- :THB-WEATHER - - - Forecast by U. S. Weather Borean, Hartford. NUT PRESS RUN s u ite AVERAGE DAILV CIRCULATION’ pon rt‘ for the Month of November, 1939 itaifi late tonight and Friday: 5 , 4 8 8 colder Friday. Bleniben of the Audit Bureau ot Clrculatlona _____ - PRICE 7UREE CEN” 1^ TWELVE PAGES SOUTH MANGflESt^R, ^QNN.,t THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1930. \ (daisslfled Advertising on Page 10) VOL. XLIV., NO. 79. Army Pilots iti Winter Test Flight a s k s fe d e r a l a id a l c o h o l LEAKS Burglar Gets Stuck — '■'* laso6w/ NO HEL.EMA GREATPROBLEM In Chimney of House 't.BUTTE ^

' ^ -O- To., 9 rAPT^then climbed to the roof and slid OE COMMISSION Chadds Ford, Pa., Jan. 2. chimney. Just above a \ OF ‘DRY’ KILUNGS ______burglar who tried to enter the fireplace in toe living room he •A I house of John D. Schiedt here by found himself trapped. He squirmed for two hours, then Calk Upon All Native Con­ Senator Jones Also began to moan for help. A son of Major Ralph Royce, right, Rliode Island’s Attorney occupants of the house for help. the owner of toe house and a care­ gressmen to Resip as commander of the First Pur­ taker heard toe moans and caUed He was rescued by firemen and ar­ suit Group at Selfrldge Field, General Says If Co-oper­ Hoover Board WiD Not police. The officers were unable to rested by state police. Mich., has been chosen to lead rescue Toth, so firemen were called. First Step of Non^Cooper- it score of army pilots in a test 2 0 MILLION The prisoner gave his name as . V - > Pass Judgment on Wis­ Michael Toth, 27, of PhlladelpWa. They pulled him out with ropes, flight along a 3500-mile “ battle ation Is Not Forthcoming He said he learned to climb when took him to a hospital for a bath ation WHk Great Britain. front" extending from Detroit and treatment for cuts and bruises, he was a sailor and thought that to Spokane and return. Winter dom of 18th Amendment then to a magristrate who held him U. S. Attorney Will ^ Be “chimneys would be easy." flying conditions amid zero Married W Employer and Toth said her and two companions in 55,000 bail. Toth refused to name Lahore, India, Jan. 2.— (AP)—The weather and radio communica­ [ toe two companions who deserted tion will be studied, constant Washington, Jan. 2 . - { A P ) - fn-1 tried to entej toeJcW edt ^^lae by new working committee of toe India Barred from Inquest Info I him. communication being main­ Is Now Sole Owner of dustrial alcohol leaks are regarded j windows and doors, but National Congress, today decided to' tained with Washington. Tha ------by President Hoover’s law enforce­ authorize the president of the Con­ map shows the principal cities at which stops will be made, the ar­ Fortune and Estate. Triple Fatality. ment commission and Congressional , gress to call upon all native Con­ rows indicating the going and return routes. dry leaders as prohibition’s m ost! gressman in toe various legislatures Providence, Jan. 2.— (AP)—-Vel- difficult problem. |SPANISH CHIEF DENIES to resign immediately. The action Port Chester, N. Y., Jan. 2.— (AP) Out of toe whirl of holiday cele­ will be the first step in the move to __^Ih a rambling, gabled old mansion untary manslaughter is toe basis' of brations and controversy over toe I gain independence for India through 10,000,000 POPULATION where for 17 years she served as toe state’s investigation of toe kill­ drys this fact has been afexeed upon non-cooperation with toe British chambermaid and in which her ing of three liquor smugglers _ ,ln by all factions. The law enforce­ t h a t h e r e sig n e d p o s t governmental machinery. brother is siiU the butler, a middle- lower Narreigansett Bay by the ment commission has set itself to The committee also fixed January aged Czecho-Slovakian immigrant inquiring into the situation, but toe i Coast Guard patrol boat 290, At­ -5>NEWLY BORN BABY 26 as toe date for nation-wide IN NEW ENGLAND IN reigned today as mistress and pos­ preliminary report of the commis­ RESCUED AT FIRE. demonstration in the support of the <9- sibly sole owner. . torney General Oscar L. Heltzen sion to Congress will not touch upon Preimer De Rivera TeDs Re­ Congress’ new creed—^which was She is toe termer Anna Mary .said today upon his retiun from Bchleis, who two; years ago became Described by Senator Borah of Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 2.— defined as “puran swaraj” or ' com­ Washington. (AP)—Life started in a swift toe fourth wife of her employer, Idaho as “as a scandal” toe admin­ porters That There is No plete independence.” That Is New Year’s Message DETROIT DETECTIVE Frank W;- Shvin, retired millionaire He said the state would try to tes- istration of the permit system, pace early today for one of Ro­ A small deputation of toe work­ tablish, if the facts justified it, that ing committee- considered it desir­ broker then 76 years old. whereby industrial alcohol is dis-1 chester’s newest citizens. Savin died ’Tuesday after an ap­ the Coast Guard crew was criminal­ tributed to business is due for a i Political Crisis Imminent; The doctor had just left toe able to wait before giving definite of New England Council; SHQT BY BANDITS pendicitis operation. His will has not ly negligent and committed an ac­ thorough investigation. : house and Frank Keller was gaz­ shape to toe policy of civU disobe^- yet been filed, and among toe heirs tion which resulted in toe imneces- Rumors of. Disclosures. | Submits New Plan to King ing proudly at toe latest edi­ ence, so iaa to s^e whether any fu= Following Suney Taking are his son and daughter and two sary deaths of three men aboard the Already rumors of grave dis-1 tion of toe Keller family, when ture repressive action of the govern­ adopted children, but presumably Black Duck early Simday. closures in this inquiry have been. a whirl of sparks drifted past ment could be made an issue for civil Inspector Garvin, Head, of his widow will be one of the princi­ No Co-operation. heard. , , . . „ , 1 the bedroom window from toe disobedience on an individual or Many Months. pal heirs. Mr. Heltzen said he had been in­ Senator Jones of Washington, ad­ Madrid, Jan. 2 - ( A P ) - Premier Primo De Rivera today announced blazing roof. mass scale. Twenty Millions formed by Assistant Attorney Gen­ ministration spokesman for the d ^ s Wrapping his wife, Theresa 'The size of the estate has been said in a statement last night after that King Alfonso had approved a Providence, R. I., Jan. 2.—New Squads Gets Four Bullets; eral B. M. McLyman that the Fed­ and his half hour old son in LONDON’S REACTION. variously estimated all the way eral authorities were not givteg the several conferences with members “political plan” looking toward re­ blankets, Keller sprinted for the London, Jan. 2.— (AP)—London England will have 10,000,000 peo­ from-$5,000,000 to $20,000,000. of the law enforcement commis­ desired co-operation in the investi­ organization of the Patriotic Union, door, left toe pair at neighbors newspapers; which during toe past ple in 1950. Girl Also Shot. “Twenty million dollars would be gation. This co-operation must ;be sion: . , . . . and that later another plan would and returned in toe nick of week have featured political news This “New Year’s Message” to far too much, I think,” toe widow given, he said, or he would get in “All seem to view the industnm to rescue a three year old daugh­ from India, this morning devoted said today. “Five million would he alcohol situation as the most diffi­ be submitted for a nation^ New England from the New Eng­ touch with toe highest CustoiM De­ ment presumably to replace toe ter. their leading editorials to toe resu.ts Detroit, Jan. 2.— (AP.)—Inspec­ nearer right.” partment authorities at Washington cult one to solve properly as weU of toe India National Congress at land Council, all-New England de­ When he retired. Savin sold his as one of the most important phases present dictatorship. +v,ot ------^ tor Henry J. Garvin, head of toe and demand it. The premier denied reports that Lahore, and to toe possibilities of velopment organization, was made seat,in toe Stock. Exchange, winch of prohibition enforcement. In crime and bomb squad of toe De­ he had bought 30 years ago for $5.- He declared he wanted to see toe working this out the commission he had resigned, or that a political toe future. public here today by Philip C. report made by the 290 at. toe New The DaUy Herald, government troit police department, was shot 000, for $475,000, nearly toe top should shield no individual and no crisis was impending. Wentworth of Providence, chairman London base. • Speaking to a group of news- ^ ROOSEVET URGES organ, says toat to© Indians’ de­ four times and seriously wounded price. Port Chester real estate men line of business.’’ paper men toe Spanish premier said. . of the New England Council’s Re­ placed toe value of toe old mansion Kept From Inqnest- Assurance was given by Senator mand for complete independence^in- shortly after 8 a. m., today by a Unless the co-operation is also that the law enforcement “The people believed in a crisis i stead of dominion status is “an. search Committee. The ^ estimate here at about $100,000. Jones which never existed. Neither the I is based on careful studies, con­ g;roup of men in a large sedan who With the house of towers and forthcoming from toe U. S. attor­ commission would complete its PRISON REFORMS academic change Involving no im­ neys office, Mr. Heltsen said, the U, king nor the government ever , mediate consequences.” It appe^s suming many months, by leading drove beside toe inspector’s car on gables, the widow today also had at study of prohibition before July her sole comm€uid- several automo­ S. attorney himself or his represen­ and that toe commission has agreed created such a crisis. 'The o^y to Mahatma Ghandl, Nationalist research organizations, and an­ Coplin avenue near- Jefferson ave­ biles and a staff of servants, of tative will be barred from toe in­ vmanimously not to pass judgment thing that occurred was toat I sub­ leader, to co-operate with Brit­ nounced through toe New England mitted to toe King a ^ l^ c a l plan nue and fired • 12 shots'. which her, brother, Joseph Schleis, quest into the triple fatahty which upon toe “wisdom or unwisdom of ish government and affairs toat Council. which has merited the full approval “ Such a prospect of steady growth An 11-year-old girl,' struck by was to he held in Newport this af­ the Eighteenth Amendment itself. More Guards, Better Foods nothing can be achieved by a mere toe butler, is the head. of the sovereign. This plan c^ls in New England’s producing and one of toe bullets,- was said to be His first Wife ternoon by Coroner Percy B. Dawn. for toe reorganization of tne “we-will-not-play” attitude. Savin’s iarst wife was the former consuming capacity should be as­ dying. l6y»' Patriotic Union, of which I have for Convicts and Camps The times is encouraged by toe suring at this time' both to New Arriba'Wheat of New Haven, Conn., ' - ir . S. Attorney Henry M. Boss, Jr, previously spoken. attitude of the Indian Liberals and England and to .toe the country aiiat . Was^Mtoked Man said to' hiVe been "a great beauty. aimounced.Iast night that represen­ LITTLE EVIDENCE Permits Elections to Relieve Congestion. moderate, and things, toat the L-btir lafee ” Mr. Wentworth declared. “It The inspector is known to have They were married in 1871, and she tative of his office would attend toe “The plan will permit elections to gress marked toe “ first time an or­ is significant to those who have in- been a marked man in toe citys obtained a legal separation in 189^ inquest. The representative, Mr. be held in February, to determine ganized force has emerged from vested in New England as a market, underworld since toe organization Their two children, Josephine and Heltzen said...... will be interrogated...... be­ iN STATE’ S CASES the directories for each province. Indian politics with a sense of reali­ and it forecasts for New England’s of -- toe crime and 'bomb squad two Frank W. Savin, Jr„ drifted ofT to fore he is allowed to enter and if be This will imply a modification in Albany, N. Y., Jp.n. 2— (AP) ties and a determination to face industries an economically justifi- years ago. The squad was organ­ Europe and were more or less for­ does not give toe attorney general's the old existing committees. Emergency measures to correct a them.” able increase in labor supply ized to rid toe city of racketeers gotten.. Their father,-it is said, has “Later on, perhaps in April, May department toe assurance toat the situation credited with respon­ The Conservative newspapers gen­ Unusual Estimate. and hijackers. " . ^ continued 'them on allowances all Federal prosecutors will co-operate, or June, the municipal councils and The wounded girl is Lois Bartlett sibility for recent inmate outbreaks erally deplore the activities of The estimate is unusual, it was these years. he will^be barred. Dry Administrator Uncertain provincial legislatures will be re­ Ghandi and his followers. pointed out, because it is based on of 14427 Mack avenue who was His second wife was Mrs. Sarah newed, and a fourth part of the in two of the state’s prisons were Hamilton West, she died in 1911. Call Expert. careful studies of toe probable struck in the head and arm. Re- Assistant General McLyman who aldermen and provincial deputies gubmitted to the legislature today growth of New England’s manufac- reiving hospital attaches reported j The third Mrs. Savin was, like toe As to Prosecution of will be designated by i by Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt. 6 ------. fourth, a servant in toe house. She has pushed toe investigation and turing, agriculture, and recreational her to be djring, the small towns and in the big The bills were accompanied by a development. Rather than being a was Mrs. Sarah M. Treadwell, who went to Newport today to cities, from among to© members of special message describing toe pur­ Condition Serious . . pervise toe inquest into toe three Cracked Ice Possessors. a U B TO PROCEED projection of past population trends Inspector Garvin’s condition * was Savin’s housekeeper, and both be­ political entities and social and pose of toe measures. alone and unrelated to other fac­ fore and after her marria. 3 she had deaths annoimced last night had economic, organizations. Outstanding among toe proposals said to be serious, but not critical. called Charles Van Amerg, Massa­ tors, it is an estimate of toe in­ He was able to give police details supervision over toe household Assembly Meeting were those calling for immediate AGm tUAiEN crease which will accompany esti­ tasks of her successor. Sh3 died in chusetts fire arms expert into toe Hartford, Jan. 2.— (AP.) ^Dep­ “ Simultaneously, toe Assen^ly j establishment of cantonments to on the shooting. mated economic development. 1925. case to make an examination of the uty Prohibition Administr;:tor Stan­ will hold its plenary sessions during quarter 5Q0 convicts who would be Inspector Garvin, who is 40 years Adopted Brother-In-Law bullet holes in toe Black Duck. The census of 1920 showed 7,- old, has been with toe police de­ ton L. Briggs said today he was toe months it will still have of employed in outdoor work to relieve 400,000 people in New England. Before his third wife died. Savin The results of this investigatioii legal life. , prison congestion, and for the em­ The Census Bureau’s estimate as of partment since 1914, and has held adopted his brother-in-law, Charles are. expected to be of great value to uncertain if sufficient evidence of “Then, when it is possible to ployment of 81 additional guards. toe rank of inspector since Sep­ Seek to Force Police Head July, 1928, was 8,276,000. ^ e Ely Monroe, who was then 45, and the state’s case he said, declaring at violations by hotels, night clubs estimate toe situation of toe coun­ • 'The governor’s message and bills tember, 1927, when the crime and Muriel Elizabeth Withnal, a 4-year followed by a day introduction of average annual increase m tots and road houses through toe try, through toe work of toe As­ bomb squad was formed. He has old orphan whom he saw one day m sembly and through toe renewal of measures by Senator Caleb H. to Explain Seizure of Rec­ period, 109,000, is considerably (Continued on page 2) sale of ginger ale and cracked ice had eleven meritorious mentions an institution and took a fancy to. toe fourth part of the municipal Baumes, Republican chairman of and five citations for distinguished had been obtained to warrant a councUs and toe provincial legisla­ toe state crime commission, calling (Continued on Page Three.) Both Monroe and toe child left the ords of Orgamzation. service. household when he married for the complaint to United States Attor­ tures, the government will su b^ t for toe expenditure of $10,000,000 Inspector Garvin was to have ap­ to toe King another plan, calling fourth time. ney John Buckley. for 1,300 additional cells in the peared as a state witness this.morn­ PROMINENT HOST either for toe continuation of toe prison system; for a full time par­ Newspaper reporters were oar* Further report from his agents Assembly or toe creation of another ole board of three members to oper­ New York, Jan. 2.— (AP.)—-Tem­ FAMOUS SURGEON ing in the trial of Martin Cohn, red from Savin’s fourth wedding, were expected today and these, he organism suitable to toe situation ate independently of the Commis­ proprietor of the Study Club, who and he and his wife, who was bom porarily successful in their efforts on a small farm in Czecho-Slovakia said, would be considered before of toe country. ^ sion of Correction and for an in­ is charged with involtmtery. man­ GETS 4 MONTHS to secure release in their efforts lived in retirement in their old any action was taken. “The plan just approved by toe creased allowance for the convict’s as accomplices in toe alleged "fake” slaughter in connection with toe DIES FOR SCIENCE fire at that cabaret Sept. 20, in mansion whose towers rise up from Briggs announced Monday toat King will'be in force until June or food. The governor previously had holdup of a dinner for Magistrate which 23 persons lost their lives. behind n screen of shrubbery. proprietors of places which sold said his message and bills of today Albert Vitale, officials of toe Tepe- gfinger ale and ice to New Year’s *^'^“As to toe persons a.ffected, there would he but an initial phase of an Gives His Account 'Funeral services for Savin will be Proprietor of Hotel Flana­ cano Democratic Club, sponsora of conducted there tomiorrow. eve patrons would be reported and extensive prison program. toe dinner, today took the offensive From his bed in Receiving hos­ that they might become liable to (CoBtinuefl on Page Three.) System Antiquated against Police Commissioner Grov­ Suffered from Rare Disease pital, Garvin was able to give an prosecution. A Federal ruling holds “The truth,” said toe governor in account of toe shooting^ •' gan, New Haven, Is Alsn discussing the general causes for er A. Whalen. toat toe sale of ginger ale with toe Charging that record© of toe club This car came up behind me,” s t e a m e r HELPLESS knowledge toat it is to be used in the breaks “is that our prison sys­ He Was Studying; Ampu­ he said. “I swung over so toe driver tem is antiquated and that even in had been unlawfuUy seized by po- Fined for Liquor SelliDg. mixing drinks with liquor is a con­ WELLS AS FOREMAN :,ice in their investigation of toe spiracy to violate toe law. our penal laws we are still in toe ((Continued on Page 3.) Port Angeles, Wash., Jan. 2.— experimental stage.” affeur, which has brought charges tates His Own Foot (AP.)—Wallowing helplessly 800 Places Visited of murder against one of the club’s The governor declared overcrowd­ miles off Tattoosh island with a Hartford, Jan. 2 — (AP) —Char­ A number of places near Hart- OF NEW GRAND JURY patrons .and led to toe demotion of ford and New Haven were visited ing to be one of tote major factors broken stering giMir and her after- acterized by Assistant United States in the existing prison situation. Detective Arthur Johnson Who was by prohibition officers Tuesday New Orleans, Jan. 2.— (AP)—-Dr. hold filled' with , water, toe steamer District Attorney John A. DanM^, “It is impossible to build new present at the dinner, Albert H. Paul F. W. Wipperman, superinten­ GEN. WEYGAND IS night, Briggs said, and evidence of permanent buildings overnight,” toe California early today asked aid as “a man, your honor, who appar­ Scipione, finanicial secretary of the dent of Touro infirmsfy, and widely from toe Coast Guard. The cutter sale will be given to Robert L. Sen- governor told toe Legislature, “and club, today sought an order bring­ ently believes toat proM b^on-v(^ gle, dry administrator upon his re­ Assembles in Hartford To­ known in medical circles,, died early Snohomish left here shortly after therefore, in order to relieve present ing Commissioner Whalen into today after suffering a month from FOCH’ S SUCCESSOR a mistake,” Joseph M. Fianagari, turn to Hartford tomorrow. conditions, I am asking you to 8 a. m., expecting to reach toe Cali­ court to explain toe seizure. a rare form of blood poisoning^ in fornia in approximately three days. who conducts toe Hotel Flanagan A decision to act in toe matter, authorize toe Department of Cor­ Magistrate Barnard J. Dour as re­ he intimated, v/ould rest with Sen- morrow for Aliano Case which he had specialized and dis­ The California sailed from Kala- at 317 West Water street, rection to establish cantonments or fused toe request, but said the club covered a treatment. !jle. 1 outdoor camps, which can be built ma at toe mouth of the Columbia Haven was fined $1,000 and sen­ officials might have a remedy Dr. -Wipperman injected serum of tenced to four months in toe He refused to reveal the names of and Possible Booze Probe in a month’s time and which will his own discovery and personally Becomes Chief of France’s river Dec. 30 with a cargo com­ through a . writ of replevin. prised' mostly of lumber for South Haven county jail, commltmerft’ to places where his men saw g;inger accommodate approximately 500 The three guests, Joseph Catania, amputated one of his in a Caiina. ports. She is owned by toe begin at once. Two months o f the ale being served. men. Daniel J. Imasica and Jolm Savino, desperate effort to save his life. In addition to observing toe sale “It is proposed that one of these Army Staff--Was Picked State Steamship Company of Port­ sentence was suspended by Judge Hartford, Jan. 2— (AP) —AttOT- released under, $7,500 surd. $5,000 He served in toe World War, was Warren B., Burrows who presided at of this beverage, toe agents obtain­ camps be placed at the new Attica executive officer of toe public ser­ land. ney Ralph O. TVells of this city, who prison and that a part c ' the grrad- ball late Tuesday, were arraigned toe session of the United States Dis­ ed other information, which Briggs was the foreman of toe Watkins in West Farms Courti today o n ,, a vice hospital at Minneapolis and by Marshal Foch Himself. said, might be used as toe basis of ing, and other work in connection trict Court today. Grand Jury, which spent consider­ short affidavit charging complicity superintendent of the Decatur coun­ Attorney Danaher also asked toe indictments. with toe building of the prison can ty hospital in Illinois before coming able time in an investigation of toe be accomplished by this means. in toe holdup, but toe hearing was BOUNDARY FIXED court that a permanent injunction ramifications of the N. A. I. .col­ Other camps would be used for toe adjourned imtil Monday. • It' is to© to New Orleans October 1,1928. Paris, Jan. 2r- (AP) —Gener^ he placed on toe premises as a com­ lapse, will undoubtedly be foreman purpose of carrying on certain high­ contention of police toat the three He was toe son of a Methodist Maxine Weygand, considered the mon'nuisance restraining its use or PROBE GIRL’S FALL of toe Grand Jury which assembles minister and spent his early life in military heir of Marshal Foch, was Washington,'Jan. 2.— (AP)—Sec­ occupancy as a place for toe h o p ­ at the Superior Court tomorrow, way construction which can be ac­ men obtained the return of toe $5,- retary Stimson and Sir Esme How­ complished during the winter as Nebraska and Missouri. He was officially named chief of toe French ing, selling or otherwise dispoi^^ ostensibly to consider indictment of bom November 26, 1888. a rd , British Ambassador, today of intoxicants. Boston, Jan. 2.— (AP)—Police in­ Sebastiano Aliano, accused of toe well as the summer sesuson. It has (Continued on Pane 8) Army general staff today. aimed a . convention between toe vestigating the circumstances under been suggested that one camp be His promotion had ^ e n generally Prominent Clubman murder of Alphonso Minnettl, hut known since last March. Weygahd United' States and Great Britain Mr. Flanagan, a pronfinent club­ which Miss Constance Birmingham, also to be given powers for a liquor placed in the forest preserve and that work be done in cutting neceS' was considered by Fofh the ablest limiting definitely the boundary man of New Haven and a member 23, jumped or fell from a window on probe in Hartford county. line between toe Philippine arcM of toe (jovemor’s Foot Guard, has toe eighth floor of the Elks hotel sary fire breaks. j active military chief in France. Not Sheriff Edward W. Dewey was An Experiment Ruins Found in -Palestine long before Ms death Foeb. said in pelago amd the state of North figured in toe U. S. coiurts here on here on New Year’s eve, today this afternoon completing toe sum­ Borneo. one other occasion and was ht placed imder arrest as a suspicious “These camps are, frankly, an a conversation, ^“When. I am no j, mons of Hartford coimty citizens to longer here, if a military peril men­ The convention confirmed tne another time fined iii the PoUte person a man whose name they re­ serve on toe Grand Jury and as Mr. experiment, but if successful, toe system can be made permanent and aces France, call' on Weygand and boundary line established by Great Court in New Haven. On February fused to disclose. Wells was toe one lawyer member May he the City of Sodom Britatn -Mid Spain, while the latter 24,1928 ho was fined $500 for main­ Miss Birmingham is on toe dan­ asked to serve, it naturally follows serve for all time to relieve conges­ you can be tranquil.” ' J tion in toe prisons" themselves, to General Weygand was Marshall ow n^ toe Philippines, prior to toe taining a nusiance by the Federal ger list at the City hospital where toat his associate jurjrmen will elect Foch^~ cMef of, staff after 1915 and | treaties of 1898 and 1900, under sffford healthful outdoor exercise for. Investigators taking note of rich Court, bn Jah. 23,1928 he w a s h ­ she is suffering from a fractured him foreman. Jerusalem, Jan. 2 — (AP) — < was a member'of the''French del- wMch the .United SUtes acquired ed $200 and costs and given a thirty skull and internal injuries. Judge Allyn L. Brown, who Is toe prisoners, and to carry on nec­ essary public works. Archeologists working, in Palestine relics found, assumed toe place agation to toe Washington confer­ tke arcMpeJagb. ______day suspended sentence in • New ' Her drop was halted by toe roof the presiding Judge of toe Decem­ are wondering whether the 'niins of was burned in the Bronze age and Haven Police Court. - ber term of the Superior Criminal “The sum desired for toe estab­ ence in 1921.- • - ^ ^ .. of an extension 25 feet below. She lishment of these cantonments is Sodom, which jtoe. Bible says was so never was .inhabited since then. The He is famoJL for^Ms> Polish cam­ TREIASURY BALANCE The Hotel Flanagan since the. en­ was found unconscious nearly an Court, is expected to come here wicked It was burned to toe ground, paign in 1920.when he took-com-r actment the Volstead Act has hour after she is believed to have from Norwich tomorrow to charge $355,000.” " relics included, broken pottery, a few . Increase of toe present allowance finally have been found. An ex­ inand of toe Polish Army at Washin^on, Ja.v, been object of repeated raids by fallen. Police said she was one of a toe Grand Jury, and besides charg­ pedition of toe Pantifleal Bible In­ vases add flint instmmente. Among of 25 cents a day a prisoner for food the ruins was an ancient fML gates of Warsaw and drove back Treasury receipts for D -oU both New Haven poUoemen and party of a dozen persons which had ing toe jury as to indictments in stitute of Jerusalem excavated ruins the Russians. -He was bom in Brus­ Federal agents. Between January toe Aliano case, toe judge will pro­ to 30 cents and am additional cloth­ partly of stone and partly of brick. were $7,025,103.13; expenditures reservations in toe main dining ing allowance was recommended. of a city hitherto unknown to sels in 1867 and mtered the Blench room. In toe course of toe evening bably accede to the suggestion of The ruins are located in the east­ $7,247i364.T4; balance $174,737,- “During the recent riots,” toe science in wkich all ’ houses and ern plain’ of the Jordan.about six army as second .lieutmant in a (Continued oa PajMf 3.1! L she became ill and was taken by , -State’s------Attorney , Hugh _ M. Alcorn buiidings weite covered by a large '818.88.