1 It- * - /-#'■'' '7-' C- ' ■ . 1

NBfPBBSS RUN 4VBBAOE DAILX CIRCULATION fwr the Month of December, 19SU A»-y'.f V-'.' /i. 5 , 5 9 3 ;F i^ and n9t an cold topl|^ti l ^ . - Members of the Aadit Borean ^ ..^ ^ T ;^ ‘.’vj:.^jafr..rl^'teing^t»*!^^^i; ■, ,?a of Qrcolatlons. -.•'A- ‘■* ■ ' " ' • •*’ • ; • ■■- : , -- • » • v T . ., I - =:- • -• r V :*A ■.%. i- . w r '^ ■,' vW-’ t.». ■; ■. • •> . h , *,->*?•• r^ 'K ■I "r ~a- ^ i:r"“K . r . " f . . , - ‘p".' '■ j -# - . ; -rj - * ’ (TWBFt¥B'FA^1E^) ------— ------^5 VOL. XLV., NO. 91. (Classified (dvertidng on Page 10.) SOUTH MANCHESTER,, THI;RSDAY, JANUARY ISvlOSi.:^;’.' . ,/,,vv^';c;-^;'^:..,;V;(TWNtYB'iVMBES^^ ----- ‘ ' • '■■-■»----:■— ------1 .;■'- . >J’ '.'.’>!■ ■^■^' .•..>\. ■:•.#■ *l» *' ■ ■■' ■'"' • ■ - " I W-." ' -^u.^rj.» I'-i 'tf-i ' SEE HIDDEN A M First Lady and Senators’ Wives Plan Red Cross Aid IN BATTLE OVER CONSWATION

Advocates Say Opponents ,omnis8ioii . Te ^re Laying Smoke Screen To Cover Control of Of­ State aad Forests To Create Work I f f Ule b r fices; 2 Hours’ Discussion. Birmingham, Eng., Jan. 15— (A P) know the publip coipea Into the busi­ Shte-f-li|dgesliip Resohtjpns b k o o i ^ —Former Prime 'Minister Stanley ness on the strength of that name, .TRS- Opposition to school districts con­ V f Baldwin revealed here last night it-is mi in^ssibjlity tq-throw your shares- cm the -market Imowing that mittees Afiiomted h Both ike House and Seuat^ solidation here was characterized that a large part of his personal in all human probability the loss last night in the open meeting for I T fortune had been dissipated because' win fall on thefi, not you.” discussion of the-subject as being a he had kept it In the British iron The former premier’s ancestors Raral Roads BiD Goes Into House. As WeD As Pro- trade. “smoke screen” to attempt to give were in the iron trade in the- Shares which were worth £3 of Charles II. posed Anmidment To Strengthen Gbvenunr’s Veto. a small group of voters elective of­ (^bout $14.60) when he became pre­ When Mr. Baldwin was fiiiancial fices without contest. Arguments on mier In 1923, he said, were worfU secretary to the treasury in 1910, 20 pence (40 cents) now. he:, presented per cent of his per­ the propriety of schools consolida­ 20 New Britain; Carlos H. ^Storrs, and “It may have been bad business sonal fortune to the country for the State Capitol, Hartford, Jan. 15. tion w’ere made subsidiary to a dis­ M. C. Isbell, at Ansonfll:' " . , . cussion of the theory of minority on my p ^ , ” Mr. Baldwin said, “ hut reduction of the national debt. The — (A P .)—Unemplojrment in Con- i Copunittees Appointed v “C ^ representation as the session con­ when you have an old name in a gift aimpunted !.to about $M0,000, necticut which is toe subject most The First Lady of the Land was the guest of honor, wives of United States Senators were the hostesses, business against which nothing and for years name of the donor State (Japitoi, Hartford, Jan. 16. tinued. Even when the opposition in toe mind ;bf (governor Wilbur L. was told that the General Statutes and the formulation of plans to aid relief projects of the American Red Cross was the purpose of the luncheon ever has"'been said, and when yod; was not made public. —(AP)—The blg.item in legislative of Connecticut made minority rep­ pictured above in Washington. Here you see Mrs. Hiram Bingham, wife of the Senator from Connecticut, Cross, came to the attention of the | work today was the announcement resentation obligatory in school Lrving Mrs. Hoover. At the left is Mrs. David Reed of Pennsylvania. A t the far right is Mrs. Charles General Assembly today when two | of toe Joint and T select com m itt^ committees one group refused to ac­ Deneen of Illinois, and beside her, in a Red Cross uniform, Mrs. George Moses of New Hampshire. Presi­ NATION’S SWEET TOOTH measures were-put In and adopted in each branch by toe presi(^g dent Hoover has issued an appeal for the contribution'of $10,000,000 to the Red Cross for use in drought- officers. cept this, insisting tliat the govern­ IS GROWING SWEETER by both branches looking to relief. preacher,?’ .iie comment­ $ii50b.pp0‘ to toe Veterana^ Hpme ed the educational board would be wheels of government business in Capital like a grey haired oldf seti* - Cambria; ■ Middletown; The question of how long is a day ed. • ■Commission for; a site, and •'Section ’ represented members of the minor­ motion, Fernand ^ouisson, presi­ tinel. The Indians believe It was Day To Preddent’a A^ Blakester, i North :Hayen{. De'vliP, ity there would have been no argu­ becomes quite a complex one when bom of a violent earthquake and not of a new;soldiers home to replace New Haven. , ' •t,.; dent of the Chamber of Deputies, Pitch’s Home for s

k ... ’\r

'5 < -A P A C 8 W a \ MANCHESTER EVENING H ER A m SOUTH M ANOHISim CX)NN4 THUS^AV;? - V X ' ' ■;;. Hsirtford;. Mansfield,. North Haven: nreU: SagUo, KlDingworth; Walker, ; ■ c ■ OUR ASSEMBLY ADOPTS Eaton. Uhion; tSladding, Essex; Ecustford; Walters, Prospect; Dpwe; DROUGHT RELIEF Walker, Eastford; Hobro, Orangtf; KUlifigly; Cox. Wallingford:'''Bisen- Platti^ Sherman; Roberts, Barkham- stein, Norwich; ^GoqgA New Brit­ UNEMPLOYMEtrr llEUEF stead; Mrs. Rowland, Ridgefield', ain; Ramage, MontvUle; ; Swartz, Y ■ - r ..’ • i*i" SPEEDED ON WAY Mahoney, Derby; Holian, Newtown. Norwalk. SBEBAIHIY (CooUnued From Page 1.) Insurance: Bidwell, Glastonbury; ^,28% Haven; Hyde^ Ellington; Conroy, Judiciary: Johnson, Manchester; •,Govefyor____ , North Cross School (chairman), street, at Comp 6:15 last Htfd Conn. Trust . . 4- 130 . -See Food Bin’s Passage. Peck, Bristol; Larash, Orange; Au­ tmller* Salmon, Attorney General. evening following am illness ^ 1 ^ a W One Himtelf. ‘ Flrst Nat Hartford .. 185 205\ Am 8mslt Hartford. . A T aod T •*..»•••••.•»• • «l8^ State Library: Lavery, Fairfield; brey, Meriden; Dennis, Scotlahd; Burrows, State Treasurer W ilcox! complication of diseases. Bee^dM Land Btg and Tltlex..-'—„ AO Lubchsmsky, New London; Baldwin, and W. A. Hendrick of N ^ Haven. \ husbw^abe leaves fow dau^h- New B rit Trust 180 AmTob B .... J08% ' WasWnfton, Jao. 15.— CAP)'— Barton, Greenwich- *••*#•••#••¥••• 55 Unfinished Business: Lynch, West Stratford; Rich, Bristol; Wood- Govfrnor Cross has asUet^Lleut.-• Wisblngtdo, Ja& 1K-~(AP)-^A1* West Htfd ^Prust .... 285 T ht drought rerelief appropriation bill lawiraMaStoelu Anacooda C op ...... 82!4 ' Haven. * home,. Wethersfield: Hanna, Bethel; Governor Spencer to sit with the Sophia, all living at boms* Mrs.' ,fred — . E. Binitb------bad— a_ reply todiy i . . »/> was speeded toward the White Burke, Saybrook; Markham.. Hart­ board and he v5li ask the L e g iS - ^ • ftsident here six j from. Robert H, Lucas, but it con-! ^ * * * * 80 Atchison T ud 8 Fe .s*«.a.l86’^ House today, leaving Congress still 51 Atlantic^ Ref «#*•»« * *j^ * • 20^ HOUSE COMMITTEES ford: Thoms, Waterbury. ture to change toe W so to a t ^ e i years very w^l known and tatned <>ply a cp»«tlonal offer of » A etw « . Baldwin #.* * ’s I .J- 22 ■ tom with dissension'over its princi­ Labor: Bradbury, New Milford: weii liked among the PeUsh-citlsen* the which ..the former Dem- k Aetna Wfe . • • • • • • 59% pal issue, government loans for food. Agriculture: Rand, Salisbury; -governor shall be a mem­ 31% B and O .... 764R ’ Lucchinl, Meriden; CurUs, Bridge^ Thomblll, Brookfield; Mackey. ber because in' event of toe disabll- ry oeratlc preridential candidate de* a Automobile Speaker Longworth signed the T h e funeral will be held at 9:30 mandi^ of ^ eneeutlve director of Conn. General . .v.. 112 117 ndlx . . . • •«**••«»•» •’•-AA. 28% measure,______which -t-r---rappropriates_____ $45, . water; Fuller, Marlboro; Clark, Glastonbury; Merritt, Colebrook; ity of toe governor it would be Wa . , ^ „ the RwiWlcan National committee. Fire ••••••• 63% to Steel .. t M «.* • e■ 49% .■ Bierce, Sharon; Morton, Branford; plaee to preside. The governor’s Idea I s e 000,000 for loans tcT farmers of the .Granby; Rathbone, Hebmn; Qer- Smith in a letur to Senator Wag. Hartford Steam BoUer . 56 6 0 ;. Canadian Pac • * 89% < drougbt area. Vice President Cur- hardt, Colchester; 'r^rpiiTyrell, Mnnmp-Monroe; Orcutt, .Country; Beltzel, Groton; is that toe lieutfenant-govemor 1 57'% dase Thresh 85% Pomeroy, Wlndhaifi; Terp, East Chamberlain, Cornwall; Loewen- should be conversant with toe work.r Bapti^ Pw sh NatlWsJ Cato* ner. Democrat, New tork, had ask- National , M % tls’s signature was a formality pre­ «d an apology from toe ^publican Phoenix Fire > do* ^ 68 Chi and Norwest.... i.— w9% Hampton; Boynton, Cheshire; tbal, Middletown; Banks, Weston; 17% CONGRESSWOMAN’S PLEA ton; Wheaton, Washington; Robin­ of 6,194 miles from Orbet^o, iW y. Stand Gas and E l e c * . 58%, WAodstock; Toomey, Bolton; Sulli­ The committee submitted sugges­ Roaring down upon^e city, the tl S Elnvelope5 com . . . — son, Columbia; Holcomb, Simsbury:; van, Griswold; Dannenberg; Bridge­ tions for action by the committee. FOR HARTFORD STORE do, p f d ...... 112 Stand Oil C a l------a ..... 46% Amidon, Ashford; Saglio, Killing- planes circled the c a p ftu ^ d came Veeder Root ....'..... 25 Stand Oil N J ...... 47 Washington, Jan. 15— (AP) — port; Stevens, New Canaan; Blanch­ It was to carry out toese sugges­ down on toe calm blue of Botafogo Representative Ruth Bryan Owen worth: Anderson, Morris; Shields, ard, Norfolk: Aller, Norwalk. tion that an appropriation rj $iu,- Whitlock Coils Wpe . i . Stand OU NY...... 24 Ridgefield: Johnson, Colebtook; Miss Bay. When toe first excitement of Hartford, J*n. 15— (AP) —Ed­ -Tex ,...... x.*.x....,^ 31,,' pleaded With toe House Naval com­ New Towns and Probate Dis­ 000 was rushed through toe General toe arrival was over toe filer* pre­ ward N. Allen and Attorney A. S. X—Ex-dlvidead. Bums, Hartford; Meaney, Bridge­ Assembly today. T i m * Roll B e a r ...... '44% mittee today for reinstatement of tricts: Matthies, Seymour; Ger- pared to taxi across sixteen miles Albrecht- were appointed ancillary the two rnidshlpmen discharged port. U nldycarb .?...... x...... 56% rish. East Haven; Hutchings, Har- to Jurujuba Bav, facing one of too receivers of MUler, Inc,, subsidiary GANNETT AS TRUSTEE ; from the Naval Academy for tak­ Congressional and Senatorial Dis­ •winton; Weatoerbee, Pomfret; Mrs. Unit A irc ra ft...... v...... 23% tricts; Lubchansky, New London; city’s aristocratic auburos. of Schulte-united Inc., bankrupts of Unit Corp ______'....x... 18% ing two girls Into toe mess hall.^'4./t __ M Uoldsmitb, Branford: Hackney, Hazardous Hop New York, by ‘ Judge Edwin S. ‘The authorities admit there NO AfHlEEMENT YET Rochester.’flan. 1 5 ^ ^A^)—Frank Unit Gas and Imp .....2^%^ Completion of this laet stage of Thomas in toe IT, Si District' Court U S Ind Alco no immorality or vlcipusness in tha Considine. North Cana%i, (3hamher- ganford, Oxford; Telesca, Torring- her today. An involttOtary petiUon E. 'Gahnett,^*pr^rf®t Of toe Gan^ lin, Windsor; Mrs. '^ttton, Mans­ the journey took the Italians over U S Pipe andxFdry. x..'. 2*1 ’ '< • minds of these boys when they took ton; Seymour, Griswold; Smlto, one of the most hazardous stretches in bankrupt^ vras filed against Mil­ nett Company, operating, a chain of the girls into the mess hall” she field; Lamoureux, Windham: Smlto, ON INDIAN QUESTION U S Rubber ...... 12% Southington; Caron, Sprague; Palm­ of their entire -flight. The 2,000 ler,, Inc., in the District Court of seventeen newspapers wiU be sup­ ,U S Steel ...... U)” % said. 0 Preston; Rogers, East Haddam; er, "Voluntown. New York yesterday and creditors The midshipmen were Miller S. Gowdy, Sobiers; Day, Barkham- - ^ I miles between Natal and Rio across ported for re-election as a trustee Util Pow and'Lt A ...... x... 23% Public Health and Safety: Platt, represented by Attorney Thomas J. Warner Bros Piet ____ 15% Burgin, of Jacksonville, Fla., and stead; Browne, Enfield; Gagnon, London, Jan. 15.— (AP.)—’s | jungle without landing Si^lacy qf the firm of Spellacy, Of ComeU University by the Cornell Killingly. Sherman; Mrs. Platt, Milford; Day, future as a self-government Domin- ! was as dangerous aA the 1,600 Westing El and Mfg ...... Lawrence Myatt at Quincy, Mass. Barkhamstead; (Converse, Willing- Ryan and Yeomans, request^ that ^Qb 'Of Rochester, it^ has .been an­ Both were dismissed after “partial­ Constitutional Amendments — Ibii of toe British empire depends | betweeh Natal and the Afn- Wfiolworth...... 56 ton: Buell, Litchfield; Mrs. Kltchel, an ancillary receiver be appointed to nounced hy Philip D? Rupert presi- YeUowTnfck ...... 9% ly disguising” the two girls in uni­ (Joint)-: ^Wn^dsworto, Farmington; upon toe Indians 'themselves. Lord ■ 'L preserve assets in this stats. The j 4ent. Alsop, Avon: Mohn, East Windsor; Greenwich; Miss Nichols, Fairfield; forms for the meal. Mohn, East Windsor; Bebbington, (Zniancelior Sankey'today told^dele-1 appointment of an' anciUary receivip: Mr. Gannett; a graduate of the Miss Nichols, Fairfield; Biferce, gates to toe round table conference, for Schulte-United, Inc., was ''' not Class of 1898 was elected as tm C. N. G. ORDERS Sharon; Gold, Cornwall; Lucchinl, Ashford; Osborne, Bethlehem; Mull, ✓ ENOUGH! Groton; Mansfield, North Haven; but if toe delegates trample upon made today as certified copie? of alymnl trustee in 1926 for a five Hartford, Jan. 15.—(AP) — Pri­ Meriden; Horton, Union; Rlx, Can­ toe snrouts so cLrefullv develonedln having stopped en route at Garta- the actiop- In New- Tork yesterday year terto. He has served as presi­ terbury; Hunt, Danbury: Diana, proctor, Bozrah. / rae sprouts so caxeiuiiy aeveiopea m Spain; Kunitra, Morocco; Ca- “How 'dldv the detectives discover vate Raymond W. Hayward,' Com­ thei.x«: past oiASIX weekswoexva toe*treeuue.iacc uxof mde ixxuc i® BolOma, PortUgUSSe were not before toe court 'The dent of the Cornelliaa Council and that toe gangster was disguised as pany D, 102d Infantry; Connecticut New Haven: Frink, Sterling; Railroads: Mackey, Glastonbury; Martin, Salisbury; Hancheto Ca­ pendence may never mature Guinea. Irving 'Trust (Company of New York w£s vice chairman .for 'New York a woman?” ' . v National Guard, was appointed sec­ Backes, Wallingford. “That Is the message I want you was named receiver for the latter State in the semi-centennial en- ■Constitutional Amendments — naan; Mitchell, Soutobury; Hutch­ The ocean flight began on toe “He passed a - mUliners’ wta^w. ond lieutenant in orders announced to take back to India,” he said, “and company. ' ‘dowment campaign. * v)ithout looking in.”—Pathfinder. ' today by Brigadier-General William (House): Rich, Bristol; Willis, Shel­ ings, Harwinton; Coe, Madison; .. , ,1 . X , night of January 6. Fourteen plants Brock, Hamden: Rlst, Lisbon; Too­ it was worth your-^hile to cpme started from B^lama but one came Schulte-United, Inc., operates a' F . Ladd, adjutant general. ton; BishojA, Woodbri«^e; Terp, here for it store in this ctly at* 843 Main street Lieutenant Hayward was asaigil- East Hampton: • Saglio, Killing- mey, Bolton: Sparks, West Hart­ down m flames and ^another was ford; Beitzel, Groton; Robertson, He was talking to a conference in which MlUer, Inc., was a sub­ ed to the same organization to tak^ worth; Ives, North Branford; Guy­ forced to land In the Sea shortly sidiary department ‘ - ’ Plalnville: Lane, Salem. still split^ovex toe age-old Hindu- after toe take-off. 'Two more the pace of Lieutenant Alexander ott, Milford; Standish, Andover: t ______;------— Roads, Bridges and Rivers: Hub- Moslem issue, and he^told its mem­ planes were forced^ down a short TO D A Y K-^Birrell who had been promoted. Hyde, Stonington; Miss (Jheney, bers there would still be many Manchester; Wallace, Wlpilsor' bell, Westport; Mackey, Glaston­ distance from their goal, and one of F rid ay rLew A ysM Further orders direct toe Gover­ points left open fqi: discussion after nor’s staff to report to adjutant gen­ Locks; Pinney, Stafford; House, bury; Holbrook, Westbrook;’ Bierce, these was destroyed wheh It sank and LnpeiVrie* r'*" Sharon; Wakelee, Wolcott; Melius, toe Indian princes'go home. GRANGE FOR DRY LAW eral at toe State Armory,'Bridge­ Brookl3m. ‘ in collision with a destroyer at toe ^alTurday port, Friday night in attendance Contingent Elxpenses (House): Warren; Walters, Prospect; Paine, “In our Bible,” said he, “there Is start ef the take-off for Natal at ‘B a iit> ’ VFee«f-‘''- upon toe governor at a military re­ Pomeroy, Windham; Perry, Fair- Woodstock; Rumpf, Darienf .Gpwdy, a story that toe Wise Men came Fernando <|o Noronha Island. Bridgeport, Jan'. 15.— (A P)— The ception and bill given by the 242d field; Mrs. Stewart, New Canaan: Somers; Hall, Simsbury; Harding, from toe east. Many of them are Connecticut State Grange today was Coast Artillery, Connecticut Na- Mitchell, Woodbury; Seeley, Wash­ Lyme; Gerrisb, East Haven. sitting around this, table, but there lined up against any attempt to re­ I tional Guard, and toe Reserve Offi­ ington; Rickey, Berlin; Baton, Rules (Joint): Larash, Orange; ■are many more still in India whose HUNDREDTH BIRTHDAY peal the state Uquor enforcement PICTURES cers Association of Bridgeport. Union; Morgan, Waterford: Thomp­ Burke, Saybrook; Karlson, Hhd- opinions and assistance "are neces­ law. • son, Ellington; SeneY, Plainfield; dam; Lyon, Woodstock; Austin, sary to complete this conference.” In session here fbr its 46th annual Gastler, Durham; Talbot, Putnam; Plymouth. > Reprehentatives of toe Sikh Lewiston, N. Y., Jah. 15.—(AP)— convention which will be cdncluded Gray, North Stonington. Rules (House): Johnson, Man­ minority in toe Punjab, comprising I One hundred peals Of the oldb^ In today the grange^ adopted a- resotu-' u a ' chester; Dennis, Scotland; atron , only 11 per cent of toe population the historic Presbyterian church to' tiofi going on record as opposed to i&. Personal Notices Education: Mrs. Le-wis, Stratford: Miss Cheney, Manchester; Ball, Old Middletown. of that province, threatened today day announced the re a ch i^ 'M the repeal of . this law on toe .gxqund Lyme; Shields, Ridgefield: Miss Sale of Land: Beecher,,Seymour; to blast toe agreement which Mos­ century mark by Mrs* iBlsabeth that such action VotUd “etmmiiTa^ Button, Rocky HiU; Holcomb, Sima- Jewett ScoveU, pdoteer resideht- of lawlessness” in the S t a ^ CARD OF THANKS Coe, Winchester; Pitcher, Leb,anon; lems and Hindus at toe round table Mrs. Miller, Hartland; Mrs. ’Rew ­ buty; Rlst, Lisbon; Flaherty,Jdans- conference here had reached?" toe Niagara frontier. Members of Pointing out that the grange “is ard, New Canaan; Thompson, field; Baldwin, Stratford; Osborne, Uhiesa the deadlock‘Into which toe congregation 'of the church and alwa.ys has been ^|orki^'for "We -wish to express our heartfelt toe betterment of to^P^opte Wnd the thanks anU appreciation to friends. Ellington: Mrs. Crduse, Granby; Redding; Harding, Lyme; Caron, the, conference has been thrown by gathered at Mrs. ScoveU’* home and ■ neighbors, and relatives and especial­ Weatoerbee, Pomfret: Harris, Kto- Sprague; Buckley, sumford; Beach, the unexpected Sikh demands can beld a service in obseryanqer of toe protection of youtm” pip resolution ly the employees of Cheney Brothers ingworth; Davidson, Bethany. , Trumbull; Ludwig, Tolland; North, be broken it appeared^today that, * said that repeal of the state enforoe- Cravat Department for their syrapa- ment act'would leave enforecraetrt ‘ thy shown us in our recent bereave­ Engrossed Bills: Peck, Bristol; Goshen. the long meeting would end Monday ' '9 years Mrs. ScoveU r has ment, the death of our husband and Malloy, Derby. School Fimd: Clark, Granby; with only the dteleton of Indian i a member of toe Church’* con­ of prohibition in Copneotlcut to :ifi or 16 federal agents with the re- father. Federal Relations: Stable, Ston­ Gerbardt, Colchester;' Rac^, Frank­ federation plan^evolved and to'^ gregaUon and for more than half a MRS. JXDHN A. TOSCANO, century she has prep^tW the'bread ! would &rp6S9 our JO SEPH TOSCANO. ington: Paine, Woodstock; HublJell, lin; Welch, Chaplin; Starr, East centuries old minority problem still Westport; Griswold, Windsor; Hampton; Scott, Watertown: CUm- and wine used in its communion unsolved.' fie by making it an easy business, in Woodhouse, Wietbersfleld; Larash, m ijl^, Vernon; Dimock, Willing- service. She was bom in ' Wey^ ton; Maciora, New Britain; EUls, bridge, Vt., butv came to the our state becauss of the hmk of po­ Orange; Gladding, Essex: Bentley, lice protection.” ‘ Harwinton; Miss Coe, Winchester;' Southington; Prendergast, Ansonia; Niagara district more than 75 years Curtis, Bridgewater; cdark, Torrington; ' Munyan, BIG NEW YORK FIRE ago. ^ - Very little discussion preceded the. Thompson. Joining with.Mrs. ScoveU in the adoption of toe reiolution which tVats non; Fox, Putnam; Galavin, T olled signed by members of the reeota Finance: Mitchell, Woodbury; Shell F’isheries: Bradley, Beacon celebratibu of toe lOOto emtiver-, t,- Palls; Sanford, Oxford; Mrs. Lewis, Chamberlin, Windsor; Church So. New York, Jan. 15.—(AP) — ! sjg^rg jjrg catoerto* JainM ^ 0^ berly o f ’Torrington li chalrm'ah. Windsor; Alsop, Avon; Bradley, Stratford; Rossiter, Guilfoi;d;‘ Tem­ Handicapped by a bitter ^ ' Beacon Falls; Johnson, Pomfret; pleton, Kent; Mrs. Crawford, West- Ing weaQier and dense smoke, fire- - Mrs. Nevius, New Fairfield; Perry, port; Johnson, Pomfret; Jones, New ^ labored with a hundred W SEVEN ARE DROWNED Fairfield; Cummings, 'V’ernon: Hartford; Rathbone, Hebron; Mrs. lines early today to control a four- old' nf ^ Wehrle, Thomaston; Rogers, East Platt, Milford;' Harding, Lyme; alfefmalSTm fire Inin a'a'six six storystorv loft build­build- ■ . y^ara old, _ of W6ybridge, could Haddam: Morgan, ^ Waterford; Johnson, Durham; Girard, Nor^ch. ing on the lower west sldei 1 not make the long Journey here be- S t Johns, N. Fx. Jan. 15.— . “ . , . ^ J-W Repays a $2(X) Loan Watertown; Harris, 'Killingworlh; Chester; Toomey, Bolton; Hanchett, believed » be a ^ tvhlte H o S S t t w I The dead were: ,Effle BUdgell, POLLir MORAN ' $ 1 Per Month, Plus Interest, Kirtland, Old Saybrook; Standish, Canaan; Broadbent, Hamden; Johns loiai loss. - m, indication as to hmn.soos It Salvation ArhV school t« ^ e r, 2St ^ Repays a $300 Loan Andover; Wolf, East Haddam; An­ son, Colebrook; Jackson, Goshen; wlU be submitted. - . ’ ' Doris Pelly, 17; Oarrie iMfrr. 26f derson, Morels; Amidon, Ashford; Robinson, Columbia; , Kingsbury, Cheslsy P ^ ^ , U ;,B e^ e ftq k r . MARY DORAN ‘ ^ . - , fcSM _ T h e average monthly cost o f a P.fU. C. DECISION Whether a meeting, be * held forA lp ; IW sS'J’eelrfbrd, 14; MhtM^ Gower, Hartland: Osborne, Bethle­ Coventry; Jones, Saybrook; Gustaf­ S'- a^WHinradle $100 loan, repaid aa per the above hem; Converse, Willington; Han­ son, Haddam; Hunt, Utchfleld; tomorrow depends mioxjrhether M arch^ll. taUe, is only $1.84. This is based bury, Newington; Malloy, Derby; Barry, Norfolk;, Jewett, Hampton. Hartford, Jah. 15— (AP) — The [quorum can be p re s e n tT h is Was ,Th^«?oh rirl was'from____ Polnjt______of. bnt she even, f o ^ v s htm upon the legal interest rate of three PubHc ytlUtles Commission in a doubtful, since Miss Ada Opmstock* Bay and th i: wsseh Budgell; PeUy to s ^ fhcksd w ito , torniSb and one-half per cent pet month Citron, Middletow;^ State Ubrary; Ball, Old Lyme; Humane Institutions: Mrs. Russ, Mts. Farmer, DanM; Hackney, decision made public today denied president of Radclflf«x ohileii^, .‘.was Shd Baker, ttwift at Philip’s Head hi o n unpaid balances. . the' appUCation of Walter F. Reilly reported ill, whilq a t least five other laiiglls and sp^W and. Shelton; Judd, ' Mlddlsbury; Mrs. Fafrnington; M[rs. Crouse, Gfanbyf aortheriiNewtofittRiifii ^ m . ol. AteftabuneRh • Miller, HarHand;? Mrs. Farmer, Pitcher, Lebanon; Bebbington, A sn- of ljTew Britain, for authority to members were said to he < out Nd Delayr-No Red Tape operate a motor bus ',route frtm reach. - ■; Darien; Mrs. Rowland, Ridgefield: ford; Grossman, Winchester; fiHYPPED' J New Britain to the center of Hart­ . A third member of hommls* r f Ji|nT^.,-:(AP)-i-. Thh Hazen, Redding:. Hobro, Orangs; Brooks, Chester; Dlmock, Willing ford by-way of Newington. Sion, Kenneth Maitohft6i&-of TS«o> mtmm Dimock, WiiiingtonL Gower, H m « ...... — »-*•• ww*.*., ton; Sparks,, West Hartford; MlM 1. The commissiqfi also deoMed to ma, Wash., was prssffil^hoh^^ OfiifiMiry. of FRANKUN.PUN land: Rlx, csnteAury; Birdsey. Doyle. , Enfield; Quinn, Stafford; n .t . whh: ahd IciUsd hln^el^ TM IGHTONtr Permit the Connecticut Light and Sion headqtiartera atUo# aftor,' Room 214 -92 P u tt Street Middlefieldilefleld; C lark,- Lebanon; Fit*- Marsh, Eafiton. • ' ' .power company to place poles ahd today’s < meeting. d j g k ‘VAODEVtlXeACTS gerald,Id, Ansonia.Ansonia, Unfinished Business; / H o l b ^ k ,____ ;ai Of XTtieih, hsid Barttpfd Phone 7-8496 -tTrn i ...... iLr.„u, P'- ^corporations; Thornhill, Brook- Westbrook; Morgan, Waterford;" rington, as' part , field; Hodge, Roxbury; Beach, West Jones, >Jew Hartford; Coe, Crbm* 'zUns from Torrington toi ■u.'i-.V. r,yy>*K~;. / - . , I ' ■ /. H' -I. -v-

