The Rockland Gazette. Gazette Job Printing I’ljltLISIlRD KVEKY THI'KSOAV AITKKNO0K Lv ESTABLISHMENT.

Il'iyin- every lai-ility in t'r, -T.VJ,,- nmt Mnti-rinll, VOSE & PORTER. ,n Wilt, t, nr,- oinslnntlv m aking :i,t,ilti,insf w e nru pr,-,i:u-,-,l l„ i-xi-i-nu- wilt, pr„„,jitm s, nn,t good atyle 2 I O Main Street. , v. ,-y vm-ii-ly ,,f I'rim iiig, including rowii Iti'iiorl-, <'ataliiniies, B y-Law s 'U I'. It M !“! : Poolers, Shop Bills, Blind Bills, Pro­ If paid strictly in advance—p< r annum, $2.< grammes, Circulars, Bill Heads, I f paym ent i»’«lelavcd rt m onths. 2.: Letter Heads, Law am i < 'oiami— If n.u pai.l t.ll llicclom* of tin- y. ar, 2J atlou Blanks, Receipts, Bills \'. w-nti^'TitH is arc cxpi-i-ied to make the of Lading, Business. Ad­ payment in adva dress and Wedding Cards, Tags, L a b e ls, its—for sale at the otlice and NO. 31 at tin* Bookstores. V O LU M E 30. ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY AFTEROON, JULY 8 , 1875- I'UIXTIXi; IX COLORS AXOJ nr.OXZlXG Z. POl’E VOSE. 4. B. POKTEK. will receive prompt nttentinn.

„d disap-1 work is love.' as (',u,vliear,' renders thir to spare, ami was loo young Io go into so shut, nt. and I,ad di­ imputation, or substitution, or release of i ’ o c t v n . A J ) D R ESS passage, it is a lesson of toleration, ot piety. I lia.l tol.l Rigby (bat tile cJom-i Ii. ed ho|ws. Tiler,'.'K d .l..... n't , the wrong doer from individual responsi- a rein,a, „f these ea charily, of candor. olTninitton sense and of •d I,. Iii l i i u i l v H ie Ill v.-r marry Miss Vamlewalc li-l at Laving lb,' G hililv. I utrering in his own person I tlilliailllel C common justice that I would impress; ul.l he fu ..i I'hal’s all broken nil'.' a w ar...... '. But w, for t'l hi, h he hath done: for, as ARD TIMEI .,1. “ when F it i:.iii>i:f! t, .inn.' 'jinii, is ,; ,u n i,h a-k hi,-, .nneeti. at with this,-,-rem,>: MOTHER. ' puls is ii.iii:, lilt le •• B roken nil'.” hi I" we believe. Christ u not from 7 / I opinions a! ordinances and adminis- ly. Hallie will l.r sure In atlrael of the qtmsli, ile all men to the Fall I m ake All over no-, like gold and brown. little hack street p,.. lion - less -,- and tolerant and catholic .iu,| I think vmi’ll regret m ild in her if I could and I iiHtlil |lslingl I liter ■taint m e to ae oivl.'dge the honor Item u«, with him We believe that ■ing for all men what Mrs. I fell asleep amid ln-r prayers, nt if I Then 1 told him ci f small, respectable I Idled 1,1 ,n have don • me. „l the pleasure you n Ihi-: d' Go-1 was in C/,ii.-lu< 1 ie Pilgrim s cam e to seek in ller fair yoliiig face (far oil’ it seems), “ Rooll. ikiiiIi ! Mr Fitlii I th e ill lerks, with her I there a link lie given me l,v il itin-m elo be with liter: that in Christ dwelt the f, Ib-r girlish voice, ln-r kisses sweet. rsitip God. ’ Gieal Reduction good-natured fallmr; we .an I keep I - Them there , ]olhes„r yours ’ f w hich Mr. and Mr- in lo-day. I cant 'land on Ibis ...... race and truth-the full f til,' God- The palter of her busy feel. I full 1. lltl,let's...... I a glass ease, von I..... w ." nut of fashion." lie -aid. Illn'iuaifull rhen ' Vincent lived. id participate in .esc services witli- head bodily, that Christ as a Divinely Passed with me iulo charming dreams. and applied, will in due time I dl ec- IN P R I C E S ! "Would to Heaven wr could! ” I I had concluded. allier shy at lirst of astral; ,1 deep and plea- ppointed and d Savior, en- ■I a little proud' and haughty, pi elesiasli.-al system lurn all spiritual And when I woke at merry morn. gr,Billed. all.I went in search •• I won't need litem. Bigby. I’l rotig of pl.-i of the for­ lowed with supernatural , II'I'S. and (hat To correspond io (lie dull II exclusive churches. T hrough lier gold hair I saw th e sun I found I h l In til. > tin hap-. I>. rho In ! Ii, H e r d . : er ehtircll edilice , ,1 tip. m e. for in lie shall not fail nor he seouraged till t hues and Kcdiict ion demolish ,,f distil Flame strong, shine glad, and glorify siniimer-hu I those little oela :ed m usinglv into Hie tit and are down th eir lit ,re apt lo l„ I labored I'orsom •c th an six In- have set judgment in th founded < dillc earth, and the in W a g e s . I he great, good w orld. < Hi. ne’e r c an I shape,! I.,e <■<”<•<• ...... it.l" Hose p, - he turned and looked ...... so. Bullhep: son. will, his ple.isatil ways I,f- tile best part of HIV Ii . with such sles -hall wait for his lav af interpretation „f " the lively W e heli, Forgi-t her Words—- *fy darling one!” imitv. She h:„l , lieantirul. , is good enough to lo e. soon made it all right: sa- Cod had given me. hat in .1 hrist is fullilled the prophe which are received and In ld •op In awhile ,lre a te a r In each o f she's good enough to m am ft she Mr and he and Mr. Vine,nit were I,ling Imre to-,la ey o f 1 -d ab : •• ...... Therefore, tl It tin All! checkered years since then have crept S S t ...... ,n l,v all as tl II We have opened ibis morning her blue eves, ...... inbodimenl of,?’' he said at length. nlle; for they had both I of God; and Lord God: behold I lav in Zion f, Past ln-r and me, and we have known 111,- spirit of des fot a Lot of All Wool w om anly lov,'I •• t iinucslionalilv. Bighv. been to til, tv. Ami lie ...... o« datiou a stone, a tried stone, a preein Some sorrow and much tempered joy. charity will in du e so high as to " let I she said, with her “ And von lov tnv Haiti, lile. aiid's'shurp"' the pillars .and supp, re foundation; he that I Far into manhood stands her boy, the'i rllow all walls, "ofthe hands elasped , gly. I adore In r. Bighv: I—” enough—nt I those years, sonn lievcth -I t make hast And her gold hair snow-white is grow n. in m akii :. and so nmk- W hen E m p r e s s I m oved til er'. im pelled liy a th in k she is fond of thin I'aee. « ill, hollo to tlmir'rest, but I I’.-t f"ss..,| Hi; the Christ. I he world has changed by slow degrees, al In loniord io the w a s dazzled, enn- ll.. which looked al I re ji ice to k n o l l ', rem ain l’i o f tlm li God. A nd a.- old days recede, a las!— listraeled, dii ill,al members of the body of r.ised. bewildered. • I - I hop, I ea stly believe sin lie was tlm wr,wreck o! ellow. | me I,, congratulate the p. I. "upon tin ck,’ . thi So much of trouble have the new, hrist, whirli is the church of tlm living •‘ W ill do von ask loo. of ho had I.ceil used lo hi of a speedy lealizat f'—ioii. this fundamental faith. "I*will C l o t h Those rare far joys grow dim, Been through God. the | id ground <>f the tru th , your h:i|,pi- ••Ami if I gave lier te on. Mr. I'ilhi ii ing.and shooting, I all the fine com I ,-ll'ortsin build my , bur,'ll and the gates of hell shall Summer Shades, for 25 els. Sad times as through a darkened glass. 1 I rents, tin,ugh they were -and von know I sports, whieli mat .road chested, sir liliee for Lit, I prevail -t it.” This dm-trine of Congvcgntionali I I lov,- R oger W il- But just this morning when I woke. I: “ I could her—am i if m v ii lim bed 1.... 1»1>- II" ship of God. on a nr Christ’s dii haracter and snpernat- liamsand George Fox: vwho were of still How lovingly my lips were kissed! nt enjoy it nth. She slopped ami an d would bin. pale townsfolk. edifice heller suited I, ural mi—ioii lm only imrmanent fottnila olheraudditl'ereiit.'omuuu How chaste ami clear the sunlight shone lung breath. I felt it el,"el. your 1„ ,,/Z, M r. Board h eel to m e wh than the old In i Id,-It was built lion of a Cl; an eliureh, this doctrine is tlm memory of Wesley, wl rove with tin On mother’s hair, like gold-dust sown I rapturous eonject lie left I did mil live far ,,|f: and bout lie corner ...... l.'hurch of Int- heel, ,1,-die:.....I zeal of a Imro and m.urti } p r e s s d o o r s Athwart thin elouds of silver mist! ilcnly best to make Hattie liappi thought that I m ight lend tl I '" I'Vl,. Kith. I ' > breathe tin anuel ’ holized by the block of good breath of spiritual life ini, , hit:',-h d iin : hack will, tl elion that I loved I ,11 -ee liigbv's idea of a gel bur’s help. " I , '■ that poor fa id auguries which lid graniic just I I to its place in „rfi,finality and, ...... o f, limin'. Wiiei wiih a mad ,1 table ardor. something or an .unithesis. d y in g : I death in Id- t,. attended the lion and the pro- ...... of the fonndnt •all of tltis Few Pieces for 15 reals. WIIEX A WOMAN IS 01,1). I went to' W .ilcrvilh', a id M elhodi- A dim sen rdi-aslerspoihd the,!. I took his shaking hand it I s a i d - Of the cnicrp liliee. On this p|.atf,„ f faith in Inis far and th at brother called on urn hi a f, Former Price 25 Cents. What shall I do when 1 am old? you say. ingi.r my lirst | lint wliatdoes it matter what I -aid? I had •• W hat’s In- a nf • - I asked, 1, vs and w a lu i- t s supernatural mis-i, I prosperity in the fu­ very kind and though 0 authority I>o you think I shall w ish in vain - I have ii m inded1 von he w hispered, alw ays ...... loud of Bighv. I respected lie looked .at idfastlv a mot ll tin- delightful e great controversiesiTSies anion"an Christians To recall the words I have said to-day 1 ' >rc than an y one I k total strangers. I expressed in ' Now that hi I hi M r Ute ill llis eve. tli which •d. T he :I1 >oon becarrieU on,ainlontliisnointthcv When 1 spoke my thoughts so plain? and gratitieation that the mini-:,- Two Cases of ” Von in i cried. " Von-I But Biglr lm ham lsoim st won, for h, I. slowly aiid-olentnlv: "1)1'-; , il- pro. s. Id all ill all turn. To all those of every nanfe Do you think I shall w ish in m y guileless lot denomination- had generally ill, me. Jl I love yon, eltil in : and as for Halt Dali- -ol'aelaal f food.” tl...... aril. In- glad. 1,0 accept that e:irdin:d principle, we ini', a I'nivei-alist. "Oh." sa T hat I had y o u r w ealth, though I loved you not ? •J'lten I look I id kissed know how I felt about H allie. "A genlleinat 5 ill l.otl-le id lm. "1 thereto -d i-i. and 1 can picture a woman, aged ami poor, ...... I 'vent ra, nt o f tli. sun,met- Some weeks after I met Valid, water Islington, a lin o loo! W in O| only to this Soviet, id foreigners'; hut fello 'foiling for daily bread, house, lint before I went lm I wa- ar- lie shook hand- w ith .....rcproarhlully. in't'odibic.” •ns of' Buckland, wh: of th. I of the household of F or G 1-4 Cents, fast colors :in«l perfect. I say. then, (hat the I o f a new Bee-ailing hopes she can wake no more. ranged that she should go w " I couldn't help it. Van." I said. " I de- " Not alaild’s:II." said Mr. Broad, their reli , piel’crelmes II,ay he. I'hey I,- !. And are built upon the foundation id im proved chit’ , It cdilicc f f i n i s ­ Bememliering flowers that are dead, concerl, poo.' old Bighv giv id,al to marry for love." arc tin pmple whudieofstanati, will all c, f the apostle I prophets, Jesus Christ plate, with pleasure. I doubt nt Dcnominalioii is hing'that all A ml thinking som etim es w hen her In-art beats lov h i g h l i t bland concert. I d e l • upon " Ileal! ' said Van. with a cynical smil, l.,,||,|o I in all Not tin not. the p himself being the chief, etile llew. lntreh lo he ere, g, ,.! people in. for the < If a happier youth time long ago! reaching my lodging, to end „ a little note - " let I think old Bigby must he i ho I, V Where till w orkhouse is ted on this sp I, the,, is ih< A Fine Bleached Cotton i lew of tlm Improved . .0,1 ii,linen u a ehiiri h f this ser- I,> Gertrude, slaiingniv il bilily lo b e with ...... o f h alf a m illion I wh, •I at the I'eli , l ing ollie, r. i i l a p i he success of this , I can picture her treading a lonely way worth i ...... il will give to the I'll - the m ain h r. for the lier on the night of lier fosti - to the wo," t : I...... lie ll'el tlm pro. otiol, of this faith, the cult for 10 Cents, Through a land whence summer lias down, ivitv. hut found ifd o lla id th, I feel il lo lm a public Is. for the f on nil tabic a note from het Ihiiii. wholmve fallen iulodestitute p,, h spirit ol devotion, of charity, of good Bearing Life’s crosses from day to day, I ...... le d it m ruly p issions, for Former Fllec 12 Cents. with languid interest; l.itl ill reading the T H E P A W N B K O K E l t ’N S T O K V . and who eariv their pii.le with tie a creeled on this ecu tile li h o le’-ol i ill to men. of vital godliness.’ the huild- Ami dying at last alone, r.,1 and eon-pi-'U- -, s tiicnc ,• resulting W ith never a friend or a kindled fare fust fell- lines I th rew il dm tnd w alked dive into a back alley, like sonic wil i,e. i„ pi,WO o f the ,ld one that stood u p o f the K ingdom o f G o d , rtl, and populous sul.url. to th e eon,111 tin t ion o f the 1 tlm hearts of men. the redr To follow her dust to its resting place! madly across tiie room. I As a pawniirok, mal into a hole, to die al,urn Mr. Vi this pot. and will be glad to the af all milled a request that i iioi f Loudon. I have had wants n-iueand jellie- an I all -or'- , fg o o d , to n g s, tlm encouragement of whatevei A L O T O F e,liliee go up Hill, tai, and graceful fliii-tiunit'y m ay lm und.-rs I o r even 1 can fancy this; but I know lo ln-r heart for tlm benefit of the Si. j painful, and tilings—if help hasn't conn hilt t'ght and jii-l ami true; these are th, ...lair those who „l. while hol.lii on to tlm Shall never a wish come tiigli Jo h n ChtipoE It would he it,...... diateli phases of s„ci lu s t n , frii'tid." lm continued, piiltiti g back 1 d e , „ |s . the ultimate objects in view, th. T hat sin- lnnl chosen th e e asier part • hand, for I all pointing meti.hv whatever uictli- principles symbolized by the cdilicc wh, Reversible Stripe under the auspices of the Bct erend ('.li eu- what occasioi -,.I ,:1 m Limb ,,i God that taketh Of wealth she had bought with a lie. dish, she added: and that I must lie aware p , a i n mt I shall d e s,a il a prop, . " N, I have left ,,,-k ...... we have laid to-day: and I And bartered ln-r faith—a sordid tli-ig— :,- dn of tl," world. For what cat, of iks charitable intent and pttrimses when | litllu incident iseque hem all th t at pr, his rightco, would giv, for an admonition the motto F«k i:i:i > into ing l.lllds. Wh, 1,0, H was to 1,'c ,1.....- eases out of tell i 'stile walk. t tl„ ami 11 otild r, HI-,- npa Idl. per tile , ity and will nguislm s tlm lm y fron : mold .,11.1 guide ihi • MATRIMONY. lu st 1clone qitieklv.: s Hie night ,,f tlm dies-, wltiell disi And til •a Mr. ’.oar. ma told me. si ortly. 1 mark: hie ell uthorhy inthen. bol.s. 1 ' was el.,.,, at j, „ ,1 and ii was eer- tlm s, l'V.ant girl nd lirst slm look, 1...... til V' the- e tw o poor I'i’l" -; earn, i " 0 r al :,1. jmliei.d and, Wl. G i n g h a m s and limn -he seem uim had eR iim i g l,— he. ,win "and tr tstitic \Yc i of all things While nil these thoughts apidli inly , ,11 of tile que-ti, II that 1 could go ■1 ...... NR 1' ,• lo-,la\ . tile, I political allairs ? W ill:, llu n ie d -,,1't o • way. and in a him : and m. 1 ilf mad lint 1, • had I (heli,' has I,ceil spoken by th, th of all Go,I's For l<» Cenls. former price I,rough m t head III, edolt, illte i lier party. -1 plae. . Io lay' W ill a sort of eonsioii Simss that tlm task ...... was standing 1,0 ding brou g l, Imr to Id- | and could do n o th -' n-w t, for tin': worsl h o ly p , I began, though I preset, It stopped at tin hip of the Mo-, ependc ligation and eltari 12 1-2 Cents. l„,ut t„ p,., |'„r„, iv a g litte rin g som ell iu g in a Irem idi ham . ing ter. ! High, : long eclipsed durii iages of dark- Bigl.i told neither an e:,sV i Cl, ilm r c llm . - w hich the church I, kid "love. . *,r,,-idu I-, V ,o 1 l • is v iiri-' -s am! il.m and -up,-, ilion. Lutlmr eliglitlu! one. 1 sdzed a pen ami ' M v'assistant. 1: told ro'i-d!,; Ol d I - eh,-.I and ! id fost.-r in I,uniat sacs, wa" step] for- the . 1, rd man. I'n -I Whitliel.l and Wcsl, and Fox and se delight the fair ms I,, II:,H ie: "lel’ler illed. l ld j lle I -hips word, will ward to lake tiie s al. when 1 call, m„ Ihit th, lie ,• hack wa soli and tli •salva M lira-, and Cliamiim- an, I Ik,lion prepared •d lip Imr I,mull,' Mv 1 , VK l.n-ri., II.vttii: - In spite „f all them, and tnistv: ( W . M R R K ’S interposed, file ...... - young thin ead; ii was -o tail! media id for the I lay in efore I, oil,..door. I leap,' |„ s :„ ■ 1 plans 1 ,'.in'l t,k, yell to II," e.ilieei't. gl. mid m •Itiug nervous and -liv. : nd ali.e'etlmr so a-ed o f 1, SCC-- Hie f: Iher' -: eom e. w h ere vhi. l, we live. Wc follow slavishl . held m i hand to l„ r. Ii e'fi''m,,'h;.»l’hi. W hat at,;, i to this w ork, tli:,I fi ll f.,r ll, r as il -ll - ha, hem veiling lip at Hie hut ol, what help.','.s they comfoi ie 111 el,-denial, public ...... l-ln 't hack 1, mid bur | o f eh: mine: and looking in ur p pa and .I,:,,,,,,,:,; 1. it 1,-k slim glil ichl, Ul'pro ' the im .i'u H i,.p riii •iples dm flu . :„„l ,I..I,'| null y„ „• rare lov.' :1|. have 1.... ii above Id llliel prid, wl ,1,ted ... a,,.- Hl mal Ip ill STRAW RATTING. ider. I r,,u„d il tlm it, 1 li,e l.o vid,-I, • „m in'- n. V-., frail am! genii,- a him a mal. ng ll e lit St advances. Ami . ,dm'nt d : ti. id , Ollli Gnml Quill'd;! for 25 ('cals. of Bi'.l.l himself. 11,V le .,;l,|i,'-eh.,„l-.Th-v foil,',wed flu Z , . a sits F.ti.. vx. " ll VOU 1,lease. will you t. ll 1 ' sit, d m . W.-ll. Mr. 1 a v i - . i l l ot all', ulv ,1,11V cried Nay said, liinidlv. it, : he ai, . "H i, kept ' |o lie ed io 1 tods of edi M an i correct their , and faults wit,-re Former Price, 35 Cis. lle lil ’i’ll,Hl will, a heavy s glt. pulling aside '-'NV I...... ie I., v,.listless. " wl ■ilv to .,,,.1 -1 fotireliih im bued thell looked ,,V. is lit 1,, missive. 1 vv ote tl,us lo G, licml.iiu" will, ne s tin le, only tl, ,11 of some!, Hied to 1 ■jilt 1 ill- . im relies claim vain,- of this "eal. l.-o lelll. ; see. and m a k e , ind", II divine I ll, a ,! an apostolic >'do we. Nay we happie- . I he fondest, th, u d c : " Well, mi" 1 said, taking til, ,1 in pea. to the end. ll is e,; al ohli: back l,efo hen God preaehe,I \l i 1 V It ( • 1 G Fit I' !•!!-- 1 ii Ion, : before the Gospel ,h. the delicious seu-a-io to mv lend ind ooking.