- :THB-WEATHER - - - Forecast by U. S. Weather Borean, Hartford. NUT PRESS RUN s u ite AVERAGE DAILV CIRCULATION’ pon rt‘ for the Month of November, 1939 itaifi late tonight and Friday: 5 , 4 8 8 colder Friday. Bleniben of the Audit Bureau ot Clrculatlona _____ - PRICE 7UREE CEN” 1^ TWELVE PAGES SOUTH MANGflESt^R, ^QNN.,t THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1930. \ (daisslfled Advertising on Page 10) VOL. XLIV., NO. 79. Army Pilots iti Winter Test Flight a s k s fe d e r a l a id a l c o h o l LEAKS Burglar Gets Stuck — '■'* laso6w/ NO HEL.EMA GREATPROBLEM In Chimney of House 't.BUTTE ^ ' ^ -O- To., 9 rAPT^then climbed to the roof and slid OE COMMISSION Chadds Ford, Pa., Jan. 2. chimney. Just above a \ OF ‘DRY’ KILUNGS ______ burglar who tried to enter the fireplace in toe living room he •A I house of John D. Schiedt here by found himself trapped. He squirmed for two hours, then Calk Upon All Native Con­ Senator Jones Also began to moan for help. A son of Major Ralph Royce, right, Rliode Island’s Attorney occupants of the house for help. the owner of toe house and a care­ gressmen to Resip as commander of the First Pur­ taker heard toe moans and caUed He was rescued by firemen and ar­ suit Group at Selfrldge Field, General Says If Co-oper­ Hoover Board WiD Not police. The officers were unable to rested by state police. Mich., has been chosen to lead rescue Toth, so firemen were called. First Step of Non^Cooper- it score of army pilots in a test 2 0 MILLION The prisoner gave his name as . V - > Pass Judgment on Wis­ Michael Toth, 27, of PhlladelpWa. They pulled him out with ropes, flight along a 3500-mile “ battle ation Is Not Forthcoming He said he learned to climb when took him to a hospital for a bath ation WHk Great Britain. front" extending from Detroit and treatment for cuts and bruises, he was a sailor and thought that to Spokane and return. Winter dom of 18th Amendment then to a magristrate who held him U. S. Attorney Will ^ Be “chimneys would be easy." flying conditions amid zero Married W Employer and Toth said her and two companions in 55,000 bail. Toth refused to name Lahore, India, Jan. 2.— (AP)—The weather and radio communica­ [ toe two companions who deserted tion will be studied, constant Washington, Jan. 2 . - { A P ) - fn-1 tried to entej toeJcW edt ^^lae by new working committee of toe India Barred from Inquest Info I him. communication being main­ Is Now Sole Owner of dustrial alcohol leaks are regarded j windows and doors, but National Congress, today decided to' tained with Washington. Tha -------------------------- by President Hoover’s law enforce­ authorize the president of the Con­ map shows the principal cities at which stops will be made, the ar­ Fortune and Estate. Triple Fatality. ment commission and Congressional , gress to call upon all native Con­ rows indicating the going and return routes. dry leaders as prohibition’s m ost! gressman in toe various legislatures Providence, Jan. 2.— (AP)—-Vel- difficult problem. |SPANISH CHIEF DENIES to resign immediately. The action Port Chester, N. Y., Jan. 2.— (AP) Out of toe whirl of holiday cele­ will be the first step in the move to __^Ih a rambling, gabled old mansion untary manslaughter is toe basis' of brations and controversy over toe I gain independence for India through 10,000,000 POPULATION where for 17 years she served as toe state’s investigation of toe kill­ drys this fact has been afexeed upon non-cooperation with toe British chambermaid and in which her ing of three liquor smugglers _ ,ln by all factions. The law enforce­ t h a t h e r e sig n e d p o s t governmental machinery. brother is siiU the butler, a middle- lower Narreigansett Bay by the ment commission has set itself to The committee also fixed January aged Czecho-Slovakian immigrant inquiring into the situation, but toe i Coast Guard patrol boat 290, At­ -5>NEWLY BORN BABY 26 as toe date for nation-wide IN NEW ENGLAND IN reigned today as mistress and pos­ preliminary report of the commis­ RESCUED AT FIRE. demonstration in the support of the <9- sibly sole owner. torney General Oscar L. Heltzen sion to Congress will not touch upon Preimer De Rivera TeDs Re­ Congress’ new creed—^which was She is toe termer Anna Mary .said today upon his retiun from Bchleis, who two; years ago became Described by Senator Borah of Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 2.