(VNLíHKLU<ROX.P7HSH3ULPHñí0HUNH]L%%ORN1R¡DQND\Dr$QNDUD3K )D[ IDFHERRNFRP)XOEULJKW7XUNL\H Dear Fulbright friends, THE OPENING RECEPTION We have great news to celebrate with this 4th issue of our Newsletter—we have OQXGFKPVQQWTPGYQHſEGURCEG9GCTG OF THE TURKISH FULBRIGHT one of the oldest Commissions in the world, and now we are located in one of the newest buildings! I would like to thank everybody who helped in making &200,66,21n61(:2)),&( this move possible: the U.S. and Turkish governments, the Commission Board The Turkish Fulbright Commission has two offices in Turkey - a Members, and the staff here at Fulbright. As you will see on the following pages, we KHDGRIILFHLQ$QNDUDDQGVLQFHDEUDQFKRIILFHLQñVWDQEXO have had a busy and productive year so far, with interest in Fulbright and in our Our Ankara Head Office moved three times in the years following services growing faster than ever before. WKH &RPPLVVLRQnV RSHQLQJ LQ EXW IRU WKH SDVW \HDUV We are now re-energized to take on even bigger goals from our new Fulbright RSHUDWHGRXWRIDQDSDUWPHQWLQWKH¡DQND\DGLVWULFWRIWKHFLW\ home, which is, of course, also your new Fulbright home, so be sure to come visit us QHDUWKHSUHVLGHQWLDOSDODFH7KLVVSULQJWKH&RPPLVVLRQZDVDEOH and be a part of it. Have a good summer. to relocate to a newer, safer, and more easily accessible location &T'TUGN#[FÆPNÆ Executive Director LQWKH7HSH3ULPHñí0HUNH]LRQ(VNLíHKLU5RDG The Turkish Fulbright Commission /DXQFKRI2XU1HZ:HE6LWH On May 3, 2013, the Commission’s new website was launched with a completely new design. Changes include the addition of photos, both recent and old, from Commission activities; a brand new feature called ‘Inspiring Stories’, which presents interviews with Fulbright Alumni; and (From left to right) Mr. Adam Ereli, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Educational & Cultural the integration of an ‘Online Advising’ #HHCKTU2TQH5CDCJCV-C[OCMÁCNCPQPGQHQWTſTUVITCPVGGU&T'TUGN#[FÆPNÆ'ZGEWVKXG&KTGEVQTQHVJG Turkish Fulbright Commission; Mr. Ali Babacan, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister and a Fulbright Alumnus; section to provide immediate and up-to- Mr. John T. McCarthy, the Turkish Fulbright Commission Board Chairman, ING Bank Turkey; Mr. Francis J. date information for anyone interested in Ricciardone, U.S. Ambassador to Turkey research and study opportunities in the Continued on page 2 U.S.A. www.fulbright.org.tr facebook.com/FulbrightTurkiye TURKEY SCENES FROM THE OPENING RECEPTION 7KHKRQRUDU\JXHVWRIWKHRSHQLQJUHFHSWLRQZDV3URI6DEDKDW.D\PDNÁDODQZKRZHQWWRWKH86$LQDV RQHRIRXUILUVWJUDQWHHV'HSXW\3ULPH0LQLVWHURI7XUNH\0U$OL%DEDFDQDQG3URI6DEDKDW.D\PDNÁDODQHDFK UHFHLYHGDSODTXHIRUEHLQJ)XOEULJKW$OXPQL Mr. Ali Babacan, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister, 3URI6DEDKDW.D\PDNoDODQRQHRIRXU¿UVWJUDQWHHV receiving his plaque as a Fulbright Alumnus receiving her plaque as a Fulbright Alumna Highlights of the opening were speeches by three of our distinguished guests, U.S. Ambassador Francis Ricciardione, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs Mr. Adam Ereli, and Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey Mr. Ali Babacan. In his welcoming remarks, Ambassador Ricciardone (Fulbright ’73), emphasized