’■ r ' i j 'sought but a new land which in stances children walked long dis­ Manchester Tent No. 2 Knights HISTORY PAGEANT future years far surpasses the tances when actually living near of the Maccabees will seat its new AUTO SALES DROP wealth he sought. SEEUDDENAM schools in other districts. He also ABOUT TOWN officers tonight in the Balch and Columbus, Chester Reymander; pointed out that one-half of the Brpwn hall. A social time will fol­ Sailors: Paul Olsen, Horace Snow, grand list of the town came from low. Charles Booth, Edwin Anderson, The weekly well children’s con­ Detroit, Jan. 15.—(AP.)—The GIVEN BY PUPILS the business and manufacturing sec­ ference conducted by the Memorial -fi,- Matteo DeSimone, Gerald Demeu- IN BATTLE OVER tions of the town. This one-half of The January meeting of the Con­ first 16 states reporting autonto- hospital will be held at th& Manches­ sey. the grand list doesn’t take up a necticut Horticultural society will bile registrations for December Sails Saturday To Seek Infor- 12. Sailing-Godfrey Marks- Com­ ter Community club at 3 o’clock to­ showed an aggregate of 16,193 cars, single seat in any school, he said. morrow afternoon. take place tomorrow e'vening at 8 mation On Georgian Styles— bined Girls’ and Boys’ Glee Clubs. CONSOLIDATION Under consolidation equalization of o’clock at the Hartford Ck)Unty against 23,156 registered by the Wife and Son To Accoknpany Nathan Hale School Groups 13. Ships of Holland. the tax burden in town would be Court Building on Washington same states in the like month of ’Hme: 1773. attained. The St. Mary’s Young Men’s club street. The new officers will opcupy 1929. Him. ,.. „ ' ' . Place: Catskill Mountains. (Continued From Page 1.) will hold a special meeting in the The statistics disclosed that Chev­ Give Fine Presentation There being no further discussion their places for the first time. C. Elmore Watkins will sail Sat­ ‘The Legend of the Dwarfs in the the meeting was adjourned. clubhouse at 8 o’clock tonight. Alexander Cumming, Jr., of the rolet Motor Co., which brought out CatskUls.” tion can be brought about by .Bristol nurseries is the new presi­ new models in November, steppeid urday on the’Whltfi J?tar Bal­ Last Evening. There is a legend that Henry assessing an equalization tax and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Wick­ dent. ' aliead of Ford Motor Co., registra­ tic. for London, England, to. make a Hudson and his merry crew revisit after that all school buildings and ham of The Pines, Manchester, left tions for the first time since 1928, study of original English furniture. the scenes of their discoveries every maintenance costs will come under LOCAL MAN INSTRUCTOR today by automobile with the Paci­ Manchester Grange’s whist and when Ford was changing models. Fashion forecasts for 1931 Indicate twenty years. Rip Van Winkle who fic Coast as their destination. They a strong revival of • the Georgian “Ships Through The Ages,” a a town tax estimated at being but dance in Odd Fellows hall last eve­ Chevrolet registered 33.2 per cent of fell asleep while out on a hunting two mills a year whereas most of will travel leisurely to Southern ning attracted more than 75 per­ the total for the sixteen states last styles which originated in England pageant of the progress of civiliza­ trip, awakes to see Hudson and his AT GREENWICH SCHOOL California where they will spend at the end of the 18th cetitury. It tion through exploration by the the districts pay four and five mill sons. The attendance prize, a basket month, against 31.8 per cent for crew making merry. taxes now. It was not brought out several weeks. of selected apples from Edgewood Ford. is Mr. Watkins hope to obtain great sailors and adventurers of Hendrick KVlson, Clifford Braith- at last night’s session but the equal­ sketches and drawings of the best history, was portrayed by the 8th Clifford Gustafson Accepts Po­ Fruit Farm, was donated by W. H. waite; Rip • Van Winkle, Robert ization tax can be spread over a i Miss Martha Kissman and Harold Cowles and won by Mrs. Jennie- pieces for reproduction in this coun­ Mi grade Dramatic Club in the Nathan Knapp: Sprack, Walter Ford; Mack, sition of Physical Instructor Maher will fill the roles in the rural HaJe auditorium last night, at 7:30. period of years not to exceed five. j Tracy of North Elm street. The try, also possibly to purchase for Tiny Dougela; Dwarfs: Edward Samuel Nelson, Jr., asked how \ At New High School. comedy, “Deacon Dubbs,” presented prize winners at whist were: First, WORK OLD SWINDLE stock some English antiques, which The fine production, written and Wrubel, Frank Lombardi, Ernest produced by the Dramatic Club, as­ much additional the taxes would be I at High school hall and at Coventry Mrs. Edna Reyman and W. H. at the present time can be bought Clifford, Louis Georgetti. under consolidation. It was ex­ last month by the Grange players, Cowles; second, Miss Alice Wilson at very favorable prices. .S’"! sisted by the Art Club pleased a 14. Comet Solo, “Ave Maria” Bach- Clifford Gustafson, son of Mr. and large audience of parents and plained that in District 3, for exam- 1 and formerly played by Miss Emma and George W. House; consolation, New York, Jan. 15.— (AP)—A Mr. Watkins will be accompanied Gounod. pie, the amount of the equalization | Mrs. Alfred Gustafson of Hackma­ Strickland and Victor Swanson. The “liquor” swindle hoary with age was by Mrs. Watkins and their son, friends of the pupils. Chester Shields Mrs. Ella Balch and Fred Trow- tax on an assessment of $10,000 tack street, has accepted a position next date set for a repetition of the I bridge. Sandwiches, cake and coffee worked three times on employes of Bruce. The play was directed in divi­ 15. Ships of America. would be $94.00. This would be i a s physical instructor at the new play is January 27 at Hillstown Daniel O’Ckinnell, bond broker, de­ sions, the boys under the leadership Time: 1852 A. D. Greenwich, Conn., High school, it Grange hall. were followed by dancing, music for ■-P of Miss Anna McGuire and the girls taxed the first year of consolidation which was furnished by Walter tectives said today. They placed A WAY TO STOP A. “The Awakening of Japan.” in addition to town taxes. Then was learned today. Greenwich has Hyman Rosen, 24, and Sam Wagner, ATTACKS OF FITS under Miss Hazel P. Lutz, teachsr Commodore Perry succeeds in Joyner, violin and Irving Wickham, after the equalization tax had been just recently completed a $100,000 In listing the names of the new piano. 27, in the police lineup charged with of drawing. The costumes and convincing the Japanese govern­ athletic field and when the track officers of the Women of Moose- scenery were made by the Art club cleared the regular town tax would the larceny of $5,000. Reports are received of an amaz­ ment that it should open its ports to be all a property owner would have season opens next spring, the Man­ heart Legion in yesterday’s Herald, Mr. O’Connell sailed for Europe ing treatment that epileptics state with the assistance of Henry Miller, foreign shipping. He makes a care­ chester man will be in charge. The HORSE SWALLOWS GEM sloyd teacher. Miss Charlotte G. to figure on. those of Mrs. Margaret Griffin, past Fresno, Cal., Jan. 15.— (AP) — last November. Shortly afterward has proved successful in stopping ful study of Japanese customs. Extensive Study athletic field is considered one of the regent, and Mrs. Louise Annillo, ar- his office received a telegram pur­ Gillette and Miss Mary Bowen Perry conducts his interview in true Last Sunday Mrs. E. M. Marshall of their attacks. R. Lepso, Apt. 63, Selectman Thomas J. Rogers I best in the east. gus, were omitted. porting to approve a certain pur­ 123 E. Wright, Milwaukee, Wise., M directed the making of the many oriental fashion in order that the Mr. Gustafson is a graduate of Madera was leaning on the fence at ■XA beautiful costumes in the ^ rl’s sew­ opened the meeting and explained a riding academy. On her hand was chase. Then came a telephone call, has been supplying sufferers with right impression may be made upon that the Selectmen felt that the Manchester High school. New Haven Sunset Rebekah and King David as a result of which an O’Connell this treatment. He now wishes to ing classes. The production excell­ the Japanese prince who represents School of Gym and Arnold College a $500 diamond ring in a high ed in costuming, scenery, lighting school districts should be consoli- lodges will run the final whist in mounting. Her horse, attracted by employe met two men in a taxicab reach all those who have not been- the mikado. dated and that the question should at New Haven. For the past five their present series tonight in Odd and in the portrayal of the many Commodore Perry, Richard Car­ the glittering gem, reached over, and bought what looked like cases helped and to do so is making the not be confused with other issues, i years he has coached basketball. Fellows hall. Six all cash prizes and of liquor. Within a few days the startling offer of a generous treat­ historical episodes connected with penter; Lieutenant Contee, William track, baseball and football at the nipped the diamond out of the ring world exploration by sail. The Waldron; Captain Adams, Thomas He then threw the meeting open for the capital prize for the series will and swallowed it. Today Mrs. Mar­ same procedure was repeated twice. ment free to all sufferers. Anyone Barnard School Orchestra and the discussion. Selectman Keith said Sayville, Long Island, High school in be awarded. Refreshments will be The goods were found to be water afflicted should write for this free Paganl; Japanese Prince, William a most successful manner. shall appealed to a veterinarian for boy’s ajod girl’s Glee Clubs of the McBride: JapanEinese Interpreter, that an extensive study of school followed by dancing. aid. and ginger ale. treatment at once, giving age.—Adv. Barnard School gave several selec­ Roland Lashlnski; Speakers, Matteo costs had already brought about tions. DeSimone, Edward Raguskus; Sail considerable of a reduction in the The pageant story began in the ors: Elmore Kelsh, William Haugh, Ninth district and at the same time HOW LONG IS A DAY? Grecian market-place where Homer Stanley Diiggs, William Matchett. costs were increasing in the first tells of the voyages of Ulysses off Piano Solo “Whims” Schurmann, eight districts. the Sicilian coast. In order came Edna Fradln Selectman Keith pointed out that HERE IS THE ANSWER the return of the Phoenician sailors B. Llndberg’s Airship. the outlying districts would have to from their circumnavigation of Time: 1927. bear the burden of new school build­ f -V] Africa and the return of Sinbad the Place: France. ings under the present system (Continued from Page 1.) Sailor to the court of Haroim-al- Charles A. Lindberg arrives at whereas under the consolidation plan the Ninth district which pays I ^ , Rachid in 800 A. D.; the Viking Age Le Bourget flying field in France. He with Leif the Luck’s Return to He has just flown alone, across the nearly 70 per cent of the tnxes Galaxy. ^ would help with the Burden. He told how the whole galaxy notates, Greenland, the Ships of Spain and Atlantic in the “Spirit of St. Louis.” just as does the earth, but its day is u n s h in e e l l o w s also pointed put that of all the dis­ S M the voyage of Columbus in 1492. Charles A. Lindbergh — William not the 24 hours by which we check ’The ships of Holland were showm McPartland; Speakers: Austin tricts in town the Eighth leads in the amount of money raised by tax­ time. in the episode, “The Legend of the Briggs, Joseph Polozie. The twelve galactic days embrace Dwarfs of the Catskills,” where the 16. Epilogue, Marjorie Howard. ation which was spent for schools. Of the total taxes raised in the six during which astronomers say crew of Henry Hudson makes a “To be Alive in Such an Age”. the galaxy was in the process of 17. Orchestra—S. M. H. S. March Eighth district 63.4 per cent is ex­ •- legendary visit to the scenes of their evolution. The evolutionary period <• discoveries every twenty years. Collins Driggs. pended for schools. He character­ Orchestra — Directed by Miss ized the present school set-up in was 1,500,000,000 years long. The Heat Purifies One of the outstanding scenes in Catherine Shea. Manchester as similar to hiring 10 second six were the 1,500,000,000 the play was “The Awakening of t years which geologists say is the Japan” wherein Commodore Perry Boy's Dramatic Club— Directed men to do the job one could do. by Miss Anna McGuire. Dr. Dolan’s Motion age of the earth in solid form, other­ succeeds in convincing the Japanese wise known as geologic time. that their ports should be opened to Girl’s Dramatic Club— Directed Dr. E. G. Dolan referring to the LUCKIES are always by Miss Hazel Lutz. During these 3,000,000,000 years world trade. The costuming and town government as being tyranni­ the rotations of the galaxy have lighting effects in this scene were Boys’ Glee Club — Directed by cal maintained that he did not be­ Miss Mary Sweeney. numbered but twelve. The sun, our kind to your throat especially beautiful. lieve that the bill proposed by model star, in other words has com­ The closing scene of the pageant Girls’ Glee Club — Directed by Town Counsel W. S. Hyde would Miss Mabel Keith. pleted its galactic orbit twelve was Lindbergh’s arrival in Paris in take care of minority representa­ times. From the viewpoint of a the “Spirit of St. Louis,” to receive Stage Managers: Collins Johnson, tion. He presented an amendment Vincent Kelly, Ralph Chapman. theoretical man on the sun each Everyone knows that sun­ the acclamation of the civilized which definitely stated that the such orbital move rent around the M world. minority be represented on the center of the galaxy might be con­ shine mellows "■that’s why the The historical pageant showed in school board. He also asked that sidered a year. That’s where m a marked way the active coopera­ COUNT UNEMPLOYED an amendment be placed in the act relativity comes in. Such a move­ ^^TOASTING" process includes tion of pupils, teachers and princi­ making the number of selectmen ment is 250,000,000 years to us on pal in art, dramatics and allied and school board representatives on earth, a s\in year on the sun, and a the use of the Ultra Violet school interests. IN TWENTY CITIES the Joint Board of School Appor- galactic day. The advice of your The Program: i tionments equal. Dr. Stromberg explained that the Rays. LUCKY STRIKE—tiie finest physician is: Keep out 1. Orchestra. j Willard B. Rogers stated that if center of the galaxy, its sun, is be­ of doors, in the open 1. United Liberty March. Washington, Jan. 15.— (AP) — I the small group defending the in- , lieved to be in the re^on of the Con- cigarette you ever smoked, 2. Over The Waves. Census takers were busy again to­ air, breathe deeply; I terests of the so-called minority in | sTeiration''sag^^^^^^ That is es- take plenty of exer­ 3. Morton High School March. day counting the unemployed in I town would guarantee to withdraw timated to be 40,000 llght years made of the finest tobaccos — Ships Throughg The Ages twenty representative cities of the opposition to school consolidation if from the edge of the galaxy. A light cise m the mellow 2. A Deep Sea Chanty,—Beatrice nation. jthe minority representation amend- year is the distance light will travel the Cream of the Crop —THEN sunshine, and have a Scott. At the request of President j ment were included, by all means, periodic check-up on Girls’ Glee Club in 365 days at the rate of 186,000 -"IT^ TOASTED."" Everyone Hoover’s emergency employment he said, include it. Selectman miles per second. thehealthofyourbod'^ 3. Introduction committee, the count was being Keith said the general statutes pro- “Ships of the East”—Lucy Lar- There are known to be about 30,- knows that heat purifies and made to bring up to date the census I vide for minority representation 000,000 other such galactic systems cum, Marjorie Howard. taken last April, which showed 2,- i without Including It in the Special 3. Ships of Ancient Greece. as the milky way. so ""TOASTING""-that extra, 500,000 persons idle. Both official act and Town Counsel W. S. Hyde \ Time: 800 B. C. estimates and those of labor offi­ said that Dr. Dolan’s amendment The blind Homer sits in the mar­ cials have placed the figure higher was superfluous. secret process — removes harm­ ketplace telling of the voyage of now. Howell Cheney said that a man’s FRENCH EXECUTIVE ful irritants that cause throat Ulysses off the Sicilian coast be­ More than 4,000 enumerators are I party designation did not particu- tween Scylla and Charybdis. Ac­ at work. Census Bureau machines, I larly make him a good candidate for irritation and coughing. cording to a classical myth, Scylla which have not yet completed the a board of education and he cOuld PLEADS FOR TRUCE was inhabited by a cruel monster compiling of all the census datn, not see that minority representation who bewitched sailors as they pass­ will be turned to compilation of the guaranteed that the best possible (Continued From Page 1.) ed. new unemployment counts as soon men would be chosen for this all-im­ Pomona, Margaret Atkinson; ^ they arrive from supervisors. portant duty. Aurora, Florence Robbins; Hermes, Results will be announced here. “Absurd” Government i of the Parliament, said he, as to Helen Holmes; Juno, Mary Mar- William H. .-Steuart, director of VV. E. Buckley called the town whether the continuing economic chett; Pandora, Mary Maasaro; the census, has gone to New York Vesta, Wilhelmina Ofiaro; Philli- government “absurd” and then said crisis will bear out pessimistic pre­ pedes, Muriel Kemp; Homer, Vir­ to help expedite the work there. that the advocates of minority dictions as to its gravity and dura­ Last night, a summary was re­ representation wanted to know when tion. “It is necessary,” he said, “to ginia Loomis. leased by the bureau showing that 4. Comet Solo, ‘The Commodore” was the proper time to seek minori- act wisely, especially as concerns Chester Shields in fifteen of the twenty cities, with ty representation here. He had come 1 our foreign policies.” ( 5. Ships of Ancient Egypt. a combined population of 13,129,422', into the meeting late and advocat- He expressed hearty approval of Time: 610 B. C. tile persons out of work last April ed that the Joint Board of School the French Initiative in the inter- and looking for jobs numbered 514,- Apportionments shpuld not have as ests of a constitution for a Euro- The' Court of King Necho at the 322. time of the return of his hired many Selectmen on it as members pean union which Foreign Minister ,... Phoenician sailors, who sailed down The census is being taken in Bos­ of the school board. This wgs in ~Briand will champion at the League the East coast of Africa returning ton, Brooklyn, Npw Yprk, Pitts­ direct contrast to Dr. Dolan’s pro­ of Nations Council meeting begin­ by way of the western coast. burgh, Seattle, Buffalo, Duluth, posal and it gave many of the ning Monday. Pharoah Necho, Joy Squatrito; Philadelphia, Birmingham, Cleve­ voters a laugh, and caused Chair­ Not Hasty Queen Norfrete, Jean Woodruff; land, Denver, Houston,- Minneapolis, man T. J. Rogers to remark that “France,” he said, “watches what Hyksos, Court Astrologer, K. Winz- Dayton, Detroit, St. Louis, New it was evident that Dr. Dolan and goes on beyond her frontiers, but ler; Menes, a page, Hannah Mc­ Orleans, San Francisco, Los Ange­ Mr. Buckley had not compared the world should realize that our Cann; Court A-ttendants, Ruth les and Chicago. their opinions befcre the meeting. people, on questions of foreign pol­ Bensche, Harriet Knight; Court Sherwood Bowers made a - strong icy, never will betray nervousness Dancers, Alice Ryan, Alice Ewen, plea for some sort of district repre­ or Impatience nor resort to hasty Ruth Martin, Mary Anderson, Flor­ COAST GUARD SPEEDS sentation sayng that under consoli­ decisions.” ence Benson; Phoenician Sailors, dation it gave control of the schools He urged speedy action on the Stabo, Alice Adamson; Nimrod, to the more thickly settled residen­ tial section of the town. Miss Mar­ budget and projects for extension of Helen Pietrowski; Sethous, Mildred public works to relieve unemploy­ Scheutz. • TO STRICKEN VESSEL jory Cheney said that in the many arguments which had arisen the ment. Alluding to the Oustric bank 6. Song of the Sea, “Nevin” — case, he called for a complete report Boys’ Glee Club New York, Jan. 15.—(AP) — The most important item had been for­ 7. Ships of the East. gotten and that Was the children. which would throw full light on all Coast Guard cutter Tampa started its phases, to “determine whether Time: about 800 A. D. today to the assistance of the Howell Cheney then told of the in­ Scene at the Court of Haroun-al- tricate system of school responsi­ the detractors of Parliament were freighter Effingham, in distress not wrong in their accusations.” Rachld. The. return of Sinbad the southeast of St. Johns, N. F., with bility that exists here. As a matter Sailor after his sixth voyage. her propeller shaft fractured. It of fact he pointed out that there is Caliph Haroun-al-Rachid, Lillian was estimated the Tampa would re­ no group of officieds in town that Peck; Sinbad the Sailor, Calla quire a day and a half or two days can be held directly reppon^lblq for RUSSIA DEMANDS Greenway; Grand Visier Grafer, to reach the vessel.' the efficient managefiient bf the Rose Mistretta; Maid from King The Effingham vmh a crew of 35 schools. Serendib, Rosanna Linde; Page, left Lake Charles, La., for Bremen Rogers' Talk NEW PARLEY SITE Rose Shapiro; Slaves, Orra Squires, on December 23. When she de­ W. B, Rogers, making a speech Bertha McNeill, Adelaide Howell. veloped trouble Tuesday night she which many of his listeners charac-' 8. Duet “Largo” Handel —Grace appealed for aid and the NIshmaha, terized as the best he ever delivered (Continued From Page 1.) Johnson, Pearl Johnson. another Southern States Line at a town meeting, nailed the argu­ 9. Ships of the Vikings freighter bound from Houston to ments of the opponents of school the Soviet representatives were dis­ Time; 1000 A. D. Havre, which happened to be within consolidation solidly. He laughed at criminated against by the chairman “Leif the Lucky’s Return to twenty miles of the Effingham, Mr. Buckley’s reference to the tOAvn of the preparatory commission Greenland.” (Jonkheer Loudon of Holland). Oc wirelessed that she would go to her' government asking him to compare When Leif returned to Greenland, sister ship’s side. i this government with others in the Chairman Tactless he was welcomed by his father, Eric From the request today for Coast state. There were no defaulting "Special coolness and patience,” I was required by the Soviet delega- the Red, and his two brothers. He Guard it was assumed the Nlch-1 treasurers nor town scandals in tells about the wonderful lands he maha was only standing by until ■government here, he said. I tion at Geneva to continue its dis­ has visited. It is now supposed that other aid arrived. j cussions under the Influence of the this land is what we now call Mass*’ Mr - “tactless, uncivil behavior ot the achusetts and Rhode Island. CONNECTICUT S|nVSRS r % Leif the Lucky, Peter Ambrose; stumbling blocks to school consoli- ^^ded that the chairman’s atti- dation was the religious bigotry of tude unquestionably was due to his Eric the Red, Albert Taraosaitls; New Haven, Jan. 15.—(AP)—Con­ some of the voters. He said that he Bjami, Franklin Llpp; Trykker, being the subject of a state which in necticut weather today suddenly didn’t caie if a school teacher were the course of fourteen years has de­ John Churllla; Thorwald, David turned from the mild temperatures a Negro as long as she was efficient Muldoon; Thorstein, Alvar Berg- clined to enter normal relations which have featured the-opening of and capable of teaching. He said with the So'vlet Union. gren; Lief’s followers: Austin 1931 to drop to the zero mark and that the outlying schools of the town Briggs: Herbert Gilman, WiUiam beloyir. The statement specifically asks McBride. had never been properly supervised that election of a chairman for Norfolk reported 12 below this and insisted that if school consollda- 10. Orchestra. morning, while Hartland and ■ Mill- disarmament conference be in the 11. Ships of Spain, tion came about either F. A. V er-; hands of all members of the con- brook each-reported 10 below .and planck should be the superintendent, ference without exception and not Time: 1492 A. D. Wlnsted 6 to 8 below. Frigid winds “Indomitable Spirit of Christo­ or a man of his qualifications be, of a group of powers pr an organ- caused suspension of ice cutting on c osen.- izationito which al) the members do pher Columbus Highland Lake at Wnsted. tb i’oq* Pretectipnggplnst iiyitatlenagalusl • • ■ T f . ' r . Columbus believes he can find a Others who spoke on the question: not belong—-that is the League of The New HavMl^Weather Bureau were Raymond Hunt, G- H. Wllcok, Nations. ' ■ ' i t " ' - ' ' S ■ short all-water route to the wealth announced a temperature of 7 above of the East. His sailors, filled with and Frank V. Williams. Sepator R.. The statement also complains of . .a ■ zero within one degree of the cold-' I. Smith point?|d nointed outnnt' ,' .whereWh«r«t .the- Dm. J»<1 superstition j5lan to kill pst reported hers-for the season, >'at the “hostile atmo-sphere” at Gency*i him* H« finds not the East he schools of the va#jus'districts were during the preparatory commission I t93T. Tht Antelrion ToBtepo Co., Jfcjlfri. 8 o’clock this momlsff. located and saidvthat in many-In-i ■eaalona.

