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4-11-1908 Tucumcari News Times, 04-11-1908 The ucT umcari Print. Co.

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Recommended Citation The ucT umcari Print. Co.. "Tucumcari News Times, 04-11-1908." (1908). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/tucumcari_news/592

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Volume 5, No. 37 TUCUHCARI, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY. APRIL 11. 1908. Subscription $1.00 a ycar

I'UUSDYTKKIA.N C'MUKCII TO HE liRRCT liD ON CORNER ADAMS AND AHEK STREETS THIS , This building will seat 450 people. The structure will be concrete with red sandstone trimmings. It will be heated by steam and well ventilated. The windows arc gothic design. The vestibule is 12 x 12 and 48 feet high. The architecture is that of Geo. Burnett whose reputation is, known throughout the southwest as the first of a school of the best in the . Rev. DuBose deserves great credit for the excellent service he has done his church which is a regular hive of industry. This edifice is a great credit to the town.

1 TUCUMCARI LAND OFFICE OfflCIAL RETURNS CITY ELECTION I WILL OPEN JULY 1st, 1908 f APRIL 7TH. 1908. I NOTICE) OF THE 11 4 csiaDiisnment 01 an Additional Land District in the 1 erntory ot We, the undersigned Judges and Clerks of election held t New Mexico, To Be Known as the Tucumcari Land District, Tuesday, April 7, 1908, for election of Town officers for f and Location of the Land Office Thereof at Tucumcari, N. M. the Town of Tucumcari, in the of Quay, Territory f ot New Mexco, certify that, having counted the votes Notice is hereby given that by act of Congress approved cast in said election, the result was as follows: t March 16, 1908, it was enacted: For Members of Board of Trustees 303 votes were cast, That all that portion ol the Territory of New Mexico the count for candidates being as follows: X bounded and described as follows: Commencing inter- at the Donald received section of the fourth standard parallel north with the boundary Stewart 209 Herman Gerhardt ree'd 297 J. E. Matterson " 13. Spencer line of the Territory of New Mexico and the State of ; " 04 J. 89 thence west along said fourth parallel W. T. Flatt 164 P. S. McDowell 1 standard north to its S. H. Neafus " intersection with the third guide meridian east of New Mexico; 256 John Cadger 128 f W. A. Jackson " Sebe Dobbs 18 thence south along said third guide meridian east to its inter-- " 209 section with the first standard parallel thence . J. Harrison 123 W. R. Crawley 48 north; east along t C. C. Chapman " Sam said first standard parallel north to its intersection with the 59 Neis 104 boundary line of the Territory of New Mexico and the State of f J. R. Daughtry received 302 Texas; thence north along said boundary line to the place of t Given under our hands at Tucumcari, Quay, County beginning, be, and is hereby, constituted a new T and separate Territory aforesaid, Tuesday, April land district, to be called the Tucumcari land district, the land f and 7, 1908. office of which shall be located in the town of Tucumcari, county t A. P. Makcus, of Quay, in the Territory of New Mexico." J. Q. Adams, t Judges of Election. In pursuance ol said act of Congress, the land office at Elmer Edwards, Tucumcari, New Mexico, will be open for the transaction of f 4 O. C. Mammons, public business on July 1, 1908, and the Register and Receiver r Clerks of Election. of the land office at Clayton, New will Mexico, transact no T 1 hereby certily that the above is a correct count of the business pertaining to the lands included within the above- - t votes polled at the town election on Tuesday, April 7th, 1908. described boundaries after June 30, 1908. f Attest: Roiiekt S. Coulter, John Pace, X Given under my hand at the City of , District J Town Clerk. Mavor. T of Columbia, this twenty-sevent- h day of A. f March, D. 1908. t X Subscribed and sworn to before me, this April 9th, 1908. X I FRED DENNETT, G. W. Evans, Jr., Notary Public, X Commissioner of Land Office. 1 I Quay County, New Mexico. FIGHT OVER A CONTEST 1 Lewis B, Robertson Shot and Moiv tally wounded Wylcy Edwards The Evans Realty Co. In a Dispute Over a Contest Last Office 2nd Street, News Building Monday Evening. We sell city property, farms, and relinquishments and charge as our com- 5 selling. From the most authentic in per cent to the party formation obtainable by the News We offer for sale the following, if not sold before you buy: the details were as follows: The difficulty occurred about in block of twenty-fiv- e miles southeast of Tu- - Two splendid residences on the northeast Six lots with east fronts second cumcari, and the dispute arose corner of Laughlin and Third streets, now rent- Gamble addition on Second street at. ..$600.00 sfyooo.oo-tiin- e over a claim upon which Robert ing for $60.00 per month, at Four fifty-fo- ot lots with east fronts on Second son was living and had made ap Lots 9 and 10, in block 34, McGee addition, street between Hancock and Laughlin Avenues, plication in Nov. 1906 to file upon $500. 00 at $2000.00 as his second homestead entry, Lots 11 and 12, in block 41, in the McGee. One house and lot on High street near splen- but the Commissioner of the Gen addition, on the corner of McGee and First did red stone building; south' and near public eral Land office had requested ad- streets, a bargain at '. ..5450.00 school building $1575 ditional evidence of him as to his block of the McGee addition facing Lot 5 in block 28, McGee addition $400 right to make this second home Lot 3, 39 the Nichols Houses on Second street at $350.00 5 39) ...... 400 stead entry, notice never lnis Lots 3 and 4 in block 17 McGee add. . . . 1500 One opposite Kuhlman's 1 house Wm. 1 reached Robertson and the land splendid 1 on well witli outhouses 40 .... 550 was declared open for entry. The Second street, fenced, 1 1 1 12 39 ;; ;; .... 450 and $1350.00 1 brother of the deceased with full water tank, 1 it K knowledge of One 25x80, facing north on Center 9 10 42 .... 500 the facts made appli house tnitbuild-ing- cation and procured a filing on the street, with splendid dance hall in same, stage, 100x142 with two residences and s of High'and 2nd land. As soon as Robertson 2 dwelling rooms and all furnishings at 1700.00 on the northeast corner A splen'did home for the present and learned this he made application acres of patented land within a mile and streets. 320 will be lots to reinstate and for a re-heari- a half of Tucumcari, northwest, fences, splendid business $5000.00 five room which application was pending in well and windmill, ana" good house, . . .$3200.00 One seven room house and one on side of in the the department at the tune. One house on the northeast corner of Third house the east Fourth street McGee and re- A few days ago Edwards, who and McGee streets on two lots, making a front- addition. Prices $1200 $1750 filing, spectively, but if sale of both is made $2500 had made moved on the age of 100 feet on Third street. This properly land and Robertson remonstrated is offered for sale at about cost price for the 320 Acres patented land and a lease on a with Edwards and requested him reason that its owner wishes to invest his money school section for four years. A three thousand to leave the matter to the depart- in a house on a farm. A splendid bargain at dollar stock of goods, good house and store- ment as to who should have the house, head of , a number of hogs, $1150.00. One-ha- lf down, balance reasonable 75 land. payments. farming implements etc at Puerto. Write for a On Monday evening Robertson full description. Price $11000 and the deceased Two 25x142 feet lots on northwest corner of came together has company has many other desirable near Robertson's house and he Adams and Main streets. This property The lands been held at $2500.00 but is now offered on ac- for sale but has not the .space this week to ad- requested the deceased to tell his them. brother to take his stock out of the count of the stringency of the money market vertise field get by a party who lives in at $1800.00 cash. Lot 8 in block 17 Barnes addition $160 until he could some feed ti it K 11 out and stored in his sheds, Ed- One splendid four room house on High street 9 17 175 wards so our informer stated said between First and Adams streets $1575.00 Lot 6 in block 13 with house and shed in "there is no law in any court that Six lots on the corner of Adams and Center Gamble addition price $250 you can do any good, for there are streets, the best business location in the city Lot 12 block 3 in Gamble addition 175 M 41 11 three of us and only one of you," considering the price $2500 and $500 each ex- 4 ' 13 85 after a few more words were cepting the corner. " 2 " 17 " 80 spoken, i 1 1 11 11 Edwards reached to his One houso and lot east of Methodist church 10 17 80 hip pocket for his gun, when on High street on foot lot, four 14x14 rooms 3 10 80 Robertson began firing, two 50 shots for parties desiring to send children to 125x142 on corner of Smith and 2nd striking in suitable titreets. Edwards the breast and public school $1200 This is the best location for a first class hotel one in the arm. After the shooting . . ot or business houses in the city, price. Robertson gave himself up to One fifty-fo- lot between High street and .$12,000 Deputy Sheriff G. Hancock Avenue, with east front on Second 80 Acres patented land 3 miles east of Tu- L. Lee, who cumcari, price brought him to Tucumcari Wed- street at $650.00 $800 nesday evening. The preliminary hearing will be The manager of this company is also manager of the Highland Park Addition, held before Judge Saxson the Aber Addition and the Solatia Townsite Company. at Tucumcari. Robertson has always borne a good name as a law abiding citizen. C. C.David- Q. EVANS, Mgr. son, the attorney who will defend W. Jr., Robertson when asked for an A interview, said he had no state- ment to make. ENTER-TAI- LODGES N Sherwood for the Odd Fellows; and J. W. Campbell, for the Re-beckah- 's. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Rebeckahs, Odd Fellow and Campbell made a splen- The did talk, and Sherwood and Moore MISS SUSIE HEMPHILL Knights of Pythias Gave a De- distinguished themselves. In Hancock Building lightful Entertainment At a late hour a spread was had Last Saturday Nitfhi. which capped the climax of the OFFICE OF G. F. MULLIN evening. It was prepared bv the ladies of the Rebeckahs and oc- The Rebeckahs, Odd Fellows cupied a large and worthy place in Homestead Entry 13543 and Knights of Pythias gave a de the evenings pleasures. They did Notice for Publication lightful reception and entertain Department of more than water the thirsty men, the Interior, ment last Saturday night in dedi- wEtKm$$t$wr sassss 1 Land Office at Clayton, M. they "watered the Campbell (J. N. cation of the new Lodge Hall. It April 8th, 1908 W. )," and it took seven cups of From Any Point Notice is hereby given that James E. was a great success and a most en- coffee and three sandwitches, be- View Seay, of Logan, N. M., has tilled notice THE joyable time was had. sides other things, to do so; but . of his intention to make final Commutation of Remington Typewriter proof in support of his claim, The members the threi? orders W. made a good speech and de- viz: Home- in stead Entry No. 13543, made Dec. 10, their families and friends were served all he got. Moore and IS THE BEST INVESTMENT 1906, for the nwX Sec. 35, Twp. i4n, attendance, which formed a most Sherwood also got a feed but we H leads In Range durability reliability, 330, and that said proof will be congenial crowd, and with the are not aware upon what grounds permanent excellence of work, made before W. W. Moore, IJ. S. Com- adaptability to all classes of vock! missioner, splendid music kindly afforded by theirs was given to them. ease, speed and convenience if at his office in Logan, N. M,, operation, and economy on May 18, 1908. the Home Orchestra, the enjoyable Hon. R. L. Patterson was in service He names the following witnesses to speeches by members of the orders, master of ceremonies. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO. prove his continuous residence upon, and anh a recitation by little Eula cultivation of, the land, viz: Street, which was pleasing to all, L. Sherwood has sold Hellen Meeks, of Logan, New Mexico, E. several Sim McFarland, " " ' " the evening passed delightfully. lots in Gamble and Russell Ad- RemmlngtoA Typewriter Salesrooms ' A. C. Dye, C. J. K. Moore made the ad ditions this week to II . McElroy. E. Q. REPPERT, J. G. Braddock, " " " ' PnofHIBTort dress for the K. of P's. L. E. 27-- it 349 Main Street, - Dallas, Tex. SANDERS CO We are Over Stocked on Ten and Twelve Inch Boards V and are making prices to move them. Try us before buying elsewhere WHEN IN NEED OF A CARPENTER 'PHONE 114

