Olaleru et al., 2020 Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife & Environment Vol. 12(3) September, 2020 E-mail:
[email protected];
[email protected] http://www.ajol.info/index.php/jrfwe This work is licensed under a jfewr ©2020 - jfewr Publications 259 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License ISBN: 2141 – 1778 Olaleru et al., 2020 POPULATION COMPOSITION AND DENSITY OF MONA MONKEY IN LEKKI CONCERVATION CENTRE, LEKKI, LAGOS, NIGERIA *1, 2Olaleru, F., 1Omotosho, O. O. and 1, 2Omoregie, Q. O. 1Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, University of Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria. 2Centre for Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Management, University of Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria. * Corresponding Author:
[email protected]; + 234 807 780 0748 ABSTRACT The mona monkey (Cercopitecus mona) is the only non-human primate in Lekki Conservation Centre (LCC), a 78 hectares Strict Nature Reserve located in a peri-urban part of Lagos, Nigeria. This study aimed to of population composition and density of mona monkeys in LCC. Total count method using woods walk ways and perimeter road as line transects was used for the enumeration. The censuses were conducted for 27 days in October, November, and December, 2018. Counts were carried out between 06:30 and 10:30 hours for 22 days, and between 16:30 and 19:00 hours for five days. Monkeys were enumerated by counting all sighted individuals on both sides of the walk ways, and other study points. Data was subjected to analysis of variance to compare the monthly means, and statistically significant means (P < 0.05) were separated using Tukey post hoc test.