ABC's Dick Cavett Show. bureau. He has responsibility for UPI David B. Williams, formerly director Lee Polk, director of public affairs and news reports in Canada as well as of PR for Metromail division of Metro- news, noncommercial WNDT(TV) New- Canadian news coverage for UPI serv- media Inc. and earlier with CBS-TV ark, N.J.-New York, appointed direc- ices to newspapers, radio and TV world- press information department, has tor of children's programing for Na- wide. Gary Bartlett, Ottawa newspic- joined New York office of McFadden, tional Educational Television there. tures bureau manager, appointed news- Strauss & Irwin, PR firm, as coordina- pictures editor for Canada with head- tor of Eastern activities. Meng-Kong Tham, production man- quarters in Ottawa. He will be re- Nicholas Hoogs, with publicity staff ager, WEFM(FM) Chicago, appointed sponsible for newspicture coverage for program director. of KHJ -TV Los Angeles, named to new- both Canadian and foreign use. Willis ly created position of publicity coordina- Bill Stewart, formerly national program Evans, UPI regional executive, Colum- tor. director for Storz Stations, Omaha - bus, Ohio, appointed to same capacity based group owner, joins KNEW(AM) in Minneapolis succeeding Ronald A. Oakland, Calif., as program director. Wills, who takes Mr. Evans' Columbus Equipment & engineering position. Betty R. Samuelson, with Pepe Pena, with KwKw(AM) Los An- Dr. geles, named director of programing. UPI, Montpelier, Vt., appointed Mont- L. Curtis pelier bureau manager. Foster, VP and John L. Campana Jr., with wlcc(AM) director of re- Bridgeport, Conn., joins WJzz(FM) Arthur Goodwin, newscaster, WHEN - search, Zenith there as program manager.
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