Dear Fulbright friends, THE OPENING RECEPTION We have great news to celebrate with this 4th issue of our Newsletter—we have OQXGFKPVQQWTPGYQHſEGURCEG9GCTG OF THE TURKISH FULBRIGHT one of the oldest Commissions in the world, and now we are located in one of the newest buildings! I would like to thank everybody who helped in making &200,66,21n61(:2)),&( this move possible: the U.S. and Turkish governments, the Commission Board The Turkish Fulbright Commission has two offices in - a Members, and the staff here at Fulbright. As you will see on the following pages, we KHDGRIILFHLQ$QNDUDDQGVLQFHDEUDQFKRIILFHLQñVWDQEXO have had a busy and productive year so far, with interest in Fulbright and in our Our Head Office moved three times in the years following services growing faster than ever before. WKH &RPPLVVLRQnV RSHQLQJ LQ  EXW IRU WKH SDVW  \HDUV We are now re-energized to take on even bigger goals from our new Fulbright RSHUDWHGRXWRIDQDSDUWPHQWLQWKH¡DQND\DGLVWULFWRIWKHFLW\ home, which is, of course, also your new Fulbright home, so be sure to come visit us QHDUWKHSUHVLGHQWLDOSDODFH7KLVVSULQJWKH&RPPLVVLRQZDVDEOH and be a part of it. Have a good summer. to relocate to a newer, safer, and more easily accessible location &T'TUGN#[FÆPNÆ Executive Director LQWKH7HSH3ULPHñí0HUNH]LRQ(VNLíHKLU5RDG The Turkish Fulbright Commission


On May 3, 2013, the Commission’s new website was launched with a completely new design. Changes include the addition of photos, both recent and old, from Commission activities; a brand new feature called ‘Inspiring Stories’, which presents interviews with Fulbright Alumni; and (From left to right) Mr. Adam Ereli, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Educational & Cultural the integration of an ‘Online Advising’ #HHCKTU2TQH5CDCJCV-C[OCMÁCNCPQPGQHQWTſTUVITCPVGGU&T'TUGN#[FÆPNÆ'ZGEWVKXG&KTGEVQTQHVJG Turkish Fulbright Commission; Mr. Ali Babacan, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister and a Fulbright Alumnus; section to provide immediate and up-to- Mr. John T. McCarthy, the Turkish Fulbright Commission Board Chairman, ING Bank Turkey; Mr. Francis J. date information for anyone interested in Ricciardone, U.S. Ambassador to Turkey research and study opportunities in the Continued on page 2 U.S.A. www.fulbright.org.tr facebook.com/FulbrightTurkiye TURKEY


Mr. Ali Babacan, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister, 3URI6DEDKDW.D\PDNoDODQRQHRIRXU¿UVWJUDQWHHV receiving his plaque as a Fulbright Alumnus receiving her plaque as a Fulbright Alumna Highlights of the opening were speeches by three of our distinguished guests, U.S. Ambassador Francis Ricciardione, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs Mr. Adam Ereli, and Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey Mr. Ali Babacan. In his welcoming remarks, Ambassador Ricciardone (Fulbright ’73), emphasized the many success stories that have emerged from Fulbright exchange programs over the years, noting as an excellent example of this, Deputy Prime Minister Babacan. *GYGPVQPVQGZRTGUUJQY(WNDTKIJVQHſEGUNKMGVJGUGVJGTGHQTGGODQF[ŎNKHGEJCPIKPIŏURCEGU

Visiting from the United States, Mr. Adam Ereli praised the Turkish Fulbright Commission’s accomplishments in recent years. He also expressed his pleasure at being present for the opening reception and at being able to show Washington’s support not only for the Turkish Fulbright Program but also for the special partnership between the United States and Turkey.

Mr. Adam Ereli, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Mr. Ali Babacan, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister, giving his State for Educational & Cultural Affairs, giving his speech speech; Mr. Francis J. Ricciardone, U.S. Ambassador to Turkey +PVJGſPCNCFFTGUUQHVJGGXGPKPI/T#NK$CDCECPRQKPVGFQWVVJGNQPINCUVKPIKORCEVVJCVGFWECVKQPJCUQPRGQRNGCPFJQYVJKU helps explain why the Turkish Fulbright Commission has been so effective for so many years. He stated his happiness with the growth of the program—both in terms of numbers of American Fulbrighters coming to Turkey and with Turkish students and scholars going to the United States for educational purposes. He too noted the Turkish government’s satisfaction at being able to contribute to the Fulbright Program. Turning to his personal experiences, he talked about the tremendous enrichment he gained as a Fulbright scholar, and the on-going satisfaction and pride he takes in discovering and visiting with the huge network of Fulbright Alumni around the world.

2 July - December 2013 volume 2 issue 2 facebook.com/FulbrightTurkiye www.fulbright.org.tr TURKEY


Senior Lecturers, Senior Researchers and Student Researchers attended the End of Year Evaluation Meeting with the Board Members in Antalya between May 31 - June 2, 2013.

The Turkish Fulbright Commission organized an End of Year Evaluation Meeting for the 2012-2013 U.S. Grantees who are ſPKUJKPIWRVJGKTCECFGOKE[GCTKP6WTMG[6JGOGGVKPIYCU held in Tekirova, Antalya between May 31-June 2, 2013. The main objective of the meeting was to enable the grantees to share their academic and cultural experiences in Turkey and to evaluate their overall Fulbright experience. All grantees made presentations about their experiences, which showed how fruitful they spent their year at their host universities.

Present at the End of Year Evaluation Meeting were the U.S. Grantees and their family members as well as Board Members and staff of the Fulbright Commission. Fulbright U.S. Grantees, Commission Board Members and Fulbright Staff took a boat tour in the Mediterranean.