-it il—il Tl v e y ,1: Hie h alo n e t’s letter I Voted high at AI.raliam. saving. English Oil ( loth. Hie ah.-rno 111 thee and in ll -elf close I,V her side ill th, ,,-le I'.ill.'.Ts. old-la-lli.Hied -eal. such a- eouutry title I w lay lie I shall all the lia- a 1, -, . ,f *• li, I i n d ­ : lions, families and kindred of tl For 75 <'««nl*. Former Price. *1 OO. little carna 11!’ II...... veiling V,„ I S Jilways, ti ui -n s l-'nuivx. pay Illy r, -p ,| th is ■ •|,"''se ' rth . lm up.,n il —" Ilia, de muds up,,,, whei lie M ,s mid I'll lad -.-III in a few ' -m il •am- hlessed.” We derive oil, faith in tlm eom- ,-,l. all Hie w avside 1,edges. 'were budding was »|.< V - in v'iev N ig l HI me when 1 had VV.,,,1 to pledge i, ,r sell it outright [holt ,r g„o, old | " ..... Salvation from its Hivii tu lh o ra n d fresh in the gia.l „ in-, multitudes lisliei V own meh 1 wiilin". Iliinx ing ll,,' two notes " 1 mil married -ir.” and she till —at as ,g,.od as day lit, u lay tl lilt,',' Finisher, through I’ and I ra n d .lo in , New ami Handsome •d ill the dry 1111*111 willi scraw l : pi...... ndilf- r, i • I” !""'. w ords prom llv. at id will, dig n ity . tl oagl W.-ll. wit,HI 1 l a,Hi,,, '00.1 .it f re the pi „l .1: „l C lem ent and cm- of the trees, and . sies. it bite ntiil and lliein inhi Col I on anil Wool Carpels for g 1" still s .. -liv. and s. •tilin g ready to 1 tl It, ol-l gell. e m a il • , ■le-ia.-li- al c . ,,f moral virtue, III,, highest . Belli- and Mi id W inchester and ■d. Studded the wide gr, , „ pa-l.l! e lat dlailv's liaii.U lit ,os|. 1 threw my- c i vil,,'; "and mv husband is very iii -a m w:ill up at d do a Ihllcdisl irlied. elioa- 1 lo l.l o n lin t khid. thoiilysiml, leaps andbreaksand .">< > < '«* it I x . M hether it was really I,at light nv IhmI willioul 1 glilingmy lamp, If,HI -and "-And tile , tlm tears wot Idl app; liy. in ,is l, ind' al linditi-" 1, "'■wil'iTemi', It, tlm secud I'l.iei l i e s a s have marked the develop- B ight s, ,1m capital m eel Bighv'- t-,v in’ur afte r li.tnr o'.siie- tldnkiie. e. m i, ill by kepi hack any 1., 1,,,-aiil .d-im entof iwerv existing ehureli. Catholi, Quality tleinp Carpets ■/ey' ,Z. Of Lapp, I peopl ...... bill"-, or sonn l,o, nl.orRrote- G reek. R English or d light It, l.lllleh ,f Violet: li c r i ...... lit,!,' 1" sidera co in tlm 17 and 20 Cents, Ii, dear." I -aid lo her: feed p, -on he w a-. ,-lea; -h u i e d a s a pi - ' I.„ llm,-a, 11,• VIII broke will, the V, the deli, ■oll'ee th, ,f :, Cl,l !,f i 'n '; , le. Iml mv love lo Ila II come out rigid in and ve • neat and old I tlm Catholic church and ail ol her goods lo corn's- Iv M r-. B ight dispensed afte r tl,. ,1'cof lov'e than hone I,, ■d in his desindde in 111, urn:'' and I tried te comfort Imras well ,|,-ess: : ,.| will, that -or ...... I him Le,,- :„„l must id prepared th. ly for great 1, -1 1 l le lil ,’,' il w as each o r all o f these p o n d w il li I he li m e s . me just then. I turned eoldlv I : I could in mv , urn rougli-and-readi wliieli n irk-au English.' ale.wiil, imp, it in doetr I discipline. lie d was perl,mt. We ...... led will, pie i ere up,mal on behalf of exped ay. - I will loud laani." I said uh, -ver he m ay lie. W ell, w heart ilu,,l,!„ng Him otlt, I know. Id.,!u 1 Charles W.--lv.witli their burn- lig h t Id I„1, paradisaical dissipation Gertrude, and plunged lieadl tlm Ci alists of Rockland, ivl„ A G E N T S F O R , her nt la ...... thi-"eal: i„„ ,1k. for I'd ' spotted tlm I,. I..I a p p :e :,l. I„ ck o f tit, W.- had a lilll ,f Hal tic’s ,1 H attie. Not. a such le riclion. and can not lm lieious rev,'fie of I and if -htosell il. perhaps I „1 In id dead form alism o f the English Bazar Glove Filling I’nllcrns Balia,, to please her moll,, a few ballads wink o f-1, rep di, I ge, till tile morning sun aide to ell it for you to ad v an tag e And snmethii ilxml liis so,, : : lie heard that llmv should |,av, ,,'h it, die hi it to work to awaken it out of Tli<*c Pal tern* are very Kcliable: f.,r l„ r father, an d an y ,b in e ,d e v e n thing stream ed eoldlv and .iceusinglv through SO I g: e her a tmund limn H,ai 1 kt . little o f til, ...... : ik you liave vv; tlm i in ...... fatigue 1 fell in- house o f worship, lit, m y wind,, tile Ihi s was worth : ...... '"■"I sit -pre:,.I relortn andsaved it fr A G E N T S FO K Then 1 talked to High; 1,er, and n ever aw oke till ,1 a m an o f th eir own I"'"1''..... D i i ...... I !, a lighter hcarl. au said i,,n which is,I,all,. And - wc take tip talked te I that M r. Vi Denham's Patent Shirl Bosom "'A e.'o n ti me. and I thought a I, in Iii- ' „„ i'll,- tim e had ,ur work :,S our predeccsso, prepared il to ,,um ling Ids lots and lands, shrub' thank- , tlm old bar, Every Ibwmn bar a Patlcrn t h a t u«»e< a late matutinal meal, 1,f tl,,- t I liis le n d L em hled , •lulleh edifice. mt' I,amis. Tim lirst paid w illi i t. in,I young orehar. there eat, seem ed to lm a volnm i- u som e qu day. tlmday before Christ- as lie laid il up, dad lo think that nous pist. Tlmi • were letters and letters! ide about 17l’>2. I„ p ro b lem atic it rented to l Here is the house,. sir." I .-aid'l'ld',' , prodi ...... h ee led in ill lie aide to jud Rev. Hr. M.avlieii of Hie West Church F u lle r k Cobb, • tlm honest •dot his lain W ith Italian hand. There f, II o f,h e li, tiiolie church. If th­ often before, not foi tlm ' W, Al lea-t tile I,: ing Imre, we ought Io on. in a Thanks little more light wine, an,I lighter to Hie (loo issive of tin- night before. I are Bom: 325 Main St., d.e o f p: am tiling, though it, was i„to tlm .tilling in that llmv hie to have lav came to till . 1771) and nils. made l,i tlm pugdy. dimpled hands I? I opened and read ller ISA>veil will ke. to-day, Mr. Da- fell hack feebly lo liis ,-h: "D ea l iii order iliat m ight ,l„ hly in the latt, zcar, R. v. Jo h n M urray him oft, h ea rt it coii-.'i.i'iislv it,d, and will be aide t„ pro- , lotu s :,nd interpret Of scrip tu re lie said, in liis quid, appo ■d work and , rlv fulfill proadied two .baths in Rortlaml. and would h, ,/ often. tcct lier rar v I.iveii ess from die vulgar attention - father,” I" , I ell.u.-ll poll, esdilf, thill, trem b lin g hand. “ fe cuing week preached in n s i i A tail ml the dauglit f a tailor! you so muc1, deplo, ltespcet fully H" ...... Ids f: -flis. an o th er caleth m ing down th, But the father was „„ his k: f G,,d." Tim grow, ,d Frecp, rt. and this was the first Yes, even so, w llut ill: tered it? She liKinitrilE V,IXI>EW.ITK11. I'- betid ,tided il. I’lm inter.,: I'niversalist tninis- lit have been th e oils. •ing of a prince. ,g lipol, tlm edge o f til, ,,-nt. clasp in g hi- so baptized, lull only I.y A fter re gfromthis thunderbolt of tlm I nomination demande , what is now tile State of Maine, 1,1 at all events it was the lirst oasis in Tin- Rev. Mr. Boardnt: ullcetor of i„ I,is arms. ,1 fondling Idin .lm ha I t,o I.... i'i I,,,, a and I,red ill Incite,'pistil e Ii took lattic’s little note, which rings and -cals, ngcr lie delayed will -t minister ordained as a I'niversa- v desert of a life, and I needed to lie in fact of done when tin ,1 lamilv. iuslr.,,1 of:, Ik,pi - I could contained tliese •iv terrib le lines: ow n good timin', an Ite then District o f M aine, was Rev. inn in tlm shadow of a rock for rest. that have head- What liave I lo f n d el'w h at at imperil',i U n i: Ml;t. Fith i x - I understand new why - committed to you - Karnes, in tlm town of Gray. -Ian. So commenced for me a dual existence. graved upon 111, And I had lie, the forgive me forh,dug so Imr,I. mv dear I,, I should be h, m il hied. i,willing I should go to the coneirt. As A'ill'rod. tin -on. , body of people profe-sin Tlm second minister of our faitli i paired olf p retty c,p, Ilv—went out to habit of putli ide for him wh: W hat then, d ask? I keeping I unis, be a„ „„|,1, and imperati.v „l«tiele Are Calii- faith in tlm Lord .1 In ive ordination in tlm State, was Rev. liigby’s l,v day, and to G’sbvnight. I through ourltands; lor It, lo ierali...... I tolerati to you, 1 -!l.lll tn-vi ' lieu we should hav, And now do "Vlvatl us Gobi,, in Winthrop. July 27. 1S21; look upon II re us a hotter , I too led ,-< nt,, th, ('in I o f tlm ir m ice lo hi ask of us the qu vltv. if tl"-,' l>, liougl (Favettc Mace) wa-license,I i in.l G erlm d e ny betrothed, and mad- for them at ll irtcrly sales. I,dp it. I. • I'll.' fact is. 11 .pending, no inlet liuahl, ISIS. Mr. Cobb frequently preached r p ||K Riilo-erlberr liavlug formed a partnership :i ,11 , nts to suit my allinitics I took m y b: lie used to say But I vl„, have been baptized after :,li­ taken the •e lo in his' ,,l I in th, • •hlioring •' • towns in J 1 confided in her, an, know ing exact 1; id found m vs,•If nvaluable: lit:,tit 0* wl.idt made mv heart ner linn Hint 1 approv, of and lie feared, and allsouls restored at last. Mil Imlti't tlm early u s o f I : ministry. The first informed lmr of th, I deceits that p resently tse. The blinds a, a small scale. !IS "ke lead. ot flnistiaii"? 1 -a t nay, lo such ially el Eden lhanthatf hichAdani wasdrivr m eeting Imuse in it is now the State of lav in wait for her in tl ,rld upon the w ere part uidor tlm curt.-,in die old Gre, ksculpt ; and som e „ f il, -'»> I Tlm young wifi.-saw it . I -ay licit if Baptists, in any NO. 2, PEKRY BLOCK. liv all tltis expenditure, tit Maine imilt t,v I ni, alists, was erected in threshold of which sit, I wondering I saw the : chilli ,f the lteiercnd well l,V III sts. A n d p lm y »'■• two. three sharp sereain- knife lia, : foi • ■ the slippers „f •x’crtiou to teach met, tile In tiie town of Norw in tsili; the second. Lillie H o ck S t., , Gertrude. I C aven.lisl 1 alum m ade no lot c; for. in litis I, •-•‘.V ...... thrust into her side they do a and a I w ere u n d er 111, ',- answ er lh a tw e shouldlim l so far as 1 know, m Imilt in Freeport, in trove to infuse in my r that tender »*'| Mr Boardman-aw il. ,-tlv kneel- love tile Lord Jc al do not 1„ n witlt iml drawings. ntivc for all : cllbrts ti 1 S 1 1 . Comicirctli will carry Lindin** •- in.iimfaetiii• i - id C l S i O »1 olicitudc that betokened the lo 1 I" table lade ire too preciou-to l,o -pent on these l:,l„,"T : ing do id — :, lh< statements witlt tlio |t<»<> I - A N II S H O E S , uni I in I.IIATII FI spei. haps, was not so sit, cssful in th is la A sudd. Hl ill,| :,us trill,-s.” Now. although I Imd lie could for soiihing—Urn soul of llis s e r- of all ollie:", iI tin ven if then returns in tlm ft ■rsnlist Register a m i and 1IMHMJS. life to hop, A i n We sli.ill keep a full amhiitnn nt of Stock »f rn-r* role as tlm former; I, rail up til e step: ■tone- „t tlio kind lm wanted just limn, vant departing this life. for 1875, for the denom ination in kind and ipiality. and an-prepared to iillall order* will for beyond Hu urn no high- Ma take this dual cxistcn id he’ll tim eout bell. •ntcred into mv Imad that I would tell id I And I—well, nliv should I lm ashamed .plistnaltogetherbi id there ccitainlv lias been con- despatch and In tin- best manner. Id am id , iioiv dill'mitlt il is to keep th. T h e set vantI oonly half opened tiled,, diout tiie seal which had come into u to oonfess it —I kimit down loo :ia 1 cried tiie iliil'crent , that llmv liave n, th an physical w ants in ll growth: viz. 7ti meetinghouses; is not al home, ", m-ed’n o thing m ore th an b read for tl rs from infringing upon at, ngling " M iss V am le before. like a child; for the young mat, led died eived tlm Icipt t tlm holy'spirit. I„ 2.2 organized clmrcl•lies; Sumla schools; n „ ,s . - of tiiis life? Wc should find I.', preach ers; :, Gentlemen’s Fine Calf Boots itll each other. '" i'i,a n d , i told him tlm sto imcwliat as I I,: liis fath, 1 a tot;al el,Ute h property •d hint mv card and beckoned to „! justili, ofS.',7!l.ll)l). I Mr. < iavcnilisli was one of tl nls the just t„l,| : •d attentively to all -,-oncilial love and d- , than kfi;d to Sity. in con­ Shoes and Gaiters, citiiin. Something in mv il and le-t elibrls in „ls chose for mv discomfiture. Tlm mat, ike it , I said. When 1 had done, lie looked at the plc. Y elusion, one wot espcei all V to tlic Society. faec m ail. • him they. He wont in will, ii. seal, and said: - I ol,serve that it lias the spiritual cult, m tlm ground You have deter, ned tl tat the FHO|XTty in del,-staid,' to me. I abliorcd his long- al rill,' male prebend and apply th, principle. I gain, almost immediately, herald jfth , IT satisfaction this edifice shall l> tlm preqx'fty of tlio so- awn sighsand penitential snilllc. It had Idem o f a b aro n et.” II.- then I, I,V till' Au •ard in ids hand. ,ml peace that a il! enj, y it, the pres- ciety.forcvcrfrc, •on, pr itopersonal ow n- Imci me , positive I,ore to find him so often w ith tlm , lated me upon tin drii-li I At tlm S' alili, for rear of tlm light, Ladies’ Custom Work, “ Miss V and, water is not at lionic,” lm ifc. W liv do ti -tly ami mag- -I,ip ami contr, I tl k Go.1 for that. will tnide, licnding upon her a similar hadha, acted, lie asked, loo, fo'r tin -c,„v stood, Irish, d ii: mind, habit of he, in any drain*! etyle, o f <2alf. K id o r Scree. lilieent custom I houses, post- olhat with which aivily i,oa-, on- repeated, in dial . dry hollow voice peculiar lad vhicli slm had I yards the Aa.eri,', thought and independent judgment wliicl Now brethren, v •ktind lit. without haste Hlices.telliplesof :,nd literature, Cood Fits & First-Class Work •nvi'lo|Mis his prey. He had per- to llm Va ndew a household. red; and then he left the sll„| free schools develop and nourish, and si or impatience, e t eve rv m an tiunong you ally down tlm stci-s and private huildi tigs? Is it to aim to build up is spit-it'll: ed 1 I plun; .'ed m: notlicr word. would have tlm common English vcrsio.i S m inv adv tl str iictnre, his puaninhiil. , down the steps and made lie world to life ami eharact, on tin tlliPA I ItlN ti done will. n. dm-- ami d.-p.i. h. Id 1, d r the plans for m ade tnv isl give me leave lo tell tiie rest ol will, t, idmisentlu of tlm Bible banished from our schools as a ' t l Hirity an d Godly MIC. PAYSON having had main y. ars’ exp. m-m •• homeward.hoiiiev My landlady called I- it to procure , •mption from sincerity w hich al-one ct llm chapel, and ll, naincl many m y way ii wav. although it may be a very : (lie i„rd i r of Dilldil -i,,im l,. tile eh lljec, it.viell give voil perm a- on lirst class work, an Foreman ot one of tin-best . s p the stairs that ,iscries in tiie w orld nd lay tl' tablislunents f..r custom w ork In tin- Hlale, it is b«'|»r«| lit her. their heads almost loueh- to' m e us 1 waz -vay from th at w hich the reverend limn we must roZ, I.',. , i l / I n l.a llu i lat foiltnilation of lion rt any ealmnity or I that bis skill and thorough knowhilge of tin- bii-iin-* tlmi •l„sc proximity over sotnchoilv mv room for me. ■employed in relating it tom e af- I,,,,- it we , an. mid Hint w e,an generally d, zhich will stand will 1m- a siillieient injaranty of the work done by us. “ He wo'l it upon go,,, ils in that world? () , provid, tllOS •tilled d r ings. 1 decided that lid in p and A great typl„ >1 Hong Kong May tls ilv enough, for in this country maj, c all clia;ages. Stand liy ti,y • Particular attention is railed to o»r stock of she said. "Y for th, -being of soci die truth; be I.FATHFIC sm d 11 M U M .S . w hich i- s. le.-n-d vvl„ •c married I would try tocon- w ailin g fi •d that akc the la ai rule. for speedy sue- with care, ami which will enable ns to supply lh»«»T X •zsZ'lliro a, sometimes, 1 one hundred and eighty-fivc lives lost good i, here, to p, .•ess. for sudd fiii e G de that her forte lay not in people tm n try I ha,I fall slant-, fail 1 ,j„ri,y of •ovvth. ’ Olltward visible Hum: M* and P npily Dealers with evrrvllilni? o u g h ti was a dun. an a. d so did I. lm,Idled and fifty junks acre destroy," I and : .1 thereby tlm good order, tin results, for in a b a te fr, ; from the tr. needed in lids line ax bar ax can brftntttd , ll, reg ard lo my private allair., te matter of that .1 ligl for tlm truth by pen ami f tlm Almighty is like that of the vast lice “ First ,of all. 1m match—he full of candy pull, and-lie disappeared. Tl • Wherefore do ye spend your money s only in the 1„ sum of his de thi , ,-haiigc the majority to our own atlicdrals of old, at which many gcncra- and it v ilimghtcr hopes o f get! i ii tile liter irv -iii,I ar- other day she rctmtied, lilted el, i,-a clu ye can. Let Raul he heard, who hr that which is not bread’ ami your It,i ions of workmen were content to labor in IX < X n < ’F ! ligliful f H attie.” m r ero t ro Wl’of etdercl ,1 vhich satislicth not ? Hearken diligentl ; listicio Iline; an 1 ‘ le'll,,re’ 11,11 ol .------i took oil' Imr th i...... - ...... " " • el every m an lm fully persuaded it, ,!. 1.rlping to carrv out some the lulu ■st in Iii mind.” " I lie Kingdom of God is into me and .that whieh ignil ■cent plan. each building riT h ’E i»* hereby given that !!•<• is desirous of It • the fo: Bigby -alm ost C om pany lx n o t hilcri’-t**! in tin* t'p«’rali« Get- n id, I ami drink, hut righteousness ami am i let v, 111 delight itself in fain o f 1,,is life and strength into N tenciv cliaiml laid 1,efore w< shire,I at tne ,,| itlied. I saw fr The projector living by literal lire did not tin* W ild <’at Cnm ih- Q uarry. s<, in Si dati id joy in Ute Holy G host.” " F o r in W e sav w It Raul that Jesus Christ ructuire, whose •completion he Said Quarry i-now operah*! by LEWIS E. •d. and numerous parish duties liis fitee I, a,me of everythi •ll out what w:us expected. Tlio young tlm m il alont*. and all billt* <*<»nlrarl«*