CONTEST NOTICE CONTEST NOTICE CONTEST NOTICE CONTEST NOTICE of Department of the Interior, United States 'Department the Interior, United States Department of the Interior, Land Office, Clayton, N. M., Department of the Interior, United Stntos United States Land Office, Clayton N. M., Land Olllce, Clayton, N. M., Land Office, Clayton, N. M., March 24, 1908 Apr. 3rd, 1908 A sufficient contest affidavit having been March 24, 1908. March 28, 1908. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Samuel C. McKoe, filed in this office by R. E. Huckaby, contestant against homestead entry No. A sufficient contest affidavit having been A suffiicient contest affidavit having been contestant, against homestead entry No. filed in office 14704, made Feb. 1, 1907, for se4, Sec. 30, filed in this office by Samuel C. McKee, this by Chester R. Moore, 18189 made June 6, 1907, for the contestant, against nw4 Twp. 7n R. 34c by Larnce G. McCuller, of Joplin, No., contestant against home- Homestead Entry No. Sec. 2, Twp 7n, R. 270, by Edward S Smal-le- y, contestee in which it is alleged under date stead entry No. 147591 made February 5, 7559. made March 12, igoG, for the 02 contestee, in which it is alleged under of November 25, 1907, that the said 1907, for the ne Section 31, Town- no4 Section 2 and W2 nw4 Section 1, date of March 12, 1908, that the said Ed- Larnce G. McCuller has wholly failed to ship 7n, Range 34 east, by ivy Hamil, Township. 6 north, Range 34 east, by ward S. Smalley has wholly abandoned the establish his actual bona fide residence contestee, in which it is alleged that Ivy John T. Cunningham, Contestee, in which said tract, that he has changed his resi- upon said tract, that said tract has been Hamil has never at any time established it is alleged under date of Oct. 26, 1907, dence therefrom for more than six months wholly abandoned for a period of more his actual bona fide residence upon said that the said John T. Cunningham has since making said entry, that the said than six months next prior to the initiation tract; that said tract has been wholly wholly abandoned said tract, that ho has tract is not settled upon and cultivated by of this contest that said tract is not abandoned for a period of more than six changed his residence therefrom for more the said party, and that the said alleged settled upon and cultivated and improved months next prior to the initiation of this than six months since making said entry, absence from the said land still exists to by said party as required by law, that said contest, (Nov. 25, 1907); that said tract is that said tract is not settled upon and the date hereof, and that the said alleged defaults have not been cured, and not settled upon and cultivated and im- cultivated by said party as required by absence from the said land was not duo to that the said alleged absence from proved by said party as required by law: law, and has never made any improve- his employment in the Army, Navy or the said land was not due to his employ- that said defaults have not been cured; that ments on the land, since making homo-stea- d Marine Corps of the United States, as a ment in the army, navy or marine corps of said alleged absence from said land was not entry, and that the said alleged ab- private soldier, officer, seaman or marine the United States as a private soldier, due to his employment in the Army, Nav sence from the said landwas not' due to his during the war with Spain, or during any officer, soaman or marine during the war or Marine Corps of the United States as employment in the Army, Navy, or Marine other war in which the United States may with Spain, or during any other war in private soldier, officer, seaman or marine Corps of the United States as a private be engaged. which the United States may be engagwd. during the war with Spain or during any soldier, officer, seaman or marine, during Said parties are hereby notified to ap- Said parties are hereby notified to ap- other war in which the United States may the war with Spain, or during any other pear, respond and offer evidence touch- pear, respond and offer evidence touching be engaged war in which the United States may be ing said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on May Said Parties are hereby notified to ap- engaged, said parties are hereby notified May 14, 1908, before N. V. Gallegos, U. 12, 1908, before H. R. Putnam, U. S. Court pear, respond and offer evidence touching to appear, respond, and offer evidence S. Court Commissioner at his office in Commissioner, at his office in Texico, N. said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. Tucumcari, New Mexico, and that final M. and that final hearing will be held at 10 May 1 1, 1908, before H. R. Putnam, m. on May 14, 1908, before R. L. hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on o'clock a. m. on May 19, 1908, before the United States Court Commissioner, at his Patterson, Probate Judge at his office in May 21, 1908, before the Register Register and Receiver at the United States office in Texico, N. M., and that final Tucumcari, N. M. and that final hear- and Receiver at the United States Land Land Office in Clayton, N. M. hearing will be held at to o'clock a. m. on ing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on Office in Clayton, New Mexico. The said contestant having in a proper May 18, 1908, before the Register and Re- May 21, igo8, before the Register and The said contestant having in a proper Receiver affidavit filed Mar. 24, 1908, set forth facts ceiver at the United States Land Office in at the United States Land office affidavit, filed April 3, 1908, fset forth which show that after due diligence per- Clayton, N. M. in Clayton, N. M. facts which show that after due' diligence sonal service of this notice can not be made The said contestant having in a proper The said Contestant having, in a proper personal service of this notice can not be it is hereby ordered and directed that such affidavit filed March 24, 1908, set forth affidavit, filed March 28th, 1908, set made, it is hereby ordered and directed notice be given by due and proper publi- facts which show that after due diligence, forth facts which show that after due dili- that such notice be given by due and pro- cation personal service of this notice cannot be gence personal service of this notice can per publication. 4-- 1 1 not be made, it di- n Edward W. Fox, Register made, it is hereby ordered and directed is hereby ordered and 4-- EinvAKD W Fox, Register that such notice be given by duo, and rected that such notice be given by due and proper publication. proper publication. 4-- 11 4-- 1 1 Edward W. Fox, Register. Edward W. Fox, Register. CONTEST NOTICE Department of the Interior United States Land Olllce; Clayton, N. M ., 1 Contest Notice. CONTEST NOTICE. March 20, 1OO8. A sulTicienb contest affidavit hav- Department of the Interior, United Department of the Interior, United ing been tiled in this otrice by Marry States Lund OlHeo, Clayton, New States Land Olllce. Clayton, New II. Smith, of Texico, N. m con- testant, against homestead en- Mexieo, 2, ii)0S. March Mexico, February 14, 1OO8. try, No. i;t55G, made Docomber A sutlloient contest alliduvil having 11, 1000, for no4 section 11, township lave You been liled in thisoillco by U.M. Willing-ban- i, A sufficient contest aflldavit having 0 n, rango XI e, by George Mclurg contestant., against Homestead been liled in this ottice by L. A. Wit-te- n, contestee, in which it is alleged entry no. 14742. made Feb. 1, 1007, lor contestant, against homestead under date of ( ) that the any Friends n a, ne -4, so 1- -4 ne 4, ne 1- -4 so 4, entry No. lfU7l, made March 1, lDOtj, said George Mclurg has wholly aban- section :12, township 11 n, range l'orsw4, section 'M, township 11 n, doned said tract of land for a period Wl e, by .iohn M. (Joker, con- range e, by Henry N. Christian con- of more than six mouth last past and test antee, in which it in alleged,- - un- testee, in which it is allege( under next prior to date hereof ( ) or Relatives der date of January 10, 1008, that the date of Dec. 1,'i, 1SI07, that the said that he has not established and main- said John M. Joker lias wholly Henry 11. Christian has whol y aban- tained thereon his residence as EAST whom you mijrh' abandoned said tract, that he has doned said tract, that he has changed required by law that he has noc im- EM'K to come out into tlu changed Ids residence therefrom for his residence therefrom for more than proved and cultivated said tract as Sunny Outdoor Country' nuira than six months since makhur six months since making said entry, required by law, that said laud is in where you nre and be hid said entry, tnat said tract is not set that said tract is not settled upon and its original wild state, that said de- pendent, quitting the mud scram!) . tled upon and ouiuvateu uy sum cultivated by said party as required faults have not been cured, of the city for a glorious, happy LIFh, party as required by law, and that the by law, and has never made any im- that the said alleged absence from instead of mere existence ? said alleged absence still exists provements on the land since the said lam! was not duo to his em- to this date, and that the said making homestead entry ployment in the army, navy or ma- flOUBTLRSS you have, and tin- - alleged absence was not due to and that said alleged absence rine corps of the United States in need but little urging I his employment in the army, navy or was not due to his employment in the any capacity in time of war, and this make them see the ad van tain inn Him corns of tile United States aa army, navy or marine corps of the the said contestant i ready to prove and attractions of your loca a private soldier, oillcer, seaman or United States as a private, soldier, at such time and place as may be ity. We can Drive them ithtinriiiiii marine during the war witn &pain or oilicer, seaman or marine during the named by the Register and Receiver reasons for making the change. Will during any other war in which the war with Spain, or during any other for a hearing in said case. Said jrou let us help you P United States may be engaged. Said war in which the United States may parties are hereby notilled to appear, parties are hereby untitled to appear, be engaged. Said parties aro hereby respond and oiler evidence touching UST write them a letter and say rKnmiri mid oll'or evidence touching notilled to appear, respond and otlor said allegation at 10 o'clock a. in., on that you have asked the Rock said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m., on evidence touching said allegation at May 14, 1008, before 11. II. Putnam, er Island to send them book I bo-fo- re a April 10, UIOS, be ore iN. V. u at logos, 10 o'clock a. m. on Ap.ill 22, 11)08, U, S. Court Commissioner at his office about your state contain! im II. S. Commissioner at his olllce in R. L. l'atterson, L'robate Judge at Texico, n. m (and that llnal pictures and Information that they Tucumcari, n. Mexico; (and that llnal at his olllce at Tucumcari, healing will bo held at 10 o'clock a. ought to see and read. Then write hearing will be hold at ju o'clock' a. m. New Mexico; (and that tinal hearing m. May 21, 1008, before) the Regis- me a postal and give o me their name 01 April i7, 1UO8. boloro) the Register will be held at 10 o'clock a. in, on ter and Receiver at tho United States names and addresses and I will "do the and Receiver at the United States April 21), 1003, before) i.he Register Land OlTice In Clayton, n. m. rest." Isn't this suggestion worth Laud ofiice in Ulaytou, now Mexico, and Receiver at the United States The said contestant having in a acting upon ? Why not do It now ? The said contst ant having, in a Land Ot'tluo in Clayton, Now Mexico. proper affidavit Hied March 20, 1008 There Is no cost but the postage. proper allldait, liled March 2, The said contesraut having in a set forth facts which show that after luoM. it. forth fiuit.s which show that proper aflldavit, liled Fob. 14, 1008, duo diligence personal sorvice of this JOHN SEBASTIAN, alter duo diligence personal service of set forth tacts which show that after notice can tint be made, it is hereby no dllgeuce pesonal of ordered and such notice Puucngcr Truffle Munuuer. this notice cannot matio, ib is due service this directed that Hi. bo be by proper publlca-tlon.- f Rock Islitnd Lines, rod iiiul directed thai notice can not made, it is hereby given due and by and pro CHICAGO. such notice be given due ordered and directed that such notice per publication, T be given due and proper publication. t Edward W. Fox, Register. :M4 W. 4-- 11 08 14 lOmvAHD.W. tfox, Register, Ed ward 1ox, Register. I WWVVWWWWW 1 R. MOORE I m Sale J. ft 19 b J. R. Moore Lumber Co. b fc Thehas a large stock of the best bh bh and Feed table building material you can find in New h b Mexico, from the cheapest to the b Qood Teams and New Rigs, best. We make the price that brings ct o Transferred us business. We appreciate your b Baggage b business in the past, and you will b TRAINS b CAB MEETS ALL find us at the old stand with a bar- ft fc 49 gain for you. FOR THE CASH. M If to drive call and 49 bi you want 1 Company I see us Lumber 2 49 BOARDING HORSES A SPECIALTY &he TSucumcari fletvf J. A. STREET One Dollar a. year Contest Notice. CONTEST NOTICE CONTEST NOTICE CONTEST NOTICE Department of the Interior. United States of the Interior, United States of United Department of the Interior, United States Department Department the Interior, States Land Office. Clayton, New Mexico, Office, Clayton, N. M., March 5, Land Office, Clayton, N. M.. Land Office, Clayton, N. M., Land March 13, 1908 March 2, 1908. 1908. March io, 1908 A sufficient contest affidavit having A sufficient affidavit having Roten-berr- y, A sufficient contest affidavit having been contest been been filed in this office by John W. A sufficient contest affidavit having been office r. filed in this office by J. J. Harrison, filed in this by John E. Cade, contestant, against homestead en-t- filed in this office by Frank Rothrock, con- contestant, against homestead entry No. 2Q. 1006. Homestead No. contestant against homestead entry No. Mo nf,it mntli October testant, against Entry t 14274, made Ian. 14, 1907, for southeast e, by : for Sec. 8898, made July 9, 1906, for southeast for S04 sec 29, twp 7 n, range 33 in 13, made Sept. 15, 1906, ne4 quarter Section 11, Township On, Range Vil-hau- er, X Section 11, Township ian, Range 31c, Willis V. seiner, coniesiee, in wmwi u ia 14, twp. 6 n, range 30 e, by Herbert by James Crawford, contestce, in which age, by Lawrence Burgnes, contestec, alleged under date of January 15 1908, contestee, in which it is alleged, it is alleged under date of Jan. 20, 1908, in which it is alleged under date of said Willis V. Senter has wholly under date of 7, 1908, that the said Law- that the Jan. that the said James Crawford has wholly August )th, 1907, that the said failed to a any time establish hist actual Herbert Vilhauer has wholly abandoned rence .Burgnes has wholly abandoned abandoned the said tract, that he has bona fide residence upon said tract, that said entry ; that he has changed his resi- changed his residence therefrom for more said tract, that he has changed 'his resi- been wholly abandoned for dence therefrom for more than six months six said tract has than six" months since making said entry, dence therefrom for more than mouths a period of more than six months next since making said entry, and next prior to since making said entry, that said tract that said tract isnot settled upon and cul- prior to the initiation of this contest, that the date hereof ; that said tract is not set- tivated by said party as required by law, is not settled upon and cultivated by said said tract is not settled upon and culti- tled upon and cultivated by said party at and that the said alleged absence still party as required by law, that there are no as required by law, that said de- required by law, and that the said alleged on land, vated exists at the date of this affidavit, and improvements said and that the fects not been cured and that said absence from the said land was not due to alleged from said land have that the said alleged absence from the said absence the alleged absence from the said land was his employment in the Army, Navy or Ma- was not to in said land was not due to his employ-me- nt due his employment the due to his employment in the army, rine Corps of the United States as a pri Navy of not in the Army, Navy or Marine Army, or Marine Corps the United navy or marine corps of thr United States vate soldier, officer, seaman or marine, officer, sea- Corps of the United States as a pri- States as a private soldier, as a private soldier, officer, seaman or during the war with Spain, or during any vate soldier, officer, seaman or marine, man or marine during the war with Spain marine during the war with Spain or dur- other war in which the United States may during the war with Spain, or during any or during any other war in which the ing any other war in which the United be engaged. may be engaged. other war ir which the United States may United States States may be engaged; said parties are Said parties are hereby notified to ap- be engaged Said parties are hereby notified to ap- hereby notified to appear, respond and pear, respond, and offer evidence touching pear, respond and offer evidence touching Said parties are hereby notified to appear offer evidence touching said allegation at said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m , on April such allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on April respond and offer evidence touching said 10 o'clock a. m. on April 15. 1908, before 20, 1908, before T. H. S. Denby, U. S. allegation at 10 o'clock a m on May 2, 1908 23, 1908, before J. L. House United H. K. Putnam, U. S. Court Commissioner court commissioner, at his office in Melrose, before N. V. Gallegos U. S. Court Com. States Commissioner, at his office in his office in Texico, N. M, (and that N. M., and that final hearing will be and that at held at his office in Tucumcari, N. M. and House, New Mexico, final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. at 10 o'clock a. m. on April 27, 1908, bafore that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock m. on April 1908 before) the Register the register and receiver at the a. iu United a. m. on May 9, 1908, before the Register m. on April 30th, 1908, before the and Receiver at the United States Land States Land Office in Clayton, N. M. aan Receiver at the United States Laud Register and Receiver at the United States Office in Clayton, N. M. The said contestant having, in a Office in N. M. proper Offce at Clayton N. M. Land Clayton, The said contestant, having in a proper affidavit, filed March I90S, set having, in a 5. forth The said contestant having in a proper The said contestant proper affidavit, filed March 2, 1908, set forth facts which show that after due diligence affidavit filed 12, 1908, set forth affidavit filed Mar. 10, 1908, set forth 'facts Mar. facts factr which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be which show that after due diligence person- which show that after due diligence per- personal service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and sonal service of this notice can not be made directed al service of this notice can not be made, it made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and prop- it hereby ordered and directed that such it is hereby ordered and directed that such that such notice be given by due and er publication. Kdwakd W. Fox, notice be given by due and proper publica- Fox, 2i notice be given by due and proper publi- proper publication, t Kdward W. 3-- tion. Register. cation. 3.21-- 8 Register. 3-- 21 21 Edward W. Fox, Register 3-- Edwakd W. Fox, Register. ' Homestoad Entry no. IMS" Homestead Entry No. 12652 Notice to Trespassers. Notice for Publication. Notice For Publication Department of the Interior. Land Department of the Interior Land Olllce at Clayton, n. m., Office at Clayton, N. M . Everything Good 15)08 All persons March 24, 1008 .Inn. 22, trespassing on the Notice Is hereby irlven that.Iulia M. Notice Is hereby given that Alfred premises of the undersigned will Patterson of Tucumcari. n in., has Y. Kass, of Puerto, N. M,, has Hied e t A T THE . be prosecuted to the full extent of filed notice of her intention to make notice of his intention to make tlnnl the law. final commutation proof in support of commutation proof In support of his her claim, viz: Homestead entry no. claim viz. Homestead Entry No R. P. Donohoo, 13(187, made January 1. 1007, for the 12052, made 10.27-0(1- , for the north- S. Anderson, no4 section H5, twp 7 n, range 28 0, west Y sec. 10, Twp. 8n, Range :J2e, .ilenrock Cafe 22-t- f Ben Rouinson. and that said proof will be made before and that said proof will be mado be- M ft. P. Donohoo, Probate Clerk of fore R P Donohoo, Probata Clerk of Quay County, at his olllce in Tucum- Quay County, at his ollice in Tucum- Frssh Lettuce, Mustard and cari, N. M. on May 8, 1U08. cari N. M., on March 12, 1008. She names the following witnesses to lie names the following witnesses Turnips at Adair's. tf prove her continuous residence upon to prove his continuous residence up- Open Day and cultivation of the land, viz, on and cultivation of. the land, viz: and Night W. T. Mote, G. David. W. E. Davis, John Petty, Sam Eddleman, Ab Ice Caeam made of Pure Cream M. Heck, all or Hartford, N. M. Ro.y.elle, Hubert Newby, all of Puerto -8 tf 14 at Drug Store. 25-- Edward vr. Fox, Register. N. M. Kdward W. Fox, Register 3--

The Tucumcari News, the Best Weekly in New Mexico, One Dollar a Year 1 I 1 til.

Discriminating Men Buy their Furnishings of "Nothing but Rolland Bros. & Kami the best."