July - December 2013 volume 2 issue 2 3 www.fulbright.org.tr facebook.com/FulbrightTurkiye TURKEY

6WRULHVIURPRXU86*UDQWHHV 'U*ÖOKDQ¶QOÖ 6HQLRU5HVHDUFKHU 8QLYHUVLW\RI,GDKR,GDKR0LGGOH(DVW7HFKQLFDO8QLYHUVLW\ o0\)XOEULJKW$GYHQWXUHDW0LGGOH(DVW7HFKQLFDO8QLYHUVLW\p I have been working with Prof. Gürakan two students and presented guest lectures in the Department of Food Engineering at in food engineering courses. As part of Middle East Technical University (METU) P\ RXWUHDFK HIIRUWV 3URI (GZDUGV IURP since February. My Fulbright research Washington State University gave an GHDOVZLWKNH¿UDIXQFWLRQDOGDLU\EHYHUDJH invited seminar at METU followed by a ZLWK SURELRWLF PLFURRUJDQLVPV .H¿U LV reception. He was extremely pleased with becoming more popular in the world due to his experiences in Turkey and wishes to LWVDI¿UPDWLYHKHDOWKEHQH¿WV initiate research collaborations.

My research at METU has been a rewarding Dr. Gülhan Ünlü with Prof. Edwards and her My “Fulbright Adventure” at METU is H[SHULHQFH ,Q $SULO , KDG WKH FKDQFH WR EQNNGCIWGUHTQO/KFFNG'CUV6GEJPKECN7PKXGTUKV[ DERXW WR HQG EXW , KDYH IRQG PHPRULHV SUHVHQW RXU ¿QGLQJV DW WKH )LUVW $QQXDO National Food Reference Laboratory and to take with me! I would like to take Probiotics Prebiotics and Functional Foods discuss mutual research interests. this opportunity to express my sincere Congress. I also had the opportunity to appreciation to Fulbright and METU for speak about my ongoing research efforts in Teaching and advising of the bright and their generous support and to send my the U.S. My invited seminars at METU and talented METU students has been an best wishes to my fellow Fulbright Alumni were well received. exciting component of my tenure at METU. and the outstanding members of Fulbright It was certainly a privilege to visit the I have served as a research co-advisor for Turkey. Olivia Valentine 6WXGHQW5HVHDUFKHU 7KH6FKRRORI$UW,QVWLWXWHRI&KLFDJR,OOLQRLV0LGGOH(DVW7HFKQLFDO8QLYHUVLW\ o0\)XOEULJKW([SHULHQFHp $VDQDUWLVW,KDYHEHHQWKULOOHGWREHDEOH RI WKHLU JRRGV DQG ZRUNLQJ WRROV ZKLFK to spend a year working in Turkey. My time resulted in an architectural installation. here has been spent on three related projects: 7KURXJK RXU ZRUN DW )ODVK$W|O\H , ZDV $Q H[KLELWLRQ LQ øVWDQEXO UXQQLQJ )ODVK LQWURGXFHG WR WKH DUWLVW LQLWLDWLYH 3DVDMLVW $W|O\H DQ DUW SURMHFW VSDFH LQ ø]PLU DQG formerly located in a commercial pasaj the new work and research I am currently RQ øVWLNODO &DGGHVL LQ øVWDQEXO , FUHDWHG developing in Cappadocia. an exhibition for their now former space $ORQJ ZLWK P\ KXVEDQG DQG FRGLUHFWRU WKLV ZLQWHU HQWLWOHG ³3DQRUDPD´ 7KLV )ÕUDW (UGLP ZH LQLWLDWHG )ODVK $W|O\H LQ installation is based directly on my research WKH.DUúÕ\DNDdDUúÕLQ6HSWHPEHUDV that I have been conducting in Turkey on an art studio and project space. Together we WH[WLOHDQGDUFKLWHFWXUDOHGJHRUQDPHQWDWLRQ and is loosely based on a strand of ø÷QH PDGHWKH¿UVWSURMHFWFDOOHG³6HFRQG&LW\´ 2\DVÕHQODUJHGWRDQDUFKLWHFWXUDOVFDOH ZKLFK ZDV D PLQLPDO SDLQWHG LQVWDOODWLRQ creating light from a skylight that does not (TQOVJGQRGPKPIGXGPVHQT/QOGPVVQ/QOGPV#P I am currently developing new work in the H[LVW6LQFHWKDW¿UVWSURMHFWLQ6HSWHPEHU DG#PCRCTVKEKRCVQT[RTQLGEVCPFGZJKDKVKQPD[0KEQNG ODQGVFDSH RI &DSSDGRFLD ZKHUH , ZLOO EH Seisler, which opened on December 15, 2012.  ZH KDYH KRVWHG RYHU WHQ DUWLVWV LQ residing until the end of June. I am also WKH VSDFH ERWK IURP 7XUNH\ DQG DEURDG WKURXJK

4 July - December 2013 volume 2 issue 2 facebook.com/FulbrightTurkiye www.fulbright.org.tr TURKEY


2012-2013 ETAs



The main purpose of the project was to document the educational and cultural integration of the American grantees to Turkey as part of the Fulbright-Council of Higher Education (YÖK) ETA Program.

7KH¿OPLQJVWDUWHGLQ(VNLúHKLUDQGWKHQFRQWLQXHGLQ8úDNDQG%DOÕNHVLU During the whole process it was a pleasure to see everyone enjoying teaching at their universities and how well they were all adjusted to the Turkish Culture. ,QJP2CWN%JQKFWTKPICPKPVGTXKGYYKVJ 4WUUGNN)WCLCTFQKP$CNÆMGUKT

July - December 2013 volume 2 issue 2 5 www.fulbright.org.tr facebook.com/FulbrightTurkiye TURKEY


