Abstracts PDF Theme H
When citing an abstract from the 2017 annual meeting please use the format below. [Authors]. [Abstract Title]. Program No. XXX.XX. 2017 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2017. Online. 2017 Copyright by the Society for Neuroscience all rights reserved. Permission to republish any abstract or part of any abstract in any form must be obtained in writing by SfN office prior to publication. Theme J Poster 021. History of Neuroscience Location: Halls A-C Time: Saturday, November 11, 2017, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Program#/Poster#: 021.01SA/VV14 Topic: J.01. History of Neuroscience Title: Neuroplasticity: Past, present and future Authors: *J. E. KOCH; Univ. WI Oshkosh, Oshkosh, WI Abstract: The concept and process of neuroplasticity and neuroplastic adaptations to differing environmental and sensory stimuli is accepted today as a fundamental capacity of the brain, however, the idea that the brain is a malleable integrated system is historically relatively recent. The focus of numerous 19th century scientists, including Gall, Flourens, Broca, and Sherrington resulted in a widespread belief among neuroscientists in both localization of function and the “fixed nature” of functional neuroanatomy. Further work by 20th century neuroscientists, such as Penfield’s brain mapping, solidified support for this approach. Challenges to this interpretation of the static nature of the brain started to appear around the middle of the 20th century, eventually resulting in a paradigm shift to the perspective that the brain is continually responsive and changing over the lifespan. This presentation covers the history of neuroscience’s change in perspective from “static to plastic” brains, describing pioneers and their research which resulted in the current level of knowledge and acceptance about neuroplasticity.
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