The Visual Development of GCC Plug-ins with GDE Daniel J. Dean Sean Callanah Erez Zadok Stony Brook University Stony Brook University Stony Brook University
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Appears in the Proceedings of the 2009 GCC Developers’ Summit Abstract application-specific custom optimizations, integrated type checking, function call logging, or parallism to Being able to directly affect code compilation with code code at compile time [2] [30] [24] [21]. Code trans- transformations allows the seamless addition of custom formations give developers this ability by modify- optimizations and specialized functionality to code at ing the compiler’s internal representation of compiling compile time. Traditionally, this has only been possi- code. The traditional development of code transforma- ble by directly modifying compiler source code: a very tions,however, requires the direct modification of com- difficult task. Using GCC plug-ins, developers can di- piler source files, a difficult and error prone task. As rectly affect code compilation, without actually modi- Section 3 explains, GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) fying the source code of GCC. While this makes ap- plug-ins are code transformations which do not require plying a completed plug-in easy, plug-in development the developer modify the compiler source itself [6]. Al- is transformation development nonetheless: an arduous though this makes the application and deployment of task. The plug-in developer is required to have the same completed transformations a relatively simple process, thorough understanding of compiler internals, complex plug-in development is an arduous task. compiler internal representations, and non-trivial source to internal representation mappings as any other trans- The GCC developer community has a great deal of ex- formation developer.