About Town. f j F The 99th anniversary of our national in­ the play of tile Gen. Berry was 161 ft.. 5 a few days ago.—Mr. J. II. Flint lias-bought of enjoying the day at home. The boys with crack­ declamations, after which the prizes were pre­ The following Postmasters have been appointed: T h e K o c K b u u l <«<»'/•( t i t . New Advertisements. dependence passed off without any public com­ in. We understand that there was a strong; John S. Case a store lot off the southern portion of ers, girls with candy, older ones iu riding, sailing sented to the amateur boatmen, a few pleasant Henry L. Fiekett, North Pownal, Cumberland The Great English Remedy—G. E. Lotlirop. Co.; J. Frank Carter, Unity, Waldo Co.; Jos. W. breeze blowing at the l ime. The play of the memoration in this city, and Monday was ratherthe Israel Perry homestead, on Main street, and and rowing. The evening was all that could be remarks being made, in which their voyage was Table and Pocket Cutlery—G. W. Paluici I Mountfort, W. Cumberland, Cumberland Co. i quiet vlay in Rockland. The hoys began to will erect a building thereon. Tin* lot is 20 feet s - 1 S 7 5 ‘ Berrys was probably affected by the ac- ; A y er’s C herry Pectoral. desired for widely scattered hut beautiful display compared to the famous oue undertaken by the i celebrate with guns, pistols, fire-crackers, and front by GO deep.—The store of G. L. Snow at tin- The Wiscasset Oracle says that by an order of cident which happened to their machine in < lperatie Entertainment. of fireworks of undivided purchase ami family en­ three wise men of Gotham. the State fish coiuuiissiouers, Mr. Pottle of Aina I whatever would make a noise, during the night the morning. For the prize offered to sec-, Miscellaneous Advertisements.—Dauchy & Co. foot ofPleasant street is being thoroughly renovat­ joyment. We had Ihe pleasure of sharing their An improvised sack-race between Masters has placed some land-locked salmon in Damaris­ | preceding, ami kept it up, with more or less 'I’lie I'.ml ol' tin* T r ia l. ond class engines then; were three entries. 1 ed and refitted ami is to he occupied by Mr. Isaac joy ami witnessing their demonstrations. A. Johnnie Libby, Alexander Dart ami Lei an I Kal­ c o tta p in I, where it is hoped they will increase tfjF Rev. .1. O. Skinner, of Waterville, spirit, into and during the day. Some of them C. Abbott.—Mackerel are being taken off Monlie- ami multiply. l.:isl Friday liioriiinf:. Ute jury in Un- the Androscoggin of Topsham, the Excel-J loch made considerable sport, the frequent falls of Tiltoii ease (having been called in preach at Dix Island next Sunday. also played some reprehensible pranks by detach­ gan. None have made their appearance in out- the hoys, us their feet became entangled, calling The total collections by the Bangor lettter car­ sior of Auburn and the Tiger of Hallowell. C am den. riers last month, including letters, postal c a rd s g y Rev. Herbert Yeoman, ing and changing some of the small signs on hay yet.—Remember the operetta of Sir .Marma­ tl.e previous day an d again The Androscoggin played 17- ft.. 6 in., of Springvale, will Nicut Pkowi.ers.—Several of our families have out roars of laughter from the lookers on. Ma­ a m i pap, i s, w ere 3 1,562 ; total deliveries, 35,728 ; Main street. There were a ja rg e number of sail­ duke at Farwell Ames Hall next Monday eve­ ortiou Ihs’o f steam , w ill, the follow ing re s u lt: ci'y, to become its Hector, learned of only one instance of their entering, Some of the younger part of the audience th.'V were unable ...agree up... a verdtcl. Luce’s yacht Bonita, Mr. W. S. Farwell’s yacht corded in the City Clt-rk's ollice during tin* month o f an order on M. D. Simpson signed by James •» p h ; ft t i n • X,| 3 PH. ft 3 ill.; :intl " ',l officiate here next Sunday afternoon, ami in this ease helping themselves only to some- stayed at the grove and amused tlmmselves with •uni were ealled into court and d.scharged. ‘ Midnight,” Capt. Verrill’syacht Brunette, .Mr. lot*June.—Several kilir hwii set on fire the Bra ii’oi *l Iia*l a hearing at Calais Friday and was (D. V.) Services at half-past two. We are glad tiling to eat. We have been consulted several games after the older ones left, and so far as we tumid over in .$200. Manv re|H.rts have been published concur No. 1. 191 ft. A parade of fantaslies in the Chas. Hedges’s yacht Bestir Mr. Alla past week. —The annual picnic of tin* Methodist that St. Peter’s Parish has beeu able so soon to times upon these intrusions as to the probability heard, young and old expressed themselves as A>lil' v Bogart, fifteen years, was drowned nine'the deliberations of the jury and I n morning, boat anti tub races oil tin* river. vaelit Ma'dc ami a large number of smaller boats. Siintlay-seliiMil will take place next week.—The fill the vacancy iu its pastorate occasioned by the o f danger, it being known that we have mad<* much phased at the manlier in which the Friday, at Hampden, whit* bathing. Jumping resnll of the various hallotings taken in lb. Then* was a pleasant pianie i>arty of about filly repairs on the Gen. Berry engine-house having off a wharf into deep w iter, lie sunk and did not t balloon ascension by Prof. Allen ol i resignation of Rev. M r. W a n k the acts of mankind a study, ami our opinion is whole thing was conceived and carried through. ira.m. lb.w n.ueli of these is reliable rise again. His hotly recovered. idenee. helped to -Well the day’s pro- poisons Unit cnjoywl a merry time on the I,each been completed, theeng iiehas Iwen I’elurneil to its simply this ; No professional, experienced bur­ I'lie company represented Warren anti Union , SiT The Barnal •e Operetta Company are to The Brunswick Telegraph says that the Cabot u is i.nin.ssihle to determine, but .1 is gramme, and tin* festivities closed with a la,low Mr. 11. B. Ingraham’s farm, just south ol own quarters.—It is said the sidewalk on Camden about equally. W’e regn l having omitted to take present to our citize is, next Monday evening, the glars would risk so much, for the small l»ooty company at Brunswick will shut down again sikiu doubtless beyond question that a, the end the city, and we do not know how many ollie street neeiIs the ittentiou of our etlieient Road a copy of the programme, a failure which must display <»f fireworks in tin; evening. I pleiming operetta ■ I “ Sir Marmaduke.” This they might find in a quiet village like this, and unless a more ready market is found for * goods of tlu ir week's discussion of. and ballot- private picnic parties. Commissioner.—Au examination of one of tin; side he our excuse if we have omitted to give every a large stock of cottons being now on lia ’ operetta has been «* ven in many cities ami large \ those who would steal in this small way, have not upon, the cis.-, the jury stood !• for th, QT The Knox & Lincoln Musical Con­ The steamer Ulysses made an excursion to drains uf tin* Main street sewer, this morning, re­ towns .luring the past season, before lyceums ami tin* courage nor sagacity to operate on a larger one his due. defendant and 3 for the plainlill. and that vention is announced to be held in Sagada­ Castine in the afternoon (returning in the ev, vealed only a small deposit of sediment, hut si scab*, lienee could he easily frightened from any Gen. Z. A. Smith, of the Portland Press, otherwise, ami will 1m* produced with appropriate hoc comity this year: namely, at Bath, be­ liing), taking a party of 35ft ja'l-smis who en jM»w(*rful o lor. -Tin* plaster work at tin* new Post I )oincstic. comes out with :i letter addressed to Gen. this was suhslanlially the position of III. scenery ami costumes. Mrs. Smith, the soprano, place ; so we conclude that with suitable precau­ jurors during ibe week they we.c out. ginning the 21st of September. The Wis­ joyed the trip greatly. The steamer Clara Giant Ollice is nearly completed ami ( arpenleisure put­ tions, no damage will result from these visits. If It was rumored Tuesday, that Robert Dale Owen Knherts. the democratic candidate for gov­ is always a favorite, ami is doubtless the best so­ ernor, which can hardly fail to weigh heav­ also made a successful excursion from Vinalliave ting in tin* window frames. a house should Ik* known to he occupied only by liiis result of the long trial does not give casset uraeje asks how it would do to hold prano we have ever bail here on tin* concert plat­ ily against him in the ranks of the soldiers. lo Castine. A considerable uuinla'r from this city women, they might Ik; holder in their movements, Samuel Darlington, aged sixty-two, was found M r. Ileeeber ,1...... I'"11' and conclusive the Sagadahoc Agricultural Fair in Waldo­ form. Miss Carle, though unknown to the Rock­ Indeed we (pierv whether tin; democrats of went to Portland on the City of ltiehmolld Sunday drowned in a fountain in Pawtucket Monday niorn- vindication which all,igb,-think,ng boro. land public, is a young lady of marked vocal ami T h o m a sto n . but even then resolution ami a broomstick would Maim* will not tind in it good cause to regret night, and many more, including Ihe lien. Berry master the situation. We are inclined to think that they sttempted to gain favor with tin* would have rejoiced to sec himreeeivc. but histrionic talent and a favorite with Portland Ixhepexiiexce Day.—Quite a striking contrast There was a large numb; Engine Co., to Bath, oil Monday. these prowlings come from tramps. soldiers by nominating a military man. still less does it supp.rl the sealidaloti: We are to ban* no hanging al Thom­ audiences. Mr. Winch, is an excellent tenor, was noted between the ohservatua* of the anni­ York, Moudav, caused l«v the of tire- Our street, were quiet mid orderly during the T he Foi init.—This anniversary was observed 'Fin* letter is strongly framed, and its luicr- ehat-oes brought against him. The plain­ aston, on tin* 25th. the Executive Council whose reputation is known to many of our peo­ versary ol our uatiousil iinlepeinlenee this ies are absolutely unanswerable. It pegins day and thoughu few intoxicated men were to he tiff Inis presented ids case with all the re- having voted. 1 to 3. Io commute Lowell's in a remarkably quiet manner in this place. As IIea vy rains have prevailed in Northern Ne­ with respectful mention of Gen. IPs enlist­ ple, while Mr. Barnahee’s excellent abilities as and that of last year. This year our streets braska ami Kansas, ami several railroads have found the police made no arrests for drunkenness soon as the first instant, the hoys began with their ment in connection with an independent Miurees and all the ingenuity which til, sentence to imprisonment for life. This vocalist ami actor will in this operetta display were almost deserted,—Last thousands been badly washed. The crops are much im­ mid disturbance. No serious accidents occurred torpedoes ami fire crackers, ami on Sunday even­ company to which he belonged; giveiug nio-L eminent legal counsel could bring to decision will, we think, he generally con­ themselves in a role which will he entirely new to thronged our streets Irom lieighlwirng towns, prove* 1 however. during the dav. During tin' forenoon some fire­ ing a party started out about 11 o’clock, wander­ him ere.lit for well doing up to the unfort­ hear up... it. s..p|K.rhal by friends who hav. cu rred in. liis auditors. Seats may now he secured at E. R. and with their presence lu lpe-l to make tile cele- During a thunder storm Tuesday two youths in works ill the window ,.f Wade’s shop, in the Shep­ ing over the village, tiring guns, and other lire Portsmouth, named Guthrie ami Hubbard, were unate days of Gen. Fitz John Porter, with Spear & Co.’s. hratioii a decided success and one long to he re­ whose disgraces he charges him .with too used every effort for the success of then hard building, nt the Brook, were accidentally arms, their chief aim seianing to he, (if we eai killed by lightning, ami the schooner Windward membered by our citizens. This year our people much fellowship:—toiiehinghisresignation cause', and be lets failed. Three fourths 35T Plymouth Church manifested its fi F As the Gen. Berry Engine was being lying at the wharf had h* r mainmast splintered. ignited, causing a gorel deal of smoke, some ex­ judge from what they were heard to say), to ami w ithdraw al from tin* service in the disposition towards Mr. Beecher last eve­ hauled upon the freight platform at the rail­ lor the most part went out of town. Eureka En­ The steamship Laac Bell, outward bound from of the jury are firmly convinced of Mr. citement and a partial alarm of tire, l.ut little awaken every family in the place, and they suc­ gloom of ’62. and his snhsetpnmt :ussoeia- road station, to he shipped for Bath on Monday gine Co., No. I, accompanied by the Thomaston Norfolk to New York, ran into and sunk the tug lleecl.e'r's'innocence of the crime with ning. at a meeting of its pewholdcrs, by larnage was done. In the afternoon lire no dis­ ceeded very well iu doing it. A few of our citi­ tion with Finery and Pillsbury in oppos­ morning, just as the engine had nearly reached Cornet Band, together with many of our citizens Lumberman Monday night. Seventeen passen­ which he wits Charged, after bearing and raising his salary from $20,000 In $100,000, severed iu the gutter or Mr.J. L. (liofray - is,use, zens went to Portland; others went to ride, sail­ gers were aboard the latter, ot' which number ing the draft and discouraging tin; soldiers the tup of the incline ami the horses were ou the went to Bath. The “ Eureka’s ” took a promi­ In; left behind him in the Field. sifting all the testimony, and we think that for theensuingyear. The meeting embraced by Mr. Andrew Hatboro, and it wasspo-Idy ex­ ing and engaged iu other pastimes, while a larger level portion ot the platform beyond, a strain was nent part in the firemen's parade in that city, the missing. The proper signals were given by It is a fatal shot, w ell aim ed, and tin* hall al least lluee-fourths of the public yes. • about four-fifths of the whole number of tinguished. It resulted, we believe, from the lodg­ company met on Ogier’s Point for a picnic. brought on the pole of the engine which caused it and are highly pleased with the kind reception the captain of tin; Isaac Bell, ami no blame what­ well pocketed.”— Walrrvilh Mitil. milch larger proportion of the intelligent pew-holders and tin* resolution passed ing there ul a fragment frumalarge tire-erack, r. A Lemonade was furnished to the company through­ to break,ami the engine ran hack down the incline that they received from the firemen ami citizens, ever is attached to him. unanimously. lad name ! Bertie Maddoeks, while playing will, a out the entire day, under the excellent manage­ and virtuous public—rest in the same con­ ami tipped over. Notwithstanding the accident, of Bath. They are also highly elated on receiv­ Six hoys, between the ages of S ami 11. were A FISHY LOT. ley cannon andtire-craekei-s,accidentally expl" led ment of Mark Whitmore. At hall-past one, a drowned at Fall R:ver, about 1 o’clock, on T u es­ clusion. The result or all the ar.ay ot the machine was loaded, ami proceeded on its way, ing the first prize, an elegant silver trumpet, for II seems hardly natural for tin; 4 th of ahottleof [aiwder beside him, aud lair....I his l it long table was set, ami tilled with a bountiful day, while ha: 'Flic lishwonicii of Boulogne, says a cor­ testimony, tl.e questioning ami cross-ques­ ami played against the “ Eureka ’* of Thomaston the best playing ou the oceasiott. They are fully J u ly to c o llie oil the 5th, or to celebrate a ..nil,-severely. Iu the evening, Mrs. U. W. ll'.eki supply of good things from the culinary depart- The centennial . Nersary ot Washington’s respondent of the Chicago Tribune, an; a tioning. ibe able efforts and arguments o| in the competition for prizes. On Tuesday the aware that they competed with one of the best who had just turned from Elm on to Mam street, partmeuts of the ladies. These with an excellent taking command of t!i • ■ any wae celebrated in peculiar people, who an; to themselves and counsel, lias not been to ln,t tl»«? " day when it is past. Borrowed time may engine was taken out for examination aud trial engine companies iu the State; for the Eureka's Cambridge on Saturday. In a tent **n the Com­ was struck by a rocket which hail ta k e n a wroi fish chowder, prepared on the ground by Messrs. of themselves apart from the world, save mistake or doubt, but it has strength­ h a v e ’ti it tin* stro n g elem ents o f an ticip a­ ami a leak was found in the air chamber. Un­ acknowledge that no Engine Company in Ma’ne mon a poem was read by James Russell Lowell in the business of money-making. These tion, past tin* pleasures o f relleelion. but in emi.-se, m il which set tire to her clothing m II. 15. Richards, and Louis Wadswards,made up an ami an oration delivered by the Rev. Dr. P e a b o ­ ened the belief in Mr. lleceber’s innocence doubtedly the play of tin* Berrys at Bath was af­ is superior to the Gen. Berry Company. As citi­ dy. Subsequently a -linner was served in Me­ women are Amazons in strength and in burned her somewhat, hut not seriously. Amah excellent dinner, which was partaken of with a muscular development. For some reason and left his accuser in worse ease than when either case we can’t help feeling it is a sub­ fected by this accident to their machine, as it was zens of Thomaston, ot course we are pleased morial Hall, at which there were appropriate rocket, shot oil' in trout uf Hix x llawson’s store, relish, if we can judge from the happy counten­ tin y have tin* right of one franc apiece for stitute after all. The ltb was Sunday: much below the average of their previous rec- at the success of Eureka company. This compa­ tests an*l speeches. he began this prosecution. A new trial struck the awning in its ascent mid was diverted ances, pleasant words, and the astonishing rapidity every article of luggage landed at Boulogne, Monday was the 5th. ny has been a very ellicient one, and the engine, The New Hampshire Legislature adjourned may be considered out of the question, we train its course and dashed through the windov, with which all those good things disappeared. The and dozens of them stand in waiting when Another year, without unlawfully tres­ by their well directed efforts, has saved thousands finally Saturday. think: for Tilton's chances of success in -.W* The annual election o f officers of the Uni­ into the store, breaking the glass. W c also lean party respomled cheerfully to the call of the com­ the boat arrives, not only to collect their passing upon holy time, tin; nation will be of dollars’ worth ot pro|»erty iu this ami neighbor­ It is riimore-l that after this month go!