the many success stories that have emerged from Fulbright exchange programs over the years, noting as an excellent example of this, Deputy Prime Minister Babacan. *GYGPVQPVQGZRTGUUJQY(WNDTKIJVQHſEGUNKMGVJGUGVJGTGHQTGGODQF[ŎNKHGEJCPIKPIŏURCEGU Visiting from the United States, Mr. Adam Ereli praised the Turkish Fulbright Commission’s accomplishments in recent years. He also expressed his pleasure at being present for the opening reception and at being able to show Washington’s support not only for the Turkish Fulbright Program but also for the special partnership between the United States and Turkey. Mr. Adam Ereli, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Mr. Ali Babacan, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister, giving his State for Educational & Cultural Affairs, giving his speech speech; Mr. Francis J. Ricciardone, U.S. Ambassador to Turkey +PVJGſPCNCFFTGUUQHVJGGXGPKPI/T#NK$CDCECPRQKPVGFQWVVJGNQPINCUVKPIKORCEVVJCVGFWECVKQPJCUQPRGQRNGCPFJQYVJKU helps explain why the Turkish Fulbright Commission has been so effective for so many years. He stated his happiness with the growth of the program—both in terms of numbers of American Fulbrighters coming to Turkey and with Turkish students and scholars going to the United States for educational purposes. He too noted the Turkish government’s satisfaction at being able to contribute to the Fulbright Program. Turning to his personal experiences, he talked about the tremendous enrichment he gained as a Fulbright scholar, and the on-going satisfaction and pride he takes in discovering and visiting with the huge network of Fulbright Alumni around the world. 2 July - December 2013 volume 2 issue 2 facebook.com/FulbrightTurkiye www.fulbright.org.tr TURKEY AMERICAN PROGRAMS (QGRI<HDU(YDOXDWLRQ0HHWLQJIRUWKH86*UDQWHHV Senior Lecturers, Senior Researchers and Student Researchers attended the End of Year Evaluation Meeting with the Board Members in Antalya between May 31 - June 2, 2013. The Turkish Fulbright Commission organized an End of Year Evaluation Meeting for the 2012-2013 U.S. Grantees who are ſPKUJKPIWRVJGKTCECFGOKE[GCTKP6WTMG[6JGOGGVKPIYCU held in Tekirova, Antalya between May 31-June 2, 2013. The main objective of the meeting was to enable the grantees to share their academic and cultural experiences in Turkey and to evaluate their overall Fulbright experience. All grantees made presentations about their experiences, which showed how fruitful they spent their year at their host universities. Present at the End of Year Evaluation Meeting were the U.S. Grantees and their family members as well as Board Members and staff of the Fulbright Commission. Fulbright U.S. Grantees, Commission Board Members and Fulbright Staff took a boat tour in the Mediterranean. July - December 2013 volume 2 issue 2 3 www.fulbright.org.tr facebook.com/FulbrightTurkiye TURKEY 6WRULHVIURPRXU86*UDQWHHV 'U*ÖOKDQ¶QOÖ 6HQLRU5HVHDUFKHU 8QLYHUVLW\RI,GDKR,GDKR0LGGOH(DVW7HFKQLFDO8QLYHUVLW\ o0\)XOEULJKW$GYHQWXUHDW0LGGOH(DVW7HFKQLFDO8QLYHUVLW\p I have been working with Prof. Gürakan two students and presented guest lectures in the Department of Food Engineering at in food engineering courses. As part of Middle East Technical University (METU) P\ RXWUHDFK HIIRUWV 