-RKQ3DXO&KRL (7$*UDQWHH 5HQHZDO %RVWRQ&ROOHJH0DVVDFKXVHWWV8íDN8QLYHUVLW\ 5HPLQLVFHQFHV$ERXWD8QLTXH([SHULHQFH ,WDOOVWDUWHGZLWKDDPEXVULGHIURP8úDN surrounding them. Umut the cameraman WR(VNLúHKLU,ZDVKDSS\WR¿QDOO\PDNHD was decisive and thoughtful. My newly WULSWR(VNLúHKLU,KHDUGWKDWLWZDVDJUHDW wedded wife Hemin was supportive and college city and it lived up to its name. The KHOSIXO 8úDN ZDV QLFH EHFDXVH , ZDV VRFLDOQLJKWOLIHLQ(VNLúHKLUDQGWKHWUDQTXLO SURPRWLQJ DQG SUHVHQWLQJ P\ WRZQ P\ stream that ran through the city made it feel KRPH DQG P\ )XOEULJKW H[SHULHQFH , so peaceful. I was nervous and excited about ZDV WKH RQO\ )XOEULJKWHU WKHUH DQG , ZDV ¿OPLQJWKH)XOEULJKWYLGHR,GLGQRWNQRZ excited and eager to show and tell about what to expect but I was excited to show P\ DPD]LQJ )XOEULJKW H[SHULHQFH , ZDV off and promote the Turkey ETA Program. H[FLWHGWRVKRZP\IDYRULWHFDIH%DKoHQD] +DYLQJ$VOÕ (7$3URJUDP$GPLQLVWUDWRU  DQG P\ IDYRULWH UHVWDXUDQW*OoLQ 3LGH , ZLWKXVLQ(VNLúHKLUZDVUHDVVXULQJEHFDXVH ZDV HDJHU WR LQWURGXFH P\ 8úDN IDPLO\ once again I did not really know what the +DOLO .HQDQ DQG )XQGD WR )XOEULJKW ¿OPSURMHFWZRXOGORRNOLNH$IWHUVWDUWLQJ I showed how I fell in love with Turkey. WKH ¿OPLQJ DQG LQWHUYLHZLQJ ZLWK &DVVLH I showed how much I love Turkey and $OOLVRQDQG&DLWOLQ,ZDVFHUWDLQWKDWWKLV ,QJP2CWN%JQKKPVGTXKGYKPI'UMKĩGJKT'6#U how much Turkey has loved me. The YLGHR ZRXOG WXUQ RXW JUHDW 0RUHRYHU hospitable and welcoming Turkish people Russell and Greg shared their unique and 7KHJLUOVLQ(VNLúHKLUKDGJUHDWHQWKXVLDVP have made my Fulbright time priceless and intriguing two-year experiences as renewal DQG HQHUJ\ GXULQJ WKH LQWHUYLHZV $VOÕ XQIRUJHWWDEOH , ZLOO GH¿QLWHO\ EH FRPLQJ grantees. I was lucky to be working with was composed and encouraging. The guys back to Turkey in the future--hopefully such a great Fulbright team. LQ %DOÕNHVLU KDG JUHDW VWRULHV DQG IULHQGV sooner than later.



6 July - December 2013 volume 2 issue 2 facebook.com/FulbrightTurkiye www.fulbright.org.tr TURKEY


The Student Core Program provides grants for graduate study in the United States for Master’s Degree, Ph.D Degree and Ph.D Dissertation Research and is the largest program of the Turkish Fulbright Commission.

Applications for the 2014-2015 Fulbright Student Core Program Cycle were received until March 22, 2013. The Commission JCUTGEGKXGFCRRNKECVKQPUHTQOFKHHGTGPVſGNFUQHUVWF[6JG selection committees evaluated the application dossiers and students have been invited to the interviews. The selection process Mr. Arthur Austin making a presentation to the will be completed by the end of June and an orientation meeting Turkish Fulbright Grantees in Ankara. will be held in July for the newly selected students. Meanwhile, Mr. Arthur Austin, Assistant Director for the Institute of the placement process for the 2013-2014 nominees continues. So International Education Foreign Fulbright Programs Division far, 44 students have been placed in various compatible programs QH'WTQRGCPF'WTCUKCXKUKVGFVJG(WNDTKIJV1HſEGUKP#PMCTC at U.S. universities and the rest are waiting to receive admission CPF ćUVCPDWN CPF ICXG RTGUGPVCVKQPU VQ VJG UGNGEVGF  decisions from the schools that they applied for. A Pre-Departure academic year Fulbright Student Core Program Grantees. During Orientation Seminar will be held for the students on June 27, his presentations, Mr. Austin talked about the placement process 2013 and grantees will begin their programs in August 2013. and answered grantees’ questions.

The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program are required to have a Bachelor’s Degree; a good command Humphrey Fellowship Program is offered to young and QH 'PINKUJ C OKPKOWO ſXG [GCTU QH UWDUVCPVKCN HWNNVKOG mid-career professionals in leadership professional experience in the public positions who have a commitment to public sector; evidence of leadership qualities; $0(5Ï.$%Ï5/(ÐÏ.'(9/(7/(5Ïl1'( service and the potential for professional limited or no prior experience in the +8%(57++803+5(< advancement. The recipients of this grant %856352*5$0, United States; and must not be older


+XPSKUH\%XUV3URJUDPÚ$NDGHPLN<ÚOÚQGD$PHULNDQËQLYHUVLWHOHULQGHDODQÚLOHLOJLOLÆÑUHQLPSUDWLN·DOÚÓPDYHDUDÓWÚUPD work for public service can apply for the \DSPDNLVWH\HQ.$08*§5(9/Ï/(5Ï1(.$08+Ï=0(7Ï9(5(1§=(/6(.7§5YH6Ï9Ï/723/80˜$/,Ð$1/$5,1$\ÆQHOLNWLU the Humphrey Program grantees for the


until August 29, 2013 to start their studies www.facebook.com/FulbrightTurkiye www.twitter.com/FulbrightTurkey have been placed at Boston University in the 2014-2015 academic year. Applicants The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship and Arizona State University. Program Recruitment Poster

