Nordic Journal of Educational History (Njedh) Is an Interdisciplinary International Journal Dedicat- Ed to Scholarly Excellence in the Field of Educational History

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Nordic Journal of Educational History (Njedh) Is an Interdisciplinary International Journal Dedicat- Ed to Scholarly Excellence in the Field of Educational History Volume Number Spring Volume Number Spring Volume 5 Number 2 2018 Nordic Journal Nordicof Journal Educationalof History Educational History Volume Number Spring Nordic Journal of EducationalJ History HSPECIAL ISSUE: EDUCATION AND HVIOLENCE Edited by Björn NorlinE ISSN: - NJHd ISSN: - E ISSN: - NJHd Vol. 5, no. 2 (2018), Special Issue: Education and Violence TheNordic Journal of Educational History (NJEdH) is an interdisciplinary international journal dedicat- ed to scholarly excellence in the field of educational history. The journal takes special responsibility for the communication and dissemination of educational history research of particular relevance to the Nor- dic region (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and political and geographic entities including the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Sápmi and Åland), but welcomes contributions exploring the history of education in all parts of the world. The publishing language is English and the Scandinavian languages. The journal applies a double blind peer review procedure and is accessible to all interested readers (no fees are charged for publication or subscription). The NJEdH publishes articles as soon as they have been through the peer review and copy editing process, adding cumulatively to the content of an open issue each year. Special issues are normally published as the second issue of any given year. For guidelines on submitting manuscripts, please visit: Special Issue Editor Assoc. Professor Björn Norlin, Umeå University, Sweden Journal Editors Assoc. Professor Henrik Åström Elmersjö, Umeå University, Sweden (Senior Editor) Professor Anna Larsson, Umeå University, Sweden Assoc. Professor Björn Norlin, Umeå University, Sweden Assoc. Professor David Sjögren, Uppsala University, Sweden Professor Johannes Westberg, Örebro University, Sweden (Book Review Editor) Editorial Board Professor Emerita Sirkka Ahonen, University of Helsinki, Finland Professor Astri Andresen, University of Bergen, Norway Professor Emeritus Donald Broady, Uppsala University, Sweden Assoc. Professor Catherine Burke, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Assoc. Professor Craig Campbell, University of Sydney, Australia Professor Marcelo Caruso, Humboldt University, Germany Professor Ning de Coninck-Smith, Aarhus University, Denmark Professor Emerita Christina Florin, Stockholm University, Sweden Professor Eckhardt Fuchs, Georg Eckert Institute, Germany Professor Ólöf Garðarsdóttir, University of Iceland, Iceland Professor Ian Grosvenor, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom Professor Emeritus Harry Haue, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark Professor Veli-Pekka Lehtola, University of Oulu, Finland Professor Daniel Lindmark, Umeå University, Sweden Professor Emeritus Lars Petterson, Dalarna University, Sweden Professor Jukka Rantala, University of Helsinki, Finland Professor Harald Thuen, Lillehammer University College, Norway Mailing Address Email and phone Nordic Journal of Educational History Henrik Åström Elmersjö (Senior Editor) Department of Historical, Philosophical, [email protected] and Religious Studies +4690 7866816 Umeå University SE-901 87 Umeå Webpage Sweden ISSN (online): 2001-9076 The NJEdH is published with economic support ISSN (print): 2001-7766 from NOP-HS Grant for Nordic scientific journals Table of Contents Introduction Exploring Violence(s) in the History of Education 1–15 Björn Norlin Articles ”I kjærlighedens tjeneste”: Straffens legitimitet i oppdragelse og undervisning 17–36 Øystein Skundberg & Harald Thuen Kärleksfullt tilltal, kvarsittning eller kroppsaga: En modellgenererande under- 37–66 sökning om korrektionsmedel i 1800-talets folkskolereglementen David Sjögren Gradual Changes to Discipline: A Case Study of Punishment Records and Cor- 67–92 poral Punishment in Three Schools in Finland After the 1872 School Order Act Karoliina Puranen & Matti Roitto Discipline and Punish at Camp: Citizenship and the Issue of Violence at a 93–110 Swedish Boy Scout Camp Björn Lundberg Fabricating and Governing the Swedish School Pupil: The Swedish Post-War 111–130 School Reform and Changing Discourses of Discipline and Behaviour Jonas Qvarsebo Understanding Pupil Violence: Bullying Theory as Technoscience in Sweden 131–149 and Norway Cecilie Boge & Anna Larsson Cover photo: The Shame Stool (skampall). Source: Digitalt museum, SKANM.0134265. Nordic Journal of Educational History Vol. 5, no. 2 (2018), pp. 1–15 ISSN (online): 2001-9076 ISSN (print): 2001-7766 INTRODUCTION Exploring Violence(s) in the History of Education Björn Norlin This special issue addresses the broad theme of education and violence. Its overall aim is to contribute to the understanding of different forms, roles, and meanings of symbolic and physical violence and their significance for past educational practices, and at the same time to give theoretical, methodological, and empirical impetus for future studies in this area. By expanding on the concept, or meta-concept, of violence rather than on more common and restricted terms in educational history research such as discipline, punishment, etcetera, the ambition is that this issue will work as a support for a renewed and broadened dialogue of what might or might not be con- sidered as violence in past educational contexts. The following pages of this introduction focus on the phenomenon and concept of violence and position it within educational and