ACTRA's International Role
(January 18, 2011 / 11:23:04) 70018-1_ACTRA_Magazine_p01.pdf .1 ACTWinterRA2 0 11 magazine The performers’ global rights issue ACTRA’s international role InterACTRA-New.qxd:Layout 1 1/19/11 1:31 PM Page 4 ACTRA from THE ALLIANCE OF CANADIAN CINEMA, TELEVISION AND RADIO ARTISTS magaWinter 2011zin• Volume 18, Issue 1 e ACTRA magazine is the official publication of ACTRA (Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists), a Canadian union of performers affiliated to the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and the International Federation of Actors (FIA). ACTRA magazine is free of charge to all ACTRA members. Inside EDITORIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Tyrone Benskin, Joanne Deer, Ferne Downey, Carol Taverner, Theresa Tova, Stephen Waddell, Christine Willes 3 President’s Message CONTRIBUTORS: 6 DJ Anderson, Jay Baruchel, Joanne Deer, Ferne Downey, Chris Faulkner, Bruce Greenwood, Mark Hildreth, Brad Keenan, Jani Lauzon, Daniel Lévesque, 6 The Global Hunt Robert Moloney, Sandra Oh, Christian Potenza, Gary Saxe, Lori Stewart, Marit Stiles, for your hard-earned money! Theresa Tova, Stephen Waddell, Christine Webber, Christine Willes LAYOUT & DESIGN: Diversity Works... for all of us Erick Querci •CreativeProcessDesign • creativeprocess 7 @ Printed in Canada by union labour at Thistle Printing. 10 8 Intellectual Property Rights, All contents are copyright © 2011 ACTRA. WIPO, and a Glimpse All rights are reserved and contents, in whole or in part may not be reprinted without of Greenland permission. The points of view expressed do not necessarily
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