July - December 2013 volume 2 issue 2 7 www.fulbright.org.tr facebook.com/FulbrightTurkiye TURKEY

the research part in Turkey. The foreign teachers of the English $0(5ú.$%ú5/(ûú.'(9/(7/(5ú·1'( RTQITCO KU QRGP VQ CNN ſGNFU GZEGRV language with the opportunity to '2.725$6215$6, $5$û7,50$%8568 HQTſGNFUCPFRTQLGEVUYJKEJTGSWKTG TGſPG VJGKT UMKNNU KPETGCUG VJGKT clinical research. Turkish scholars 'PINKUJ NCPIWCIG RTQſEKGPE[ CPF who have held a Ph.D degree for a extend their knowledge of U.S. society minimum of three years are eligible and culture. The program is open to for the program. English Language Teachers between the ages of 21-29. The selected FLTA 13 researchers were nominated for grantees work at U.S. universities 6RQ%DüYXUX7DULKL(NLP the 2013-2014 academic year and are as Teaching Assistants in Turkish %LOJLZZZIXOEULJKWRUJWU 6RUXODU×Q×]LoLQDGYLVLQJ#IXOEULJKWRUJWU now getting ready to go to the U.S.A. $QNDUD0HUNH]2ILVL  túVWDQEXOúUWLEDW2ILVL   Language Teaching Programs and %XUV$NDGHPLN<×O×QGDQLWLEDUHQJHoHUOLGLU starting in July, 2013. while in the U.S.A. the grantees are www.facebook.com/FulbrightTurkiye www.twitter.com/FulbrightTurkey Scholar-in-Residence Program allowed to take two graduate courses The Visiting Scholar Program Recruitment Poster The Scholar-in-Residence Program KPVJGKTſGNF

The Visiting Scholar Program is administered by the Council The nominees of the 2013-2014 for International Exchange of The deadline for applications for the academic year are waiting to be placed Scholars, a division of the Institute 2014-2015 Visiting Scholar Program at U.S. colleges and universities. of International Education. The is October 11, 2013. The Turkish The Community College Initiative program aims to bring visiting Fulbright Commission increased (CCI) Program scholars and professionals to lecture the grant length from six months to at U.S. colleges and universities. The Commission selected 12 twelve months beginning with the The application deadline for the candidates for the 2013-2014 2014-15 academic year. Scholars who academic year for the Community next cohort of Scholars-in-Residence are awarded this grant do research College Initiative Program. The Program is October 15, 2013. KP VJGKT ſGNFU CV CP KPUVKVWVKQP QT C selected Turkish Vocational School The Foreign Language Teaching university in the U.S.A. Applicants students are waiting to be placed in Assistant (FLTA) Program must have an excellent command U.S. Community Colleges for one QH 'PINKUJ KP QTFGT VQ FQ UEKGPVKſE FLTA is a nine-month, non-degree academic year. The grantees will research and to attend educational program that aims to strengthen start to depart for the United States and cultural events. Applicants must foreign language instruction at U.S. beginning from June, 2013. Upon have started a Post-Doc research colleges and universities and some completion of their programs the project and must have completed high schools, while providing future ITCPVGGUYKNNTGEGKXGCEGTVKſECVG

8 July - December 2013 volume 2 issue 2 facebook.com/FulbrightTurkiye www.fulbright.org.tr TURKEY



I heard the name of “Fulbright” for the ſTUV VKOG YJGP QPG QH O[ RTQHGUUQTU CV $QþC\KÁK 7PKXGTUKV[ OGPVKQPGF CDQWV her Fulbright Scholarship at Columbia University. At that time, I was a junior student in Mathematics Education. A year later, I applied for the scholarship, but I thought that my chances of being selected were low. On the other hand, after the Fulbright interview, I felt that I would be a Fulbrighter because my interview went really well. The moment I read the e-mail about my acceptance to the scholarship was one of the happiest memories of my life, because receiving such a prestigious scholarship has been the most important ćDTCJKO$WTCM©NOG\CVCP#OGTKECP(QQVDCNN)COG achievement throughout my life. I always wanted to get accepted to this attended. People at the university perceive university, so I was very happy to be Fulbrighters as successful students. I really During the application process to the admitted. schools, I had four preferences, and appreciate the Fulbright Scholarship and the University of Georgia (UGA) was When I started my Master’s Degree at thank you very much for regarding me my second preference. Since it is very UGA, people always acknowledged that as one of the members of the Fulbright prominent in Mathematics Education, I am a Fulbrighter at the meetings that I Family.


The Fulbright Scholarship is one of the greatest opportunities for continuing your academic studies in the United States. It provides you with an opportunity to encounter not only the U.S. culture, values and people, but also cultures and people from different parts of the world. Such an encounter changes your perception of the world and understanding of your position within that world. It gives you a new global perspective. This was exactly my experience at Princeton University. Moreover, through my journeys around the country I had the chance to enrich this experience. It was through Fulbright that I have developed strong friendships not only with Turkish Fulbrighters, but also with the other fellow Fulbrighters from all over the world with whom I have met in different occasions hosted by the Fulbright Program. (KTW\CP/GNKMG5×OGTVCĩKP9CUJKPIVQP&%

July - December 2013 volume 2 issue 2 9 www.fulbright.org.tr facebook.com/FulbrightTurkiye TURKEY


Prof. Zafer Durusoy is currently a faculty member in the Department of Physics Engineering at Hacettepe University and was a Visiting Scholar Program Grantee in 1992. Prof. Durusoy and his colleagues developed a space simulator, which can test whether electronic devices that will be sent into space will be able to operate in space without CP[ RTQDNGOU 6JGKTU KU VJG ſTUV URCEG simulator designed in Turkey, and with this simulator, Prof. Durusoy received the “Best Entrepreneurial Academician” award given by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology. 2TQH&WTWUQ[TGEGKXKPIJKURNCSWGHTQOVJG/KPKUVGTQH5EKGPEG+PFWUVT[CPF6GEJPQNQI[

9LVLWIURPD)XOEULJKW$OXPQXV &T$×NGPV-Æ\ÆNVCPYJQYCUQPGQHQWT%QOOKUUKQPŏU/CUVGTŏU2TQITCOITCPVGGU in 1998, is now a senior research associate and a teaching fellow at Harvard – 5OKVJUQPKCP %GPVGT HQT #UVTQRJ[UKEU *G KU CNUQ CHſNKCVGF YKVJ VJG +PUVKVWVG for Theory and Computation at Harvard University and the Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research. He gave a talk at the TEDx Fulbright event in Cambridge Massachusetts on April 24, 2012. His talk was titled “Our Connection to the Cosmos”. He is currently doing research on the evolution of compact objects (e.g. Neutron stars) which serve as unique tools for probing the fundamental laws of Physics. &T-Æ\ÆNVCPYKVJ&T'TUGN#[FÆPNÆ 'ZGEWVKXG&KTGEVQTQHVJG6WTMKUJ(WNDTKIJV%QOOKUUKQP on May 23, 2013 in Ankara. 3XEOLFDWLRQIURPDQ$OXPQD 2TQH#[HGT;CNÁÆP&GRCTVOGPVQH$KQEJGOKUVT['IG7PKXGTUKV[YJQYCUCYCTFGFC8KUKVKPI5EJQNCT Program Grant in 2008, coauthored an article which has recently been published in one of the most renowned journals in Neuroscience, the Journal of Neurochemistry. The Turkish Fulbright Commission was acknowledged in the article. The title of the article is “Gamma-glutamylcysteine ethyl ester protects cerebral endothelial cells during injury and decreases blood-brain-barrier permeability after experimental brain trauma”.