Professional Cards County Farmers' Union Or Bard Items ganized at Blair School House Correspondence: DR. H. D. NIOHLOS Rain welcome rain come again. M. C. Entertainment and Supper Follows and a MECHEM Physician and Surceon B. Allred Attorney-at-la- w Very Pleasant Time is Had. J. left Monday travel- Telephone connections. ing for his house again. Office No. G. Tucumcari, New Mexico. Albert Boone is is TUCUMCAHt, NKW MEXICO Correspondence, back and go According to previous announce- ing to farm his claim this year. B . F. Harring, M. D.C. J.K. Moore, M.D ments delegates from various lo- R. L. Skinner is buildincr on his C. C. DAVIDSON north-eas- HERRING & MOORE cals ot the Farmers' Educational claim t of town. Attorney at Law, and Co-operati- ve Union of Physicians & Surgeons. Mr. Wade says he is going America met at Blair school house to Tucumcari, New Mexico. Office and residence in central telephone purchase a well drill watch out for building opposite the new bank. on Fridav, April 3rd, for the pur- his ad. 8T 'PHONE 100 pose of organizing Quay county. After the crowd gathered Mrs. N. S. Carter is on an ex- Tucumcari, Nkw Mexico. dinner C. E. FARRINTON was spread, (on a long table), con- tended visit with her daughter in . Land Lawyer J. EDWIN MANNEY sisting of eatables of various kinds Physician and Surgeon good enough for a king or queen. Sowders and Bass are complet- Clayton, New Mexico RHEUMATISM Every one seemed to enjoy them- ing a well for Mrs. . They Specialties- - DISEASES OF selves in the highest way. WOMEN found a good vein of water at 30 ( AND CHILDREN The house was called to order at feet. L. E. LANQE Office, Tucumcari . 2 p. m. The following county officers Quite a number of our farmers Attorney-at-La- w Opposite Gross, Kelly & Co. were elected: E. W. Leach, Pres.; Otis Stalkup, Vice-Pres- .; are getting out posts and wood Will practice in all Fedoral and Terri- G. M. Bamgrover, Sec-Treas- .; from the breaks during the wet torial Courts and the Land Office. R. J. THOMSON Ernest Rust, Organizer spell. Room 3 Israel Bldg. Physician and Surgeon and Lecturer; S. H. Anderson, Mr. Woperty is going to put in Office: Residence corner Main and Adams chap., J.I. Turner, door keeper; a black-smit- h shop here right away. V. W. MOORE Phone 182 L. D. Courtney, conductor; L. A. He is a good workman and we are Mason, agent. Attorney-at-La- w business sure he will do a good business. After the completion of the A Mr. Pinger has arrived Land Practice a Specialty county organization, several ex- and DR. RICHARD COULSON cellent talks were made, which taken possession of his homestead. Physician and SukGEON were very instructive. The next He is breaking sod and otherwise place of county meeting will be at improving, we are glad to see the J. fi. MATTESON, Office in Simpson Bldg,, on Main Street good work going on. Telephone No. 18G Tucumcari, W M. Pleasant Valley school house. attorn ey-at-la- w Time of meeting will be the last Glen Rhodes has been setting Friday and Saturday in April. out some shade and fruit trees on Rooms and 2 Oflice Campbell Building, i Friday and Friday night will be his claim. That's right Glen make DR. T. C, RIVERA closed session. Saturday will be your home beautiful and attractive Hancock Building west end of Main a public day everyone invited to and others will follow. Will Practice In All Federal and Territoral Street Courts and Land Offices. come and shall have a say for or against the principles upon which The Auto's are making their . regular daily JOSEPH F YORK, TUCUMCARI N. M. the union is founded. Ye Editor runs each way AT LAW through our town ATTORNEY has a special invitation. which makes it REAL ESTATE AND COLLECTIONS quite convenient for any one want- The night following the organ- ing Room 5, Campbell Building, dr. r. s. coulter community to make a quick trip either to North Side Main St., - Tucumcari, N. M. ization the met back at Dentist the school house for a box supper. Tucumcari or Amarillo. singing Hancock building, Tucumcari, N. M. Before the boxes were sold many The at D. F. Owens H. L. BOON nice recitations and dialogues were last Sunday afternoon was a grand Phone No Attorney and Counselor at Law 64. listened to which all seemed to en- success. We will meet next Sun- CIVIL IIUSINESS SOLICITED joy. Then came the selling of the day at 3 o'clock p. m. at the home of one-ha- lf Office: Meman Building C. MAC STANFILL boxes, 48 in number which brought N. S. Carter two and Main Street, - Tucumcari, N. M. Dentist 25.80. Last but not least, a con- miles east of Bard, all are invited. test cake to be given to the pret- Office, room 4 - Israel Bldg receiving tiest girl, the one the A. E. Sweet, superintendent of cake brought harry h. Mcelroy 'Pone 56 most votes. The the Rock Island at Tqpeka and H. $102.05 in favor of Miss Belknap; Greenough, LAWYER go P. superintendent at the proceeds to to seat the Dalhart, were visitors. They are Nbw Mkxiuo A. receipts Tucumcari, 8. ABER school house. Total were both interested in prop- good of having Tucumcari County Surveyor $127.85. See the erty and think very favorably of Farmers' Union at your school & the industrial prospest of our city. patterson donohoo All work attended to promptly. Town-sit- e house. They generally make Court House and Plat work. I guarantee things moye. correct surveys. V. Gallegos of the firm of Land Filings, Contests, Final Proofs, in ring off by saying I organ- J. Will Gallegos & son of was fact anything you want in the land ized a local at Smith school house Conant, business, correctly and prompt- Monday night, March with here Wednesday the guest of his ly attended to O STEIH AUG 30, 25 Hon. N. V. Gallegos. members. brother, Probate Clerk's Office, Court House. Professional Photographer He reports Conant and yacinity Proprietor of the Success to the News. Union. coming to the front and that many LAND OFFICE ARISTO STUDIO Yours for in M. homeseekers are coming every F. BLAIR, week. J. Q. ADAMS Telephone No 130 Tucumcari, N M Organizer. ' U. S, Commissioner There was school election at UivJ Filingt, ContMti. Fiiul Proofs, and til Land MttUn O. W. Elliott of San Jon, was Conant Monday and W, R. Chat- Altc octal to. Nocluret lor Firul Proof Application FRED GRO V E, Office k with Bell Martin Red EiUlc Agcntc VETERINARY in the city several days attending ham was elected for the term of TUCUMCARI. N. M. SURGEON. to business matters for the firm of three years and Nick Baca for the Blemishes on Horses a Specialty. Elliot Brothers. Mr.. Elliott is a term of two years. LAND OFFICE IN TOWN EVERY SATURDAY. land attorney and is just entering MESA ROPONDO. NEW MEXICO. the practice in this territory and N. V. QALLEGOS will be of great servics to the WILLIAM E. SHAW S. Commissioner U. Court peoble of San Jon which is a new REAL ESTATE Land Filings, Final Proofs, Contests and and growing town and in need of all land matters attended to. Public Stenographer of is Public Stenographer Notary Public No charge for final proof applications. the services a man who capa Office over Gajlegos Building News Building ble in the profession. ROOM 4, OAMl'KKLL IlLD. IT'S TIME To begin making final preparation for Easter, it will be here on the 19th, We can help you in many ways. Don't wait until the Saturday before to make your selections, but take time'now to shop around we know you'll come back here to buy and get what you want. We can help you on many lines, for instance:

Veilings Silks Specially Priced Ladies Skirts at Special

25c net veilings, 6 colors l5c For one week only we place our entire Prices 25c of fancy waist silks on sale 35c chiffon veilings stock dress and For one week we offer our entire line of veilings 35c a of per cent. In other 50c chiffon at discount 20 ladies walking skirts at special prices. We words, you can buy a have them in mohair, Panama and voile, waist pattern for $ 1.89 $2.35 in brown and navy. Petticoats 1 white, black, 3.50 2.80 41 JS mohair, black and brown.. .$ 2 45 All the popular shades in wash skirts, 3.85 " " 5 08 2.90 11 mohair, black and navy .... 2 90 Heatherbloom and silk. Worth more 5.00 " " 4 00 3.35 and money, but our prices are patterns for 9 60 5.90 Panama, black brown $12.00 dress navy 4 95 " " M 15 00 $1, $1.95, $2.25, $3.95, $4.50 sind $5 I5.oo 6.90 Panama, black, brown and All other fancy silks in proportion. navy 5 90 7.90 Panama and voile, black and A New Corset "Suesine" brown 6 75 will help the fit of your Easter gown. We The new and popular wash silk, in all 10.90 black voile 9 50 are prepared to fit you from a dozen dif- popular shades. Will wear and AtZg 12.50 black yoile 10 50 high ferent styles long or short waist, or wash like linen. 27 inches wide.. 4.90 white Panama 4 25 low bust, short or extended hips. Wear one American Beauty Corset Fancy Parasols Shirt Waists and you'll always insist upon having them. A great assortment to select from, in If you haven't seen ours you've missed silk, pongee, linen and sateen. All way the best yet. Hose under regular value. Lace White tailored waists of linen fin- - fiA Ladies sizes $1 to $2 50 ish cloths, worth $1 057C Just come in and see what we are show- ing. The nobbiest patterns in boottee Child's sizes 25c to $1 50 White tailored waists of fancy and all-ov- er effects, in 1 KQr madras, worth 75c OUC tans and blacks. Price IOC TOf White lawn waists, Long Silk and Lisle elaborately trimmed We also have some elegant hose in with embroidery, bands, lace Alice blue. and some pinks, light blues, white and Gloves with the new toilet lace. Special values. These are very swell, silk Lisle, CA 75c, $1, seamless, per pair JVC Our stock is very comprehensive; in 90c,. $1.19, $1,50 to $2,50 Special long Lisle Gloves we have black, white Net waists, excellent values in and tans. Prices. 50c, 59c, 75c and $1. white and ecru $3.90 to 3UUir Ladies 25c gauze lisle hose, 3 pairs.. .50c Wash silk waists, good quality of Ladies lace hose, beautiful patterns, Long Silk Gloves in black, white, gray, silk, 50c neatly trimmed with silk embroid- - o 7C brilliant finish, seamless, 3 pairs ...... $1 tans and navy. Prices, $1.25, $1.50, $1.90 ered designs $1.75 to 04D SHOES! SHOES! The Most Popular Young Lady Of course you mnst have a pair of up-t- o date Oxfords for Easter. Fashion says 44 browns in Quay county will be presented by us with a or patents." We've the greatest line of novelty footwear ever shown in a town of this size. FINE $400 PIANO ON THE 1st DAY OF JULY Short vamps are the proper things this season. We are showing some beautiful styles in In order to get it her friends will have to vote browns, patents and ideal kid. We have the for her. If you want this beautiful instrument nobby pumps with extension sole; piain toes in get your friends to trade here. One both turn and extension soles; patent and vote will be given free with every 5c purchase from our stock tips in turn and extension soles. Fact is general we are showing over 50 different styles in ladies stock, and one with every 1c from our low shoes. It's a pleasure to show them, a jewelry departmeut. Contest opens Saturday, greater pleasure to sell them, for they are so April 1 1, and closes June 30. Results will be satisfactory and the wearer is sure of both com- announced every Wednesday. The piano is on fort and style. Next time you're in let us show exhibition at our store. you.

"If You Don't Buy It Here We Both Lose Money" T. A. flUIRHEAD & CO. lings on sale at Our Store for the next Seven Days. The rain will make money for you riage of this opportunity to make your money do double duty. Extra Specials MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Have You Seen san save About 60 garments, skirts, gowns, cor- j About ? set covers, chemise and drawers, to The New Curlee four close at about HALF PRICE pants, td $1.00 (We've cut our cut prices on drummers Our line of . "CURLEE" samples) is making a tremend- i on each recently arrived, ous hit with those who have seen them. Fancy Parasols It's but right that they should! The new things in blacks, whites and We doubt if you've ever seen such a leni over colors for ladies and children. Our low. strong line of pants. The patterns are oout half prices are surprisingly O ttf Ladies fancies $1.00 to OXM simply great. Beautiful fabrics backed Child's Fancies 25c to $1.00 up with quality. The tailoring is the Special for Saturday, April 18 usual kind which means A nice Easter souvenir free with every "CURLEE" fancy parasol the best. If you want a better pants than you -- i That's Finck's Detroit Special have been getting call and let us show nis offer. Overalls you the new "CURLEE." : the lot. f voiles, The best in . Wear like a received. s, black, pig's nose. Big shipment just You know what they are, but if you )M One price $2.50 and $5 everywhere special III don't, try a pair, you'll have 1 ASK TO SIT per cent no other. Per pair 1 Vv CURLEE tf.321! fcAJSLT-- S Speial for Saturday, Monday and Tuesday ontest A nice Leather Belt Free with every $2.00 to $5.00 pair of Pants ididates in the race up to Men's Summer Underwear We are making a specialty of 50c garments. Not a number in the lot worth less than $ 1.25 the suit, and some worth more. We have black, white, cream, grey, pink, blue and brown, some in E?Q Taylor, Moore 427 rtha 4 plain balbriggans, some in mesh, and some in "porosknit." Choice of the lot, per garment.. . ara Kennedy, Tucumcari 355 tss Moore. " . . .'. 102 EXTRA SPECIAL Men's grey balbriggan shirts and Q ind King, " . . 20 drawers. Not a bad 50c value. Per garment G. Home, " 13 mso, t c. Elastic Seam Drawers

Thore an-- hall dollar drawers in most stores, but a look here idy in Quay county under will convince you that we have got them all "skinned." We idate is not in the race get made it a point to buy the best at a sacrifice of profit. All sizes from 30 to 42 waist and 31 to 35 length. Per JA pair mJJ

m our general stock and one Bovs Summer Undershirts, a special at 25c

iends to vote for you. A Store Full of Bargains too flany to Mention "If you don't buy it here HEAD & CO. we both lose money."

