Rockland Gazette
The Rockland Gazette. Gazette Job Printing I’ljltLISIlRD KVEKY THI'KSOAV AITKKNO0K Lv ESTABLISHMENT. Il'iyin- every lai-ility in t'r, -T.VJ,,- nmt Mnti-rinll, VOSE & PORTER. ,n Wilt, t, nr,- oinslnntlv m aking :i,t,ilti,insf w e nru pr,-,i:u-,-,l l„ i-xi-i-nu- wilt, pr„„,jitm s, nn,t good atyle 2 I O Main Street. , v. ,-y vm-ii-ly ,,f I'rim iiig, including rowii Iti'iiorl-, <'ataliiniies, B y-Law s 'U I'. It M !“! : Poolers, Shop Bills, Blind Bills, Pro If paid strictly in advance—p< r annum, $2.< grammes, Circulars, Bill Heads, I f paym ent i»’«lelavcd rt m onths. 2.: Letter Heads, Law am i < 'oiami— If n.u pai.l t.ll llicclom* of tin- y. ar, 2J atlou Blanks, Receipts, Bills \'. w-nti^'TitH is arc cxpi-i-ied to make the of Lading, Business. Ad payment in adva dress and Wedding Cards, Tags, L a B e ls, its—for sale at the otlice and NO. 31 at tin* Bookstores. V O LU M E 30. ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY AFTEROON, JULY 8 , 1875- I'UIXTIXi; IX COLORS AXOJ nr.OXZlXG Z. POl’E VOSE. 4. B. POKTEK. will receive prompt nttentinn. „d disap-1 work is love.' as (',u,vliear,' renders thir to spare, ami was loo young Io go into so shut, nt. and I,ad di imputation, or substitution, or release of i ’ o c t v n . A J ) D R ESS passage, it is a lesson of toleration, ot piety.
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