*1 sales dues, but to act :is porters as well, for those such case would be much less than in the versal ist Sunday School took place last Sunday. mittee of arrangements for meeting the expenses, that a lioy of I I, sou of Mr. A. 11. Fogg, oi will Ik* suspended ami the hoanling of specie be­ with trunks, etc., carried to hotels and rail­ free to praise God with loudest acclaim in A constitution was adopt<*d ami the first Sunday ing towns. < >ur fire department is certainly ef­ gun, preparatory to resumption. long struggle just ended. Pleasant street, fell from a tree' on Monday morn, so that all hills were promptly paid aud 17 ets. to way stations. Size or weight seems never ficient, ami we ought all of us to feel a pride in As to Mr. Tilton, it is no injustice to say just; those hours most sacred and natural in July was fixed as the anniversary ot the scIkmjI ing, and struck on the side of a picket fence, re- spare. The expression was, we have had A. Worth S p a te s of Baltimore, member of the to deter them, atnl such Saratoga trunks as fortrue patriotism; extol liberty, honor the instead of the last Sunday in June, as heretofore. their success ami aid them to Ik; ell'eclive. a good time. Filth Maryland regiment, *lelivere*l a lecture en­ our countrywomen travel with, and such as that bis course ill this case lias injured bis edving some flesh wounds, which have not, how- titled •• A southerner’s impre—ions of Boston.” in The usual anniversary concert was omitted thi.* A number of our citizens had a clam hake and reputation beyond possible restoration—be­ fathers, and let the tires of patriotism burn ever, proved serious. No hells were rung, nor cannons fired. Those that city Sunday evening to a large audience. mark them at once to the European eye as cause he woui.l justly deserve this fat,',even with just such demonstrations as are com­ year. The following are the officers of the school ettnner fry at Hathorn’s Point, Cushing, aild bail who went to Eagle Island, at this writing, (Tues- Americans, trunks heavy enough to demand The Flora Myers Theater Company per- A lire at Tulare City, Cal., on Tuesday, de­ for the ensuing year:—Superititemleiit, Z. l’ojie a very pleasant time. They could not have sought the sweat of the blow of two or three were his charge against Mr. Ileeeber true. mon and lawful for such an occasion. thiy evening) had not returned. stroyed the entire business portion of the town. formed the “ Body of Lyons, ” at Farwell 4t a more delightful place lor this purpose than Loss #120,000. English porters in lifting, ami “ tips ” all a- Since the Declaration of Independence, Wise; Secretary and Treasurer, Miss Estella E. ()i.i» Coin.—We were shown a coin by Mr. Bass, In either view of Mr. Beecher's conduct— Ames Hall, on Monday evening, tuna audience Hathoru’s Point. round, are to some of these women seem­ Keene; Musical Director, Rev. (’. P. Nash; Libra­ our Post Master, which was found by Mr. Harlow There was a dreadful stoi in N ew Y..rk Tues- ingly a men; bagatelle. Ol< 1 women and considering him innocent or guilty—Mr. our country will have seen no such day as of cxcclcut character and ill a manner that we day afternoon with a heav rain ami hail, high rian. Albert Mitchell: Assistant Librarians, Wil­ Although wedi«l not celebrate to any great extent, while digging a ditch, (hi one side is the word young take such trunks upon their backs as Tilton has exhibited a character which no it will see one y e a r from last Sunday. ’Flu; have heard eharaeterizcl in terms of strong com­ wind ami incessant thumler cl lightning. Two lie Banks, Bertie Ames. yet the usual amount of church hell ringing, firing “ Liberty ” ami the date 1791. A protile face and if it were hut child’s play, ami probably joys and enthusiasm of Proclamation, ami mendation. Flora Myers sustain.' I the character men named A bilin Newim ami Jacob Tucker wonder much at tin; unmitigated horror honorable man could approve or respect. crackers, guns, cannons and head which seems to represent Dr. Franklin. Centennial Celebration, national ami in­ "7/" We learn from (’apt. Crocker, of the Cus­ wliile lathing a house, wei instantly killed l*v And if he is base enough to maliciously of Pauline iu a highly creditable and very ellee- other patriotic demonstrations, occurred from ear­ and surprise with which American women, tom House, that ou the 30th of June, 1875, there Back of the head is a cap or emblem ol liberty on lightniug. A horse was killcl while standing iu the most petted ami tenderly reanaHvomen dividual, will lit* nearer one than at any in­ tivc manner, while Mr. Purcell rendered Claud,■ ly morn until dowy eve, ami even later slill. a stable. Houses wetx* unroofed ami tie torn up conspire to sacrifice tl.e honor of his own were 210 vessel o f all classes hailing from Rock­ a pole. On the other side the words “ United iu the world, look on this desecl^pBn of tervening period. 'Flic changes of one in a style which a friend of critical judgment No rioting occurred during tin* day, ami a general by the roots. At S o’clock the storm continue*! wife in the effort to pull down and ruin an land, \ iz:—2 ships, t harks, 7 brigs, 222 scIkmhi- States of America” and the figures “ 1-100” and womanhood into beasts of burden. 'Hiese hundred years have added immensely to pronounces not unworthy of comparison with the ami iniinense damage was done. innocent .nan whom the Christian world ers ami 5 steamboats, comprising in all a regis- good feeling prevailed throughout all our borders. inside a circular vine wreath the wonts “ onecent,” w om en arc tin; wives and d aughters o f tisli- inqKirsonatinns of Lester Wallack. Mr..1.1 . My,is, Loe*ler ami Price have been committed to await has honored as one of its most eminent re­ the wealth, intelligence and enterprise of tered measurement of 30,000 tons. 'I’liere are al­ Very few accidents occurred, amt happier still and on the circular edge the wonts pressed in, the action of the grand jury, oil the charge of ermt-n, themselves not fishers, Save of win, made his fust appearance on the laiards here -lu imps, hut venders of lisli from dooi*t.ov ligious teachers, no condemnation is trai se­ the people, without loss of patriotism or so a considerable number of vessels owned in part one was seriously injttr«*«l. Frank Carleton, son “ One hundred for a dollar.” perjury. foe a long lime no the above occasion, made a de­ door, ami keepers of stalls in the lish t#lr- respect for the fathers. Tin* day, there­ at this port hut hailing from other ports. ofE. II Carl, tin , wass ruck by the/n that patriotic drama entitled “ The War for the Union, day.— \ Baptist paper made the statement that of another than a Fisherman, sin; is repri­ guished l.v honorable achievement 'i 'l 'iv ning it will certainly merit a full house. into town from Cushing. When near here, th,! hills outside die vault. Om; of the burglars was or the II--rttiiie of Manassas,” which we under- R ev. (J. W. B ow er o f till* ( ’h o lllllt arrested Wednesday. manded and made to feel tin; indignation gilded with great promise for the future, is Cirv Cm x,'ll---The regular monthly meeting himj became unhooked ami the horse ran, ' Such joy-rtanl repairs portion uf Beech street; of W. IL Keene and others, trumpet imleol. ing without attaches *• Bev.” to his name, unless you Trolling Park last Saturday afternoon, according its own axis in making one revolution around the in this miserable business a weakness In-Id last Suiida afleriKHiii at half-pasi for sidewalk ou Granite street, train Union lo ( ’apt. R. ('. Gillehrest, '-hip broker, of Liverpool, The Whig learns tliat silver has hei u discovered know soinethingof his antecedents, and are to announcement. There were a large number of first circle' hv several parties, on the I which was misusp'cteil in a man who was (.•cl.M-k. Tin- ill! nluctory services were cm Broadway; of Mary .1. Willis and others, for side­ England, arrived iu town with liis family on aeasoiiahlv sun* that he is not encumbered, of s,»eelators in at tendance, who enjoyed tin The matter was finally referred to a committee owned by .1. II. Bla or that In* is not something diftereiit from regarded as exceptionally strong in every cd hv Rev..I. It. Bowler, who pn-aehcl during walk Oil Fulton street, and of T. B. McIntosh and Wednesday last. T h ey will pass the summer of three consisting of Messrs. Lm. Knowlton, Geo. The Bangor City I’oiiucil has votcl to iustrui what In* appears. For lack of this precau­ the day in an adjoining ncighhorhooil. R-v. S. sport. For the first race, (which was for hoi-se: utliers, fo ra new street from Holmes to Pleasant hen*. wholesome attribute of manly character, the water commissit system tion. a Mi» Emma Piper, of Kalamazoo, that i ever beat three minutes, for a purse of .-<100 strea-t.were severally read and referred to Commit- The platform of theearriagt rcjMisilory of tin Follansbee, and E. Fletcher. Rev. Geo. (’raw- and shown a want of straight-forward, L. B. (’hsisc, of RiMtkhmd, preached from Hal*. 3 : 1, of water works • fo r the cl ion of Michigan— a relined and beautiful girl of sf.H to 1st, #25 to 2d and S I5 to 3d ) then Ibrd, s(*eomh**l by J. II. Montgomery, claiming across the Penobscot river. square common-sense dealing, ill,del a “ .1 nJ llie/i Ii'its llif hilliut/ q/ his /miri r." Tile Ire on lligliways. Prison, on Wadsworth street, e: gilt lire on Satur good fam ily -Finds h erself m arried to a •re four entries, viz;—Wharf & Arcy, Vinal that it made hut one revolution, while SjK*ncer A Colby University correspondent says that f gross mise.jnduct. with which hun­ seriimn was ou the “ Undeveloped Resources of Claim of Ella A. Perry, for reasonable dam • lay last, from an Indiacraeke l»eing fired under scamp. Charles A. Eastman by nam e, who charge., Meroc, seconded by Geo. 11. Cleveland, claimed the examination for .iscd ami discussed the question. Each side was argued Freshman class will number over fifty. ly good. The congregation lillcl the house, many Claim of William Adams, for Slftftft, for dam Hall, ou Monday afternoon an after an unsuccessful attempt to escape have submitted himself to tile secret and with great ability, illustrated with m i «y ingen­ being present fr«»m other neighborhoods and first heat, ami the next three heats and the race ages received by reason uf destruction of tmildin: oil'finely, ami all enjoyod the < ceasiou much. It A meeting of the trusti < of the from jail, lie owned up lo his rascality and crooked course dictated by such a guide as ious apparatus and drawings. Two of the com­ towns. Other ministers in tliejAssociation are ex- ii by Black Diamond. Granite took the 2d in August, 1871. was read and planed on tile. was a source of profit to thesoc ety, ami well they an Seminary was held in Lewiston yc was sentenced to four years in the State Frank Moulton must evcrreniain a wonder, mittee tiesided that it revolved only once, ami one, The treasurer reported the institution p*-,- as w ell as a blot upon the great preacher's 'I’lie improvements are so great that the audience 2.55, 3.00. The second race was a sweepstakes for Highway Fund, y2ft.l!> ; l’aiipcr Fund, A large number of the Baptists went from here 00,1, anti free from *leht. A normal department a purse of $200—$ 105 to first, #60 to second and is still under lively discussion by the citizens, quite fam e. room is hardly recognizable as the same before Contingent Fund, §55.71); Fire Department to South Thomaston, oil Sunday last, to attend the has been established, and Prof. Rich, ol Middh- NOTH ES OF PUBLICATIONS. a large majority, so far as we can learn, favoring town, appointed. A theological department has But it is to lie recorded as greatly t" Mr. occupied. A new and very neat pulpit lias lxxni .$35 to third. The entries were as follows :—Chas #162.75 ; Police Fund, #33.06. re-opening of the Baptist Church at that place. Burkett,Appleton, b.s. Red Jacket; (li*orge Daggett, " Reports of Committee on New Streets were the idea that it turns twice on its own axis. been established for scholars who have not the Iteeeher's ele,lit. all.l one of the strongest built and placed farther forward than the old, the The prospect looks encouraging to the society means to take a course at the theological school. Ocean Borx; or. The Cruise of Ihe Clubs By ground- of conlidenee in bis integrity, that Rockland, b.s. King; L. C. Titus, Bangor, s. g. Oliver Optic. Thirteen Illustrations. Boston: orchestra occupying the space thus left in the made as follows ;—On petition of T. W. Hix, dr., there. W arren . Tito experiment of transfusing hloo-1 from a he i- most warmly siippirle.l by those who rear. A new chandelier and other improvements Blondin. The first heat was di*elar(*d a dead heat, and others, for sidewalk on Koiitli street, in favor Two persons received the right hand of fellow­ healthy person into the veins of a sick person was Lee *x Shepard, 1875. Pp. 368. Price #1.50. The tinly celebration of the anniversary of the know him best—those among whom he add greatly to the attractiveness of the house. Il hut the next three were won by Red Jacket. Best of said petition ; on petition uf Anson Butler and ship at the Baptist church ou Sunday hist. tried in Mouroe last Sunday by Dr. Jones of Ban­ This is the sixth atnl last volume of the “ Yacht time, 2.11. The second money went to King and Declaration with us was held at North Warren, gor upou Dr. G. G. Boyd who was rapidly sink­ i ’hit) Series.” It- hero is a young man who cruises lives and to whom be ministers. A great was hoped that the services of Rev. Mr. Kalloch, others, for sidewalk, recommending the huildin The Cheyenne Daily Leader, of June 19th ing from consumption. Four ounces of blood iu a steam yacht atnl the story deals iu romantic third to Blondin. on the 3d, at a very fine grove in the vicinity of who tailored so many years with this church, of a plank walk four feet wide, from residence of were infused into the veins of the patient from in c iile n t and adventure and introduces uhameters church has been unwavering in its faith, says that “ Acting Governor French, we are glad the resilience of George Pendleton, Esq. The its conlidenee and its support, through all might In* secured for the first Sabbath after the Zx/" Hie Free Press has removed to its new Geo. Wooster, 806 feet towards Acliorn (’emetery ; to say, is rapidly recovering from his long spell his brother’s arm, anti the result for the time was who have appeare*I in previous volumes of the ladies ami gentlemen comprising the committee favorable, hut it only lengthened life three or four The volume will doubtless he very in­ office, on the ground floor, under its former rooms, on claim of II. E. IMackington, for damage to these accusations and all this long trial, and rc-opcniug, but liis other engagements prevent, of sickness.” We learn that he has had a fever, rrangements, spared no pains to make the days. teresting to the author’s immense circle of young where it has very light, airy and pleasant quar-| never was more unfaltering in its trust in and instead (Rev. Mr. Dutton, of Warren, will horse by defect in road, that in opinion uf Com­ and are pleased to hear of his recovery. affair pass off successfully, ami must have felt The Trustees of th .* L'u ; »ln County Agricultural readers. him than now. Il is idle and unjust to preach there next Sunday at 5 o’clock, 1*. M. ters. With plate-glass windows, editorial and mittee the Rockland anti Thomaston t Tuesday afternoon, while Mr. A. K. Walsh wn aud Horticultural Society, have voted to oiler ti e that their .labors were not. iu vain, so decided ano the Spaniaiios. By N. L. Thieblin. counting-room handsomely finished iu ash and Co., and no t the city, are responsible fur said de­ sum of $511 for premiums aud special premiums, s u p p .se that this supiKirtis only adherence arraying some festoons of ornamental paper in was the expression of approval from all present. Boston: Lee x Shepartl. 1875. 