Colorado Chess Informant YOUR STATE CHESS ASSOCIATION’S Jul 2008 Volume 35 Number 3 ⇒ On the web: Volume 35 Number 3 Jul 2008/$3.00 COLORADO CHESS INFORMANT Inside This Issue Reports: pg(s) Colorado Closed 4 Spring is Sprung 6 Bobby Fischer Memorial 8 G/29 Grand Prix Update 17 Crosstables Bobby Fischer Memorial 7 Denker/Polgar Fundraiser 23 Games Colorado Closed 5 Spring is Sprung 6 Scholastics Under the Microscope 10 Ramirez, Wall, GM Sharavdorj, Colorado Springs Open 12 A Tale of Two Grandmasters 18 Ponomarev, Canney, and Anderson... Bobby Fischer Memorial 20 Departments CSCA Info. 2 The Usual Suspects... Knight Moves by Joe Haines 3 Club Directory 24 Colorado Tour Update 25 Tournament announcements 26 But which one walked away Features with the Colorado Closed Parting with the Lady 9 Poems ‘bout Chess 14 PageChampionship?? 1 Tactics Time 15 Colorado Chess Informant Jul 2008 Volume 35 Number 3 COLORADO STATE Treasurer: The Passed Pawn ONE NIGHT OF ONLINE CHESS ASSOCIATION Richard Buchanan CO Chess Informant Editor 844B Prospect Place The COLORADO STATE Manitou Springs, CO 80829 Randy Reynolds CHESS ASSOCIATION, (719) 685-1984 Greetings Chess Friends, INC, is a Sec. 501 (C) (3)
[email protected] tax-exempt, non-profit edu- cational corporation formed Members at Large: Please excuse the picture this to promote chess in Colo- Todd Bardwick issue. I’ve been on sort of an rado. Contributions are tax- (303) 770-6696 80’s kick lately. deductible. Dues are $15 a
[email protected] year or $5 a tournament.