V Things Local EASTER GREETING wwww Why Easter is Laic. Easter Donnets. GREAT EASTER REDUCTION! facetiously ob- joy- Someone has Easter is not only the most a is the crowning BEGINS THE festi- served that hat ful but the most significant of woman, the individual Church, for it glory val of the Christian Who made this very unjust remark in resurrec- 16TH INST expresses the belief the was undoubtedly a crusty old tion of Christ from the grave. The who never owned a Stet- on Easter bachelor AND LASTS UNTIL THE Greek's greet each other or a real Panama in his is Risen" son hat morning with; "The Lord And right here I would rise response follows; "He is life. 26TH INST and. the to remark that some Stetson hats risen indeed." ex- - cost as much as my lady's most makin special In the year 325 during the reign "creations" and that vty&L We are Constantine, at a pensive " ' - of Emperor the l inir on the following mer- Panama's often range up into great church Conference known as King Edward of hundreds in price, the Council of Nice, the date cost So was set for owns one that $575o this movable festival from the . Millinery, Suits, Easter Neck- following the all ironical observations the first full moon in to the cost of wear, Easter Hats, Handsome so sterner sex regard Vernal equinox March 21st feminine headgear are out of order Waist, Easter Gloves, Easter that Easter may come on any date Indies wear April and illtimed. Let the Underwear and Easter Belts. between March 22nd and pretty hats; it is their birthright to 23rd. look pretty. It is as natural for a And so the moon settles the herself with cele- pretty woman to adorn question as to when we shall is for the birds first a beautiful hat as it brate Easter. This year the plume themselves, or the the Vernal Equinox to full moon after to revel in beautiful tints. comes on April 16th and that is And on the glad Easter-da- v this year. why Easter is late typical of glowing life, it is fitting ancient Saxons is given To the that we bedeck ourselves in beau- the credit of originating Easter. rejoice lasting many tiful new habiliments and Men's and Boys Suits, Men's Joyous festivities, with Nature and all mankind that and Boys' Hats, Shirts, Un- days, were held by them in honor "The Lord is Risen." der wear, Suspenders, Neck- of their goddess Eastre who per wear, Hosiery, Pants, Fancy sonified the morning, or East, and Saturday Market. Vests, Panamas, Sailor Hats. the springtime, or dawn of the year, as well. Among the many Last week this profitable church rites of this festival was that of institution was conducted at the MEN AND BOYS coloring eggs and exchanging usual stand under the management them as presents. Hence our of Mesdames Anderson and Wal Easter eggs. ters something like 10 was real- If you have not yet Over in Scotland the boys and ized. girls who lived among the hills and On Saturday of this week the bought your Easter suit moors would rise very early on we Woman's Home Mission Society would like to show "Pasch Sunday" and hunt the eggs of the Methodist Church will be in you some of the swell of the different wild fowls for their charge. Mesdames Hurley and Kirshbaum or Beckner, breakfast. Those who found the Elkins will conduct the sale of Myers & Co. well known eggs were deemed very lucky by cakes, pies, salads, meats and all clothes. the others. This probably origin- the good things that one usually ated the Easter Egg Hunt. eats for his Sunday dinner. These Come in today, no Love Shall Find Its Own ladies are endeavoring to improve trouble to show you. and beautify their church; and the public will no doubt respond as "Faint O calls for not, heart that readily it heart as usually does. For whole-soule- d generosity in giving The Through all the dreary days. Fastest The Fastest to a good cause our town THE fAMOUS Lag not, O feet that tread apart deserves Growing Dry Growing the palm; especially when the From other wished- - for ways. cause Goods Store Clothing Store is represented by some of the fair in Tucumcari Cash Store in Tucumcari. There ne'er was nook that could dames of the different church cm mure societies. Beyond 11 is seeking eye; There ne'er was furrow so obscure Presbyterian Ladies Aid That sue shall pass it by I This organization will meet on The city's thousands move and Friday afternoon of next week shitt with Mrs. Clough. BALL 'Midst crowded mart and street These ladies are compiling a GAME A twain, unconscious, onward drift Cook Book in which recipes from Until, behold, they meet! the expert housewives of the city Faint not, O ye who daily spin, will be incorporated. It would be But weave the woof alone; well to send in advance orders, Tucumcari For every heart has heart akin, for our town has some famous And love shall find its own." cooks. Edwin L. Sabin. vs Mrs. Anna DeOlivera is having Woman's Home Mission Society the plans drawn up lor a new house which she will erect on the Santa. Rosa The Methodist ladies met on lot just east of her present resi Thursday afternoon of this week at dence. She is also having the pleasant trees home of Mrs. Anna put out on her block in the Gamble DeOlivera where they were enter- Addition, tained delightfully by the charm- SUNDAY, THE 19th ing hostess. A goodly number Mrs. N. E. Cunningham has a were present and preparations for very handsome piece of Mount the Saturday Market and the Mellick embroidery on display in GAME CALLED AT 2s30 Masquerade Social to be given the Tucumcari Furniture establish- next week were perfected. ment. She is taking orders for embroidered waists in very On the new ball ground west of McGee Mrs. Ray E. Corbin has returned beautiful designs. from a visit to her former home in and is Mrs. Rucker is having a special Addition? on Dr. Pring's place, confined to her millinery home by an attact of measles. sale this week She has a very handsome display of every- Mrs. Frances Murnhv and Mrs. thing in the newest designs. It Di. Gilbert left a few days ago for behooves the ladies to make hay their home in Alomogordo after a while the sun shines; or in plain fancy Stationery at The Tucumcari News Office pleasant visit at the home of Mr. English buy your Easter hat while and Mrs. T. A. Muirhead. the sale is on. Hick'ry Faurm. The Tucumcari-Qua- y road that was recently favorably passed on by the County Commissioners, is f Warren's Mall April 24. The patiently awaited by the farmrrs I TUCUMCARI INVITED TO most beautiful pastoral drama of down the line. We expect the CATTLEMEN'S this epoch, The cast selected out on the line to CONVENTION j will viewers soon I excite considerable interest come and locate the County road. among the "fans" of amusement loving people. Harry McElroy FOR SALE TRADE OR RENT: will make his first bow; W. A. One hundred and sixtv acres of I Amarillo, Tex., Apr. 13th, 1908 Askew will make his first appear- good land two miles north of Tu-cumca- ri 1 Secretary Commercial Cluh, t ance; II . L. Boon will also make N. M. write, John Wells, X Tucumcari, N. M. X his bow. This beautiful comedy 1 drama has been carefully studied Box 95, Toyah, Texas. Dear Sirs: t The Chamber of Commerce of Amarillo, and rehersed until every man and The Presbyterian Church Texas, cordially woman in it are professionals. 1 extends an invitation to citizens of your town and county to X THE CAST OF HICK-R- Y FARM. X attend the Cattlemen's Convention which convenes here on X Services next Sunday. Sunday- - Ezekiel Fortune, a New Eng- 1 April 21, 22, and 23, 1908. A good time and large attendance land A. School 10 a. m. Morning service t farmer, W. Askew. X is anticipated. X Uriah Skinner, a miser, II. L. ii a. m. Evening service 7:30 p. Boon. m. Subjects ot sermons: morning, 1 Yours very truly, X The Resurrection;" evening, X Lon D. X Jack Nelson, E. H. Warren. "King Marrs, Lawrence McKeegen, alder- Saul's Wrong Vow." an Special Secretary. Mc-Cart- music at both morning man from the city, Lawrence y. and evening services. 4--f You M" Detective Ranken, O. C. Mam- are cordially invited to worship with us. mons. Job at Tog Tucumcari News Mrs. Priscella Dodg, a suscepti- Warner H. DuBose, Pastor. first (lass Printing Office ble widow. Miss Nell Preston. U Jessie Fortune, Mrs. Warren. THE STORY, Gilbert Darkwood a black-le- g from the city has discovered that The Evans Realty Co. a projected railroad intends erect- Office 2nd Street, News Building ing a station at Ezekiel Fortunes As will farm. the railroad pay a com- very large price for the farm, We sell city property, farms, ranches and relinquishments and charge as our Darkwood plots with Skinner to mission 5 per cent to the party selling. obtain the title deed to the farm We offer for sale the following, if not sold before you buy: from Fortune and disposeses him. Skinner has a standing grudge against Fortune, and agrees to Two splendid residences on the northeast Six lots with east fronts in second block of steal the deed. Before leaving corner of Laughlin and Third streets, now rent- Gamble addition on Second street at. ..$600.00 Darkwood manages to rob the e ing for $60.00 per month, at $400o.oo-tim- Four fifty-fo- ot lots with on Second Mayville bank, which contains all east fronts Lots 9 and 10, in block 34, McGee addition, street between Hancock and Laughlin Avenues, of Fortunes savings, and cast the at suspicion of the robbery on Jack 500. 00 $2000.00 Nelson, Fortune's adopted son, Lots 11 and 12, in block 41, in the McGee One house and lot on High street near splen- who is in love with Jessie. In the addition, on the corner of McGee and First did red stone building; south and near public second act Darkwood, who has streets, a bargain at 450.00 school building $1575 sold Fortune's house over his head, Lot 3, block 39 of the McGee addition facing Lot 5 in block 28, McGee addition $400 i t it 1 appears and demands the rent of the Nichols Houses on Second street at $330.00 5 39i 400 the poor hovel that Fortune and One splendid house opposite Win, Kuhlman's Lots 3 and 4 in block 17 McGee add. . . . 1500 now occupy. Skinner, who on 40 550 Jack Second street, well fenced, with outhouses II II II II II II has repented his part in the affair and water II7812 39 .... 450 tank, $1350.00 11 11 11 11 11 11 threatens to expose Darkwood. One house 25x80, facing north on Center 910 42 .... 500 A detective arrives and street, with splendid dance hall in same, stage, 100x142 with two residences and outbuild- evi- with Skinner's help obtains 2 dwelling rooms and all furnishings at $1700.00 ings on the northeast corner of High and 2nd Darkwood robbed the A dence that acres of patented land within a mile and streets. splendid home for the present and 320 will be bank. Jessie returns, The title a half of fences, splendid business lots $5000.00 is to Tucumcari, northwest, deed to the farm returned well and windmill, and good One seven room house and one five room Fortune. Darkwood is shot by house,.. .$3200.00 One house on the northeast corner of Third house on the east side of Fourth street in the the detective and killed. The love addition. re- and McGee streets on two lots, making a front- McGee Prices $1200 and $1750 passages of McKeegan, the alder- spectively, but if sale of both is made $2500 Dodge, afford a age of 100 feet on Third street. This property man and Mrs. Acres patented land and a lease on a accompaniment to is offered for sale at about cost price for the 320 most humorous .school section for years. A three thousand proceeds are to reason that its owner wishes to invest his money four the drama. The dollar stock of goods, good house and store- be donated to the Y. M. C. A. in a house on a farm. A splendid bargain at One-hal- house, head of cattle, a number of hogs, work. $1150.00. f down, balance reasonable 75 payments. farming implements etc at Puerto. Write for a full description. Price $11000 .nd Vicinity. Two 25x142 feet lots on northwest corner of Bonito Adams and Main streets. This property has The company has many other desirable lands been held at $2500.00 but is now offered on ac- for sale but has not the space this week to ad- Correspondence count of the stringency of the money market vertise them. Lee, son of M. F. Walker has by a party who lives in Ohio at $1800.00 cash. Lot 8 in block 17 Barnes addition $160 get him a homestead come home to One splendid four room house on High street 9 17 175 in Quay Valley. between First and Adams streets $1575.00 Lot 6 in block 13 with house and shed in is drilling his Mr. Rush fourth Six lots on the corner of Adams and Center Gamble addition price $250 well on his place, which shows he streets, the best business location in the city Lot 12 block 3 in Gamble addition 175 has got the grit. 4 considering the price $2500 and $500 each ex- " 4 " 13 " 85 Last Saturday night some one cepting the corner. " 2 " 17 " " 80 good and bridle " " borrowed a saddle One and lot of Methodist church 10 17 " " 80 neighbor Neis' stable, and so house east " " from on High street on foot lot, four rooms 3 10 " " 80 far, has neglected to return it. 50 14x14 suitable for parties desiring to send children to 125x142 on corner of Smith and 2nd streets. The recent rain has put a smile public school $1200 This is the best location for a first class hotel on our neighborhood that don't . . One fifty-fo- ot lot between High street and or business houses in the city, price. .$12,000 come off. Quite a little planting Hancock Avenue, with east front on Second 80 Acres patented land 3 miles east of Tu is already done and this moisture Street at $650.00 cumcari, price $800 will tide us over till the June rains set in. Last Sunday evening was made The manager of this company is also manager of the Highland Park Addition, quite enjoyable by the meeting at the Aber Addition and the Solatia Townsite Company. the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Salyers, in singing and general entertainment until about ten Q. EVANS, Mgr. o'clock when we heard the words, W. Jr., "Good night. Come again." Vegetables fresh at Adair's; TUCUMCARI LODGE No. 29, Baseball Grand Stand J. A. Scott, a prosperous farmer Phone 156. 28-t- f Knights oh Pythias Contract Let. east of town is putting out 400 Meets every Wednesday night Heinz's goods at Adair's. 28-t- f at 8:30 o'clock. trees. They are fruit shade and School of instruction every 3rd Wednesday evergreens. He is one of the mostJ Social program evory 1st Wednesday 13. Long making the lowest bid Visiting Kiiifjhls cordially invited for the erection of base ball grand enthusiastic and progressive farm- PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER be-liey- S. M. WllAKTON, C. C. has been awarded the con- ers we have in the county and es R. P. Donohoo, K. of R. and S. stand tract. The work will begin im- in adding all the attraction MISS SUSIE HEMPHILL is to be mediately. The cost $836. to home possible and there is cer- lit Hancock Building Enjoy "Cacnp Meeting Time" at Take a 10c chance on a $7 tainly nothing that can add more OFFICE OF G. F. MULL IN the Big Minstrel Show, April Meerschaum and $3 Briar Pipe at to the appearance of things around 30th. 28-- 1 the Pioneer Drug Store. 28-t- f house than trees of various a farm WILLIAM E. SHAW kinds. If the farmers of Quay county would plant fruit and shade KKAI. K STATE trees, all they can afford, it will be Public Stenographer Notary Public only a few years until the country KOOM 4, I'AMl'UKM. HLI). ON will be a veritable forest of fruit 14th like the Pecos FEB. shade and trees which years ago was just A, F, & A, M. One of the largest Cloak and Skirt manufacturers in Valley 15 beginning this industry. On the Meets on 1st Monday of each St. Louis went Bankrupt, They had many orders for and 3rd of the railroad to Carlsbad, month at 8 p m in Masonic Hall over Post Department Stores which was not yet complete and advent Office then Eddy, along the . could not be shipped owing to their failure, and the A. D. CiOI.UKNIiKKG, W. J. Hakois, years ago was little to be W. M. stock was lumped by the hundreds 15 there Sec. seen that was inviting to one com- ing out of a country where there BETHEL CHAPTER NO. 15 We got 100 of these Beautiful Skirts were woods and cultivated farms, ORDER OF EASTERN STAR and now it is a paradise of alfalfa Meets on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each and you shall have one at ONEHALF of what and fruit farms with shade trees month at 8 p m at Masonic Hall over Post Office they would cost you elsewhere everywhere. We can have the TUCUMCARI LODGE NO. 27 same thing here in Quay county if the will simply get the The Coming The The Coming idea into his head that he is here Store of Tans Store of to stay and is going to improve a CAM PBELL Tucumcari Tucumcari home as he goes. If we do our Collection Agency CASH!) STORE part the good things will follow along just as they have in every Collections other section of the United States made where brains and industry have Everywhere combined for the betterment of J. W. CAMPBELL, Mgr. the human family. All the irriga- OFFICE SIMPSON BUILDING tion a tree needs is just water PKone 137 P. O. Box 407 enough to get the roots set and TUCUMCARI, NEW MEXICO then they grow just as thrifty as ' an oak in the Ozarks. And trees 91 TUCUMCARI TRUST AND that have been set here this spring will need no irrigation as the rain- SAVINGS BANK fall this month will bridge them 1 over nicely. It is raining all over mi Quay county today and the ground HARPER WE A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS 00 is tuo wet to plow. So It t us em- m ulate the example of Scott and Your Patronage Solicited others who are building homes WHISKEY that are going to be attractive as for Ccntlcour? a well as productive. who eherltfr Ouatity. IsSEBESsflN Drink a Stein of Hire's Root Beer at Elk Drug Store. 25-t- f For Sale by Jones & Franklin


From Any Point gf View THE S. A. COINER, Agent Remington Typewriter Local IS THE BEST INVESTMENT It lends In durability reliability, and Experienced Machine Man. permuncnt excellence of work, adaptability to ull classes of work, euse, Kpeetl and convenience of operation, and economy in service. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO. All Repair Parts m ib Carried In Stock. Send Postal and Agent Will Gall on You. J Remmington Typewriter Salesrooms iyv....w, . . . . E. Q. REPPERT. PnopniUTOR 349 Main Street, - Dallas, Tex. Anderson's 2nd Hand and Racket Store We buy aud sell household goods of Full line of Glassware, Dinner Sets every description. Specials in beds, bed-spring- s, mattresses, matting. Tinware and Novelty Goods.