404 pp. everything convenient, Bro. Sprague lias reason at the annual cattle show and fair to he holden at to a leader of great abilities and magnetic A collision oeeurrcl on Monday afternoon, on fect Accepted. the center overhead iu the millinery rooms of The table was loaded with a tempting lot of viands, at Waldoboro, Tuesday Wednesday and Thurs Lay, The author of this work liegan his journalistic the South Side Railroad, Long Island, lietvveen a to congratulate himself on his improved situation influence, or that it is given blindly. It i- Orders were passed by concurrent vote as fol­ Miss E. A. McIntyre, the steps on which lie w and was so trimmed as to make a very attractive Oct. 12th, 13th, and 14th, 1875. i(x*r in Loudon as foreign correspondent of the heavily-laden excursion train from Williams­ Pall .Wall Gazette, and during the Franco- only fair to estimate it as the friendship burg. going to the bench, ami a light train of three ~ y Last Friday a body was washed ashore at lows; . , , *T , standing gave way, ami in order to save himself appearance. Occupying a conspicuous place at The Brunswick Telegraph states that Prof. J. S. Order directing repairs to be made on K. A n War joined the French army as special ears from Rockaway. Both trains were badly jaught hold of the top of an upright show Sewall has accepted the professorship of saeixd , and support of honest Ulen and women, Clark’s Island, which was identified by portions the center were the prizes fur the tub race< which rhetoric and oratory at the Bangor Theological | correspondent of the same paper, where his letters smashed, seven pci-sons were killed and about fif­ lSiil'pcc Engine House ns recuuiuicndctl by Cem- case, and they both came to the floor with who stand up for their pastor, ls-eause they of the clothing as that of Lawrence Mangan, who was announced for the afternoon,—a large ami Seminary, an*I will resign his professorship at ained him much reputation. He was afterward teen more were more or less injured. The excur­ mittec ou Fire Department, with exception of breaking the glass in the ease, hut producing no sent to Spain as the representative of the New York thoroughly believe him to be an honest and sion train was heliiml time ami running to make was drowned at Dix Island last April. The body handsomely frosted cake for the winner, a cross, Bowdoin at the meeting of the board this week. arching of the ceiling of the hull. other injury. Al. says that he does not like //t’/-(zZ(/,and this volume is the result of his trave’s true man. who lias been grossly slandered up, to get to a siding, where the other train should was brought to this city ami forwarded to So. and wreath for the second and a solitary dough­ The News says that Miss Susie Lcvensaler of ami sojourn in that country. It is revised amt Order ilireeting Committee on Fire Department Waldoboro, was badly bitten a few days ago by an have waited. The President of the rood was on Boston, Mass., where Mangan belonged. uch a trapeze performance as this. nut to console the vampiished competitor. abridged from the London edition, which was p u l- and a victim of false accusation. There­ to put the City Hall building in suitable condition the other train, and lie is reported to have become On Monday the convicts at the prison hat I a enraged cat. She was holding the cat’s kittens lished lost April, and received the most flattering • y We learn that during the fog on Saturday The speakers’ stand was also very prettily dec­ and a pup in her lap when the cat entei\*l the for,' the supp.rt of Plymouth Church is iuipatieut at the noii-apjwaranee of the overdue to accommodate the Hook and Ladder truck, ns holiday, williin Ihe walls. In the morning they notices from tiie leading English periodicals. The passenger train down, ami ordered his up train to night, the sloop Janies Madison, Kenney master, orated with evergreens. It was quite large and room and made a dash lor her face. She tried to something that Mr. Beecher, feeling lie de­ recommended by the Committee. I coffee for breakfast. (pm rlcrly or it: “ Not only is this go along. In eonse.jueiiee the collision occurred. had Jdoughi on one side was placed a cabinet uigan, ;*.:•• prop­ kevp tin; ani'.iul oil and received several the most graphic hook about Spain of late years— from Tusket Island, N. S., for Portland, with lob­ An order raising n Joint Special Committee t, wounds on her arm, which were very painful at serves it, may lean upon with conlidenee. ghs who were in the excursion party began to Vfter whiel. k,wv.t to mmglv logvtJioi erty of Miss Carrie Fcylcr, whose playing added it is the most useful. It has the importance of sters, went ashore on Seal Ledge, between Matin- the time. and which tile world must respect as the plunder the dead hodie.*. investigate claim uf Jorepl. Kelly mr damage said a short time, indulging much to the pleasure of the occasion. history and the fascination of romance.” The icusaml Moiihegati, and became a total loss. The The Journal says that on Friday a new ar­ strongest testimony in bis favor. It is a to have been received by reason of defect iu high­ g the bars, <&c. One of Mr. E. S. Crocker presided at the stand ami style ot tiic Work is easy, graceful, graphic and crew, five in number, were saved. John Mars- way. Alderman Jones and Couueilmau Hall were rangement began on the Maine Central. Engines brilliant, ami the author seems to take his readers great pity that so honored a name should be Dr. James IL Nichols, ati accomplished address to his fellows on the exercises, which were opened with prayer by aud engineers are now obliged to run through hi niist. advances a plausible theory to ac­ ten X Co., of Portland, were the owners of the appointed. along with him through the scenes which he burnished by false accusation, without ability moral duties. His ad- Dea. Packard, consisted of singing, an oration by from Bangor to Portland, and rice ccrsa, without describes. The New York A a/io/t says that it count for the drug-store explosion in Bos­ sloop. Order instructing Road Commissioner to build i feelingly delit red and well receive*!, any change, making a continuous round of duty, “ knows of no hook that so well represents the to clear itself in the eyes of every doubter, ton. I h; has no doubt that ex plosion was Mr. L. F. Starrett, ami a reading by Mr. A. F. Rev. S. L. B. Chase, at the First Baptist lewalks on Willow, Pearl, South aud Hall streets repairing his dwelling without much intermission, for one hundred aud condition of modern Spain,” and we earnestly hut Mr. Beecher, being innocent, can much :auscd by the vapor of ether, which he i.l J. Stai Morse, after which the company partook with church, preached an excellent sermon appropriate and the Old County Road, as recommended by the thirty-six miles. commend it to those who wish to increase their iHjttcr afford to wait for complete and con­ has known to prostrate heavy buildings zest of the bountiful collation provided. Cony Sexton, aged 22, at work on the drive, knowledge of that country. Sold at the book­ to the national anniversary, last Sunday morning. Committee on Streets. base hall inia rages we shall clusive vindication, than any man can af­ when freed by the breaking of so small a 1 long : This important part of the programme having was drowned at Fairfield ou Tuesday, the jaui stores. ((iiantily ^as a live-pound bottle |of ether. Rev. C. 1‘. Nash, at Farwell & Ames Hall, preached /djourned. The hoys play well breaking. ford unjustly to believe him guilty. not Ik been satisfactorily disposed of, the next thing was When mixed with air in the projnirtion of an able Fourth of July sermon on the afternoon,to The Police made seizures of liquors at four and deserve to he mentioned, (hi Monday morn­ a walk down to the shore of Seven Tree Pond to At Biddeford on the afternoon of the 5th, John Wole Rex; or, the Boys o f the Wilderness. one to eight the vapor explodes with a a large congregation, and Rev. C. B. Be.sse, at the saloons on Main street on Saturday evening; viz., ing a game was played between the ‘-Clippers’ witness the tub-race. The hank is at this point Porter, aged 13 years, son of Hiram Porter, was By Elijah Kellogg. Illustrated. Boston : Lee terribly destructive force and with tin; pecu­ fatally injured by the bursting of a small cannon, g r Our neighbors in Bath celebrated Methodist church, also preached an effective dis­ and the “ Juniors.” The “ Juniors ” ,/on by :i & Shepard. 1875. pp. 292. Price #1.25. liar rumbling sound which was heard in it Ulmer's in Beethoven Block, and at Hanrahan’s, quite high, amt the land further hack rises so a fragment of which entered the brain through course appropriate to the day. Rev. J. E. Hall’s Rev. Elijah Kellogg lias won a wide popularity the anniversary of our national indepen. Boston. 'Flic vapor liberated by the break­ Haley’s and Murphy’s, all in McLoou Block. score of IS to 1 1. In the afternoon the “ .Mullins ' gradually as to afford an excellent opportunity to the forehead. On the same day a live year old by his hooks for young people, comprising the ing of a three-quart hottie, uniting with the morning sermon, at the Congregational church, Small qualities of liquor were obtaiued at each heat the “ Counter Jumpers,” in a score of 31 to sou of Maria Dunn fell through the Smith street dencc on Monday, in aeeordaitee with see the entire course. The tubs were carried to Elm Island Stories,” the “ Pleasant Cove Se­ air in a contracted cellar would furnish all was not chosen with reference to the national liar:.*. The proprietors of all four places wet4-’ Afterwards the “ Jum pers” challenged the the place of starting in a large flat-boat. A birch bridge of the Boston Cc Maine Railroad, and the programme previously announced. fractured his skull so that the brains oozed out. ries ” and *• The Whispering Pine Series.” The the conditions for an explosion. significance of the day. It.- subject was “ Doctrine rraigned before the Police Court ou Tuesday, Juniors ” to play them a match game for a hall canoe near the shore, was the goal set for the scene in these stories is laid on the coast of Maiue, The General Berry Engine Company, of The Republican is iuformed that Josoph Smith, ami Dogma,” ami it is very highly spoken of barged with keeping liquors with intent to sell ? a prize. The challenge was accepted, ami the hardy voyagers to reach. The contestants were the early years of the century, and they are this city, attended, mustering 75 men, son of the “ Great Mormon Prophet,” and Jos. full of adventure, hut more true to life and more A fellow named Campbell, •at«*’l the falls ' and is said to have beeu one of the ablest dis­ the same in violation of law, and all were con­ Jumpers” were again put in chancery. E. S. Crocker, Edwin Payson ami Willie Kalloch. Lakemau, a prominent Grind Menan Mormon, j and accompaned by the Damariscotta Band, at Sullivan, on a log, July 5th. The falls have consistent with probability than those of “ Oliver courses Mr. Hall lias ever delivered here. victed aud lined #50 each and costs. Haley ami The tubs were lifted over the side of the boat ami were in town last week. These Grand Menan Optic.” The pre>-nt volume begins the while Chief Engineer Berry and Assistant a clear jump of eight feet with a current running Mormons are very zealous and are extemling Murphy agreed to pay, hut Hanrahan ami Ulmer were held while the hoys got on board, ami then “ Forest Glen Series” aud W a story of the time Engineers Tighe, Cobb and Cummings, about fifteen knots. A large crowd witnessed tin* y jF We print on our first page the address de­ R o ck p o rt. their intluence on the island; they are of that ill jMirformancc. appealed and recognized for thier appearance at at the word—“ G o !” each commenced with a just following “ Braddock's l>efeat” and the scene accompained them as guests of the city. livered by Rev. J. O. Skinner, of Waterville, on Tin; “ Fourth.” —The 4th was ushered in on branch of the “ faith ” that denounce polygamy, is laid in Pennsylvania. It pictures the fearful the next term of S. J. Court. will to paddle his own tub. Master Willie took and claim to have no fellowship lor Brigham A large number of persons from this city, . , . „ , . , n the occasion of the laying of the comer stone of the 5th, by the ringing of hells ami firing of ordeal through which a liand of settlers were co'ltayUt Al|’l”'.rt.v . 7 ’, nicn'o'n.q’i.',"-"i Island, ,’n Cas- the ,,cw Universalist church, last week. It will the lead at the start, hut wius passed by Payson Young whatever, and this with their zeal tor tlu ir eallisl to pass in defending their homesteads, besides the firemen, went over to see tin; Philip xMulligan was arraigued before the rackers ut an hour too early for sleepy heads or cause has won for them quite a resectable nuui- when about half way to the goal. Mr. Crocker, and it shows the jieculiar relations exist­ island put out and picked up the body of a young ' he found to contain facts of interest, ami though Police Court last Saturday, charged with keeping sloths. The love of noise, by no means foreign to her of adherents there. ing between the Quakers and the Indians aud celebration. Everything passed of pleas­ who, in consideration of his larger hulk, had pro- man drcsse’ offen8ivc to tbe genend i fault of Pa>’,ncnt he was is effective. which the youth of that day were trained to meet awake day of the year. started in the rear, ami kept that position to the and enjoyed their visit. The procession 1 o f the course. The large boat was kept near Hezekiah Flanders ol Northport, aged 69, feP peril ami hardship. wick. A Mr. Strout and a young man named reader, while its broad ami catholic spirit w i l l ------— ------Between 7 ami 8 o’clock parties began to as­ Sold at the Iniok stores. was coni)x)sed mainly of tin; fire depart­ dead while at work iu his field Monday afternoon- McManus, also of Brunswick, who were in the coiumen,l it to general approval. | Local Brevities.—A very smart rain 1semble at a wharf hack of the ice house, for a sail­ the tubs so as to afford a place of refuge in ease ment of Bath and tin; visiting fire ooin- boat, were also drowned. Strout leaves a wile Tuesday night, with a little thunder and lightning j ing excursion to Eagle Island. The band and tire of mishap. Arrived at the boat the hoys essayed to The new park at the Insane Hospital iu Au­ three small children. j Payson Ixxlge of Good Templars held a gusta, was opened with music, m atatiou, decla­ Real Estate Conveyances in ICuox panies, the latter being six in number. At at the outset.—A party of young men went o u t' company, in , added to the attraction in get on hoard without assistance, the result of which ‘ pleasant strawlierry festival at their hall, on Mon- , • «* •*» rv. * » , mation, an ad*lress by Dr. Quinby, atnl collution, C om ity, tin; trial of engines, which took place on The UnivcraniiKt ^ i r t y of Bangor have unani- ,.vcllillg, Xaiize.,...... to the Lodge '“g" ' 1,1 1‘“ that direction, and when the schooner swung clear an overturning of the tub, ami a spilling of on Saturday, 3*1 inst. The exercises were at­ F o r On* week ending T h ursday noon, Ju ly S, 1875. Railroad Wharf, only two machines com­ mously voted to extend a call to Rev. E. W. Pre- J , b t Bonita, returning ou Sunday.—In the match game of the wharf, it was declare*I, “ she is crowded iccupant in each instance,a termination which tended by ISO of tin* patients. Tin; Park is hut Kocki.ano.- Charles A. Fates to Thomas C. Fates, pleted for the prize for first-class engines, ble, of Abington, Mass., who has supplied the trea8U17 ’ : between the “ Mullin ” and “ Lime Rock ” B. B. full,” ami she was. Several beautiful airs from tin* in no wise temled to abate the interest manifested a few rods north of the Hospital. % It contains a house lot, #350. ravine covered by a line grove. If is very taste­ So. Tiiom aston’.—George 1‘ennie to Ellen Whalen* pulpit for several Sundays past. j N. T. Dutton, of Warren, will preach Clubs, on Saturday, the latter wetx* victorious by hand as they sailed down river, kept most eyes by the spectators, from the start. iaixl aud hnildiiicx, #160. tin; Eureka of Thomaston and Gen. Berry fully arrauged with nice walks and rustic seats, North IIaven —•Jos. 8. Couont to Elisha C.Calder- of this city. The prize was awarded to the The constables in Bowdoinham have beeu in the South Thomastou meetiug house next Sun- a s ore of 39 to 27.—Mr. A. Rosa Weeks was bad- aud ears in that direction till the music ceased. Returning in|good humor to the grove, the peo­ also arrangements lor scaling an audience with a wood, land and buildings, #500; Win. K. Ordwuy to Jos. 8. Conant, 30 acres of land, »75.| E u re k a, w hose p lay w as 165 ft.., 3 in., w hile seiziiig liquors sent to that town by express. day at 5 o’clock P. M. ly stung iu the wrist while hiving a swarm of bees Then those left behind turned to their methods of ple were amused and entertained by music aud staud for services and exercises. I SANFORD’S STEAMSHIP COMPANY ! For Boston and Lowell. i* viig*einoiit lov S.-ason o f 1S75.

