Chicago, May 11
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Zimbabwe vote: victoryfor Black freedom -PAGE 8 MARCH 14, 1980 50 CENTS VOLUME 44/NUMBER 9 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY /PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE arc --. NOWcalls nat'I march lor ERA:Chicago, May 11 The National Organization for month voted unanimously to en- · Women has called a national dorse the labor conference and march for ratification of the Equal march. Rights Amendment in Chicago on At a February 16 Detroit-area the weekend of Mothers Day, May conference on "Labor's · Case for 11. The action is announced on the the ERA," NOW representative front page of the March issue of Ruth Whitney announced the National NOW Times. spring campaign for ERA ratifica tion in Illinois to an enthusiastic The march will be the culmina audience. She stressed the impor tion of ERA activities in Illinois tance of labor in other states build this spring. A labor conference for ing this action. the ERA is slated for April 26. Illinois is the only northern The Chicago Coalition of Labor industrial state that has not rati Union Women is working with fied the ERA. A massive turnout NOW to build the spring activities. in Chicago can break through the The United Steelworkers District log jam on ratification and give 31 Women's Conference last powerful impetus to winning ERA. In Our Opinion VOLUME 44/NUMBER 9 MARCH 14, 1980 CLOSING NEWS DATE-MARCH 5 So Washington must also try to defuse the existed in Colombia have been under siege. explosive potential of the Arab revolution. The That is why a group of youth seized the imperialists hope to convince the Palestinian Dominican Republic's Embassy in Bogota, and Arab masses that gains can be made in Colombia, and now holds dozens of diplomats alliance with Washington. hostage. Eighteen months of Turbay Ayala's Hence the need for Washington to take some repression evidently convinced them that only distance from the most extreme policies of the extreme measures would get a response. Begin government of Israel. They are demanding that the government But whenever the issue is pressed, Washing free several hundred political prisoners. They ton will side with its basic ally, Israel. want an end to torture and legalized murder. Washington will never seriously pressure These demands deserve support. They ought Israel to pull back from its expansionism and to be granted without delay. aggressive opposition to Palestinian rights. BehindCarter's These policies are built into the nature of the colonial-settler state, and Washington knows Iran:truth will out it. - On Sunday, March 2, the popular television flip-flop-on U.N. vote The settlements policy goes to the heart of news program, 60 Minutes, confirmed every Seven months after the Andrew Young the problem. Israel was founded through such major charge the Iranian people have made affair, the Carter administration is once again expansionist policies, that is, taking lands against the U.S. government. embroiled in an embarassing flap over its from the Arabs, and then expelling them. In answering the question, "Why has the Mideast policy. Replying to Israeli critics of the settlements, taking of the American hostages received such On March 1, U.N. Ambassador Donald Israeli Agricultural Minister Ariel Sharon massive support from Iran's people," reporter McHenry voted with all the other United recently said that the current-day settlers "are Mike Wallace revealed the following: Nations Security Council members for a reso really fulfilling what their parents [the Zionist • The CIA put the shah back in power in lution that "strongly deplores" Israel's settle pioneers] were doing." 1953. ment policy in the occupied West Bank-Arab Only the American working class can force • The CIA organized SAV AK, the shah's territories captured by the Zionists in the 1967 an end to U.S. backing for Israel's outrageous secret police, and trained its agents in "interro war. violations of Palestinian rights. gation techniques." Three days later, the White House said the Stop all U.S. aid to Israel! • To.rture on ·a massive scale was practiced vote had been an error, the result of a "failure under the shah. in communications" between Washington and • The U.S. embassy deliberately suppressed McHenry's office in New York. Secretary of information about this in order to support the State Cyru.s Vance is now taking the blame. Bogotajustice shah. But almost no one believes the White House This is justice in Colombia: • The U.S. still harbors SAV AK agents account. A dissident city council member is arrested responsible for the death of hundreds of peo What is the underlying cause of this gaffe? by the military. His corpse is later released by ple. To portray it as personal bumbling or indeci the army. He has been tortured. • The U.S. government planned to admit siveness on Carter's part