Smith Street, between First and Adams streets

San Jon Breezes. Bard Items. Correspondence Lee Prestige has been visiting in Correspondence. our neighborhood several days. Mr. Coffey moved into his new Mr. Rhodes is seriously ill at TNT UNION BARBER SHOP house in the north part of town this writing. last week. O. E. Carter made a trip to Tu- Hugh Home will soon begin a cumcari Monday. dwelling house on his lots in the Mrs. Alma Sowders visited Mrs. north part of town. D. F. Owen last Monday. Cle an Up-to-Da- te and Good Milton Dudley, who went with F. M. Chapman and family vis- his sheep to Kansas City, is ex- ited at N. S. Carter's Sunday. pected home this week. Under the personal management of Walter Purdin D. W. Paramore, of Tucumcari, Miss Beulah Sands attended has been in San Jon several days, church at Endee Monday night. painting signs for our business- Mrs. Archie Owen visited Mrs. Your men. V. P. Sowders one day last week. Patronage Solicited Jim Branham will start the build- Bern Allred says he is going to 7777777777777777777yyyyyyyyyyy777777777777777777ryyy ing for his cement block plant in a build on his claim soon. Look few days. Three cement block out girls. buildings are to go up as soon as :VVWVVWVWVVWWVVVVWVVW.WWVVWVVVVVVWVVW: the plant is ready. C. C. and V P. Sowders made a We are glad to know our lumber business trip to Tucumcari the man is doing a good business. first of the week. Mr. Reed has ordered two car D. F. Owens and O. E. Carter loads of lumber which will arrive made a business trip to San Jon K. C. in a few days. Saturday evening. SALOON John Flippin, of , who Quite a number of our young iarrived the last of the week, bro't people attended literary at Endee MAY & HIGHFILL Proprietors with him two friends, Messrs Rob- Thursday night and report a good erts and Materson, who are look- time. ing for a location. Leading Brand Whiskies are: The nice rain we had last week Jim Atkins has been hired to months term of was quite a stimulent to the farm JOEL B. FRAZIER, HILL & teach a three they working school in San Jon. As it is already ers and are with a KILL, KENTUCKY DEW, late, plans are being made to begin vim now. OLD PRENTICE, CEDAR the middle of this week. The sound of the anvil is now BROOK,. BONNIE RYE, Dr. Elder is expecting his fam- leard in our little burg. Remem- GUCKENHEIMER RYE. ily from Trenton, Mo. this week. ber the man who earns his bread The doctor has been in several new y the sweat of his brow. countries, but thinks the San Jon Our singing social was well at- - valley ahead of them all. ended Sunday evening and by the Yes, it rained. It's all right interest manifested we think all though whether it rains or not. enjoyed it. No announcement for San Jon valley had corn up some next Sunday on account of Easter time ago. Plows turn over damp services at Endee. 4 The Top Notch earth and we can raise maize with- Any one in the neighborhood out rain. laving news ot interest to the Wanted, at San Jon: A benev- readers of this paper will confer a KANDY KITCHEN olent old gentlemen with more avor on the correspondent by money than he can spend, tc put landing uie items to our accom down a deep well for the benefit modating postmaster, Mr. Home. Home Made Candy of the public. This hauling up Would it not be well tor our from a sixty-fo- ot well with Fountain Drinks water or someone to give and bucket, gets monotonous. editor readers rope information on the sugar beet; the Ice Cream and School election came off last best kind to plant etc, etc? We week. Messrs Coffey, Mullen and believe many of the farmers of Fruits Dudley were elected for directors. Quay county would be glad to test All of them are men who are in- the sugar beet by raising a few this Books, Stationery, Magazines and Papers terested in having good schools. year and send samples to the pro Wholesale and Our new school-hous- e is to be per station to be tested and it completed this week and we look found rich enough to be profitable SPENCER & PARISH, Props. for a successful summer term. for the farmer to raise then let's Don't forget that Rev. J. W. try to locate a sugar beet factory Campbell, of Tucumcari, will somewhere in this beautiful San nreach the third Sunday in San Jon valley and go to raising them Kymo Kansas City Ice Cream school-hous- Chester Baker of , Ion. The new e will for a part of our money crop. at Pioneer Drup Store. tf be completed and services will be who have been visiting his Aunt held in that building. Sunday Kymo Kansas City Ice Cream Mrs. de Yampert for the past week If you can't collect that old ac- school at ten and preaching at at Pioneer Drug Store. tf left Wednesday for his home. count, let Campbell try. 26-t- f eleven; also preaching services in the afternoon. John Lasley, who has been stay ing with Mr. Prestridge living north of town, died Tuesday, Apr. Kennedys Taxative Syrup 7H1. of tuberculosis. He came tough here hoping the climate would too mm. Uitfhare anrlnrta ft fih drill llll H TacfoS Rn Crnnfl E. 0, DaWTT Ok he had waited v MT benefit him, but JBJBJ WKm RlUUIUI Uliuuiu it Almmmm uiiiiwi vn una m GHIUAVfJ long. His father and mother came HHf tM itiur Mh aura ara eanaUpattnf, aipaolally thoie containing OpttUs, Knns4jr' Luutlra Caik Syrup moras tha bowali, oooUlna m OaUlifr in from Amarillo, too late for the funeral, FOR SALE BY ELK DRUG STORE. TUCUMCARI, N M News is getting ready for would to our county, nearly doubling The News canvasing for matter that special advertising edition The Tocumcari our assessable property, and had another be printed at home, when later, to AND TUCUMCARI which would which will be far superior the TIMES the Tucumcari business man would secured a land office of the peo- - one circulated last spring. Our Published Saturdays find that the printing had left town c used lor the benefit just like ast year's special was the first and because the hombre had a take-of- f even treating democrats The Tocumcari Printing (o. Inc. ad onlv thing of the kind ever issued with some concern lor which he any body else. It is generally C. J.K.M0C8C. Pres. S. M. WMAKTON, Sec.-Tre- s. is ap n northeast New Mexico up to was traveling. Mr. Foster's di- mitted that a man never and hat time and was the acknow- - Official Paper of Quay County and rectory was one that proved to be preciated until after he is dead derive edged greatest advertising boost the greatest fake yet perpetrated t may be that Jack can City of Tucumcari. fact ever gotten out for a New Mexico on an innocent business patronage. some consolation out of the demo- own. We have seen the good re Subscription, $1.00 the Year There are two good newspapers in that Albuquerque has gone and as a community are ex 'Enteral u ondlN roetttr October JO, 1905 at the pott Tucumcari with job offices, offering cratic since he left, it may be that sults office t Tucumcari, New Mexico under id ol Congrats ol hey democratic thinking periencing the benefit of it every Merch 3, 1879." reasonable prices prices that are went day goes by, and will for years more equitable than any other about what he did for them while that S. M. WHARTON, Editor. It was circulated by the branch of business in the county, there on earth. Anyway we have to come. Railway Company Notice to Advertisers. and they can take care of this line no kick coming from the labors of Rock Island agricul- - and the people of Tucumcari, the Display ads 15c an inch a week and and keep the money at home, and Jack if he will mix a little local liners one cent a word an issue. sending out sev with the late improvements this ure and other enterprise with his business men here issue. Affidavit of Circulation office has installed we have the jolitics on his next visit we will eral thousand of the The Territory or New Mbxico ) equipped job plant in the ter- )e pleased to see him; and should population of the town and county ' best County ) ex-ila- in ok Quay ritory and as good, as can be found le create something that will has grown from 7,000 to 20,000 S. M. Wharton, being first duly sworn we the greatest development ever on his oath deposes and says, that he is the in the southwest, so the story that to the homeseeker that and Business Manager of the Tucumcari News; the home man can't do this, that lave something to offer aside from experienced by any locality in the that the bona fide circulation of said Tu- give territory has been had here. In cumcari News for the week ending Janu- or the other in printing is not cor- democratic politics we shall ary 18th 1908, was 1427 subscribers do the business and lim our good offices in his attempt this spring's special advertising S. M. WHARTON rect; we can off we will Subscribed and sworn tp before me this have spent a large amount of to shake his political prejudices. edition not only cover the day of January vi- 23 1908. money to prepare to do first class 'In this here country it is hard fer a fel- enterprises of Tucumcari and M. C. M EC HEM, will Notary Public, Quay County, N. M. work. We, like our contemporary, ler to git his wish; cinity, but take in the entire live here, pay our employees here, When the fields is right for plowin' he's county and adjacent territory, and ANNOUNCEMENTS wantin' fer to fish; buy here, we are a part of the com- our object is to make such a paper In far-of- f field and town, when the bees is I hereby announce my candidacy for that a stranger can in a short time the munity and have helped to make buzzin' 'round, nomination for sheriff of Quay county, New run through it and get a line on Mexico, subject to the action of the Demo- this a good town and possible for He hears the brook a callin' and sues the cratic convention. Respectfully, various enterprises to exist here, cork a goin' down. ' every enterprise existing and every J as. F. Bell. and we are intitled to be heard A prominent real estate man of opportunity offered in this section I hereby announce my candidacy for the Montgomery-War- d into this city, a Kentucky gentleman, of the southwest. The edition nomination for tax assessor of Quay county when buts New Mexico, subject to the action of the our business. The last man had rather strange emotions to will be fully illustrated and Democratic convention. Respectfully, us, hew-eve- r, seize hold of him last Wednesday thoroughly comprehensive. The John Briscoe. the El Paso News sent was not out for the purpose afternoon. He had a real estate expense will be borne by the Tu The El Paso News has had an- of lifting the business man's ex- deal on with a prospective locator; cumcari Printing Co., and the bus- other representative in town for chequer, any further than subscrip- the sun had just burst through the iness men and citizens of Tucum- several days. The first one was a tions were solicited, which is a clouds after a regular old Kentucky cari and Quay county will be asked grafter and held up the business welcome and legitimate business April shower had finished, just to to assist us in giving it a wide cir- men of town for a of nothing proposition, but on the other hand show us that such things can hap culation. The office will circulate except a short biography which he he opens a line of political revela- pen in Quay county, when he something over two thousand of pulled out oi them on a promise tions to the inhabitants of this gathered up a handful of something the issue to subscribers and ex- that the paper would give a write-u- p quiet little hitherto un- he supposed to be maps and plats, changes and will print 15,000 to of the town and vicinity splen- known. It reminds one of the Rio and he and the would-b- e purchaser 20,000. The Rock Island will didly illustrated. The write-u- p Grande brand of politics which he started hurriedly to look at a again handle a large number of the was taken, with the exception of a has been dishing out for the past piece of property in the south special and the rest will be given to stick of introductory, from the last fifteen years, red hot from the gun, west part of town; the oleanders in the public at a very nominal figure year's special edition of this paper and full of the lack of information front of the office had just been considering the cost of the work to which was borrowed from this in every detail. The El Paso News drenched with this gentle shower, make it. office, and the cuts were those we has been nosing around in New the buds on the locusts across the in used the edition and others that Mexico politics for the past year, street were bursting and the birds The rainy season has begun so been had used from time to time and raising old harry because a were chirping merrily as they early this year that it is going to by the Tucumcari Ncvs. The few republican politicians don't reached the corner of Center and be necessary for the city council to cuts alright, were however, and rein to suit their livery. And now .Second streets, when suddenly the make some provisions for street would have served the purpose of they seem to have turned it over real estate man stopped and began grades and crossings. A cotton a fine representative on article the to Jack, whose strong democratic to reel up beside the lake the rain barga could have been floated on town and county, had somebody had argument made Socorro irretriev had made at this corner; the gen the corner of Second and Center hold of them had that known what ably republican and then followed tleman in pursuit of a real estate Wednesday afternoon. Albert to do with them. But the rehash on up to Albuquerque with his purchase accosted him to know Meeting who had to make the trip of something we had published a dope until democratic support van- what he was going to do; the from the Cornice Works to the year ago was not what ex- was ished, and then he floated down answer came: "Fish, of course post ofiice Thursday wore hip pected, And the only courtesy do the to Las Cruces and you think we could find a more boots. Tell you something, the this paper asked for, fnrnish- - after began telling, in connection with desirable place?" Then, coming wetness of things is getting very ing everything desired, was that his political mythology, the people back to earth, he remarked, "par wet. the .Tucumcari News should have of that beautiful-valle- y how to do don me, sir; 1 was evidently in for the ne- dulging in a little credit cuts; this was the farming act, until seemingly he reminiscence Everything out of doors in Quay glected and the matter treated as was called to the assistance of the it's the weather sir, it's the weather. county is wet and getting wetter though they had not borrowed El Paso News to do their New A little dry weather now would be from this office. Our home people The Mexico politics. The only ob Easter display in the a great help to the farmers who have been treated to so many various store windows jection we have to his last visit to around town are wanting to continue to plant Montgomery-War- d schemes of this Tucumcari is that he said nothing open the eyes of the prospective corn. sort that they are getting sore, about our kaffir corn, our milo purchaser. There is always some well they may, since there is but maize, our pumpkins or our pretty thing doing among the business In order not to little benefit to be derived from the women. men of Tucumcari. conflict with other entertainments the date for circulation of such dailies in the In all his political dissertations the Big Minstrel Show Did you has been southwest. This paper has been he never mentioned the fact tha see that Easter window postponed till Thursday, April at the M. B. Goldenberg 30, imposed upon by a number of these the few republicans we have with Company at Warren's Mall. Tickets will siorer it is among the best ad be on sale next week at Elk schemes, the representatives of the aid of their democratic friends of the Drug vertisements sort we have Store. Reserve your seats early which would aver that they were had added a large and valuable seen in 1 ucumcari. and don't be disappointed. 28-- 1 F you need anything in the way of clothes for informal dress occasions times when a cutaway or Prince Albert frock is the correct thing, we'd like to show you how well we can supply you in HART SCHAFFNER & MARX

fine clothes. We have full dress, Tuxedo, semi-dres- s; as well as the smartest lot of sack suits and coats you ever saw.

This Store Is the Home of HART SCHAFFNER & MARK Clothes TAFOYA & LAWSON, " The Store of Quality "

A Full Line of Soon to Receive Walkover Shoes the Hanan Shoe and Oxfords "The Best in Stock on Earth" Copyright 1908 by Hart Schaffher & Marx

Ba.y View Heading Club attendance partook of Mrs. Golden-berg'- s lavish entertainment. The most interesting topic of the study Local and Personal 2 On Wednesday afternoon of last period was a discussion on what 2 week the reading club met with Uncle Sam is doing to claun the Mrs. Earl George with a large arid lands of the southwest by irri- number in attendance. gation canals. A chapter on The new text book on the physi- Forestry was also discussed. family re- Listen to the Quartettes and Ernest Langston and cal conditions and topography in This study of our country will turned yesterday from a ten days forget your troubles. The Big 28-- general of our great and glorious no doubt prove very beneficial to Rein-ar- d Minstrel Show, April 30th. 1 visit to "White Oaks. Bob republic was taken up. This the club. brother-in-la- w of Langston who re- Mes-- a Mrs. C. C. Chapman study is proving exceptionally in- During the social period es returned with him. cently underwent an operation for teresting and very profitable to Goldenberg served an ele- appendicitis is reported doing p,ood to eat at the club. gant coffee and salad luncheon, Everything well. Her many friends rejoice having Adair's. 28-t- f The chapters discussed at this these ladies become famed with her that she is on the road to meeting included a study of the for their delicious chicken salad. Elwood Ileman has sold several recovery. Her mother is with her life and customs of early colonial Mrs. Bessy of Oklahoma was a resident lots in the McGee second and Mrs. Anderson is attending days, also life in tne Quaker and guest of the club and about half a addition this w.'ck. That is surely her in the capacity of nurse. New England colonies. When dozen members braved the rain going to be the most desirable Take a 10c chance on a $7 followed a chapter on Emmi-gratio- n. and came out. residence location in the city and Meerschaum and a 3 Briar Pipe at 28-t- to Bail. the property should move in a the Pioneer Drug Store. f Delicious refreshments were Robertson Admitted hurry this year. C. C. Davidson and J. A. Street served by the hostess assisted by In the case of the Territory vs. Mrs. Anderson, and a very enjoy- Robertson, charged with killing chance on a $7 came in from Amarillo Thursday Take a 10c able social period followed the Wyley Edwards, tried before Jus- and a 3 Briar Pipe at night over the auto line, and met Meerschaum 1 r t stenuous study hour. tice Saxson, last Saturday, Rob- the Pioneer Drug Store. 28-t- f a very serious wasnout 01 roaus and had to be Mrs. A. D. Goldenberg was ertson was bound over to await the Big near Revuelto, "Lovely Lorena" at the towed in by the Flying Dutchman hostess to the club at her pleasant action of the Grand Jury, October Minstrel Show April 30th. 28-- 1 and his barge Friday morning. home in the suburbs, on Wednes- Term of Court, in the sum of promptly little infant son, of Mr. and They were wet, bedraggled and day of this week. $7,500.00. Amount was The defendant released. Mrs. L. D. Thomas died Thurs- not in the best of humor, but as to In spite of the downpour a fair raised and the day evening, after a brief illness health, safe. of only a few hours. The parents The jokes have no whiskers on and relatives of the child have the their teeth at the Big Minstrel of News in their be- sympathy the Show, April 30th. 28-- 1 reavement. Co. Dr. A. H. Kaslovitz, veterinary Tucumcari Fimhire Nothing like it before in Tucum-car- i surgeon, now located here is a the Big Minstrel Show, April graduate of M. C. Killip Veteri- Handle the best of everything in the 30th. 28-- 1 nary , Chicago, three years F VR.NI TVR.E With 4,000 people in Tuciim-car- i, course. Previous to his college term LINE I and only 300 seats in War- he was with the famous veterinary ren's Hall, somebody's going to surgeon, Smith, Mitchell, S. D. Highest Grade of Goods Lowest Consistent Prices be disappointed Thursday, April He will stay in Tucumcari and 30th. Moral Buy your tickets may be found at the Street Livery Tucumcari. N. M. L L WINTER, Mgr. X and reserve your seats before the Barn. Tucumcari is fortunate to other fellow. 28-- 1 have a skilled veterinary. ) I i A SECRET DIVULGED

1 do not usually tell my secrets, but now 1 am going to tell you the reason 1 succeed in the hardware business. The Most Important is that I carry Nothing But Hardware and the best brands in the several lines of the business. In Years gone by I have striven to sell nothing but the goods I could stand behind and when sold once the customer comes for the same again if he needs the same thing. JUST RECEIVED A car of the celebrated Star windmills, also a car of Piping and Casing for wells

If I can not figure you the right prices don't you buy, that's fair, isn't it? Gasoline Ranges, Oil Stoves, Buggies, Garden and Lawn Hose and Belting of all sizes are my seasonable goods. Buy where your trade is appreciated, C. C. CHAPflAN I i

FANATIC FALLS DEAD UN- Puerto News Homestead Entry No. 5505 Homestead Entry 9934 NOTICB FOR PUBLICATION. Notice for Publication DER THE CR.0S5. Department of the Interior, Land Office Department of the Interior, Land Office Correspondence. at Clayton, New Mexico, at Clayton, New Mexico, GRIM TRAGEDY AT RITES April 1, 1908 April 1, 1908 a twenty-roo- m OF THE . Puerto needs Notice is hereby given that Mrs. Joaquin Notice is hereby given that John K. hotel to accommodate the home-seeke- rs Valdez, for the heirs of Joaquin Valdez, Haynes. ol Logan, N. M., has filed notice who pass here. deceased, of Logan N. M., has filed notice of her intention to make final commutation V Terrible Weight From Pressure of his intention to make final five year prool in support of is her claim, viz: Home- of Hopes Tears Open Jugular There a report out that there proof in support of his claim, viz: Home- stead Entry No. 9934, made for Vein of Native at San Mateo. are a few cases of small pox or the stead Entry No. 5505. made for the the northeast )$ Section 8, Township 1311, 15 miles south of here. sa se.j. Sec. 4, st, sw.j, Sec, 3, Twp, 1211, Range 33e, and that said proof will be Range and that said proof will be made before W. W. Moore, U. on new on the 3je, S. Com., at Laguna, N. M., Apr. 14. Fran- Work the road made before W. W. Moore, U. S. Com., his office in Logan N. M., on May 18, 1908 cisco Montano, a member ol the Cap Kock is progressing nicely; it at his office in Logan, N. M., on May iH, He names the following witnesses to fast disappearing religious sect of will be ready for automobiles in a 1908. prove his continuous residence upon, and fanatics called the Penitentes, met short time. He names the following witnesses to cultivation of, the land, viz: prove hit', continuous residence upon, and J. W. Drake, W. H. Drake, A. C. Pow- his death in a ghastly manner at Gardening is the order of the cultivation of, the land, viz: ell, James K. McEarland, all of Logan, N. San Mateo yesterday, according day since the rain. We are going Jose Tafoya, Victorino Alarid, A. Tafoya, M. 4 to a report which has reached here. to skin Dodson on the Frijole Donanica Trufillo, all of Logan, N, M. 4-- Edwakd W. Eox, Register 4-- 4 Edwakd W. Fox, Register, Montano was participating in the beans this year. self-tortu- re terrible with which the Tele- Homestead Entry 11 The Roosevelt County Homestead Entry No. 13655 347 Penitentes believe they expiate phone Company is getting material Notice for Publication. Notice for Publication their sins, flogging each other's on the ground to build the line Department of the Interior, Land Office Department of the Interior, Land Office bare backs until the blood runs, at Clayton, New Mexico, at Clayton, New Mexico, from Puerto to Lewis. April 1, and staggering under the weight April 1, 1908 1908 At election for school direc- Notice is hereby given that William Notice is hereby given that Willis of heavy wooden crosses. Accord- the Magness, of Logan, N. M., tors of this T. Vo)u, of Logan, N. M., has filed notice has filed notice ing to custom, during the sacred district, number 4, J. of his intention to mal;e final commutation of his intention to make final commutation ceremonies, Montano carried M. Stradley was elected for 3 years, proof in support of his claim, viz: Home- proof in support of his claim, viz: Home- strapped to his back, the cross C. W. Carman, 2 years and W. J. stead Entry No. 13655, made 6, stead Entry No. 11347, made for the .southeast )i Section 1211, 1 for the northwest '4 Section 27, Township 4, Township weighing several hundred pounds. Miles, year. Range 1311, Uunge 330, and that said proof will be 34c, and that said proof will be The pressure of the ropes which We had a. nice rain last week made before W. V. Moore, U. S. Com., made before W. W. Moore, U. S. Com., at his office in Logan, bound the cross to Montano's neck which put enough moisture in the at his office in Logan N. M., on May 19, N. M., on May 19, 1908. 1908. and shoulders cut thru' the man's ground for some to plow. The He names the following witnesses jugular vein and he fell dead He names the following witnesses to to at sandy ground is in fine shape as it prove his continuous residence upon, and prove his continuous residence upon, and the foot of the cross when the stands the drought better than tight cultivation of, the land, viz: cultiuation of, the land, viz: ropes were untied. land. K. C. Moore, Anna McKinney, Jose Wiliiam A. Jones, William E. Long, The Penitentes have been hold- Tafoya, Alice Wilson, all of Logan, N. M. Jefferson U. White, Robert A. Hester, all 4 Logan. N. M. We hear some talk of the govern- 4-- Edward W. Fox, Register ing in of 4 their sacred rites honor 4-- Edwaud W. Fox, Register Holy week near Cubero and San ment locating a nationnl park in the Paloduro canon in Mateo for several days. Texas. Our stock of screen doors will They could not find a more beauti- be here in a few days. Will be For Sale, Mc Mullen is having the ful place for a park than or Jas. pleased to book your order now east store in the Hancock building Puerto canons. We have some of second-han- for screenery when they Agood d broom corn repaired and furnished preparatory the most beautiful scenery to be arrive. 26-t- f Sanders Lumber Co. baler. Price $75. Can be seen to opening an ice cream parlor and found in the southwest. Butl our at J. A. Phillips' place, 6 miles cool drink stand. He will also rivers and creeks run with east of Quay. Address carry a full line of confectionery, when the wind blows. You will Weather strips will help keep F. H. Fui.i.woon, Bard, N. M. fruits, etc., and will be ready for also find springs of pure water in out the dirt these windy days. For or J. A. Phillips, Quay, N. M. business in a short while. either canon. sale by Sanders Lumber Co. 26-t- f 3t 4

