38,&+,1*0,''/(6&+22/ 20 Pui Ching Road, Homantin, Hong Kong. Tel: 2711 9222 Fax: 2711 3201 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. First published Jan 2016 by PUI CHING MIDDLE SCHOOL Hong Kong ISBN: 978-988-15777-6-4 Printed in Hong Kong by Chung Tai Printing & Hot Blocking Co. 'HGLFDWLRQ 7KHFROOHFWLRQLVGHGLFDWHGWR *RG WKHIRXQGHUVRIWKHVFKRRO DQG WKHLQVSLULQJSULQFLSDOV DQGWHDFKHUVRI3XL&KLQJ ZKRVHHNWRPDNHWKHVFKRROWKHEHVWFUDGOH IRUQXUWXULQJWDOHQWVDQGOHDGHUVRIJHQHUDWLRQV LQWKHSDVW QRZ DQGWKHWLPHWRFRPH &ŽƌĞǁŽƌĚ Dƌ͘ dĂŵ zĂƚ zƵŬ Oasis is the fruitful collection of the students’ creative writings. Thanks to the untiring effort of our English teachers in promoting writing, Oasis has become a culture in Pui Ching. Many students have developed the readiness to write. They are willing to write and they take pride in sharing their work with others. Some have taken contribution to Oasis as an important annual event. As the principal of Pui Ching, there is nothing happier and more encouraging than to see students love writing and to see life and creativity in their work. Time passes and the year goes. When a student no longer walks up and down the steps, what refreshes his youthful reminiscence may be the inspiration that has been planted in this student classic. Students, why hesitate? Open your minds to the world around you, be aware, read, be inspired and write. Tam Yat Yuk Principal 7 January 2016 tŽƌĚƐĨƌŽŵƚŚĞĚŝƚŽƌƐ Subsequent to the previous revised publication of 2DVLV, there comes the heartwarming applause from various sides.
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