misses the point. Students are picked up by the military the shah months before his alleged illness, Underlying the administration's floundering police. Their bodies turn up later on deserted knowing that this would produce an explosion Mideast policy is the overall weakening of U.S. roads. in Iran. imperialism in the region since the Iranian Government-backed terror squads gun down Ori March 4, members of the family of revolution. trade unionists and other "trouble-makers." hostage John Earl Graves demanded that On the one hand, the overthrow of the_ shah A group of 350 people is tried by a military Carter apologize to Iran for the U.S. govern drove home Washington's dependence on the tribunal on charges of belonging to guerrilla ment's actions. Zionist state as its only reliable ally in the organizations. They are denied any opportun "We're going to have to admit to what past Mideast, the only one that can be counted on ity to defend themselves. Their trial judge also administrations did in Iran," said Graves's to protect imperialist interests against the commands the most infamous torture center in daughter, Lizette. Arab revolution. This holds true regardless of Colombia. All are convicted. "We have to stop meddling in other people's tactical differences between Washington and When union leaders and civil libertarians affairs," said Bonnie Graves, the hostage's Tel Aviv. protest, President Turbay Ayala threatens wife. "We can't continue in our neocolonialist On the other hand, Iran also showed the them with repressive measures. approach." limits on the ability of either Washington or Since Turbay Ayala invoked the "security The revelations on 60 Minutes point to the Israel to intervene with military force at any statute" in September 1978, a month after only just solution to the hostage crisis: send given moment. taking office, the shreds of human rights that back the shah! MilitantHighlights This Week The Militant Editor: STEVE CLARK AIIOClate Editor1 : CINDY JAQUITH ANDY ROSE 3 Pulley: All out Merch 22 Bu1in911 Manager : PETER SEIDMAN 5 Antldralt movement and Alghanl1tan Editorial Staff : Nancy Cole, Fred Feldman, Jim Sale, drive to bulld March 22 Full aid to Nicaragua! Garrison, Suzanne Haig , Osborne Hart, Gus 6 Kabul 'uprising': what really happened? Horowitz, Diane Jacobs, August Nimtz, Harry Socialist vice-presidential candidate Matilde Ring, Dick Roberts, Priscilla Schenk, Stu Singer. 7 Iran worker1 rally at U.S. Emba11y Zimmermann charges U.S. Congress is 8 Zimbabwe victory for liberation lorcn holding reconstruction funds hostage. Page Published weekly by the MIiitant (ISSN 0026-3885), 14 Charles Lane, 9 Record .. tety vlolatloni at Va. 1hlpyard 13. New York, N.Y. 10014. Telephone: 10 Soclall1t a11all1 FBI In KKK bombing Editorial Office, (212) 243-6392; Busi 11 Campaign fund ·drive ness Office, (212) 929-3486. 12 Women 1tNlworker1 fight layoff, CoffNPO"denc• concerning eub- 13 Soclall1t hlll Congn111 on Nicaragua blll 1ertptlon1 or chtingH of lddr• 16 Appeal, board hear1 Marroquin caH lhould be eddrHNCI to Th• Mlllt•nt 8111lnen Officf., 14 Ch8r1H 17 Leader1hlp IChOOI begin, HUion, une. Chicago fire fighters Ne- York, N.Y. 10014. 18 Fla. nuclear accident Labor forms coalition to back striking unionists. Page 9. Second-class postage paid at New 20 Labor campaign In Quebec York, N.Y. Subscriptions: U.S. $20.00 22 Cuba 1how1 way agaln1t recl1m a year, outside U.S. $25.00. By first 23 Tank, overflow but oll prlcn 10ar class mail: U.S., Canada, and Mexico: $50.00. Write for airmail rates to all 10 HMr Soc/al/it Workers C.nd#date1 other countries. 11 C.mpetgnlng tor S0c#al/1m For 1ubscriptlon1 airfreighted to London and then posted to Britain and Ireland: £3.00 for" ten 18 No Nulceal 118U89,£8.00 for 1ix months (twenty-lour l11un). 24 In Rewew £11.00 for one year (forty-eight luun). POiied 25 The Great Society Steel women and layoffs from London to Continental Europe: £4.50 for By Any Mean, Nflce, .. ry ten issun. £10.00 for 1ix months, £15 .00 for one What'• Going On USWA District 31 Women's Conference discussed how to year. Send check, or International money order (peyable to /nt•rcontinental Preu account) to 26 Our Revolutionary Heritage fight attacks on affirmative-action hiring gains. Page 12. Intercontinental Pr811 (The Militant). P.O. Box Leffers 50. London N1 2XP. England. 27 Learning About Soclallam Signed artlcln by contributors do not necff .. rlly represent the Militanrs vi-•·Th- are exprnsed in edltoriela. 2 ' ~-,. )·. • ·. ; :iu', ;'.' ' Nat'I antidrafl march gathers momentum By Suzanne Haig campaign, assemblies in high schools, Teach-ins ,· rallies, bus ticket sales, and a March 20 rally outside Central and other activities are under way to High School in Newark. build the March 22 National Demon In Baltimore buses are being organ stration against Registration and the ized citywide by the Americans Draft in Washington, D.C.