;X.i ; - 0 . it f "\V-«


an obligation to go this far because doned because industrial competi­ flmtrlffftrr in the past it has been so complete­ tion made the hiring of help fmprac- EtfpninQ Bsndb ly a part of our policy to support ticable. Red Cross drives that in default of Mr. Marsh says that in his county PUBUSHICI} BT THB H S B A U > PR IN T IN G CX>MPANY. IN C any contrary expression our readers the 20 or 25 per cent of jobless who II Btastll Straat would be very likely to assume that South Maaohester. Goan. have had agricultural experience THOMAS PI RObSON this one, too, had The Herald’s sanc­ are fast being absorbed by this re­ Oonaral Manaffor tion. vived demand from the land; some l^ashington ^"2 F ounded O ctober i. 1881 We haven’t the slightest notion of their families being housed in Quaint old maple PublUbed Every Evening Except of advising Herald readers to refuse farm tenancies and some of the ^ Letter Sundays and Holldaya Entered at the Post OtTtce at South Manchester. to contribute to the Red Cross at workers finding it practicable tem­ Conn., as Second Class Mall Matter. this time; whether they do so or not porarily to "commute” by automo­ By RODNEY DUTCHER SUBSCRIPTION RATES ' in the One Tear, by msU ...... IS.00 is of course entirely their own bile between their city homes and Washington —^When there is seri­ .t> P e r M onth, by m all ...... $ .60 affair. But we feel that we should their jobs. D elivered, one y e a r ...... 19.00 ous dispute in Washington as to Single copies ...... t .08 make our own position clear. This of course is the merest whether sufferers in the drought MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED In the first place, as we imder- straw. It is an effect obtained regions are in danger of death PRESS stand it, the fund now asked for without shadow of plan or purpose by starvation or whether their The Associated Press Is exclusively on the part of government. But needs are being adequately entitled to the use tor republlcatlon Is to be employed only in 21 states, met, one naturally turns for ac­ of all news dispatches credited to It what this employment bureau bead or not otherwise credited In this none of them in New England. Tf tual evidence to the drought vic­ paper and also the local news pub> it should turn out that certain Con­ has to report may eventually tims themselves and those who llshed herein. prove to contain the seeds of the live among them. All rights ot republlcatlon ot necticut farmers, for instance, were mhuci There is such a dispute be­ - O I special dispatches herein are also re in quite as bad a plight, from the most Important and most admira­ Semi served. tween the administration, appar­ results of several years of low to­ ble growth resulting from the in­ ently supported by Chairman SPECIAL ADVERTISING REPRE­ dustrial slump. SENTATIVE: Hamilton - DeLlsser. bacco prices followed by two years John Barton Payne of the Red Ino. 286 Madison Ave., New Tork. N. of ball destruction, as are the hill­ Cross In the assertion that every­ T.. and 612 N orth h n c b ig a n Ave., thing is going to be all right, and Chicago. 111a billies of Arkansas, none of the SCHOOL MEETING certain members of Congress The voters’ mass meeting for the Full service client of N E A Ser< money could be used for their re­ whom President Hoover presum­ SALE vice, I n a lief. In the second place we are discussion of school consolidation ably meant when be accused mem- was not, on the whole, as enlighten­ bera of "playing politics at the ex­ Member, Audit Bureau of Clrcula- utterly unconvinced that there i.s pense of human misery.” tlo n a any more destitution In the so-called ing as it had been hoped It might The Herald Printing Company, Ino., The members wanted the gov­ assumes no flnanclal responsibility droi^ight states than there are In be. The intrusion of political con­ ernment, to lend money to starv­ for typographical errors appearing In sideration interfered with the eco­ ing people to buy food; Mr. Hoo­ advertisements In the Manchester some of the industrial states or that u a in t WatWns Reproductions in maple for every room in th® nomic and sociological picture that ver didn’t. The dispute broke out Evening Herald. the destitute farmer is in any worse again after the congressional re­ house are remarked for the Semi-Annual Sale. There are might have been obtained. Some Sketched Above THURSDAY, JANUARY 15. case than the destitute city dweller. cess, after Senator Caraway of Q new light was thrown on the sub­ In the third place the Red Cross Arkansas introduced a measure Mapel wing chair with cretonne up­ bedroom ensembles and individual pieces___ dinette groups, TOWN INSURANCE has not, to our knowledge, satisfac­ ject, but not much. Not much, par­ for a $15,000,000 food loan. holstery, $39.75. Butterfly table, breakfast room groups and individual pieces. .*. .and dozens of smart ticularly, as to the reasons of the Someone’s Wrong maple, $16, Pottery table lamp, $7,76. The city of Hartford, through Its torily answered the recent intima­ Well, either thousanifa of per­ piwes to use with upholstered living rooi?i groups! The Semi-Annual finance board, has decided on a tions of several United States sena­ opponents of consolidation, because sons are lying outrageously or bale, which is store-wide, reduces the prices on these desirable maple policy with relation to liability for tors, on the fioor of the Senate, that those who spoke to question the else death by starvation is likely pieces. ' to become a common occurrence. SPINET DESK; distinctive model sidewalk accidents which it is to be the organization’s reserve funds merits of the proposition devoted with rich curly maple ^ /-v themselves largely to an extraneous The senators and representatives hoped the town of Manchester will amount to nearer forty million who demand government relief veneers. THREE PIECE ENSEMBLE, for the subject, minority political party Was $45.00 ...... FIVE BREAKFAST PIECES, in­ not now or later follow. Hartford than four and a half million and that are being spurred by pathetic ap­ bedroom in solid maple and maple cluding a large drop-leaf butterfly is to take out liability insurance. the latter sum merely represents representation. peals from their constituents. veneers. Poster bed, table reproduction and 4 braced-back Now liability insurance is an ex­ the amount allocated to disaster The meeting was somewhat dis­ Some of them have even sent dresser and chest. Windsor small personal checks in re­ BOOKCASE; four shelf model with Was $149.00 cellent thing, no doubt, for the per­ relief. appointing. But it did serve to de­ $84 chairs. sponse to such appeals, and few attractive bracket _ Was $54.00 ...... son of limited means who after It Is possible that later events velop one probability—that there members can afford to do much base. $45 the misfortune of an accident naight may show us reason for a change of are very few people in Manchester, of that. Was $32.00 ...... I be ruined by the loss of a damage after all, who oppose school con­ The crisis faced by the unem­ THREE BEDROOM PIECES, in rich attitude on the part of The Herald. ployed and that confronting the FIVE MAPLE PIECES, for the suit; but liability insurance taken solidation out of any real conviction curly maple veneers, including poster But until we are much more con­ drought sufferers are of a differ­ WINDSOR SIDE CHAIRS, ma*ple bed with footboard, th -I r \ breakfast room, featuring braced- out by a mimicipallty of enormous vinced that it is the duty of Man­ that it is not the best system and ent nature, one gathers from with braced backs and , - back Windsor chairs and drop-leaf dresser and chest. I I VJ table. assets Is qmte anotliar matter. chester people to contribute to this that those who do oppose it are in­ perusal of some senatorial mail. heavy, turned legs. ^ A Was $206.00 ^ JL ± y fluenced by considerations apart Unemployment is most extensive Were $7.50 ...... 4 ’U Decorated. ^ 7 f t Nothing is more certain than that fund we shall certainly not advise in large industrial cities—or, at Was $34.00 ...... insurance companies aye not in them to do so. from the merits of the question. It least, citlee. In such communi­ was not time wasted when that business for their health. If they ties most persons are still work­ SPOOL BEDS; gumwood In maple CHEST OF DRAWERS, maple ve­ are willing to underwrite a munici­ POETRY IN CONGRESS much was learned. ing; machinery can be set up to finish; a, ^ neered with four CORNER CABINET, old maple prevent starvation. But in wide pality’s risks of suits for damages Probably some day there will be full sizes. S I S Q ^ drawers and bracket J 7 -s S Q three-shelf model baitog cupboard agricultural areas in several Were $22.00 ...... base. Was $29.00 door fitted with resulting from falls on icy sidewalks a revolution In the United States. states almost everyone has been Wrought iron H hinges. or similar accidents it is because But If there Is we do not look for IN NEW YORK h it Farmers depended on their Was $79.00 ...... $64 they know that the sums paid to it to come as the consequence of crops both for food and for the money to buy clothes and pay for CHAISE LOUNGES; choice of two them for such protection are going unemployment, prohibition, graft, attractive chintz coverings with DRESSING TABLE, In maple with New York, Jan. 15.—The deci­ other necessities of life. Their drawer, and with wings for bolding to be greater than the sums they fights between the Senate and the sion of medal awarders, critics and crops went to pot with the laiffled valances. BUFFET, Two drawer maple model draperies. .4, i-i „ - will have to pay out. Which put in President or any other of those judges in general has given “All drought, so they have neither Maple legs. with turned legs and Were $35.00 ...... Without drapes, S 7 7 S stretcher base. 4 i7 f t another way means that when a causes commonly referred to as Quiet on the Western Front” first food nor money. And those who $28 was $10.50...... are slightly better off are in no Was $35.00 ...... municipality buys this kind of in­ likely some day to get the people place among the 1930 films. And since this picture was made position to help the most des­ surance it is going to pay the Insur­ so sore they will explode In their by Louis Milestone and places him perate sufferers. At least that’s ing concerns more than it would wrath and smash the government far up in the ranks of cinema direc­ the burden of the rather pitiful have to pay to accident vlctlnis. crockery. What we see as the po­ tors, perhaps you didn’t know that letters that come to Washington Milestone wasn’t his name, or any­ from many points. This is a good arrangement for tential cause of riots, civil war and Meet Suffering in South the liability insurance concerns but perhaps the fail of the republic is thing like it. It’s something Rus­ sian, which is hard to spell and even Senators Caraway of Arkansas, WATKINS BROTHERS, rvc. obviously it is not an advantageous the terrible poetry that Is per­ harder to pronounce. He took the Barkley of Kentucky and Heflin of way of spending the people’s money. Alabama have reported some of the mitted to be Inflicted on the people name Milestone because he thought most harrowing tales from their / c o / u > It may be said in answer to this In the columns of the Congressional the change of monikers marked a constituents, but the Red Cross has that liability Insurance companies Record, “milestone in his life.” reported drought relief necessary in He had come to America from are not likely to pay out nearly so The other day Joshua A. Brown, 14 other states. Letters received Odessa, having run away from col­ by Barkley from various officials in much in settlement of accident an employe of the office of the lege. His father had wanted him Kentucky are among the most con­ claims as the municipality. That architect of the capitol, passed on to be an engineer, and Milestone vincing. is true enough. But to wliat is to a much better world and through thought differently about the mat­ The bead of a nursing service op­ pedd out to accident victims, on the his tears a clerk in the same office ter. He was on his way to Austra­ erating In southeast Kentucky lia, but his money gave out when writes that a house-to-house sur­ one hand, must be added, on the composed a pome. Senator Cara­ he reached New York. One of the vey of 900 families in the fall other hand, the profit which the way—our good old friend Caraway immigration guides who meet showed 13 per cent with no food liability company eifpects to reap -made a speech about the departed strangers asked him where he whatever and the certainty that 55 from the business; not, It is to be public servant and had the pome wanted to go and the answer was, per cent would be without food for “Somewhere right In the middle of themselves or their stock before anticipated, an insignificant sum. incorporated in it and blazoned on New York.” So his first glimpse of spring. Among 4000 children for And it is worth considering that if the pages of the Record for Manhattan was from Central Park. whom a Christmas was provided, non has been “swamped.” Bank a citizen of the municipality collects archaeologists to puzzle over tea It suddenly occurred to the new­ between 400 and 500 were without chard, okra, chayote, kale, oyster failures In some sections have vir­ plant, and a choice of one or more a thousand dollars from the city thousand years hence. There are comer some 15 years ago that he shoes. tually pauperized families which Local resources are absolutely ex­ of Ahe raw salad vegetables, also or town as compensation for an three stanzas, the last of which fol­ had no profession or trade, and otherwise would have been able to looking for work he wound up in ' hausted or soon will be in many HEALTH