— defined as “puran swaraj” or ' com­ Washington. (AP)—Life started in a swift toe fourth wife of her employer, Idaho as “as a scandal” toe admin­ porters That There is No plete independence.” That Is New Year’s Message DETROIT DETECTIVE Frank W;- Shvin, retired millionaire He said the state would try to tes- istration of the permit system, pace early today for one of Ro­ A small deputation of toe work­ tablish, if the facts justified it, that ing committee- considered it desir­ broker then 76 years old. whereby industrial alcohol is dis-1 chester’s newest citizens. Savin died ’Tuesday after an ap­ the Coast Guard crew was criminal­ tributed to business is due for a i Political Crisis Imminent; The doctor had just left toe able to wait before giving definite of New England Council; SHQT BY BANDITS pendicitis operation. His will has not ly negligent and committed an ac­ thorough investigation. : house and Frank Keller was gaz­ shape to toe policy of civU disobe^- yet been filed, and among toe heirs tion which resulted in toe imneces- Rumors of. Disclosures. | Submits New Plan to King ing proudly at toe latest edi­ ence, so iaa to s^e whether any fu= Following Suney Taking are his son and daughter and two sary deaths of three men aboard the Already rumors of grave dis-1 tion of toe Keller family, when ture repressive action of the govern­ adopted children, but presumably Black Duck early Simday. closures in this inquiry have been. a whirl of sparks drifted past ment could be made an issue for civil Inspector Garvin, Head, of his widow will be one of the princi­ No Co-operation. heard. , , . „ , 1 the bedroom window from toe disobedience on an individual or Many Months. pal heirs. Mr. Heltzen said he had been in­ Senator Jones of Washington, ad­ Madrid, Jan. 2 - ( A P ) - Premier Primo De Rivera today announced blazing roof. mass scale. Twenty Millions formed by Assistant Attorney Gen­ ministration spokesman for the d ^ s Wrapping his wife, Theresa 'The size of the estate has been said in a statement last night after that King Alfonso had approved a Providence, R. I., Jan. 2.—New Squads Gets Four Bullets; eral B. M. McLyman that the Fed­ and his half hour old son in LONDON’S REACTION. variously estimated all the way eral authorities were not givteg the several conferences with members “political plan” looking toward re­ blankets, Keller sprinted for the London, Jan. 2.— (AP)—London England will have 10,000,000 peo­ from-$5,000,000 to $20,000,000. of the law enforcement commis­ desired co-operation in the investi­ organization of the Patriotic Union, door, left toe pair at neighbors newspapers; which during toe past ple in 1950. Girl Also Shot. “Twenty million dollars would be gation. This co-operation must ;be sion: . , . and that later another plan would and returned in toe nick of time week have featured political news This “New Year’s Message” to far too much, I think,” toe widow given, he said, or he would get in “All seem to view the industnm to rescue a three year old daugh­ from India, this morning devoted said today. “Five million would he alcohol situation as the most diffi­ be submitted for a nation^ New England from the New Eng­ touch with toe highest CustoiM De­ ment presumably to replace toe ter. their leading editorials to toe resu.ts Detroit, Jan. 2.— (AP.)—Inspec­ nearer right.” partment authorities at Washington cult one to solve properly as weU of toe India National Congress at land Council, all-New England de­ When he retired. Savin sold his as one of the most important phases present dictatorship. +v,ot ------- ^ tor Henry J. Garvin, head of toe and demand it. The premier denied reports that Lahore, and to toe possibilities of velopment organization, was made seat,in toe Stock. Exchange, winch of prohibition enforcement. In crime and bomb squad of toe De­ he had bought 30 years ago for $5.- He declared he wanted to see toe working this out the commission he had resigned, or that a political toe future. public here today by Philip C. report made by the 290 at. toe New The DaUy Herald, government troit police department, was shot 000, for $475,000, nearly toe top should shield no individual and no crisis was impending. Wentworth of Providence, chairman London base. • Speaking to a group of news- ^ ROOSEVET URGES organ, says toat to© Indians’ de­ four times and seriously wounded price. Port Chester real estate men line of business.’’ paper men toe Spanish premier said. of the New England Council’s Re­ placed toe value of toe old mansion Kept From Inqnest- Assurance was given by Senator mand for complete independence^in- shortly after 8 a. m., today by a Unless the co-operation is also that the law enforcement “The people believed in a crisis i stead of dominion status is “an.
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