to Ottoman law 20 b. Compared to the status of Orthodox and Armenian churches and Jews 25 in the capital 6. The representatives of Latin Catholic churches and ecclesiastical properties 35 a. La Magnifica Comunità di Pera 35 b. La Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide 40 c.
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