Preparatory Engineering Technology


Question Bank

Venkata Satish Bhattiprolu

1 Graphics

1) In the first angle projection right side view is drawn on the ------side of front view a) Left b) Right c) Upper d) Bottom

2) What is the command for setting grid sizes through command line? a) Snap b) Format c) Draw d) Grid

3) How do we print/plot the drawing? a) By accessing the status toolbar b) By accessing the layout tab c) By accessing the draw toolbar d) By accessing the Menu toolbar

4) Ortho stands for ------a) Ninety degrees b) Perpendicular c) Orthogonal d) Orthorhombic

5) From which tool bar can we open a new AutoCad window? a) Status b) F1 c) Menu d) Standard

2 6) Can Center Quadrants be shown by Osnap? a) No b) Yes c) Maybe d) Not applicable

7) Which toolbar has access to the command rectangle? a) Standard b) Menu c) Draw d) Polar

8) Which command can be used to edit all line segments at once? a) Line b) Spline c) Poly line d) Arc

9) The polygon can be used to draw figures from ------sides. a) 10 b) 4 c) 100 d) 1024 e) None of the above

10) ------sequence is used in circle to draw a circle of given diameter a) Center, Diameter b) 2P c) 3P d) radius e) All the above

11) What is the command for undoing last selection of objects? a) Ctrl+z

3 b) Ctrl c) Reselect d) Delete

12) In order to move the objects ------command is used in AutoCad. a) Transfer b) m c) Update d) None of the above

13) Can you offset intersecting lines? a) Yes b) No c) Maybe d) Not Applicable

14) Will a hidden line be visible over a solid line? a) No b) Yes c) N/A d) None of the above

15) The ------option in the chamfer command is used to cut the line at a certain length from corner. a) Distance b) Trim c) Polyline d) Method

16) Which of the following is not a command in the status toolbar? a) Draw b) Grid c) Snap d) Polar


17) The equivalent of projection line in Autocad is a) Spline b) Extended line c) Polyline d) Trim

18) The difference between Copy/Paste and offset is that ------is mentioned by user a) Line b) Distance c) Angle d) Smoothness

19) ------is switched on for easiness during dimensioning of parts in autocad a) Ortho b) Tools c) Osnap d) All the above

20) Multi line text can be accessed by the ------toolbar a) Menu toolbar b) Standard toolbar c) Status Toolbar d) Modify toolbar e) Draw toolbar

21) Can we trim parallel lines? a) Yes b) No c) Maybe d) None of the above

22) If the major and minor axis of ellipse are equal then it becomes a ------a) Circle

5 b) Square c) Rectangle d) Spline

23) Can scale be accessed from draw toolbar? a) Yes b) No c) Maybe d) None of the above

24) OTRACK command is accessed using ------toolbar. a) Status b) Modify c) Construction d) Draw

25) The option leader is present in the ------option of the menu toolbar. a) Window b) Dimension c) Image d) None of the above

26) Grid settings can be done from accessing the ------tab in the Menu toolbar. a) Options b) Tools c) Status d) Dimension

27) Which of the following coordinate system do we use in our lab? a) Cartesian b) Polar c) 2 dimensional d) None of the above

6 28) Tangent to a circle can be drawn by accessing ------from ------toolbar a) Snap, Standard b) Osnap, Menu c) Status, Otrack d) Osnap, Status

29) Which of the following is an option inside the modify toolbar? a) Line b) Poly line c) Break d) Circle

30) What are the settings used for limits in our lab? a) (0,0); (225,225) b) (0,0); (600, 297) c) (420,297); (100,100) d) (0,0); (420,297)

31) Are there any settings for Ortho command in specific? a) Yes b) No

32) In orthographic view the object is assumed to be placed at an angle of ------degrees with respect to the viewer. a) 45 b) 60 c) 90 d) None of the above

33) In which view can we see all the 3 dimensions of the object? a) Orthographic b) 3D c) Isometric d) None of the above

7 34) The following are the settings used in our lab for precision in the units window a) 0.0 b) 0 c) 0.000 d) None of the above

35) The following is placed below the top view in the 3rd angle projection. a) Plan b) Elevation c) Side view d) None of the above.