- l^ometers north of the Dead Sea, regiment of dragoons In 1891. ; ' friends to a room registered in toe and extend the powers of investiga- layer of Mhea. name of John McGrath, this city. tlon by liie Grand Jury. (Coni^ned on Pflg* 8). MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH m An CHESTER, CONN,, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1980. PAGE TWO CHURCH MEN’S CLUB RdBTAXIDRiVER MR. AND M RS.l t . FERRIS BOLTON ELECTRIC CO. Local Stocks N.Y. Boston, Jan. 2.—(AP)—Tbomas Ship Arrivals DECLARES DIVIDEND OBITUARY TO GIVE A CONCERT (Fucnisiied by Pafioam ft Co.) OBSERVE 50TH WEDDING Connerton, a Cambridge taxi <}rlver, j Central Bow. Hartford, Conn. picked up two pamengers hi Massa- j A U ^ Corp chusetts avenue w ly this morning ] 1 P. HL Stocka. Arrived Demand for Service Increases Second Congregationalists to Bank Stocks. Am'Bosch Mag ...... Reach Golden Anniversary in American Farmer, Hamburg, Dec. and drove them several, miles, across Am Can .'i.... l * •• • *1" Rapidly—To Be Managed Present “An' Evening of Fa­ the city to the outskirts of Dorches- Bid Asked Am and For Pow ...... »5% Quiet Celebration at Their 30 from New York. FUNERALS' Bankers .Trust Co .... 3 ^ — Asia, Marseilles, Dec. 30, New from This Town. vorite Melodies.” City Bank and Trust . 40io — Am Ihterhat...... Home on Oak Street. As Connerton was wondering Am Pow and L t ...... *2% York. R. K. Anderson, who was recent­ when the trip would end, he felt a Cap Nat B A T ...... — 400 Southern Prince, Rio Janeiro, Jan. The Bolton Electric Company, a Ck>im. River ...... 426 — Am Rad Stand San SI Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Ferris Mrs. Catherine Mann ly elected president of the Second poke in the back andYiiscovered the Am RoU MiU ...... •••*• quietly celebrated the 50th anni­ 2, New York. charter for which w as' secured at Congn^egational Men’s club, an­ Htfd Conn. Trust .... — 170 President Harding, Cherbourg, The fimeral of Mrs. Catherine muzzles of ’^two” pistols there; Ifls First Nat H tfd ...... 215 — Am S m e lt...... 71% versary of their naarraige at their the session of the Connecticut Leg­ Mann, who died early Sunday morn­ nounced today that in lieu of its passengers ordered him out and Am Sugar ...... Jan. 1, New York. regular meeting on Friday evening, Land Mtg and Title . . — 60 home, 298 Oak street, on New islature two years ago, has declared ing at the home of her grand niece, marched him into the woods where Mutual BAT . . i ...... — 240 Am Tel and Tel Year’s day with only immediate Lituania, Nazig, Jan. 2 New York. January 17, the club will sponsor a Mauretania, Plymouth, Jan. 2, a dividend of 8 per cent for the Mrs. Charles Shell of Coventry, was they bound his, hands and feet wito do, vta ...... 240 Am Water Wks 94 relatives and friends present. Mr. year just ending. The company held from the Thomas J. Dougan concert in the auditorium of the his necktie and belt. After robbing New Brit Trust...... — 200 Anaconda ...... JS Ferris was a member of the firm New York. declared a dividend a, year ago. funeral parlors yesterday afternoon. church. Mrs. Anderson who was him of $50 they left him. Connerton Atl Ref ...... ,Sf^4 Reliance, New York, Jan. 2, for many years organist and choir Riverside ’Trust ...... — 650 > of Ferris Brothers, one of the pio­ No company had a charter to Rev. J. N. Atwood of the Coventry later freed his legs and reported the West Htfd Trust .... 350 — B and O ...... H&V8LD&* furnish light in the town of Bolton director of this church has volim- neer plumbing and hardware estab­ Resolute, New' York, Jan. 2, Congregational church officiated. robbery. Bonds. Bendlx A v la t...... S7 lishments in Manchester with a although the Rockville-Willlmantic Relatives of the deceased acted as teered her assistance i« arranging Beth Steel ...... 92% Kingston. Electric Light and Gas Company the program and playing the organ Htfd A Conn West ... 95 — store at Oak and Main street where Sailed bearers. Burial was in the Center Elast Conn Pow 5s . . . 100 103 Burr Add M ch ...... 46% the present Watkins building is lo- did furnish lights in the northeast cemetery, Coventry. numbers. NEW GRAND JURY Conn L P 7 s ...... 116 118 Can Pao ...... •'** -*^ffv Empress of Australia, Suez, Jan. section of Bolton to a few residents. “An Evening of Favorite Melo­ Cerro De P a sc o ...... 64% 1 (from New York) for Bombay. dies,’’ is the title imder which the Conn L'P 5 ^ s ...... 105 108 Since his retirement from busi­ 'Two years ago when the charter Frank F. Holmes Conn L P 4%s ...... 98 100 Chic Mil StP and P p f ...... 43% was secured J. W. Phelps, then a Funeratl services for Frank F. coming concert 'will be kno'wn. It Hartford, Jan. 2.—(AP)—^The Chic and N orthw est...... 85% ness Mr. Ferris has been devoted to resident of Bolton, became active will be an all-request program and sheriff summoned the following per­ Htfd Hyd 6s ...... 102 105 his garden and fiowers and is es­ Holmes, who died ’Tuesday morning Insoranoe Stocks. Chrysler ...... 36 % MURPHEY-WHITNEY in the work and Mrs. Maude Wood­ at his home, 118 McKee street, anyone will be privileged to name sons to report'for grand Jury duty Colum Gas and El ...... 75 pecially interested in the collection ward became the treasurer and sec­ anything in music they would like xAetna Casualty .... 155 165 and culture of butterflies, collecting after an illness of seven years, were tomorrow: Aetna Insurance...... , 53d 540 Colum Graph ...... 29 retary. Lights have been extended held from the home at 8.30 o’clock to hear, whether it be a popular Ralph O.. WeUs, of Hartford and Cornl Inv Tr ...... 38% and mounting many new specimens WEDDING ANNOUNCED to Bolton Center, through to Bel­ song, a Gospel hymn, a classical xAetns Ufe ...... 94 each year. Mr. Ferris is the oldest this morning and St. James’s church William S. Locke who is also a law­ xAutomobile ...... 38 40 Comwlth and Sou ...... 13% knap and on the road leading from at 9 o’clock. Rev. P. J. Killeen cele­ composition or a jazz piece. yer in Mr. Wells office and will act Consol Gas ...... • 99 member of Hose Co. No. 3, S. M. the top of the so-called “Nigger Mrs. Anderson hopes that all who Conn. General ...... 138 143 Park Superintendent Wed Lo­ brated mass. are interested in the forthcoming as clerk for the Grand Jury and will xxHtfd Fire $10 par . 66 68 Contin Can ...... 50% F. D., and has been treasurer of Hill’’ to points east and south and The bearers were Thomas F. Tay­ preside in the absence of Mr. Wells. Com Prod ...... ,...... 92 the company for 12 years. He was cal Girl in Quiet Ceremony also a few to,the north o': the road. concert and who desire to hear their ' do, vtc ...... 11 11^ lor of Hartford, Paul E. Lamb and The remainder on the list Include: Htfd Steam Boiler . . . — 580 Curtiss Wright ...... 7% .instrumental in raising funds for In Boston December 14. The money for the purchsising James E. Gray of West Hartfordi favorite melody sung, played on the Dupon De Nem ...... 116% the first motorized apparatus in and erection of poles was raised by organ or other instrument shall get Thomas J. Laehy, and Frederick National Fire ------. . . 68 71 Nathan Jefferson, John F. Shea, in touch with her at the earliest S. Hoffer, Hartford; George H. Dy­ Phoenix F i r e ...... 75 78 Elec Pow and Lt . . . '...... 51% town which was bought in part by Announcement is made of the subscriptions and guarantees to use and Michael Sullivan of Manchester. Erie ...... 57% that company. The members of the lights were secured. There was possible moment. The nature of son, New Britain; Charles L. Wood­ xTravelers ...... 1390 1440 marriage of Park Superintendeni Burial was in St. James’s cemetery. ing, Bristol; Daniel B. Clarke, Wil­ Public Utility Stocks. Gen E le c ...... 240 Hose Co. No. 3 recently presented Horace Frederick Murphey, son of a ready demand and so great has the selections requested will have a been the demand for lights that bearing on the. choice of the musi­ liam A. Seymour and Edward H. Coim, EUec Sve ...... 80 90 Gen F ood s...... 48% their senior member with a testi­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Murphey cians who vdll present thiSk all-re­ Rollins, East Granby; Edweird J. xxConn. Power'...... 81 84 Gen M otors...... 40% monial gift in honor of his long of Hamlin street, and Miss Helen there has been an increase in CHAMBER TO EXHIBIT Gold Dust ...... 39% Swift Whitney, daughter of Mr. patrons all during the year. The quest program. Again, there will Stevens and Gwen R. Havens, Rocky do, pfd ...... 114 — service. power is bought from the Manches­ necessarily be a time limit to the Hill; Charles B. Rowe, Simsbury; do, rts ...... 17 17 Grigsby Grunow ...... 21% - Mr. and Mrs. Ferris are in good and Mrs. W. George Glenney of East concert and the request numbers Hartford Elec Lgt . . . 85 87 Hershey Choc ...... '• 70% Center street. The ceremony took ter Electric Company. This year AT TWO LOCAL SHOWS Maurice C. Sullivan, South Windsor; health. They have three sons, Mau­ they plan to extend the lights to the received first will naturally be do, vtc ...... 77 87 Int Combust ...... 5% place in Boston on December 14, Ernest' H. Woodford, Unlonvllle; Int Harv ...... 80 rice of this town. Knight of Colum­ west to the Bolton-Manchester town selected first. . Gavin S. Fallow, Marc Schaeffer, Greenwich WAG, pfd. — 95 bus, Ohio, and Paul Ferris, a buyer 1929. The bride was bom in Bos­ It is not the purpose of the mem­ Hartford Gas ...... 67 72 Int Nick .Can ...... 31% ton and educated in its public line. Industrial and Domestic Dis­ and Edward R. Woodhousa, Int T and T ...... 73 with the J. W. Hale Co. Because of the rapid growth of bers of the Men’s club to sell tickets Wethersfield; Charles G. Griswold, do, pfd ...... — 60 schools and later graduated from the business the company at their plays to Be Feature at Ar­ but to receive a moderate admis­ S N E T Co ____ 172 178 Johns Manyille ...... 122% Dean Academy, Franklin, Mass. mory Affairs. sion toward covering the expenses West Hartford. Manufacturing Stocks. Kan City Sou ...... 82 The bridegroom graduated with the last meeting named L. N. Heebner HOOVER’S NEW OFFICES as their manager and an office will of one or more guest artists. Acme Wire ...... 42 Kenecott ...... 58 class of 1924 from the Manchester be established in South Manchester. An exhibit of the products of the SABIN RETURNS TO OLD POST xAm Hardware ...... 61 64 Kreuger and Toll ...... 23% High school, and from Connecticut Notices to this effect will be mailed 26 local industries and the domestic Amer Hosiery ...... 29 Mo Kan and Tex ...... 48 WILL BE FIREPROOF Agricultural College at Storrs in to all subscribers in a few days and side of Manchester will be on dis­ New - York, Jan. 2.—(AP) — American Silver ...... 21 Montg Ward ...... 47% 1928. He made a special study of starting this month current bUls play by the Chamber of Commerce ABOUT TOWN Charles H. Sabin was returned to xArrow HAH, com . . . 41 Nat Cash Reg A ...... 74% horticulture and forestry and in will be paid in the most part in at the annual Poultry Show at the his former post as chairman of the X do, pfd ...... 100 Nat D a ir y ...... ^/Washington, Jan. 2.—(AP)—The the early fall was appointed by the Miss Harriet Foss, niece of Mrs. board of directors of the Guaranty Nat Pow and L t ...... * 33 ^■^ecutive offices of the President board of park commissioners as su­ South Manchester. State Armory, January 22, 23, 24, T. H. Weldon, who has made her Automatic Refrlger .. 4 25 and at the Automobile Show in T ru.t CO., tod.y, filling the vacancy Nev Cop ...... ,nept by fire on Christmas eve, perintendent of Manchester’s parks, , ^ home with Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Wel- caused by the resignation of James ^ 97 N Y Cent ...... 172 feen reconstructed, will be of fire- succeeding John Y. Keur. March, according to plans made this jqjj ^ number of years is iU and morning by a committee consisting condition is considered as seri- S. Alexander. Billings smd .Spencer. 5 N Y N H and H tfd ...... 112% foof material, save for the floors of Mr. and Mrs. Murphey have taken LATEST STOCKS Mr. Sabin had served as chair­ Nor A m e f...... 97 up housekeeping in one of the Cen­ of William Halsted, chairman; Fred Bristol Brass „ie first floor. Blish, Jr., and John I. Olson. j ___ _ man from 1921, until May, 1929, do, pfd ...... Pack Motors ...... ; 16% This was revealed today after bids tennial apartments on Chestnut when the Guaranty was consolidat­ Pan N Am Pet B 60 the work ranging from $74,880 The Chamber has a 20 by 20 Economy grocery store, Collins Co. street. New York, Jan. 2.— (AP)—The ed with the N a tio ^ Bank of Com­ Case, Lockwood A B Par Fam Lasky . 49% ' i o $86,320, were opened in the of- foot space in the northeast comer of ^^ich has been located in the State merce, and Mr. Alexander, president opening of the New Year on Uie the Armory alloted to it and half Theater building is closing out to- Colt’s Firearm s...... Penn' ...... 73% ^ e of Colonel U. S. Grant, 3d, su­ of the Bank Of Commerce, became Eagle Lock Phil and Rdg C and Ir ...... 12 % perintendent of parks and buildings. New York Stock Exchange today will be devoted to the industrial dis- jjg^y not reopen. The open- PROMINENT HOST was greeted with a brisk rally bui play and half to the home display, jng of the new store in the Keith chairman of the merger institutions, | Bearings *! ’.! ”. 65 Pub Serv N J ...... 82% i-'-'The contract, which is to be and Mr. Sabin vice chairman! Fuller Brush Class A. — Rad Ctorp ...... jl3 it pfoved to be short lived as a re­ depicting Manchester as a trading building is considered sufficient as Mr. Sabin, who was born in Wil- ? Awarded late today or tomorrow, center. The mbtto of the former ex- location to take care of the busi- do. Class A A ...... — Radio Keith ...... 20 calls for reinforced concrete and GETS 4 MONTHS newal of selling pressure against liamstown. Mass., in 1868, haa been the merchandising, public utility hibit will be “The world finds hses nggg that has been done at the store Hart & Cooley...... 135 Reading ' ...... steel construction for the roof and issues, and high priced specialUes, for the goods Manchester produces.’’ jn the theater buUding. Manager an officer of the Guaranty since Hartmann Tob, com . 17 1910. He served as president from Rep■ Ir and Sti 74 -also for fireproof construction under (Continued from Page 1.) turned the general course of prices Each industry will be asked to pre- Thompson of the store in the thea- do, 1st pfd ...... — ‘the main waiting room. Recon- 1918 to 1921. Sears Roebuck ^ dowmward arovmd. midday. Scores sent its exhibit on a 2 feet by 3 feet ter. building will assist in the open­ Inter Silver ...... 100 - '^truction will begin as soon as work- 6, 1928 and January 7, 1929 more board. ing of the new store in the Keith xLanders, Frary & Clk 64 Simmons: . , ...... , ^d^n can be moved to the job after thsn forty raids were made on the of early gains of 1 to nearly 6 NEW EGYPTIAN CABINET Mftntt & Bow. Class A 14 Sinclair Oil ...... ^% points were cut down, or wiped out, An information booth will be com­ building and will later be located, in fc^tie award of the contract. place but only on a few occasions bined with the display and a staff Manchester. in one of the stores as ' do. Class B ...... 8 Sou Pac ...... • • *11® . Bidders for the work included R. were the officers able to secure e-vi- and many of them were converted Cairo, Egypt, Jan, 2.—-(AP.)— New Brit. Mch., com . 25 Sou R w y ...... w ,/ into declines running from 2 to 6V^ of Chamber representatives will be manager. Wilmer Bolling, brother-in-law of dence because of the excellent on hand throughout the day and The Natlon^ist leader Nahas Pa^’ North & Judd ...... 20 Stand Brands ...... 27% President Wilson, who offered to facilities with the hotel had been points. evening. sha, who formed a new Egyptian Niles Bern Pond ..... 27 St Gas and E l...... *...... H® A further sharp falling off In The annual meeting of the four complete the job in 100 days for equipped for concealment of liquor. groups of women composing the Cabinet after his party’s triumph Peck, Stow and Wil . 10 S O Cal ...... 61% ^4,545. James Baird Company, of Bartenders Arrested freight car traffic, appointment of Memorial Hospital Linen auxiliairy in the recent general elections, has Russell Mfg C o ...... 75 S O N J ...... New York, at present constructing At various times bartenders em­ equity receivers for the Submarine ASKS FEDERAL AID will be held Monday afternoon at 2 taken the portfolios of prime min­ Scovlll ...... 6^ SONY...... 33 the new Internal Revenue building ployed by Mr. Flanagan have been Boat Corporation, the passing of the o’clock at the School Street Recrea­ ister and xrilnister of the interior. Smythe Mfg Co...... — Stew W a r ...... 3^% offered to complete the job in 70 taken into custody and pleaded American Cigar dividend and the tion Center. Mrs. J. M. Shearer Wassef Pasha Ghali will be for­ Seth Thom Co., com .. 30 Studebaker- ...... ^3% guilty to charges in violation of the revelation of large losses invest­ the president has appointed as nom­ eign minister. do, pfd ...... 24 Tex Corp ...... 55 /fa days for $82,500, and N. P. Severin prohibition law. At the time of Mr. IN “DRY” KILLINGS Tex Gulf S u lp h ...... 55% ^m pany, of Chicago, who recently ment trusts during the October-No- inating committee the following: In a letter to King Fuad, Nahas Standard Screw ...... 115 Flanagan’s first arrest by Federal vember break all contributed to the Mrs. Edna Case Parker, chairman: Pasha says that one of Uie resd Stanley Works ...... 44 Timken Det Axle...... •. 15% repaired the roof of the White agents, Charles Gibbons was also 'Treinscori Oil ...... 8% ’ House, bid $86,000 with an estimate bearish Stock Market sentiment. (('oniliiued from Page 1} Mrs. William Knofskle, Mrs. Le- measures of independence for Taylor & Fenn ...... 115 charged with possession and main­ The early rally was based on the Verne Holmes and Mrs. Frank Wol­ Torrington ...... • ,61 Union Carb ...... 78% of 80 days for completion. tenance of a nuisance and was fined Egypt is the forthcoming negotia­ belief that the completion of the the same time that the Coast Guard cott, representing one member from tions for a new Anglo-Egyptian Underwood ...... • • 08 Unit Aircraft -----. 49 $350 in the Federal court. In Janu­ heavy liquidation for tax loss pur­ had no right to take the Black Duck each group. The election of of­ Union Mfg Co...... — Unit Corp ...... |1% ary 1925, Joseph Lyons was found treaty. He said Egypt will endeavor U S Envelope, com .. 180 Unit Gas and Im p ...... 32% poses had strengthened the techni­ from Newport to New London after ficers and any other business proper to reach an honorable and stable BATTLESHIPS NEEDED guilty of possession of liquor on the the bodies of the three men had been to come before the annual meeting do, p f d ...... 111 U S Realty and Im p ...... W% premises and during the next month cal position of the market, which agreement with Great Britain, 40 U S Rubber . 24% also was expected to benefit from landed at the Rhode Island pier. will be followed by a social with Veeder Root ...... 37 was fined $400 on a plea of gfuilty Mrs. E. A. Lettney’s group as Whitlock Coil Pipe . . . 11 U S Steel ...... ‘ SAYS NAVAL SECRETARY in the Federal Court. At the time the distribution of more than $1,- TO COMBINE BUREAUS BOSTON’S PROTEST hostess. XX—Ex rights. Util Pow and Lt A ..... • •.. .■ 31% of Mr. Flanagan’s conviction in the 000,000,000 in dividends and interest Washington, Jan. 2.—(AP)—De­ X—EiX-dividend. War Piet ...... 40% New Haven court, Edward Fitzger­ this month. The early investment Boston, Jan. 2—(AP)—President tails of the proposed consolidation Boston, Jan. 2.—(AP)—Charles Hoover was today asked, in a re­ Manchester Camp No. 9280, Westing Air ...... • « ald was also fined $200 by the demand was disappointing however, of all government agencies dealing LINERS COLUDB Westing El and Mfg ...... 1 « « Francis Adams, secretary of the court for keeping liquor with intent and pools, which had resumed activ­ solution unanimously adopted by a Modern Woodmen of America will with war veterans were discussed navy, speaking before the Chamber meeting which taxed the capacity hold its regular meeting in 'Tinker Havana, Jan. 2.—(AP.)—The Woolworth ...... of Commerce here today, described to sell. ities in the expectation of attracting hall tonight at 8 o’clock. with President Hoover today by Yellow T ru ck ...... • “ In making his recommendation of historic Faneuil Hall, to order an Director Hines of the Veterans liners Statendam of^ the HoUand- the battleship as a still very im­ a large outside following, were com­ American line and the Franconia of for sentence of the accused, Attor­ pelled to curtail operations or run investigation of the killing by Coast Bureau. portant and probably leading ney Danaher stated that were it not Guardsmen of three rum runners off John E. Lathrop, South Windsor the Cunard line were slightly dam­ A villain was at first a £ara la­ weapon of the Navy. He said he be­ the risk of dissipating all of their “by market gardener and tobaccb raiser. General Hines is scheduled to ap­ for the fact that the man was well Newport, R. L, last Sunday pear before the expenditures com­ aged here last night when the borer, a quiet, inoffensive IndMr lieved it “fair to say that the bat- buying power. somebody not connected with who was injured in an automobile Statendam swung on her bow dual; but in the course of time the recommended to the court and that Commission houses continued to mittee of the House next week to Ueship is the far most economical he occupied a prominent position in Coast Guard or the Treasury ue- accident Christmas morning and re­ moorings while docking and crash­ name has come to mean something way of thro-wdng about high explo­ urge their customers to exercu>e discuss the recommendations made his community nothing less than a partment.’’ moved to St. Joseph’s hospital, Wiiil- by President Hoover in his message ed into the Cunardef. entirely different sives.’’ prison sentence v/ould have been careful discrimination in the making From the platform on which mantic, died this morning as a resuit tr He said that in one minute the of new commitments. Wendell Phillips stirred anti-slavery to Congress concerning the placing advised. of his injuries. Funeral services will of the Veterans Bureau, the Pen­ guns of a fleet could inflict as much Optimistic year-end statements sentiment three-quarters of a cen­ be held Saturday morning at 11 damage to an opposing fleet as a by Secretaries Mellon and Lamont tury ago, an array of speakers to­ sion Bureau, and other veteran ac­ o’clock at the East Hartfoid tivities under one directing head. large fleet of aircraft. He said that WALKER’S SALARY RAISE and a number of banking, business day stirred applause as they assail­ Methodist church. Mr. Lathrop every Navy believes tue battleship and railroad executives were not re­ ed prohibition and lawlessness leaves his wife and two daughters. COLLEGE TRUSTEE DIES will continue to be an important ceived 'With the same enthusiasm as which they claimed accompanies Mrs. Charles Palmer of Henry street fiiditing weapon in spite of the de­ that law. The officers of the Liber­ Providence, Jan. 2— (AP)— John WILL GO TO CHARITIES in years past. Except for the rather this town, and Mrs. C. H. Jaycox of Carter Brown Woods, trustee of velopment of the aircraft. He point- general belief that security prices al Ci'vic League, which called the out that a ship could continue to meeting, presented a report of their North Main street are nieces. Brown University since 1884 amd r ^ a i n at a scene of batU'3 whereas ■»T IT 1 , 9 ^ A-p-; ThP probably would be better in the last investigation into the shooting of long prominent in Rhode Islsmd it would be necessary for aircraft to the three rumrunners, an investiga­ Austin Chambers, son of Mr. ajid politics, died at his home h4re last return to its carrier or base. tion which they said proved flagrant Mrs. David Chambers of Hollister night of pneumonia. He was a dir­ '•In speaking of naval parity he himself, will be divided among vari­ prophesies as to •violation of the law on the part of street left this noon by automobile, ect descendant of the founders of :iaid that the Navy wants peace as ous private charities, he announced market during the next few months. the government agents. in company with a party of Hart­ Brown and held many memberships aciuch as anybody and that it would today. Among the 'bearish factors stress­ C. W. Crocker, general counsel ford boys, for ’Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and offices in societies in this state. VTOCome a means by which competi­ Answering critics of the pay ed were: The loss of general buying for the league, denied the rum run­ where they are students at the Uni­ He served in the general assembly, tion in shipbuilding might be stem­ raises the Board of Estimate voted power as a result of the recent crash ners were attempting to escape versity of Alabama. Clarence Wog- both as representative and scenator. med. for themselves Mayor 'Walker told in stock prices; the curtailment in when they were killed. He said man of Stone street gave a party for He was a member of the Rhode a meeting of the Chamber of Com­ freight traffic and general industrial their craft, the Black Duck, was Mr. Chambers Friday evening which Island bar and-of the U. S. circuit merce of the State of New York to­ ptoduction; the loss of gold; uncer­ only fifteen feet from the Coast was attended by about 40 of his and district bars. BOTH DIE IN DUEL day that: tainties over tariff; prospects of Guard patrol boat 290, bow on, young women and men friends. “You don’t need to worry about Congressional investigation of the v/hen the men were cut down by a BOMB WRECKS HOUSE Scranton, Pa.; Jan. 2.—(AP)— my morality any more. I am a pay­ Federal Reserve and securities spec­ burst of machine gun fire. He TO PADLOCK INN. Gonzales, Tex., Jan. 2.—(AP)—J. ing member already in seven chari­ ulation, increased unemployment, ad­ denied that a warning shot was An explosion of- dynamite early to­ New Haven, Jan. 2.—(AP)—Ad­ day wrecked the front of the house ifWate, city night watchman and ties in this city and the list ■will be ditional business casualties, and the fired with the Coast Guard boat’s vices from Hartford today Indicated .^^'C. Strickiing, deputy sheriff, increased in the future. I hope this one pounder, in accordance with the of Berfiardlno Runco, miner, of forced liquidation of securities tied that padlock proceedings may be Tbroop Borough, near here, threw a Wb’re shot to death in a gim fight in ■will be the last thing said about up as collateral for loans in banks law for suppression of smuggling. begxm against the Airdrome Inn at aj>;a.lley in the business district here this.’’ dozen or mOre families from their Bullish factors set forth were: The Bethany which was raided New beds, and broke windows in many 1 ^ night. Year’s eve and a quantity of liquor ^j^e men were foimd mortally strong position of the banks; ab­ stores, business places, and homes. sence of any extensive inventories TAFT FUNERAL seized. wounded by Deputy Sheriff Ruel TO PROBE WIRE FIELD Mrs. Henrietta Peeker, owner will No one was seriously hurt Vaeburg. except in.the automobile and a few Police said they were unable to smaller Industries, prospects of easi­ Cincinnati, Jan. 2.—(AP)—^Tho be placed under arrest and the evi­ (^yasburg said Tate told him before dence placed in the hand of the find a motive for the blast hlfedied that Strickiing apparently Washington, Jan. 2.—(AP) — er money and its stimulus to build­ simplicity that ruled the life of ing and other construction; the Charles P. Taft, philanthropist, District Attorney for prosecution. iijiaftr the influence of liquor ap- Leaders in the telegraph and tele­ Mrs. Peeker has been arrested be­ FIRST 1930 WEDDING pij^ched him in the alley with the phone fields will appear before the administration’s program to stimu­ newspaper publisher, politician and fore. New York, Jan. 2.—(AP.)