BS Steel Edge DEC #24 12PP:11579 BS Edge MARCH #13 20/12/06 4:15 PM Page 1
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BS Steel Edge DEC #24 12PP:11579 BS Edge MARCH #13 20/12/06 4:15 PM Page 1 STEELEDGE ISSUE NUMBER 24 DECEMBER 2006 A newsletter of product innovation, corporate information and news for customers of BlueScope Steel Limited PRINT POST APPROVED PP 255003/05589 Fabricator farms the winds A tower section being hauled off for fabrication. Heavy engineering specialist Keppel Prince said. “We get the plate steel, roll it, and weld experienced supplier to the growing wind energy Engineering is fabricating 53 wind towers for the sections together. industry and has fabricated major steel wind farm the $400 million Lake Bonney Stage II wind farm “We always buy Australian steel. components at its Portland workshops since 2001. ® project in South Australia. XLERPLATE steel is a product we can trust, The company fabricated 14 wind towers from and we can be sure that it complies with XLERPLATE® steel for Victoria’s pioneering The wind farm near Millicent is the largest Australian standards, which is often a Codrington wind farm, and has worked for clients wind farm development in Australia and one of requirement of our customers. in Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, the biggest in the world. “BlueScope Steel has been able to achieve New Zealand and Europe. The wind turbines will collectively generate a perfect delivery schedule into Smorgon Keppel Prince Engineering’s service includes 159 megawatts of power and will be capable of Steel for Smorgon to strip plates and deliver the assembly of rotors, erection of towers and supplying electricity to 100,000 homes when fully them to us.” nacelles (the housing for turbines and other operational in mid-2008. The largest section of each tower is 30 equipment), electrical terminations, painting Keppel Prince Engineering is fabricating the metres long and weighs 57 tonnes. and welding. 78-metre-high Lake Bonney towers from 8000 The sections are undergoing full surface The company also specialises in industrial tonnes of Grade 350 XLERPLATE® steel at its treatment, and are fitted with internal ladders, fabrication, construction and maintenance, with Victorian workshops. platforms and electrical equipment before backup services such as crane hire, machining The towers are being built as tapered leaving the workshop. and protective coatings. cylinders with a diameter of 4.2 metres at the Keppel Prince Engineering has invested in Established by Steve Garner as a branch of bottom and 2.3 metres at the top. a second plate-rolling machine for the project, Prince Engineering in 1979, Keppel Prince “Each tower is constructed from 150 tonnes to ensure the company delivers on time in case Engineering has grown from five to more than of XLERPLATE® steel,” Keppel Prince of a breakdown. 400 employees, and has trained more than Engineering’s Managing Director Steve Garner Keppel Prince Engineering is Australia’s most 140 apprentices. Dream homes - Page 2 • Extreme heat - Page 3 • Export excellence - Page 5 BS Steel Edge DEC #24 12PP:11579 BS Edge MARCH #13 20/12/06 4:15 PM Page 2 Recycled water flows through Steelworks New South Wales Premier Morris Iemma has officially opened a landmark water recycling initiative in which the Port Kembla Steelworks uses up to 20 million litres of tertiary treated water a day – an Australian industrial recycling record. “BlueScope Steel is Sydney Water’s biggest customer, our biggest user of water, and has taken magnificent strides in the last decade in reducing their call on drinking water,” Premier Iemma said at the opening. “I am very proud to flick the switch to Australia’s biggest industrial recycling scheme here in Wollongong.” The program is based at Sydney Water’s Coniston sewage treatment plant not far from the Queensland Shed Markets’ John Umstad Steelworks and recycles water for use in place of shows he’s on a kit winner. the water previously drawn from Avon Dam, the Illawarra region’s main water supply. “The benefits this partnership between Sydney Water and BlueScope Steel bring to the community and to the environment can begin Steel kit homes make immediately,” BlueScope Steel’s President Iron and Slab, Ross Murray, said at the opening. The project complements an existing water reduction program whereby water efficiency at housing dreams real Port Kembla has improved in the last 10 years from 5.5kl of recycled and domestic water per slab A family-run, Queensland business is tackling “It generally takes about 300 work hours to tonne to 2.7kl per slab tonne. the housing affordability challenge head-on with ready a kit home for council approval. As part of a range of inexpensive kit homes made from our service, we carry out soil testing with COLORBOND® steel, ZINCALUME® steel and engineers and design checks with builders.” Once approvals are in place, Queensland Shed TRUECORE® steel. Living Steel Markets orders pre-cut products from BlueScope The company says its homes offer a permanent Lysaght and arranges delivery to the building site. launches