TT ^ O vern ig h t A , P, N ew s ETHEL HUESTON m Suite alue ment, leaving him alone once more cloth as concerned the affairs of j Worcester, Mass.—24,000 cigars one thing at least she was sure—if I valued at $1,300 u.olen from General the youth of the community woud to the casual care of a disinterested others. world. Nor w'as her confidenc. in this j Cigar Company’s wholesale store. just co-operate to clean up the old Boston. —Postmaster Gow an­ place they would presently be in Upon one thing she harl set her case misplaced. Mr. Tolliver lis­ heart. Either with her or without, tened sympathetically to the state­ nounces tentative plans for a new possession of a cheery rendezvous $2,000,000 post office. all their own, free from family en­ Benny should never again become a ment of her problem and then took Wicker public charge if she could help it, both her thin hard hands in his. Boston. —American Board of Com­ cumbrances. missioners for Foreign Mi.ssions an-- $9.75 Having Ben and Jenky in charge and she was going to help it. “My good friend,” he said, “any­ thing you are doing from day to nounces death of Miss Mary T. Rockers would disarm all conventional ob­ She began immediately to save day, or any safeguards you are Noyes of Cincinnati, Ohio, at Ma­ jections, for certainly a married, one-tenth of every cent of money dura, India. II * middle-aged school-teacher w'as a that came into her possession, de­ building for the future, for that poor blind husband of yours, you Boston.- Governor Ely urges Mas­ chaperon to the satisfaction of the positing it in a postal savings ac­ are doing for the Lord, yes, a thou­ sachusetts citizens to commemoT-atc most unreasonable parent. count, for she did not trust banks, 225th anniversary of Ber.'*?"-;n savoring as they do so nnich of hu­ sand times more definitely for Him than the majority of our church ac­ Franklin’s birth Saturday. Ginger did not look very far man personality. But the postal tivities, Postal savings for Benny into the future. Her immediate service being in the munificent requirement was something to do, hand of the United' States was is more practical service for the In this respect, says the office comething to think about. She had scarcely less to be trusted than the Lord than the collection plate for sago, a New York judge and park 55,000 just eating itself up vith in­ well-known hand of Providence it­ foreign missions. It is a noble ex­ idler are the same: they’re chased terest in the First National Bank, self. And certainly when the ample of the ‘cup of cold water in off the bench. as she often complained. And every­ United States should cease t< exist my nam e’.” “I suppose some of the ladies will body said that Iowa farm land- she would have no further need for ) even if it was all grown up to weeds her savings. criticize me?’ she began wistfully. and brush on the bank of Rabbit But he patted her hands and In the old orthodox days of her laughed. “Now, Jenky!” he chided Carolina Woman Five-Piece River—was a good paying invest­ intimate connection with the par­ m ent. her. “Is this between you and the Breakfast sonage she had practiced tithing, Lord, or you and the ladies?” Set 50 And there would be work, brisk, taking a ten part of her income vigorous work for strong young Happily she was able to believe LOST 47 LBS, “for the Lord,” as she said, al­ it as if it were the very Gospel, and arms—there would be raking and though it reached Ifini by the some­ digging and burning of brush, she proceeded cheerfully to practice In 3 IMonlhs and Beautiful Bedroom Suite what devious route of church so­ small economics that in the old there would be scrubbing and paint­ cials, poor baskets and foreign mis­ Feels Years Younjicr ing and the hanging of swings— days she had never dreamed of. sions. But in the new responsibility Now, suddenly, in Ginger’s sur­ L o o Ginger’s memory swept back in a ”I have been taking Kruschen Choice of Three Pieces which she had so braveiy assumed, prising proposition, she saw un­ great torrent to the crowded, happy, Salts for nearly 3 months. I have Constiucted of Mahogany Veneers on Gunwood she found that to deduct from her suspected avenues of income. If haphazard parsonage days, and she continued taking one teaspoonful in small salary one-tenth for the Lord she and Benny gave up their rooms Dresser, Vanity and Fom-Poster smiled contentedly. and one-tenth for postal savings warm water every morning. I then When she rejoined her friends in town and went to tiie country tor weighed 217 pounds, was alw ays subjected her household to painful the summer, she would certainly under the maples her e.xpression privations. bothered with pains in my back and was divinely seraphic. 1 save the amount of three, and pos- lower part of abdomen and sides. OPEN SATURDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 O’CLOCK “A Junior Country Club,” she ! sibly four, months’ rent. She would ‘!Now I am glad to say I am a said succinctly. "That's the ticket. Jenky had never been able to I have a garden, there would be fruit, well wome.u, feel much stronger, S o parents allowed, no preachers cope successfully with spiritual and Ginger had promised to take years younger and my weight is 170 Neponse ‘ $ 2 . 9 5 admitted, and the first member that problems so she trustfully took hers care of all lousehold expenses. pounds. I do not only feel better Rugs ji'ii has a baby gets chucked out on his straight to Mr. Tolliver. Jenky was but I look better, so all my friends head.” one of those w'ho, in the very (To Be Continued) say. "Oh, Ginger, that's just priceless,” "I shall iirvi'r lio without Krusolif-n .•■'aid P a tty w arm ly. .Salts, will iK'vi-r oiutsc takiiiK" ni.v LEG.VL EXPERT DIES dail.v cliisr anil move than Kbi'l to “Okay here,” said Wesley. “Tie liiK'l'l,'" rt'i'finimcml it for t In’ frrr.'il the can on school-teachers and New Voi’u, ju;i. i.j . iU — aooil that is in it," .Mrs. S. .V. Snhi- aunts, too, will you?” BOY SCOUT NEWS Charles Church Moore, legal author­ inon, Ni'w i;ritain, N. f.. ,I;in. ItCn.” “It has its points,” said Eddy ity and author of “Moore on Fact,” “ r. S. Vou iiia.v tliink I am cx.'u;- a standard work, died of pneumonia pi ratlnt;' h.s- wfitiiiL;' surli a lonir k't- guardedly, for he knew Ginger. Troop Three tor but tnil.v I fiM'l so im lrbtad to “But I foresee impedimenta.” at his home on Long Island yester­ >ou for piittint;- nut stich womli-rful Troop Three's enrollment is stead- "Well, you needn't bother point­ day. He was 71 and a descendant salts th.at I cannot say enough." iiy increasing so that a waiting list of a prominent Boston family. A linttlo of Krusolu-n .S.alis thiit ing them out,” said Ginger. “You’re i is necessary. lasts I wi'i’ks costs but S.‘> cents ;it almost too old to belong in the first Graduating from the law school The meeting was run again this of Boston University in 1880, Mr. N'orlti I’nd I’harnuicy; So. .Manchester Jacquard Club Chairs place. .And if you begin pointing i week by the troop method, taking .•\ttents. Ist. I’ackard's rhiirm acy and out impedimenta, you are too old. Moore practised in Connecticut for druttttlsts the world over. T;ike one j the place of the patrol method with a time and came to New York to half teaspoon in a plass of hot water I suppose we ll have to make room j McComb, Scoutmaster, giving in­ become an editor of the Edward every niornin.Lt before breakftist. for the older high-sch’ool boys—” struction to the six recruits; Charlie Attention to diet ^viIl help—cut out Values to §4") .00 Thompson Company. He was as­ pastry and fatty inoiits— ao ll.Ltht on Occasional $*7 gQ $ 15 “What, those infants! Still in Lynn and Horace Burr, instruction sociated with the American Law swaddling clothes and—” liotatoes, butter, cream and suaar— to the second class Scouts, and Book Company for 12 years, retir­ the Kruschen way i.s the safe way to Chairs “To do the work,” explained Gin­ j Kenneth Leslie and Kingsley French, ing two years ago. lose fat. Try one bottle and If not ger thoughtfully. “There's going to I instruction to the first class Scouts. Burial will be in winsted, Conn. joyfully satislied— m oney btick. — .\dv. be heaps of work to do, and all I Stuart Joslin gave an interesting Piece Dining: the older boys have summer jobs. j talk on the Civics merit badge to We won't let them join—we'll just the merit badge group. Games, Pris- cnco\irage them to take a sort of ! oner’s Base, Poison, Jump the Bag Room Suite interest. There’ll be oodles of work and Master of the Ring were played before that place is ready.” by the troop members. A meeting . Eddy Jaclison knitted his brow- of the Senior group was held at the thoughtfully. “Oodles of work, eh? I termination of the meeting. The And there’s a place is there? You've patrol is going on a hike to Troop really got an idea, have you?” Five’s cabin Saturday, the 17th. NOW “Ve.':, I have an idea,” said Gin­ N otes ger pleasantly. “But of course it's Ben and Jenky's place.” Plans are under way for the Fath­ CAN GET er and Son banquet to be held Feb­ Buffet, Table, Five Side Odd Wood Beds at Jenky was more anxious than ruary 26. We hope to make this Occasional Ginger herself to push the pur­ the biggest and best time any father CASH YOU Chairs and One Arm Chair Unheard of Low Prices chase of Mill Rush to a successful and his Scout son ever had together. Tables conclusion, and her interest was A play and Scout pageant will also based upon a more solid foundation. be given that night to entertain the NEED-IN 24 HOURS 1 group. To Ginger, the project meant no "k more than a pleasant adventure to A1 Scouts are asked to attend the while away the tedium of an un­ Center church Sunday, the 18th, in TEOUS SERVICE a uniformed body. After the ser­ promising summer. To Jenky, it mon, the Scouts will a.ssemble and promised a great many dollars ★ have their pictures taken by a GARBER BROTHERS saved which, as every one knows, photographer. LETE PRIVACY i.s so many dollars earned. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHERS, 120 MORGAN ST.,—CORNER MARKET, HARTFORD. Troop Three has three members ★ An unusual air of determination attending the Scoutmasters’ Train- settled upon her gentle face as , ing Course for the Scoutmaster’s [■repayments she marched down the quiet street Key, which is the equivalent to the on her way to talk business with Eagle Badge for the Scouts. Joplin Westbury. New responsibility, and with it new courage, had come to her with her marriage to poor, blind, help­ The only cliartcc In three nnd one- less Benny Brooks. She developed half iiereent per nntnlli eu uii|tal(l a sort of moody passion for money, n u lu a n t of liiiiii. an interest that in one less truly devout would haVc been downright BAUME BENGU6 ERfONAL m ercenary. (pronounced Ben-Gay) rubbed well PINAN

' vited ta attend and the committee DAILY RADIO PROGRAM in charge is planning a jig enter­ SOLO PERFORMER CAUSE jSTRIBLING TO FACE | tainment program. CLARA BOW WEEPS Tbnrsday, January 15. 422.3—W OR, NEW ARK—710. Leading DX Stations. The entertamment program will 6:4B—Dinner dance ensemble. ROCKVILLE be of the best obtainable. Domonic OF BAD AUTO CRASHES X little known Incident In the life 8;0&—Little Symphony orchestra. 405.2— WSB, ATLAN i A ,40. ©f Theodore Roosevelt which occurred 9:00—Character readings: sketch. 8:00— NBC programs (3‘ i liis.) THE MIKE TONIGHT Petroni of Hartford, who made a ON WITNESS STMIB While he was living temporarily In the 9:30— Melodists: world tours. 11:SU—Red Nicliols, balladist. Bed Cross \sks $3,000 big hit at the Hartford Open Adirondacks forms the basis of the 10:15— Studio quintet 12:00— Dance music: organ reclfai. Smoker of the lodge there will ren­ Most Important Thing In Oper­ dramatic sketch to be presented by 10:15—Olobe trotter* program- 293.9— KYW , CHICAGO— 1020. Due to the drought stricken area !WEAF. Thursday night at 7:30. Mu­ li:0 0 —Will Oakland'* orchestra. 9:00— NBC program* <2 hrs.) der several vocal numbers. Joseph ating a Car Is Speed At sical selections during the program in­ 11:30—Moonbeams music hour. 11:30— Dance music to 2:00. in the west, which has affected O’Rourke and Arthur O'Connell of Pugilist To Discuss His twenty-one states, John Barton Which It Travels, Says clude two Herbert numbers, “ Cuban 302.8— WB Z, NEW ENGLAND—990. 389.4—WBBM , CHICAGO—770. Hartford and a quartet from Wind­ Says Her Secretary Tried Serenade" and "Pan Americana.” Rich­ 7:00—Amos ’n’ Andy, comedians. 7:011— Henri Gondron’s orchestra. Payne, head of the American Red Stoeckel. 9:00— W ABC programs (llA his ) sor Locks will ap'- ear on the enter­ ard Crooks, one of the leading tenors 7:15—Jesters: Phil Cook; footnote*. Cross, has asked the nation to raise tainment prpgram. of America, will sing four selections 8:30— Concert program. 12:15— Dancing around the town. Hopes of Becoming Cham­ to be heard from W JZ and associated 9:00—W JZ programs (1 hr.) 254.1— WJJD. CHICAGO— 1130. $10,000,000, and according to the The committee is now making ar­ An Increase in the serious results To Blackmail Her For stations at 9:30. His numbers are 10:00— Pioneers hour; organisL 9:00'—Mooseheart cliildren's hotir. local chairman. Parley B. Leonard, rangements to have Bat Bailailno, of automobile accidents, mainly be­ “ Preislled” from Wagner’s opera “Die 1 1 :1 5 -McEnelly’* dance band. 9:30— Home town band music. of the Red Cross, the quota for this Melstersinger.’ “ Forgotten” by Cowles. 10:30— Late dance music. pion-Bother Features. world’s featherweight champion,’ cause of greater speeds by "solo”’ 348.6—W ABC, NEW YORK—860. 416.4— W G N -W LIB , CHICAGO— 720. section is $3,000, and an appeal will $25,000 With Letters. ■ In the Silence of the Night ’by Rach­ 6:00— Dinner dance orchestra*. and a member of the Hartford performers, was called to attention maninoff, and “When You’re Away” 9:15— Tom, Dick and Harry. be sent out this week asking for 7:00— Tony’s scrap book. 10:00— Symphony, bass, soprano. Knights of Columbus, present to de­ by Commissioner of Motor Vehicles bv Herbert. The dramatized guest of 8:00— Soprano, contralto, tenor. this sum. honor at the birthday party from 10:30— Girls harmony trio. New York, Jan. 15.— (A P )—W. L. liver a short address. Eddie Reed, Robbins B. Stoeckel this afternoon WF..\F and associated stations at 9 8:45—Sketch, “ Via Air Mail.” 10:45— Musical menu: pianist. Greatly increased demands during another tighter will also be present! Los Angeles, Jan. 15 — (A P) — o’clock will be Moliere. often called 9:00— Tone pictures, tenor. 12:30— Male quintet; Symphony. (Young) Stribling is to face the the last ten days from the stricken “ The most Important thing in the 9:30— Detective «tory melodrama. 12:00— Two dance orchestr.ns. A speaker will be secured and Wil­ operation of a car,” the commissk n- Clara Bow, the target of recrimina­ the “ Shapcspeare of France.” A trum­ 10:00— Lutheran choir, organ. “ mike” In a discussion of his hopes area has made this move necessary. pet solo. "A Dream” bv Bartlett, will 244,6— W LS, CHICAGO—S70. of becoming heavyweight boxing liam Bokis and James Morley will er said, “is the speed at which it tions, clung today to her role as a be played bv Bernard Baker as a fea­ 10:30— Poet’a gold, ensemble. 8:00— Family party program. Damon Lodge Installation also appear on the program. 11:00— Three dance orchestra*. 8:30— Studio concert orchestra. champion of the world over the travels, or is made to travel. Every­ prosecution witness in the trial of ture of the hour to be heard from 12:30— Midnight organ recital. There were many members of Da­ To Present ‘Candida.” ^^'FAF at 9:30. The Rondoliers quar­ 3:00— Artists varoetv program. WEAF coast to coast network at mon Lodge, ICnights of Pythias,; one .should.- recognize that speed 's her former secretary Daisy De Boe tet and orchestra will present a short 454.3—W E A F . NEW YORK—660. 447.4— WMAQ-WQj. CHICAGO—670. 10:30 p. m., E. S. T., January 21. On Friday evening, January 16, entirely within the control of the on charges of grand theft. program during the broadcast. 6:0.=i—Ludwig Laurier’s orchestra. 9:30— Musicml program. present at the meeting of the lodge the Connecticut ilayers from the C:45—Undo Abe and David. 9:30— Music hour: memories. The studios of WSB, Atlanta, will be held in Foresters’ hall on Wednes­ operator. He decides how fast or Alternately sobbing and stamping Wave lengths In meters on left of 7:00—Mid-week hymn sing. 10:00— Musical program. the originating point. Connecticut Agricultural College at how slow he will proceed. The re­ a foot while testifying, the red 7:30— Sketch of New York S+ate. day evening, when the Grand Chan­ station title, kilocycles on the right. 11:00— Amos ’ n’ Andy, comedians. Storrs will present George Bernard sults, whether they be good or bad headed actress yesterday sought to Tini''s arc .''il F.astern .Standard. Black 8:00— Rudy Vallee’s orchestra Il::i0— Dan and S'lvia: dance. cellor, Mr. Evans, of Watertown, Shaw’s famous play, "Candida.” The face type indie,'drs best features. 9:00— Reincarnation, music i % 238— KOIL, COUNCIL BLUFFS- 1260. Another sports broadcast the are the expression of such judg­ prove Miss De Boe stole $16,000 of 9:30— Melody mement* with c- inard and his staff made their official play will start at 7:45 and will be 10:00— T..ate dance orchestra. night of January 22 over WABC and visit. Officers for the ensuing year ment. her money and attempted to obtain Baker, trumpet soloist, 11:00— Studio music hour. stations is to present Knute Rockne, followed by two hours of dancing. It Leading East Stations. 10:00— B. A. Rolfe’s orchestra. 361.2— KO A, DENVER—830. were installed by Supreme District "It cannot be denied that the $125,000 from her in an extortion ^1:00—Three dance orchestras. coach of Notre 'ame, and Connie will be presented by a fully com­ scheme. 272.5—WPG. ATLANTIC CITY—1100. 10:00— NBC programs (H i hrs.) Deputy Joseph Rollason of Manches­ petent cast, who give the play an ef­ average speeds of cars on the high­ —Cnnrcrt orchestra. 393.5—WJZ, NEW YORK—760. 11:45— T tt’o dance orchestras. Mack, manager of the world cham­ ter and his staff. way have been gradually increased The flapper heroine of motion pic­ 10;riru_^jr7,^(>.soprano; criittarlst. 6:00— Skit. “ Raising Junior.” 1:00— Deneer string quartet. pion Athletics. They will te the fective and clever performance. 10’1 V orpanipt. 6:15— Peter Van Steeden’s orchestia. 1:30— Yir Frien’ Scottv; violin. There were remarks by the visit­ during the past several years. Prob­ tures seemed on the verge of guests of honor at the 27th annual Some of Mr. Shaw’s theories do hysteria under searching question­ 13 —W.M-iC prc»£rrams n hr.> C:45—Lowell Thomas, reporter . 288.8— KTHS. HOT SPRI N G S - 1040. ors during the meeting and later not exactly agree with sentiments of ably fast speeds are more warrant­ ?83—WBAU, BALTIMORE—1060. 7:00— Amos ’n’ Andy, comedlatia. 9:30—Dance band, soprano. banquet of the Philadelphia Sports there was a social hour and smoker. ed now. in view of improvement in ing of Miss De Boe’s counsel, —^V.TZ prosrramp hr.s ) 7:15—Male trio: Phil Cok. 11:00— Stnd’o entertainment. Writers Association, and will be the English Censors. That is why Nathan Freedman. II-an—r>n \*on rrm#*mb<»r'* 7:45_Frlendly Five orchestra. The newly installed officers of cars, traffic handling and general 299.3— W OC-W H O. IOWA—1000. heard from 10:30 to 11, E. S. T. this production has been kept off Phiniber rrm.cif. g:nn-First nighter: orchestras. 8:00— WE..\F pro grains (H i hrs ) Damon Lodge are as follows: i conditions, than they were several Miss Bow had been recalled to the ^33.1—WBEN. BUFFALO—900. 9:00— Richard Crooks, tenor. 9:30— Radio world tour. the English stage. America, how­ stand to testify concerning an alleg­ Chancellor Commander — Frank ; years ago. There is one result of r-*" — WFAV* prncrariij! f 1 hre.) 1C;00— Opera, “ Babes In Toyland.” 12:00— Theater orehe.cfr.a. mtlsie J. Ramsay MacDonald, premier Of ever, has received the play with ed attempt by Miss De Boe to obtain 13 :f'’—.Hnim” Mehr, Jr. 1 1 :11(1— Slumber music hour. 491.5—WDAF. KANSAS CITY-610. Great Britain, is to address America open arms and it has proved most this situation, however, which ought $125,000 from her under pain of 5-15.1—WGR. BUFFALO—55C. 12:00— Horace HrifU’s orchestra. 10;?0— .Amo.s 'n’ .Tnd''. cnniedians. Vice Chancellor—Edwin Lehrmitt. ' successful. I to be bro ’ght to attention in a man- V’T-'i — nC projjrnnvc (1 hr ) 491.5—WIP. PHILADELPHIA—610. 10:45—SfiKlin arti.'t.' hour by radio next Tuesday afternoon Prelate—Harry Morganson. i having letters and telegrams from n .!''— D-’inr**^ oiN’bc.'^* i-M. 6:9d— Dougliert> ’.s orchestra. 11:00—V.’.TZ Siiinil'''r music. from 4 to 4:20 p. m., over the WJZ The cast follows: i ner which will leave no doubt as to film flapper’s boy friends released to 243.8— W NAC. BOSTON —12':0. 7 :00—Blrthrlay list: treasure hunt. 11:4.6— Niehthawk frolie Master of Work—Hector Blair. ' Candida...... Abbie Jean Quick its importance. This is the fact that — r j ’-r»tide fan<'ic5! rb>tbm.*. 463.5— KFI, LOS ANGELES—6-m. coast to coast network. Keeper of Records and Seal—Ar­ newspapers. 7 ;no—V.'A"BC prosrraiP*' n hr.) 305.9— KDKA. PltrTSBURGH-980. Rev. Morell...... Bernard Zucker even though there are fewer acci- 6:l5—Dinner orchestra: duo. 10:.30— Fvrnphonv orchestra, pi.anii't. thur Friedrich. “I asked Daisy and you’re not v f'ii—]’r»at!3re strinip ch.olr. 12:00—Tenor: vagabonds. Try these on your radio s6t to­ Alexander M ills...... John McGrath I dents because of better driving and kidding me? Isn’t it true that —W.ABC pro^eTRTtif hr» ) WJZ programs (SM hrs.) 11 :.30 — T.ate dance oreliejqfras. Master of Finance—Oscar Schu­ T w o (*,r^nco orcho.c-traR. li :.:n—Onn Bestor'.s orchestra. night: Miss Prosperine ... Dorcus Austin j better conditions, yet the accidents you’re trying to shake me down for 245.8— WCAE, PITTSBURGH —1220. 379.5— KGO, OAKLAND—790. bert. 'V28.3—W L W . CINCINNATI— I'OO. 13:00— Mernorv Lane, artists, Broadcast preliminary to the open­ Eugene Marchbanks .. Frank Reilly ] which do happen are more severe $125,000.” the actress testified. 0:00— Dinner dance music. Master of Exchequer — Ernest S:'‘.n—World tour: hand. 1 :00—Partsan quintet; music. ing of the New York Motor Boat The play is sponsored by the I because of the greater impact in Wanted $125,000 —W.7Z and C:4.5—WE.\.F progmms (4'i hrs.) 7:00_AfnsieaI musketeers. Reudgen. 1 T n.^T-Tnlhnrftvrirt h honr. 1 1 :00— Late dance orchestra. Show by WABC and stations at 7:30 Senior Class of the Rock'ville High I collision, On this point, W. I. Gilbert, at­ 260.7—W H AM . ROCHESTER— 1160. 1^0.2—WCeO. MINN.. ST. pAtiL—810. Outer Guard—George Scheiner. 13 : r > ' U — 03'i M assters procri-am. 9:4,6— American Lecinn program. p. m., E. S. T. school, for the benefit of the an­ I "Such was the ca.se in Connect!- torney for the actress testified later I • I lO..— TT^r> yyrn pVf>:’ rp tq •, 7- 00—W.IZ programs hr.) O.'On—Tope niciurrs :rcvue Trustee for Three Years—William nual Washington trip. 7:4.9—Rochester baud concert. Alleen Stanley, comedienne with 1 cut In 1930, and probably it was the Miss De Boe approached him in his 2c0.2—WTAM. CLEVELAND—1070. 10:00—.-M’ ABC programs fl hr ) Dbwding. Y. M. C. A. Convention Soon V •riii^WK.\F pro^rram.R T3 hrs.) 8- :40—WJZ programs (2*i hrs.) : — pjpip... ou.artet: orchestras Rudy Vallee’s Orchestra, WEAF 1 same in other states. A study of 850 office on November 3, stating she 11'11.—Tlieatcr organ reeltRl, 1 1 00 Trustee for Two Years — Paul 11’.i‘n_„Orf‘b''str.R r o-'-dniTht m''’lodic8. 461.3— WSM. NASHVILI F—66C network at 8. The 64tb Annual State Convention accidents which occurred in this had some papers of Clara’s and no 1? “'''— Kni'*’iTOii G ill's orchp.<;tra. 379.5—WGY. SCHENECTADY—790. 7'00— Rtantst. dance orchc'fra Weber. of the Young Men’s Christian Asso­ 3^9.8—WCX.WJR. DETROIT—750. —yiocks, veather. time. farm. Talks by Dr. Albert Elinstein, Dr. Trustee for One Year—Julius 1 state last year, and the causes of one could have them unless the film —Dinner d.ance music. 8:00—NBC programs f3’4 hrs ) ciations of Connecticut will be held actress “paid $125,000 and not v-rri— WJZ pro^rain.s (1 hr. 1 11:17—Concert orchestra fer or Robert A. Millikan and Prof. A. A. Bush. J which- were traceable to high a mu^'»':nce orchc.str.as. S:"0—Organ recital; concert. Mary Garden discussing “ Singing the camp and Mrs. Ellen Gray of , 8 o’clock. Robert Greenwood has 10:PO—Mandarin dance music. — NrH.cfji acteristic which is undesirable, in argument with her she would have 325.9—W W J. DETROIT—S20. 10 ;00— t ndfo rb- nc^ orrlu «;f ra As a Career”, WABC at 2:30 p. m. Hartford installed the auxiliary offi­ been coaching the play for several 8:"0—WFAI- programs (S hrs ) 434.8—CKGW, TORONTO—690. view of the average performance, tired to kill me, because she tried 6 :00—TVE.A k" programs (5 hrs.) 3C0.1— KJP. SEATTLE-970. Concert by the Rochester Philhar­ cers. weeks. Music will be furnished by 1 1 :00—Orciicstra; organ. 11 :0n___ \ I’t f st ilo. .cn! n’ «(. Evanton, 111., Jan. 15—(AP) — tions, makes you feel tired, depressed Cloutier, director. Hurwltt, pianist; Palmyra Della- Martley, “The Rainbow” candy of which he is now vice president. { and forthwith jailed under the name Assistant Conductress—Miss Ruth As an excuse for speeding a motor and discouraged, try the Cystex Test. 7:00—Silent. mano, Anne Dickinson, accom­ store on School street. .The latter "Works fast, starts circulating thru Warsaw—Only male servants are : of Ethel Yates. Beaumont. car, Evans J. Perkins offered this the system in 16 minutes. Praised by panists. Fantasie Impromptu, have owned the store since 1922. permitted in the household of Mar- i — ------Patriotic Instructor—Mrs. Annie one last night: thousands for rapid and positive ac­ Chopin; Aria, Mozart; On W ings; Teachers Meeting “ My two year old son here kept tion. Don’t give up. Try Cystex (pro­ Pitsudski. His daughters had Einseidel. Miss Sally Daniels of the Boston begging me to take him to a fire, so nounced Siss-tex) today, under the of Song, Mendelssohn: Versiaonne, | orderlies when babies. Historian— Mrs. Nellie Finley Iron-Clad Guarantee. Must Quickly 225—^YDKC Alt Wien, Godowsky: Flight of '^“^n Publishing Bible House, was the ^ I thought I would.” Atlanta — Representative Bessie Bunke. allay these conditions, improve rest­ the Bumble Bee, Rimsky-Korsak- HILLSTOWN speaker at a meeting of the offi­ j When arrested, police said he was ful .sleep and energy, or moneg baeki Hartford— 1330 Kempton, the only woman in the Guard—Mrs. Henrietta Wlnchell. ' Only 60c at off; Life, Ckirran; La Gitanna, Assistant Guard—Mrs. Francis cers and teachers of Union Church j making his 45 miles an hour behind Kreisler; Turkish March, Beethov-! ^ scheme fori ^nd Mrs. Horace Wickham, Murry. Bible School, which was held at the , a big red chemical truck of the Fire J. H. Quinn & Conapaagr, Program for Thursday, Jan. 15 en-Rubenstein (B) state s treasury. She has ^ attended the Inaugural ball in Hart-1 Pianist—Mrs. Elsie Beinhauer. Union church parsonage-on Tuesday i Department. South Manchester. ll:00-Bulova time; Champion ^ ^ ^1 ford on Wednesday night. : evening. She explained the work of 4:00 p. m.— Asbury Park Casino Weatherman (B) neckties and loud' ® Following the meeting there were Miss Emma Bancroft, master of remarks by the installing officers various departments, which proved Orchestra. 11:03—Westinghouse Hockey—! Hillstown Grsnge, and Mrs. R ose, most interesting and helpful to all 4:30— Melody Magic. and other guests present. Refresh-, Bruins vs. Chicago (B) I ' Miller, lecturer, are attending the ments and a social 'lour were also present. 5:00— Ozzie Nelson's orchestra. 11:15—McEnelly’s Orchestra—Come ijAI I\ rr\I r c m n t n meetings of the state Grange being ] Refreshments and a social fol­ 6:30— Bert Lown and his Biltmore enjoyed. Mrs. Bertha Schlaefer, Back in My Dreams, Over Night, llULll uLM. LaLUDAK held in BridgeporL Mrs. Henrietta Winchell and Miss lowed, Rev. and Mrs. George S. Orchestra. Wasting My Love On You, Little Brookes acting as host and hostess. 6:00—La Lasine Program. Hillstown Grange will hold its [ Gladys Hewett were in charge. Things in Life, Crying Myself to next regular meeting January 22. | Notes 6:15— The Modernists Sleep, Something to Remember FOR DODGING BILLS Red Men Install The meeting of the Emblem Club 6:30—Pancho and his Orchestra. The officers for the year 1931 will | Tankeroosan Tribe, I. O. R. M., You By, You Are the Melody I be Installed. The master of the ] was omitted on Wednesday after­ AGAIN 6:45—Tony’s Scrap Book. met in Red Men’s hall on Tuesday Am Only the Words, Exactly Like State Grange, Louis B. Tolies o f' noon on account of the death of 7:00—The Biltmore Trio You, Hurt, When You Fall in at which time installation of offi­ Southington and his assistant, w ill! Thomas Garvan, husband of the 7:15— World Bookman. Love, Fall in Love With Me (S) Montreal, Jan. 15.— (A P .)—Jail cers for the ensuing year took place. president. do the work. I Philco amazes the world with the new 7:20—Stock Quotations. 12:00—Bulova time (B) bars today separated General Jose Joseph Kastner of Hartford, deputy George Batz of Esther street un­ 7:30—'Voice of Columbia — Solists Gonzales Escobar from his wife, Hillstown Grange and Manchester great Sachem and his staff were In derwent an operation at the Rock­ and Orchestra. once an El Paso prize beauty, with Grange will put on a play, "Deacon ' charge. Many guests were present ville City hospital on Monday. 1 1 ‘ t u b s 7:45—"Connecticut Heroes of the whom he had just effected a recon­ Dubbs,” on the evening of January ' and following tha meeting there Stanley Dobosz Post will hold its World War,” Hartford Courant RAPS CO-ED ROMANCES ciliation. 27, the proceeds to be divided b e -' was a smoker and refreshments. next regular meeting on Tuesday Series. His arrest was an echo of the un­ tween the two Granges. | The officers are as follows: evening, January 20. 8:00—Colt Shoe Time. successful revolution which he led Mr. and Mrs. John Mulcahy at­ Sachem—Leroy Ludwig; senior State Child Welfare Commission­ Superheterodyne 8:01—Ebony Twins with Freddie Evanston, HI., Jan. 15.— (AP) — against the Mexican government In tended the Sunset Golf Club dance ' sagamore, Howard Wheelock; junior er Kenneth L. Messenger of Hart­ Rich’s Orchestra. What Professor Arthur J. Todd 1929 and was brought about by the Saturday night. {sagamore — Christy A f r i c a n o ; ford was a Rockville visitor on 8:15—Barbasol Program: 'Vemon thinks about co-eds falling in love attorney who came from El Paso to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Erdin and: Prophet, Emil Mazella; Keeper of Tuesday. Dalhart and Adelyn Hood. Male at first sight might be summed up represent Senora Concepcion Goeld- son, Robert, Jr., of Brewer street. records, Louis Kreh; collector of plus: quartet and orchestra. ner Escobar in an action for annul­ have been in New York attending waumpun, John Kuhnly; keeper of 8:30—Tony and Charlie. approximately in one word—bah— with an exclamation point back of ment of their marriage. the automobile show. waumpun, Henry Minor; first san- Never before ha^ such a 8:45— Jack Stirton, tenor; Louise it. The annulment proceedings were Fred Oetto of Forbes street met nap, Max Rothe; second sannap, Melvin, harpist; Familiar Hymns. dropped when Escobar made up with a mishap while returning from George Starke; warriors, Louis wonderful radio been offered! An 9 k)—King Ffrfecto’s Tone Pic- Prof. Todd, who is the head of the Sociology Department at North­ with his wife. a fishing trip. His car skidded and Schrler, James Brennan, Thomas eleven-tube radio of amazing res; Domenico Savino, Conduc- C. L. Vowell, the attorney, then turned over. There was a slight Talamlni and Joseph Muska; braves, power with automatic volume r; Theo Karle, tenor; and western University, gave co-eds t some of his views during a lecture obtained a warrant for the general's damage to the car and a few bruises Jacob Marcus, Samuel Libby, Felix control, tone control, new sta­ ►hoiiis. Lacrosse, Michael Aucoih; inner > 30—Detective Story Magazine; on romance and marriage. They arrest on a charge of obtaining to the occupants. The powers that be are or- tion recording dial and other should not marry, he said, until they goods under false pretenses. He guard, Henry Gakeler; outer guard, dained of God.—Romans 13:1. Philco features. Dramatized Tales of Mystery. Frank Pitney: secretary of relief 10:00—Sessions Clock Time. have been out of college several charged that Escobar obtained years, and then they should march goods valued at $15,000 from the QUAKES IN MEXICO committee, Robert Reynolds; trus­ It is Godlike to have power, but See the new Superhetero­ 10:01—The Lutheran Hour; Dr. tees, William Dunlap, William Lutz Walter A. Maier, Large Choir and up to the altar much like the old firm of V. Andreas in El Paso for not to kill.—Beaumont and Fletcher. dyne-Plus todayI Organist. fashioned girls of the nineties, with which he never paid. and Charles Champagn; hall com­ Mexico City, Jan. 15.— (A P)— mittee. John Lary, WlUlam Lutz and 10:30—Weather Report. young men who have been courting Attorneys for Escobar said the them for a long time. goods were purchased as supplies Last night’s earthquakes were felt Harold Scheibe; ways and means UP EV SMOKE 10:31 — Bloomfield Community practically all over the southern Dances; Sammy Spring and his As to “cozy nooks” arranged to for the Revolutionary Army and committee, Jacob Marcus, Christy half of the republic although -with HUSBAND: Do you mean to say Bam Dance Orchestra. promote romance, he expressed the that the general was being held re­ Africano, Felix LaCrosse, Howard vajjdng degrees of Intensity. Wheelock and Samuel Libby. there’s only one course tonight? 11:00— Ben Bemie and his Orches­ opinion that in the eyes of a soci­ sponsible for them. Ciudad Puebla: The quake, which Open Meeting of K, of C. Just cheese? tra. ologist they aren’t much good any­ Superheterodyne- way. Romance that needs en­ was of “intense” severity, lasted On January 27, Rockville Coun­ ■WIFE: Yes, dear. You see, when 11:30—Prof. Albert Einstein, Dr. three minutes. There was general the chops caught fire and fell into Plus highboy with Robert A. Millikan, Prof. A. A. couragement, he added, hasn’t much cil No. 1155 Knights of Columbus alarm. the sweets, I had to use the soup doors. A real value I Michelson, and others from dinner of a chance to succeed. TIDE WATER OIL CO. will hold an open meeting and The BABT GRAND Tuxtepec, Oaxaca: The disturb­ to put it out.—Hummel, Ham­ of California Institute Associates smoker in Knights of Columbus hall Less ance lasted forty seconds. Some burg. A complete 7-tub© at Pasadena, California. in the Prescott block. All Catholic ^ Tubes FACE DEATH SENTENCES DECLARES DIVIDEND walls fell, but no one was reported men over 18 years of age are in- radio in handsom© killed. LOWBOY...... S139.50 cabinet a* shown. ! ^ WBZ—WBZA Istanbul, Jan. 15— (A P )— Death Orizaba, Vera Cruz: The quake RADIO-PHONOGRAPH RADIO SERVICE tri$A a u to m a tic $ ^ 9 < s o \r Thorsday, January 16, 1981 as traitors today threatened 214 } B. S. T. The board of directors of Tide was intense, laisting more than two on all makes. record changer • • $272.00 Less Tubes diehard followers of Islam as a Water Associated Oil Company de­ minutes. - Some walls collapsed. No FOR RADIO (L«m 1,4:00 p. m.—Lowe Brothers (NY) Turkish Military Court at Menemen New Sets and Standard |L 4:16-—Tea Timers (B) clared the regular semi-annual divi­ one was hurt. began the trial of dervishes, shieks, dend of 30 cents per share on the Tehuacan, Peubla: The shocks SERVICE Accessories HOME DEMONSTRATION-EASY TERMS if you buyl I' 4:80—Air Castle (B) priests and civilians, including 16 ji 4:68—State House Safety (B) Company’s Issued and outstanding lasted three painutes. PHONE 8160 women, implicated in the religious common stock, payable February \ 6:00—Brazilian - American Concert Chilpancingo, Guerrero: The phe­ Have you heard the new Majestic WM. E. KRAH uprising here Dec. 23. 16, 1931, to stockholders of record BARSTOW’S RADIO SHO^ ) (NY) nomenon lasted five minutes. The Electric Radio 609 Tolland Turnpike. Phone The court will sit night and day at the close of business January 31, people were in panic and rushed to i'T) B'sscll St., South Miincbc - I 5:30—Stock Exchange quotations— until the last of the defendants Is 1931. The board of directors of the churches. Barstow Radio m : vman t i r e coml\\>:v I Tifft Brothers (S) tried. It was believed the death Tide Water Oil Company declared 6:45—^Agricultural Markets (B) Persons in Cbapultepec park here 10 Apel Place, Manchester penalty would be inflicted against the regular quarterly dividend of at the time of the quake said that Service MY BUSINESS IS TO SERVE 6:00—^Time; Champion Weatherman the chief offenders. $1.25 per share on the Company’s Aothorized Dealer AH work guaranteed to satisfy. KEMP’S MUSIC HOUSE (B) animals in the zoo were panic Others are b..ug arrested dally in preferred stock, payable February stricken. Some trouble was experi­ Majestic, Philco For Radio Service and Accessorlee 7SS Main St., Sonth Manchester 6:03—Statler Organ (B) Turkey now in connection with the 16th to stockholders of record at 30 Blssell St. call l_6:15—^Aladdin Bam Dance (B) enced In the jails where prisoners attempted Holy IVar against the the close of business January 17, cried frantically to be released from Next door to Klttel’s Market L- Temgeratur e (Bj, , KeniaUst Republic. i?3 L . M .E ,W 0 R S A A Itbair 83 Center St. Phone 5277 >