seemsjto us, from such tastingpis we have given it, ;3d, l’ I latch, G reen, V Two bleamers on the Route. - - Four Trips per Week. that the fruit is like watermelons in one respect— Prcssev. Boston; Ariosto. Elwell, ,1,,; (’ .tones. lob ...r ' . Y lor Belfast; E V Turner. Walker, N V: Br P A. I t E , O K E Y S 2 . O O . verv bulky in proportion to the nourishment one wrrjciiiv at now :, Mary White. Marehan, Cow B.y. U B: s.-hs C C n? iv m n n w n gets from it. Nasby's “ morals " are to be de­ Loin!,’1 hoinp>o:i, lloekpor.; < ra. \ ill.. ('.'ark. Lynn; rive.! this time from the wordy harangues of a fel­ I! lime, < ’ahliTWood, (iwl’s I trail; \V B Hall. Tohnaii, ittuiuHiuOj low who set himself up in New Jersey as an Ori­ c. p. rrssi;\i>i:rv, ,lo. petrel. Dermot, Provi.l. nee;, Medford. .Iordan, FERNALD’SM Batu/or; titli. Plaint, I l-inleron. do; Speedwell, ental seer ami philosopher, to conceal his real D ruggists & tpof lived ries, Spalding. N Y, M I. ( TimjIo II, Uroekett, Boston. business of making counterfeit nickels—these ha- rougues lieing generally delivered in an affected 218 MAIN STREET, S a iled . It «> «» l€ I a 11 cl , M o . oriental style, to various people who seek his ad­ Sid 1st, sells Erank Jameson.II, Jnm; A drian, KATAII DIN, Capt. W. K. Unix. Postmaster at “ Confedrit Cross Roads.’’ lim it, ,1,,; 3.1. I'ti.-.-i, Thormlik* . P ortland; ( ' ( ' b in d . r\ MONDAY. W KDNESDAY, THURSDAY and SATUR­ Thompson, Philadelphia; Ti de!',------.B o sto n ; W DAY, at 5 1». .M. f ARGKuud Fresh Shi i.I l-’lox C Hall. Ttdinaii, N Y. W huuvgthx’s Manual. For the informal:. S T O R E . '.’ill 1. .iv. BOSTON for R O C K LA N D every MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY ■Hi *«*rs and member of Legislatures, co n i - I 15 ’ <,’. M. T IB IIETT8 DISASTERS. at 5 1-3 o’clock, 1». M. tio n s, societies, c o rp o ra tio n s. urdcr< . e tc ., -• • | ------1------Sell Leonline, Titus, Rockland for New York, re­ FAKE FROM ROCKLAND TO BOSTON, . . . . §200 practical government and m.-mbnship ot all | IMB q £ J A >’?. S? 8 £ 8 O £ * S ports July 5th, oil'Chatham, wa- run into by an uh “ “ “ TO L O W E L L ,...... §3 15 such Imdies.aecnrding to the parliamentary law 1 I »wn schooner and lost (bowsprit and sprung fore- i, .■ Stale Knniu ssei-iu-i'il ol* Agent at Kocklmul. ami practice in the . By Win. S. SI dir Dressing Rooms, N. B. N.».-xti.a hazardous freight taken. All freight must be accompanied by Bill of Lading In duplicate Robinson, Clerk of House of Rcrpesentatives of JUST ARRIVED, M- W. TAKWELL, Agent. M.-t'S from lSt‘,2 to IS?:'.. Boston : Lee \ Shep­ DOM ES'PIG PORTS. A gent’s D lliif, No. 3 A tlantic Block, (upstairs). Residence corner Union and Pleasant Sts. ard. 1875. Berry Bros. New Block. T lit Ctrilial Balm »f Syricmn anfl Roeklaml May 27, 1875. This little manual is sufficiently described in the Bl-2. ITp Mtairw. title page and we commend it I., a’l who have need Saiimh : < iRoeklaml. A First-Class Stock of Ladies’, . f such a work. Sold at the bookstores. A r .ill. -,-h W illiam M. Loon, Rom-rs, Rockland. BOSTp.N Ar:;,l. sell (Lean Wave. Smith, Rock himl. ' POTTLE & KNIGHT, Z: ft si ness Not ices. Ar 5th. sehs Marv ( old., llutnplirev, Philadelphia; Misses and Children’s Fine Benj. Williams, 2d, M. D., ..Hi. C. pirns Starr, li. Babbldge, Hoboken. STICKY I I,Y PARISH. At till, seh Bolt. Rhoades. Roeklaml. PH I LA DEL Pit I \ Sid ::d, har.|iie Ephraim Wil A large quantity just received at PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, liams, Keene, tor B„ PdRTSMol I'D seh Isaac Orbelon, (’ Mkuiiill’s I b tr i; Stoke. OFFICE IN KERRY BLOCK, BOOTS AND SHOES! MERCHANT TAILORS • corner Mam ami l.inie Rock Stm ts. Resiih-uci N E W P O R T - Ar J Moses Eddv. Warren, (’. C. Mouton, o f Thoma ti, has a large line of Main St., South laid, m arly opposite Florence Si. Roeklaml for Fall Ri id sld tl.i-'A M . AND DEALERS IN White Goods ami Linens. FOREIGN. French Kid lluttim, DR. !M. DOWNES, Aral Biinlipntaui, May 22d, Namy Pci m a sk a n d c o m f o k t . d'. ion. M.isiilipalain. JENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Those Elastic Trusses are the finest thing out. fill'I.D resgi-clfully inform the people ot Rock \l Trinidad, 22.1 uh. barque Jennie Cob llroii.lwny Ser^e Hutton, W land and vicinity /hat lie has taken the .iltiee Philadelphia. Ltu- At Mekkill’s. . . ill ly occupied l.y D r. I'vie, .Main S tre et, w here Sl.l Ir.'in Si John, 2d. hrigC.S Packard, Nervous Debility. i lie will render every possible service to patrons who C irdetias. SODA! SODA! SODA! ay call upon him. (Hi ll. • Lizard 25th. I. B G ilc h rist. E., Oil Coat Walking Hoots, 258 IVUIN STREET, ROCKLAND. ollice bouts; 9 lo 12 A. .M , ami 1 to 5 P. M. New Orleans for 1! ar, . Cool and delicious is the verdict of all who try Sld from M arseilles J u n e 21. Mary M Bi d. Packard, H ouse first door west ot Francis Cobb’s, Esq. .New Yoik, (hef,in-reported for Riodaiici the Seda drawn at Mi.kkili.’s. Pure and fresh eecll Street. A r .Na>-.m. Jum -2f,th, D T albot, Am, shury, (and Kid Newport T ies, 11.-tvinix <*n2,;12*i‘‘1 the siq-vices o f M il W . N\ P riest, of this city, wo are now pre­ Jlii:i’i:i:i'.N< i.-: I'rs . P.owditcli a n d S to re r, Boston. ieiire till- causes m ay in- w hich em itrilm te Acknowledged by all farmers to be tin- lightes Fbkit syrups. Call and try it. rem ained 2*.lth). »ds debility, a disease so prevalent, af- draft, ami most durable lnaehiin- ever olVercl tn tin pared to e.Necuti! all orders with promptness. We would say to our friends ami pat­ •Ian. 28th, 1875. N . D O W N ES. h-s. neariv’om-halfof our adult | opula- rons that they e.-ni h i ve iheir garments cut by him or Air. Knight (ifthey have any 26 Mi:nkill’s on the Corner. 1 I'li.- subscriber ta k .s pleasure in announcing t< SPOKEN. .-laneh.dv fact that dav by day, and year Kid I.ow B illion Shoes, choiee)and we should he pleased to have you examine our goods before making your tin s- a most frightful inereas cs this busy scene, witnessed on historic shores : “ Cur steamer land­ J28T A lain Street, ONE NIGHT ONLY! The Kiin>' of Mowers, ed on a beach which was the port of Antioch, ,, iRCCKLAND, ME. where the disciples were first called Christians. Nervous Prostration. ROCKLAND TO NEW YORK There was no town at the water's edge, no people, Farwell & Ames Hall, Rockland, Be Sure and go to no wharf. The passengers and the merchandise FOR were put ashore ill lighters, which ran into the J. P. C O W LES, M. D., I*li)'si,'.i:iu ,V S u r g e o n , sand. A troop of camels with their drivers, lay M onday Eve’g, July 12, It is of th e highest im portance, then, that individuals Buy a through ticket on board on the beach, ready to transport the goods into CAMDEN. - - - MAIXE. should In* able to judge for themselves l»y their own New Firm, Old Stand. the interior. Among the articles landed were Gives especial attention feelings, if and to what extent they are attacked by this Steamer Katahdin, and lwixes marked “ Dn. .1. C. Ayeii «N Co., Lowell, w ill tre a t a cu te ' ' insidioii- enemy to health, i-omfor,, ami even life itself, if left to run its course unchecked, by tin- early I I 3 1C I'. S. A.” showing that they contained medicines and prompt application of curative remedies. uud whence they came. Those with other goods FERNALD’S SAVE 25 CENTS! were hoisted on the backs of camels, lor transpor­ DR. J. ST£VEftS SULLIVAN BROS. 7w27* tation to Antioch. Thus the skill of the West Has removed his House and V i r i B LD <• I hat tin v have laki-u tlie store sends back its remelirs to-heal the maladies of \Y r.-e.-nlly ."eupi.-d l.y d II. F l.l N T, wi.. r. ih.-y populations that inhabit those eastern shores, O ffic e NERVOUS DEBILITY will In- pleased to lll'-et his f..rim I- patrons as well as whence our spiritual maunacame.” — U 'iin ls o r anv m-w customers who may give lliein a call. OBSERVE THESE FOOTPRINTS (1 7 .) Chronicle. Iw31. To Second House on Winter St., to the right; the J. Spear house, so called, where In- Is characterised by a general languor or weakness of CHILDREN’S SHOES. W.- shall keep constantly on band a full and fresh So thoroughly 'Iocs Hu/il's Itemed y brace up will h<- luippy to see his old friends snd patrons, and supply of as many new ones as may choose to give him a call. tin-whole organism, «sp eially ol the nervous flystein, and strengthen the constitution that kidney, obstructing and preventing tin- ordinary functions ot O F F I C E .!! I O U K S n a tu re ; lu-m-e, there is a disordered state ot the secre­ bladder, glandular ami Bright’s disease are Positive, from lL jto IL and lrom 7 to *.», 1’. M.] -ENTITLED tions' constipation, scantv ami high colored urine, with Yon can find just what J u ly 2241S73. 32 an excess of earthy and limy sediment, indicative of promptly dispelled from the system ami health waste of brain and nerve substance, frequent palpita­ surely ensues. Sufferers from gravel, stone or ‘•Sir M arm aduke/' tion of the heart, loss of memory, ami marked irreso­ you want. lution of purpose, and inability to carry into action calculus in the bladder, brick-dust deposits, in­ VOSE & BURPEE, any well defined business enterprise, or to fix the mind B u ll upon any one thing for any length of *! Horse Rake, continence of urine, allections of the prostrate Or, “ Too Attentive by Half.” nsitivciicss to impressions, though not retained CONNELL’S gland, diabetes nud all maladies of the urino-gen­ I ’A I X rJ’E I{S , ( om. dy l.y Madison Morton. Libr.-ito b> B.-nj.E. imt a short linn-, with a dickering and llultei ing individual Gents’, Boys’ and Youths’ Fine ital organs are sped lily cured by this medicine. A- P K K K Y ’S Si«»r«‘, W oolf, oi' Boston. .Music composed <-\pr«-.-sly lor if by lion of the menial faculties, rendering iiniiik:- Hotel. Mr. Julius Eichlwrg, of Boston. what is commonly called a wliitlle a tickle MBATS, Brahminical Moonplant It grants new life to a worn out constitution. Then-must of necessity be in each individual K o c l i k t u < l, AI< MRS. H. M. SMITH, Soprano, leri-nt symptoms, ai-eording to his peculiar organiza- Shoes in all varieties. n. habits, pursuits, ami temperament, which all serve Being desirous to ke.-p pace with tin- march of im­ East Indian lieinedies. shape the manner of tin- manifest itions of their ner- provement in Agricultural Maeliin. s, we have tali, li MISS ALICE CARLE. Contralto, us disturbances, constituting a dillerenee as marked bold of tb.- ll< >1.1.1 NGS W» »l.' I II R A K E , lirm ly in Poultry, Vegetables, it rod need via San t Francisco, California, It affords me g n at pleasure to bear testimony i ar.- their physical peculiarities dissimilar and pc. •I. -b.-'ief that it ...... point- o| ex. . Hence thence to Maine, ami now Selling MR. W. F. WINCH, Tenor, C om m ercially by the benefits I have received from using Fellow: liar to tb. i difi'crcuccH, in tin- m anner Soft and Straw Hals lb.many otln-r, it having lir.-u pronounced S v , I haven A .. 1\/E. A T JST IT N T - MR. H- C. BARNABEE, Basso, ...... of their manifestations, do not indicate any Pork. Lard, <:...... nend.-d il ...... mv of mv Irin,da, and il In i. eessarv ditlereiiee t.» he followed in the treatment id J. E. ROBINSON, MR. HOWARD M. DOW, Pianist. my eas.-' wln-re disease has its origin in physical injury, Received every week. The kitm of Ihe Field. an excellent curative Ihr nervuUM..*. an lie same rem edies being alike applicable CITY LlRTJGF STORE, .l.-l.ili,V. Admission, with Reserved S<-at, 50 els. is i.. tin* strong; to tin* sturdy as to the sickly, varied 282 Main St., : : Rockland, Mo, p in tin* us.- of Butler, Cheese, Tea, Coffee Il i„ also a first-class Ionic, cnahles a |«-reon l DEWTSST. Whole bouse reserved. Sab- of tickets will Open at .iilv in degree of quantity and durati. I ii all of tb.' ;-i at farming ..I N. w Eu---laml. Spear x Co.'s Book Si.-r. , W ED.\ ESDA Y, July 7th. in order i" tin* disease. N ervous d.-bib Sole Agent for the State. take on llosli i-api,lit , an.l is Iron from lli.-. on-li itv, or wliat is generally regarded as sueb, is as pi ot.-an Sugar, Spices, (HFK E <>\ I.R I. WEN I WOK Ill’S IORE, paling 0,1,v l. eliaeaeleri.-l...... her tunics I h a , tvp. d in il- p. e u liariii.'s as ar.- tin- dream s of the ship­ JAMES FEBHALD’S, MIE Brahimnical Remedies are represented iu wrecked mariner, who, in bis struggles for sal. iy, b.-s . tw elve M-I .-IAI.I Ills, IHSTING'I'I.Y ritE l’AUKLl, tried. i:i:iutv uiuOCK. down exhausted for a m onicnl’s slecqi upon tin- wieek IIi:\U Y Moiiiroal. d id (Nearly (ippnsili! Lynde Hold,) ,eh one having.qualities and principles innately pe­ D en ti-trv in a! REM ( >V A L ! upon wlii'-b he with all tin- cli-mccts ot d.-strm- FLOUiS AHA Si£AL, culiar, ami a name to distinguish all ot them, labeled at KKASON'AB lion in mad e.,1111,,,.' ..u aroum l him , w hen the lirst m- on tin; h o ttie; win r. on D a num ber d e n o tin g order Moment.—Tin- |ila . i and a I ULL ASSOKTMEVI’of such oili­ of .succession i.» b< i.i,,. ami ait- lor the relief of N ui- iis ( >xhh < ..i-. pon which lie ui.iv find a standing place. the following disc i- - .,e>, and Al,wca,, is al 11 Uiiiun Block. ' In some eases ,.j this disease it.ere are paroxysms er goods us a re usually kepi in a . with extreme debility apparent in lirsl class Market and , ...... ho. ties d. idl its slug s; SPORTING GUNPOWDER U>1 T. Acute . and duml.iliij .aim also all the g e ...... al sym , - ptom, s . ii'im erated, • w ith , a k manifestation I it more frequently apparent in th. also find a a riN R Y E ureka Sporting ami Miisk.-t i'o w d 'i '" -I N ^ u IS i v n si S 5 v o l F. G. FOOTE, .ReiTli.nii Tailor. facial n.-rve- though iUmay be in other parts «.rtb.- body, I quality mad.- in lb.- world, for h.-iI.- by a* tin- thorax, abdoim-n or limbs, with pain- id a shoot a<;ue, . — . _____ • Importer and Manufacturer ot Would inform bis nnm.-roiis lYieuds and customers ing, lancinating character. For this condition an ex­ 353 Main S h eet, that lie has reniov. d IO B.-rr\C k. . f..rim-rl\ oc-ii. planation is found in the fact 'bat as tin- vitaiily ot a NE1 BA1.GIA and SCIATICA in Head Mhiiths. ..( TI...... has some r r r y pied bv Hugh Gibbons) two door- north of B.-rrv’p sti-ue.iur«-decreases by age, over exertion, or too fre­ A few doors South of Lynde Hotel. or U p.. aigna in can-tings and if you have not H UM AN ! I A I ! St.-dd.-; quent i x.-itenient at improper times, its nervous sensi­ Roeklaml, May 27, 1875. 25 DROPSY, Incipient Stages, bilities increases; and if diminution is the result of ir­ amine his stock. No. a il .Main Street, SYMPATHETIC for 1J ver *A ITeet io n s canal it Mill pay Inc A Large Assortment Constantly ritation, as l.y disease o r local injury, th ere is a gene erally. Epilepsy, loss of .Mein- Where he will he happy to meet all who wish a nici ilal “lamina or power, the least shock . T I S , Jfec., A e .. titling garment. s ing « A yer’s Cherry Pectoral, 1 >S i . I J A V N, E » ------on hand ! Roeklam l, -Inly 1, 1S75. :W SK I N ' DISEASES, Serol'ula, P im ples, IVork ot all kinds done to order. «"• H «r I c Throtil and l.nngs, sin ti Running Sores and Eruptive Un- L. I’.’’ Atwood s Bi , Mood wasting dis mild, harmless but su Plo.259, twain St., Rockland. Coughs. Colds, W hooping Cough. Bron­ CATABRII, Nasal AirTiibes, Stomach or Chest Pains with Cough or the blood, reslot^ the V I A X H i ! I X X >1 v chitis, Asthma ami CONSUMPTION. all derailed functions, A sthm a. Do not throw money away for a poor lot ol 'EM A l l . < O B B E C T D B , M onthly or to tin- whole vystem. k . U. iL & responding d.-gr.-e of m-rvmm debility D distributed troubles, excesses or deficiencies ill parts .-I’ the syf-teiii; a weakened condition fol- thereof ; subduer of inllaiiimat ion s. impe nding, ol.slrueting and paralyzing the func­ deuce of mankind ami b« HBR"E of ^sexual organs, changes of life Civil and Consulting Engineer, tional operation of . very organ, mU'ciilai m. 1 uieiita', ^nriiitnrc ’ alleviator: adapted for young or '",1 i» ■' CORN AMS ^EAL, o) come household words ••l„rig.,m...r" ,,r-‘S (dd. Land Surveyor ami Conveyancer, Wli.-ll JOII pan S'-l K"‘M| 1 1 DI ABR1KEA and DYSENTERY, 5.00 l * r . ______<’ily Engineers Ollice Pillsfitny Block, opjmsile DYSPEPSIA. CONSTIPATION, DE- |3 T Beware ..I l»a,.g, l,„iuti..iis. See Ilia Thorndike Hotel, Rockland, Me. I ' Y ellow Corn and Meal I BII.ITY <»r Langour. 5.00 for ahont the same Price, at A Cheaper Class Rake, XPEBIENT, U> he used with all the l^ ai- Hie Ira.le mark •• I. f ," in red ink, la ■ m ix l ui-is constantly, a household p liers, or you will !«• ...... 21 T. PMH CXCTI medicine for infants or adults, 3.00 T. E. ilBB£TYS. Great English Remedy, But up..ii w hich ci,, i.mimii-<-f |.rai-e ar.- . v.-r h.-ap.-d Applicants should make sure that the Medicines S is r c ta ls ’ Elevator aiii! M ill the puhli, l.\ II...'.- who liavc H' -g.....I fortune Io obtain om*. diii - only trom the Agent. J. E. Robinson. For fur- One hundred |wund» of Pure Spruce Hum j lier information call on or write to about forty years, by a long continued M-ries mar- \Y. do I. ■( h. silril. to |d:. . T H IS R \ K E I.• for.- lb. received vl Menill's. Sl’EAK'S W it All!'. till miiig pilldie, ;i“ the l.'-'i in ■ r\ point. M irpa--. d jSm-'-t-.—or t«» D r. S. T ikbetts, J it.. | VeloUH cures, that have won for il a confidence in its only III. IliiL L I.N G S W iiR I'll R A K E. J. S. Hobinson, City Drug Store, Would inform tin- people of Roeklaml and vicinity ( H AS. T. SI’EAll, Kioifi-, I’lie C.ii-ilial Balm o f Syricnni anil virtues, never equaled by any other medicine. It still W alnut Goods, wi7 282 Main St., Rockland, Me Established 1855. T. A. Wentwoktii, Whole­ that In-will i-oiiiinm-the D« practice at the same 30 IUICKI.AND, Ml' likes the most elleetual cures of • „t„jhs, ( ’.this, f.ttt- ollice, cornel- M ain and W inter Sts., and wouldlrc- sale ami Retail dealer in , . Furs, R oots, nijttitm , that call lie made by medical skill. Indeed Im-h as t.’hambt-r mid Parlor Suits, Loung.-s, Parlot >pcctfully solicit a share o| public lavor. Tallies -Marblcaml Wood Top Writing Desks, Shot's, Rubbers, Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Um­ Nitrous (ixidc Gas administered for the painless ex­ i* CiiEUttv Pectokai. has really robbed these danger Looking Glasses, Extension Tables, Ac. x\ E \V A I) VE ItT IS E M EN I S. brellas, Canes, AC. 213 Main St. Rockland Me. traction of tcctli. All operations warranted satisfac­ Lollirop's Tonic Pills, diseases of tln-ir terrors, to a great extent, ami tory. Charge* iM'asnnable. CmlH A lull line of all the latest styles constantly in given a feeling of immunity from their fatal etfeets, exhibition, and . ASH AM) PAINTED SETS stock, and for sale as cheap as the cheapest. To o t yoor Honors M il that is well founded if the remedy lx; taken in season. -oustautly on band; all kinds of Bedsteads, Bureaus, 11 Hope For The Despondent. Medicines unrivaled for their wonderful properties Every family should have it in tln-ir closet lor the ready Cam-and Wood Seal ('hairs. ('hildreii’s Furniture; ami remarkable cures of all nervous complaints. Their also a tim- assortment of Spring Sets. Hair. If y.m have been roughing all winter ami begin to d < ;< > t < > rJlic.-n-y is equally gr< a t in tin- treatm ent and cure of .1 prompt relief of its mi tubers. Sickness, sulli ring Economical New Foot*.—25 cents w ill buy a p.-u-k sp a iro f r.-i-ov.-ry, o r if you have taken a recent cold, t Wool, Husk ami Excelsior Mattresses. nir«- of Sea Moss Farine, made from pun- Irish Moss cancers, nodes, ulcers, pustules, pimples, tetter, fever d even life is saved by this tim. ly protection. Tin- at oil.-.-to tin- Drug store of W . 11. KlTTIlEPCI. X <'" .-or.-s, erysipelas, ringw orm , scald lu-ad, barbers’ itch, book ever published. w hich will m ake 50 kinds of dishes, sin-h as cakes, pies, g.-t a bottle of Dll. M o u n ts’ S vtll f <»E Tah, W it, prudent should not neglect it, and llu- wise will not. AGENTS1WANTED puddings, etc., or 1(5 q u a rts of custards, j.-llh-s. s.-urvy, salt rheum, eiqqier-colored blotches, glandular 1 would call special attention to my Stock of 'Send for circular ami our extra terms to Agents. ClIEUIlV A\l» IloilEIIOI M l. T ak e it and lie Well. N H U R L E Y vk CO'S swelling worms ami black spots in the tlesh, discolora­ Keep it by you Ibr the protection it all'ords by its tim. \ Mld.NAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia, Pa. otln-r medicine acts so promptly and cllei-tually i tions, ulcers iii tb.