JJoouurrnnaall of the HHAARRDDYY OORRCCHHIIDD SSOOCCIIEETTYY Vol. 3 No. 1 (39) January 2006 JOURNAL of the HARDY ORCHID SOCIETY Vol. 3 No. 1 (39) January 2006 The Hardy Orchid Society Our aim is to promote interest in the study of Native European Orchids and those from similar temperate climates throughout the world. We cover such varied aspects as field study, cultivation and propagation, photography, taxonomy and systematics, and practical conservation. We welcome articles relating to any of these subjects, which will be considered for publication by the editorial committee. Please send your submissions to the Editor, and please structure your text according to the ‘Advice to Authors’ (see website, January 2004 Journal or contact the Editor). The Hardy Orchid Society Committee President: Prof. Richard Bateman, Dept. of Botany, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD. Chairman: Tony Hughes, 8 Birchwood Road, Malvern, Worcs., WR14 1LD,
[email protected] Vice-Chairman: David Hughes, Linmoor Cottage, Highwood, Ringwood, Hants., BH24 3LE,
[email protected] Secretary: Chris Birchall, Barratts Cottage, Clyst Hydon, Collumpton, Devon, EX15 2NQ,
[email protected] Treasurer: Rosemary Hill, 38 Springfield Crescent, Harpenden, Herts., AL5 4LH,
[email protected] Membership Secretary: Maren Talbot, 4 Hazel Close, Marlow, Bucks., SL7 3PW,
[email protected] Show Secretary: Eric Webster, 25 Highfields Drive, Loughborough, Leics., LE11 3JS,
[email protected] Journal Editor: Mike Gasson, Moor End Cottage,