Every Marine a Rifleman More Than Marksmanship by CWO4 Gunner James Curtis

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Every Marine a Rifleman More Than Marksmanship by CWO4 Gunner James Curtis Every Marine a Rifleman More than marksmanship by CWO4 Gunner James Curtis >CWO4 Gunner Curtis is the 7th Marines Regimental Infantry Weapons Officer. “Every Marine is, first With over 27 years of active duty service, he has deployed for operations and and foremost, a rifle- conflicts to includeD ESERT SHIELD/DESERT STORM, 26th MEU, and Operations IRAQI FREEDOM and ENDURING FREEDOM. man. All other condi- tions are secondary.” ability to employ their weapon against flage, offense, defense, patrolling, and —Gen Alfred M. Gray, their foe. Marines who are confident call for fire for example. This is one way with their weapon will have the tactical we can codify the term “Every Marine 29th Commandant of patience to take the split second and a Rifleman.” The currentMarine Corps the Marine Corps evaluate a situation before employing Common Skills Training and Readiness their weapon. Those who are not so manual is in the midst of being rewrit- confident will often pull the trigger in ten. This is our opportunity to detail haste before the true tactical picture has what we require as a Service from out very Marie a Rifleman” presented itself. But alas, marksman- non-infantry MOSs throughout the has been our slogan, our ship alone does not make a rifleman; Corps. “E mantra, for decades if not it is only one of the stepping stones to longer. What does it re- becoming a rifleman. ally mean to us today? Does this simply “Don’t forget that you’re mean that every Marine qualifies with their rifle annually? Maybe it means “Wars may be started first Marines! Not all every Marine, and therefore every unit, the communists in hell can execute infantry tasks? I argue it by the failings of hu- means that every Marine receives a basic manity but they are won can overrun you!” level of training in infantry skills and —LtGen Lewis can be expected to conduct the mis- by the craft of the keen sion of a rifleman if called upon to do “Chesty” Puller so. I also argue it means that our non- and intelligent minds infantry units can defend themselves, that fight them.” their positions, and their rear areas. Should we expect all Marines and all —Brendan Bigney units to be capable of executing infan- try tasks? I argue yes—to some degree. The current environment we train in is “You don’t hurt ‘em if Our mantra “Every Marine a Rifle- time and resource constrained, and it you don’t hit ‘em.” man” is true. We may do a poor job of would be unrealistic to expect a Combat sustaining individual infantry skills in Logistics Regiment (CLR) or Marine —Chesty Puller the non-infantry MOSs, but that can be Wing Support Squadron (MWSS) to addressed. If we expect them to be pro- execute a ground attack. We do, how- ficient at their own MOS while main- ever, expect them to conduct perimeter The single most important skill for taining a certain level of proficiency in defense and their own security patrols. I a Marine to master is marksmanship. basic infantryman skills, then we have argue that in any operation as the fight Nothing we do fosters confidence in to identify what those basic infantry- goes on and friendly forces are lost that Marines more than confidence in their man skills are—marksmanship, camou- there may come a time when detach- Marine Corps Gazette • May 2021 www.mca-marines.org/gazette 53 IDEAS & ISSUES (THE AIR-GROUND TEAM) pilots and aircrews. We must include tasks that move units beyond self-pres- ervation and compliment the combat power of those they support. A truck detachment armed with machine guns can be a very formidable force provided they have had an opportunity to train to collective skills in both the offense and defense. “We are an elite insti- tution of warriors, and will remain so on my watch. It is our shared responsibility to ensure If every Marine is truly a rifl eman, then every unit should be expected to perform infantry the continued health of tasks. (Photo by Cpl Devon Tindle.) our collective soul and ments from those supporting units may identity.” have to be called upon to fi ll the ranks —Gen David H. of depleted infantry units or take on defensive roles in the overall operation. Berger, Commandant All Marine units must be ready, to some of the Marine Corps degree, to take on missions normally tasked to infantry units. They have day jobs, and we expect them to be good at DID YOU KNOW them; however, they must be prepared This topic needs more attention to execute limited infantry collective past the pages of the Gazette, but in ThatThat youryour lifelife insuranceinsurance tasks to ensure the success of the overall closing, it is my fi rm belief that “Ev- cancan supportsupport ourour work?work? operation. ery Marine IS a Rifl eman,” and every unit can conduct tasks outside of their You can name a charitable primary function. Marine Wing Sup- organization like the Marine port Squadron Marines can conduct Corps Association “In combat Marines security patrols and Combat Logistics Foundation as a Battalion Marines can establish block- beneficiary of your life don’t rise to the occa- insurance policy and ing positions. Our Corps is loaded with help us further our sion, they sink to the Marines across the force ready, willing, mission. able, and basically trained to conduct level of their training.” combat operations regardless of primary A gift of life MOS. insurance is a —unknown Marine wonderful way to support our work at a significant level, We need appropriate collective events but at a fraction of within supporting unit’s training and the cost of other readiness manuals that contribute to the gifts. collective warfi ghting force of the unit For more information, visit they are supporting. A quick review of mca-marines.org/ current manuals outside of the ground legacy-gift-planning combat element reveals those units do not prepare for employment in combat beyond tasks of self-defense, excluding 54 www.mca-marines.org/gazette Marine Corps Gazette • May 2021.
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