10 July - December 2013 volume 2 issue 2 facebook.com/FulbrightTurkiye www.fulbright.org.tr TURKEY

ADVISING PROGRAM The Advising Section of the Turkish Fulbright Applications”, which aimed SAT/ACT for undergraduate study as Fulbright Commission is run by VQKPHQTOVJGUVWFGPVUCDQWVJQYVQſNN well as sessions on IELTS (International an Advising Coordinator and three in the Fulbright Student Core Program English Language Testing System) and Educational Advisers who provide application form. PTE (Pearson Test of English) in Ankara information about both the Fulbright Apart from these presentations in CPFćUVCPDWN#NUQYKVJVJGJGNRQHQWT Grant Programs for citizens of different cities, the Advising Section American Grantees the Advising Section the Turkish Republic and general organized a Conversation Club activity information about study in the U.S.A. continued providing advising services in QWTQHſEGUHQTUVWFGPVUYJQCTGRNCPPKPI KP#PMCTCCPFćUVCPDWNQPEGCOQPVJ In the 2012-2013 academic year, the to study in the U.S.A. Students are always Like previous academic years, Educational Educational Advisers of our Commission welcome to consult our Educational Advisers attended international made presentations at 88 universities Advisers. They can ask their questions education fairs that were held in Ankara, in 40 cities of Turkey in order to give via e-mail or phone. For one-on-one information about the Fulbright Grant advising, an appointment has to be made. ćUVCPDWN CPF ć\OKT VQ RTQXKFG QDLGEVKXG Programs and higher education in information about study in the U.S.A. the U.S.A. Many undergraduate and In addition to the services mentioned graduate students as well as faculty above, the Advising Section held sessions All the activities of the Advising members attended these presentations on “How to Write a Successful Statement Section are announced on the activity and asked questions. In 12 cities these of Purpose”, TOEFL/GRE/GMAT calendar on the Commission’s web site, presentations were on “Effective seminars for graduate study, and TOEFL/ www.fulbright.org.tr.

1HZ$GYLVLQJ6HUYLFHVIRU6WXGHQWV students who would like to ask questions information about different options to about study opportunities in the U.S.A. study in the U.S.A., internships and can register to the system by clicking scholarship opportunities can use this on the “Online Advising” box on our system. After reading the information on YGD UKVG 5VWFGPVU ECP CNUQ NGCXG QHƀKPG Virtual Adviser, students can send their messages to our Educational Advisers. On the Commission’s new web site, the questions to [email protected] to Advising Section has started providing The second service is the “Virtual receive detailed information. two new services for students. One of Adviser”, which existed on our previous these is the “Online Advising” service. web site, but has been revised and turned Three times a week our Educational into a more student-friendly system. Advisers are online for one hour, and Students who would like to get general ('8&$7,2186$

EducationUSA is a global network of The EducationUSA Connects Sessions The EducationUSA Weekly Update is advising centers supported by the Bureau are organized on a regular basis and released every week and informs students of Educational and Cultural Affairs cover a variety of topics from researching and scholars about the scholarship CPF ſPCPEKCN CKF QRRQTVWPKVKGU QH 75 (ECA) at the U.S. Department of State. options to applying for a student visa and universities and colleges. For detailed EducationUSA advising centers provide preparing for departure. There are special information about the Connects accurate, comprehensive and current UGUUKQPU YJKEJ CTG CDQWV URGEKſE ſGNFU Sessions and Weekly Update please information about how to apply to of study such as Engineering, Law and visit www.educationusa.info or accredited U.S. colleges and universities. Management. www.fulbright.org.tr

July - December 2013 volume 2 issue 2 11 www.fulbright.org.tr facebook.com/FulbrightTurkiye TURKEY

6&(1(6)5207+(&200,66,21n6 $'9,6,1*$&7,9,7,(6$1'6&+22/9,6,76




12 July - December 2013 volume 2 issue 2 facebook.com/FulbrightTurkiye www.fulbright.org.tr TURKEY




July - December 2013 volume 2 issue 2 13 www.fulbright.org.tr facebook.com/FulbrightTurkiye TURKEY



The workshop started with welcome TGOCTMU D[ /U /GXN×FG $CMÆT After that, the participants gave brief information about their university