TRADERS OPPOSE I millions sun FUTURES MARKET i Better Values— Bigger Savings—Are Offered Camden, N. J., Jan. 15— (AP) — The Campbell Soup Company and its ‘DiaATOR’ PLAN officials. Dr. George M. Dorrance, chairman ot the board, and Arthur 1 7 C. Dorrance, president, have been 7 7 named defendants in four damage T 1 ■7 \ Washington.— (A P )—The secre­ suits aggregating $8,000,000, filed ^ tTg r 7 7 7 tary of agriculture would have the by A. Ransaville Frome, former su­ 1 1 7 powers of an absolute monarch in perintendent of the Campbell plant. The suits charge slander, libel, rr\frVt\ the futures market under the Cap­ alienation of affections of Frome’s per and Dickinson bills to regulate wife by means of the alleged slander grain exchanges. and libel, and false imprisonment. In the first place, no person in Frome alleges that the Dorrances HARTFORD the United States could handle or accused him of drinking and using execute orders for future delivery narcotics, and that by ruses they unless the secretary gave him that had him placed in a hospital for mental observation and then into authority. sale an institution for the insane, and -"^XD-WINTER The bills require that all com­ mission merchants, brokers and that by so doing they caused his correspondents '^e licensed or not wife to lose her affection for him. Three of the suits were filed in allowed to trade. Any license could [FEBRUARY] the United States District Court at be revoked for cause. Trenton and the other in the New All Subject To .Approval Jersey Supreme Court here. Two of Once licensed to trade, the in­ those filed in Trenton charge Dr. dividual would find every move he Dorrance with slander, libel and * made subject to the secretary’s ap­ alienation of the affections o f Mrs. 0 u proval. Frome. In effect, the whole fabric of Frome alleges the incidents on futures trading w'ould be subjected isJffT which the charges are based oc­ ■C l to the personality, intelligence and curred between August 29, 1928, and E private convictions of one man. January 21, 1929. The bills set R Traders have voiced objections forth that the statements alleged to to such control of their fortunes by have been made by the defendants a public official. caused Frome to lose his position Peter B. Carey, a vice president with the soup company, where he of the Chicago Board of Trade, says said he was earning about $40,000 a additional Federal restrictions might BRINGS OUTSTANDING REDUCTIONS year as general superintendent, and result in the exchange closing. also to lose the affections of his Under the present system ex­ wife. changes make their own rules. Stabilization Criticized Carey charges that because of the government's wheat stabiliza­ SEA IS EATING AWAY tion policy the volume of futures trading has been greatly reduced. LAND ON THE RIVIERA Per Cent In defense of stabilization, Chair­ man Legge of the farm board says that March and May wheat retain San Remo, Italy. — (A P )— The their value while July wheat and Mediterranian ‘s gradually en­ “20 com futures, both open to specu­ croaching on the western Genoese lation, have suffered deflation. i Riviera, particularly at San Remo, Legge says he doesn’t believe the j The advance of the waters already . exchanges are going to close if I has eaten out a good slice of earth,' On All Pieces of Furniture in Our Entire Stock! new restrictions are added, but I creeping up upon factories and over that elimination of short selling , rich farm lands. j probably will become necessary be­ i In 15 years, this advancement has WAYS TO BUY FURNITURE HERE: cause of the “impossibility of regu­ ; netted the Mediterranean a gain o f : lating such sales satisfactorily to I 1,500 feet. Since last year the prevent market manipulation.” !shore between Albenga and Savona Charge—Cash—C. 0. D.—Hold for Future Delivery reveals a 32-foot loss given up to ; the sea. and With a Convenient Payment Account! TEL AND TEL. REPORT Authorities along the Italian Riviera are considering a system of i tree planting which may be^ effec­ New York, Jan. 15— (AP) — The tive in limiting the sea erosion. American Telephone & Telegraph ! It is believed here that the open- A Notable Value! Co. earned approximately $10.40 a , ing of the Suez canal disturbed the share in 1930, said Walter S. Tif- equilibrium of the Mediterranean 1930 ford, president, in a statement to­ ! and created new currents. However day accompanying dividend checks ; it would not seem that the Suez Price to stockholders. I canal would be of vs much impor- “While final figures in respect of I tance in the Mediterranean as a I Was the financial results of the company i drain pipe in Lake Erie. ,^40 for 1930 are not yet available,” the Theorists claim that in primordial statement says, “preliminary sum­ times the sea covered the Riviera maries indicate earnings of approx­ valleys and left signs of its presence j imately $10.40 per share for the on the mountain tops, that the | year. ! waters fell back as the rivers formed “A net gain of 125,000 telephones ’ by rain and snows of the summits added to the Bell system during the ' gradually built up the plains with year was much below normal their alluvial deposits. Old prints of growth, but not unfavorable when : Albenga reveal an entirely different compared with the level of general I lay of the land from what today’s industrial activity. i maps show. “Construction expenditures for 1930 approximated $600,000,000. The operating companies of the Bell system generally carried out their I FIND MARBLE ANGELS programs as planned at the begin­ ning of the year, thus assisting in London— (AP)—Westminster Ab­ the Stabilization of employment and bey w'as having its face washed— at the same time constructing facili­ and lo! there came angels! ties available for prompt use as Quite substantial angels they Dining Room Suite general business conditions im­ were, in marble, fine examples of Bedroom Suite prove.” 13th Century work, exquisitively en­ 10 Pieces (as illustrated) ameled in color, even to rosy cheeks. 6 Pieces (as illustrated) BACK DRY DECISION The statues were in each comer 1930 Price Was $257.50 of the window of the south transept 1930 Price Was $275.00 and had for centuries been hidden Living Room Chairs Washington, Jan. 15— (AP) — beneath nearly an inch of grime. Two New York lawyers have pre­ What else may be uncovered as pared a brief for presentation to the the workmen proceed cannot be pro­ NOW Supreme Court upholding the de­ phesied, but it is believed much NOW $ o beautiful work is now hidden. 24.99 $187-5 cision of Federal Judge Clark, of New Jersey, that the prohibition It is expected that Ihe job of $199 Full-size comfortable chairs with reversible, in­ An exceedingly low price for this attractive 10-piece amendment is invalid because im­ cleaning will take five years. ner spring seat cushions... . attractive tapestry cov­ Workmen must proceed slowdy oeautifully constructed bedroom suite of figured suite built of mahogany veneers and gumwood. The suite properly ratified. erings. Your choice of several designs and colors. They are Henry W. Jessup and since there is a hidden danger in the walnut veneers and gumwood. Six smart pieces includ­ consists of buffet, china cabinet, dining table, serving Austen G. Fox. They plan to seek unknown condition of the stone The quantity available for this sale is limited. Very work. The grime contains acids ing twin beds, dresser, dressing table, bench and chest. table and six strongly built chairs. the court’s permission to file the unusual value! w’hich eat into the stone and some brief when it hears argument on en- Seventh Floor Sixth Floor Sixth Floor the government’s appeal from the difficulties already have been Clark decision next Wednesday. countered. ’They contend the Constitution RUM SELLER FINED and its framers contemplated two kinds of amendments, and support­ Hartford, Jan. 15 — (AP) — In ed Judge (Jlark’s view that an I Federal Court here today. Judge Just a Few Typical Values Listed— amendment affecting individual I Thomas imposed a sentence of ten rights must be passed upon by ■ days in the New Haven county jail Showing the Actual Decrease in Prices Since Our 1930 Sale. state conventions rather than by on Alexander Smey, of Seymour state legislatures. who pleaded to the maintenance of a nuisance at his meat market in ENGLISH LOUNGE CHAIRS, WITH OTTOMAN -• NEED MORE BEDS that town. Eugene B. Havens, operator of Hartford, Jan. 15— (AP) — Con­ the Commercial Club in Meriden WINDSOR CHAIRS c q gressman John Q. Tilson of Con­ and alleged purveyor of widely as­ necticut will seek funds from Con­ sorted liquors, entered a plea of 1930 value $6.95. 1931 Sale P r ic e ...... gress to increase the capacity of nollo contendere and was fined $500 the new veterans’ hospital at New­ and given a suspended sentence of LIVING ROOM SUITES «1 GQ A A ington by 250 beds, it was reported I one month in jail. Andrew Pochen- 3 pieces___ 1930 value $189.00. 1931 Sale P r ic e ...... (P 1 vFJ/«UVI today by officers of the American i ock of Waterbury was fined $100 on Legion. ; his plea of guilty to maintaining a DESKS, GOV. WINTHOP DESIGN Tilson’s action is the outgrowth nuisance. 1930 value $49.00. 1931 Sale P r ic e ...... / O of a request of Major A. McCook of Hartford, chairman of the rehabili­ C.\SE CONTINUED LIVING ROOM SUITES «1 QQ AA tation committee of the Connecticut 2 pieces... .1930 value $295.00. 1931 Sale P r ic e ...... ^ X Department of the Legion. Major Danielson, Jan. 15— (AP) — McCook said it was probable the Charges of robbery with violence COLONIAL CHESTS gn Here^s the Biggest Value Ever Offered new hospital if its size is not in­ against Frank S. Cardoza, of Prov­ creased in the near future will be­ idence, growing out of his alleged 1930 value $59.00. 1931 Sale P r ic e ...... f c O U come overcrowded in a short time. participation in the holdup of a At This Price truck loaded wdth silver bullion in SPINET DESKS -• GETS SUSPENDED SENTENCE South Killingly, October 8, were 1930 value $49.00. 1931 Sale P r ic e ...... X • / O continued for a week when he was Litchfield, Jan. 15— (AP) —Emil arraigned today in Killingly Town DINING ROOM SUITES «0’7 CA J. Stewart of Lakeville today was court. 8 pieces. .1930 value $185.00r 1931 Sale Price ...... / • O v r Inner G>il Spring under a one year suspended jail Cardoza reached here last night sentence as a result of his convic­ in the custody of State Policemen TELEPHONE STANDS «Q OC tion on a charge of extortion. who brought him from San Diego, 1930 value $12.95. 1931 Sale Price ...... Police charge that last July, Calif. Unable to give bond, set at MATTRESSES Stewart threatened to report Karl $10,000, he was taken to the county REED CHAIRS AND ROCKERS >7 o C Wothman as a violator of the prohi­ jail in Brooklyn after the hearing. 1930 value $12.50. 1931 Sale P r ic e ...... bition law imless the latter paid him $400. Judge Arthur F. Ells MINISTER RESIGNS a a foimd Stewart guilty in Superior DINING ROOM SUITES (ti co court of the charge yesterday and in Vienna, Jan. 15— (AP) —Dis­ 1930 value $245.00. 1931 Sale P r ic e ...... addition to Imposing the suspended patches from Belgrade to the news­ jail sentence fined him $500. paper Reichspost today said M. LIVING ROOM CHAIRS 6 >| a a A Maximovitch, Jugo-Slavian minister 1930 value $69.00. 1931 Sale Price ...... COLD WAVTC IN SPAIN of education, had resigned that; LIVING ROOM CHAIRS a A portfolio after a conflict with his | 1930 Price Was $30.00 Madrid, Jan. 15— (A P )— Spain’s j colleagues arising from his desire , Needle front covers. .1930 value $44.00. 1931 Sale P r ic e ...... V w X unusual cold wave continued un­ I to curtail the reading of the Cath­ abated today and below zero tem­ olic scriptures in the schools. I CARD TABLES a ^ strong, inner coil spring mattress upholstered with old rose, j a d e peratures were recorded in Andalu- 1930 value $2.95. 1931 Sale Price ...... ^ X « 7 ^ green and blue coverings. Superior qu^ity materials and workmanship .^;a. At San Udefonso la Granja, GIVES BIRTH TO QUADRUPLETS the thermometer registered nine de­ Sixth Floor were used to assemble these fine mattresses. The quantity is limited to grees below zero Fahrenheit. There Aberdeen, S. D., —Jan. 15— (AP) just 100 at this unusual sale price! is considerable suffering in the —Quadruplets were bom last night SevenUi Floor south where many people are with­ to Mrs. F. A. Scheuse, farmer’s out heavy clothing and heating ap­ wife of Aberdeen. ’There were two paratus in tbfir homes. boys and two girls. S t