8 Pneumatics

1) What is the other name for “OR” valve? a) And Valve b) Dual Pressure Valve c) Shuttle Valve d) Pilot Valve

2) The device that supplies power to compressor is ------a) Lubricator b) Electric motor c) Filter d) Press button valve

3) The figure below stands for

a) Filter b) Air supply c) Lubricator d) None of the above

4) The following figure represents

a) Air service unit b) Start up valve with flow control valve c) Lubricator + filter with 3 port valve d) None of the above


5) What is port 2 used for in a 3 port valve? a) Connection to the b) Connection to exhaust c) Connection to air supply d) All the above

6) Single acting cylinders are available up till lengths of ------a) 30 mm b) 80 mm c) 30 cm d) 50 mm

7) Pilot valve is used for a) Providing stability to the circuit b) Providing means of exhaust for the system c) Reducing weight of the system d) Providing more air force for the movement

8) Can Double acting cylinders be used for large applications? a) Yes b) No c) Maybe d) Not applicable

9) What are the exhaust ports for a 5 port valve? a) 1 and 2 b) 2 and 3 c) 3 and 4 d) 3 and 5

10) Which port is closed in the following position?

10 a) 2 b) 1 c) 3 d) None

11) What does the following symbol represent?

a) Non return valve b) Dual Pressure valve c) Pressure regulating valve d) Adjustable Pressure regulating valve with relief port

12) In the pilot valve symbol located below the port 2 is connected to

a) Air supply b) Opening part of cylinder c) Closing part of the cylinder d) Exhaust

13) Which of the following valves is used in safety applications a) 3 port valve b) 5 port valve c) Roller valve d) OR valve e) Dual Pressure valve

11 14) How many air supplies are used for Assignment involving the shuttle valve and pilot valve? (Assignment 5)

a) 1 b) 2

c) 4 d) 3

15) Which of the following is a disadvantage of using Pneumatic system? a) Overload safe b) Clean c) Expensive d) Very fast

16) Potential energy in a compressed air receiver is converted to ------of the piston in cylinder a) Kinetic energy b) Chemical energy c) Static energy d) Mechanical energy

17) Exhaust valves are located at the ------of the valve. a) Front b) Back c) Side d) Top

18) Is there détente configuration for the 3 port valve, in our lab? a) Yes b) No c) Maybe d) None of the above

19) The following symbol represents


a) Roller valve b) Push button valve c) 3 port valve d) Pilot valve

20) Which valve is used for making a cylinder automatic? a) 3 port valve b) Roller valve c) 5 port valve d) Pilot Valve

21) Can a compressor be used when electrical power is lost? a) Yes b) No

22) Most industrial Pneumatic applications use pressures of about ------a) 1000-2500 Psi b) 1000-5000 Psi c) 80-100 Psi d) 10000-15000 Psi

23) What is the device that is used inside a compressor to pressurize atmospheric air a) Air receiver b) Pressure Switch c) 3 port valve d) Reciprocating pump

24) The following symbol represents


a) Air service unit b) Pressure regulating valve c) Start up valve with flow controlling valve d) Lubrication system

25) The symbol represented underneath is called as

a) Foot Pedal valve b) Lubricator c) Pneumatic reservoir d) Air supply

26) Which of the following is utilized as signal port in a Pilot valve? a) 1 b) 4 c) 11 d) 12

27) Which valve should be connected when a system is to be stopped by one mistake? a) Dual Pressure valve b) Shuttle valve c) Roller valve d) Pilot valve

28) Is Push button configuration used for the 5 port valve in our lab? a) Yes

14 b) No c) All of the above d) None of the above

29) Potential energy of compressed air is available in a) Filter b) Compressor c) Valve d) Air Receiver

30) Which signal does a roller valve take to activate itself a) Pneumatic signal b) Hydraulic Signal c) Mechanical Signal d) Electric Signal

31) Which of the following is a Pneumatic System a) Bicycle brakes b) Garage tools c) Lifts d) Crane operations

32) What is the following valve termed as

a) 5/2 Normally closed valve b) 3/2 Normally closed valve c) Roller valve in switched position d) 3/2 Normally open valve

33) How many 5/2 valves are required to operate a double acting cylinder a) None b) 2 c) 3 d) 1