9QTMUJQRRCTVKEKRCPVUYKVJVJG#FXKUKPI5GEVKQP5VCHHQHVJG%QOOKUUKQP RTQſNGU KPENWFKPI VJG PWODGT QH international students they have and 6JG#FXKUKPI%QQTFKPCVQT/U/GXN×FG$CMÆTCPF'FWECVKQPCN their cooperation with U.S. universities. The workshop continued #FXKUGTU KP QWT ćUVCPDWN $TCPEJ 1HſEG /U *CNKFG ĶNM× ćPCN with the presentation about the history and the grant programs CPF/U/GTKJ7þWTGNQTICPK\GFCQPGFC[NQPIYQTMUJQRHQT of the Turkish Fulbright Commission. Since Turkish students the directors and representatives of the International Relations YJQYKUJVQUVWF[CDTQCFIGPGTCNN[ſTUVEQPVCEVVJG+PVGTPCVKQPCN 1HſEGUQHVJGWPKXGTUKVKGUKPćUVCPDWN6JGYQTMUJQRYCUJGNFQP 4GNCVKQPU1HſEGUQHVJGKTWPKXGTUKVKGUQWTYQTMUJQRYCUHTWKVHWN January 22, 2013 at the Cibali Campus of Kadir Has University. in terms of informing the participants about the grant programs We would like to thank the Rector and the International Relations of the Turkish Fulbright Commission and about the education 1HſEG QH -CFKT *CU 7PKXGTUKV[ HQT JQUVKPI VJG YQTMUJQR QP system in the U.S.A. their campus. #V VJG GPF QH VJG YQTMUJQR VJG RCTVKEKRCPVU ſNNGF QWV C UWTXG[  RCTVKEKRCPVU HTQO  WPKXGTUKVKGU KP ćUVCPDWN CVVGPFGF VJG about the effectiveness of the workshop. All participants stated workshop. The participants who attended the workshop were VJCVVJG[DGPGſVGFHTQOVJGYQTMUJQRCNQVCPFVJCVVJG[YQWNF HTQO #EÆDCFGO 7PKXGTUKV[ $CJÁGĩGJKT 7PKXGTUKV[ $QþC\KÁK be willing to cooperate with our Commission in the future. Such 7PKXGTUKV[ (CVKJ 5WNVCP /GJOGV 8CMÆH 7PKXGTUKV[ (CVKJ cooperation will include organizing seminars and presentations at 7PKXGTUKV[ )CNCVCUCTC[ 7PKXGTUKV[ )GFKM 7PKXGTUKV[ +ĩÆM their universities about Fulbright Grants and Study in the U.S.A. 7PKXGTUKV[ćUVCPDWN#[FÆP7PKXGTUKV[ćUVCPDWN$KNIK7PKXGTUKV[ opportunities and announcing the deadlines of our grant programs ćUVCPDWN $KNKO 7PKXGTUKV[ ćUVCPDWN  /C[ÆU 7PKXGTUKV[ on their universities’ websites, newspapers, newsletters and radio ćUVCPDWN-×NV×T7PKXGTUKV[ćUVCPDWN6KECTGV7PKXGTUKV[ćUVCPDWN programs, etc.


AMERİKA’YA GİDECEK ÖĞRENCİLERE GÜZEL BİR HABERİMİZ VAR! +P,WPGVYQ2TG&GRCTVWTG1TKGPVCVKQP5GOKPCTUYGTGJGNFKP#PMCTCCPFćUVCPDWN6YQOQTG Amerika’ya gitmek üzere hazırlıklarını yapan öğrencileri, Türkiye Fulbright Eğitim Komisyonu tarafından düzenlenen Amerika'ya Gidiş Öncesi Oryantasyon Seminerlerine davet ediyoruz. Oryantasyon Seminerlerimiz bütün öğrencilere açık olup, katılım ücretsizdir. will take place in July 2013. The Pre-Departure Orientation Seminars are for Turkish students of all Oryantasyon Seminerlerimizde aşağıda belirtilen konulara değinilmektedir :

• Kültür şoku ve uyum süreci • Yolculuk planlama, yanınızda götürebilecekleriniz / götüremeyecekleriniz • Gerekli resmi belgeler levels who are getting ready to study in the U.S.A. In these seminars the participants get information • Sağlık sigortası ve aşılar • Kalacak yer ararken dikkat edilecekler noktalar • Güvenlik konuları • Banka işlemleri, Amerika'da banka hesabı açma, para transferi yapma • Günlük hayat ile ilgili pratik bilgiler about daily life in the U.S.A. including the health system, how to open a bank account, how to do • Akademik ortam ve sorumluluklar - Türkiye'den neler farklı? • Amerika'da nelere şaşıracaksınız?

Ankara İstanbul ITQEGT[ UJQRRKPI CPF JQY VQ ſPF CRRTQRTKCVG CEEQOOQFCVKQP 2NWU VJG[ CTG KPHQTOGF CDQWV VJG 18 Haziran 2013 20 Haziran 2013 16 Temmuz 2013 18 Temmuz 2013 Türk-Amerikan Derneği Fulbright Eğitim Komisyonu Cinnah Caddesi No:20 Dümen Sok. No:3/11 Kavaklıdere Gümüşsuyu [email protected] [email protected] concept of “Culture Shock” and ways to overcome it. What’s more, our academic advisers provide

Katılım için detaylı bilgiye www.fulbright.org.tr ve www.facebook.com/fulbrightturkiye adreslerinden ulaşılabilir. information about the medical forms and other documents that the students need to take with them. Pre-Departure Orientation Seminars Poster

14 July - December 2013 volume 2 issue 2 facebook.com/FulbrightTurkiye www.fulbright.org.tr TURKEY



How did you learn about the advising Apart from your academic standing what services of the Turkish Fulbright other areas did you develop yourself in Commission and EdUSA Educational order to be accepted to U.S. universities Advisers? What kind of help did you get CPF VQ ſPF UEJQNCTUJKRU! 9JCV MKPF QH from our Educational Advisers? activities do you think were important? &CþJCPCVJKUUEJQQNKP


How and when did you decide to study Commission and EdUSA Educational abroad? Did you get help and guidance Advisers? What kind of help did you get from anyone during this process? from our Educational Advisers?

I decided to study abroad when I was in the When I was an 11th grade student, I was second term of the 10th grade, because at trying to get help about the application that time I became a member of the MUN process to U.S. universities by doing 6WþDGTMYKVJJKUENCUUOCVGUKP#PVCN[C Club at Antalya Koleji. We attended research on the Internet. At that time, I How do you think studying in the U.S.A. an international conference and at that found the contact info of the Fulbright will help you in achieving your goals? conference I realized how much I like 1HſEG KP ćUVCPDWN 6JG CFXKUKPI UGTXKEG interacting and spending time with people + TGEGKXGF HTQO VJG (WNDTKIJV ćUVCPDWN One of the best characteristics of the U.S. from different nationalities. My teacher at 1HſEG JGNRGF OG C NQV FWTKPI VJG universities is to give chance to the students the MUN Club gave me advice on study application process since the information to put theory into practice. I think that no abroad. After talking to my teacher, I they provided me with was reliable. They other city in the world can provide me decided to study in the U.S.A. She told me JGNRGFOGſPFVJGWPKXGTUKVKGUVJCVYQWNF with internship opportunities as much as that it would be easier for me to adapt to DGUV ſV O[ CECFGOKE DCEMITQWPF CPF Washington D.C. What’s more, studying the school atmosphere in the U.S.A. Thus, goals, and also helped me to understand together with people from different parts I started the application process. the application process. They were very of the world and exchanging opinions How did you learn about the advising willing to help me and the sources they with them will help me a lot in becoming services of the Turkish Fulbright shared with me were extremely helpful. a “World Citizen”.