3URI (GZDUGV IURP since February. My Fulbright research Washington State University gave an GHDOVZLWKNH¿UDIXQFWLRQDOGDLU\EHYHUDJH invited seminar at METU followed by a ZLWK SURELRWLF PLFURRUJDQLVPV .H¿U LV reception. He was extremely pleased with becoming more popular in the world due to his experiences in Turkey and wishes to LWVDI¿UPDWLYHKHDOWKEHQH¿WV initiate research collaborations. My research at METU has been a rewarding Dr. Gülhan Ünlü with Prof. Edwards and her My “Fulbright Adventure” at METU is H[SHULHQFH ,Q $SULO , KDG WKH FKDQFH WR EQNNGCIWGUHTQO/KFFNG'CUV6GEJPKECN7PKXGTUKV[ DERXW WR HQG EXW , KDYH IRQG PHPRULHV SUHVHQW RXU ¿QGLQJV DW WKH )LUVW $QQXDO National Food Reference Laboratory and to take with me! I would like to take Probiotics Prebiotics and Functional Foods discuss mutual research interests. this opportunity to express my sincere Congress. I also had the opportunity to appreciation to Fulbright and METU for speak about my ongoing research efforts in Teaching and advising of the bright and their generous support and to send my the U.S. My invited seminars at METU and talented METU students has been an best wishes to my fellow Fulbright Alumni Hacettepe University were well received. exciting component of my tenure at METU. and the outstanding members of Fulbright It was certainly a privilege to visit the I have served as a research co-advisor for Turkey. Olivia Valentine 6WXGHQW5HVHDUFKHU 7KH6FKRRORI$UW,QVWLWXWHRI&KLFDJR,OOLQRLV0LGGOH(DVW7HFKQLFDO8QLYHUVLW\ o0\)XOEULJKW([SHULHQFHp $VDQDUWLVW,KDYHEHHQWKULOOHGWREHDEOH RI WKHLU JRRGV DQG ZRUNLQJ WRROV ZKLFK to spend a year working in Turkey. My time resulted in an architectural installation. here has been spent on three related projects: 7KURXJK RXU ZRUN DW )ODVK$W|O\H , ZDV $Q H[KLELWLRQ LQ øVWDQEXO UXQQLQJ )ODVK LQWURGXFHG WR WKH DUWLVW LQLWLDWLYH 3DVDMLVW $W|O\H DQ DUW SURMHFW VSDFH LQ ø]PLU DQG formerly located in a commercial pasaj the new work and research I am currently RQ øVWLNODO &DGGHVL LQ øVWDQEXO , FUHDWHG developing in Cappadocia. an exhibition for their now former space $ORQJ ZLWK P\ KXVEDQG DQG FRGLUHFWRU WKLV ZLQWHU HQWLWOHG ³3DQRUDPD´ 7KLV )ÕUDW (UGLP ZH LQLWLDWHG )ODVK $W|O\H LQ installation is based directly on my research WKH.DUúÕ\DNDdDUúÕLQ6HSWHPEHUDV that I have been conducting in Turkey on an art studio and project space. Together we WH[WLOHDQGDUFKLWHFWXUDOHGJHRUQDPHQWDWLRQ and is loosely based on a strand of ø÷QH PDGHWKH¿UVWSURMHFWFDOOHG³6HFRQG&LW\´ 2\DVÕHQODUJHGWRDQDUFKLWHFWXUDOVFDOH ZKLFK ZDV D PLQLPDO SDLQWHG LQVWDOODWLRQ creating light from a skylight that does not (TQOVJGQRGPKPIGXGPVHQT/QOGPVVQ/QOGPV#P I am currently developing new work in the H[LVW6LQFHWKDW¿UVWSURMHFWLQ6HSWHPEHU DG#PCRCTVKEKRCVQT[RTQLGEVCPFGZJKDKVKQPD[0KEQNG ODQGVFDSH RI &DSSDGRFLD ZKHUH , ZLOO EH Seisler, which opened on December 15, 2012. ZH KDYH KRVWHG RYHU WHQ DUWLVWV LQ residing until the end of June. I am also WKH VSDFH ERWK IURP 7XUNH\ DQG DEURDG WKURXJK <HQL 0DR¶V SURMHFW 6RNDN working with some of the village women Most of the projects have engaged the pasaj No. 43. Mr. Mao worked with some of the here to learn their techniques for making community in someway;
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