—John r«^rk: Senate Interstate Commerce com- late business; the relatively small business man, was retained in deatu C. Purdy, 25, a cable splicer of Stick ’em up.’’ mittee next week when hearings are volume of bank loans to corpora- as his body was laid to rest today- SEN'TENCE DEFERRED Watertown, Conn., Was the first ite said, according to Vasburg resumed on a bill by Chairman Cou- tions; and the presence of a large Mr. Taft died Tuesday night. He Flint, Mich., Jan. 2— (AP)— Sen­ man to be married at the Munici­ titSt the deputy opened fire without zens to create a new Federal com- short interest in the market which was 86 years old. tencing of nine former executives pal Building In 1930. The bride was Breathteking. a^Olher word and that after he had munications commission. is expected to act as a cushion on Although city and county officials and employes of the Union indus­ Mips Marie A. Sirdis, 34, a Brook­ with three bullet wounds, he Couzens announced today that minor reactions. planned to attend the service at trial bank who pleaded guilty to lyn beauty specialist. Thrills and strickiing five times. Newcomb Carlton, president of the Call money renewed unchanged at Christ church in a body, and many charges of embezzlement in Qon- Western Union Telegraph Company, .The ceremony was performed by Oaiihg Action 4 6 per cent, with the demand light organizations of which he was e nection with the $3,692,000 defal­ Deputy Clerk J. J. McCormick.. MAIL CABBIEB DIES had been asked to appear on Jan­ and indications that the rate would member designated honorary pall­ cation recently revealed, today was j^aterbury, Jan. 2.— (AP.) — uary 7. Clarence H. Mackay, presi­ work lower within the next day or bearers, only the customary rites of deferred by Judge James S. Parker Fox, letter carrier in Water- dent of the Postal Telegraph-Cable two. Short maturities in bankers ac­ the Episcopalian church were ar­ in Circuit Court until January 20. for 35 years died at his home company, and Ellery W. Stone, ceptances were cut H of 1 per cent. ranged in keeping with Cincinnati's The delay was made on motion of early today. He v/as widely president of the Federal Telephone The Bank of England made no memory of Mr. Taft as a klnd'y, Charles D. Beagle, prosecuting at­ STATE throughout the state for his & Telegraph Company and the Roi­ change in its dlscoimt rate. and imtil a few years ago a familiar torney. ities in state carriers’ associa- ster Radio Company, will follow Generad Electric rallied 5% points LAST TIMES TODAY Carlton on January 8 and 9. figure on the streets. to 249 Vi and then broke to 240, J. I. Private services at the home pre­ EX-ALDERMAN A SUICIDE' The committee is making an in­ Waterbury, Jsm. 2.—(AP.)—Brlp THE vestigation of the whole field of case moved up 4 Vi to 203 and drop­ ceded the public rites at Christ ped to 194Vi, Columbian Carbon ad­ church, after which the fimeral pro­ A. Thunberg, 63, former Waterbury I telegraph, telephone, radio and alderman, died at his home last cable communication. vanced 3% to 179% and fell to 170 cession was to go to Spring Grove /■ “Hollywood and U. S. Steel Common climbed 2% cemetery where burial ceremonies night, a suicide. StreteWhg a rub­ ure Relief ber tube from a' gas stove, he lock­ :“MAKE You Feel BETTgRT SCOUTS MEET PRESIDENT to 173%, and tumbled to 168%. Al­ prevailed. 5 lied Chemical 6 Vi points below ’Tues­ ed h lm s^ inside a closet, and in- Revue” day’s close, Standard Gas and Elec­ O. K. BUILDING PLAN I haled the fumes until dead. HIS Washington, Jan. 2 — (AP) — son, 'Theodore fbimd the body after THE SCREEN’S FIRST IMWGESTWW tric 5, and Sears Roebuck, R. H. m u s ic a l BBVUBt ’Twenty-seven scouts from Quincy, battering down the closet door. ts Mass., were received by President Macy, and Simmons 4. each. Among Hartford, Jan. 2— (AP) — The B cll-a n s Hoover yesterday before the gen­ the many issues to lose 2 points or State Board of Finance and Con­ 25 STARS. CHORUS OF 200.] eral reception began. Accompanied more were American Telephone, trol at a regular meeting today, ap­ FITZGERALD TO RUN. Hot w ater by Ivan Hedin, Representative Wlg- American Can, Timken Roller Bear­ proved the recommendation of the Boston, Jan. 2.—(AP)—John F. LILTINO SONG BITS! Fitzgerald, former mayor, in ad­ Su re Relief glesworth’s secretary, they were ing and American and- Foreign Pow­ state tuberculosis board to add DAZZLING DANCES! taken in charge by a Secret Ser­ er. $n0,0Q0 infirmary for tubercular dressing a public protest meeting vice man, formerly of Quincy, and children at the Under Cllfl Institu­ in Faneuil Hall against the killing AMUSINQ SKITS! ELL-ANS were ushered into the White House tion in Meriden. last Sunday off Newport, R. I., of by a side entrance to be given an in­ Sugar cane was first cultivated The board also considered the ad­ three rumrunners declared today ha DON’T DARE BUSS IT! iR INDIGESTION formal and friendly greeting by the in the United States about the year dition of a new bullifing for adult vrould seek the Democratic, noio. and 754 Pkis.Sold Everywhere chief executive. 1761...... - patients at the Bhelton institution. ination for . governor. , r." - . ■ ■■' .'r ' i. •- • ■ ’ $ -'-, i ;: - "

manchestkk isvi£Nif(u||is«AUJ. svuxtt JSAmjaitsiWK. o-oNM^ muKswAY, JANUARY 2. i m

the population of the country as a i| ,0 M .0 0 0 POPULATION whole will not Increase as rapidly GEN. WEYGAND IS FIND BOMB NEAR HOUSE in the next twenty years as it has in the past. New England, there­ FOCffS SUCCESSOR The Herald AT T H R O W N sentenced to YEAR! i ) R NEW ENGLAND IN ’ 50 fore, is no exception In this respect. ____ f i OF A VANZETTI JUROR On the other hand, obviously New England, therefore will not possess (Contlnaed from Page 1) Patrick J. McDonnell' of 2J3 Owr ON lOTTffiY CDDNIli (Contiooad from Page I.) as high a percentage of the total H ears— ter street was injured by h fall His Home Destroyed by Ex­ population as she does now, because could pass, but he got beside me the throwing mill of Cheney MISS M. C. WELLES DEAD | larger than the same figure in the of the relative density of New Eng­ ers’ plant by falling from a lad' Hartford, Jan. 2.— (AP.)--Mi3S plosion in 1927 and Rebuilt for a few feet Then there was the at 1:45 last night Mr. McDoi Bridgeport, Jan 2.— (A P)— Judge decade 1910-20, which was 85,000. land’s population today as compared That a flock of robins have been Mary C. Welles, secretary of the | by Public Subscription. According to the new estimate, with more recently develop^ sec­ .crack of a pistol and a bullet bit seen toe past week In the trees near with other painters employed J. R. Booth in Superior Court im­ Consumers League of Connecticut i New Engiand’s average annual pop- tions of the country. me in toe neck. the Nathan Hale school.. These Cheney Brothers, were engaged :.ln posed today a jail sentence of one for 25 years, died at her home in “The important and optimistic as­ painting the ceiling during the nij^t year and also a year’s suspended Boston, Jan. 2.— (AP)—A de-Illation growth from 1928 to 1960 “I dropped behind the wheel of courageous birds must appreciate Newington this morning after a vice which authorities believe may he 78,000 persons. This, it was pect of this forecast of a population our brand of New Year’s weather. as toe work cannot be done duzi|i^ sentence on Clayton year’s liiness. She was bom in New­ be a bomb was found yesterday in a 1 pointed out, is a natural result of a of 10,000,000 in 1950 in New Eng­ toe car and felt it bump over the toe day when the machines are.-^n West Haven. The youth had pleaded field about 200 yards from the home I balance of many factors some tend- land lies in toe conclusion that the curb and then I got hit some more. operation. Dr. R. P. Knapp, one;^ guilty to two counts of setting up ington, Nov. 1, I860, and was grad­ uated from the Hartford PubUc in Milton of Lewis J. McHarc^^ a j ihg to retard the rate of growth. next two decades will make New I didn’t try to get out of the «ir That it is well to warn the ice toe doctors in the employ of ChenJ^ lottery equipment. htoers tending to accelerate it. England, economically speaking, ‘a until some policemen came. The man not to chip his ice too near the Brothers was called and attehdM State's Attorney Comley told the | high school in 1879; Smith CoUege juror in the case of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzettl, executed , .Increased efficiency of labor, and good place in which to live, work other car went away toward Jef­ week’s supply of ginger ale. You him. McDonnell was^ unable court that Gritman, although a ; 1883, where she was a member of walk and an ambulance was calW Phi Beta Kappa. In 1904 she re­ Radicals, it was learned today. Mc- b i^ er standards of living are ex- and play’ for nearly one fourth more ferson avenue, but I didn’t see it. never can tell who is snooping ‘mere puppet” in the hands of the awound. to take him home. was the responsible ceived the degree of Doctor of Hardy’s home was destroyed by a n^^ed to retard toe old »ate of in- people than we now have.” I haven’t any idea how many men bomb in 1927 and a new one was cr^se, especially in toe numbers of were in toe car, or what kind of a conductor^ of a lottery being circu- I philosophy from Yale for work in vfdjrkers employed in present In- lated in this section. He was arrest- j social welfare. built for him out of funds raised by car it was.” That toe Rockville cops will at public subscription. dhStries. Offsetting these retard­ Inspector Garvin has been prom­ least be able to keep themselves in NORTH END BUSINESS /. ed early in December following a , wells leaves four brewers, ing: influences, however, are the ROOSEVELT URGES raid upon a Long Hill lottery print- Admiral Roger Welles, U. S. N. re- The device which was found yes­ inently associated with nearly cigarettes with that recent 27 cent ^ . A — Martin li- terday consisted of an iron pipe 39 anticipated establishment and every major crime investigation in raise in salary. ing plant. tired, now in Africa; inches long and about two and a g;rdwto of new industries, increased GROUP TO BANQUlir The state’s attorney urged a stiff Welles, of Hartford; E. Staley PRISON REFORMS Detroit during toe past two years, half inches in diameter, the opening p ^ u ctlon in agriculture and fish­ Included in his exploits was the in­ jail sentence for Gritman because, Welles, of Newington, and Leniuel ing, and the ever increasing impor­ That Manchester!tes can procure at one end plugged with cement. It vestigation cajried on into toe ac­ With the holiday rush out of the he said, money hnes were only A. Welles of New York; and a sis­ was found by WUliam McCarthy, a tance of toe recreational and other (Continued from Page One.) a non-resident combination hunting laughed at by the lottery leaders ter, Mrs. H. Leonard Beadle, of tivities of the Purple Gang, an or­ and fishing license in Massachusetts way a committee, of which Fayette caretaker of an estate, standing up­ s.ervlce industries in New England ganization that was prominent in He also said that they employed Newington. The funeral will be held which are constantly increasing cheaper than the Connecticut resi­ B. Clarke is chairman, is working: right in a field between two stones, message said “the conduct of the the cleaners’ and dyers’ war of two men like Gritman in the belief that at the Newington Congregational their personnel requirements. dent license here. Reciprocity is not plans for a banquet to be held.-In the open end down. Underneath toe prison guards was excellent, but I years ago as well as rum-nmning, they would escape jail sentences church Saturday at 2:30 p. m. opening a kerosene lamp, with Doesn’t Mean Prosperity. am convinced that we need im- in effect in this state when out-of­ the “White House” within a w e ^ which would be reserved for the ‘^[t should not be overlooked,” hi-jacking and simllarjactivities. staters are taixed $14.35 for the com­ if possible. Further considerattro elobe removed, was burning. mediately an additional force of The Bartlett girl was on her way leaders of the organization. g u a r d s in b r a w l . McCarthy reported his find to Mt. Wentworth’s statement con- guards. I am therefore asking for bination bunting and fishing permit. will be given toe movement that w ^ to school. She came to Detroit six Attorney Kenneth Wynne, of New New London, Jan. 2. (Ai^) police who removed it to the office tiiwed. “ that population as such is toe authorization of the employ­ started in November towards cojj- months ago with her family from Haven, Counsel for Gritman urged Echoes of the _ drunken______brawl__ which of Charles Vanambergh, state fire­ ndt a measure of prosperity. In- ment of 81 more guards at toe varl- That there has been no serious pleting the organization to bodal leniency because he was only a j ^ ^3 Cottage street the craased standards of living—that is, ous institutions. Furthermore, I Muncie, Ind. Her father, Murray that section of toe town. At toe arms expert, of the state, who will Bartlett is an employe in an auto­ epidemic of flu, grippe or pneu- small boy in the hands of the let- | December 30 when liquor study i t . ______greater prosperity for the individual believe that the scale of pay of the morf? in town so far this winter. dinner which will be held soon thft< lery liea,ds. l ha.ve bc6n stol6n by Ooa.sl fatmlly—is acompanled by a ten­ prison guards is at the present time mobile plant. ^ will be reports hjade and the wowf In imposing sentence. Judge j nUcg from three rum running dency toward a retarded rate of too low and I am recommending The girl was shot four times, taken up actively. Among toe plans That local contractors are pleased Booth declared that it is the duty of | Guardsm ^vhich three men ISLAND INDEPENDENCE Mpulation increase. Increased moderate increases.” twice in toe right arm, once in toe that toe committee has in mind ia the courts to support the efforts of vessels on one of whicn efficiency of labor, which means, head and once in toe back. with the fine brand of weather lately. Much work that was to be make arrangements with one state prosecutors in the drive on the I were this morn- economically, more real wealth for She said she saw the two cabs the South Manchester banks to hate lottery conspirators by handing o u t. heard jn tl^ Pol sub-baae SOON BEFORE CONGRESS the individual, tends toward a Some salmon, and likewise carp, come close together, heard the held over until Spring has already have been known to live a century, been completed and new work be a branch established at toe heavy jail sentences. , S r a n d Mrs. Ruth Cummings prin­ similar effect. while some eels have survived for shots, and then remembered nothing end. ' ‘‘These factors are operating after she was struck. gun. cipal in the affair, were arrai^ech throughout the whole country, and 60 years. Stone was charged with assaulting Washington, Jan. 2— ^ CLUB TO PROCEED Jack Easley and George Ruppert, reminder that toe question of Coast Guardsmen attached to ^ s e Philippine independence soon will be AGAINST WHALEN 4 where the seized boat was- taken un by Senate and House com- Sltos'^wiU reach Washington to- brought, and Mrs. J? morrow in the form of toe Philip­ whose home the fight occurred with (Continued From Page One) pine Independence Commission keeping a disorderly house. Stone headed by Speaker Roxas. demurred to the charge but the de­ They will be met at toe station by 000 in cash and jewelry taken from murrer was overruled. the guests at the dinner a few President Commissioner Guevara, Vincente Bunuan of the Philippine hours after the holdup. The police , CRACKED ICE CASES. _ said the holdup was staged by Giro ( Press Bureau and other Filipinos in Hartford, Jan. ^.--(A P )—The Washington. . Terranova to secure return of a prohibition administration Camllo Osias, lunior resident murder contract he had entered in­ here was uncertain today , whether ECONOM YS commissioner, will be a member of to with a Chicago gangster for the it had acquired enough evidence 01 toe arriving delegation, having join­ killing of Frankie Yale and Frank sale of cracked ice and ginger ale ed toe incoming Philippine delega­ Marlow. New York gangsters. Ter­ on New Year’s eve to war^nt a tion at Chicago. * a ranova has not been arrested and complaint to United States District The commission is expected to be- no formal charges have been placed Attorney John Buckley. Efin work Immediately on the final against him. Stanton L. Briggs, acting deputy ihaping of plans for appearances Not His Wife administrator in charge of t^® before the committees. Hearinp Savino, on whom police say they necticut office in the absence of Ad­ are scheduled to begin Jan. 15. The NEWEST SENSATION! found a letter referring to the hold­ ministrator Robert Sengle said he quesUon of Philippine independence up and mentioning the names of was awaiting reports from his gained impetus during hearings on Vitale and Terranova, telling the agents before any action would be toe tariff bill. former “not to worry” told report­ taken. These reports, he said ^ ers today that toe woman arrested expected to reach me today, by as his wife Tuesday is no relation mail. ATT. GEN. MITCHELL of his, merely an acquaintance. At­ A Combination Meat Market and Grocery Store tired in diamonds she plead guilty f i r e in WINDSOR. TO FILL VACANCIES to a vagrancy charge before Magis­ Windsor, Jan. trate Jean Norris Tuesday after line explosion followed by fire de- molisbeda garage, two maebines appearing in police lineup and was given a suspended sentence. and burned other property on toe Washington, Jan. 2— (AP)—Fif­ All was quiet otherwise on the f^rm of Charles A. Huntington, teen vacancies among toe 91 United Vitale-Terranova front today, al­ early this morning. Householders tor States district attornpyu will be though it was expected Commis­ quite a distance were awakened r.y filled soon, 12 others having been Opens Tomorrow replaced since Attorney General sioner Whalen would hand down a the noies and went to the farm, p- paratus pumped water from a pon Mitchell took office. e decision in the case of Johnson, who In making toe announcement to­ was tried on a charge of dereliction 1,200 feet away and nearby struc­ tures were saved from damage T h j day Mr. Mitchell said that he had of duty in connection with the loss not received a statement from Sen­ of his pistol to the holdup men. loss was set at $5,000. ator Borah regarding the latter's Commissioner Whalen denied charges that there were wide open Tomorrow marks the opening of Economy’s new combination market. In this having any knowledge of another CAMPBELL RESIGNS Hartford, Jan. 2 — (AP)—G- H. 1 saloons in the districts of about 17 rumor concerning the affair which Glover Campbell, assistant clerk of district attorneys. family store you can now buy ALL your table needs-and all will be of justly famous was that it had been staged to cov­ the Superior Court m Hartford The attorney general said that or er the kidnaping of an “important the 15 vacancies some of toe in- county, has resigned as of F®d- i - guest” in order to compel the re­ to become public defender m Su­ cumbants were candidates for re­ Economy Quality. turn of $10,000 which had been col­ perior Criminal Court and to take appointment and that one, the dis­ lected for some political, but unex­ up general practice as an attorney. trict attorney for Arkansas, had plained, reason. In his new appointment he succeeds signified his desire not to continue j Connecticut knows what Economy stands for in grocery merchandising—deli­ Attorney John F. Forward, who has in office. He said all toe vacancies | were due to toe expiration of four recently been in ill health. SPANISH CHIEF DENIES year terms of office. cious, highest grade foods at more than consistently low prices. Today in Connecti- ^ 1 CHARGED WITH ROBBERY I Norw'alk, Jan. 2.— (AP.)—After cut, Economy and Quality Grocers are synonymous. THAT HE RESIGNED POST being brought here by the West- NO UQUOR FOUND ! port town police early today and i (Continued from Page One.) 'hooked on a charge f New'London, Jan. 2.-(AP)- A Carmine Chappa, 19, of ' thorough investigation revealing no With this in view we have sought greater opportunity for serving our Public will be no change.s for the present.” was turned over to the Westport liquor____ _ or nomrvtipanarcotics aboard toe fish-fish It is understood Primo De Rivera state police by the Norwalk au- ing sloop Gander was today turned and this market is just another expressionof our desire to offer you the very best It attache."’, great importance to the thorities and taken to toe Ridge­ over to the Customs authorities by elections that will be held for mem- field Barracks of toe state police, the Coast Guard on a charge of fail­ is the first of a long line of many more to come, all conveniently located, and having hei’s of the municipal councils and where he was charged with rob­ ing to stop when so ordered by toe provincial legi.slatures, because he bery in Wilton and Ridgefield. patrol boat CG-124. The Gander feels that new blood will give more was brought here for examination your pleasure first in mind. You have always felt completely satisfied in your deal­ life to tho.se bodies, together with .\N EXPENSIVE H.A, HA. by the CG-124 yesterday after she is new aspirations. Torrington, Jan. 2.— (AP) After alleged to have failed to stop when ings with Economy Grocery Stores. We can assure you that you can feel the same speeding past a little car of popular hailed off Mystic. make on the Torrington-Norfo.k The 5,000 cases of liquor seized BOY SCOUTS I- vu] Ameririis Scarzelle, 21, leaned aboard toe rum-runner Flor-Del-Mar confidence when buying in this new market. out to give toe “ha ha” to toe other last Saturday night was on its way driver. His laugh was cut short, to New York today aboard two TROOP NINE Coast Guard patrol boats. Troop nine held its regular meet­ however, when he discovered that Great pains have been taken and no expense spared to make this new Market the other driver was a state police­ The patrol boats _ left here ing Tuesday evening at 7:15. The this morning and had in tow toe meeting opened by repeating the man. In a t y Court today Scarzelle scout oath. There were seventeen fishing boat Leona Sproul with 600 the acme of perfection. Everything has been arranged with an eye to saving you paid a fine of $10 with costs for cases of . liquor a,boatd. The Leona present. A new member Edw'ard speeding. Moriarly, joined and was initiated. Sproul was seized two days ago off Montauk Point and four men taken time, worry and money. Added space makes it possible for this Market to offer you The merit sy.stem recently started BRE.-VKS FACTORY WINDOW. is now going fine. The Beavers are prisoners. They also were „ . Torrin°"ton Jan. 2.— (AP)—Sam- transferred to New York for trial. ahead two points with the Silver j Avampato, 19, went to the em- a COMPLETE line of ultra-quality fresh meats and fish, fruits and vegetables, and Foxes clo.se behind them. This merit office of a local factory system gives one patrol, a week at yesterday seeking a job. He whiled groceries— all completely visible inside the Market and under the most sanitary Camp Pioneer free. There is con­ siderable rivalry betw'een each away the time by tossing pieces of ABOUT TOWN ice at one of his friends. One of toe patrol. After the announcement of The Past Matrons of Temple conditions. the standing of each patrol in the pieces crashed through a window and struck the factory superintend­ Chapter O. E. S., will meet at the merit system the scout master told home of Mrs. James Richmond, 20 how the cabin being built for Troop ent in the head. Avampato didn’t nine is nearly completed. This cabin get a job, but in Oty Court today Greenhill street tonight. Tomorrow, Friday, Jan. 3, this Market will be open for is being built by the boys every he paid $9.40 for breaking a window. .‘Saturday. The lumber is supplied Arthur Ingraham and D. F. A. Sweet went to Kelsey Point, West­ business. We extend a cordial invitation to everybody by the troop committee. After this SUB MANEUVERS brook, yesterday to do some work each patrol made up stunts which New London, Jan. 2.— (AP.)— on the cottage that they ovm at to visit this Market. Won’t you come and see how they gave. The last thing W’as in­ Last minute preparations were be­ that place. They found the weather spection which everyone passed, ing made today by toe Navy Sub­ (thanks to last weeks warning). At so warm that they ate the limch marine Tenders Camden and Bush- that they had brought with thein. really beautiful a food store caii be? 9:15 the meeting adjourned. nell, a dozen submarines and sev­ while seated on the front verMda eral mine squadron vessels of the and Mr. Ingraham took a little NEW YE.4R ARRESTS control force which will leave here time off, he reported his morning, to pick a few dandelion blossoms Boston, Jan. 2.— (AP)—Police tomorrow for annual winter ma­ checked up on their New Year’s eve neuvers in southern waters. De­ that were in toe yard. parture of the vessels will take Manchester activities today and found there had BAILEY A CANDIDATE 829 Main St. Corner Purnell Place been 300 arrests, 168 of them for about 1,000 sailors from here. dnmkenness. They also found that 60 automo­ CHINAMAN LIKED JAIL Raleigh. N. C., Jan. 2.— (AP)— Bridgeport, Jan. 2.— (AP)—Be­ Joslah William BaUey, today an­ biles had been stolen, a score of nounced he would be a candidate false alarms turned in and, worst of cause he refused to leave the coun­ all from the personal point of view, try jail here after serving his 30 against Senator F. M. Simmons for days, Chung Lim, 45, a Stamford the nomination for United States four policemen had been assaulted Senator in the Democratic primary in. attempting to curb the more Chinaman, sent to jail from Lhat city for vagrancy, was fined $25 and next June. exuberant celebrants. Bailey was an active campaigner None of the policemen was seri­ costa by Judge W. J. Buckley in ously hurt but two received severe City Court today. last fall in. behalf of Alfred E. DIVISION OF i v i - V Smith, Democratic presidential can­ cuts and all required hospital treat­ Chung Lim finished his term on didate, who was opposed by Sena­ ment. Saturday but did not want to leave the jail, without another inmate tor Simmons, the Democratic na­ tional committeeman from this NEW CHAPLAIN. with whom he had made friends while in jail. state. Hartford, Jan. 2.—(AP)-i^ishop m e DRUG STORE ROBBED SPORTSMAN DIES m m m i Nilan has appointed toe Rev.^atrick A. McCarthy, assistant a^-St: Mary’s Bridgeport, Jan. 2.— (AP)—The church Branford, to the pastorate of cellar of Ostrofsky’s drug store at Toronto, Ont., Jan. 2.— (A P )— St. Bridget’s church, Cheshire, and 1114 East Main street, was broken William P. Ftaser, secretary-treas­ tp the Catholic chaplaincy of the into some time last night and 28 urer of the Ontario Jockey Clubi Cheshire reformatory. Father Mc­ pints of whiskey and some rubber and Canadian Racing Association, Carthy is a native of Plainville and goods stolen. Patrolmen.on duty dis­ died at his apartment to.(3ay, after a is 44 years old. covered the b r e ^ early today. shott illness. V % MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN« THURSDAY. JANUARY 2. 1980. 'VAUIS t^U K