- throat, m outh am i nose, son- legs, ly use in sudden attacks. ( 'oughs. ( '..Ids, and all diseases of tin- throat, lungs an ami sor.-s ..I .-very character, because these medicines iu W all Street often le ('lust, i.-a.ling t.. ('onsiimptiou. Hundreds who on. are the very best PREPARED BY Caskets ancl Coffins. io fort urn-. A 72 p thought they had that dr.-ad disease have been reston Plve’s Dietetic Salekati s. —^Universally ac $10 to $100.hook...... entitled;—“.... M „ to b.-aith, by tb.- use of ibis almost magic remedy, DR. J. C. AYER &. CO., Lowell, M a s s ., • uml ^Idioms (of j H alf Street." explaining everyt knou'lcdgcd Hie b e st in use. Each pound hears the is also the best known speeilie f.»r Croup, and m-v. No. 242 Main Street, BOOT AND SHOE Practical ami Analytical Uhemisls. tie sold for io tin- nicest W alnut and Rosewood. Q r ,\| T L’ D CC ’John Hickuxg & C o.,B an nam e of J ames I’vle. None genuine without. fails in Whooping Cough. Trial size 10 cents. O L IN I I R L L . and Brokers, 72 Broadway J x o . W . I’ekkins &Cg., Wholesale Agt’s. ltd-Sold by all Druggists ami Dealers in Medicine. Burial Robes and Caps of every Material. MORRIS & HERITAGE, Philadelphia, liOCKLAISn >, FOR ly44 P ro p rie to rs . BLOOD MEDICINE llockland Retail Prices Current. T. F R E N C H , ((IK . IIS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, These prices are for the best articles, when not oth­ Wln-re may lie found the largest ami best selected stock 3m2l Mtiin Street, Thomaston, Me. erwise specified or only one price given. For large JV L i O l ? And all Throat Diseases, of quantities prices wiil be a shade Tower. Corrected Ever placed before the people, and are warranted »obc USE w eekly. ■ Wm, H, Kittredge & Co., the most powerful alterative ever originated by man. OF Druggists & Apotlieearios They impart Hay ing Tools, Rockland, J u ly s, 1S75, WELL’S CARBOLIC TABLETS. and Dealers in ION! PUT UP ONLY IN BLUK BOXES. Proviwaona. Fruil mid Produce. l‘.l TENT MEDICINES. Table and Pocket BLOOD & HIX, A pples ■fe'bbl...... S teak, t? tb...... 2<» A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. NO. 3, SPEAR, BLOCK, 289 A Lain Street, | Sold by all Druggists. 4w3l Cooking, 1/ b u ...... 1.55 Spare-rib, k7 lb...... 15 ■ yy'E luivr just n . tlvv.1 from XEW YORK a law Strength to the Body (kii'.leii Tools, Dried, F 11...... H S ausage F ti...... Is ROCKLAND, ME. tflenns, F b u ...... 3g-lL H am s, F It...... If. Jleef, rrtuAu, v fl,.... I5«j2u P o u ltry F lb C utlery, S tea k F II...... C hickens...... 25 !Sew and A ttractive Goods, and Vi^or to House Fiii-iiisliing Goods, C o rn e d , F lb...... io« iz r»i.k.-ys,...... o T8K Dr. Alexander's Compound wgctjtLh- « . L i V I N C S T O N E . Tongue, F 11...... 10 D ucks,,...... 2o I Syrup, for Coughs, ('olds, Hoarseness, Croup. . U (Including the “ LAST JOURNALS,) unfolds vividly B eets F 11...... <»5 G eese...... 15 Warrant.;L dto give satisfaction. Price 50 cents. lyl'J B utter, F It...... 25«30 P o tato e s...... 75 Serge Billion, Serge Polish and Cliildre JUST RECEIVED, AT General Hardware, bis 30 years strange ad ventures,{also the curiosi- Cabbage, F II...... Of. Potatoes, sweet, F It...... th e M in d . ti>'. AVonders and W ealth of that marvelous coun- Cranberries F bu ...... 3.50 P ickles. F g a l...... (»0fi75 E ight Kiel B oots, at extrem ely trv, and is ahsoutely the only new, complete C heese, F It...... lfijilS Q uinces, F p k ...... I.ow Prices • w ork, lienee it sells, ju s t think, 12,000 f i r s t 7 w eeks. Eggs p er doz...... 1Su2U Squashes, I/ It...... Stoves, Ranges, I Agents’ success would astonish you, more wanted. L ard, F It...... !S T om atoes, fre sh ,F tb...... B I It T II S. Removing morbid sensibility, depression of spirits G. W . Palm er & Son's S.-ml fur T e r m s ami p o s it iv e p r o o f of g e u n in e n e s s . M utton, F It...... 12&1C p er c a n ...... 25 Silver and Plated Ware, Vest HI BBARD BROS., Pubs., 179 Washington Street, Onions, F 11...... <5 Turnips, F It...... A fresh Stock of B oston, 4w31 P o rk , (clear) F It...... 1« V eal, F ...... 10? 12 In this city, J u ly titli, to th e w ifeo f Mr. Geo. Thonias, dementia ami melancholia. Tin tVai-e, etc., and Neck Chains, Round Hog. F lb.-....12 Steak,...... 20 1 A t'c.'irk’s Island, June 29th, to the wife of Mr. I. S. Ladies’ I-Tench Kid Toilet Slippers, I-’j GrocericM. clc. White, a daughter Coffee F B. S a lt F b o x .. . 10, 15, 25«35 i, J u n e 15th, to the w ife o f Mr. Bronzes, Dianioiitls, In South T.jnimi ii ANDREW EVANS, R i o ,...... 25fl2S Soap, F It...... 5«12 Alexander Bird, a daughter. N E W GOODS I Knox Comity. AND Roasted & gr. Rio 30«i.'J5 Sugar per tb In South Thomaston, June .1, to the wife of Mr. N". B. The Style, Fit and Durability of our Boots J a v a ...... Io Granulated,...... 12 Henry Wiggin, a son. is superior to any in tin- city. Molasses F gal...... Extra coffee crushed.. 11 A T T IIE Merchant Tailor, U av u n a ...... ''0 M uscovado,...... P orto Rico...... 75 Syrup, sugar-house ...... 90 For Sale by all Druggists! JEWELRY New < Irlea n s...... SOflSS -Maple p e r g a l...... 1.50 MARRIAGES. HURLEY & CO. Oil. Kerosi ne, F gal20y30 Tea, Japan, It..75 SO 1.00 Music & Variety Store ot *every|descriptlou, including Next to Berry’s Stable. Pratt’s Astral, F gal..48 Oolong, per lb.. 40 00 80 Di-\i»e’s c i l ...... 40 E n g . B re a k fa s t, 50, (io Ami will lie Sent by Express to all Roman Cold, Coral and Stone Prunea. F It...... 15«I8 Salt, F bu ...... 00575 In this city, July 3d. by Rev. J. Kalloch, Mr. W ilbert I X > U M ) t Fans! Fails! Fans! As good as the best R aisins, F 1-4 b o x .... 1.00 S a lra tu s,...... 10«I 2 M. Auspland, of Rockland, and Miss Ada L. Lcruioijd, Cameo Sets, Sand, Seal And the cheapest in town, F lo u r . Corn, Mcul, eic. of Union N the 25th inst., a small SUM OF MONEY, which parts of the Country, by addressing and Stone Rings, Iii lliis ciiy. July 5th. by Rev. J. Kalloch, Mr. \\ il- The place to get your clothes Barley, per bu ...... LOO Rice, p r II...... 10 liam S. Muilgctt and Miss Etta Hopkins, both ol'St. the owner call obtain by proving property ami I Opaying lor this advertisement, on application jit 'I'll IS Croquet, Foot Balls, Base B r a c e le t s , B uckw heat Hour p e r II...O0 .Middlings, p r l h ...... 2'., G eorge. Made, black, blue or brown ; Cracked, wheat per II...OS Oats, pr bu ...... SO58.5 In this city, 7th inst., at the residence of Hon. G. I lie Proprietor, Corn, per bu ...... 00y95 Oatmeal, pr lb ...... 5 y l0 W. Kimball’, Jr., by Rev. J. E. Hall, Capt. Il.-iity Balls and Bats, Flags, Lockets, Seals, Charms, &c No matter what shade •Corn meal, pr bu,...... 00 Rye, pr b u ...... l.OOn L25 Treat of Bangor, and Mrs. Alice C. Mcserve, of this Yourjrancy ntay take, Flour, p er b id ....5.0059.50 Shorts, p r lb ...... I 3-4 Also, a rich assortment ot city- ’ i a >s 1 I s a i j : 143 Court Street, &e., & c., &c. For even six dollars ; Sm oked h a lib u t,p r lb . l*» Smok'*d salm on p r lb .25 DEATHS Suit, mackerel...... 10; , kinds,] constantly And all other garments equally low Smoked herring, IN THOMASTON. 28 ALBERT SMITH. hand, in great variety, and fitted to the sight with ...... : . Special attention paid to And not a few people p r b o x WELLING House and two barns, ami about five BOSTON, MASS. Coni, W ood, Hay. etc. D acres of laud adjoining, belonging to the estate of Watch ?tc|iairiii"', Eugraviug, Ilave'found that it’s so ; ALFRED ROLLINS. Will be sold low, with terms But ( want a few more Coal p er to n .. ..8 25 59 50. H ay, p resse d . 18 00ij20 00 to suit purchasers. Who may lie Consulted Free of hard |»cr jlair, pr bu ...... 40 For further particulars apply to J. (). CUSH I Mi* CAKDS, B IL L HEADS, TAGS To give me a call, m outh ' and 1 day. or L1NEKIN A AUSTIN. J. C. L IB B Y & SONS, In Union, July 5th, Joseph Daniels, aged f»8 years. J u n e 24, 1875. 3w29 I.(.TIER IIKAHS, POSTERS, And I’ll warrant satisfaction In W aldoboro’, J u n e 19th, Ja co b Slunftan, aged 90 Charge, either personally or by- BLOOD & HIX, M Imc<* I III IICOU M. years, 5 m onths. Promptly printed at this ollice, 210 Main Street, ground 289 Main Street, Rockland. To one and to ?11! Iron, pr lb ...... 3 1-41 ('alcim-d, pr cask...3 00 In ( harleslon. Mass., July 5th, Mr. Charles Trow- Nalls, preask ...... 3 75.Superphosphate, p rlh ...3 hriilg «>f this city. letter. tloor. Orders by Mail prompily tilled. No. 242 Main Street, A. FA’ANS, P e r lb ...... 5 Bone m eal, p r lb ...... 10c In St. G eorge, Ju ly titli, W . M. Trusui II, aged 28 4 WOODSIDE, M. D., PATENT SHIPPING TAGS 322 Main St., Kockland. Eio-ei d nil,pi gal...... 801 W ool, p r Ih...... 30

ilatlraads A’ Steamboats. Maine Hems. F u r n it u r e . M iscellaneous. M iscellan eous. . fSSV f.U tU H ’Olf V. Itiminesn Cards. The Richmond camp meeting will commence S A N F O R D ’S Aug. 12th this season. NEW STYLES OF QUININE HAIR TONIC! SAMUEL T* MUGR1DGE, KNOX & LINCOLN RAILROAD. The Rev. T.. I'». Pike has been engaged to labor NEW ERA IN BAKING. sS A. IT-. MA 1C 33 It with the 1st and 21 in h-.iiihay, at the BARGAINS Musical Instruments mblie j 'iii'i t . Eaeli Center and Harbor, the coming your. -ali s nearly double AND HEALKK IS ANDJ I’b.-roiiow- SUMMER ARRANCEMENT, l’.ath will celebrate .Inly -'»tli, with a regatta. If you want to make most DELICIOUS, LIGHT by it COTTON lOHSi ANO FLAGS, iTita ml pro (SING E f t W ill I E, S W E E T am i II EA LTD Y . > 1 C A V $ M Takes etfeet June 11th, 1875. Ia-ii'i oii Ctipt. (■!. W . Itrowa’* W linrf balloon ascension, baud concert and fireworks. omt.i villi N and afl.r MONDAY, June 14tn, a passenger The \\ big says that it is stated that .1. I*. P. BISCUIT, train will have Buckland at •»;•> A. M. fur Bath, lie French B randy, Sllld i lutiiuillb (X fflilUlJ UtUlU. OPortland ami Boston and a I paints on the M. (’. It It. W in’ll I. ii o f p. mgor has purchased the trotting ract or Essence of (Singe ROLLS, Leave Boekland at 1 : ::<> P. M. for Bath, la wistuii, Augusta, Portland ami Boston, :uriving in Boston at mare Ellsworth Maid, paving for her .*»IP»00. public, all of vliicli are prepared wit F. II. CROCKETT, Mr. Hitlha of rxille also’purchased ot Mr in P. M. tin* obi process. it iiis’.antlv relievi-s BUCKWHEAT CAKES 273 BffAlN STREET. Passenger trains atrivein Boekland at 10:15 A. M., lirowii of Ih adlev a promi-hig cult, sired by Fred W t: HAVE <»N II \M> PHOTOGRAPHER, and 5 : .o P. M. M. tHivcr, tor $700. IHSEASES 01 THE BOW ELS, GRIDDLE CAKES, Cliickeriug & Son's. Bourne’s, Emerson’s A mixed train will leave Boekland at f..3i) A. M.; re­ 255 M ain St,., Rockland. turning, haves Bath at 11 A. M.; due in Boekland A correspondent writes that gold has been dis- anil H aines' P iano F ortes. at P. M. (nicr.-l at South Waterburo, on the farm owned riioieni, Cliolerii .itiirlms, Cramps, WAFFLES, Trains will nrrive and depart from B. B. W harf for .Mason »V Hamlin have'Pen ?\<*\v Styles of Dirge Views of Private ami Public Buildings, matle by Seth Carll. It is found in quartz veins associa­ null i’n iiis, G ir o n ic Dini’i-liw-a, Cabinet Organs ready this Month. o order. ted with nickel, and is quite abundant. .1. E. MUFFINS, Si. r.o-eonie View- of Rockland and vicinity for 27 C. A . COOM BS, 8u p t. Th. Fiano Harp Cabinet Organ, an ex'piisii. o le . Taylor and Hamilton Gnplill have procured a hysenliT.v :inil Cliiilerii lii- CORN BREAD, msiruments file Improved h a e of the properly and have commenced opera­ O gaa5! > ■ played loud ha rmitiini, Uinriliii'ii in tions. JOHNNY CAKE, die d. liea.w id at. Eolimn LEVS TOWER, Jr., BOSTON. Maine Cenlial Railroad. •b-li.-at.- r. ‘. d stop. T he I . .So/f/ »'/•('. ,~ i < i r c n f s ft I f o H t e . Gilchrest, White & Co,, TIm* directors of the Oakland ’Park Ass •alio T r i ’U iiiur. m id nil U appropi iaie and Useful GRAHAM GEMS, A- ■ guar.m t. i’ -.1' lie- r. babilitv of I'.A Y<»I.INE w of Gardiner, Imvc decided to have their f " S iin iiiii'i' <'(»»«- and attra.-the'd.’-signs 1,1 i;--’ p.-ruiiGi d ! • II-.- tian..-i.f G 1’.O. Ii. N h ’IKU. ing S pt. 7. s. •» and |,». w;„ oiler > M. I» . who ba used it in bis family with exceedingly Arrangement of Trains. p ln iu fs, DUMPLTNGS, id .h sirahh- stvl. s •qua: ,-d with Ship Stores&. Chandlery npos Hon. J. Talbot. President of tin* SI: Where inav be found the 1-.iTF.ST STYLES, GEOUGE Yt’GOjrs GKfiANS ! 3G SOUTH STREET, Ibilh 12.15 I’. M.. n llir iHSEASESor THE STOMACH, PUDDINGS, eklaiid D.2D, A. M..eon- Railroad < ’o., says it is estimated that : most l ASII IONA III. 17 D F SK iN S. anil a good i the business enables ns t« N j£ \v k for Lewiston. Farmington, Angus. .lions and r- je. t tin- imim Sept. 22, 1873. b* • ami Ba Yarmouth with M MON STEA31EH ( ITV 0E lib OOM ). ville, and buried eons’-Irrahk* of the machinery, CHAI RS, to In* sold Cheap.ior Cash. | • 0. r. KITTREDGE, C aptain C. ICUby. including flic pumps. In fact the quantity which W ill ...... I th,. NEW llU tV X n F . fell was so gn at that wm k cannot go on and the JAMAICA M IM . u i . l , ...... •(i„« rrni„.lr,.,„ |.;,r.. Hampton Tea Comp’y, of N, Y, laud to ISoMon, on IKIMl.tV, .1...... mi‘n are just now out of employment. The loss 31, 1875, us rollons : to the Messrs. Merrill will la- large. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Best Oolong T« .37 1-3 t GINGER. CHAMBER FURNITURE. llh-st Japan, . fT3*”"- . ' K "'IN O Hui,cor at « o'clock, •b'lie:son will celebrate duly oth with a I'.mtas- Whole Suits, Wholesal ami Retail. Sample: * - - i ^ !‘^j U'.cklaml ;il II;.",I) u’, A full assort m«-nl, consisting of Rl.AC^ tie parade, an address by hr. .1 D. Moutgnmer Opposite tlie Post Oflice R o c k la n d . ly50 ■t— ;irriving ’at' Portland, and an orition by Miss lltilda I Loud, nt Ma-s: WALNUT, ASH a m i FAINTED SETS, Coats, Pants, Vests, ami connect with a Steam boat E xpress 1 rain.* over the ehusetts, which* will be repl 1 to by E. \ in full doses mi retiring for tin- night, ii will ranging in pi ic«*s from t$27 to -SI 20, Bu.-ton .X Main. Railroad on ly ; a rriving in Boston at be f.,illl.l to exert the most powerful influence Oil tl < or as low as at any Ware-rooms Bats, Caps, 1" o’clock P. M. This Train is arranged expressly to Staples, Esq., of Washington, There is also CL G . MOFFITT, qnmet with tin Steamer, am! will wait for the arrival horse trot on the programme. ..rgan- of circulation ami per.-piration. Perspiration in K nox County. (loots, Shoes, etc. f tin* ho: in al! w eather. flows from • Vi ry part o f tin- body, a glow of h. at ex «z> ’ P: will In- ticketed through ell. The Register says that the ti Life and Fire Insurance Agent. arriving in Lowell at 9 :40 last reieh-ijh. mark. Hon. A. T. Dennison, in tends from head to foot, every muscle aud fibre is re lung. Fa laxed, ami in a state of tin- most gratifying repute HA 1T.AN GOODS Represents Thirty-nine Million Dollars. eotupauv with not her gentleman, a Mr. Water- GKTI KMXG, Passengers going East, will take the man of Meeh a: I alls, called on Caleb Warren. while p.iia, soreness of the bones and miiseb-s disap id-, let tin- prices he u 4->j* Losses adjusted at this office,. ars at t> o eloek I’. M., over either Eastern or Boston pear, and tile poor Sill,eref, in a state of mind at .die. ii-f be :i- hard t : Maim; Railroad, arriving in Portland at l(> o’clock, Esq., a eonsidei »le owner in Ml. Pleasant, for the In this department will he found some of No. 287 Union Block, onneeiing with the Steamer, arriving in ib.eklaml at purpose of prospeelin, composed and happy, sinks into a refreshing slc« p i opportunity to buy* the very best RATTAN ROCKERS, RECEP­ 5 [BODE LAN I), MAINE. 4 o'clock in the morning, and Bangor at 10:30 A. M. thus far is that they I • purchased of Mr. Wa lasting until m orning. from w hich lie aw akens a nev, ige countftion at Boekland for Thomaston ami ad­ m an. A mild do-«- before breakfast and an o th er befori TION CHAIRS and CHILDREN'S ( I1A1RS joining towns; also, Railroad ami Stage connections at ren ten acres and w commence operations BEAL ESTATE BKDKEll, Belfast ami Bucksport for interior towns. duly. going out for the day, will prevent his taking mort Also, a large stock of Steamer Bi.-hniou.l will eonm-et (going West) with old. Giisaij Jo'iio G io iliii Store ! »’ J <*lli«»’1 with medicine, O. K. PERRY, •‘ It is possible we may supersede cotton and pre­ 1 ortlaml .V Rochester Railroad, to Nashua, Worcester, will fail to derive flolil them tile be Shelves and Card Standss OJlirc ^l’erry's Block, No. 3, I.inie Rock St. Providence. Norwich, Springfield, Albany, Hartford, vent going Smith for that article.” xt.. H ouses ami Farm s for Sale. Stores and offices ’•’ •‘V.'l XvW Y ork. Also ail stations between from this remedy in the diseases f.i Wall Brackets, . ISAACSON, Proprietor. P ortland and Wo: The R-gister says that over one hundred shecj m ended. ■ . cheeked through on the wife killed in Woodstock by the late storm. r to destiua- Sold by all Druggists and Dealet Office Desks.tetc. The house of Amaziah Jordon of Hartford vil- N. I,. -Bear iu mind there isa sure connection over WEEKS \ P >TTER, Bott NEW ADYEKT1SEMEN 1 HERBERT L0VEJ0Y, the Bos,,,I, x Maine Bailitiadal Portlaml, to Boston ami struck by lightning about 12 o'clock l.ow ell, :,1 ,’iving in Boston at lo ami Lowell at 9.4u ’I’ll it rs. la night, and badly shattered; d. AtATTRFSSES O (1 »< k same i v. 