The Cruiser Houston Peacetime Icon, Wartime Martyr
llrhen the heavy cruiser CA-30 was Thg Cruiser chicago,ches,er,No*hdm?,.n, Y Y launched in 1929 , she was not the Louisuilk, and Sab Lake Ci4t. Eighry first ship, nor the last, to boast the name , I cities vied for naming righti to .L. * ^ - - -I - #ff*;,ix.1#ffi,*'J'f"*T n0USI0n: ffiii::-;,Hx;#;*:l;',1;Jfi", ;*':ix'**ilffi"i.Ti:*'.i*i governor of two states-f Texas. He was the victoric Pe o ceti m e I c0 n, iix'ru$i:i::i m, the Battle of San Jacinto, ' shed'rhe Republic "'*.*1*";1* the history of the U.S. an, Wo rli m e Mo ever a ship carried a rlyi prour ffi***'i:if#I"dH:Bernrieder, took the lead in organizing the cruiser Houston. Tr r. cr By Saye for the campaign. Late in the twentieth cenrury Jim cityt ^ A committee involving all segrnents nationally acclaimed professional foot- ba11teamfromanotherGxascity,theofthecirywasformedtotakebold action to p-ersuade the Navl to name Dallas Cowboys, was popularly W,:':,',,', ,,gn ,,W manner the cruiser Houstoncarght thepublicfavorinthe1930sanf,wereCol.Ih.iTBalI,chairmanof ;H::i'+ffiI';;i:[#l'; b..,,...America,sShip.,,Shecarried*.,.o.:n.::;MayorOscar thistrniqueeSteem'thisspecialcharis-Y&..Ho1combe;City{ouncilmanH. m",throughouthercareer.AntnT,n. Hffi,::J"oo*?ft'.t."1f* end, like Crockett and Bo Wi;W.'....:,,..;,,., lllll.,i.irmff: ffi-r fl ctuiserHoustongtnranteed'herselfaWxffi#.'.$r;*#fft,i,x;:'ffi:...'"",'f:ff:;;,,.. place in history. Chroruicle, General Maurice Hirsch; BACK TO THE BECINNINC Wffl 7-.W and\wiliam Bernrieder., \7orld War I, 'the war to end all V,,, ,: Over a period of nine months, 11thhourofthe11thdayofthe11thbehindthiseffort.Schoolchildren month,November11,l918.Thevic-VryW..MW*Wdraftedandmailedhundredsof1et- toriousLeagueofNationspromised^.mters.Itwasreportedthatthepas- newworldofeverlastingpeace.W*..;..:W;i;XSagewayoutsidetheofficeofNar,y Tieatiesboundthenationstorestric-We.;1;|;1...:.;W:$.SecretaryCurtisD..s7ilburwas tionsonthesizeofarmiesandW;.7W%.'......WcIoggedwithmaiIbagspackedwith n2yig5-ug21|esthatwereeasi1yand:..|.,.|...|WlettersfromHoustonschoolchiI.
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