housing housing solution for people otherwise The products are usually delivered within four contemplating living in garages and sheds – weeks, and come shrink wrapped so components competition especially on rural blocks. don’t get lost in transit. Queensland Shed Markets, a member of the “We’ve adapted our kit home designs to fit the Living Steel, a worldwide program to stimulate Australian Steel Institute’s Steel Shed Group, standard BlueScope Lysaght product range, so we innovation in the design and construction of introduced Dutch gable-style kit homes in June can save clients’ time and money,” Mr Umstad says. housing, has announced its second international 2005 to address demand for cost-effective housing. Queensland Shed Markets’ main business architecture competition focused on the The company built four kit homes in the past comes from the sale of garages, industrial sheds and rural sheds. development of sustainable housing. year but is now receiving more than 15 buyer inquiries a week. It is currently working on another The company’s job portfolio includes aircraft Architects from around the world have been four houses in south-east Queensland. hangars for farmers and small plane enthusiasts, invited to develop new urban housing by expressing Business partner John Umstad says the steel elaborate horse stables, and a 60-metre-long their interest in participating in the competition. kit homes have been rated as Class One buildings cargo building in the Solomon Islands. With a total prize fund of €300,000, the according to the Building Code of Australia. The business now encompasses three competition is one of the largest architectural Two-bedroom kit homes cost from $23,800 and sales offices in Brisbane and distributors in design initiatives in the world. Finalists are invited include framing made from TRUECORE® steel, wall Cairns, Townsville, Stanthorpe and on the to design concepts for residential buildings in cladding and roofing made from COLORBOND® Sunshine Coast. Brazil, China and the United Kingdom. steel and/or ZINCALUME® steel. The homes come Queensland Steel Markets joined the STEEL The winning submission for each location will with windows, insulation, glass sliding doors and BY™ Brand Partnership Program to align itself receive a €50,000 prize and a contract for the rainwater goods which are made using BlueScope with the strength of the BlueScope Steel brand. architect to complete his or her designs. The Steel materials. “We rely on the BlueScope Steel brand heavily remaining short-listed finalists will each receive a “The kit homes feature Australian-made in our advertising,” Mr Umstad says. “We use €10,000 honorarium. products throughout, and are designed for the STEEL BY™ stickers on all of our mail, the STEEL Renowned Australian architect and Jury Queensland climate with an energy efficiency rating BY™ logo on our website, and STEEL BY™ signage Chairman Glenn Murcutt said: “This initiative of between three and five stars,” Mr Umstad says. on our front fence – and are proud to be associated presents an important opportunity to showcase “We clad the walls of the homes in with Australia’s largest steel manufacturer.” innovative thinking in the context of sustainable COLORBOND® Metallic steel in the colour of For more information development.“ Skybridge® to give them a metallic lustre and depth.” contact: John Umstad, Architects may submit expressions of interest Mr Umstad says the kit homes’ roofing is made Queensland Shed Markets, through the Living Steel website before 12 January from either COLORBOND® steel or ZINCALUME® Ph 1800 200 780, 2007. steel in LYSAGHT Custom Orb® profile. 2STEEL EDGE DECEMBER 2006 BS Steel Edge DEC #24 12PP:11579 BS Edge MARCH #13 20/12/06 4:15 PM Page 3 International fire rating for Austec Panel Systems A revolutionary fire-rated steel and foam panel suitable for roof and wall structures has gained international recognition for Sydney-based building systems developer Austec Panel Systems. International insurance giant FM Global has awarded Austec Panel Systems’ new PANELPHEN Insulated Panel Systems an FM Class 1 fire- rated accreditation, meaning those who build with the product are favoured by insurance companies when policies are determined. “PANELPHEN panels can withstand extreme heat which protects the investments of those companies which utilise the advantages of building with Adrian Zadro holding one insulated panels as opposed of Austec Panel Systems’ innovative panels. to traditional polystyrene- filled panels,” Adrian Zadro of Austec Panel Systems said. more than 1000 projects using another square-metre factory at Wetherill Park in Sydney. Family-owned company Austec Panel product called Panelex Insulated Panel Systems. The company is a member of the STEEL BY™ Systems took two years to develop Mr Zadro said Panelex has thermal and Brand Partnership Program and uses about PANELPHEN, which consists of a rigid structural advantages, and can be used in a 200,000 square metres of COLORBOND® steel and polystyrene/phenolic foam core sandwiched variety of domestic and commercial applications.