ter stands the test because her ates In the slightest degree to fos­ tfbmriiMtrr good works have far exceeded her ter a larger general interest in lo­ evil deeds, not because she has cal political affairs. And whether it StmtitiQ BeraUi never done anything to be ashamed could not be made to do so. of. NOT SO CLEVER B .M lS’?m K I5«T A “NT. .NC There is one chapter in our his-1 The New York Times congratu­ t» BIsMll 8tr««t tory that Americans do not read. •eutb MKnehMtsr, Conn. lates itself on the arrival of the By RODNEY DUTCHEB TBOUA8 rBRObsON They shut out of their minds, be­ Otnoral M anager ______25th anniversary of the establish­ NEA Servlc® Writer ‘ a cause they cannot stand its perusal, ment of the newspaper in its Forty- Washington, Jan. 2.—Five Repub­ Povnaed October 1. 1881 the record of our dealings with the licans are contesting for the seats second street home and the simul­ of five Democrats in the House and PnbtUbad Bvarv Bvantng ISzeept . . American Indian. We are alKsOll Sundaya and HoUdaya taneous legal renaming of Long- the probablUty is that some of Pant OfCloa at South Manchester. too close to the picture to see with acre Square as Times Square. If them would not have bothered to S 5 L a? sUoSd Claea Mail Matter. appreciating eyes the stark truth make a contest if they . had not ^ SUBSCRIPTION RATB8: we were in the Times’ ^ happy place I counted on support from the large One Tear, by maH ...... |*® “ about the Philippines, but it is j Per Month, by mall ...... » •«” we should probably be just as brag- j^gpublican majority.' Oellvered. one y ear ...... probable that future generations gy about the prosperity that hasj Congressman Frederick W. Dal- Single ...... * will turn this page as quickly as we come to that neighborhood I MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED now turn the pages of Indian rela­ the great newspaper blessed it with PRESS virtually remove the political ele_ The Aaeoclaled Press is •«clusiyely tions. Its presence, but we’ll be hanged ment from decisions in contested entitled to the use tor The great majority of the people if we should feel like making a fuss election cases by transferring Wem of all news diepatchee credited to i of this covmtry were deeply dis­ from the House to the court of ap­ or not otherwise credited In this over the re-christening of the elon­ peals of the District of Columbia. paper and also the local news pub- concerted, not to say shocked, gated triangle. “Longacre” was a He Would End Delay **A?l* r*gh*t"s* of republlcatton of when the United States, at the fine name, a splendid name for that special dispatches herein are also re­ The bill, if it became a law, served. close of the war with Spain, fasten­ pie-slice of Manhattan, a bit ro­ would also reduce delay. The ed its grip on those far-off islands mantic and a whole lot impressive, cases now pending arise from the SPECIAL. ADVBRTISINO REPRE­ Instead of arranging an internation­ too, since the bare idea of New election of Mpvember, 1928. Pre­ SENTATIVE: Hsmllton • Oel.lsser, al consortium to guarantee their sumably they will all ^ setUed Ino, 888 Madison Avs., Nsw York. N. York City real estate dealt with in during the regular sesslbn. But y., and 6I8 North Mlchlitan Aye., Independence. But they permitted Chicago, Ilia terms of acreage is breath-taking. if a member is ousted from Ws themselves to be mollified by prom­ It took a poet to invent that per­ seat by a contestant he keeps the The Herald le on eale dally at all ises that the grip would soon be pay he has drawn since March ♦, Schulte end Hoalling cewe etende In fectly corking “Longacre.” Any of­ 1929, and the contestant's pay New york City.______loosed. For thirty years, un­ fice boy could—and probably one also starts from that date, so thatl Pull eerrloe client of N B A Service, der the shallowest of smug pre­ 1 did—think up "Times Square.” I representation______of the pMticular Xbc. tense that we were concerned with wasn’t even original, for there was! district temporarily costs the gov^ Member, Audit Bureau of Clrcula- emment $20,000 a year Instead of tlona the welfare of the Filipinos, we a Herald Square years before and Davenport Sketched ?95 have hung onto possession there— $10,000. The Herald Printing ‘." f ; less than half a mile away. Under Dallinger’s proposal both aisumee no flnanolal responalblllty because, when all is said.and done, ■and other pieces to match for typographical errors eppearlng la parties would file briefs wito the adrertlsmente In the Msnehester there has been profit and promise court Immediately after the election Evening Herald. of greater profit In the proceeding. contested. Acting while Congress The pillow-ann sofa sketched is part of a four- Now there Is suddenly deep agi­ was in recess, the court would con­ THURSDAY, JAN. 2, 1930 IN NEW YORK sider the merits of the case and piece living room ensemble we are featuring for tation of the subject of freedom for render its findings of fact to t e the Semi-Annual Sale. Select your covering from WAR IMPOSSIBLE the Philippines. And why? Because New York, Jan. 2.—Down in the House, which would still h ^ e we a choice of rrwhairs or tapestries. Club chair, General Jan Smuts, unfortunate­ there la any sudden awakening to final decision as provided by we nether end of what once was Hell’s constitution but which presumably Solid Mahoflrany $45; wing chair, $49; button back chair, $49. ly not for himself but for those the moral or ethical principles In­ Kitchen, at a spot where that dis­ would sustain the court at once. who would be the better for listen­ volved? By no means. Only be­ trict threatens to lap* over on the “The time has come to put an ing to him, has a sort of comedy cause there are interests in the packing house zone, is to be found end to the idea that contested $19.7. $39-7i> name—that Is, it is a name which United States which believe that New York’s strangest little theater elections are political Issues,” Dal- Cuban independence, and a tariff Unger says. “Pattlsanshlp Is now Choice of full or twin slZv sounds a bit humorously in the It isn’t so strange in the sense j beVwntroiilng factor in a solid mahogany four- A Governor Wlnthrop desk ears of the average English-speak­ wall erected against the islands, that many of the tiny show houses i post bed, similar to the for only $39.75? Here It is, ing person. It would be Interesting would pay better in money than of Greenwich ViUage are strange., ^ ^ ^o not get sketch. Regular $38.00. made of mahogany and It has no gentlemen in berets an d , “ eru deserve. birclr with fancy Interior. to know precisely to what extent this further retention of our sovereign­ ladies in tarns. But its performers, the aue guch legislation as I combination of unusual monosyl­ ty there, with the inevitable free who g^ive plays at indefinite inter-^ House would be or­ lables operates In lessening the ef­ trade. vals during the winter, are made up ganized suppuac in strict accord wiU laws fect of the opinions of their gifted Whether or not there is any real of the neighborhood folk. governing elections in the various owner. prospect of withdrawal from the The postman, for instance, may g^^tes expedited decisions in im- Philippines in the near future, it be /the hero and the grocery boy : portant cases would do away with A citizen of a remote and rela­ maytnnv be the__ villain. The lovely ^ | present long__„ delay- - which is a 4- 4- A ! ^ . > • « _A. InfvlaV tively new and unimportant state. is now and will continue to be one heroine may turn out to be the i distinct detriment to legislative General Smuts is, nevertheless, of the dark shadows on our history maid who scuttles your pots and i ^p^k the number of cases not that our policy toward the Fili­ pans. One of the outstanding I ^jased on real merits but instead one of the world’s great men, the factors over a number of years, so j on hopes of a partisan decision possessor of a masterly mind, a pinos is permitted to be shaped by it happens, is a member of a fire ; ^puld be reduced and many per- profound education and immense no other consideration in the world department located a few doors J gppal and partisan considerations experience. There are very few than so-called economics. away. Naturally, he is a most un- i ^ppid be eliminated^ That a nation which could make certain performer and has to have William Tyler Page,* clerk of statesmen anywhere whose opin­ the House, is a strong admirer of such sacrifices aa this one did in a devout understudy. ions carry as much weight among In order to keep him posted as to the bill and Is* likely to appear for A Federal Dining Room $198 those who are familiar with his the World war, for an ideal, should when his presence is desired on ' it before a House committee. $22-75 achievements and his utterances. also be capable, where these islands duty, an alarm system has been set | Mrs. Ruth Bryan Owen of Dunceui Phjrfe and Sheraton models inspired this $39-50 up in the playhouse. This has been ; Florida is one of the members When, therefore, General Smuts are concerned, of subordinating all One of the smartest bou­ graceful, simple dining group. Fancy grained walnut known to ring in the midst of a i whose seats is being conteswa. and gumwood are the woods used. Included are: table, Choice of Queen Anne or emphatically declares, as he did on human rights and all ideals to a doir chairs available ia> this Chippendale style lowboys, thriUing moment of the play. William C. Lawson, whom she oe- model. Choose from several buffet, china cabinet, arm chair and 5 side chairs. Regu­ th« day of his arrival In America, mere problem of dollars and cents Whereupon the fireman-actor drops | feated by 30,000 votes last year, made of solid mahogany is almost inconceivable. his lines and rushes from the stage, | disputes her American cimen- cheerful cretonnes. Regular lar $249.00. throughout. Regular $62.00 Tuesday, that there will never be $32.00. It is a good thing for our peace without the trouble of removing his i ship. The wealthy another world war, it behooves grease paint. i also raised that issue in cam- those who fear the coming of such of mind that we have many credit ^ ^ _____ paign, but was licked just the a catastrophe to take heed of his marks to offset this black one. The little theater movement, gen-! ^married faith. erally speaking, is all but dead in i her citizeMhip when c e mam BROTHERS. Inc. General Smuts, who knows all STARTING SOMETHING Bom horn with I WATKI NS A Massachusetts legislator has Provincetown Players, it has a ; the British R^aJ about war from personal contact vogue in hundreds of cities across is now dead. Mrs. Owe p y y EA R S AT SOUTH MAN CH ESTER with it, makes the point that the introduced a bill providing for the S f i L i w“ m .tto rt, are made f 55 nations can never again risk a con­ administration of a narcotic to keep the drama alire. flict like the one of 1914-18 for the criminals about to be executed. Early in the season the Province- » ^ American widows- townians— closedoimcoH up,in theirthPir historic Congressman Ralph very simple reason that it could not This may be an excellent idea—if E. necessary. It would, however, be old stable and went down, but Updyke of Indianapolis is after possibly result in anything but in so doing they committed hara- the seat of Representative I^uls practical extermination for the interesting to be Informed whether kiri, since their two attractions Ludlow on the ground that Lud­ populations of the countries that there is, in the Bay State, any par­ were dismal failures. Those who low, a newspaper correspondent, wielded the money bags grew fear­ started it as well as those of the ticular necessity for such a law; was a resident of Washington and ful, and at present some sort of not of Indiana. This issue of in­ ones attacked. Methods of directing whether in that particular state 300 votes and Wurzbach alleges the House elections committees, reorganization is "under way. habitancy was raised against James which will hold oral hearings if wiiolesale destruction against civil­ the prison physician and the ward­ The Grand Street group also has M. Beck of Philadelphia following a fraud In manipulation- of the re­ HEALTH^DIET ADVICE en are likely to be possessed of turns in Bexar county. It has been necessary and later report to the ian populations, so effective as to blown to the four winds. JFor many special election in 1927. But Beck, pretty well established that some­ Hoyse. Dr FronK McCoy ^ make such destruction inevitable, such unique qualities that they | a year they carried a bright torch although he also was charged with one monkeyed with the returns, have to be commanded by law to down in the heart of the Ghetto, being a Washington resident, kept but Wurzbach’s election remains are now in the hands of practically thanks to the consideration of the his seat by vote of the House. HEREDITY. every government of the first class, do what wardens and prison doc­ Lewisohh sisters, whose fortunes Vincent L. Palmlsano of Balti­ to be proved. The other contest is that of m fCiotK smMPmo m o/tessso e/ivetofie /os p e n Y so that a declaration of war would tors everywhere have been doing allowed them to operate. Last year more is defending his seat ag&lnjit Visitor: You are growing Into h <5

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH'MANGHEST^®#-GO^JN-r THyB]S0 4 '^t iI-^XJA^ [ t a W A Y TO HEAVET OFnCIAL ADMITS THEFT Mtfijan, Idaho, Jan..2— (AB>— A. FINDS OLD DIARY; ^ 1 > a t STATE t o U R O W petitioa prbtiseting: aRfaiinI;, con­ Bangor, Me., Jan. 2—(AP)—City viction of the Mfltjor, city councU- Motor Hints mep and; chleT of pefliCe’ ’ Mullan INTERESTING NOTES Treasurer Thomas G. Donovan was on a charge of 'obhspifaq^ tO VlolaSi Timely Suggestions on the free today, imder 310,000 bonds for Care of the Car by the Auto­ A’V '. the Federal prohibition law, and WiU.Be Shown Here Friday his appearance at the January term seeking Presidential demency for mobile Club ot Hartford. of the Superior Court after an al­ and Saturday—‘Bnddy Rog­ leged voluntary confession to Mayor them was being drcvlatdl here to­ Jacob Ubert Locates Book on New Orleans.—Two rtreet;, caris day by' a group of citizens. led by J.’ < .Tv ombed.^ •; ■ ' . . ers, Jean Arthur Lead. John Wilson and others that he had Farm in Colebrook With In­ embezzled more than 325,000 from B. Wilcox, cashier of the First Na­ FITTINGS MUST BE BIGHT Seat Pleasant, Md.r-^Bride Wiled, tional Bank of Mullan. The;peti­ teresting Comments. r Charles Buddy Rogers, as fine and the city in recent years. Most motorists probably would­ tioners says they intend'to send H seven Injured,, by dtloslon of bomb lovable a screen personality as ypn The possible use' of such an n’t think it made very much differ­ received in ’ Ghristms^ wrappings. to President Hoover. ■ > Out of the dim past of a yester­ ence what kind of lubrication fit­ Xb. will find, shares honors with Jean amount of money remsdned un­ day that was today nearly a hun­ OX Lahore," India.—Mlngrtt^’ : holds Arthur in “Halfway To Heaven, ’ known. Friends of the 65 year old tings were on a car so long as they PREMIER LE A ^S 'FOR HAGUE. dred years ago, a combination ex­ provided a means of getting lubri­ V rump meeting after Mahbtoa the feature attractions at the State official said he had never speculated ^ ^ f pense book and diary, yellow with cant to the points that need it. One Gandhi dictates member^p .of Friday and Saturday. in the Stock Market nor indulged In ^ L age yet wonderfully well preserved such owner, however, has learned I heW'CdngresStonW wbrWng copa- And the story is excellent too. It extravagances but that-he had been Athens, Greece, Jdn, .2.— (AP)-rr impoverished by long illness in the for all that, has been brought to his lesson. inittees.'^, ..'.t’* L on that action, romance, comedv Premier Venlzelos left by the Orient light by its owner Jacob Ubert of 9 order, which seems to make the family. His wife and four daught- express for the Hague conference on Noticing that the oil «?■ fore he became* custodian of the musty age-old farm house that he bearings he ordered a garage at­ on the talWng screen. Buddy breaks suddenly yesterday as a consequei^ purchased 25 years ago in Cole- sonnel in-preparation for' departure city’s funds. tendant to install a new one. It was I to marry f Italian, crown prince..t into carnival, life in ’’Halfway ' o of the Bulgarian and Htmgariaaf ^ brook. not observed at the time, however, titude on reparations:He expe^a The Leviathan In her war-paint as a transport—-an example of the. i Jerusalem;—Father MaMoitt '8 ^ Heaven,” aufi fioes some dangerous The Atlantic Ocean has been The house was said to have been that Instead of putting on an oil to return to Athens in 16 days, -xj haunted—It had not been lived in way the merchant marine becomes useful In time of war. announcem^t stunts on the flying trapeze whlcn spanned by air nine times. cup this fellow attached a connec­ will keep your heart in your mouth toT 27 years—but Mr. Ubert bought tion for a high pressure grease sys- ruins^'of Sodom 'Was' made, be­ It nevertheless. And during the two feoapltal sblps, mine layers and'mine fore identification was xCinplete.. for several minutes. It is a new and tem. , EDITOR’S NOTE; This Is ,the ' daring role and Buddy certainly is years in which he and his family Several days later the owner left sweepers. ^An lug* Board has adopted type with a great “girl” appeal. i was well agoIn«" and also on the same date, “I gal, tion of trouble. How often, for in­ are so easily convertible into ves- Northfield, Vt.—Survey, of poor stance, have you used the choke ^o 2000 tons as a standard in counting Paul Lukas is seen in the “heavy” wine, 31.25.” sels useful in time of war. up the effective seagoing vessels of relief in - state------by- -Professor - - - - K. R. B caught cold while riding in an open By all appearances, to Judge from start when you really did not need Under the existing federal law the world and finds that there are j Flint of Norwich University reveals role, and when he smiles in sinister car. By the time I got home my cough'. • the haphazsurd entries in this relic to—just through habit. designed to aid and encourage 8139 such ships afloat, with a ton-, 46 poor houses with 233 inmates fashion, it is time hearts to beat Sounded so badf A 'was convinced that This simply adds carbon to the faster. Others in the supporting ca.vt of the 19th century, the writer was American shipping, types, planes nage of 45,000,000. Portland, Me.-r-Alpha Delta Phi, R was in for a serions sickness. My normal collection in the cylinders, and specifications for new large ves­ are Helen Ware, Oscar Apfel, Ed­ not methodically inclined. For a Comparative figures for the Unit- | national college fratenfity, re-elects whole body felt gripiw. I went to bed while the entries run with fair wastes gas, slows up the start and sels are submitted both to the Ship­ na West, Guy Oliver and Freddy and took some Smith Brothers’ Cough- sometimes forces the less experienc­ ed States and Great Britain are: ' Deah B^Cfierlck J.^B. Woodbrldge of regularity then there 1j a lapse of ping Board and the secretary of the , Ships Tonnage Anderson. Symp. When I got up the next mon^ ed driver to seek asistance. Amfie'rst; college^'pfC^ 98th The program will also include ing 1 thought 1 must have .dreamed days and even weeks. And so on navy for navy Great Britain . .. 2947 17,685,000 throughout. The second page leaves If you happen to use the choke is able to get its own idea into mer- annual con'vention...^.,.J. chapter three of the first talking the cough the night before— I Was when the engine is hot, and it re­ •chant ship construction if it desires. . United States .. .1726 9,675,000 completely welL” MtSS Hepner the impression that the book was The next three or four most im­ Spplhgfleid, wll^animal aerial “The King Of 'I'be intended for a diary in the first fuses to start even when you have Commercial ships can be armed nounces candidacy for Democratic ^ all-talking comedy and discovered your mistake, remember portant maritime powers fall far place as here with the date of April and turned into fast raiders, as the nomihatibn.in cd^testi.for succ^sor Metrotone sound news, that patience is the best remedy. Germans demonstrated. The World behind in merchant ship tonnage, Smith Brothers’ Cough S^pw orka 15, 1834 is written in a small, fine possessing. between 500 and 600 to late Congressman W. Kirk Donald Coleman will be seen at this so efficiently because it has Triple ' bahd, “ 1 o’clock, p. m. Thermometer The engine will not fire until its War also showed that they could kiUed In recent., ayiatlqn a§cl- _Qpyiar theater in his first talking cylinders have cleared and waiting ships apjeCe. ______nor, Action: 1—it soothes, 2—is mildly 76, and about the same for several serve as transports, cargo ships, aviatioh‘'lu:ci(lept^'^at^,W.pe^ picture, “Bulldog Drummond," for will encourage this return to mor- dent laxative, 3—clears air passages.. days.” On the 27th is written, ton, D. C.~ ' ' three days starting Sunday night. malcy. Mode ^ the tnaJ^n o fjh e famouM- “ Snowed violently all day from N. To hasten the process, however, Manchester, N. H.—Three men in­ W. and lay 5 or 6 inches in depth." PLANETARIUM TO BE Smith Bnirothm* Cough D ro ^ crank the engine with the choke un­ SEN. HEFUN TO OPEN jured and one arrested in fight As the-year advances into May, used and the throttle closed. Leave between factions ot Holy-Cross Pol­ SOCIAL RIFT BRIDGED I ‘ Wl? the 14th says, “5 o’clock. Ther­ G lt^S SKY THEATER ish Catholic church over sale of mometer 25.” The next day it drop­ the ignition on. CAMPAIGN TOMORROW M ped as low as 22, with the follow- church property. THEY NEED CARE, TOO Washington, Jan. 2.— (AP)—The ‘ tog comment, “Ground covered with Chicagd:^LAP)-frThe new Chica­ Boston—Bill filed with House of social rift that has Mrs. Dolly Cur­ snow which fell the night previous Those who purchased new cars Birmingham, Ala., Jan., 2.— (AP) go'plfifidtarium ^ v en the city by Representatives providing for ad­ tis Gann, the sister of the vice presi­ —Senator J. Thomas Heflin, who about three inches deep. Snowed earlier in the year should take a Meut Adler; fs to be a theater of tfie ministration-of narcotic drug to con­ dent on one side of it and Mts. from the N. W. till 9 or 10 o’clock few minutes to check over the en­ has announced an Independent cam­ victed murders prior to their execu Alice Roosevelt Longworth, the wife gine efficiency devices. In the case skies -for the Tclty’s millions. when it cleared off and continued paign for re-election, was here today idl^:^it^;.3T8Q.000 for the pro­ tion. of the Speaker of the House of Rep­ Clear through the day except some of one such device neglect will to address a state wide mass meet­ ject Aqd.;'sA.iy%'it IS intended “ to em- Rutland, Masa.T-Dynamlte. blast cause the car to stall on the road, resentatives on the other was bridg­ flying clouds from North west. ing tomorow night. ptia9l«lS'"tii^Hfch and poor, here add 650 feet down under hills opens six ed yesterday at the New Year’s day SMITH BRO'THERS Ground held frozen in the shade and it’s best to prevent anything Senator Heflin was barred from miles of WachusettrColebrook 14 on this order when prevention can abHpad, af'd'Of one universe, add White House reception. through the day.” running on the Democratic ticket by mile water tunnel • of metropolitan Mrs. Gann and her brother and Trtpie Action On the 16th of May the ther­ be had so cheaply. that under ''fche vast firmament a decision of the state party execu­ there is no division or cleavage blit water district commission Mr. and Mrs. Longworth extended mometer hung at 29 and the un­ Some of the air cleaners, for tive excluding as candidates from Boston — Special commission known diarist entered this, “ Con­ instance, should be removed and independence and unity.” 1 their greetings to the President and COUGH SYRUP the 1930 primary those who failed Beneath its 85-foot dome, 4i)0 recommends raising- compulsory just a little later the two ladles were siderable snow remaining in open washed in gasoline. In another type to support the Democratic presiden­ school attendance age from 14 to 15 land. Weather clear, wind N. West.” the cleaning is a matter of empty- spectators Hiqy sit in the darkne^ discovered in an animated and •tir iTig a trap. Oil filters of the car­ tial nominee. of night, while a representation qf years‘in report'to legislature friendly conversation. On the following day the final entry Hugh A. Locke, who likewise was ■Washington.—Senator Jones says was made thus, “Snow remains in tridge tpye need new inserts about the more than 4,500 stars and barred from running in the Demo­ Hoover law enforcement commie many places on the hill N. and W. every 10,000 miles if they are to be planets is flashed on the dome sur­ efficient. Some of the newer ^ de­ cratic primary, opened an independ­ face by 122'projectors. > Sion has decided to refrain from facing S. and E. at noon; in the ent campaign for the governorship afternoon it grew warmer and the vices can be cleaned. The audience will see' how the passing judgment on prohibition snow disappeared except in a single Neither air nor oil filters will tie at a recent conference with his sup­ stars appear from remote parts df amendnient.' spot on the Bunnel hill N. of the up the engine if neglected. But not porters. Locke said then that Hei- the earth, how they looked thou­ New York.—Alcoholism kills five, wood on S. Simon Land which re­ so much can be said for some of lin would attend tomorrow night’s sands of years ago, and now the^ 79 victims taken to hospitals mained on the morning of the 18th.” the fuel filters. These devices trap meeting at wWch his own candidacy may, be expected to appear thou- Whiteville, N. C.—Deputy sheriff Probably tiring of this field of water from the fuel and if the bowl would be discussed. He met the .sands of years hence. Each star shot; if our., accused of wounding A REDUCTION writing endeavor the writer branch­ is not emptied out when it becomes Senator last night upon Heflin’s ar­ will be shown in exact relative po­ him in. retaliation for raid on still. ed off into accountancy, keeping his filled with water either the flow of rival. sition, speed and brightness to all Washington.—Hoovers greet 6,- gasoline will be obstructed or some There has been no announcetnent expenses listed in the rear of the other atgrs. 348 persons at, White House recep­ book. Quite a few pages carry Notes of the water will be carried through as to whether a complete independ­ Prof. Pbllip Fox, astronomer of tion. in certain Payable items in this wise, “April 1, to the carburetor. ent ticket would be made up at the Northwestern university, is the di­ St. Louis.—^ d b e rg h .believes 1835, One Note to Buleah Simon, meeting tomorrow night. Senator rector of the planetarium, which aviation science , will' make rapid 3200, Remus B. Coy, April 1, 1836, OVEROILING THE PUMP Heflin had no comment to make be­ will be opened early next year. progress in 198(). 3338; Elkanah Coy, same date, $130; How grease and oil can cause yond saying he would speak. Des Moines.—Discovery of sugar Out-of-Town Telephone Rates Jerusha Coy, same date, $200; and overheating is perhaps one of the produced by tubercxdosls germs de again on March 1838, Remus B. Coy, most interesting chapters in the big PRINCE PREPARING scribed to American Association 3122. story of the automobile. Most car for Advancement of Science; 'aa Under expenditures for January, owners think that being lavish with FIVE PERSONS DIE possible step tow afd' edmbatting 1838 are found the following: is now effective ; ; lubricants is a sure way of avoiding FOR BIG GAME HUNT white plague. “Bought of Coe Hubbell an Co., 1 trouble but that isn’t always the FROM POISON BOO^ Palm Beach, Fla.—Sfecretary Mel­ gallon lamp oil, $1.34; paid Homer c®.se. lon leaves 'for Washington, ^ reus­ Wells, $18.63; February, One stove, The water pump illustrates this London, Jan. 2.— (AP) —The ing to comment on Brookhart’s $5; one lampfiller, 14 cents; stove point. Many of these pumps are fit­ New York. Jan. 2.— (AP)—Liquor Prince of Wales was back in London A nationwide decrease in the rates for day station-to-station ^tele­ pipe, $2.21; Marc’-, one knife, 50 ablation for his resignation. ted with a grease or oil nipple, to was blamed by hospital physicians today after having spent the hoU Washington.—Chief Justice and phone calls to points approximately 60 to 300 miles distant was recently., ' cents; April, cucumber seeds, 19 which a pressure gun is attached. today for the death of one woman days ■with his parents.at- Sandring­ cents; 2 firkins, $1; May, merchan­ Mrs. Taft leave for Cincinnati to Here is what happens if too much and four men as an aftermath of the ham to make final prepartions for attend funeral of Charles P. Taft. announced by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and be-.- dize, $8.28; June, 1 sack of salt, lubricant is forced into the bearing. New Year’s celebration here. Hospi­ beginning of his African trip and to $3.25; 3 bushels of salt, $2.50.” Detroit.—Hostile demonstration All the excess of lubricant forces tals treated 79 cases of alcoholism. say goodbye to friends. by Mexicans when Ortiz'Rubio ar­ came effective yesterday, January 1, 1930. Also listed as expenditures in through to the pump where it is He will leave tomorrow for South­ The bodies of the woman and one rives; several arrests. February of 1839 is “School tax, 39 whirled around and shot into the ampton aboard the steamer Kenil­ cents,” postage, 15 cents, three of the men were found by police Seekonk, * Mass.—Milton J. Bud- This reduction in rates has likewise been adopted by .The Southern circulating system along with the on Brooklyn street. An autopsy was worth Castle to resume the tour brooms, 75 cents.” Many, many water. 