EVERYTHING WILL BE COLORS TOMORROW --Wear one of HOLLAJSfD 'B'ROS. & K.AJVJVS "Notliiiij but the Best" Snappy spring Ties and be in the ffoing tat toe Best''

The Masonic Order Will Build The Admirals Verdict. Dr. H. D. Nichols and family Glenn Brothers have returned Temple have returned from Hot Springs, from El Paso where they went to Ark., lie has spent several weeks purchase barber supplies. They The Masonic One Sunday ' Fighting there hoping to be benefitted by are expecting their goods to arrive building associa- Bob" in tion of this city has Evans dropped into an exclusive the baths of that famous medical a few days when they will open purchased a shop in Lobby property and will erect a masonic church in N'Yawk. A dapper little hot spring. He has suffered for the building. temple at an early date. The usher tried to turn him into a rear three months with inflammatory rheumatism, and while he has not A. B. Dauber is spending a few triangle opposite Gross, Kelly & seat, but the admiral ignored him days entirely recoved, is much better. at Santa Rosalia, Mexico, for Co., and theM. B. Goldenberg Co. and limped right on up the aisle. the benifit of his health. is the site selected. The When he came to a pew Tucumcari is glad to have this building that family will face Main and Third and will looked alright to him, he sat down. home again. Dr. Nichols Dr. R. S. Coulter, the dentist, will to re-int- er in for be high, An elderly gentleman with an ex- - not attempt the was Santa Rosa a few days. three stories the material practice to be either coke braze or brick. tremly sanctified cast of counte- for a month or two and in Mrs. E. S. Bessey, sister of The Main street front will be nance, who was sitting in the pew the meantime Dr. Crume who has Attorney V. W. Moore, is here 75 so satisfactorily attended to his feet and the third street front 47 turned a heavy scowl in his di- from Claremore, Okla., visiting feet. There will be three business rection, but the admiral merely practice while away, will continue him. to take oi grinned good-lookin- g care the business. houses on the first floor and the at a soprano Mrs. Crofford is at home again tn the choir. Finally the elderly upstairs will be for Masonic and James Lanigan is making im- after a very pleasant visit in lodges and their club rooms. party scribbled something on a provements in the Coney Island Chickasha, Okla., This is going to be among the card and handed it to him. The Cafe. very best equipped temples in the message said: "I pay 1,500 a S. A. Cormer will represent the southwest and will have every year for the exclusive use of this V. W. Moore, the railway at- Singer Sewing Machine here in equipment to be hod for the amount pew." The admiral read this. torney for the Rock Island and Tucumcari. of Then he gazed critically at the Southwestern for this place re- money the Order intends to spend Lindman, manager of the pew and the man, turned and care- turned Wednesday from a profes- Fred in the erection and furnishing of Singer Sewing Machine Co., will building. fully studied the church interior, sional trip to House and Roosevelt. the The cost not to spend a few weeks in the city. mention the furnishing will be and finally took out a pencil and M. B. Fowler went to Roy Wed- about $11,000.00. This amount wrote on the card: ''You pay to nesday to attend to business Fresh at Adair's: Strawberries of stock has already been sold and danimuch." Book of Smiles and Tomatoes. 28-t- f the only thing remaining is to assign contract, bids for which will be advertised in a few days.

When He S&w Her Face.

A traveling man brings this one out from N'Yawk. A friend of his, it seems, started down the long LUMBER! flight of steps in front of the Metropolitan Art Museum. He was carrying a slight bun at the Why We Can Do It. time. Two steps below him was a lady whose fine-looki- ng figure made him think that she ought to have an equally handsome face. In his hurry to investigate, his We have reduced our stock, bought on last year's prices, to a minimum and now have feet slipped and he fell with a bought a complete line on the cheapest basis lumber has sold for the last ten years and heavy bump. Then things com- menced to happen. The fall we propose to caused him to hit the lady ahead and she just naturally sat on his lap, and thus the two slid down to GIVE YOU THE BENEFIT OF OUR BUY the bottom of the steps. It was there that he got the first glimpse of the lady's face. The sight sobered him instantly, and inci- dentally on the way down he had !iy order to dispose of our present stock we will sell same at the following prices: begun to realize that the figure was not what it seemed. So, when the lady exhibited no signs 1x4, 1x6, 1x8, 2x6 and 2x8 - per M $18.00 Flooring 1x4, Star 26.00 of wanting to get up, he said courteously, but firmly: "Pardon 2x4 19.00 Siding 1x6 26.00 I me, madam, but this is as far as Flooring....No. 2 - - " 15.00 " No. 1 20.00 go." Ex. Boxing No. 2, 1x10 - - " 18.00 18.00 Jack McCutchin, editor of the Las Cruces agricultural paper, has Boxing No. 1, 1x10 and 1x12 No. 2, - 20.00 Finish, B & B 35.00 been in town several days in the - - - C. 4.00 interest of his paper. 1, 1x12 23.00 Best R. Shingles We have just been appointed sole agents for the Dawson Lump Coal and have made arrangements to get their best product, which These prices apply on COMPLETE BIIvLS ONL,Y, and our stock, and only to the places us in a position to offer the public a better grade of goods for actual consumer or contractor less money than we have been in a position to do in the past. We are now offering coal at six dollars per ton. We wish to thank our many customers for their very liberal patronage during the winter LIMBER COMPANY months and earnestly solicit your future business. Very truly yours, 26-3- t Morgan & Dodson. Opposite Public School Building r

Not only the rain, which was of untold value to Ouav Countv. but the Special and we'll save it for you. Read every line of this ad. and then be wise and take ad

One Week's Shoe Men's Soft Collar Straw H Specials Shirts Time to get under one. you time, worry and m Another purchase ol "Close-Outs- " Time now to lay in your summer sup- styles for enables us to make some ply. We've some extraordinary values 25 men and b money saving prices on Men's for one week prices 25c, 35c, Shoes. Also have broken lines (A saving of tc in both Men's and Ladies Shoes $1.25 values $1.00 from 10c from regular stock to close out. hat) 1.50 values 1.25 95 pas Men's Calf Hals., solid 100 Sample leather soles, full vamp, (solid 2.00 values 1.39 under tip) English back stay, for men and boys. Lot wide last, Uee sample cut open 3.50 values, silk 2.50 and pick you out a hat JL in our window.) This is a reg- price ular S2.50 shoe the world .50 values 39 over. Our special price 1.85 Skirt Spec No. 3007 Men's heavey oil grain Bluchers, solid leather sole and Men's Neckwear counter, either plain or cap toe. Every pair guaranteed. One week (ONE WEE special This is headquarters. 2.19 The new loose Our stock is large, tcW I No. 3000. Men's heavy box calf Bluchers, solid as a rock, double end four-in-han- d in the latest shades, the reason we are makir sole and shank, full vamp, sizes made extra long. 7 and 7 only. Our regular $2.50 Worth $1.00 Not an out-of-dat- e garmeij shoe. One week special Our price .OUfir 2.00 All made in the late styll No. 1440. Men's single sole seamless bals, imitation cap, solid (See Window) mohairs and Panamas; leather. Regular price $2.50. Broken sizes to close 2.15 The kind you've been paying f brown and navy. One No. 3315. Men's calf boots, solid leather, pegged soles, low heel. 50c for 35c or 3 for 1UU discount of A regular $3.50 value. One week special 2.65 27 pairs Men's canvas Oxfords. A special purchase of broken sizes. Solid leatMer soles, heel and counter. Sizes 7, ylt and 8. A $2.00 value .95 The Piano MEN'S PATENTS Six is warming up. Standing of thfe different styles, among them all sizes, though each lot is made ui 01 Broken sizes. Our regular $4.50 and $5. 00 shoes. (See window.) Tuesday night, uuc wcck special 3.95 April 14th: S3. 00, $3.50 and $3. 75 Ladies shoes in patents, kids, turn and exten- soles. Any sion pair in the lot 2.85 Miss Florence Davis, Tucumcari i ,928 Miss! Ladies high shoes. Broken sizes to close. $2.50 shoes 2.15 Miss Lulu Bryan, " s33 Miss, I

i Miss Kittie Jones, 710 Miss

t c THE BEST Miss Carrie Monroe, 680 Mrs. Miss Clarice Woodard, Barancos fy2 Mrs. . do UNION MADE GLOVES Miss Yampert, Tucumcari Miss I Plain wrist, long or short Contest open mm mm until June w mmAmTm mm Am 3 30th.' J si gauntlets. Our stock com-- 100 years old is eligible. If your can! plete. her in for next week's announcement. 6 $1.00 to $2.00 One vote with every 5c purchase fit vote with every 1c purchase of jew(elry --2p. per pair Candidates get busy and ask your it

"If you don't buy it here we both lose money." T A. MUIR

IS PROPRIETORS SKIPP. A R.OVSING MEETING &&&&&& &&&&& jft&jft A 49 to Owner of New York Cut Price Knights of Pythias Held Meeting 49 Store Takes French Leave. Wednesday 49 Night. 49 49 Under an excuse of having a sick L. to 49 E. The Knights of Pythias held a TAYLOR wife in some nearby town to Abraham rousing business meeting Wednes- 49 to Smith, former proprietor of the 49 above day night at which ways and means to named store left town very of building 49 to quietly up the lodge and inter- 49 about five weeks ago. Lit- est in its work Electrical and Plumber Contractor to tle or no attention was discussed, and 49 was paid to his a plan of action mapped out, which to departure as he left his 49 &fr brother, it is hoped will in in- Samuel Smith in result a great 49 Proprietor of Novelty Store to charge of the crease in 49 store, but on attendance at all meet- Monday Samuel put ings, and in 49 a notice on eventually great good to the door, "Closed on for the work of lodge. 49 account of the to sickness," and folded It was determined that one night 49 Novelties to his tent like 49 and Notions an Arab, and quietly of every month should be devoted stole uway. He mailed a letter to 49 to to an entertaiment which is to be 49 the First National Bank the even- varied each b ing before his departure month, and from time 49 enclosing to time these entertainments are to to the store keys and 49 We have on hand o 3 draft due by be open to rb families, sweet- 49 several "Beautiful" his brother for Electric Portables and $491, and stated hearts and friends of the K. of P's. 49 Chandeliers which that he had the cash on hand we will sell at cost price next week. Call to These entertainments and 49 ofr pay same but social and see that the stock on evenings are to be under the direc- 49 them and get first choice hand amounted to about one thous- tion of a standing committee com- 49 and dollars. 49 posed of R. L. Patterson, C. J. K. The keys were immediately Moore and Harry H. McElroy. 4i ofr turned over to the sheriff and an 49 to One night of each month is to be 49 investigation instituted which re- to devoted to a school of instruction 49 Bath Room Outfits Complete sulted in finding nearly all the to tht of the Knights and it is to be one 49 fcfr shelf boxes were empty as the of the most interesting 49 Installed in Your Houses goods features of to had been removed prior to the lodge. Every Knight knows 49 Phone 28 to to the leave-takin- g of the proprie- the value of this feature and the 49 0 tor. As no books had been kept pleasure and profit to be derived 49 to it is impossible to furnish the ex- therefrom. VVVVVV act amount of his shortage, but The keeper of Records and Seal ai9V999 from the invoices obtainable it is of the lodge has been instructed to estimated that it was between publish a program of each weeks ?3,5oo and 4,000. meeting so that all Knights may Abraham Smith came to Tucum-car- i know what will be done. PENN & some time ago and before Many interesting talks were KEATOR starting in business deposited made for the good of the order and something over $1,000 in the numerous suggestions made in re- banks and then proceeded to open gard to plans for personal work in REAL ESTATE up a store. A short time before building upUhe attendance of all Fire leaving town he was making quite members. The attendance has and Tornado a reduction in the the price of been large all atong and it is hoped INSURANCE goods and also failed to make his to get everybody out. usual cash deposits in the bank, The Knights of Pythias will this and just before leaving the city he week work in a school of instruc- PHONE 107 drew out his cash in bank. tion. This will be highly profita- ROOM 7, ISRAEL BLDG. Tucumcari, N. M. For the last few days the wires ble to all members and all are re- have been kept warm by his cred- quested to attend Wednesday itors who are trying to collect past night. We want to express our thanks Weather strips will help keep due amounts, but up to pres- the and appreciation to our friends out the dirt these windy days. For ent time there is no clew obtaina- Mrs. V. N. Crofford is visiting and the people of Tucumcari in sale by Sanders Lumber Co. 26-t- f ble as to his whereabouts. her husband in the panhandle of general for their kindness to us Texas. FOR Rent: Furnished room in after our burn out. Beginning with Saturday Feb. 1, the Simpson building, apply at Drink a Stein of Hire's Root A. D. Pankey, Spencer & Parish will have ice Mrs. A D. Pankey. 17-- tf office of L. E. Sherwood. 27-t- f Beer at Elk Drug Store. 25-t- f cream every day.

CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Clayton, N M., April 3rd, 1908. A sufficient contest affidavit having been tiled in this office by Hd. L. Grubb, contestant, against homestead THE MERRY WIDOW entry No. 12226, made October ij, 1906, r for northwest quarter Section 12, Town- NOVELTIES ARE HERE ship 8n, Kange 36e, by Albert D. Martin, contestee, in which it is al- leged under date of Nov. 26, 1907, that the said Albert D. Martin has never at any time established his actual bona fide residence upon the said tract, that said tract has been wholly abandoned for a period of more than six monthii nextlprior to the date of this affidavit; that said tract Leather and Rubber Belts in the is not settled upon and cultivated by said Colors Designs party as required by law, that said alleged Newest and absence from the said land was not due Also a new line of Back Combs. to his employment in the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps of the United States as a private soldier, officer seaman or marine during the war with Spain, or during any A Back Comb and one of the Merry Widow Songs only 25c other war in which the United States may be engaged. Said parties are hereby notified to ap- pear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at to o'clock a. m. on May 19, 1908, before H. R. Putnam, U. S. A full line of W. L. Douglas Brown Pumps and Oxfords o, and Hamilton Court Commissioner at his office in Tex-ic- N. M., and that final hearing will bo held at 10 o'clock a. m., on May 26, 1908, before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office in Clayton, N. M. Tho said contestant having in a proper affidavit filed April 2nd, 1908 set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. VV. 4-- 1 1 Edward Fox, Register. BUREAU OF INFORMATION ad Bamett's Pop Cora Wagon Also and Pop Corn Main Street