July - December 2013 volume 2 issue 2 15 www.fulbright.org.tr facebook.com/FulbrightTurkiye TURKEY

AN INSPIRING STORY 3URI3RODW*ÖONDQUHFHLYHGRXU&RPPLVVLRQnV0DVWHUnV'HJUHH*UDQWLQ$JUDGXDWHRI0LGGOH(DVW7HFKQLFDO 8QLYHUVLW\KHVHUYHGKLVXQLYHUVLW\IRU\HDUVXSRQKLVUHWXUQIURPWKH86$3URI*ÖONDQLVFXUUHQWO\D3URIHVVRU DW¡DQND\D8QLYHUVLW\DQGWKH3UHVLGHQWRIWKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO$VVRFLDWLRQIRU(DUWKTXDNH(QJLQHHULQJ When did you receive the Fulbright After I read his biography, with all these Grant? When did you go to the U.S.A.? characteristics he was a person that I have always admired. That’s why I knew that I heard about the Fulbright Grant for it would be a great honor to apply for a VJGſTUVVKOGKPYJGP+YCUCLWPKQT grant program that was named after him. student at university. One day, while I was Thus; I made my application. talking to a friend of mine, he reminded me that the deadline for the application You received our Commission’s Master’s to the grant was the following week. We Degree Grant. After receiving your both applied and we both received the Master’s Degree, did you stay in the ITCPV9GYGPVVQVJG75#KP U.S.A. for your Doctorate Degree?

Why did you apply for the Fulbright There was not much experimental study Grant? conducted on Earthquake Engineering Playing ice-hockey at the university where I went for my It is a pleasure to be appreciated by others When I made my application, Senator Master’s Degree, but after a year, a big and to receive an award in return. Up Fulbright was still alive, and I was earthquake hit Caracas, Venezuela. The WPVKN PQY CTQWPF  UEKGPVKUVU KP following this exchange program that he Professor that I wanted to work with VQVCNJCXGTGEGKXGFVJG6¯$ć6#-5EKGPEG started between many countries of the went to the earthquake site to make Award. Thus, receiving this award has world. I have always thought that the observations, and he gave seminars when been one of the greatest honors in my life. Fulbright Program is very important for he returned. After that, he started research As for the NATO Science Prize, I received U.S. foreign policy, because Fulbright projects based on experiments, and one it after completing another important Grants give people a chance to get to of these projects was about bringing project funded by NATO successfully, know different cultures. Senator Fulbright an earthquake shaking table to our which was about the earthquakes that hit was a member of a generation who saw university. I got a Research Assistantship Turkey in 1999. These earthquakes can two world wars, and thus he chose to be considered as important milestones for be a representative of moderate politics. with the help of the budget the Professor Turkey. Also, since he was a Rhodes Scholar he received. Thus, I started my Doctorate had a different academic background. Degree. I received an education which Although Turkey is a country which is shaped my professional life, and which prone to earthquakes, we do not think made me who I am now. I learned a lot that we take enough precautions. What from the people I met during my graduate do you think about this? studies. It is not easy to be ready for an earthquake. You have had many important positions Being ready does not only mean having in your academic life, and you received extra food, water or pills with you as they many awards and prizes including a say on TV. In order to be ready for an 0#61 5EKGPEG 2TK\G CPF C 6¯$ć6#- earthquake, there are things you need Science Award. How did receiving these to do in a wider spectrum. For example, awards affect your work? legislation concerning construction Illinois Shake Table, 1968

16 July - December 2013 volume 2 issue 2 facebook.com/FulbrightTurkiye www.fulbright.org.tr TURKEY

should be revised which is a very detailed form a platform to share knowledge and thing to do. There are many problems in GZRGTKGPEG HQT RTQHGUUKQPCNU KP VJG ſGNF the infrastructure of Turkey. We need to of earthquake engineering all around the UQNXG VJGUG ſTUV 2NWU KV PGGFU ſPCPEKCN world. In accordance with this mission, power to be ready for an earthquake, one of the main responsibilities of this but since the earthquakes in 1999 taught association is to organize a worldwide many lessons, some changes have started conference. to be made. For example, practices such Can you tell us about an unforgettable as Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool memory you have from the years when Prof. Polat Gülkan presenting at a conference (DASK), urban transformation, building you were in the U.S.A. as a Fulbright C (WNDTKIJVGT EQPVTKDWVGF UKIPKſECPVN[ inspection have been really helpful. Grantee? to my accomplishments and to the #TGVJGTGUWHſEKGPVPWODGTQHEQWTUGUCPF Two things impressed me a lot. When I awards I received. It is important that the ſGNFUQHURGEKCNK\CVKQPUQPGCTVJSWCMGUCV went to the U.S.A., I had just graduated Fulbright Grantees represent Turkey and the departments of Civil Engineering at from university, and the work ethics in the Turkish society successfully. It is not Turkish universities? the U.S.A. left a lasting impression on enough to be academically successful. For me. Even a tenured professor who is also Earthquake Engineering has become example, an interviewee for the Fulbright renowned all around the world would go C RQRWNCT ſGNF KP VJG RCUV ſXG [GCTU Grant should know who Senator J. to work at 5 a.m. and would make his We can see many articles published on William Fulbright was. If she/he does not course preparations. Since people earn GCTVJSWCMGU KP UEKGPVKſE LQWTPCNU 6JWU know anything about him, this indicates their professional degrees at universities, there is a larger group of professionals in lack of interest to a certain extent. Apart they see such a hardworking environment terms of academic research, progress and from this, candidates who state that one of there, and they work hard in their later consultancy when compared to the past. life as well. This is also a proof of why the their career goals is to stay in the U.S.A. I hope that this will develop more in the U.S.A. is so developed as a country. should be aware of the fact that they are future. not setting a goal which matches with the The other thing that impressed me was the main goal of the Fulbright Program. You are currently the President of the social order in the U.S.A. For example, International Association for Earthquake VJGTG YGTG PQ VTCHſE NKIJVU KP #PMCTC What would you advise to our grantees Engineering (IAEE) whose center is in before I left it. The police would control that are in the U.S.A. right now? Tokyo. Can you inform us about the VJG VTCHſE CV KORQTVCPV ETQUUTQCFU DWV activities of this association? VJGTG YGTG VTCHſE NKIJVU KP VJG 75# Higher education is like an open buffet. *QYGXGTUKPEG+YCUPQVWUGFVQVTCHſE While some students take food which will IAEE is a confederation of world’s lights, I would jaywalk. One day, I was make them feel full, some come hungry national earthquake engineering societies, jaywalking in Chicago and the police and it currently has 57 members. IAEE and leave hungry. No one should be in the UVQRRGFOGCPFſPGFOGHQTLC[YCNMKPI has some missions. One of these is to second group. A university student should +JCFVQRC[CſPG6JKUYCUQHEQWTUG also broaden his/her vision of the world. I an important lesson for me. advise them not to forget that a university What would you recommend to the gives perspective to an individual. This students who are planning to apply for perspective is very important, and in my the Fulbright Grants in the future? How opinion one of the best university systems did receiving the Fulbright Grant change in the world is in the U.S.A. That’s why; your life? as Fulbright Grantees they should always Receiving the Fulbright Grant affected know that they have won a big lottery, In Urbana on January 1, 1967 my life immensely. I believe that being and that this grant will change their life.