'What doesn’t get through long, Jr., accidentally, shoots and ordered in the case of a man who which was interrupted last year oy kills father’s housekeeper With rifle New England Telephone Company on calls between Connecticut, points. ; more items, all of interest, make up to the radiator core to impare the the Illness of King George. He will the contents of the pages, but too (jied in his home to determine received' as Christmas present, - • ' efficiency of that unit remains on whether he had been killed by polsor first go to Capetown. He will re­ which come within the prescribed mileage limits. numerous to mention here. the walls of the water jacket which New.Canaan—Combination home liquor. One other died at home and turn to EIngland probably^ in April. On the last pa^e was kept a surrounds the cylinders. and studio of Bernard Gutman, well memorandum of work done for the fourth man succumbed at Belle­ The prince expects to do consider­ known artist, destroyed by fire. > The fact that this company has cooperated with the American Tele- ‘ It doesn’t pay to overdue any­ able hunting whil ■ away. someone such as, “ Sleding 2 days, thing in connection with car care. vue hospital. Stamford — Joseph' Uva; 48, suc­ 4 loads” an item repeated several The number of persons admitted cumbs-, to aiito injury received last phone and Telegraph Company in putting this reduction'in effect, makes PLANES FOR SEARCHERS times with varying days and loads. to hospitals suffering from effects of week, Jerry Alonzy, 40, Greenwich the decrease in rates apply to every day station-to-station call between - ' The cover sewed to the pages is of WILL STOP BRAKE SQUEAKS over indulgence in alcoholic bever­ driver charged with mshslaughter. heavy cardboard with printed paper A complete knowledge of why ages was 28 more than were treated Nome, Alaska, Jan. 2 '—(AP) — Meriden—William C. Gold, Hart­ points approximately 60 to 300 miles distant, whether the destinaiton of glued over it, a paper still holding breaks screech is a very important a year ago and 41 more than New Two powerful cabin planes piloted ford aviator and engineer, seriously its original color and design. thing for any motorist to have Year’s day 1928. Six of the 35 cases by Canadian aviators are. expected hurt in auto'crash. the call is within Connecticut or is in another state. The. rates for eve- .. . . here from Fairbanks today to aid in tucked away in his head, but some­ at Bellevue, were pronounced acute, Staihford— Man described, as C. times the best remedy for trouble the seiqircfi, for' Qarlben EJselson anfi. Edmonds by police found dead in ning and night station-to-station calls, as well as for person-to-person calls# . * one man was in a state of coma and Earl Borland, ’ Artie airmen lost in does not meet the driver’s immedi­ physicians said his condition was rooming house. Death attributed REDS HISS MEXICAN ate needs. This is when he is justi­ the wastea of northeastern Siberia. to • alcoholism-' and absence of remain in general at their present level. fied in considering a temporary critical. One of the acute cases was a 20 year old girl taken from a oxygen.-'-.-Vivr. ■ remedy that is as simple as it is Ih'the 1928 election 'A1 Smith New SOYsn’ — Unldexxtlfied man The rates affected are reduced ten cents in most cases and five cents night club. recelved'"ithe largest popular vote Detroit, Jan. 2— (AP)— After a 8€L^6 dies djt; fiear,t . coUapslng For noisy brakes a drop or so of 'cyer feqeiVed by a Democrat - apd in. b U siq^‘.qipter In the few remaining cases. For example, the day rate-for a s^tion-to» . - reception marred by a hostile de­ ‘■Hopver rweived the largest popu- Stamford:— ■ Andrewr'Czako 4g- monstration on the part of 200 or 'printer’s ink is very effective. This has a slight lubricating effect and BILUON DOLLAR BANK^ 'lar .vote.'eVer' oaeived ,by a Repub­ talfied by immigration ’ authoritiop station call from Manchester to Boston is reduced from .sixty-five cents to more men and women who mingled lican. . „ ----- — - • with a friendly crowd at the rail­ is capable of spreading as well as in Ellis‘I^and fwf Soifie’.Ume-,' re- fifty-five cents; to New York City from.seventy-five cents to sixty-fiv».. ■ road station, Pascual Ortiz Rubio, working into the lining. San Francisco, Jan. 2—(AP)—Cali­ joins wife and ty o' cWldren. president-elect of Mexico today was Neats foot oil, or castor oil may cents; to Stamford from sixty cents to fifty cents. ; ^ ' be substituted if printer’s ink is fornia has produced, for the first scheduled to receive the official time in its history, a billion dollar greetings of the city of Detroit at not available. If possible, put the ink or oil on the brake lining rather bank—the Bank of Italy. Publica­ I lUiUlMlieica. On the present volume of calls, the saving to subscribers of this comr a ty Hall. tion of the bank’s annual statement I tlSo •The president-elect appeared un­ than on the brake drum. BurralwM Business men who travel by mot­ today revealed assets of 31,955,000,- UPON ACIQINE t^SaUkr«U pany as a result of these reductions will approximate $100,000 a. year, perturbed by the unfriendly attitude 000, showing a gain for 1929 of FOR dnnptM ud«c of the noisy group which was out­ or will have no trouble obtaining a a h m l aieStiheUwMV. to telephone users throughout the United States the total yearly saving . number ten to one by those who little printer’s Ink from offices 3200,000,000. ■as*T*b*ck« cheered as he left his train at the where letter processing machines The Bank of Italy thus becomes COLDS is estimated at $5,000,000. station last night. are used. the fourth bank in the United States to enter the billion dollar class, and The hostile crowd was made up The adoption of these reductions in rates marks a definite step along principally of local Communists, po­ SHIMMY FROM SHACKLES the first one west of the Mississippi river. The others are the National lice say. Two men were detained So many reasons have been given the road of progress toward the goal which is the objective of this^com- . , by police. The demonstration was to explain why front wheels shim­ City Bank of Nev)" York, the Gua^ confined to boos, shouts, hisses and my it isn’t any wonder the average anty Trust Company of New York, panY and of the entire Bell System: • the wa'ving of red banners. motorist who experiences this sort and the Continental Illinois bank of of trouble Is tempted to overlook Chicago. one of the most common causes of The bank’s greatest .gain during ^ N G I L The Sullivan and Ha/es Coal all. the year just ended was In deposits, w i & t h e “The*most telephone service, and the best, ; ... Company, with yards and office in I refer to loose shackles. You can which Increased from 3698,048,000 to Burnside, but large suppliers of coal talk about camber, castor, pitch, $893,892,000. The gain was more at the least cost to the public.” in Manchester, have added an in­ tire flex and the rest of it, but If than 3195,000,000. J. ■ i-. spection service that goes to all who you overlook the shackles you are irt. require it without cost regardless of taking detours in your trouble­ HAS OT RESIGNED their being patrons of the SuUivEin shooting. and Hayes Company or not. The Shimmy Itself Is a condition that Madrid, Jan. 2— (A P ).—General Clarence fuel engineer that they have engag­ causes looseness of front end parts. Primo De Rivera, Spanish premier- berlain," flyittg' l A O l s ed will call in case of any trouble is It represents conditions that are dictator was said today in circles “blind" In a fog ■ T H E SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND: found in the boiler, will make the not balanced and it, in turn, inflicts close to King Alfonso, not to-have on Bib ' trans- necessary Inspections and adjust­ wear on many of the parts that resigned. The king was said to Atlantic hop -TELEPHONE ^ 2^ C O M P A N Y ments, which will assist in the sav­ contribute in creating It. If shac­ have expressed confidence in him with Charlef ing of cold, but at the same time kles are not tight the shimmying of with reference to the political trana»^ Levine, 4iU 10.* giving the proper heat. They have a front wheels >^11 continue to loosen formation now contemplated. ODO .feet 'In a telephone in ^ e Manchester tele- them. Official sanction of nla' govern­ taiUpln';:' I^one division connected with their Think of the shackles when think­ ment was expected "within ,R f$W, he..R «t/ ^ m sid e office which will bring this ing of shimmy. Keep them tight days, it was indicated and service by dialing 6340. This service but remember to lubricate them 'ormants added appkes not only to one kind of heat­ more often and more carefully when rumors here and 'iibroTO’ 3d on misinformation. ing but to all.—A4v. they are in the tighter position. .A. AV ■- r-“-


olo^ was tba invention of a device escape of meiL from a submerged DAILY RADIO PROGRAM which revealB the presence o t tu- submarine.' b^culosis in a person within three Passage of the new giant Atlantic Thursday, January 2. 422.3—WOR, NEWARK—710. Leading DX Stations. or four days of infection, and the liner Bremen from ^erbourg to 6:30—Uncle Don’s hour: talks. production of pure tuberculin, used New York in 4 days 17 hours and 42 Recountlnc from the police angle the 7:30—Cabbies dance orchestra. , 405.2—WSB, ATLANTA-740. in detecting the disease. thrilling eearch for the slayer of "The 8:00—Little Symphony orchestra with 7:00—Dance orchestra; concert. IN SCIENCE MADE IN 1^29 minutes, a new record. Onyx Girl," beautiful Philadelphia Enzo Baccante, baritone. 8:W—NBC programs (4 hrs.) Discovery of two modifications or l ( artists model, the detective mystery 9:00—Playlets; male quartet. 12:00—Feature organ recital. Of great interest is the reported broadcast over WABC and associated 10:30—Oriental philosophy,- music. isotopes of oxygen and carbon, and 293.9—KYW, CHICAOO-1020. discovery and isolaticfli of the influ­ stations at 9 Thursday night. vriU re­ 10:30-LColored music, dialogue. 8:00—NBC programs (S hrs.) By ISRAEL KLEIX demonstration that a moleeule of enact an actual criminal hunt which 11:00—Kee's dance orchestra. 11:15-Dance music to 2:30. enza germ by Dr. Isadora S. Falk of hydrogen contains two distinct was front page news from coast to 11:30—Moonbeams music hour. Science Editor, NEA Service ■ :i 302.8— WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—990. 389.4— WBBM. CHICAGO—770. the University of Chicago. A vac­ forms ot that element. coast not long ago. Grace Roberts, 9:00—WABC programs (2 hrs.) cine prepared from the dead influ­ strangled to death with a silk stock­ 7:30—Sally Brigg’s ensemble. When history is told 1000 ye^s Manufacture of two to three times ing, numbered scores of men promi­ 8:00—WJZ programs (3 hrs.) 11:00—Night court: orchestra. enza microbes may greatly reduce 12:15—Organ recital, orchestra. hence 1&29 will be remembered for the amount of gasoline from crude nent in political and business circles 9:00—Dusk In Dixie. 1:00—Dance music; Coffee Dan's. the ravages of this disease. among her friends, and the city of 348.6—WABC. NEW YORK—860. oil by the bydrogenatkm prbeeM. 6:00—Orchestra; baritone. 254.1—WJJD. CHICAGO—1180. three, outstanding developments in After rnsmy years of experimenta­ Philadelphia seethed with specula­ 9:00—Mooseheart children's hour. Clonstruction of the new eight- tion as to where the finger of aveng­ 6:30—Play, "Mme. Bourrat.” 9:30—Studio huh music hour. the progress of science and civiliza­ tion, famous physiologists an­ ing Justice might point. The dram­ 7:00—Two dance orchestras. 10:30—Dance orchestra; artists. nounced such bop^ul discoveries for mile Cascade electric tunnel, con­ atic story of now the police finally 7:30—Bernard Levltow’s ensemble. tion; 8:16—Washington political talk. 12:00-Artists; concert trio. 1. The revolutionary theory of the benefit of humanity as: that struction of the International bridge identified the killer and followed him 416.4— WGN-WLI3. CHICAGO—720. at Detroit and bep^nnihg of the Hud­ to the tragic end of his flight from 8:30—Manhattan moods, concert. 10:30—.Studio feature frolic. Prof. Albert Einstein—already fam­ carbon dipidde Injected into the the law, is a thrilling chapter in true 9:00—Detective story drama. / collapsing lung of a pneumonia vlc- son river bridge at New York. 8:30—Russian concert music with 11:20-Quintet: harmony team. ous for his theory of relatl-vity .i- detective annals. Making a gala af­ 11:30—Two dance orchestras. tlme may stimulate deep breathing Introduction^ of the wide motion fair of their first program on the 1930 Ellena Kazenova, violinist. 12:00—Dream ship; dance music. that gra’vity, electricity and magne­ calendar, the Revelers male quartet, 10:30—Washington national forum. 202.6— WHT, CHICAGO—1480. tism are so closely related that they and so expand the lung again; that picture filmland extension of the will present an interesting program 11:00—Three dance orchestras. 10:00—.Studio concert. It flew around the world In 21 days. a gland substance called “inter-ren- use of color pictures. over the W EAK chain at 9. 12:30—Midnight organ melodies.’ may be one and the same force. 645.3—WEAF, NEW YORK—660. 11:00—Your hnur league. 2. The first airplane fiight over alin" has prolonged life In certain production of stainless steels, or 344.6— WLS, CHICAGO—870. from the stations between which greatest discovery of the year—two Wave lengths in meters on left of 6:00—Dinner dance music. 9:30—WJZ music hour, the South Pole and the important test animals; that another gland nltrided steel, and use of tungsten station title, kilocycles on the right 7:00—Mid-week hymn sing. they are flying. ancient settlements, one of the sut-rtance, a "hormone” or “mascu­ 7:30—String quartet, orchestra. 10:00—All state orchestni. geological, geographical and other carbide for tooling of hard objects. Times are all Eastern Stanijard. Black 10:30—Chorus: mountain ballads. Other safety measures have also Mayas in Yucatan and the other of line principle,” gives promise of re­ Beginning of .construction of. the face type indicates best features. 8:00—Rudy Vallee's orchestra with 11:15—Maple City Four. discoveries made in the antarctic by been begun. Chick Sales, comedian. 11;;10—Isle of Blues orchestra. Commander Richard E. Byrd. the Pueblos in southwestern United juvenation; that a ..new mixture of navy’s giant new dirigibles at 9:00—Revelers male quartet In Happy 447.5— WMAQ-WQJ. CHICAGO—67C. States. Incidentally it was Colonel chemicals for the treatment of can­ Leading East Stations. New Year program. 3. The first round-the-world flight Akron, Ohio. 8:30—Three musical programs. by a dirigible, the Graf Zeppelin, Aviation in 1929 also produced Charles A. Lindbergh who made cer permits the. cancer cells to 272.6—WPG, ATLANTIC CITY—1100. 9:30—Melody momenta, soloists. 11:00—Dan and Sylvia: Aerials. these discoveries. 8:00—Episcopal Church choir. 10:00—Lawrence TIbbett, baritone: 11:45—Concert, dance orchestras. which may be the forerunner of the giagt Do.X passenger airplane "bum themselves up” and has been 8:30—City organ recital. Richard Crooks, tenor. 238—KOIL, COUNCIL BLUFFS—1260. Further explorations ' this time effective in test animals, though as 9:00—Little Club entertainers. 11:00—Opera, "Cavallerla Rusticana." great passenger .airships plying the of Dr. Claude Domier, which car­ 7:00—WABC program."! (3 hrs.) skies between nations. ried 169 persons in a test fiight; the over the Arctic, are being planned yet. untried in humans; that a new 9:45—Hawaiian guitars; orchestra. 12:01)—Kemp’s dance otchestra. 10:00—Merry ramblers dance. for 1930 with the use of the ^rigible 10:15—Subway boys; pianologue. 393.5—WJZ, NEW YORK—760. 11:00—studio music hour. There were many other achieve­ 5,000,000 cubic foot, dirigibles R-lOO and more pleaswt anesthetic, called MK sm iHiiiia 6:30—Dinner dance music. Graf Zeppelin. 1 10:45—Contralto; dance orchestra. 361.2- 4


and in 1906, at tb« age of 86, wia son street has been named'execu­ WOMEN W n i DISCUSS MONTESSORI RETURNS ready to b ^ ^ the work that tor of the estate of William Kehr, LONDON HOSTESS TO n ^ e hef famous. New Envoy To Germany who. died la st w eek. Dr. Montessori said the course Beautiful niuminated. START AFRICAN TRIP INTERNATIONAL ISSUES TO TEACH IN ROHE would touch only lightly on the re­ ROCKVILLE One of the prettiest sights seen form of education in the seCondaiY I Is Quiet Briar-Pipe Fan during the holiday' season is the schools, but would be devoted to the beautiful Uluminated Christniaa tree Rome. — (AP) — After fifteen study of new jM^chology as revealed London.— (AP)—In a cozy Lon­ Conference of Connecticut years’ absence from Rome where Friendly Class Committees Named. decorated by Charles Smith on by children to whom the Montessori don sitting room where a bright fire CouncU to Be Held in Wa- she began her world-celebrated method has been applied. Washington — ^ quiet, There’ were many members of the Mountain street. It has , hundreds of colored llght^'^d is causing city- crackled comfortingly a tall, graci­ terbury on January 21. work. Dr. Maria Montessori, edu­ successful business man has been Friendly Class of Union Church ous, gray-haired woman sipped a cator of children, comes back to present at the first meeting of the wide attention. -It la the work of Philadelphia was founded by nominated as America’s next am­ an artist and the young man is re­ cup of tea and talked about taking conduct her fifteenth international the Quakers under the leadership year held in the church social rooms a can of beans, a lot of black sav­ course, beginning the middle of bassador to Germany. last evening. The newly elected ceiving the congratulations of his INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS of William Penn. ages and making a trip through cen­ CONF^ENCE January and continuing imtil June. He is Senator Frederic M. Sack- president, Miss Edith J-. Smith, pre­ friends. Oerks Have Busy Season. tral Africa. Mussolini has given his persqnal ett of Kentucky, transplanted na­ sided. The reports of the various It was a far cry from the Mrs. January 21 is the date of the one support, and the course will be un­ committees and officers were heard, The Clerk’s 'Basketball team has tive son of Rhode Island, whose Patrick Ness, in a deUcate gray day'conference which the Connecti­ der Government auspices. It is the' which shows much good work has started a busy season Md tonight costume handing tea and biscuits to cut Council on International Rela­ Sure Relief— name has been sent to the Senate will travel to Manchegtej: to pmy first time that modem Italy has been done during the year. The her guests, and the Mrs. Patrick tions vriU hold in vWaterbury. The taken official interest In a particu­ for confirmation by President Hoo­ class has a membership of 106, and the National Guard, Company G s program will center, aroimd a con­ ver He likes briar pipes, big Ness, a member of the American lar method of education. 1 Miiu—From a substantial sum in the treasury. team at the Armory. Many from Society of Women Geographers, sideration of the instruments to in­ cigars, the feel of a driver against this city will accompany the team The Dot'toressa, as Maria Mon­ The president named the following who is to start soon for her eighth sure peace which are being con­ tessori Is known in Italy, will de­ a golf ball, boating and bowling. X-<4<- committees for the ensuing year: to Manchester. - sidered most actively by the gov­ Gas Pains Saturday night, January 4, as a trek through remote parts of liver her lectures in Italian. They Of medium height. Senator Sack- Finance: Chairman, E. H. Cobb; Africa. ernments o f the world at the pres­ INSTANTLY you feel relief from' ett has serious gray eyes and brown Mrs. Mary Gregas, Mrs. Elsie South- preliminary to the ent time. A luncheon discussion the awful stom a l pains, heartburn, hair which shows little silver de­ I ® wick, Mrs. Elizabeth Gerich, Mrs. game, the Gerks will play the Hard­ focusing on the international legis­ nausea, when you take (^ etts. "ITus spite his 61 year.s Eliza Davis, Mias Margaret ware Five of New Brltein. Janum^ lation to come before Congress, par­ wonderful new pres^iption of a fa­ Reserved of manner, he always Schmogro, Luther Fuller. 10 they bring the New Britain ticularly the Root Formula and in mous specialist contains g a z in g ex­ dresses conservative^, almost in­ Flower Committee: Chairman, Orioles to the Town Hall in this city Inter-American Arbitration Treaty, tract of carica papaya, unique tropical variably wearing a dark suit. In Mrs. Emily Llebe; Mrs. Richard to play. This team defeated the will be followed by an afternoon fruit Aids digestion o f hard-to-, fact he is so wedded to aara Blankenburg, Miss Flora Snyder, clerks earlier in the season by a symposium on the “Peac'’ Problems digest foods so quickly it seems like L thes that his arrival at the of- Mrs. William Murphy, Mrs. John two point mar^n, and^tjoJjerkn « a m of the World.” Among those who magic 1 Neutralizes acidity. Banish Bce in the summer occasionally Alley, Mrs. Henry Schlaefer, Rev. j ready to avenge this defeat on will take part in the discussion are; pain and misery \vith Gasetts. Sure sarbed in pongee is an occasion for George ' S. Brookes, Mrs. .Otto above date. Miss Kathleen D. Courtney of Eng­ relief guaranteed—or no cost Don’t comment among his co-workers. Preusse, Mrs. Gertrude Kington. Girls’ Team to Play. ^ land, well-known worker for the wait Get Gasetts today from your Driving his automobile around Lookout Committee: Chairman, The Rockville High School Girls committee on the Kellogg Pact in druggist Washington adfords him a great Mrs. Emma Mead, Miss Minnie Basketball team will play ^1^® Jlfn v that country; Mme. Marie-Louise tonbury High Girls’ team Friday "kick”. He likes to bowl but would FREDERIC M. SACKETT Tennstedt, Mrs. August Fiss, Mrs. Pench, president of the Woman’s just as soon play golf, and his (mm- Emma Hemmann, Mrs. Hattie King- night, January 3 at 8 o clock. The Branch of the League of Nations ton, Mrs. James Metcalf, Mrs. Rockville team has thus tar te^en Union in France; Frau Dorothee panions say he is proficient in both Louisville directly after his collegi­ sports. Wherever he is he gener­ George Fisk, George Wainwright, the Connecticut Aggies Freshman von Velsen, President of the League ate days. . . Herbert Cockayne, Mrs. E. H. and played the Girls’ A lu ^ i team of Women Voters in Germany; and ally has a briar pipe ^tlong, p d sees Aside from being a member of E. A . Lettney to a 16-16 tie. The High school Mrs. Asune Gauntlett, prominent to it that his home and office have the Kentucky state board of chan­ Cobb. an equal distribution of them even Associate and Honorary Mem­ girls expect to chalk up another vic­ worker in the peace movement of Main St. Manthester ties for four years and a federal bers Committee: Chairman, James Japan. 'These women are" in Ameri­ if he^has to move three or four to food administrator two years, Sena­ tory Friday night. _ ,. „ bring this about. R. Quinn; Rev. Charles Redfield, Lledertafel Society Hold Party. ca on the invitation of Mrs. Carrie tor Sackett never held public office Mrs. Gertrude Redfield, Mrs. Mary The Liedertafel Sin^ng society Chapman Catt to participate in the Senator and Mrs. Sackett, who until elected to the United States have no children, have traveled ex­ ^3r*oolc6S J held a New Year’s party in tiieir annual conference oh the Cause and PLUMBING and Senate four years ago. Press Committee: Mrs. George new headquarters on Ward street Cure of War to be held in Washing­ tensively, making trips abroad His laconic comment on that race Nearly every year for W years. Herzog. on Tuesday evening, with many of ton the middle of January. HEATING was, “I ran and won.” Calendar Committee: Mrs. Nolan members in attendance. There The dinner address will be given They often have been to Germany. Although no orator in the popu­ Whirley and Mrs. William Pray. ^a.s a progn’am of singing by Hon. Rennie Smith, British M. The son of a wealthy Rhode lar sense, he always has come to Island woolen manufacturer. Sen­ After the regular business entertainment, followed by rerresn- P., publicist and author. Mr. Smith MON'^ESSC'R' SPECIALIZING IN the Senate floor armed with facts, is at present parliamentary private ator Sackett was educated at Brown and his friends think well of his routine, the meeting was turned | ments and a srnoker university and Harvard l&w^school over to the entertainment commit­ Social for Pinochle Players. secretary to the British imder sec­ businesT in i legislative accomplishments.______He entered the coal ’*■ tee. Christmas carols were simg Some time during the month of retary for Foreig;n Affairs, and will be translated into several Eu- followed by two vocal numbers, February, the pinochle Directing Secretary for the Na­ ropep.n langpiages. The course will Sheet Metal which were rendered in a roost ing part in the recent tournament tional Coimcll for the Prevention of consist of 60 theory lessons, 70 TELEPHONE DIRECTORY pleasing tenor voice by Harry between TankeroosM Tribe. I. O. MRS. PATRICK NESS War in England. His topic will be, practical lessons on the use of didac­ COMMUNIS'K EXPa Shahaniah, of the Enfield Furniture R. M. and Damon Lodge, Knlghte of “Disarmament—what can the Brit­ tic material, and 50 observation ses­ Work Co. His accompanist was Mrs. Pvthias, vdll enjoy a get-together. Two years ago she finished her ish Labor Government D o?” Mr. sions and individual Instruction. ON THE PRESS JAN. 11 George Wainwright. The committee in charge is making last one, through highly Inaccessi­ _____Smithsp( spoke in Hartford two years Dr. Montessori said she came Now U the time to have heat­ Mrs. Charles Mead, who recently elaborate plans ^ ble districts in the Belgian Congo ago imder the auspices of the Cton- back to Rome with a glad heart. DR. scon NEARING necticut Council on International Her studies began in the Technical ers cleaned and repaired. Give The next issue of the Hartford returned from a several months’ cial was to have been 1^®^^ and Uganda. When, she returned trip to California and other places week, but due to other she was invited to address the Relations and the Foreign Policy Institute here and terminated in the us a call. Prompt service. District Telephone directory goes to this month, it was decided to hrtd it Association. His book, “General Dis­ University of Rome where she ob­ Phone 3036. press Jan. 11 at noon and all orders enroute, gave a most interesting Royal Geographical Society, an talk, speaking only of the principal in February. It will be remembered honor that has been conferred upon armament or War” has occasioned tained her degree in medicine and New York, Jan. 2.— (AP.)