EWS-WWF is a local non-profit environmental organisation driving posititive change to conserve our natural environment through the protection of biodiversity and the promotion of sustainable lifestyles. جمعية اإلمارات للحياة الفطرية بالتعاون مع الصندوق العالمي لصون الطبيعة EWS-WWF هي منظمة بيئية للنفع العام تعمل لدفع عجلة المحافظة البيئية من خالل حماية التنوع البيولوجي وترويج اساليب الحياة المستدامة.

Overfishing is the practice of catching more than the can sustain, depleting fish populations.

In the UAE many species are being taken out beyond sustainable levels. Studies show that the overall number of commercial fish in the country has declined by 80% in the last 30 years.

Emirates Wildlife Society, in association with the WWF (EWS-WWF), has produced this consumer guide to UAE fish to help you make informed choices.

By choosing to buy sustainable fish only, we can lower the demand for overfished species.Take action now to protect our resources for the future.

األخضر: أفضل خيار! Go for it! (stock is not experiencing )ال تواجه هذه األنواع ضغوط صيد عالية( (heavy fishing pressure

Orange-spotted Trevally Jesh Um Al Hala Two-bar Seabream Faskar Black-streaked Monocle Bream Ebzimi Yellow Bar Angelfish Anfooz Pink Ear Emperor Shaari Eshkeli Sordid Sweetlips Yanam Ehrenbergs’ Snapper Naiser Yellow Fin Seabream Shaam Blackspotted Rubberlip Hilali Giant Sea Catfish Khan Yellow Tail Scad Durduman 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 “GIANT SEA CATFISH”




19 البرتقالي: خيار جيد، ولكن هنالك خيارات أفضل )مازال معدل اصطيادها في حدود مستويات االستدامة( Good choice but there’s better (stock exploited within sustainable levels)

Longtail Silver Biddy Badah Small Emperor Souli Black Spot Snapper Aqalah King Soldier Bream Kofar Blue Spot Mullet Beyah Arabi 21 22 23 24 25 األحمر: فكر بشراء نوع سمك آخر! !Think again )تتعرض هذه األسماك إلى ضغط الصيد الجائر( (stock is heavily overfished)

Orange-spotted Hamour Spangled Emperor Shaari Painted Sweetlips Fersh Kingfish Kanaad Golden Trevally Zuraidi Snub Nose Emperor Yemah White-spotted Spinefoot Safi Arabi Goldlined Seabream Qabit 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 “Golden Trevally”

34 Photos courtesy of EWS-WWF volunteers: © Eman El-Hawari © Tiffany Shultz Choose Wisely is an initiative of EWS-WWF and is supported by: