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SM 14011 W w a 01066040024BD MARES() a. MONTY GREENLY a. á 03 10N 3740 ELfr UCYW 3 LONG BEACH CA 90807 Z in this issue VOLUME 97 NO. 5 r THE INTERNATIONAL NEWSWEEKLY OF MUSIC AND HOME ENTERTAINMENT FEBRUARY 2, 1985/$3.50 (U.S.) Dealers Picky on Video Titles Motown Back Retailing Giants Enter Originals, Oldies Big Part of Mix On the Beat Mass Marketers Add to lesser -known video titles, especially In New York BY FAYE ZUCKERMAN those movies that died at the boxof- public Domain Vid Boom LOS ANGELES While home video fice. But, admits Stephen West, releases of major motion pictures owner of a Video Crossroad store, BY BRIAN CHIN Some of the nation's top rackjob- continue to take center stage, a "It is getting more difficult to be- NEW YORK For the first time in BY TONY SEIDEMAN bers back up both the number and plethora of non -theatrical pro- come familiar with each new re- more than a decade, Motown Re- NEW YORK Public domain video outlet claims of the manufacturers grams, original productions and old- lease." cords will have a full creative office manufacturers have achieved a of public domain movies. er film titles are being rolled out Consider this week's 30 -plus ti- in New York. Opening officially on home video dream: placing their "Everybody is trying it out," says this winter, causing video store buy- tles, slated to arrive at retail outlets Feb. 5, the office will also consoli- product on the shelves of virtually a high -level executive with a leading ers to become selective about what Thursday (31). Included are eight date sales, promotion and music all of the top mass merchandisers in rack firm. Saying he's seeing price to order. music programs, two foreign films, publishing offices, which had oper- the U.S., and in many of the smaller ranges of $12.95 -$19.95, he de- Some retailers and distributors seven vintage tv shows, two exploi- ated through Motown's local dis- outlets as well. scribes initial sales results as "very report respectable income from tation films, two made -for -video tributors in past years. Mass marketers now making good." comedies, six film classics from the The office is headed by Sergio their first large -scale entry into the Sales claims of 70,000 to 100,000 '30s and'40s, and only three 1984 Munzibai, Motown's newly appoint- marketplace include such retailing units by the bigger firms are proba- theatrical releases. And January ed East Coast A &R director. Munzi- giants as K Mart, Woolworth's, bly not out of line, the rackjobber Clearer View traditionally sees the lowest num- bai was most recently music direc- Wallmark, Zayre's and many drug- says: "I believe it." ber of new releases. tor at New York's WBLS. stores and other chains. Several Rackjobbers surveyed were uni- February's new video fare encom- The opening of the New York of- manufacturers are making uncon- formly enthusiastic about the public Seen in Types passes a similar mix of non- theatri- fice coincides with the implementa- firmed claims of production levels in domain movement. "I think it's a cal and original programs. Howev- tion of a variety of new policies in the range of 75,000 to 100,000 units wonderful thing, no question about Of CD Boxes (Continued on page 92) (Continued on page 92) a week. it," one says. "It gets people used to buying some product." ADVERTISEMENTS "It really is the first time people BY IS HOROWITZ have been able to buy a lot of video NEW YORK The blisterpack is at a price that's reasonable," the fast fading as the favored outer racker says, dismissing quality container for Compact Disc, with fears with the comment that con- RCA Records, A &M and Denon all sumers are more intelligent than slated to have at least some of their they are being given credit for. product, with jewel box, encased in "People know what they are buy- 6- by 12 -inch paperboard by April. ing," he says. These defectors from blisterpack A critical element in the public do- are expected to be joined by others main boom, rackjobbers say, is that known to be giving serious consid- it marks the first time on a mass eration to paperboard options. Only market level that prerecorded video PolyGram among the majors insists has been sold in open racks, not be- that blisterpack will remain its out- hind locked cabinets. Giving con- er container of choice, at least sumers a chance to handle cassettes positive re- through the balance of 1985. will have tremendous These moves gathered clarity as sults, they say. both hardware and software CD But the boom has not come with- manufacturers met with jacket ven- out serious