.-■i' i;iiw>>r^iCRr.TR£Vr^^


Daily Health ^TI^AWAWD STRAW BANDING MAWUPIVt- Service w w X" \ 7 ZL ^ ^ . M l i ’cI g i* A t B r id G G MAJORITY OF THE FIRS’! 9PRIW(?-WATS'^. tt t • i 0 9 % f 0 %^ t v f 9 0 \ 9^ 9 i ^ \ 9 9 9 9 mm I V ^ 4 O o J ^ \ J L 4 L0K0/4 ^ > 6 / A N N E A U S T IN . W ^ ^ o/' t h e b l a c k p i g e o n .* i j Hints On How To keep Well © 1931 BY N€A SERVICE. INC. / ♦ THEt u c AVENGING AVCN^tING PAPROT" PAPPOT" .O'TU^ MlJPDEP "MUPDEP BACk'STAlOS* BACkrSTA\BS‘ O n THE- LEFT, A by World Faiiied Authorit.v ®/9303y/V£4 SS?WC£./AC.______TRiGKy BERET OF BlACiC What are these conflicts we hear i over a period of time that is most AND WHITE GELLOHAT BANDING. so much about? dangerous to mental stability and LACK OF KNOWLEDGE IS Conflict means struggle, but in the peace. CHAPTER XLVm gun would be fired simultaneously. deep drawer. “First I must tell you CAUSE OF MANY DII^FICUL- Children who lack confidence and sense of mental hygiene and behavi­ have an ingprained inferiority com­ •That would be impossible, Miles! But if you will examine the jewel that Miles got the gun out of the . TIES IN CmLDBEARING or it means something still deeper Your wife is already dead.” Then, si­ hole,” he suggested, as he removed lamp Saturday night, sneaking in plex are fertile ground for mental —indecision. conflicts, also the over-sensitive in­ lencing the hoarse oaths of the men the gun, “you will see that Miles while I was talking with Lydia in By DR. MORRIS FISHBELN Indecision, inability to accept and and screams of the women, came had to enlarge it considerably, using the basement. A little later he trovert tjrpe, and the overly-consci- Editor, Journal of the American decide in our owm minds, wears chil­ entious child. Occasionally these slow, terrible words: ‘‘Tracey Ar­ a reamer, which I f<^und in the tool came back noisily enough to offer Medical Association, and of Hygeia, dren out. In spite of seeming physi­ thur Miles, I arrest you for the mur­ chest in the basement, along with Lydia a job as nurse in his home. strains come out in peculiar or poor the Health Magazine. cal perfection, many children are a behavior, but as I said before, too der of your wife, kno^^m a;. Juanita all the apparatus which Sprague Without question he assured him­ seething mass of these unhappy con­ Leigh Selim, and for the murder of had bought for installing Nita’s self tJiat she knew nothing or she often they are suppressed and the No doubt, long before there were flicts inside. child gives no sign, at least not for Dexter Spragpie. And it is my duty alarm bell. I could see no reason would have gone the way of Nita Such hidden conflicts seldom ap­ to warn you that anything you say for Sprague’s having needed a and Sprague. . . . Now as to Sprague., physicians or midwives, women a period of months, or even years. pear on young faces, unless after a The child who is convinced that may be used against you!” reamer, however, and this morning Despite my warnings Sprague at-1 gave birth successfully to children period of time they set into an ex­ I was lucky enough to get proof tempted to carry on the blackmail i he is worthless, that he does noth­ Tracey Miles lifted his ashen face without the help of either. On the pression of weariness or discontent. ing right, that he is a, coward and and stared at the detective blankly, that Miles himself had purchased scheme. Perhaps Miles put him off 1 other haind they, no doubt, frequent­ But the mind is subtle and children it at a hardware store on Tues­ for a day or two, but on Wednesday | a no-account usually has a most as though he had gone deaf and ly suffered unnecessarily and some­ conceal these things. They would be tremendous mental struggle. Shall blind. ‘‘All—over—isn’t it? May I day.” afternoon he made an appointment \ times became ill or died as a result silent even if they were articulate he be himself and F t people know —have—a drink?” he managed to with Sprague, telling him that, if he j enough to explain, or to analyze worfld come to his home that eve-1 him for what he is, or shall he articulate at last. “How did be connect the lamp of complications which today are their troubles, which they are not. camouflage his behavior, put up a cord with the dining room bell ? ” | and manage to leave the bridge perfectly controlled. “Poor devil! fe needs it,” the -A bOVE-THE^ NEW5R. CLOCHE- Even his behavior may offer no game of bluff, even bully, to fool too soft-hearted young detective told Strawn puzzled. “These modem game w'hile he was dummy, he ' explanation of the struggle he is houses don't have-xposed wiring— ” .would find the money in a drawer! OF BLACK EAKOU AND FATIM ADDj* As human life became more com­ the public? Better to be anything himself, as Tracey Miles poured a plicated and conditions of living ! undergoing, for again the mind almost, than what he is. At least drink from the almost empty whisky^ “You forget Sprague's wiring for of the cabinet that stood in the tro-! A WHITE FANCY OF SWAN FEAT-HEFT ' works circuitously to cover its own the alarm bell from here to Lydia’s , phy room between the two vdndows.! changed, medical complications of he will get some sort of attention decanter and raised the little glass ] child-birth became more difficult : tracks, so to speak, and the results where otherwise he will be ig­ room! I . This drawer.” of a mental conflict often show in to his lips. 1 ‘But — how Sanderson and the opportunity for infection j nored. “I have—nothing—to say!” the i He threw back the rug. Near, I some type of conduct that fails to Loyalty to parents is another Nita’s bed there was a hole in the frowned. : far more frequent. murderer gasped thickly, then fell There are, as has been frequently i show any connection whatever with cause of mental trouble. In case of floor and out of it came a short j “ Very simple! When Sprague; ] the real cause. heavily to the floor. pointed out, three main factors to divorce, for instance, or a quarrel, length of electric wire, ending in: pulled open his drawer, which was | ' Remedy May Be at Hand two small metal plates. But at- | just at the height of his stomach, he | be considered: First, to bring the which one should be clung to? It was three-quarters of an hour •A POLKA DOT YELYET BOW I If any mother has a child whom Personalities around him such as later. District Attorney Sanderson, tached also to the wire was the Cord i received a bullet in his heart. . • •' mother successfully through the en­ ! she suspects of being unhappy or 111- from the bronze lamp. | See these four little holes? , • . A , TRIMS’THE WHITE OELLOPHAN& tire period from conception to re­ domineering brothers or sisters may Captain Strawn and Dundee were : adjusted to conditions around him, cause struggle. Shall he fight or alone in the house where Nita “ The plug of the lamp cord i s , 'vise was screwed 'nto the bottom of | BlGORNE- SHOWN ABOVE covery; second, to insure the birth she may be able to put her finger nearly out of the baseboard outlet | the drawer so that it gripped the 1 of a healthy infant; third, to have give in docilely? He cannot make “ Selim” had been murdered and ; on the trouble by probing quietly up his mind. Conflict again. behind the bookcase, just as Miles gTun with ite silencer at an upward the mother as nearly normal after where her husband had confessed I into the possible causes. There may Duty? Figure out the possibility his crimes by committing suicide. left it, so that there is no contact i angle. A piece of string was tied to the experience as she was before. be many things to cause him trou- with electricity there. And the rug | the trigger and fastened somehow of trouble here. A certain duty that The morgue ambulance had come Because of the fact that midwives ! ble, or there may be only one. Most constantly irks him! Each day a and gone. . . . hid the joining of the two wires, j to the underside of the drawer, so undertake a part of the practice of i children have these mental struggles An unexplained wrapping of adhe-! that when Sprague pulled the new fight with himself. “ I should have i.nown,” Dundee medicine, this phase of medical at times—the strain of accepting the The human race is weakened and admitted ruefully, as the three men sive tape both on the lamp cord and! drawer open the string was drawn training has had hardly a fair share I artificial conditions with which they on the wire of Nita’s alarm bell taut and the trigger pulled. Prac-1 saddened by mental conflicts. The entered Nita's bedroom, “thartT so T he^BLAGKFELT TRieORNE- of attention in medical schools. It ! are surrounded not being the least time to get after them is in child­ ingenious a criminal as 'Tracey here gave me the clue. In installing tically the same mechanism by is an aphorism that a badly taught of them. It is the conflict that lasts hood. Miles would not have failed to pro­ the alarm bell, Sprague copied the which he tried to murder me. . . .i A60VE HAS A TINY YEIL WORN midwife can kill more women than vide against the possibility of dis­ arrangement under the dining ta -, The kick of the g m jerked the 1 ASLANT OVER ONE- EYEBROW a highly educated physician can covery. He must have snatched an ble of course. And Miles simply had drawer shut. All Miles had to do \ cure. opportunity to spill cyanide of po­ to drop a bit, fastened to the augur. when he was pretending to look fo r , Before there were trained sur­ tassium into the decanter when my Sprague had bought, down the four, Sprague was to turn off the trophy, geons, barbers did much of the sur­ eyes were off him for a moment— inches which separate the dining; room light, by a button in the hall.” i gery. It was “barber” surgery and and upon Lois Dunlap.” room floor from the basement, and' “Then he had the rest of th e; not “surgical” surgery. Pim /^YDRSEir “ I'm glad lie did.” Sanderson said bore a hole through the ceiling. It night to remove the gun!’ I -A 50YE — FELT AND STRAW One of the great difficulties in se­ curtly. “But it was ghastly that was that hole I could not under-; “Yes. Sometime during the night, BANDING COMBINE-IN AHAT curing better results in the matter iMjlhcia Hari . poor Lois had to Know that it was stand, and which Flalph Hammona after Flora was asleep with a seda- designed for growing h a ir . of child-birth is the fact that the © IQgl BY N€A SERVICE. INC. she, in all innocence, who fired the assured me was not there Saturday jjg removed the gun and the public itself is not well informed gun.” morning. Miles joined a piece of y}3g^ jjg could not remove .the concerning the possibilities. electric wire to the dining room bell jjoles the screws had made. His We have no record of what fa-^ment and psychological uplift fron* “It was,” Dundee sighed. “But I If the vast majority of women 1 mous beauty of history invented the it believed that the only way I could ■wires, and pushed them down ^gxt concern was to make the mur- THE-RIGHT— YELLOW- make Miles confess was to frjghten through the hole he had bored into jj^^g completely with Captain I GREEN FELT TRIMMED WITH A cr/,e™s!,c°cLS7 '’iii? him into thinking Flora would be the basement ceiling. Now if^^you 11 strawn’s theory of a gunman who' COCKY YELLOW FEATHER. complications at the time of m ar-; invent it in vain. There is FLU AT SUB BASE come down to the basement— i trailed his quarry to the Miles \ killed.” riage, if they consulted competent j nothing on earth that’s so good a When the three stood staring up- j^Qj^g shot him through the' j “ Captain Strawn and I are still New London, Jan. 15— (AP) __ in the dark as to exactly how Miles ward at the basement ceiling. Dun- ^jjj(jow. The window was already | medical advice immediately on the pick-me-up to a -ired, discouraged knowledge of conception, and if woman as a fraarant nerfumert Guardsmen stationed managed his wife's murder,” San­ dee continued: open, but the screen must be raised,' rragrant, perfumed j^ere are in the Mitchell Ward con- derson reminded him. “This morn­ “ See this long wire running along Sprague’s fingerprints had fcrzAOyP they followed such competent ad-' bath. the ceiling from the hole beneath ^g ^j^g jjjgkg] catches by which vice carefully through the entire tagious hospital here as a result of ing you chose to tell us nothing Records have been uncovered of an outbreak of influenza at the sec- more than that a Hamilton man the dining roorn bell ? The tacks he j^jjg curtain screen is raised or low- circumstance, the number of death, ..had married Nita Leigh in New used to secure it were also returned gj.g,j Qf course Sprague had not w'ould be greatly cut down and ancient Egyptian women of royal Lion base and aboard destroyers ‘•'York in January, 1918. and that to the tool chest, but he could not touched the screen__” there would be a vast amount of blood who bathed 'n perfumed water. " eight years ago, when he saw her get rid of either the augfur hole or mean to say he lugged illness prevented- A few centuries later, England re- a stated at the hospital to- picture in “The Evening Sun,” along the tiny holes showing the course of j.j^g ggj-pgg jq ^jjg ■vvindow and lifted Much has been written of late in c o r d s ______-■= - > . ■ none of the cases are seri- with the story that ‘Anita Lee’ had the wire. Let’s follow it! it go that he could press the THIS AND THAT IN newspapers and in magazines con­ women of fashion taking to ous, the attacks being in mild committed suicide, he had felt free He led them p.cross the basement fingers upon the nickel cerning the great cost of scientific sweet-scented baths. form. '■ to marry again. . . . You said then to a door leading into a dank, un- catches?” obstetrical care. It is recognized In those days, when bathing wa.s you knew who the man was but finished portion of the cellar. The “No,” Dundee answered. “That that the work of obstetric special­ a luxury, no doubt the perfume did PLEASANTRIES you would not even tell u; how you wire passed under the top frame of necessary. He simply re- ists is not necessary in the vast ma- , much to coimteract the lack of ______knew— ” the door, and, with a flashlight in nioved the curtain screen and car- FEMININE LORE jority of cases. Specialistic service I cleanliness. Today, perfumed baths “(-anH 1 * “Because I had very little actual his hand, Dundee showed how it con- ^jg^j jq where Suragfue’s right is expensive regardless of whether { are the cherry on top of the sundae to Jay a S u t the^^iSbX s^ S^m v proof then,” Dundee answered. “As tinned along a rafter ’intil it reached ^g^d lay, palm upward, on the floor, to who he was, the salient clue had the place where it was joined, by ad- g^^j pressed the thumb and fore- larmi?. or' moScoo i Ia„5t?r"'’h."'dInL„dS hotly H I perfumed bath “ Yes,” returned his wife in a cold been staring me in the face the hesive tape, to the wire Sprague had finger against . the nickel catches, Recipes for the dishes prepared by<^this office. Delay will be avoided whole time, but it was not until I dropped from Nita’s bedroom flimr. ^.j^g fingerprints thus made were apJirSI prctty colorcd soothing tone, “I can remember one Mrs. Arra Sutton Mixter of the Gas by order direct as the coupon shows. Suenf I thing. They were all opposed to was fooling with a set of anagrams “Miles simply cut the wire here reversed—as I discovered when I company at the Community club­ last night, idling spelling out the the i o ’ sthSlv H t packages or in alluring jars. It is a our marriage ”— Pele Mele Paris, where it enters another hole through examined the prints in Carraway’s house on North Main street are Tomato Sauce the poosibihty that he will be un- j matter of personal taste whether names of all the men who might Lydia s bedrooin wall, and attached office today. Miles could not turn the printed below. The lesson was the i 1-2 can tomatoes. able to give as many hours of time | salt crystals or powders are the have married her and then mur­ the new wire, Dundee ^plained, hand over without bruising the second in a series of six to be given [ 1 c. water to the individual case as can be 1 preference. There are so many corn- FIXING IT UP dered her, that I saw it—” “The connection between the dining dead flesh; consequently the print of at the 'White house on consecutive j 2 cloves given by the specialist. Further­ mercial preparations on the market ------room bell and the electro-mag^net in j-j^g forefinger was on the catch 3 allspice berries more, he may be called at signifi­ that are perfectly satisfactory that “I say, you might do Scjimidt a “ Saw w hat?” Strawn demanded Tuesdays. the lamp upstairs was then com- ^.^ere the thumb print w’ould nor- Meat Sandwich Roll 3 tbsp. fat cant moments and he may be re­ the matter of choice resolves itself good turn and lend him ?25. His plete------Sprague had bought yards j^gpy ^ave been.” irritably. 2 c. flour. 2 slices onion. quired to pass from an infected into what scent you like and what creditor is pressing him very hard.” “That Selim is simply Miles too much of the wire fortunately, “ Well— ” Sanderson drew a deep 4 tsp. baking powder. 1-4 c. flour. person to the care of a woman in color. I “Oh, to whom does he owe the spelled backward," Dundee ex­ so far as Miles scheme was con- pj-eath. “ He was a cleverer man 1 tsp. salt 1 tbsp. salt. child-birth. There is, however, much to be money?” plained. “ Possibly because he con­ cerned. than any of us suspected, and it is 1 1-2 c. chopped cooked meat 3 peppercorns. “To me.”—Lustige Blaetter, Ber­ sidered it the sophisticated thing to The midwife cannot by the very said in the matter of choosing your “But what a chance Miles took g p^y f^at Nita did not fear him as 2 tbsp. butter Allow tomatoes, water, spices lin. do. Miles used as an assumed name on the bullet s not hitting her in a gj^g fgared Sprague’s vengeance nature of things be as competent as ; bath fragrance. Some of the salts 2 eggs onion and herbs to simmer 15 min- the well trained physician. Indeed ! and powders which have the most at the party at which he met Nita fatal spot! ’ Sanderson commented yy^hen she made her will.” (MUk if necessary to make dough) | utes. Melt fat, add flour and salt. Leigh. Even the first name, ‘Mat,’ in an awed voice. the most important training that delectable smells when opened, do “ Hello! What are you doing back Prepare a baking powder biscuit then tomato mixture which has been she can secure is sufficient know!- next to nothing to actually scenting by which she knew him, was only “No. He would only fire the gun f,gj.g7 Dundee exclaimed in sur- if Nita was seated before her mixture. Turn out onto floured strained. edge and judgment to enable her to your precious self while bathing. The his initials reversed.” ^ , , , . , prise when, upon returning to the board and roll to 1-4 inch thickness. QUICK REUEF FROM “ Simple—but clever,” Sanderson know when to call for medical as- i test of a bath fragrance lies in just dressing table. As an experienced ijyjgg room, the three men found Spread dough with the meat which Butterscotch cake commented. marksman he could ^calculate the pgggy Crain. sistance. how well it stands by you after you has been seasoned and slightly 1-2 c. shortening. A midwife can usually recognize 1 emerge from the tub. “Just as all of Miles’ schemes path of the bullet to a nicety. Of “ Dad wants a private word with moistened with gravy. Roll dough CONSTIPATION were after Nita, egged on by 2 c. sugar. excessive bleeding, convulsions. | gome women still scent their course the machine had to be used you,” Penny explained, her brown up like jelly roll. Then with a sharp Sprague, turned up in Hamilton to that very day. As you know, Nita g gio-wing with happiness. “He’s 3 eggs. swelling of the le p or similar com- | baths by dumping into the water a That is the joyful cry o f thousands knife cut it into six or eight pieces 3 c. flour. demand ‘back alimony’ as the price herself gave him his chance Mile.s, gjj the front porch...... And you as preferred. Place individual plications, but not m p y c p recog- gi^en amount of cologne. This, how- since Dr. Edwards produced Olive of her silence. . . . But let me show 3 tsp. baking pow'der standing at the sideboard listened g^^ Mother! She looks like rolls, cut side down in greased pan. nize unfavorable physical condi- ever, is a real luxury because it is Tablets, the substitute for calomel. you how he killed his wife.” until the first faint notes of Juanita g 20-year-old bride'” ! 1-2 tsp. salt. tions and w p n g presentations suf- much more expensive than scenting Dr. Edwards, a practicing physi­ Place a small piece of butter on top 1 c. milk. He strode to the big bronze lamp. told him that Nita powdering when Dundee joined him on the of each. Bake at 450 degrees for 15 ficiepl}'’ early to enable the secur- the tub with crystals. Moreover, cian for 20 years, and calomers old- “ It took me less than an hour today her face, and he could be sure she porch, Roger Crain’s handsome face 1 tsp. vanilla. ing for the patient of the best type ; crystals soften the water as they time enemy, discovered the formula minutes. Serve with brown gravy, Cream shortening, add sugar for OUve Tablets while treating pa­ to reconstruct the death machine so was sitting down to the task. Nita flushed painfully, but there was hap- tomato or w-hite sauce. Peas may of control. 1 geent it. If you have chosen them that it would be almost exactly as saw nothing to alarm her, but the piuggg jq his brown eyes, too. ! gradually, eggs well beaten, flour tients for chronic constipation and be added to white sauce. The determination as to whether ;-with some thought of the scent of it was when Miles finished his work gun kicked, and the big lamp was “ Serena Hart asked me to thank: sifted with baking powder and salt, or not a midwip. general practi- the soap you use in bathing and the toroid livers. just before 2:30 last Saturday—and rocked so that it Ranged against y^^ gfying her Penny’s mes-1 alternately with milk. Add vanilla. tioner, or specialist will be called perfume you apply when grooming, Olive Tablets do not contain calo­ as it remained until he had an op­ the window frame, shattering tie gggg pggg sure, Crabmeat Molza Bake in layer cake pans at 375 de­ i.s wholly in the hands of the pa- your bath will actually cut down the mel, just a healing, soothing vegetable' portunity to come back here and one bulb Miles had left in it. Of you’ve guessed a lot, but what y o u ' Make Creamed Crabmeat. Hollow grees 25 min. Put together with tient, since there is in but few parts amount of both s CO , rr less than no time— serve “better.” prints there that kept me on the i»y 5 ” h o u r J.V.AUfu»e in fact after the right track. Miles bad searched the M v lffo l* •»fo “ connter-ir* firsi swallow—I began to get better. shelf for the marriage certificate (itest, ‘ i« ijiten effective after which he could not know Nita had fitat application an J utnally The soreness in my head, nose and poUGAN DYE WORKS oyawa out muteolar •oreneM throat disappeared— and very soon I SMITH BROTHERS already burned.” p«m by hour. Harriaon Stnvt “*“■ “ How was Sprague killed?” San­ This is one of the spangled net stopped coughing altogether. Smith derson interrupted impatiently. jackets just over from Paris for Brothers’ is , great stuff for coughs COUCH SYRUP Sooth Mandteater Dmidee reached into the tool dining and dancing in town or M U S TjR O lF and colds all right!” J. V. Ahlquist, ENOS COUCHS THE MEDICAL WAY ' chest and b rp u ^ t out a narrow , I southern raaorta. Rockford, Rl. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, JANUARY 15,1981, PAGENINH

IN QUEST OF WORLD’S AUTOMOBILE SPEED RECORD Connecticut Golfer Harvard Hockey Team Tops Agua Caliente Headed For Olympics Nine Successive Victories Johnny Golden Leads Field HOCKEY CANADIAN-AMERICAN Stamps Contabs As One of By One Stroke After First | __ HOCKEY-STANDING Games Goals BRITISH AMERICAN CLUB Country’s Outstanding W. L. T. F. A. P. Round In Race For BOWLING AVERAGES Springfield . .15 2 0 '76 32 30 4 61 37 26 College Sextets. G. P.F. Ave. Providence . .11 4 . 713 0 45 60 14 $25,000 Stake, ...1 8 1833 101.8 Boston ...... D. Morrison .... . 513 2 32 65 14 ...2 4 2430 101.6 New Haven W. Wylie ...... Philadelphia . 511 2 32 52 12 ___ 24 2427 101.1 New York, Jan. 15.— (A P )—^Whlle P. McLagan .... a surprisingly large number of club Agua Caliente, Jan. 15.— (AP.) — ___ 25 2451 97.9 W. Kerr ...... RESULT LAST NIGHT hockey teams have been fighting for ___ 21 2052 97.7 Contenders on the Agrua Caliente F. Haugh ...... Reds 4, Tigers 1. recognition in the competition ___ 30 2877 95.9 Newest challenger for the world’s speed record on land, Capt. Malcolm Campbell and the ^ o ^ e ^ a p e d ^ "^So^e huge^°ru^dl^ fairways trailed the cool and com­ J. McCullough .. sponsored by amateur athletic union ___ 21 1983 94.9 faster than 231 miles an hour at Daytona Beach, Fla., are pictured above after the car had been assemb ed m England- Note uge ud