July - December 2013 volume 2 issue 2 17 www.fulbright.org.tr facebook.com/FulbrightTurkiye TURKEY


Ms. Mary Kirk, Director of Academic Exchange Programs at the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs; Mr. Joseph McCormick, Academic Exchange Specialist at the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs; Mr. Arthur Austin, Assistant Director of Foreign Fulbright Programs at the Institute of International Education visited the Commission and attended a reception with the Fulbright U.S.Grantees and the Fulbright Commission Staff on February 25, 2013 in Ankara.

1HZPHPEHURI2XU6WDII Ms. Mary Kirk, Mr. Joseph McCormick and Mr. Arthur Austin at a meeting 0V 3ÜQDU .ÜOÜÁKDQ ìHQHU with the Fulbright Staff on February MRLQHG WKH &RPPLVVLRQ DV KP#PMCTC WKHQHZ7XUNLVK3URJUDPV $VVLVWDQWLQ0DUFK

&T 'TUGN #[FÆPNÆ 'ZGEWVKXG &KTGEVQT QH VJG 6WTMKUJ (WNDTKIJV %QOOKUUKQP attended a meeting with the Executive Directors of the Fulbright Commissions in Europe between March 17-22, 2013 in Washington D.C. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the recent trends and developments in the Fulbright Program.

The Cultural Association of Friendship and Cooperation in the Bosphorus Atlantic and ten faculty members from the Christopher Newport University in 8KTIKPKCKPVJG75#XKUKVGFVJG6WTMKUJ(WNDTKIJV%QOOKUUKQP*GCF1HſEG in Ankara on May 22, 2013. The purpose of the visit was to discuss the Turkish Fulbright Commission Scholarship Programs and EducationUSA opportunities for scholars and students.

/U 5GÁKN ;C\ÆEÆQþNW YJQ YQTMGF CU VJG #OGTKECP 2TQITCOU 1HſEGT HQT the Commission for 15 years, will retire in July 2013. The Turkish Fulbright Commission is thankful for her many contribution over the years.

18 July - December 2013 volume 2 issue 2 facebook.com/FulbrightTurkiye www.fulbright.org.tr TURKEY


Applications from 2010-2011 to 2014-2015 Academic Years


1000 The largest grant program of our Commission is the Turkish Student Core Program, which includes Master’s, Doctorate 800 and Visiting Student Researcher Grants. The total number of 600 applications per year since 2010-2011 academic year can be seen

400 in the chart on the left. The number of applications for the CECFGOKE[GCTKUVJGJKIJGUVKPVJGNCUVſXG[GCTU 200

0 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015

2014-2015 Application Cycle Applicants' City of Application The deadline for applications to the Turkish Student Core Program for the 2014-2015 academic year was March 22, 2013. Abroad This year the number of applications reached a record high, Other Cities Ankara KPETGCUKPID[EQORCTGFVQVJGCECFGOKE[GCT Ankara There were applications from 40 cities of Turkey other than østanbul øzmir øzmir #PMCTC ćUVCPDWN CPF ć\OKT +P CFFKVKQP VJG %QOOKUUKQP Other Cities received applications from 13 countries around the world. Abroad #RRNKECVKQPUYGTGTGEGKXGFKPFKHHGTGPVſGNFUQHUVWF[


Degree Objectives Turkish students who wish to pursue Master’s or Doctorate From 2010-2011 to 2014-2015 AcademicYears Degrees or to do research on their doctoral dissertations apply 700 for our Commission’s Student Core Program. After they 600 500 submit their applications online, the evaluation committees 400 300 CTGHQTOGFCPFVJGEQOOKVVGGOGODGTUIQVJTQWIJVJGſNGU 200 selecting candidates that are eligible for the interview. The 100 0 ſNGU QH VJQUG ECPFKFCVGU YJQ UWEEGUUHWNN[ RCUU VJG KPVGTXKGY

Master's Master's Master's Master's Master's stage are sent to the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Doctorate Doctorate Doctorate Doctorate Doctorate $QCTFKPVJG75#HQTſPCNCRRTQXCN(QNNQYKPIVJGCRRTQXCN the next step is the placement of the approved candidates at

Visiting Student Researcher Student Visiting Researcher Student Visiting Researcher Student Visiting Researcher Student Visiting Researcher Student Visiting U.S. universities. The placement is done with the help of the 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 Institute of the International Education.

July - December 2013 volume 2 issue 2 19 TURKEY