Republicans Meet. few days BANK REORGANIZED. Homestead Kntry 17838 J.J. Overstreet left a Notice For Publication ago for Hugh, Oklahoma. Department or the Interior, Land A mass meeting at J ordan's store Olllce at Clayton, N. M., Ala-mogor- of do The TucumcaLfi Trust and Sav Engineer F. E. Riddle April 4, 1908, for the purpose of April 1st, 1008 was in the city Wednes- organizing a Republican Club, re- ings Bank Changes Notice Is hereby given that James day. II. Eady, of Logan, n. mM has I led sulted in the election of the follow- notice of his intention to make until Miss Agnes Matterson returned ing officers: B. Christiancy, pres- live year proof in support of his vice-presiden- no. few ago from a trip to ident; W. T. , t; claim, viz: Homestead entry a days The controlling stock of the 1007, the D. M. Davis, secretary; Will 17838, made may 10th. for Logan. Tucumcari Trust & Savings Bank north west X sec 21, twp 13n, r 34o, Montgomery, assistant secretary. re Tucumcari still booms, Sherwood changed hands last week and re and that said proof will bo made was ordered that the presi- W. W. Moore, U. S. Com. at his sells town property and farms. It organization immediately followed. dent appoint a committee on in- stock was raised from office in Logan, n. in. on May aObh, 27-- lt The capital 1U08. vitations and enrollment of mem- to Alamogordo $30,000 $50,000. He names the following witnesses H. H. Major of bers. The president appointed the The future methods of the bank to prove his continuous residence upon was a business visitor in Tucum- following persons: J. C. Carter, will be along same line as here- and cultivation of the land viz: the B. cari this week. Robert Stinson; Will Montgomery, tofore onlv on a larger scale, and 13. A. Baker, L. It. Thompson. J. D. M. Davis; Al Dollinger. This Iteneau, John Thrasher, all of Logan, Oscar Whita of El Paso has every effort will be made by the N. M. committee was instructed to 4-- taken a position with the Foster management to make it one of the 4 Edward W Fox, Register News Company. invite through the press if possible best institutions of its kind in the all persons who believe that the territory. Wm. Schulmasche of Logan was principles and policies presented of trom Logan The new building on the corner CONTEST NOTICE a business visitor and vigorously advocated by our Second now in Department of the Interior United States ago. Main and street a few days energetic and manly President, course of erection will be rushed Laud Office, Clayton, N. M., J. W. Corn, Manager of the Theodore Roosevelt, and being en- to completion and when finished March 18, 1908 by present A sufficient contest affidavit having been New Ice Plant has returued from acted into laws our will be one of the most complete filed in this office by Mrs. P. A. Lyon, con- a trip to Oklahoma. congressmen are so perfectly in and thoroughly equipped banking testant against homestead entry No. 16700, harmony with all parties that we made Mar. 1907, for SW4 Sec. 13, Twp. Edward A. Mann, Judge houses in the the southwest, and a 27, Hon. especially invite all persons, re- will 8n, Range 32c by J. T. Harris, contestee District was structure that Tucumcari be is alleged date of 28, of the Sixth Judicial gardless of past party affiliations in which it under Jan. in town this week on business. proud to boast of. 1908, that the said J. T. Harris has to join us in maintaining and not lived on same since he filed, and that Willard Belknap, U.S. Commis strencthenincr the present adminis HICKORY FARM. there are no improvements on said land, sioner of Nara Visa was in Tu- tration in his vigorous prosecution and that said alleged absence from the on business Wednesday. of corporations, said land was not due to his employment cumcari of illegal actionn in the army navy or marine corps of the Mc and other things in behalf of the The Hickory Farm Thursday United Ststes as a private soldier, officer, Chas. Parchman bought H. auspices o relinquishment this week. masses. Communicated. April 23rd, under the seaman or marine during the War with Elroy's Young Men's Club; a beautiful Spain or during any other war in which made by L. E. Sher- the The sale was Bonito School district No. 51, Comedy Drama in two .acts written the United States may be engaged. 37-- it ap- wood. Mc-Car- Said parties are hereby notified to acknowledges the receipt of a fine by Edwin Stern. Lawrence ty Encyclopedia, pear, respond and oiler evidence touching Von Schriltz, U. S. Express Chambers has the preparation of the said allegation at 10 o'clock a m on May 7, - agent here has taken a thirty days criveu as a prize by Mr. T. A. Muir- Dramatic arrangement of the play. 1908, before W. L. Partlow, U. S. Com- layoff and left last week for a trip head for the district getting the The male portion of the cast are as missioner at his office in Hollene, N. M., to greatest number of votes during Askew, McElroy, How- and that final hearing will be held at 10 Kansas. follows: o'clock a. m. on May 14, 1908, before the Chas. Kohn, one of the leading nis oig limit saie. mi. muiruuuu ard Kann. Lawrence McCarty will Register and Receiver at the United States will be long remembered by the Mc-Keega- n. of Montoya was in Tu- essay the part of Alderman Land Office in Clayton, N. M. merchants people of this school district, who The said contestant having in a proper cumcari on business for several Miss Nell Preston will having no idea of getting the prize, leading role of Mrs. affidavit filed Mar. iS, 1908, set forth facts days this week. sustain the which show that after due diligence person- are very happily surprised. Precilla Dodge, a three-tim- e mat- al service of this notice can not be made it Monday morning S. M. Dis-muk- es Hey diddle diddle, the cat and rimonial widow. is hereby ordered and directed that such listed his property with L. in night notice be given by due and proper publica- the fiddle, Rehersals are progress E. Sherwood and it was sold by Askkw & McElroy, tion. and day. 4 cow jumped over the fence. 4-- Edward W. Fox, Register 2 o'clock the same afternoon. 27-- n The "To the Big Minstrel Show" M'g'r. Gen. Committee. Jack Spratt could eat no fat she said, "I must go" His wife could eat no lean And the doggie said "my! she's got VV. H. Burton and sister of San But they agreed to go to the sense." Jon, were visitors Tuesday. Mr. Minstrel Show Burton tells us that San Jon is Dis-muk- es is a great And a happier couple never was L. E. Sherwood sold the growing and that there HARPER seen. property in Russell Ad- dual of building going on both in dition. 27-i- t the town and in the surrounding KENTUCKY country. There is quite a coal ex- A, F, & A, M, citement in the San Jon country and WHISKEY CAMPBELL Mr- - Burton is among the number Agency Meets on 1st and 3rd Monday of each who have the mininu fever and be Collection month at 8 p m in Masonic Hall over Post they have a reasonable for Gentlemen Office lieves that who cherlth chance to make a profitable dis- Quality; A. D. GOLDKNBRRG, W. J. HakoJs, A San Collections W. M. Sec. covery. coal mine at Jon made would certainly be a great boost Everywhere to that section of our county. BETHEL CHAPTER NO. 15 For Sale by Jones & Franklin J. W. CAMPBELL, Mgr. ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Miss O'Hair who was called to Chicago a few days ago on account OFFIC- E- SIMPSON BUILDING Meets on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each Phone 137 P. O. Box 407 month at 8 p m at Masonic Hall over Post ot the illness of her brother, has Weather strips will help keep steno- TUCUMCAfU, NEW MEXICO Office returned to her position as out the dirt these windy days. For TUCUMCARI LODGE NO, 27 grapher at the First National Bank. sale by Sanders Lumber Co. 26-t- f

1 l When you drink whiskey at the I White Elephant jw you drink you get WHITE ELEPHANT 9 1 your choice of brands direct from I Saloon the Vineyards of Southern You drink it just as it comes from

1 ji r--s a. r i .... 1 me uovernmeni warenuuse 111 9 I B. Kentucky. A. DAUBER Choice fruit Brandies l X PROPRIETOR C. H. de YAMPERT Real Estate and Rentals Office in Campbell Building City Property, Relinquishments, and Deeded Lands for sale

CONTEST NOTICE. CONTEST NOTICE CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United Contest Notiqe, States Land Office. Clayton, N. M., Department of the Interior, United States Department of the Interior, United States Department of tbo Interior, United February 2(1, 1008. Land Of lice, Clayton, N. M. Land Office, Clayton, N. M States Land Oillce. Clayton, N. M., A sufficient contest notice having February 12. igoH. March 2, 1008. been tiled in this of fee by William February 14, IgoH A sulHcient A KUtllcient contest affidavit having Yaws, contestant, contost affidavit having been against homestead filed in this office by Jesse Keed, ol Grady. been Hied in this oftlce byG. W entry no, 11408, S A sufficient made ptomber 21, contest affidavit having ben N. M , contestant, against Brand, contestant, against homestead 1-- homestead entry 1000, for sw 4, :10, filed in office section township this by Charlie T. Morton, No. 14G95, made January 20, for se. entry no. 1241)8, made October 22 8 n, range 32 e, by Con- 1907, 100ft, Walter Larremore of Lewis, New Mexico, sec 29. township 8n, range by for sw sec 31, twp 8 n, range In is 330, George coutestoe, which it alleged under testant, against homestead entry no. Hlerholzer contestee, in which it is alleged .Joe, by .John It. Wilcoxson, con testae, date of February 13, 1008, 114H2, igoG, sec, that the made Sept. 24, for ne,f that: the said George Hierholzcr has aban- In which it is alleged under date of said Walter Larremore has wholly to, township 0 north, range 33 east, by doned said of Juno 5, 1M7, that the said U. adandoned tract land for a period of John the said tract, that he has John O. Mcliee, Contestee, in which more than six months last past and next Willcoxson lias wholly abandoned the changed his residence therefrom for it i'i alloyed that: said John O. Mcliee prior to ( said tract, that ho has changed more date hereof ); his than six months since making has abandoned said tract of land for a that he has not established and maintained residence therefrom for a period of said entry, that the said tract Is not period of more than six months last past thereon his more than six months since making upon residence as required by law; settled and cultivated by the and next prior to date hereof, that he has that he has not improved and cultivated said entry and next prior to the date said party as required by law, and not established and maintained thereon said tract of land as required by law; hereof, that said tract is not settled law; that upon that the said alleged absence from his residence as required by that he said defaults have not been cured; and and cultivated by said party as the said land still exists to the date has uot improved and cultivated said tract that said alleged absence from said land required by law, and that the said ab- of this affidavit, and that the said of land as required by law, that said was not due to his sence from the said land was not alleged employment in the due absence was not due to his defaults have not been cured, and that Army, Navy, or Marine Corps of the to his employment in the array, navy employment in the aimy, navy or said alleged absence from said land was United States in any capacity in time of or marine corps of the United States marine corps of the United States as not due to his employment in the Army, war, and this as a private soldier, officer, seaman a the said contestant is ready private soldier, officer, seaman or Navy or Marine Corps of the United to prove at such time and place as may or marine during the war with Spain marine during the war with Spain States in the time ol wai in any capacity, be named by the Register and Receiver or during any other war in which the during any other war in which the and this the said contestant is ready to for a hearing United States may be engaged. Said United in said case. States may be engaged, said prove at such time and place as may be Said parties are hero by notified to ap- parties are hereby notified to appear, parties are hereby notltiod to appear, named by the Register and Receiver pear, respond, and offer evidence touching respond and oiler evidence touching respond and offer evidence touching for a hearing in said case. Said said allegations at 10 o clock a. said allegation at 10 o'clock, a. m. on m., on 14, said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on parties are hereby notified to appear, April, 15, 1908, before H. R. Putnam. April l08 before Eugene H. Hedge-cok- o, April 27. 1908, before N. V. Gallegos, respond and offer evidence touching said U. S. Court Commissioner his U. S. Commissioner at hlsofllce U. at office in S. Court Commissioner in his allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on Abril 15, Texico, New Mexico; and that final hear- in Endee. K. M., (and that final hear- office M , U. ing will in Tucumcari, N. (and that 1908, before H. R. Putnam, S. Court ing will he held at 10 o'clock a. m. on be held at 10 o'clock a. to. on final 10 office in 21, hearing will be held at Commissioner at his Texico, New April 22, 1 90S, before) the Register and April 1908, before) the Register o'clock a. m. on May 4, 1008, before) Mexiro, and that final hearing will be Receiver at the United States Land Office and Receiver at the United States the Register and Receive v at the held at 10 o'clock a. m. on April 22, igoS, in Clayton, New Mexico. Land Office in Clayton, N. M. United States Land office in Clayton, before the Register and Receiver at the The said contestant having, in a proper The said contestant having, in a M. M. in proper United States Land Office Clayton, affidavit, filed February 12, ujo8, set forth allldavit, tiled March 2, Said contestant having in a proper New Mexico. facts which show that after due diligence 108. set forth facts which show that "1 11)08, affidavit tiled February 20, sob The said contestant having, in proper personal service of this noticd can not be after due diligence, personal service forth facts which show that after duo affidavit, filed February 14, 1908, set forth made, it is hereby ordered and directed of this notice can not be made, it is diligence personal' service of this no- facts which show that after due diligence, that such notice be given by due and hereby ordered and directed that tice can not be made, it is hereby personal service of this notice cr.n not be proper publication.t such notice be given by due and pro- M per ordered and directed that such notice made, it is hereby ordered and directed 3-- Edwakd W. Fox, Register. publlcatlon.f be given by due and proper publica- that such notice be given by due and 3-- 14 Edwahu W. Fox. Rfiiristnr tion. t Edward W. Fox, proper publication. 3-- 14 Register. 3-- 14 Edward W. Fox, Register. tf M. B. FOWLER Let Campbell collect your ac- Strychnine Crystal $1.25 per tf Phone 68 counts. 'Phone 137 26-t- f ounce at Elk Drug Store. 25-t- f tf Campbell collect your ac- tf T The Evans Realty Company Let i Beer & Ice company counts. 'Phone 26-t- f near have for sale two acre blocks of 137 tf i land adjoining The Highland Park Fresh Stawberries at C. T. M. B. Fowler Prop. property at $300.00 each. Terms. Adair's. 'Phone 156. tf tf tf m Sole agents for Pabst, Anheuser Busch We have just been appointed Give your accounts to Campbell m and Ferd Heim Beers. sole agents for the Dawson Lump for collection. 26-t- f Seasonable Soft Drinks Bottled Coal and have made arrangements For up to date dress making, see m Our Own Plant. m to get their best product, which Mrs. C. W. Barker. Satisfaction ff Full Line of Glassware for Supplies. places us in a position to offer the guaranteed. Phone 65. 22 tf public a better grade of goods for Business Phone 45 m less money than we have been in Our stock of screen doors will position to do in the past. We be here in a few days. Will be are now offering coal at six dollars pleased to book your order now per ton. for screjenery when they arrive. We wish to thank our many 26-t- f Sanders Lumber Co. customers for their very liberal 1 patronage during the winter See Anderson's Pressed Steel months and earnestly solicit your Bath Tubs, Something new; they future business. are fast taking the place of the L SHERWOOD & (0 Very truly yours, heavy cumbersome cast iron tubs. I 26-3- t Mouoan & Dodson. 14 tf


Lhy Property and Deeded Lands, for Sale. Up-to-dat- e Everything First Class and We make a Specialty of Relinquishments. If You Have Property for Sale, List it with Us. Family Washing A Specialty REFERENCE : FIRST NATIONAL BANK We are now ready to offer First Class Service Office, Simpson Building, East Main Street FOWLER & LANIGAN Homestead Entry 4061 Homestead Entry 4362 Homestead Entry 4226 Homestead Entry 11 529 PUBLICATION Notice For Publication. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE FOR Department of the Interior, Land Office Department of the Interior, Land Office Department of the Interior, Land Office Department of the Interior, Land Office New Mexico, at Clayton, New Mexico, at Clayton, New Mexico, at Clayton, New Mexico, at Clayton, Mar. 24, 1908 Mar. 24, 1908 March 24, 1908 Mar. 24, 1908 Notice is hereby given that Alvina, Mi- Notice is hereby given that Francisquito Notice is hereby given that Pinkney L. Notice is hereby given that Joseph D. randa, of Gallegos, New Mexico, has filed M. do Montano, for the heirs of Jose Man-toy- n, Barnes, of San Jon, N. M. has filed not- Richardson, of Tucumcari, N. M., has filed notice of his intention to make final deceased, of Gallegos, N. M.. has filed ice of his intention to make final com- notice of his intention to make final five five year proof in support of his claim, notice of his intention to make final five mutation proof in support of his claim, viz: year proof in support of his claim, viz: viz: year proof in support of their claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 1152G, made Sept. Homestead entry No. 4061 made Sept. 22, Homestead Entry No. 4362, made Feb. Homestead Entry No. 4226, made Dec, 2, 24, 190G, for the northwest quarter. Sec- 1902 for the southeast quarter Sec- 6, 1903, for the 82 3W4, nw4 se4, Sec. 26, 1902, for the nw4 SC4, s2 504, and the s. tion 2G, Township ion, Range 340., and tion 17, Township 1411 Range 31 east, and ne4 nw4, Section 35, Twp. isn, Range SW4, Sec 35, Twp. tGn, Range 300, and that said proof will be made before N. V. and that said proof will be made before R. 326, and that said proof will be made be- that .said proof will be made before Gallegos, U. S. Court Commissioner, P. Donoho, Probate Clerk of Quay County fore Manuel Martinez, U. S. Court Com- Manuel Martinez, U, S. Court Commis- at his office in Tucumcari, N. M., on at his office in Tucumcari, N. M.on May 7, missioner, in his office at Gallegos, N. sioner at his office in Galtegos, N. M.on May 7th, 1908. 1908 M. on May 7, 1908. May 7, 1908. He names the following witnesses to He names the following witnesses to He names the following witnosses to He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and prove his continuous residence upon and prove his continuous residence npon, and prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of the land viz: cultivation of, the land, viz; cultivation of, the land, viz: cultivation of, the land, viz: Arthur Burnett, of San Jon, New Mexico; W. R. Richardson, of Logan, N. M.; Albina Miranda, of Gallegos, N. M.; Dionicio Montoya, of Gallegos, N. M.; Mullins, ; ! 4 Buttler Frank Griffith, j Ambrocio ; Eatavan Miranda, Montoya, J. W. Atkins, : Thomas Romero, I " ; ' " " ; Procopio Mentoya Albino Miranda, W. J. Pittmnn, . L. Richaadson, of Tucumcari, " " . ' " " " J. G. Gallegos, Encarnacio Vigil, . 28 28 Leandro 3-- Edward W. Fox, Register. 3-- Edw W. Fox, Register 3-- 28 Edward W. Fox, Register 3-- 28 Edward W. Fox, Register

Homestead Entry 8049 Homestead Entry 7487 Homestead Entry 15057 Homestead Entry 6883 Notice for Publication NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, Land Office Department of the Interior, Land Office Department of the Interior, Land Office Department of the Interior, Land Office at Clayton, New Mexico, at Clayton, New Mexico, at Clayton, New Mexico, at Clayton, New Mexico, Mar. 24, 1908 Mar. 24, 1908 Mar. 24, 1908 Mar. 24, 1908 Notice is given Notice is hereby given that Notice is hereby given that Lula hereby that William Notice is hereby given that Allie C. Janie H. Yarnall, of Plain, N. M., has filed Mexico, Hines, of Endee, N. M. has filed notice Riley, of Endee, N. M. has filed notice of Howell, of Tucumcari, New has notice of his to final com- of to make final commu- her intention to make final five year intention make filed notice of her intention to make final her intention mutation proof in of his tation proof in support of her claim, viz: proof in support of her claim viz. Home- support claim viz: Commutation proof in support of her Homestead Entry No. made Homestead Entry No. 8049, made April stead Entry No. 7487, made Mar. 6, 1906, 15057, Feb. claim viz: Homestead Entry No. 6883 8, 12, 1907, for the southwest quarter Section 1906, for Lots 1 and 2 and S2 for the e2 se4 Sec. and W2 SW4, Sec. 9, made Jan. 12, 1906, for the northeast 12, ne4, g, Township 7n, Range and that said Section 4, Twp. gn, Range 35c, and that Twp gn, range 35c, and that said proof 32c quarter Section 20, Township tin, Range Hedge-cok- e, proof will be said proof will be Eugene will be made before Eugene E. made before N. V. Gallegos, 32 east and that said proof will be made made before E. U. S. Court Commissioner, his Hedgecoke, U. S. Commissioner, at his U. S. Commissioner, at his office at office before R. P. Donohoo, Probate Clerk of in Endee, N. M., on May 7th, igo8. in Tucumcari, N. M., on May, 7th, Quay County, N . M. at his office in Tu- office in Endee, N. M., on May 6, 1908. igo8. She names the following witnesses to She names the following witnesses to cumcari, N. M. on May 8, 1908. prove her continuous residence upon and He names the following witnesses to He names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon, and his of, cultivation of the land viz: prove continuous residence upon, and prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation the land, viz: cultivation of Lula Riley, of Endee, N. M., Frank John Williams, ot Bovin'a, Texas; Ed O. the land, viz, cultivation of, the land, viz: W. F. Pardue, S. D. Stevens, W. G. Durham, of Endee, N. M., Ed O. Claunch, Claunch of Hollene, N. M.; Jane Hinds, Ben Comstock, Will Robinet, Pat Hoff- of Endee, N. M.; Clem Johnson, of Endee, Harmon, Roy Pack wood, all of Plain, N. man, A. M. Wilburn, all ot Tucumcari, N. of Hollene, N. M., Clem Johnson, of M. Endee, N. M. N. M. M. 28 3-- 3-- Edward W. Fox, Register. 3-- 28 28 W Fox, Register 3-- Edward W. Fox, Register. Edward Edward W. Fox, Register.

