The Rockland Gazette. Gazette Job Printing I’ljltLISIlRD KVEKY THI'KSOAV AITKKNO0K Lv ESTABLISHMENT. Il'iyin- every lai-ility in t'r, -T.VJ,,- nmt Mnti-rinll, VOSE & PORTER. ,n Wilt, t, nr,- oinslnntlv m aking :i,t,ilti,insf w e nru pr,-,i:u-,-,l l„ i-xi-i-nu- wilt, pr„„,jitm s, nn,t good atyle 2 I O Main Street. , v. ,-y vm-ii-ly ,,f I'rim iiig, including rowii Iti'iiorl-, <'ataliiniies, B y-Law s 'U I'. It M !“! : Poolers, Shop Bills, Blind Bills, Pro­ If paid strictly in advance—p< r annum, $2.< grammes, Circulars, Bill Heads, I f paym ent i»’«lelavcd rt m onths. 2.: Letter Heads, Law am i < 'oiami— If n.u pai.l t.ll llicclom* of tin- y. ar, 2J atlou Blanks, Receipts, Bills \'. w-nti^'TitH is arc cxpi-i-ied to make the of Lading, Business. Ad­ payment in adva dress and Wedding Cards, Tags, L a B e ls, its—for sale at the otlice and NO. 31 at tin* Bookstores. V O LU M E 30. ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY AFTEROON, JULY 8 , 1875- I'UIXTIXi; IX COLORS AXOJ nr.OXZlXG Z. POl’E VOSE. 4. B. POKTEK. will receive prompt nttentinn. „d disap-1 work is love.' as (',u,vliear,' renders thir to spare, ami was loo young Io go into so shut, nt. and I,ad di­ imputation, or substitution, or release of i ’ o c t v n . A J ) D R ESS passage, it is a lesson of toleration, ot piety. I lia.l tol.l Rigby (bat tile cJom-i Ii. ed ho|ws. Tiler,'.'K d .l..... n't , the wrong doer from individual responsi- a rein,a, „f these ea charily, of candor. olTninitton sense and of •d I,. Iii l i i u i l v H ie Ill v.-r marry Miss Vamlewalc li-l II.at at Laving lb,' G hililv. I utrering in his own person I tlilliailllel C common justice that I would impress; ul.l he fu ..i I'hal’s all broken nil'.' a w ar...... '. But w, for t'l hi, h he hath done: for, as ARD TIMEI .,1. “ when F it i:.iii>i:f! t, .inn.' 'jinii, is ,; ,u n i,h a-k hi,-, .nneeti. at with this,-,-rem,>: MOTHER. ' puls is ii.iii:, lilt le •• B roken nil'.” hi I" we believe. Christ u not from </<■- II It was just at this time that Mr. Board- amid iml lav tin slone ,,|: 'll w hen III- I..I.I ....... Ill- lll.H Igl........' t.ll. huil i,iv ....... w n il gill and .lay i hut fr, When she undid ln-r hair al night, church. ,,i :‘,i, ," /. punishment, III,III) I'in lh i'S III' tan round nut Mrs. Vineeiit: for that was elutreh. W e ...................... About the time for lying down, other at t is provided •them till help that. Bigby. Ik, nt tin .uitenam-e.'i method of ilcal- ne, ded. than this, that God Sin* eam e and knelt. 1 was so sm all, hop uitli tlm gold -eal Ca.lll.ri.lm' J/,//, i.-i-sitv of gills and tastes " Toil .1 wrong. High!-.” I said re­ •d m an as far as those Ihi 'hrist lo draw all me,, n„t„ him. t econ- Titer.- in m y bed, her c u rls did fall I T, aee is not. very far from lie Angel a t! > 7 / I opinions a! ordinances and adminis- ly. Hallie will l.r sure In atlrael of the qtmsli, ile all men to the Fall I m ake All over no-, like gold and brown. little hack street p,.. lion - less -,- and tolerant and catholic enli.in. .iu,| I think vmi’ll regret m ild in her if I could and I iiHtlil |lslingl I liter ■taint m e to ae oivl.'dge the honor Item u«, with him We believe that ■ing for all men what Mrs. I fell asleep amid ln-r prayers, nt if I Then 1 told him ci f small, respectable I Idled 1,1 ,n have don • me. „l the pleasure you n Ihi-: d' Go-1 was in C/,ii.