Base Ball Uniforms Cap, Shirt, Pants Stockings and Jbj?£T
TRADEMAHKED BY THE SPORTIWQ LIFE FCTB. CO. ENTERED AT PHILA. P. O. AS SECOND CLASS MATTER VOLUME -29, NO. PHILADELPHIA, APRIL 10, 1897. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. THENUTMEGLEAGUE. INTHECOALREGIOKS. THE FINISHING TOUCHES PUT TO THE ANTHRACITE LEAGUE AGAIN PUT THE ORGANIZATION. IN THE FIELD. The Veteran Jack Chapman Secures the Six Towns fill Have a Championship Meriden Franchise Jim O©Rourke, Season Among Themselves A Pre Jerry Denny and Jack Piggott Also liminary Organization Formed at Figure Among the Magnates. Hazleton. Derby, April 5. Editor "Sporting Life:" Hazleton, Pa., April 6. Editor "Sporting --The new Connecticut State Base Ball Life:" A meeting of the representatives Leogue, which is composed of Bridgeport- of the Anthracite Base Ball League was Meriden, Waterbury. Derby. Torrington and held here Sunday afternoon, for the purpose Bristol, held its schedule meeting Saturday PITCHER STEPHEN ASHB, of reorganization and the arrangement of here. The season will be from May 1 to a schedule. Tn the absence of President September 15. The League will lie run oil strict McMonigle Charles (lallagher, of Drif- business principles, and promises to be a suc ton. was chosen chairman. The clubs cess. represented were: Hazleton, by John Sturgis Whitlock, one of the wealthiest men Turnbach and John Graff; Drif ton, by John Boner in Connecticut, is the president, and James H. and Charles Gallaguer: Lattimer, by Jacob Dough- O©Uourke, of Bridgeport, secretary and treas~ erty and Joseph Costello. Milnesville, McAdoo iirer. The directois are John Fruin, Thos. H. and Freeland, which towns were in the League Graham, James H. O©llourke, J.
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