—The for changed listings, additional list­ became the first woman doctor in New York Times today said it had ings, new service or for space in the places visited. She had many pic­ that Tinkeroosan Tribe won the only six women. wide comment. tures and several souvenirs, wh.ch Her January trip will take her Mrs. Frederick S. Chase of Italy. She combined educational learned that Dr. Scott Nearing, classified advertising section must tournament. « , * and sociological studies with science whose' radical preachments cost were for inspection. following her New Year’s Eve Quiet. • to the Lake Chad region which lies Waterbury, State Chairman of In­ Visit the be placed with the local business of­ ternational Co-operation for the h:, They have worn clothes they did to better aidvamtage. ’ A cold-hearted, grasping miser ping in his work, and looking up. husband. “He-is dead.” We grown-ups ais a rule au*en’t She was a mild and patient crea- HEALTH not like, because they thought was Ebenezer Scrooge. And his “Don’t you be afraid of that, re­ ’The prophet is Miss Rpsanumd ture, if heir face spoke truth; but i ------making new patterns in life.' Our men did. They, have learned games partner in business. Jacob Mar ley, turned the woman. “I ain’t so fond , Cook, of toe Department of Home she was thankful in her soul to b Y DB. MORRIS FISBBBIN. days, unless we are uniquely situ­ and sports, hoping to be more com­ of his company that I’d loiter about ' Economics at the Universlfy of had been like him. But Marley had hear it, and she said so with clasp- j Editor Journal' of the * American panionable. ’Ihey have cultivated | Cincinnati. She proposes to cre- iim for such things, if he did. Ah. ated, aire ■ nqore 6r less adike. We been dead seven years. ed hands. She prayed forgiveness Medical- Association and of Hygeia, graces £md accomplishments, Oc- __ ate ______standards of _ durability,______ap- On Christmas Eve Scrooge had you may look through that shirt work eitoer in the house or out, toe next moment, and was sorry: the Hi»lth Magazine. . casion^ly they have studied and pearahee and price, * so that one a visitor. It was Mariey’s Ghos^ till your eyes ache, but you won’t but the first was toe emotion of her The footgear of manklna. through* meet pretty much toe saime people, delved into toe sciences and clas- can buy stockings os intelligently Wrapped in clanking chains and find a hole in it, nor a. threadbare and not'too mamy at that, amd are heart. out toe world offers an interesting sics, dreaming of intellectual com- eggs or apples—and' know what raising dreadfui cries, it repented place. It’s the best he had, and a “What the half-drunken woman, study. It varies from toe bindings not greatly put to it to adjust our­ radeship. gets. a wasted life and told Scrooge he fine one too. They’d have wasted selves suddenly amd imexpectedly to whom I told you of last night, said which were placed in toe past about Women who buy for durability, was wrong to shut mankind out of it, if it hadn’t been for me.” the feet of toe high: caste Chinese all sorts of unlooked-for experi- could be preserved if a motoer, ^ states with indis- ’’What do you call wasting of it? to me when I tried to see him and his heart. obtain a week’s delay—and what I lady to the spiked \ heels and pecu­ edees. ^ u ld im pr^s upon her C «You shaii be haunted by three asked old Joe. thought was a mere excuse to liarly decorated sHppers of toe Do we realize timt children that c e r ^ unguarded courses of g ^ appearance get still less Spirits,” Mariey’s Ghost said. “The “Putting it on him to be buried avoid me— turns out 'to have been American imode for women' of Italy. dai^ have more experiences with action^ght cause men not to re- ^ A careful tovestigation first will call when the clock strikes in, to be sure,” replied the woman, quite true. He was not only very iU, It seems doubtful that one is people toam we have—that toe other. As people with whom they have these sp ^ t t^ m . rr,ar^r^A provcd that price is no criter- One.” with a laugh. “Somebody was fool but dying, then.” much worse than the But men seem to have mapped quality. Lcause of a sel- And it did. It caUed itself the enough to do it, but I took it off To whom will our debt be trans- j long as clothing is ^el^pted for experiences are not adways right their courses, and sailed along „ studv^of stockineS boueht Ghost of Christmas Past. On the again. If calic- ain’t good enough ferred’ ” I fashion and style rather toaa^ for and that they find themselves con­ quite 'without such a driving urge stociongs oougm: wingfs of the wind it bore Scrooge stantly in situations that might at a price range from $1.50 to for such a purpose, ’ ; isn’t good “I don’t know. But, before that comfort, hygienists to please women—or rather, they $2.95 a pair, with laboratory re­ back through the years and allow­ enough for a n y t^ g . It’s quite as time we shall be ready with toe are likely to r continue to beat tesU eaisily confoimd am older person in have assumed that they did please ed the old sinner to see himself as search and scientific tests, the becoming to the body. He can’t money; and even though we were mony the same place? them, and-let it go at that. ' a boy again, when the love of ms C3iildren dead with other chil­ $1.50 hose ranked ahead in quality uglier than he did in that one.” not,__i it would be vioHbad fnrtimefortune indeed Dr. Norman D._. Mattison conslu, - And besides, they were the pro­ fellow men had not yet left his ers, in Hygeia, toe possibiUties for dren largely; amd there is a real of all but one of toe more expensive Scrooge listened to this dialogue to find so merciless a creditor in his viders, the protectors, and they kinds. heart. in horror. As they sat grouped toe development of toe foot and the test for you—other children who were women’s career, no matter The Spirit then departed, and the successor. We may sleep tonight Miss Cook’s plan is to cooperate about their spoil, in the scanty light shoe in toe future. He believes that are not adways kind, fadr, nor even how women felt about it, because with light hearts, CaroUne!” truthful. As often ais not they with manufacturers ‘in estabUsb- seeond o^^chris^s afforded by the old man’s lamp, he (To Be Continued) we should begin early in life to train they controlled the pocket book— ing Itself the Ghost of C ^ stim s detestation and toe foot to carry the body’s weight may be precisely toe opposite. and that wsis what coimtec’ . ing standards so women who want Present could hardly have and to begin a campaign leading Is it any wonder then that we • • • durability will be able to buy it,' and to add appearance at a known, home of Bob I been greater, though they had been toward a proper shoe for a proper do not deserve as much credit as Reverse Order our children for not having fallen reliable rate. ds,pon /m arb.U n ^ tbe •foot. ' ' „ ,, But times are changing. From from grace in toe course of a day’s 1 * * « How many people ctin really walk the Daily News Record, I learn j . , « family circle, which included a crip- j corpse itself. efficienUy and gracefuUy? The rea­ living? that an up-and-coming clothing j An Important Reform S child. Tiny Tim. ! “Ha, ha!” laughed toe same wo- son most of them are not able to Pitfalls Always Present ^ Then the third Spirit appeared, man when old Joe, producing a flan- manufacturer suggests that his j This seems to me a great and use their feet to good advantage is When Johnny puts on his cap emporium launch a dress-up cam- ; significant social reform. Silk stock- This one called itself the Ghost nel bag with money in it, told out toe failure to develop a good work­ By ANNETTE for school in the morning it is a of Christmas Yet to Come. It takes their several gains upon toe grou^. paign for men, based on the idea,ings* are indeed every woman’s ing foot. , , 4. safe bet that before night he is that the best dressed man will | problem, but they are a serious one Scrooee to a squaUd quarter of the “This is the end of it, you see! He A large part of toe development The model Illustrated is toe latest going to find a good many pitfadls citv, where some miserable wretches frightened every one away from land the richest woman. Women, | to toe gprl who must show silk of a suitable foot is study of proper choice of toe little chic Parisienne. j for his' young feet. Who can tell he believes, are impressed by good clad ankles on a salary of less than RPlline the effects of a dead | him when he was alive, to profit us It is conspicuously smart in what they are going to be? are selling , was dead! Ha, ha, ha!” balance for the rest of toe body. appearance, and a man cannot $20 a week. basque bodice pointed* at, front in Perhaps the Scroggins boy down Scrooge. The erect posture of toe human travel far or fast on the social cir­ Proportionately, one pays more “Spirit!” said Scrooge, shudder printed taffeta of quaint pattern in the street is going to hit him with Troop 3. being is maintained not only by cuit without an impressive “front.” for stockings than for any other ing from head to foot. “I see, I see. standing on the feet, but also by bois de rose tones. a snowball. Now let us say that NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY The meeting of Girl Scout Troop 3 I quote: “Most men agree that j item in the wardrobe, and at the The case of this unhappy man holding the limbs in line through The full fluttering circular skirt affairs have been at a delicate XII might be my own. My life‘ tends held on Friday night opened at seven one must cater to the women now- present time there seems to be no The parlour was toe space behind suitable, action of the muscles and is shaped through toe hips. The stage between Johnny and the adays. They have money and good! way of buying intelligently, that way noi^. Merciful heaven, o’clock, after which toe girls engag­ narrow ruffling at hem makes it Scroggins boy for some time and the screen of rags. The old man rak- by proper balancing of the body jobs They expect to be of prac- j Did you ever find a salesgirl what is this?” ed in their usual patrol meetings. even more versatile as little wearer the snow ball was merely a signal ed ' the fire together with an old upon the feet. Various exercises tical assistance to their men, pos-jw ho would reply anything but. He recoiled in terror, for toe Then some of toe girls sewed on for the renewal of hostilities. stair-rod, and having trimmed his have been elaborated for developing moves. siblv because competition among i “Oh, yes, madam, they wear per- dolls which they were giving away The neckline in open V at front Johnny drops his books and smoky lamp (for it was night)- with scene had changed, and now he al­ toe muscles of toe legs and the feet toem is just as sharp as it ever i fecUy,” when you asked fuUlely, most touched a bed—a bare, imcur- to toe poor chidren, sind others toward this end. , and rounded at back is fish ed with dives for a handful of snow. He How do these wear?” toe stem of his pipe, put it into his danced and sang. The goodnight lets it fly. His enemy ducks. ’The was. ! tained bed— on which, beneath a Standing on one foot while the ruffling as are the edge" of the ki­ “ Since the world was created There c a n be no insurance circle was held and the meeting mono sleeves, to carry out old-fash­ ball hits a truck driver in toe eye. “ WhileTe” ' did this, the woman ragged sheet, there lay a something other is raised to various positions the supply of women has exceeded against runs, against snags, and He stops, climbs down, chases closed at 8 o’clocK. Shirely Rich­ and angles helps to develop toe ioned idea that is* now so entirely the demand and the none-too-at- the numerous ills toe stocking is who-had already epoken threw her S, 'Uu, Johrmy, and then goes in to the bundle on toe fioor, and sat down mond, scribe. sense of equilibrium and also to new in toe mode. tractive have been forced to sit on heir to, but if there were a ’ stand­ Style No. 191 comes in sizes 8, 10, school to report. The day before in a fiaunting manner on a stool, langfuage. Troop 1. give power to toe various muscles ard of quality, it would help a 12 andT4 years.. In toe 8-year size, an edict went out from the prin­ toe side lines and weep. crossing her elbows on her'knees, The room was very dark, too The meeting was opened by going that have been mentioned. “The situation has not mate­ g;reat deal. it is made with % yards of 39- cipal’s office, "No snow balls with­ and looking with a bold defiance dark to be observed with any ac­ to patrol comers where we selected The whole tendency of the body 1 rially altered. There are a great curacy, though Scrooge glanced names for them: Patrol 1, toe Owl is to fall over. To avoid falling inch material with Vz yard of 32- in a block of the school!” many rich women, and a great, at the other two. Johnny is called up on the car­ PINE CONES roimd it in obedience to a secret Patrol; Patrol 2, the Eagle Patrol; over, the individual sticks out his inch contrasting of plain taffeta for many holding good jobs, and their I “What odds, then? What odds, pet. He is in double disgrace be­ impulse, anxious to know what Patrol 3, toe Primrose Patrol; Pa­ chin, pushes forward his neck, bends ruffles. number has increased with nation- i Mrs. Dilber?” said the woman. The thrifty mother who is sewing cause his school books are ruined, Every person has a right to take kind of a room it was. A pale light, trol 4, the Ladyslipper Patrol. Later his back and leans forward, back­ al prosperity. As a result of mod- ] One of toe nicest Sunday night care of themselves. He always did!” rising risintr in toethP outermiter air.air, fell straight we played games and adjourned toe ward, to one side or the other. The now for early spring for little having fallen in a pool of dirty em developments, women are still j supper attractions in toe world is daughter, a pretty dimity is sprig­ slush. His father has to pav for upon toe bed; and on it, plundered meeting by pla dng taps and sing­ result is protruding chins, ewe in sharp competition for toe favors j a crackling pine cpne fire in the “ That’s true, indeed!” said the 5 ged pattern is very effective for toe books! Johnny gets whinped and bereft, unwatched, unwept, un­ necks, twisted spines and round of men. Women with means ex-1 fireplace. ’The children can gather laundress. “No man more so.” ing, “We’re All Together Again.” at home and disciplined at school. “Why, then, don’t Sc^-nd staring cared for, was toe body of this man. shoulders. genei^ wear. pect to pay for everything they 1 cones on their hikes. ’The Christ­ Esther Pickles, scribe. In many great clinics today far Light blue cotton pique, daffodil Another mark against his name as as if you was afraid, woman! Who’s Scrooge glanced towards toe get, and marriage, or what have | mas tree should be saved for this Troop 5. more attention is paid to posture yellow linen, printed voile in orchid toe .wiser? We’re not going to pick Phantom. Its steady hand was a “bad” boy. you, is largely a 50-50 proposition i use, too The meeting started at 4 p. m. tbari is given to almost any other tones and printed crepe de chine in Dilemmas Are Many holes in each other’s coats, I sup- ! pointed to the head. The cover was When toe exercises were over Mi.-3S with toe men doing toe pursuing so carelessly adjusted that the phase of "hygiene for human head to. vivid red and white tones are ever Another day, he meets a strange pose r Parker read us a story entitied “The and toe picking.” W’ALL-PAPEB CRACKB slightest, raising of it, toe motion The movement is in the right direc­ so smart and practical. boy who asks him to go along to “No, indeed!” said Mrs. Dilber Story of Molly Pitcher.” This storj- Pattern price 15 cents in stamps the five and ten cent store. He of a finger upon Scrooge’s part, tion, since proper posture means Ah—Progress! and toe man together. “We should illustrated the second Girl Scout or coin (coin is preferred). Wrap buys a five-cent pencil and slips Tear out piece of wall-paper would have disclosed toe face. He good functioning for all the organs All of this sounds as if we were hope not.” law, “A Girl Scout is loyal.” After of toe body amd a sense of well be­ coin carefully. another off the counter. Outside like that on toe wall to patch “Very well then!” cried toe wo- thought of it, felt how easy it would getting somewhere, if we are we finished toe business in our pa­ ing or tone that leads to efficiency. We suggest that when you send he presents one of them to Johnny, wall-paper cracks, starch it wdl man “That’s enough. Who’s the | be to do, and longed to do it; but he worth dressing up for and putting and use a caster to roll its edges had no more power to withdraw the trol comers we practiced toe horse­ for pattern, you enclose 10 cents saying, “I’ll keep the one I sneaked. worse for the loss of a few things shoe formation. Lois Tracy and additional for copy of large Fash­ I’ll frive you the one I paid for.” on “front” for. smooth. Patches cut with scis­ like these? Not a dead man, I sup veil than to dismiss the spectre at When we first began achieving sors show toe edges, but tom his side. Julia Converse finished their tender­ ion Magazine. Whether Johnny accepts it or financial Independence, men viewed pose?” foot tests, and were presented with not. isn’t it a question an older pieces do not. “No, indeed,” said Mrs. Dilber, Oh, cold, cold, rigid, dreadful toe situation with alarm. When we Death, set up thine altar here, and their tenderfoot pins, according to PjUOTATIONS Manchester Heratd head might ponder over? no longer 'depended on them for laughing. (Children can’t always be right. “If he wanted to keep ’em after dress it with such terrors as thou the ceremony used in toe Girl Scout Pattern Service food, shelter and spending money, FRAME CARA hast at toy command; for this is handbook. We then sang songs for How often would we be right in he was dead, a wicked old screw,” 191 toe same circumstances in which we might get out of hand—as we thy dominion! But of the loved, the remainder of toe meeting. Taps Gilt frames should be, kept spot- pursued the woman, “why wasn’t As our pniiems are mailed toev find themselves a dozen times did revered, and honoured head thou was played by Eleanor Patten and ___ _ apparently, men real-1 less by using a sponge dip p ^ in he natural in his lifetime? If hi “’The secret of boring is the prac­ from .New Vork City please al­ a dav? Just little things, often, But now. had been, he’d have had somebody canst not turn one hair to thy dread Faith Galinat. The meeting closed low five days. ize' that women with high earning j off of turpentine and allowed to purposes, or make one feature at 5:15 p. m. We had a Christmas tice of saying everything.” but little things count. capacity, have an added attraction to look after him when he was —Voltaire. Price 15 Cents Shouldn’t we be very patient dry. Apply wlfite of egg with a odious. It is not that the hand is matrimonially. A pretty girl is no struck with Death, instead of lying party at Eimlce Brown’s home, De­ with them and try to find out just fine brush to fly specks and otlier heavy, and will fall down when re­ cember 16th. Pearl Martin, a sec­ less pretty, if she can provide spots and then rub with soft d oth .' gasping out his last there, alone by ”AU charming people I fancy are Name how things happen, when Johnny leased; it is not that the heart and ond class scout and almost first meal tickets sis weU. And the un­ himself.” spoiled. It is toe secret of their at­ gets into trouble? Are we so ner- “ It’s the truest word that ever pulse are still; but that the hand class resigned from toe troop. Each Size . fect that we can’t be tolerant? I comeliness of a woman who hap was open, generous, and true; the traction.”—Oscar Wilde. pens to have a fifty-thousand-a-1 CLEANING FURS , was spoke,” said Mrs. Dilber. “ It’s patrol has made a scrapbook that • • • think not. I believe that the ma­ heart brave, warm, and tender, and Address year earning power, may be over-; a judgment on him.” was given to Miss Reynolds to be “I am not aware that any com­ jority of little people do about the Fur collars and cuffs should be “I wish it was a little heavier the pulse a man’s. Strike, Shadow, looked by toe ambitious young j used in welfare work. Catherine munity has a right-to force another best they can. cleaned each week, in the follow- judgment,” replied the woman; “ and strike! And see his good deeds Patten, scribe. man springing from toe wound, to sow to be civilized.”—J. S. Mill. Send your order to tlie “ l*at- Among the encouraging items to 1 ing manner: sponge with g^ lin e it should have been, you may de­ Brownies. * * ♦ pend upon it, if I could have laid the world with life immortal! tern Dept.. Mumiiester Evening A new source of potash has been be found in the daily papers is one [ or cleanmg fluid, Acorn Pack, No. 1 held its Christ­ “Women, thanks to education, Herald. So. Manchester. Conn.” that offers a gleam of hope to me j and brush them quite dry With & my hands on anything else. Open No voice pronounced these words mas party December 19, 1929. discovered in toe green sands of in Scrooge’s ears and yet he heard have become fact instead of fancy.” on a problem that has beaten and hat brush. that bundle, old Joe, and let me ’Twenty-seven Brownies and Tween­ —Lady Bourde.n New Jersey. know the value of it. Speak out them When he looked upon the bed. He thought, if this man could be ies were present. A treasure hunt plain. I’m not afraid to be the first, disclosed a magic pie from which RAINY-DAY WEAR nor afraid for them to see it. We raised up now, what would be his numbers were drawn and gifts re­ SUNDAY NIGHT SALAD knew pretty well that we were foremost thoughts? Avarice, hard Your rubbers, umbrella and rain helping ourselves before we met dealing, griping cares? They have ceived. Games, recitations and sing­ ing were followed by refreshments. One of the easiest ways to pro­ coat should be wiped off clean here, I believe. It’s no sin. Open the brought him to a rich end, truly! or washed off with cloth dipped in Mrs. Grant gave every one present a vide Sunday night salad is to make bundle, Joe.” He lay in the dark, empty house, a dish of gelatine, with plenty of soapy water, before they are put box of candy, for which she received But the gallantry of her friends with not a man, a woman, or a nuts and fruits. If guests drop in, away. This keeps them looking would not allow of this; and the l child to say he was kind to me m a real Brownie grin and a hearty this kind of salad can be stretched like new and makes them last thank-you. Miss Barnes and Miss man in faded black, mounting the this or that, and for the memory indefinitely. longer. breach first, produced his plunder. of one kind word I will be kind to Pease were recent visitors. It was not extensive. A seal or two, him. A cat was tearing at toe door, BOLERO C m C a pencil-case, a pair of sleeve-but­ and there was a sound of gnawing SAGGED CHAIRS tons, and a brooch of no great value, rats beneath the hearthstone. What LEFT-OVER POTATO The bolero’s importance grows were all. They were severally ex­ they wanted in the room of death, The sagging cane bottoms of apace. A gold brocaded evening amined and appraised by old Joe, and why they were so restless and Mix one cup of left-over potato chairs can be • tightened by wash­ gown has the cutest little bolero who chalked the sums he was dis­ disturbed, Scrooge did not dare to with two tablespoons of tapioca, ing in hot water and soap and of silver lace, threaded in color, posed to give for each upon the think. one cup cooled, scalded milk, two rinsing in cold water, and stand­ and toe bottom flovmce of the wall, and added them up into a total “ Spirit!” he said, “ this is a fear­ teaspoons grated cheese, one cup ing upside down to dry, prefer­ gown matches. when he found that there was noth­ ful place. In. leaving it, I shall not crumbs and one slightly beaten ably in the sun. ing more to come. leave its lesson, trust me. Let us egg, mold into croquettes and fry “That’s your account,” said Joe, go in deep fat. LACE LAUNDERING PLASTER HOLES “and I wouldn’t give another six- Still toe Ghost pointed with an ______f pence, if I was to be boiled for n o t! unmoved finger to the head, SAGGING FLOORS Rinse choice lace in milk and iron To avoid cracking plaster or doing it. Who’s next?” I understand you,” Scrooge re­ with a piece of tissue paper directly making large holes by nails, heat Mrs. Dilber was next. Sheets and turned, “and I would do it if I I f your floors have sagged, you over the lace and toe iron not too the nails first in very hot water towels, a little wearing apparel, two could. But I have not toe power. can cover the cracks eitoer by hot. and drive in while wet. old-fashioned silver teaspoons, a Spirit. I have not the power.” moving the molding down a little pair of sugar-tongs, and a few Again it seemed to look upon him. on the baseboards or else buying boots. Her account was stated on “If there is any person in toe wider moldings to cover them up. toe wall in the same manner. town who feels emotion caused by Either improves toe appearance. “I always give too much to ladies. this man’s death,” said Scrooge, It’s a weakness of mine, and that’s quite agonised, “show that person CRACKED WALLS the way I ruin myself,*” said old to me. Spirit, I beseech you!” Joe. “That’s your account. If you The Phantom spread its dark robe Before you paint your rooms, asked me for another penny, and before him for a moment, like a mend the cracks. There are sev­ made it an open question, I’d re­ wing; and, withdrawing it, revealed eral kinds of mending plaster on pent of being so liberal, and knock a room by daylight, where a mother the market which, when mixed off half-a-crown.” and her children were. with water, will do the job easily “And now undo my bundle, Joe,” She was expecting some one, and and beautifully. said the first woman. with anxious eagerness; for she Joe went down on his knees for walked up and down toe room, COSTLY TOUCH . i f greater convenience of opening started at every sound, looked out it, and, having unfastened a great from toe window, glanced at the When you buy a cheap silk many knots, dragged out a large clock, tried, but in vain, to work frock, if you will take out the ma­ heavy roll of some dark stuff. with her needle, and could hardly chine stitching aroimd toe neck, “‘What do you call this?” said bear the voices of her children in cuffs and hem, and do it over care­ Joe. “Bed-curtains?” their play. fully in fine hand stitches, you will “Ah!” returned toe woman, At length toe long-expected find it will look like a much better ALWAYS SANITARY laughing and leaning forward on knock was heard. She hurried to frock. ______her crossed arms. “Bed-curtains!” the door, and met her husband; a FRUIT JUICE Every step taken to proiJuce Bryant & Chapman’s milk is sterile. The moijflpi “You don’t meam to say you took man whose face was careworn and farms on which the cows thrive are kept as clean as our scientific Dairy— every precaa- ’em down, rings and all, with him depressed, though he was yoimg. Save all from lying there?” said Joe. * There was a remarkable expression fruit. It Is excellent in gelatine tion being taken with the cows to assure cleanliness. The pasteurization pro^M ' “Yes, I do,” replied the woman. in it now; a kind of serious delight or to make fruit sauce for cottage w hich guarantees a destruction of any germ that might be present is taken care of in,, “Why n ot?” of which he felt ashamed, and pudding for the children’s supper. our p ^ t —and until the milk reaches your door, we can be assured of absolute sanitar •TTou were born to make your which he struggled to repress. ‘ j .; fortune,” said Joe, “and you’ll cer­ He sat down to the dinner that TIME SAVER t i p ° / . - tainly do it.” ^ had been hoarding for him by the Let us deliver Bryant & Chapman milk to you daily—you’ll be satisfied with it for certainly shan’t hold my hand, fire, and when she asked him faint­ If you fold up the towels, sheets cooking and drinking— and your family will welcome it for its delicious taste. when 1 can get anything in it by ly what news (which was pot imtil and other household linen when reaching it out, for toe sake of such after a long silence), he appeared you take it from the line, it will a man as he was, I promise you, embarrassed how to answer. save many minutes and effort in Joe,” returned the woman coolly. “Is it good,” she said, “ or bad?” ironing. “Don’t drop that oil upon toe to help him. blankets, now.” “Bad,” he answered. CRACKED DISHES “His blankets?” asked Joe. “We are quite ruined?” •Whose else’s do you think,” re­ “No. There is hope yet, (Caro­ If you bpil cracked dishes in plied the woman. “He isn’t likely line.” enough sweet milk to cover'them to take cold without ’em, I dare “If he relents,” she said, amazed, for about 46 minutes, the cracks say.” “there is! Nothing is past hope. If almost Ihvariably glue themselves “Z hope he didn’t die of anything such a miracle has happened.” together and become Invlelble. r-- .. V K~ ■ ',f : ■ ;\' •

