179 Subpart H—Registration of Staff Officers
Coast Guard, DHS § 10.805 physical examination has been satis- 60 months, that person’s license or en- factorily completed. dorsement is invalid for that route, and (e) Upon request, a first class pilot remains invalid until the individual shall provide the Coast Guard with a has made one re-familiarization round copy of his or her most recent physical trip over that route, except as provided examination. in paragraph (b) of this section. Wheth- er this requirement is satisfied or not § 10.711 Tonnage requirements. has no effect on the renewal of a li- (a) In order to obtain a first class cense or endorsement. Round trips pilot license or endorsement author- made within the 90 day period pre- izing service on vessels of any gross tons ceding renewal will be valid for the du- over a particular route, the applicant ration of the renewed license or en- must have sufficient experience on ves- dorsement. sels of over 1,600 gross tons. (b) For certain long or extended (b) If an applicant does not have suf- routes, the OCMI may, at his discre- ficient experience on vessels of over tion, allow the re-familiarization re- 1,600 gross tons, the license or endorse- quirement to be satisfied by reviewing ment will be for a limited tonnage appropriate navigation charts, coast until the applicant completes a number pilots tide and current tables, local No- of additional round trips, as deter- tice to Mariners, and any other mate- mined by the OCMI, within the range rials which would provide the pilot contained in § 10.705 (b) or (c), as appro- with current knowledge of the route.
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