-lu< 1 ie Pilgrim s cam e to seek in ller fair yoliiig face (far oil’ it seems), “ Rooll. ikiiiIi ! Mr Fitlii I th e ill lerks, with her I there a link lie given me l,v il itin-m elo be with liter: that in Christ dwelt the f, Ib-r girlish voice, ln-r kisses sweet. rsitip God. ’ Gieal Reduction good-natured fallmr; we .an I keep I - Them there , ]olhes„r yours ’ f w hich Mr. and Mr- in lo-day. I cant 'land on Ibis ...... race and truth-the full f til,' God- The palter of her busy feel. I hat prineit.lc full 1. lltl,let's.......I a glass ease, von I..... w ." nut of fashion." lie -aid. Illn'iuaifull rhen ' Vincent lived. id participate in .esc services witli- head bodily, that Christ as a Divinely Passed with me iulo charming dreams. and applied, will in due time I dl ec- IN P R I C E S ! "Would to Heaven wr could! ” I I had concluded. allier shy at lirst of astral; ,1 deep and plea- ppointed and d Savior, en- ■I a little proud' and haughty, pi elesiasli.-al system lurn all spiritual And when I woke at merry morn. gr,Billed. all.I went in search •• I won't need litem. Bigby. I’l rotig of pl.-i of the for­ lowed with supernatural , II'I'S. and (hat To correspond io (lie dull II exclusive churches. T hrough lier gold hair I saw th e sun I found I h l In til. > tin hap-. I>. rho In ! Ii, H e r d . : er ehtircll edilice , ,1 tip. m e. for in lie shall not fail nor he seouraged till t hues and Kcdiict ion demolish ,,f distil Flame strong, shine glad, and glorify siniimer-hu I those little oela :ed m usinglv into Hie tit and are down th eir lit ,re apt lo l„ I laBored I'orsom •c th an six In- have set judgment in th founded < dillc earth, and the in W a g e s . I he great, good w orld. < Hi. ne’e r c an I shape,! I.,e <■<”<•<• ...... it.l" Hose p, - he turned and looked ........ so. Bullhep: son. will, his ple.isatil ways I,f- tile best part of HIV Ii . with such sles -hall wait for his lav af interpretation „f " the lively W e heli, Forgi-t her Words—- *fy darling one!” imitv. She h:„l , lieantirul. , is good enough to lo e. soon made it all right: sa- Cod had given me. hat in .1 hrist is fullilled the prophe which are received and In ld •op In awhile ,lre a te a r In each o f she's good enough to m am ft she Mr and he and Mr. Vine,nit were I,ling Imre to-,la ey o f 1 -d ab : •• .................Therefore, tl It tin All! checkered years since then have crept S S t ............... ,n l,v all as tl II We have opened iBis morning her blue eves, ......... inbodimenl of Eithi.ai,?’' he said at length. nlle; for they had both I of God; and Lord God: behold I lav in Zion f, Past ln-r and me, and we have known 111,- spirit of des fot a Lot of All Wool w om anly lov,'I •• t iinucslionalilv. Bighv. been to til, tv. Ami lie ............ o« datiou a stone, a tried stone, a preein Some sorrow and much tempered joy. charity will in du e so high as to " let I she said, with her “ And von lov tnv Haiti, lile. aiid's'shurp"' the pillars .and supp, re foundation; he that I Far into manhood stands her boy, the'i rllow all walls, "ofthe hands elasped , gly. I adore In r. Bighv: I—” enough—nt I those years, sonn lievcth -I t make hast And her gold hair snow-white is grow n. in m akii :. and so nmk- W hen E m p r e s s I m oved til er'. im pelled liy a th in k she is fond of thin I'aee. « ill, hollo to tlmir'rest, but I I’.-t f"ss..,| Hi; the Christ. I he world has changed by slow degrees, al In loniord io the w a s dazzled, enn- ll.. which looked al I re ji ice to k n o l l ', rem ain l’i o f tlm li God. A nd a.- old days recede, a las!— listraeled, dii ill,al members of the body of r.ised. bewildered. • I - I hop, I ea stly believe sin lie was tlm wr,wreck o! ellow. | me I,, congratulate the p. I. "upon tin ck,’ . thi So much of trouble have the new, hrist, whirli is the church of tlm living •‘ W ill do von ask loo. of ho had I.ceil used lo hi of a speedy lealizat f'—ioii. this fundamental faith. "I*will C l o t h Those rare far joys grow dim, Been through God. the | id ground <>f the tru th , your h:i|,pi- ••Ami if I gave lier te on. Mr. I'ilhi ii ing.and shooting, I all the fine com apcs.pk I ,-ll'ortsin build my , bur,'ll and the gates of hell shall Summer Shades, for 25 els.
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