PAGE N1N« MAMUHKSTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH JLANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1930. 47 to 14 Southern CaUfotnia w / THEY’LL DIG GOLD AT AGUA CALIENTE BARNARD REVIEWS MOST OmSlVE Predict Higher Baskets AMERICAN LEAGUE In Cage Game of Future SEASON OF 1929 DEFEAT IN YEARS s>- SMITH DIEGEL [ DID YOU KNOW THAT— Lou Little’s address when he Saunders of Coast Team Next Change May Be Elimi-jNEW YEAR’S DAY President Believes S^son I went to Columbia from George- 1 town this year was built on this Stars With Long Passes Was Most Successful; i I uZt S nation of Center Jump; I S P O R T S S U M M A R Y ! the other coaches did, however. . . . Billy Stift, the former box­ and All-Round Play; Score Two Major Plans Sug- Makes Further Forecasts. er, is a policeman in Chicago. . . . Referee Ed Purdy of Chi­ At Half, 26-0; Eastern cago used to be house detective Here Are Results of Holiday BY ERNEST S. BiUlNARD gested as Basis of Trial. at the Planters. . . . Art Shires President American League never gives the umpires any of All-Stars Upset West, Contests in Every Field his lip. . . . One day last sum­ Perhaps the next bit of important Chicago, Jan. 2.— (A P )—Never mer Brick Owens called a third extirpation for the rules surgeons, having applied for membership in strike on him. . . . Next after­ 19 to 7. of basketball will be the elimination, | Throughout Nation. the “I told you so” society, it is noon Shires visited Brick in the rather difficult for me to ^ve ut­ dressing room and unburdened or modification of the center jump ] BY PAUL ZIMMERMAN melhorn terance to an American League re­ himself in this wise; “Mr. A view for the 1929 season. However or top-off play., ' | BY ASSOCIATED PRESS Owens, you must be a great um­ The national basketball coaches | ______as I was but partially correct in my pire or you wouldn’t be up here Pasadena, Jan. 2— (A P )—Burden­ association has made defimU rec-^ TmnTRATT forecast a year ago. It may be safe in the big league. I reckon ed with a decisive 4'7 to 14 trounc- ommendations to the joint basket-1 rOOTBAL to recall my predictions Of last New President Barnard woul d n ’ t banded them as a New Year’s ball rules committee regarding this , pasadena. Cal. — Southern Cali- Years when I declared the Athletics stand for no blind umpires. But, day greeting by the mighty Tro- ” imnortant feature. . I fornia in annual Rose Bowl game would give the New York Yanks Mister Owens, when you called jans of the University of Southern Already high school, college and defeated Pittsburgh, 47 to 14. plenty of trouble and possibly win me out on that third strike yes­ California, Pittsburgh’s grid squad university teams have tried out San Francisco—Eastern All-Star >' s<;--s <-i?v the pennant. j terday, I don’t think your mind today prepared to return to Its na­ these center play changes in regu­ team upset favored western aggre­ It also may be recalled I fore-! was on your work.” tive hearth. It was the most decisive lar games and reports coming gation. 19 to 7, in annua, charity casted better things for Cleveland | defeat mated out in the 14 years of indicate their enthusiasm for a contest. and Detroit. Cleveland did finish 1 tournament of Roses competition change from the old rule. How- Atlanta — “Blue" team selected much higher than it did in ’28, while | and the golden Pitt Panthers left ever, tall rangy and versatile from northern half of southern con- Detroit slumped toward the end of the greensward bowed in their first ^ L k ’pthall nlavers will always be ference defeats Cardinals of south- the season and failed to finish as CHOCOLATE RATED defeat of the season because they a? a premiSm^ i ern half. 21 to 12. Buddy Hackmann high as I had expected under its j j could not solve the puzzling South­ It is predicted that within one or i Tennessee scores three touch- new management. On the other ern California passing attack. two vears baskets will be raised to ! downs. hand, neither St. Louis nor Wash­ ABOVE BAnALINO Beginning with tne initial touch­ aheight of 11 or 12 feet instead of ] Dallas — Midwest team defeats ington was successful as I had an­ down which came only a few mo­ no fppt— the present height. | Southwest stars 25 to 12. lu leei F______1 — North Central confer- ticipated. Nevertheless the Ameri­ ments after 70,000 persons had filled can League, As a imit, played to the stadium, the men of Troy found roaches agreed that new gnee representatives outclass Rocky HAOEN larger attendance than it did in m e codcuca ______Mountain___ r conference tooTnteam to win SARAZEN WOOD FARRELL scoring p o ^ b le in four of their plans shbuld be tried in P^actme and 1928. Bostons Matchmaker Says seven tallies because of unerring close battle, 13 to 6. match games dnnng the coming Naturally I cannot but express aeritil work. A fifth counter was in­ J^ason ^ d that reports be subinit- Honolulu—Washington State de­ feats University of Hawaii, 28 to 7 ray satisfaction over the result of Cuban Can Defeat Hart- directly due to a long pasj and the ted to the committee. It suggested the world series in which the Athle­ others were the result of plunging, two major plans as a basis for trial. in its last game in Hawaii. 'Richmond. Va. — Benny Fried­ tics won four out of five games driving football. Suggestion No. 1 man's all-star professional team from the Chicago Nationals. Prior ford^s Pride If They Meet Toby Uansa, one of the four All- January Brings Two Golden Weeks American selections on the Panthers 1 Eliminate the center jump. trounces Virginia Collegiate ama­ to the series I was quoted as saying 2. Toss a coin for possession of teurs, 20 to 7. the A ’s would win because the opened the game with a deizzling 68 American League, for reasons then yard end run after the -pening kick­ ball out of bounds. TENNIS Boston, Jan. 2.—Large arenas 3. The winner is given ball on advanced .-by me, was stronger than off but fleet Russell Saunders, U. S. defensive end line, out of bounds, New York—Billy Jacobs, Balti­ To Pro Golfers in Far West Play the Nationed. The series results with their heavy overhead expen.ses C. safety man caught him from be­ more, wins national indoor junior v/ithin nine feet of basket on proved I was right in my diagnosis and the exorbitant demands of out­ hind 18 yards short of the goal, a championship defeated John Rich­ Then when the Panthers had fail- either side. to Agua Caliente to do it. It's just of the conditions. standing boxers caused the boxiag within five ardson,. Dartmouth. Marcus Hecht, By WILLIAM BEAUCHEB [there and they know it. The.prize ed to crack the Trojan line for the 4 Play then begins possible he will, for the Haig is a It is my sincere belief that' the to slump alarmingly during the pa.=t seconds as in the present rule on New York, defeats Bernard Fried­ NEA Service Sports Editor j at Agua Caliente is $10,000, and necessary yardage, the touchdown man, Philadelphia, to take boys’ , a professional golfer will go to a lot great player when he has some American League race of 1930 will year, according to the annual sur­ cut of bounds ball. large financial matter on his mind be hotly contested right down the parade for the Pacific Coast repre­ title. Tommy Armour once said that of bother for that much change. vey of Eddie Mack, Boston Garden 5. On all field or foul goal •Besides the $40,000 in prizes Cal­ line than it was in 1929. sentatives started. Saunders pass to baskets the official secures baU and BASKETBALL there’s no prize too small for a pro- i Golfers used to * - play all 4 winter.1, boxing promoter. Harry Edelsou caught the Pitt sec­ fessional golfer. By the same token, through the ifornia. is spending within the next Cleveland must be considered a Mack also aimed a blow at fouling gives it to a member of the side New Haven—Yale defeats Holy couple of weeks, probably some­ contender. Detroit, Wa.shington and ondary defense flatfooted and the fJJred upon, out of bounds, under Cross, 28-20, and Georgetown beats of course, no prize is too gpreat. purses that totaled about $35,000 fighters, who he termed the moat Troy halfback scored. What Tommy was tsdking about, and that hasn t be^ so long ago, thing like $100,000 more will change St. Louis shoxild give a better ac­ harmful element in the ring game, the opponents goal, or defensive N. Y. U. 32-27, in first games of hands in the pools on the three count of themselves. Ekich is strong­ Before the first quarter had end­ annual Yale toumamc-’ t. however, was the habit.of pro golf- either. ^^29-30 seco^ and suggested that the state boxing ed Saunders repeated, this time ers in “passing up” tournaments now are $100,000 better than that., events. These pools are sold In er than its 1929 record. Chicago can commissions punish them with a 6 In case of double fouls Philadelphia — Pennsylvania de­ much the same manner as horses placing a long toss within reach of where prizes were “too small to There ought to be emmgh to gp be congratulated upon the acquisi­ year’s suspension and turn their, nical fouls it is suggested the feats Ohio State, 31 to 25 in inter­ are pooled on the Grand Circuit, tion of Donnie Bush as manager. the racing Ernie Pinckert, Edelson’s official designate the two Players bother with.” If you will take Tom- n’t do a Horton Smith, all will purses over to charity. mate at right half, and U. S. C scor­ sectional game. will Besides the pools bookmakers Under his direction, the White Sox who will jump for ball, at center. New York — Touring Georgia mv’s word for it, there never was not do a Horton Smith, au The Boston matchmaker nam^ci ed again. that kind of prize. prosper ^d be able to buy new quote odds on the golfers. Thus will show great improvement. 7. It is thought this scheme may Tech team loses to Crescent A. C. in the Professional Golfers’ Assocla Jack Sharkey as the outstanding Satisfied with their aerial thrusts, aid in curbing stalling, by giving 28 to 24. The pros amoner themselves will pants and sweaters. ^ The Boston Red Sox have made heavyweight and predicted that J:e the Trojans reverted to straight admit seriously to one another they In the old days,. occasioh^ly one tion tournament recently, Leo a few changes which should make the ball to the team that is scored j Lafayette, Ind —Montana State Diegel, the winper, was 5 to 1 to would become the champion before football, with Marshall Duffleld rallied in second half to beat Pur­ are not going to play in the $1000 of the checks received , by the win­ them a better ball club. They al­ skirting the Panther end for upon. 1 ners would prove to be too resilient win, being rated equally with Walt­ the end of 1930. Max SchmaUng iT due 38-25. South Libertyville Chamber of Com­ ready have one of the best pitching touchdown after a Pitt fumble bad for cashing purposes. The check er Hagen. The pool for this event was ranked second and Young Strib - Suggestion No. 2 1 East Lansing, mienMich. — Syracuse merce tournament. But when the staffs in the country. If they de­ been recovered on the 18 yard line. that Joe Kirkwood got at Kansas amounted to about $5000, with velop more of a pimch, they are go­ ling third. V two circles on either side noses out Michigan State 2i 19. bout begins, there they are, every The other outstanding performers Again before the half ended, point 1. Draw two circles City some years ago was one of the Diegel bringing a price of $400. ing to prove troublesome. Athens. Ga. — Furman upsets last man of them, waiting to tee up A t a dinner at the Elk's Club in in the heavyweight division ware earning was marked by Duffleld. of the present center circle. Georgia 24 to 22. and be off. It’s just a way they most notable of these. But today In the death of Mill«r Huggins after his pass to Jess Mortenaen had 2. The player who is to put tne the money Is fairly certain. Pedple Los Angeles January 9, the pool listed as follows; Phil Scott, fourtti; RACING have among themselves. just a few days before the season placed the ball within the shadows ball in play stands in the circle are really willing to pay for pub­ on the Los Angeles Open will be ended, the American League sus­ Jimmy Maloney, fifth; Ernie Schaaf, New Orleans — Patricia Marian formed. This may run as high as sixth: Tuffy Griffiths, seventh. of their opponents goal. which is farthest from his basket, The tribe is on the west coast licity nowadays—the sort that a big tained a great loss as Miller was one wins $5,000 New Year’s handicap at $50,000, if one is to gauge by the Johnny Risko, eighth; Otto von Trailing 26 to 0 as they went into with his own team behind him. now, ready to swing brassies in golfing attraction brings. of the most efficient managers I 3. The other team must remain opening of fair grounds n.eeting be­ interest shown in the event. Of Porat, ninth eind Marty Gallagher, the second h Jf the Panthers made three events that will give them a have ever known. a rally going to the air for a pair behind the other circle until referee fore crowd of 10,000. course, that is a lot of money, after net return of $40,000—and that cer­ Already some of the emigrants of ------tenth. of touchdowns. WINTER SPORT3 golf have had figures placed in their stocks have acted the way they caUs, “play.” Lake Placid —Darthmouth wins tainly is not “too small to bother Mack’s first light heavyweight Uansa’s pass to Bill Walinehus bank books. Craig Wood, Horton have. President Harding trophy for team choice was Maxie Roaenbloom, wl’in and Harold Williams flip to Paul Still another suggestion retains with.” January 3 ’’V.pn TMpPeT Tonv' Manero! One of the greatest pools ever Armand Emanuel, Leo Lomskl, Jim­ championship in college week win­ Beach $5000 event, followed c ose y couple of^ others have won sold was last fall at Pebble Beach. BOWUNC Collins, two of four tosses in 19 at­ the jump at center, but zones the ^ my Slattery, Arthur Flynn, Jimmy ter sports, beating out the defend- by the $10,000 Los Angeles Open when $90,000 was put together on tempts were reeponslble for the their events. Walter Hagen still Braddock, Charley Berlanger, LArry S o . f , New Hampshire. 20 The Southern California doings will the golfers. The price on Bobby CHENEY GIRLS’ LEAGUE. eastern eleven’s points. These came has his first big prize to pocket, and Johnson, Neil Qisby and Tom Kir­ men who have had much experience 1-2 points to 20. be climaxed by the Agua Caliente Jones In that pool was $22,000. Main Office in the third and fourth periods. Ellingson, of St. Olaf, wins Mar four-day $25,000 tournament, Janu­ the rest of the boys are wondering by following in that order. with the professional game or Well, well! B. Gerick ...... 70 76 66 When the battered’ Pittsburgh shal Focb trophy for ski jump. ary 14 to 17, and they vrill all be if he is going to wait until he gets The Mlddleweights. basketball. Blocking is emphasized E. Royce ...... 94 76 84 Panther limped from the Rose Bowl Newburgh, N. Y.—Bert Taylor, Mickey Walker, the titieholder, in Pasadena yesterday after its en­ in the professional game. G. Modean ...... 71 46 84 New York, with 80 points, wins CARNERA MAKES HIT E. Wolfrom ...... 75 75 88 was g;iven the top rank in thp mid­ counter with the Trojans of South­ championship as events have to be WITH “PA” STRIBLING TWO POOL MATCHES B- Bika ...... 80 96 89 dleweight divisions and Ace Hudktns ern California, the highest total moved out of town because of BRUINS TIE LEAGUE was selected as the outstsinding con­ scored against a team coached by Nat Cracker cracking ice. Lillian Corke, New Macon, Ga., Jan. 2.— (A P )— AT TEMPLE TONIGHT 390 369 411 tender. Mack’s other selections ui Dr. Jock Sutherland had been bung Tne York takes ladies’ title. , Inter- _ RECORD WITH 11 WINS “Pa” Strihling would like to Throwing, Jr. this division were Dave Shade, Rene up. Prior to yosterday’s 47-14 set­ mediate title goes to Chester Cole manage Primo Camera, Italy. R. Peterson ...... 77 62 90 Devos, Harry Smith, Jack MeVey, back the total scored against a and junior championship to John “I could make more money G. F is h ...... 82 70 69 “Gorilla” Jones, Harry Ebbetts, K. Sutherland team was 23 points, The other day the wires carried Last of Second Round to Be Reynolds, both of New York. Hockey Champs Beat New with that guy than the law al­ M. Kissman ...... 70 90 91 O. Phil Kaplan and George Court­ made in 1919 by Penn‘S t^rainst the report that George Godfrey had HOCKEY lows,” says Pa. Played; Lewie Defeats Dummy ...... 70 46 66 Lafayette. No team has come within knocked out Long Tom Hawkms in Lake Placid—Yale defeats Michi­ York Americans, 5-2, In ney. “ I’d buy him a high-top silk Turkington, Chambers Trims Dummy ...... 70 46 66 In the welterweight ranks, Mack half of the 47 total against a Suther­ Roanoke, Va. Mr. Hawkins haying gan for third straight time by a 16th Victory of Season. hat and a pair of those colle­ named Champion Jackie Fields as land Pitt team. been in Los Angeles at the time, score of 8 to 2. Joyce. giate shoes that clatter on the 370 314 382 the outstanding performer and Jim­ was very mueb. surprised. New York — Dartmouth beats pavement and let him parade up EAST BEATS WEST Princeton, 4 to 0, in Madison Square Boston, Jan. 2.— (AP) — The All matches in the first round oi my McLamin as the most dangerous Bruins, world’s hockey champions, I and down the street to blockade ■Velvet rival. The others who drew Mack’s Danny Murphy, the old Athletics Garden. j traffic for a while,” declares the the Masonic Pool Tournament have M. Karpin ...... 82 78 81 San Francisco, Jan. 2 .—Led by ball player, turned up as a vagrant Boston—Boston Bruins equal na­ won. their 11th straight victory by honorable mention were A1 Melio, I ex-acrobat. been played, Arthur Olson beating H. Bodreau ...... 88 76 91 Jack Cannon, of Notre Dame, one in Chicago. Meantime, Danny Mur­ tional hockey league record by de­ Johnny Indrisano, Jack Thompson, upsetting the New Yor,i Americans, ------— ------~ E. Rowsell ...... 95 83 91 of the best guards to show his wares phy, now a prosperous hardware feating N. Y. Americans 5 to 2 for Fred Finnegan. 50 to 31, in the laoe?t?AST T P PhanCuf ...... 75 87 83 dence in everybody soon New London,^ Jah. 2.— (A P.)— Murphy ...... 93 108 97 topping Young Nationalists, Tommy would remain as line coach of the And in the world series next year, SHIRES TAKES COLD, hasn’t any left The, Coast Guard Academy, newly Paul, Johnny Datto, Joe Scalfaro, Eli football team for another year. by special arrangement, Nick Al- elected member of the National 265 276 258 Vidal Gregorio, Newsboy Brown and The captain of the foiir horsemen trock will pitch the opening game Collegiate Athletic Association, has Dodge Archie Bell. of Notre Dame in 1924 took up his for the Macks. Mr. Altrock will go FIGHT IS POSTPONED entered into a non-scouting foot­ Burke 86 86 88 duties last fall \mder a two year to Mr. Mack five minutes before ball agreement with the Connecti­ Scheildge 96 94 88 contract. It was reported he had game time and tell him he’s ready. cut Aggies and Rhode Island state, Nelson 82 113 96 BOXING HAS REVIVAL received a substantial increase in Detroit, Jan. 2.—(AP)—The ini­ according to an announcement here salary. Ray Barbuti is going to be mar- tial appearance here in a Michigan today by Lieut. L. H. Baker, grad­ 264 293 272 Walsh was offered a berth as ri«i. But before he takes the step prize fight ring of Arthur (The uate memager of athletics. IN EUROPEAN RUGBY head coach at Georgetown but de­ cided to complete his contract here. he says he is willing to battle Art Great) Shires, pugilistic first base- The agreement will be in effect Fords Shires. Wouldn’t it be just like man of the Chicago White Sox, when the Coast Guard cadets meet Lemire ...... 90 80 98 67 Paris, Jan. 2— (A P )—France de­ some wisecracker to ask if this is scheduled for last night, was post­ the Aggies and Rhode Island on R. Holland ...... 89 92 BARNARD PICKS HEAD­ a training stimt? poned. Benny Ray, promoter, in Kleihart ...... 77 80 81 feated Scotland 7 to 3 in the first the gridiron next fall. The Aggies International Rugby Match of 1930. QUARTERS making this announcement, said and Rhode Island will observe the Finnegan ...... 104 88 100 We saw a picture of Mr. Rogers Shires had taken cold smd was con­ It was one of the roughest con- terms of the same agreement be­ 360 340 346 tests In years on a Paris field. There St. Petersburg^ — (A P ) — on horseback the other day. It’s fined to his hotel room here. tween each other. American league headquarters dur­ Hack Wilson, however, who really The bout, in which the great one Reos were 17 knockouts In the course of the game, exceeding the number in ing the spring training grind will needs the horse. was to have engaged Edward i h e O W ^ C L O B J. Holland ...... 77 Both Jack Britton and Ted Kid some boxing seasons in Paris. Many be in St. Petersburg, President E. Christianson, or “ Battling” Cris,'as Perine ...... 10? S. Barnard has announced. The- Gene Tunney will attend the din­ he was re-named for the four Y ou Lewis are still lighting. Why not Qibhon ...... 88 penalties were inflicted. France fin­ bring these two together agidn? It ished the match with only 18 play­ junior circuit executive will visit ner the 600 MilUonaires give to Wil­ round large type preliminary, a ^forse 105 «««,— ______all of the six Atoericen league iam F. Carey January 14. That will sandwell shoveler of Rockwood, would be a treat for ’ the fans to ers instead of the usual 10. Scot see a show that really has been rand had 14 when toe matto en^d. camna in Florida. ril^e, the affair tl».. proper literary Mich., haSn-been tentatively set for thoroughly rehearsed. ouch. January 15. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHEStEE, CONN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1930. THErXZV^glFIED ggECTMOS

niJ'lf' A N D SE L L H a0£M C *«X W «».^X X X ’MWsa06S£S£MCMSSC50Ca63S3«XS£38SSS63£30630»XXM^^ WCSOCMKSKStSOtWtStSM^^ LOST AND FOUND Ij HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 AUTO TRUCK BODY SHOP Want Ad Information STUDENTS ROBBED LOST — BLACK AND WHITE m a r k -d o w n s a l e Manchester Spaniel do^. Finder please dial Windsor chair and rocker $4.50 Wall Street IS READY FOR BUSINESS each. Drop leaf kitchen table and Evening Herald 8884. two chairs $5. Three mirror vanity IN A HOTEL ROOM dressing table $8. Oak china closet Briefs CLASSIFIED New Department of Manches- AlITtlMOBII.ES FOR SALE 4 $10. New oak chest $15. / ^ advertisements Watkins Furniture Exchange RESULTS Construction Company Lo­ FOR SALE — DESOTO roadster, Gagged and Bound to Bed cated on Middle Turnpike. — . ovftraz6 ^ords to & Unc. New York, Jan. 2.—^The Railway 1929 excellent condition, 9500 Eixpress Agency reports that its miles, has not been run for two WANTED— TO BUY 58 October rail transportation revenue The Manchester Construction months. May be seen at DeSoto AT LOW COST and Money Taken— Rob­ ^ ^ ,d s as two worda Minimum cost Is WILL PAY CASH for stocks of amounted to $14,335,038 after taxes Company’s auto truck body depart­ price of three lines. Agency, Manchester. tor transient merchandise of all kinds. Phone or and other charges, and available for ment, a new venture locally, was to­ Line rates per day GOOD USED CARS bers Are Captured. payments to the participating rail­ day established and ready for busi­ ads* write A. 'M. B&rnes, 65 0 &lcl8.nQ Kffecflvc March 17, laat Cash or Terms roads and other carriers for express ness at its headquarters, 166 Middle Cash Charge Terrace, Hartford, Conn. 6-4946. Madden Bros. privileges. Turnpike West, at Essex street.' An­ fi Consecutive ^ays 7 ctsi 9 cts in these col- U cts 11 cts or Main St. Tel. 5500 WANTED TO BUY farm horse ten Classified ads New York, Jan. 2.— (A P )—Three drew M. Clemson, for many years S Consecutive Days The American Sheet & Tin Plate U otsi 13 cts or twelve years old. Telephone I Ailentewn, Pa., students were with the James Pullar Company in result getters. Co., has reduced the price of tin ‘ All^oVders'for'irregular 10 GOOD USED CARS Rosedale 25-14. ______umns are sure robbed of money and jewelry in Hartford, is manager of the new de­ Crawford Auto Supply Company plate from $5.35 a base box, Pitts­ partment. "'^U "a?V afes Vo;^on“^ ter7n‘ WTT.T. PAY HIGHEST cash prices If you have some task you want j their hotel room today by three dav advertising given upon request. Center & Trotter Streets youthful robbers who bound and burgh, to $5.2C. The auto truck body department days Telephone 6495 and 8063 for rags, paper, magazines and is prepared to build all kinds of Ads ordered tor metals. Also buy aU kinds ot i gaged them, but were themselves and stopped before the third or Btlh performed whether its finding captured in attempting to escape Net earnings of the International truck bodies for any type automo­ day will be charged only for ® 1928 DODGE SENIOR COUPE chickens. Morris H. Lessner. Dial Shoe Co. for the year ending Nov. numi.r o. from the hotel. bile chassis and will do wagon work earned. 1927 OAKLAND SEDAN 6389 or 3886. ______a house and lot, or hiring a 30,1929, were equal to $4.37 a share, Terms—Trades Considered The three alleged robbers gave of all kinds. A specialty line will "nu- aViowf nre3%^ V'lu^ds can he made their names as Clifford Dickerson, compared with $4.03 a share in the be the construction of milk wagons. on six time ads stopped after the BETTS GARAGE ~JU NK maid, you can get it done corresponding period of 1928. Hudson-Essex Dealer 129 Spruce Highest prices for anything sale­ 19, Danforth, Me., Daniel O’Con­ Painting, striping and lettering of nell, 18, . Schenectady, N. Y., and ‘^'n o -^u Ii forbids"; display lines not able, particularly copper, brass, quickly through these columns Thompson Products, Inc., of Cleve­ automobiles, trucks and wagons are ; Jack Byers, 18, Wakefield, Va. also included in the many lines this ®°The Herald will not he responsible rags, magazines. Call 5879. Wm. land, has called a special meeting of mo“ U.an one '"correct Insert.on b u i l d i n g - Ostrinsky. 91 Clinton. Prompt at­ and at a minimum of cost. Our Police 'said the loot, consisting of concern is ready to handle. $68 in cash, two wrist watches, stockholders on Jan. 13, o vote on of any advertisement ordered for contracting 14 tention. the creation of 300,000 shares of Heavy blacksmith work and forg­ more than one time. mcor- gold pencil and a pair of spats, was ing of all kinds as well as acetylene The inadverient om.sslon records prove our statement. no-par common stock to take the CARPENTER WORK, porch and found in Dickerson’s possession. welding are among the jobs that can reel publlcailon of of the storm enclosures, alterations, re­ r o o m s w i t h o u t b o a r d 59 place of the present Class “A ’’ and iH.-nfied onlv by cancellation of tne Meet Dickerson. Class "B ’’ shares. The outstanding be done by Mr. Clemson eind his as­ Charge m aSefor^he service rendered. pairs, roofing, and garages. T. Niel­ The victims of the robbery were FOR RENT—FURNISHED room shares will be exchanged, on a share sistants. They are also advertisiug All advertisements must son,, telephone 4823. Karl J. Hinnerschitz, of 637 Wash­ in stvie copy and typography with for light housekeeping 109 Foster for share basis. the straightening of disc, wire and ington street, Edward Fluck of 1535 wooden wheels. The shop is located regulatto’ = enfo-ced by the PUb' street, comer Bissell and Foster Chew street and Ralph Kemmer of ers and they reserve the right to MOVING— TRUCKING- streets. Telephone 4773. Sales of the John R. Thompson on Middle Turnpike near the South edu revise or reject any -oy con- DIAL 5121 1105 Liberty street. Co., chain lunch room system, for Manchester railroad crossing. STORAGE 20 The students told police they .a . . . ROOM TO RENT in private family, 1929 were in excess of $15,000,000, desirable locality, centraUy located. met Dickerson early today some­ largest in the history of the com­ be published same day PERRETT & GLENNEY INC. where on Broadway. Hs seemed af­ celved by 12 o’clock noon. Saturdays Local and long distance express 31 Laurel street. Phone 3041. for an Ad-taker pany, John R. Thompson, Jr., presi­ fable and the four went to the room dent, said. t e l e p h o n e y o u r and freight service, including over­ in the Hotel Woodstock, occupied RETURN ENGAGEMENT night express service between Man­ WANT ADS. W ANTE D— ROOMS— by the three Allentown boys. Roberts & Hall, Cincinnati stock chester and New York. Furniture After a short ti^e there Dicker- AH minute. REPAIRING 23 Davenport, jointly ask the Increase Automobiles for S a le ...... ’ FOR SA LE —$800 DOWN buys new tion of twa patrolmen who pursued —Howard Trimm, 14, died today of This band from the south intro­ Automobllei for Exchange...... - ? FOR RENT— 5 ROOM tenement, in cleared channels as a way “ to and caught the three young holdup a wound received when he accident­ duced a lot of new entertainment Auto Accessories—Tiree • • • • • CHIMNEYS CLEANED and repair­ colonial home. Six rooms, tile bath, remove severe! restrictions on their lower floor, all modern improve­ men. ally discharged his riflie while hunt­ and dance numbers and it is need­ Auto Repairing—Painting ...... J ed, key fitting, safes opened, saw oak floors, fireplace. Mortgages ar­ hours of operation which curtail Auto School! ...... ments. C. E. Lewis, 44 Cambridge Dickerson told police he had ing yesterday. The accident occur­ less to say there will be a large filing' and grinding. Work called ranged. Arthur A. Knofla. 875 Main their usefulness to the listening pub­ Autoa—Ship by T r u c k ...... » street. Telephone 7269. come to New York looking for work red as Trimm stumbled and the bul­ crowd at their second appearance. Autoa—For Hire for. Harold Clemsou, 108 North street Tel. 5440. lic.’’ Gaxagaa—Sarvlce—Storage ...... Elm street. Tel. S648. and unable to find a job had re­ let entered his head. Motorcyclaa—Bloycla ...... J J FOR RENT—UPSTAIRS tenement These stations, which now divide sorted to the holdup as the only way Wantad Autoa— Motoroyelea . j . 1* VACUUM CLEANER, phonographs, of four rooms, extra attic room, time, contend that at least 50 to secure money. There Is No Place Like Bnalaasa uid Profeaaloiial Serrleea clock, gun repairing, key fitting. nil improvements. Inquire 111 Holl cleared channels are necessary to Bualneaa Service! Offered ...... PRESIDENT GREETED serve the maximum public interest. Economy Houses Bouaebold Service! Offered „.....is-A Braithwaite, 52 Pearl street. street, telephone 7330. Your Own Home Building—Contracting ...... i ' In the present setup there are 40 PAISLEY’S FUNERALS Plorlata—Nuraerloa...... SEWING MACHINB repairing of FOR REINT— 6 ROOM tenement, 32 cleared chaimels. Whether You Buy One Funeral Directors ...... Walker street, off East Center, all 6,000 ON NEW YEAR’S I As a temporary expedient, they - For Sale - Heatlng^Plumblng—Roofing all makes, oils, needles, and sup- pUes. R. W. Garrard, 37 Edward modem improvements, steam heat, I suggest a decrease from 10 to 7 1-2 PARKER STREET—Bungalow, 7 or Build One. Inaurance j ...... gas heater, garage. Inquire 30 Paisley, Scotland, Jan. 2.