15 34) The following figure takes signal to operate

a) Mechanical b) Chemical c) Hydraulic d) Pneumatic

35) Why is pressure regulator used a) To filter air b) To store air c) To lubricate air d) None of the above Automotive Systems

1) What can the be called as a) Step down transformer b) Step up transformer c) d) None of the above

2) What is the other name of a Dynamo? a) Timing chain b) c) d) None of the above

3) What is the uppermost point the piston can travel in a cylinder? a) TDC b) BDC c) Stroke d) All the above

4) What is the device which moves the piston for the first time when ignition is given? a) Ignition coil b) Dynamo c) Alternator d) Starting motor

5) What is the device that is used to measure the gap of spark plugs? a) Screw gauge b) Vernier c) Feeler gauge d) None of the above

6) Which of the following is a part of the ? a) Ignition coil b) c) d)

7) What among the following is a source of stored energy a) Alternator b) Ignition coil c) d) Battery

8) Which among the following covers the ? a) b) Cylinder block c) Rocker cover d) High tension leads

9) What is the amount of voltage that is carried over in the high tension leads? a) 12 V b) 1200 V c) 1 V d) 15,000 V

10) Which of the following is not a part of the engine? a) Propeller shaft b) Cylinder block c) d) Cylinder head

11) Does a front engine front wheel drive have a propeller shaft? a) Yes b) No c) Maybe d) All the above

12) What is the purpose of a drive shaft? a) Transmit power from the flywheel to gears b) Transmit power from differential to rear wheels c) Transmit power from the gear box to the differential. d) None of the above

13) Which is not a part of the steering mechanism? a) Steering wheel b) Column c) Linkages d) Coil springs

14) Shock absorbers are devices which ------a) Distribute shock b) Absorb and pass the shock effectively c) Equalize the weight d) Balance the vehicle

15) Wheel Cylinder is a part of a) b) Cooling system c) Drum brake d) Disc brake

16) Chassis of a car is------a) Frame and supporting system for engine b) Used for additional weight for balance c) Frame for the rear wheels d) Frame for all the parts of car

17) Does the cylinder arrangement affect the capacity of engine? a) No b) Yes c) Maybe d) None of the above

18) What is valve that is open during induction stroke? a) Exhaust b) c) Both d) None

19) ------is used for slows down the propeller shaft and turns the drive through 90 degrees. a) Differential b) Final Drive c) Gearbox d) Drive shaft

20) Which of the following is not a part of valve gear? a) Rocker arm b) Push rod c) follower d) clutch

21) What is the type of voltage in a battery? a) Alternating current b) Direct current c) Both d) None of the above

22) Is the high tension part of the ? a) Yes b) No c) Maybe d) None of the above 23) A four cylinder engine has a capacity of 3 litres. If the radius of the cylinders are doubled then the capacity of engine would be------a) 6 liters b) 8 liters c) 12 liters d) 16 liters

24) When clutch is pressed a) Engine is engaged with the gears b) Power is transmitted to propeller shaft c) Engine is disengaged from the gears d) None of the above

25) Lubricating agent cannot be used for a) Cooling b) Cleaning c) Lubrication d) Igniting

26) Distributor is connected to the spark plugs with ------a) Fuse b) Battery c) H.T Leads d) Ignition coil

27) Which device is used for charging the battery? a) Alternator b) Motor c) Radiator d) Engine

28) In the automotive system ------energy in fuel is converted to Mechanical energy. a) Pneumatic b) Chemical c) Electrical d) Potential 29) Is Clutch used in the automatic gearing transmission system? a) Yes b) No

30) Which part of distributor does capacitor come under? a) High tension b) Battery c) Low tension d) Secondary

31) At the end of ------stroke ignites the fuel. a) Induction b) Power c) Exhaust d) Compression

32) ------mixes the air and fuel to be ignited by the spark plug. a) Induction b) Carburetor c) Battery d) None of the above

33) Lubrication oil cools, ------and lubricates the engine parts. a) Cleans b) Pumps c) Ignites d) Stores

34) Coil springs and ------springs are used as suspension systems in Automobiles. a) Helical b) Leaf c) Narrow d) Shock absorbers

35) ------converts the linear movement of piston to rotatory movement of the crankshaft. a) Drive shaft b) Flywheel c) d) Dynamo Sheet Metal