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, JANUARY 15,1931. PA G E TE N TH E CLXSSI El ED ^ECTIOM BUYV^ND »EU .H ERE mg. The rest of the meeting was LOST AND FOUND HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 CHILDREN’S AID SOaETV spent in passing tests and studying. Want Ad Information I Troop 9 COMMUNin CLUB LX)ST—BOSTON BULL PUPPY, FOR SALE—A FEW Universal M anchester’s Troop 9, Girl Scouts of the South Manchester last seen at High school. Please Washers, used as demonstrators, IN ANNUAL MEETING Girl I Methodist church, held their regular dial 3006, 8 Ridgewood street. at a reduction; also two Maytag D a t e B o o k I meeting Monday evening, January RE-NAMES OFnCERS Evening Herald Washers to be sold at bargain 12. The first part of the meeting LOST—BLACK AND GOLD pencU, prices. 4328, Paul Hillery Inc., Miss Marjory Cheney Named Scout I was spent in making sig;nal flags. on Main street. J’inder please call CLASSIFIED Hotel Sheridan Building. Vice President At Meeting The Scouts then lined up according 7660. TONIGHT News to patrols. Scout laws were repeat­ ADVERTISEMENTS Fortieth anniversary of Ever- Held This Afternoon. /jinual Meeting Held Last LOST— COMBINATION fountain ed and the first verse of the Star WANTED— TO BUY 58 Ready Circle, King’s Daughters, at Spangled Banner was sung. It was Count six average words to * line. pen and pencil, in or near Home the Second Congfregational church. 'The annual meeting of the Con­ Initials, numbers and Bank and Trust Company. Reward voted to hold the Kiddies Kamival Night— Turn (Wer Prop­ eLh count as a word and compound WANTED TO BUY second hand TOMORROW necticut Children’s Aid Society was on Saturday afternoon, January 31. if returned to Home Bank and Council words----- two as words. Mlninuni cost ii furniture, ranges, and stoves. Rec Night at School street Rec, held In the auditorium of the All other Girl Scouts will be wel­ price of three lines. Trust Co. for transient James H. Hopkins, 81 West Ma^n Swedish and German churches, at The Girl Scout Coimcil met with come. The admission fee will be erty To Y. M. C. A. Line rates per day 7:30 o’clock. Webster Memorial Building, Hart­ L,Os T—FOX ROUND about six street. Telephone Rockville 17-2. Mrs. Clarence Quimby Tuesday aft­ ten cents. The girls then adjourn­ Effective March 17. COMING EVENTS ford this afternoon. The meeting ernoon, January 13, with Commis­ Cash Charge months old, black and tan. Charles ed to the gymnasium of the church > cts E. Cole. Phone 'Willimantic 866-4. Monday, Jan. 19— All membership w£LS opened by the President, sioner Bro-wnell presiding. Several where signaling was practiced and 6 Consecutive Days ..I 7 cts APARTMENTS—FLATS— meeting of Chamber of Commerce The annual meeting of the Man­ 3 Consecutive Day's .. * cts 11 cts Reward. Thomas Hewes, of Farmington, reports were given and matters of several games played. Returning chester Community club was held 1 Day ** cts IS cts TENEMENTS 63 at Hotel Sheridan. business brought up. After the re­ to. the Scout room they were check­ All orders for irregular Insertions Annual meeting at Swedish Luth­ with appropriate remarks. last evening at the clubhouse on port of the entertainment commit­ ed and paid their dues. will be cha-rged at the one time r a t ^ GARAGES—SERVICE- FOR RENT—3 ROOM SINGLE eran church. Robert H. Schutz, Chairman of North Main street. Reports of tha Special rates for long term every tee, It wsis voted to have a party for Doris Bronkie, Scribe. about February 1st. $15 per Friday, Jan. 23—Mother’s Club the Finance Committee, reported on the captains, , and coun­ president, R. K. Anderson; director day advertising given upon request. STORAGE 10 the permanent fund which is made Ads ordered for three or six d ^ s month. WUliarn Kahehl, 7773. annual party at Vernon Grange. cil members at the home of Mrs. of social activities. Miss Christina up of bequests and gifts. During and stopped before the third or fifth HEATED GARAGE SPACES for Sunday, Feb. t —Annual Skating Lawrence Case on Tuesday evening, Mason and William P. Petherbridge, dav will be charged only for the ac­ rent. Midland Filling Station. W. FOR RENT— 5 ROOM flat, all im­ carnival at Center Springs. the year two thousand dollars has N. Y. COP, NATIVE HERE, director of the Young Men’s Chris­ tual number of times the ad appear­ provements, garage. Apply 62 been added to this endowment and January 27. ed. chargir ■- at the rate earned, but S. Grant, Mgr., 311 Main street. Saturday, Feb. 7—Junior Prom at The Girl Scout Council and the tian Association of Manchester, Norman street. there are pending settle­ no allowance or refunds can be made South Manchester, Conn. High school. Officers’ Association are to have a CAUGHT "BUM " RODGERS were submitted. on six time ads stopped after the Tuesday, Feb. 13—The Mikado, ment which will add thirty-six Election of officers resulted in re- FOR RENT—4 ROOM TENEMENT thousand dollars. Mr. Schultz also booth at the Poultry Show next ^^N^o'^niil forbids” : display lines not reasonable rent, 15 Ridgewood Gilbert-Sullivan operetta presented week and sell home-made candy, election of the present staff, presi­ MOVING—TRUCKING- by combined glee clubs, orchestra reported that the budget for 1931 street. South Manchester. take subscriptions for magazines, Lieut. >Villiam Wallace, Who dent, R. K. Anderson; vice presi­ *°Tlie Herald will not be responsible STORAGE 20 and Sock and Buskin club of High calls for an expenditure of one him- dent, Mark Holmes; secretary, Mrs. for more than one incorrect insertion and have charge of the checking Captured Famous Gunman, FOR RENT— 3 ROOM suite in the school. dred fourteen thousand dollars or James M. Shearer and treasurer, of any advertisement ordered lor PERKETT & GLENNEY inc.—Mov­ some eight thousand dollars more room. Was Born On Walnut Street. more than one time. new Johnson Block, Main street. Monday, Feb. 16—Masonic Ball at After the business meeting dain­ Harold Norton. ’The following direc­ The inadvertent omission of l?cor- ing, packing and shipping. Daily All modern improvements includ­ State Armory. than that of 1930. tors were elected to serve for threa rect publication of adverUslng will ^ service to and from New York. 14 ty refreshments were served by the ing heat. Apply Aaron Johnson. Tuesday, Feb. 16— Second annual The Society has cared for 331 hostess. “Bum” Rodgers who took his life years, their term having expiredS rectified only by cancellation of the trucks at your service. Agents for Herald Cooking school at Masonic children in its special foster homes charge made for the service rendered Tel. 3726 or janitor 7635. The following members were by hanging in a New York prison Joseph Wright, Fayette B. Clarka United Van Sendee, one ot the Temple opens for four days, closing during the year 1930, and has as­ All advertisemants must conform present: Mrs. W. M. Brownell, yesterday where he was ser’ving a and Charles B. Loomis. The other in style, copy and typography with leading long distance moving com­ FOR RENT—MODERN 5 room Friday. sisted 940 other children in a variety Mrs. Russell Hathaway, Mrs. Law­ life sentence, was arrested by Wil­ directors include Scott Simon, W, regulations enforced by the publish- panies. Connection in 162 cities. flat, first floor on Lilley street, of ways, thus making a total of er.s and they reserve the right to rence Case, Mrs. Frederick Snow, liam Wallace, lieutenant on the W. Robertson, Miss Grace Robert­ edit, revise or reject any copy con­ Phone 30«3, 8860. 8864. garage, near Center. Inquire 21 1271 children served. This service New York police department, who son. Wells Strickland, John H. Gill, was rendered in 123 cases because Mrs. Charles Baker, Mrs. Esther sidered objectionable. Elro street. is a native of South Manchester, Aldo Paganl, C. R. Biifr,' Williani CLOSING HOURS—Classified ads to L. T. WOOD CO.—Furniture and of the death of the child’s parents Pickles, Mrs. Charles Oliver, Mrs. be published same day must be re­ piano moving, modem equipment, Edward Brosnan, Mrs. J. S. Bro-wn having been born on. Walnut street. Foulds, Jr., M d E. A. Lydall. FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene­ or relatives; in 118 cases because Rodgers was considered a danger­ ceived by 12 o’clock noon; Saturdays experienced help, public store­ UOTATIO and Mrs. Clarence Quimby. It was unanimously voted by the ment, with all improvements. 111 of broken homes, and in 111 cases ous man and it was necessary that 10:3u a. m. house. Phone 4496. meeting to deed a parcel of land fe» TELEPHONE YOUR Holl street. Telephone 7330. because the family jvas in difficult Officers’ Association great care be taken in arresting economic situation. Until August the To-wn of Manchester for library WANT ADS. FOR RENT—5 ROOM FLAT, all The January meeting of the Girl him. He had escaped from a train purposes, also to turn over all prop­ REPAIRING 23 unemployment did not seem to be a Scout Officers’ Association took on which he was being brought to Ads are accepted over the telephone modem improvements, 67 Summer factor of great importance, but erty, real and personal, now o-wned at the CHARGE RATE given above street. Inquire 3 1-2 'Walnut street. The secret of achievement Is place at the home of Mrs. L. L. Jos- prison by a New York policeman, by the Manchester Community club, as a convenience to advertisers, but MATTRESS AND BOX springs since then 33 children have come to lin. Pre-vious to the business meet­ Two confederates had been sitting obedience. to the Manchester Young Men’e the CASH RATES will be accepted M renovated. Your health and even j FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM flat, up­ —Mrs. Virginia White Speel, Repub­ the Society on this account. It is ing a delicious supper was served. in the seat in the rear of the officer FULL PAYMENT if paid at the busi­ interesting to note that alcoholism, Christian Association. ness office on or before the seventh your income depends upon the rest stairs $22, garage, 5 Ridgewood lican committeewoman. Mrs. John Reinartz reported brief­ and Rodgers and when the train day following the and fcomplete relaxation you have street, ready February 1st. Inquire as a primary cause of referring chil­ ly on what Miss Hedlund said con­ stopped at a station before reaching each ad otherwise the CHARGE in sleeping. We scientifically reno­ 178 Parker street or telephone There have been a great number dren to this Society, has been eid- cerning badges and awards. Sev­ the prison they assaulted the of R.YTE will be collected. No responsl- dent in only eight cases. This ser­ bilitv for errors in telephoned ads vate your old mattress to give com­ 5623. of wars, but the fight for prohibi­ eral months ahead, a day should be ficer, rendering him unconscious ROBERTSON TO T E ll w ill'be assumed and their necuracy fort. Day and evening phone 3615. tion means more me than all the vice to 1271 children was rendered set for the examination. Captains and aided Rodgers in his escape. at a cost of $105,869.12 which cannot be guaranteed. Manchester Upholstering Co., 246 FOR RENT—MODERN 5 room wars we have fought and it should should not pass on merit badges. It was kno-wn by the police that means an average of about $83.00 INDEX OF Main street flat, 1st floor, 37 Delmont street. mean the same to every American. They should also receive outside he was in New York and in order CHAMBER ABOUT TRIP CLASSIFICATIONS Phone 8039. —Thomas A. Edison. per child served. help in teaching first aid. Miss to locate him Wallace and another VACUUM CLEANER; gim; phono­ The officers and directors elected Hedlund stressed the point that it officer were given six months de FOR RENT— 4 ROOM tenement, Births ...... A graph, clock repairing. Key mak­ It is a fact that our laws are not at this meeting were as follows: should not be made too easy for tached duty with the one object to Will Be Speaker At Member­ Engagements ...... " ing. Braithwaite, 52 Pearl street. all improvements, garage if desir­ President, Thomas Hewes, Farm­ Marriages ...... g being enforced. Girl Scouts to get badges. locate and arrest Rodgers. ’Their ship Meeting At Hotel Sher­ ed. Apply 95 Foster street. Tel. —Attorney General Mitchell. ington; Vice-Presidents, Miss Mar­ Mrs. Snow asked that the girls work made necessary severing con­ jory Cheney, South Manchester, idan Monday Evening. Card of Thanks ...... 5230. who do not intend to go to drum nections with their, families and for In Memoriara ...... \ \ COURSES AND CLASSES 27 Mrs. Samuel B. Hemingway, New several weeks they worked around Lost and Found ...... No matter how devised, an in­ and bugle practice give up their 6 ROOM TENEMENT, 26 Walker Haven, Robert H. Schultz, West the docks and did other hard labor W. W. Robertson, general manager Announcements ...... BARBER TRADE taught in day street, all improvements, garage, crease in taxes in the end falls upon bugles so that other girls can take^ of the Orford Soap Company, who Personals ...... the workers and farmers. Hartford; Secretary, Paul M. But- until they were able to learn where Aatomobiles and evening classes. Low t'Uition good location, rent reasonable. In­ terworth, West Hartford; Assistant their places. recently returned from a trip aroimd rate. Vaughn Barber School, 14 —President Hoover. At the February rally, which -will Rodgers li-Ved. Automobiles for Sale quire 30 Walker. Geo. Murdock. Secretary, Mrs. Curtis H. Veeder, Securing a room in the same the world will be the speaker at the Automobiles for Exchange ...u Market street, Hartford. be in charge of 'Troop 6, there will first monthly all membership meet­ Auto Accessories— Tires Hartford; Treasurer, Hartford Na­ building, just above the one oc f o r r e n t —s e v e r a l f ir s t Ignorance is the father of disease. be a contest in making a rope ing of the Chamber of Commerce to Auto Repairing—Painting ...... —Prince of Wales. tional Bank and Trust Company: cupied by Rodgers they waited un­ Auto Schools ...... class rents. Apply Edward J. Assistant Treasurer, Charles W. stretcher. The following songs are be held this year, at the Hotel Sheri­ SITUATIONS WANTED— Hoil, 865 Main street. Telephone til the opportunity arrived. Rodgers Autos—Ship by Truck Jaynes, West Hartford. to be sung at this rally: Girl came into his room, was heard by dan, 6:15 o’clock, Monday evening. Autos—For Hire ...... MALE 39 4642. Scout Hymn, Rally Song, The Gold­ Garages—Service—Storage New directors elected were Wil­ the two policemen in the room His subject will be “My Trip Arqund en Sun. Motorcycles—Bicycles ...... WANTED— ELECTRICAL repair­ FOR RENT—SIX ROOM tenement, FIGHTING IS REPORTED liam C. Skinner, Jr., of Skinner above and after allowing for time to The- World” and will be .illustrated Wanted Autos—Motorcycles The March rally will be in charge -with lantern slides. Mr, Robertson ing appliances called for and de­ all improvements, .garage if desir­ Brothers, 37 Lewis Street, Hart­ have him go to sleep they came Business and Professional Serrlces of Troop 1. wdl touch oh jdto business and social Business Services Offered ...... livered, reasonable prices. Dial ed. Inquire 28 Russell street. ford: Thomas W. Russell, of Allen, dovrii the stairs, burst open the door IN CHINESE PROVINCES RusseU & Allen, 31 Lewis Street, The February meeting of the Offi­ conditions of the fcoimtrles which he Household Services Offered .....I S -A 6777. and as Rodgers reached for a gun Building—Contracting ...... 1* Hartford, and Miss Helen O. Rider, cers’ Association will be at the that was on a table near his bed visited. Florists—^Nurseries ...... lo of Danbury. The following direc­ home of Mrs. Harold Agard. This will be the first meeting -with Funeral Directors ...... 16 HOUSES FOR SALE Shanghai, Jan. 15.— (A P )—Fight­ dove at him and struggled to keep Heating—Plumbing—Roofing ... 17 ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 ing between government troops and tors, whose terms expired December Troop 2 him from making an outcry. He R. K. Anderson as president and the Insurance ...... J* FOR SALE—10 ROOM house, on marauding armies of Reds was re­ 31, 1930, were re-elected for another Monday, January 5, Troop 2 held was taken from the building with­ business to be transacted will con­ Millinery—Dressmaking ...... 1» Spruce street, with all improve­ ported from three South China three-year term: Miss Marjory its meeting at the usual place. out others being awakened. sist principally of an outline of his Moving—Trucking—Storage ... JO FOR SALE—TWO PAIR skis. Tele­ Painting—Papering ...... J1 ments, large lot. Telephone 5952. provinces today. Cheney, South Manchester; Alfred Catherine Sullivan passed her ten­ For their work in bringing about organization, the set-up of standing Professional Services...... J* phone 5411. Amoy reported 200 Commimist C. Fuller, Hartford; Thomas Hewes, his arrest both men were highly committees, and plans for the com­ 168 Benton street, Qve room bunga­ derfoot test. Four girls were chosen Repairing .... ----- ••••'•...... bandits had been slain at Yungting, Farmington; Joseph K. Hooker, complimented by the press and the ing year, which have been tqiproved Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning ... zs low. steam beat, garage, all im­ for the contest at the rally. Patrol southern Fukien pro-vince, when Hartford; Miss Grace L. Plimpton, police authorities in New York and by the Board of Control. The-meet­ Toilet Goods and Service ...... 25 FUEL AND FEED 49-A provements, easy tefms; also new meetings were held and games Wanted— Business S erv ice...... 26 provincial forces drove the outlaws Hartford; Mrs. Philip B. Stanley, played. Dues were changed from allowed a six month’s leave of ab­ ing will, as usual, include dinner. 6 room house. Telephone 8713. HARP WJOD $6 load from that city. The Reds had held New Britain; James L. Thomson, three cents a week to five cents. sence to rest up after the trying Reservations will be received up to courses and c la s s e r ...... 17J F O R S A L E Saturday noon and it is expected or slabs $5; also light trucking Yungting since January 1. West Hartford. The meeting closed with the camp­ times that they had in their search Private Instruction #«•••••••••« •• that over a hundred members will Dancing ...... done. V. Firpo, 116 Wells street. Reports from southern Kiangsi fire circle, in which Frances Pack­ and arrest of the man. attend. Musical—Dramatic Dial 61^8. pro’vdnce said sharp fighting was in ard read a story. Wanted—Instruction 10 LESS AUTO CRASHES Financial progress between Reds and the mili­ Elsie Hilding, Scribe. FOR SALE—BEST SEASONED 15 Bonds— Stocks—^Mortgagee ...... II tary near Ningtu, which Commun­ Troop 5 FOUR GROUPS TO JOIN Business Opportunities II hard wood, 1-2 cord load $5.00. 1-4 ists looted last December. Hartford, Jan. 15.— (A P .)—Al­ FIREMEN’S SETBACK Money to Loan ...... II cord load $3.00. Prompt delivery. Vernacular reports stated Nation­ Troop 5 held its weekly meeting Help and Situations Phone Rosedale 25-4. Geo. Buck. though the number of automobiles January 12 at the Hollister Street IN REC CHURCH NIGHT Help Wanted— Female ...... 15 alist government airplanes had left registered in Connecticut in 1930 Help Wanted—Male ...... 16 Nanchang, provincial capital, to school, with a very large attendance. Hose Company No. 8 edged back HARD WOOD, STOVE length $5 a were 359,428 as compared with 358,- It has been decided that Troop 5 Help Wanted—Male or Female .. 27 help fight the outlaws and that Na­ into first place in the South Man­ Agents ’Wanted ...... load. Special chunks for furnace or 755 in 1929, an increase of 673, will furnish home-made candy to be Young people of four Manchester THE FIRST LOCOMOTIVE tionalist authorities had ordered chester Fire Department setback Situations Wanted—Fem ale ...... 38 fire place $6. Hardwood slabs $4. there were 4,229 less accidents in sold at the Girl Scout booth at the churches will gather at the School Situations Wanted—M ale ...... 29 F. O. Giesecke, telephone Rosedale more troops into Kiangsi to bolster the state in 1930 than during the Street Rec tomorrow evening for tournament last night when the four Employment Agencies ...... <0 On January 15, 1831, the first lo­ the anti-Communist campaign Poultry Show, January 22; companies convened at No. 4’S Live Stock— Pets— Ponltry—•'Vehloles 36-12. pre-vious year, according to an an­ the second of a series of church comotive built in America^ appeared The follo-wing girls have success­ house. No. 3’s team now leads by 43 Dogs— Birds— Pets ...... <1 there. nouncement- made today by the fully passed the requirements for nights to be held this winter. A Live Stock—’Vehicles ...... 12 f o r SALE—h a r d W O OD and on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad. Communist.s in eastern Hunan points. Johnson and Shorts -were State Motor Vehicle Department. several second class tests; Nature, program of athletic events has been Poultry and Supplies ...... <2 hard wood slabs sawed stove It was called the “Best Friend.” De­ province were said to have attacked tied -with Reymander and Russell Wanted — Pets— Poultry—Stock Ii In 1930 there were 19,587 acci­ Shirley Martin, Christine Royce, arranged and the Zion and Concor­ length and under cover. Cash price signed by Adam Hall, it was built the towns of Linying and Yukong, for the high score last night Both For Sale— Miscellaneous dents reported to the motor vehicle Doris Gibson, Marguerite Peabody; dia Lutheran churches 'Will com­ Articles for S a le ...... 65 for hard wood $6.00 per load, slabs at the West Point foundry in New where Nationalist forces were en­ pairs totaled 171. Next week tha department as compared -with 23,- bed-making, Julia Converse, Mar­ pete against the Swedish Lutheran Boats and Accessories ...... 66 $5.00. L. T. Wood Co. York City. trenched. The military reported teams meet at No. I’s home. Building Materials ... 67 816 in 1929. The number injured jory Brown, Christine Royce, Faith and Congregational churches, start­ The “ Best Friend” had a verti­ the attack Lad been repulsed. Co. Last Night Total Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry .. 68 la-^t year was 12,980 as compared Galinat; history of the flag, Doris ing at 7:30 o’clock. Electrical Appliances—Radio ... 69 SPECIAL—50 CORDS OF season­ cal tubular boiler carried at one end Merchants of Changsha, capital A volley ball game will be played No. 1 ...... 568...... 4837 Fuel and Feed ...... t'>-A ed birch wood $4.00 load, good ox the horizontal platform or frame, of Hunan, appealed to the Nation­ with 13,607 for the previous year, a Gibson, Bernice ’Wilson, Dorothy No. 2...... 621...... 4762 Peterson, Frances Elliott, Shirley at 7:45 o’clock with bowling at the Garden — Farm —Dairy Products 50 measure; also hard wood $6.00 per while the cylinders were carried at alist government for extension of decrease of 627. The number killed No. 3 ...... 627...... 4880 Household Goods ...... 61 Martin, Dorothy Post, Catherine same time. A relay race -will be load. Thomas Wilson. Phone 8581 the other end. The four wheels oc­ the anti-Red campaign in that in automobile accidents in 1930 was No. 4 ...... 617...... 4793 Machinery and Tools ...... ,u.. 61 417 as compared with 466 in 1929, Walworth, Marjory Bro-wn, Arline run at 8:30 o’clock and at 8:40 Musical Instrum ents...... 63 or Rosedale 37-4. cupied the tpace between the boiler pro-vince, saying thus far the troops o’clock the swimming pool will be Office and Store Equipment . . . . 66 a decrease of 49. Of those injured Holmes, Lorraine Brooks, Lois and the cylinders. had acccomplished little. open for boys and men. ’The pool Specials at the S to r e s...... 66 HARD WOOD $5 LOAD, contains The West Point foundry built a last year 10,327 were adults and Tracy, Helen Copeland. Wearing Apparel—F u rs ...... 67 chunks for furnace, slabs $5, Eunice Brown, Scribe. tables will be available for use all Wanted—To Buy ...... 68 second locomotive, the “De Witt OLD TRAINER RETIRES 2,653 were children, as compared evening. At 10 o’clock refresh­ Rooms— Board— Hotels— Resorts special chunks $6. Chas. Palmer, Clinton,” in 1831, which was put at vrith 10,818 adults and 2,789 chil­ Troop 8 5T I C K £ f t S Restaurants telephone 6273. ments will be served. Herman work on the Mohawk & Hudson Bridgeport, Jan. 15.— (AP) — dren in 1929. Last year 361 adults The meeting opened with a new Johnson of the Swedish Lutheran Rooms WltnouL Board ...... W and 56 children were killed in auto­ Boarders W anted ...... 53-A FOR SALE — HARDWOOD and railroad, now part of the New York Joseph De Lorme, veteran of the signaling game. Then patrol cor­ church is general chairman. 1 |ll|AlAlN|clH|n|Tr|l|A Real Estate For Rent guaranteed. Lathrop Brothers. Tel. lar in design to the first, but, of professional animal trainers of the previous year. Amelia Andrulot. The older girls POST OFFICE COMMITTEE Apartments, Flats, Tenements .. 61 3149. Prompt delivery. course, possessed a number of im­ country retired today after thirty worked on first aid, while some of Business Locations for Bent ... 66 provements. years in the Federal postal ser-vice. COLD IN NEW YORK the younger girls worked on sig­ Houses for Rent ...... 6§ Suburban for Rent ...... •• He figured in many adventures with naling and fire prevention. The SEEKS DATA ON SITE Summer Homes for R ent ...... 17 GARDEN—FARM- COLD IN NEW BRITAIN animals which 'will remain in the Albany, U. Y., Jan. 15.— (AP) — meeting closed with taps. Wanted to R ent ...... It DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 memories of those who resided here Upstate had another taste of winter Anna Bushnell, Scribe. Real Estate For Sale last night The Post Office Committee of the Apartment Building for Sal« ... It New Britain, Jan. 15.— (AP) — during the days when Bamum and Troop 7 Business Property for Sale ...... 71 FOR SALE— APPLES Baldwins Winter’s shock troops made a Bailey’s circus wintered in this city. In this city the minimum tempera The weekly meeting was held Chamber of Commerce, which held Farms and Land for Sale ...... 71 and Greenings $1.00 per bushel. W. frontal attack here last night, send­ On one occasion, he aided in the cap­ ture was 4 above zero but further Monday night, January 12. The a meeting last night, is conducting Houses for Sale ...... 72 H. Cowles. Telephone 5909. ing the mercury in thermometers in ture of a tigress and a rhinoceros north, especially in the adirondacks an extensive study of the benefits to Lots for Sale ...... »••••••• girls learned how to write the alpha­ retreat. The average temperature which escaped and fled through the the mercury sank much lower. be derived from a centrally located The lop line contains the II Gteelt Resort Property for Sale ••••••• Tupper Lake reported a minimum bet with a secret code. They had Suburban for S a le ...... 75 reported early this morning was 6 city while terrified residents hid knot tying relays using the square post office on the government prop­ letters composing the word ph3anlhn>- Real Estate for Exchange .....-« 71 A judge suggests that the un­ of 21 below zero, while at Saranac erty at the Center. Communica­ employed be given a chance to degrees above zero although lo-wer themselves indoors. knot and the sheep shank. Doris pia The problem «s to transform the ’ Wanted—Real Estate ...... 77 He left the sawdust ring in 1901 Lake there was a reading of 16 be­ tions are also being sent to Wash­ Anction.^’Iiegal Notleee serve on juries. It’s worth a trial, readings were recorded in outlying Cole brought a cake to pass cook- (jreek word into an Eng^ish-wOrd, n five Legal Kotices ...... s 71 districts. to become a mail driver here. low. ington to ascertain the exact at least. amount of the appropriation, which moves, by the foDovvmg rule: In each it is expected ■will be asked for at st^, two letters w l ^ are side-l>y-«de, By FRANK BECK the present session of Congress. may be changed For exaiiqrle, m the GAS BUGGIES— Speaking of Rewards The committee consists of Char­ first move the (jreek letters theta and les Ray, chairman; Howell Cheney, rho are changed to C and H, as shown H O W 1 E N V Y E. J. Holl, W. W. Robertson, Scott n the diagram. Change two more, go­ AH! CAPTAIN FOGS! JUST T H A T , MY FRIEND. CAN WAIT. ing horn 2 to 3, and so on to the last line. I’D NEVER FORGIVE MYSELF WERE VOU SUCH A REWARD. Simon, and C. R. Burr. THE MAN I’M LOOKING FOR, COINED FROM A RICHER HE Any leltet may be dianged twice I HAVE A REAL ESTATE DEAL I TO INTERFERE WITH YOUR HAPPY HOMECOMING. N O TREASURE TH AN GOLD, YOU CAPTAIN PENDING AT HOME, BUT I SHOULD CHERISH IT DEARLY ZERO WEATHER DIDN’T WANT TO RUSH OFF AMD REWARD THAT I MIGHT OFFER HAS COULD POSS/BLY COMPARE TO h a s t e n HOME M Y FRIEND» SOME ODD HAVE VOU THINK I WASN’T AND WHEN 1 CAN THINK r/VAT TENDER GREETING OF n o t i o n s Manchester experienced zero tera- INTERESTED IN THAT-.ER.- ,OF A SUITABLE FORM OF r e g a r d in g PROPOSITION YOU SPOKE OF YOUR SWEET W IFE UPON pciature today as reports came in appreciation . . . y o u WEALTH, Fire Insurance MAKING ME ...IN REWARD FOR YOUR RETURN. of sub-zero weather from many SHALL HEAR FROM OR FINDING YOUR WALLET ME. » ther parts of the state. Exact Automobile POSSIBLV authoritative recording here cannot HE’S ONLY- be given because the town lacks any Insurance KIDDING official thermometer. Three large »*1re« and accident* come HEM, thermometers along Main street without warning. AND HAS at 8 o’clock this morning differed .Are you prepared T NO greatly. One had it eight above, INTENTION another six above and still another t’all 3L’50 or 5146- OF GIVING five below. Sherman A. Buck re­ Service with reliable corn- HIM ported four above at Highland Park panlcik a n y t h i n g and he’s usually about right. m o r e Lydall-ville reported three below. Robert J. Smith T H A N A Precision thermometers in various ia 09 BIainSt. - HEADACHE. parts of the town generally indicat­ Real Estate >. ed from two to five above, accord­ ing to locality at 6 o’clock, but the Steamship Tlt^eta - zero mark was reached in exposed I SSI x.y.T«tjtau«A>i. localities. ■