blemishes, with main- dors and other suppliers under the stream home video manufacturers aegis of the Compact Disc Group expressing concern about title qual- ity and reproduction flaws, and voic- Wednesday (23). KID is the beat to EXILE is not letting up! Since their country debut a little over a "HE'S GOT THE BEAT" (TB 854) by WHIZ ing fears that if the mass marketers The folded 6 -by -12 paperboard bust in '85! Bronx -bred breakmaster and D.J. supreme Whiz Kid year ago they've had three # 1 singles and two best -selling, criti- get burned again, the public domain container sans jewel box, once high- cally acclaimed albums. Now Exile's latest single, "CRAZY FOR does a smooth segue from his dancefloor classic "Play That into movement could prove a setback for ly touted as an alternate CD con- YOUR LOVE" (34- 04722), is heading the same way as their Beat Mr. D.J. ". His new groove mixes melody and rhythm a the funk in your face all year long! the home video industry, instead of tainer, was seen receding still fur - KENTUCKY HEARTS album (FE 39424) ... straight to number 12" track that's sure to keep On Tommy Boy. on page 92) (Continued on page 86) one! On Epic Records and Cassettes. (Continued SLEEPLESS NIGHTS (SP- 5037). Featuring the first single "DIARY OF A FOOL" (AM-2708). O Produced by Jay Gruska and Alan Gorrie AM On A &M Records and BASF chrome cassettes. ,, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ' - - Management Mismanagement. Inc. - 1985 A&M Records. i ANDY WILLIAMS IN CONCERT THE 1984 ANDY WILLIAMS CHRIST_VIAS SHOW 20 CITIES SOLD OUT 110,923 PEOPLE PAID $1,998,407.25 AND HAD A MERRY CHRISTMAS! CIGENCY FOR THE pERFORMING(ARTS, INC. CHRYSALIS SPLIT IS OFFICIAL N S SSUE Founders Go Separate Ways as Wright Buys Out Ellis Chrysalis Records International. named Ten Years After. The Chrys- BY PETER JONES VOLUME 97 NO. 5 FEBRUARY 2, 1985 Roger Watson, who, before run- alis- building partnership started LONDON The split between ning his own independent publish- with the graft of the Ellis- Wright Chrysalis Organization co-founders ing company, was director of a &r Agency, working from a one -room office in London. 1 NEWS *Mass marketers add to public domain video boom. Chris Wright and Terry Ellis is offi- for Chrysalis Records Inc., now Dealers picky on video titles. Motown returns to New York. cial. A company statement issued joins the board of directors of Ten Years After, followed by Je- Blisterpack losing favor as CD package. 0.3 /Chrysalis split be- here last week indicated that Ellis Chrysalis Music Ltd., in charge of thro Tull, gave the recording activi- comes official as Wright buys out Ellis. Proposed Maryland video has resigned as co- chairman to special projects. And George Mar- ties a controversial start. Wright's legislation rocks VSDA chapter meeting. More changes in this "pursue his own business inter- tin, chairman of the AIR group of first deal for the former group, an. week's Billboard. 4 /Jagger's solo debut heads list of February ests." Concurrently, Chrysalis' Brit- companies, which is owned by LP with Decca, was for a $700 ad- releases. Blank media firms launching major promotions. ish -based management team has Chrysalis, has joined the Chrysalis vance and a royalty rate of 3% of 0-6 /Grammy nominee Tina Turner profiled. 0.94 /Alabama Music been restructured. group board of directors. retail. Decca pressed up only 1,000 Hall of Fame launched. The financial settlement by which Chrysalis Record is back with a copies, according to Wright, hope- broad - stand in the Palais des Festivals at lessly underestimating its potential. 4 Executive Turntable 72 Latin Wright gains control of the music founded Midem in Cannes this year for the "We lost out on that," he said, "but 69 Gospel 82 Album & Singles Reviews based organization, by the two men in 1968, is described first time in three years. it taught us we had our fingers 93 On the Beam 69 Jazz no more specifically than "several Both Chrysalis founders were ini- much closer to the pulse of the Brit- Track 71 Dance Trax 94 Inside million dollars." Ellis, meanwhile, is tially involved in the music business ish record market than the big re- 72 Classical expected to stay in the music indus- as social secretaries of their univer- cord companies." try via a new London -based enter- sities, Wright in Manchester and El- The Chrysalis philosophy and en- 9 INTERNATIONAL Higher prices and growing Compact Disc prise to be dubbed Next Records. lis in Newcastle. They met in 1967 ergy was thus set in motion as an in- business kept Austrian record and tape business steady in '84.