1) If the following gauge is used for a metal, then it can't be termed as Sheet Metal? a) 2 mm b) 5 mm c) 4 mm d) 8mm

2) Can Gutras and sandals be worn in the “safe clothing areas”? a) Yes b) No c) Maybe d) None of the above

3) Safety guidelines are displayed on a) Machines b) The racks near the work tables c) Signboards d) None of the above

4) Which device is used for holding material during drilling operations? a) Machine Vice b) Screwdriver c) Bench Vice d) Scriber

5) Steel is an alloy made by combining iron with------a) Wood b) Carbon c) Hickory d) Steel

6) Why are mallets used in sheet metal bending? a) To apply a larger force b) For ease in marking with scriber c) For smoothness d) To prevent damage by denting

7) Is drill bit easy to bend? a) Yes b) No c) N/A d) None of the above

8) Chisels are used for------a) Sliding metal b) Shaping metal c) Machining metal d) Chipping metal

9) What metal is used for making the File? a) High Carbon steel b) Low Carbon steel c) Cast Iron d) Mild Steel

10) Hammer is classified by------a) Length of shaft b) Roundness c) Weight of head d) None of the above

11) The type of Welding machine used in our lab is a) Solid state welding b) Resistance spot welding c) Arc spot welding d) Electron beam welding

12) Alloy steels allow the drills to be used at much ------speeds than carbon steel drills a) Lower cutting b) Heavier cutting c) Lighter cutting d) Faster cutting

13) ------are used for cutting internal screw threads on the inside of a hole. a) Taps b) Screws c) Nuts d) Bolts

14) Which of the following is a finishing tool? a) Chisel b) Rivet c) File d) Die

15) What is the device used to cut threads on the outside of a round bar? a) Tap b) Die c) Bolt d) Screw

16) Which of the following can be classified as a fastening tool? a) Die b) Plier c) Rivet d) Taps

17) Compressive force is applied on ------for fastening the handle. a) Tinman Snipps b) Screw and Nut c) Rivet Pliers d) Nut and bolt

18) Which of the following is used for shaping metals? a) Locking plates b) Carriage bolts c) Engineer's Square d) Anvil

19) Electricity flows through electrode tips of the ------and the pieces are joined in welding? a) Angle marker b) Ends c) Tongs d)

20) Sequence of bending required for body of box is a) 90, 90, 45, 45 (all in degrees) b) 45, 90, 90, 45 (all in degrees) c) 90. 45. 90, 90 (all in degrees) d) None of the above

21) The marking of 14mm in the lid is cut by? a) Woodruff key b) Tinman snipps c) Notching machine d) Rivet Pliers

22) High Carbon steel has the following % of carbon a) 0.26 b) 0.16 c) 0.75 d) 0.44

23) What type of material is used for the drill bit in our lab? a) Iron b) Brass c) Bronze d) Alloy steel

24) What does the Staple consist of? a) Handle b) Pop rivets and rivet gun c) hasp and handle d) latch and Hasp

25) Which of the following is a part of the bending machine? a) Sheet metal b) Scribing surface c) Yoke d) Handle

26) ------is the main cause of accidents in the workshop. a) Carelessness b) Welding c) Fire d) Bending machine

27) What is the device used to mark the sheets before bending and cutting? a) Hammer b) Mallet c) Scriber d) Straight edge

0 28) During the bending operation one of the edges is bent 180 . What is it called as a) Straight edge b) Safe edge c) Bend edge d) None of the above

29) What is the device used for marking the points for drilling a) Scriber b) File c) Mallet d) Center Punch

30) In riveting what is the device used to hold and lock the box? a) Screw anchor b) Toggle bolt c) Velcro d) Staple

31) ------is used for holding metal during cutting operations a) Bench Vice b) Machine Vice c) Anvil d) None of the above

32) What is the instrument used for shaping the metal without marks a) Hammer b) Scriber c) Mallet d) None of the above

33) ------is used for drilling holes on the lid for riveting the handle. a) Spot welding b) Scissors c) Tinman Snipps d) Drilling Machine 34) The spot welding machine operates by a combination of a) Pressure, water and electricity b) Heat, pressure and time c) Time, electricity and heat d) None of the above

35) If the following represent % of C, which can be termed as Mild Steel? a) 0.25 b) 0.002 c) 0.5 d) None of the above