educational history research. In do- ing this, specific attention is paid to common matters of interest expressed through- out the issue. Finally, the benefits of an expanded understanding of physical and non-physical expressions of violence in educational history research are discussed, as well as how the concept of violence might be helpful in such a broadening. How- ever, a presentation will first be given of the individual articles in the issue. Because they speak for themselves, the presentation will be kept brief. The contributions, their scopes, and their empirical sources The six contributions in this issue are chronologically ordered and offer examina- tions of a range of topics from Nordic and trans-Nordic contexts. The first article, co-authored by Øystein Skundberg and Harald Thuen, concerns the political and educational debate on the use of corporal punishment in Norwegian schools—and homes—in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and how this debate is connected to historically deep-rooted pedagogical and philosophical traditions conveying very different attitudes regarding the nature of the child and the role of physical chastisement in children’s upbringing.1 In the second article, David Sjögren This special issue has been compiled with the help of research funding from Umeå School of Education, Umeå University. 1 Øystein Skundberg and Harald Thuen, “‘I kjærlighedens tjeneste’: Straffens legitimitet i oppdragelse og undervisning,” Nordic Journal of Educational History (Special Issue: Education and Violence) 5, no. 2 (2018). Björn Norlin is Associate Professor of History and Education at the Department of Historical, Philosophi- cal, and Religious Studies, Umeå University, Sweden. Email: [email protected] Nordic Journal of Educational History 2018. © Björn Norlin. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY4.0 License ( 2 Björn Norlin examines formal instructions for corrective practises in the bylaws of the emerging and gradually standardised mass schooling of mid and late nineteenth-century Swe- den. He uses his findings to argue for the need of methodological improvements for attaining more systematic knowledge on this specific area of educational practice.2 The third article is co-authored by Karoliina Puranen and Matti Roitto. It examines the prohibition—but continued use—of corporal punishment in Finnish schools in the 1870s and onwards and highlights how discrepancies between formal legislation and day-to-day school practice can be detected by paralleling different sets of sourc- es.3 The fourth article by Björn Lundberg revolves around the enactment of corporal punishment as entertainment at a Swedish Boy Scout camp in 1950 and how this sin- gle event came to trigger a public debate targeting and questioning the moral basis of the Swedish scout movement and its perceptions of citizenship.4 The fifth article, authored by Jonas Qvarsebo, examines the debate on education and on the conduct of school pupils in Swedish teacher journals between 1946 and 1962—the formative years of the nation’s comprehensive schools—and gives an account of the central discourses on behaviour and discipline that were activated in this debate.5 The sixth and final article is co-authored by Cecilie Boge and Anna Larsson. It focuses on the introduction and scientification of the concept ofbullying in the management of vio- lence between pupils in Sweden and Norway during the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s and how theoretical tools from the field of the history of science and technology can be used to better define the entanglement of actors, practises, and underlying interests involved in this process.6 The individual articles in the issue thus analyse expressions of violence on many different levels and within many different practices of the educational domain, -in cluding the discourses and debates,
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  • Norwegian Elementary School Legislation in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century This is the published version of a paper published in Nordic Journal of Educational History. Citation for the original published paper (version of record): Skinningsrud, T., Skjelmo, R. (2016) Regional Differentiation and National Uniformity: Norwegian Elementary School Legislation in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century. Nordic Journal of Educational History, 3(1): 25-45 Access to the published version may require subscription. N.B. When citing this work, cite the original published paper. Permanent link to this version: Nordic Journal of Educational History Vol. 3, no. 1 (2016), pp. 25–45 ISSN (online): 2001-9076 ISSN (print): 2001-7766 Regional Differentiation and National Uniformity: Norwegian Elementary School Legislation in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century Tone Skinningsrud Randi Skjelmo Abstract • Previous research on Norwegian educational reforms after 1814, the year when Norway became a constitutional state, has emphasized the conservatism of the elementary education acts of 1816 and 1827. Contrary to expectations for a constitutional state, these acts did not reflect a concern for fostering politically active citizens. Neither did they follow up the enlightenment idea of teaching secular knowledge to the common people. We raise a new question concerning post-1814 educational legislation in Norway: was there an increased emphasis on national uniformity after 1814? A close reading of the earlier 1739/41 acts and the 1827 act, including the Plan and Instruction from 1834, studies of the debates in the Norwegian Parliament 1815–1827 and the temporary 1816 act on elemen- tary education, show that policy after 1814 emphasised national uniformity more than before.
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