Lorne Bair Rare Books Catalog 25
M LORNE BAIR RARE BOOKS CATALOG 25 1 LORNE BAIR RARE BOOKS :: CATALOG TWENTY-FIVE M This 25th catalog represents a The publication of this catalog sort of departure for us at Lorne also marks, nearly to the week, Bair Rare Books. For this mile- my twentieth year in the busi- stone, my staff and I have cho- ness of rare books and manu- sen to showcase fifty (plus one) scripts. I would be remiss not to of what we consider our most thank the many dealers, collec- interesting items from re- tors, librarians, bibliogra- cently acquired inventory, phers and well-wishers who nearly all completely new have made it possible for to the market, nearly all me stick around this long. either unique or practi- You’re too many to thank cally so. Our emphasis as by name, but you know always remains on mate- who you are and so do I. rial reflecting the history A special thanks goes to my of American social move- fellow workers: Francesca ments, as expressed in the Blom, Lee Ann Dransfield, political, literary, and artistic Helene Golay, and Amir Naghib productions of this country and – an incredible team of brilliant, others. We’ve had a great deal talented people, without whom of fun gathering the material so many aspirations would still for this catalog, and we hope it be hanging in mid-air. will be as much fun for you, our readers and customers. Thanks guys. ALL ITEMS are offered subject to prior sale. Unless prior arrangements have been made, payment is expected with order and may be made by check, money order, credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express), or direct trans- fer of funds (wire transfer or Paypal).
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