— (AP.) Millinery—Dreasmaklng • •‘•X* • • • a street. TeL 4301. kilocycles in the separation 1 tween __This tragedy-saddened town was rooms, heat, bath, two car garage. Buy a lot, right now you can have Walker street. Washington, Jan. 2.— (A P )—The Moving—Trucking—Storage channels in part of the broadcast engaged today in the task of plan­ Large lot—a bargain at $5,500. your choice of 10 at $175 each, high Palntlng”*Paperlug MATTRESSES, box springs, pU- President and Mrs. Hoover suf­ band and the grouping of the region ning fimerals for the victims of elevation and worth more money, Profeaalonal Services...... lows and cushions made over, FOR RENT—FOUR room flat, all fered no ill effects and local channels in that part, WAPPING CENTER — Bungalow, modern improvements, including located on West Side. These are equal to new. I day service. Phone round of h^dshakmg at the a^ual, Tuesday’s fire p ^ c . 4 rooms, beat, bath, acre of land uinter prices and on easy terms too. Tafiorlng—Dyeing—Cleaning . . . steam heat. Inquire 14 Arch St. A few private funerals were held Toilet Goods and Service • • « •>:« 6448 Manchester Upholstering Co., New Year s reception at the m i t e ^ idlocycle bordering on State Highway, Corner lot on Pitkin street, $1600. ’Wanted-Business Servlca 831 Center street Established House during which they Sreetad 33 g today, but nearly seventy other fu­ $5,000. Will take lot in trade. If you are not familiar wito this BdaeatloBBl FOR RENT—98 CHURCH street, since 1922. m(^e than 6,000 his'oal channels on the 7 1-2 kilocycle nerals were being arranged for to­ beautiful home section drive out and Courses and Classes...... five room flat, steam heat, medern President Hoover was at his .. morrow when special services will HALFWAY BETWEEN MAN' Brivats Instruction ...... « improvements, price very reason­ CHESTER AND HARTFORD: look it over. Dancing ...... office in the State. War and Navy j ______- be held in Paisley, churches. Neat single of 5 rooms, all conven­ able. Inquire 28 Scarborough Road Seven (7) acres of land with Musical—Dramatic ...... COURSES AND CLASSES 27 building early today and Mrs. | Meanwhile undertakers both in iences, including garage. Close in ■Wanted—Instruction ...... or Phone 5956. Hoover followed the usual routine Paisley and Glasgow have been bam. Ideal for Florist, Poultry Flnanelal BARBER TRADE taught in day or Gas Station—bound to increase at $3200, easy terms. Bond*—Stocks—Mortgages ...... 81 FOR RENT—FOUR room tenement, of the White House. HOSPITAL NOTES working night and day preparing How about starting the new year Business Opportunities ...... j j anrt evening classes. Low tuition The cold with which Mrs. Hoover coffins for the victims. There will in value. $1,000 per acre. rate. Vaughn Barber School, 14 with all improvements and garage right by insuring your valuables. Money to L oa n ...... *3 at 5 Ridgewood street. Rent $23 has been suffering for the past four be double or triple funerals in five Help and SltuattoBS Market street Hartford. a u t u m n STREET— Small house Houses, garages, automobiles, in Help Wanted—Fem ale...... 86 month. Inquire 178 Parker street. or five days was apparently cured. families which lost two or more fact we insure anything that is In­ Last night she accompanied her Admissions: Anthony Stanjavich In good location. Can be enlarged Help Wanted—Male ...... 36 Dial 5623. of Broad Brook, Mrs. Christina children. at a small expense, $1,500. surable and at the lowest rates con­ Help Wanted—Male or Female .. *7 DOGS— BIRDS— PETS 41 son, Allan, to the Union station Most of the injured children are sistent with safe coverage. Agents Wanted ...... * where he boarded a train for Bos­ Schmidt of 606 Vernon street, and Situations Wanted—Femal# . . . . se FOR RENT—3 & 4 ROOM flat, all on the road to recovery and four­ improvements, including hot water ton, preparatory to continuing his Henry Wittke of 130 Cooper street. Situations Wanted—Male ...... 89 FOR SALE—3 ENGLISH Setter Discharged: Mrs. Joseph English teen have beien sent home from the Employment Agencies ...... •••• , heat. 170 Oak street. Inquire 164 studies at Harvard University. female puppies, very reasonable. and baby girl of Station 41, Wood­ hospital. Of the • twenty-two re­ M to Stock—Pets—Poultry—Vehicle Oak street or call 8241. Does— Birds— Pets ...... *1 Call 5960. land and Mrs. John Dubel £ind baby maining in the hospital only two NEW HOMESTEAD L.\NDS. Live Stock—Vehicles ...... « FOR RENT—FIVE room tenement, boy of Hillstown road. were in a serious condition. Edward J. Holl Robert ]• Smith Poultry and Supplies...... •••••• .. 1009 Main Wanted — Pets— Poultry—Stock *4 LIVE STOCK— VEHICLES 42 Mather street, ready January 1st, Washington, Jan. 2.— (A P )—Ap­ Real Estate Insurance STEAMER STRANDED REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE For Sale—BHscellaBeous rent $16. Robert J. Smith. proximately 30,780 acres of unre­ on. WITCHER SCANS Steamship Tickets Articles for Sale ...... <6 FOR SALE—NEW MILCH grade KETTLES FOR LEADS. 865 Main Street. served; unappropriated publip lands Boats and Accessories e® Ayshire cow, not tested $125. Ad­ TWO ROOM , SUITE in Johnson Lima, Peru, Jan. 2— (A P )—The Building Materials ...... 47 In Rio Blanco county, Colorado, will dress Wm. Erbe, Andover, R. F. D. Bloca, facing Main street, suitable National Telegraphs announced to­ Owensboro, Ky.— (AP)— Martin Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry .. 4s be opened to entry under the home­ Electrical Appliances—Radio .. 49 for light housekeeping. Phone day that the Chilean steamer Daley, 24, has brewed tempests in Box 79. stead and desert land laws at the Fuel and F e e d ...... Aaron Johnson 3726 or 9635. Mapocho was stranded at Samanco, nearly all the tea kettles in this Garden — Farm—Dairy Products 50 United States land office, Denver, about 200 miles north of Callao, Household Goods ...... 51 vicinity. WANTED—PETS— FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM tene­ March 5, 1930. and that panic prevailed on board. Revising the water witching Machinery and T o o ls ...... 52 The Department of the Interior in Musical Instruments ...... 53 POULTRY—STOCK 44 ment, with all improvements at The Mapocho, whose home port is methods of the past, he declares that making the announcement today, Office and Store Equipment .... 54 201 Oak street. Phone 5543 after Valparaiso, China, is a steamer of he can find oil deposits by examin­ Specials at the Stores ...... 56 WANTED— 200 laying pullets, no 5:30 p. m. called attention to the preference 1552 tons belonging to the Com- IT m ust b e v e r y Wearing Apparel— Furs ...... 57 rights of qualified ex-service men. ing the sediment in kettles, pots and FATHEI? HAS SIATICA Wanted— To Buy ...... 58 culls, white leghorns preferred. F. pania Sud Americana de Vapores. pans. PAINFUL. MY UNCLE llooina— Board—Hotels—Resorts ,W. Hill, 10 Olcott street. FOR RENT— 6 ROOM tenement on They will be allowed 91 days after AND WANTS TO 00 Garden street. Apply 12 Knox the opening, to assert preferred Shortly after Daley peeped in a SUFFERS FROM IT Restaurunts OUR CANADIAN RELATIVES kettle on the J. D. Walters farm JO FLO R/PA w e ’r e Hooms Without Board ...... 59 street or phone 4462. rights, the remaining land being Boarders Wanted ...... near here, an oil company struck LFAVINO TO-MORROW/. IN ri/5 LEFT ARM- 60 FUEL AND FEED 49-A opened to the general public on Washington, Jan. 2— (AP) — A Country Board—Resorts FOR RENT—APARTMENTS 4, 5 June 4, with filing privileges al­ petroleum at 1,400 feet. Hotels-LRestaurants ...... 61 favorable report of relations be­ As a result Daviess co'onty resi­ 7 Wanted— Rooms— Board ...... 62 FOR SALE— SLAB and hard and 6 rooms. Apply Edward J. lowed 20 days beforehand. wood, sawed stove length, and un­ Holl, 865 Main street. Telephone tween the United States and Canr dents have discarded prognostica­ Real Elatate For Rent ada was given President Hoover to­ Apartments. Flats, Tenements .. 03 der cover, also hickory wood for tions of “doodle bugs” and “rock 4642. STRICTER DRY LAWS. day by William Phillips, former Business Locations for Rent .... 64 fire place. L. T. Wood. Dial 4496. hounds” and are reading their tea Houses tor Ren* ...... 65 minister from this country to the Suburban tor Rent Boston, Jan. 2.— (AP)—^Repre­ kettles. FOR SALE—HARD WOOD and HOUSES FOR RENT 65 neighboring dominion. f t Summer Homes for Rent sentative Roland D. Sawyer of Wanted to Rent hard slabs, stove length $6 and $9 Phillips called on the President UNDYS LEAVE MISSOURI. Real Balaie For Sale FOR RENT — KEENEY street, Ware, Democrat, and a Congrega- for the first time since he resigned per load. A. Firpo, 116 Wells street. tionalist minister, today filed with .Apartment Buiiding for Sale .. single six room house, modem, the post recently. HI health had St. Louis, Jan. 2.— (A P )—Colonel Business Property for Sale . . . . Dial 6148. the clerk of the House two drastic with double garage, rent $35. Call prevented his coming to Washing­ and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh took Farms and l..and for Sale ...... prohibition bills. The first provided Houses for Sale ...... HARD WOOD $6 per load. Hard Hartford 8-1519. ton sooner. off from Lambert-St. Louis Field at an appropriation of $2,000,000- to I.ots For Sale ...... slab wood $5.00 load. Wm. J. Mc­ 9:80 a. m., today for Kansas City, Resort Property for Sale ...... Kinney. Phone Rosedale 28-2. FOR RENT—SINGLE HOUSE, 7 enforce the state prohibition law resuming their inspection trip over Suburban for Sale ...... rooms, steam heat, garage, bath. while the second would make pos­ Thanksgiving Day is a custom Real Bstate for Exchai.ge . . . . distinctly American. No other na­ the of the Transcontinental Air Wanted — Real Estate ...... FOR SALE — SEASONED hard 31 Mather street, Manchester. E. session of a quart or more of liquor “prima facie evidence of intent to tion in the world celebrates such a 'Transport, Inc. They were New Aiietion— l.egal Noltcea wood, $6.50 a load, split $7.25. Fred A. Standish, Andover, Conn. Tele­ Year’s Day gruests in St. Louis. l.cgal Notices ...... O. Giesecke. Phone Rosedale 36-12. phone Willimantic 1353-5. sell.’’ day. Legal Notices ...... GAS BUGGIES—A Sad Story By FRANK BECK W E LL.. ABOUT / THERE I’M GUST DYING IT’S VERY SERtOUS , MISS DOOHIbJKLE . THAT TIME FiKTHER A BIG GOES POOR TO S E E IF SHE IT’s LIKE THE CASE OF A YOUN€» MAN HELP THAT NELLIE eWERRV. MARRIES HIM NOW.u I KNEW . HE PASSED A CERTAIN HOUSE SOLD OUR PLACE AND WS MOVED WAS! IV.Y HEAFTT ACHES HER FATHER WOULD EVERY DAY GOING TO WORK AND THERE WAS AWAY. 1 NEVER POR H E R . HAVE TO SUPPORT ALWAYS A PRETTY GIRL SEATED OUT IN FRONT. DIO HEAR WHAT BUT t h e y s a y h e r THEM AND HE THEY STARTED NOOOINQ AND FINALLY BECAME CAME OF IT. SWEETHEART, h a s n ’t MUCH M O t«Y. ACQUAINTED. HE FELL MADLY IN LOVE COME! WITH HER . THE FIRST NIGHT HE CALLED DICK W IL E Y , OH , 1 THINK IT’S WHAT IS ' t h e WILL NEVER WALK AS THRILUINS HE LEARNED SHE WAS CRIPPLED an sw er ? AGAIN AS A ROMANTIC AND COULDN’T WALK. HE NOVEL. WAS FRANTIC ------HE WANTED TO MARRY SHALL NELLIE SlTlElNlR O O L U I S HER, BUT HE WAS MAKE THIS S>^RiFiCE ? Somethix^* cAsy to foi^ K _ , POOR AND c o u l d n ’t An AFFORD HELP—HE IS LOVE ^ d i d n ’t k n o w There are at least four mistakes in the above picture. They may per­ * W H AT TO WORTH THE tain to graimnar, history, etiquette, drawing or whatnoL See if you -r PRICE ? can find them, ffiicn look at the scrambled word below—and unscram­ ble it, by switch’ng the letters around. Grade, yourself 20 for each of tS IT the mistakes you find, and 20 for the word if you unscramble IL l i FAIR t 6 HER FATHER ? (^BRECnONS ^ * Q H ! (1) Sciatica, In the girl’s conversation, is spelled incorrectly. (2) Scistica affects the hip or leg, not the arm, as indicated by tlia naan* W H A T A (S) One table leg dbo* not match the othw three. (4.) Xhomn|i;lis$ PPiOBLEM ! ^ both a ribbon and temples on Ids glasses. (5) t ! k a senunMed tsovd la RESOLUTIONS.

. ' ' h PAGE BtEVi^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1930^ By Perry L. Crosby Flapper Fanny SAYS; I SKIPPY NSE aod NONSENSE! ttEa.aa.PAT.ofy. cfO Y€T, JiMNW, ■//i. V, Gems of Thought. oMTiL SKiPPy f in d s 7 / / ^ . ------— It takes a man with a lot of brass to dispose of a gold brick. Our idea of a wise man is one who never argues with a woman. Liberty exists in proportion to wholesome restraint. | The school of experience is open 24 hours each day. In the silent hours of the night ho is most happy whose conscience is clean. ^ Put a padlock on your mouth when \ vou feel inclined to speak ill of any- \ I I one. Men are a good deal like dogs; Uie louder they bark the less they bite. A lawyer minds his own busine.ss \\ when he attends to the affairs of other people. Many an ambitious man has been crowded to the front—in a street car. t®1930 * Great Britain rijhU'reierved. An owl’s wisdom isn’t due to the ^ ^ I Kin^ Features Syndicate, Inc. fact that he stays out all night. Books are a wonderful help to a OUR B()ARl)lN(i HOUSE man—especially bank books and By Fontaine Fox pocket books. Exercise produces sighs, but re­ Family Stuff By Gene Ahem Figures may hot lie, but some­ duces the size.______times a shoe dealer uses them to de­ ceive. bumping into each other. . . . It Don’t buy coal if your home is wall then be necessary to go up a ALA5, ■pUEAS’e SOME , V'MBAM iM MBMSE cold. Just hold a meeting of the mile or two high when you want to ARGrOMMB.'BAKE? Sewing Circle and the air will be hot f VOtS-Z ASK ME "Tb rWAiP O'p’ A RQMPliS speed up. “TV^BRE WAS inside of five minutes. -TgLL mV BypeftiBkicEs) riliMPRBPS OF -rtloiJSAMPS Of all the ugly habits profanity is . i m -TMb ^ o b r w a r ; A e o i By the time taxes are paid and the ugliest. r r WA^ ALL so h BEFTT ? OV/SR IM OF US IM "fe(A-r -yAM - you have settled with Santa Claus, \-r RAlMBP UKE ; HARROUiiAie AAiP T BRAidce ,WAS#^V IT Z don’t forget that the coal bin is Famous Fairy Stories; MECK • — WriERE about empty and that the radio set “I’ll pay you back next week.” TRl<3i^“rFLiLT rr WILL ['^•fBUL OL’ I <3crr “ TMliS P IP E needs a set of new tubes. “You’ll double your money in six RAliJ MB ”Tb RBv/lvJB ^^U L L MERB months.” ■•Tr a p e p a Ma r m o M/c a ;-m e g Has-Tu'V m b m o r v c o u ^ e w a s Sandy MacGregor got a terrible rr FOR r r t shock from his radio the other eve­ It’s easy to find your way into OF |-r ALL — BR-R'R-P OMlV a ' BRAWL, " " Birr ning. He was trying to get honey trouble— the hard part is finding the lAA I from his B battery. way out. 'WA5 A '^BLSr. Employee: “I came in to ask if B(5AP I MBV/ER An instrument has been perfected you could raise my salary." that will throw the voice of a speak­ i-r Mow / Boss: “Go back to work. I’ve rala- er a mile. . . . Now for one that i ed it every week so far, haven’t l ‘! “ •will throw the speaker that far. We received this one this morning; John: “No, Mary, you can’t have Little Stenographer Mae the battery out of the car to operate Had a pleasing and affable way; your radio. How can I drive the She made a sweet face at each boy car without the battery?” in the place Mary: “Why John, I heard you And her letters were all say only last week that you drove t-y-ped th*i$s wayH.%- home wdth the engine missing. “Make your ability felt and recog­ The doctor’s little daughter had nition will soon overtake you.” strayed into his surjery, and was watching, wide-eyed, as he tested I He: “Ah, there is the skuU of a the heart and lungs of a patient. ! woman.” Suddenly she spoke: j She: “How can you tell it was a “ Getting any ne'vv stations, davd- wom an?” d y?" He: “ Can’t you see, the mouth Is open.” In less than 25 years airplanes will be so numerous they will be Yes, we are becoming an air- minded people. Hot air minded.

Boss; “Late again, as usual.” 9 ffA N H Boy: “Well, I though you said lying an airplane isn’t you wanted somebody that didn’t ^ways what it’s cracked watch the clock.” OLP WAR up to be George: “Hear about the Scotch­ floR5B AMl? C C l J t L man w'ho was arrested for going down the street naked?” “Henry: “No.” George: .“He was on his way to a Outsmarted Again! By Crane Strip poker game.” WASHINGTON TUBBS 11 ^vlAVee HE HASN'T UVEVH t h e r e , W£ BOLLV 60VS‘. FRENCH ENVOY LEAVE z COIAE NET, I’LL STRIKE mTO THE BLASTED PLAVIE WITH f WIVA. WE'LL NEVER FORCrlT Paris, Jan. 2.— (A P )—The French A UG1\T avid—— Qsi th u n der delegation to the second Hague \Hia Tfetu conference on reparations left to­ day for the Netherlands capital e a s y w h o ! from the North station, where a f i l m crowd of diplomats and other KILLED Tv^E prominent Frenchmen bade them PUKE/ THE CW'r CC^g farewell. Voo' CANT ! The principal members of the MVSteRIOUS NOTE delegation are Premier Tardieu, BIOS COME To Ministers Cheron and Loucheur, and •'HAUMTEO" KOUSE AT , Emile Mordeau, governor of the MlONlGrtT IF H£ i Bank of France. WISHES To SAVE WASH.


STOHrvA>* The Prize-Winning Essay, By Blossec f r e c k l e s a n d h is f r ie n d s r SERNlNS ft 19.45 FOR AMNOR TWE POULTRY BU9NESS — •zamit: v^ELL- YOO CWCUEA WEAH- SOT ^ O o u MAY rem em ber WHEM HAPPlE MASA‘Z.!NES-ft2 2 S because 1 COULD BOV A II yiiO’.M 'HE’LL ,R2£CKLES M4ROTE WE OPENED TUIS CONTEST FDR ONE ACRE OF SRoONO- E)<.peNSES TO SET THE BEAT TWAT 605IWESS.' PIECE OF 6200ND, BUT OJE S E T A LOOl-l FOR THE BOVS,'NE ASRED $ lA FDR SENENTY FENCE- BUSINESS INTO A PAYIMG lAov^l'D UE IT OP Fo r TUEM Tri TELL US VNUAT PROCESS. walf mile from my WOME AT OSCAR’S ESSAY Him * shucks/ P O S T S -ftB I.05 FOCSDOV EVER. TW UK TUEY VNOULO 00, IN A 80S- I g v>iould siyE ft so to and all TWINSS mentioned TUAT VJIOA that RODS OF FENCE VNIRE AND OFTHAT VHUY OlDSk'T 1 INESS 'WAV, IF TWE'y HAD • CHACnY, because TWE BIBLE TWT I VNOULD NEED TO PRIZE ^ B FOR la bo r a t ft 1.50 ? TUIUU. OF ftSOO EACH TO START 'NITU. (SIVES A PROMISE OCNCERN- NNOOLO UliE TO PRINT A DAY TO PUT OP TWE 7 M A T ? ^ INS SNIN6. them all , BUT wane ROOM Bun FOR ONLY OiE LETTER, 0UYA bicycle — BE­ FROM OSCAR PLETZEN8AUM CAUSE 1 COOLD ENLARSE O we FoLLoviJiMs IS ISFR. ; 2 mare ft a SUCCESS iVWlNS actc/ twe vnay tmat MY FIELD FOR UAPPLE’S WSW MADViEr PRICE AT A AAASTER OSCAR 'AlROTE ill MAeATJNE, BY REACWlNS IT: Fl'JE NEISWBOCINS TCANNS creamery THAT SHIPS AND YILLA6ES, INCLUDING ENERy FE'H DAYS. "ANS'HSR To QUESTION' FENCE AS AN EHCU9SUBE VHELL-TD-DO FARMINS g LSO BECAUSE I COULD •\HUAT V40UL0 Y30 00 VNUM and DNlSlCN OF ALL TUE (SRD0N0-ft3S FDR A WEN communities- onE hon­ ENSASE IN THE POULTRY ^ 5 0 0 , AMO VNHV?’ ored MASAZINES 'WOULD BUSINESS NNnwOVJT INTER­ gvROOLOSNEftSOTO VOC6E -ft3S for a DOCK be a <3300 investment FERENCE. TO MY SCHOOL CHARHY-^aS FOR A SHED-ft 17.50 R3R FIFTY AS A START IN TWE 'NORK. BICYCLE-ft 5 FOR ONE \UyANODTTE OWlOiENS-ftRS PAPER BUSINESS. YOURS tr u l y YEAR’S bundle of For fifty doors — ae- ©I«i. BY NiA sERvict. mc.Rca. u. a ear. ow. C lZ JJ. MG. as Using the Head By Small SALESMAN SAM (BEAD THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) UKTfe OCIR,, SO ) ( vJHAOOA Y^A \ BR.OUOHT tR ' SOAP OAon the trip we’re going to malce. aOOTlWeNTy WhHSOB SOPiPRUHlT e>\x op; u s e .1 bye. I ho^)e you Tinymites have fun, The time is quickly slipping past. AWAY — wherever you may go. I should im­ Come on, we’ll ride away real fast. agine that your bike would be a However, don’t go too fast or our thing that you would like. I won­ bicycle might break.” A HoTO«Wo der if you ride it fast or travel Then each one hopped into his Har ry's I rather slow.” place. A smile spread on their =1 HftNoOUT “W e’ll show you,” answered wee friend’s face. “You look teal I ...... Clowny. “We are just as peppy as cute,” he shouted. “Now, good — P«v- can be. I ride up front so I can do luck upon your trip.” And quick­ a PAT the pedaling. I'm good! The oth­ ly he ran out o f sight. Said Car- » ** * • THSRjE WAS P SIGN <14 ^WRS..3OHMS0MS , , ers might do just as well. They py, “Say, that lad’s all right. Be ■■ w m o o w - tS a t swo'^yjASWHo- ! haven’t tried,. though. I can’t tell. careful, there, friend Clowny, so the Perhaps they ought to take their front wheel doesn’t slip.” turns. At least I think they The warning, though, came just should.” too late! The front wheel, ’stead “Ob, don’t you worry,” Coppy of staying straight, swerved 'round cried. We’ll do our share upon until the bunch were given quite a this ride. As soon as you get thrill. And then it skidded in the weary all you need to do is shout. snow and Scouty shouted, “Here we Then I will take the foremost seat go!” At just that moment all the and give the whole bunch quite a Tinies took a funny spill. treat. Why, I’m the one to show WSBaBBSSeSA you what______this^ pedaling’s______^ ___ all about.” (The Tinymites meet a big black A. Then Scouty^broke°right in and [.bear In the next stbry.).

'• i '--’- A .V - - ..’•i. THURSDAY, lEtiFnlnQ HrraUt

would soon take hold of this matter. MODERN JOINT INSTALLATION He said in Danbury a camp was LADY AND EARL ROBERTS and formed three years ago and already BASKETBALL OLD FASHIONED the city is helping the comrades to LODGES DINNER GUESTS OF U. S. W. V. OFFICERS bring about a memorial there this ii;rida7 Night, School St. Rec year. One of the comrades of Ward DANCING Cheney'Camp replied to Mr. Dimlay, I Frank E. Shea of Hartford In that in 1922 a “Monument Fund’ Entertained in Tinker Hall MOHAWKS of HOLYOKE j stalling Officer at Affair in was started and has been added to Last Night by Daughters of DEPARTM ENT STORE SO.MANCHESTER^.COMN. At the r a i n b o w each year since, and that it is the ys. 1 State Armory. hope of Ward Cheney Camp that a St. George. suitable memorial will be erected in DANCE PALACE Fully 100 of the members of Lady THE REG TEAM Ward Cheney Camp No. 13 U. S. the near future. Many cheers greet­ ed this reply- Department President Roberts and Earl Roberts lodges, W. V. and Mary B. Cheney Auxi­ gathered aroimd supper tables in Every Thursday Night lary No. 13 held their joint installa­ Jennie Sheridan gave a splendid Quno, 8:S0. Dancing till 12 talk on her work for the past six Tinker hall last evening, as guests BIU W addell’ a Broadcasting tion of officers for 1930 at the State months, of her future prospects of of toe St. George Daughters. Thq 3^. omrades They also announced the engage­ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jobert and ment of their daughter Miss Mildred chUdren of New Britain, formerly M. Jespersen to Erling F. Larsen, Colored Card of Manchester, have been spending son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Larsen of Children's Socks a few days in town. 13 Madison street, Hartford. Guests were present from Wis- ■ A and Anklets Tables Organist John Cockerham of St. consin, Greenwich, Hartford, East ' N otice! Mary’s Episcopal church, and Mrs. Hartford and Manchester. Cockerham, entertained the choir $ 1.00 members at a New Year’s party at NEW YEAR’S 2 9 c pair their home on Orchard street Tue.-- SPECIAL (39c and 50c Grades) Well made, sturdy card tables in the regula­ day night. tion size. ’These tables have colored frames For This Month Expert Dyeing Resolution Children’s 39c and 50c anklets and socks to —red, green and black—with fabrikoid tops. The ladies committee of the Man­ close out at 29c pair. Plain colors and nov­ Before giving that next bridge party, buy an­ elty stripes. other card table or two. chester Green Community club will itebuiHcd 1879 . . .not to be bothered run toe usual bi-monthly whist and and this winter as you per­ Hosiery—Main Floor, right. Card Tables—^Basement dance at toe Green school assembly haps were last—by order­ hall tomorrow evening. Playing will RUBBER ing Willis Coal in ton lots begin at 8:15 and continue for two SERVICE Coty's Face hours after which refreshments will Cleaning CJJALITV . . .to put in the season’s supply Hot Water Bottles be served and dancing will follow. lOAL and “ rest— easy.” Powder The ladies have decided to again give $2.50 gold pieces for first HEELS PROMPT SERVICE OIL BOTH WILLIS COAL and WILLIS 5 9 * prizes, as w'ell as four other prizes. MASON OIL . . . are of tested quality, For Ladies and Children M A T r RIA LS Moire hot water bottles that are guaranteed c representing the utmost in heat- 7 9 The Woman’s Foreign Missionary We do our own work to satisfy. 2 quart size. The famous Coty odeurs of L’Orlgon, age for your dollar. society of the North Metoodl.sl Wampole’s Extract of Cod Liver Oil 59c L’Aimant, Emeraude, Styk and Paris in flesh, church will meet tomorrow after­ so can assure you Quick Service on Building Materi­ rachel and natural. Regular $1.00 grade. noon at 2:15 with Mrs. Clarence L. prompt and expert als. Palmolive Shaving Cream ...... 23c Gillette Blades...... 30e Taylor of 230 Woodbridge street. work. , Lime . Cement . .Plaster Drugs—Main Floor, right Drugs—Main Floor, right Department President Mrs. Jennie Sheridan of the auxiliary to the Flue and Drain Tile Floral Trimmed American Spanish War Veterans will visit DIAL 8895 George G. Gammons auxiliary. No. '7 of New Haven this evening for the Attached PoFcelailt Dinner Sets purpose of instalUng toe officers. Mrs. George Johnson of Bissed street, department chief of staff, We Repair Rubbers 2 M ain Street $6.98 will accompany her. Attractive, 36-piece dinner sets of American porce­ and Arctics Mancihejster XfonitT lain that are suitable for daily use. Four colorful floral Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wadsworth NELSON nreiepfione 3319 patterns. The sets contain 6 dinner plates, 6 bread and and small son, Ronald, Jr., have butter plates, 6 cups and saucers, 6 sauce plates, creamer, taken a house in Pine Forest. Mr. sugar bowl, vegetable dish, and a covered platter which and Mrs. Wadsworth formerly lived can also be used as a hot plate. on Benton street this town but for Sam Yulyes CLEANING Hale’s Dinner Sets—Basement toe past few years they have made their home in New Rochelle, N. i., 701 Main St., Johnson Block | and their friends will be glad to wel­ South Manchester COMPANY come them back to Manchester. Next Door to Dougherty’s Louver Window Barber Shop. Nut Bowl Sets Samuel H. GeUen, through hiS AIQNI attorney, William S. Hyde, pleaded Ventilators guilty befor: Judge R. A. Johnson in toe Manchester town court this 6 9 « morning to toe charge of driving a 3 9 c car while under toe influence of liquor. Gellen was arrested by GOOD THINOS TO CAT^ 9-lnch wood nut bowl complete with Dickie Metal window ventilators with wood frames. Patrolman Arthur Seymour on Main plated nut picks and a cracker. Plain black Adjustable to 37 inches; 8 inches high. Pre­ street, Saturday, December 28. vents draughts and keeps rain and slush from GOOD THINOS TO EAT, PROMPT DEIIVEBY, FAIR wood bowl. $1.00 grade. Judge Raymond A. Johnson impos­ PRICES, HONEST TELEPHONE OR STORE SERVICE—all of coming into the room. ed a fine of $125 and costs. these yoa frill get it yoa trade at PINEHURST during 1980. Window Ventilators—Basement Onr businesa has shown a consistent, steady growth, each year Nut Bowls Basement. Buy White Oak Coal $12.00 per for the past ten—many of onr enstomers have pnrohased. their ton. G. E. Willis & Son.—Adv. food from ns, since Pinehnrst started bnsiness, a little over ten We have boRt tbk hunber years ago. If yon are looking'for a dependable SERVICE FOOD business of ours slowly ^ but STORE, try Pinehnrst for one month, give ns an opportnhlty to get accustomed to what you like, and we feel sure you will con­ UnTftly, Tising ‘dl6 old Fraldble tinue to Dial 4161, or drive over to 302 Main St. during the whole 'tools kiiovm as Service year. JAY’S nful Fair Prices. SatiSfiedcu^ WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc. tomers have spread the word till FORTY FATHOM Small Oysters 89o pt. FILMS it seems as everybody FRESH FISH Large Rowe Oysters DEVELOPED AND PRINTED Funeral Directors ^ouldlmow thatthMistbe place Filet of Etoddock CLAMS FOR CHOWDER SIGN SHOP 24 HOUR SERVICE ESTABLISHED 55 YEARS to buy lumber. Still, there FUet of Sole King Arthur Flour Dressed Haddock Film Deposit Box at Signs of All Kinds be a stranger in town, so ^ 1 1 Smoked PUet of Haddock Occident Flour Store Entrance CHAPEL AT 11 OAK ST. run this ad anyway and tell Aww Extra Fancy Large Smelts TUIlw Bros. Coffee Window. Dressing Bntter Elsh Salmon, Halibut Alice Foote MacDongal Cof­ 3 Robert K. Anderson Phones: Office 51711 f r i g e s r e a s o n a b l e IKtookerel fee. KEMP'S Funeral Director Residence 7494 Service and Quality W. G. Glenney Co. 1 LB. ROLLS BUTTER ...... 44c lb. Ehone '4264 PURE L A R D ...... '...... 2 lbs. 25c Coal, Lumber, Masons’ Supplies. ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD—IT PAYS; so ObK BontK Muehester Allen Place, Phone 4149 Uancheiter