\ •


R a p p e r .'a n n y S a y s : SKIPPY ~ By Percy U i)ro^y SENSE AMD nonsense ______WE6.1'. S. WkT. OFF.______

Once there w as a man Who m ar­ W € L t^ I "riED V p u « HAWDS VA CAW T OOAWVTMiW tWHjLC VA ^ O T ] CWT TMROpft#* T iA6 S T o FC O H I HOW CAM VA VA H A A iB S AM; t , ried one of twin sisters. One day ha, AM* T h a t 'S s u p p o s e 0 t o T h a t stbPP ow vou® w a m o s . s o vv« a t N 0 u ’« 5 , mot a friend of his on the street RtAV AMfRlCAW DO J DO &oT COMe ALOW6 W*TH a k wipe a w P R € 6 iT O j and the friend being cnrloiia said: M fAky t h a t YA A T h a t ’s s o p p o s c t o MSAtv/ rn g p u b l ic Buvi/t/6 Roddy—John, what I w^nJd like l o t o p s t o c k o n VOUR to knoW is—how do you tel] the u two of them apart? ; HAWPS John—Well, to tell you the truth, | \ I don’t try. The wro'hg twin just has/ to look out. T

Ragson Tatters—Sajf, Amos, I V V hear 'your son had a military wed- din*. ' Amos Tash—Yeah! Lizzie’s old m an w-ds there with his_ shotgun. CZ3 The young husband' could eat no more of his wife’s dinner. r— 1 Bride—That’s a pity, for if you 19*1 i Terey L Crosby. Greot BnlalD nebu reservad don’t I shall have to give it to the ^ * } King Feature* Syndicate. Inc. ‘ dog. , New Hubby—Yes, it is a pity— it’s such a nice dog.

Between two evils, some persons ONCA 1 Toonerville Folks By Fontaine Fox OUR BOARDING HOUSE always manage to pick out the A dinner date with some men i By Gen^ _ wrong one....One doctor is more means getting both bread and j opposed to taking another doctor’s bored. 1 ^ ^ S u ITOAS e '^’SIM PSONC w H O S E f e e t a r e t h e LARSES . IH THE medicine than he is his own.... WHOLE TOW NSHrP) CAN RUN ACROSS A RAILROAP TRESTLE. fJoiAi GigrT o is T O F - t h e : ;t Wrow m e o u t IM PEEP *s4. I Laziness is one disease that pro­ KolISE t ■'RciTM OF VcQ 1 ww AWP o u s e WELL, r p longs life and makes it pleasanter OF TH H Sticker Solution day by day in every way. S. “Steam Roller’’ because he . hasn’t I got any speed.

S T O fnr^ MAl.CdCMRAN'-'PICTURCSijr^iaM


Ifile CFontaine ! i REG. U. & mr. OFF. @ 1931 bV NtA SEIIVICE. INC. WASHINGTON TUBBS H Not to Be Trusted! By Craite >

^UDDEMLV, ME STOPS. AN \DEfr, ^ f Art, NW PRlEMDS,'^ rtAV£ GOOD NEVtiS. /^ASH EASV ARt OUMBFOUNOtPp; STRUCK MtM - A BPiLUANT The AOOVTlONAL MOfJEV V KNOW w h ere 'O&A, I CAN GET EEN NO TiME - PLEASE PORGEEVt Th e o ld f o y \ a u g e r irtH . RE6UiLDy F0l< /HE VO OR 'Wow! v'HE'S GOT something c # VwANDERPUt EENVlENTibN, AUD LWtiL.y D'OaA NOTICE '< ms.5LE£YE — (AAME $ 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 GASH READY*/ HOW HE’D • I ,,Q AND WAITING FOR VOU. Ch a n g e d ?'HE 1 wash! (READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) >^TyT'. [WAS DOWN Rig rti _____ Wee Scouty asked the native ride. Her hunch that we should FRIENDLY / 7 < *? AGAIN. maid, “Where are you bound? get some sleep strikes me as quite a Aren’t you afraid to travel all plan. Let’s get our canvas tent 4^^ out quick and pitch it. It will look around alone, / or do you live near real slick.” “Say, that’s a good here? Gee, if you do, we’d like to idea,” snapped the kindly Travel roam around until we find your Man. home. ’Tw'ould be real fun to see And so to* work the ’Tinies went. it,, if -there’s nothing we need fear.” ’Twas easy to put up the tent. S4 The maiden .smiled and then re­ They dragged it from their truck plied, “Oh, I am just out for a ride. and then picked out a level space. f^ E tu R N S AND RETRACES MiS I, love to travel on a stream, within Each one sailed in and did his bit. HE PRESIDENT STORMS OUT OP my big canoe. My home is many UJST^PS /MORE SLOWLY. A SUV 'They shortly had it looking fit. Th e AMERICANS’ PRESENCE SMILE IS ON MIS FACE. MtS EYES ^ le s from here, but rapid paddling “Now for a snooze,” cried ClowTiy, IN ft, RAGE,S.NEARlN3t W WEA SPWlCt. to do. ray son; all of the work is not yet “I really think you lads, today, done. Help get some blankets should spend your time in sleep and from the’truck. We must fix things play. Some other time come visit up right. We’ll spread out beds No Doubt! me. I’m sure ’twould be all right. enough for all and then to sleep FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser 9 I think I’d best be going now. I we’ll quickly fall. 'We’ve surely hope you get along somehow.” She picked a mighty pretty spot , to ------w m YES,TA(S.... LOOK FK£CW.^R5!I OUOU.' AAOSHRoofAS ARE*^ I (30 ESS TMATS began to paddle and soon drifted out I spend the night.” * 'I OOO*.. AAOSHRcxPrAS!/ /WOSHRooiaS AL-vVa v S (AUSHRoonnS!! 'n E EXPENSIVE ,TOO..... of sight. -- ; - I I ''NE’RS <301V1

© 1931 BY WAWmdUIIC. SALESMAN SAM Kitty Knows By Small

r How V'LL W a i t c Y f 3USTFS SOON TWELL,FR.e. YA HERe,KvTtV, )T o u ee.T { (=if^v AMO TC u h '. { Do n ' t n K e T T iA r e»of woTTb t A U c u '? <^S FIND our HOW tAY O-IRU . PiF^(C- LFvST M IO'HTS j WHf»rr(A (AAU TolU)R.^R. II OUY — Vi^'s Y?50 DLAtYEO FRIEND IS-- SHE AND I WERE BCY F(?^eMD o u r Yep (A Df\HC€. L

p iN N A a e s - S a l c o f A roAMArion^ IM SAHO CfSeSK. : P VALLEy; OREGOtX, PITCMERS

7HS /Z£SOlT OF o r £/HOSlOtA •••


'■ ♦ f : . 'r\ :4)i^. f- y, ^ ■ V . '■* c I!*-. A; „ .■ V TO tJK SB !^^ PAGE TWELVE ' J..;

Stephen C- Hale, general chair­ The Friendly Bridge dub will -T.- t PHBUC WHIST man ^ the Emergency Employment meet tomorrow affefernoon with Mrs. Iva Ingraham of Foster street. committee has called a meeting of AT CITY VIEW HALL - Keeney Street the executive committee, municipal , • .1 r ■ • contract committee and chairmen of A son was bom yesterday to Mr. -TOMORROW EVENING all suh-committees for. tomorrow and Mrs. Calvin F. Strickland of Freei Storage Prpe Storage noon^at the Hotel Sheridan. 474; Main street. All Money Prizes. Next Spring Befredunents and Danrfng. Noxt Spring


The case against James Downey I S u p p o s e v o u w o n d e r w m ere of 590 North Main street, charged w e '( ? e HEADED FOR,IHuer5Y “ with illegal possession of two re­ 'W ELL, w e 'r e CrOiNCj O U T Fur Prices Are Down But YouVe Neveif volvers, was nolled in Hartford po­ .WEST^TO Fl&HT lice court Saturday by Prosecuting Attorney Ernest W. McCormick -V INDIANS The case against Edward Hooper of East Hartford, arrested shortl3r Seen Such A Low Price Oh Furs As after Downey, was also nolled.

The bi-weekly meeting of the Cosmopolitan Club tomorrow after­ noon will be a guest meeting. It will Found In Haleys Great Mid-Winter T o -m o r R o w —! be held at the parish house of the Center Congregational church with Mrs. Malcolm Mollan hostess. Ward E. Duffy, managing editor of the Hartford Times, is to be the speak­ er. i s : Helen Davidson Lodge No. 98, L Daughters of Scotia, will hold its regular business meeting in Tinkef Roof with Johns Manville Roofing from the W. G. Glenney hall tomorrow evening at 7:45. .Company—you’ll never need to worry about the weather. It JANLAKy Mrs. Paul Ferris of 250 Main ■ lasts for years because it is impervious to climatic conditions. street will be hostess to the regular meeting of the Woman’s Home Mis­ Your home has added beafity, too. Prices low and labor abun­ sionary society of the South Meth­ odist church tomorrow afternoon at dant—do it NOW for LESS! 2:30. Chapman Court?, Order of Amar­ anth, wdll hold its regular meeting in Masonic Temple tomorrow eve­ ning at 8 o’clock, when the new of­ rue SALE ficers will take their seats for the first time. Out of town guests are The W. G. Glenney Co. expected, among • them grand and supreme officers. It will be a roll- call party. There will be a social Co^, Fuel Oil, Lumber, MaSbns’ Supplies, Paint. hour. The refreshment committee is Mrs. Laura Loomis, chairman^ 3S6 Main St., Tel. 4149, Manchester Mrs. Isabel Robinson, Mrs. Edith Dowd, Mrs. May Puter, Mrs. Ger­ trude Noren, Mrs. Irene Risley, Arthur Loomis, Willard Horton and Albert Boice. Miss Doris Davis, director of re­ ligious education at the South Meth­ odist church, and-her class of young FRESH LAMB PATTIES, 4 for^...... 33c girls will take the lead in managing a food sale Saturday afternoon at Creamery •2:30 at Hale’s store, by the young Smelts Butterfish Charcoal people’s department of the church. ' Butter 5 bags 25c lb. ' 32c lb. A wide variety of home-made foods ” 35c lb. $1.00 wdll be offered for sale. • Attention of the parishioners of Salt Cod, Salt Mackerel, Salt Herring. FRESH FISH St. Mary’s Episcopal church and Try Smoked Filet of Haddock—it’s, friends is called to the motion pic­ ' Cod, Halibut ture entertainment tomorrow eve­ Fillet Sole delicious broiled and served with but­ ning at 8 o’clock by the Men’s Bible Haddock Fillet ter or cream sauce. ■ class. Four reels of entertaining Salmoh Grape Fruit, 4 for 29c. and educational pictures wdll be Mackerel Green Bpans and Cauliflower shown. The admission fee has been Oysters, Clams placed purposely low so that whole farnilies may enjoy the program. The Meat Department w’ill South Manchester Camp No. ha^e 9280, Modern Wbodmen of America, will meet in Tinker hall at 8 o’clock Fresh Weber this evening to install its new officers. The ceremony will be in PINEHURSf Ducklings charge of Walter C. Wirtalla. The a U A L lT Y 7 lb. Turkeys officers who wdll serve the camp CORNED during 1931 are as follows: Consul, (Order now far Saturday) flames Munsie; advisor, Daniel , B E E F Plenty of Veal and Lamb Wright; banker, John Munsie; clerk, for Stewing, Bare Soup Oscar G. Anderson; escort, Henry V’ Demuesey; watchman, John iZim- Bones for Soup Stock, 3 lbs. merman; managers. Howard Taylor, 10c. Veal Cutlets and Charles A. Staye and Alexis Chops. Tournaud; outside guard, Walter Thursday, Friday and Wirtalla.

Ever Ready Circle of Kings Dial Daughters explain that the lecture tomorrow evening at 7:45 at the 4151 Manchester Community club wdll be open to the general public, and will afford a splendid opportunity for all (The Season’s Wanted (Women’s and ‘Mines’ who have not already heard W. W. G O O D TUINOS TO EAT Robertson tell of his world trip, to Furs and Styles) Sizes 16 to 46) ^ do so. The Ways and Means commit­ tee of which Mrs. Nelson S. Smith I is chairman is making arrangements for this illustrated travel talk. Mrs. C. R. Burr wdll operate the motion picture apparatus which will show Fur prices are down but never before have w'e offered or were you able to purchase such quality, fashion-rigjjt furs at such a habdest scenes in , the Hav^iian price. Every coat has been carefully selected as to quality and style and they may be purchased with Hale’s complete, guarantee of'sat­ Islands, India, Italy, Egypt and isfaction. If you intend buying- a coat now or next fall, it will be a wise investment to purchase one now while* prices are, lbw''^--lower othe* places vdsited by Mr. and Mrs. than they have been in many years!' Styles for women and misses.ai'e included in slightly fitted models with new styled collars and Robertspn and Miss Marion Robert­ cuffs of seif, or contrasting furs. • Every coat is full lined.,^ The assortment includes: , son. Interesting curios from differ­ ent coimtries brought back by the travelers wdll also be exhibited. No Sealines with Self Collars Mendoza Beavers with Self Trimming. admission wdll be charged, but a free wdll offering wdll be received for the Sealines with Contrasting Collars. Natural Muskrats with Self Trimming. charitable work of Ever Ready ‘ Circle. Pony Coats with Fox Collars. . Northern Seals with Contrasting Trim. Silver Muskrats with> Contrasting Trim. Lapins with Darker Lapin Trim. FOOD SALE Saturday, Jan. 17, 2:30 P. M. HALE’S STORE V ■ N '■ Young People’s Department South Methodist Church. Purchase Your Fur Coat On Hale’s Budget Baked Beans, Bread, Cakes, Pies, Etc. Hale’s Fur Coats— Main Floor,Year. Burn Coal For «... "

B eal Fuel Economy X NEED MONEY and when you buv coal be sure .tures of the school was the 25 bags HP YOU BUY OUR KIND. HERALD COOKING of merchandise given away each for day besides several, grand prizes. It GUESS Our coal will provide you ls"expected that these prizes will be CO.A.L — CLOTHING with a raaximum''of heat and a even more valuable, this year. W A T K I N S B R 0 TH fRS, toe':. PAST DLTl BILLS OB minimum of ash. It is long SCHOOL PLANNED ANY OTHER PURPOSE. burning. MAC’S OARAGE • Funeral Directors You wdll be surprised how HOSPITAL NOUS Manchester Green easy it is to arrange a loan ESTABLISHED 56 Y^IARS of any amoimt from $10 to All our coal is kept un­ Classes of Last Year To Be $300. der cover and can be A daughter was born today at the CHAPEL AT 1 1 0 ^ ST. Repeated At Masonic DAVID CHAMBERS Robert K. Anderson No Endorsers Required Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. ^ Piione: Office 5171 screened the year round. Funeral Director No Publirity or Delay Joseph McCollum of 44 Adams CONTRACTOR ' Residence 7494 I Temple— Many Prizes. street Repayments Are Arranged* to Suit your Income. Alice, Lorraine and Gerard AND BUILDER Blanchard of 70 Fairfield' street The Only Charge is Three G. E. WILLIS The women of Manchester and were admitted for tonsil-ope]^tlons. 68 HoUistet Street and a Half Per Cent, on the vicinity will be Interested to -know John Caxbanoss of Hartford, Lar­ Be Snre to Bring Home Somo Unpaid Monthly Balance. that the Manchester Evening Herald ry Poiyganchijk of Hackmatack, You’ll Like Our Friendly & SON, Inc. will conduct another Cooking .School Mrs. Everett Keith and Infant YO UR CAR Way of Doing Business. Fuel Oil this year in the Masonic 'Temple. The dates of the school will be the daqghter of Heniy Street and M™. OYSTERS David Newman . and daughter of WASHED Quid DEVJCLOPBU AMD IDEAL TIN ANCING afternoons of Tuesday, Wednesday, m -2 Main St., Manchester Maple street were discharged'. br .Urabme^t Sludtnp,. Scallops - P R IM T E I^ Thursday and Friday, February 24> or Lobsters from « ASSOCIATION, INC. Tel.'3319 25, 26 and 27. , w N O W A tm G i 24 ROIIR SERVICE Boom S, Park Building Last year’s sclwol met with un­ Deiwatt Hiii;: lit precedented success and every ses­ 85S SL^ $ U 5 . , sion saw the seating capacity of the HONBS’S ^ r e ;^ E a t ia w e -v South Manchester M . Manning SiMONIZfNG , Masonid Temple itaxed to riie limit. ■ ■ ■ ■'■ *-• . ’ s 22 STATE ST. , \ Phone 7281 Himdreds of women found the S8.00 . > ' .'When in Hartfo^ no better^ sehobLdVgTeat 'viaifle aad were very place to dine. enthuslhkic over the : things they ^ HemstHcking WILSON’S AUTO WASH leiu»e^ tiet*. 0 4 t tb« 11 Park Stre0^ Pho|ie 790o Beiur of Jolupoo fUocb i . i ' ,

, • JL