Debugging and Tuning Linux for EDA Fabio Somenzi
[email protected] University of Colorado at Boulder Outline Compiling gcc icc/ecc Debugging valgrind purify ddd Profiling gcov, gprof quantify vtl valgrind Compiling Compiler options related to static checks debugging optimization Profiling-driven optimization Compiling with GCC gcc -Wall -O3 -g reports most uses of potentially uninitialized variables -O3 (or -O6) necessary to trigger dataflow analysis can be fooled by if (cond) x = VALUE; ... if (cond) y = x; Uninitialized variables not considered for register allocation may escape Achieving -Wall-clean code is not too painful and highly desirable Compiling C code with g++ is more painful, but has its rewards Compiling with GCC gcc -mcpu=pentium4 -malign-double -mcpu=pentium4 optimizes for the Pentium 4, but produces code that runs on any x86 -march=pentium4 uses Pentium 4-specific instructions -malign-double forces alignment of double’s to double-word boundary Use either for all files or for none gcc -mfpmath=sse Controls the use of SSE instructions for floating point For complete listing, check gcc’s info page under Invoking gcc ! Submodel Options Compiling with ICC ICC is the Intel compiler for IA-32 systems. icc -O3 -g -ansi -w2 -Wall Aggressive optimization Retain debugging info Strict ANSI conformance Display remarks, warnings, and errors Enable all warnings Remarks tend to be a bit overwhelming Fine grain control over diagnostic: see man page Compiling with ICC icc -tpp7 Optimize instruction scheduling