'ling. Fare to l.owe'I same as B. atoii a b o u t T h e liimily barely escaped with Hats, Caps, Boots Shoes and ItubliiTS, , Until further notice, the Bi. I,im»id wil make tli. ir lives. it.1.1: once a week each Way, urea speeialtv with us, «-onsisliiig of Dusk, going West, ami Thursday John II. Jameson F ANCY GOODS, &c.. &c. Tow, W ool and H air, di reef from th e iMauti- r.G. n'l Agent, Portland. wm k at North Wal.h.i FORTUNE FOB. ALL! t; ; A good line of Drugs anil Druggists* faet ii re is. per rail. A Is»», PI l.LO WS. Si KING scuttle in his shop. made - no capital required. Iw.ti KENDBK.’K. Agent, Bangor. REDS, etc., besides a variety of I 'LR N Fi t RE V inalhavcii, .March 10, 1S75. (h u ll •I. P. W IS E , Agent, suitable for Hotels, Saloons and Duelling Having just rec s the death of Pen Houses, all o f w hieh is for sah* nt*} 1 5 0 0 K A G E N T S f f ; ' at the advanced a; ' . a M ..:i al A .h is .r, " '.v B. V. I'i. M. D. Tie a mem I of the Baptis Cumberland Rone Co., i ^ S U K A N C E . TV. -A-. C A R R , Inside IJiie! Day I,’m ile a stock o| Sup. r I’iio-pliate and Ground I’.mie, we : Prices to Suit the Times ! .Agent for First. Class Slock Companies cam bout tra ci la prepared to liil order - with promptness and di-patch, U n .* v 'VAYI'L,' AG UN rs a - . n i o 1 I I L u ..I...... H is Thomaston and Vicinity. y night run 5— -/ J/i/.N-.." from th.- earli.-'t p--. Mt. Desert to Portland and Boston Business Prom ptly At tended to. . killing i: I TI.ol W arranted free from all Adulteration. Kcnii'nihpi* (he Place, al 0 | - -S.V M 1-3 I>A \ ! e-r child i.d John Graha ''■j ' Mnde under sole direct ton I ho m asto n , A ug. 21, 1871. 38 ■:.i praetitiom r- have forages so dillh-ult - litH-ki:ill.l, til. In-sci ! mid Snlllv:i pulled away o f S. L. GOOD \ I.L, etary o! . •.. . We liil a pi- • II- r< to, r.- um» • upi<-1 MA NE, ' die hors,. ;lnd escaped. It (he Old Stand of San - bad .-rossuig, M aine Cl or,ml o f Ao’l j.-u’t ui < - Ii- \ i I n - tilfi-rin-: ami m inister io G od’s poor; ir - -1 -I.. pub,: li.-.I at a prie. w ithin tb.- r.-a.-h ol B E m MOTHERS Sh-nmbont Compmiv. I tg m a n , and the train eat. be s.-est till eh yer & Colson. G.- :’ ' ’ IL i:.* B U S SE L L . I'lib liG u r. ib s o n . - s i ; - .i m i a : a i t u a s .< j 1331 t 3 ? e i Jill' 'O i l l i l The Times Kt vs that the tin- alllieleil. ami coiisi-i|Uentl\ are NEW LIVERY&HACK STABLE THREE TR5F3 PER WEEK .I'thcS-cmid Maine \ - t.-rai J S GO., of grateful souls, i S WANTED. s im-.liein is for sale a, all I A. ‘ M- II « r W'.i.h-i:, $34 week, MAIN STREET. ItOCKI.ANIl, Mi:. A ill be held at B u l l . Wo In, epi. 1. lie- United States ami In ii. - pleas- •xeie’.ses will consist of the u- iruggists has not got ' f ~ ' ‘^L'aiiK'i- Ulysse: » tie- \\ b.ile.-ale A gents, lar.tde. oration, banquet an Wind I kiHnv Abutd Ye^etiiie. Boekland, January iSa. -A ii-— Uapt. David Robinson uples free. Cf—'Scnd \oitrad- w .11 I...... I- ,:. wharf. Ibu-khunl, every fm s.1 disOngu’sli- I* ,w*t"«,ag ■ - on postal . ard. tinn t.M W. W. WHIPPLE & CD., lint write nt oner* to I lu.15 A. M.. 11s fr. n I ortlam l, la wist Warren Sporting Gunpowder. F. M. KEED,Stu8t.,sew vonE , , - S ; ’7 o be present. The soldiers ll-iderable expel Market Square, Portland- I ESI >.\ 1 , J 1111, I-'.i 1 -wdl p:1 e-i.i. in r.d del FBKVEK US DAS BLFN TRIED .-•veil. D ., I-Isle, So.- ||;tiBarb. l...r, Bar llari.. rpi.'Y Wair. ii :ji .riin:' Gimp .w br. particularly .1. W . i ’E H K IN S ( D „ I’oi-llam l. ''*• i'1 • U 'lnoim -am ! Sulliv.m, fonm -eiiug w ith 1 :tsta .butrual savs that quit 1 .il.ipted to target si.....ting, ILr sale by Any .tyh- <>, Singh- < oi l Ii by s age, (’.» mil. - ) at Pas.-en-'er- g. .Mr. Keiiben‘Packard of l l . i l ( 'B I E - • * Am iii*. \Y irreii < iuupouah-r Mills. !' '•'.•O'kHl. oo.I li.o il.l.1m„r„ „ j , | | p. Main S ll. el, B.x klaml Maim-. GEOBGEC. GOODWIN A < 0., U K U B E B A > Io - l..r .-,,11,too. I lor Tr,.,,!.,,,, t„ . HSJ ! I :t r .*<1 !•<•<*< . J *«>?*• t I.. turning, will h-av.-SulIivan ev. ry M onday. We.l |»l«:i.-iir.| tl Parti< u la r a tte n tio n is given to fu rn ish in g t«-:in ■ I Eri.lay morning at 5 |o,-k. tom iiing a h B . a n d ble 1 I.IUD ml < 'urn-lies lor funerals. arriving in Boekland in season to co w it It Also. Books kept at this office for the dillerent Stagi li­ ght temple had b, .. will . all or I'. M. Hain, a rriving in P.-rtlaud at G. P. M H ouse Eurnishini** .im-s, when-ail order-should be h it. Boston at...... bi P. \U. | I'ton and Align heavily and cloven I lie kttll. The FRED II. BERRY. * ’“’ ‘ days t Rockland with taken*!., the station I se, where :l,e:ir ( HAS. H. BERRY. atur.lays, ami lb taken up by Dr. Bolan. The wound looks as if TORI-:,) B U ITFR S, but isa Rockland, Jan. 1,1875. 5 ml W cdnesda. intlieti d l.v a desperate per.-on. The man is una­ Freights taken at I.« Dyspepsia. SSii a feS ilX 9 • Ba ble Io tell how it was ...... h e t D. B5RD&CO, ORB. WIGHT \ NORTON, Agei SYMPTOMS—W ant «>,' app. tit.', risimr • Rockland, May 5, 1 Tin- I?wi'!oii J o u riH tl is ple.TS.^1 because live uid thus stiiiiuiati s theappe. wiii.l tii.m lli<- st.-uia. li, a. i lily of the souua.-li, Ip art f Siiccee.sors io (!. IP. Jiroitm <)'•(,(’<>.,) of the seven lady graduates of the city high burn, dryness and wliitnn-ss ,,f 11,,- tmigue in tin- morn r f.M-.l ni-.-i --;:rv »<> invigorate the weak.-m il or iiitr. sens.- o f distension in the stom aeli and bow. ls, X- -.1 gam . and -jv .-slr. ngl h to ail the vital Ibrees. • F.i 11-s Ited u c’-linii s rnniblbi:; and pain; eosliv.-ness. which i> SAPID CHAINS, - .G t ; : . . i is ov,\ KW tunjEM )!- Charles A. Small, a painter at Abbot village, occasionally interrupted by diarrh.ea; pale: : ii--!,o'-.'e and rapidly iaer.-a-dug testify. West India Goods and Groceries. m ine. Tbc un.u:b was clammy, or lias a so Fur Ml. Desert & M a e h i i i left his home about two weeks since, intending to All kinds ami siz<*s at very low prices.Jiy • Also, Hard ami Blacksmith's Coal, Wood, Hay I .sic. (liber frcjiicnt inplonis are watci I. Sand, Fin- Brick and Cement. go to Dover to purchase paints and oils for Ids ’.alion of the,M-art. head:’. I..-and di-or of tra d e . II- took a diHereut route, and has not NO. G, RANKIN BLOCK- been beard from since. Eottl play is suspected, as 1 H. H. C m E& G O ., Bockland, April 5,1871. Summer Arrangement. F no one can assign any cause for his leaving in disturbed sleep and frightful dre 2 0 . this manner, a- In* was doing an excellent bns - 1« 205 MAIN STREET, L ile siz e t:: \ 15 inches, to Life Siz- s 25 X Vl'-a-v-z cvxqq TWO U til’S PEI! WEEK. nesR In-fore lie h-ft. Gained I'ilieen Pounds of i’lesh. inciii-<, and Jiuislicd in IN D IA i M \ , P A S T E L ami Thorndike Hotel, CRAYON. Soi Til r.r.ltwn u, Me., Jan. 17,1S72 FOCKLAND, - MAINK. STEAM El! I.EWISTOX. II. K. St e v i a E s ...: Picliires of all kinds copied, such as D ugiierj-e BB. B. B. BAYNES A Dear Sir—I have had dyspepsi: BLACKSMITHS’ olype*. A iiilii-itirpo. Meh- »»»»>) yj“ X in Still continues ft I !,!,«( t! A, Vi IIITE, Proprietors. ('apt. Charles Deerixg, stored letters after the first of .Inly pay t< n tin- hi i required size, from to tin- size ol I.He. By this O Berry Brothers’ Livery Stable is connected with Will leave Railroad Wharf, foot .if State Street. Port­ < te n ts a--it Io all parts ol the country, in addition I o f I -Jiei land, every Tuesday ami Eri.lay . v-11 tigs at in ..'eloek. Sept, nib.-r last 1 eonimi-nee. to |HC Stock and Tools, or on arrival ol Express Tiain from Boston, arriving at Gn.-e wbi.-h linn- my health ha- .* Splendid Pieturo can bo Obtained. aa-l made in!<> plate in his laboratory. 2l» carats line, Boekland every Wednesday aml_Saturday morning who had entert d the ddeuce of E. Mv food digests well, and I hav at Boston and Portland prices in a very substantial maim, r that is reliable M. Phipps Natick Friday ,.f Ih-r-h. T h ere a re several others in th: as disci.vere.1 llie , all have obtained relief. Many persons are p<» m- sea i.f picture-.- el ,b re;;-. <( l-'or every whole .-e: of n «-•!» a handsome gold Finger bridge. Jonesport, ami Machinsport. u Ills .laughter’s room and shot lour relatives, wliidi, though they ure valued bi-/!>'\, un- by i »»iy, < 'i-<»<-l«‘i-y, 205 MAIN STREET, l fi­ l.'ia". w dl be throw n in, m ade of pure gold ; will n e v er KNOX HOTEL, RETT RNINti —Will have Ma.-hiasport every Mon­ times. H: injuries arc fatal. still in.I so desirahh* as an cb -uiitly finis! « J photo break; can make twenty a day. day ami Thursday morning at 5 o’clock, tom-hing as ll. SS. CJs-io (Jo. Teeth tilp-.l wit ,i pure gold front $1.50 to $3; com- rFlionw ston above, arrivingaf Boekland about 5 ..'el , k the s-mie In the N. w Hampshire Houseof Representatives < i 1 : « s :s-j A V : « i- < ‘ . nion size c aviti«’s, with tin *»r amalgam, $1,50 pet uiug, and at Portland same night, usually connecting Friday, resolutions condemning ox-Governor Wes­ cavity ; in some eases less. wit . the Pullman Tr lth afl. r trving dill.-reiit physicians, many remedies, Square Urames. new style Bos'.olt :tml X. w W oodon AVYii-o. York Patents, manu’factun d expressly United States Treasurer New has a great job siitl'ei ing for \e ars, is it not conclusive proof, it yon All operation - warranted to give satisfaction; con- M. AV. FAKAVELL, A gen t. are a sull'en r, you .-an In* eiir.-d? Why is this medi OnarryniBii’s & Stoos Cutter’s for my trade p< rs« r. nt a dis­ • is'i-nt witii his .well-known reputation. ujM.n his hands before he can settle down to the ta n ce can hi- furnished and Telegraph Offices, and within A gent's Office, N<>, 2 A tlantic BI... k. corner of Main cine performing sm li great cures? It works in the f*S|<»ii«‘ W jh-c*. i'aiii iit- -edel ing from any derangement ot health, Jive minutes walk ot the Depot, 1m ami Sea Str.. ts, (up stairs.; Resident- corner of ordinary routine work pertaining to his new otlice. blood, in the circulating fluid. It can truly he called w ith Slock, Tools & Supplies P ietu n s to Hii ir sa tisfac tio n . N ecessary tin di rg rin g .:< nt il o| (ra tio n s, EVIDENCE. be thorough and extend to actual inspection and C m lo i - y , 1>, M A I N E . handling of every separate note, bond or other inn.vti, Nov. 26, 1S72. ISbchTiiufic L inim ent! representative value at present in possession of the Mu. II. B. STr.vr.Ns THOS. McLOON, ArlisL A good Boarding and Livery Stable in connec- ’i'reasurer. Dear Sir—Tin- two bottles KTINE furnished AIsHjs, H.H.Cris&Co., 205KaiiiSt. Rockland, July5, 1S72. 30 ion with the House. Cures Rheumatism, J White Swelling, Diphtheria, in- by } ...... wife has used w ith great hem-tit. Fish Lines, Hooks Thomaston, Jan. 30, 1S7. 7 Neuralgia. Toothache, Dysentery, Pain in the The Wasliiiigtnu National Monument Society re­ she has been iron,del with dizziness 1 {l-O O llliS, quests the churches and Sunday schools of the ; these troubles are now entirely re- Stomach, Back or Head. It also cures country to take up a collection Sunday July 4th, moved by the •e o f Vegetine. Salt, Barrels, Trawl Inflammation ot |th e Kidneys She w as ah troubled with dyspepsia and general 1 ii-u s d io s i. CHAS. A. DAVIS, and Bladder, and to aid in the completion of the monument. Con­ debility, and - been greatly henelitt.-d. « tributions to be forwarded to J. B. IE Smith, THOMAS GII.MOBE, POWDER AND FUSE, Line, Gangings, all Humors Flower Pols and Flower s e a Attorney and Counsellor at Law. of the Skin, and for all kinds ot Lanienes.-|and Seres Treasurer and Secretary, Washington, D. C. 229*. W alnut S treet. OiL CLOTHES, & c. A tornado swept over Detroit Monday, two CUSTOM HOUSE BLOCK. OtPhorses. O ’ Don'tjfail to try it. Put up by 1; EL IA15L K K VID EX CE. Pot Brackets in great va­ BIOT AND CAPS, WSBEfiSI ehililreu were killed, three persons dangerously £>4 ;; t ROCKLAND, MAINE. i6l< Geo. W. fctcKenney, hurt, smd twelve others severely. Twenty-three Mb. II. IL Stevens: riety. 3„,2l » ROCKLAND, ME. houses were demolished, and many others more or D ear S ir—I will most cheerfully add ni) H. H. CR-IE & CO, to tin- great number you have already rc.-cii ■ For sale by all Druggists. Gm7* less damaged. A more serious loss of life was pre­ of your great ami good medicine, Yeiseti? I do W holesale anti Retail. II. N. KEENE, vented, owing to the sparcely settled condition ol not' think enough ran he said in its prai o > i20,'5 N .Eniii DEALER IN that part of the city, as the power of the tornado ntbled over thirty_ y . with that dreadful disease, DR. R. B. BAYNES, G - : ; 'atarrh. ami had such had coughing spells that it would C. L. BLACK, was very great, and its devastation terrible. ■i-ein as though 1 could never breath any more, ami II. It. (HIE AID., 205 Main SI. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, Vegetine has cured me; ami I do feel to thank God Dentist, Homosopathicand Mag­ -S 1 More- ?M, Sole Leather, Wax Leather. French it s s g i. 1 >< all the time that there is so good a medicine as Yege- ■ A d d an I AsveHenn fbi’f Skins. .Machine Belting,4 F o r e ig n . Gintiigs amt Shoe Findings, tine, and 1 also think it one of the best medicines for netic Physician, O 2 & ■ 1 t l NEW YORK TRIBUNE. KOCKEANT), roughs and weak sinking feelings at tin- stomach, ami The London Standard publishes r. jiorts of fear­ O ne o f tin* m ost successful !n-iiling m edium s in Hie “ The Leading Aniei-ituni Newspaper.” S M a n i l , Me. All work will be faithfully aud (promptly attended a.lvise everybody to take the VEGETINE. for I ran as­ to. ful inundations in Bohemia. Moravia. Corinthia, sure them it is one of the best medicines that ever was. profession. Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Nervous­ o p t i t g o u ‘ THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. Jail. I, 1875. 5 ness ami many cases of deafness, eeterm paribus. Tvrol and Banat. with some loss of life and great MBS. L. (JOBE, : -4 D aily. S 1 O a year. S em i-W eek l.v, # 3 . Onlers may he left or bundles sent to th destruction of property. Many bridges have I Corner M agazine and W alnut streets, < Jam bndge, M ass. i: i Special treatment, for diseases of the mouth and all kim lsof Carriage I lard ware Eastern Express Office. 31 eau-i-d hv wonring Artificial Teeth, made on common W eek ly, -S3. Has possession of all tin- best hoards in the city. been carried away, thousands of cattle drowned Bed Biihher Base. Office hours, all day. Postage Free to ilie Subscriber. Spicimen TRUE P. PIERCE, and crej»s in several districts are totally ruined. APPRECIATION. Corner of Main ami Myrtle Street, (upstairs), Fop.i - ami Adverts.-iiig Rates l-roe. chibs It is stated that by the floods in France nine ROCKLAND, MAINE. 3m3 AT PANIC PRICES- of'n or more, oulv $l, postage paid. Address l ilt: Attorney and Counsellor at Law. CltAliLESTOWN, Mass., March 19, 3809. I iai-.t m . N.Y, ’ Rlyl2 hundred persons perished in the Hood at Toulouse II. B. Steve tf rofhftt, alone. The out’nreak of an epidemic is feared. T his is to ertify that I have used your “ Blood j -.Hi p er day. A gents w auled. All classes of OHiee in New Court House, Prf,partitiou (Vegetine) in my family for several Carriage Spokes, Wheels, IL H . CRTE & CO., .) l() v.,,rkii:g petipht of both st’xes. voting and It is believed twenty-six houses have been swept lUHTiEAND, s MAINE. Teacher of Piano. Organ,9V:olin and away in the town and environs. The damage I think that, for Scrofula or Cankerous llu work to ru s, in lln-ir own lo- Bheumatii- al,odious it cannot he excelled; • moments, or all tie- lime. H arm ony. then is estimated from .£12,000,000 to £15,- blood purilb r ami S pring m edicine it is the Rims, Shafts, Hubs, 1C 205 MAIN STREET. - olli-r empioyuo-ut. th a t will TERMS Organ ami Piano. $15 for 21 l.essons ODI 1.00:, sterling. r 1 ev.-r used, ami I liave used almost every hour's work. Full purlieu Violin,$12 for ’I Lessons. can ehi’erlully reeomim-ml it to any one in Scats, &c., , i iil'.XTY—Tn Court of Probate, held at Ro<-k- Sem i iis your ad-ln at The court of enquiry in England into the loss n-h a m edicine. oii I,ii- third Tuetulay of J u n e , 1S75. i- i he tim e I Hiii't look tor P.7O. AddressBox, 56. J2 of the Schiller, have rendered a verdict that the Y ours l-espeet fully. U. R. IIYSLER, Administrator on the estate of sole cause of thedisaster was the entire neglect of LOWER THAN EVER AT w ERAKTUS MABB, late of Washington, in said F,iUG.W.G8SHRAN'S the precaution of throwing the lead. deceased, having presented his first ami final it of ailmiuistration of said estate for allowance: C;iiTiii.2e Paints, Oils, A terrific storm passed over Buda-Pcsth, Hun­ 205 Main St., 4 DVFRTISING, Cheap, Good. SfistiniuHr VegidiiH* is Sold by nil D ruggists. latF.n, T hat notice the re o flie given. Hire,- w.-eks A Ml persons who eolitemplete making coiltl’:l< s i-IRE, MARINE, LIFE, gary. Monday. The lightning was incessant and sively, in the llarklaiui tiazi lh , printed in Roek- u iili in • i • lor Hie insertion of a«hi rtiremeiu s, AND hail fell in such quantities that roots of houses I I . I I . are drawned or killed by the falling walls. the best in th is city; good Well of Water and some CARRIAGE CLOTH, Emit Trees. The a, ovc will l»e sold low if applii d Warren Powder Mills, Warren, Me. SIXTY MILLION DOLLARS James Brown had his head nearly cut otl on ,T r ’« Olli..-, ... -...... M:wonlc III... k , .... 11.,- E ltlilA V <-v.- for soon. , > I.ASTINt J, Mining ami Sporting Powder, best Losses A Committee. cover. W odding Invitations.—Latest Styles LEANDER THOMAS.) AT VURY LOW PRICES. The death-sentence was pronounce W D E R . PATENT SHIPPING TAGS George W. Petnlwsrton on Tuesday. Switches at Giofray’s RECOLLECT that Dr. Alexander’s Summer Beine- -e. / \NT! quarter interest in the Tliorn- H. H. One & Co., Postoflice established—Upper Van Buren, V dy is adapted to all ages aud will postively cure, \ / dike Hotel Building, tog. (her with npqrtsinen, for sah- by Printed to order at Short with land upon which said building Aroostook county, Dumas Daigle postmaster. Offi­ Ias if by magic, DlarrliiEa, Cramp, Cholic, Cholera Mor­ 1G 205 MAIN STREET 11. II. CRIK, & CO.. Agents, W nlinn TT8® TtT.ATJKH, Town Orders and (A uditor’s, bus and the most violent pain. Ask for it. Price 25 stamis. For particulars inquire of 19 Main Street,JRoeklandMaine, ces discontinued, North Columbia, Washington VJ Syrup, for (’ougbs. Colds, Hoarseness, Croup. is JOSEPH THORNDIKE county;South Belmont, Waldo county. W arra n te dto give satisfaction. Price 50 cents. Iy19 Reports printed it short notloe cents. lyly