Homestead Entry 14801 Homestead Entry 10425 Homestead Entry 7296 Homestead Entry 4567 ' Notice for Publication NOTICE FOR PUHLICATION. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office Department of the Interior, Land Office Department of the Interior, Land Office Department of the Interior, Land Office at Clayton, New Mexico, at Clayton, New Mexico, at Clayton, New Mexico, at Clayton, New Mexico, Mar. 24, 1908 Mar. 24, xgoS Mar. 24, igo8 Mar. 24, 1908 Notice is hereby given that William L. Notice is hereby given that Thomas Notice is hereby given that Cora M. Notice is hereby given that Jessie L. Taylor, of Grady, N. M.,has filed notice of Riley, of Endee, N. M., has filed Moody, of Hartford, N. M., has filed Smith, of Tucumcari, N. M. has filed notice his intention to make final Commutation notice of his intention to make final five notice of her intention to make final of his intention to make final five year proof in support of his claim viz Home- year proof in support of his claim, viz: Commutation proof in support of her claim, proof in support of his claim viz Home- viz: No. stead Entry No. 10425, made Sept. 1, Homestead Entry No. 7296, made Feb. Homestead Entry 14801, made stead Entry No. 4567 made May 4, I903, Feb. 4, 1907, or the southwest 1906 for the northeast quarter section 11, 23, 1906, for the W2 nw4, and W2 SW4, quarter for the W2 SW4, Sec. 3, and e2 se. Sec. 4, Twp 7n, range 330, and tkut said proof Section 3,' Township gn, Range 35c, and Section 32, Township 7n. range 2g east, Township 10 north, range 2g east and will be made before N. V. Gallegos, U. S. that said proof will be made before E. and that said proof will be made before that said proof will be made before J. Tu-eamca- ri, V. Court Commissioner at his office in E, Hedgecoke, U. S. Commissioner at his N. Gallegos, U. S. Court Commissioner Q. Adams, U. S. Commissioner at his at his office in M. N. M. on May 7, 1908. office in Endee, N. M., on May 7, 1908. Tucumcari, N. on office in Tucumcari, N. M. on May 5, 1908. He names the following witnesses to He names the following witnesses to May 6th, igo8. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and prove his continuous residence upon, and She names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz cultivation of, the land, viz: prove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: E, S. Gholson, of Puerto, N. M., J. C. J. M. Hedgecoke, Jf.. of Endee, N. M., cultivation, of the land, viz: W. L. Davis, of Tucumcari, N. M., Ben Clowers, of Puerto, N. M., B. D. Bohan-ao- n, W. N. Elkins, of Allen, N. M Claud K. M. Moser, A. A. Anderson, F. G Kilgore, of Hanley, N. M., Frank Smith, of Puerto, N. M., J. L. Lasswell, of Elkins, of Allen, N. M., Dock Read, of Anderson, P. A. Steffin, all of Hartford, of Tucumcari, N. M., Milton Haynes, of Grady, N. M. San Jon, N. M. N. M. Tucumcari, N. M. 28 3-- 3-- 28 3-- W. Fox, Register. 28 Edward W. Fox, Register Edward W. Fox, Register. Edward 3-- Edward W Fox Register

Homestead Entry 1x655 Homestead Entry 14895 Homestead Entry gss8 Homestead Entry 14802 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Notice for Publication of Department the Interior, Land Office Department of the Interior, Land Office Department of the Interior, Land Office Department of the Interior Land Office at Clayton, New Mexico, at Clayton, New Mexico, at Clayton, New Mexico, at Clayton, New Mexico, Mar. 24, 1908 Mar. Mar. 24, 1908 24, igo8 March 24. 1908 Notice is hereby given that Donald Notice is hereby given that Paul E, Notice is hereby given' that Sidney I. Notice is hereby given of that Kate M. Obrien, Revuelto, N. M., has filed Schaub, of Hartford, N. M. has filed notice Wharton, of Endee, New Mexico, has filed Moser, of Hartford, N. M., has filed notice Com- of notice of his intention to make final his intention to make final Commutation notice of his intentiou to make final com- of her intention to make final Commu- mutation proof in support of his claim, viz: proof in support of his claim viz Home- mutation proof in support of his claim, viz: tation proof in support of her claim viz: Homestead Entry No. 11655, made Oct. stead Entry No. 14895 made Feb. Homestead Entry No. Aug. 7, 1907, 9558, made Homestead entry No, 1480, made Feb. 4, 1, 1906, for the s2 and 02 Sec- for the southeast Sec. Twp. 1906, for Sec- nw4 SW4 quarter 32 711, ir, the northwest quarter, 1907 for the northwest quarter Section 32, tion 27, Township 12N, Range range and said proof will tion 34E, and 290 that be made 27, Township un, Range 36e, and Township 711, Range 29 east, and that said that said proof will be made before R. P. before N. V. Gallegos UiS. Court Commis- that said proof will be made before Eugene proof will be made before N V Gallegos, Donohoo, office Probate Clerk of Quay County, sioner at his in Tucumcari, N. M. on E. Hedgecoke, U. S. Com. at his office in U. S. Court Commissioner, at his office in at his office in May 6, N. 011 Tucumcari, N. M., on 1908. Endee, M., May .6, 1908. Tucumcari, N. M. on May 6, 1908. May 7, 1908. He names the following witnesses to He names the following witnesses to She names following He the witnesses to names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and prove his continuous residence upou, and prove her continuous residence prove his upon and continuous residence upon, and cultivation of the land, viz: cultivation of, the land, viz: cultivation of, the land, viz: cultivation of, the land, viz: A. Stoffin, G. A. A. L. P. F. Anderson, Claud Fallwell, John T. Wharton, A. A. Anderson, F. G. Anderson, P. A. D. N. Williams, W. Anderson, Mrs. M. A. Boweiman, fof Geo. P. Joel Jinkins. T. all Dever, Claud Wharton, all of Steffin, C. M. Moody, all of Hartford, N. Potts, F. D. Pullen, all of Revuelto, N. M. Hartford, N. M. Endes, N. M. M. 28 28 3-- 3-- 28 3-- Edward W. Fox, Register. Edward W. Fox, Register W. Fox, Register. a8 Edward 3-- Edward W. Fox, Register

Homestead Entry 8181 Homestead Entry 2870 Homestead Entry 8619 Homestead Entry 14 102 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Notice for Publication Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, Land Office Department of the Interior, Land Office Department of the Interior, Land Office Notice for Publication at Clayton, New Mexico, at Clayton, New Mexico, at Clayton, New Mexico. Department of the Interior, Land Office Mar. 24, 1908 Mar. 24, 1908 Mar. 24, 1908 at Clayton, New. Mexico, is Notice hereby given that James Notice is hereby given that Benito A. Notice is hereby given that Batt Austin, Mar. 24th, 1908 Clyde Allen, of Loyd, N. M has filed Encinias, of Isidor, N. M. has filed notice of of Tucumcari, N. M. has filed notice Notice in hereby given that Andersou notice of his intention to make final com- his intention to make final five year proof ol hit intention to make final commutation Case, of Tucumcari, N. M., has filed proof Home-tea- mutation in support of his claim, viz: in support of his claim viz Homestead En- proof in support of his claim viz d notice of his intention to make final com- Homestead Entry No. 8181, made April try No, 2870, made May 3, 1901 for the Entry No. 8619,, made June 6, 1906, mutation proof in support of his claim, viz: igo6, for 24, the northwest quarter, Sec- southwest Section 1, Twp. i2n, range for "the e2 ne4 and 112 se4, Section 12, Homestead Entry No. 14102, made Jan, tion 25, Township gn, Range and said will be- 310, 256 and that proof be made, Twp ion, range 30c and that said proof 7, 1907- - for the northeast of Skc. that said will 10, proof be made before R. fore Estevan V. Gallegos U. S. Court Com- will be made before R. P. Donohoo, Pro- Twp. 711, Range 300, and that said P. Donohoo, proof Probate Clerk of Quay missioner at his office in Isidor, N. M. bate Clerk of Quay County, at his office in will be made before J. Q. Adams, U. S. County at hia office in Tucumcari, on on May 6, 1908. Tucumcari, N. M. on May 6, 1908. Commissioner at his office, in May 6, Tucumcari, 1908. He names the following witnesses to He names the following witnosses to N. M., on May 5, 1908. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and prove his continuous residence upon, and He names the following prove his witnesses to continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: cultivation of the land, viz: prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of the the land viz: Donaciona Lopez, Domingo Maes, Petro-lin- o Jas. Tolley, Albert Estle, R. A. Camp-bell- e, ultivation of the land, viz: William Kettle, E. C. Blanchard, Joe Lujan, Santiago Lopez, all of Isidor, Ben Robertson, all of Tucumcari, IN. Walter Cecil, Otis Lacy, P. Manning, Vokal, Fred Marr, all of Loytl, M. M. - N. N. M. William Hitch, all of Quay, N- M. 28 3-- 28 Edward W. Fox, Register. 3-- W, Fox, 3-- 28 Edward Register. Edward W. Fox, Register 3-- Edward W. Fox, Register Grand Sale of Lots in the TOWN or COLFAX Colfax County, N. M

NEW TOWN centers near the crossing of St. Louis, Rocky Hours tain & Pacific and El Paso THIS Southwestern Railroads, where these companies maintain a joint station, formerly called Vermejo. NEW MEXICO LAND SALES COMPANY, general offices, Cimarron, New Hexico, offers to the public all the lots, 2,000 in number, in the town of Colfax, as shown by the official plat of said town, duly filed in the office of the County Recorder of Colfax county.

These Lots will all be sold for the same price, $40.00 each

Without reservation or restriction, so that the purchasers will get all the benefit of the rise in value, instead of the townsite company, as is usually the case. They are divided impartially into groups 0f ten average lots to each group, one group being on sale at each of the principal and towns along A. T. & S. F., St. Louis, Rocky Mountain & Pacific, E. P. & S. W. and Rock Island railroads in New Mexico and adjacent states.

The certificate of the county clerk of Colfax county, published here subdivided in tracts suitable for farms and are being sold to town would have up with is a guarantee that each purchaser will get a good title This been taken and settled some years before but for the fact that the former owners of the land and of deal. the and a square large tracts surrounding this place have always, until now, refused to subdivide and sell the same. CERTIFICATE. Tl new mexico, These splendid agricultural :rritory of ' lands are in groat demand and are County of Colfax, V selling rapidly at prices ranging from $10 to $100 per acre. I hereby certify that I have examined the title to all the lots in the TOWN Lying as they do along the TIMBERED FOOTHILLS OF THE OF COLFAX as designated on the official plat thereof duly tiled in my office AND TRAVERSED AS THEY ARE BY 24U1 day February, A. D. 1008, as said title appears on the records on the of PERMANENT MOUNTAIN STREAMS, these at- of Colfax county; and such examination shows that on this date, March 2, lands with their 1908, said lots belong to New Mexico Land Sales Company free from tax or tendant advantages of minerals, timber, water, hunting, fishing and other liens; and that said Company is duly organized and authorized to sell scenery, are Infinitely more attractive to settlers than lands far from and convey the same. (Signed) E. G. Twittv, the sheltering mountains. rsKAi.l Clerk of the Probate Court and Fx-Offic- io County Recorder of The town is laid out on a level near foothills covered Colfax County, New Mexico. with evergreen timber. It is a beautiful place with a delightful climate and by reason of its location, surroundings and excellent railroad facilities, Colfax is Colfax is located in the Vermejo valley, about 500 feet from the bound to become an important industrial center. Vermejo river, a permanent mountain stream which heads in the Application for lots have already been received from parties who snow capped Sangre de Christo mountains. It Is on the St, Louis, will put up general stores and also applications for lots for lumber Rocky Mountain & Paclflc Railroad, near the Junction of that road yard, hotel, restaurant and post office and real estate offices and other with the Dawson railroad, a part of the El Paso & Southwestern Sys- business houses. tem. These two railroads connect with the A, T. Sz S, P., & Those people will build as soon as they can secure suitable lots from Southern and Rock Island Systems. purchasers of lots in some of the groups, as lots are not offered for The town is in the heart of the Holiest coal and agrlcul-tura- l sale In any other way, ho preference being given. district of . The purchaser of any lot In any group will make a good Invest- ment and may be able to sell in a short many Is only live miles from the extensive coal mining and coking it time for times what It he pays for It. camps of Dawson Fuel Company, where there are already over 4,000 Any purchaser f lots desiring to soil same may do so by listing people. The coal mining camps and coke ovens of St. Louis, Rocky them with E. II. Fisher, Real Estate Agent, Colfax whoso post Mountain & Pacific Company are within one hour's ride of Colfax-Othe- r at office address will be Colfax, New Mexico, coal openings have been made and veins discovered in eight. via Cimarron, for the present mail route canons within a few miles of Colfax, many of which will until the is changed. dilVerent Mr. Fisher refers parties caring to as be doveloped. make inquiries to his stand, doubtless lug and reliability, to New Mexico Land Sales Company, R RICH AGRICULTURAL LANDS in the valley belonging Cimarron, Til New to Company, Mex- & Company, Ruston , Maxwell Mexico; Cimarron Townsite Cimarron, New to Charles Springer the Farm ico; to St. Louis, Rocky Mountain & Pacific Railway Company, Raton, lands and the 50,000 acres of the French Land & Irrigation Company, New Mexico; First National Batik, Raton, New Mexico ; and to Flsk some adjoining and all near and tributary to this town, are being & Robinson, New York.


GENERAL OEEICES, CIMARRON, NEW MEXICO Agricultural Lands in the Cimarron Valley, City Property in the Town of Colfax.

Mi We Not Only Can Fit but we are fitting the hard to fit in clothing a complete assortment of of Regulars, Stouts and Slims, in fabrics We have Stout or Long and price to suit tile most fastidious. If you are Short and and Slim you can be fitted here.


With a Double Guaran- tee with Every Suit THE MANUFACTURERS AND OVR OWN AN WHO ON CARES SHOE Boys new The Argyle Spring Styles Every "FLORSHEIM" Oxford is stamped on the sole for your protection and is a guar- espvmaHT i.o. tmc or in Suits MICHAELS-STER- N antee of foot comfort and FINE CLOTHING $1.50 to $5.00 satisfaction. MIOHACLS, BTCHN A CO. Selected materials and ex nOOHSBTtn, N. V. pert workmanship are used in the "FLORSHEIM" shoe. ISRAEL'S The Moneyworth Store Most Styles are $5 00 AT ISRAEL'S ONLY A full line of Florsheim Shoes and Oxfords; tans and blacks

I I The First Agency ( Impression

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500 patterns of exclusive novelties will be shown with pieiiKure at our store THE n. B. GOLDENBERG CO. I Soon be agency for "Edwin Clpp" and "Dorothy Dodd" Shoes I